Nursing Research Questions Situation: The Use of Massage and Meditation To Help Decreases Stress and Pain Have Been

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NCM 109 1



Situation: The use of massage and meditation to help decreases stress and pain have been
strongly recommended based on documented testimonials.

1. Martha wants to do a study on this topic: “Effects of massage and meditation on stress
and pain”. The type of research that best suits this topic is:
a. Applied research
b. Qualitative research
c. Basic research
d. Quantitative design
2. The type of research design that does not manipulate independent variable is
a. Experimental design
b. Quasi-experimental design
c. On-experimental design
d. Quantitative design
3. The research topic has the potential to contribute to nursing because it seeks to:
a. Include new modalities of care
b. Resolve a clinical problem
c. Clarify an ambiguous modality of care
d. Enhance client care
4. Martha does review of related literature for the purpose of
a. Determine statistical treatment of data research
b. Gathering data about what is already known or unknown about the problem
c. To identify if problem can be replicated
d. Answering the research question
5. Clients’ rights should be protected when doing research using human subjects. Martha
identifies these rights as follows EXCEPT:
a. Right to self-determination
b. Right to compensation
c. Right to privacy
d. Right
6. Which type of research investigates the issues of human complexity ( e.g. understanding
the human expertise )
a. Positivism
b. Quantitative research
c. Logical Position
d. Natural Inquiry
Situation: A nurse was interested to study the research question: “ What are the differences
and similarities between aggressive cognitively impaired, elderly, institutionalized people?

7. Investigation of cognitively impaired individual presented some ethical dilemmas. Which

of the following protocol would be considered unethical?
a. Recording interactions with the elderly with their permission
b. Verbal permission fro the subject is unnecessary
c. Data coded and recorded solely by the investigation
d. A written consent from the institution and a significant other
8. A semi-structured interview was conducted. This means that:
a. Interview is conducted precisely in the same manner
b. Interviewer is not held to any specific question
c. Subject is allowed to express without any suggestion from interviewer
d. Interviewer is free to probe beyond a number of specific major questions
9. The type of study conducted is:
a. Descriptive
b. Quasi-experimental
c. Experimental
d. Case Study
10. The review of literature included reference to retrospective studies. Such studies have
the following advantages EXCEPT:
a. Data are inexpensive to obtain
b. Possibility of memory bias and distortion
c. There is much material available
d. It is easy to get data
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11. The average age of respondents was 86. this represents:
a. The sum ages divided by total number of participants
b. The youngest participant is 86 years old
c. The oldest participant is 86 years old
d. Most of the number of participants is 86 years old

Situation: A nursing professor assigns a group of students to do data gathering by interviewing

their classmates as the subjects.

12. She instructed the interviewers not to tell the interviewees that the data gathered are for
her own research project for publication. This teacher has violated the students’ right to:
a. Disclosure
b. Not be harmed
c. Privacy
d. Self-determination
13. A nurse preceptor observes that many clients are being readmitted in the ward for
postoperative infections. She suggests to the students that they do a research on this
topic. What research activity is this?
a. Sharing research results with colleagues
b. Data collection
c. Developing guidelines for patient care
d. Identifying clinical problems
14. Quantitative research involves numerical data. Which of the following is based on
quantitative research?
a. The effects of regular nurse visits to clients bedside on the number of client’s
calls to the nurse
b. A study on the effects of the white uniform of hospital personnel on pediatric
c. A study on benefits of pre-operative health instructions to clients’ feeling of
d. A study on the effects of touch on the client’s feelings of isolation
15. Before the nurse researcher starts her study, she analyzes how much time, money,
materials and people she will need to complete the research project. This analysis prior
to beginning the study is called:
a. Validity
b. Researchability
c. Feasibility
d. Reliability
16. Data analysis is to be done and the nurse researcher wants to include measures of
variability. These include the following EXCEPT:
a. Range
b. Variance
c. Mean
d. Standard Deviation

Situation: As a nurse you are expected to initiate or participate in conducting research studies
to improve nursing practice. You have to be updated on the latest trends and issues affecting
the profession and the best practices arrived at by the profession.

