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Reference manual

Calculation and diagrams

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for Low Voltage electrical installations
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Caneco BT
Reference Manual Manual-CBT54-INT-ENG

Caneco BT

Version 5.4

Calculation and diagrams for Low Voltage electrical installations

www.alpi-software.com 10/2012
ALPI - 2012 Caneco BT ©

Table of contents

1 Licence Contract 7
2 Installation 9
2.1 Goal of this manual 9
2.2 Prerequisites 9
2.3 Minimum system requirements 9
2.4 System recommended 9
2.5 Protection of Caneco BT 9
2.6 Installation of Caneco BT 9
2.7 Uninstalling Caneco BT 10
2.8 Contents of Caneco BT 10
2.9 Calculation reference 12
3 Database in EDIELEC format 15
3.1 « EDIELEC » format 15
3.2 Identification of manufacturer format type 15
3.3 Differences between «Caneco 4» format and EDIELEC format 16
3.4 Manufacturer file Information 17
4 Caneco BT Interface 19
4.1 Caneco BT interface overview 19
4.2 Menus 19
4.3 Buttons 21
4.4 Power requirement 22
4.5 The search function 23
4.6 Organising the list of styles 25
4.7 Circuit entry tools 26
4.8 Maintenance toolbar 27
4.9 Diagram toolbar 28
4.10 A project with Caneco BT 28
4.11 Entry and analysis of distributions using a graph 29
5 Source creation 31
5.1 Source types 31
5.2 Definition of a Source in Caneco BT 31
5.3 Presentation 31
5.4 Source Section 32
5.5 Network section 33
5.6 Link section 34
5.7 Results forcing 34
5.8 Board Source by lk 35
5.9 Board source by R and X 36
5.10 Power-monitored supply 37
5.11 Battery set source (direct current) 38
5.12 Creating a new project from an existing project 38
5.13 Additional tabs 40
5.14 Downstream board 42
5.15 Results 45
6 Distributions 47
6.1 General 47
6.2 Board windows 47
6.3 Busbar Trunking System Window 54
6.4 LV-LV transformer window 58
7 Network single-line 61
7.1 Description of the network single-line 61
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7.2 Create one or more circuits 62

7.3 Representation of the network single-line diagram 64
7.4 Representation of a project with a Standby source 66
8 Board Single-line Tool 69
8.1 Board Single-line Tool 69
8.2 Modifying the diagram of a circuit 70
8.3 Edition Commands 72
9 Spreadsheet Tool 73
9.1 Creation of a new circuit 73
9.2 Edition Commands 74
10 Detailed circuit calculation window 75
10.1 Minimum display 75
10.2 Detailed display 76
10.3 Navigation arrows 76
10.4 Circuit Tab 77
10.5 Upstream tab 84
10.6 Additional Tab 84
10.7 Additional results Tab 87
10.8 Conformity Tab 89
10.9 Text Tab 90
10.10 Downstream Board Tab 90
10.11 Results Window 93
11 Entering and calculating complex circuits 97
11.1 Uninterruptible power supplies – UPS – 97
11.2 Regulator + motor output 102
12 Preferences 105
12.1 Generalities on Preferences 105
12.2 Display tab 105
12.3 Save tab 106
12.4 Colours tab 106
12.5 Default Values Tab 107
12.6 Directories Tab 107
12.7 Print Tab 108
12.8 Warnings and Remarks Tab 108
12.9 Automatic reference marks Tab 109
12.10 ‘Circuit spreadsheet’ Tab 109
12.11 ‘Board Single-line Diagram’ Tab 110
12.12 ‘Network single-line’ Tab 110
12.13 ‘Tracks’ Tab 111
13 Calculation options 113
13.1 Calculation Tab 113
13.2 ‘Cables’ Tab 114
13.3 ‘Protection’ Tab 115
14 Discrimination 117
14.1 Discrimination on Ik 117
14.2 Discrimination by Tables 118
14.3 Discrimination by Curves 119
14.4 Discrimination by Curves on 3 levels 122
14.5 Differential Discrimination 123
15 Circuit-breaker/switch co-ordination 125
15.1 General rule 125
15.2 Application in Caneco BT 126
16 Schematics 131
16.1 Functions of the schematics 131

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16.2 Diagram representation 131

16.3 Insertion of associated circuits in incoming feeders 132
16.4 Enrich the symbol text 132
16.5 Parameter management for associated circuits 133
16.6 Management of ground bar and terminals 134
16.7 Numbering terminals 136
16.8 Methods for marking equipment: 140
16.9 Specifying the distribution enclosure 142
16.10 Insertion of additional diagrams for each distribution 144
16.11 Inserting additional diagrams associated with protections 146
17 Printing 149
17.1 General 149
17.2 Documents models 151
17.3 Print settings 153
17.4 Folder templates 153
17.5 Printing language 154
17.6 Documents with external files 154
18 Import / Export 155
18.1 Graphic export (Import/Export Pack) 155
18.2 Text export (Import/Export Pack) 157
18.3 Text import (Import/Export Pack) 158
19 Warnings and remarks 159
19.1 Generalities on warnings and remarks 159
19.2 Editing of calculation report 160
19.3 List of warnings and remarks, and suggested remedies 160
20 Glossary 177
20.1 Source Glossary 177
20.2 Circuit Glossary 178
20.3 Circuit window Additional Tab 179
20.4 Results window 180
20.5 Board Glossary 181
20.6 UPS Glossary 181

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1 Licence Contract
Licence contract for final user of Caneco BT® software
Please read this License Agreement, as well as the full version of the “LICENCE CONTRACT” presented in the
SOFTWARE, before installing or using this software. Only the full version, as shown when installing the software,
constitutes the entire agreement concluded between the LICENSEE and ALPI and replaces any other agreement
or communication made prior the present one concerning this SOFTWARE. When you install or use this
SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of this License. If you did not obtain this copy of the software
legally, please destroy the copy immediately.
If you do not accept these terms, promptly cease all further installation or use of the software. It is agreed that
certain restrictions under this License apply only to Caneco BT® software.
In this Agreement:
-»ALPI» means Applications Logiciels Pour l’Ingénierie S.A
-»LICENSE AGREEMENT» means this Agreement, including any other document incorporated herein by
-»LICENSEE» means you, the licensee of the SOFTWARE
-»SOFTWARE» means Caneco BT software used by the LICENSEE, named Caneco BT® and/or Caneco BT for
the purpose of this Licence contract, including any technology and utility software licensed by Caneco BT from the
developers and owners thereof, together with all accompanying documentation.
ALPI does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations that the functions contained in the SOFTWARE,
and described in the Manual, will meet the LICENSEE's requirements, or that the operation of the SOFTWARE will
be uninterrupted or error-free. Any other software and any hardware furnished with or accompanying the
SOFTWARE is not warranted by ALPI.
THE SOFTWARE and the Manual furnished herewith, are provided «AS IS» without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, or of any other type, whether expressed or implied, and to any remedy against ALPI and/or its
licensors, whether in contract, tort, delict, quasi-delict or otherwise. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of
certain implied warranties, so the preceding exclusions may not apply.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event, shall ALPI and/or its licensors be liable for any
special, consequential, incidental or direct or indirect damages (including without limitation loss of profit) arising out
of the licensee’s use or inability to use the SOFTWARE or printed information accompanying it, whether or not
ALPI and/or any of its licensors have been advised of the possibility of such loss, however caused and on any
theory of liability. This exclusion also includes any liability that may arise out of third party claims against the
Caneco BT® is protected by the laws concerning copyright and by all International treaties related to copyright, as
well as international intellectual property treaties and laws. Caneco BT® is not sold but granted under license. In
consideration of your agreement to comply with the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, ALPI grants
you, the LICENSEE, a non-exclusive license to use the SOFTWARE and to view the documentation on a single
computer system. It is also agreed that the License granted to the LICENSEE, concerning Caneco BT®, is non-
transferable. The LICENSEE may not use the SOFTWARE on a network server or on more than one computer
terminal at the same time, except in case of a commercial agreement previously provided by ALPI. This Agreement
does not grant the LICENSEE any rights to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, trademarks (whether
registered or unregistered), or any other rights, functions or licenses in respect of the SOFTWARE.

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The SOFTWARE and its Manual contain copyrighted material and, in their humanly readable form, contain trade
secrets and proprietary information owned by, or licensed to, ALPI. Title to, and ownership of, the SOFTWARE and
the documentation that accompanies the SOFTWARE and all intellectual property rights in the SOFTWARE and
said documentation are, and shall remain, the sole property of ALPI and/or its licensors.
The LICENSEE may not de-compile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the SOFTWARE to
humanly readable form. The LICENSEE may not modify, rent, lease, lend the SOFTWARE or distribute copies of it.
The LICENSEE may not electronically transfer the SOFTWARE over a network, a telephone circuit or the Internet.
The LICENSEE may make one copy of the SOFTWARE for backup or archival purposes, provided that the
LICENSEE duplicates the copyright notice and other identifying information on the disk's label, and affixes such
notice to the backup copy. The LICENSEE may print a copy of the documentation from the disk only for the
LICENSEE's use for the sole purpose of operating the SOFTWARE. All rights which are not expressly granted
under this Contract are the sole property of ALPI and its licensors
This License shall remain in full force and effect unless and until terminated. This License will terminate
immediately, automatically and without notice if the LICENSEE fails to comply with any provision of this Agreement.
Upon termination, the LICENSEE must immediately stop using the SOFTWARE, erase or destroy all copies of the
SOFTWARE, and destroy all printed information provided with the SOFTWARE.
This Agreement shall be governed and be construed in accordance with the laws of France.

Applications Logiciels Pour l’Electricité
1 Bd Charles de Gaulle
F-92707 Colombes Cedex France

8 - Table of contents Reference Manual

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2 Installation

2.1 Goal of this manual

This manual introduces the main functions of Caneco BT version 5.4 and gives you a detailed breakdown of new
features. This manual allows you to learn Caneco BT. Nevertheless, to familiarize fully with this software, we
recommend going through a training course.

2.2 Prerequisites
This manual and the program were prepared for qualified electricians and engineers.
Also, a good knowledge of Windows system and procedures is required.

2.3 Minimum system requirements

Caneco BT for Windows requires the following system configuration as a minimum:

Processor Intel® Pentium® IV, recommended (*):

RAM: 1 Gb
Screen: 17 »’
Graphic resolution: 1024x768
System: Windows NT SP6 / 2000 / XP / Vista or Windows 7

Espace disque requis: environ 500 méga-octets

The Windows environment requires significant disk space for temporary files storage.
Optimizing your disk space is recommended in order to operate the required disk space
on a permanent basis (about 30% of total disk space)

2.4 System recommended

Processor: Intel® 3.0 GHz or a more efficient processor
RAM: 2 Gb
Screen: 19"
Graphic resolution: 1280 × 1024
Windows 2000, XP / Vista or windows 7

2.5 Protection of Caneco BT

Caneco BT is protected by a «soft» Flexnet key or a dongle.
The «soft» key checks that you are authorised to use the software and its associated files on your PC, within the
license terms of use.

2.6 Installation of Caneco BT

To install Caneco BT for Windows, you must operate as follows:
- Quit all running applications.
- Insert the CD-Rom in your CD-Rom drive
- The installation program starts.
- Please answer to the questions:
- Assess the limit of liability of the ALPI License Agreement.
- Click on Yes to approve these conditions.

To take into account the access constraint to directories with Windows NT 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7, the
software is installed in various directories.

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C:\Program Files\ALPI\Caneco BT\5.4

This directory contains the main useful and essential files to run the software.

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ALPI\Caneco BT\5.4

Installation is made also in three main sub-directories:
LABELS (contains the images and logos)
FOLIOS (which includes folios)
“Country”\Schema (contains the associated diagrams)
“Country”\\ ENG\Template (contains the project templates)
“Country”\\BASE (which includes Caneco BT database)
“Country”\\ ENG\CFG (one directory per installation language, so ENG means English)
A three-character code distinguishes each language.

It is compulsory to reach target directory for writing/reading. Frequently, Caneco BT

reaches CFG directory to store its configuration.

If there is not enough space on your hard disk, or if you prefer to install the software somewhere else, choose
another path to install the software. Click on Browse button. Click on Next

See separate appendix “Installing Caneco BT”

2.7 Uninstalling Caneco BT

To uninstall Caneco BT, you must proceed as follows:
Click on uninstall icon, the program will ask you to confirm and will delete all files linked to the software on the disk.

In order to uninstall Caneco BT, do not delete successively files and directories. You
may forget to delete some files stored in the Windows system directory.

2.8 Contents of Caneco BT

2.8.1 CFG Directory
This is the configuration directory of Caneco BT

File Function
*.dat One file per Standard: manages installation coefficients
Caneco.bib The symbol library for new projects
Caneco.blk File of circuit blocks
Caneco.hlb Symbols library for old projects
Caneco.cbt General configuration file
Caneco.std Standardised power
Caneco.sty Circuit Styles
Caneco.wpa Global parameters file (default options)
“Country”.cbl Cable file: phase cross-section
Cantips.txt Binary file which includes containing day tricks
Normes.nrm File containing standards
Protect.nco File of inconsistency rules for diagram - protection
Protect.ptc File of creation rules for diagram - protection
*.pse Installation method tables according to the standard
*.cof Laying factors according to the standard
*.cbl Cable file: Neutral and PE cross-sections
*.cab Cable file: 4th conductor small cross-section

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2.8.2 FOLIOS directory

Files *.inf
Description file for document models

File Description
A0.inf Network single-line A0
A3.inf Network single-line A3
Fiche.inf Detailed calculation sheet for each circuit
Folio.inf Landscape Folio background
Foliov.inf Portrait Folio background
Lfolio.inf List of landscape pages
Lfoliov.inf List of portrait pages
Pagedg.inf Flyleaf
Param.inf Parameter sheet
protesg.eng Caneco BT secondary data file
protspc.eng Caneco BT secondary data file
source.inf Calculation sheet for sources
Tab10.inf Board single-line with 10 circuits per page

2.8.3 Files *.WMF

Graphic files (Windows MetaFile) corresponding to folio backgrounds.

File Description
A0.wmf Network single-line A0
A3.wmf Network single-line A3
fiche.wmf Calculation sheet
folio.wmf Folio
foliov.wmf Portrait Folio background
Param.wmf Parameter sheet
pdg.wmf Flyleaf
src.wmf Sources (N & S) calculation sheet
Tab10.wmf Board single-line with 10 circuits per page

2.8.4 BASE Directory

This directory contains all manufacturer files that Caneco BT can use
Fichier Description
Files *.dug General purpose circuit-breakers files (EN 60947)
Files *.dmi Modular circuit-breaker files (EN 947-2)
Files *.dmd Modular circuit-breaker files (EN 60 898)
Files *.dst Circuit-breaker files without integrated thermal relays (EN 60 947)
Files *.dmt Motor circuit-breaker files
Files *.dth Circuit-breaker coordination files with contactors (EN 60947-4-1)
Files *.amt Motor start coordination files protected by gM + thermal relay
Files *.g1t Files of fuses g1 + thermal relays
Files *.fsb Fuse files
Files *.fsa aM fuse files
Files *.far Ultra-fast aR fuse files
Files *.fgr Ultra-fast gR fuse files

Files *.fgs Ultra-fast gS fuse files

Files *.itr Circuit-breaker files

Files *.ZTR Files of transformer power and impedance

Files *.ZGE Files of alternator power and impedance

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2.9 Calculation reference

2.9.1 Technical Agreement
Caneco BT version 5 has obtained Compliance Approval Certificate no. 15L601 under these new terms of
reference. This Approval Certificate arises out of an examination of the results that covered solely the above-
mentioned calculation modifications together with the application of the symmetry factor fs.
Caneco BT version 5 has obtained Approval Certificates for C15-100 (Approval Certificate no. 15L601), for the
RGIE, and for BS7671. These Approval Certificates arise out of an examination of the results that covered the
calculations in compliance with these standards.

2.9.2 The different calculation standards and the different versions of Caneco
Caneco BT 4 = standards and calculation standards prior to
Caneco BT 5 = new calculation standard

2.9.3 Caneco 4 project recovery into Caneco BT 5.4

All the circuits of a Caneco 4 project recovered into version 5 are locked.
Three separated cases must be considered:

2.9.4 Case 1: New installation for which the building permit is prior to 31 May 2003:
Projects must continue to be dealt with using Caneco 4

2.9.5 Case 2: New installation for which the building permit is later than 31 May 2003:
Projects must be dealt with using Caneco 5
If the project started to be designed using version 4.4, it must be started again using version 5 and converted to the new
standard. Resizing of the cables and protective devices is required (full recalculation from the source). The circuits must
previously be unlocked.

2.9.6 Case 3: Extension to an existing installation: dual calculation reference

The existing circuits must not be able to be modified. Protective devices and cables are in existence and were
determined using an earlier calculation standard which is not in doubt (no retroactive changes).
New circuits, on the other hand, must be determined using the new standard. These extensions must be processed using
Caneco BT 5. The existing circuits must be imported and locked. In this way, the protective devices and cables in these
circuits will not be resized.
They must be recalculated to obtain IK values in accordance with the new standard. Caneco BT 5 will indicate, if
necessary, that these existing circuits do not meet the new calculation standard. As for the new circuits, they will be sized
in accordance with the new standard.

This dual standard makes it necessary to conserve the information concerning

compliance with the earlier standard. It is highly advisable to archive the information in
different formats (Caneco V4.4, .pdf and .dxf files, hard copies).
For greater clarity on the new Caneco BT V5 project, it also advisable, for circuits which
previously were compliant but would not be so under the new standard, to show the
earlier compliance in the text fields which Caneco BT makes available for each circuit

2.9.7 Recovering a Caneco BT 5.3 project in BT 5.4

All the circuits of a Caneco BTT 5.3 project recovered in version 5.4 are locked.
The project file format in Caneco BT 5.4 is not the same as in version 5.3
When loading a project calculated with version 5.3, two different cases must be considered:

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Modification of specific processing (thermal constraint on Ik Max Upstream, discrimination, thermal management, single-
pole breaking capacity of 2P2D protective devices protecting single-pole circuits, etc.) may result in changes in the
calculations performed with version 5.4.

If you do not wish to interfere with the calculations made in version V5.3, completing the design
note in that same version is recommended.

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3 Database in EDIELEC format

3.1 « EDIELEC » format

Caneco BT version 5 uses a new data format for manufacturer files: the EDIELEC format. This format contains
more information than earlier Caneco version format, called «Caneco4» format. Additional information of EDIELEC
format allows:
- to «paste» more information in the manufacturer's catalogue enabling a more efficiently equipment choice.
As the information workload in EDIELEC format is considerable, ALPI commits to provide with information on an
EDIELEC format, ONLY the main manufacturers or those who has an agreement with ALPI.

The CTM software is offered:

either as separate tools (Tools menu) for determining equipment part numbers, unconnected with the equipment
calculated within a Caneco BT project
or for automatically determining the part numbers for these items of equipment within Caneco. This possibility will
be operational for users having optional features.

As the EDIELEC format involves a considerable volume of information, ALPI only undertakes to provide information
in EDIELEC format for the main manufacturers or those who have an agreement with ALPI.

3.2 Identification of manufacturer format type

The manufacturer file you use for a given equipment defines its type. In the below picture, you can see the file type
difference of general purpose circuit-breakers:

After you have chosen an equipment, the «Information» tab indicates the characteristics of the used file:

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3.3 Differences between «Caneco 4» format and EDIELEC format

In this general purpose circuit-breaker example, the red surrounded information is:
 entered in the EDIELEC format
 non-existent in a Caneco 4 format. This means that this information is not taken into account for calculation.

3.3.1 Information about short-circuit protection

This concerns Min (20 ms) and Max (350 ms) delays on short-circuit protection. When you indicate the delay
adjustment on a circuit-breaker of this model, Caneco BT checks if this adjustment is in possible limits (between 20
ms and 350 ms). Moreover, Caneco BT selects automatically the more appropriate adjustment value. This
checking and this calculation cannot be made for the selected protections in a Caneco BT format file.

3.3.2 Information about RCD protection (Residual differential)

In the above example, you can see that the model has not a RCD release. In order to get a differential protection, it
is mandatory to make cores and separated differential relay. If necessary, Caneco BT indicates this by means of an
after calculation warning. With a Caneco BT format file, this process in not possible.

3.3.3 Information about tripped off/protected poles

In the above example, you can see that the model does not exist in 2P2D, i.e. in 2 tripped off poles presentation
(2P), 2 protected poles (2D). P means «number of tripped off poles», D means Release, so «number of protected
poles». Caneco BT does not allow to choose this circuit-breaker model in a 2P2D presentation. On the contrary,
with a Caneco 4 format file, you can suppose that all presentation possibilities are possible. This can result in the
impossibility of finding the wanted equipment in the manufacturer catalogue, while it was selected by Caneco BT.

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3.4 Manufacturer file Information

The database of ultra-fast fuses is now available in Caneco BT.
Version 5.4 incorporates ultra-fast fuse curves into Caneco BT circuit design.

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4 Caneco BT Interface

4.1 Caneco BT interface overview

Caneco BT user's interface looks like most programs functioning under Windows.
The action bar on top of the screen displays the eight Caneco BT CANECO BT. Actions contained in these menus
make it possible to activate an action directly, or display a sub-menu or Dialog box.
The tool bar under this menu bar allows direct access to a command in one of the menus.

1: The project tree (old network graph, with additional information specific to the project)
2: The button for creating one or more circuits on the active switchboard
3: The buttons activating the 3 circuit data entry tools
4: Central screen for entering information.
This screen is different depending on the chapter selected in the project tree.
If the active chapter is one of the switchboards, the screen lets you enter the circuits with the help of the 3 data
entry tools: network single-line, switchboard single-line, or table
5: Details of the active circuit
6: Results for the active circuit
7: Calculation report

4.2 Menus
4.2.1 Menus bar
Whatever is the used entry tool, the software has always, at top screen zone, the same tool bar.

