Introduction of EFT

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Introduction of EFT


Emotional Freedom Techniques is

an Energy Psychology process
developed by Gary Craig that works
with the mind-body energy system
to (often totally) eliminate
all kinds of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual discomfort.

Described as "emotional acupuncture,"

it is one of the most effective ways
to balance the body's energy system that I have experienced.

EFT has been proven clinically effective

as a simple yet powerful way of
releasing fears, phobias, anxieties, angers, addictions,
and all kinds of emotional and physical issues.

This is a new paradigm in healing

because it no longer takes months or years of therapy
and boxes of tissues to resolve problems.

With EFT,
specific issues can often be dissolved
in minutes — forever!

The beauty of EFT is

that ANYONE can learn
how to apply it on themselves.

And since it is known worldwide,

you can easily find a practitioner to work with you.
Even mental health professionals and doctors are discovering EFT!

if you have a serious health issue,
use EFT or any other self-help technique with common sense.
And check with your personal physician or counselor
before discontinuing any medications.

EFT is based on the discovery by Dr. Roger Callahan

that emotional discomfort is caused
by a disruption in the mind/body energy system.

Dr. Callahan combined ancient wisdom (acupuncture)

with modern techniques (kineseology)
and developed Thought Field Therapy (TFT).

Gary Craig was trained by Dr. Callahan

and then streamlined TFT into Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

While tapping on acupressure points along meridians,

or pathways of energy throughout the body,
and being tuned in to a specific problem
or issue, the mind/body energy system is "straightened out,"
and the energy becomes available so we can heal.

Whether this is really how EFT works or not,

the proof is in the pudding!
More often than not,
the specific physical or emotional pain being addressed
dissolves completely and permanently.

Even when you are just learning the mechanics of this process,
you will feel EFT" take the edge off" of your problem.

We have been consistently astonished at the results of EFT,

and now invite YOU to experience the miracle!


This invaluable tool is a perfect addition to any healing practice.

Many professionals easily incorporate EFT into their specific modalities.

I have personally taught EFT

to physicians, nurses, alternative health care providers,
psychologists and psychiatrists, therapists,
dentists, chiropractors, nutritionists, mental health counselors,
social workers, educators, hypnotherapists, massage therapists,
reflexologists, Reiki Masters, spiritual/energy healers,
ministers, teachers, parents,
and people who are simply interested in EFT for themselves.

Anyone interested in helping themselves or others benefits from EFT.

Lots of people use EFT and
I am continually receiving testimonials
on how it is "more than 110% effective."

An elderly gentleman experiencing neuropathy

used EFT to totally eliminate his leg pain.

A high level executive

used EFT to dissolve anxieties about making group presentations.

And a mother used EFT to calm her child's food sensitivities.

Most people experience relief and relaxation the first time they try it,
while others need a little more practice.

EFT is still in the experimental stage

and does not work 100% of the time (what does?).
It is especially effective when addressing a SPECIFIC issue.

At the very least,

EFT offers a new level of health and happiness
without drugs, needles or negative side effects!

My best advice? Try it on anything!

Please contact myself or another qualified professional
for a jump-start session!


EFT Can Provide Relief From:

 Addictive Cravings, including food, cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs

 Allergies, including food, environmental, even unknown

 Anger

 Anxiety and Panic Attacks

 Breathing Difficulties

 Children's Issues, including bedwetting

 Compulsions and Obsessions

 Depression and Sadness

 Dyslexia

 Fears and Phobias, including fear of public speaking, fear of heights,

fear of flying, and fear of rejection

 Grief, Loss and Love Pain

 Guilt

 Habits such as Nail Biting

 Insomnia

 Negative Memories

 Nightmares

 Pain& Symptom Management, including fibromyalgia, arthritis,

headaches, back & neck pain, carpel tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff
pain, and TMJ

 Physical Trauma

 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

 Procrastination

 Sexual Abuse Issues

 Side Effects from Medications, including neuropathy and rosacea

 Stress

 Stomach Problems

Use EFT To Enhance:

 Concentration

 Confidence
 Emotional Control

 Healing & Recovery

 Job, School & Sports Performance

 Financial Security

 Relationships

 Relaxation

 Self-Image and Self-Esteem



Identify a SPECIFIC emotional or physical problem or issue.

