Pyro-Magnetic Vortex Thruster Engine - NuEnergy

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Designed by: Kim Zorzi | January 31, 2005
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So our goal here is to design a new aircraft that does not run on the usual
combustion technology. But on the energy of the wind, by producing stable vortices
that can produce lift from the centrifugal acceleration of air.

Thru the use of Pyromagnetics, the creation of a powerful magnetic field is brought
about to create a Thermodynamic Air Compressor whereas this high pressure air is
funneled to a vortex chamber to create a powerful tornadic effect. Which in turn
can create thrust thru suction?

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The first step into designing a convective thermal component aircraft engine is to
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decide how to cycle the thermal current into a tappable reservoir. One method is to philosophy-into-the-
expel heated air from a plenum chamber that has the ability to compress it for a workplace/)
propulsive effect. The expelled air is then expelled up into the vortex chamber to
produce a rotating swirl that acquires angular momentum which then exits over the
diffuser in the center whereas it reverses direction caused by the Coanda Effect and PHILOSOPHY
is ejected into the ambient fluid.(Illustration 2 shows this better) (HTTPS://WWW.NUE
Going green often begins
at home, but it never has
to stop there. Your
example of a green life

could very well be the

push your friends and
family need to make
simple, eco-friendly
In the above illustration we see the air intake, the air intake plenum throat, and the changes in their own lives.
pyromagnetic compressor (Blue). In addition to leading by
example in your personal
Pyromagnetics, sometimes called Thermomagnetics is the changing of the
magnetic properties of a material with temperature. Thermal differences generated
relationships, you can use
your environmental
by the atmosphere by the sun might provide the energy to establish pyromagnetic
oscillations in large plates. The oscillating plates might then be used to compress
and or direct air to propel large lightweight aircraft to the upper limits of our Read More (
atmosphere. 600,000 ft. (120 miles) or more. 2/8
5/24/2018 Pyro-magnetic Vortex Thruster Engine - NuEnergy

Based on the Tesla Patent 396,121 filed Jan. 15, 1889 “Thermal Magnetic Motor” GREEN LIVING

The operation of the Pyromagnetic engine concept is as follows. When an

electromagnet with a hollow iron core is activated, it attracts a thin steel plate 16
diaphragm to compress air forcing it into ducts for rapid expulsion. The rapid
compression heats the air which in turns heats the plate and the end of the
electromagnetic core, causing them to demagnetize. The compressor plate is then (https://ww

released and forced away from the core by a strong counter-spring. As the plate w.nuenergy

moves away expanding the chamber, the air is again sucked into the air intake .org/8-

plenum throat of the magnet re-establishing airflow. The cool intake air is further awesome-

cooled as it expands to fill the chamber. The plate’s distortion is concave during ways-to-

compression and convex during expansion. The differential heating effect further incorporat

assists the demagnetization and cooling processes. This external heating and e-

cooling occurs naturally in synchronization with the compression and expansion renewable-

cycle. The compressor plate and core magnet tip heat most during the concave 8 AWESOME WAYS T

phase, and cool most during the convex phase. This allows are two thermal INCORPORATE RENE

components, rising and falling air to power our pyromagnetic aircraft engine ENERGY SOURCES IN

directly. DAILY LIFE

The steel plate that cuts a magnetic field is a natural Faraday homopolar dynamo AWESOME-WAYS-T
and it can be used to magnetize the intakes hollow magnetic core. Therefore, if a INCORPORATE-REN
pyromagnetic compressor is allowed to spin by exhaust vectoring it will itself be a ENERGY-SOURCES-
natural dynamo, as it jets air at an angle out of the rim exhaust holes. Current only DAILY-LIFE/)
needs to be drawn off the rim and grounded at the center. Earthlings, we need to
change our ways.
Scientists predict that the
world’s supply of fossil
fuels will never run out.

