How To Make Your First Million With Cryptocurrency - Ten Steps To Conquering Crypto Trading - ReadySetCrypto PDF

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How to Make Your First Million With

Ten Steps to Conquering Crypto Trading

Charlie Severson
Doc Severson

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CryptoCurrency. Uncomplicated.®
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Return on Investment “ROI” Examples: Any security used in this example
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derivative traded.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 4

Steps To Success
Understand Your Situation 6

Understand Today’s Markets 10

What Are CryptoCurrencies? 16

Leverage CryptoCurrency As An Investment 20

Leverage Existing Assets 25

Define Your Strategy 29

Begin With The End In Mind 36

Be Deliberate 41

Take Action 47

Creating And Compounding Success 51

Your Next Steps 61

Appendix 64

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 5

Understand Your
Doc: It started for me on a Virgin train from Manchester
to Edinburgh in August 2017. I was on vacation with my
wife and my oldest son, Charlie. I have been trading
the equity and options markets for the past twenty
years, and quit my six-figure product manager job in
2005 to trade the markets full time. During the last
decade, we’ve had some wild markets, and I thought
I’d seen everything… that was until I saw what Charlie
was doing.

During our trip, Charlie was on his smartphone

non-stop, so I asked to see what he was
working on… what he showed me blew
my mind…

Charlie had been trading

cryptocurrencies for the past several
months, and while curious, I had
dismissed them like many other
traders that had my background. But
what I saw changed the game for me
forever… and for you as well, I hope.

During the course of our 17-day trip, Charlie

had managed to grow his account from $5,000
to a high water mark of $66,489! Day after day, I would
check on his account balance, and it continued to rise.
To say I was shocked was an understatement. I started
picking his brain on what he was doing, for the rest of
the trip. I had to know what these “cryptocurrencies”
were, what they represented, and how to trade them.

Charlie: I had been watching Bitcoin with some interest

for a long time. The decentralized currency aspect
immediately garnered my attention, but initially,
buying Bitcoin was an arduous affair, and I didn’t have

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 7

the money to invest in mining equipment. Over the
years, I watched Bitcoin from a distance, checking in
every now and then to see what new developments
had occurred. Having a background in Computer
Science, I was interested in a currency made from code
under the jurisdiction of no government or bank, but
it wasn’t until I learned about a newer CryptoCurrency
called Ethereum that I immediately took action and
dove headfirst into investing and learning more about
this exciting new space.

I remember thinking, “I have to get into this right now!”

which is hopefully how you’re feeling. Sure, I had a few
hundred dollars that I could invest, but I wasn’t satisfied
with that. There had to be more that I could do… then
it occurred to me. For a time, I had been putting aside
money and saved up my “vacation fund” that I was
going to use to travel the world. It was one of those
“fork in the road” moments that I knew going into it
would forever change the direction of my life. I had
to accept that whatever I invested, I was prepared to
lose. But I was ready to take a leap, to risk something
I had worked really hard for to seize an opportunity. It
wasn’t just my financial situation that changed; I gained
a whole new investing perspective and excitement for
a technology that I believe will absolutely change the

So Where Are You?

Undoubtedly, you’ve arrived here because you’re
either tired of hearing about Bitcoin in the news and
not knowing anything about it, or perhaps you’ve put
your toes in the water already and found it somewhat
unsettling. Or maybe you’ve done your research and
are just looking for the RIGHT way to begin.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 8

The fact that you are reading this book puts you well
into the top 1% of all investors worldwide. We all know
the story about the rest, who are:
• Holding mutual funds “for the long haul” and
trusting in Vanguard® and Fidelity®.
• Convinced they don’t have the money to invest.
• Think that cryptocurrencies are a “new-fangled

The rest of this eBook is about what we can bring to your

situation, whether it’s the timeless trading principles
honed by twenty years of hard lessons, or the last
year of being on the bleeding edge of CryptoCurrency
technologies. Today, life moves at “Internet speed,” and
as you’ll soon see, sometimes “old and established”
is the exact opposite of what you need today to be

To quote the legendary CryptoCurrency trader Khan

Singh: Now, shall we begin?

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 9

Understand Today’s
Why should Perhaps you already have invested many years and
thousands of dollars in learning about the Equity,
we bother
Options, Bonds, or other derivative markets. That
learning about little voice in your head is arguing for you to tune
cryptocurrencies, out the noise and just stick to what you already
to begin with? know, right? Or maybe you’re just getting started,
What is wrong with and established pundits such as Jamie Dimon and
Jim Cramer are telling you to run far away from
using the current
CryptoCurrency. Most retail investors that I’ve met
Stock/Bond are somewhere between “intrigued” and “confused”
markets? as to whether this new opportunity is “real,” or
whether the old guard is threatened.

In this section, I want to bring up two concepts

to illustrate my point as to why you need to pay
attention to cryptocurrencies now, and not sweep
this opportunity under the rug.

Those concepts are Disruption and Manipulation.

Let’s talk about the latter first.

We have had a financial manipulation in the

U.S. markets throughout the lives of most active
investors; however, most people aren’t aware of it
even though it has a dramatic impact on their lives.
President Nixon took the U.S. dollar off of the gold
standard in 1971, which effectively liberated the
U.S. Treasury to print whatever U.S. Dollars were
necessary. This was not the first time, however;
President Roosevelt undertook similar actions in
1933, which allowed the U.S. to inflate the money
supply. Both of these actions were undertaken to
provide much-needed liquidity to the economy and
to “unfreeze” credit markets. But these actions have
been small compared to what we’ve seen lately.

It’s been a poorly-disguised “secret” that the U.S.

Treasury has been printing an excess of dollars for

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 11

some time, inflating the money supply to pay for the
outstanding debt. In fact, the U.S. Treasury stopped
reporting the M3 money supply number in 2006 to
obscure some of these activities. It’s like opening up
a new credit card to make minimum payments on
another card’s existing balance.

After the 2008 financial crisis occurred, recovery was

notably slow. Unemployment remained stubbornly
high. The Federal Reserve (FOMC) decided to take
drastic action. Chairman Bernanke announced in 2010
that “extraordinary accommodative economic policy
measures” were underway, which became known as
“quantitative easing.” Ultimately, this was a way of
flooding the U.S. markets with dollars, which were
available for extraordinarily low-interest rates. If you
could borrow money at 0.25% interest and make 10-
20% return on it, why not borrow all that you can?

The secondary goal for this “QE” was to boost asset

prices (aka equity stock prices) to create what
policyholders called a “wealth effect.” This meant that if
regular citizens saw stock prices rise, they would go out
and BUY STUFF, causing further economic expansion
and driving inflation to the point where rates would
rise again, and the system would restore itself.

That was the assumption. The big problem over the

last seven years since that policy went into effect is
that rates have not really risen, yet stock prices have. A
quick look at the S&P 500 chart below shows that stock
prices, as measured by this index, have risen by over
165% since this point:

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 12

But where is the “wealth effect?” It was really only
available to the “investor class” that had the means
to buy distressed assets at the time, leaving most
everyone else in the dust. Now, stocks are “expensive”
and don’t represent the same value that they once did,
with no dips in sight to offer a second chance to buy in.

