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Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais

115 | 2018
Número semitemático

Reframing the Nineteenth Century

Reenquadrar o século XIX
Recadrer le XIXe siècle

Rochelle Pinto, Sidh Losa Mendiratta and Walter Rossa

Electronic version
DOI: 10.4000/rccs.7006
ISSN: 2182-7435

Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra

Printed version
Date of publication: 1 May 2018
Number of pages: 93-112
ISSN: 0254-1106

Electronic reference
Rochelle Pinto, Sidh Losa Mendiratta and Walter Rossa, « Reframing the Nineteenth Century », Revista
Crítica de Ciências Sociais [Online], 115 | 2018, Online since 15 May 2018, connection on 17 May 2018.
URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/rccs.7006
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 115, maio 2018: 93-112


Reframing the Nineteenth Century

No longer determined exclusively by the economic fortunes of the empire, the history
of the nineteenth-century Portuguese colonies in India and the Indian Ocean region has
been sufficiently elaborated for some heuristic frameworks to emerge. Histories of medi-
cine, anthropology, politics, print, migration and slavery underscore the importance of
non-statist narratives as they trace the movement of people, goods and ideas along for-
mal and informal networks, often under the ascendant British colonial power. Along with
studies on visual and spatial culture and agrarian policy, these narratives have helped
delineate distinctive and contesting attributes that characterise the nineteenth century.
The century continues to pose a historiographic challenge as it both draws from and
contests the dominant theoretical accounts of colonialism.

Keywords: castes; colonialism; Goa; Portuguese empire; science.

This dossier of the Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (RCCS) was conceived
both to draw attention to the directions taken in recent work on the history
and historiography of Portuguese colonialism in nineteenth-century India
and to reflect upon the scope and contours of past publications.1 The theme
emerged as a response to the perceived tendency to associate the nineteenth
century with the empire’s focus on Africa in the 1800s. This characterises the
field as a whole (both within the Centre for Social Studies of the University
of Coimbra and the RCCS and beyond it), as it follows the direction of
the colonial state’s financial and political interests in different territories.
However, a number of publications focusing on East Africa and Portuguese
territories in India offer compelling theories for the historical understand-
ing of areas that fall outside the immediate economic interest of the state.
The initial call for papers therefore proposed a wider horizon for the dossier
and hoped to include dimensions of the Portuguese colonial presence in the
This was undertaken as a part of the postdoctoral project “Framing Identity: Cityscapes and
Architecture of Mumbai’s Catholic Communities (16th-20th centuries)”, by Sidh Losa Mendiratta,
supervised by Walter Rossa and Rochelle Pinto, and funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a
Tecnologia (SFRH/BPD/89298/2012).
94 | Rochelle Pinto, Sidh Losa Mendiratta, Walter Rossa

Indian Ocean. Unfortunately, it was not possible to include representations

of the nineteenth-century interactions between East Africa and the Indian
subcontinent and with various other territories of the British and Portuguese
empires. In light of this circumstance, the editorial team changed the scope
of the dossier to its current form, with a focus on Goa.
Within Portuguese nationalist accounts of empire, focused on the sixteenth
to eighteenth centuries, the Indian subcontinent and the western Indian
Ocean were formerly unattended spaces, seen as inconsequential to its shift-
ing fortunes. However, the epithets of stasis emanating from economistic
and essentialist perspectives have since been dislodged. In contrast to the
preceding lack of attention to such possibilities, research that has appeared
over the last two or three decades, however nascent its formulations, has
lent some historical and theoretical definition to this area. Histories of indi-
viduals and of processes, whose significance was not primarily determined
by their contribution to the imperial economy, peopled emergent accounts.
Distinctive and contesting attributes of the century have emerged in the
areas of landscape and visual culture, law, print and literary production,
the history of medicine, anthropology, agricultural policy, and political history.
The following account points to some of the defining features of the cen-
tury: events that shaped state politics as well as some of the central contra-
dictions and conflicts whose manifestations stretched across the century and
monopolised representations of it. It includes processes such as migration
that resulted from the nature of economic and political transformations
within the century but remain underrepresented in dominant histories despite
the economic significance of these changes and the numbers of people
affected by them.
The historiography of the century was framed overwhelmingly by both
British and Portuguese imperial narratives, which narrativised each other’s
impact on India and on world history to favour the ascendancy of the British.
Indian nationalist accounts and postcolonial studies that have focused on the
British presence on the Indian mainland were later influential frameworks.
These enabled and also occluded the recognition of constitutive aspects of the
history of Portuguese territories in India (Ferrão, 2014a). The contributions
to this dossier indicate how recent work has found alternate approaches to
nineteenth-century history.

