Application: Replacement or Renewal of A Foreign Nationals Document

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replacement or renewal of
a foreign nationals document

Nederlandse versie Countries that belong to the European Union (EU) are: Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Dit aanvraagformulier is ook verkrijgbaar in het Nederlands. Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Republic of Ireland,
Kijk op om dit formulier te downloaden. Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Czech Republic,
First read the notes on this page and the following page before you complete the form. United Kingdom and Sweden.
Countries that belong to the European Economic Area (EEA) are: Liechtenstein,
Why use this form? Norway and Iceland.
You can use this form to apply for a new foreign nationals document.
You can only use this form if: How do you complete this form?
• Your foreign nationals document, w-document or w2- document This form comprises several different appendices; which appendices
has been lost, stolen or damaged. You need to replace the foreign you need to complete depends on your situation. Only submit your
nationals document; application once you have fully completed this form, signed and collected
• You have a permanent regular residence permit or a Permanent together all the necessary documents and items of evidence. If your
Residence Document for Nationals of the Union and the period of application is incomplete then the Immigration and Naturalisation
validity of the current foreign nationals document is about to expire. Service (IND) will not be able to assess your application properly.
You need to renew the foreign nationals document;
• You have the nationality of one of the EU Member States, EEA Minor children
Member States or of Switzerland. You have a permanent residence If the foreign nationals document of a minor child needs to be replaced
permit of a Permanent Residence Document for Nationals of the or renewed, or if it is damaged, then you can complete this form on
Union and the period of validity of the current document is about to his/her behalf. Where reference is made in the form to ‘you’ or ‘the
expire. You can renew the foreign nationals document. However, this applicant’ then this refers to the child. Complete a separate form for
is not obligatory; each child. Answer all the questions on behalf of the child. If the child is
• Your foreign nationals document contains incorrect personal details, 12 years old or older, then he/she can sign the form him/herself. If the
for example the wrong name, date of birth, place of birth or child is younger than 12 years old, then the section ‘5: Previous history’
nationality. You first need to change the details in the Municipal does not require completing.
Personal Records Database in the municipality where you live;
• Your foreign nationals document contains other incorrect details. How do you submit this application?
Send the form to the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).
In which cases can you not use this form? Only submit the application once this form is fully completed and
You cannot use this form in the following cases: signed, therefore not in parts. Send all the required documents together
• You have an EU document (other than the residence document with your application. If you are requesting the replacement of your
Permanent Residence Document for Nationals of the Union) and you foreign nationals document, then you should send your application as
have the nationality of one of the EU Member States, EEA Member soon as possible to the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).
States or of Switzerland, except Croatia. You want to replace/renew If you are requesting renewal of the foreign nationals document, then
your EU document because the period of validity of the document you should send your application to the Immigration and Naturalisation
is about to expire. Do not use this form is such cases. You no longer Service (IND) at least 8 weeks before the date on which the foreign
need a residence document. Under certain conditions you may be nationals document expires. Assessment of the application and making
eligible for the residence document Permanent Residence Document the foreign nationals document takes several weeks to complete.
for Nationals of the Union. You can find further information about You are obliged to have a valid foreign nationals document with you
this on the website at all times in the Netherlands. If the police ask to see your foreign
• You have an EU document (other than the residence document nationals document, then you must be able to show it to them. If you
Permanent Residence Document for Nationals of the Union) and you are unable to do so, then you may incur a fine. If you do not have a valid
have Croatian nationality, or you are staying with someone with the foreign nationals document, then you may incur problems at your work
nationality of one of the EU Member States, EEA Member States or of or in relation to benefit payments.
Switzerland. You want to replace/renew your EU document because
the period of validity of the document is about to expire. Do not use Application costs (charges)
this form is such cases. Instead you should use the form ‘Application There may be costs attached to applications for replacement or renewal.
for Verification against EU Law (certificate of lawful residence)’. There is no information relating to these costs or the possible exemption
Under certain conditions you may be eligible for the residence from administrative charges included in this form. If you would like to
document Permanent Residence Document for Nationals of the know more about these costs before submitting a form, details of this
Union. You can find further information about this on the website can be found on the website
6013 | 18c
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Processing of personal data processes. You can also get information on why the IND does so and to
The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) processes personal whom your data have been passed on. On you can read how
data when it processes your application, notification, or request. the IND processes your data and which rights you have. You can also read
This means that if needed the IND will request data from you yourself how to use your rights.
and other organisations or persons. The IND also uses and stores data
and shares them with other organisations. When doing so, the IND Do you need more information?
strictly adheres to the stipulations of privacy legislation. For instance, Then visit the IND website at You can also contact the IND
the IND must treat data safely and with due care. The law also gives by telephone via 088 043 04 30 (normal charges apply). From abroad
rights. At your request, you are allowed to see which data on you the IND you can call +31 88 043 04 30.