The net effect of this well-meaning policy has been to

distort financial markets and indirectly create wealth
inequality, exactly the opposite of what they meant to
accomplish. We’re dealing with the U.S. stock markets
at an all-time high, stretched to the breaking point and
vulnerable to the significant downside. History has so
far been kind to the FOMC for “saving” the market during
the financial crisis, but the unintended consequences of
this financial manipulation might be felt negatively for
decades. The U.S. equity markets have been “socialized”
and no longer offer the same reward-to-risk as before.
And that brings me to the second term: Disruption.

A Disruptive Innovation, a term named by Clayton

Christensen1 , is one where a new approach to a product
or service is able to be offered at a significant discount
to established competitors, while still providing most
of the desired functionality.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 13

The Volkswagen Beetle was a disruptive innovation in the
1960’s, offering buyers a very inexpensive, functional car
that provided low cost-of-ownership and disrupted an
industry that only knew how to produce and sell those
extraordinary land yachts that we now call “classic cars.”
Customers were less interested in style than they were
in transportation, and the domestic auto manufacturers
have not recovered to this day.

Smartphones have been a disruptive product to landlines.

Amazon has been extraordinarily disruptive to brick-and-
mortar retailers. Uber has been disruptive to the archaic
taxi industry. When businesses fail to innovate, disruptive
products and services will cannibalize them.

And think about all of these “new” disruptive services…

would you ever go back to the “old way?” Chances are, you
would fight it. A truly disruptive service is transformative.

Think about those existing companies that were being

“disrupted” for a minute… did they like it? Do you think
that they tried to fight back against the disruptors? Of
course, they did. Did they lose in the end? Yes, their
objections only served in delaying the final outcome.

So that brings us to today, where new innovations in

technology are creating a literal bloodbath of disruption,
even to companies that were considered “disruptors” just
a few short years ago. One of the darlings of disruption
just a few short years ago (Apple) is finding itself on the
back end of the curve these days, being forced to buy
OLED screens from its major competitor.

So, do you think that there’s a chance that

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum
and possibly disrupting people in power today? Jamie
Dimon, who is the CEO of one of the most powerful

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 14

banks in the world, offered his opinion that those that
bought Bitcoin are “stupid.2”

Jim Cramer, a pundit and an entertainer on NBC, has

recently said that “Bitcoin isn’t an investment, it’s a
gamble for most people3.” Noted socialist economist,
Paul Krugman, says that “Bitcoin is evil.” 4

These are all HIGHLY respected Masters of the Current

Financial Universe, who can move billions of dollars of
market capitalization with a stroke of a pen, a punch of
a button on a soundboard, or a misplaced adjective in
a press conference. Do you think that just maybe, they
have a lot to lose if the current financial system is cut
out of the middle of a financial transaction?

Cryptocurrencies were invented when the U.S. financial

system broke after 2008, and only those in power got
“bailed out.” The massive worldwide global banking
system is a huge target for disruption if the value can
be seamlessly transferred from peer-to-peer, with
complete accountability and transparency.

Let’s summarize this section: the 2008 financial crisis

was deeper than most realize, and in “fixing” the
economy through extraordinary accommodation, the
FOMC “broke” the price discovery mechanism of the
equity markets through their manipulation. Stocks,
today, represent a poor choice of reward-to-risk, and
this fact opens up the financial world to the potential
disruption by cryptocurrencies.

In the next section, we’ll go into just what these

Cryptocurrencies are, and what they can be used for.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 15

What Are
September and 1 On September 14th, Bank of America agreed
to buy Merrill Lynch in an all-stock deal worth
November of 2008, $50 billion, snagging the world's largest retail
four major events brokerage.

happened. On September 15th, Lehman Brothers filed for

On October 3rd, the Troubled Asset Relief
Program (TARP) is signed into law by President
Bush authorizing the United States government
to purchase 700 million dollars’ worth of toxic
assets and equity from financial institutions to
strengthen the financial sector.

4 On October 31st, Satoshi Nakamoto published a

white paper detailing a payment system that would be
independent of any government, institution, or bank.
He named it Bitcoin, the world’s first CryptoCurrency.

Continuing the theme of disruption from the last

chapter, email lets us send letters for free to anywhere
in the world. Skype lets us make phone and video
calls for free to anywhere in the world. Now, there are
cryptocurrencies. They enable us to securely transact
value for pennies on the dollar. But hold on, digital
money has been around since the internet, what makes
CryptoCurrency different and so special?
If you take away all
the noise around
In a lot of and reduce it to a
ways, the simple definition,
blockchain is you find it to be just
the biggest
a shared database
idea since the
internet. called the blockchain.
What makes
so interesting is the
blockchain. In a lot of
ways, the blockchain is

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 17

the biggest idea since the internet.

So what’s the blockchain and why are cryptocurrencies

so special? Is it because they use it? Instead of a central
bank or payment processor overseeing transactions (and
charging hefty middleman fees), the blockchain enables
cryptocurrencies to be decentralized and independent.
What this means is that the blockchain is made up of
thousands of computers, or nodes, which act to secure
the network. Let’s illustrate why this is a big deal:

to traditional
networks, banks,
and payment
processors, the
blockchain offers a
distributed ledger
where every node
on the network
contains the entire
transaction history.

Where traditional payment networks have a centralized

ledger and are more prone to failure and malicious
attacks, blockchains do not have a single point of

In order to maliciously attack a blockchain, a hacker

would need to control 51% of the computing power
on the network. This is simply not possible when the
blockchain is comprised of thousands of computers
from all over the world. Blockchain is the underlying
technology behind Bitcoin; the first and most important
CryptoCurrency. You may have heard of it.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 18

In many ways,
Bitcoin was created
as a response to the
Bitcoin was 2008 financial crisis.
created as
There’s no central
a response
to the 2008 clearinghouse or bank
financial that issues bitcoins.
crisis. Instead, Bitcoins are
“mined” by computers
running complex
problems. These
computers secure the network, acting as the nodes
on the blockchain. Because there are thousands of
computers securing the network all over the world,
Bitcoin has superior fraud protection and network
resilience compared to more traditional systems. In a
single sentence, Bitcoin’s blockchain is a distributed,
cryptographic, immutable database that uses
incentivized Proof-Of-Work (PoW) to keep the network
in sync and secured. Was that a lot of technobabble?
Sure, but it’s not impenetrable.

We go in-depth on Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies,

the blockchain, and more on our website, www., but importantly, the founding
principles and technology are solid and exciting.

