VI Polysaccharide
VI Polysaccharide
VI Polysaccharide
Author Manuscript
Vaccine. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 September 15.
Published in final edited form as:
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
An efficacious, low cost vaccine against typhoid fever, especially for young children, would make
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
a major impact on disease burden in developing countries. The virulence capsular polysaccharide
of Salmonella Typhi (Vi) coupled to recombinant mutant Pseudomonas aeruginosa exoprotein A
(Vi-rEPA) has been shown to be highly efficacious. We investigated the use of carrier proteins
included in infant vaccines, standardized the conjugation process and developed key assays
required for routine lot release at production scale. Vi from a BSL1 organism, Citrobacter
freundii, strain WR7011, was used as an alternative to Vi from S. Typhi. We showed that Vi
conjugated to CRM197, a non-toxic mutant of diphtheria toxin, widely used in commercial
vaccines, was produced at high yield. Vi-CRM197 proved immunogenic in animal studies, even
without adjuvant. Thus, Vi-CRM197 appears to be a suitable candidate for the development of a
commercially viable, effective typhoid vaccine for developing countries.
Vi; Conjugate vaccine; Salmonella Typhi
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
1. Introduction
Typhoid fever is a common serious disease in many parts of the world and remains a major
health problem in developing countries with an estimated 21 million cases and 200,000
deaths in 2000 [1,2]. The highest incidence is in South Asia (India, Pakistan and
Bangladesh) but cases occur throughout Asia, Africa and the Americas. Travellers visiting
these areas are at risk of contracting typhoid fever and approximately 400 cases are recorded
annually in the USA and in the UK, mostly with a travel history to India [3,4]. In highly
endemic areas, children are at particular risk with the peak age inversely proportional to the
incidence in the community [5,6]. Although commonly quoted as a disease of school age
children [7,8], one study from Bangladesh showed that the most common age of infection in
hospitalised children was 1–2 years [5]. As Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi only infects
humans, vaccines targeting young children would give protection and also reduce
transmission of typhoid fever in nonvaccinated members of the community, as was seen in a
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against typhoid fever for populations at risk [11]. The World Health Organization and GAVI
have recommended, but not yet funded, introduction of the existing Vi vaccine, and support
the development of more effective vaccines [15]. A vaccine that could be administered to
infants would be highly beneficial.
Diphtheria toxoid (DT), tetanus toxoid (TT), and CRM197 (a non-toxic variant of diphtheria
toxin ), a outer-membrane protein complex (OMPC) from Neisseria meningitides and
Haemophilus influenzae outer membrane protein D (OMPD) are used as protein carriers in
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licensed glycoconjugate vaccines [17,21]. This study reports use of CRM197 for the
preparation of a Vi conjugate, its characterization and immunogenicity in mice as part of a
program to develop a consistent and affordable conjugate vaccine for use in all ages in
developing countries. Unlike DT or TT, CRM197 does not require detoxification with
formaldehyde and homogeneous preparations of purified antigen can be readily obtained.
CRM197 is a precisely defined protein, consistent from batch to batch. Unlike rEPA,
CRM197 is licensed for human use in several efficacious conjugate vaccines already used in
hundreds of millions of children [22–24]. Its use as carrier protein should facilitate the
manufacturability of a Vi conjugate vaccine and simplify its pathway to licensure.
In order to study the influence of a different carrier protein on the efficacy of a Vi conjugate
vaccine, the same chemistry has been used for the synthesis of Vi-CRM197 and Vi-TT
vaccines and their immunogenicity compared in mice.
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Vaccines Institute for Global Health (NVGH) by A260 for nucleic acid content, micro BCA
for protein estimation, 1H NMR for Vi identity and O-acetylation level. O-acetyl groups
were also estimated by the Hestrin method [29]. Thermogravimetric analysis and Karl Fisher
were used for dried weight and residual moisture measure, respectively. Na+ content was
evaluated by atomic absorption spectroscopy [30].
