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Design 1 Calculations

The following calculations are based on the method employed by Java Module A and are
consistent with ACI318-99.

The values in Fig. 1 below were taken from the Design 1 Example found in the paper at
the following web site:
CAEE.pdf. The units have been changed to English in order to facilitate better
understanding by students at the undergraduate level who generally deal with the English
unit system.

Session Input Load Condition at Supports

fc' 3.9875 ksi ML -221.24 k-ft
fy 58.000 ksi MR -221.24
L 24.606 ft wL 4.80 k/ft
h 23.62 in wR 4.80
h/b 1.750 No. Concentrated Loads 0.00
b 14.000 in Load Magnitude 0.00
d 20.083 in Load Location 0
min bar number 6.000
max bar number 8.000 Load Condition at Span
min bar diameter 0.750 in ML -147.49 k-ft
max bar diameter 1.000 in MR -147.49
cv 1.57 in wL 6.17 k/ft
cs 1.57 in wR 6.17
sb 1.18 in No. Concentrated Loads 0.00
ds 0.374 in Load Magnitude 0.00
rb (%) 66.700 Load Location 0
rt (%) 60.000

Fig 1. Session input for Design 1.

• Calculation of Mu and Required Steel Area:

Assume that the beam is simply supported (in order to avoid static indeterminacy) and
find the moment equation for both the max span condition (section 2) and the max
support condition (sections 1 and 3) using statics. These equations have units of feet for x.

(1) M2 = -3.085x2 + 75.92x – 147.49, and

(2) M1&3 = -2.4x2 + 59.064x – 221.24.

Thus, the maximum moments, Mu, for each section are:

Mu2 = 319.6 k-ft and Mu1&3 = 221.24 k-ft.

Now find R in order to determine the steel ratio needed. The value of b used in this
module is equal to:

(3) b = h/(h/b)

rounded to the next highest whole number. The value for h used in this example, however,
was kept at 23.62” because that number was converted from a dimension that was whole
in centimeters. To be conservative, the value of d used in the primary calculation of R is:

(4) d = h – cv – ds – sb/2 – dmax,

where dmax is the maximum possible diameter (in this case 1.00”).

(5) R = Mu/(Φbd2), and

−b + b 2 − 4ac
(6) ρ= , where a = -0.59(fy2)/(fc’), b = fy, and c = -R.

This can be used to calculate the required steel area from:

(7) Asreq = ρbd.

See Fig. 2 below for a summary of these calculations.

1 2 3
- + -
L (ft) 24.61 24.61 24.61
Mu (k-ft) 221.24 319.60 221.24
R (lb/ in2) 522.43 754.70 522.43
ρ 0.009838 0.014923 0.009838
Asreq (in2) 2.766 4.196 2.766

Fig 2. Summary of moment and Asreq calculations.

• Combinations of Steel

Module A first determines the single bar combinations for the required steel area using
the minimum and maximum bar size numbers (in this case No. 6 & 8). The calculations
for this can be seen in Fig. 3.

The underlined values correspond to areas that exceed the Asreq for the maximum support
moment and the bolded values correspond to the maximum span moment. Once these
single bar combinations have been determined, they are checked to ensure that the clear
spacing between bars is suitable (the user defines this clear spacing to be sb in the
The lowest area for both the max support and max span are then used to find
combinations of two different bar numbers that have a smaller area but a large enough
capacity. This decision, however, also depends on symmetry. The acceptable and
unacceptable steel configurations can be seen in Fig. 4.

Bar Number
#6 #7 #8
db 0.75 0.875 1
1 0.442 0.601 0.785
2 0.884 1.203 1.571
3 1.325 1.804 2.356
4 1.767 2.405 3.142
5 2.209 3.007 3.927
# of bars
6 2.651 3.608 4.712
7 3.093 4.209 5.498
8 3.534 4.811 6.283
9 3.976 5.412 7.069
10 4.418 6.013 7.854
11 4.860 6.615 8.639
12 5.301 7.216 9.425

Fig 3. Single bar combinations for Design 1.

Fig 4. Acceptable and unacceptable bar configurations.