Markers of Nineteenth-Century History

Goa had ceased to be the administrative centre for Mozambique in 1752,
a condition that facilitated the absorption of the East African territory into
trade with Brazil. This decision was taken as part of the vast programme of
Reframing the Nineteenth Century | 95

structural reforms devised for the metropolis and the empire by the Marquis
de Pombal, the influential Prime Minister to José I appointed in 1750, whose
prominence continued after the monarch’s death in 1777 and into the reign
of Maria I. The interruption imposed by the transfer of the court to Brazil
in 1808, and the subsequent revolutions, leaves uncertain the question of
the actual scale and success of Pombaline reforms. Although much of what
is distinctive about the nature of institutions and power in the nineteenth
century flows from the constitutional struggles in its opening decades, the gap
between the historiography of earlier centuries and the nineteenth century
has left the question of residual intellectual influences from prior periods
relatively unexplored.
In studies that consider the nature of the state and its intervention as an
agent of change, two conventional brackets usually define the political his-
tory of the nineteenth century: the Liberal Revolution of the 1820s, extend-
ing for two decades, and the establishment of the Portuguese Republic
in 1910. These two events tend to provide a rationale and an interpretive
framework within which the varied dimensions of actions, associations, and
ideological influences have been understood. Political histories indicate that
however powerful the initial impetus for intellectual change may have been,
such concepts and ideas rarely traveled without being transformed by the
prevailing power structures where they took root. Thus, while the ideas of
constitutionalism, liberalism, the freedom of the press, and representative
electorates took hold and circulated simultaneously in Brazil, Portugal and
India, these terms were also placeholders for other processes to unfold (Lobo,
2017; Lustosa, 2000; Sodré, 1999). The contradictions and tensions between
being descendentes (Portuguese born in the colonies) or reinóis (metropolitan
Portuguese differentiated politically and racially from the descendentes) were
different in each territory, just as the divisions produced by race, mestizage,
caste, and language were varied in each context. Further, liberalism had
different consequences for those registered as slaves in different colonies,
as the work of Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo or Cristina Nogueira da Silva has
indicated (Jerónimo, 2000; Silva, 2004; Silva and Grinberg, 2011). The fact
that constitutionalism and absolutism formed a framework for political action
but were also a formal code through which other political divisions were
routed as sub-texts is manifest in the volatile print production of the first half
of the nineteenth century. The emergence of different political strands and
tensions between groups in Goa and their changing configurations and alli-
ances with groups in Portugal through the century and into the early decades
of the twentieth have been elaborated by Sandra Ataíde Lobo (Lobo, 2013,
2016). Luís Cabral de Oliveira’s account of the role of Goan Catholic elites
96 | Rochelle Pinto, Sidh Losa Mendiratta, Walter Rossa

within the judicial system during the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
points to the process of empowerment of this strata during the liberal period,
and their decisive influence in the codification of laws specific to the New
Conquests (Oliveira, 2015).
The nomination of Bernardo Peres da Silva as Prefeito (within the new
liberal taxonomy, this was equivalent to the head of state), the first indigenous
head of state in 1835, reveals the impact of the struggle over liberalism in the
metropole and the realignments of power it spurred in colonial or imminently
autonomous states such as Brazil. The reforms Peres da Silva pushed through
during his seventeen-day reign, his defeat by local interests opposed to his
nomination, his flight to Bombay, and doomed attempt to summon support
from Bombay, Daman and Brazil for a ship that would sail to Goa to effect
a coup, are instances of the nature of state politics at the time (Lobo, 2016).
Such volatility characterised both the composition of the state and the norms
by which contestation was conducted. Print publications convey an image
of a vociferously contested realm limited to political elites, which gradually
admitted and represented a wider circle of contributors, including women.
This continued until the print market of Bombay at the end of the century
crafted a distinctly oppositional identity in bilingual publications in Konkani,
English and Portuguese. These presses and publications voiced dimensions
of class and caste experience almost invisible in dominant representations.
Concepts introduced through constitutional and electoral struggles came
to be owned by colonial elites as they generated complex ideological frame-
works through which questions of citizenship, representation, and rights were
routed. The refraction of these concepts and terms are visible in the political
parties, societies, and associations contesting each other’s vision of public
life, the political past, and the economic future (Furtado and Cruz, 2011).
The sphere of influence of the predominantly Catholic indigenous Goan
elite was carved out in opposition to the descendentes and the mestiço and
was simultaneously the ground for intra-caste rivalries. These were scarcely
the only lines of difference although the exclusive access to print of these
groups makes these contradictions the most visible. Outside of the two
dominant castes, other groups have a fragmentary presence in Portuguese
or in Marathi print of the period, though, since the late eighteenth century,
the New Conquest territories were numerically larger than the Old. Their
inclusion is more visible in official records, where questions of sovereignty,
law, land rights, religion and worship, agronomy, and troubled border rela-
tions were continuously discussed. Dominant castes among these, however,
also formed associations and routed questions of Hindu identity, women’s
rights, education and pedagogy, linguistic politics, land rights and political
Reframing the Nineteenth Century | 97

