Primary School
Primary School
Primary School
A Study on
Government Primary Education in Dhaka City
January 2002
Taleya Rehman
Executive Director
Rafayet Ara, Roksana Gulshan and Mansura Akhter
Democracywatch Training Programme (DTP)
Research Team
Overall Supervision
Farzana Mahbub
Research Associate, Research And Social Survey Unit
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
3. Research Methodology
5. Case Studies
6. Recommendations
8. Appendices
A Study on Government Primary Education in Dhaka City
1. Introduction
Education is one of the major indicators of socio-economic development of a country. All sorts
of development of a nation are highly related with the percentage of educated population. It is the
backbone of a nation. Education at primary level is the prime ingredient of human resource
development. This education imparts from early childhood.
According to the UNO, a person aged 18 years or less is termed as a Child. In Bangladesh it
is 16 or less.
The education that facilitates the children of 6-11 years age group to amplify their mental
behavior and attitude is called Primary Education. This primary education is the fundamental of all
education (Source: Universalizing Quality Primary Education In Bangladesh by Jalaluddin K. A. and
Chowdhury R. M. Mustafa).
But in this country, access to all kinds of education is still a ‘chance’ not yet ‘rights’. The
system, quality, and advancement of education are not enhanced according to the need of general
people. According to the Child Education and Literacy Survey 1997, conducted by the Primary and
Mass Education Division, the overall literacy rate of 7 years or above in Bangladesh is about 47.3
percent (female 41.5 percent and male 50.6 percent). The gap between urban and rural areas is very
significant, rural 41 percent and urban 59.9 percent. The reasons of lower literacy rate in rural areas
are poverty, lack of awareness, lack of interest in education and superstition. Though the rate of
education is higher in urban areas, this is limited within the higher and middle-income group.
A joint study of Asian Development Bank and Planning Commission, GoB in 1995-96 revealed
that 61.3 percent of urban population is below poverty line and out of them 40.2 percent are staying
below the hard-core poverty line. As a result the poor families are more willing to engage their children
in jobs rather than sending to school. Consequently in Bangladesh the literacy rate has not increased
to its’ expected level.
The GoB is one of the signatories of the declaration of World Conference on Education for All
held in ‘Jomtien’, Thailand in March 1990 where primary education has been made compulsory for all
as a step to increase literacy rate. This program came into effect in 1993. Primary and Mass
Education Division and Non-Formal Education Directorate under the Ministry of Education were
established in 1995.
During the 4th five-year plan, steps were taken for improvement of primary education and
introduction of Compulsory Primary Education (CEP). The allocation for primary education was Tk.
14,281.68 million. However, the actual expense was Tk. 20,307.40 million. In the Annual Development
Program (ADP), allocation for the primary education was 50-52 percent of the total allocation of the
educational sector. Table A, B and C shows the allocation and expenses, number of government and
non-government primary schools and enrollment of students in 1990-95.
Table A
Allocation and Expenditure for Primary Education, 1990-95
Year Allocation * Expenditure * Allocation ** Expenditure **
1990-91 1,939.16 888.78 1,804.34 826.99
1991-92 3,445.73 1,885.49 3,059.07 1,673.91
1992-93 3,957.76 3,401.96 3,394.01 2,917.38
1993-94 6,285.87 5,817.59 5,315.14 4,919.18
1994-95 8,587.96 8,313.58 7,316.88 7,083.12
Total 24,216.48 20,307.4 20,889.44 17,420.58
Source: 4th Five-year Plan (1990-95), GoB
* Current Prices
** Constant Price (1989-90)
Table B
Number of Government and Non Government Primary School in 1990-95
Year Total Government
Registered Non-registered
1990 47,241 37,655 6,266 3,320
1991 49,539 37,694 8,689 3,161
1992 50,280 37,706 8,885 3,689
1993 52,886 37,706 8,994 6,186
1994 56,165 37,710 14,807 3,648
1995 59,894 37,710 17,151 5,033
Source: 4th Five-year Plan (1990-95), GoB
Table C
Enrolment of Students in Primary Schools in 1990-95
During 1990-95 fiscal year enrolments in primary education has increased from 12.1 million to
17.3 million out of which 8.18 million was girls students. It was 5.4 million in the previous years. In
1990 girls students’ enrollment was 44 percent and it was 47.38 percent of the total enrollment in
1995. During this period Food for Education Program was introduced and deprived parents had been
encouraged to admit their children in schools and as a result dropout rates reduced.
