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i PSSST MDS | OFMATTER AND FORCES IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD pees be | ie Bela ft CNC Aer Menace MEM BES Ts CEL a ea aes Smit On Oe ecu eNO en Pam ion eens Mie NT er OR TEAM LSE A aoe ge ine SEO GE einen) eran the Author Abraham Pais is Nar eC Vinay Aerts SMO pling afd marvelously informative oie tu Ace Are ane eu nce en teedn ia rard, Reviewers hailed itay "a monument to sound scholarship and gra mt ear enim aL WONG AR Ree OC a eee eo eS in ofthe seience and the life of Albert Einstein that reached a huge audience and won an ful ines Book Review), “an extraordinary biography of an extraordinary man” Namen Benn Sam trU iP UL) rod aL eR een TIE ec SOON Perna ear Ck a eer TaN ns esos jal, 25 logical sequence of discoveries and events i SSC ras he hig eather book, is filled with unique insights into the world of big and See Ne ES cre Sern red markers that later generations will rank among the principal technical and nonetechnical sections, this A euReea ND eno EL cu a Merrett hin CEC NM SUR ee ay Ree eNO Ree RMN oc Feces Pasi ran ReCeMe eene Set tus) inet inte senTe n Me RTOs ‘Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, cis.a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy WOON COC mune Sng he received the J. R, Oppenheimer Memorial Prize inc eC ner cnc Ny worthy and complementary suecessor to Subtle Ts the Lord.” aT ‘cof history, Pais has perception regarding the longerange development of AAV ee SO nec VAM eto a book that will endure,” Nav ‘ombines such historical accomplishment, a his subject matter een ere finda professional phypicist who Dene eee enn on Penmrany ay hy of scientific discovery,” Pe eTNEL) ee AMEE Her nee i Ls ae coy ISBN 0-19-851997-4 ae | 9 "7801981519973 hina Inward Bound Of Matter and Forces in the Physical World ABRAHAM PAIS CLARENDON PRESS - OXFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS » NEW YORK (Oxford University Pres, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP Oxford New York Toronto Dethi Bombay Coleutta Madras Karachi Petaling Jaya Singapore Hong Kong Tokyo Nainbi Dares Salaam Cape Ton Melooume Auckland and associated companies in Berlin Ibadan Oxfords trade mark of Oxford University Press Published in the United States ‘by Oxford University Press, Nets Yark © Oxford University Press, 1986 irs published 1986 Reprinted (United States edition only) 1986 First issued n paperback (ith corectons) 1988 Allrighsreserced. No partof this publication may be reproduced, ‘Moved ina veriewal syttem, or tranamitted, in any form or by any means clectrnic, mechanical, poiocopying, recording, or others, thon! ‘he pri permission of Oxford University Press This books sold subject othe condition that it skal not, by tsa ‘oftrade or otherise, be lent, r-sld, hired aut or athereise circulated teithout the publishers prior consent in any frm of binding o cover ‘ther than that in thich it is published and weithout a simifar condition “nclding this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser British Library Cataloging in Publication Data Pais, Abraham Inesard bound: of matter ane forcesin the physical world 1. Physies—thstory—200h century LTitle swore cr ISBN'0-19-851971-0 ISBN 0-19-851097-4 (Pbk) Libary of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Pais, Abraham, 1918- Inssard Bound. Bibliography: p. Includes Indes. L-Physics. 2 Physics History. 1 Tite QCz12PI5 1986 5305-21587 ISBN 0-19-851971-0 {ISBN 0-19-851997-4 (Pbk) Printed in the United States of America Preface This book deals with the times in which man has finally seen what Newton in his Opticks foresaw: “The Attractions of Gravity, Magnetism and Electricity, reach to very sensible distances, and so have been observed by vulgar Eyes, and there may be others which reach to so small distances as hitherto escape Observation’, Between 1895 and 1983, the period spanned in this book, the smallest distances explored have shrunk a hundred millionfold. Along tl incompletely traveled road inward man has established markers that later generations will rank among the principal monuments of the twentieth century. I will endeavor to deseribe what has been discovered and understood about the constituents of matter, the laws to which they are subject, and the forces that act on them. On these topics Ernest Rutherford, a central figure in this book, once said that the rapidity of advance during the years 1895-1915 has, seldom, if ever, been equalled in the history of science. The same is true of the longer period treated here, The advances have by no means come smoothly, however. I will attempt to convey that these have been times of progress and stagnation, of order and chaos, of clarity and confusion, of belief and ineredul- ity, of the conventional and the bizarre; also of revolutionaries and conserva- tives, of science by individuals and by consortia, of little gadgets and big machines, and of modest funds and big moneys. Progress has been made possible by the hard labors of many. At the time of writing some ten thousand men and women are devoting their lives to this dventure, now called high energy physies or particle physics. I wish I could, but shall not, name them all, Instead, I have dedicated this book to them. ‘This book has been long in coming. Fragments, here rewritten, enlarged, and placed in broader context, have appeared through the years: on quantum, field theory (in 1948), invariance principles (1963), the status of particle physies (1968), the early history of the electron (1972), the early y years of radioacti (197), quantum mechanics (1982), and the positron theory (to appear in Heisenberg’s collected papers). I have also borrowed from my Einstein biogra- phy, Subtle is the Lord, in particular in regard to the light-quantum and to relativity, one of the two disciplines on which, since 1926, particle physics is based. The other, quantum mechanics, does not, in faet cannot, receive full treatment in the present enterprise, An essay on the subject is included, however. vi PREFACE, ‘The successful interplay between theory and experiment has been a main criterion in the selection of material included in this book, which opens with an introductory chapter that contains an outline of all that comes after. Then follows the main part, a history of the period 1895-1945. ‘The later years are treated as a memoir. Reference to fundamental progress in the recent past needs to be included, even though the perspective is limited, since otherwise I would be telling a joke without giving the punch line. (A word to the wise: no cosmology, no topology, however.) T have inserted occasional remarks on prominent personalities of earlier generations, (A list is found in Chapter 1.) These comments are meant as vignettes in the spirit of Aubrey’s Brief Lives rather than as short biographies. Each chapter has its own set of references. At the end of many chapters I have collected a list of sources that have been particularly helpful to me. Thave many friends to thank for their generous help. Luis Alvarez, Clifford Butler, Rod Cool, Gerson Goldhaber, Leon Lederman, Bill Kirk, Ed Lofgren, Pief Panofsky, Aihud Pevsner, George Rochester, Carlo Rubl Samios have given me counsel on experimental issues, Roble Lewis Thomas have helped me with Chapter 5, Gloria Lubkin has briefed me on the American Institute of Physics, Laurie Brown and Michiji Konuma on physics in Japan. I am greatly indebted to Howard Georgi, David Gross, Res Jost, and Arthur Wightman for wise comments, Most of all I am beholden to Sam Treiman who has read and discussed with me all of the several stages of the manuscript. His supportive criticisms, encouragement, and friendship have been invaluable. He has seen me through difficult moments. Thank you, all of you. lly I should like to express my gratitude to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for a grant in support of this project; and to the staff of Oxford University Press for their devoted support, Abraham Pais New York, July 1985 To those who built the machines, the beams, and the detectors, and those who used them, and those who reflected on their results, this book is respectfully dedicated, To Ida. Contents 1 Purpose and plan (a) From X to Z (b) 1895-1945: a history (c) ‘The postwar years: a memoir Part One, 1895-1945: A History 2. New kinds of rays (a) Roentgen: X-rays (b) Becquerel: uranic rays 1. January 20-February 24, 1896. 2, February 24—March 2, 1896. 3. The rest of the year 3 From uranic rays to radioactivity (a) The Curies: Becquerel rays (b) Rutherford: a- and Berays 4 The first particle (a) Of Geissler’s pump and Geisster’s tube and Rihmkorf’s coil (b) Faraday, Maxwell, and the atomicity of charge (c) Of Rowland, Zeeman, and Lorentz () The discovery of the electron 1. The plight of the precursors. 2. Wiechert, 3, Kaufmann, 4]. J. Thomson (c) Berays are electrons (f) Relativistic kinematics 5 Interlude: earliest physiological discoveries 6 Radioactivity's three early puzzles (2) Introduction (b) ‘The first energy crisis (©) Interlude: atomic energy (d) Metabolous matter (ec) Why a half-life? (i) Postscripts: modern ti 1, 1928: a-decay expl Non-conservation of radioactivity. 3. The exponential law of radioactive decay 7 Pitfalls of simplicity 1. Simplicity a5 an unnecessary evil. 2. Ripeness of the times. 3, About ld pros. 4. About Planck. 5. About Einstein, 6, On the variety of discovery. 7. Simplicity as a necessary evil 52, 52 58 67 70 “4 8 103 103 105 us 7 120 124 129 x CONTENTS: 8 P-Spectra, 1907-1914 (a) Introduction (b) a-decay and the conjecture of B-monochromacy (c) Passage of electrons through matter: the position in 1907 (a) The first attack: absorption of B-rays (6) ‘A revolutionary conclusion’ (1) The second attack: magnetic separation, photographic detection (2) Prenatal nuclear spectroscopy (h) The third attack: magnetic separation, detection by counters 9 Atomic structure and spectral lines (a) Introduction (b) Precelectron preludes 1. Spectral analysis. 