alliances of the future through newspapers and through public associa-

tions. Outside of their occasional presence in the land disputes of the New
Conquests, and in the newsprint and books emerging from Bombay, lower
caste lives and histories of this period until the mid-twentieth century would
have to be elicited through oral sources.
A parallel challenge to the legitimacy of the state ran through the length of
the century and took the form of armed rebellion by different groups in the
recently acquired New Conquest territories. In 1845, a chieftain, in rebellion
against the British and the Portuguese states, collected revenue payments
from New Conquest villages on the border between Goa and British India
on the authority of chits issued in the name of the government of the prince
of Sawantwadi (NAI, 1845). Since many territories had been acquired only
in the late eighteenth century, the authority of former land administrators
and sovereigns, and their links with neighbouring princely states had a lasting
impact. These attempts to restore the authority of former powers, though
they were both violent and frequent, tend to be discursively subordinated
in histories of the period to the concerns of the Old Conquests. The impact
of these rebellions on neighbouring villages was often extractive and violent
and the Old Conquest elite represented their perpetrators as marauders or
rebels. When many members of this elite turned against the state in the late
nineteenth century, however, they appear to have extended support to such
a rebellion in 1895 (Pratima Kamat, 1999, 2013).
Despite some interventions, there is still no adequate account of this near
continuous state of rebellion in the districts of Pernem, Sattari, Bicholim and
Sanquelim involving the Desais, Ranes, and the Sawants of Wadi (Pratima
Kamat, 1999; Mendes, 1886).2 As they militated for the restoration of their
sovereignty in the face of revenue interventions by the state in Goa, they also
ensured that the border between Portuguese and British India was never
quiet. The interaction between the two governments over the management
of rebellion is a colourful illustration of the different approaches to colonial
justice systems and the understanding of racial and political distance from
indigenous populations.
In contrast to the revenue chieftains such as the Ranes or the Desais who led
such rebellions, the upper caste Hindu elite were linked to the state as scribes,
translators, intelligence agents and through mercantile trade and finance.
The latter group consolidated their alliances with caste counterparts in the

Writing in 1864, António Lopes Mendes lists revolts in 1755, 1797, 1806, 1807, 1809, January
1813, May 1813, January 1814, October 1814, 1816, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1845 and 1852-1855
(Mendes, 1864: 111-112).
98 | Rochelle Pinto, Sidh Losa Mendiratta, Walter Rossa

New Conquests and forged a distinct political identity through Marathi print
financed initially by the Bombay print market. Later bilingual Portuguese
and Marathi newsprint hosted a set of interests and agenda distinct from
the Catholic elite who until the early twentieth century, had near exclusive
representation in the electoral and higher education realm.
The century can be characterised as one preoccupied with questions of
land. Aside from the rebellions of the New Conquests, conflicts over the fate
of the hereditarily administered village level gaunkaris, or comunidades, per-
sisted throughout the century (Dias, 2004; Varsha Vijayendra Kamat, 2009;
Pereira, 1981). In the New Conquests, caste hierarchies were enforced and
challenged through conflicts over the claims to managing temple properties
made by different caste groups, as well as over membership in the gaunkari
(Magalhães, 2012). Questions of ritual hierarchy and spatial displacement
tended to be invisible in representations in Portuguese print, not for linguis-
tic reasons as much as the alienation of state and elite discourse from these
domains of power until they acquired the form of legal disputes or revolts
(Xavier, 1852). The New Conquests became the object of policies and stud-
ies seeking to demonstrate the effectiveness of new scientific and economic
practices applied to agriculture and forestry. Similarly, the state’s attempt
to codify ‘uses and customs’ of the Hindu population, which opened up a
channel for petitioning to the state, constitutes the official representation of
processes that appear differently in perspectives emerging from other sources.
A challenge for nineteenth-century history has been to capture the nature
of power structures that were new, along with those that had long preceded
the nineteenth century but had assumed new dimensions. An instance of this
is the fate of the Real Padroado Português, a structure that secured the preroga-
tive of the Portuguese monarchs over the administration of the dioceses and
archdioceses established by the Catholic Church in its conquests (Archdiocese
of Goa and Daman, 1925). The challenge to the Padroado, presented in the
form of the Vatican initiative, the Propaganda Fide (officially instituted in
1622), empowered secular orders of clergy (not affiliated to ‘national’ religious
orders) to administer parishes within Portuguese colonies. The effect of the
Propaganda Fide was to regulate and contain the power of the Padroado,
and though the struggle between the two had begun centuries before, it was
the nineteenth century which witnessed bitter public battles over jurisdiction
across various churches and populations in the south of India and its west-
ern coast. The thrust towards diluting the national definition of the Roman
Catholic ecumene was located in efforts to alter the jurisdictional powers of
the earlier orders. This reorientation created the conditions for indigenous
clerical dissent in opposition to hierarchies of race, language, economic access
Reframing the Nineteenth Century | 99