To make Education For All Program more effective a conference on Universal Primary
Education was held in Dhaka on 6-10 August 1996. The objectives of the conference were to review
the performance, identify the success and shortcomings and examine all the relevant issues and
constraints in the attainment of the Universal Primary Education Program. Over 600 participants
representing the Government, NGOs, education sectors, and development agencies took part in the
conference. This congress decided that the National Primary Education Council should be headed by
the Prime Minister to provide policy guidance for making the Universal Primary Education Program
(UPEP) a success and a parliamentary committee should be formed to oversee the progress in
fulfilling the constitutional obligation in regard to UPEP.
In the fifth five-year plan the government has committed to raise the literacy rate up to 100
percent Education For All within 10 years i.e. by 2006 with a mid-term target of 70 percent by the year
2002 with an ultimate aim of raising literacy rate and quality of education. In spite of all these efforts,
the program faced some unforeseen problems and could not reach to its target. The problems are:
The quality of our primary education is much below than expectation for the above noted
difficulties. It is believed that this scenario is only in rural areas. But what are the conditions in urban
areas? Democracywatch has undertaken a research in January 2002 to know the status of
government primary education in the Dhaka City, which is plentiful in all sorts of educational facilities.
The Batch-6 students of Democracy Training Program (DTP) have participated in the research. The
study covered 7 government primary schools in Dhaka City.
3. Research Methodology
Total number of government primary schools in Dhaka City is approximately 296. For this
study 7 primary schools were chosen on purposive basis. This study is based on survey and case
study. To conduct the study social survey procedure was adopted. For this purpose relevant
documents of these schools were examined and opinions and views of the teachers, guardians, and
students were obtained. Apart from these, case studies were undertaken for each individual school to
obtain detail information. Data was also collected through non-participatory and photographic
observation. Figures were analyzed and put in computer through database Forpro and statistical
package SPSSPC.
4. Limitations of the Study
The researchers faced the following limitations while conducting the study:
1. This study is based only on 7 schools, which might not amply justify the total situation of the
government primary schools in Dhaka City.
3. Lack of cooperation from the Directorate of Education and other government offices in
providing requisite information.
4. The study was carried out a few days before annual examinations. It caused a bit
inconvenience to collect information.
5. Case Studies
It is one of the old schools of the city, established in 1947. The school is situated near rail line.
In front of the school there is a Rickshaw garage and Dawyagonj Bazar is at the back. The school
building is made of tin. But the condition of the shed is so poor that the sky is visible from some parts.
There is only one door in the school where students passes through their classroom. This only room
is at the same time used as office and teachers’ room. In this room three classes are taken in six
rows. In the whole room there are only 3 lights and 5 fans. The room is very dirty and the walls are
also grubby. There is no toilet facility in the school. For toilet, the teachers and students have to go to
neighboring houses.
Total number of students in the school is 192. Out of this, there are 90 boys and 102 girls.
Everyday attendance rate is 85 percent on average. Overall, most of the students obtained less than
60 percent marks both in 1999 and 2000 final examinations.
The total number of teachers in the school is four. Among them, three are HSC and one is
SSC. All the teachers took PTI (Primary Training Institute) training. Teachers’ attendance rate is
satisfactory. There is no support staff in the school.
The school runs two shifts. The first shift is from 9.30 am to 12 noon for class one and two.
The second shift starts from 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm for class III, IV and V. Tiffin period is 1.30 pm to 2.00
pm. Everyday six periods for class III, IV and V are held while on Thursday four periods are held.
One of the main problems facing the school is inadequate teaching material. Insufficient
room, bench, blackboard etc. hampers normal schooling. But government supplied textbooks are
Teachers apply Block Teaching Method for class I and II. In this method one teacher teaches
every subject of a class. In class III, IV and V traditional teaching method is applied. But the students
cannot concentrate enough to listen and understand the classes, as there is only one classroom for
every class and three periods of different classes run at a row. Above all, there is a glorious moment
for the teachers when in 1996 a girl student got scholarship in class V.
The guardians have little contact with the school management. In this context the head
mistress of the school said that most of the guardians are very poor and they have little time to keep
contact with the school. But in some occasions the teachers visit some of the students’ home. The
most of the students in this school are directly involved in physical labor. Most of them sell nuts etc.
after class hours.