Focus on and name the emotion you are feeling,
such as "anger," "guilt," or "sadness."

If you cannot name the specific feeling,

just call it "this emotion," or "this problem."

Physical pain and discomfort can also be treated with EFT™.

Simply describe the problem as
this "sinus headache," "lower back pain," or "arthritispain in my left knee."
Next, rate the INTENSITY of the problem on a scale from 0 to 10,
with 10 being the most intense
and zero being no intensity at all.

This scale from 0-10 is called the SUDs (Subjective Units of Disorder)
and is used throughout the EFT™ procedure.


These charts are available in HTML and PDF format. Feel free to print these
charts for distribution as long as you do not: 1) sell them in any, and 2)
Keep our contact information on them

There are two parts to The Setup:

 Repeat a Setup Statement 3X while...

 Continuously rubbing the Sore Spot or tapping

the Karate Chop Point.

The SETUP STATEMENT follows the format of

acknowledging that you have a problem and
then affirming self-acceptance.

The default Setup Statement is,

"Even though I have this problem, I deeply and

completely accept myself." Examples include,

"Even though I have this sinus headache, I deeply

and completely accept myself," and

"Even though I have this anger, I deeply and

completely accept myself."

It doesn't matter whether you believe the affirmation or not, just say it.
And it's more effective to emphasize the words "deeply and completely."

To find the SORE SPOT, place two fingertips in the hollow of your neck.
Then go straight down the chest about three inches, then over to either side
three inches. This spot may be a little sore. If it's really sore, rub the other
side of the chest or tap the Karate Chop Point.

The KARATE CHOP POINT is the fleshy part of the hand below the
outside of the little finger, the area that is contacted when you make
a karatechop motion on the side of a table. Tap on that spot with two
fingers of your dominant hand while repeating the setup statement three
times. Either the Karate Chop Point or the Sore Spot may be used during
The Setup.

Perform the Tapping Sequence by tapping about five times on each of

the points listed below (see chart) while repeating a Reminder Phrase and
focusing on the problem. The best Reminder Phrase is a few word
description about the the emotion or problem named in the Setup
Statement. Begin tapping at the Eyebrow Point and follow the Chart from
top to bottom, finishing with the Karate Chop Point.

 EB = Eyebrow

 SE = Side of Eye

 UE = Under Eye

 UN = Under Nose

 CH = Chin
 CB = Collarbone

 UA = Under Arm

 TH = Side of Thumbnail

 IF = Side of Index Finger Nail

 MF = Side of Middle Finger Nail

 LF = Side of Little Finger Nail

 KC = Karate Chop Point

You can tap on points on either side of the body, you can even change
sides during the sequence. Tap just enough to stimulate the energy; don't
tap hard enough to harm yourself.


The 9 Gamut Procedure is a brain-balancing exercise

that involves eye movements, humming, and counting.
Always follow the 9 Gamutwith another round of tapping
as this adds efficiency to EFT™ and hastens progress. The
9 Gamut does not always need to be included in the
process. However, if you do not get relief from the first
two steps of EFT™, then include the 9 Gamut followed by
another round of tapping.

First, locate the Gamut Point on the back of the hand by making a fist
and drawing a triangle back from the knuckles at the base of the baby finger
and ring finger. The depression in the middle of this triangle is known as
the Gamut Point (see Chart). Keep your mind tuned to the problem, tap on
the Gamut Point continuosly, look straight ahead and:

 Close eyes

 Open Eyes
 Lookdown to the floor to the right
(keep head steady)

 Lookdown to the floor to the left

(head steady)

 Roll your eyes around in a circle

 Roll eyes in the opposite direction

 Hum 5 seconds of a song (such as Happy Birthday)

 Count from 1 to 5

 Hum 5 seconds of a song again.