2. The Balmer formula, 3. Pre-clectron models. 4, The Darwinian touch (¢) Early electron models 1. In which atoms appear to be composed of electrons by the thousands. 2, A new pitfall: atomic stability and B-decay. 3. The great divide, 4. Pair models. 5. Planetary models. 6. J. J ‘Thomson, theorist (a) Ernest Rutherford, theoretical ph (©) Niels Bohr 1. our roads to the quantum theory. 2. ‘The carly papers. 3. Manchester. 4. Spectra, 1903-11. 5. Precursors. 6. Balmer decoded ist 10 ‘It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity’ 1, Reactions to Bohr’s theory. 2. Causality. 3. ‘The fine structure constant, Selection rules. 4. Helium, 5. Changing of the guard. 6. A change of pace 11 Nuclear physics’ tender age (a) Introduction (b) Niels Bohr on A-radioactivity (©) Isotopes (d) From A to Z (e) A new pitfall: the first model of the nucleus (f) Binding energy (g) Physicists in the First World War (h) Strong interactions: first glimpses 12 Quantum mechanics, an essay (a) ‘The status of physies in the spring of 1925 1. Two fields. 2. Three forces. 3. Three particles. 4, Two theoretical structures 142 142 145 148 149 152 153 155 158 163 163 166 178 188 193 208 CONTENTS: 13 4 15 16 {b) End of a revolution (€) A chronology (4) Quantum mechanics interpreted (e) Changing of the guard First encounters with symmetry and invariance (a) Introduetion (b) The exclusion principle (©) Spin (4) Quantum statistics (e) The Dirac equation 1. Young Dirac. 2. Relativity without spin; the scalar wave equation. 3. Spin without relativity; the Pauli matrices. 4. The equation Nuclear physics: the age of paradox (a) Quantum mechanics confronts the nucleus (b) In which the proton-electron model of the nucleus runs into trouble 1. Nuclear size. 2, Nuclear magnetic moments. 3. Nuclear spin. 4, Nuclear statisties (©) B-spectra 1914-30, or the life and times of Charles Drummond Ellis (@) New physical laws or new elementary particles? Enter the neutrino 1. Yet another pitfall of simplicity: one cure for two ailments. 2. Bohr and the energy law, 1924. 3. Bohr and the energy law, 1929, 4, Pauli’s new particle. 5. The years 1931-36, a partial chronology. Quantum fields, or how particles are made and how they disappear (a) The end of the game of marbles (b) Preludes: Goettingen (¢) Foundations: Dirac |. Formal introduction of photons. 2, The creation and annihilation of photons. 3. Scattering of photons; virtual states (4) Quantum fields and quantum statistics (e) Relativistic invariance and gauge invariance: beginnings (1) The positron (g) Appendix Sources: quantum field theory prior to renormalization Battling the infinite (2) Introduction (b) Physics in America: the onset of maturity; the emergence of Oppenheimer (c) A prelude: infinities before the positron theory xi 250 252 285 261 265 265 267 24 280 296 296 298 303 324 34 331 34 338 aI 346 352 360 360 364 370 xii 7 18 19 CONTENTS: (4) Quantum electrodynamics in the thirties 374 1, Second-order successes. 2. ‘The Dirae field quantized. 3. Ci conjugation; Furry’s theorem. 4. ‘The polarization of the vacu 5. The self-energy of the electron, of the vacuum, and of the photon. 6. In which the Maxwell equations become nonlinear. 7. The Pauli-Weisskopf theory (€) Scientific nostalgia: the search for alternatives 388 In which the nucleus acquires a new constituent, loses an old one, reveals new forces with new symmetries, and is explored by new experimental methods 397 (a) Enter the neutron 397 (b) Of the deuteron, of cosmic rays, and of accelerators 402 (c) What is a neutron? 409 (@) Nuclear forces: phenomenological beginnings 413 (c) Fermi’s tentativo 47 1. In which Fermi introduces quantized spin-1/2 fields in particle physics. 2, De Broglie on antiparticles. Neutrino theory of light. 3. The tentativo, 4. Further developments in the thirties (®) How charge independence led to isospin 423 {e) Quantum field theory encounters the nucleus. Mesons 426 1. In which the Fermi theory is taken too ser ‘energy neutrino physics makes a first brief app proposed. Yukawa. 3. A meson diseovered. 4. More on pre-war meson theory. ‘The first prediction of a particle on symmetry grounds (h) Death of Rutherford 436 Part Two. The Postwar Years: A Memoir 5 Of quantum electrodynamics* triumphs and limitations and of a new particle’s sobering impact 447 (a) Shelter Island and other personal reminiscences 447 (b) Divine laughter: the muon 452 (©) Quantum electrodynamics: the great leap forward I. From the week after Shelter Island to the month after Pocono. 2, About Tomonaga and his group. 3. 1949-84 in a nutshell In which particle physics enters the era of big machines and big detectors and pion physics goes through ups and downs m {a) Of new accelerators and physics done by consortium 471 1, The synchroeyelotron (SC), 2. The weak focussing synchrotron. 3. Strong focussing; the alternating gradient synchrotron (AGS). (b) Home-made pions 9 CONTENTS. 20 a {@) In which meson field theories fall upon hard times 1. Nuclear forces. 2. The proton and neutron magnetic moments. 3. Meson dynamics and renormalizability. 4. Free meson processes (a) Symmetry saves, up to a point 1, Isospin as a free-floating invariance, A new spectroscopy. 2, Antinucleons; nucleon conservation; charge and mass formulae; violation rules. 3. G-parity (©) Of a new spectroscopy and new detectors (1) What use quantum field theory? The years of uncertainty 1. The age of diversity. 2. Fermi's assessment in 1951. 3. The semi-classical nucleon. 4. Low energy theorems, 5. The S-matrix. Dispersion relations. 6. Regge poles Onset of an era: new forms of matter appear, old symmetries crumble (a) ‘Four 7-mesons observed on Kilimanjaro’ (b) Early theoretical ideas I. Associated production. 2. The strangeness scheme. 3. The neutral K-particle complex (©) In which the invariance under reflections in space and conjugation of charge turns out to be violated 1. The Dalitz plot thickens. 2, P, T, and C prior to 1956. 3. Spin and statistics; the CPT theorem. 4. Toward the universality of weak interactions. Conservation of leptons. 5. Late 1956; P and C are violated (@) Being selecta from the exploding weak interaction literature 1, The pioneering experiments, 2, CP invariance; K°-K° revisited. 3. The two-component theory of the neutrino, 4, The universal V-A theory. $. The interplay of weak and strong forces: local action of lepton pairs, conserved vector current, partially conserved axial current (@) Unfinished story of a near miss: the violations of CP- and of eversal-invariance (1) Final comments on discrete symmetries Essay on modern times: 1960-83 (a) In which it is explained why a very rich period is treated with such brevity (b) Higher symmetries take off 1. Further extensions of hadron spectroscopy. 2. SU(3). 3. Quarks. 4, SU(6). 5. Color: double SU(3) symmetey. 6. Qu route: current algebra, 7. Particle physi {e) New tools—new physics 1. Reactors—the first neutrino, 2. Neutrino beams—the second neutrino, 3. SLAC—hard seattering, 4, Colliders (4) Scaling. Partons xiii 481 485 490 492 su su 517 523 533 538 341 350 550 552 569 576 xiv CONTENTS: (¢) Conclusion: quantum field theory redux 1. Preamble, 2, Non-Abelian gauge theories. 3, Quantum chromodynamics. 4, The electroweak unification. 5. ‘The neutral current; charm. 6. Years of synthesis. The detection of charm, bottom, and, perhaps, top, of a new lepton, and of jets. 7. Years of synthesis, The detection of W and Z 22 Being a conclusion that starts as epilog and ends as prolog APPENDIX A synopsis of this book in the form of a chronology INDEX OF NAMES INDEX OF SUBJECTS 580 621 Inward Bound. Tt 1 Purpose and plan (a) From X to Z It was the afternoon of 8 November 1895. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen was all by himself in his laboratory in Wiirzburg, experimenting once again with cathode rays. His main piece of equipment was a vacuum tube about one meter long in which, as we would now say, electrons were accelerated to an energy in the neighborhood of one hundred thousand electron volts.* The pressure in his tube was about one thousandth of a torr.** On that afternoon Roentgen was quite startled to notice a fluorescence on his detector, a small screen covered with barium platinocyanide, which he was holding in his hand at some distance from the tube. He had discovered what the world would soon know as X-rays, a term he introduced in his first publication on this subject. That paper was signed by him as sole author. Nearly ninety years later, on 26 January 1983, I left my office at the Rockefeller University for an early lunch, then walked to the New York Hilton on Sixth Avenue where the winter meeting of the American Physical Society was in progress. Carlo Rubbia was to give an invited paper in Section HB. No title for his talk had been announced but word had come from CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research in Geneva, that the subject was to be the discovery, long anticipated, of the W-boson by the UAI team (UA= underground area) led by Rubia. Never mind for the moment what a W-boson precisely is. That will be explained much later. Just accept for now that its discovery would be most important. entered the hotel's Sutton Ballroom, joined an audience of several hundred, and listened. First came a report from UA2, another group at CERN. They too were hunting for the W, had promising results, but were not yet ready to commit themselves.t Rubia spoke next. He began by explaining the experi- mental arrangement. Antiprotons with a moderate energy of 3.5 GeV (one GeV isa billion (10°) eV) were collected in the AA, the antiproton accumulator. (Modern physics has its own abundance of acronyms.) This is a roughly square “One electron volt, or eV, is the energy increment of an electron accelerated by a potential ference of one volt. ** One torr is close to one mm of mercury. # They were to do so soon afterward." 