IT Concepts Hand-outsFinale
IT Concepts Hand-outsFinale
IT Concepts Hand-outsFinale
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“ Man is still the most extraordinary Precisely, “Computer is an electronic device for
computer of all” performing arithmetic and logical operation.” Or
- John F. Kennedy -
“Computer is a device or a flexible machine to
-root word “compute” - to calculate process data and converts it into information.”
- computing devices can perform 4
basic operations: adding ,
subtracting, multiplying and dividing “Data” is nothing but a mare collection
- electronic device and of basic facts and figure without any
programmable machine sequence. When the data is collected as
-a machine for manipulating data
facts and figure, it has no meaning at
according to a sequence of instructions
that time, for example, name of
Two principal characteristics of student, names of employees etc.
computer: PROCESSING
1. Responds to a
specific set of ‘Processing’ is the set of instruction
instructions in a given by the user or the related data to
well-defined output the meaningful information.
2. Can execute a Which can be used by the user? The
prerecorded list of work of processing may be the
instructions calculation, comparisons or the decision
taken by the computer.
Hardware –actual machine - wires, transistors INFORMATION
and circuit
Software – Instructions and data ‘Information ’is the end point or the
final output of any processed work.
The first counting device started to be When the output data is meaning it is
used by the primitive people. These are the
sticks and stones. As technology improves and called information
human minds develop more and more
computing devices are invented and developed.
Uses of Computer:
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-most familiar kind of computer
a. Personal Computer (PC’s)
-“desktop machines, easy to use and affordable
-Acer, Aspire, Compaq
b. Workstations
-expensive, powerful machines used by engineers, scientists
- runs complex programs and more sophisticated operating system
-powerful processor that produces more results than PC’s
-Sun, Hewlett-Packard, IBM
c. Portable Computers
-miniature version of personal computers, smaller and more powerful
1. Laptops/Notebooks
- AC-powered, battery-powered or both
-mobile PC
2. Subnotebooks
- for frequent flyers and on-the-road professionals
3. Personal Digital Assistants (PDA)
-much smaller than subnotebooks
-combine pen input, writing recognition, personal organizational tools in very
small package
-slower and have less storage capacity than mainframe computer
-work well with Distributed Data Processing (DDP)
-can process several million instructions per second
- handles large program with large data
- used by insurance companies, banks, airline and railway reservation systems
-fastest calculating device ever invented
- can operate at speeds measured by nanoseconds or picoseconds
-used by government agencies to quickly process huge amounts of data
- consists of thousands of integrated microprocessors
-minimal memory , disk storage, and processor designed to connect a network,
especially the Internet
Introduction to Computers.ppt
Illustrate the evolution of Computer.
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Computer Hardware
-all the physical aspects and machinery associated with the computer system
Four basic operations of computer: Specific Hardware
Input of data -Input Hardware
Processing of data -Processing and Memory Hardware
Storage of Information - Secondary Storage Hardware
Output of Information - Output Hardware
I. Input Hardware
-all devices that accept data and convert it into computer readable form for processing and
e.g. keyboards, pointing devices, scanning devices, sensors
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Data Representation
Binary System –two-state that the computer understands
- 0 and 1, yes/no, on/off
*Bit – smallest unit of information
*Byte – collection of bits
8 bits = 1 byte, one byte represents a character
Parity Bit – used to check the accuracy of byte transmitted and attached at the end of
the byte
Data Hierarchy
Data are recognized in the following order:
1. Bit – smallest unit(1’s and 0’s)
2. Byte/Character – collection of bits
3. Field – collection of characters
4. Record – collection of fields
5. File – collection of records
6. Database – collection of interrelated files
IV. Output Hardware
-transforms information processed by the computer into human readable form.
b. Printer
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Computer Harware.ppt
Computer Keyboard and Mouse
Identification. Identify what is asked in the following items.
