Bipolar and Field Eff Ect Transistors: 1 The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)

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Bipolar and Field Effect

Learning Outcomes
This chapter deals with the construction and operating characteristics of transistors, depending
upon how they are connected into a circuit. The basics of semiconductor materials and their
application to diodes is covered in Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles, ISBN
9780750687379, 2008, Chapter 9.

1 The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)

This is a three-layer device where the semiconductor is doped so as
to produce a ‘sandwich’ of either two n-type layers with a p-type
layer between them, or two p-type layers with an n-type layer between
them. The former is known as an npn transistor and the latter as a pnp
transistor. The term bipolar refers to the fact that conduction within
the device is due to the movement of both positive and negative
charge carriers (holes and electrons). Both forms of BJT are illustrated
in Fig. 1.
From Fig. 1 it may be seen that the transistor has two p-n junctions,
each of which will have the same characteristics as a p-n junction
diode. The middle layer of the ‘sandwich’ is much narrower and more
lightly doped than the two outer layers.

(a) npn (b) pnp

Fig. 1 11
12 Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors

Since the device has three layers then it is possible to make three
electrical connections to it, i.e it is a three-terminal device. In addition,
it is possible to connect external sources of emf so as to either forward
or reverse bias the two internal p-n junctions. The three layers are
named the emitter, base and collector, and the action of an npn
transistor is illustrated in Fig. 2.

emitter base collector





Fig. 2

Battery B1 forward biases the emitter-base junction (positive to ‘p’ and

negative to ‘n’), whilst the collector-base junction is reversed biased
by battery B2. The effect of B1 is to accelerate free electrons from the
emitter towards the base. Since the base region is relatively narrow
and lightly doped, the vast majority (over 95%) of these electrons will
pass straight through the base and cross the second junction into the
collector region. Once they reach the collector they will be attracted by
the positive potential provided by battery B2 , and flow to this battery.
The small percentage of the emitter electrons that recombine with
holes in the base will be replaced by electron-hole pairs, the electrons
from which will leave the base and flow out to the positive plate of B1.
Applying Kirchhoff ’s current law to the circuit it may be seen that

I E  IC  I B amp (1)
This equation will always hold true regardless of the way in which
the transistor is connected into a circuit, and could be said to describe
normal transistor action. It may also be seen that in Fig. 2 the
connection to the base is a common point in the external circuit, and
when the transistor is connected in this way it is said to be connected in
the common base configuration.
For obvious reasons, the depiction of the transistor in the form of Fig. 2
is not convenient when drawing circuit diagrams, and the circuit
symbol for an npn transistor and its use for the circuit of Fig. 2 are
shown in Fig. 3.
Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors 13



(a) symbol
(b) circuit diagram

Fig. 3

In the circuit symbol for a transistor the arrowhead indicating the

emitter always points in the direction of conventional current flow.
This is the same convention as used with the junction diode symbol.
It should also be noted that in Figs. 2 and 3(b) the current arrows are
actually indicating the direction of electron flow, but if all of these
arrows were reversed, the relationship IE  IC  IB would still be
true. In Fig. 3(b) the current arrows indicate conventional current flow.
The action of a pnp transistor would be similar to that just described
except that electron flow within the transistor would be replaced by
holes, and the polarities of the two batteries would have to be reversed
to maintain the original biasing conditions for the two p-n junctions. In
addition, the circuit symbol for a pnp transistor would have the emitter
arrow pointing in the opposite direction to that for an npn transistor as
shown in Fig. 4.


(a) symbol IB

(b) circuit diagram

Fig. 4

2 Transistor Circuit Configurations

Since the transistor is a three-terminal device there are three possible
ways of connecting it into a circuit. These are known as common base,
common emitter and common collector configurations, and are shown
in Fig. 5.
14 Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors

input output output output

input input

(a) common base

(b) common emitter (c) emitter follower

Fig. 5

The characteristics and behaviour of the transistor vary depending upon

which configuration is used. The most commonly used configuration
is common emitter. The common collector configuration is used for
specialised applications and a transistor connected in this way is more
normally referred to as an emitter follower.

3 BJT Common Emitter Characteristics

A circuit suitable for obtaining the various characteristics for a
common emitter connected transistor is shown in Fig. 6.