Mother Nature has made

sure of that. No matter

how slowly we burn the
Earth’s remaining reserves
of oil, gas, and coal, the
resulting carbon-
monoxide emissions will

The intake throat houses a generator. The generator output from the intake turbine cause catastrophic global

directly couples to the primary coil producing the magnetic field for the core of the warming. In other words,

magnetic tube. If the magnetic tube’s core and backflow valve are closed, the the…

intake turbine will slow down. This will lower the magnetic field current and further
allow the compression plate to spring away. The turbine will then experience
Read More ( 
maximum induced flow and re-magnetize the primary magnetic core. Thus it is very 3/8
5/24/2018 Pyro-magnetic Vortex Thruster Engine - NuEnergy

important that the core magnet be slaved to its input or output and not to a lab
power supply. The cycles achieve an endless magnetization and de-magnetization
that happens up to 8 times a second.
As the air is compressed from the convex plenum chamber it is pumped into the

Vortex Thruster Chamber (Pink color) whereas the second phase of our operation w.nuenergy
now takes place. .org/how-
VORTEX THRUSTER CHAMBER friendly-furniture/)

The basic working principle is to create a strong swirling flow to produce very low eco-

pressure above a lifting surface, which generates thrust. Swirl in the incoming flow is
friendly- TO FIND THE B

achieved via an open vortex chamber, and the resulting low pressure rarefaction is
intensified by an airfoil-shaped diffuser, which ensures an attached flow without
separation. The flow enters the swirler, acquires angular momentum and exits over
the diffuser, where it reverses direction (by the Coanda effect) and is ejected into
Most homeowners who
the ambient fluid. Such a flow is like an artificial tornado, creating a strong
are trying to be eco-
rarefaction (low pressure) zone on the upward-facing, internal top surface of the
friendly think that living
vortex chamber. Since there is higher ambient pressure on the external bottom
green is all about
surface of the chamber, a lift force is generated by this pressure difference.
recycling and cutting
Additional rarefaction is created by the flow over the upper surface of the diffuser
down on waste in general.
by its airfoil shape. Operating parameters for the vortex chamber must be
They may stop using
determined to avoid separation over the diffuser. Such attached flow over the
paper and plastic
diffuser is possible since the Coanda effect is much stronger in the presence of swirl
products, or make an
and is also stronger in turbulent flows.
effort to improve how
Physically, the difference between conventional jet propulsion and our vortex water is used in the home.
thruster is that in the former, the net force generated and the power requirements Such efforts are all good
are determined by the same axial velocity component. In our vortex thruster, a large and well, but they are just…
net force is generated primarily by the tangential velocity component, but only a
Read More (
relatively small axial flow rate, and hence, relatively small power is required.


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The Thruster housing incorporates a input turbine blade in the bottom of the intake
throat. This high pressure air as it passes thru the throat encounters a specially
designed turbine blade that will spin the Repulsion plates to a high RPM. Hot Air is 4/8
5/24/2018 Pyro-magnetic Vortex Thruster Engine - NuEnergy

funneled into the housing from the pyromagnetic compressor and rotated to the Semiconductive properties of
outside diameter of the inside of the housing thus creating a high pressure area uranium oxides
inside the housing. A resulting tornadic flow of air starts to pressurize the housing (
and the outflow will also spin the exhaust turbine at the front of the housing, nductive-properties-of-uranium-
resulting also in a backflow of torque to the repulsion plates and input turbine. As oxides/)
the temperature differential starts to occur inside the housing and the repulsion
waveplates reach subsonic speed, then the resulting effect ignites the repulsion Meaningful Tourism: How Ecotravel

effect as previously discussed in other material. Impacts India


Rotating flows within vortex chambers have been investigated extensively. The india/)

tangential entry of fluid into a typical cylindrical vortex chamber, via the guiding
New Energy Technologies, # 12
vanes around the periphery, causes swirling motion of the fluid (mixture). In the core
region of the flow away from the walls, the radial pressure gradient balances the
centrifugal force; this is the so-called cyclostrophic balance. Near the end walls, the
centrifugal acceleration is very small due to the boundary layer effect, but the radial
The Surging Sounds of The Universe
pressure gradient is essentially the same as in the core region. Thus, the lack of
cyclostrophic balance causes the pressure gradient to generate a secondary flow
towards the axis along the end walls, balanced by the frictional force. This leads to
an end-wall boundary layer with a substantial inflow radial speed vr , the maximum
Over-unity Skeptical FAQs
of vr (and of axial and azimuthal velocities) occurring inside the boundary layer. This
inflow of the rotating fluid along the end wall prevents the typically desirable
prolonged retention of small particles within the chamber, because they are carried
away by the fluid flow along the axis. At practical operating speeds, the flow in the
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near-axis region is extremely complex, involving very high turbulence and sound-
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producing axial oscillations. A detailed study of the flow patterns in this and other
regions of the vortex chamber for various operating parameters is necessary in
order to develop more efficient designs.