1 Details of applicant (the permit holder) WRITE IN BLOCK LETTERS

You can find the V-number cited in previous correspondence from the IND or on your previous residence permit

1.1 V-number

1.2 Citizen Service Number (if known)

Surname as stated in the passport

1.3 Name |
First names

> Please tick the applicable situation Day Month Year

1.4 Sex and Date of birth n Male n Female

1.5 Place of birth |

1.6 Country of birth |

1.7 Nationality |
Street Number

1.8 Home address | |

Postcode Town

| |
> Please tick the applicable situation

1.9 Civil status n unmarried n married n registered partnership n divorced n widow/widower

1.10 Telephone number

1.11 E-mail |

2 Replacement or renewal?
2.1 Indicate the reason why you want n Replacement of the foreign nationals document due to loss or theft (720)
a new foreign nationals document n Replacement of the foreign nationals document because it is damaged (721)
> Please tick the applicable situation n Replacement of the foreign nationals document because it contains incorrect personal details (721)
Please note! If there are changes to your personal details and you have not yet passed these on to your local municipality,
then you must do so as soon as possible. The IND always uses your personal details as they are registered with your local
municipality. It is very important therefore that your local municipality has your correct personal details. Indicate below
which details are incorrect.
n Replacement of the foreign nationals document because it contains incorrect details (721)
Indicate below which details are incorrect
n Renewal of the foreign nationals document (permanent residence permit or Permanent Residence
Document for Nationals of the Union) because the period of validity is about to expire (721)

> Indicate here which details are incorrect |

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Application replacement or renewal of a foreign nationals document

Immigration and Naturalisation Service
Ministry of Justice and Security

2.2 Indicate the type of n Regular residence permit > Continue further with 3 and complete the rest of the form
document you are n Evidence of legitimate stay (EU/EEA) (other than the residence document Permanent Residence Document
applying for for Nationals of the Union) ; do you have Croatian nationality or are you a family member of a person
> Please tick the applicable with an EU/EEA nationality or Swiss nationality? Please note! Only choose this option if you want to replace
situation your residence document in connection with theft, loss or incorrect details. On page 1 under “In which cases can
you not use this form?” you can read what you should do in other situations. > Continue further with 3 and complete the rest of the form
n Residence document
Permanent Residence Document for Nationals of the Union > Continue further with 3 and complete the rest of the form
n Asylum residence permit (721) > Continue further with 4 and complete the rest of the form
n W-document (782) > Continue further with 5 and complete the rest of the form
n W2-document (781) > Continue further with 5 and complete the rest of the form

3 Identification 4 Municipal administration

Enclose together with your application a copy of the pages of your valid passport on The IND checks the details recorded in the
which your personal details and the period of validity of the document are recorded. municipal administration.
As citizen of the EU/EEA or Swiss you can enclose a copy of your valid ID card instead of
your passport. If the application relates to a minor child, then enclose with the application
a copy of the pages of your valid passport on which your personal details, the period of
validity of the document and the addition of your child are recorded in the document.