It shows the nine Caneco BT menus. Each menu contains commands described in this manual.

To display a menu, click on its title in the action bar. The different options will appear.

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The menus are:

Available commands concern create, edit, save and print a project.
The commands which are accessible relate to the creation, recovery, recording and printing of a

Circuit editing commands: Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete

Display the different parts of the screen

To reach Sources windows (Normal and Standby)

Searching of boards or LV/LV transformer feeding circuits

Commands on circuits

Circuits calculation parameters or default values

Windows standard menu to display project windows

Help options

4.2.2 Local menus

Pop-up menus speed up certain operations. These are specific menus, adapted to the dialog box (window) in
which you are.
These menus are activated by clicking the mouse right button.

Example of a local menu activated in the circuit calculation window:

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4.3 Buttons
Under the menu bar you find the tool bar. Each button of this tool bar gives direct access to actions also existing in

1: Cut – Copy - Paste

2: Search
3: Print preview
4: Print
5: Page setup
6: Circuit entry sheet
7: Board single-line diagram
8: General single-line diagram
9: Full calculation (F8)

These buttons may be customised in two different ways:

clicking on menu bar, you get access to the following pop-up menu allowing you to add or delete button groups:

by clicking on down arrow situated at right from each button group, you get access to a menu allowing you to
modify this group:

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4.4 Power requirement

If the Power requirement / Phase balancing function is present (Expert version), the automatic calculation
will be preceded by a display of the power requirement window.
The user can then, if required, enforce the power value entered for one or more boards by
ticking the «=IB» box and continue the calculation after validation of the window.
Caneco BT will display a list of the non-balanced distributions (if deviation >= 10%) before
performing the calculation.

For the new way of operating, 3 options have been added:

 One option “Including sub-busbars” in the ‘Adjust currents’ box
If this option is checked (2), the current adjustment for sub-busbars is handled in the same way as for distributions
at present.
 Two option defining the method for calculating the power requirement for distributions and sub-busbars:
 Calculation of the power requirement: using the average value of the I phases (3).
The calculation is performed as at present on the average currents, without taking phase imbalance into account.
 Calculation of the power requirement: using the I of the most heavily loaded phase (3).
The calculation is performed using the currents from the most heavily loaded phases, taking phase imbalance into

In terms of the power requirement, the adjustment is automatically performed using the average currents as in the
earlier versions.
The adjustment for the I on the distributions’ most heavily loaded phases is carried out in the phase balancing, after
the power requirement has been validated.
The sub-busbar power requirement is automatically produced during phase balancing after the power requirement
has been validated, regardless of the calculation option selected under the power requirement
The move on to phase balancing is user-transparent.

As in the earlier versions, if no adjustment is requested and the power requirement is validated, the consumptions
of the distribution circuits and sub-busbars that are at 0 are replaced by the consumptions calculated using the
‘Calculation’ option under power requirement.
 Note 1:
The desired availability value and the option “Including sub-busbars” are specific to each distribution and its sub-
busbars if the “For the selected distribution” option is enabled and ‘Adjust’ is clicked.
 Note 2:
As at present, the desired availability is taken into account for the per-phase power requirement, but not for
carrying out the actual balancing itself.

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4.5 The search function

The search function offers various options to search for the distribution(s) in a project.

4.5.1 Searching for a circuit by its reference mark:

Simply enter the mark, or part of the mark preceded by a *, in the Search field

The OK button starts the search and the circuits matching the search criterion will be displayed
in a list.
A right click on a circuit in the list displays a pop-up menu offering various commands.

The «Edit» command activates the circuit sheet

The «Reach» command returns to the entry editor, selects the circuit and opens its sheet.

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4.5.2 Searching for circuits on the basis of their status

Select the «Status» option in «Search Field»

Select the status of circuits in «Search Field»

4.5.3 Searching for circuits on the basis of a condition

Example: search for all circuits of which the length is < 100m

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4.6 Organising the list of styles

The style list (2) contents can be defined using the style filter (1)

Several options are available

The «Favourite styles» list contains styles selected using the «Manage favourites» command

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4.7 Circuit entry tools

These buttons are enabled by 3 buttons allowing to choose the circuit entry tools. This is a difference compared
with the central zone of the Caneco BT screen:

4.7.1 Entry spreadsheet: circuits from the active board

4.7.2 Board single-line: Circuits from the active board

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4.7.3 General Single-line Diagram: all project circuits

4.8 Maintenance toolbar

The «Maintenance» tool bar offers the following functions»
Conversion of the symbol library for the project (5)
Export of the symbol library for the project (6)
Archiving a project (1)
Verifying the integrity of a project (2)
Busbar check (4)
Redraw the single-line diagram (8)
Verify the index list (links between circuits and distributions) (3)
Compare the calculation results with those obtained in version V 5.3 (7)

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4.9 Diagram toolbar

La barre d’outils « Schématique » permet de:
 The «Diagrams» toolbar allows you to:
 Draw the ground bar on single-line diagram for the board (1)
 Put terminals on the power circuits, the PE and the associated circuits (2)
 Specify the terminal technology (switchable or not) (3)
 Display text associated with symbols (4)
 Comply with the EN 60082 marking standard (5)
 Display the single-line diagram for the board in simplified or «print preview» mode (6)
 Allocate the same generic symbol to all the equipment (7)

4.10 A project with Caneco BT

In Caneco BT, a project is done from Upstream (source supply) to Downstream (end-user circuits). This method is
used to determine the protective devices and cable cross-sections. You must first define the Source and the
general characteristics of the project, then the distribution circuits (Board style circuits) and finish by end-user's

This suppose that distribution circuit currents has been set.

Otherwise, you can do a power checking with Caneco BT, this will determine the current for the distribution circuits
depending on the circuits they supply and on possible capacitors.
In Caneco BT, at any time you can change the main circuits, then determine the protective devices and the size of
the cables for the end circuits accordingly. The automatic calculation command from Circuits menu allows you to
redefine automatically the protection devices and the cable cross-section size accordingly to upstream.



A circuit is made up of :
DISTRIBUTION - a protective device
CIRCUIT = - a wiring system
- an equipment (style) which can be :
- Motor
- Light
+ - Socket
END-USER Cable - Miscelaneous
CIRCUIT + - Distribution board
Equipment - Capacitor
- Transformer LV/LV

A circuit is fed by a distribution (Board, Transformer LV/LV)

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4.11 Entry and analysis of distributions using a graph

The distribution tree structure can be created using the «Graph» tool by selecting «Design» in the
Network graph.

A pop-up menu contains the following commands:

Print distributions

Analyse status of distributions (balance, power requirement, etc.)

Example: Consumption status

Reference manual Entry and analysis of distributions using a graph - 29

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5 Source creation

5.1 Source types

There are three possible choices:

 Transformer HV-LV
 Alternators (genset) supplying a LV source,
 LV supplies (supervised power connection, yellow rate).

5.2 Definition of a Source in Caneco BT

A project done with Caneco BT can have a maximum of two source types, a Normal Source and a Standby
Source, each being made up of one to 6 sources identical in parallel.

5.3 Presentation
The New option of File menu displays on the screen the Sources Edition Dialog box which concerns Normal sources.

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5.4 Source Section

5.4.1 Source ref mark
The default proposed ref mark is SOURCE. It can be modified.

5.4.2 Source power

Standardized power if source characteristics are given from a file (click on the combo box arrow to get the list of
standard powers). Power can be «not normalized» if you choose source characteristics from Ukr (see above).

5.4.3 Number of sources in parallel

Caneco BT proposes 1 by default, however several supplies may be installed in parallel but operate only in the
event of failure of the primary supply

5.4.4 Max. active supplies in parallel

In Caneco BT, elementary sources are considered as identical. This data is used to determine Ikmax, which makes
it possible to propose downstream protective device in case of coupling between several transformers

5.4.5 Min. active supplies in parallel

Ik mini are calculated taking into account the minimum number of sources in parallel.
Caneco BT proposes 1 by default which means that it is possible to have only one source in certain conditions for
the installation.
Usually it is advisable to take the maximum number of sources in parallel minus one

5.4.6 Source type

Five possible choices:
 Transformer HV-LV
 Genset
 Board Source by lk
 Board Source by R and X
 Power-monitored supply
 Battery set source (DC)

5.4.7 Source characteristics

They can be obtained:
 From a file: giving sources impedances and standard powers.
 From Ukr, short circuit voltage in % for transformers steady state and transient reactances, given in % to define
generating sets.
Genset or transformer power can in this case be a not standardized power.

5.4.8 File
This is the name of the standard source characteristics file. These files can be completed by means of new files or
from source values: choose ’’Database’’ from ’’Options’’ menu. This function is used to handle equipment
database. The field is automatically filled and cannot be changed if you choose to define source characteristics
from a file.
Caneco BT version 5.4 displays supply filenames in plain text

5.4.9 Ukr
This field can be filled only if you have chosen to define source characteristics from Ukr.

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5.5 Network section

5.5.1 Standard
This field specifies recommended default electrical installation standard.
Only users having multi-standard version can get access to this field. They have the following choices C1510002
(2002), VDE 2010, CEI64-8, HD384, IEC364-09, BS7671-08, RGIE-AREI08, NIBT-NIN10, NP, NEN1010-96,
NBR5410-04, AS3008, ....

5.5.2 Earthing system

Source earthing system: TN, TT, IT with or without Neutral.
It is possible within one project to change earthing system downstream LV-LV transformer. Apart from this specific
case no other change is possible.
Distinction between TNC and TNS is done by selecting the conductors used in source or in a circuit (see section
circuit. TNC is selected by a 3P + PEN link, TNS by a 3P+N+PE link).

5.5.3 Installation LV operation voltage

This is the source operating voltage between phases, on load (default 400V).

5.5.4 No load voltage

This value cannot be entered but can be calculated from standard operating voltage. Par convention, it is equal to
1,05 times the design voltage and can not be modified. This is the no-load voltage as reference used to calculate
all maximum short-circuit currents.
It must not be confused with transformers dimensioning no-load voltage (410V for transformers 400V).

In IEC or CENELEC standard, this voltage equals C x operating voltage, C is specified by

IEC 909 standard

5.5.5 Frequency
Frequency of the installation (50 Hz).
For 60 Hz, Caneco BT increases reactances for cables and equipments by a factor of 1,2.

5.5.6 Polarity
Type of Network: Three-phase or Single-phase

5.5.7 T Func. Prot HV

HV Protection functioning Time (ms).

5.5.8 Harmonics
According to standard, calculation does not take harmonics into account. It is user's responsibility to entry manually
the factors to be taken into account, or to impose appropriate values for protection devices and cables,
This calculation is possible only with french standard NFC15-100-02 (2002) for which calculation rules have been
 Harmonics Rate <= 15% (Neutral cross-section reduction possible)
 15% < Harmonics Rate <= 33% (No Neutral cross-section reduction)
 Harmonics Rate > 33% (Increase of Phase and Neutral cross-section)

5.5.9 Short-circuit HV power

Updated short-circuit power values are proposed by default in Caneco BT version 5.4

Maximum power: SkQ Max

The default value of 433 MVA (the short-circuit power for the 20 kV grid) can be modified.
Choose lower values in order to allow for e.g. high-impedance overhead LV lines. This parameter has only a small
effect on the Ik calculations.

Minimum power: SkQ Min

Enter a value different from the maximum value where your supply is a transformer supplied at HV and if the HV
supply is backed up by alternators. In this case, enter the short-circuit power of these alternators.

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Minimum and maximum values can be calculated through calculation and HV installation
diagram software, Caneco HT. These two values are sufficient to assure calculation
continuity between HV part and LV networks calculated with Caneco BT.

5.6 Link section

5.6.1 Mean length between sources and MSB
Enter mean length between sources terminals and MSB.

5.6.2 Installation method

When the wiring system is made of cables, cable installation method must be entered. Caneco BT proposes
installation method “on perforated cable trays” as default with Standard.

5.6.3 Link type

Cables or bar sheath

5.6.4 Link nature

When the wiring system is made of cables, link nature can be copper or aluminium.

5.6.5 Cable type

Choose the desired cable type.

5.6.6 Calculation
To Calculate source according to entered values

It is possible to calculate directly the source by a right click on the mouse.

5.7 Results forcing

Case of transformer-MSB cable links.

To fix a value tick corresponding box and enter required value.

5.7.1 Temperature factor K temp

Temperature factor limiting cable current carrying capacity. This default coefficient equals 1.0, which corresponds
to a normal ambient temperature (30°C, non confined atmosphere with aerial installation method, 20 °C

5.7.2 Group factor K prox

The corresponding value is calculated considering the cables on cable trays, issued from one single transformer
with touching installation. Links with other transformers are assumed separated by a distance such as their thermal
influence can be neglected (characterised by the group factor).
For installation methods other than on cable trays, you must modify eventually this group factor as proposed by
Caneco BT. To do so, use button which displays installation methods tables according to standard used.

5.7.3 Symmetrical factor fs

Symmetrical factor fs (0,8) in the case of various cables in parallel.

5.7.4 Additional factor

Enter the additional permitted current derating factor in accordance with external influences. This factor is not laid
down by standards, it is defined by the user.

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5.7.5 Conductors

Number of conductors
 Calculated value taking into account a maximum cross-section of 300 mm², up to 3 cables.
 If current requires a cross-section bigger than 3X300 mm² per phase, the programme proposes different
possible choices.
Forced value can go up to 10 conductors per phase.

Phases cross-section:
Maximum calculated value: 300 mm². (Commonly found size). Maximum forced value: 800 mm.

Neutral/PEN characteristic (Single-phase):

Calculated values taking into account Neutral reduction parameters, defined in dialog box opened by the option
section of options menu.

Loaded neutral
When Neutral is loaded, a downgrading factor of 0.84 must be applied to current carrying capacities.

K loaded neut.:
Corresponds to the loaded neutral factor, 0.84 or 1 depending on the harmonic level

5.8 Board Source by lk

The LV supply by Ik applies in the following cases:
‘Two-part tariff’ supply: in this case, enter the Ikmax value at the delivery point.

5.8.1 Installation extension:

Copy all the short-circuit values at the existing switchboard.
Multiple-supply configuration:
The supplies are different and are not coupled: the design study will then be performed in several design
calculations. The design calculations will be linked together by copying the Ik values at the intermediate
Coupling of supplies of the same type but with different powers: this sort of configuration can be modelled by a
“Board supply by Ik”, adding together the Ik values from each supply.

5.8.2 dU origin
Voltage drop at beginning of the installation, in %. Theoretically, 0% warranted by the provider.
For the ‘two-part rate’.

5.8.3 I available
The current contracted before the electricity provider.

5.8.4 Ik on board
Max. and Min. short-circuit currents at the MSB making it possible to accurately recalculate the impedances at the

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5.9 Board source by R and X

The supply by LV Switchboard applies in the following cases:
 Installation extension:
 Multiple-supply configuration:
The design study will then be performed in several design calculations. The design calculations will be linked
together by copying the impedances that will be injected at the Switchboard supply by R and X.

5.9.1 dU origin
Voltage drop at beginning of the installation, in %..

Choose values different from 0 only when low voltage supply has a noticeable voltage
drop, for example:

 design study for an installation from a subsidiary switchboard remote from the supply source.
 design study for an installation from an LV/LV transformer
 installation including a Standby generator located a long way from the MSB

5.9.2 I available
Available current for distribution.

5.9.3 Ik Max on board

Max. short-circuit current at switchboard. Calculated from the impedances entered under the ‘Additional’ tab

If the existing installation was designed in a version of Caneco BT, the “Board supply by R and X”
configuration can be achieved by copying the impedances for the distribution from which the
extension begins under the ‘Impedances’ tab of the LV switchboard supply. This makes it
possible to calculate the voltage drop and short-circuits more accurately

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5.10 Power-monitored supply

Caneco BT 5.4 lets you configure a Power-Monitored supply as per the standard.

If the length of the connection leads to a voltage drop greater than 0 %, it is possible to decrement the ‘DU origin’
field (1) to bring the calculated value back to 0 %.
A template ‘Tarif jaune.mdl’ for a “Power-Monitored Supply” project can be found in:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ALPI\Caneco\5.4\FR\ ENG\Template

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5.11 Battery set source (direct current)

 Supply type (1)

 DC calculation standard (2)
 Supply characteristics (3)

For further details concerning direct current calculations, please refer to the
document entitled “NT_2009_Direct Current Module PDF”, which can be
found in:
C:\Program Files\Alpi\Caneco\5.4\ENG\Documents. Or, consult ALPI technical

5.12 Creating a new project from an existing project

This technique is a new feature in version 5.4, it makes it possible to handle a complex project (multiple supplies) in
the form of several .afr files.

Existing project

Creating a new project from circuit TD001

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Select the switchboard from which you want to continue your installation

To take the switchboard’s N&S characteristics into account, check “Merge data for incoming N supply with those for
S supply to form an N/S switchboard in the new project”

Result of creating the project

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You can still create a 2nd supply from the ‘Supply’ menu:
“Standby Supply”
“New project from”

5.13 Additional tabs

5.13.1 Miscellaneous
Spo: Cross-section of the P0 conductor connecting the HV/LV transformer to the MSB.

Ra: Earth resistance value at the supply.

Ra is only displayed if the earthing system is TT.

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5.13.2 Options for connection sizing

IB/In ratio:
Makes it possible to define the power actually provided by the supply (value expressed in % of the nominal power).
This item of information will make it possible to calculate the cross-section for the connection and the thermal trip
setting in the MSB.

5.13.3 “Overloads” check option:

If unchecked, the overload criterion will not be checked

5.13.4 “Short-circuit” check option:

If unchecked, the short-circuit criterion will not be checked
These two options are useful in those cases where the supply–MSB connection is imposed and does not have to
be verified by Caneco BT.

5.13.5 HV supplies in parallel

Check option (1) if the HV circuit is common in parallel with the HV/LV transformer. In this case, the Ik values
calculated will be higher.

5.13.6 Upstream Board Impedances

This relates to the loop impedances upstream of the MSB and relating to a single transformer. Hence these values
are the sum of the upstream HV loop impedances (transposed to the secondary), the transformer’s loop
impedances, and the loop impedances of the transformer–MSB connection.

In the event that you have to override these values, make sure you enter loop impedances
(and not line impedances)

R0 Phase-Phase
Resistance of the Phase-Phase loop (equals twice the resistance of one phase), calculated at ambient
temperature. This value is used for determining maximum 3-phase short-circuit currents (Ik Max Tri).

R1 Phase-Phase
Resistance of the Phase-Phase loop (equals twice the resistance of one phase), calculated at operating
temperature. This value is used for determining minimum short-circuit currents (Ik Min).

X Phase-Phase
Reactance of the Phase-Phase loop (equals twice the reactance of one phase in the case of a cable connection).
This value is used for determining maximum 3-phase short-circuit currents (Ik Max Tri).

Max. X Ph-Phase
Maximum reactance of Phase-Phase loop. This value is used for determining minimum 2- or 3-phase short-circuit
currents. In the case of a cable connection, it is equal to X Ph-Phase.

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5.14 Downstream board

Clicking on the ‘Downstr board’ tab opens the following window:

For a description of all these fields, see the ‘Board window’ paragraph in the
‘Distributions’ section

5.14.1 Protection

For a description of all these fields, see the ‘Board window’ paragraph in the ‘Distributions’

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5.14.2 Ik/dU

For a description of all these fields, see the ‘Board window’ paragraph in the
‘Distributions’ section

5.14.3 Currents

For a description of all these fields, see the ‘Board window’ paragraph in the
‘Distributions’ section

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5.14.4 Schematic

For a description of all these fields, see paragraph in ‘Schematic’ section

5.14.5 Options

For a description of all these fields, see the ‘Board window’ paragraph in the ‘Distributions’ section

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5.14.6 Specifications

For a description of all these fields, see paragraph in ‘Schematic’ section

5.15 Results
Display in Results window: Menu Display/Calculation results

5.15.1 Cable
Multi-core cable conventional writing, or phase conductors if the link is of single-core type.
4G1.5 means 4 conductors out of which 1 is earth (yellow/green) (G = ground)
2x3x (1x185) means a single-pole connection made up of two conductors per phase.

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5.15.2 Neutral
Conventional writing of neutral conductors if the connection is a single-pole one.
Neutral conductors conventional writing if the link is of single-core type.

5.15.3 IB
Source on load nominal current in the phase conductors. Transfo-MSB link design current is considered equal to
that value.

5.15.4 IB Neutral
Source on load nominal current in the neutral conductor. Transfo-MSB link design current is considered equal to
that value.

5.15.5 STH
Theoretical cross-section of phase conductor in mm², according to overload condition.

5.15.6 STH Neutral

Theoretical cross-section of neutral conductor in mm², according to overload condition.

5.15.7 dU (%)
Voltage drop at the end of the sources cable (at MSB level).

5.15.8 Ik3 Max

This is the max. symmetrical 3-phase short-circuit current, at the MSB, used for determining the breaking capacity
of the equipment and for calculating the thermal stresses for 3-phase circuits.
This value is calculated according to the maximum number of sources in parallel and to maximum power of HV
network short-circuit.

5.15.9 Ik2 Max

This is the max. symmetrical 2-phase short-circuit current, at the MSB, used for determining the breaking capacity
of the equipment and for calculating the thermal stresses for 2-phase circuits.

5.15.10 Ik1 Max

This is the max. symmetrical single-phase short-circuit current, at the MSB, used for determining the breaking
capacity of the equipment and for calculating the thermal stresses for single-phase circuits.

This value is calculated according to the Maximum number of sources in parallel and to
the maximum power of HV network short-circuit.

