Implant Loading Protocols For The Partially Edentulous Esthetic Zone

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Implant Loading Protocols for the Partially

Edentulous Esthetic Zone
Linda Grütter, Dr Med Dent, MS1/Urs C. Belser, Dr Med Dent2

Purpose: The scientific evidence related to different or novel implant loading (primary objective) and
directly associated implant placement (secondary objective) protocols developed for the anterior maxil-
lae of partially edentulous patients was reviewed. Materials and Methods: A comprehensive search of
electronic databases and a hand search of six relevant journals was performed. The principal outcome
variables were implant survival, implant success, and esthetic appearance. Concerning esthetic treat-
ment outcomes, articles were specifically screened for the presence of objective evaluation parameters
and patient satisfaction assessment. Results: The analysis of the literature on immediately restored or
conventionally loaded implants in the esthetic zone revealed an initial survival rate of 97.3% after 1
year (10 prospective cohort studies and one case series). For periods of 1 to 5 years, the survival rate
was 96.7%. These survival rates are consistent with previous reports on more traditional loading
modalities. However, for immediately placed implants with immediate restoration and occlusal loading,
the survival rate dropped by approximately 10% (four studies). Success criteria such as stable crestal
bone levels, soft tissue recession, and probing depth could not be evaluated on the basis of the avail-
able literature. Conclusion: There is a paucity of prospective cohort studies addressing patient-cen-
tered outcomes. No parameters specific to immediate loading protocols were available for evaluation.
In order to validate or reject such implant protocols for use in the esthetically sensitive anterior maxilla,
long-term clinical trials should routinely include objective esthetic criteria that comprehensively
embrace the pertinent elements of “pink and white esthetics” in the form of readily used indices. INT J

Key words: anterior mandible, anterior maxilla, dental implants, esthetics, fixed dental prostheses,
loading protocol, partial edentulism, single crown, systematic review

n implant placement and implant loading proto- established in the 1980s, suggesting a healing period
I cols, there has been an increasing trend in recent
years toward reducing both the time between tooth
of approximately 3 months after tooth removal and
an osseointegration period of 3 to 6 months after
extraction and implant insertion, and the delay implant placement, although leading to highly pre-
between implant placement and implant restoration. dictable outcomes, are currently more and more chal-
In fact, the traditional, more conservative guidelines lenged. Furthermore, according to numerous authors,
patients appear to be increasingly interested in
reduced treatment time between tooth removal and
delivery of the final implant-supported prosthesis,
provided the level of predictability established dur-
1Assistant Professor, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics and ing the previous two decades is maintained.
Occlusion, School of Dental Medicine, University of Geneva,
In the extreme, this involves insertion of an
Geneva, Switzerland.
2Professor and Chair, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics and implant immediately after tooth extraction, poten-
Occlusion, School of Dental Medicine, University of Geneva, tially using simplified procedures such as flapless
Geneva, Switzerland. surgery, and subsequent restoration of the implant in
the same session. Ultimately, this combination may
The authors reported no conflict of interest.
not only lead to a reduction in the overall treatment
Correspondence to: Dr Linda Grütter, School of Dental Medicine, time, but may also substantially decrease the associ-
University of Geneva, Rue Barthelemy-Menn 19, CH-1205 Geneva, ated costs. Furthermore, it has been claimed that the
Switzerland. Fax: +41 22 379 4052. Email: [email protected] described approach is clearly associated with
This review paper is part of the Proceedings of the Fourth ITI Con-
reduced surgical procedures and may more effi-
sensus Conference, sponsored by the International Team for Implan- ciently preserve the existing bone and soft tissues at
tology (ITI) and held August 26–28, 2008, in Stuttgart, Germany. the site of implantation.1–7

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Fig 1 Diagram depicting the 15 theoretically

With occlusion (3) possible options associated with the treatment
restorations variables timing of placement, timing of restora-
Without occlusion (18) tion and with or without occlusion. The respec-
Immediate tive number of studies corresponding to a
With occlusion particular placement-loading combination is
Early restorations shown in parentheses. Note that the majority of
Without occlusion the 29 studies analyzed in this review—ie, 18 out
of 29—refer to the combination of immediate
Delayed restorations With occlusion implant placement–immediate restoration (with-
out occlusion).