5 Antecedents certificate
Please note! > Indicate the situation which applies to you since the issue of your current residence document
You do not have to complete this n I declare that:
antecedents certificate if you (the • I have never been sentenced to a term of imprisonment or measure restricting liberty due to committing a
permit holder): crime;
• submit an application for • I have never been sentenced to carry out unpaid work for public service or a community punishment order
replacement, or due to committing a crime;
• I have never had an unconditional fine imposed on me due to committing a crime;
• if you are 12 years or older, or • I have never accepted a fixed penalty notice due to committing a crime;
• if you are a national of the EU • I have never received a punishment order due to committing a crime;
or EEA or Switzerland, or • I am not subject to prosecution at the present time due to committing a crime;
• if you have Belgian or • I have never been responsible for one of the following categories of acts as meant in Article 1F of the
Geneva Convention on Refugees of 1951: a crime against peace, a war crime, a crime against humanity,
Luxembourgian nationality.
a serious non-political crime (for example, murder or terrorism), or acts contrary to the objectives and
principles of the United Nations (for example, acts of terror); and
In other cases if you do not • I understand that conviction of a crime may lead to refusal of residence or termination of residence.
complete this antecedents n I am unable to make the above declaration for the following reason(s):
certificate truthfully, then this
may have consequences for your
right of residence.

6 Declaration on main residence

Please note! Have you been outside the Netherlands for more than 6 months, since the release of your residence document?
This statement only applies if you n No n Yes > Give details about your stay abroad.
apply for a renewal of the foreign
nationals document

7 Report of loss or theft

Enclose a copy of the report of loss or theft together with your Finding the residence document again after report of theft/loss
application. In case of the loss or theft of a foreign nationals Did you report the theft/loss to the police? This makes the residence document
document you must report this at the nearest police station. permanently invalid. You then always have to apply for replacement.
It must be clearly stated in the official report that this involves the Even when you find the residence document again, you can no longer use it.
loss or theft of your foreign nationals document. A report that is You must hand in this residence document to the IND. You can do this at an IND
filed with the local police abroad must be compiled in Dutch, English, Desk. For example, when you collect the replacement residence document.
French or German. If this is not the case, then you are required to Or, you can send the document, that you found again, to the following address:
have the report translated by a translator who has been sworn in by Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst, Bureau Documenten
a district court and enclose a copy of the translation together with Postbus 7025, 8007 HA Zwolle
official report and your application.

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8 Copy of the current document

Enclose a copy of the front and back of your current document together with your application, even if this
document is damaged. In the case of loss or theft, then you are not required to enclose a copy of the document.

9 Biometric details (fingerprints and passport photo) and signature

You need to allow your fingerprints to be taken and also a passport photo for the purpose of establishing your
identity. The biometric details are also needed for making a residence document. In addition, your signature is
also needed. Fingerprints are made of applicants of 6 years old and older. Every applicant from 12 years old and
older is required to provide his/her own signature. In the appendix ‘Fingerprints, passport photo and signature’
you can read how to give biometric details.

Citizens of the EU, EEA and Switzerland

If you are a citizen of the EU, EEA or Switzerland then your fingerprints will not be taken and these will not
appear on your residence document. However, your residence document will include your passport photo and
signature. You can use the photo card appendix for this purpose. The appendix includes instructions for use.
You can also choose to go to an Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) desk to make a passport photo
and to place your signature. You need to make an online appointment for this. Please check for how
to make an online appointment. You can also find the addresses and opening times of the Immigration and
Naturalisation Service (IND) desks on the website

> Please tick the applicable situation n I understand that IND needs my fingerprints, passport photo and signature for making a residence
n I am a citizen of the EU, EEA or Switzerland. I understand that the IND needs my passport photo and
signature for making a residence document.

