Geophysical Survey Proposal For Placer Gold Deposits

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The document discusses using integrated geophysical methods like magnetic, gravity and induced polarization surveys to quantitatively assess gold in stream sediments and placer deposits.

The document recommends conducting high-resolution magnetic, gravity and induced polarization surveys for placer gold assessment in the target area.

A high resolution magnetic survey with a 50x50m grid over 1 sq km is planned to identify zones of higher magnetite content that could indicate gold concentrations.

Integrated Geophysical approach to quantitatively and quantitatively assess

the Gold in stream sediments

1. Geophysical methods to assess gold in Paleo-placers and Placers:
Gold and other heavy mineral deposits can be found in a large number of continental basins. The
deposits are mostly located in basal conglomerates or quartzites and the distribution is governed,
to a considerable extent, by the pattern of fluvial and lacustrine sedimentation during the early
subsidence of the basin. Exploration for these deposits again becomes a two-stage process: (a)
to determine the configuration and depth of the basin; and (b) to locate directly, if possible, the
host beds of the gold deposits. Undoubtedly, geophysical methods are used in exploration of
these type of deposits. One of the case study is Witwatersrand Basin, Republic of South Africa,
where magnetic and gravity methods are used to explore gold in paleo-placers (Roux, 1967).

For recent placers deposits, Shallow seismic refraction, gravity, magnetic and induced
polarization methods have been used for many years to locate and delineate palaeo-channels
beneath semi-consolidated and unconsolidated sediments. Seismic velocity and density contrasts
at this interface are normally enhanced by the coarse nature of the detrital beds that are the object
of exploration. There is clear difference in density between channel sands and auriferous gravels
(Dennis, 1990). In placers, gold exploration using a combination of seismic and radar methods
is also used but less effective. Magnetite is a common accessory mineral in gold placers. Total
magnetic field and vertical magnetic gradient surveys shows that sediments with slightly higher
magnetite content than the surrounding alluvium could be detected by closely spaced traverses
(Liang; Yang and Deng, 1999). The greatest problem stems from the difficulty of separating
anomalies from the placers themselves and from those originating in the underlying bedrock.

2. Field planning:
For local scale and detail assessment of disseminated gold, very high-resolution survey required
to be performed. Three type of geophysical survey are recommended for placer gold assessment
in the area.
1. Magnetic Survey: The response of magnetic data is not very effective to gold directly but
magnetic survey in integration of gravity is very effective especially in placers and paleo-
placers deposits. In placers, the gold is deposited as density contrast material. Some other
high density minerals like Magnetite and pyrite are also deposited with gold which is
magnetic and provide direct cloves to the gold association (Reynolds, 2011).
In the targeted zone of 1km2 and high resolution grid of 50*50m will be established. A total
of 400 points will be recorded in grid (Leaman, 1989; Fig.1). This high resolution data will
be analyzed with software and relatively high magnetic zone will be marked for probable
presence of gold concentration in the area.
2. Gravity Survey: Gravity survey is the most effective tool for gold exploration in placer
deposits. Gold with enormously high density, will give peak signature to the gravity meter
(Reynolds, 2011). Like magnetic survey, for gravity survey in the targeted zone of 1km2 and
high resolution grid of 50*50m will be established (Fig.1). For gravity data a total of 400
points will be recorded. This high resolution data will be analyzed with software and high
gravity anomaly zones will be marked for probable presence of gold concentration in the
area (Smith, 2002).
3. Induced Potential (IP): The chargeability of Gold and associated minerals are high. Due to
this property of Gold, the induced polarization method is mostly used for gold exploration
(Sumner, 2012). In placer gold deposits, the gold particle are present in disseminated form,
therefor, the IP method is adopted with gravity and magnetic surveys. For IP survey, profile
line will be designed with a lateral distance of 200 meters and electrode distance will be kept
at 10 m (30 m depth investigation) or 20 m (60 m depth investigation) (Fig.2). Dipole-Dipole
method will be adopted for IP survey. The high chargeability along with apparent resistivity
zones in target area will be model as potential zone for gold (Telford; Geldart and Sheriff
Fig. 1: Detail field planning 50*50 meters grid for Gravity and Magnetic Survey of the area.

Fig. 2: 200*20meter Grid planed for induced potential survey of the area
Sumner, J.S. Principles of induced polarization for geophysical exploration (Vol. 5).
Elsevier, 2012.

Telford, W.M., Geldart, L.P. and Sheriff, R.E. Applied geophysics (Vol. 1). Cambridge
university press, 1990.

Liang D, Yang L, Deng J, An Example of applying ground high precision magnetic survey to
the prospecting for gold deposits in a gold reconnaissance area of Jiaodong: Acta Geoscientica
Sinica, 20(3), 1999, PP. 294-301.

Leaman, D. E. Ground magnetic survey, EL 55/83 Mangana. Report for Pegasus Gold
Australia by Leaman Geophysics, 1989.

Reynolds, J.M. An introduction to applied and environmental geophysics. John Wiley &
Sons, 2011.

Dennis., V. W. Technical description of a gradient induced polarization and resistivity survey

Eastern contact and Wildcat grids, Erickson Gold Corp. Report no. NTS 104P/4, 1990.

Smith, R. J. Geophysics of Iron Oxide Copper-Gold Deposits (Hydrothermal Iron Oxide

Copper–Gold and Related Deposits: A Global Perspective vol 2) ed T M Porter (Adelaide:
PGC Publishing), 2002, pp 357–67

Roux, A.T. The application of geophysics to gold exploration in South Africa. Mining and
Groundwater Geophysics. Union Corporation Johannesburg, South Africa, 1967.

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