With occlusion
Without occlusion
With occlusion (3)
Early restorations
Without occlusion (1)

Delayed restorations With occlusion

With occlusion (5)

Without occlusion (9)
With occlusion (1)
Early restorations
Without occlusion (1)

Delayed restorations With occlusion (4)

To date, several articles have provided evidence • How does immediate/early implant loading/
that the results associated with shortened treatment restoration compare to traditional delayed/late
times after tooth extraction,8 termed immediate or loading in terms of implant survival, implant suc-
early implant placement, and/or after implant place- cess, and long-term esthetic treatment outcome?
ment,9 termed immediate or early implant restoration, • Does the combination of immediate/early implant
may under well-defined conditions be similar to placement and immediate/early implant restora-
those reported for conventional protocols.8–11 In a tion affect (positively or negatively) implant sur-
consensus report based on eight case series studies vival, implant success, and long-term esthetic
encompassing a total of 197 implants, Ganeles and treatment outcome?
Wismeijer stated that immediate implant restorations
in extraction sockets appear to have longitudinal As a consequence, two distinct working hypothe-
bone loss and soft tissue stability similar to those ses were tested:
observed for traditionally loaded implants.12
Currently, the number of scientific mid- and long- • There is no correlation between implant loading/
term reports on combining immediate implant restoration protocols (immediate/early/late) and
restoration with immediate implant placement is still long-term implant success and esthetic outcome
limited. This is particularly true for information related of anterior maxillary fixed implant restorations.
to fixed implant restorations in the partially edentu- • There is no correlation between the combination
lous anterior maxilla that specifically comprises treat- of various implant placement/implant restoration
ment outcome data based on objective esthetic protocols (immediate/early/late) and long-term
criteria. implant success and esthetic outcome of anterior
The aim of this review was to screen the recent lit- maxillary fixed implant restorations.
erature for scientific evidence related to different or
novel implant loading (primary objective) and A diagram depicting the 15 theoretically possible
directly associated implant placement (secondary treatment modalities based on the combination of
objective) protocols developed for the anterior maxil- the 3 main variables timing of placement, timing of
lae of partially edentulous patients. In this context, restoration, and presence or absence of direct occlusal
the following questions were addressed: contacts is presented in Fig 1.

