Hindu Marriage

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Marriage transforms one’s entire life-style and creates a whole new realm of duties, obligations,
privileges and joys. Firstly it is important to bear in mind that a Hindu marriage is not merely a particular
contractile arrangement between two consenting adults. It is the union of two entire families and many
of the rites in the wedding ceremony stress this important fact.
Marriage is not a social contract temporarily entered into under the influence of romance or dissolved
at one’s pleasure. It is the most important religious sacrament, necessary for every individual to realize
fully one’s potential and to fulfil the responsibilities which one’s owes to one’s self, one’s family, one’s
ancestors and to society at large. Marriage, therefore, is to every Hindu, not merely institutionalised
pleasure, or primarily a source of gratification of sentimental longings or romantic loves, but an act of
duty, a matter of moral and religious obligation, incumbent on everyone in all normal circumstances.
The purpose of Marriage
According to the Rig Veda, marriage was to enable a man, by becoming a householder, to perform
sacrifices to the gods and to procreate sons.
The Satapatha Brahmaṇa. V.2.1.10 says:–
‘The wife is indeed half of one's self; therefore as long as a man does not secure a wife so long he does
not beget a son and so he is till then not complete (or whole); but when he secures a wife he gets
progeny and then he becomes complete’.
There are four purposes in Hindu marriage :
1. Dharma
2. Artha
3. Kaam
4. Moksha

Today we are all here for theWedding of ABC to XYZ.

This wedding is performing in the presence of Aacharya , Brahma of the yagya Pt., Agni dewata,
Parents, relative, friends of the bride and groom.
Now we will start the wedding.
1. External purification
2. Internal purification
3. Holy mark on forehead
4. Swastiwachan – mantras for well being
5. Samkalpa – determination to perform this wedding mentioning the time, date, place and the
astrological parameters marking the day.
6. Sarv dev puja- Lord Ganesh, Kalash, nine planets and other devi devtas. They are all invited here
and worshipped. In their presence wedding is performed.
7. At this time the groom is like loard Vishnu.
Bride’s Father- I want to worship you as var.
Vister- this is symbol of seat.
This is a seat for you.
I accept the vaster -the seat
8. Padyam- this is water for wash your feet.
I accept this water for wash my feet.
9. Argham- this is water for wash your hands.
I accept this water for wash my hands.
10. Achmaniyam-- this is water for drink.
I accept this water for drink. Sip three times. Hand wash
11. Madhuparka- A healthy tonic mixture of Butter, honey and yogurt. This is healthy tonic for you.
Holding with his left hand a cup of Madhuparka (composed of honey, curd and ghee or clarified
butter), after removing the cover and looking at the Madhuparka.
12. The bridegroom says: May the breeze be sweet as honey; may the streams flow full of honey
and may the herbs and plants be laden with honey for us!
May the nights be honey-sweet for us; may the mornings be honey-sweet for us and may the
heavens be honey-sweet for us!
May the plants be honey-sweet for us; may the sun be all honey for us and may the cows yield
us honey-sweet milk!
"Honey-sweet", in this case, means pleasant, advantageous, and conducive to happiness.
The bridegroom: The honey is the sweetest and the best. May I have food as sweet and health-
giving as this honey and may I be able to relish it!
I accept it. Taste three time.
13. Now touch the vital sense organs.
14. Gauri puja BY BRIDE
15. Hast lepan- -haridrā-lepanam: Anointing the couple with holy turmeric paste.
16. Mangalastak Gotraachaar- Both families introduction
17. Kanyā-dāna: (giving away of daughter). A statement of intent is made mentioning the time,
date, place and the astrological parameters marking the day and the purpose of marriage is
declared to be begetting of offspring, prosperity, and companionship in the performance of
religious and social duties. Afterwards the couple vow never to prove false to the each other in
dharma (religious duties), artha (mutual financial arrangements) and kāma (intimacy and
recreation) with the words:– ‘I shall not do so' (nāticarāmi).
18. Paanigrahan- Taking the hand of the bride.
19. Gathbandhan- sacred union of two souls
20. Home yagya- Offering of butter into the fire, wiyh the prayers to different power bearing gods.
21. Laja home- baked rice grains into the fire. Laja means parched rice or barley like popcorn. The
bride shall place the palms of her hands over those of the bridegroom and make three offerings
(ahutis) of parched rice soaked in ghee (clarified butter).
The bride: I adore God, the unifier of hearts. Now that I am leaving my parents’ home for my
husband’s, I pray that He may keep us perpetually united!
With these offerings I pray for Long life for my husband and for the prosperity of all our
(Addressing her husband) In making these offerings for your prosperity I once again pray that
God may bless this union of our hearts!
22. Parikrama- four rounds to the fire. First three bride leading to the groom and last groom leading
to the bride.
23. Asmarohan- stepping on the stone.
24. Saptpadi- The couple now take the first seven steps in their journey of life together. These steps
represent the seven areas of life that they need to work on together in order to have a perfect
25. Dhruva and Arundhati darshan- meditating upon the pole star.The pole is fixed in its position,
likewise the couple is expected to be steadfast and firm in fulfilling their vows and
The bride: Just as the star Arundhati is attached to the star Vasishtha, so may I be ever firmly
attached to my husband! Placing his hand upon the bride’s forehead
The bridegroom: As the heavens are permanently stable, as the earth is permanently stable, as
these mountains are permanently stable, and as the entire universe is permanent stable, so may
my wife be permanently settled in our family!
(Addressing the bride): Thou are the Pole star; I see in thee stability and firmness. Mayst thou
ever be steadfast in thy affection for me. The great God has united thee with me. Mayst thou
live with me, blessed with children, for a hundred years!
26. Side Change- now she is near to your heart.
27. Sindur Daan- The sindoor is first applied to the woman by her husband on the day of her
wedding; this is called the Sindoor Daanam ceremony. After this, she applies it herself every day.
The red sindoor is significant for the married woman as she is full of colour.
28. Mangalsutra, as such, is not just a jewelry item, but a sacred thread of love and goodwill worn by
married women, as a symbol of their successful marriage. An inevitable part of Hindu marriage
ceremony, Mangalsutra refers to a revered symbol of wedlock.
29. Blessings - O Lord, may this couple be prosperous!
O Lord, may this couple live in perpetual happiness!
O Lord, may this couple be ever infused with love for each other. May this couple be blessed
with children and grandchildren and live in the best of homes for the full period of their lives!
May you two live here together. May you never be parted. May you enjoy the full span of
human life in the delightful company of your happy sons and grandsons!