1. The physical aspects of the Computer system is called.
2. Flat screen computer monitors are called.
3. Smallest number of unit.
4. A device that transforms information from computer into printer.
5. Considered as the core of the computer system.
Computer Software
-computer programs stored in a computer
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Categories of Software
I. System Software
-program that runs and manages the computer, known as Operating System
b. Spreadsheets
-used in creating financial reports and other accounting functions
-used in analyzing data through the use of graphs
c. Presentations
-can create colorful slides to be used in delivering a message in front of an audience
e. Web Browsers
-used to access web or internet
f. Database
-used to store , retrieve and update different types of data
Computer Software.ppt
1. Discuss the importance of software in a computer system.
2. Identify the computer software that are helpful for college students.
Learning Objectives:
a. Familiarize oneself with the environment of MS Word
b. Explain the importance of word processing
c. Learn the different components and features of MS Word
d. Learn and apply the different shortcut keys used in MS Word
e. Use knowledge in MS Word in creating different types of documents
Word Processing
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- enables you to create, edit, print and save documents for future retrieval and reference.
Creating a document involves typing by using a keyboard and saving it. Editing a document
involves correcting the spelling mistakes, if any, deleting or moving words sentences or
Microsoft Word – word processing application program where you can create letters, notes ,
memos, school papers, business documents, newsletters, books, and even Web pages.
6. Multiple copies of letters can be generated with different addresses through the mail-merge
7. Automatic corrections for common mistakes as you type with special automatic correcting
8. Wizard and templates that create and format the documents according to your
9. Advanced page lay-out and formatting capabilities which add style and refinement to your
10. Bullets and numbering makes it easy to produce.
11. Multiple views so that you can see a rough draft document or to have a look of the page to
be printed.
12. Drawing, border and shading tools to enhance your work such as headers, draw lines and
shapes around your text, or work with imported art.
13. Newsletter style multiple columns, headers, footers and endnotes for your publication.
14. Web-page development that turn your documents into Web pages.
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c. Ruler Bar - The Ruler Bar allows you to format the vertical alignment of text in a document.
c. Scroll Bar - The Scroll Bar helps you scroll the content or body of document.
d. Workspace - The Workspace is the area in the document window were you enter/type the text
of your document.
e. Main Menu - The main menu further displays a sub menu. Some of the options are highlighted
options and some of them appear as faded options
(a) File - You can perform file management operations by using these options such as opening,
closing, saving, printing, exiting etc. It displays the following sub menu.
(b) Edit - Using this option you can perform editing functions such as cut, copy, paste, find and
replace etc. It displays the following sub menu.
(c) View - Word document can be of many pages..
(d) Insert - Using this menu, you can insert various objects such as page numbers, footnotes,
picture frames etc. in your document. It displays the following Sub menu.
(e) Format - Using this menu, you can perform various type of formatting operations, such as
fonts can be changed, borders can be framed etc. It displays the following Sub menu.
(f) Tools - Using this menu, you can have access to various utilities/tools of Word, such as spell
check, macros, mail merge etc. It displays the following Sub menu.
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(g) Table - This menu deals with tables. Using this menu you can perform various types of
operations on the table. It displays the following Sub menu.
(i) Help - Using this menu, you can get on-line help for any function.
Home Tab
Insert Tab
Mailings Tab
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Review Tab
View Tab
Format Tab
Entering and Editing Text, Navigating , Selecting Text, Moving , Copying, Cutting, Pasting, Finding and
The flashing vertical bar is the insertion point also called the text cursor shows where the next
character will appear. Word will automatically wraps the text to the next line without pressing
Enter at the end of the line.
Press the Back Space key to erase the last character incorrectly typed. The red and green wavy
lines indicate that there is possible error in spelling or grammar.
Selecting text using the keyboard or mouse is to highlight the text to perform the taskson that
To select:
Any text – click the mouse on the word and drag the mouse to the last word
Single Word – double click the mouse anywhere on the word
A sentence – press CTRL key and click anywhere within the sentence
A line – click the white margin area at the left of the line
A paragraph – double click the mouse in the white margin area at the left of the
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Double click the word , press Ctrl + C keys (for copying) or click copy button on the
toolbar. Click on the area where you want it to be pasted and press Ctrl + V (for pasting) or
click the paste button on the toolbar. This is a single copy and paste procedure.