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Group 3

MATERIALS AND METHODS Additionally, to assure optimum completeness of

this literature screening, the following traditional lit-
Definitions erature search was performed:
For the timing of implant placement after tooth
removal and the timing of implant restoration, the • Hand search from 2000 to May 2008 of the content
following definitions established in the context of the of the following six specialty journals: Clinical Oral
Third ITI Consensus Conference12 were used in this Implants Research, International Journal of Oral &
review: Maxillofacial Implants, Journal of Implant Dentistry,
Journal of Implant Dentistry and Related Research,
Timing After Tooth Extraction: International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative
Dentistry, and Journal of Periodontology
• Immediate implants: Placement on the day of • Screening of the bibliographies of the following
extraction three topic-related review articles: Ganeles and
• Early implants: Placement 6 to 8 weeks after tooth Wismeijer 2004,12 Ioannidou and Doufexi 2005,13
extraction and Esposito et al 20091
• Delayed/late/conventional implants: Placement
after 3 months or later In the first stage, all clinical studies corresponding
to one of the following levels of the hierarchy of scien-
Timing of Loading/Restoration: tific evidence—ie, systematic reviews, randomized
controlled trials, cohort studies, case-control studies,
• Immediate loading/restoration: Within 48 hours case series, or cross-sectional surveys—were evalu-
after implant placement ated. Case reports and expert opinions, as well as ani-
• Early loading/restoration: > 48 hours and < 12 mal studies and presentations of clinical concepts and
weeks procedures, were not taken into consideration. How-
• Delayed (conventional) loading: 3 months or more ever, only clinical studies reporting outcome data
after implant placement based on at least 12 months of follow-up were
included for analysis. Furthermore, the respective
Literature Survey implant survival rates had to be either directly
As traditional, delayed implant loading and delayed reported or readily calculable. Finally, only studies
implant placement are well documented in the rele- implementing prosthetic rehabilitation protocols
vant literature, this review focused exclusively on either within 48 hours after implant placement (imme-
recent studies reporting data that were associated diate loading/restoration) or 3 to 8 weeks after implant
with immediate and early implant restoration/load- insertion (early loading/restoration) were accepted.
ing protocols. Of 107 originally screened articles from the period
A computer search of multiple electronic data- 2000 to 2008, 29 publications satisfied the aforemen-
bases, covering a time period from 2000 to May 2008, tioned inclusion criteria.2–6,10,11,14–35 Those 29 articles
was performed. This time span was chosen due to the reported on a total of 1,922 implants from 10 differ-
fact that the earlier literature had already been ent implant manufacturers: Dentsply Friadent (Anky-
screened and analyzed in the process of the Third ITI los, XiVe, Frialit-2 Synchro), Nobel Biocare (Brånemark
Consensus Conference, which took place in 2003. II, III, IV, Replace Select, Nobel Perfect, Sterioss, Alpha
The following databases were consulted: Bio), IMZ (Twin Plus), Straumann (SS, TE, BLI), Astra
Tech (ST TiOblast, OsseoSpeed), Stabledent 1 piece,
• Ovid MEDLINE, using the following key words: den- Southern Implant, Premium Implant, Biocom, and Bio-
tal implants, dental implantation, osseointegration, met 3i (Osseotite) (Table 1).
dental implants/single-tooth, dental prosthesis/ Of the previously mentioned 29 articles, 20 studies
implant-supported fulfilled particular additional criteria in terms of con-
• The COCHRANE library—COCHRANE reviews, taining data well-suited for statistical analy-
using the following key words: dental implants, sis2–5,10,11,14–18,21,22,24–29,31 due to inclusion of results
dental implants/single-tooth, immediate loading, permitting direct comparisons between implants
dental prosthesis/implant-supported inserted in fresh extraction sites (test group) and
• PubMed search, using the following key words: implants placed in healed sites (control group). These
dental implants AND immediate placement, imme- studies are presented in Table 2.
diate loading, immediate function, early loading,
early function

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Table 1 Studies Reporting Immediate, Early, and Delayed Loading Protocols of Anterior Implants
Immediate Early Delayed
restoration restoration restoration
Time of (patients/ (patients/ (patients/
Implant Total
placement implants) implants) implants)
Study system/ no. of Delay
Study design surface implants Immed E L Occl No occl Occl No occl period Occl No occl

1 Malo et al (2000)32 Retrosp Brånemark Mk II 94 27 67 49/94

2 Ericsson et al (2000)4 Pilot Brånemark Mk II 22 22 14/14 8/8

3 Hui et al (2001)27 Preliminary Brånemark Mk 24 13 11 24/24

report III/IV
4 Chaushu et al (2001)16 Clinical report 21 Sterio-Oss, 28 19 9 28/28*
7 Alpha Bio HA

5 Andersen et al (2002)14 Prosp pilot Straumann TPS 8 8 8/8 1 wk

6 Lorenzoni et al (2003)31 Preliminary Frialit-2 Synchro 12 8 4 8/8 1/4 8 wk
7 Groisman et al (2003)24 Prosp Nobel, Replace 92 92 92/92
8 Degidi and Piattelli (2003)19 Retrosp Various 224 58 58/58

8 Degidi and Piattelli (2003)19 Retrosp Various 224 32 12/32

8 Degidi and Piattelli (2003)19 Retrosp Various 224 42 15/42

9 Kan et al (2003)28 Prosp Nobel, Replace 35 35 35/35

10 Malo et al (2003)33 Prosp Brånemark Mk 116 22 94 76/116

multicenter II, III, IV

11 Glauser et al (2003)6 Prosp Brånemark IV 102 23 79 102

12 Drago and Lazzara (2004)23 Clinical report Osseotite 3i 77 15 62 77/77

13 Norton (2004)35 Prosp Astra Tech ST 28 16 12 25/28

14 Locante (2004)30 Preliminary Stabledent 1-piece 86 46 40 86/86
15 Degidi and Piattelli (2005)20 Prosp Friadent XiVE 135 22 22/22