In order to facilitate an easier calculation of the possible bar combinations, all of the
combinations of steel were calculated and then it was determined which ones were
symmetric (and thus acceptable arrangements). The tables in Fig. 5 show these
calculations. The steel areas were carried to three decimal places because the module
does not use the bar areas found in most textbook tables. Values are not truncated not
rounded in the module. The shaded cells indicate that the combination is symmetric; thus,
these are the only ones considered in the steel choice.
# 7's
db= 0.875 Most in 1 Row= 5
# 6's 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
db= 0 0.000 0.601 1.203 1.804 2.405 3.007 3.608
0.75 1 0.442 1.043 1.644 2.246 2.847 3.448 4.050
2 0.884 1.485 2.086 2.688 3.289 3.890 4.491
Most in 1 Row= 3 1.325 1.927 2.528 3.129 3.731 4.332 4.933
5 4 1.767 2.368 2.970 3.571 4.172 4.774 5.375
5 2.209 2.810 3.412 4.013 4.614 5.216 5.817
6 2.651 3.252 3.853 4.455 5.056 5.657 6.259
7 3.093 3.694 4.295 4.896 5.498 6.099 6.700
8 3.534 4.136 4.737 5.338 5.940 6.541 7.142

# 8's
db= 1.00 Most in 1 Row= 4
# 6's 0 1 2 3
db= 0 0.000 0.785 1.571 2.356
1 1 0.442 1.227 2.013 2.798
2 0.884 1.669 2.454 3.240
Most in 1 Row= 3 1.325 2.111 2.896 3.682
5 4 1.767 2.553 3.338 4.123
5 2.209 2.994 3.780 4.565
6 2.651 3.436 4.222 5.007
7 3.093 3.878 4.663 5.449
8 3.534 4.320 5.105 5.890

# 8's
db= 1.00 Most in 1 Row= 4
# 7's 0 1 2 3
db= 0 0.000 0.785 1.571 2.356
1 1 0.601 1.387 2.172 2.958
2 1.203 1.988 2.773 3.559
Most in 1 Row= 3 1.804 2.589 3.375 4.160
5 4 2.405 3.191 3.976 4.761
5 3.007 3.792 4.577 5.363
6 3.608 4.393 5.179 5.964

Fig 5. Steel combinations for two different bar sizes. Shaded cells indicate symmetric
(acceptable) combinations. Underlined cells are combinations that provide a steel area
less than the single bar combination for the max support moment.

• Steel Selection, Spacing Between Bars, and Moment Capacity

Max Span Moment Steel: For this example (Design 1), there were no steel combinations
using two different bar sizes that provided an area less than that of the 7, #7 combination
for the max span moment. Thus, for Section 2 use 2 layers with 5, #7 bars in the lower
Max Support Moment Steel: There are three combinations which need to be checked for
Sections 1 & 3. The calculations can be seen in Fig. 6. The combination that is chosen is
2, #8 and 3, #6 because the in design it is better to choose bar numbers that are not
consecutive bar numbers.

Max Support Moment Reinforcement

Asreq= 2.77 Mnreq= 221.24

Bars 6 & 7 d Spacing Most in d Spacing

Combo Asprov a one row Capacity One Row Two Rows two rows Capacity Two Rows

2,#7;4,#6 2.96 3.618 21.24 250.1 0.64 4,#6 20.33 238.5 2.37
2,#8;3,#6 2.90 3.540 21.17 244.4 1.22
2,#8;2,#7 2.77 3.390 21.17 235.0 1.71

Fig 6. Maximum support reinforcement calculations.

The value of d is determined from Eq. (4), but instead of using dmax, the actual d is used
for the larger bar diameter (in this case it is still 1.00”). The moment capacity is
determined from:

(8) Mn = 0.9Asfy (d-a/2),

where a is the rectangular stress block depth found from:

(9) a = Asfy/(0.85fc’b).

A summary of the selected steel and their moment capacities can be seen in Fig. 7.
1 2 3
- + -
Selected Steel 2,#8 5,#7 2,#8
3,#6 2,#7 3,#6
Asprov (in2) 2.896 4.209 2.896
db (in) 1.000 0.875 1.000
0.750 0.875 0.750
Spacing (w/ all bars) 1.46 0.66 1.46
Spacing (w/ 2 rows) 1.43
Check spacing > sb ok no ok
a (in) 3.540 5.145 3.540
d (in) 21.17 20.21 21.17
Moment Capacity (k-ft)* 244.45 322.90 244.45
*Using new d value.