2 PURPOSE AND PLAN doughnut-like ring held at a vacuum of about one ten billionth (10) of a torr. The pressure had to be low since otherwise the antiprotons would be lost in collisions with gas molecules in the ring. Although this was by no means the lowest pressure then attained at CERN, it sufficed for the purpose because of a brilliant invention by Simon van der Meer, ‘our best accelerator man’, for keeping antiprotons moving in a disciplined manner. Once every twenty-four hours the AA releases its antiprotons which are then accelerated in two stages, the second of which takes place inside a high vacuum ring, 6 km in circumference, in which these particles reach an energy of 270GeV. Inside that ring they collided with protons moving in the opposite direction with that same energy, The collisions were analyzed by means of a complex detector, 10 meters high by 5 meters wide, weighing 2000 tons. Rubia explained next how six out of one billion recorded events had been singled out as bearing the indubitable ‘signature’ of the W-particle. This production rate, six in a billion, agreed well with theoretical expectations, as did the first crude determination of the W-mass, Next to me sat an expert in high-energy neutrino physics. As the talk drew to a close we looked at each other and nodded: they had it, Afterwards I talked with Rubbia. He asked me whether I believed it; I said I did. He gave ‘me a preprint of the first UAI publication? on the W, signed by 135 authors from 12 European and 2 American institutions. Evening had fallen, it was crisp and cold, when I walked back under the bright lights of 57th Street. I kept thinking how the content and style of both experimental and theoretical physics had changed in my lifetime. The dis- covery of the W surely meant that once again a watershed had been reached. When I came home I went to my desk, cluttered with drafts of chapters for ahistory of matter. Now I knew the counterpoint with which to start Chapter 1. I sat down and wrote: ‘It was the afternoon of 8 November 1895..." ‘The next time I met Rubia was the following 9 May. We were in Princeton where that day he was to give a lecture on UAI’s further progress. During a long conversation before his talk he told me that the first example had been found of an event that looked just like the signature of a Z-boson. This very heavy neutral particle was the missing ingredient needed, along with positively- and negatively-charged W's, to put on a firm experimental basis the unified field theory of electromagnetic and weak forces that goes by the code name SU(2)XU(1). I asked Rubbia whether the report he was about to give would be the first in the United States to mention the Z. Itis indeed, he replied, we found this event only a few days ago.* T knew then where to end, This book will attempt to pull together the strands of the tale spanning nearly a century, from X to Z, of the search for an ever more refined description of * By June UAI reported? five Z-events, by August UAZ had eight:* FROM X ‘TO Z 3 matter and forces in the physical world. The questions are old. I could have started by copying from some encyclopaedia the speculations of Empedocles of Akragas about four eternal and unchanging elements—earth, water, air, and fire—and about two fundamental forces, Love or Joy (attractions), and Strife or Hate (repulsions)—terms no more quaint than some in current use, Alternatively, I could have begun with the birth of chemistry and nineteenth- century speculations about the molecular and atomic constitution of com- pounds and elements. I have chosen, however, to confine myself to the subatomic era with only sporadic backward excursions to earlier times. Roent- gen's discovery is a natural starting point for that purpose since it occurred just before the beginning of the explosive period when new laws of nature, quantum theory and relativity, new forms of matter, and evidence (not at all rapidly recognized as such) for new forces made their first appearance. In 1895 Roentgen could not yet know that X-rays may be considered as a stream of particles—photons—with zero mass. He did not know then that cathode rays consist of electrons; those were discovered only two years later, Nor could he have anticipated that within a few months X-rays would be the spur to the discovery of radioactivity. This book concludes with the discovery of the W- and Z-bosons, particles with masses about equal to those of a typical rubidium and ruthenium atom respectively, yet by symmetry arguments intimately related to each other and to the massless photon. The future will decide whether this ending is as natural as the point of departure. At the time of writing it is certain, however, that the journey described in these pages toward higher and higher energies or, which is the same, toward smaller and smaller distances, is by no means over. We continue to be inward bound; the heroic period to be discussed is open-ended. Some believe its closure to be imminent. It could be, however, that writing of its history now is like writing of the French Revolution the week after the Bastille was stormed. ‘The recitation of facts and dates and a handful of formulae will lend an objective touch to the account to be presented. History is highly subjective, however, since it is created after the fact, and after the date, by the inevitable process of the selection of events deemed relevant by one observer or another. ‘Thus there are as many (overlapping) histories as there are historians. I keep before me two admonitions; one by Macaulay: ‘He who is deficient in the art of selection may, by showing nothing but the truth, produce all the effects of the grossest falsehoods. It perpetually happens that one writer tells less truth than another, merely because he tells more truths’;’ and one by Carlyle: ‘He who reads the inscrutable Book of Nature as if it were a Merchant's Ledger, is justly suspected of never having seen that Book, but only some school Synopsis thereof; from which, if taken for the real Book, more error than insight is to be derived’ As with all works of this kind, this author's approach to history will be manifest by and by, as his story unfolds. Nonetheless it seems appropriate at 4 PURPOSE AND PLAN this point to make a few prefatory remarks on the question of selection. (Further general comments are reserved for Chapter 7.) ‘The emphasis throughout will be on the flow of ideas, Little will be said about the sociological context of the subject, a perspective I find fascinating but to which I do not have much to contribute, As to the community of high energy physicists, in many respects it is not all that different from the rest of humanity. One encounters some noble characters, some bastards, also some who are like poets:’ ‘Strong poets make history . . . by misreading one another so as to clear imaginative spaces for themselves’. Among the distinguishing characteris- ties of the group, as I see it, are exceptional intellectual fearlessness, and a high incidence of the Shiva complex—unhappiness at not having been born with three eyes and four arms, I shall occasionally indulge in brief comments on specific personalities. These are located as follows: Balmer (9a), Becquerel (2b1, 2b3), Bohr (9a, 9e2, 9e6, 10.5), William Bragg (8b), van den Broek (11d), the Curies (3a), Dirac (13e1), Elster and Geitel (16b), Fermi (19¢3), Goudsmit (13c), Hahn (8d), Lawrence (17b), Meitner (8d), Oppenheimer (16b), Pauli (13b, 1444, 16a, 1647), Roentgen (22), Row- land (4c), Rutherford (1b, 3b, 9d, 10, 17h), J. J. Thomson (444, 9c6, 10.1), ‘Tomonaga (18c2), Uhlenbeck (13c), and Yukawa (17g2). Here and otherwise only in the remainder of this first chapter the following notations are used: (4) for Chapter 4; (44) for Chapter 4, Section (d); (441) for Chapter 4, Section (d), Part 1. I intend to stress how progress leads to confusion leads to progress and on and on without respite. Every one of the many major advances to be discussed created sooner or later, more often sooner, new problems. ‘These confusions, never twice the same, are not to be deplored. Rather, those who participate experience them as a privilege. As Niels Bohr once said to me after an evening of fruitless discussion: ‘Tomorrow is going to be wonderful because tonight 1 do not understand anything’. Since it is my principal purpose to deseribe how ideas evolved, I shall need to discuss on various occasions how false leads, incorrect improvizations, and dead ends are interspersed between one advance and the next. The omission of such episodes would ansesthetize the story. In that connection I should like to mention an experience after giving a lecture ‘on some of the present material at Fermi National Laboratory. Two younger colleagues came up to me. The first one looked rather glum and said: ‘If men as great as these were so often mistaken then what should people like us expect to contribute?" The second one smiled broadly and said: ‘So we are not the only fools’. I feel closer to the second response than to the first but stress that T have in mind false leads pursued by a generation as @ whole (7) rather than just by one individual or another. It is less astonishing that such divagations happened so often than that, time and again, they were followed by a return to the path of righteousness FROM X TO % 3 In regard to confusion, the very recent past and the present are of course no exceptions. I strongly believe that a number of current theoretical explor- ations will turn out to be passing fancies, and I fervently hope that some others will survive. Since it serves no purpose to stretch subjectivity into outright prejudice, I shall increasingly try to use discretion the more I near the present, rather than attempt an up-to-date assessment of developments on all fronts. ‘A more important reason for augmented selectivity is less a matter of choice than of necessity: the need for finding ways of coping with the outpouring of, publications which begins to reach flood level somewhere in the late 1950s (20d). 