15 Degidi and Piattelli (2005)20 Prosp Friadent XiVE 135 14 6/14

15 Degidi and Piattelli (2005)20 Prosp Friadent XiVE 314 72 72/72
15 Degidi and Piattelli (2005)20 Prosp Friadent XiVE 314 19 6/19
16 Cornelini et al (2005)3 Prosp Straumann TE 22 22 22/22

17 Ferrara et al (2006)5 Consecutive Friadent Frialit-2 33 33 33/33

case series Synchro
18 Degidi et al (2006)21 Prosp Different: Frialit, 111 67 44 111/111
IMZ, XiVE, Ankylos,
Restore, Maestro,

19 De Kok et al (2006)22 Retrosp Astra Tech ST 43 43 25/39

20 Lindeboom et al (2006)29 RCT BioComp 50 50 25/25 25/25

21 Barone et al (2006)2 Case series Premium Impl 18 18 18/18

Prosp = prospective; Retrosp = restrospective; RCT = randomized controlled trial; ant = anterior; max = maxilla; CI = central incisor; LI = lateral incisor; CA = canine;

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Group 3

Follow-up Survival Success Esthetic

Delay Placement Single Adjacent time rate rate index Screw-retained/
period zone tooth implants (mo) (%) (%) (yes/no) cemented Comments

Ant max: 48 (CI, LI, CA) + 31 6–48 95.7 (4 lost) Cemented

9 PM; ant mand: 29
(CI, LI, CA) + 8 PM
12 wk Ant max: 11 CI, 22 18 Immed: No Cemented
6 LI,1 CA; ant mand: 86 (2 lost);
2 LI, 2 CA Late: 100
Ant max: 20 CI, 3 LI, 1 CA 24 12–15 100 @ 1 y Cemented

19 immediate: 2 max 28 Immed: Immed: 82.4 No Screw-retained *Central contact

LI, 3 max CA, 9 max PM, mean 13; (3 lost); minimized
1 mand CA, 4 mand PM; Late: Late: 100
9 late: 2 max CI, 1 max LI, mean 16
1 max CA, 3 max PM,
2 mand PM
Ant max: 7 CI, 1 LI 8 60 100 Screw-retained
5 CI, 7 LI 8 4 Mean 13 100 Cemented Occl guard for
adjacent 8 wk
Maxillary incisors 92 24 93.5 Papilla index Cemented
(6 lost) Jemt
All over 58 Up to 54 96.6 98.5 Both
(2 lost) prosthetic
Ant max not specific NA NA Up to 54 100 100 Both
Ant mand not specific NA NA Up to 54 100 100 Both
Ant max: 26 CA, 8 LI, 1 CA 35 12 100 100 Individual Cemented
Papilla index
74 Max: 15–25 63 53 12 95.7 Both
42 Mand: 35–45 (5 lost);
93.7 single
tooth, 98.1
20 12 97.1 97.1 No Mixed group
(3 lost)
Max/mand nonspecific 77 18 97.4 No Cemented
(2 lost)
Ant max: 16 CI, 8 LI, 24 4 8–27 96.4 96.4 Bonded
1 CA + 3 PM adjacent (1 lost) to coping
Ant max: 21 CI, 39 LI, 86 36 98.8 98.8 Cemented
16 CA + 8 PM, 2 mand CA (1 lost)
All over 22 Up to 24 95.4 95.4 Both
(1 lost)
Ant max NA NA Up to 24 100 100 Both
12 wk All over control group 72 Up to 24 100 100 Both
12 wk Ant max control group NA NA Up to 24 100 100 Both
19 max + 3 mand/6 CI, 22 12 100 Papilla index Screw-retained
3 LI and 13 PM Jemt
Ant max: 13 CI, 9 LI, 33 48 93.9 VAS @ 4 y = Cemented
4 CA + 7 PM (2 lost) 9.3
Ant max: 23 CI, 40 LI, 111 60 95.5 97.2 Papilla index Both
22 CA + 26 PM (5 lost); Jemt
late: 100
Ant max: 12 CI, 9 LI, NA NA 90.7 Cemented
5 CA + 13 PM (4 lost)
Load: 14 ant max + 11 PM; 46 4 12 Occl 23/25 Papilla index Screw-retained
Nonload: 16 ant max + 9 PM adjacent (92%); Jemt
(2 x no occl
incisors) 22/25 (88%)
5 max CI, 8 max PM, 18 12 94.5 Cemented
2 mand CA, 3 mand PM (1 lost)

PM = premolar; mand = mandible; immed = immediate; NA = not applicable; occl = occlusal; no occl = not occlusal; E = early; L = late.