17. You are interested to study the effects of meditation and relaxation on the pain
experienced of cancer patients. What type of variable is pain?
a. Dependent
b. Independent
c. Correlational
d. Demographic
18. You would like to compare the support system of patients with chronic illness to those
with acute illness. How will you best state your problem?
a. The effect of the type of Support system of patients with Chronic illness and
those with acute illness
b. A Descriptive Study to Compare the Support System of Patients with Chronic
Illness and those with Acute illness in terms of Demographic Data and
Knowledge about Interventions
c. A Comparative Analysis of the Support System of Patients with Chronic Illness
and those with Acute Illness
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d. A study to compare the support system of patients with chronic illness and those
with acute illness
19. You would like to compare the support system of patients with chronic illness to those
with acute illness. What type of research is this?
a. Descriptive
b. Experimental
c. Correlational
d. Quasi-experimental
20. You are shown a Likert Scale that will be used in evaluating your performance in the
clinical area. Which of the following questions will you not use in critiquing the Likert
a. Is the instrument clearly described
b. If the Likert Scale is to be used for a study, was the development process
c. Are the reliability and validity information on the scale described?
d. Are the techniques to complete and score the scale provided?
21. In any research study where individual persons are involved, it is important that an
informed consent for the study is obtained. The following are essential information about
the consent you should disclose to the prospective subjects EXCEPT:
a. Assurance of anonymity
b. Explanation of procedure
c. Consent to incomplete disclosure
d. Description of benefits, risks and discomforts

Situation: You are actively practicing nurse who just finished your Graduate Studies. You
learned the value of Research and would like to utilize the knowledge and skills gained in the
application of research to nursing service. The following questions apply to research.

22. Which of the following studies is based on quantitative research?

a. A study examining the bereavement process in spouses of clients with terminal
b. A study exploring factors influencing weight control behavior
c. A study measuring the effects of sleep deprivation on wound healing
d. A study examining client’s feeling before, during and after a bone marrow
23. Which of the following studies is based on qualitative research?
a. A study examining clients reactions to stress after open heart surgery
b. A study measuring nutrition and weight loss/gain in clients with cancer
c. A study examining oxygen levels after endotracheal suctioning
d. A study measuring differences in blood pressure before, during and after
24. An 85 year old client in nursing home tells a nurse, “I signed the papers for that research
study because the doctor was so insistent and I want him to continue taking care of me”.
Which client right is being violated?
a. Right to self determination
b. Right to privacy and confidentiality
c. Right to full disclosure
d. Right not to be harmed
25. A supposition or system of ideas that is proposed to explain a given phenomenon”, best
a. A paradigm
b. A concept
c. A theory
d. A conceptual framework

Situation: The role of a community health nurse, which is important in the improvement health
delivery, is research.

26. A community health Nurse conducts a study on the role of a nurse in Primary health
Care. What research design is appropriate to use in his study?
a. Quasi-experimental
b. Descriptive
c. Exploratory
d. Experimental
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27. If the target population of your study is limited only to families with low income, what
happens to those who are at present with higher income due to job promotion?
a. Continue to include them in the study
b. Limit to low income families
c. Consider them extraneous variable
d. Determine adequacy of target population
28. The best method of data collection in your study. The role of the nurse is primary health
care is:
a. Questionnaire
b. Snow balling
c. Interview
d. Survey
29. The statistical tool which measures central tendencies, mode, median, mean is called
one of the following:
a. Descriptive
b. Probable
c. Ordinal
d. Nominal
30. Independent variables in a socio demographic study would include personal data of the
subjects. Which of the following is NOT an independent variable in such studies?
a. Marital Status
b. Educational level
c. Informal consent
d. Age