and caste within the church. The formal categories through which these
conflicts were voiced remained those of the Padroado and the Propaganda,
but they also found alternate expression in architectural symbolism, linguistic
disputes, and political identities such as that of the East Indians in Bombay
(Aapan Kon? (Who are We?), 1891; Mello, 1938; Gomes, 2010, 2011).
In several of the disputes outlined above, whether representations of
land or the disputes over the Padroado, the interests and representations
of indigenous and colonial actors were framed by the discourses of the ascen-
dant British colonial power, interlaced with the changed nature of Portuguese
colonial rule. This power relationship inflected pre-existing contact across
the western coast of India, port cities of the Arabian Sea and east African
territories both British- and Portuguese-held. Colonial elites and migrants
who travelled as administrators, priests, traders, professionals, labourers and
politicians mediated and were shaped by the nature of colonial interaction
in the nineteenth-century history of contact between these territories. In her
latest book and in her current research on an earlier period of the nineteenth
century, Margret Frenz combines archival sources with oral testimonies to
explore migrations from Goa to East Africa, and subsequently to Europe
and America. In Community, Memory, and Migration in a Globalizing World.
The Goan Experience, c. 1890-1980, she traces the manner in which people
recall their lives at different moments in the history of colonialism, how
they experienced their social positions in a different context, and discusses
how these are related structurally to the history of empires (Frenz, 2014).
Selma Carvalho’s work on the Goan diaspora in East Africa was published
as part of the Oral Histories of British Goans project between 2011 and
2014 (Carvalho, 2010, 2014). Aside from recordings of the oral testimonies
of those who migrated to Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania before their relo-
cation to the United Kingdom archived at the British Library, self-published
individual memoirs increasingly provide a rich source of personal accounts
recounting the experience.
In the context of the Indian Ocean, the examination of the routes along
which people, religious practices and commodities circulated, through both
informal and formal networks, has underscored the significance of non-statist
histories (Farooqui, 2016; Machado, 2003). As a case in point, the elabo-
ration of the nature and extent of power enjoyed by free Africans in India, as
opposed to the enslaved, for example, implies a rethinking of the term diaspora
as well as the racial composition of the Indian subcontinent. The existence
of different systems of slavery and/or forced work in colonies and kingdoms
of the Indian Ocean region demand an accounting of the simultaneity and
complexity of political and legal categories for slavery often believed to have
100 | Rochelle Pinto, Sidh Losa Mendiratta, Walter Rossa

succeeded each other (Allen, 2017; Campbell, 2003; Suzuki, 2017). The field
also disturbs dominant spatial chronologies in areas such as the history of
Islam, which remained focused on the region of West Asia despite the numeri-
cal and cultural significance of Islamic practice in other regions, including
East Africa (Kooriadathodi, 2016). Temporal intervals such as the duration
of slave voyages, which changed the lives of those on ships carrying slaves as
cargo as well as those of itinerant traders and pirates, have been foregrounded
to emphasise their elision in nation- and land-centric accounts. To this we
can add the identities of those whose nationalities and political affiliations
straddled East Africa and India, none of which as yet interrupt supremacist
narratives of nation formation on the Indian subcontinent (Allen, 2003).
The field represents conceptual interventions that are too varied and
numerous to be consolidated as an alternate centre or to be positioned as a
uniformly predictable conceptual margin. In the field of print studies, Isabel
Hofmeyr’s work, which observed that literary theory tended to use a “non-
-materialist theory of texts” instead followed connotations to texts that may
have had an Anglo-European origin across their unexpected trajectories in
political communities of the Indian Ocean (Ferrão, 2005, 2014b; Hofmeyr,
2001). The numerous dimensions of texts, whether oral or written, the cir-
cumstances of production, and the contexts of their reception challenged the
divisions between centres and peripheries of intellectual influence.