5.15.11 IK2 Min

This is min. 2-phase short-circuit current (Ik2: Ik phase-phase), at the MSB, when there is no neutral present.

5.15.12 IK1 Min

Single phase minimum short circuit current (IK1: IK phase-neutral), at MSB level, when neutral is present,

This value is calculated according to the min. number of supplies in // and the HV grid’s
minimum short-circuit power.

5.15.13 If
Default short circuit current (phase - PE), at MSB level, used to check human protection (indirect contacts).

This value is calculated according to the Minimum number of sources in parallel and to
the minimum power of HV network short-circuit.

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6 Distributions

6.1 General
A distribution is a device used to supply other circuits:
 a board
 a busbar trunking system
 a transformer LV-LV

6.2 Board windows

You can display the Board window:
In the Source Window by clicking on the Downstream Board Tab

In the Board style circuit window by clicking on the Downstream Upstream Tab

6.2.1 Downstream board tab

Reference manual General - 47

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Ref mark
Board Downstream Ref mark.

Board name (data recommended for ease of identification).

Diversity factor
Diversity factor for circuits fed by the considered board (simultaneity between them).
Example: a distribution feeds 10 circuits of 10 Amps each. A Simultaneity factor of 0.8 means that the total real
consumption is 10 x 10 x 0,8, to say 80 Amps.

Geographic location
Equipment geographical location. This data cannot be entered in this window. To modify it, you must change the
geographical location of the circuit feeding the board.

Earthing system
Board Earthing system: TT, TN, IT

Voltage in V:
 between board phase and neutral, in a single phase board (Phase-Neutral)
 between phases in other cases

No load voltage
No load voltage in V, used to calculate Ik3 Max.

Upstream circuit ref mark

Circuit Upstream ref mark. In case of an installation with a standby, the board can be fed by two different circuits.
An upstream circuit supplied from the normal supply and another one from the standby source supply.

Breaking device
Board breaking device (generally a switching device in distribution boards).

Case of a MSB in which the breaking device is a circuit breaker to get an efficient source protection:

MSB breaking
device is a circuit

Case of a distribution board in which the breaking device is a switch:

IC Protection
Nature of the human protection against electrical shock realized by the breaking device (for example: differential
residual current in TT earthing system).

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6.2.2 Protection Tab

Protection characteristics at the supply point of the board (breaking device) calculated by Caneco BT.
This protection must not be confused with the protection of the circuit feeding the board. See previous examples of
boards breaking devices.

Protection manufacturer file.

Protective device commercial name.

Circuit breakers rating.

Circuit breaker thermal relay setting or fuses rating value.

Circuit breaker magnetic setting or fuses rating value.

Type of magnetic used
Standard or C curve for modular CrBrk
Low or B curve
Electronic or D/K curve

Circuit breakers short circuit delay.

RCD setting
Circuit breakers residual current (differential) delay setting.

RCD delay
Circuit breakers residual current differential) delay.

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6.2.3 UPS tab

If necessary, default values must be replaced by manufacturers ones.

(1) Thermal stress permitted by inverter.

A UPS can be connected either on a Normal or Standby distribution. A comparison between Ik is done to keep the
least favourable one (Ik max on the network, Ik min on the UPS). The process is inverted when Normal source Ik
Min become less than UPS ones.
UPS are considered as current gensets. Due to that, Ik are unchanged along the network tree. The UPS is always
considered as connected in « By-Pass » mode. Functioning Time of the circuits protection downstream the UPS
are compared with the sustaining time of the UPS on Ik.

6.2.4 Ik/dU Tab

Normal and standby short circuit currents at board level

IK3 Max
Maximum three-phase short circuit current. Maximum value between Normal and standby if it exists.

Ik2 Max
Maximum 2-phase short-circuits current if there is no neutral. The higher of Normal and Standby values, if there is
a Standby.

Ik1 Max
Maximum single-phase short-circuit current if there is a neutral. The higher of Normal and Standby values, if there
is a Standby.

If Max
Maximum Phase/PE short-circuit current if there is a PE. The higher of Normal and Standby values, if there is a

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Minimum 2-phase (Phase-Phase) short-circuits current if there is no neutral.

Minimum short-circuit current: single-phase if there is a neutral.

Phase–PE fault short-circuit current. Minimum of Normal and Standby values, if there is a Standby.

Cumulated voltage drop (in %) at board level from source of installation.

6.2.5 Impedances Tab


R0 Phase-Phase
Loop resistance Phase to Phase (equals to 2 times one phase resistance), calculated at ambient temperature. This
value is used to determine the tree-phase maximum short circuit currents (Ik Max Three).

R1 Phase-Phase
Loop resistance Phase to Phase (equals to 2 times one phase resistance), calculated at operating temperature.
This value is used to determine the minimum short circuit currents (Ik Min)

Mean loop reactance Phase to Phase.

Loop reactance Phase to Phase.

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6.2.6 Currents tab

I Allowed
Allowed current downstream board. This value is equal to the current of the circuit feeding the board.

I available
Available current downstream board: available design current for new circuits which can still be fed from the board.

S currents
Design current IB sum of all circuits issued from the board multiplied by the board simultaneity factor.

Mean cos phi

Mean cosinus phi at board level, taking into account downstream circuits and eventual capacitors.

R=S IZ cables / Irth board

Ratio between sum of IZ of downstream circuits (IZ calculated without taking into account group factor) and the
upstream thermal relay setting.
The use of this information figures in the standard. It makes it possible to modify the proximity factors of the circuits
located downstream, provided that all these circuits are juxtaposed, in the absence of any other circuits.

6.2.7 Schematic tab

For a description of all these fields, see paragraph in ‘Schematic’ section

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6.2.8 Options tab

Board equipment calculation options

These options make it possible to de-rate equipment ratings according to temperature.

Options for sizing and verification of board circuits

If they are unchecked, these options make it possible to not calculate and not verify the circuits downstream of the
This is useful, for example, in cases where the circuits are calculated under another standard but one wishes to
represent them within a Caneco BT project.

6.2.9 Specifications tab

For a description of all these fields, see paragraph in ‘Schematic’ section

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6.3 Busbar Trunking System Window

6.3.1 Definition
When you create a circuit with a busbar trunking system style, Caneco creates:
 the circuit made up of a protection device, a link and an equipment
 the busbar trunking system which makes up a particular equipment because it has its characteristics (length,
equipment type, etc.). This busbar trunking system is a distribution because it can supply itself others circuits.

If busbar trunking system circuit does not include a supply cable, you must specify that this circuit has a null length
On the contrary, the busbar trunking system length is necessarily longer than 0 meters.

When Caneco calculates a busbar trunking system circuit, it calculates simultaneously:

 the protection taking into account the busbar trunking system
 the circuit cable connection
 the busbar trunking system.

A circuit of busbar trunking system style includes:

Circuit C_1 feeding busbar
trunking system K_1

Busbar trunking system K_1,

equipment of circuit C_1

6.3.2 Information on the busbar trunking system

It is possible to display the window of a busbar trunking system:

In the Source Window, if this source supplies MSB, by clicking on the Downstream Board

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In the Busbar trunking system style circuit window, by clicking on the Downstream Upstream

(This same window is displayed by clicking on Upstream board tab, in a window of any
circuit supplied by a busbar trunking system).

6.3.3 Manufacturer Section

Name of the busbar trunking system manufacturer file.

Name of the busbar trunking system model.

6.3.4 Busbar Trunking System Data Section

Upstream circuit
Ref. mark of the circuit supplying the busbar trunking system

Ref mark
Busbar trunking system ref mark.

Name of the busbar trunking system

Kind of distribution made up by busbar trunking system. This data has an effect on voltage drop calculation in this
busbar trunking system:
Transport distribution: the busbar trunking system carries electricity: This busbar trunking system allows to
supply only an equipment at the end: a board or a busbar trunking system, or any other circuit. The mean current
carried by the BB trunking system on its length is IB.

Example of a busbar trunking system « transport »

(K_1) with a load at ending

C_1 Busbar trunking system K_1 supplies

another busbar trunking system K_2


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 Comb Distribution: the busbar trunking system feeds circuits distributed along its length. The mean current
carried by the BB trunking system on its length is IB/2

Example of a busbar trunking system « comb » (K_1)

with an evenly spread load

Busbar trunking system K_1 supplies

C_1 evenly spread motors


 Transport terminal: the busbar trunking system is a terminal circuit, which feeds a terminal circuit fitted at the
end of it.
 Comb terminal: the busbar trunking system is regarded as a terminal circuit, which feeds a number of
regularly distributed terminal equipments (e.g. luminaires).
 New: A busbar trunking system configured as a comb terminal (1) may be regarded as feeding a number of
identical, evenly distributed terminal equipments (e.g. lighting) without intermediate connections.
In this case:
 - define the number of items of equipment in the corresponding field on the circuit sheet (2)
- fill in the distance to the first equipment (3) under the ‘Downstream’ > ‘Busbar trunking system’ tab

Arrangement of the busbar trunking system made in the site. According to the above layout, the busbar trunking
system is more or less efficiently cooled by ambient air. This layout defines the layout factor default value which
reduces the admissible current of the busbar trunking system.
 Standard: standard layout recommended by the manufacturer which determines nominal current carrying
capacity (K layout equals 1 in this case).
 Perpendicular: horizontal layout perpendicular to the one recommended by the manufacturer. In this case K
layout is given by the manufacturer. When this value is unknown, Caneco BT proposes 0.8 for K layout.
 Vertical: In this case K layout is given by the manufacturer. When this value is unknown, Caneco BT proposes

Presence of N, PE or PEN in the busbar trunking system. This value must be compatible with the feeding circuit
content but can be different.
For ex., circuit can be TNC (3P+PEN), when busbar trunking system is TNS (3P+N+PE).

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6.3.5 Factors Section

Temperature factor: this factor, given by the manufacturer, reduces the admissible current of the busbar trunking
system. Its value is 1 for 30°C.

Simultaneity factor for circuits fed by the considered board (simultaneity between them).

Layout factor, it reduces the admissible current of the busbar trunking system.
It depends on chosen layout (see above). You must modify the values proposed by Caneco BT according to the
special conditions (e.g., confined air) the manufacturer’s information or the standard.

K Loaded Neutral
Just as for cable, a derating factor may be applied in the event of harmonics.

6.3.6 Network Section

Busbar trunking system Earthing system: TT, TN, IT

Voltage in V:
 between board phase and neutral, with single-phase busbar trunking system (Phase-Neutral)
 between phases in other cases

No load voltage
No load voltage in V, used to calculate Ik Max..

6.3.7 Currents tab

I Allowed
Allowed current downstream busbar trunking system. This value is equal to the current of the circuit feeding the
busbar trunking system.

I Available
Available current downstream busbar trunking system: sum of the circuit design currents for new circuits which can
still be fed from the busbar trunking system.

S Currents
Sum of design current IB of all circuits issued from the busbar trunking system, multiplied by its simultaneity factor.

Mean Cos phi

Mean cosinus phi at busbar trunking system level, taking into account downstream circuits and eventual capacitors.

6.3.8 Ik / DU Tab
Information concerning short-circuit currents a voltage drops in the busbar trunking system:

For a description of the fields, see the Board window paragraph in the Distributions chapter

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6.3.9 Schematic Tab

For a description of the fields, see the Board window paragraph in the Distributions chapter

6.3.10 Temperature Tab

For a description of the fields, see the Board window paragraph in the Distributions chapter

6.4 LV-LV transformer window

6.4.1 Definition
When a circuit of LV-LV transformer style has been created, it creates automatically:
 LV-LV transformer downstream circuit cable.
 Virtual board on LV-LV transformer secondary terminals, which makes it possible to feed other circuits.
Transformer LV-LV circuit C_3 and :
its transfo LV-LV
its distribution (board B_3)


Circuit C 3 C_3
Board B_3 put
at terminals
downstream B_3
transfo LV-LV

6.4.2 Transformer Tab

Ref Mark
Board ref mark on transformer secondary.

Upstream Circuit
Upstream circuit ref mark.

Transformer output power in kVA

Board designation on transformer secondary taps.

Downstream coincidence factor K

Coincidence factor K (simultaneity) downstream transformer.

Short circuit current on the transformer secondary, in %.

Geographic location
Geographical location of the LV/LV transformer.

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Earthing system
Earthing system on the transformer secondary. It is possible to change earthing system between primary and

Secondary voltage
Transformer secondary on load voltage:
 voltage between phases for three-phase or two-phased circuits.
 voltage between phase and neutral for single-phase circuits
This on load voltage is followed by the reference no load voltage which is used to calculate short-circuit and which
is calculated by Caneco BT and cannot be entered.

Earthing system on the transformer secondary.

6.4.3 UPS Tab

From version 5.4, possibility of connecting an inverter.

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6.4.4 Ik/dU Tab

For the description of all these fields, see paragraph Board window from
Distributions chapter

6.4.5 Impedances Tab

For the description of all these fields, see paragraph Board window from
Distributions chapter

6.4.6 Currents Tab

For the description of all these fields, see paragraph Board window from
Distributions chapter

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7 Network single-line

7.1 Description of the network single-line

The Network single-line is a graphical editor which represents each circuit by a vertical column made up of
maximum 10 symbols

Circuits displayed in the window are those issued from the whole project or one distribution (board).
 1: Active supply
 2: Active distribution
 3: Project tree structure
 4: Zoom
 5: Consumption of active circuit
 6: Length of active circuit
 7: Network single-line
 8: Calculation report
 9: Results for the active circuit

7.1.1 Active Source

In Caneco BT, network single-line represents only the circuits supplied by active source. This may be either the
Standby Source. The diagram is differenced according to the active Source.

See §7.3

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7.1.2 Active Distribution

Choose board downstream from which you want to display the network diagram (MSB in this example). This
command allows you to restrict the diagram range, when you describe a large installation.

7.1.3 Zoom
Choose zooming in (values above 100 %) or zooming out (values below 100 %) to increase or decrease diagram
Choose screen size to get the whole diagram fit in the project window.

With the Window zoom you can zoom on the zone selected by the cursor.
With the centre zoom centre you can make a zoom In or Out centred on the cursor position. Press Shift key to
zoom out.

7.1.4 I available
I available on the selected Board (MSB in the example).
This value is determined by a local power requirement calculation, taking into account the currents of circuits which
are fed, coincidence factor and design current of feeding circuit.

7.1.5 Consumption
Consumption of circuits supplied by the distribution taking into account coincidence (simultaneity) and use factors.

7.2 Create one or more circuits

Create a circuit
To create one or more circuits, use the command New from Circuit menu. You can create also these circuits
without leave the network single-line diagram.
First, select board supplying this circuit. For this, you can:
 either click on the project tree or on the distribution icon
 either click on the network single-line diagram from the board horizontal bar or, at right side from this bar, if you
want to insert a circuit at right of this bar.
Then, click on button «New circuit» at left top from the network single-line diagram. A menu appears displaying the
different circuit styles.

 Step 1: Click on the ‘New circuit’ button (A) and select the style of circuit you want to create.
 Step 2: Click to the right of the board ‘bar’ (B) to create a circuit to the right of the last one created.
The new circuit is represented automatically on the diagram (1)

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To entry its characteristics, double-click on the circuit, the «Circuit sheet» window appears …

See the following chapter: Circuit data entry and results.

The button «New circuit» becomes «Replace circuit» when the cursor is on a circuit. In
this case, it is possible to modify the active circuit style.

Create several circuits

To create simultaneously several circuits, proceed as above but before you choose the circuit style, press and hold
the Shift key. After you has chosen the circuit style, Caneco BT ask you for the number of identical circuits you
want to create:

Deleting circuits

1- Select the circuit(s) to be deleted; the selection 2- Press the ‘Del’ key on your keyboard or use
must include at least two squares (1). the Windows methods (Ctrl X, etc.)

Reference manual Create one or more circuits - 63

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7.3 Representation of the network single-line diagram

We has seen in Description of the network single-line diagram paragraph, how this diagram can be represented
from a board and differenced from the active source.
Other commands can be used to customize the network single-line diagram:
 add labels
 delete terminal circuits on the diagram

7.3.1 Labels
A label is a wording made up of data or results and attached to the source, a distribution, or a circuit.
To create and define labels, select the menu Tools/Preferences and then Network single-line tab.

Choice of information kind to be displayed: Circuits, Sources, Boards

Available fields
List of fields which can be displayed among all record fields, or from fields categories.

Selected fields
Includes all selected fields for display.
Select the fields with the appropriate arrows

Labels displaying
Check the “Display labels” option (1).
The label legends can be displayed by checking the “Display legends” option (2).

Labels size
You may modify the label width modifying the column width reserved to them (1):

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You can get this display reducing column width:

Modification is applied to all labels of the network single-line diagram.

Delete final circuit display

In large projects with a large number of distributions, network single-line diagram may be used difficulty.
You can then:
 do not represent whole tree but the active board only.
 represent circuits supplying distributions only (boards, busbar trunking systems or LV-LV transformers)
All these commands are in Tools/Preferences menu, Editors tools tab:

Example: By unchecking the “Display terminal circuits” option (1), you limit the diagram to the circuits feeding

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7.4 Representation of a project with a Standby source

If there is no standby source, diagram has only one possible representation.
Otherwise, when there is a standby source, diagram may be different according to supply source.
If you choose normal source (default reference mark SOURCE) you represent the diagram of circuits which may be
supplied from this source. Represented circuits are all circuits supplied by normal source, i.e. the circuits with a N
(Normal, i.e. not backed up circuits) or N+S (Normal and Standby).
If you choose standby source (default reference mark STANDBY) you represent the diagram of circuits which may
be supplied from this source. Represented circuits are all backed up circuits, i.e. the circuits with S (Standby)
supply or N+S (Normal and Standby). See the example below.
Diagram is differenced according to active source (Normal or Standby). On the contrary of version 4, version 5
represents all sources supplying each board.
Example of diagram in configuration on circuits normal source supplied from normal source (Normal or Normal-
Standby circuits).

7.4.1 Board with N & S supplies

The short-circuit currents are automatically calculated on the N and on the S branches. This makes it possible to
determine the Ik values for the downstream circuits in an appropriate manner according to their powering mode (N,
S, or N+S).

Example of the same diagram in configuration normal Source

Circuits supplied from the normal source (Standby or Normal-Standby circuits)

To improve legibility, all supplies are shown (even ones that are not active)

Example of the same diagram in configuration Standby Source

Circuits supplied from the Standby source (Standby or Normal-Standby circuits)

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Conventionally, in Caneco, diagram of circuits represented with Standby source, corresponds to this source at left.
Normal sources (in this case, 1 transformer) are shifted to right.

At printing, diagram may be represented either as Normal or as Standby, according to parameters chosen. For a
project with a standby source is possible (and recommended) to include in Caneco BT folder the two diagrams:
Normal AND Standby.

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8 Board Single-line Tool

8.1 Board Single-line Tool

This entry tool is especially suitable for circuit schematic data entering. Circuits displayed are those with an active
distribution only.

To enable the board single-line diagram, you must:

to enable the Board Single-Line Tool

Select the distribution you want to display. You can do it by clicking on this distribution, in the project tree situated
at left side of the screen:

 Step 1: Click on the board you want to edit (1)

 Step 2: Caneco BT displays the diagram (2)

Create a circuit
To create one or more circuits, use the command New from Circuit menu. You can create also these circuits
without leave the network single-line diagram.

First, select the point from which you want to insert the circuit. Caneco BT inserts any new circuit at left side from
the active circuit. You must click on the point situated at right from the last created circuit to put a new circuit at left
from this one. Then, click on «New circuit» button at top left from the network single-line diagram.

Step 1:
Click at right from
board "bar" to
create a circuit at
Step 2: right from the last
ones you created.
Click on New
circuit button and
choose the circuit
style you want to

To create simultaneously several circuits, proceed as above but before you choose the circuit style, press and hold
the Shift key. After you has chosen the circuit style, Caneco BT ask you for the number of identical circuits you
want to create.

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8.2 Modifying the diagram of a circuit

You want to modify the diagram of a circuit through the symbol library. Enable it by clicking on Library tab, in the
screen zone reserved to results. Choose the «Protections» tab of this library. To add a symbol, choose it from the
library and put it using drag-release control:

Caneco BT does not allow you to modify a circuit diagram if this modification is contrary
to data used to its calculation. In this case, Caneco BT opens the circuit sheet and you
must modify the data so that they will be in accordance with diagram meaning.

8.2.1 Delete a symbol

To delete a symbol, replace it with the first continuity symbol from « connections » zone of the library:

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8.2.2 Creating circuits using style libraries and circuit blocks

To create one or more circuits, it is possible to use also the circuit style and circuit block libraries. Each of these
libraries has different proprieties;
Circuit style library allows to create a single circuit, completed with one or more associated circuits (not calculated
circuits). Values of created circuit are initialised depending on rules set for this style.
The library of circuit blocks allows you to create several circuits as you use the copy-paste control. Values of
created circuits are identical to those of the block circuits.
To active circuit style and circuit block libraries, click on buttons situated at the bottom of the library

From the circuit style library, create a lighting circuit with standby block:

In the same way, you can create several circuits from the circuit block library.

The circuit style and circuit block libraries are also used in network and board single-line

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8.2.3 Creating new blocks of inverter circuits with built-in LV/LV transformers

8.3 Edition Commands

8.3.1 Selection of one or more circuits
Selection is made as for columns on a spreadsheet software, clicking on a first column, pressing and holding Shift
key, then clicking on last column you want to choose.

8.3.2 Cut, Copy, Paste

When several circuits are selected, the Cut, Copy, Paste commands become active. These commands run as in a

8.3.3 Enriching the circuit style and circuit bloc libraries

To enrich the circuit style and circuit bloc libraries, select the circuits you want include in the library and use the
slide-release control to slide them into the library. Caneco BT opens a window allowing you to set, in the library, the
identification of the created circuit block:

The circuit style and circuit block libraries are also enriched from the network and board
single-line editors.