10 Signature by the applicant (the permit holder)

I declare I have completed this form truthfully. I understand that the personal details included in the form will
be processed under the implementation of the Aliens Act 2000 and will be passed on to authorities that need
these details for that purpose. I will inform the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) without delay
of any changes to my situation (and to the situation of the child) that relate to the right of residence.

I am submitting this form together with (number) appendices/items of evidence.

10.1 Name |
Place Day Month Year

10.2 Place and Date |

10.3 Signature |

11 Submitting and sending the application

> If you need to enclose the photo card appendix, place your colour passport photo and signature on the
photo card appendix, which is enclosed with this application form. Your passport photo may not have been
used previously for a residence document, it must be a good likeness and comply with the requirements for
Dutch passports. These requirements can be found at (Welke eisen stelt de overheid aan
mijn pasfoto voor mijn paspoort of identiteitskaart?)
> Check that you have fully completed this form.
> Check that you have signed this form.
> Enclose all the requested appendices, items of evidence and documents together with your application.
Do not use any staples or paper clips!
> Send your application to the IND.

For the purposes of residence:

• working as an employee or self-employed person;
• study; exchange; au pair;
• residence as scientific researcher or highly skilled migrant;
• residence with a family member with a residence permit as scientific researcher or highly skilled migrant or
work or study, then you should send the application to:

Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst
Postbus 5
9560 AA Ter Apel
In all other cases send the application to:

Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst
Postbus 9
9560 AA Ter Apel

Do not enclose this appendix with the form! Appendix
Fingerprints, passport photo and

In order to be able to make a residence document, the Immigration and Applying for a first residence permit in the Netherlands or changing
Naturalisation Service (IND) need the fingerprints, passport photo and the purpose of residence
signature of the foreign national. How can the foreign national submit
these? • The foreign national or sponsor submits the application in writing
(and sends the application by post to the Immigration and
In all cases, the foreign national must bring a valid passport (this can Naturalisation Service (IND)). The foreign national must go the
also be a foreign national passport or a refugee passport) or ID card of Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) desk within 2 weeks
the EU, EEA or Switzerland. after receiving a confirmation letter in order to have his/her
fingerprints and passport photo taken. Please check to
This can be done while still abroad, by means of the Entry and make an online appointment. There, you will also find addresses
Residence procedure and opening hours of the IND desks. If the application form notes
that the foreign national will collect the residence permit at an expat
• The sponsor (in the Netherlands) will have submitted the application centre, then he/she can also have a passport photograph and his/her
for Regular Provisional Residence Permit for the foreign national fingerprints taken there. Please check for how to make an
(who is still abroad). online appointment. There, you will also find addresses and opening
- If a positive decision is given, then the foreign national can collect hours of the IND desks. The addresses and opening hours of the Expat
the Regular Provisional Residence Permit from the Dutch Embassy Centres can be found at
or Consulate in his/her country of origin or long-term residence. • The foreign national must submit the application immediately at
When collecting the Regular Provisional Residence Permit, the the counter. A passport photo and the fingerprints will be taken at
foreign national must take a new (and not previously used) passport the counter. The foreign national will also be required to sign the
photo with him/her. This passport photo must comply with the document. Submitting an application to an Immigration and
requirements which also apply for Dutch passports. The Embassy Naturalisation Service (IND) counter is by appointment only.
can inform the foreign national where he/she is able to have Information about making appointments can be found on the
passport photos made locally, which comply with the relevant website
requirements. A photo that does not comply with the requirements
will cause unnecessary delay. Application for extension of a residence permit, a permanent
- The employee at the Dutch Embassy or the Consulate will take residence permit or an application for renewal or replacement of
fingerprints and the foreign national will also be required to sign a residence document
the document.
• The foreign national or sponsor submits the application in writing
• The foreign national has submitted the Regular Provisional Residence (and sends the application by post to the Immigration and
Permit to the Dutch Embassy or the Consulate in the country of origin Naturalisation Service (IND)). The foreign national must then go to
or long-term residence. the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) counter within
- When submitting the application, the foreign national must take 2 weeks in order to have his/her fingerprints and passport photo
a new (and not previously used) passport photo with him/her. taken. You will have to make an online appointment first.
The employee at the Dutch Embassy or the Consulate will also take The addresses and opening hours of the Immigration and
the fingerprints and the foreign national will be required to sign the Naturalisation Service (IND) counters can be found on the website