Knowledge Production and Representation

A characteristic feature of the nineteenth century was the articulated desire to
see an organic link emerge between knowledge production and governance.
This was elaborated in representations that hoped to see institutions linked
to the state reorganised according to principles of political economy, ratio-
nalisation and productivity. Residual intellectual traditions and institutional
formations particular to Portugal continued to be influential, however, even
if their legitimacy was being challenged by intellectual currents associated
with Britain and northern Europe.
Histories of architectural history, urbanism and landscape indicate how the
desire for new knowledge practices was linked to the representation of the
Portuguese empire in India (Mattoso and Rossa, 2010). The epithets of stasis
and inertia mentioned earlier were often substantiated in public discourse
(and often in English) by gesturing to the physical decadence of Old Goa and
the conflicted mid-century move of the capital to Panjim. The abandonment
of Old Goa by everyone but the regular clergy and those connected to the
Arsenal da Marinha occurred between the end of the seventeenth century
and the beginning of the eighteenth century.
Reframing the Nineteenth Century | 101

In 1843 (after the expulsion of the religious orders in 1834), the Metropolitan
Government decided not only to recognise the relocation of the capital to
Panjim but also to prepare a plan whose execution would shape its develop-
ment (Faria, 2007). The dismantling and the reuse of building materials and
architectural elements and ornaments in the buildings of Panjim was regulated
and, in some cases, manufactured anew, and accounts for the virtual disap-
pearance of the urban fabric of Old Goa, including its huge perimeter wall.
This account of planned urban renewal is a far cry from the abundant
descriptions of Goa’s physical decrepitude and decadence that were used
as ekphrastic contrasts to the urbanisation of other South Asian capitals in
British colonies. The emergence of Panjim reveals the rhetorical function of
images of decadence across a century in which a capital was in fact reborn.
This rebirth is also significant because the new urban landscape signified a
transformed political order within Goa. It was no longer a landscape that by
default denoted an absolutist Catholic monarchy committed to evangelising
proselytism. Instead, the symbolic connotations to its architecture were the
focus of attention for a patrician government trying to expand the participa-
tion of civil society within the restricted liberal regime that it represented.
Paulo Varela Gomes points to the influence of British India on nineteenth-
-century architecture but argues that church architecture was more resistant to
this influence than other kinds of visual practices (with the neo-gothic church
of Saligão as an exception to this pattern) (Gomes, 2011). Comparatively,
domestic architecture, in particular the multilayered nature of domestic
spaces, has received more attention from authors. The nineteenth century
saw the construction of numerous Goan Catholic aristocratic houses that
changed the rural landscape (Carita, 1995; Sampaio, 2011; Silveira, 2007).
The rural landscape was refigured through two impetuses, one of which
was to treat natural elements as visual objects, provoking a change in the
perception of landscape, while the other was to enhance productivity and
to introduce contemporary international innovations in agricultural science
to the colonies. The natural vegetation framing Panjim’s Altinho and the
areas of Aguada and Reis Magos were introduced or modified to perform
the role of visual elements that would create perspectives for these sites. This
was accompanied by increased significance accorded to surveys, publications
and projects by agronomists trained in Lisbon and in British institutions.
The history of this period saw the creation of many institutions associated
with modern governance: the creation of the military academy in 1817, which
included engineering courses, the reintroduction of the printing press, and
the appearance of the first of many journals, the Gazeta de Goa in 1821; the
creation of a public library in 1832, and a medical school in 1842 gave Panjim’s
102 | Rochelle Pinto, Sidh Losa Mendiratta, Walter Rossa

urban landscape its character and design, and nurtured a local urban elite that
had participated in its vision and inhabited these new institutions. A number
of engineers, physicians, lawyers and judges were trained in Goa and occupied
significant posts in other Portuguese colonies (Bastos, 2008; Faria, 2007, 2012,
2014).3 Cristiana Bastos’ work on the medical school of Goa and the position
of Goan medical doctors in Portugal and colonies such as Mozambique and
their links with Brazil reveals the hierarchisation of colonial spaces in relation
to each other, with Portugal occupying the space of an exclusive validating
authority, designed to distribute greater or reduced authority to subordinate
doctors and medical institutions in Goa (Bastos, 2005, 2008). The creation
of the department of public works in 1869 reinforced this role, enabling the
construction of public facilities and infrastructure in the Indian Ocean ter-
ritories, from Mozambique to Timor.4 Descendentes and indigenous Goans
occupied positions of authority and initiated public administrative projects.
This elite could be deployed as a sub-colonising phalanx in East Africa
while they were systemically subordinated to corresponding educational
institutions in Portugal, which in the case of most disciplines such as law
and medicine retained the prerogative to confer higher degrees. A similar
relationship developed in relation to British territories in the region where
educated Goans found institutes of higher education and avenues of employ-
ment, while the British colonial state mined the abilities of educated migrants
whose training had been financed by a diminished political power.
Military reforms, the railway in 1882, policies regarding schools, and
the Anglo-Portuguese treaty were some of the state mechanisms to turn
Goa and Indian Ocean territories into an economically profitable enclave
for the British. The manner in which Mozambique acquired territorial
definition was a drastic shift from the prior existence of a few trading posts
along the coast (the islands in the North, the bay of Lourenço Marques in
the South, which provided a natural gateway to the hinterlands, initially
encompassed the Portuguese presence in the area). In the 1890s a railroad
and a harbour were part of the ambitious urban plan that structured the
colonial and modernist core of the city of Lourenço Marques/Maputo, and
in 1898 the capital moved from the island of Mozambique. The capital city
became the harbour to which raw resources were transported, just as in
Beira and Nacala in Mozambique and in Lobito (Angola) and Goa. Like Vasco
and Lourenço Marques/Maputo, other port cities were founded from
Faria traces this statistically within an ongoing project entitled “Building the Portuguese Empire
in the 19th century. Public Works across the Indian Ocean and China Sea (1869-1926)”.
Much of this was undertaken during the governorship of José Ferreira Pestana (1848-1851 and
Reframing the Nineteenth Century | 103