1 can well appreciate John Kenneth Galbraith’s recent comment® regarding his efforts at writing a history of economics: ‘As one approaches the present, one is filled with a sense of hopelessness; in a year and possibly even, in a month, there is now more economic comment in the supposedly serious literature than survives from the whole of the thousand years commonly denominated as the Middle Ages . . . anyone who claims to be familiar with it all is a confessing liar’, As to physics, let a few numbers serve to illustrate its growth during the period embraced in this book. In 1899 the American Physical Society was founded by 38 physicists (16b). In 1900* the worldwide number of academic physicists of all ranks was about 1000. Among these the number of senior faculty in theoretical physics was 8 in Germany, 2 in the United States (Gibbs at Yale and Pupin at Columbia’), one in Holland (Lorentz), and none in the British Empire, (Maxwell's chair at Cambridge had been in experimental physics (3b, 4b).) The emergence of theoretical physics as a semi-autonomous disciptine is a twentieth-century phenomenon. Kirchhoff made fundamental contributions to experimental as well a8 theoretical physics (9b); so did J. J. ‘Thomson (44). Maxwell (4b), Boltzmann, Einstein, and Bohr (9a) published experimental results of their own. In the twentieth century Rutherford (94) and Fermi (9e, 19¢) were the leading representatives of this vanishing tradition, ‘Today the American Physical Society counts over 36000 members. It is one of the nine member societies of the American Institute of Physics founded in 1931 “for the purpose of coordinating various societies whose interests are primarily in the field of physics and for the purpose of supporting their publications’."' The American Physical Society has since become a conglomer- ate of Divisions, including one of Particles and Fields (the two main topics of this book) which was founded in 1967 and which now has more than 2500 members. The American Institute of Physics currently publishes about 40 journals, 17 of which are exclusively devoted to translations of articles from the Soviet Union, one to articles originally in Chinese, The member societies publish in all some 20 additional journals, found the numbers for 1900 in an interesting account of physics at the turn of the century.? 6 PURPOSE AND PLAN For present purposes the most important American journal is the Physical Review. Volume 1 came out in 1894, is 480 pages long and contains 20 articles. In 1950 four volumes appeared with 447 articles on 3167 pages. For fair comparison I have excluded the Letters to the Editor and the abstracts of Papers presented at Physical Society meetings, in 1950 all cosily published together with the articles, because there were no letters and abstracts in 1894, while they were published separately by 1980, my third year of comparison. In that year there were two volumes, 29213 pages, 3403 articles. Since 1970 every volume of the Physical Review has appeared in four subvolumes A-D. Nuclear Physics, which gave birth to Particles and Fields (D) only some fifty years ago, is now published separately (C). In 1980 part D alone contained 6651 pages, 793 articles. ‘The numbers quoted in the preceding two paragraphs refer exclusively to the United States, since only for that region did I know how to make comparisons that span the century. In respect of the most recent twenty-odd years I can add some worldwide figures, however. That period witnessed the creation of central repositories for preprints, presently the common form of rapid com- munication. One of these, the SLAC preprint library, distributes every week a bulletin listing documents received by title, author(s), and institution. The annual yield,* comprising articles, letters, and reviews, was: 4100 in 1975, 6100 in 1984. One sees that to speak of a flood is no exaggeration. In the course of this century there have been radical changes not only in the content of physical theory and the style of experimentation but also in the ways science i Sic hysics has become increasingly fragmented by the creation specialties (19f1). The phenomenon is universal. ‘There was a time, not long ago, when the existence of two cultures was sufficient cause for complaint. If we only had it so good now. As the numbers indicate, at the time of writing one would have to digest 17 publications per day every day of the year in order to claim familiarity with the whole body of high energy physics literature. That, fortunately, is nota requirement for beinga productive particle physicist. Attend conference now and then, browse through frequently appearing comprehensive summary reports, read the SLAC list of titles, and, above all, be well locked into the strongly developed modern oral tradition, and one gets quite far. These means of keeping abreast were likewise indispensable to the present enterprise, Yet the double predicament remained of distilling a cohesive account of the postwar era from information that is in flux as to content and in explosion as to volume. How to build the bridge between Roentgen, who did his experiment singlehandedly without yet knowing that electromagnetic radi- ations cannot vibrate in their direction of motion (2a), and the UA| experiments * Lowe these numbers to the SLAC librarians 1895-1945: A HISTORY 7 executed by a multinational consortium in response to predictions of a highly sophisticated relativistic quantum field theory? ‘The best way that I could devise was to divide this book into two parts. ‘The first: one man’s attempt at a history of the period 1895-1945; the secon fone man’s memoirs of the postwar era. I believe that other members of my ‘own and later generations should be heard before the time will be ripe for an historical assessment of the more recent period. A number of them have already gone on record, others will presumably follow before long. Being one of the above, I consider Part II as a contribution to the pool of informati from which a history will have to be discerned in later times Inevitably the styles of the two parts are distinct. Part I contains the main thrust of the present work, Among the topics discussed in Part II, several that have reached a fair level of maturity are treated in excellent and easily accessible books and reports which are essentially contemporaneous with the present volume, I shall therefore often content myself with brief indications after which I direct the reader to the literature, especially to such writings as give ample references to original contributions. The number of pages devoted to one or another subject is therefore not necessarily proportional to their relative importance. ‘As part of the homework for Part II, I have paid particular attention to the published reminiscences of others. I shall not discuss these but note that I do not agree with all opinions expressed therein, nor do these always agree among themselves. In the sources to the appropriate chapters I have recorded referen- ces to all reminiscences known to me, in the hope that this may facilitate others’ studies. ‘The remainder of this chapter consists of a non-technical account of the main themes of this book, interspersed with further general comments. Those who prefer to dig in at once may like to turn immediately to Chapter 2, Note: a further guide to the contents of this volume is found in the Appendix. (b) 1895-1945: A history ‘The first international post-World War II physics conference, held in Cam- bridge (England) in July 1946, was devoted to ‘Fundamental particles and low temperatures’."? Five of its sessions dealt with fundamental particles. In the first, Niels Bohr, Wolfgang Pauli, and Paul Dirac discussed problems and prospects of quantum field theories. ‘Then followed a session on experimental techniques, including a report on plans for a new generation of accelerators aiming at energies that could not be reached by cyclotrons (17b, 19a). The next topic, nuclear forces, included a communication on neutron-proton scattering calculations up to the unheard-of energy of 25 MeV. The final session concerned Heisenberg’s S-matrix (195). 8 PURPOSE AND PLAN In the following September, the American Physical Society convened in New York a meeting with international participation devoted to cosmic rays, elementary particles, and accelerators. ‘Disparate as these three subjects appear to be, the trend of physics is rapidly uniting them’ (18a), The ground covered was much the same as at the Cambridge Conference. Among noteworthy items were a report’? on the detection of one cosmic ray particle with the bizarre mass 990+ 100 times that of the electron; and a panel discussion on ‘Relative advantages of proton and electron accelerators’, in which Alvarez, Lawrence, McMillan, and Robert Wilson participated. Part I of this book begins in 1895, when none of the fundamental particles referred to in those meetings had yet been found, cosmic rays had not yet been discovered, the only accelerator in captivity was a cathode ray tube, and relativity theory and quantum theory were yet to come. It ends in 1945 when physicists had become familiar with the electron, the proton, the neutron, a neutrino, and a meson, when cosmic rays were ardently studied, when eyclo- trons had produced particles with energies larger than 10 MeV, and when the first explorations of relativistic quantum field theories had yielded a puzzling mixture of success and failure. We start with two accidental discoveries made in mid-career by well- established scientists, First, Roentgen stumbled on X-rays (2a). Four months later Becquerel found that uranium spontaneously emits mysterious ‘uranic rays’ (2b), The brevity of the time interval between these two observations was no accident. Among the many tales of discovery to be encountered in the following, the story of Becquere! starting out to look for X-rays in a sample of a fluorescent uranium salt and ending up discovering radioactivity may well be the most whimsical (2b2). Continuing his experiments, Becquerel was increasingly struck by the spon- taneity of the phenomenon, the apparent absence of an energy source feeding the new radiation. The numerous early