CRM197 and tetanus toxoid were from Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics (NV&D). Tetanus
toxoid was further purified by gel filtration through Sephacryl S-300 (GE Healthcare)
equilibrated in 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM NaH2PO4, pH 7.2. The fractions, corresponding to the
monomeric molecular weight of tetanus toxoid, as verified by MALDI-TOF (average
molecular mass of 155.3 kDa), were pooled.
dithiothreitol (1/5, v/v) and NuPAGE LDS sample buffer (1/5, v/v). The mixtures were
heated at 100 °C for 1 min and the samples loaded into the wells of the gel. The gel was
subjected to electrophoresis at 45 mA in NuPAGE Tris-acetate SDS running buffer (20×,
Invitrogen) and stained with Simply Blue Safe Stain (Invitrogen).
Karl Fisher analysis—Residual moisture was determined by the Karl Fisher coulometric
method with Metrohm 756.
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For MALDI-TOF analysis, the protein was diafiltrated, using a Centricon-10 (Millipore),
against 10% acetonitrile containing 0.1% TFA. Two microliters of protein (about 80
pmoles) were mixed with 2 µL of a saturated solution of sinapinic acid in 30% acetonitrile
solution containing 0.1% TFA. One microliter of the mix was spotted on a MTP 384
stainless steel target (Bruker Daltonics GmbH, Bremen, Germany) and allowed to air-dry.
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dual 1H/13C Z gradient probe. For data acquisition and processing XWINNMR 2.6 software
package (Bruker Daltonics) was used. 1D proton NMR spectra were collected using a
standard one-pulse experiment. Chemical shifts were referenced to HDO at 4.79 ppm. 32k
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points were collected on 4000 Hz spectral window. 1H NMR spectra were obtained in
quantitative matter using a total recycle time to ensure a full recovery of each signal (5 ×
Longitudinal Relaxation Time T1). FID (free induction decay) were Fourier transformed
applying 0.1 Hz of line-broadening.
Addition of sodium deuteroxide to the sample caused rapid de-O-acetylation (the sample
was heated at 37 °C for 20 min to have complete de-O-acetylation) and consequently
sharper peaks appeared in the proton spectrum. The spectrum of the de-O-acetylated
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polysaccharide in alkaline medium was better suited for use as an identification test than that
of the untreated sample, based on the presence of five typical signals (from about 5 to about
4 ppm) corresponding to the protons of the carbohydrate ring. Well resolved N-acetyl and
acetate resonances were observed so that the degree of O-acetylation of Vi was determined
by comparison of the integrals of these two peaks [31].
Marker III, 0.12–21.2 kbp, Roche) and sodium azide (NaN3, Merck), respectively. Eluted
polysaccharides and proteins were detected setting UV detector at 214nm (polysaccharide
and protein) and at 280 nm (protein). Protein peaks were also detected using tryptophan
fluorescence (emission spectrum at 336 nm, with excitation wavelength at 280 nm).
a Dionex ICS3000 equipped with a CarboPac PA1 column (4 mm × 250 mm) coupled with
PA1 guard column (4 mm × 50 mm). Samples were run with a flow rate of 1 mL/min, using
a gradient from 40 mM to 150 mM NaNO3 in 100 mM NaOH. The effluent was monitored
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using an electrochemical detector in the pulse amperometric mode with a gold working
electrode and an Ag/AgCl reference electrode. A quadruple-potential waveform for
carbohydrates was applied. The resulting chromatographic data were processed using
Chromeleon software 6.8.
Acridine orange method—Vi content in free and conjugated samples was measured also
by acridine orange binding according to the procedure reported in the literature [32]. Vi
samples were analysed in water, while conjugates were dialysed against 2 mM phosphate
buffer before the analysis.
to and two weeks after each immunization. Mice received Vi conjugates formulated either
without adjuvant, or adjuvanted with 400 µg aluminum hydroxide per injection (Alum,
manufactured by Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics) or Freund’s adjuvant (complete
Freund’s adjuvant (CFA), on the first injection; and incomplete Freund’s adjuvant (IFA), on
the second and third injections).