Fig. 6

Battery VBB supplies the forward bias for the base-emitter junction,
whilst Vcc reverse biases the collector-emitter junction. The different
characteristics are obtained as follows.
Input Characteristic The collector-emitter voltage, VCE, is set
to a predetermined value by means of RV2. The input base-emitter
voltage, VBE, is then varied in steps and the corresponding values of
base current, IB, noted. Since we are dealing with a forward-biased p-n
junction it is no surprise that the input characteristic is the same as for
a forward-biased junction diode, as shown in Fig. 7.
The input resistance of the diode, RIN, is defined as
RIN  ohm, with VCE constant (2)
Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors 15

B (µA)
100 VCE  5 V




0 VBE (mV)
200 400 600 800 1000

Fig. 7

A typical value for RIN would be between 1000 and 1500 ohm.
Output Characteristics For this test IB is set to a fixed value using
RV1; VCE is varied in steps by means of RV2 and the corresponding
values of IC noted. This procedure is repeated for a number of different
fixed values of IB. From the results obtained a family of output
characteristics can be plotted as shown in Fig. 8.
c (mA)
10 B  140 µA

VCE  5 V

B  120 µA

B  100 µA
B  80 µA

δc δc
B  60 µA
4 δVCE

B  40 µA

B  20 µA

B  0
0 VCE (V)
2 4 5 6 8 10

Fig. 8

Note that, for the sake of clarity, the height of the characteristic for
IB  0 has been exaggerated. Since there is zero input current the
only current that can flow is the reverse leakage current across the
collector-emitter junction. Since this current will be in the order of a
16 Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors

few microamps, if this characteristic was drawn to the same scale as

the axis for IC, it would virtually merge with the horizontal axis. This
current is referred to as ICEO.
The output characteristics of the transistor are the most useful, since
they may be used not only to determine certain parameters of the
transistor, but can also be used to predict the behaviour of an amplifier
circuit. The output resistance, ROUT, of the transistor is defined as
ROUT  ohm, with I B constant (3)

It is essential to specify the value of base current in this case, since

it may be seen that the slope of the characteristics changes with base
current. Typical values for ROUT range from 5 k to 100 k.
The large signal or d.c. current gain of the transistor, hFE, is defined as
hFE  , with VCE constant (4)

This parameter of the transistor may also be obtained from the output
characteristics. In Fig. 8, the vertical dotted line represents VCE constant
at 5 V. From the intersections of this line with the graphs for IB  20 µA
and IB  100 A we can determine the total change in collector current,
IC, for the corresponding change in base current, IB, which in this case
is 80 A. This relationship between IC and IB may also be obtained by
plotting the transfer or mutual characteristic as follows.
Transfer Characteristic For this test the collector voltage, VCE,
is maintained constant. The base current is varied in steps, and the
corresponding values of collector current noted. These results yield the
graph shown in Fig. 9.
Typical values for hFE can range from 10 to 1000.

C (mA)
VCE  5 V



0 B (µA)
20 40 60 80 100

Fig. 9
Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors 17

Worked Example 1
Q The input and output characteristics for a certain transistor are as shown in Fig. 10.

VCE  5 V
B (µA)




0 VBE (V)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

C (mA)

VCE  5 V B  140 µA

B  120 µA

B  100 µA
B  80 µA

δc δC
B  60 µA

B  40 µA

B  20 µA

B  0
0 VCE (V)
2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 10
Using these characteristics determine the following transistor parameters (a)
input resistance, (b) output resistance at a base current of 80 ␮A, and (c) large
signal current gain with VCE constant at 5 V.

(a) Using the linear portion of the input characteristic, for a change in VBE of
85 mV the corresponding change of IB is 88 A. Hence,

VBE 85  103
RI N  ohm 
I B 88  106

and RIN  966  Ans

18 Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors

(b) From the output characteristic for IB  80 A, a change of VCE from 8 V to
1.4 V results in a corresponding change in IC from 5.2 mA to 4 mA. Thus,
VCE  6.6 V ; and /I C  1.2 mA
VCE 6.6
ROUT  ohm 
IC 1.2  103
and ROUT  5.5 k  Ans

(c) A vertical line at VCE  5 V (i.e. VCE constant at this value) intersects
the graphs for IB  140 µA and IB  20 µA at Ic  8.3 mA and
Ic  1.2 mA respectively. Thus, IC  (8.3  1.2) mA  7.1 mA; and
IB  (140  20)µA  120 µA

IC 7.1  103

I B 120  106
and hFE  59 Ans

4 BJT Common Base Characteristics

Using the circuit of Fig. 11, and adopting a similar procedure to
that for the common emitter circuit in the previous section (in this
case, wherever emitter was specified you now substitute base), the
characteristics for this configuration may be obtained.