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Table 1 continued Studies Reporting Immediate, Early, and Delayed Loading Protocols of Anterior Implants
Immediate Early Delayed
restoration restoration restoration
Time of (patients/ (patients/ (patients/
Implant Total
placement implants) implants) implants)
Study system/ no. of Delay
Study design surface implants Immed E L Occl No occl Occl No occl period Occl No occl

22 Noelken et al (2007)34 Prosp Nobel Perfect 31 21 10 20/31

23 Cooper et al (2007)17 Prosp cohort Astra Tech ST 54 54 48/54 3 wk

24 Harvey (2007)26 Case series Astra Tech 36 36 36/36
25 Hall et al (2007)25 RCT Southern rough/ 28 28 14/14 14/14
26 Buser et al (2008)10/ Cross-sectional Straumann SLA 45 45 45 8 wk
27 Belser et al (2009)15 retrosp
28 Buser et al (2009)11 Prosp case series Straumann BL 20 20 20 8 wk
29 Cornelini et al (2008)18 RCT Straumann SLA 34 34 34

Totals 1,922 758 69 681 255 1,005 119 12 113

Prosp = prospective; Retrosp = restrospective; RCT = randomized controlled trial; ant = anterior; max = maxilla; CI = central incisor; LI = lateral incisor; CA = canine;

Data Extraction RESULTS

Subsequently, the following data were extracted from
each study: In terms of the implemented treatment modalities
investigated in the 29 studies, the large majority—ie,
• Study design (according to the respective defini- 18 studies—addressed the combination immediate
tions of evidence-based dental medicine) implant placement, immediate restoration, absence of
• Implant manufacturer, implant type, implant surface direct occlusal load; 3 studies evaluated immediate
• Total number of implants per study implant placement, immediate restoration, presence of
• Time of implant placement (immediate/early/late) direct occlusal load; 3 studies focused on early implant
• Time of implant restoration (immediate/early/late) placement, early restoration, presence of direct occlusal
• Loading type (restoration with or without occlu- load; and 1 study analyzed delayed implant place-
sion) ment, early restoration, presence of direct occlusal load
• Location of implants (see Fig 1).
• Type of therapy: single-tooth or adjacent implants Of the 1,922 total implants encompassed by the
• Follow-up time 29 publications, 1,120 represented anterior single-
• Survival rate tooth replacements. After an observation time of 12
• Success rate to 60 months, independent of the treatment modal-
• Esthetic outcome assessment (yes/no) ity, an overall implant survival rate of 96.6% was cal-
• Type of restoration: screw-retained or cemented culated (Table 1). It should be noted that none of the
studies made a distinction between implant survival
In the process of data analysis, the principal out- and prosthesis survival.
come variables implant survival, implant success, and
esthetic appearance were addressed. Concerning Implant Survival
esthetic treatment outcomes, the study results were The 21 studies that reported on 758 implants inserted
specifically screened for presence of objective evalua- in fresh extraction sites, and which were subse-
tion parameters, such as the papilla index described quently immediately restored either with or without
by Jemt,36 the pink and white esthetic score (PES/WES) direct occlusal contacts, revealed an overall survival
index, 11,15,37 and patient satisfaction assessment rate of 96.6% for an observation period of up to 60
based on visual analog scale (VAS) analysis.5,15,38 months.

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Group 3

Follow-up Survival Success Esthetic

Delay Placement Single Adjacent time rate rate index Screw-retained/
period zone tooth implants (mo) (%) (%) (yes/no) cemented Comments

Ant max 24 (CI + CA + PM) 14 17 Up to 27 96.8 96.8 PES Cemented

+ 7 mand CI (1 lost)
Ant max @ 3y 15 CI, 43 36 94.4 Papilla index Cemented 8 withdrawals
21 LI, 7 CA (3 lost) Jemt
Ant max not specific 36 18 100 Screw-retained

26 wk Ant max: 15 to 25 28 12 96.4 (1 lost) Papilla index Screw-retained

Ant max: 26 CI, 11 LI, 45 24–48 100 100 PES/WES Screw-retained
3 CA, 5 PM
Ant max: 14 CI, 3 LI, 1 CA, 20 12 100 100 PES/WES Screw-retained
2 PM
Ant max: 13 CI, 21 PM 34 100 Papilla index Screw-retained
1,120 96.6

PM = premolar; mand = mandible; immed = immediate; na = not applicable; occl = occlusal.