Analysis by ELISA—The wells of 96-well ELISA plates (Maxisorp, Nunc) were coated
overnight with 100 µL of 1 µg/mL Vi or 2 µg/mL CRM197 in 0.05 M carbonate buffer, pH
9.6 at 4 °C. The plates were blocked with 200 µL/well of 5% fat-free milk in phosphate-
buffered saline containing 0.05% Tween 20 (PBST) for 1 h at room temperature (RT). After
washing with PBST, 100 µL/well of mouse sera (diluted 1:200 in PBST containing 0.1%
BSA) were incubated for 2h at RT. After three more washes, 100 µL/well of alkaline
phosphatase-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG secondary antibody (Sigma A3438, diluted
1:10,000 in PBST containing 0.1% BSA) was incubated for 1 h at RT. After another wash,
alkaline phosphatase substrate (p-nitrophenol phosphate tablets, Sigma N2765), dissolved in
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1 M diethanolamine buffer, pH 9.8, was added to the plates and incubated for 1 h at RT.
Absorbance at 490 nm and 405 nm were obtained using an ELISA reader (ELx800, BioTek)
and OD405 minus OD490 values were used for subsequent analysis. Antibody units were
expressed relative to a mouse anti-Vi or anti-CRM197 standard serum curve, with best 4
parameter fit determined by modified Hill Plot. One ELISA unit was defined as the
reciprocal of the dilution of the standard serum that gave an absorbance value equal to 1 in
this assay. Each mouse serum was run in triplicate. Data are presented as scatter plots of
individual mice ELISA units, and bars represent the geometric mean of each group.
was performed at pH 6.0–6.2 rather than at the usual pH of 4.9–5.1 used for this kind of
reaction in order to avoid protein precipitation. MES buffer was used in order to maintain
constant pH during the entire reaction time. In the standard reaction, ADH (ADH/protein =
3.5, w/w) was added to either CRM197 or TT (10–12 mg/mL in 60–80 mM MES buffer pH
6.0–6.2) and mixed. When the solution became clear, 1.5–1.8 mg/mL EDAC (EDAC/protein
= 0.15, w/w) was added. The reaction was carried out for 1h at RT, then dialyzed at 2–8 °C
first against 0.2 M NaCl, 10 mM MES buffer pH 7.2 and then against 5 mM MES buffer pH
7.2. Protein recovery was estimated using micro BCA while the level of derivatization was
measured by mass spectrometry.
2.4. Vi conjugates
Conjugates were synthesized as described by Kossaczka et al. [27], with slight
repeating unit) in 100 mM MES buffer pH 6.0 and mixed for approximately 5 min at RT.
The individual lots also varied in the ratio of Vi to derivatized CRM197 used. The details of
the various synthesis are given in Table 2.
Derivatized CRM197 in 5 mM MES buffer pH 7.2 was added to the solution under mixing
and allowed to react with activated Vi for 3h at RT. Final conjugation mixture contained
>40 mM MES buffer pH 6, in order to maintain a constant pH during the reaction. The
reaction mixture was then dialyzed against 10 mM NaH2PO4, 0.2 M NaCl, pH 7.0 at 4 °C
and purified by size exclusion chromatography on a 1.6 cm × 90 cm Sephacryl S-1000
column eluted at 0.2 mL/min in either 10 mM NaH2PO4, 0.2 M NaCl, pH 7.0 (conjugation
lots 1–6) or 10 mM NaH2PO4, 5 mM NaCl pH 7.0 (conjugate lots 7–11). Fractions were
analysed by SDS-PAGE and those showing presence of conjugate without free protein were
collected. Two different pools were collected according to polysaccharide profile on the
same column in the same eluting conditions: the first of higher molecular weight did not
containing free Vi, while the second of lower molecular weight overlapped with
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unconjugated Vi.
in the same eluting conditions: the first of higher molecular weight did not contain free Vi,
while the second of lower molecular weight overlapped with unconjugated Vi.
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3. Results
3.1. Characterization of Vi polysaccharide
Characterization of Vi showed that this preparation contained 1% of nucleic acids, 0.3% of
proteins, an O-acetylation level of 68% (according to 1H NMR) and of 63.4% (according to
Hestrin method). Spectral assignments of 1H NMR of de-O-acetylated Vi saccharide
(5.10ppm H1, 4.70ppm H5, 4.44ppm H4, 4.2ppm H2, 4.13 ppm H3, 2.06 ppm N-acetyl in
non-O-acetylated residues (3H), 1.91 ppm acetate anion arising from de-O-acetylation (3H))
were in good agreement with published results [31]. Na+ content was <0.08%.