Fig. 11

Input Characteristic This will be of the same shape as that obtained

for the common emitter configuration since it is the same reverse-
biased junction. The essential difference is that the input current is
now the emitter current instead of the base current. This will have a
considerable effect on the value of the transistor input resistance, RIN,
which is defined as

RIN  with VCB constant (5)

The input characteristic is shown in Fig. 12.

Output Characteristics A typical family of output characteristics for
a common base connected transistor is shown in Fig. 13.
Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors 19

E (mA)
4 VCB  5 V


0 VCB (V)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 12

c (mA) VCB  5 V

E  4 mA

3 E  3 mA

2 δc
E  2 mA

1 E  1 mA

E  0
0 VCB(V)
2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 13

It may be seen that in this case the graphs are almost horizontal, so that
the output resistance will be of a high value, typically in megohms, where
ROUT  ohm, with I E constant (6)

The transistor current gain, hFB, is defined as

hFB  with VCB constant (7)

This parameter may also be obtained from the output characteristics

as in the case of the common emitter connection, or from the transfer
characteristic as follows.
Transfer Characteristic A plot of collector current versus emitter
current is shown in Fig. 14. Since both current scales are the same, and
20 Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors

C (mA)


E (mA)
0 1 2 3 4

Fig. 14

the slope of the graph is just less than 45°, then it can be appreciated
that the current gain must be less than unity. Typical values for hFB are
in the range 0.95 to 0.996.

Worked Example 2
Q The characteristics for a transistor connected in common base configuration are as shown in Fig. 15.
Using these characteristics determine (a) the transistor current gain for a collector voltage of 5 V, (b)
its output resistance, and (c) its input resistance.

(a) On the output characteristics, a vertical line is drawn at VCB  5 V, and
where this line intersects the graphs for IE  4 mA and IE  1 mA, the
corresponding values for IC are 3.93 mA and 0.95 mA respectively.

Thus IC  2.98 mA; and IE  3.25 mA

IC 2.98
and hFB  
I E 3.25
hFB  0.917 Ans

(b) Since all of the output characteristics have virtually the same slope it
does not matter which one is used to determine the output resistance.
Thus, from the graph where IE  3 mA, for the change of VCB  10 V, the
corresponding change IE  0.1 mA.
VCB 10
ROUT  ohm 
I E 0.1  103
ROUT  100 k  Ans

(c) From the input characteristic, a change VEB  0.2 V results in a

corresponding change IE  3 mA.
VEB 0.2
RI N  ohm 
I E 3  103
RI N  66.7  Ans
Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors 21

E (mA)
VCB  5 V



0 VEB (V)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

E (mA)

VCB  5 V
4 E  4 mA

3 E  3 mA

2 E  2 mA

1 E  1 mA

0 VCB (V)
2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 15

5 Relationship between hFE and hFB

From equation (1) we know that regardless of which configuration is
used the relationship IE  IC  IB is true. This equation may be rewritten
in terms of the corresponding changes in these three currents, as follows

I E  IC  I B
so,  C  B 1 B [1]

I E 1
Now, from equation (7) we can say that 
22 Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors

and, from equation (4) we can say that I B  1


substituting these into [1] above yields

1 1 1  hFE
so, hFB  (8)
1  hFE
similary, hFE  (9)
1  hFB

Provided that we know, from manufacturer’s data, the value of either

hFE or hFB then we can calculate the transistor current gain in either
The main parameters of a BJT connected in the three different
configurations are summarised in Table 1.

Table 1
Configuration RIN ROUT hF
common emitter Medium Medium 10–1000
common base Low High 1
emitter follower High Low 1

6 The Unipolar Junction Transistor (UJT)

The conduction in this device relies solely on the movement of either
electrons or holes, and not the combination of both; hence the name
unipolar. In addition, the current flow through it is controlled by the
application of an electric field, so it is more commonly referred to as a
field effect transistor or FET.
There are two main types of FET: the junction gate (JUGFET) which is
usually simply called a FET, and the insulated gate (IGFET) which is
more often called a MOSFET or simply a MOST.