Tap about five times on each of the following points while repeating a
Reminder Phrase and focusing on the problem:

 EB = Eyebrow

 SE = Side of Eye

 UE = Under Eye

 UN = Under Nose

 CH = Chin

 CB = Collarbone

 UA = Under Arm

 TH = Side of Thumbnail

 IF = Side of Index Finger Nail

 MF = Side of Middle Finger Nail

 LF = Side of Little Finger Nail

 KC = Karate Chop Point

Once a full round of EFT™ is complete, take a deep breath and focus on
the emotion or physical problem you were addressing. Rate the intensity of
the ORIGINAL problem or issue on the to 10 scale. Then compare this
number with the original rating before you began EFT™. You will either feel
COMPLETE relief, PARTIAL relief, or NO relief.

If you have COMPLETE RELIEF, you experienced, in a few moments, the

power of EFT™! On the conservative side, a few more rounds of tapping
may help the effectiveness of the process and ensure that the original
problem won't return.

When there is PARTIAL RELIEF in the level of intensity, the REMAINDER

of the problem needs to be addressed with another round or so of EFT™. In
the subsequent rounds, it is important to adjust the Setup Statement and
the Reminder Phrase to address the rest of the emotion or feeling. Use
wording similar to, "Even though I STILL have SOME of this problem, I
deeply and completely accept myself," during the Setup Statement. Then
repeat, "This REMAINING problem," during the Tapping Sequence. Do as
many rounds of EFT™ as necessary until the intensity of your problem is a

If you experience NO RELIEF after a few rounds of tapping, follow

the TIPS AND HINTS below.


The Basic EFT Recipe is a powerful device, about 80% effective for
everything - across the board.

Believe me, I have been using EFT since 1998 for myself and others -
for a large variety of issues - with wonderful results.
Of course, sometimes we experience those "one minute miracles." It
seems just getting the energy flowing through the body clears up many
issues instantly.

Still, sometimes people seem to remain stuck even after minutes, or

hours, of EFT. When you know how to handle impediments - or better yet
begin viewing these impediments as road signs telling you what you need to
clear to get where you want to go - EFT will be even more effefctive.


One of the most common errors made by EFT™ newcomers is using

broad labels for problems and then being discouraged with the result.

Such issues such as "I don't have good relationships," "I can't lose
weight," or "My father always abused me" may seem specific but are
actually very general, or global.

Finding SPECIFICS for each of these problems brings up separate

ASPECTS that are contributing to the issue.

These aspects can be treated and eliminated one by one until the entire
foundation supporting the issue collapses.

For example, one might say "Even though I have this feeling of
inadequacy in relationships, I deeply and completely accept myself," might
prove more helpful that "Even though I have a pattern of bad relationships."

When working with weight issues, you can address certain urges or
unhealthy eating patterns, or even the anxiety underlying the weight

And "Even though I have this anger about my father embarrassing me

at my 15th birthday party," will clear up that issue quicker than "Even
though my father abused me."

Often seeing progress with specific aspects provides incentive to keep

working on the issue.


Aspects sometimes may seem like apparent impediments because they

seem to impedeprogress.
Sometimes as we treat an emotion, another aspect of the same
problem arises.

Each aspect is a new portion of the problem that needs addressing

before complete relief.

Be aware of switching aspects!

Sometimes, when tapping on pain, for example, the pain may

have diminished but soreness or tightness remains in its place.

The soreness or stiffness is another aspect that needs to be addressed

separately of the pain.

When emotions or aspects change, keep tapping and change the Setup
Statement and Reminder Phrase to reflect the new emotion, or aspect.


Whether working with a specific aspect or with a general

issue, persistence is sometimes the key to success.

Although you may see "instant" success with EFT™ with some issues,
many times creativity and patience are the difference between failure and

The key to real success is to get the issue to a 0, not just stop at a 2 or
a 3.

Be flexible, follow emotions or pains as they change during a session as

this is often symbolic of new aspects or issues needing treatment during a

Asking "What does this remind you of?" "When was the first time you
felt like this?" or even "What in your life is a pain in your neck?" (when
treating neck pain) often brings up aspects that are contributing to the

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