Let’s discuss how you can leverage cryptocurrencies,

like Bitcoin, as an investment.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 19

CryptoCurrency As An
One of the For example, at the very most, you can split a U.S.
fundamental dollar one hundred times. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is
things to divisible to the 8th decimal place, allowing you to own
understand about 1/100,000,000 of a Bitcoin. That’s right; you don’t have
cryptocurrencies to buy an entire Bitcoin in order to invest in Bitcoin.
is that because You can buy the equivalent of $1 of Bitcoin, and that
they’re made from would be completely acceptable. So, just because one
code, they do not Bitcoin is thousands of dollars doesn’t mean you have
operate under to own the whole thing!
the same rules
that dictate fiat In fact, the vast majority of cryptocurrencies are
currencies (which highly divisible. Even if you only have $100 to invest,
are your traditional you can still build a solid mutual fund of the biggest
government-issued cryptocurrencies out there. This is a popular investment
currencies). strategy for those just getting into crypto. You can build
a small portfolio using “blue chip” coins such as Bitcoin,
Ethereum, and Litecoin, and then diversify if you feel
comfortable taking on additional risk.

Altcoins, short for Alternative Coins, are an alternative

to Bitcoin and are cryptocurrencies that leverage
the blockchain technology in new and exciting ways.
Altcoins are highly
speculative as you have
the ability to invest in
coins that are worth $0.1 Coins that
are worth
today and could be $10 $.10 today
tomorrow. Services like could be $10
ReadySetCrypto enable tomorrow
you to make sense of
all the noise and find
investment opportunities
in the crowd. I
recommend, at the very least, you continue your
education with our free Crypto College Courses, which
will bring you up to speed with all the fundamentals
you’ll need to begin trading cryptocurrencies.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 21

The way we see it, there are many reasons you need
to strongly consider CryptoCurrency as an investment.

Return On Investment
If you’re considering investing in cryptocurrencies,
you’ve likely heard how an investment in Bitcoin years
ago would be worth millions today. While it’s easy
to feel like you’ve missed the boat, you still have a
massive opportunity to get into this space while others
are dismissive or apathetic. Ethereum once traded
for a few dollars, and now trades for a few hundred
as people have found its technical aspirations exciting
and innovative. Litecoin once was pennies on the
dollar, and has rocketed to new heights as it became
apparent it was doing everything Bitcoin was doing,
but faster and cheaper. We could go on, but the point
is that each of these was once traded for a fraction of
their current worth. There are opportunities like this
everywhere, and new crypto millionaires are being
made every day, not strictly with Bitcoin anymore. The
opportunities within CryptoCurrency are very much
alive and possible today.

Currency Hedge
Never before in our history has monetary policy
been as ubiquitous as it is today. Banks are “too big
to fail,” and every major sovereign country is printing
money to keep their economies afloat. Every single
one. It’s hard to see the effects now, but in the long
term, wealth and retirement accounts are vulnerable
to possible aggressive inflation. Meanwhile, major
cryptocurrencies have built-in mechanisms to be
deflationary. Bitcoin, for example, will only ever have
21 million coins. The increasing price causes growing
incentive to hold, while scarcity will continue to drive

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 22

demand. It’s no wonder
why people refer to
Bitcoin as “digital gold.”
Crypto is a In fact, Bitcoin is about
free market
10x as scarce as real gold.
alternative to the
With no government or
institution able to control
monopoly on
money cryptocurrencies, it’s
easy to look at crypto as
a free market alternative
to the government’s
monopoly on money.

Privacy & Security

Because cryptocurrencies operate with cutting-edge
cryptography, they are many more times secure at
transacting value than their government counterpart.
Thousands of credit card numbers are stolen every day.
Even though credit card chip technology was recently
implemented in the U.S., it has not stopped identity
theft. Every year, major consumer data breaches are
reported. In 2017, Equifax was breached, and 143
million consumers had personal information, such
as names, birth dates, addresses, and social security
numbers compromised.
Clearly, there are severe flaws in the way we store
and transact value today, and while CryptoCurrency
isn’t the miracle solution, it does alleviate some of the
concerns. Furthermore, it offers pseudo-anonymous
transactions not possible with fiat currency. Quite
simply, privatization of your money is the ultimate
form of security and privacy for investors today.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 23

Freedom from the Banks
We’re taught from an
early age that banks are
who we should entrust
our hard-earned
market is always money to. However,
open, and you’re today’s banks are
able to interact with
your money 24/7, heavily regulated by
365 days of the government. This
the year.
creates situations such
as limits on how much
of your own money
you can withdraw.
Cryptocurrencies give you a viable alternative to
traditional banking systems. The CryptoCurrency
market is always open, and you’re able to interact with
your money 24/7, 365 days of the year.

So, now, we’ve learned why cryptocurrencies are

a compelling investment vehicle, let’s explore
how to leverage your existing assets to invest in

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 24

Leverage Existing
I can already hear I can already hear many of you at this point, saying:
many of you at “Hey, investing in CryptoCurrency sounds great, but I
this point, saying: just don’t have any spare cash lying around!” Fair point,
“Hey, investing in as a few people have piles of excess dollars to invest,
CryptoCurrency life seems to get in the way of that. But hopefully,
sounds great, but I we’ve made the point by now that this opportunity is
just don’t have any not one that you want to miss because a one-degree
spare cash lying deviation in your initial vector could put you miles off
around!” course from your goals down the road. It is time to be
resourceful and creative if you want to achieve your
long-term goals.

Let’s find some money out of thin air, yes?

First off, do you have things of value around your

home that you no longer need? Do a long, hard look at
the assets in your home; can they be put to use? Might
they find utility in others’ hands? You should focus
your efforts to be less of a “consumer” and more of
a “producer,” and you can make this switch by selling
unused items for cash. Pick your channel via eBay,, etc. There were some items that Doc
and Charlie sold, which allowed them to source initial
funding for their crypto trading accounts:
• Doc sold $2000 of household tools that were no
longer needed after moving from a house with
acreage to a townhome. (Snow blower, lawn tractor,
leaf chipper, jointer, shaper, backup generator,
paint compressor, etc.)
• Charlie sold his $1600 4K TV and $250 Xbox that he
was no longer using.
• Charlie cut his cable TV service and suddenly had
$100 of positive cash flow a month to re-invest into
crypto assets.

As you can see, it’s not only finding items of value to

sell, but also identifying those pesky recurring costs

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 26

that could be more constructively diverted into your
crypto trading account.

Secondly, do you have “garbage” accounts in your

name that have little use by themselves? You would be
surprised to see how a lot of small, unused accounts
can add up to a decent little pile of investing capital.
For example, Doc did not want to break loose any of his
current Reg-T cash accounts to trade cryptocurrencies
with; he depends on that capital to trade equities,
futures, and options to pay the bills. He had to get a
little bit more creative to finance his crypto account.
Doing a little archaeology, he found the following:
• Retirement Pension - $273 of “pension” funds
sitting in an unused account from his time being an
adjunct professor of Business and Econ.
• Various Cash Accounts - a few years ago, Doc had
done some research on the capabilities of various
stock brokerages and funded each of them with
the minimum, usually $500. These funds were
doing nothing in the various Schwab, E*Trade,
and Scottrade accounts, so he liquidated them for
• Tax Refunds or Unexpected Payments - it does
not occur as frequently as we’d like, but occasionally,
a gift will fall out of the sky such as a tax refund,
a dividend payment, or some other source of
unexpected income. For example, Doc just received
a check from his car manufacturer due to a class-
action lawsuit. Put those pennies from heaven right
into your crypto account.