This device consists of a bar of either n- or p-type silicon into which
is diffused two regions of the opposite type of semiconductor. Since
electrons are more mobile than holes an n-type bar is more common.
This is called an n-channel JUGFET, and is illustrated in Fig. 16.
The n-type bar is known as the channel (through which current can
flow). Considering Fig. 16, the effect of VDS is to cause electrons
Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors 23


Source n

pp D


Fig. 16

to flow from left to right through the channel. For this reason the
connection at the left-hand end is called the source, and at the other
end is the drain. The two p regions are connected together, and the
connection here is called the gate. The gate-source junction is reversed
biased by VGS, which produces a depletion region in the channel. The
shape and size of this depletion region depends upon two factors.
The value of VGS determines the extent to which the depletion region
extends into the channel. In addition, the electric field through the
channel due to VDS will be strongest at the drain end. This will have the
effect of increasing the width of the depletion regions towards this end
of the channel, resulting in the wedge shape shown in Fig. 16.
The current flow through the FET is therefore determined by the
effective length and cross-section of the conducting channel between
the depletion regions. This may be compared to controlling the flow of
water through a hosepipe by squeezing it. The circuit symbols for both
n-channel and p-channel FETs are shown in Fig. 17.

D() D()

G() G()

(a) n-channel (b) p-channel

Fig. 17

8 n-channel JUGFET Characteristics

These characteristics may be obtained in a similar manner to that
described for the BJT. However, in the case of the FET, since the
gate-source junction is a reverse-biased p-n junction the gate draws
negligible current (leakage current only) and the resistance of this
junction will be in the order of tens of megohm. For this reason an
24 Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors

input characteristic is not relevant. Typical output and mutual transfer

characteristics are shown in Fig. 18.

D (mA) D (mA)
10 10

VDS  15 V
VGS  0 V
6 DSS 6
VGS  0.5 V
VGS  1.0 V 4

2 VGS  1.5 V

5 10 15 20 VDS (V) VGS (V)
Vp 3 2 1 0 1
(a) output characteristics (b) transfer characteristics

Fig. 18

From the output characteristics it may be seen that variation of VDS

from zero to a value equal to Vp volts causes considerable variation of
drain current, ID. The value Vp is called the pinch-off voltage because
when VDS reaches this value the depletion regions at the drain end of
the channel almost meet each other. This section of the characteristics
is known as the ohmic or resistive region. As VDS is increased beyond
this value, ID becomes almost independent of VDS. IDss is the drain-
source saturation current which is defined later. The dotted portions at
high values of drain-source voltage represent the dramatic increase of
current due to avalanche breakdown in the p-n junction. For obvious
reasons this condition is to be avoided in practice. The FET is normally
operated with VDs  Vp, and the bias voltage VGS is normally less than
or equal to zero.
The reasons for the shape of the output characteristics are illustrated in
Figs. 19(a) to (c) for the condition where VGS  0.
From Fig. 19 it may be seen that the dimensions of the conducting
channel for VDS  Vp remain virtually constant, hence the current
also stays sensibly constant. Although not shown in this series of
diagrams, the increase of the negative potential to the gate electrode
will also contribute to the narrowing of the conducting channel, and
this is clearly demonstrated by the family of output characteristics.
The application of a negative potential to the gate therefore reduces
(or depletes) the drain current below IDSS, and the FET is said to be
operating in depletion mode. This is the normal way in which the
device is used. It is not normally operated with the gate potential
greater than about 0.5 V since this will forward bias the p-n junction,
which will then draw significant current into the gate electrode.
Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors 25



(a) VDS  VP


(b) VDS  VP


(c) VDS  VP

Fig. 19

9 JUGFET Parameters
There are three main parameters associated with the FET.
Drain-source Saturation Current (IDSS) This is defined as the drain
current that will flow when VGS  0 V and VDS  VP volt. This will
normally be the highest value of drain current flowing.
26 Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors

Drain-source Resistance (rDS) This parameter is defined as the ratio

of drain-source voltage to drain-source current for a given value (often
0 V) of gate-source voltage. Thus
rDS  ohm, with VGS constant

This parameter may be obtained from the output characteristics, and

typical values would be in the low to mid kilohm range.
Mutual Conductance or Transconductance (gm) This parameter may
be obtained from the transfer characteristic of Fig. 18(b), where it may
be seen that the slope of the graph at any point is given by the value of
drain current at that point divided by the corresponding value of gate-
source voltage. Thus
gm  siemen, with VDS constant

Typical values for gm range from 0.05 mS to 10 mS. A value for gm may
also be obtained from the output characteristics in a similar manner to
that used to obtain hF for the BJT.