8.3.4 Inserting additional diagrams

See DIAGRAMS section

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9 Spreadsheet Tool
This entry tool is especially suitable to entering numerous circuit data. It is specially useful to
entering information on designation, length, consumption and number of circuit devices.
To enable the spreadsheet, you must:
Select the spreadsheet tool

Step 2:
Step 1: Caneco BT
displays the
Click on the
spreadsheet to
board you
entering the
want to edit
board circuits

Select the distribution you want to display. You can do it by clicking on this distribution, in the project tree situated
at left side of the screen

9.1 Creation of a new circuit

To create one or more circuits in the spreadsheet, select first the point from which you want to insert the circuit.
Caneco BT inserts any new circuit above the active circuit. You must click on the point situated below the last
created circuit (2) to put this new circuit below. Then, click on «New circuit (2)» button at top left from the network
single-line diagram

To create simultaneously several circuits, proceed as above but before you choose the circuit style, press and hold
the Shift key. After you has chosen the circuit style, Caneco BT ask you for the number of identical circuits you
want to create.

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9.2 Edition Commands

9.2.1 Selection of one or more circuits
Selection is made as for rows on a spreadsheet software, clicking on a first row, pressing and holding Shift key,
then clicking on last row you want to choose. So, you can copy and paste one or more circuits.

9.2.2 Selection of one or more cells

Selection is made as for cells on a spreadsheet software, clicking on a first cell, pressing and holding Shift key,
then clicking on last cell you want to choose.

9.2.3 Cut, Copy, Paste

When you select one or more circuits, or one or more cells, the Cut/Copy/Paste commands become active. These
commands run as in a spreadsheet.

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10 Detailed circuit calculation window

To display the circuit window you can double-click on a circuit or pass through the Circuit/Edit menu.
User can then choose between two display modes:
 Minimum display
 Detailed display

10.1 Minimum display

Minimum display shows the minimum data needed to calculate a circuit.

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10.2 Detailed display

With detailed display you can see and modify circuit data at expert level.

10.3 Navigation arrows

10.3.1 Upstream distribution arrow

Opens upstream distribution window (feeding circuit)

10.3.2 Downstream distribution arrow

Opens downstream distribution window (fed by the circuit)

10.3.3 Next circuit arrow

Validates active circuit, and display following circuit

10.3.4 Previous circuit arrow

Validates active circuit, and display previous circuit

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10.4 Circuit Tab

10.4.1 Circuit topic

Specify the circuit identification on maximum 15 characters.

Board ref mark from which the circuit is issued. This ref mark is automatically completed by Caneco BT, when you
have created a circuit.
You can modify it, so as to shift one circuit from one board to another one.

There are three possibilities:
 Normal: the circuit issued from board is supplied only by Normal source (not essential circuit)
 Standby: the circuit issued from board is supplied only by Standby source (essential circuit)
 Normal/Standby: the circuit issued from board is supplied by Normal and Standby source (essential circuit)

Indicating that a circuit is supplied in Normal/Standby implies that it is calculated taking

into account the two possible sources, which sometimes may be very unfavourable, in
case of the standby supply is provided by small low power gensets.

Indicates the content of the circuit: for example 3 phases, N and PE.
 PE means equipotential bonding conductor.
In TN diagram, the 3P+PEN content allows to make TNC, 3P+N+PE from TNS.

Content Meaning
3P+PE Three-phased circuit with PE
3P+N+PE Three-phased circuit with Neutral and PE
3P Three-phased circuit without PE
3P+N Three-phased circuit with N and without PE
3P+PEN Three-phased circuit with PEN (TNC system)
P+N+PE Single-phase circuit with Neutral and PE
P+N Single-phase circuit with Neutral and without PE
2P Two-phased circuit (phase to phase) without PE
2P+PE Two-phased circuit (phase to phase) with PE

Do not confuse 2P with P+N. In 230/400V installation, P+N means single phase (230V),
while 2P means two-phase (400V)

Circuit designation (maximum 36 characters).

10.4.2 Protection topics

if manufacturer file has an EDIELEC format, click on «delayed» to get a delayed protection on short-

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If human protection against indirect contacts is made by a Differential, the window is completed with
other information:

if manufacturer file has an EDIELEC format, click on «delayed» to get a delayed differential protection.

Enter circuit protection.

Type Meaning
CrBrk. moulded case general purpose circuit-breaker, moulded case according to EN 60947-2 and
IEC 947 standards.
Open circuit-breaker general purpose circuit-breaker, Open according to EN 60947-2 and IEC 947
CrBrk C modular circuit-breaker, C and U curves according to standard EN 60947-2
or EN 60898
CrBrk B modular circuit-breaker, B and L curves according to standard EN 60947-2
or EN 60898
CrBrk D modular circuit-breaker, D or K curves according to standard EN 60947-2 or
EN 60898
CrBrk Mot motor circuit-breaker according to standard EN 60947-2 and IEC 947
ensuring motor protection.
CrBrk + Th motor start protection realized by a coordination contactor + circuit-breaker +
thermal relay type 1 or type 2.
gG fuse g1 or gG type
aR Ultra-fast fuse
gR Ultra-fast fuse
gS Ultra-fast fuse
gG + Th association fused switch contactor + thermal relay with fuse of g1/gG type.
This type of protection is suitable for distribution circuits. Contactor is
determined in category AC1
aM fuse g1 or aM type
aM + Th association fused switch contactor + thermal relay with fuse of aM/gM type.
This type of protection is suitable for motors. Contactor is determined in
category AC3-AC4
CrBrk without thermal r. circuit without overload protection, which is allowed by the standard for some
circuits (not supposed to produce overload). Caneco BT will ask you for the
type of protection against short-circuits. The overload condition is checked
taking into account the design current (IB).
Without protection Protection is in fact a protection against Short-circuits of the circuit feeding
the upstream board. This is the case with feeding lines with decreasing
cross-section. No protection against overload is accepted only with the
following standard conditions: equipment not capable of producing an
overload or protected at circuit ending.

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Indirect contacts
This is the mean to ensure human protection against indirect contacts.

Indirect Contacts Meaning

Basic Prot Protection against electrical shocks is ensured by the protection defined in field
Type (protection against short-circuits).
Dif. 300mA residual differential protection of 300 mA rating
Dif. 30mA residual differential protection of 30 mA rating
Dif. 10mA residual differential protection of 300 mA rating
Autres DDR Adjustable residual current protection
AEB Additional Equipotential Bonding (AEB).
Equipot Earth general equipotential bonding. This is the case of installations in which
chassis are connected to an earth general equipotential bonding network, realised
by bared underground earth cables or by bared earth cables laid on cable ways.
This device allows to not distribute the PE in each circuit cable (cable content can
be then a 3P without PE). Equipment chassis for this circuit must be directly
connected to this equipotential bonding network.

Name of the protection model (Breaking device, Release, RCD References), Rating and number of poles.

Protection Lock
Unlocking/Locking of the protection is reported by the ticked or not ticked state of the box planned
with this end in view.

During a calculation, a locked protection is not modified. The user can modify the values in the catalogue' value

Rating of the smallest protection which can satisfy standard conditions, if your protection choice is automatic;
or the rating you have selected if your protection choice is manual.

If you want to impose this value, the button or the user's choice by model situated at
right from this field allows you to choose the protection amongst all ones included in the manufacturer file you has
chosen, and according to standards

Réglage du thermique du disjoncteur ou calibre du fusible assurant la protection contre les surcharges.
Pour un disjoncteur, le réglage du thermique est paramétrable (commande protection du menu Option). Il peut être
réglé au minimum (IB: courant d’emploi), au maximum (calibre de la protection) ou au maximum supporté par la
liaison (IZ du câble pour les récepteurs ne nécessitant pas d’être protégé contre les surcharges).
If you want to force this value, enter the value which characterizes the protection against overloads:
 thermal relay setting when protection is a circuit-breaker,gM+th or g1+th fuse.
 fuse rating when protection is a fuse g1.

Reference manual Circuit Tab - 79

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Impact of choice of position of thermal circuit breaker:

 Upstream of the busbar trunking: Cross-section calculated according to the protection of
the upstream circuit
 Downstream of the busbar trunking: The cable cross-section will be calculated
according to In or thermal adjustment for a circuit breaker or I2 for a gG fuse (value to
be entered by the user if the protection is not defined in Caneco BT)

Irmg or IN (protection against SC)

Circuit-breaker magnetic setting or fuse rating insuring protection against short-circuits.

 For a circuit-breaker, magnetic setting is set to the maximum value compatible with circuit-breaker, and
insuring opening with the smallest of the minimum short-circuits (If or Ik1 or Ik2).
 If you want to force this value, enter the value which characterises the protection against short-circuits:
magnetic setting when protection is a general purpose circuit-breaker (Gen CBrk) or a motor circuit-breaker
(CBrk. Mot.) or a circuit-breaker in coordination with a contactor (CBrk. + Th).
 Maximum release value warranted on short-circuit, when protection is a modular circuit-breaker (CBrk C, B,
 Fuse rating when protection is a fuse gG, or aM+th

With the tab, you can select protections with a delayed release

Magnetic delay in ms.

10.4.3 Cable topics

In case of several equipments, it is the distance of the far device.
In this case, it appears an additional distance to the 1st equipment:

1er Equipment (m)

Enter (with circuits having several devices) the distance between protection and nearest device. This data is used
in versions after 4.1B, for voltage drop and discrimination calculation.

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Cable type
Enter the cable type used for the link between protection and device. This type is chosen in the list of cable type.
This list is saved in a file with extension *.cbl. The file can be selected for the project and modified by means of
Manufacturer files / Cable topic from Options menu. The default file is Caneco.cbl.

Cable conductor core

Core Meaning
Copper copper conductor
Alu aluminium conductor
Cu or Alu copper conductor for small cross-sections, in aluminium for big cross-sections.
The threshold between copper and Alu is defined in the Dialog box called by
Cables command in Options menu.
Alu + PE Alu copper conductor for phases and Neutral, and PE in Alu. This choice is possible
only when link is of type Single-core or Multi + PE (multi-core)

Installation method
Enter the cable installation method according to chosen the calculation standard.
Clicking the button on the right to get the list of the different methods of installation.

Choose single-core or multi-core cables.
Uni / Multi: Automatic switching between single-core or multi-core cables from specified cross-section.

Temperature factor (K. temp)

This coefficient is named in standard as Temperature correction factor. It downgrades the current carrying capacity
depending on the temperature. Default value is 1, this factor is defined by the standard, depending on the cable
insulation and cable operating reference temperature. It can be determined by Caneco BT, depending on given
temperature, and the choice of cable type, if you used the button located immediately on the right.
To calculate the coefficient with Caneco BT, depending on the given temperature it is
assumed that you have correctly chosen your cable type before. If you change the cable
type and if your cable insulation has changed, it is necessary to recalculate this factor
depending on the desired temperature.

Group factor (K. prox )

This factor is known in standards as cables or circuits group correction factor. It downgrades the current carrying
capacity depending of the proximity of other cables.
The value proposed by Caneco BT depends on the style. It is usually 0,72, which corresponds to perforated cable
track installation method, on one layer, touching, unlimited number of cables.
This factor has a significant impact on the cable calculated cross-section, you must study carefully among all
parameters the most important one:
 Proximity of cables between themselves. According to standard, installation methods, and according to their
spacing, cables distant from each other do not mutually heat each other.
 Cables load compared to their current carrying capacity. a circuit with IB < 0.7 Iz is supposed not to heat
neighbouring cables.
 Global load of cables laid on same cable track. This global load can be reduced by the thermal setting of the
circuit feeding the distribution.
See section Distributions / Board window / information on boards / cables S IZ / Board
To facilitate estimation of this coefficient, in the window you can press button on the right to get help on this

Additional factor (K. Addit)

Enter additional downgrading factor for current carrying capacity depending on external conditions. This factor is
not standardised, it can be fixed by the user.

Symmetrical factor fs
Apply a symmetrical factor (fs=0.8), if need and if the number of conductors per phase >1 (according to NFC 15-
100 standard only).

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10.4.4 Results fixing topic

Results which may be fixed are values calculated by Caneco BT, which you can eventually adapt to existing data.
It concerns cables and protection.
To force one data, you must tick the box on the left of this data. You can cancel fixing by clicking again on the
check box.
When a value is fixed, it is checked by Caneco BT.

Conductors - Phase
The smallest calculated phase cross-section of the link, taking into account all standard criteria.
If you want to force this value, enter the number of conductors per phase for the link, then the cross-section for
each phase.

Conductors - Neutral
The smallest calculated neutral cross-section of the link, taking into account all standard criteria.
If you want to force this value, enter the neutral number of conductors for the link, then the cross-section for

Conductors – PE (or PEN)

The smallest calculated PE/PEN cross-section of the link, taking into account all standard criteria.
If you want to force this value, enter the PE/PEN number of conductors for the link, then the cross-section in mm2.

Loaded Neutral
To apply an additional factor to current carrying capacity if Neutral is loaded.

10.4.5 Equipment topics

Ref Mark of the equipment (1). ( V5).

For the distribution circuits (board, LV/LV transformer, busbar trunking system), you can modify directly the
distribution ref. mark fed.

Equipment number
Enter the equipment number (2).
You can also design circuits feeding several pieces of equipment.
Example: 12 lighting devices of 2*36 W
Total circuit consumption equals to:
Total circuit power = number of equipments * consumption, where consumption is defined as follows.

Enter the consumption for each equipment: current or consumed electrical power or standard power.
Power can be entered in A, W, kW, kVA, consistency of the chosen unit is checked according to selected
equipment type.
 Ex: KVA are forbidden for motors.
The arrow at right from this field makes allows to open the standard power list, which related to the circuit style.
 If the circuit style is based on Caneco BT motor style, the standard powers are motor mechanical powers.
 If the circuit style is based on Caneco BT Lighting style, standard powers are conventional designations (1*58
W, 2*36 W, etc.) of fluorescent lights. 2*36W means a light having 2 fluo lights of 36W.
 if the circuit style is based on Socket style, standard powers are conventional designations (2*16 A, 3*32 A,
etc) for sockets: 3*32A means three-phase socket 32 Amps.

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Standard power list can be extended. It is saved in a file with extension *.std. The file can be selected for the
project and modified by means of Manufacturer files command from Options menu. The default file is Caneco.std.

Do not put blanks in consumption.

Correct examples: 120, 50KVA, 30KW.

Consumption given in KW has a meaning depending on the equipment type: for a motor, it is the available
mechanical power on the axle and not the electrical power.
Default unit is the one indicated (and which can be modified) in Calculation action from Option menu.
In all cases, consumption is transformed in design current (IB in the results window ).

Geographic location
Enter this data with the equipment nearest geographical location.

Rate of harmonics (4)

The level of 3rd order harmonics and multiple of 3 is applicable to circuit. Calculation takes into account the
standard rules for neutral cross-section calculation.

Attention: Neutral is considered as loaded at a rate of harmonics between 15 % and 33%,

so that a reduction factor is applied on the withstand currents. Calculated cross-sections
are increased about 25%.
See paragraph affected by standard

Attention: When a rate of harmonics is >33%, the neutral is calculated to get a withstand
current at least equal to 1,45 times the design current on the phase. The protection
device must have, in neutral, an assigned current al least equal to this value.
See paragraph affected by standard

Use factor
Circuit use factor which can be specified.
Default proposed value is:
 that of chosen standard power, if consumption is got from standard power table
 or that of the circuit style.
This value has no incidence on cable and protection dimensioning. It affects only the power requirement.

Diversity factor
When a circuit has several equipments (sockets, lighting, etc.), it is possible to apply a Diversity/simultaneity factor
kSimult for equipments amongst themselves. Circuit total power = number_of_equiment*consumptio*KSimult

Permanent Cosinus Phi

Circuit Power Factor which can be specified.
Default proposed value is:
 that of chosen standard power, if consumption is got from standard power table
 or that of the circuit style

dU max
Indicates maximum admissible voltage drop in %, from the beginning of the installation to the cable end. Default
proposed values by Caneco BT depends on the style and takes into account source supply (private supply or LV
distribution) and of equipment kind.

Cos Phi Start

Cosinus phi at start, to calculate voltage drop during motor start for example.
Default proposed value is:
 that of chosen standard power, if consumption is got from standard power table
 or that of the circuit style.
You can modify this default value.

ID/IN factor. The same remarks as above.

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10.5 Upstream tab

For the description of all these fields, see paragraph Board window from Distributions

10.6 Additional Tab

10.6.1 Topic Device 1: Protection/Command (1)

Ref mark
Enter here the reference mark for the protective device: this reference will be displayed to the right of the protective
device in the Board Single-line tool.

Protection manufacturer
Allows you to choose a protection/breaking device from a circuit specific catalogue file.

Protection minimum rating

Minimum rating is defined in circuit style.
 Light Style: 10A
 Socket Style: 16A
User may modify this value. For example minimum rating for sockets can be reduced to 10A instead of 16A. It is
incumbent on user must to enforce standard rules.

K, fuse T°C derating

The line fuse derating factor. This factor may depend on the type of fuse holder. It is mandatory to always enter
this, as the nominal rating of UR fuses is given at a Tamb of 20°C, and hence this factor is rarely 1.

No check on short-circuits thermal stress for conductors

When this option is ticked, protection against short-circuit may be provided by protection against overload,
according to conditions specified in the standard
The following table shows the protective devices for which the “No check on conductor short-circuit capacity”
option can be used.

Max. permitted I²t (A²/s)

The max. permitted I²t for the electronic equipment to be protected on the line. This value should be given by the
manufacturer of the equipment to be protected.

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Fuse size
It is necessary to add this parameter necessary in order to limit the number of UR fuse files to one per family.
There are several sizes in each family, and the same rating is found in several sizes, but with different T/C, I²t lim,
and Ip lim characteristics.

Type of protective device YES NO

Instantaneous thermal-magnetic circuit-
Electronic circuit-breaker with long delay
incorporated and short instantaneous delay
Modular circuit-breakers x
gG fuses x
Non-thermal circuit-breakers x
Magnetic + Thermal circuit-breakers x
aM fuse with or without thermal trip x
All delayed protective devices x

10.6.2 Topic Device 2: Associated control (2)

This item allows you to enter the type of associated control device on a circuit.

Topic Device 2:
Enter here the reference mark for the device: this reference will be displayed to the right of the device symbol in the
Board Single-Line tool.

Device type
Specify here the device type

Control device name

Allows enter reference mark of control device

Allows enter device rating.
These data will be displayed at right of device symbol, in Board network single-line tool.

Number of tripped poles

Allows enter number of tripped poles. These data will be displayed at right of device symbol, in Board network
single-line tool.

10.6.3 Topic Device 3: Thermal relay

Thermal relay:
Thermal relay associated with a power contactor as per stipulations in manufacturers’ catalogues.

10.6.4 Cable topics

Minimum cross-section:
User may modify this value. For example minimum cross-section for sockets can be reduced to 1.5mm2 instead of
2.5 mm2. It is incumbent on user must to enforce standard rules.

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Nature of separated PE:

User may set here the nature of separated PE conductor (Isolated, Bare)

Number of PE conductors:
User may set here the number of PE conductors.
(allows reduce phase cross-section)
The default value for “Number of PE conductors” is set as 1.
In situations where this option would lead to over-sizing of the cross-sections for the phase conductors, or even
prevent calculation (indirect contact criterion), a message will be displayed to suggest checking the “Number of PE
conductors = no. of phases” option in the ‘Calculation options’ window, under the ‘Cables’ tab.

Handling PE thermal stress –

This is handled by automatically taking into account the “Breaking Time Rule” or BTR. This may affect:
BBTS sizing
PE cross-section reduction
Magnetic trip settings
The calculation criterion and compliance

Number of additional conductors:

User may set here the number of additional conductors (for example: pilot wire on a heating circuit).

10.6.5 ‘Terminals’ section

The user can set terminal marking, define a terminal block name, enter the number and type of terminals.

10.6.6 ‘Circuit characteristics’ section

Creating circuit attributes (attributes 1, 2, and 3) makes it possible to describe the nature and diagram of a circuit.
These attributes can make it possible to automatically generate multi-line block diagrams in electrical wiring
diagram applications.
These attributes are usually correlated with the attributes of the symbols used in the Caneco single-line diagram of
the circuit, including any associated circuits there may be. They may give a form of synthesis of it.
Example of a star-delta motor feed:
‐ attribute 1: star-delta
‐ attribute 2: Local control, remote manual disconnect
Example of an instrumentation circuit (associated circuit alone):
‐ attribute 1: instrumentation
‐ attribute 2: datalogger
These attributes may be initialized by Caneco BT in accordance with information defined by their style. They may
be modified by the user at will.

10.6.7 ‘Calculation criterion’ section

The user can choose not to verify one calculation criterion for a very specific reason.
If the ‘Overload’ criterion is deselected, the following message will appear:

A virtually identical message will appear, depending on which criterion is deselected.

 Attention! This section is intended for experienced users only.
In the event of a reservation expressed by a technical inspection service, the Caneco BT user will be obliged to
provide justification.

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10.7 Additional results Tab

10.7.1 Discrimination-Association Backup Topic

Thermal discrimination with upstream

 Without means that in certain cases of overload faults, discrimination with upstream may not be provided. The
upstream protective device is liable to trip before the downstream protective device.
 With means that in all cases of overload faults, discrimination with upstream is provided.

Discrimination Limit.
Current discrimination limit on short-circuit in Amps

Discrimination from
Distance from which there is total discrimination on short-circuit. The considered distance is the one separating
protection from short-circuit point.
With this distance one can appreciate functional discrimination conditions for circuits made up of several
equipments (lighting circuits, sockets). If the given distance is more than the first equipment distance (most
unfavourable place for short-circuits risks), discrimination becomes functional.