Fig 7. Summary of selected steel and moment capacities.

• Cut-off Locations

Positive Reinforcement
The cut-off location for the positive (bottom) reinforcement is the larger of the
development length, ld, and the theoretical cut-off point plus d or 12db (whichever is
larger). Since the user input, rb (%), is 66.7%, cut off 4 out of the 7 #7 bars. This leaves
1.80 in2.

Development Length
The development length is found from:

(10) ld = fyαβλ/(k fc ' ),

where α = 1.0 (bottom bars), β = 1.0 (uncoated), and λ = 1.0 (normal weight concrete).
The constant k is dependent on the size of bar used and clear cover (see ACI318-99). In
this example, k = 20. Thus,

ld = 58(0.875)/((20)( 3987.5 )) = 40.2” from the midspan.

Using a reduction factor of Asreq/ Asprov = 4.19/4.21, ld = 39.9”.

Theoretical Cut-off Point + d or 12db

The theoretical cut-off point is found from determining where the remaining bars will
have enough capacity to support the demand. This occurs when Eq. (1) is equal to Eq. (8)
for an Asremaining = 1.80 in2.

a = 1.8(58)/((0.85)(3.9875)(14)) = 2.20 in.

d = 23.62 – 1.57 – 0.374 – 0.5(7/8) = 21.24 in.
Mn = 0.9(1.8)(58)(21.24 – 2.2/2) = 157.7 k-ft

Eq. (1) = Mn when x = 60.7 in. from the support. Comparing d and 12db (10.5”), d
governs and therefore the length is

60.7” – 21.24” = 39.5”

from the support.

Thus, the governing cut-off length for the positive reinforcement is 39.5” from the
support. The remaining 3, #7 are assumed to be continuous all the way into the support.

Negative Reinforcement
The cut-off location for 60% of the negative (top) reinforcement (rt (%)) is the larger of
the development length, ld, and the theoretical cut-off point plus d, 12db, or 1/16L
(whichever is largest). Since the user input, rt (%), is 60%, cut off 3, #6 bars and leave 2,
#8’s. This leaves 1.57 in2.
Development Length
The development length is:

ld = 58(0.75)/((25)( 3987.5 )) = 27.55” from the support.

Using a reduction factor of Asreq/ Asprov = 2.765/2.896, ld = 26.3”.

Theoretical Cut-off Point + d, 12db, or 1/16L

Asremaining = 1.57 in2.

a = 1.57(58)/((0.85)(3.9875)(14)) = 1.92 in.

d = 23.62 – 1.57 – 0.374 – 0.5(8/8) = 21.176 in.
Mn = 0.9(1.57)(58)(21.176 – 1.92/2) = 138.07 k-ft

Eq. (1) = Mn when x = 18 in. from the support. Comparing d, 12db (10.5”), and 1/16L
(18.5”), d governs and therefore the length is

18” + 21.176” = 39.2”

from the support.

Thus, the governing cut-off length for the 3, #6 in the top reinforcement is 39.2” from the

The cut-off location for the remaining 2, #8 bars is equal to the larger of ld from the
theoretical cut-off point and the inflection point on the moment diagram + d, 12db, or

Development Length
The development length is:

ld = 58(1)/((20)( 3987.5 )) = 45.9” from the support.

Using a reduction factor of Asreq/ Asprov = 2.765/2.896, ld = 43.84”.

From the theoretical cut-off point (18” from the support), x = 61.8”.

Inflection Point
The inflection point is where the moment is zero on the demand curve from the negative
side. From graphing, this occurs at x = 55.3”. Adding on d to this because it governs
results in a cut-off point = 76.5”.

Thus, the governing cut-off length for the 3, #8 in the top reinforcement is 76.5” from the
Module Display Windows

Fig 8. Design details at Section 1 (the left support).

Fig 9. Cut-off locations for positive and negative reinforcement.

Fig 10. Design flexural capacity and factored design flexural demand along the length of
the beam.

Fig 11. Typical properties displayed in Window 4 of Module A. Left: Max. positive
moment vs. bottom steel area. Right: Max. left end negative moment vs. top steel area.

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