Thermogravimetric and Karl Fisher analysis gave 76% of dried weight and 21.6% of
residual moisture, respectively. This Vi with a purity of 76% by weight was used as standard
for High Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric
Detection (HPAEC-PAD) analysis.
Under the conditions described above, the HPAEC-PAD method gave a close correlation
with the acridine orange method [32,34] for unconjugated Vi samples and for some Vi-
CRM197 conjugates tested (Table 3). In contrast to other reported procedures for Vi
quantification, our new method was more sensitive. For example, the intensities of the Vi
absorbance peaks observed by FT-IR spectroscopy were proportional to Vi in the range of
0.25–2.0 mg [32], and using acridine orange method Vi in the range of 20–700 µg/mL can
be assayed. Furthermore, the HPAEC-PAD method can be applied to samples in different
and complex matrixes unlike FT-IR that requires salt-free solids or the acridine orange assay
that is sensitive to ionic strengths greater than 3 mM. In the latter assay and in the presence
of higher salt concentrations or impurities, the binding of the cation dye acridine orange to
Vi is inhibited. Attempts to quantify Vi in culture supernatants or in intermediate steps of
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TT was derivatized using the same conditions described for CRM197, with a recovery of
86%. The TTADH SDS-PAGE pattern and SEC profile were similar to native TT. Molar
ratio of ADH to TT was measured by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and had an average
of 11 linkers per TT (data not shown).
the conjugate, close to the void volume of the Sephacryl S-1000 column, the conjugate was
unable to migrate into the SDS-PAGE gel and protein stained band was observed in the well
Conjugates were easily separated from unconjugated CRM197 or TT but, due to the
polydisperse nature of Vi and Vi conjugates and to the polysaccharide large size compared
with the protein, the elution of conjugate and free Vi overlapped (Fig.4).Fractions pooled
from the first half of the conjugate peak (pool 1)were characterized by a Vi to protein ratio
lower than that in fractions from the second half (pool 2). As pool 1 was collected at elution
times that did not overlap with free Vi, we assume that this material did not contain
unconjugated Vi, while the presence of unconjugated Vi could not be ruled out for pool 2.
Similar results were obtained with analysis of the Vi-TT conjugates.
between conjugate and free Vi was obtained and enabled also the purification of lower
molecular weight conjugates prepared by using a higher ratio of Vi to CRM197 (Fig. 5).
anti-Vi response peaked after the second injection, while the anti-CRM197 antibody levels
increased also after the third injection (Fig. 6B).
No significant difference in anti-Vi antibody levels was detected in sera of mice immunized
with Vi-conjugates (Fig. 6A, groups 5–14) when compared on a given bleed day (Kruskal–
Wallis ANOVA, p > 0.05). Additionally, no differences in anti-Vi antibody levels were
observed between 2.5 µg and 10 µg doses (Fig. 6A, group 5 in comparison with 13 and 14),
or between the unadjuvanted or adjuvanted formulations (Fig. 6A, group 5 in comparison to
9, 13 and 14; group 6 in comparion to 10; groups 7 and 8 in comparison to 11 and 12,
respectively). Finally, animals immunized with Vi-CRM197 or Vi-TT produced anti-Vi
antibody levels similar to that detected in NIH mice serum (mice immunized with Vi-rEPA
conjugate). Differences in Vi/CRM197 ratios (Fig. 6A, groups 5 and 6) or possible presence
of free Vi (Fig. 6A, groups 6 and 8 vaccinated with pool 2) did not produce significant
variations of anti-Vi antibody responses.
