Demystifying The TVSS

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9/4/2018 Demystifying The TVSS


Demystifying The TVSS

So many things can cause spikes and surges, but a solid understanding and
proper selection of TVSSs can help prevent damage to your equipment.
What is a transient voltage surge suppressor (TVSS)? It's nothing more than
a very fast switch that protects your equipment from AC power line surges.
The most common type of power conditioning equipment, the TVSS has
been around for many years in its current
Ken Michaels | May 01, 1999

So many things can cause spikes and surges, but a solid understanding and proper
selection of TVSSs can help prevent damage to your equipment.

What is a transient voltage surge suppressor (TVSS)? It's nothing more than a very
fast switch that protects your equipment from AC power line surges. The most
common type of power conditioning equipment, the TVSS has been around for many
years in its current form. Although they don't save energy, the number of TVSSs sold
as energy-saving devices has dramatically increased in recent years. This trend may
reflect greater consumer interest in energy conservation, but the fact remains: The
only function served by a TVSS is to protect sensitive equipment from surges.

What does a TVSS do? It guards against power system transients, commonly
known as spikes or surges. Various things cause transients. The most common,
lightning, can cause surges in excess of 50,000V. Even with a TVSS, a lightning 1/4
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strike (also called an impulsive transient) will more than likely damage your
equipment. Nothing can guarantee total protection from a direct lightning hit, but
one type of TVSS (lightning arrester), installed at the main service entrance,
provides the best protection.

Transients cause electronic equipment to fail because of the high energy usually
associated with them. For example, the energy contained within a lightning strike is
at a level that can destroy or degrade integrated circuits in microprocessor-based
equipment. Everyday occurrences also cause transients. Every time a large piece of
electrical equipment turns off, a brief surge, called a switching transient, results.
Although these don't have the energy of a lightning transient, they occur more
frequently and are often responsible for the majority of electronic equipment

With the exception of a direct lightning hit, proper use of TVSSs help protect your
sensitive electronic equipment. To find out if your equipment has experienced a
transient, look for these symptoms: damaged electronic equipment, such as
computers, fax machines, televisions, and communication equipment; increased
service calls on electronic equipment; and unexplained system shutdowns or errors.

How does a TVSS work? Since a TVSS is a voltage-sensitive switch, it constantly

monitors the AC voltage input and output waveforms. Nothing happens under
normal conditions, but when the voltage difference between the power source and
the protected line gets high enough, the switch closes and diverts the transient away
from the electronic equipment. We often call this switching voltage the clamping
voltage of the TVSS. There are three types of TVSSs used in the market today:
clamps, crowbars, and hybrids.

Clamps divert the surge to a grounding reference. The voltage waveform appears to
cut off where the surge exceeds the rating of the TVSS. The majority of TVSSs
purchased today are "clamps." They are quick to respond; however, they can't
handle large amounts of surge current. 2/4
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Crowbars are slow to respond to a surge, but they can handle enormous amounts of
surge current. Called crowbars because they exhibit a negative resistance, they have
the same effect as "shorting out" two car battery terminals with a crowbar.
Unfortunately, relying solely on a crowbar can be hazardous to the electrical system
because it's actually shorting the protected AC power conductors to ground.

Hybrids combine the fast response of the clamp with the energy capabilities of the
crowbar. You do this with a sophisticated process of internally constructing the two
with fuses and current-limiting impedances. This unit is very expensive and requires
careful planning to make sure it won't harm equipment powered from AC power
lines. But, it's the best of both worlds as far as surge protection goes.

How to select, install, and use a TVSS. There are two basic types of TVSSs:
plug-in and hard-wired. You install plug-in TVSS units by plugging them into wall
outlets to protect specific appliances or electronic devices. You use hard-wired TVSS
units as a primary defense for sensitive circuits or even an entire building.

You should install plug-in TVSS equipment between the equipment that needs
protection and its power source. Proper building wiring and grounding is essential if
your plug-in TVSS is to do its job. For example, if there's no ground present at the
circuit, the TVSS cannot divert the surge to a grounding reference. As a result, it
remains idle. Never plug large motor loads into the same TVSS protecting the
electronic equipment. These loads include fans, copiers, some laser printers, and
window air conditioners. Locate the TVSS where you can easily access it and
monitor the failure mode indicator (if equipped).

When installing hard-wired units, make sure you keep all conductor connections
(including the ground) from the power panel to the TVSS as short and straight as

Here's what to look for in a TVSS: 3/4
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UL listing as "TVSS" or "Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor" on the UL label.

Note: Some TVSS "look-alikes" are actually "current taps." These devices have no
protective value and will have the word "TAP" near the UL label. Avoid them for
use as a TVSS.

UL Clamping Voltage of 400V (0.4kV) or less for plug-in TVSS, or commensurate
with your service voltage on hard-wired TVSSs.

Operation indicator.

Manufacturers warranty for at least one year, and schematics describing
components in hard-wired TVSSs.

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