Cape Verde (Mindelo) to Dili (Timor) to mark a new stage in colonial rule,
in which the construction of the port of Macau infrastructure is included.
The mediation of colonialism through the production of trained elites was
a process which spanned nearly a century, from the administrative indepen-
dence of Mozambique in 1752 to that of Macau (including Timor) in 1844
from Goa. These events present us with a chronological period that prompts
questions about the impetus for change in concepts of governance as well as
the need to understand the overarching conception of race and the distribu-
tion of social and cultural capital that framed this inter-colonial relationship.

Print and Circulation

Modern institutions also transformed caste practices, endowing them with
new dimensions. An unusual instance of this encounter is elaborated in
Filipa Lowndes Vicente’s Outros orientalismos (Vicente, 2012). Vicente
details the context of a photograph taken in Bombay of the Italian linguist
and Indologist, Angelo de Gubernatis, who had just been made a ‘brah-
man’ through a ceremony performed by one of the three other figures in the
photograph. Among those photographed was the well-known Goan doctor
and Indologist, Gerson da Cunha. Vicente’s account of the conflict over the
photograph and the history of its production and circulation reveals how
bodies carried perceptible marks of caste, and how the photograph, as another
form of representation, inflected the reading of caste marks. It describes the
ritual that preceded the taking of the photograph and the manner in which
the circulation of the image legitimised the European ‘brahman’ and some of
the indigenous figures in the picture, while it simultaneously threatened the
status of other participants. Not only does this account include preexisting
cultures of perception and representation in the analysis of the image, but it
also indicates how visual culture as a lived practice was transformed when
caste rituals were introduced to new forms such as commercial photography.
Orientalist and reformist frameworks that informed intellectual produc-
tion of the period had an unquestionable prominence. Studies such as
Vicente’s indicate, however, that the newness of the nineteenth century
also lay in its incorporation of and continuity with prior and contemporary
practices. The intelligentsia’s focus on expanding the scope of classification
and study is characterised by the voluminous mid-century production of the
secretary to the Governor General, J. H. da Cunha Rivara, and the Goan
government official, Felipe Nery Xavier. Their publications demonstrate
how the history of custom, language, land reform and rebellion could be
the subject of knowledge accumulation that was directed to the state but
did not always shape state policy (Cunha, 1881; Rivara, 1875; Souza, 1879;
104 | Rochelle Pinto, Sidh Losa Mendiratta, Walter Rossa

Xavier, 1852). Counter histories appeared as private publications to challenge

the intentions of the state or the rival representations of indigenous writers
(Gonçalo de Magalhães Teixeira Pinto, 1859). A memorable and extreme
version of these was the vituperative writing of Pe. António Francisco Xavier
Álvares, the dissenting nationalist priest associated with various publica-
tions, among them the periodical O Brado Indiano (Rochelle Pinto, 2007).
The nineteenth century was characterised by public and vocal disregard
of dominant perspectives on language, politics and economy, even while the
latter were being consolidated in institutions and in legislation across the
empire. The discourses of those in authority had been challenged before,
but the contestations of official representations and their circulation in print
constituted new public arenas. New participants in this arena challenged the
linked terrain of knowledge and governance that defined the century. Thus,
the English, Hindustani, Konkani, Swahili Vocabulary, which appeared in
1902 in Nairobi to assist Kenyans and Indian migrants settled in British East
Africa in the previous century, was indifferent as to whether its orthography
had met the test of etymological purity with which linguists and educationists
were increasingly concerned (Bir, 1902). Letters to a Bombay newspaper
in 1894 declared that the Portuguese-Konkani dictionary published by a
reputed Goan linguist, Sebastião Rodolfo Dalgado, was of no use to readers
because it was filled with difficult words from other languages and was too
expensive (Lorçu, 1894).
An attention to print as a methodological perspective no longer takes
for granted traditional distinctions between literature and other forms of
representation, as these divisions assume that practices and genres were
reproduced identically across all cultural contexts. Nineteenth-century
journals and critical articles did prescribe a conventional domain of letters
and of the literary, and literary production itself consisted of adaptations
of European literary patterns (Garmes, 2004 , 2011). However, it simul-
taneously borrowed representational forms from across genres such as
ethnography, orientalist verse, satire, and prose and gave them aesthetic
coherence through the novel (Rochelle Pinto, 2018). In contrast to histories
that tended to represent literature as though it was produced exclusively
in one language, recent work accounts for a multilingual literary sphere,
diglossia and parallel and oppositional literary realms. Thus, even where
the object of study may be the world of Portuguese or Konkani or Marathi
writing, such accounts acknowledge the existence of literary work in other
languages in use, such as English or French (Fernandes, 2010; Passos, 2010;
Sardesai, 2006).
Reframing the Nineteenth Century | 105