More specifically, the mean implant survival rate Implant Success

calculated for the immediate restoration/without Ten of the 29 studies also presented success rates
occlusion group (based on 18 studies; N = 1,005 when reporting treatment outcomes, with the mean
implants; mean observation time approximately 23.6 implant success rate being 98.6%. Only 1 retrospec-
months; range 12 to 60 months) was 97.1%, and the tive study specifically mentioned a prosthetic success
rate calculated for the immediate restoration/with rate, which corresponded to 98.5%.19
occlusion group (based on 3 studies; N = 216
implants; mean observation time 20.3 months; range Esthetic Evaluation
12 to 36 months) was 92.8%. In 12 studies the authors mentioned the use of a
For early restoration/loading (five publications; structured esthetic evaluation protocol, with 7 of
131 implants), the overall survival rate, independent these using a papilla index analysis, as proposed by
of the timing of implant placement, amounted to Jemt.36 In 1 study the level of subjective patient satis-
98.9%. A prospective cohort study involving 54 faction was evaluated by means of questionnaires
implants that had been inserted in healed sites based on a VAS. Finally, 1 retrospective 11 and 1
reported survival rates of 96.2% after 12 months and prospective15 case series study implemented the so-
94.4% after 36 months.7,17 If one looks, still in the con- called “pink and white esthetic score” (PES/WES)
text of early loading, separately at the two studies index, a further development of the pink esthetic
based on implants inserted according to the concept score originally published by Fürhauser and cowork-
of early implant placement, an implant survival rate ers in 2005.37
of 100% was published after follow-up periods of 12
months10 and 24 to 48 months.11 Miscellaneous
Finally, all three studies reporting on delayed In 9 of the 29 studies the anterior implant restora-
implant loading in the context of controlled prospec- tions were exclusively of the screw-retained type,
tive trials published 100% survival rates. 4,20,25 It while in 13 investigations cemented suprastructures
should be noted that all of the included implants had were consistently utilized. Two groups of authors
been inserted in healed extraction sites. published data based on both respective restorative

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Table 2 Studies Reporting Immediate, Early, and Delayed Loading Protocols of Anterior Implants Fulfilling All Inclusion Criteria
Immediate Early Delayed
restoration restoration restoration
Time of (patients/ (patients/ (patients/
Implant Total
placement implants) implants) implants)
Study system/ no. of Delay
Study design surface implants Immed E L Occl No occl Occl No occl period Occl No occl

1 Ericsson et al (2000)4 Pilot Brånemark Mk II 22 22 8/8

1 Ericsson et al (2000)4 Pilot Brånemark Mk II 22 22 14/14

2 Hui et al(2001)27 Preliminary report Brånemark Mk III/IV 13 13 13/13

2 Hui et al (2001)27 Preliminary report Brånemark Mk III/IV 11 11 11/11
3 Chaushu et al (2001)16 Clinical report 21 Sterio-Oss, 19 19 19/19
7 Alpha Bio HA
3 Chaushu et al (2001)16 Clinical report 21 Sterio-Oss, 9 9 9/9
7 Alpha Bio HA
4 Andersen et al (2002)14 Prosp pilot Straumann TPS 8 8 8/8 1 wk
5 Lorenzoni et al (2003)31 Preliminary 1-year Frialit-2 Synchro 12 8 4 8/8 1/4 8 wk
6 Groisman et al (2003)24 Prosp Nobel, Replace 92 92 92/92
7 Kan et al (2003)28 Prosp Nobel, Replace 35 35 35/35

