Ship To Shore Dracone

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Ship To Shore

Creating complete flexible

containment solutions
Trelleborg Flexible Containment Solutions (formerly Dunlop GRG), design, develop and
manufacture polymer fabrications for many industries. For over 40 years we have been producing
an extensive range of products, particularly in the field of heavy duty, rubber-coated textile,
PU, TPU and PVC fabrications. Our experience in many challenging settings, industries and
applications, has allowed us to continuously improve and develop our products for demanding
commercial operations around the world.

Being part of the Trelleborg Engineered With direct access to a large inventory in We supply a wide range of markets
Fabrics division of the Trelleborg Group, the supply chain, we are able to maximise including the defence, maritime,
one of the largest polymer processors in product availability, keeping costs and lead petrochemical, power, security, agriculture
the world, puts us in a unique position. times to a minimum, while still providing and offshore industries. The Trelleborg
While working closely with you developing a highly personal service delivered by an Engineered Fabrics division works across
your project, we are supported by a large experienced team. technologically advanced industries to
group of companies with a broad scope produce polymer-coated fabrics worldwide.
of technical expertise resulting in single Based in Manchester in the UK, Trelleborg By developing the optimum solution for
ownership from raw material to finished Flexible Containment Solutions has been your application we go further to engineer
product. part of the Trelleborg Group since 2005. the fabric of industry.



The Trelleborg Dracone barge is an The Dracone barge, who’s name derives Originally used for military purposes for the
essential component in the ship to shore from the Latin and Greek words for the bulk transportation of refined fuels,
transfer of bulk liquids. In sea-based ‘serpent’, was originally developed at they have many commercial and military
situations where a ship is too large to dock Cambridge University in the 1950’s during applications and one of the key functions
or the conditions are unsuitable, these the Suez oil crises in order to transport of the Dracone barge today is in the ship to
units provide a unique, easily accessible fuel from the Persian Gulf. Since that time, shore transfer of bulk liquids.
system of liquid storage and transfer. this unique and highly reliable product has
Available in a range of sizes, the Dracone had an unrivalled record of operational Over 500 units have been produced and
barge is a flexible, towable bladder performance worldwide for nearly 40 years. some key customers that have used
constructed from high-performance Dracone barges are the UK Ministry
materials enabling it to withstand hostile Applications - Dracone barges continue of Defence, the United States and
ocean conditions. Manufactured in the to operate extensively worldwide, providing Indian Coast Guards, the US Navy and
UK, the flexible Dracone design can be a unique system of bulk liquid transport for the Marine Spill Response Corporation.
adapted to fit many different ship to a range of applications and industries. In UK military operations, they are used
shore applications including, military to quickly transfer fuel from a ship to the
and commercial fuel movement, water shore. Commercial uses include offloading
transport and remote liquid storage. waste water from ships that are unable
to dock because the conditions are

Dracone barges
• Large capacity floating liquid storage
• Durable and able to withstand harsh conditions
• Specially designed to store fuels
• Easily towed in open water
• Flexible and easily deployed

Strong and reliable under harsh Easily towed in open water - with non- Other products - alongside the Dracone
conditions - the Dracone barge is inflatable buoyancy panels, the Dracone barge, Trelleborg also provide other
constructed from synthetic rubber-coated barge will float whether empty or full and essential products for pollution control:
nylon fabric, making it highly resistant to will follow the exact course of the towing
all weather conditions, abrasion, sunlight, vessel, allowing tight manoeuvres to be • Flexible pillow tanks - primarily for use
oil and sea water. The construction of the executed. Designed for towing in open on land for the temporary storage of
nose and tail mouldings, based on modern seas, the unit has undergone intensive large quantities of liquid fuels, flexible
composite technology and extensively stress analysis to determine the optimal tanks can be manufactured to specified
tested under stress analysis, is essential design for maximum stability in water. sizes to fit available space on oil spill
to the overall strength of the unit. For use collection ships. The tanks are easily
in pollution control, the inside has a nitrile Rapidly deployable and adaptable filled and once emptied can be folded or
coating that is specially designed to store - with a large capacity and ‘fold away’ stored away.
distillate fuel oils of up to 30% flexibility the Dracone barge is an essential
aromatic content. part of the oil spill first response kit. Easy • Bund liners - used in conjunction with
to set up and quick to launch from a flexible tanks they provide a reliable
quayside, the deck of an offshore vessel, containment around the tanks to prevent
or drop launched by crane or helicopter fuel spillage.
with minimal lifting equipment, it can be
quickly transported to critical areas, filled
to an enormous capacity to limit oil spill
movements, and then easily towed for
safe disposal.


Available in a range of sizes and capacities, but can also be custom made to fulfil a specific client need.

Constructed from high-tenacity woven nylon fabric coated with polychloroprene.

MATERIALS AND Interior coated with nitrile rubber for transporting distillate fuel oils of up to 30% aromatic content.
CONSTRUCTION Nose and tail mouldings constructed based on modern composite technology using rubber encapsulated
nylon cord.

Fill/discharge hoses can be offered to suit customer requirements. Standard connections include 4” or 6”
CONNECTIONS (100m or 150mm) but it is possible to modify hardware to suit.

TOWING Depending on size can be safely towed at 6-10 knots in moderate seas.


A1 A2 D5 D10 E F J L O

100% CAPACITY m³ 4.55 9.1 22.75 45.50 100.00 191.00 385.00 519.00 1100.00

85% CAPACITY m³ 3,90 7.80 45.50 38.60 85.00 162.00 327.25 441.00 935.00

LENGTH m 8.58 14.17 15.95 31.45 38.45 50.45 66.00 66.00 91.45

DIAMETER m 0.94 0.94 1.42 1.42 1.87 2.35 2.82 3.28 4.23

EMPTY WEIGHT kg 270 310 430 780 1000 2275 3540 4060 6500

• Towing hose • Quick release hook
• Recovery bend • Towing rope
• Cargo net
• Navigation marker

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 Main towing ropes 5 Nose cone 9 Mooring ring
2 Towing pendant 6 Mooring ring 10 Tow line
3 Recovery bend 7 Dracone barge 11 Light float with navigation light
4 Towing hose 8 Stabiliser
Trelleborg Flexible Containment Solutions is part of the Engineered
Fabrics division of Trelleborg, a world-leading engineering group
developing advanced polymer technology solutions that seal, damp
and protect people and processes. With 100 years of experience and
continual research, we engineer the fabric of industry through customised
and pre-conceived solutions adapted to your exact application.

Trelleborg Flexible Containment Solutions is a division of Trelleborg Coated Systems Middleton Limited,
Unit 62 Touchet Hall Road, Stakehill Industrial Park, Middleton Manchester, M24 2RW, UK.
Phone: +44 (0) 161 653 5964 Fax: +44 (0) 161 643 0184 Email: [email protected]

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