Emerging Histories and Perspectives

The preeminence of caste discourse in the writings of the elite across the cen-
tury is just one facet of the modern dimension caste relations had acquired.
Recent work on the political visibility and success of non-brahmin castes in
the first election in independent Goa raises a pressing question for nineteenth-
-century history (Parobo, 2015). It demands an account of spheres of influence
and the circulation of capital that would allow for this mid-twentieth-century
emergence and points to the exclusivity of source material that has generated
accounts of the nineteenth century. Likewise, the attention to the Gomantak
Maratha Samaj in Anjali Arondekar’s recent work, for instance, inverts the image
of the bailadeira or devadasi as the subject of reform. Instead, it demands an
accounting of kinship structures through which devadasis could claim the name
of their patron, of the routes of their capital, and of conceptions of servitude, be it
slavery or labour. This would provide a more dynamic account of how caste and
sexual hierarchies and state discourses could be negotiated (Arondekar, 2012).
The transition from seeing these groups as bailadeiras to seeing them
as members of the Samaj is a shift in perspective enabled by sources in
languages such as Marathi. The Samaj’s proximity to social capital and
their ability to use capital to represent themselves in print or through
identity-based organisations indicates that some alternate perspectives were
available within restricted spheres of circulation. While legal relations to
the temple economy and space and to village land are visible in the realm
of Portuguese print, questions of sexuality and slavery remain part of the
social legacy that can be known only through interactions, and through
oral cultural practices, ritual and festivals (Jason Keith Fernandes, 2015).
Electoral victories and formal associations fit modern categories of politi-
cal action more comfortably than those lower caste groups who could not
represent themselves in these forms.
Another kind of methodological challenge is posed by the absence of an
adequate account of racial difference and its absorption within indigenous
society or of the silence surrounding its presence. Official records register the
presence of different racial groups in nineteenth-century censuses and police
records, and Cristina Nogueira da Silva traces the ambiguities in concepts
of law and citizenship over the question of slavery. However, the disappear-
ance of race as a category of difference within indigenous society by the
early twentieth century is yet to be explored (Chatterjee, 1999; Guha, 2013).
The fragmentary appearance of non-dominant perspectives in nineteenth-
and early twentieth-century print has, by its scarcity and difference, reposi-
tioned the authority we accord conventional accounts and drawn attention to
the limits of official representation itself. As with British colonialism in India,
106 | Rochelle Pinto, Sidh Losa Mendiratta, Walter Rossa

anthropological studies with a focus on the contemporary have revealed how

state accounts created dominant categories that limit our understanding of
colonial society (Siqueira, 2006).
The four articles and the book review of this dossier reveal how theoreti-
cal advances in different periods of Portuguese imperial history continuously
inform each other. Ricardo Roque’s account of the recirculation of Garcia
da Orta’s canonical botanical text, Colóquios dos simples e drogas da Índia of
1563 for instance, provides a retrospective overview of the field of botani-
cal medicine. His comparison between sixteenth-century mechanisms
to validate unfamiliar knowledge systems and nineteenth-century ones
delineates how through a process of ‘translation’, medical knowledge was
appropriated by western knowledge structures and indigenous practition-
ers excluded and erased from the history of its production. In doing so,
Roque’s essay references the expanding field of sixteenth-century studies
that elaborates the manner in which the encounter with colonial differ-
ence was managed. It also demonstrates how nineteenth-century science
separated knowledge from its context of production to sustain a concep-
tion of universality.
José Miguel Moura Ferreira’s study of afforestation policies in the New
Conquests further elaborates the conjunction between governance and sci-
entific perspectives on forestry and agriculture, thus contributing a valuable
comparative account of the scale and effect of similar initiatives in British
India. Ferreira notes that a similar approach to bringing such land under
the purview of state policy was attempted in the eighteenth century but may
have been disrupted by the political events of the early nineteenth. By the
mid-nineteenth century, however, he notes how this perspective was adopted
by the Goan elite, leading to an increase in the number of formal associations
and publications devoted to this area.
Filipa Lowndes Vicente’s essay on the catalogue of the industrial exhi-
bition of 1860 in this volume extends some of the methodologies used
in her prior work on visual culture. It details the history of objects and
categories mentioned and gauges the significance of the exhibition in the
light of the international trend in showcasing colonial beings and objects
for metropolitan audiences. Her tracing of the context of production of
these objects helps illuminate the early interpellation of Goa into global
discourses linking public exhibitions and industrialisation. Hélder Garmes’
review of Filipa Vicente’s Entre dois impérios. Viajantes britânicos em Goa
(1800-1940), which emerged at the end of 2015 (Lisboa: Tinta-da-China)
highlights the book’s overview of travel narratives of nineteenth- and
twentieth-century Goa, in particular British accounts from this period.
Reframing the Nineteenth Century | 107