8 Cornelini et al (2005)3 Prosp Straumann TE 22 22 22/22

9 Ferrara et al (2006)5 Consecutive Frialit-2 Synchro, 33 33 33/33

case series Friadent
10 Degidi et al (2006)21 Prosp Different: Frialit, IMZ, 67 67 67/67
XiVE, Ankylos, Restore,
Maestro, Brånemark
10 Degidi et al (2006)21 Prosp Different: Frialit, IMZ, 44 44 44/44
XiVE, Ankylos, Restore,
Maestro, Brånemark
11 De Kok et al (2006)22 Retrosp Astra Tech ST 43 43 25/39
12 Lindeboom et al (2006)29 RCT BioComp 50 50 25/25 25/25

13 Barone et al (2006)2 Case series Premium Impl 18 18 18/18

14 Cooper et al (2007)17 Prosp cohort Astra Tech ST 54 54 48/54 3 wk

15 Harvey (2007)26 Case series Astra Tech 36 36 36/36
16 Hall et al (2007)25 RCT Southern rough/ 28 28 14/14 14/14
17,18 Buser et al (2008)10/ Cross-sectional Straumann SLA 45 45 45
Belser et al (2009)15 retrosp
19 Buser et al (2009)11 Prosp case series Straumann BL 20 20 20
20 Cornelini et al (2008)18 RCT Straumann SLA 34 34 34

Totals 715 420 69 226 67 495

The studies highlighted with a darker background identify those comprising two distinctly different cohorts (test/control).
Prosp = prospective; Retrosp = restrospective; RCT = randomized controlled trial; ant = anterior; max = maxilla; mand = mandible; CI = central incisor; LI = lateral incisor; CA = canine;

DISCUSSION modalities. This includes protocols combining both

immediate implant placement and immediate implant
Based on the analysis of 29 clinical studies, all report- restoration, provided there is an absence of direct
ing outcome data on implant therapy performed in occlusal contact during the osseointegration phase.
the anterior segments of the jaws of partially edentu- Furthermore, it has been demonstrated in particular
lous patients and consistently applying either immedi- that anterior maxillary single-tooth implant replace-
ate or early implant restoration/loading protocols, an ment, with implants inserted and restored according
overall implant survival rate of 96.6% for an observa- to the concept of early implant placement and early
tion period of up to 5 years clearly underlines the high implant restoration, is a successful and highly pre-
level of predictability of these specific treatment dictable treatment modality in general, and from an

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Group 3

Follow-up Survival Success Esthetic

Delay Placement Single Adjacent time rate rate index Screw-retained/
period zone tooth implants (mo) (%) (%) (yes/no) cemented Comments

12 wk 4 CI, 3 LI, 1 mand CA 8 18 100 No Cemented

7 CI, 3 LI, 1 CA, 2 mand LI, 14 18 86 (2 lost) No Cemented
1 mand CA
Ant max: 20 CI, 3 LI, 1 CA 13 12–15 100 @ 1 y Cemented
Ant max: 20 CI, 3 LI, 1 CA 11 12–15 100 @ 1 y Cemented
2 max LI, 3 max CA, 9 max 19 13 82.4 (3 lost) No Screw-retained *Central contact
PM, 1 mand CA, 4 mand PM minimized
2 max CI, 1 max LI, 1 max CA, 9 16 100 No Screw-retained *Central contact
3 max PM, 2 mand PM minimized
Ant max: 7 CI, 1 LI 8 60 100 Screw-retained
Ant max: 5 CI, 7 LI 12 4 adjacent 13 100 Cemented Occl guard for 8 wk
Maxillary incisors 92 24 93.5 Papilla index Cemented
(6 lost) Jemt
Ant max: 26 CI, 8 LI, 1 CA 35 12 100 100 Individual Cemented
Papilla index
19 max + 3 mand / 6 CI, 22 12 100 Papilla index Screw-retained
3 LI and 13 PM Jemt
Ant max: 13 CI, 9 LI, 33 48 93.9 (2 lost) VAS @ Cemented
4 CA + 7 PM 4 y = 9.3
Ant max: 23 CI, 40 LI, 67 60 92.5 97.2 Papilla Both
22 CA + 26 PM index Jemt