speculations on the origin of this ‘atomic energy’ (the term dates from 1903 (6c)) include doubts about the validity of energy conservation (6b). Also, later in the twentieth century, that principle would be challenged off and on, for a variety of reasons (1442, 3). ‘The meaning of energy conservation is still a subject of discussion in modern times.' Becquerel’s discovery at once attracted a new generation of physicists who had yet to make their mark. By herself, young Marie Curie made the next step, in a paper (1898) that from the point of view of scientific principle { regard as the most important one of her career. She showed (3a) that radio- activity is a property of individual atoms of certain species, one of which, she announced, is thorium. This atomic interpretation led her to use radioactivity as a diagnostic tool in the discovery of new elements. ‘That basic idea of tadiochemistry led to the celebrated discoveries of polonium and radium, 1995-1945: A HISTORY 9 made jointly with her husband Pierre. (Incidentally, from them stems the term ‘radioactivity’.) Meanwhile, a few weeks before the discovery of X-rays, a young New Zealander, by the name of Ernest Rutherford, had arrived at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, on a research fellowship. He was to end his career as director of that institution, the post held earlier by Maxwell, Rayleigh, and J. J. Thomson. During his first brief but fruitful stay in Cambridge he discovered that there are two distinct kinds of radioactive rays, a-rays and B-rays. Two years later, in 1900, Villard in Paris discovered an even more Penetrating type of radiation, y-rays. The question of the constitution of a- and y-rays initially caused much confusion (B-rays were much more rapidly identified) and was fully clarified only many years later (3b). Rutherford’s next major discovery came after he had moved to McGill University in Montreal (1898): emanation from thorium, one among the new radium elements he had found, lost half its activity in about a minute. That was the first observation of a new parameter characteristic of a radioactive species: its half life. The discoveries in 1900 by Rutherford of a half life and, later that same year, by Planck of the quantum theory signal the end of the cera of classical physics. Neither of them was at once aware how profoundly is work was to change the course of science (7.1, 7.4). It was Einstein who, in 1905, was the first to recognize the revolutionary character of Planck's hypothesis (7.5); and who, in 1917, was the first to grasp that Rutherford’s overy called for no less than a revision of a root concept of classical physics: causality. The fundamental theory of spontaneous decays, developed by Dirac in 1927 (15c, 6f3), was to make clear that it is, and forever will remain, impossible to predict the moment at which a given radicactive atom will decay. ‘The notion of half life raised a new question: could it be that all elements are radioactive but that most of them live too long for such activity to have been noticed? That problem appeared to be definitively settled in the 1920s (6d). The grand unified gauge theories of the 1970s have re-opened the issue, however (22). During the McGill years Rutherford produced three books,* the first two editions of ‘Radioactivity’ and the text of his Silliman lectures, all indispensable to the student of the subject's early history. During that period he also revealed his gifts for directing others’ research. He cared less for teaching beginners, however. Asa high school teacher in New Zealand he had been hopeless (17h).. In discussing an offer from Yale he remarked: ‘Why should I go there? They act as though the University was made for students’."* I shall return to Rutherford’s further career but first pick up another thread: the discovery of the first ‘fundamental’ particle, the electron. As had been the "See Chapter 3, Sources. 10 PURPOSE AND PLAN case for X-rays and radioactivity, this was another novelty not anticipated theoretically. ‘The electron was first sighted in e/m measurements (e is its charge, m its mass). It began in 1896 when Zeeman succeeded where Faraday had failed, to wit, in showing that spectral lines are split when their source is placed in a magnetic field. Lorentz immediately interpreted the effect to be due to the motion of a charged particle bound within an atom, and showed that the magnitude of the effect fixes that particle's e/m (within a factor two of the modern value of the electron). Next, in 1897, the long-vexing problem of the constitution of cathode rays was resolved by determinations of their e/m, first by Wiechert (442), then by Kaufmann (443), then by J. J. Thomson (4d). After Thomson had measured e separately, in 1899, both e and m were now approximately known, and the electron had arrived. It was demonstrated shortly afterward that B-rays and cathode rays were identical (4e). During the following two decades the electron played an important role as an experimental tool for verifying the kinematics of special relativity (4f). ‘The discovery of the electron provides a splendid example of fundamental advances made possible by new experimental tools. Zeeman could make his discovery by using Rowland’s recent invention of refractive gratings with high optical resolving power (4c). ‘Advances in cathode ray physics were made possible by improved vacuum technology. In the 1830s Faraday experimented with cathode rays in a vacuum of about 100 torr (4dl). In 1857 Geissler reached 0.1 torr with his much improved version of the mercury vacuum pump (4a). With modifications of that pump vacua of 10°* torr were reached by 188 In the 1830s Faraday had studied cathode rays in an evacuated tube closed by corks at both ends (4d1). Geissler was the first to produce an all-glass tube, the metallic electrodes being inserted by melting the glass at both ends. His technical feat was to match the thermal expansion of glass and metal, so that the electrodes when heated do not crack the glass (4a ‘Thomson's measurement of ¢ was the first major application of the newly- invented cloud chamber. Finally, higher energy became available when Rahmkorff invented a greatly improved version of the induction coil (4a), capable of producing energies of 100000 eV. His coil was used by many leading physicists of the period, by Faraday in his later years, by Roentgen and Zeeman in making their discoveries, and by others. ‘Add to the experimental discoveries of X-rays, radioactivity and the electron, the new frontiers opened by Planck's quantum theory, Einstein's light- quantum and his special relativity theory, and one recognizes the extraordinary ‘For these numbers see Ref. 17. 1895-1945: A HISTORY u variety of discovery during the decade 1895-1905. Some thoughts on the lessons of that period are collected in Chapter 7. ‘There is yet another facet of the discoveries of that decade. In perusing the early literature on radioactivity I came upon a fascinating joint paper of 1901 by Becquerel and Pierre Curie in which the authors reported on unpleasant personal experiences resulting from exposure to radioactive elements."* This led me to wonder: how did one begin to find out about the good and the harmful effects of radioactive radiations? And of X-rays? Now here, now there, I collected information, helped by advice from Robley Evans and Lewis ‘Thomas. The resulting picture is included here (5) a8 a brief aside that nevertheless does belong to the early history of the new radiations. Three new themes emerge as we now move further into the twentieth century: first B-spectra, then atomic structure, then early ideas on nuclear structure. That may not be the logical order in which these subjects are taught in physics classes, but then it is one of my aims to show that the evolution of physics does not always follow logical paths, Let us then begin with B-radioactivity, one of the main subjects of this book which will stay with us till its very end, It is almost a rule that the first of a new generation of B-decay are wrong, even when performed by the best of physi right at the beginning, in 1906, well before the discovery of the atomic nucleus. In that year it was conjectured, erroneously, that B-rays are monochromatic (8b). This idea was tested experimentally by studying the absorption of B-rays. It was believed at that time, also erroneously, that the B-ray intensity decreases exponentially with distance (8c). This ‘law’ led to the experimental conclusions (8d) that B-rays were indeed monochromatic and, where not, that the radioac- tive source consisted of not one but a complex of active elements, In 1909 experiment revealed that the exponential absorption law was incorrect (Be). A new approach was therefore introduced: bend the B-rays magnetically, measure their spectra photographically. Result: B-spectra were now found not to be monochromatic but to consist of discrete lines (8f). In 1912-13 these discrete spectra were studied by various groups. All those engaged were unaware that they were laying the foundations of nuclear spectroscopy (8g). ‘The change came in 1914 when Chadwick tackled the problem with a third technique: magnetic bending but detection with counters. His conclusions: first, there is a continuous B-spectrum; secondly, superimposed discrete lines do exist but photographie detection vastly overrates their intensity (8h). The next question was: is the continuous spectrum primary or secondary? The latter view had its proponents who argued for a primary line spectrum washed out in part by secondary effects such as scattering, The debate lasted until 1927 when a difficult and crucial calorimetric experiment revealed a ‘most profound result: the primary spectrum is continuous (14c). 