Ir Diff
Differential Residual Current Device adjustable in mA.
You cannot get access to this value if you choose Diff Ad. (Differential adjustable) for human protection against
indirect contacts.

Diff Time delay

Residual Current time delay in ms.

Diff Discr.
Differential discrimination with upstream. This is the differential discrimination in case of earth fault current (If) on
the calculated circuit.
It can be:

Discrimination Meaning
Nil the upstream protection trips at the same time as that of the circuit
Uncertain the upstream protection is liable to trip at the same time as that of the
Total the circuit protection trips and the upstream protection does not
Not calculated the differential discrimination is not calculated

Protection breaking capacity (eventually with backup, coordination) in kA.

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10.7.2 Max Breaking Time Topic

Tmax IC
Max functioning time in ms for a circuit-breaker protection not to exceed human protection against electrical shocks
condition. This time is fixed by the standard (from 100 to 800ms according to voltage and earthing system). For
distributions, the time is increased to 5s, (see standard).

Tmax Ph
Max functioning time in ms for a circuit-breaker protection not to exceed cable phase thermal stress.
This time is calculated considering a max three-phase short-circuit at the beginning of the link (Ik3 max: see I3Max
For fused protections, this time is by convention 5000 ms, but it is not significant.

Tmax Ne
Max. operating time in ms for a circuit-breaker protective device so as not to exceed the thermal stress of the cable
This time is calculated taking into account a max. single-phase short-circuit at the start of the circuit (Ik1 Max
For fused protections, this time is by convention 5000 ms, but it is not significant

Tmax PE
Max functioning time in ms for a circuit-breaker protection not to exceed cable PE thermal stress.
This time is calculated taking into account a min. phase–PE short‐circuit at the far end of the circuit (If min).
For fused protections, this time is by convention 5000 ms, but it is not significant

10.7.3 Link topic

F/Poles distribution
Phase distribution for single-phase circuits, fixed or not.

Link width
This is the width of the link on cable track. If cables are single-core, they are supposed to be in trefoil configuration
if there are several cables (separated N or PE for example) they are touching. This value is used to calculate useful
height on cable track sections.

Link height
This is the link height. If cables are single-core, they are supposed to be in trefoil configuration if there are several
cables (separated N or PE for example) height is the height of the bigger cable. This value is used to calculate
useful height on cable track sections.

Link weight for one metre in kg (cable, neutral and PE eventually separated). This value is used to calculate useful
load of cable tracks sections.

10.7.4 Ik Topic

Ip not limited
This is the peak value of three-phase short-circuit for three-phase circuits
(Used to verify electrodynamic stress)

Ik3 Max
This is the max three-phase Ik for three-phase circuits

Ik1 Max
This is the max short-circuit current, single-phase if neutral is present

If Max
This is the maximum fault short-circuit current if there is a PE.

This is the min short-circuit current, single-phase if neutral is present, two-phase (Phase to phase) if neutral is

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This is the min short-circuit current, single-phase if neutral is present, two-phase (Phase to phase) if neutral is

This is the default short-circuit current If phase-PE at the end of the link.

10.8 Conformity Tab

10.8.1 Standard conditions

The Conformity sheet is used to indicate all standard conditions which must be satisfied by a circuit, to determine
corresponding values and indicate if they are satisfied or not.

These conditions are:

 Protection
 determination of thermal relay rating or setting depending on IB:
 Thermal relay Ir or IN >= IB
 breaking capacity
 Icu with or without association with upstream >= IkMax

 Voltage drop
 Overload
 Protection against indirect contacts
 Thermal stress for phases, neutral and PE (PEN)

All of the conditions indicated are:

 those directly expressed in the standard e.g.:
k2S2 >= I2t, for the thermal stress condition.
 or the corollary conditions.

For example the condition:

Ik Mini > IrMagn x 1,2 (magnetic release on IkMini) which is one of the conditions to get the standard condition

These conditions translated by formulae can be completed by graphical representations

Compliant/non-compliant conditions
With the conformity sheet one can see immediately if conditions are not correct. In such case, with Caneco BT one
can see in «Fault» tab of the conformity sheet, all standard conditions which are not correct.
 The conditions not met are identifiable by a red cross.
 Conditions met are identifiable by the green OK symbol.

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10.9 Text Tab

This window allows free entry of additional information concerning the circuits.
 Example: text 8 is reserved for indicating in which sheet of the control diagram you can find the
wiring details for additional diagrams associated with the protection devices
(See Schematics chapter).

10.10 Downstream Board Tab

For the description of all these fields, see paragraph Board window from Distributions

10.10.1 Protection choice

The protection choice window is displayed for each circuit calculation.
The user can choose between three ways to get a protection

 Economical automatic choice

Caneco BT automatically selects in the list of protection the first one which satisfies all conditions according to
circuit data. The automatic choice made by Caneco BT is indicated by the icon ..
 User's choice by model
The user can choose another protection in the list, the User's choice by model is indicated by the icon .
 Choice out of catalogue
The user can choose a protection out of catalogue. The choice out of catalogue is indicated by the icon .
Caneco BT uses the protection data entry given by the user to calculate. Rating, IrTh, IrMag.
 User’s technical choice
The user can choose in the «Equipment technical choice» window another protection and its accessories, the

user's technical choice is then indicated by the icon .


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Economical automatic choice

Model name
According to catalogue, the model name may include the name of the breaking device, release relay, and Residual
current Device.

In Break
Nominal current of the breaking device

Rating of the release relay

Breaking capacity of the protection (eventually with association -coordination) in kA.

Release type:
Thermal with Magnetic (5 to 10 In)
Thermal with Low Magnetic (3 to 5 In)

Th. Discr.
Displays the Thermal discrimination with the upstream circuit-breaker when selecting the circuit protective device

Ik Discr.
Displays the short-circuit discrimination with the upstream circuit-breaker when selecting the circuit protective

Configuration at the protective circuit breaker:
number of poles of the protection
number of protected poles

Residual current Device: without, separated, Ir Min/Ir Max

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User's choice by model

Choice out of catalogue

The user enters the name of the breaking device, release and RCD, as well as the protection data: Rating, thermal
setting, magnetic setting, magnetic delay for short-circuit protection (short magnetic or protection delay of the
electronic circuit-breakers), differential setting, differential delay. Breaking capacity is not taken into account.
Caneco BT does not check if the data are consistent.
Calculation is done taking into account entered data, not taking into account breaking capacity.

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10.11 Results Window

To display this window choose Display/Results in the Display menu:

Limit results are shown in a different colour (orange: limit value, red: incorrect value)

10.11.1 Circuit

Circuit ref mark

State Description
Circuit OK means that the circuit complies with standard
To recalculate means that the circuit must be calculated again. Due to some changes
results may be wrong.
Cable not correct means a circuit with fixed cable and whose cross-section is not sufficient
to satisfy standard conditions
Protection not means a circuit which protection type or characteristics have been forced,
correct and which doesn’t satisfy standard conditions.

10.11.2 Cable
Multi-core cable conventional writing, or phase conductors if the link is of single-core type.
 Examples: 4G1,5 means 4 conductors out of which 1 vert-jaune (G = ground) 3X50+N35 signifie 3 means 3
phase conductors + 1 N conductor of 35 mm2

10.11.3 Neutral
Neutral conductors conventional writing if the link is of single-core type.

10.11.4 PE or PEN
PE conductors conventional writing if the link is of single-core type.

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10.11.5 Criterion
This is the criterion for the phase cross-section calculation:
Criterion Meaning
MINI Minimum section
IN overload condition
DU Voltage drop
IC Indirect contacts, Human protection against
electrical shocks
CC Thermal stress after Short-Circuit
Overridden Values have been imposed
One or two exclamation marks can be added after these criteria:
 If gap corresponds to a cross-section, a «!» is added (i.e: CI ! means Human protection criterion, with a cross-
section gap according to the more unfavourable of other criteria.
 If gap is two cross-sections or more, a «! ! » is added.
When the cross-section is determined simultaneously by two or more criteria, the last two criteria kept are
displayed: ex.: IN-DU means Overload condition and Voltage drop criterion.

10.11.6 Max protected L.

Cable maximal length to keep protection and circuit design conditions.
This length is preceded by a 2 letter prefix:
Criterion Meaning
DU It means that with the maximum indicated length, the maximum voltage drop
entered in cable data is reached
IC It means that over the maximum indicated length, the human protection condition
is no more fulfilled
CC It means that over the maximum indicated length, the cable short-circuit
protection condition is no more fulfilled.

10.11.7 Circuit dU
Circuit voltage drop in % on the cable length. This value does not include upstream voltage drop.

10.11.8 dU (%) start

Voltage drop at start (motors) or when switching on (lights), calculated by Caneco BT. This value is calculated only
when ID/IN ratio is >1.

10.11.9 dU Total
Total Voltage drop in % from source.

10.11.10 Ik3 Max

Maximum 3-phase short-circuit current at far end of the circuit.

10.11.11 Ik2 Max

Maximum 2-phase short-circuit current at far end of the circuit.

10.11.12 Ik1 Max

This is the max short-circuit current, single-phase at circuit ending if neutral is present

10.11.13 If Max
Maximum fault short-circuit current at far end of the circuit if there is a PE.

10.11.14 Ik2 Min

Min. 2-phase short-circuit current at far end of the circuit if there is no neutral.

10.11.15 Ik1 Min

Min. single-phase short-circuit current at far end of the circuit if there is a neutral.

10.11.16 If
This is the default short-circuit current phase-PE at the end of the circuit.

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10.11.17 IrMg max

Maximum setting for protection magnetic (general purpose circuit-breaker). This value is calculated from IkMini (Ik1
or Ik2) or If.

10.11.18 Ik Am/Av
IK Max Upstream / Downstream the link in kA.

10.11.19 Discrimination on IK
Short-circuit discrimination with upstream. It can be:

Discrimination Description
Nil No discrimination
Total There is a selectivity for all short-circuits situated on the circuit,
even on protection terminals
Functional there is discrimination for all downstream short-circuits (most
common situation), but not for a short-circuit at protection terminals
(very low probability of SC)
Discrimination enhanced Caneco BT uses M-G’s “Discrimination enhanced by cascading”
by cascading table. This makes it possible to combine (at least partial)
discrimination and cascading.
In this event, Caneco BT puts a + sign after the displayed
discrimination value.
And the association value in square brackets. (e.g. Total+,
association [30 kA]).
Partial Caneco BT gives you the discrimination limit. Caneco displays: I <
values (ex. I < 10kA)
I< (I limit) + ? the discrimination limit is (I limit) at the end of the curve before the
Reflex zone. (see ‘Discrimination’ section)

No value means:
no value in the discrimination tables between circuit protection and upstream protection.
or Caneco BT doesn’t know how to calculate the protection discrimination with upstream protection.
This result is completed by differential discrimination (see below)

See also Additional Tab from Circuit window

10.11.20 Thermal discrimination

This relates to discrimination on an overload fault. The results are “With” or “Without”
(see ‘Discrimination’ section).

10.11.21 Discrimination differential. See « discrimination » chapter.

10.11.22 Backup (Association)

It can be With or Without Backup (coordination, or association) with the upstream protection. There is backup when
breaking capacity of the circuit protection (alone) is not sufficient (hence lower than board Ik Max) and
manufacturers backup tables show a backup possibility. In this case, it is necessary that its breaking capacity in
coordination with the upstream protective device is higher than Ik max.

10.11.23 Magnetic
Standard, low or electronic according to chosen device.

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11 Entering and calculating complex circuits

11.1 Uninterruptible power supplies – UPS –

UPS operating principles and the calculation method adopted in Caneco BT are described in an on-line document
accessible via the ‘Documentation’ command from the Help menu.

This paragraph sets out the procedure for entering data for the various configurations of UPSs in Caneco BT and
how to use the results obtained where these are present.

11.1.1 Single-supply UPS

This is a UPS supplied via a single feed. The protective device and cross-section of the latter will be calculated
according to the inverter power.

In order to allow for the battery charging and optimizing the inverter efficiency, it is recommended to over-rate the
protective device by 25 %.

Data for the UPS circuit can be entered by:

Selecting “UPS BOARD” in the style list Dragging-and-dropping the block available in
the circuit block library

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Representation of the UPS in the Board Representation of the UPS in the network
single-line diagram single-line diagram

 Attention: don’t forget to fill in the inverter data under the ‘UPS’ tab in the ‘BOARD’ window.

The short-circuit values (2) and the short-circuit withstand time (1) must be updated in accordance with the
information provided by the equipment manufacturer.
This will make it possible to calculate the circuits downstream of the UPS, taking the latter’s short-circuit ratings into
account. (3)

11.1.2 Dual-supply UPS

The circuit is available in the graphics library under the ‘Circuit blocks’ tab (1)
It is based on a miscellaneous circuit for calculating the network 1 (A) and a board circuit for calculating the
network 2 or By-Pass (B) and filling in the inverter data (‘UPS’ tab under ‘Board’).
The downstream circuits are obviously entered downstream of the board

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Representation of the UPS network 1 (A) Representation of the UPS network 1 (A) and
and network 2 or By-Pass (B) in the Board network 2 or By-Pass (B) in the network single-line
single-line diagram diagram

 Attention: don’t forget to fill in the inverter data under the ‘UPS’ tab in the ‘BOARD’ window.

The Network 1 circuit is based on a ‘Miscellaneous’ circuit and makes it possible to calculate the Network 1 cross-
section and protective device. The protective device is over-rated by 25 % by default.

The Network 2 (or By-Pass) circuit is based on a ‘Board’ circuit and makes it possible to calculate the Network 2 (or
By-Pass) cross-section and protective device, and to enter the UPS data.
Date for the downstream circuits will be entered downstream of the board (Network 2) and will be calculated as for
the single-supply UPS (see above).

 Note: In cases where the Normal and By-pass supplies are not connected to the same busbars, the
representation in Caneco BT can be produced using two blocks, Network 1 (1) and Network 2 (2) available in
the graphics library.

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Graphical representation in Caneco BT:

The cross-reference texts between one circuit and the other will be entered using the “Modify symbol text”
command in the contextual menu.

11.1.3 Dual-supply UPS with isolating transformer

The circuit is available in the graphics library under the ‘Circuit blocks’ tab (1)
It is based on a miscellaneous circuit for calculating the network 1 (A) cross-section and protective device and an
LV/LV transformer circuit for calculating the network 2 or By-Pass (B) cross-section and protective device and filling
in the inverter data (‘UPS’ tab of the LV/LV transformer).

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The data for the downstream circuits will obviously be entered downstream of the LV/LV transformer and the
calculation rules are the same as for the previous cases.

Representation in the network single-line diagram Representation in the Board single-line diagram

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11.2 Regulator + motor output

The regulator + motor output calculation method adopted in Caneco BT is described in an on-line document
accessible via the ’Documentation’ command from the Help menu.

The motor output will be regarded as being protected against over-current and indirect contact by the regulator.
The cross-section of the motor supply connection will be calculated in accordance with the permitted current (Iz).
The latter depends directly on the motor operating current.

The voltage drop at the regulator terminals shall be taken as 0 V.

Entering the regulator from the style list Representation of the regulator in the Board single-
line diagram

Enter the motor downstream of the Representation of the regulator + motor combination
regulator and don’t forget to select in the Board single-line diagram
“Without Prot.” for the protective device
type (1) and to select the overload
protective device as “Upstream” (2)

 Note: The regulator + motor output is available as a block (1) in the graphics library, under the ‘Circuit blocks’

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12 Preferences

12.1 Generalities on Preferences

The «Preferences» tool enables to set the default preferences parameters, classified by items.
To each item corresponds a tab containing options to set up.

12.2 Display tab

This window enables you:
 To set acquisition and navigation context
 To set use mode for symbol library
 To display status bar
 To set the number of files used which will be displayed in File window
 To enable the Today's trick at start window

Reference manual Generalities on Preferences - 105

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12.3 Save tab

This item allows you to set saving options

12.4 Colours tab

This item allows you to choose colour for each circuit state:
 Correct circuit
 Circuit to be recalculated
 Circuit not OK
Section and route colours of a cable tray may be also set in this window

106 - Save tab Reference manual

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12.5 Default Values Tab

This window enables you to set:
 Default cable type
 Default installation method
 Initial modification index

12.6 Directories Tab

User can not modify the directories containing configuration files and database.
User may put project files, sheet backgrounds and Caneco BIT type diagrams into directories chosen by him.
Caneco BT version 5.4 offers more possibilities, logos and stamps, user diagrams and documents can also be put
into directories chosen by the user.

Reference manual Default Values Tab - 107

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12.7 Print Tab

This window lets you select the company logo and to define a stamp indicating the progress state of the project.
Image with the logo must be in the FOLIOS directory.
The user can define a generic default symbol to represent equipment. The specified stamp (text or image) can be
positioned and oriented and will appear on print-out documents.

12.8 Warnings and Remarks Tab

This window allows you to set operating mode of warnings and reporting.

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12.9 Automatic reference marks Tab

Automatic circuit and equipment ref. marks can be defined under the ‘Automatic Ref Marks’ tab.

This window allows you to set default automatic reference marks.

The button « Advanced... » actives the «Advanced prefixes for circuits» window. So, user may set a different prefix
for each equipment.

An ‘=’ sign can be placed in front of an object (functional unit) prefix for marking as per the EN 60082 standard.
A number of prefixes are also provided for automatic equipment marking
The default ref. marks are defined as per the EN 60082 standard:
‘ ’ sign in front of a device ref. mark
(see ‘Schematics’ section)

12.10 ‘Circuit spreadsheet’ Tab

This window allows you to set operating mode of the «Spreadsheet» entry tool.

Reference manual Automatic reference marks Tab - 109

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12.11 ‘Board Single-line Diagram’ Tab

This window allows you to:
 Define the options for using the ‘Board Single-line Diagram’ tool,
 Define the position of the ref. marks for terminal blocks and terminals,
 Display device ref. marks as per the EN 60082 standard.

12.12 ‘Network single-line’ Tab

This window allows you to:
 Set operating mode for the «Network single-line» entry tool
 Display circuit and distribution labels.
 Set a background colour for each label type.
 Set fields for each label
 Display field wording
 Set label attributes and field fonts

110 - ‘Board Single-line Diagram’ Tab Reference manual

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12.13 ‘Tracks’ Tab

This window allows you to set display parameters for cable trays.

Reference manual ‘Tracks’ Tab - 111

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13 Calculation options

13.1 Calculation Tab

13.1.1 Protection of personnel:

if phase cross-section is equal to PE, you must set a priority to increase the conductor cross-section,
according to the choice made by ticking.

If ticked, values from standard board will be applied


Adjustment of IB allows more favourable cable cross-sections.

In this case ensure that the adjustment value of the thermal trip unit is not modified.

If unselected, this option allows to be free from release condition on Ikmin: Ikmin >= 1,2 x IrMg.
Attention, for more information, see the related standard paragraph.

Reference manual Calculation Tab - 113

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13.1.2 Sizing criterion:

The user can choose not to verify one calculation criterion for a very specific reason.
If the ‘Overload’ criterion is unchecked, the following message will appear:

A virtually identical message will appear, depending on which criterion is deselected.

 Attention: This section is intended for experienced users only.

In the event of a reservation expressed by a technical inspection service, the Caneco BT user will be obliged to
provide justification.

13.2 ‘Cables’ Tab

13.2.1 Cables sections

Allows to define the cross-section from which Caneco will choose single-core cables if the « Multi / Uni « option is
selected in the Pole field of the circuit sheet

Allows to define the cross-section from which Caneco will choose aluminium cables if the «Cu / Al» option is
selected in the Core field of the circuit sheet

114 - ‘Cables’ Tab Reference manual

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This option enables cross-sections to be calculated applying a tolerance of 5% max. in Iz.

Unselect the box if the specifications say that this tolerance is not to be applied to the Source - MSB link.

Terminal numbering will be performed for all cable cross-sections ≤ 35 mm²,

13.2.2 Authorization to reduce conductors

The min. PE cross-section can be calculated according to 2 methods defined in standard.

13.3 ‘Protection’ Tab

13.3.1 Discrimination calculation.

Discrimination by board
Caneco BT uses the discrimination tables provided by the manufacturers (same brand and catalogue year).

Discrimination by curves:
Caneco BT determines the discrimination by superimposition of the curves.
Check the “Curve discrimination with limited Ik” option in order to make use of the effect of limitation by the
downstream circuit-breaker.

Reference manual ‘Protection’ Tab - 115

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13.3.2 Thermal and electrodynamic stress and backup

Use of the limitation curves under thermal stress (I2.t) to calculate cross-sections.

Use of the current limitation of circuit-breakers (determination of limited Ip peak according to the RMS
short-circuit current)
This value is used for verifying:

Electrodynamic stress for busbar trunking systems

 Association/coordination with downstream fuses
 The electrodynamic stress of the busbar trunking system

13.3.3 Breaking capacity calculated with co-ordination (association)

TT and TN earthing system:

If checked, Caneco BT will look for upstream and downstream protective devices with cascading.

Fuses and switches:

If checked, Caneco BT handles the co-ordination between fuse and switch.

13.3.4 Switch

For the description of the two fields, see section (15) ‘Circuit-breaker/switch co-ordination’

116 - ‘Protection’ Tab Reference manual

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14 Discrimination

14.1 Discrimination on Ik
Discrimination on Ik takes into account the whole range of overcurrents, from overload to the maximum presumed short-
circuit current.
The determination of discrimination can be obtained:
 either from manufacturers' tables: the method By tables
 or by superimposition of protection curves if they exist in the Caneco databases: the method By Curves

14.1.1 Possible discrimination results:

no discrimination (the upstream and downstream protections both trip)

Total discrimination up to a maximum value of overcurrent.
Beyond this limit, the discrimination becomes nil.
In which case the diagnosis will be: I < Limit

Discrimination for all downstream circuit over-currents, obtained by offsetting the operating curves with respect to
the current axis or by the limitation effect of the downstream protective device.