Ant max: 23 CI, 40 LI, 44 60 100 97.2 Papilla Both

22 CA + 26 PM index Jemt

Ant max: 12 CI, 9 LI, 39 NA 90.7 (4 lost) Cemented

5 CA + 13 PM
Load 14 ant max + 11 PM; 46 4 adjacent 12 Load 23/25 Papilla Screw-retained
Nonload 16 ant max + 9 PM (2 x incisors) (92%) / Nonload index Jemt
22/25 (88%)
5 max CI, 8 max PM, 18 12 94.5 (1 lost) Cemented
2 mand CA, 3 mand PM
Ant max at 3 y 15 CI, 43 36 94.4 (3 lost) Papilla Cemented 8 withdrawals
21 LI, 7 CA index Jemt
Ant max not specific 36 18 100 Screw-retained

26 wk Ant max: 15 to 25 28 12 96.4 (1 lost) Papilla Screw-retained

index Jemt
8–12 wk Ant max: 26 CI, 45 24–48 100 100 PES/WES Screw-retained
11 LI, 3 CA, 5 PM
8–12 wk Ant max: 14 CI, 20 12 100 100 PES/WES Screw-retained
3 LI, 1 CA, 2 PM
Ant max: 13 CI, 21 PM 34 100 Papilla Screw-retained
index Jemt
696 95.85

PM = premolar; NA = not applicable; occl = occlusal; No occl = No occlusal; Immed = immediate; E = early; L = late.

esthetic point of view in particular.10,11,15 In this con- short- and mid-term implant survival and success
text, the pertinence of evaluation tools such as the rates similar to those of more traditional treatment
PES/WES index for the objective outcome assessment approaches. However, when it comes to their routine
of the esthetic dimension of anterior single-tooth implementation in the anterior maxilla, these proto-
implants has been confirmed. cols may lead to less favorable results from an
Implant dentistry has constantly evolved toward esthetic point of view, as for example recessions of
simplification of clinical procedures and shortened the facial peri-implant mucosa. In fact, the recently
treatment times, with such developments as flapless published evidence suggests that immediately
surgery and immediate implant placement.39–41 Stud- placed but not yet restored implants in the esthetic
ies that have applied these protocols mostly report zone yield a significant number of sites with soft tis-

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 177

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sue recession (approximately 40%).39–41 For immedi- CONCLUSIONS

ately placed and immediately loaded implants, such
data do not exist. The analysis of the literature on immediately restored
In order to validate or reject such implant proto- or conventionally loaded implants in the esthetic
cols for use in the esthetically sensitive anterior max- zone revealed an initial survival rate of 97.3% after 1
illa, respective clinical long-term trials should year. This is based on 10 prospective cohort studies
routinely include objective esthetic criteria when and 1 case series. With an observation period of more
assessing outcomes. These criteria should compre- than 1 year, but not more than 5 years, the respective
hensively embrace the pertinent elements of the so- survival rate was 96.7%, indicating an additional
called “pink and white esthetics,” preferably in the implant loss of 0.5% between years 2 and 5.
form of an easy-to-use index. The survival rates, therefore, are consistent with
In an attempt to define decision-making criteria previously reported survival rates of other modalities
for the choice between immediate and early implant of implant restoration. However, when the implant is
restoration, the following recommendations may be placed immediately after the extraction, with an
proposed. immediate restoration and occlusal load, the survival
rate drops by approximately 10% (4 studies).
Immediate Implant Restoration and Loading One randomized controlled trial involving 50
implants placed in healed sites of the esthetic zone,
• Immediate restoration and loading can be used however, indicated a lower survival rate (88%) for
when the implant is of adequate length (≥ 8 mm) conventionally loaded implants when compared to
and diameter (≥ 4 mm) and the implant achieves immediately loaded (92%) implants after 1 year. It
“good” primary stability. should be noted that this difference was due to a sin-
• The restoration should be taken out of any func- gle implant lost.
tional occlusal contacts both in centric occlusion Success criteria such as bone levels, soft tissue
and during excursive mandibular movements. recession, and probing depth cannot be evaluated on
• The restoration should not be removed during the the basis of the available literature.
healing period of approximately 6 weeks. The There is a paucity of prospective cohort studies
patient should be instructed in how to function addressing patient-centered outcomes. No parame-
during the healing period and how to perform ters specific to immediate loading protocols were
adequate oral hygiene. available for evaluation.
• Screw-retained provisional restorations are recom-
• Patients with parafunctional occlusal habits REFERENCES
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