The school is running with financial help of the local people. The school has no land of its
own. The World Vision, an NGO has supplied 10 benches and 3 selling fans.
The quarterly monitoring system through ATEO (Assistant Thana Education Officer) as per
government roles is not regularly followed.
The school is situated in Dawyagonj vicinity and it is free from noise. The school environment
is moderate. It has two buildings; one is two, and the other is one storied. The small vacant place in
front of the school building is used as playground. Its toilets are unhygienic.
The total number of students is 807. Class I & II students are promoted through class
assessment and this rate is cent percent. School record shows that most of the students promote to
the higher class getting less then 60 percent marks. Rate of failing is very moderate and the rate of
dropout is negligible. The percentage of students’ attendance is satisfactory.
Teacher-student ratio is poor. The total number of teachers is 11. Most of the teachers are
HSC. The headmistress is a graduate. All the teachers have PTI training.
The school runs in two shifts as per government regulation. The first shift runs from 9.30 am
to 12.30 pm with class I & II and the second shift runs from 12.30 to 4.30 pm with class III to V.
Different classroom for boys and girls. This system has been introduced as per opinion of the local
The students do not get the entire government-supplied textbooks. They got only 50 percent
of the new books and rest of the books is old and torn. As a result students are being deprived of
getting proper education.
The teachers apply traditional teaching methods. Though they do not beat the students, they
make them frightened. Class I & II are administered by the Block Teaching Method.
The guardians keep sufficient contact with the school management. Teachers also visit
students’ home.
The school gets sufficient financial and other support from the local people. The ATEO do not
visit the school in regular basis. The teachers opined that if the monitoring by the ATEO were taken
regularly, it would improve the overall results of the school significantly.
Every year at least 20 students appears in the scholarship examination and the result is
reasonable. Both in 1999 and 2000, four students obtained scholarship. In 1998 one student obtained
talent pool scholarship.
The school is situated in the southeast part of Dhaka City. It was established in 1968 and
nationalized in 1973. It’s a three-storied building. Out of nine rooms in total, seven are used as
classrooms, one for the headmaster and other teachers and the rest one is used as staff welfare
association office plus sports room. There are two toilets in each stair. The rooms are not properly
kept clean but have sufficient ventilation facilities. The school has no playground. The surroundings of
the school are satisfactory.
The total number of students of this school is 630. Among them 318 boys and 312 girls.
Besides, there is a child section with 88 children. Attendance of the students per day is 74 percent on
average. Dropout rate is minimal.
The total number of teachers is nine. Of them, two are graduate, four HSC, and one SSC. All
are PTI trained. There is also a fourth class employee unofficially.
The school runs in two shifts as per government guideline. The first shift runs from 9.30 am to
12 pm with class I & II and the second shift runs from 12.30 to 4.15 pm with class III to V. Each class
has two sections.
Class I & II students get cent percent new textbook from the government. But other students
get only 50 percent of the new books and the rest of the books are old and torn out. The teachers
apply traditional teaching method for class III to V and block teaching method for class I and II.
Teachers use chart, map, and picture as teaching materials. Annual results are good.
There are students’ welfare association, guardians’ association and mothers’ association in
this school. These associations monitor the school management’s activities regularly. Teachers make
‘home visit’ frequently. The guardians discoursed that teachers and school committee’s performances
are good.
The headmaster of this school is very careful about the children. He made indoor sports
facilities and ‘Cub’ training for the students.
The school is situated at Mirpur residential area, which is built on 33 decimal of land. It was
established in 1971 as a private trust and later nationalized in 1973.
At present the school building is three-storied with 11 rooms. Pallabi High School only uses
the ground floor. The rest of the floors are used by two other schools including one for mentally
disable children. The building is well ventilated but the rooms and toilets are dirty and unhygienic.
There is little water supply in the toilet. There is no playground for the students.
The total number of student of the school is 929 (boys 462 and girls 467). Attendance rate per
day is 65 percent.
Only 15 teacher presently exist out of 17 posts. The rest two posts are vacant. The
headmaster is an MA. Among other teachers, there are 12 SSC and 2 HSC. All are PTI trained. There
are two 4th class employees officially and one unofficially.
The school runs two shifts. The first shift is from 9.30 am to 11.30 am with class I & II and the
second shift is from 12 noon to 4.30 pm with class III to V.
The main teaching aid is government supplied textbooks, which is supplied by the
government at free of cost. Teachers follow traditional teaching methods for class III to VI and Block
Teaching Method for I & II.