Worked Example 3
Q The output characteristics for a FET are shown in Fig. 20. Assuming VDS  15 V and VGS  0.4 V,
determine the values for (a) rDS and (b) gm.

VDS  15 V

D (mA) VGS  0

VGS  0.2 V

3 δD δD
VGS  0.4 V

VGS  0.6 V

VGS  0.8 V

VGS  1.0 V

0 VDS (V)
5 10 15 20

Fig. 20
Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors 27

(a) With VGS  0.4 V and VDS  (20  10)  10 V the corresponding change
in drain current, ID  (2.7  2.55) mA  0.15 mA
VDS 10
rDS  ohm 
I D 0.15
rDS  66.7 k  Ans

(b) For VDS  15 V and VGS  0  (1)  1 V the corresponding change in

drain current, ID  (4.4  0.6) mA  3.8 mA
gm  siemen  3.8  103
gm  3.8 mS Ans

10 The Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Transistor (MOSFET)

This device is an insulated gate FET (IGFET) as previously stated. It
consists of a lightly doped p-type substrate into which are diffused two
heavily doped n-type regions which form the source and drain. On the
upper surface is deposited a very thin layer of silicon oxide which acts
as an insulating layer. External electrical connections to the source and
drain regions are via holes or windows left in the oxide layer. A cross-
section of the transistor is shown in Fig. 21.
S() G() D()

n n



Fig. 21

When a positive potential is applied to the gate terminal the resulting

electric field will attract electrons (from thermally generated electron-
hole pairs) towards the top surface of the substrate, and repel holes
away from it. As the gate potential is increased more electrons are
attracted towards the upper surface until, at a voltage known as the
threshold voltage, VT, a conducting or inversion channel of n-type
semiconductor is induced between source and drain. For this reason
this device is called an n-channel MOSFET. A typical value for VT is
between 2 V and 4 V. When the gate potential is increased beyond VT
even more electrons are attracted into the conducting channel. This
will have the effect of increasing or enhancing the drain current, and
28 Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors

this mode of operation is known as enhancement mode. If an n-type

substrate is used with p-type drain and source, and the polarities at the
three electrodes are reversed, then a p-type channel is induced, and the
device is called a p-channel MOSFET.
The circuit symbols for both types are shown in Fig. 22. Note that the
channel between source and drain is shown as a broken line, because
until VGS  VT the transistor will not conduct. In addition, although
there is never any electrical connection made to the substrate, it is
always shown on the circuit symbol, and the arrowhead indicates
which type of channel is employed.

D() D()

G() Substrate G() Substrate

S() S()
(a) n-channel (b) p-channel

Fig. 22

Typical characteristics for an n-channel enhancement mode MOSFET

are shown in Fig. 23.

D (mA) D (mA) VDS  5 V

5 VGS  9 V 5

4 VGS  8 V 4

3 3
VGS  7 V
2 2
VGS  6 V
1 VGS  5 V 1
VGS  4 V
0 VDS (V) 0 VDS (V)
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
(a) output characteristics (b) transfer characteristics

Fig. 23

11 Depletion Mode MOSFET

The construction of this device is very similar to that for the
enhancement mode device but with the exception that, during the
manufacturing process, a conducting channel is diffused between
source and drain. This is referred to as the initial channel, and the
physical arrangement is illustrated in Fig. 24(a).
Fig. 24(b) is used to describe the operation, as follows. Since the
source and drain are joined by a conducting channel then drain current
can flow even when VGS is zero. When the gate potential is made
negative, the electric field will attract holes from the substrate into
Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors 29

D() D()
G() G()
S() S()

n n n n n  n

p diffused channel p

(a) construction (b) operation

Fig. 24

the n-channel, where recombinations will occur. Thus the number of

free electrons in the n-channel is reduced or depleted, and the drain
current will be reduced. It should be noted that if the gate is made
positive then more electrons will be attracted into the channel and drain
current will increase. Thus this device may be used in either depletion
or enhancement mode. The circuit symbols for both n- and p-channel
devices are shown in Fig. 25. In these cases the conducting channel
being a permanent feature, it is shown by a continuous line.
D() D()