Discrimination for overcurrents at end of the downstream trunking (the most frequent faults).

In general, to obtain discrimination other than «Nil», the ratio between the magnetic setting of the upstream protection
and that of the downstream protection must be at least 1.5.

Reference manual Discrimination on Ik - 117

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14.2 Discrimination by Tables

14.2.1 Conditions to be met on the Upstream and Downstream
 same manufacturer
 same catalogue year
 conditions of access to tables valid (protections with electronic tripping)

The discrimination result will be that specified in the tables.

If the table specifies a discrimination limit, and if the upstream/downstream thermal curves intersect, the thermal
discrimination result will be «Not calculated».
The discrimination on Ik will be equal to the limit indicated by the table. (see example 1).

If the upstream protection is electronic, use of the tables is only possible if the access conditions defined by the
manufacturer are present (Im setting, Inst on/off, etc.)
In the opposite case, the discrimination will be defined automatically by superimposition of the curves.

 Example 1

Upstream protection: DT 40 32A

Downstream protection: DT40 16A
The table provides a discrimination limit of 0.25 kA.
The thermal curves intersect and there is no thermal discrimination.
The figure below shows the Caneco BT diagnosis

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14.3 Discrimination by Curves

Discrimination will be determined by superimposition of curves in the following cases:

 The selected discrimination option is «By Curves».
 No value in the tables, or the conditions of access to the tables are not met; if the discrimination option is «By
 The manufacturers and/or the catalogue years of the upstream and downstream protections are not identical.

In this case, the diagnosis is established by a graphical analysis of short circuits according to superimposition of the
upstream and downstream curves. See example 2

With a view to optimising discrimination, it is possible to make use of the limitation capability of the downstream
protection by ticking «Discrimination by curves with lks limited» See Example 3

 Example 2:

Analysis of the curves shows that discrimination is total because of the protection settings and the specified time on the
upstream protection (difference > 40 ms).

Caneco diagnosis: Total

Reference manual Discrimination by Curves - 119

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Since Caneco BT does not handle the Reflex zone of moulded-case circuit-breakers, in this case the discrimination
limit is therefore 3.84 kA (end of the curve before the Reflex zone).
 Example 3: Using the “Curve discrimination with limited Ik” option.

14.3.1 1 - Option not checked

In this case, the calculated short-circuit

values are used.

The graphical analysis shows that

discrimination is nil.

Caneco diagnosis: I<3.84kA+? Discrimination

up to 3.84 kA, not handled above this value

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14.3.2 2 - Option checked

In this case, the limited short-circuit

values are used .
The graphical analysis shows that
discrimination is total .

Caneco diagnosis: Total



Reference manual Discrimination by Curves - 121

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14.4 Discrimination by Curves on 3 levels

Discrimination can be analysed on 3 levels by superimposition of curves.
The curve for the 3rd protection is obtained by copy/paste in the «Discrimination by curves» tab
of the circuit sheet.
The «Copy curve» command in the pop-up menu of the «Discrimination by Curves» tab allows
the insertion of the graph representing the superimposition of curves in a text document, for
example in order to produce a report on discrimination.

Right click on the

« discrimination by
curves » tab of circuit A
A sheet .

Select the « copy the

circuit curve »

Right click on the «

discrimination by
curves » tab of circuit C
Select the « copy the
circuit curve »

The figure opposite


122 - Discrimination by Curves on 3 levels Reference manual

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14.5 Differential Discrimination

The diagnosis of differential discrimination is done according to the following rule:
Discrimination is total if ( I upstream >= 3x Ldownstreaml ) [1] and ( t upstream – t downstream ) >= 40ms [2]
 Discrimination is partial if: one of both conditions above is not met.
Discrimination is nil in all other cases
 Discrimination is not relevant if the upstream circuit has no differential.

Differential discrimination Nil

Iupstream = 300 mA
tupstream = 30ms
Idownstream = 300 mA
tdownstream = 0ms

The two conditions

are not met

Partial differential discrimination

Iupstream = 300 mA

tupstream = 0ms

Idownstream = 30 mA

tdownstream = 0ms

The condition [1] is met.

The condition [2] is not met.

Total differential discrimination

Iupstream = 300 mA
tupstream = 40ms
Idownstream = 300 mA
tdownstream = 0ms

The two conditions

[1] and [2] are met

Reference manual Differential Discrimination - 123

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15 Circuit-breaker/switch co-ordination
To enable co-ordination between circuit-breaker and switch, check ‘Fuse/circuit-breaker’ and ‘Fuse/switch’

15.1 General rule

Where possible, Caneco uses the circuit-breakers

limit curves for selecting the switch.

Hence when a fault appears in 1, switch Q2 is selected using:

Q2 Icm > Ip peak fault in 1 (limited by Q1)

Lastly, if the fault appears at point 2

Switch Q3 is selected using:
Q3 Icm > Ip peak fault in 2 (limited by Q1)

Reference manual General rule - 125

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15.2 Application in Caneco BT

Calculation method
If switch Q2 Icm is < n * Ik Max at the point considered 1:

Calculation of Ip peak limited, by the circuit-breaker (Q1),

at point 1
The value of Ip peak limited is displayed in the “Additional
results” window of the circuit concerned.

If the resulting Ip peak limited ≤ Icm for switch Q2, this protective
device is accepted.

Icm associated = Max rms non-limited Ip in A.

In this case Caneco displays cascading WITH (Max rms
non-limited Ip) in the results window.

Icm: Making capacity of the switch or switch/fuse.

Ip pk: Peak current limited by the protective device or non-limited
n: crest factor

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Manufacturer’s tables method

If switch Q2 Icm is < n * Ik Max at the point considered 1

Calculation of Ip peak limited or non-limited, at point 1

The value of Ip peak limited or non-limited is displayed in the
“Additional results” window of the circuit concerned..

If the resulting Ip peak limited ≤ Icm for switch Q2, this protective
device is not valid.
It can only be accepted using co-ordination with Q1.

Icm or Icw Associated in kA = co-ordination value given by the

In this case Caneco displays cascading WITH [Icm or Icw
Associated in kA] in the results window.

Icm: Making capacity of the switch or switch/fuse.

Ip pk: Peak current limited by the protective device or non-limited
n: crest factor

Reference manual Application in Caneco BT - 127

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 Example: Upstream circuit-breaker NG125N 63A 4P4D

The INS63 switch handles an Icm of 15 kA and an Icw of [25 kA] in co-ordination with the upstream circuit-breaker

INS63 is non-compliant, as the Icm (15 kA) ≤ Ip peak limited or non-limited (44.09 kA)
By virtue of the co-ordination with the upstream circuit-breaker  INS63 is compliant Icw [25 kA] ≥ Ik Av 20.99 kA

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15.2.1 Result Without the limitation of the circuit-breaker with co-ordination taken into account

15.2.2 Result With the circuit-breaker limitation with co-ordination taken into account

The Icw (short-term short-circuit current) is only verified if circuit-breaker / switch co-ordination is not requested or if
there are no co-ordination tables, or no value in the table.
This verification (Icw² × t ≥ I op × t op) is in addition to verifying the fuse’s Icm and Icu, if it is a switch fuse.

Each manufacturer gives Icw values associated with a time, but if this is not the case, according to the 947-3
standard, a value of Icw = 12*In for 1 second must be considered for the verification

Reference manual Application in Caneco BT - 129

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16 Schematics

16.1 Functions of the schematics

The functions of the schematics are only effective in the BOARD SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM entry
tool in Print preview mode.

In addition to the possibilities offered by Caneco BT, like creating new styles, creating circuit blocks, creating new
symbols, etc., a number of more advanced features are also available:
 Inserting associated circuits in incoming feeders
 Management of parameters for associated circuits
 Ground bar management
 Management of terminals and their numbering
 Automatic marking of circuits and components
 Support of the EN 60 082 marking standard
 Insertion of additional diagrams for each distribution (control, layout, cabinet front panel).
 Definition of the specifications of a cabinet and print-out of the associated manufacturing sheet.
 Insertion of auxiliary diagrams associated with protections Diagram

16.2 Diagram representation

16.2.1 Representation as printed (large display)
In this representation, the diagrams (circuits + associated circuits + inserted images) are displayed as at printing.

The choice is made in the «Board single-

line diagram ‘tab from the “Preferences»

Reference manual Functions of the schematics - 131

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16.3 Insertion of associated circuits in incoming feeders

Create the associated circuit using symbols from the library and store it with the circuit blocks.
The drag-drop command allows it to be inserted in the feed.

16.4 Enrich the symbol text

Defining texts associated with symbols is possible in Caneco BT. ‘Text insertion’ window is used to enter a symbol
with circuit parameters.

Choose the parameters you

want to display nearby the

Selected parameter is
validated (in this case, circuit
ref. mark)

Then, set the field alignment.

132 - Insertion of associated circuits in incoming feeders Reference manual

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16.5 Parameter management for associated circuits

You can enter parameters corresponding to the circuit associated with a power circuit: Ref
mark, consumption, trunking characteristics, terminal wiring, terminal numbers, etc.
The window allowing these different values to be entered is displayed by double-clicking on the
associated circuit.

 Example: Lighting + BASL

The characteristics of the

associated circuit will be defined
in the window opposite, displayed
by double-clicking on the
associated circuit

Reference manual Parameter management for associated circuits - 133

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16.6 Management of ground bar and terminals

16.6.1 Representation of ground bar and circuit terminals
Caneco BT offers the ability to draw the ground bar and circuit terminals (power circuits and
associated circuits).
It is also possible to number the circuit terminals (power circuits and associated circuits).
Insertion of the ground bar and the circuit terminals is done from the «Schematics» option of the
«Downstream» tab of a distribution sheet.

Click on the buttons on the ‘Terminals’ bar:

 The terminals will be drawn if options are checked (1).

 The earth bar will be drawn if the option is checked (2).
 The terminals on the associated circuits will be drawn if options are checked (3).
 Associated circuit wired on terminal block.
 Terminals + earth (5)
 The circuit does not include a PE conductor: only the terminals are shown (not the earth) (6).

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16.6.2 Terminal block management

A terminal block is assumed to be infinite. The following technologies are available:
Switchable or non-switchable terminals
The default terminal type and the maximum cross-sections on terminals can be defined in the
«Schematics» tab of the «Distribution» sheet
Circuit terminals with cross-sections greater than the maximum are not drawn

The incoming feeder can also be brought to terminals and terminal numbers allocated to it.

For this circuit, the terminals are not drawn since the cross-section is > 35 mm2

Reference manual Management of ground bar and terminals - 135

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16.7 Numbering terminals

16.7.1 Numbering power circuit terminals
Manually from the ‘Additional data’ tab on the power circuits sheet.

Select the number of the terminal

block in the «Terminal block name»
Specify here the terminal numbers in
the «Terminal number» field

Manually from the associated circuits sheet.

From version 5.4 onwards, you have the possibility of assigning several different Terminal Block Names within the
same cabinet

Terminal name for lighting

Terminal name for socket outlets, etc.

Automatically using the «Marking» command in the «Options» menu

The position of the terminal numbers can be defined from the «Board single-line diagram» tab of
the «Preferences» window.

136 - Numbering terminals Reference manual

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The prefix of the terminal block (1) ref marks can be defined from the «Board single-line diagram» tab of
the «Preferences» window

The «Advanced» button allows you to select the terminal management options.

Terminals forced after circuit calculation

Reference manual Numbering terminals - 137

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Example of terminal block marking and terminal numbering.

16.7.2 Numbering associated circuit terminals

The number of terminals for an associated circuit is calculated as follows:
N = n1 + n2
n1 is the number of conductor resulting from Caneco BT’s interpretation of the number of conductor of the
connecting cable you have defined in the window. If you have defined a 2×1.5 cable for the connection with a wall-
mounted P/B within the installation, Caneco BT deduces that n1 = 2 (as many terminals as there are conductors). If
you have written 5G1.5, Caneco BT deduces from this n1 = 4 + 1 PE conductor which will be connected to the
earth bar, possibly with intermediate terminals, depending on terminal option you have selected.

n2 is the number of additional terminals defined in the associated circuit window.

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Automatic Marking

The «Marking» command in the «Options» menu

displays the «Rename» window.

The window allows automatic marking of:

 Circuits
 Equipment
 Protection devices
 Terminals

Various options allow the user to define the

operation of the «Rename» function.

The «Automatic ref marks» button activates the automatic prefix definition window

Object ref marks» section»:

Defines the prefixes for different objects
Various options are available to enhance object

The «Advanced» button activates the

circuit prefixes» window to enable prefixes to be
customised for each type of equipment

«Equipment ref marks» section:

Allows you to define prefixes for each type of
Default prefixes comply with the EN 60 082
marking standard

The «Change method of marking» button

activates the «Equipment marking method»
window to allow a marking method to be
selected (see next page).

Reference manual Numbering terminals - 139

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16.8 Methods for marking equipment:

This is where a marking method is selected.
The zone on the right shows a diagram associated with the selected marking method.

The «Display ref marks in accordance with EN 60 082» option in the «Board single-line diagram» tab of
the «Preferences» window prefixes with a (-) sign the equipment ref marks according to the EN 60 082

Example of automatic equipment marking

140 - Methods for marking equipment: Reference manual

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Equipment ref marks can be entered manually from the «Additional data» tab of the circuit sheet.
 1: Ref mark device 1
 2: Ref mark device 2
 3: Ref mark device 3

Reference manual Methods for marking equipment: - 141

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16.9 Specifying the distribution enclosure

The characteristics of a distribution enclosure can be defined in the «Specifications» tab of the
«Board» sheet.

The user can then print a manufacturing form for each cabinet.

The choice to print the manufacturing form is made from the «Board single-line diagram
parameters» which is opened by clicking the «Details» button associated with the single-line
diagram in the «Document» tab of the «Print manager» window.

142 - Specifying the distribution enclosure Reference manual

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The following illustration shows the «cabinet manufacturing form» as it will be printed..

Reference manual Specifying the distribution enclosure - 143

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16.10 Insertion of additional diagrams for each distribution

The following additional diagrams can be associated with each distribution:
 Cabinet layout
 Front panel of cabinet
 Control diagram
These diagrams can be created in formats such as DWG, wmf, etc.
The files containing the diagrams must have a name identical to the distribution ref mark
followed by a suffix corresponding on the type of diagram to be inserted (_FAV, _IMP or _SCH).
They must be saved in the same folder as the project.

 Example of a control diagram in DWG format associated with TD1 distribution panel

A contextual menu allows a certain number of commands

The «Edit» command opens a diagram in the default editor (e.g. AutoCAD)

The «New» command opens a drawing editor to create the required diagram.

The «Reload file» allows an image to be updated.

The «File name format» command opens a window for defining the composition of a file name and
the file extension.

144 - Insertion of additional diagrams for each distribution Reference manual

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The additional diagram to be printed is made from the «Board single-line diagram parameters»
which is opened by clicking the «Details» button associated with the single-line diagram in the
«Document» tab of the «Print manager» window.

Reference manual Insertion of additional diagrams for each distribution - 145

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16.11 Inserting additional diagrams associated with protections

A library of additional diagrams representing auxiliary contacts is available from the «Additional
diagrams» tab of the library.

The additional diagrams may be in DWG or wmf format and are found in the following folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ALPI\Caneco BT\5.4\ENG\Schema

An additional diagram is inserted by drag and drop using the «Board single-line diagram» entry tool.

Additional diagrams have an attribute to specify the sheet in the control diagram where their
wiring will be represented.
This information is defined in the «Text 8» field of the «Circuit sheet text» tab (see below).

The sheet number is

entered in the Text 8

Result obtained

146 - Inserting additional diagrams associated with protections Reference manual

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Reference manual Inserting additional diagrams associated with protections - 147

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17 Printing

17.1 General
Caneco BT produces documents or folders according to standard or customizable models.

To customize printing content

you must use the Printing Models / Documents Models or Printing Models/Folders commands from the Tools menu.

To run printing,
Vous devez vous servir des commandes figurant dans le menu Fichier:
 Page setup
 Preview + Button « Setup »
 Print

or from Tool Bar: Buttons « Preview « (1) or « Page Setup « (2) or « Configure » (3)

You can set the printing parameters in the following window:

Reference manual General - 149

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17.1.1 Print setup

Caneco BT enables various document editing modes:
Global editing of given folder content (see Folders models)

- Select the folder to edit

and Documents».

- Select «All» option

in the zone

17.1.2 Editing a folder for selected distributions

- Select the folder to edit

in the window « Folders
and Documents ».

- Click on option «
Select « in the zone
Distributions to print «

- Select the distributions

to print in the tree

17.1.3 Editing a document type

- Select the document to edit

in the window « Folders and
Documents ».

- Select distributions to edit.

150 - General Reference manual

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17.1.4 Editing a folder by distribution

Caneco BT enables to edit a

folder by distribution. Editing
will have as many folders as
selected distributions.

17.2 Documents models

This command of Option menu is used to work with documents models given, personalise documents models
(Customisation Pack).
A document model is a model which characterizes a printed document: presentation, content...

The command opens the following window:

Reference manual Documents models - 151

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17.2.1 Composition
Configures the selected or created mode.
Definition topic
Name: Name of the document model used to select it for printing.
Type: This is the document printing type
The different types are:

N° Document type N° Document type

1 Flyleaf 14 Nomenclature
2 List of folios 15 Power requirement
3 Supply 16 Distribution tree
4 Circuits 17 Tracks
5 Boards 18 Discrimination
6 Transformers 19 Compliance
8 Busbar trunking 20 Curve I2t
9 Sheets
10 General single-line
11 Board Single-line
12 Text File
13 Image File

Orientation: Portrait or landscape

Folio background: Choice of the Folio background.

17.2.2 Details button

To choose the document setup.

152 - Documents models Reference manual

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17.3 Print settings

17.3.1 Caneco BT offers the following printing possibilities: The possibility of creating ‘text’
document templates in enriched ‘rtf’ (rich text format) format.
This is the exchange format for word-processing applications. Word lets you save document in rtf. This format
saves text enhancement features, including in particular customization of fonts and colours.

17.3.2 The possibility of creating ‘image’ document templates in ‘dxf’ format

This format is the exchange format for AutoCAD as well as for vector drawing applications.
AutoCAD lets you save document in dxf, which respects the idea of image blocks and layers. Only users with the
“Import/export” Pack are able to save a Caneco BT document or folder in dxf.

17.3.3 Printing one folder per distribution

Define a number for each distribution
Insert empty folios
Insert page breaks
Choose the folio numbering from a start value (this lets you add documents in front of the Caneco folder).

17.4 Folder templates

This command of Tools menu (Tools / Print templates / Folder templates) allows to manage and customize the
folder templates.
A folder template is a template which differentiates a printed folder. It is set by the list of document templates
making it up.

In the active window, you can choose (in the left side) the folder template you want to modify. You may also create
(or delete) a template using the New (or Delete) command.

The content of a folder is set choosing the available document templates in the right side of the screen and putting
them on the central zone, using the slide - release control.
To remove a document from the folder, choose it and click on the trash can icon.

To change the order of a document in a folder, select it and then use Up and Down arrows on the top central zone
of the screen.

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17.5 Printing language

This function is operational if International Pack is present.

17.6 Documents with external files

For any printing document with an image file (in wmf, dxf, bmp, jpg format) or text (txt, rtf) it is necessary to set the
link between this template and the external file. You can see and modify this link in the « project specific
documents » of the project tree. To set this link, click-right on the file – link which you attach, for this project, to the
Caneco BT document or folder templatel, and use the « Replace file » command.
In the example below, you can see the «Chassis plan» document template used in «Decree of 10 October 2000»
folder template. Caneco BT notify that the external file is missing (document template is not attached to any other
external file).
In this example, you can see a « premises plan with earthing system » document linked to an external file called
« track » and whose access path is indicated at right.

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18 Import / Export
Caneco BT offers import and export functions for text and graphics
The commands are accessible from the «File» option in the main menu

18.1 Graphic export (Import/Export Pack)

The graphic export function enables

Caneco BT documents to be exported

in wmf or DXF format.

Various options are available for

defining the export parameters.

The name of a document to be

exported must be preceded by an Export

Documents will be exported to a folder

defined in the Folder field.

The method for creating DXF files can

be selected in the section named DXF
file configuration

The export format can be defined in the «File» field Selection of distributions concerned by the
export of documents

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Different export options can be selected

Caneco BT creates files according to the options selected. You can then modify them using a
suitable editor (e.g. AutoCAD for DXF files).
When creating a single file for all the sheets, the user can select the presentation and layout of
the sheets.

If you wish to complete the Caneco BT diagrams using AutoCAD or another DXF editor,
it is advisable to:
- create a special layer for the additions, so as to avoid modifying the original
Caneco BT layers
- previously allocate the space necessary in Caneco for the diagram additions
- To this end, you can use blank pages function in Caneco BT.

18.1.1 Export a single sheet

A single sheet can also be exported
This requires you to display the print preview for the sheet to be exported. Then request the
export of the sheet in DXF format, using the pop-up menu activated by a right click:

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18.2 Text export (Import/Export Pack)

The export text function allows the user to export project data in various text formats.

18.2.1 Procedure:

1. Create an export template using the command «New»

2. Define the export format in the «Type» field
3. Tick «Export» in the «Transfer direction» area
4. Tick the data to be exported in the «Concerned data» area
5. Specify the file name(s) to be associated with the data
6. The «Details» button gives access to the setting window for export files
7. Validate the «Transfer options» window after defining the transfer options.
8. Activate the «Execute» command to create the export files

Select «Literals» to enter item

in the Lists field instead of a
indicating their position in the list.