When abroad, application for temporary Regular Residence Permit N.B. From 1 March 2014, if the foreign national (e.g. in the context of
for persons who do not require a Regular Provisional Residence Permit a previous application) has had biometric features (10 fingerprints and
a passport photo) taken, the foreign national does not need to provide
• If an application is submitted in the Netherlands by a (recognised) these details (at an IND desk) again. This does not apply if the foreign
sponsor for a foreign national who does not require a Regular national has reached the age of 6, 12 or 18 in the intervening period.
Provisional Residence Permit, then the foreign national must go The IND could invite the foreign national for gaining biometric details
to an Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) counter again, if the previously used passport photo is an insufficient similarity
immediately after arrival in the Netherlands. The Immigration and of the foreign national or if the photo and/or fingerprints taken
Naturalisation Service (IND) employee will make fingerprints and a previously are of an insufficiently high quality.
passport photo and the foreign national will be required to sign the
document. You have to make an online appointment via the website

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Processing of personal data

The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) processes personal data when it
processes your application, notification, or request. This means that if needed the IND
will request data from you yourself and other organisations or persons. The IND also
uses and stores data and shares them with other organisations. When doing so, the
IND strictly adheres to the stipulations of privacy legislation. For instance, the IND must
treat data safely and with due care. The law also gives rights. At your request, you are
allowed to see which data on you the IND processes. You can also get information on
why the IND does so and to whom your data have been passed on. On you
can read how the IND processes your data and which rights you have. You can also read
how to use your rights.

This appendix may only be used for children younger than 6 years and
Union citizens and nationals of the EEA and Switzerland. Appendix
Passport photo form

The passport photo and signature Please note! No residence document can be issued to you if your
The passport photo and signature of the foreign national is stated on the passport photo does not meet the Dutch passport requirements.
residence document (card). Each person from the age of 12 must place
his or her own signature in this passport photo form. It is important for Instruction enter personal data and signature
the signature to be clearly visible. Any unclear signatures cannot be used. 1. Complete in this passport photo form the foreign national’s personal
details (1 to 5).
The foreign national’s passport photo, which you have to place in this Please note! Complete in capital letters
passport photo form, must meet the following requirements: 2. Have the foreign national place a signature in the signature box on
• The passport photo is in color. the lower left side (6). Use a pen with dark, preferably black ink.
• The passport photo may not have been used for a residence Please note! If the signature is not clearly visible, a residence
document before and must bear a clear resemblance; document can not be issued.
• The passport photo must meet the Dutch passport requirements. 3. Stick the passport photo with glue in the grey photo frame on
These requirements can be found at (Welke eisen the lower right side.
stelt de overheid aan mijn pasfoto voor mijn paspoort of identiteitskaart?) Please note! Never use paperclips or staples, the passport photo will
damage hereby.

1. First name(s) and surname |

Street Number

2. Home address | |
Postcode Town

| |
Day Month Year

3. Date of birth

4. Nationality |

5. V-number

6. Signature

Stick the passport

photo here

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Processing of personal data

The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) processes personal data when it
processes your application, notification, or request. This means that if needed the IND
will request data from you yourself and other organisations or persons. The IND also
uses and stores data and shares them with other organisations. When doing so, the
IND strictly adheres to the stipulations of privacy legislation. For instance, the IND must
treat data safely and with due care. The law also gives rights. At your request, you are
allowed to see which data on you the IND processes. You can also get information on
why the IND does so and to whom your data have been passed on. On you
can read how the IND processes your data and which rights you have. You can also read
how to use your rights.


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