Lastly, funding accounts does not have to be a singular

“event.” You can define a recurring payment through
most online banks to fund your crypto exchange
account (Coinbase, Kraken, etc.) with USD fiat currency.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 27

One of the unexpected benefits of this “house-cleaning”
is that you’ll have more productive time available. When
Charlie sold his XBOX/TV and cut his cable service, he
found that this enabled him to spend more time on
researching crypto companies, freed up more time to
walk his dog, to read, and to pursue healthier activities.

Before I leave this topic, I want to bring up sources of

capital NOT to use: credit cards and home equity loans.
Prior to the financial crisis of 2008, it was common
practice to leverage your home assets as collateral to
get more trading capital, and some took it to the next
step by taking out 25% APR cash advances from their
credit cards to fund a trading account. I saw so much
debt racked up in this manner by so many, that they
could not subsequently pay back after the crash. Please
fund your trading account through organic means, and
do not leverage debt to do so. Ever.

OK, we’ve come a long way in our quest to leverage the

power of CryptoCurrency to fulfill your investing goals.
In the next section, we’ll talk about how we can create a
more dynamic and quantitative approach to investing
by leveraging analysis tools.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 28

Define Your Strategy
Let’s take a • Discussing WHAT CryptoCurrency is, and why it
moment to could be the answer to your investing needs.
examine where • Examining the current investment vehicles, such
we are in this as the U.S. stock market, and why those might not
process so far… offer a great return on your investment funds going
we’ve covered a lot forward.
of ground to this • Revealing how you probably are sitting on more
point, such as: investable equity than you thought you had, and
how to unearth it.

OK, so you’re ready to go, right?! You see the price of

Bitcoin or Ethereum screaming higher, and your first
impulse is to jump in with both feet! Believe me; I
know the feeling. When I first started learning about
the equity and options markets, I felt that any “cash” in
my account was a liability, a wasting asset just sitting
there waiting to be deployed like an artillery shell!
I’ll spare you the details here, but let’s just say that I
was a very active trader when I began. What I found
out after executing a lot of trades and paying a ton of
commissions to my broker... was that I had become a
“jack of all trades” yet a “master of none.” There is a
great quote by Montapert that sums up this principle:

Don’t confuse motion and progress. A rocking

horse keeps moving, but doesn’t make any

We don’t just want you to get active trading

CryptoCurrency like so many others; we want this to
be a life-changing step for you that leads you on a new
path. But like the Yellow Brick Road, there’s really only
one path that I’ve found to work among the thousands
of retail traders that I’ve worked with. We need to first
define our high-level strategy of investing in this space.
I have broken down the process of defining your
actionable strategy into the following steps:

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 30

Step One - What are your Trading
It’s quite obvious that a 67-year-old retiree first
experimenting with CryptoCurrency is going to have
a much different investing profile than a 23-year-
old software developer. The retiree is going to focus
on capital preservation and will use a much smaller
percentage of risk capital for any crypto trades,
while the younger developer has a much longer time
horizon to needing her capital and can afford to use a
larger portion of that capital towards more unproven
“altcoins.” There’s nothing new here that you probably
haven’t heard before; it pays to start early, and the
young have time to recover from the loss of risk capital,
while “experienced citizens” have less tolerance for
risk and experimentation, such as with altcoins. Our
guidance on methods of deriving income from crypto
staking, for example, might come in handy for those
looking for a more stable, income-based investment.

Step Two - What is your Risk

The amount of liquid, accessible capital that you have
at your disposal is NOT necessarily your “risk capital.”
One of the biggest mistakes that I see retail investors
making time and again is confusing capital that they
have access to with “risk” capital. Let’s define the two:
• Accessible Capital - This is the aggregate of all
money that you can easily move. This includes bank
accounts for checking and savings, cash brokerage
accounts that can easily be set up for an EFT into
your bank account, PayPal or Venmo accounts, or
any other source of easily-accessible cash. I am
NOT counting 401k, IRA/SEP, or other tax-deferred
investment accounts that carry a significant penalty
for early withdrawal.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 31

• Risk Capital - This is a SUBSET of Accessible capital.
Risk capital is that portion of your total capital that
you have designated for “risk” activities, such as
speculation and investing. The key difference here
is that YOU CAN AFFORD to lose this capital and it
will not negatively affect your life.

Not sure if you are trading risk capital or not? Take this
test: can you set up a position and walk away from it
if it does not work, without regret? I tend to use the
“Viking Funeral” analogy to positions; I assume that
every position that I set up will burn the boat down to
embers and sink into the swamp. If the trade actually
produces a return, great! If not, then my expectations
were met, and I move on without a second thought.
Early in my career, I used positions that were far too
large, using funds that were not part of my “risk capital.”
I paid for this mental anguish with lost sleep and poor
decisions, leading to bad results.

We don’t get any smarter when we’re in the middle of

a trade, and the quality of our decisions seems to run
inversely proportional to the size of the position. Keep
your positions small, and fund them with risk capital

Step Three - What is your Time

Back to our 67-year-old vs. our 23-year-old; the younger
woman has a much longer time horizon to achieve
her investing goals than the 67-year-old man. She,
therefore, has a longer “fuse” before her retirement
income becomes a question. This is where the “life is
not fair” part comes in because the older man’s fuse
is already burning and relatively short. We already
mentioned that his main goal needs to be “capital

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 32

preservation;” however, depending on his existing
retirement savings, his time horizon might be much
shorter and, therefore, he might paradoxically have to
be more aggressive than his 23-year-old counterpart if
he is short on retirement equity, as many people are.
There is an answer for every “time horizon;” however,
the risk/reward equation might be skewed backward.
Please check with a qualified Financial Advisor before
making a potential life-impacting decision like this.

Step Four - Fundamental or

Technical Investor?
A “fundamental” investor is going to dig into the
research on how a company operates, understand their
business model and future plans, and examine balance
sheets and income statements (or a projection for
private companies) in order to decide as to whether this
company is currently undervalued vs. its future value.

A fundamental investor might also believe those (like

Burton Malkiel and others) that think it is impossible to
“time” any financial market/asset, and that prices take
a “random walk down Wall Street” as Malkiel wrote in
his book. This has spawned an entire breed of traders
that identify with “Random Walk” theory, those that
believe that charts belong on the bottom of the ocean
with other sunken ships.

The opposite paradigm is those that believe that a

price chart of any asset, whether it be a bond, stock,
or CryptoCurrency… reflects the emotion of “herd
behavior” in the past, which is likely to repeat in the
future, at least within the bounds of a certain identifiable
probability. For this style of investor, a dizzying array
of chart studies/indicators can be added to any price
chart to build a tradable system. These are “Technical”

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 33

Which do you gravitate towards? I find that most
who have come from a more rigid background, such
as Accounting or Law, tend to lean more towards
Fundamental investing. Fundamental investors look
for “value” and generally build positions irrespective
of the current price, so long as it is below what they
believe to be future value.

On the other hand, Technical Investors tend to come

from more scientific and artistic backgrounds, where
they can “see” pattern recognition, and this gives them
a trading edge.