Example: Conductors scrolling

field – the
content 3P + N + PE is the 2nd in
the list.

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18.3 Text import (Import/Export Pack)

The import text function allows Caneco BT to take account of modifications made in the
exchange file (e.g. xls).
This gives valuable flexibility in cases where the user wishes to enter the circuits for a project
directly in Excel (modification, addition and deletion of circuits).
Importing the Excel file will apply the necessary updates in the project which is active in Caneco
BT ( the data imported must of course correspond to the active project)


1. Open the project concerned by the data import

2. Activate the Import Text command
3. Select the required import template
4. Tick «Import» in the «Transfer direction» area
5. The «Details» button gives access to the setting window for import conditions
6. Tick the desired import options (creation of new circuits, etc.)
7. Validate the «Transfer options» window after defining the transfer options.
8. Activate the «Execute» command to update the data for the active project.

Tick the desired update options

Define the data to be imported

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19 Warnings and remarks

19.1 Generalities on warnings and remarks

This chapter concerns warnings and remarks produced by Caneco BT.
Warnings and remarks have been identified for easier use. The identifier is made up of one letter followed by
 S ...: general warnings concerning system or Caneco BT
 G ...: warnings concerning source supply
 C ...: warnings concerning circuits (cable and protection)
 T ...: warnings concerning boards

Warnings and remarks generated by Caneco BT may be:

saved in the calculation report:

or shown in a dialog box after you have typed a data entry or a calculation.

You can personalise these possibilities by means of Preferences command in «Tools» menu:

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19.2 Editing of calculation report

Calculation report is a file which fills itself automatically with the data resulting from the last calculations made.
If the file becomes too large Caneco BT will ask you to either save it or erase it.

You may print the report at any time. To do so, put your cursor in the part reserved for report. Click the mouse right
button to see the following contextual menu:

 Click «Reach circuit» to see the circuit sheet

Click «Help on remark» to see a help bubble corresponding to the message

19.3 List of warnings and remarks, and suggested remedies

19.3.1 General warnings concerning the system or Caneco BT

S1: Manufacturers directory not found.

Caneco cannot find the manufacturers directory where the manufacturers’ files are stored. This directory is
normally Caneco BT’s BASE sub-directory, the Caneco installation directory. Check it is there, and if not, re-install

S2: File format error saving no.?

Project file write error.

S4: File read error.

The file is not recognized by CANECO. Wrong format: check that it is indeed a project file.

S6: Impossible to write changes.

File access is denied: check it is not open in another application.

S7: Invalid manufacturers directory

Attention, it is imperative that the manufacturers’ file directory is located below your application.

S8: No manufacturer type file

Check the contents of the CFG directory.

S9: Too many manufacturer type files

You have reached the maximum number of manufacturers’ files of the same type.

S10: Impossible... You do not have this module available.

Check in the ‘Help’ menu under the option ‘About’ to see if the module/pack concerned is validated.

S11: Standards file (*.NRM) not found

The standards file has been deleted in the CFG directory.

S12: Delete report file?

If you answer ‘Yes’, the modifications written into the report file will be deleted. If you want to keep these
comments, you can print or save this data in a text file (editable using a word-processor for Windows).
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S13: The report file is getting large. Delete the file?

When you perform an automatic calculation of your whole project, the ‘Print report’ option saves a file
name_project.rap in the working directory. This file is limited to 64 kB. CANECO asks if you want to delete it or
keep it. If you keep it, the most recent modifications will not be saved.

S14: Dongle not found. Unable to continue.

Check that your dongle is properly plugged in to the parallel port on your computer. If your printer is connected,
check that its power is on. Contact ALPI to check if your dongle is in the correct format.

S15: No clock available. Quit an application that is running.

The number of clocks available in Windows has been exceeded. Quit an application in order to free up a clock.

S16: File ? empty or does not exist. Select another file.

You are trying to use a file that has not been declared in CANECO’s parameters (usually a manufacturer’s file).

S17: CANECO has detected a change in format. Convert the project.

You have saved your project using an older version of CANECO. The program proposes converting the project to
the new format (recommended).

S18: The file is already open

You are trying to open the same file twice (sharing violation). Warnings and comments about the supply.

S19: Standards file (*.NRM)

The standards file does not contain the standard selected. Check the project parameters and the installation of the

19.3.2 Warnings concerning the supply

G1: Calculation impossible, power not in accordance with standard

Change the power of your supply (which does not correspond to the values of the selected file), or opt to determine
the characteristics of your supply by Ucc for transformers or by X’ and Xo for alternators.

G2: This length may possibly compromise the following calculation

The magnitude of the length may require a protective device upstream of the cable instead of downstream. Check
that the voltage drop is not excessive; if it is, override the conductor cross-sections to higher values.

G3: The connection cannot be calculated because of the overridden values

Calculation is prevented by an inconsistency in the overridden values.

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G4: Working current too high, the Cross-section cannot be calculated

The current of your supply is too great for Caneco to be able to calculate the connection to it. Try a connection
using a busbar trunking system.

G5: Override the number of conductors first

G6: Override values contradict data

Identify and correct the inconsistency between the override values and the data.

G7: only the TT earthing system makes it possible to accept this data
You are entering data that is contradictory with the earthing system being used.

G8: Override cross-section too small

The override cross-section you have entered will not carry the permanent current of your supply. Modify your
override value or correct your supply.

G9: Override neutral cross-section too small or calculation not programmed

Modify your override values for the number of neutral conductor and their cross-sections.

G10: Non-standardized cross-section

Modify the cross-section you have entered, as it does not appear in the file of standardized cross-sections.

G12: Cable not in catalogue (price = 0 in the price standard)

The cable selected by Caneco has a zero price in the *.PRX price file in the manufacturers’ file selection window
(first command on the ‘Options’ menu). This may indicate that the cable is not listed in the supplier’s catalogue.

G13: Current too high for the busbar trunking systems on file
Check in the busbar trunking system file if there are any busbar trunking systems with a rated current higher than
the load current of your supply. Where applicable, add the missing item to this file or try with another
manufacturer’s file.

G14: The selected busbar trunking system will not withstand the electrodynamic forces.
Override the type of busbar trunking system chosen.

G15: No check is performed for non-standard busbar trunking systems.

The busbar trunking system you have imposed is not in the busbar trunking system file.

G17: The calculation does not take the imbalances between conductors into account
You are advised to add a permitted current reduction factor for the cables in order to allow for the adverse current
distribution between the different conductor on each phase. See “Standard calculations / high-current circuits –
parallel conductors” section.

G18: Supply from electricity company: You must specify this in the supply type

G19: Supply file to be defined

G20: Transformer Ukr (%) to be defined

G21: Selection impossible... Ref mark reserved for the supply

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G22: Check the proximity factor

The proximity factor proposed by Caneco corresponds to the installation method on the cable tray. Modify this
factor in accordance with the indications given in the “Warnings and comments about circuits” help section.

G23: One or more supply parameters have been modified.

You must calculate the supply in order to be able to calculate the project circuits.

19.3.3 Warnings concerning circuits (cable and protective device)

C2: Upstream magnetic trip set too high

The short-circuit currents are too low to operate the magnetic trip on the circuit-breaker protecting your circuit.
Reduce this setting or increase the conductor cross-sections.

C3: This ref. mark is already in use for another circuit

Change this ref. mark, as Caneco does not allow two identical ref. marks.

C4: Operating current too high, impossible to calculate the cross-section

The program only calculates cable connections if there are no more than 6 conductors per phase and if the cross-
section does not exceed 800 mm².
Check your data, then correct if necessary by:
• Changing to a busbar trunking system.
• Changing the parameters affecting the cable conductivity (factors, installation method, etc.)

C5: Situation not handled, modify or override values where necessary

C6: Override values contradict data

Cancel the overridden conductors (neutral or PE) that are not included in your connection, or modify the contents of
your circuit.

C7: The upstream switchboard conductors do not allow this choice

Check (and correct if necessary) that the upstream circuit of the upstream distribution (switchboard or busbar
trunking system) does indeed have the necessary conductors: Neutral, PE, or 3-phase, or modify the conductors
for the circuit you are working on.

C8: Upstream circuit not identified, cannot calculate

Check the existence or validity of the circuit powering the active distribution.

C9: Upstream board not identified, impossible to calculate

Check the existence of the upstream board and the cable feeding it (upstream circuit).

C10: Short-circuit protection is provided by the overload protective device.

In the configuration window (‘Options’ menu, ‘Cross-sections’ command), you have opted for the circuit-breaker not
to be tripped as a matter of course on Ik Min. Your circuit-breaker’s magnetic trip does not trip when a short-circuit
occurs at far end of the circuit (Ik Min). See “Standard calculations / Short-circuit protection / protection by circuit-
breaker” section.

C11: Operating current or breaking capacity too high for the type of protective device
The type of protective device you have selected does not offer equipment with the current or breaking capacity
required. If you have selected a modular circuit-breaker (curve B or C), select a general-purpose circuit-breaker.

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C12: Out of calculation (voltage drop condition)

The voltage drop condition gives a cross-section greater than 800 mm² and a number of conductors greater than 6.
This usually means there is an error: you are imposing on your circuit a maximum voltage drop that it is not able to
obtain, either because this value is too low, or because the upstream voltage drop is too great. In the latter case,
recalculate this upstream circuit, imposing on it a lower maximum voltage drop or overriding the cross-section

C13: Non-standardized override rating, impossible to calculate

Modify this rating or override the thermal and magnetic trip settings.

C14: No discrimination table with this choice of manufacturer

The (general-purpose and modular) circuit-breaker filenames shown in the window called up by the ‘Manufacturers’
files’ command from the ‘Options’ menu do not have discrimination tables. The manufacturers’ files must be from
the same year.

C15: Short-circuit protection override forbidden

Case of a g1 fuse: as the rating of the overload protective device is the same as that of the short-circuit protective
device, by convention, only the former is allowed.
Case of a modular circuit-breaker (curves B, C, and D):
As the magnetic trips for these devices are set by manufacture, you are not allowed to override these values. You
are allowed to override only the thermal trip value (rating, in this case).

C16: Out of calculation (personnel protection condition)

See “Standard calculations / Indirect contact protection” section.
The fault current If (phase/PE) at far end of your circuit is not high enough to trip your protective device within the
time required by the standard.
You can correct this problem:
Whatever the protective device:
By choosing for protecting personnel against indirect contact: a differential protective device, protection by SPEB
(Supplementary Protective Equipotential Bonding) or by overall protective equipotential bonding of exposed
conductive parts.
If your protective device is a general-purpose circuit-breaker:
By selecting a circuit-breaker with a low magnetic trip setting
If your protective device is a curve C or D circuit-breaker:
By selecting a curve B circuit-breaker

C17: Override obligatory

C18: The data entered is contradictory

Override values are present that contradict the options selected.

C19: The cable insulation cannot withstand the ambient temperature you have selected
Modify the temperature factor.

C20: Delete use of neutral override or revert to 3-phase.

C21: Protective device / terminal equipment combination inadvisable

Change the type of protective device, taking account of the type of terminal equipment in your circuit.

C22: Add the PE or select protective equipotential bonding of exposed conductive parts
Absence of a PE is only acceptable if the ground of the terminal equipment you are powering is connected,
independently of the cable connection, to an overall equipotential system.

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C23: Provision to be made for additional mechanical cable protection

This remark concerns A05 VV-U cables when installed underground.
Change the cable type, installation method, or make provision for additional mechanical protection.

C24: Neutral-free IT earthing system appears to contradict the presence of the neutral
Delete the neutral or correct the earthing system of your supply.

C25: The PEN conductor may only be used with the TN earthing system
Your connection has a PEN conductor, which is prohibited in TT or IT earthing systems.

C26: Replace the neutral by a PEN conductor, or opt for separate neutral and earth
Above 10 mm², the PE and neutral must be separate.

C27: Consumption unit not allowed for this type of terminal equipment
Choose a different consumption unit, e.g. kW for indicating the mechanical power of a motor.

C28: Single-core 1000 RVFV cables not allowed

C29: Cable not in catalogue (aluminium cross-section too small)

Select copper as the conductor core.

C30: Cable not in catalogue (max. cross-section for A05VV-U cables: 25 mm²)
This type of conductor does not exist in cross-sections above 25 mm².

C31: Cable not in catalogue (max. cross-section for multicore cables: 240 mm²)
Multicore cable become very hard to use above 120 mm². Change to single-core cables.

C32: Cable not in catalogue (max. cross-section for H07RN-F cables: 95 mm²)

C33: Invalid override of number of neutral conductors

Perform calculation, releasing the override on the neutral conductors.

C34: Cables ex-catalogue, price calculated based on standard

Your override corresponds to a non-standard cable. The price has been calculated anyway, but corresponds to the
calculated cable and not the override cable.

C35: In order to reduce the SPE, we have adopted a lower magnetic trip value
The cross-section of the PE can be reduced using this choice of equipment.

C36: In order to reduce the SPE, select and over-rated C/B with a low magnetic trip value
SPE is the cross-section of the PE. The program has selected a low magnetic trip for the general-purpose circuit-
If you don’t want the automatic choice of a low magnetic trip in order to reduce this cross-section, change the
“Choice of low magnetic trip” parameter (‘Protective devices’ command from ‘Options’ menu).

C37: In order to avoid increasing the cross-section, we have adopted a low magnetic trip value
See “Standard calculations / Indirect contact protection” section.

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C38: Supplementary Protective Equipotential Bonding obligatory

Your cable does not have a PE. Select SPEB or introduce a separate earth (select Multi + E).

C39: In order to reduce the phase cross-section, select a circuit-breaker with a low magnetic trip
A low magnetic trip exists in this range of circuit-breakers and will make it possible to reduce the cross-section of
the phase.

C40: The cross-section or type of cable requires the neutral to be separated

Above 10 mm², the PEN must be replaced by a separate neutral and PE.

C41: It is forbidden to protect or disconnect the PEN

In a TNC earthing system, select a 3P3D trip unit.

C42: In IT, the neutral must be protected if there is no differential device.

Delete the neutral use override you have carried out.

C43: PE cross-section too small

The PE conductor’s thermal stress is exceeded. Override the cross-section of this conductor or make provision for
an additional protective device.

C44: The override on the number of neutral conductors is in conflict with its use

C45: To reduce the neutral, change to single-core or separate the PE

C46: Out of calculation (short-circuit)

The conductor heating condition following a short-circuit gives a cross-section greater than 800 mm² with a number
of conductors greater than 6.
See “Standard calculations / Indirect contact protection” section.
If your protective device is a circuit-breaker, try to reduce the magnetic trip setting, so it will trip on a min. short-
circuit at far end of the circuit.

C47: 30 mA differential device mandatory

For power outlet circuits, differential protection is mandatory. Fit this differential device, set to a maximum of 30 mA,
either in the circuit under consideration, or in a circuit upstream (sub-busbars powering the power outlets).

C48: Override neutral cross-section too small

The neutral conductor’s thermal stress is exceeded. Override the cross-section of this conductor.

C49: Override cross-section too small

The operating current is too high. Check your data.

C51: Error, unknown protective device

Delete your override, correct the name of this protective device, or override the thermal and magnetic settings. This
protective device is not known in the range selected.

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C52: Selecting a curve B circuit-breaker might reduce your cross-section

The short-circuit currents (IkMin or ID) are not high enough to trip your circuit-breaker’s magnetic trip. Caneco has
therefore increased the cross-section to achieve this tripping. Select a curve B circuit-breaker is this is possible and
verify if this reduces your cross-section.
Choosing an SPEB or protective equipotential bonding of exposed conductive parts may also be advised, if the
criterion for determining your cable is “IC” (protection against indirect contact).

C53: This rating appears too high for a modular circuit-breaker

Opt for a general purpose circuit-breaker.

C54: The cross-section is non-standard

C55: Very unfavourable calculation criterion!!

Remember that the program calculates the phase cross-section (and number of conductors) according to 4 criteria:
• Overload condition (IN). This determines a minimum STH cross-section to carry the maximum continuous current
liable to not trip the protective device.
• Voltage drop (DU criterion)
• Human protection against indirect contact (IC criterion)
• Heating of the conductor following a short-circuit (SC criterion)
The cross-section adopted is that for the most unfavourable criterion.
If this differs by more than 2 cross-sections from the most unfavourable of the other criteria, message C55 appears.
You must then interpret the results so as to obtain, if possible, a reduction of the cross-section due to this criterion.

C56: Check if the protective device is suitable for this type of terminal equipment
In the case of an LV/LV transformer or a capacitor, the protective device rating has been chosen using an
approximate over-rating factor. You must check this value in accordance with the exact characteristics of your
terminal equipment.

C57: Error in indicating the location of one of the circuit destinations

The geographic location you have entered for your circuit (or for the switchboard feeding it) is not in the list of
geographic locations defined in the routings (source and destination of the runs).

C58: Non-standard motor power Enter its consumption in amps.

Caneco accepts that the consumption for a motor circuit is entered in kW. This consumption is deemed to be a
mechanical power. In order to deduce from this the corresponding operating current, Caneco looks for this power in
the standard powers file (default: CANECO.STD). If this power is not in the file, Caneco refuses to calculate and
obliges you to define the consumption in amps.
C59: Override the number of conductors first
An overridden cross-section can only be valid if the number of conductors is also overridden.

C60: Overriding the no. of PE or neutral conductors is not allowed for multi, unless the no. of phase
conductors is also overridden
Change to single-core cables or override the number of phase conductors.

C61: Override phase conductor cross-section first

C62: Cables coming from a busbar trunking system do not accept help with bill of quantities
The geographic location entered for your circuit does not enable Caneco to deduce how long it is. The cable trays
feeding this circuit will not take this length into account either.

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C63: Protection is obligatory for cables coming from a busbar trunking system
Caneco’s calculation module does not let you design a case where there is no protective device on a circuit feeding
a busbar trunking system.

C64: Check that the max. C/B operating time is less than 20 ms
The cable selected by the program will only carry the maximum short-circuit current (thermal stress) at the far end
of the circuit if it lasts less than the time shown. The operating time for the circuit-breaker indicated by Caneco is
longer than this value. This exceptional case usually corresponds to short, low cross-section circuits connected to a
switchboard with a high short-circuit current capacity.
In this case, you can:
• override the phase conductor cross-section to the suggested figure,
• opt for a fuse,
• increase the length of the cable to reduce the Ik values.
In certain (rare) cases, the personnel protection condition may be the reason for this message. In this instance, the
problem can be solved by choosing a differential device or an LES.

C65: The ‘Poles’ information has been changed from “Uni / Multi” to multi-pole or single-pole
Your override and the “Uni / Multi” information led to ambiguity as to the nature of the cable. The program has
resolved this ambiguity by changing the information to single-pole or multi-pole.

C66: The connection includes an unlisted cable

One of the cables selected by the program is not listed in the catalogue (its price is zero in the price standard).
• Where applicable, replace the zero price in the cable price file.
• Where necessary, modify the minimum or maximum cross-sections in the cable cross-section file.

C67: We have selected a COPPER cable and changed the conductor core information to COPPER
Caneco has taken into account the minimum value for aluminium cables which is given in the window called up
using the ‘Cables’ command from the ‘Options’ menu.

C68: No circuit-breaker with adequate breaking capacity

This case usually corresponds to a modular circuit-breaker (curves B, C, or D) installed in a switchboard with a high
short-circuit current capacity.
Opt for a general purpose circuit-breaker or a fuse.

C69: This data is not listed

C70: The calculation does not take the imbalances between conductors into account
The number of conductors per phase is greater than 3. In this event, the current in each phase is not shared evenly
between the different conductors. In any one phase, certain conductors carry a current greater than IB divided by
the number of conductors per phase. You must allow for this mutual inductance phenomenon by entering a
reduction factor for the permitted current (Caneco’s KD miscellaneous factor). For 4 conductors, take KD as around

C71: For conductors > 3  override the no. of conductors and the Ph, N, and PE cross-sections

C72: Are you selecting a low magnetic trip value in order to reduce the phase cross-section?
The choice of a low magnetic trip value should makes it possible to reduce the phase conductor cross-section. Do
not select a low magnetic trip value for circuits subject to a high inrush current (motor, LV/LV transformer,

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C73: Are you selecting a low magnetic trip value in order to reduce the PE cross-section?
The choice of a low magnetic trip value should makes it possible to reduce the PE cross-section. Do not select a
low magnetic trip value for circuits subject to a high inrush current (motor, LV/LV transformer, capacitor).

C74: Destination not found

The geographic location you have entered for your circuit (or for the switchboard feeding it) is not in the list of
geographic locations defined in the routings (source and destination of the runs). Modify the location entered or add
it to the routing list.

C75: The calculation does not take the imbalances between conductors into account
Above three conductors per phase, the currents are not shared evenly between the each conductor. To allow for
this imbalance, reduce the proximity factor by at least 20 %.

C76: Unknown cable type!

The cable type entered for your circuit is not in the cable type file for your project (*.CBL). This error usual arises
when you have imported from an external application.
Modify the cable type for your circuit, or add it to the cable list in the cable cross-section file.

C77: Apply modifications to existing circuits?

The configuration modification you’ve just made may affect some existing circuits. If you answer “Yes”, Caneco will
regard all the circuits affected by the modification as “to be recalculated”. Hence you will then have to recalculate
these circuits, which may lead to significant modifications.
Answer “No” if you want your modification to only affect new circuits.

C78: Cable type file not found

The cable type file is missing, show in the window called up by the “Manufacturers’ files” command from the
‘Options’ menu. By default, this file is CANECO.CBL and is located in the CFG sub-directory of the directory where
CANECO is installed.

C79: Busbars ref mark already exists

Sub-busbars in the same switchboard have the same ref. mark. Modify the ref. mark.