12 PURPOSE AND PLAN I now leave B-decay for a while and turn to questions of atomic and nuclear structure, ‘The structure of matter is largely determined from the structure of spectra, be they of molecules, atoms, nuclei, or fundamental particles. It is fitting therefore to have a look back at the very beginnings of quantitative spectral analysis, dating from the early 1860s and associated with such names as Kirchhoff, Bunsen, Angstrim, and Pliicker (9b1). Already then a few frequen- cies in the spectrum of atomic hydrogen were known to an accuracy of one part in 5000. It had also become clear that a spectrum serves as a visiting card for specific types of atoms and hence can serve asa diagnostic for new elements. The search for spectral regularities began not long thereafter, the most memorable result being Balmer's formula (1885) for hydrogen (9b2). Balmer, incidentally, wrote only three physics papers in his life. The first two made him immortal; the third was wrong. Spectra signified that atoms had to have structure, as Maxwell had been among the first to emphasize (9b1), It is therefore not surprising that the search for atomic models began quite early, long before the discovery of the electron (9b). Many and varied were models containing electrons, invented after that particle had been found (9¢). ‘The great problem with electron madels was that they were unstable if the electrons were initially considered at rest. So, Thomson decreed, let them rotate in their positive background. That (he showed) improves stability (9c3), And if there is residual instability could that not explain the expulsion of B-electrons (9¢2)? Rotation causes a new form of instability, however, which appeared beyond explanation: rotating electrons lose energy by radiation. ‘To the small band of those engaged in these speculations it all seemed very confusing. Thomson does not appear to have been daunted, however (9c6). The first important step in the right direction was also made by Thomson. Analyzing experiments such as X-ray absorption he concluded (1906) that the number of electrons inside an atom is very much smaller than initially ted (96), Then where does the atom’s mass come from? Re-enter Rutherford, the only physicist ever to do his greatest work after receiving his Nobel Prize, in 1908. The previous year he had moved from Montreal to Manchester. It was there that (1909) two of his coworkers found that a-particles impinging on a variety of elements showed a most amazing propensity for ‘hard scattering’, that is for being deflected by large angles (9d), We next witness Rutherford engaging in theoretical physics, an activity on which he held lifelong views which, shall we say, were dim. (‘How can a fellow sit down at a table and calculate something that would take me, me, six months to measure in a laboratory?"?) Be that as it may, in 1911 he announced the reason for hard scattering: itis due to the a-particle’s deflection by the ‘central charge’, the nucleus, in which nearly all the atomic mass is concentrated (9d). In the words of the calypso: the atom is full of empty. 1895-1945: A HISTORY 13 The advent of the nucleus did not cause any immediate sensation. Initially Rutherford himself was reticent about his seminal discovery and barely men- tioned it in the new edition (October 1912) of his book on radioactivity. ‘It wasas if... there were a lingering suspicion in Rutherford's mind that [these ideas] were not at that time sufficiently well proven to qualify for inclusion in a student's textbook.” Two years later, however, he spoke forcefully of the nucleus. In his work on a-scattering Rutherford properly treated the influence of atomic electrons as negligible. The next question was how to link the electrons with the nucleus. That marriage was consecrated by Niels Bohr. His theory of the hydrogen atom (9e6) forged the firet link (9e1) between dynamics and the quantum of action. ‘The Rutherford~Bohr model of the atom established the first solid twentieth- century beachhead in the theory of the structure of matter. ‘The gap between bewildering new phenomena and their interpretation began to close, slowly; accordingly the pace of the present narrative begins to quicken (10.6). Thus only discuss (9e6) that part of Bohr’s 1913 trilogy which deals with the hydrogen atom, with only brief additional remarks on a variety of other items: the early response to Bohr's theory (10.1); the new paradoxes it posed, notably in regard to causality (10.2); the serious difficulties encountered in explaining the next simplest atom, helium (10.4); Sommerfeld’s theory of fine structure (10.3); the first introduction of quantum selection rules (10.3). Finally I comment on the change in the cast of characters (10.5). Meanwhile the young science of nuclear physics was making its first healthy strides. In 1912 Rutherford had recognized a-decay to be a nuclear phenomenon but believed B- and y-decay to be due to ‘instability of the electronic distribution’ (9d). In 1913 Bohr noted that the latter, too, were of nuclear origin (11b). Isotopes were recognized (Ile). It became clear that atomic number and nuclear charge are two independent parameters (11d). The periodic table, dating from about 1870 (11a), came to be vastly better under- stood, especially as a result of successful interpretation of X-ray spectra (11d), Binding energy was added to the list of nuclear parameters (11) After remarks on the role of physicists during the First World War (11g), I turn to the four-part paper of 1919 by Rutherford, Sir Ernest by then (11h). For present purposes its major interest lies in his announcernent that his earlier theory of a-nucleus scattering breaks down for light nuclei. That last effect stirred much debate. In 1921 it was stated for the first time that these deviations showed the effect of ‘new forces with very great intensity’: the first hints of strong interactions had been discerned (11h). Along with all this progress the seeds of serious confusion were sown (1913) when the first picture of nuclear constituents made its appearance: sufficient protons to account for mass, combined with sufficient electrons to account for charge (11e). It was so natural, yet so wrong. Quantum mechanics was to show that this model leads to a series of paradoxes, 14 PURPOSE AND PLAN Relativity theory and quantum mechanics, the two most excellent achievements in the physics of our century, provide the framework for the entire theory of matter and forces as it has evolved during the last sixty years. In the present synopsis I have already passed without fanfare the years 1905 of the birth of special relativity and 1915 when general relativity reached its present form. Nor shall I now or hereafter return in any detail to these events, the reason being that, as well as I could, I have already dealt with the evolution of relativity in another book” that I regard as a companion volume to the present one. I have no such excuse, however, in regard to 1925, the year of birth of quantum mechanics. As the writing of this book proceeded to that period, I found myself therefore in a quandary. I could neither treat that subject with the respect it deserves nor dispense with it in a few mellifluous phrases without thereby throwing the entire enterprise out of balance. I therefore decided upon a chapter ‘Quantum mechanics, an essay’, in which I touch on some highlights while stressing already in its title that it is not remotely the intent to treat the subject in depth. ‘This essay begins with a survey of the status of physics in the spring of 1925 (12a), continues with comments on the transition from the old quantum theory to the new mechanics (12b) and provides a chronology of main events during 1925-7 (12c), whereafter the origins of the probability interpretation of quantum mechanics are discussed in slightly more detail. Finally, it is noted that 1925 once again brought about a change in cast of principal participants (12e). ‘The remaining chapters of Part I deal with two main and partially interwoven themes: the evolution of relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, and further developments in nuclear physics. Quantum theory before 1925, the old quantum theory, was part craft part art, Old first principles had been found wanting, new ones had not yet been discovered. It is impressive to note how many of the ad hoc rules of those early days, invented to encode experimental regularities, could eventually be incorporated in quantum mechanics. The ease of the anomalous Zeeman effect provides an excellent example, As I turn to this topic I am reminded once again of Macaulay's warning to be sparing with truths. Thus from among developments of equal importance I discuss only the anomalous Zeeman effect, the magnetic splittings of spectral lines that do not follow Lorentz’ predictions, since that choice provides the natural starting point for the road to the exclusion principle (13b), the discovery of spin (I3e), and Dirac’s discovery of his equation for the electron (13e), one of the marvels of modern physics. ‘The evolution from anomalous Zeeman effect to Dirac equation straddles the old and the new quantum theory. The same is true for quantum statistics, the foundations of which were laid between 1924 and 1926, when Dirac established the link between statistics and symmetries of wave functions (13d). ‘The latter property was also the spur to the first introduction in quantum 1895-1945: A HISTORY 15 mechanics of group theoretical methods (132). Later a profound connection was discovered between spin and statistics (20c3). The stage is now set for an account of the history of relativistic quantum field theory, briefly referred to as field theory in the next few pages. This is 4 central topic of this book. The first stage of field theory, known as quantum electrodynamics, deals with the extension of quantum rules for mechanical systems to electromagnetic fields. The systematic foundation of quantum electrodynamics begins (1927) with two papers by Dirac (15c). ‘The technical description of particles and fields now begins to show a distinct and steady increase in mathematical complexity (15a). In Dirac’s words (1931): The steady progress of physics requires for its theoretical formulations a mathematics that gets continually more advanced.” ‘As can be expected, he had chosen a fitting occasion for that statement. It is found in his paper on magnetic monopoles, a contribution that would be recognized much later as the first application of global topology to physics.