We welcome you to explore our resources at

ReadySetCrypto as we believe that the best answer
is to use both methods; use Fundamental analysis to
identify WHAT, or the very best “future value” companies
and currencies to buy, and use Technical analysis to
determine WHEN to buy those at the maximum point
of certainty and/or value.

Step Five - What is your

At first view, this appears to be redundant to defining
your “Time Horizon,” but it’s not. The “trading
timeframe” revolves around how quickly you like to
make decisions. To give you an idea of what I mean,
here are a couple of different ends of the spectrum:
• Day Traders - those that trade intraday are going to
look for very small, defined edges to trade against,
and their hold times might range from 5 minutes
to an hour. These traders are usually in and out
of a position quickly. Those with a robust system
executed with rigid discipline can potentially earn
income on a regular basis from these gains. This

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 34

type of trading almost requires “athletic” decision-
making skills and is only for those that can process
a lot of information quickly.
• Buy-and-Hold, or “HODLers” - Those operating in
this timeframe have an almost infinite timeframe,
based on their faith that CryptoCurrency will be
worth many more times today’s value at some
point in the future. This is not unlike the old “buy
and hold” mantra repeated by the Mutual Fund
industry for many years, but it’s taken on a new life
with crypto traders, especially with the “HODL” rally
cry that was coined in 2013 by a misspelled Reddit

In between these extremes are “swing trades,” which

might be defined over the course of a week or two,
and requires much less mental bandwidth than day

At ReadySetCrypto, we will be using a combination of

“HODL” positions for currencies that we think will grow
over the years, as well as some shorter-term setups
where we can look for a quick gain to harvest and fold
back into a longer-term position.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 35

Begin With The End In
So, you’re ready to Remember, we don’t climb a mountain by running
get started with all the way up to the summit in one day; we climb a
crypto, but how do mountain by stopping along the way, setting up camps,
you take action? and acclimating ourselves to the altitude before
proceeding. In the same way, getting started with crypto
requires you set up accounts and wallets, the “camps”
that you’ll soon become familiar with. While you may
be coming from a stock background that allowed you
to buy, sell, and trade all on the same platform, crypto
has yet to develop that “one-stop shop.” There are a
few reasons for this:
• The defining aspect of cryptocurrencies is that they
are decentralized, a literal rebuttal of the central
banks that caused the 2008 financial crisis. Having
a single exchange would be antithetical to the
founding principles of crypto itself.
• A single exchange is a single point of failure. We’ve
already seen the results of that. Mt.Gox, a Bitcoin
exchange launched in 2010, at one point processed
70% of all Bitcoin transactions worldwide. In 2014,
they reported that nearly 850,000 Bitcoins had
been stolen, or around 4% of all Bitcoins that will
ever exist[1].
• There are exchanges for trading fiat currency, your
existing dollars, into cryptocurrencies. We’ll call
these, fiat exchanges. Then, there are exchanges
for trading cryptocurrencies into different
cryptocurrencies. We’ll call these, CryptoCurrency
exchanges. In a bit, we’ll cover the exchanges you
want to sign up for.
• Crypto is still very much aimed at the culture it was
born out of, the highly technical. The challenge and
opportunity before you is understanding the basics
necessary to interact with cryptocurrencies.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 37

So let’s take the actions necessary to begin. We’re
going to recommend you spend some time setting
up accounts that will enable you to quickly become a
crypto trader:

For most traders, the best fiat exchange (where you
exchange your money into cryptocurrencies) out
there is Coinbase. Coinbase allows you to deposit
money and buy CryptoCurrency for a nominal fee, but
we have guides on how to purchase CryptoCurrency
without paying fees. You may also purchase crypto
on Coinbase using a credit card at a higher fee, which
cannot be waived. Coinbase only currently offers
Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. So, if your intention is
only to purchase these three, Coinbase may be all you

If you intend to trade Altcoins, then our favorite
cryptocurrencies exchange (where you trade
cryptocurrencies for cryptocurrencies) is Bittrex, an
American based altcoin exchange. We particularly like
the coin diversity and volume, along with responsive
service and functional trading. But remember that
you will not be able to trade every altcoin on this one

We also use Binance, a Chinese-based CryptoCurrency
exchange. Binance is relatively new to the space, but
has quickly risen to be a powerhouse exchange. They
aggressively add to their offering of new coins and
their service is also very responsive. Between Bittrex
and Binance, you should be able to trade most of the
larger cryptocurrencies.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 38

For every other CryptoCurrency out there, we
recommend using for your
research. Coinmarketcap is not an exchange, nor will
you have to sign up to use it. You’ll be able to search
for coins based on their name or ticker, e.g., Bitcoin =
BTC. Each crypto has a page that will show you market
history, links to the project website, and importantly a
markets tab that will show you where a coin is traded.
For example, if I heard about a new coin that has an
upcoming product launch, I could look that coin up to
see its current price, how long it has been trading, and
where it is trading at to get a better sense of how to
buy it. Coinmarketcap is an excellent free resource,
and it’s what we use every day.

None of these websites requires a fee to sign up for,

and it is worth your time to sign up for them because
some require verification that will take some time to
complete. Additionally, familiarizing yourself with their
interface will help you “demystify” CryptoCurrency

In addition to signing up for exchanges, you should also

find news sources that report on cryptocurrencies so
that you may be able to act on information. One such
service is ReadySetCrypto, where we distill our analysis
into a newsletter, and frequently offer guides on both
basic and advanced CryptoCurrency topics.

We also advise that you learn about securing your

coins. As we learned from Mt.Gox, the exchange
that was hacked, we covered earlier in the chapter;
exchanges are not the safest places to store your coins
long term. Exchanges have evolved since the Mt.Gox
incident and are safe(r) to use, especially the largest
ones like Binance and Bittrex, but you need to be your

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 39

own bank and take charge of your coin’s security. While
the blockchain can’t be hacked, cryptocurrencies can
be stolen.

Even if you take your coins off an exchange (which we

recommend), they still aren’t safe so long as you don’t
take the steps to properly secure them. Whether by using
a fake wallet to trick users, the tried and true phishing
methods, or even by using fake cryptocurrencies, new
schemes are hatched every day to take advantage
of people not careful or informed enough. Because
information on the blockchain is public, just by sharing
how many of a certain coin you own opens you up as
a target for scammers and thieves wanting to separate
you from your crypto.

Most coins will have an official wallet you can use,

and through the guides on,
we can show you how to use them to protect your
coins. We will also show you how to send and receive
your crypto so that you can send between exchanges,
how to track your transaction on the blockchain, and
advanced security methods to absolutely secure your
CryptoCurrency from hacks and theft.

So, before you buy your first CryptoCurrency, it’s

important to learn how to evaluate your investment
and how to read the market signals.

