An Optimization Study For The Bow Form of High Speed Displacement Catamarans

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An Optimization Study for the Bow Form of High Speed

Displacement Catamarans

D. Bülent Danışman1, Ömer Gören1 (M), Mustafa Insel1 (AM), Mehmet Atlar2 (M)


Interest in high-speed marine transportation has acquired a wide variety of hydrodynamic research
activities on catamarans, including shape optimization for minimum total resistance. This study attempts to utilize
the mathematical programming in optimizing the bow form of twin hulls for minimum total resistance as well as in
analyzing the optimization by physical model tests. The total resistance is assumed to be composed of wave-making
and frictional components, which are formulated using Michell’s thin-ship theory and ITTC-1957 friction line,
respectively. The optimized hull form is analyzed by means of a computational flow solver before going through the
experimental analysis. The study demonstrates the capabilities of the optimization procedure, presented for
catamarans, in reducing the total resistance, as well as its limitations to be used as a design tool in a relatively high-
speed zone.

1. INTRODUCTION resistance in formulating the objective function and then

solve the convex quadratic programming problem with
Recent upsurge in their commercial applications linear inequality constraints to obtain optimal forebody
indicates that high-speed craft are gradually becoming shapes for catamarans. In their study the Froude
ships of interest for ship owners, engineers and numbers chosen for optimization are not higher than
researchers as the importance of speed increases in the 0.312 and the experimental data are given only to
seaborn trade. It appears that catamarans, and probably compare the effects of demihull separation. In the work
trimarans in the near future, can satisfy the requirements of Papanikolaou et al. [7], the total optimization is
of marine transportation especially those of passenger treated by the method of Lagrange’s multipliers where
ferry market as the speed and safety are the main the design constraints must be linear equalities. An
concerns. Therefore, a better understanding of relatively extension of the Michell integral is also made in [7] by a
complex resistance characteristics of twin-hulls is of normal dipole distribution on the centerplane to include
crucial importance on the one hand, developing an asymmetric demihull forms into the wave resistance
optimization procedure of these hull forms is an analysis of catamarans. Meanwhile the efforts to
indispensable goal on the other. minimize the wave resistance of catamarans lead, on the
An investigation into the components of resistance other hand, to some unconventional solutions of
of catamarans has been addressed by Insel and Molland cambered catamarans by Chen [9] and of staggered
[1]. Meanwhile a number of computational catamarans by Söding [10].
investigations of the wave resistance of multihulls have In the current work bow form optimization of high-
been reported recently in the literature, such as [2], [3], speed displacement-catamarans is tackled by extending
[4]. A contribution to the problem of optimizing the the previous work of Gören et al. [11]. The basic
forebody geometries of catamarans to minimize the purpose of this study is to test and to ascertain the
resistance was first made by Hsiung and Xu[5], capabilities of the optimization procedure based on
followed recently by Doctors and Renilson [6], who convex quadratic programming problem as a result of
studied the influence of demihull separation and river the use of thin ship theory, supported by a
banks and by Papanikolaou et al. [7], who handled the computational wave resistance analyzer, through a
shape hull optimization problem as a component in a series of experimental analysis. The total resistance is
global computer aided optimization procedure. Hsiung decomposed into skin friction resistance, calculated by
and Xu[5] uses Lunde’s [8] formulation for the wave ITTC-1957 formula, and wave resistance based on
resistance and ITTC-1957 formula for the frictional Lunde’s [8] formulation. The expression of total