There is a Committee for school development consisting of guardians and local leaders. But
the committee is more or less inactive. The guardians contact with teachers regularly. Teachers also
visit their students’ home frequently.
5.5 Case Study 5
The school compound is adjacent to a bus stand and there is a market in front of the school.
The surroundings are always crowded and noisy. There are two buildings for the school, one is a
newly constructed three-storied building with 9 rooms, and another is single-storied which is not in use
now. Each room has three fans and two lights. The classrooms moderately are clean. There is a small
playground for the children.
Total number of student is 607 (boys 309 and girls 298). There is a child section with 86
children. Attendance rate per day is 70 percent on average. Annual results are moderate. As per
government rule, 20 percent of the students take part the scholarship examination in class V but yet to
get any scholarship.
Total number of teacher is only 8. Five of them are graduate and rest passed SSC. All are PTI
trained. There is no teacher for English subject.
As usual, the school runs in two shifts. The first shift runs form 9.30 am to 12 noon with class I
& II and the second shift from 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm with class III to V.
The teachers use no modern teaching method or aid. The main teaching aids is textbook,
which is supplied by the government at free of cost and routinely the students of class III to V get only
fifty percent new books. However, class I & II students get cent percent new books. Teachers follow
traditional teaching method for class III to VI and Block Teaching Method for I & II.
There is no committee for school development. The guardians contact with teachers regularly.
Teachers also visit student’s home frequently.
Most of the guardians are poor and many students of this school involved in physical labor.
They help their parents after schooling time at shops.
This school building is three storied and is situated in the southern part of Dhaka City. The
school is known as ‘bus school’ in the locality as the previous shape of the building was just like a
bus. Inside the school campus there is an open space, which is used as a dustbin. The school
building is constituted with eight rooms; of which five are used as classrooms, one for the headmaster,
one as teachers’ common room and the rest one remains unused and closed. The rooms are well
ventilated and each room is equipped with three fans. In each stair there is a toilet but only the ground
floor toilet is in use. There is a tube-well for drinking water.
The total numbers of students is 535 (boys 244 and girls 291). The Attendance rate per day is
74 percent on average. The dropout rate is minimal.
There is a provision for ten teachers but only six posts present exist in the school. Four posts
have been vacant for 18 months. The head master is the only graduate in the school. One teacher
passed the HSC and four others passed the SSC. All are PTI trained. Apart from this teaching staff,
there is a fourth class employee.
Typically, the school is run into two shifts. The first shift starts form 9.30 am to 11.30 am with
class I & II and the second shift from 12 noon to 4.30 pm with class III to V. Each class comprises two
The teachers use no modern teaching method or aid. The main teaching aid is textbook,
which is supplied by the government free of cost and routinely the students of class III to V get only
fifty percent new books. However, class I & II students get cent percent new books. Some students
complained the interviewers that they have to pay money to get new textbook. Teachers follow
traditional teaching methods for class III to VI and Block Teaching Method for class I and II.
There is no committee for school development. The guardians have no contacts with the
school or teachers. Teachers visit students’ houses irregularly. Government monitoring is also poor,
TEO (Thana Education Officer) or ATEO do not visit the school on a regular basis.
Most of the guardians are poor and many students of this school are involved in physical
labor. They help their parents at their workplaces after school time.
This government primary school is situated in the southern part of Dhaka. The school building
is three-storied and there is a high school adjacent to the primary school. In front of the school there,
there is a waterlogged ditch. Local people use this land as a dustbin. There is no playground in the
The school building comprised with 9 rooms, out of which 8 are used as classrooms. Both the
headmaster and other teachers use the remaining room. Only a first floor toilet is used though there
are 3 toilets.
The total number of students is 10008 of which 509 are boys and 499 are girls. Attendance
rate per day is 75 percent on average. Dropout rate is 6 -7 percent approximately.
The total number of teacher is 15. Teacher-student ratio is 1:67 The headmistress is an MA.
Among other teachers, one has completed master degree, two BAs with honors, five HSCs and four
SSCs. All of the teachers are PTI trained including two B Ed. There is also a female fourth-class staff.