[1] Sidel, Robin (28 February 2014). "Almost Half a

Billion Worth of Bitcoins Vanish". Wall Street Journal.
Retrieved 3 March 2014.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 40

Be Deliberate
In an earlier This is where you get to “do your homework” instead of
chapter, I blindly stumbling into a CryptoCurrency like so many
suggested that others are, usually buying at the highs and selling at
you identify either the lows.
as a Fundamental
investor, or a However, there are many unknowns and challenges
Technical investor to doing this in the crypto space, so this is where you
(or possibly both). get to be a bit of a pioneer. The following are some
suggestions on how you can add some structure to
your analysis to better qualify your investments:

Fundamental Analysis Metrics

Fundamental Analysis is a critical skill in determining
the long-term viability of a coin. Remember that
cryptocurrencies being started these days are usually
best thought of as start-up companies looking to
quickly grow and in need of investment. Start with a
coin’s White Paper, the document authored by the
team behind a coin that will answer what this coin
is, why it is pursuing its intended purpose, and how
the team plans to meet deadlines and objectives. This
White Paper should be easily accessible on the coin’s
official website. It is not necessary to read through or
understand everything in the document, but remember
that vagueness is not your friend here. If a team can’t
adequately summate what their purpose is and how
to plan to achieve it, then as an investor, you’re better
off looking elsewhere. Some suggested fundamental
decision points that you can research include, but are
not limited to:
• Scarcity - Are there only a limited number of coins
in circulation? Some coins, like Bitcoin, have a very
limited supply, while others have large supplies
or even infinite supplies. Will this scarcity help to
drive up demand due to limited supply? What is the
maximum supply? How were the coins distributed

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 42

when the coin was launched (known as an ICO, or
Initial Coin Offering)?
• Disruptive Potential - Does the coin back a
disruptive idea with massive potential, or is it
simply an “improvement,” which might get lost
in the shouting? Is it competing against other
cryptocurrencies and/or traditional markets?
• Future Adoption - Is the currency actually solving a
current PROBLEM that people are seeing today, or
is it just a virtual “go fund me” currency to kickstart
a business with little growth potential?
• Management Team - Does the management team
behind the currency have a demonstrated track
record of creating disruptive value in the technology
space? Have they previously run a company in a
similar industry? Are the advisors industry experts
or are they paid figureheads?

There are obviously MANY criteria that could be

investigated concerning cryptocurrencies. Most of
the “blue chip” coins, such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and
Ethereum have already reached mass acceptance and
do not require this level of diligence. When it comes
to alt-coins, however, be aware that anywhere from
70-80% of them are just virtual “go-fund-me” business
kick-starters for a questionable technology or service,
and are highly susceptible to manipulation and “pump
At and dump” schemes. At ReadySetCrypto, we have
ReadySetCrypto, ten key criteria that we score cryptocurrencies with,
we use ten key
at all times seeking for those companies/currencies
criterial to score
cryptocurrencies that offer the best forward value. Put bluntly by Vitalik
Buterin, founder of Ethereum, “Projects really should
make sure they have good answers for ‘why use a

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 43

Technical Analysis Metrics

Give me a basic price chart and ten chart technicians,

and I’ll be sure that you’d get at least a few different
opinions on where the chart might be going next. And
one thing that I’ve found, which might be confusing
on the first read, is that to use charts for what they
are meant for, we are not predicting the future price
movement! This is one thing that inexperienced
investors believe, that certain studies can predict the
future and are “guaranteed” to work. Rubbish! Properly
used, we are simply using them to program the U.S. as
to what we should do… buy, hold, or sell.

For instance, here is a current price chart of Bitcoin:

What do the price bars tell us? Green is a positive day,

and red is a negative day. But beyond that, we can see
that the price is in a very strong trend, parabolic even.
Do we just buy or sell because of the trend? This is
where we might create a more objective, criteria-based
system based on very specific conditions that we see
on the chart. At ReadySetCrypto, we use five groups of
chart criteria to make buy/sell/hodl decisions:

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 44

• Descending/Ascending Patterns - this is a simple,
yet powerful concept, where an ascending price
channel will ultimately/eventually “break” to the
downside, a conversely and descending price
channel will ultimately/eventually break to the
upside. Some of our strongest signals will be keyed
off this concept.
• Larger Timeframes Dominate the Trend - when
possible, we break up price charts into multiple
“fractal” timeframes. The larger timeframe “parent”
chart carries more weight than a smaller timeframe
“child” chart, which is why dips tend to revert to the
mean or “parent” trend during a strong uptrend.
• Reversals Start from the Inside-Out - the converse
rule to the previous, price reversals in the midst
of a trend will reverse at the smallest timeframes
first, and if the reversal becomes serious, it will
propagate to increasingly larger timeframes. It’s
very important to understand this structure of price
reversals and how they transfer up the line.
• Range Expansion leads to Range Contraction - a
strongly trending market will become “exhausted”
at some point, and consolidate. Identifying this
exhaustion point with precision is very important
to the buy/sell/hold decision matrix. Think of it this
way: you cannot summit Mt. Everest in a day, no
matter how strong you are. You rest at the first base
camp and acclimate yourself to the new altitude;
charts do the same thing in the midst of a trend,
regardless of how strong that trend might be.
• Range Contraction leads to Range Expansion - the
converse of the above rule; once a chart has “rested,”
this is when we tend to see explosive breakout
behavior. Identifying this point with precision is
also very important for the buy/sell/hold decision

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 45

So... consider this for a second:

If you use Fundamental Analysis to identify the very

best of the (as of this writing) 1300 cryptocurrencies
there are, based on fundamental analysis “score”...

And then identify optimum buy/sell points on this small

subset using Technical Analysis for maximum edge…

Do you see how this could increase your odds of

building a profitable system to increase your odds of
accumulating/trading the right CryptoCurrency assets?

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 46

Take Action
So, you’re ready By now, you should be set up on Coinbase. There are
to make your first some important things to consider for trading with
CryptoCurrency Coinbase:
trade. It may seem like Coinbase is asking for more personal
information than you may be comfortable with.
Unfortunately, there is no way around this. The more
information you provide, such as ID, Bank account,
credit card, etc., the higher your weekly buying limit
and the less restricted your account will be.

As you’ve made it this far, I wouldn’t let this scare you

off from becoming a CryptoCurrency investor. In order
to interact with CryptoCurrency, you’re going to have
to trust the other person exchanging your money
for their CryptoCurrency. Coinbase is a reputable
American company based in San Francisco that has
been operating in the space for years and has many
high profile retail and institutional investors. They are
very communicative with their customers, and are
slow moving compared to the rest of the crypto space
because they are cautious and conservative. If you have
any issues during the setup process, the Coinbase staff
can help.

To actually trade CryptoCurrency, you can either buy

and sell through Coinbase (and pay higher fees), or use
Coinbase’s sister site and exchange, In fact,
whenever you buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin using
Coinbase, you’re actually just placing a market order
on GDAX. Using GDAX to buy and sell will let you trade

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 48

your crypto with fewer fees, letting you keep more of
the profits. Simply transfer whatever crypto you buy on
Coinbase to GDAX, or just deposit USD and buy crypto
on GDAX directly.

When you’re ready to

cash out, simply sell
your crypto for USD
(e.g., use the BTC / USD
pair to sell your Bitcoin
for fiat), then withdraw
back into the same bank
account you linked to
your Coinbase account.
See? Not too scary and
not too complicated
once you get the hang of it. You’ll see an example of
this in the free video series from ReadySetCrypto, and
we publish guides on topics such as these to help you
along the way.