30. Touching the feet of parents.

Saptpadi- (Taking of seven steps)
The couple now take the first seven steps in their journey of life together.
These steps represent the seven areas of life that they need to work on together in order to have a
perfect marriage. The verses recited are as follows:—
1. May Lord Vishnu guide you to nourishment.
(Good eating habits and nutrition is the basis of a healthy relationship)
2. May Lord Vishnu guide you to health.
(Not only should we eat healthy food and timely meals but we should
also live a healthy life-style which includes exercise and avoidance of
bad habits like smoking, binging and gambling)
3. May Lord Vishnu guide you to prosperity & security.
(When we are healthy and fit we can work hard and achieve success,
prosperity and security.)
4. May Lord Vishnu guide you to consummate bliss
(The central element and one of utmost importance is a health sex life.)
5. May Lord Vishnu guide you to the welfare of the domestic animals.
(Domestic animals — cows, goats, sheep were the original form of
investment! So nowadays one should aspire to nurture a good investment portfolio!)
6. May Lord Vishnu guide you to enjoyments according to the seasons.
(Playing together, taking vacations together and generally enjoying the
good things of life together is also an essential element in a happy
7. May Lord Vishnu guide you in the actualisation of your seven-fold
Spiritual Energies.
(Realising that the ultimate purpose of life is spiritual evolution and
unfoldment of the potentialities of body, life-force, mind, intellect, will,
essential being and transcendental bliss.)
“You are my friend in life through these seven steps; may I attain your
friendship, may our friendship bind us together; may we never cease
being friends, may our intentions be of one accord, may our radiance be one, and our minds united. We
are united in harmony and affection,
radiant with kind thoughts, enveloped in enjoyment and strength, united are our minds, our vows and
our hearts.”
“You are Primal Nature — I am all-pervading Spirit
You are Nature. I am the Sky —
You are the Earth.I am the seed —
You are the bearer.I am mind —
You are Speech.
I am the melody — You are the words.
Come O Bounteous One. Let us dwell together in happiness and may
our progeny attain glory.”
Ārdrākṣataropaṇa: (mutual showering of wet unbroken rice grains by the
The groom takes the bride's right hand and recites the following mantras.
“I take your hand for wellbeing so that together we may attain to old
age in happiness. The Sovereign Cosmic Principles; Enjoyment
[Bhaga], Aspiration [Aryaman], Creativity [Savitar] and Completeness
[Purandhri] have united us for the performance of our duties as
householders.” (RV 10.85.36)
“This institute of Householders was previously established by these
Cosmic Principles, may we attain their benediction.” (Ap.MB.1.3.4)
O” Sarasvati! Personification of learning and eloquence, the source of
well-being, O Gracious One, You whom I praise are the source of all
creation.” (Ap.MB 1.3.5)
“May the out-stretched golden hands of the purifying life force which
pervades all directions unite our minds as one.”

(The wedding sacrifice)
The priests now make oblations of ghee into the sacred with the following
Lāja-homa: (Offering of puffed grain into fire by the bride). Āśvalāyana
says that the bride makes three offerings of puffed rice when mantras are repeated
by the bridegroom and a fourth is made of the remaining rice by the bride silently.
Some others speak of only three offerings by the bride. Some authorities have the
bride offering the oblations with her hands supported by the groom. Others have
the bride place the grains in the groom’s hands and he offers them.
In this act she is usually assisted by a brother or brother substitute (cousin or best
friend). The person who assists the bride in offering the grains is her “support”
person or one to whom she can turn in the event of bullying or domestic violence
in her new home. In some communities the brother twists the groom’s ear to warn
him of his duty to behave himself with the sister!
Agnī-pariṇayana: (walking around the fire). The couple walk around the fire three or four times. Some
authorities have the groom going in front for all the rounds while others have the bride walking in front
for 3 rounds and the groom in front for the last round.
Aśmarohana: (treading on a mill-stone). The grinding-stone represents conflicts and hurdles. The
couple are asked to be as firm as the stone in their commitment to their marriage and determination to
overcome all conflict and challenges. These three are done thrice viz. lājahoma, then Agnīparinayana
and aśmārohaṇa, one after another.
Saptapadi: (taking seven steps together). This is done to the north of the fire; there are seven small
heaps of rice and the couple step on each of these seven with their right foot beginning from the west.

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