Experimental and theoretical studies show that rotating flows possess three
fundamental features, described below. The Problems of Heat and Light
High centrifugal force: Typical inlet gas velocities (~100 m/s) into a chamber of
radius ~ 0.1m produce a centrifugal acceleration ac ~ 10 4 g. This high centrifugal
force is central to all applications discussed here, and ensures stability of the
Atmospheric Electricity by Herman
central cavity and motion of solid particles/fluid bubbles in circular trajectories
inside the cylindrical vortex chamber.

Near-axis flow: Near the axis of rotation, if the speed is high enough, a gaseous ung-und-verwertung-der-

cavity is formed when a liquid is used as the working fluid, and a recirculating zone


(such as vortex breakdown bubble or internal separation, i.e. separation away from
any wall), forms if the fluid is a gas. The complex flow pattern in this region depends
on the operating conditions (such as Reynolds number and Rossby number) and
the chamber end-wall profile, and it considerably influences the flow in the rest of 5/8
5/24/2018 Pyro-magnetic Vortex Thruster Engine - NuEnergy

the chamber. A clear understanding of this region based on rigorous hydrodynamic

analysis is essential for optimal design of these machines, particularly the vortex
engine and vortex thruster.

Bistability: When two-phase flow is involved, our experiments in vortex chambers

have shown the existence of two stable states, either condensed or rarefied.

Condensed stable state: At high particles concentrations, the denser medium (solid

or liquid) forms a tightly packed layer near the periphery of the vortex chamber and
provides a very large interface area between the two media.

Rarefied stable state: At lower concentrations, the particles are

distributed homogeneously and move in circular orbits in the lighter
fluid medium. The radii of the orbits depend on the particle size.

Physically, the difference between conventional jet propulsion and the Vortex
Thruster Engine is that in the former, the net force generated and the power
requirements are determined by the same axial velocity component. In the vortex
thruster, a large net force is generated primarily by the tangential velocity
component, but only a relatively small axial flow rate, and hence, relatively small
power is required. Preliminary experiments using a simple device to model a thruster
have verified that thrust is in fact generated in the same direction as the exit flow.
The initial conservative estimates indicate that a thruster with a 1 sq. m. chamber
area can generate 4 tons of thrust with 17 times less energy than a conventional jet.
The size of this engine should generate (16” Dia) should generate 1400 lbs of thrust
and weigh in at a mere 60 lbs. This equates into a aircraft engine with a power to
weigh ratio of 0.0428 . In comparison, a Rotax 912 weighs 125 lbs and produces 90 H.P.
which equals to1.38. Nasa’s standard for aircraft engines is under 2.0.

The vortex thruster has significant applications enhancing or replacing

conventional thrust/lift devices, e.g. propellers and wings on helicopters, aircraft, and
ships; in particular, a bladeless helicopter will be highly desirable innovation from
the viewpoint of maneuverability and safety. The main idea behind this device is
completely new — based on the “artificial tornado” principle.

Designer Kim Zorzi expected that a Vertical Vortex Thruster Engine-based

“helicopter” would be very simple, compact and much more efficient than a
conventional helicopter. Fuel requirement is non oil related and gets its power from
electricity generated by differentiated air temperatures.

These vortex machines have the potential to substantially increase energy savings

such as petroleum, chemical, power transportation, pharmaceutical, electronics,
environmental and agriculture, amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars per

year in each state alone. 6/8
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 Tesla patents Radiant energy: not Generator,

( Atomic, nor Solar 
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