Remember that you don’t have to buy an entire coin.

It’s completely viable to deposit, for example, $100 at a
time and buy equal portions of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and
Litecoin. Don’t let Bitcoin’s high price stop you from
buying fractions of it, and don’t just buy Ethereum
or Litecoin simply because they are “cheaper” than

We recommend taking security measures, such as two-

factor authentication. The “two-factor” nomenclature
means “something you have and something you
know.” This will help to secure your account against
anyone wishing to steal your crypto from you. We
also recommend you leverage the Coinbase mobile
application to see the price and to trade while you’re
on the go. A free application named Blockfolio can be
used to track your portfolio positions and will update,

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 49

in real time, the prices of your cryptocurrencies so that
you can see how well you’re doing. You may also use
this application to set price alerts so that if, for example,
Ethereum drops to a certain price target, you’re able
to act upon it immediately. Blockfolio is also extremely
useful if you decide to expand your portfolio to include
altcoins not found on Coinbase.

Once you’ve bought your first CryptoCurrency, take a

deep breath and congratulate yourself; you’ve become
Once you’ve an investor in an exciting new asset class, and you’re a
bought your first
participant in the future. You are in the 1% of investors
take a deep breath willing to take those first bold steps. How far you go
and congratulate
and how much you want to make is completely up to
you, and services like ReadySetCrypto are here to help
you broaden your horizons.

Always remember that CryptoCurrency is an extremely

volatile space, and there is no way to reverse a
CryptoCurrency transaction. In other words, all
transactions are “final,” and as such, you must be
extremely careful when transacting CryptoCurrency as
one mistyped letter or number will completely change
the transaction. Learning and practicing transactions is
a guide offered on in order
to help you master sending CryptoCurrency.

With your first CryptoCurrency bought, your strategies

mapped, and your goals defined, it’s time to first create,
and then compound your success.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 50

Step ten

Creating And
Compounding Success
OK, let’s wrap How do you get to be a profitable CryptoCurrency
things up in trader? And how do you build up your first million in
this book by wealth through trading crypto? Should we just buy
talking about a bunch of coins today and hope for positive price
performance. movement? Do we have to hit a home-run trade to
accomplish that goal? Let’s back up for a minute and
start by looking at the larger “how” first.
By this point, you might be at the level where you’ve
already made a couple of crypto trades, or maybe you’ve
executed some trades in a stock account. Unless your
experience is different from 99% of other retail traders,
you’ve had some winning trades and some losing
trades, and overall, you’re probably dissatisfied with
your performance. (Unless you have the premonition
to buy Bitcoin in 2013 and are still holding it.)
What you’d be surprised to find is that behind every
winning and losing trades, there is usually one “root
cause” explanation of why the trade worked or did not
work. There is a “cause and effect” which you can learn
from. To this end, there is the potential of a “learning
loop” or “continuous process” that you can employ to
constantly examine and improve your results.

This is what I call the “Strategy

Development Cycle” and drives
everything that I do when it comes
to trading, regardless of what I am
trading. Let’s go into detail on what is
contained in each stage of the Strategy
Development Cycle:

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 52

We have to begin with goals so that we can put a stake
in the ground. When I ask most traders what their Goals
are, the usual response is “to make money.” Well, great.
Does that mean if you “win” your first trade, that you’re
done? Mission accomplished? Probably not. Goals need
to be measurable, achievable, and specific. Specifying
something like, “I want to turn my $100 stake into
$10M by the end of this year” is certainly measurable
and specific, but probably not achievable without an
Act of God or a winning lotto ticket in parallel. Here’s
another point… too many investors hem and haw
trying to build the “perfect” goals, afraid of failure. In
a sea of sand, a single flag stands out… the point here
is to GET STARTED, and THEN you can worry about
improvement. Don’t be “paralysis by analysis” trying to
build the perfect system that wins 100% of the time
and never loses capital. Traders have been looking for
that holy grail system since the beginning of time, and
it’s only been found in a couple of notable movies, and
not in the trading arena.

Rules are how your Goals are going to get executed in
the market that you choose. Without a concrete set of
rules that you will trade by, then you are just shooting
from the hip with “impulse” trades. If you find that your
trades always seem to reverse at the exact moment
that you enter them, there’s actually a very tangible
reason why this occurs, and it’s because you’ve chosen
that moment to join the investing “herd,” which will get
“faded” by the professionals. Rules come through a
careful study of how to build an edge in a marketplace,
and good entries rarely occur when it feels comfortable
or rational to enter. We will discuss trading rules on
a daily basis within ReadySetCrypto so that you can

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 53

leverage the experience of decades of trading and
system development.

Once you have goals and execute those goals into the
market with a Rules-based system, you’re bound to get
some sort of results. Now comes the hard part: were
those good results? Bad? Did the system work as it
should? Did you ALLOW the system to work properly
or did you introduce errors? Now is the time to capture
that information so that we can make decisions going

There is a reason why cars have a steering wheel; it's
so you can make corrections, even while driving in a
straight line. You probably won’t learn much from a
winning trade that performed as expected; however,
you can learn TONS from a losing trade that did not
work. What was the error, the root cause of failure? You
have a chance to do some forensic work here so that
you can fix the errors before the next trade. If there is a
difference between consistently profitable traders and
ones that get discouraged and fade away, it is precisely
this step that gets skipped by the despondent trader
who wants to kick the losing trade under the rug and
pretend like it did not happen.

Back to Goals Again!

Guess what... the cycle never stops! You will forever be
in “continuous improvement” mode! This is either going
to excite you or frighten you off, but I have never met
a professional trader that does not take their role very
seriously. Just know that your competition is doing this
kind of work, as are all of us here at ReadySetCrypto!

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 54

Putting it All Together - Reaching
Your Million Dollar Target
If you talk to enough successful people, you will find
that lasting success is never an “event,” but more of
a “process.” Let’s examine the ultimate “wealth event”
that people dream of… winning the lottery. Do you
realize that:

• Most lottery ticket winners actually end up in

bankruptcy. 1
• Instead of winning the lottery getting people OUT
of trouble, it actually accelerated them getting INTO
financial trouble.2
• 70% of lottery winners will be broke within 5 years.

Now, the reason for these failures is unrelated to how

we’ll invest in crypto, but I want you to realize that
building up your first million in capital trading, the
Crypto markets will not occur from one single event,
or one trade, or one coin holding that you bought in at
5 cents. The odds of that happening out of 1300 other
coins are similar to Lottery odds. In fact, I’d prefer that
you NOT thinking of success in trading CryptoCurrency
is going to come from one or two home run trades
that the other folks talk about, but instead, a longer-
term process of grinding out singles and doubles
consistently over a period of time that will add up to
true wealth. So, how do we get THERE?