Cut and Paste Procedure
Select a word , press CTRL+X keys or click Cut button on the toolbar. Click on the area you want it
to be pasted and press Ctrl+V or right click the mouse and click Paste . This is how cut and paste
Finding and Replacing Text
Press CTRL+F keys , type the word to be searched and press enter. Click Replace in the Replace
box, type the new word click Yes and then click OK.
A letter , word, sentence or an entire document can be bold, italicize and underlined for emphasis.
Bold – press CTRL+B or click B button in the formatting toolbar
Italic – press CTRL+I or click I button on the formatting toolbar
Underline – press CTRL+U or click U button on the formatting toolbar
Learning Objectives:
a. Familiarize oneself with the environment of MS Excel
b. Explain the importance of Electronic Spreadsheet
c. Learn the different components and features of MS Excel
d. Learn and apply the different formulas used in MS Excel
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- is an electronic spreadsheet program with which you can create graphs and worksheets for
financial and other quantitative data
- the financial data that you can enter can be analysed for forecasting , generate business
conditions and could be published on the Web
- with excel you can create numerically based proposals, business plans, business forms,
accounting worksheets and any other documents that contains calculated numbers
- It features calculation, graphing tools,
- Consists of horizontal rows (can be identified by numbers e.g. 1, 54, 324) and vertical
columns (can be identified by letters of the alphabet, e.g. A, D) – for columns beyond 26, it is
identified by 2 or more letters e.g. AA, ABC
- intersection point between a column and a row is a small rectangular box known as a cell. A
cell is the basic unit for storing data in the spreadsheet. Because an Excel spreadsheet
contains thousands of these cells, each is given a cell reference or address to identify it.
- The cell reference is a combination of the column letter and the row number such as A3, B6,
Excel enables you to create and edit worksheets that are stored in workbooks. An excel
workbook opens with three worksheets, Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3.
A worksheet is a collection of rows and columns that holds text and numbers. Excel worksheet
has 65536 rows and 256 columns. rows
- The types of data that a cell can hold include numbers, text or formulas.
- formulas are used for calculations usually involving data contained in other cells.
- Excel and other electronic spreadsheets include a number of built in formulas used for
common tasks known as functions.
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Performing basic mathematical operations such as summing columns and rows of figures.
Finding the average, maximum, or minimum values in a specified range of data.
The information garnered in a spreadsheet can easily be incorporated into electronic presentations, web
pages, or printed off in report form.
Status Bar
Scroll Bars
Worksheet Tabs
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5. COUNT: = COUNT(C1:C10)
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Learning Objectives:
a. Familiarize oneself with the environment of MS Powerpoint
b. Explain the importance of Presentation Software
c. Learn the different components and features of MS Powerpoint
d. Learn and apply the different formulas used in MS Powerpoint
e. Use knowledge in MS Powerpointl in creating different types of presentation
Microsoft Powerpoint
3. Choosing lay-outs
4. Modifying slide design by changing the color scheme or applying different design templates
1. Entrance, emphasis, and exit of elements on a slide itself are controlled by what PowerPoint
calls Custom Animations.
2. Transitions, on the other hand, are movements between slides. These can be animated in a
variety of ways.
3. Custom animation can be used to create small story boards by animating pictures to enter, exit
or move.
e. Enhancing Slides and Presentation , using Slide Transition, Color and Animation Schemes
Issued Date: Effectivity Date:
b. Easy to modify when compared to other visual aids such as charts , posters, or objects
d. Powerpoint slides are generally easier to see by a large audience when projected than other
visual aids
e. Easy to present: you can easily advance the slides in the presentation one after another with
simple keystroke
a. Basic equipment required: a computer and projector in place to display the slides to the
b. Focus on medium , not the message.