* Monopoles are an example of a subject I shall not discuss in spite of its interest, true to my intent of staying away from topics where theory and experiment have not yet met. At the root of these higher demands on ‘mathematical technology’ lies the difficult question, by no means resolved to this day: how to satisfy simul- taneously the demands of relativity and of quantum mechanics. It took grown men like Heisenberg and Pauli a year of their lives before they found the answer for quantum electrodynamics. In their final proof the newly discovered principle of gauge invariance played an important role (15e). Treturn to Dirae’s equation for the electron, which was both a grand success and, so it initially seemed, a source of serious trouble: it appeared to have too many solutions. Two years of confusion then followed until Dirac showed (1929) that these extra solutions could be associated with the existence of a particle as yet unseen, the positron, with mass equal to and charge equal and opposite to that of the electron. This prediction and the subsequent discovery of the positron (15f) rank among the great triumphs of modern physics. The relationship between electron and positron is sometimes referred to as the relation between matter and antimatter, That terminology is well and good as long as it is borne in mind that antimatter is as much matter as matter is matter. ‘As we now move into the 1930s, physics in America begins to take an important share in the further evolution of field theory (16b). During this next phase quantum electrodynamics proved to be both an evident success and an apparent failure. * See Ref.23 fora few useful introductory papers that also contain further guidance tothe literature. 16 PURPOSE AND PLAN This is what happened. Neither then nor now can one give exact solutions of the quantum electrodynamic equations, Almost invariably one uses the approximation procedure of solving the equations, step by step, in a perturba- tive expansion in powers of the dimensionless number a = 7/he (¢ = charge of the electron, ¢ = velocity of light). This approximation procedure looks like a sensible approach since @ is small, about 1/137. Suceess: to the lowest approximation in a the theoretical pre invariably quite close to the corresponding measurements, including such ‘new’ processes as the creation and annihilation of electron-positron pairs (16d1). Failure: the contributions to these same effects to higher ‘approximations’ in @ are invariably found to be infinitely large. Small numbers, powers of a, appear multiplied by integrals that are infinite. Hence the predicament of the thirties: how can a theory be essentially correct when treated approximately, yet fail when treated more rigorously? Some believed that the cure would come by first modifying the classical theory in such a way that this revised version would behave better when subjected to the rules of quantum mechanics (16e). That was not to be the way. The germs of the next advance, the procedure called renormalization (the term dates from 1936 (16d4)) were vaguely discerned already in the 1930s. In Part I] we shall see what renormali it did in the 1940s: to show that quantum electrodynamics is much healthier than was believed earlier, in fact that it is the best field theory we have to date. The atomic nucleus, when last heard of, was supposed to comprise protons and electrons. Two decades went by before this model was ultimately aban- doned. That period divides into three phases. The first of these (1913-25) is pre-quantum mechanical. Without any backing of theory to speak of, there developed a minor industry of comparing nuclear data with models built of subunits, «-particles, and others, themselves considered to be electron-proton composites. One of Rutherford’s coworkers delivered himself of the following opinion” about those efforts: “The subject has offered a vast field for what the Germans call Arithmetische Spielereien [playing games with arithmetic) which serve rather to entertain the players than to advance knowledge. On this delicate point it is easy to say too much’. Serious theory began when quantum mechanics confronted the nucleus. This second phase is marked by some successes (14a) but above all by the emergence of a series of paradoxes, every one of them consequences of the presumption that electrons are nuclear constituents (14b). As these structure problems were causing increasing puzzlement, another and, it seemed, quite independent mystery was beginning to draw attention: why are B-spectra continuous? 1895-1945: A HISTORY 7 ‘Two new particles were needed for the resolution of these many difficulties. The neutrino, emitted in B-decay along with the electron, causes the latter to have a continuous spectrum. The neutron solves the structure problems. The third phase of the proton-electron model concerns the years 1932-4, immediately following the discovery of the neutron, during which we witness the gradual expulsion of the electron as nuclear constituent. Itis imperative for an understanding of the years 1929-34 to be aware that at that time one was looking for a common cure for both the structure and the B-problems (14d1), It began with Bohr who read in this complex of mysteries signals for a breakdown of the laws of quantum mechanics, in particular of energy conservation (14d3), an idea he finally abjured in 1936 (1445). That was the second time he had questioned that conservation law (1442). Then came Pauli’s neutrino hypothesis (which I found first mentioned in a letter by Heisenberg (14d4)). This daring idea, too, was initially conceived as a common cure: the nucleus was briefly believed to have three constituents, protons, electrons, and neutrinos (14d4). Once again we enter the thirties, the decade not only of travail in field theory (as noted earlier) but also of a great flowering of nuclear physics. At the Cavendish, Cockcroft and Walton observed the first instance of a nuclear process produced by a beam of accelerated particles (protons) (17b). At Berkeley, Lawrence went into action as the builder of the first cyclotrons, and as teacher of a generation that would lead major laboratories after World War II (17b). Cosmic rays, known for two decades (17b), were used by Anderson and his group in discovering the positron and the first meson (17g3). The discoveries of the deuteron (17b), the heavy isotope of hydrogen, of the positron and of the neutron (17a) were made within a period of two months. Unstable isotopes that decay with positron emission were discovered (17a). Now to the third phase of the proton-electron model. Why did one not at once get rid of electrons as nuclear constituents and simply say: nuclei are made of protons and neutrons? Because it was initially believed by many that the neutron itself was a proton-electron composite (17d). Why this tenacity? Because one still did not see how in B-processes electrons could come out of nuclei without being in there in the first place. It was Fermi’ great contribution toapply field theory to B-decay (17¢3) and to assert that electrons and neutrinos are created in the very act of B-disintegration. Only after that had sunk in did it finally become clear that neutrons are neither less nor more elementary than protons, Fermi’s paper on B-decay, a major document full of novelty, provided the basis for further elaboration of A-decay theory (17e4); and for the first calculations of high energy neutrino scattering (171); all this in the 1930s. Evidently theorists had grown comfortable with the neutrino even though there was as yet no direct evidence for its existence—a situation unique in 18 PURPOSE AND PLAN the history of particle physics. A Royal Society discussion” held in 1937 conveys the attitude then current: “There can be no two opinions about the practical utility of the neutrino hypothesis .,. but ... until clear experimental evidence for the existence of the neutrino could be obtained ... the neutrino must remain purely hypothetical . .. The detailed theory ascribes to (the neutrino] . .. a free path in matter so great that failure to detect any evidence of interaction between neutrino and matter is no evidence against its existence’. It would not be until 1956 that intense neutrino fluxes generated by a nuclear reactor made it possible to observe neutrinos interacting with matter away from their points of creation (21cl). ‘The Fermi theory of 1934 also contains the first clue to the existence of the W-boson (Ziel). Fermi’s theory is one of three developments in the thirties that set the stage for the postwar era. The other two are: the first appearance of ‘isospin’, an attribute that is manifest only at nuclear and subnuclear levels (17d, 17f); and the first attempts, initiated by Yukawa (17g2), to associate nuclear forces with fields, By analogy with the electrodynamics of charged particles as well as, photons, these new theories deal with nuclear forces and mesons. A world war had to intervene before it became clear that the first meson predicted was, not the first meson observed. Here the history ends. Next, the memoir. (©) The postwar years: a memoir Memoir .. . 