Air Flow Calculation of Reverse Circulation Drilling Technique With Air DTH Hammer PDF
Air Flow Calculation of Reverse Circulation Drilling Technique With Air DTH Hammer PDF
Air Flow Calculation of Reverse Circulation Drilling Technique With Air DTH Hammer PDF
Abstract: Air DTH hammer has been successfully applied in minor-caliber solid mineral exploration,water-
well drilling and other drilling areas. In order to expand the applications of the technology,the authors further
studied the principle and analyzed the mechanism of reverse circulation drilling technique with air DTH hammer
to get the perfect assembles of equipments by optimizing working parameters. No parameter seemed more impor-
tant than the air volume because it could maintain the working performance stability. The minimum air volume
is related to the parameters such as depth and pressure,which was calculated under the actual conditions. It
was solved for the air injection flow tables of the air DTH Hammer working at the different pressures. According
to the data tables,operators could adjust the air volume to meet the demand on this technique,which had a re-
alistic guiding significance. So it could build up a set of systematic and complete hi-technique.
Key words: air DTH Hammer; reverse circulating bit; CFD simulation; derivation equation; air flow calcula-
( )
Finally,the drilling and pore forming is completed 1
E go × 12. 642 × 15. 24 2 = 149. 806 J ( 2)
with the high speed. The waste air which is already 2 9. 8
driven the piston to do work,via annular channel be- This result is in need of the minimum unit vol-
tween piston 9 and heart tube 7,is discharging to an- ume kinetic energy to carry solid particles. If the cut-
Air flow calculation of reverse circulation drilling technique with Air DTH hammer 167
According to the above equations,it is re- tors can adjust the air flow to meet the need of reverse
spectively calculated the supplementary air flow at the circulation drilling technique with air DTH hammer.
3 3
inlet air flow of 15 m / min and 30 m / min. When From the data tables,it is seen that when the pressure
calculations are in progress,take depth and pressure is at 1. 5 - 2. 5 MPa,the supplementary air flow is ze-
change into consideration. The data are shown in Ta- ro,because through the above equations' calculation,
ble 1 and Table 2. Based on the data tables,accord- the supplementary air flow is negative.
ing to the different drilling depth and pressure,opera-
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170 Huang Y. ,Zhu L. H. ,Yin K. ,et al.