C80: Incorrect installation method

The installation method indicated in your circuit does not appear in the list of installation methods associated with
the standard. This error arises from:
• an error importing data from an external application,
• a change to the standard for the project.
In this event, Caneco automatically replaces the incorrect installation method by the one shown in the window
called up by the ‘Preferences’ command in the ‘Options’ menu. Modify the latter in order to automatically replace
any installation method not complying with the calculation standard with the one you want.
Before making any changes, check that the calculation standard shown in the supply window is indeed the one you

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C81: Zero discrimination with the upstream

There is a risk of tripping of the upstream device if a high short-circuit current flows in the circuit in question. For
this situation not to exist,
IrMagnUpstream must > 1/5 IrMagnDownstream.
You have 3 possibilities for correcting this anomaly:
• Increase the upstream magnetic trip setting, if necessary by overriding the type of protective device.

• Carry out time-dependent discrimination by adding a time delay to the magnetic trip or the short-delay protective
• Override the setting of the magnetic trip for the current circuit to a more reliable value.

C82: No thermal discrimination over and above the setting of the upstream thermal trip
If your circuit carries an occasional overload, this fault may cause the upstream circuit’s protective device to trip
before the current circuit’s protective device trips.
The probability of this type of failure is very low. To correct this, increase the upstream circuit’s thermal trip setting
or over-rate its protective device.

C83: Zero differential discrimination

In the event of a Phase–PE fault, there is a risk that the upstream circuit’s protective device will trip before the
current circuit’s protective device trips.
To correct this, you can modify the upstream circuit protection:
• increase the setting of its differential protective device,
• or eliminate its differential protective device,
• or add a time delay to its differential protective device (type ‘S’ differential or time-delay differential relay).
You can also take action on the current circuit’s protective device:
• reduce the setting of its differential protective device,
• or add a differential protective device, if it doesn’t already have one.

C84: Attention, the starting voltage drop is greater than 15 %

This case concerns motors. A voltage drop greater than 15 % risks causing the motor to fail to start.
• Override the phase conductor cross-section to a higher value
• Possibly select a type of starter that limits the starting current.

C85: Do you want to select a single-core cable?

C86: Selected cross-section within a tolerance of X % lower than the calculated cross-section.
The standard you are using allows you to select a cross-section with a permitted current X % lower than the
theoretical cross-section calculated, according to the overload condition.
See User Manual / Standard calculations / Overload condition.
You can remove this tolerance by modifying the corresponding information in the window called up by the ‘Cables’
command in the ‘Options’ menu.

C87: Check the proximity factor (KN), taking into account the no. of conductors / phase
The proximity factor for your circuit must take into account the fact that your circuit includes several cables per
phase. In this instance, the standard considers that there are as many circuits (the number to be taken into
consideration when determining the proximity factor) as there are conductors per phase in parallel.

C88: Program cross-section search error

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C89: Attention: available power is negative!

The current distribution (switchboard or busbar trunking system) does not have a high enough permitted current.
See User Manual / Power requirement.
• Check the simultaneity factor for this distribution
• If necessary, increase the current of the circuit feeding your distribution (this value defines the permitted current in
the distribution).

C90: No cascading table with this choice of manufacturer

The (general-purpose and modular) circuit-breaker filenames shown in the window called up by the ‘Manufacturers’
files’ command from the ‘Options’ menu do not have cascading tables.

C91: Error in circuit, to be deleted

This circuit has not been saved correctly. We advise you to delete it. If there are any circuits connected
downstream, use copy/paste to save them.

C92: Nonexistent circuit block

Circuit block does not exist in the list.

C93: Enter new name for diagram template

C94: This circuit block already exists in the list.

Modify circuit block name

C95: Maximum number of circuit blocks reached

You cannot create any more new circuit blocks.

C96: Impossible to insert associated circuits without a base circuit

You can insert a maximum of nine circuits associated with a single main circuit. An associated circuit has to be
attached to a base circuit.

C97: Delete the circuits coming from this busbar?

Deleting this circuit feeding a sub-busbar will lead to the circuits it feeds being deleted too.
If you do not want this to happen, use the table to modify the busbar upstream of these circuits, then delete the
current circuit.

C98: Circuit XXXX already exists

Modify the ref. mark of your current circuit. Ref. marks are unique.

C99: The upstream voltage drop is ignored from this transformer onwards
Caneco’s voltage drop calculations ignore the voltage drop upstream of the transformer.

C100: Protective conductor cross-section to be checked

Check that the Spo cross-section is adequately sized.

C101: Style XXXX already exists!

Modify the ref. of your current style.

C102: Problem with this project!

Some sub-busbar circuits are looped within the same distribution. Check the circuits interconnections.

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C103: The switchboard ref. mark does not exist

C104: Looped switchboards

C105: System library read error

C106: Consumption of circuit is obligatory

Enter a consumption in amps, kW, kVA, or in the form of a standard power.

C107: Delete the circuits fed from the downstream distribution first
Deleting a distribution means the circuits fed from it will be deleted too.

C108: Impossible to create a busbar trunking system circuit on this distribution

It is not possible to create a busbar trunking system downstream of a Standby supply. The upstream circuit must be
N or N+S

C109: You are not allowed to create a transformer circuit from this distribution
It is not possible to create a low-voltage transformer downstream of a Standby supply only. The upstream circuit
must be N or N+S

C110: Impossible to redirect the Standby

Several switchboards are fed with N and S separately. Look for the Standby circuits feeding these switchboards
and redirect them.

C111: Impossible to redirect the Standby

Look for circuit XXXX and redirect it.

C112: Switchboard XXXX contains circuits

Delete these or redirect the Standby from them.

C113: Risks of looping

Caneco does not calculate looped networks.

C114: Upstream switchboard forbidden

C115: Inconsistency on downstream switchboard. The Standby circuit feeding the switchboard has
been deleted.

C116: Inconsistency on downstream switchboard. Delete the Standby circuit feeding the switchboard.

C117: File not found for specified cable.

The cable type file is missing, shown in the window called up by the “Manufacturers’ files” command from the
‘Options’ menu. By default, this file is CANECO.CBL and is located in the CFG sub-directory of the directory where
CANECO is installed.

C118: Unsuitable protective device

C119: Risk of tripping when circuit is closed (start-up, ignition)

The circuit-breaker’s magnetic trip setting is too low to avoid a risk of tripping when the circuit is powered up.

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C120: Switchboard prohibited in Standby mode

You cannot connect your Standby supply to this switchboard because of an incompatibility in:
• voltage
• earthing system
• contents
Check and where necessary modify the values for your Standby supply or for the Normal feed circuit to the
switchboard you want to back up. It may be necessary to insert an LV/LV transformer in order to modify the
earthing system.

C121: Transformer prohibited in Standby mode

It is not possible to connect a transformer in Standby alone.

C122: Busbar trunking system prohibited in Standby mode

It is not possible to connect a busbar trunking system in Standby alone.

C123: Unauthorized type of protective device

Your version or your licence does not allow you to use this type of protective device. Please choose a different type
of protective device for this circuit.

K1: The busbar trunking system requires the neutral and PE to be separated
Change the busbar trunking system to 3P+N+PE.

K2: Error in busbar trunking system, to be deleted

Impossible to read the information about the trunking system. Delete this circuit then create it again.

K3: This ref. mark is already in use for another busbar trunking system
Attention, each ref. mark is unique, change the ref. mark for this busbar trunking system.

K4: Busbar trunking system length is zero!

Fill in this length. Click on the button downstream of the circuit feeding the busbar trunking system. The default
length is 0 m.

K5: Distance from origin > length of busbar trunking system

The value you have quoted is the length between the origin of the busbar trunking system and the point where your
circuit fed by this busbar trunking system is connected. Hence at most it is the same as the length of the busbar
trunking system.

K6: Distance greater than the length of the busbar trunking system!
Check the connection distance from the origin, or the length of the busbar trunking system.

K12: Operating current too high for the type of busbar trunking system
Your current is too high or the file you are using does not include a busbar trunking system of a sufficient rating.

K15: The upstream circuit conductors do not allow this choice

Change the content of the cable or of the busbar trunking system.

K16: The busbar trunking systems in the catalogue do not allow this choice

K21: Out of calculation: cable neutral thermal stress

The neutral of the circuit feeding your busbar trunking system cannot carry the maximum single-phase short-circuit
current, at the input to the busbar trunking system Override the cable’s neutral or phase cross-section to a higher

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K22: Out of calculation: cable PE thermal stress

The PE of the circuit feeding your busbar trunking system cannot carry the maximum phase–PE short-circuit
current (ID), at the input to the busbar trunking system Override the cable’s PE or phase cross-section to a higher

K23: Out of calculation: cable Phase thermal stress

The phase conductor of the circuit feeding your busbar trunking system cannot carry the maximum 3-phase short-
circuit current, at the input to the busbar trunking system Override the cable’s phase conductor cross-section to a
higher value.

K24: Out of calculation: BBTS neutral thermal stress

The neutral of your busbar trunking system cannot carry the maximum single-phase short-circuit current, at the
input to the busbar trunking system Override to change the type of busbar trunking system, or try to reduce the
short-circuit current.

K25: Out of calculation: BBTS PE thermal stress

The PE of your busbar trunking system cannot carry the maximum phase-PE short-circuit current (ID), at the input
to the busbar trunking system. Override to change the type of busbar trunking system, or try to reduce the short-
circuit current.

K26: Out of calculation: BBTS Phase thermal stress

The phase conductor of your busbar trunking system cannot carry the maximum 3-phase short-circuit current, at
the input to the busbar trunking system Override to change the type of busbar trunking system, or try to reduce the
short-circuit current.

K28: Out of calculation: personnel protection

The impedance of the Phase–PE fault loop is too high to ensure personnel are protected from indirect contact.
Where necessary, increase the cable’s PE and phase conductors, or try to provide personnel protection using a
differential device or SPEB, or overall equipotentiality.

K29: Out of calculation: magnetic trip set too high (neutral)

The impedance of the Phase-Neutral fault loop is too high to ensure the magnetic unit will trip.
Where necessary, increase the cable’s neutral and phase conductors, or adjust your magnetic trip to a lower value,
or select a circuit-breaker with a low magnetic trip value.

K30: Out of calculation: magnetic trip set too high (PE)

Your magnetic trip unit does not provide adequate breaking to protect your PE.

K31: Out of calculation: magnetic trip set too high (Phase)

Your magnetic trip unit does not provide adequate breaking to protect your Phase conductor.

K32: Out of calculation: electrodynamic stress

The peak current calculation exceeds the Ik value laid down by the manufacturer. Check if the circuit-breaker is
limiting the energy (limit curves)

19.3.4 Warnings concerning switchboards

T1: Error in switchboard, to be deleted

The switchboard has been saved incorrectly, delete the circuit feeding it.

T2: Downstream switchboard incorrect, as fed from two different earthing systems.
This switchboard is connected by 2 circuits with different earthing systems. If this involves a transformer circuit,
create another circuit downstream if the earthing system is different.

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T3: This ref. mark is already in use for another switchboard

Each ref. mark is unique.

T4: The maximum number of switchboards or busbar trunking systems has been reached
You can handle a maximum of 300 distributions in any one project.

T5: Error in distribution, unable to calculate

The distribution is unknown or incorrectly saved.

T6: The modification to the distribution is not taken into account in the diagram
The distribution input diagram does not match the calculation.

T7: Downstream switchboard incorrect, as fed from two different voltage levels.
There is too great a voltage difference between the Normal and Standby circuits for it to be calculated.

T8: Error in upstream distribution, unable to calculate

Check the validity of the upstream circuit.

T9: Selection not possible on a circuit fed from the first switchboard

T10: Deleting a switchboard

Attention: All the circuits fed from this distribution will also be deleted.

T11: Downstream switchboard incorrect, as the types of the supply circuit conductors are incompatible
This switchboard is connected by 2 circuits with incompatible conductors.

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20 Glossary

20.1 Source Glossary

Power Source standardized Power in KVA. (1 to 2500 kVA)
File Dry95.ZTR: File for dry transformers
Oil95.ZTR: File for oil transformers
Ukr Short circuit voltage in %
Xd Transient direct Reactance in % (standard 30%)
Xo Steady state direct Reactance in % (standard 6%)

LV Voltage Source operating voltage, between phases, on load (default 400V).
No load voltage is equal to 1.05 times operating voltage
Frequency Network frequency 50Hz or 60Hz
Funct. T. Prot HV Operating time for HV protective device at transformer HV/LV primary level.
Pcc. HV Min High voltage Min short circuit Power (default 500 MV)
Pcc. HV Max High voltage Max short circuit Power (default 500 MV)


Temperature (K T) Temperature factor downgrading Cable current carrying capacity.

Group (K prox) Conductors group factor
Symmetrical fs fs Symmetrical factor according to standard NFC 15-100 § 523.6


Phase Phase conductor cross-section

PEN Neutral/PEN conductor cross-section
Po Protective conductor cross-section
RA Earth resistance
Input from motors
Factor taken into account for calculating Ik Max values
Ratio Ib connection / Value in % allowing the Supply/MSB connection to be calculated in
In Supply accordance with the thermal setting of the supply circuit-breaker.
Loaded Neutral Factor of 0.84 applied to the cable’s Iz


IB Transformer Nominal intensity calculated with on load voltage (between

STH Theoretical cross-section calculated according to overload condition
dU total Voltage drop % at MSB level from transformer
Ik3 Max Maximum 3-phase short-circuit current at far end of connection

Ik2 Max Maximum 2-phase short-circuit current at far end of connection

Ik1 Max Maximum single-phase short-circuit current at far end of connection

Ik2 Min Minimum 2-phase short-circuit current at far end of connection
Ik1 Min Minimum single-phase short-circuit current at far end of connection
If Default short circuit current (phase - PE), at MSB level (in A)

Reference Manual Source Glossary - 177

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20.2 Circuit Glossary

Upstream Distribution upstream reference mark
Ref Mark Circuit reference mark (15 characters maximum)
Style Circuit style (template)
D/Origin Connecting distance from the beginning of the Busbar trunking system
Bus Bar Upstream sub-busbar Ref Mark
Supply Circuit supply (Normal, Standby, N and S)
Content Wiring system distribution (3P+N+PE, P+N+PE…)
Designation Circuit designation (36 characters maximum)
Index Circuit modification index


Type Type of protective device used (General purpose Breaker, C curve breaker, B
curve breaker…)
Indirect Contacts Protection against indirect contacts
Rating Circuit breakers rating or support rating (Switch, disconnector or Disconnector
switch) or fuse rating
K on C Oversizing factor for overload setting
Thermal relay Thermal relay reference
In/Irth/IrLR Circuit-breaker thermal setting or fuse rating insuring protection against
IrMg/In Circuit-breaker magnetic setting insuring protection against short-circuits or
fuses rating value
Cal. gG Fuse rating
Delay (SC CC) Circuit breakers magnetic delay in ms
Differential Circuit breakers residual current (differential) setting in mA
protection setting
Delay (Prot. Diff) Time delay on RCD relay in ms


Type Type of cable (PVC, XLPE, PRC…)

Core Core nature (Copper or Aluminium)
Pole Single-core or multi-core cables
Install method Installation method according to standard
Length(m) the cable length in meters
1st Equip(m) Distance from protective device to nearest equipment
K Temp Temperature factor on IZ (from 0.4 to 1.3 - 1.0 for 30°C)
K Group Group factor on IZ (from 0.2 to 1.3) according to installation method and
number of cables
K Additional Additional downgrading factor on IZ (explosive atmosphere 0.85, unbalanced
neutral 0.84…)
Symmetrical factor Symmetrical factor (0.8) for wiring systems with cables in parallel
Total Correction Total correction factor (K Temp x K Group x K Addit x fs x Neutral factor)
Phase Phase cross-section
Neutral Neutral cross-section
PE/PEN PE or PEN cross-section
Loaded Neutral apply an additional factor of 0.84 to current carrying capacity if Neutral is

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Nb Equipment number for final circuits

Consumption Consumption for each equipment (in A, W, kW, VA, kVA and kVAR)
Location Circuit Geographical location (used in cable tracks module)
TH<= 15% Level of 3rd order harmonics < 15%
15% < TH <= 33% Level of 3rd order harmonics between 15% and 33%
Use factor Circuit use factor
Coincidence factor Coincidence factor (Diversity, simultaneity) of equipments fed by same circuit
Cos phi Equipment Cosinus phi (Circuit Power Factor)
Cos phi ( Start ) Cosinus phi at start
ID/IN Starting current, ratio between Starting current and steady current
dU max Maximum admissible voltage drop in %from beginning of installation

20.3 Circuit window Additional Tab

Manufacturer Manufacturer’s catalogue used for the protective device

Minimal Protection Protective device minimum rating (also defined in circuit style)
Icu (kA) Protection breaking capacity in kA
With backup Protection breaking capacity with backup (coordination) in kA
Thermal Thermal discrimination with upstream
Differential Differential discrimination with upstream
Limit (A) Current discrimination limit on short-circuit in Amps
From (m) Distance from which there is total discrimination on short-circuit
Ir Diff Differential Residual Current Device adjustable in mA
Diff delay Residual Current time delay in ms
Max operating Time
IC Max operating time for a circuit-breaker protection not to exceed human protection
against electrical shocks condition (ms)
Ph Max operating time for a circuit-breaker protection not to exceed phase cable
thermal stress (ms)
PE Max operating time for a circuit-breaker protection not to exceed PE cable thermal
stress (ms)
Ne Max operating time in ms for a circuit-breaker protection not to exceed Neutral
cable thermal stress (ms)
Link width (mm) width of the link on cable track
Link height (mm) Link height on cable track
Weight (Kg/m) Link weight for one metre in kg
Ip limited or not Maximum peak short-circuit current limited or not in kA at beginning of circuit

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20.4 Results window

Cable Multi-core cable conventional writing, or phase conductors if the link is of

single-core type
4G1,5 means 4 conductors out of which 1 is earth (yellow-green) (G = ground
3*50+N35 means 3 phase conductors + 1 N conductor of 35 mm2
Neutral Neutral conductors conventional writing if the link is of single-core type.
PE or PEN PE/PEN conductors conventional writing if the link is of single-core type.
Criterion Criterion for the phase cross-section calculation
MINI: Minimal cross-section (ex 1.5mm2 for Light, 2.5 mm2 for Socket
IN: overload condition
DU: Voltage drop
IC: Indirect contacts, Human protection against electrical shocks
SC: Thermal stress after Short-Circuit
FIXED: Fixed value by user
Max Length Cable maximal length to keep protection and circuit design conditions
IB (A) Circuit design current directly deducted from consumption in A
STH (mm²) Theoretical cross-section calculated in mm2, according to overload condition.
IZ (A) Current carrying capacity of the link, adjusted with correction factors
this value gives the maximum protection thermal setting.
dU circuit (%) Circuit voltage drop in % on the cable length
dU total (%) Total Voltage drop in % from source supply
dU start Voltage drop at start (motors) or when switching on (lights)

Ik3 Max Circuit maximum 3-phase short-circuit current (at A)

Ik2 Max Circuit maximum 2-phase short-circuit current (at A)
Ik1 Max Circuit maximum single-phase short-circuit current (at A)
If Max Circuit maximum fault short-circuit current (at A)
Ik2 Min Minimum 2-phase short-circuit current at far end of connection (at A)
Ik1 Min Minimum single-phase short-circuit current at far end of connection (at A)
Cable Multi-core cable conventional writing, or phase conductors if the link is of
single-core type
4G1,5 means 4 conductors out of which 1 is earth (yellow-green) (G = ground
3*50+N35 means 3 phase conductors + 1 N conductor of 35 mm2
Neutral Neutral conductors conventional writing if the link is of single-core type.
PE or PEN PE/PEN conductors conventional writing if the link is of single-core type.
Criterion Criterion for the phase cross-section calculation
MINI: Minimal cross-section (ex 1.5mm2 for Light, 2.5mm2 for Socket
IN: overload condition
DU: Voltage drop
IC: Indirect contacts, Human protection against electrical shocks
SC: Thermal stress after Short-Circuit
FIXED: Fixed value by user
Max Length Cable maximal length to keep protection and circuit design conditions
IB (A) Circuit design current directly deducted from consumption in A

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20.5 Board Glossary

Ref mark Board Downstream Ref mark.
Designation Board designation
Coincidence factor t Diversity/Simultaneity factor for circuits fed by the considered board.
Geographical location Equipment geographical location.
Earthing system Board Earthing system: TT, TNC, TNS, IT
Voltage between phase and neutral, in a single phase board (Phase-Neutral),
between phases in other cases
No load voltage No load voltage in V, used to calculate Ik3 Max.
Upstream circuit ref mark Circuit Upstream ref mark. (feeding board)
Breaking device Board breaking device (generally a switching device in distribution
IC Protection Nature of the human protection against electrical shock (RCD…)
I Allowed Allowed current downstream board.
I available Available current downstream board.
S Intensities Design current IB sum of all circuits issued from the board multiplied
by the board diversity/simultaneity factor.
Mean cos phi Mean cosinus phi at board level, taking into account downstream
circuits and eventual capacitors
R=S IZ cables / Irth board Ration between:
sum of IZ of downstream circuits (IZ calculated without taking into
account group factor) and upstream thermal relay setting.

20.6 UPS Glossary

Power Power in kVA
Tsc sustaining time of the UPS in ms
Ik3 Maximum three-phase short-circuit current (in A)
Ik2 Maximum two-phase short-circuit current (in A)
Ik1 Maximum single-phase short-circuit current (in A)
If Fault current (phase/PE) (in A)

Reference Manual Board Glossary - 181

Reference manual
Calculation and diagrams
1, boulevard Charles de Gaulle
for Low Voltage electrical installations
Tel: +33 1 47 52 97 27
Fax: +33 1 47 52 95 60
www.alpi-software.com • [email protected]


Caneco BT

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