G() G()

S() S()
(a) n-channel (b) p-channel

Fig. 25

Typical output and transfer characteristics for the device are shown in
Fig. 26.
Typical values for the MOSFET parameters are:
Drain-source resistance, rD  1 to 50 k
Gate input resistance, rG  10 G
Mutual conductance, gm  0.1 to 25 mS

D (mA)
D (mA)
5 VGS  3 V 5
VGS  2 V
4 4

VGS  1 V 3

2 depletion 2 enhancement
VGS  0 V

1 VT 1
VGS  1 V
VGS  2 V
0 VGS (V)
2 4 6 8 10 VDS (V) 2 0 2 4
(a) output characteristics (b) transfer characteristics

Fig. 26
30 Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors

12 Comparison of FETs with BJTs

FETs differ from BJTs in a number of important ways.
1 Conduction in FETs consists only of majority carriers. Hence the
general title of unipolar junction transistors.
2 BJTs are current-operated devices whereas conduction in FETs is
controlled by an electric field.
3 As a consequence of 2 above, FETs have an extremely high input
resistance, and (theoretically at least) draw no current at the input,
i.e there is negligible loading effect on any input source.
4 FETs are simpler to manufacture and occupy less physical space.
This can be particularly important for integrated circuit (IC) chips,
where the size and hence possible density of devices accommodated
on the chip can be vital.

Summary of Equations
BJT – normal transistor action: IE  IC  IB amp or Ie  Ic  Ib amp
Common emitter BJT: RIN  ohm, with VCE constant
ROUT  ohm, with I B constant
hFE  C with, VCE conss tant

Common base BJT: RIN  with , VCB constant
ROUT  with, I E constant
hFB  C with, VCB constantt

Relationship between hFE and hFB: hFE 
1  hFB
1  hFE

FET parameters: rDS  ohm , with VGS constant
gm  siemen, with VDS constant
Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors 31

Assignment Questions
1 A common emitter connected transistor has corresponding value of transistor current gain
characteristics as shown in Fig. 27. Using if the transistor was connected in common
these graphs determine (a) transistor output emitter configuration.
resistance for a base current of 80 µA, (b) 3 A FET has characteristics as given in Table 2
transistor input resistance, and (c) transistor below. Plot these characteristics and hence
current gain for VCE  6 V. determine the parameters (a) drain-source
2 For the common base characteristics shown resistance, and (b) mutual conductance for
in Fig. 28 determine (a) transistor current VGS  12 V.
gain, (b) output resistance, and (c) the

35 140
B (µA)
Output B  140 µA Input
characteristics characteristics

30 120
B  120 µA

25 100
B  100 µA

20 80
B  80 µA
C (mA)

B  60 µA
15 60

B  40 µA

10 40

B  20 µA

5 20

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
(a) VCE (V) (b) VBE (V)

Fig. 27
32 Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors

Assignment Questions

C (mA)
E  4 mA

E  3 mA

E  2 mA

E  1 mA

0 VCB (V)
2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 28

Table 2


(V ) VGS  2.5 V VGS  2.0 V VGS  1.5 V VGS  1.0 V VGS  0.5 V
4 0.6 1.4 2.0 3.0 4.0
16 1.0 3.1 3.6 4.8 6.4
24 1.4 3.7 4.6 6.0 8.0
Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors 33

Suggested Practical Assignments

For the following assignments it is left to the student (under the guidance of the
teacher) to select appropriate apparatus. The circuit diagrams and method to
follow are to be found in the relevant sections (3, 4 and 9). For each assignment
all results should be tabulated and the corresponding graphs plotted.

Assignment 1
To obtain the output and input characteristics for a BJT when connected (a)
in common base, and (b) in common emitter configuration. From the plotted
graphs determine the transistor parameters in each configuration, and compare
the relationship between transistor gain of the two configurations with the
theoretical value.

Assignment 2
To obtain the output and transfer characteristics for a FET, and from the plotted
graphs determine the transistor parameters.
34 Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors

Answers to Assignment Questions

1 (a) 1.58 k
(b) 360 
(c) 212
2 (a) 0.997
(b) 200 k
(c) 332
3 (a) 7.7 k
(b) 2.7 ms

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