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4. Discussion
Surface polysaccharides from bacteria have been widely used in vaccines, being both
essential virulence factor and protective antigens. As saccharides are T-independent
antigens, they are poorly immunogenic, do not induce immunological memory and are not
effective in infants. Re-vaccination is required at regular intervals as antibody levels decline,
but reinjection at any age does not elicite a booster effect [17,35,36]. It is well known that
conjugation to a carrier protein converts T-independent antigens into T-dependent ones,
thereby providing a long lasting protection and enhancing memory responses. Antibody
response is boosted by repeated immunization and glycoconjugate vaccines confer
protection in children younger than 2 years of age [17,35,37].
The first conjugate vaccine was developed against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
[38,39]. With the success of the Hib conjugate vaccine, glycoconjugate vaccines against
Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae have been developed and licensed
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OMP of S. Typhi have been tested as carriers for Vi polysaccharide [42]. In particular,
clinical trials of Vi-rEPA conjugate conferred 89% protection over 46 months in
Vietnamese children 2–5 years old [19,20]. However, the lack of regulatory precedent for
rEPA in licensed vaccine hinders its use in areas where a vaccine is more needed. Recently a
Vi-TT conjugate has been licensed for local distribution in India [43] and the International
Vaccine Institute (IVI) is planning to perform clinical evaluation of the safety and
immunogenicity of a Vi-DT vaccine [42]. In the present study, we described the preparation,
characterization and immunological properties of an anti-typhoid fever conjugate vaccine
composed of the C.freundii capsular polysaccharide covalenty coupled to the non toxic
mutant of diphtheria toxin CRM197.
We decided to use the high molecular weight native polysaccharide since it has been
reported that conjugates obtained after reduction of Vi molecular size elicited lower levels of
antibodies than those prepared with native Vi [41]. Furthermore, Vi polysaccharide is
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resistant to acid hydrolysis and its depolymerisation is unlikely in conditions that would
maintain its structure substantially unchanged.
CRM197 was derivatized with adipic acid dihydrazide and conjugated to Vi polysaccharide
by carbodiimide chemistry. As there are multiple activation points within each Vi chain and
multiple linkage points on each protein, crosslinked network of very high molecular weight
was formed. The Vi-CRM197 conjugates were fully characterized, including a newly
developed method for total sugar quantification based on HPAEC-PAD.
Manufacture of vaccines requires good characterization and quality control of all its
components. The standardization of vaccines composed of conjugated or unconjugated Vi
requires a method for quantifying Vi [44]. Colorimetric methods for measuring amino sugar
residues or uronic acids do not work for Vi because of its resistance to acid hydrolysis. This
also prevented the application of traditional HPAEC-PAD methods [45–48] for Vi
quantification. Our new method is based on alkaline hydrolysis with NaOH, in conditions
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that cause both complete de-acetylation and hydrolysis of the Vi. In this way quantification
of the released species by HPAEC-PAD becomes possible. The same procedure can be used
to quantify Vi in conjugates. The optimized procedure is reproducible, simple and precise
(CV < 2% both for Vi and Vi conjugate samples) and more sensitive than other methods
previously employed [29,32] (detection of ≥ 1 µg/mL Vi concentrations). Furthermore, it is
suitable for quantifying Vi in complex matrixes and for analysis of formulated conjugates.
similarly elicited by Vi-CRM197 and Vi-TT conjugates and were also comparable to those
elicited by Vi-rEPA at NIH. The nature of the carrier protein used (i.e., CRM197, TT or
rEPA) did not impact on immunogenicity, and confirms the data of Cui et al. [42] where Vi-
DT was compared with Vi-rEPA produced at NIH. Importantly, a powerful adjuvant
(Freunds complete followed by incomplete) did not increase antibody responses.
The authors would like to thank Nathalie Norais for performing MALDI analysis; Mariagrazia Pizza and Vega
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Masignani for their comments and suggestions on this manuscript; and the Novartis Animal Resources Center for
conducting in vivo studies. This study was funded in part by grants received by Associazione A. Sclavo from
Regione Toscana and Fondazione Monte Dei Paschi di Siena. This manuscript is dedicated to the memory of
Angela Bardotti who provided exceptional contribution in the HPAEC-PAD method development.
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Fig. 1.
TFA and NaOH hydrolysis of Vi detected by HPAEC-PAD. HPAEC-PAD profiles were
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obtained with CarboPac PA1 column using PA1 guard-column and a flow rate of 1 mL/min.