Istanbul Technical University, Dept. of Naval Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey.
University of Newcastle, Dept. of Marine Technology, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.
resistance is then taken as the objective function, which I ×J I ×J
is quadratic in ship’s half breadths. The linear inequality Cw = d mn y m y n = y T D y ( 2)
constraints used in the quadratic programming problem m =1 n =1
allow to implement the necessary design constraints into
the procedure. The standard quadratic programming where I×J denotes the total number of half-breadths
problem is then solved by Wolfe’s [12] algorithm. since I is the number of waterlines while J is the number
Although it is a well-known fact that in the high speed of stations. The coefficient matrix D is derived adopting
zone, the percentage of the wave pattern resistance in the same approach in Hsiung [14]. The quantity
total resistance does not generally exceed 15%, the calculated by equation (2) may not be considered as a
present study points out that by means of the good approximation of the wave resistance for high
optimization procedure it is possible to attain up to 5% speed vessels with transom stern. However this value,
gains in total resistance which may be regarded as which is of the same order as wave resistance, can
considerable for catamarans operating at high Froude relatively be minimized within the linear theory
numbers greater than 0.50. formulation.
The other component of the resistance that appears
in the objective function is the equivalent flat-plate
2. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING frictional resistance, which depends on the wetted
PROBLEM FOR TWIN HULLS surface area approximated as
é 1 2 1 2 ù
The previous works of Gören and Calisal [13] and S =2 ê1 + 2 Fx ( x, z ) + 2 Fz ( x, z ) dxdz ( 3)
Gören et al. [11] is extended to cover twin hull ë
geometries. Lunde’s [8] well-known formulation is used
to express twin hull wave resistance based on thin-ship Where, S0 is the projection area of the wetted surface of
theory; the ship on the center-plane. Fz is the derivative with
∞ respect to z. The use of tent functions is again made in
ρg (u 2 + 1) 2 (3) to give the frictional resistance coefficient, which is
RW = 4 2 1
(P 2 + Q 2 )
πc 2
(u + 2 ) 2
(1.a) based on the ITTC-1957 formula, in a quadratic form in
terms of the ship half breadths as in the following form:
ì é g 1 ùü
2 2
í 2 + cos ê2b 2 (u + 1)u (u + 2) 2 ú ýdu C F = c0 + c0 y + y T A y (4)
î ë c û F
In accordance with the assumption made for the total

cos é g resistance, the objective function used in the
ý= Fx ( x , z ) x(u 2 + 1) optimization procedure is taken as the sum of wave
Q sin êë c 2 resistance (2) and the frictional resistance (4):
0 0

ég ù CT = C F + CW = c0 + cb y + y T C y (5)
exp ê 2 ( z − T )(u 2 + 1) 2 dxdz (1.b)
ëc Note that C is a positive semi-definite, that is a
where c is the ship’s speed, ρ is the density of water and symmetric matrix.
g is the gravitational acceleration. L is the length of the The quadratic character of the objective
ship, T is the draft and Fx denotes the derivative of the function implies the employment of the quadratic
hull surface with respect to x. The coordinate axis used programming in which the design constraints can be
in the formulation is depicted in Figure 1. given by a set of inequalities. Thus the general form of
the quadratic programming is expressed as
to minimize p y + yT C y
( 6)
to satisfy A y ≤ B with y i ≥ 0

The system of equations (6) can be linearized and

solved by means of Wolfe’s [12] algorithm (see [11]
and [13] for details).


Before going through the optimization process for

Figure 1. The Coordinate axis and the arrangement of twin hulls, equation (1.a) needs a special numerical
the demihulls treatment, since the integrand includes a highly
oscillatory term. This is overcome by a novel numerical
One can discretize the underwater geometry by tent technique proposed by Sidi [15]. Any desired accuracy
functions (see Hsiung [14] for details). Thus (1.a) and can be attained by increasing the number of recursive
(1.b) is then nondimensionalized and given in terms of steps in Sidi’s algorithm. The intermediate integrations
the half breadths, yi, by the use of tent functions;
between the roots of the cosine term are done by
Gaussian quadratures.
Since the primary goal of the present study is to
optimize the bow form of the demihulls, no effort has
been spent to determine the optimum hull spacing, s=2b.
However, the hydrodynamic interaction between the
two demihull is taken into account in the wave
resistance formulation. As stated in the introduction
section, this kind of an investigation can be found in [5]
for moderate Froude numbers. Therefore 3 different
“hull spacing to length” ratios, which provide a practical
range of importance for catamarans in service, s/L=0.2,
0.3 and 0.4, are chosen. Optimization efforts have been
focused on the spacing ratio, s/L=0.3. Figure 2a . Cross sections of the original demihull.
An NPL based form, Bailey [16], is selected as the form
to be optimized. The main characteristics of this NPL
form are given in Table I.