He discusses the attempt to trace the locus of difference in writing by men

and women while deconstructing the prejudices through which nineteenth-
-century British travellers saw and wrote about Goa.
In contrast to Ricardo Roque’s essay, which invokes sixteenth-century
historiography, Jason Keith Fernandes’ essay on Wamanrao Varde Valaulikar
(1877-1946) indicates how the pressures of nationalist discourses in the twen-
tieth century generates an interest in its precursors and determining influences
in the nineteenth. The twentieth century was defined by the increasing intensity
of varying nationalist positions addressed both to the post-colonial Indian
state and to the colonial state in Goa. Language associations became vehicles
of identity formation providing upper caste intelligentsia with access to state
institutions and policy formation. The formation of linguistic states made
language the bearer of symbolic value that consolidated dominant identities.
It is in this context that the essay revisits the hagiographic representations of
the late nineteenth-century personality, known familiarly as Shenoi Goembab.
By presenting Valaulikar’s investment in crafting a Gaud Saraswat Brahmin
identity through script and language, the essay explores a political formation
whose discursive antecedents can be traced back to the mid-nineteenth century.
This selection of essays thus demonstrates how the historiography of the
nineteenth century has extricated itself from some of the representational
structures that formerly shaped it. While some aspects have been elaborated
sufficiently to generate layered critiques and detailed accounts of particular
aspects, others still await further exploration that can generate frameworks
to enable future work. While this dossier is restricted to work on Goa, the
essays and review indicate how political events and representations in each
territory reverberated through Portuguese and British territories in East
Africa and the Persian Gulf, and not the least in Portugal itself.

Edited by Scott M. Culp

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112 | Rochelle Pinto, Sidh Losa Mendiratta, Walter Rossa

Received on 05.02.2018
Accepted for publication on 26.03.2018

Rochelle Pinto
Independent Researcher
Contact: [email protected]

Sidh Losa Mendiratta

Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra
Colégio de S. Jerónimo, Largo D. Dinis, Apartado 3087, 3000-995 Coimbra, Portugal
Contact: [email protected]

Walter Rossa
Centro de Estudos Sociais / Departamento de Arquitetura da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra
Colégio das Artes, Largo D. Dinis, 3000-143 Coimbra, Portugal
Contact: [email protected]

Reenquadrar o século XIX Recadrer le XIXe siècle

Já não exclusivamente determinada pelas L’histoire des colonies portugaises de
vicissitudes do império, a história das l’Inde et de la région de l’Océan Indien du
colónias portuguesas da Índia e região XIXe siècle n’étant déjà plus exclusivement
do Oceano Índico do século XIX foi déterminée par les vicissitudes de l’empire
suficientemente elaborada para que sur- fut suffisamment élaborée pour que
gissem algumas estruturas heurísticas. puissent apparaître quelques structures
Histórias da medicina, antropologia, heuristiques. Tout un ensemble d’histoires
política, imprensa, migração e escravatura de la médecine, de l’anthropologie, de la
destacam a importância das narrativas politique, de la presse, de la migration et
não-estatistas ao traçarem o movimento de l’esclavage soulignent l’importance des
de pessoas, bens e ideias através de redes narratives non-étatiques en retraçant le
formais e informais, muitas vezes sob o mouvement des personnes, des biens et des
poder colonial britânico em ascensão. idées à travers de réseaux formels et infor-
Em conjunto com estudos sobre cultura mels, maintes fois sous le pouvoir britan-
visual e espacial e política agrária, elas têm nique en ascension. Concomitamment à
ajudado a delinear atributos distintivos e des études sur la culture visuelle et spatiale
contraditórios que caracterizam o século XIX. et la politique agraire, elles ont aidé à tracer
Este século continua a representar um des particularités distinctives et contra-
desafio historiográfico, já que ele tanto dictoires qui caractérisent le XIXe siècle.
infere como contraria os relatos teóricos Ce siècle reste un défi historiographique
dominantes do colonialismo. puisqu’il contrarie tout autant qu’il conforte
Palavras-chave: castas; ciência; colonia- les récits théoriques du colonialisme.
lismo; Goa; império português. Mots-clés: castes; colonialisme; empire
portugais; Goa; science.

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