a) Cognitive : The Students will be able to interpret and internalize the given questions given by the instructor by providing
(Knowledge) satisfactory answers
b) Psychomotor :The students will be able to fully internalize and understand the literary work after being read aloud to the the class
c) Affective :The students will be to share their insights through recitation to the class
d)Affective : The students will be able to express their insights to the class by roleplaying
1. Interpretative Reading Students read the literary piece Listen to any grammatical errors Bonsai By Edith 5 Minutes
To let the students initially twice the students might make Tiempo
understandthe literary piece
2. Lecture Students listen and prepare Introduce the lesson and analyze Powerpoint 30 Minutes
To allow students to understand themselves for the lesson Presentation
the literary piece through a third party.
To allow the students to share their Students will voluntarily share their Acknowledge and share 20 Minutes
insights on the literary piece opinion
To allow students to showcase their Students will show to the class Listen and acknowledge 5 Minutes
work their “memory” through symbolism
(e.g.) a drawing, picture
5.Role Playing
To allow students to physically Students will roleplay with the theme Rate/Criticize 25 Minutes
reeanct a memory based on of “Memory”
th eliterary piece
6. Homework
To allow students to further their Students will bring something dear to Give homework
understanding of the poem them