Vi treatment with (A) 4 M TFA at 120 °C for 2h resulting in a mixture of oligosaccharides,
analysed by elution with 18 mM NaOH for 15 min and then reaching 40 mM NaOH, 10 mM
NaNO3 in 5 min and then 100 mM NaOH, 80 mM NaNO3 in 10 min and finally 100 mM
NaOH, 200 mM NaNO3 in 30 min. (B) 2 M NaOH at 110 °C for4h resulting in a single
peak, analysed by elution in gradient from 40 mM to 150 mM NaNO3 in 100 mM NaOH in
22 min.
Fig. 2.
HPLC-SEC analysis of underivitized CRM197 and CRMADH. Samples were run on TSK gel
3000 PW column and eluted with 100 mM NaH2PO4, 100 mM NaCl, 5% CH3CN pH 7.2
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with UV detection at 214 nm. Derivatized CRM197 (CRMAHD) showed similar retention
time on HPLC-SEC as the underivatized protein.
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Fig. 3.
Impact of EDAC/CRM197 ratio on derivitization of CRMADH as detected by MS Q-TOF.
Derivatized CRMADH was prepared using (A) EDAC/CRM197 ratio of 0.15 (w/w) or (B)
half amount of EDAC. The result is the formation of several products characterized by the
presence of a different number of linkers bound to the protein: (A) 3–10 linkers per mol
protein with the principle product containing6 linkers and (B) 2–3 linkers per mole of
Fig. 4.
Sephacryl S-1000 profile of Vi, CRMADH and Vi-CRM197. Vi-CRM197 Lot 3 was purified
on Sephacryl S-1000 (1.6 cm × 90 cm) eluting with 10 mM NaH2PO4, 200 mM NaCl pH7.0
at a flow rate of 0.2 mL/min. Conjugate reaction mixture profile is in comparison with
unconjugated Vi run on the column in the same conditions; black arrow indicates the peak
corresponding to unconjugated protein.
Fig. 5.
Sephacryl S-1000 purification eluted with 5 mM NaCl instead of 200 mM NaCl gives better
separation of Vi and Vi-CRM197. Vi-CRM197 Lot 11 purification on Sephacryl S-1000 in
comparison to free Vi. Sephacryl S-1000 (1.6 cm × 90 cm column); eluent: 10 mM
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Fig. 6.
Conjugation of Vi to carrier protein is required to generate anti-Vi antibodies. Fourteen
groups of BALB/c female mice (N = 8 per group) were subcutaneously immunized on days
0,14 and 28 as detailed in Table 1. Sera were assessed by ELISA for (A) anti-Vi IgG
antibodies and (B) anti-CRM197 IgG antibodies (measured just in those groups receiving
CRM197). Bars represent the geometric mean ELISA units of the group, individual animals
are represented by the scatter plots. Comparisons are made to serum from mice vaccinated
with Vi-rEPA (serum provided by PDMI, NIH, obtained from mice immunized with 2.5 µg
of the Vi-rEPA conjugate used in human trials in Vietnam).
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
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NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Table 1
Immunogenicity study.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Vi dose per vaccination was 2.5 µg for all the groups with the exception of groups 13 and 14 that received 10 µg (both groups were identical).
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Table 2
Table 3
116.0 115.2
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Table 4
Vi-CRM197 and Vi-TT conjugate characterization for protein and saccharide content.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Conjugate Vi contenta µg/mL (HPAEC- Vi contentb µg/mL(acridine Protein content µg/mL Vi/protein ratio (w/w)
PAD) orange) (micro BCA)
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
CV< 2% for HPAEC-PAD and < 3% for micro BCA on analysed conjugates. Acridine orange measurements were more variable (CV from 3 to
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Table 5
Conjugate Vi conc. µg/mL (HPAEC-PAD) CRM197 conc. µg/mL (micro BCA) Vi/CRM197 ratio (w/w) % yield
Micoli et al.
Vi CRM197
Table 6
Conjugate Nominal Vi/CRM197 ratio in reaction Vi conc. µg/mL CRM197 conc. Actual Retention time
Micoli et al.