Notes Pane
Status Bar
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Outline Pane – it displays the outline of each slide where you can also edit
Slide – Working Area
Notes Pane – Where you type your notes in normal view
Status Bar – Show the slide you are working on and other information
Slide Orientation – Switch the slide ,presentation between portrait and landscape
Themes – Change the over-all design of your presentation
Colors – Changes the colors of the current theme
Font - Changes the font of the current theme
Effects - Changes the effects of the current theme
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From Beginning (F5) – Start the slide show from the first slide
From Current Slide (Shift + F5) - Start the slide show from the current slide
Slide 1
Animation sequence:
1. Person1 : 1st
Animation, Curve Up
/ Medium / Hide on
next mouse click
2. Person2 : 2nd
Animation, Box
out / Medium
Slide 2
Animation Sequence:
1. Person : 1st
Animation, appear
2. Green Valley
Welcomes you: 2nd
Animation, Comic
Sans MS 32, Bold
3. To the EZ
Technology Computer
Course: 3rd
Animation, Fly from
bottom-right/ Fast
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Slide 3
Animation Sequence:
1. Baseball,
Soccer: 1st
Arial Narrow
40 pts /Wipe
from left/
2. Golf : 2nd
Animation, Fly
in from left /
3. Rotonda: 3rd
Castellar 20
pts / Split
horizontal out
4. Soccer: 4th
Wheel/ Medium
5. Mabini: 5th Animation , Same font as 3rd / Split horizontal out
6. Fencing: 6th Animation: Center Revolve/ Medium
7. San Jose: 7th Animation, Same font as 3rd/ Split Horizontal out
8. Volleyball: 8th Animation: Same as 3rd / Split Horizontal out
9. Cacub: 9th Animation , Boomerang / Medium
Slide 4
Animation Sequence:
1. Animals: 1st
Animation , Arial
Narrow 40 pts/ Fly
from left / Fast
2. Rabbit: 2nd Animation,
Dissolved-in / Medium
3. Tiger: 3rd Animation:
Checkerboard down /
4. Cow: 4th Animation,
Strips Left Down
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Slide 5
Animation Sequence:
1. Football, Sailing,
Archery: 1st Animation,
Arial Narrow 40 pts /
Fly from bottom left /
All at once / Fast
2. FootBall picture: 2nd
Animation, Wheel, Very
3. Football: Castellar
20pts, 3rd Animation
/All at once/ Fly form
top / Medium
4. Archery picture: 4th
Animation, Fly from
bottom-right / Fast
5. Archery: Same with 3,
5th Animation, Fly from
top / Fast
6. Sailing picture:6th Animation, Fly from top-right / Very Fast
7. Sailing: 7th Animation, Same with 3, Fly form top / Fast
Slide 6
Animation Sequence
1. Random: 1st Animation,
Arial Narrow 40 pts /
Appear / Fast
2. Cake picture:
Castellar, 20 pts, 2nd
Animation, Random Bars
/ Medium
3. Candle picture: 3rd
Animation / Fly from
left / Medium
Candle : 4th Animation, same as
3, Spiral in, Slow
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Slide 7
Animation Sequence:
1. Categories of Sports: 1st Animation, Arial Narrow 40 pts /
Appear / By letter
2. Table: 2nd Animation, Text Color – Red / Random Bars Vertical /
Slide Transition: Cover left-up / Slow / 10 sec
Slide 8
Animation Sequence:
1. Organizational Chart:
text Bold: 1st Animation,
Arial 40 pts / Appear /
By Word
2. Chart: 2nd Animation, All
shapes no fill / Text
Font: Arial 18 pts, all
names in bold / Entire
chart Fly from Top-
Right / Medium
Slide 9
Animation Sequence:
1. Shape: 1st Animation, Lucida
Calligraphy 28 pts /
Checkerboard down / By Word
2. Shape clip-art : 2nd Animation,
Appear / Very Fast
Slide 10
Animation Sequence:
1. South Cotabato: 1st
Animation, Berlin sans
FB 40 pts, appear
2. Flag Shape: 2nd
Animation, Diamond in /
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