True success and performance will come from Habits

and Process. The reason why Lottery winners go broke
True is due to the failure in habits and process; their current
success and habits more than likely led them to spend everything
will come from that they made before winning the lottery, so their
Habits and habits continued at a higher level with more money,

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 55

causing more damage. Add some bad investment
decisions and relatives looking for a handout, and
you’re toast in 3 to 5 years.

So how can we add Habits and Process to your

investing? Go back to the Strategy Development Cycle
that I listed above and see what habits that you can
pick up by constantly studying each trading decision.
Go back to the “recurring investment” principle that
we talked about in chapter five. These are examples
of Habit and Process that feeds success with more

There is a great book written by Scott Adams, creator

of the “Dilbert” cartoon, entitled “How to Fail at Almost
Everything and Still Win Big.” One of the chapters in the
book is entitled, “Goals are for Losers, Systems are for

The point of that chapter is well-illustrated by all those

that make New-Year's Resolutions, such as “losing
weight.” All of those motivated to lose weight clog
fitness gyms on January 1, and are gone two weeks
later. A New Year’s resolution is a GOAL, but only
Processes driven by Habits get accomplished.

Most investors try a new “thing” or strategy once or

twice, get mixed results, and then run off to the next
“new thing” soon afterward, where they accomplish
similar results. I see this all the time as a trading

Those that create a true SYSTEM, however, often end

up doing very well. A system is driven through (once
again!) habits and process.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 56

Accelerating Your Returns
If you have started to create a “positive expectancy”
system, you’re well on your way. This is a system where
you have a proven track record of putting one dollar
into the system, and having more than a dollar come
out of the other end as an “output.” This is where you
should be trying to define as much “risk capital” as
possible that you are comfortable truly assigning as
such. Once you get forward momentum, put more coal
into the furnace!

And one way to do this is to define earned capital from

winnings as “risk capital.” This is money that you’ve
made through trades, and are willing to risk again.
Some call this “house money” because you’re no longer
using just the risk capital that you started with; now,
you’re re-investing your system profits.

The truly exponential growth can be realized by a

combination of: 1) a positive expectancy system, 2) a
money management system that re-invests capital
based on past winnings, and 3) rapid analysis of
opportunities and changes in the overall market, being
adapting to those changes.

A simpler way of defining this is that the more that

you have made in the past in this system, the more
capital that you are going to put at risk. Two systems
are taught in the ReadySetCrypto system, called “Fixed
Fractional” money management, and “Fixed Ratio”
money management. Defining these is far beyond the
scope of this document, but should be investigated by
the serious CryptoCurrency investor as it provides the
leverage to achieve truly outstanding returns when
coupled with a positive-expectancy trading system.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 57

The graph below shows the results of an exponential
growth system with re-invested profits.
Before you react to that graph, let me make a couple
of points:

• This is a graph of positive returns every single cycle,

without drawdown. That by itself is not realistic;
however, there are a couple of things that we can
learn from this.
• Note how long it takes for the chart to achieve the
“exponential” part of the growth. The “real” growth
does not start for several cycles, which is exactly
how the compounding effect works. Imagine the
curve as representing an airplane taking off on a
runway from a standing stop... it starts very slowly,
then goes faster and faster until the lift is achieved,
which multiplies when the plane breaks “ground
effect” and truly begins to climb.
• Note that most of the gains come at the very end of
the curve!

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 58

What can we learn from this curve, and how can we
apply it towards making our first Million Dollars with

I think that the first obvious point from this graph is

that patience is required to allow the system to start
to achieve profitability, so that it can “rotate” off
the ground and start to build altitude, like the plane.
Most investors do not give a system enough time to
achieve profitability much less the compounding effect
noted here, as they bounce from one thing to another,
impatient for results.

The second point is that profits must be re-invested

to achieve growth! Without re-investing your profits,
you cannot achieve the compounding that none other
than Warren Buffett attributes to most of his success.
Investing success comes down to a series of repeated
small victories, played again and again, and rarely is
due to one large “home run” trade where someone
went “all-in” on one asset. More often than not, that
method leads to financial ruin.

So, what do you think? Right now, you should be asking

yourself these questions:
• Do I see the validity and potential of the
CryptoCurrency market?
• Can I build a small stake of risk capital to get started?
• Am I willing to do the homework required to identify
superior assets to invest in?
• Am I willing to be patient to allow the asset to be
purchased at the price that I desire?
• Can I create a system that allows me to build value
over time?
• Can I design a system that allows profits to be re-

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 59

• Am I willing to put in the time necessary to create
an edge against others with the same goals?

If you answered “yes” to the majority of those questions,

then you are well on your way to achieving the success
that you desire, even to the point of creating a million
dollars of wealth if you are very good at all of those

Not sure about some or all of those points? Perhaps

we can help by providing assistance for you at

Feel free to contact us at [email protected]

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 60

Step ten

Your Next Steps

We’ve come to the end of this guide, and I’d like to say
THANK YOU for taking the time to read and process
it! You might want to read through it at least one or
two more times for further comprehension, now that
you've learned some new terms.

Here are your tasks going forward if you’d like to pursue

success in the CryptoCurrency markets:

Understand your current-state situation of where

you are, what your investing timeline is, and what
your requirements are, going forward. Set your
vision for what you want to accomplish.

Learn about the CryptoCurrency market and WHY

it represents such a massive forward opportunity.
Understand why you are trading cryptocurrencies
and what each asset represents.

Look for ways to build up your Risk Capital by

selling unused assets and re-purposing small,
unusable equity accounts that can be put into
use trading the crypto market.

Understand what “your” strategy will be, whether

you are a “hodler,” a swing trader, or a day trader.
Are you a fundamental investor, or a technical

Start to set up free account access to the

trading exchanges that you intend to be trading
in. Consider setting up optional two-factor
authentication into every account possible.

Educate yourself on how crypto hacks can occur,

and what you can do to prevent them. Learn
about wallets and cold storage, and develop your
own plan for securing your assets.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 62

Understand how you will find resources necessary
to make fundamental analysis and technical
analysis (charts) decisions.

Build a trading plan that outlines how you will

make entry and exit decisions on your assets.

Create a journaling and feedback system for

finding and correcting root errors in your trading.

Make your first trade (very small size!) and follow

it to a conclusion based on your trading plan.

Analyze that first trade; how could you improve


Watch the free “Crypto College” video series on

the ReadySetCrypto site. Please contact us at
[email protected] if you have not
already received access to this.

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 63

Step ten

Our website where you can sign up for our free
newsletter, watch informational videos, learn more
about CryptoCurrency, and sign up for classes.
Our recommended fiat exchange for turning your
money into CryptoCurrency. Visit our website for a
link to get $10 in Bitcoin free when you sign up at
Coinbase and invest your first $100!
Our favorite CryptoCurrency exchange where you
trade cryptocurrencies for other cryptocurrencies.
Most of the biggest cryptocurrencies are traded here.
Signing up is free, and their trading fees are low.
Another favorite CryptoCurrency exchange. Binance
is a great place to trade crypto and is known for
being extremely active with their community. Highly
A great resource for researching cryptocurrencies to
invest in.
One of the best places to read news about the
CryptoCurrency space.
A personal favorite resource for news and education

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 65

How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency 66

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