Table I. Main characteristics of the NPL form

Lwl 25.25 m
Bmax 2.6 m
T 1.4 m
CB 0.410

The forebody volume of the original NPL form,

which undergoes the optimization procedure, was
chosen as the volume between bow profile and the 18th
station. The half-breadths on the stations 20 (F.P.), 191/2, Figure 2b. Cross sections of the optimized demihull. Aft
19 and 18, each being described by 6 waterlines were body remains unchanged.
the unknowns in the optimization study. The resistance
coefficient matrices in (5) were computed only for the Before the model experiments were conducted, more
design waterline at T=1.4 m and at the optimization accurate and reliable numerical tests and comparisons
speed of 20 knots which corresponds Fn=0.65. were done by a computational wave resistance flow
Among the set of design constraints, protruding solver reported in Goren and Atlar [17] based on
length of the bulb and the forebody volume were Dawson’s [18] algorithm. A sample of geometric
employed as the variable design constraints, while the modeling of the optimized demihull form as it was used
other constraints such as a limiting value for waterline in the flow solver is given in Figure 3. It is found from
slopes, waterplane area coefficient were kept constant. the computed results that 12% of gain is expected at
Two protruding lengths, namely, lp=1.0 m and lp=1.5 m, least in the wave resistance at Fn=0.65 due to the
were taken into consideration while forebody block optimal form, with s/L=0.3. The same optimized form
coefficient CBf was increased gradually from an shows 27% reduction in wave resistance at Fn=0.4.
acceptable minimum for every lp. As a consequence of The optimal demihull and the original NPL hull
the solution of the system (6) for every combination of were also compared with respect to their wave
the set of design constraints, a matrix of optimum hull deformations along the outer side of the demihull in
forms were obtained. Eventually a corresponding matrix Figure 4. In Figures 5.a and 5.b computed contour plots
of numerical evaluation of the total resistance by means of the wave pattern of the original and optimal
of equation (5) was calculated. Ultimately the optimized demihulls are shown, respectively. The improvement in
form having the best resistance performance was the wave resistance is obvious due to relative reduction
selected from the matrix. In Figure 2a and 2b the cross- in the bow wave elevation of the optimal form, both
sectional curves of the original and optimal hull forms quantitatively and qualitatively, as shown in Figures 4
(lines faired) can be seen. This form proposed for tank and 5.
testing, has a protruding bulbous bow with a protruding
length of lp=1.5 m and the total volume was increased
by 5% as compared to the original NPL form.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Deformation (m): -0.60275 -0.5278 -0.45285 -0.3779 -0.30295 -0.228 -0.15305 -0.0781 0.0718 0.14675 0.2217 0.29665 0.3716 0.44655


7 5

6 5



7 5
9 9

9 6
8 10 5 6 10

8 7



6 6 5
10 11 9 5

11 10

4 7




1 2 13

13 4


10 8

11 11 10 6


-20 -10 0 10 20 30
Figure 3. Geometric modeling of optimized demihull and its free-surface vicinity.
Figure 5a. Computed wave pattern around the original demihull (Fn=0.65).
Wave Deformations (m)

0 18
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Optimal Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
F.P. A.P. 16 Deformation (m): -0.563 -0.492 -0.421 -0.350 -0.279 -0.208 -0.137 -0.066 0.076 0.147 0.218 0.289 0.360 0.431
-0.1 7 6


8 7 6


8 12



10 5


-0.3 8

8 9


5 6 8

9 7
6 8 5 9 13

10 9 7 5

-0.4 9 24

12 12 13
4 6




8 7
2 111
0 8 8 21 1 3 11 2 3

9 2 1 1

5 1

-0.5 9 10 4



Distance From Mid-ship (m) -20 -10 0 10 20 30
Figure 4. Computed wave elevations along the outer side of the demihulls Figure 5b. Computed wave pattern around the optimal demihull (Fn=0.65).
Monohull (Demihull in isolation) Twin Hulls, s/L=0.2
CT, optimized form (Exp.)
0.009 0.012 CT, optimized form (Exp.)
CT, original form (Exp.)
0.011 CT, original form (Exp.)
0.008 0.010


0.006 0.007
0.005 0.005
0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80
Fn Fn
Twin Hulls, s/L=0.3 Twin Hulls, s/L=0.4
0.013 0.012
0.012 CT, optimized form (Exp.)
CT, optimized form (Exp.)
0.011 CT, original form (Exp.) CT, original form (Exp.)

0.008 0.008
0.007 0.007
0.006 0.006
0.005 0.005
0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80
Fn Fn
Figure 7. Comparison of experimental total resistance coefficients for original and optimized models.
Mono hull (Demihull in isolation) Twin Hulls, s/L=0.2
0.09 0.12
Original form (Exp.)
0.08 Original form (Exp.)
Optimized form (Exp.)
0.07 0.10 Optimized form (Exp.)
CWP Distribution

0.06 CWP Distribution

0.04 0.06
0.01 0.02
0 20 40 60 80 0.00
Θ=(Wave angle) 0 20 40 60 80 100
Θ=(Wave angle)
Twin Hulls, s/L=0.3
0.16 Twin Hulls, s/L=0.4
0.14 Original form (Exp.) 0.12
0.12 Optimized form (Exp.)
CWP Distribution

Original form (Exp.)