3. A record of events, not purporting to be a complete history, but treating of such matters as come within the personal knowledge of the writer, or are obtained from certain particular sources of information. Oxford English Dictionary Right after war's end the physics of particles and fields took a sharp turn rather than continuing on earlier trodden paths. There is an almost abrupt sense of novelty, in regard to instrumentation, new styles of cooperative experimental venture, discoveries of new forms of matter, and evolution of new theoretical methods. During the war several experimentalists had been pondering how to reach energies well beyond the range of 10-20 MeV that had been attained with the cyclotrons of the late thirties (19a). It was known already then” that eyclotrons cannot serve that purpose because of complications caused by the influence of relativity on the motion of high velocity particles. ‘These effects were rendered harmless in the design of a new generation of accelerators aimed at achieving higher energies, either for electrons or for protons (and deuterons ‘THE POSTWAR YEARS: A MEMOIR 19 and a-particles). Several of these were operational before the forties were over: betatrons, synchrotrons, weak focussing synchrocyclotrons (19). By 1950 beams of protons with energies of several hundred MeV were available at a number of laboratories. In 1953 the first synchrotron (the Cosmotron), producing protons in the GeV region, was ready for experimentation. Thus during the first postwar decade, energies had been driven up by a factor of over a hundred. All that cost money, a lot of money, That demanded tapping new financial resources. The first of these was the United States military establishment, which had developed a benevolent attitude toward the scientific community because of its role in developing radar and the atomic bomb. Luis Alvarez told me: ‘Right after the war we had a blank check from the military because we had been so successful. Had it been otherwise we would have been villains. As it was we never had to worry about money’. The first military contributions to pure physics were authorized over the signature of General Groves, head of the Manhattan Project (19a). Meanwhile it had become evident that further progress in particle physics, and other areas as well, demanded moneys that no single university could provide. As a result consortia were founded for the purpose of jointly administering new facilities, funding to be provided by a government, or governments. The activities of the first of these groups led to the establishment of Brookhaven National Laboratory in 1946. Others fol- lowed, In Western Europe, CERN began its official existence in 1954, governed by a multinational council. The Dubna Laboratory in the Soviet Union was another of the early international ventures. Thus came into being a number of centers that by the late fifties housed accelerators with energies ranging up to 10 GeV (192). In regard to developments in the United States, it has often struck me as a curious coincidence that experience gained during the war served to prepare scientists, as it were, for dealing with high-cost projects demanding joint efforts at just about the time these factors became indispensable to the continuation of pure research in several areas. Also before the war science could have profited from more funds, to be sure, yet the natural scientific scope of the enterprise at that time made it possible to keep research moving in single university context. That was out of the question after 1945, Once, years later, when I discussed these questions with I. I, Rabi, he said to me: ‘You people were fortunate to be the grandchildren of the atomic bomb and the children of Sputnik’. I shall turn shortly to the important advances which by 1953 had resulted from experiments t accelerators but comment first on the fundamental insights gained from cosmic ray studies during that same period, In 1911 an experiment performed in a meadow (now a parking lot) in the city of Vienna had given intimations of rays coming from the skies (17b). ‘These early hints were confirmed when detection equipment was sent aloft 20 PURPOSE AND PLAN attached to balloons, first manned, then unmanned. Detailed study of proper- ties of these cosmic rays (so named by Millikan in 1925) had to await further evolution of detection techniques. The first cosmic ray observations made with cloud chambers date from the late twenties. ‘The discovery of cosmic ray particles with individual energies at least in the billion eV range was made in the early thirties (17b). The first picture of a cosmic ray positron track was recognized in 1931 by putting a cloud chamber in a magnetic field (15f). The further addition of counter-controlled chamber expansion devices, introduced shortly afterward, led to the discovery of cosmic ray showers (17b). The detection of a meson had been the last major prewar discovery in cosmic rays (17g3). Also from that period dates the first evidence that this meson had properties which were hard to reconcile with those of the particle postulated by Yukawa: its lifetime appeared tobe much longer and its scattering much weaker than the theory predicted (18b). Such was the state of affairs when the Second World War broke out. It was only in 1946 that it became known how bad the situation really was: the negatively-charged cosmic ray meson’s absorption by atomic nuclei is ten to twelve orders of magnitude weaker than theoretically expected (18b), Within a year another cosmic ray experiment brought clarification, The cosmic ray meson, since called muon (11), is not identical with Yukawa’s ‘meson, since called pion (77). Rather, the unstable jz is a weakly-interacting decay product of the even less stable but strongly-interacting 7, a state of affairs anticipated by several theorists (18b). ‘The discovery of the muon in 1947 marks the beginning of a new and as. yet unfinished chapter in the story of the structure of matter. Recall the harvest of particles up to that year: electron, proton, neutron, one meson, photon, one conjectured neutrino. Quite a collection but, as noted before, there was still hope that these fundamental particles might be sufficient for understanding the structure of all matter and the nature of all forces. Protons and neutrons form nuclei held together by the force field of ‘the’ meson. Electrons and nuclei form atoms held together by the electromagnetic field whose quanta are the photons. f-decay was describable in terms of electron-neutrino emission. One did not know then, nor does one now, why, 80 to speak, these particles are there, why their masses stand in the ratios they do, why forces have the strengths they do. Nevertheless one could still entertain the hope that those six particles and those three forces, along with gravitation, would tell the whole story. The arrival of the 1 was a clear harbinger, however, of greater complexity. What else was the muon good for other than being the pion’s favorite decay product? Even now, when we know much more about the properties of muons, have grouped them with electrons and neutrinos in a particle family called leptons (18a), and have recognized a new law, lepton conservation (20c¢), the muon continues to remind us how little we understand of nature's particles. For that reason physicists have long since dropped the epithet ‘fundamental’, and prefer to speak of particles tout court. ‘THE POSTWAR YEARS: A MEMOIR 2 I interrupt the account of cosmic ray physics with acomment ona theoretical development to which the muon gave rise. Soon after its discovery it was found that both its decay and its absorption can be described by an interaction quite similar to the one introduced by Fermi for B-decay. In particular it turned out that these three interactions, collectively called weak interactions (this collection would be added to in later years), have a common strength, a property since known as the universality of weak interactions (20c4), The universality concept, dating from about 1948, contains the second clue to the existence of the W-boson (21el). Now back to the cosmic rays, The year 1947 was not over before the existence of still further new particles was announced, discovered once again in cosmic radiation (20a). It may truly be said that they came out of the blue, there had not been the slightest indication for the new layer of matter they presaged. These objects, initially calléd V-particles, were rare, slow in coming, and did not all at once cause widespread excitement. ‘That changed in the 1950s. Cosmic ray data, still small in number, revealed (20a) that V-particles come in a variety of forms: a new brand of mesons heavier than the 7, called K-mesons, and ‘hyperons’, particles heavier than the neutron and (hence) the proton, the latter two having meanwhile been given (18a) the collective name nucleon. Later the initial definition of hyperons in terms of mass range only turned out to be inadequate, since we now know that there are mesons heavier than the nucleon, so that ‘meson’ can be added to the list of oxymorons with which physics abounds. More specifically a hyperon is a half integer spin particle heavier than the nucleon. Hyperons and nucleons are now collectively called baryons (20a). ‘The announcement in 1953 (20a) that V-particles had been detected in an accelerator experiment marked the beginning of the end of a heroic period in cosmic ray physics, A few years later data on hyperons and K-mesons began to pour out of the accelerator laboratories at a rate with which the relatively very low cosmic ray intensities could not compete (20a). Cosmic ray physics continues to be fit and healthy, however, and is bound, sooner or later, to produce further fundamental novelty. Cosmic rays, like the accelerators men- tioned so far, are fixed target devices: a beam hits target at rest. Arrangements of this kind compete unfavorably with colliders (to be discussed below) in producing high effective energies, Nevertheless even colliders are far from competing with the highest cosmic ray energies, which extend beyond 10" GeV. ‘Are there important experiments which are, and will remain, unique to cosmic ray investigations?” The particle fluxes at these ultra-high energies are exceedingly low, yet the cosmic ray physicists and astrophysicist may well have the last laugh. Let us now turn to the physics produced by accelerators. Bringing a new accelerator to life almost invariably demands refinement, modification, if not complete overhaul of detection techniques. An early example is the first observation of artificially made charged pions. These had

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