Usually, the school runs two shifts. The first shift starts from 9.30 am to 11.30 am with class I
& II and the second shift from 12 noon to 4.30 pm with class III to V. Each class is comprised of two
The main teaching aid is textbook, which is supplied by the government free of cost and
routinely the students of class III to V get only fifty percent new books. However, class I & II students
get cent percent new books. Teachers follow traditional teaching method for class III to VI and Block
Teaching Method for I & II. The teachers opined that the method, which is introduced by the
government, is unattractive and monotonous, which should be changed.
Most of the guardians are poor and they have no contact with school or the teachers.
Government monitoring is also poor, TEO (Thana Education Officer) or ATEO do not visit the school
on a regular basis.
6. Recommendations
It is to remember that the conditions of the above mentioned seven schools might not seem
like government primary education system of Dhaka City. However, these types of situation can
roughly be found around other parts of the country. It is very astonishing that the circumstances of
government primary schools is very poor and negligible in Dhaka city, which is renowned as the most
resourceful area for all sorts of education of the country. However, some recommendations are drawn
immediate actions by the concerned authorities.
1. Infrastructure development like: increasing number of classrooms, hygienic toilet, and
drinking water facilities etc. are essential for almost all observed schools. It is not a
natural classroom environment at all, which the students of these schools are having now.
It is urgently required to start reconstruction works for Dawyagonj Bazar Government
Primary School.
2. The teaching methods especially block teaching method for class I and II should be
changed. Teachers, guardians and also students opined that this method is monotonous,
and uninteresting for students and teachers as well. Students loose their concentration in
the classrooms, as the teachers are present round the clock.
4. Adequate teaching materials and aids to be supplied in these schools. Government
textbook is insufficient and do not reach in time. Students complained that they have to
read old and torn out books.
5. All the teachers demanded withdrawal of government primary teachers’ employment rules
that create discrimination between male and female teacher. For the same post minimum
requisite qualification for a male is BA or equivalent whereas for a female it is SSC or
equivalent. This discrimination may pull down the moral strength of a male teacher.
The results of the present research have been presented on 27 January 2002 in presence of
concerned authorities. The students of Democracy Training Program (DTP) batch 6, who are
conductors of the research, presented the result. The chief guest of the presentation ceremony was
Dr. Tahmina Hossain, Secretary, Primary and Mass Education Division, Ministry of Education, GoB.
Special guests of the ceremony were: Dr. A. T. M. Sharifullah, Director General, Primary and Mass
Education Division, Ministry of Education, GoB; Dr. Mohammad Hossain, Senior Information Officer,
Ministry of Education, GoB; A. S. M. Atiqur Rahman, Associate Professor, Institute of Social Welfare
and Research, University of Dhaka and Ms Rasheda K. Chowdhury, Director, Campaign for Popular
Education. The honorable Secretary assured that necessary actions to be taken immediately on the
basis of the research findings. In this regard, a letter on 13 April 2002 to the Executive Director of
Democracywatch has been issued by the Director of the Project for the Providing Facilities and
Structural Rearrangement of the Government Primary Schools in Dhaka City stated that facilities are
being improved in all the seven schools focused in this research. The letter was attached with a
description of development that has been undertaken recently in those schools.
8.1 Appendix I
Table 1
Whether Teachers Attend Classes In Time
Table 2
Whether Teachers Utilize Their Class Time Properly
Teaching Approach No. Percentage
Recaps home work and introduces new 51 72.86
Uses flipcharts 19 27.14
Teaches attractively 19 27.14
Note: Multiple responses count
Table 4A
Students’ Outlook Towards Teachers’ Teaching Approach
Table 4B
Why the Students Like Teachers’ Teaching Approach
Table 5
How Do Students Prepare Their Home Works?
Table 6A
Do the Students Read Other Books Besides Text?
Table 6B
Read Other Books Than Textbooks?
Science fiction 2 2.86
Adventure/Mystery 7 10.0
Fairy tales 33 47.14
Cartoons 3 4.28
Note: Multiple responses count
Guardians’ Opinion
Table 1
Any Tools to Monitor Teachers’ Performances?
Table 2
Whether Inquires Child’s Performance Regularly?
Table 3
Does the School Authority Keep Contact With Guardians?
Table 4A
Do You Provide Any Assistance to Your Child Other Than Classroom Teaching?
Table 4B
Why are You Providing Coaching/Private Tutors?
Because cannot take care myself 38 74.51
Total 51 100.0
Table 5
Considering All Please Mention Your Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction Regarding School Teaching
Table 6
Considering Everything Please Mention If You are Satisfied or Dissatisfied on The
Type/Standard Your Child Receive at the School