0.10 Optimized form (Exp.)

CWP Distribution
0.06 0.06
0.04 0.04
0.02 0.02
0.00 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 20 40 60 80 100
Θ=(Wave angle) Θ=(Wave angle)
Figure 8. Measured wave spectrums for original and optimized forms, (Fn=0.65).
( ) ( )æçç1 − cos 2(θ ) ö÷ù (8)
N 2
2 2 2 n
RWP = ê ξ 0 +η 0 + ξ n +η n ÷
2 ëê n =1 è ø
In parallel to the numerical investigation, the
physical model tests were carried out to investigate the In this case, resistance components are expressed
resistance characteristics of the original NPL form and as: RT = RV + RWP = (1 + k ) RF + RWP , (1+k) is being the
the optimized hull form in Ata Nutku Ship Model form factor. The results of the wave pattern resistance
Testing Laboratory (160m x 6.0m x 3.40m) of I.T.U., are shown in Figure 8 in terms of wave spectra only for
which is an ITTC Class Facility. The experiments were the case of s/L=0.3. The optimal form reduced the wave
performed for two sets of measurements, namely, total pattern for the wave angles up to 60°. It is also effective
resistances and wave pattern resistances. for all tested demihull separations. In Figure 9, it is
Associated models were built with a length of 2.5 possible to compare the numerical and experimental
meters and tripwires were used for the turbulence results for the gap ratio s/L=0.3. It should be remarked
stimulation, as shown in Figure 6. The test cases here that there is 5% excess of wetted surface area in
covered were the mono hull (i.e. one demihull in optimized form as compared to that of the original form.
isolation) and twin hulls having s/L ratios of 0.2, 0.3 The experimental and numerical analyses give the same
and 0.4, [19]. order of reductions in wave pattern resistance, where as
a shift is observed at crest and troughs of the resistance
curves. This may be attributed to the inherent phase
shifts in Dawson’s algorithm, which appear
considerably when there is interference. It is interesting
to note here that the present optimization is more
successful in reducing divergent waves rather than
reducing the interference effects in high-speed zone.
This can be seen in Figure 10. Ultimately, the effective
power requirements of the original form and the
optimized form for s/L=0.3 are given in Figure 11 for
Figure 6. Bow form view of the two models: Original comparison. It is clear that there is at least 4% reduction
NPL form and its optimized counter part (at the back). in required effective power at Fn=0.65

The measurements in total resistance tests were 5. CONCLUSION

acquired by using electronic dynamometer and by
means of computer aided data acquisition system, for a An attempt is made to optimize the bow forms of
range of Froude numbers of 0.1≤Fn≤0.7. Models were high-speed displacement catamarans. The optimization
tested free to sink and to trim. The results of the total procedure presented here is able to produce reasonable
resistance tests are presented in Figure 7. As shown in protruding bulbs suitable for catamarans. The numerical
this figure, up to 24% of reductions can be observed in and experimental studies show that the optimized bow
total resistance, CT, for the mono-hull configuration form is effective in reducing the wave resistance
beside the fluctuations around the low speed range. The successfully. The results show that at least 4% of
reduction in total resistance attains its maximum value reduction is attainable in total resistance which may be
around Fn=0.5. For the twin-hull configurations, regarded as considerable for catamarans operating at
reductions in wave resistance are observed for s/L=0.2 high Froude numbers greater than 0.50.
as 10%, s/L=0.3 as 11% and for s/L=0.4 as 12% at the On the other hand experimental work points out
speed which corresponds to Fn=0.65. Note that that the resistance reductions are attained mostly due to
optimization was performed for Froude number 0.65 the reductions in divergent wave patterns. Although it is
and for the gap ratio s/L=0.3. In order to make a direct known that asymmetric forms may be helpful in
comparison of wave resistance with that of the reducing interference resistance, a further study is
numerical analysis, wave patterns generated by the twin required to search for obtaining reductions in the
hulls were also measured by 4 wave probes located at interference resistance as well.
one side of the tank so as to give the longitudinal cut Twin Hulls, s/L=0.3
data. The wave cut analysis depends on the wave form 0.009
expression: 0.008 CW, optimal (Exp.)
CW, original (Exp.)
N 0.007
ζ = [ ] æ 2πyn ö
ξ n cos(ω n x ) + ηn sin (ω n x ) cosç
è W
(7) 0.006
CW,optimal (Comp.)
CW, original (comp.)


where W is the width of the tank, ωn = K n cos(θn ) , 0.003
2πn g 0.002
K n sin (θn ) = and K n − 2 sec2 (θn ) = 0. 0.001
W V 0
Here n, Kn and θn denote the nth harmonic, wave number 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
and wave angle, respectively. Thus, wave pattern Fn

resistance is given by; Figure 9. Comparative wave pattern resistance

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