Situation: It is said that the half-life of knowledge in the health care field is 5 years. Because of
this it is important that nurses directly or indirectly participates in research activities in order to
add knowledge in the profession.
31. Which of the following characteristics do not describe scientific investigation?
a. Empirical data are gathered directly or indirectly through human senses
b. It is planned and conducted in a systematic and orderly manner
c. External factor which may influence the relationship among advance phenomena
are not necessarily controlled
d. They are conducted to test or develop theories and study knowledge
32. In which of the following type of research does a researcher controls the independent
variable, but subjects cannot be randomly assigned to treatment conditions?
a. Descriptive
b. Quasi-experimental
c. Exploratory
d. Experimental
33. When a nurse prepares research report to a captive group, which of the following is not
a. Summary of other research studies with the same result
b. The researcher’s interpretation of the results of the study
c. A summary of literature use to identify the research problem
d. A description of methods used to conduct the study
34. Which of the following characteristics of as clinical nursing problem is NOT a potential
for research?
a. It has the potential to change how nursing care is delivered in the unit
b. It is value-laden and involves feelings and perceptions
c. It reflects something that could be improved in clinical practice
d. It is a problem that occurs frequently in a particular client group
35. Which of the following is true in an experimental study?
a. Clients most likely to perform the best are assigned to the experimental groups
b. Subjects are randomly assigned to both the experimental and controlled groups
c. Conditions affecting the subjects are left uncontrolled to allow generalization of
d. The control group receives the therapy
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Situation: When the total population appears to be very large the research may decide to get
representative sample and yet make research findings still valid and acceptable.

36. This type of sampling uses the technique whereby the population is undivided into areas
or section and then taking random sample from each section
a. Systematic
b. Stratified sampling
c. Cluster sampling
d. Purposive Sampling
37. In this type of sampling data are collected from anyone available as those who are
present in the coffee shop or those who are present in the emergency room at one time
or another.
a. Systematic sampling
b. Incidental sampling
c. Simple random sampling
d. Cross-sectional sampling
38. In this type of sampling selection of the units in the sample is done by some sort of
a. Sequential sampling
b. Simple random sampling
c. Stratified sampling
d. Cluster sampling
39. A new public health nurse would like to collect data on the common problems
encountered by diabetic patients in the community. In this survey, she selects only
diabetics residing in the different barangays of the community she assigned. This is an
example of what type of sampling?
a. Purposive
b. Cluster
c. Systematic
d. Stratified
40. One nurse is interested to get the effects of having foods with fortified vitamins A and D
in the development of children from pre-school to school age level. The type of sampling
when a given group of subjects are studied for an extended period of time calls.
a. Cross sectional
b. Longitudinal
c. Purposive
d. Cross-cultural

Situation: There is a need to document outcomes of nursing care.

41. In reviewing literature, which of the following should be looked into?

a. Image of nursing and nurses
b. Identifying nursing sensitive outcomes
c. Why there is a need to document outcomes
d. Policy on reimbursement of nursing interventions
42. Which of the following data collection methods is/are the appropriate to establish the
outcomes of nursing care?
a. Content analysis of nurses notes
b. Delphi technique
c. Questionnaire
d. Projective techniques
43. Patient teaching can increase patient’s knowledge on their disease conditions. This
requires a/an:
a. Qualitative
b. Quantitative
c. Experimental study
d. Case study
Situation: Research is a management tool that could be used by the nurse manager.
44. In quality assurance, research can help in:
a. Identifying the correlates of quality nursing care
b. Prevalence of medication errors
c. Establishing the effectiveness of management actions and policies
d. All of the above
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45. Which of the following should be considered by the chief nurse in approving research
projects of the nurses?
a. That it should not interfere with their patient care activities
b. That hospital administration gives its approval
c. That the patients give their informed consent
d. All of the above
46. Doing nursing research is a criterion in the evaluation of:
a. Staff nurses
b. Head nurses
c. Chief nurses
d. Nurse clinicians
47. To improve the delivery of nursing care in the ICU, which of the following study should be
a. Survey on the perceptions of patients on the presence of affiliating nursing
students in the wards
b. Correlation of medication errors
c. Learning needs of patients and their families
d. Hand washing practices of residents and interns

Situation: You were asked to helped a nursing student to prepare a research proposal

48. Give the correct arrangement of the following parts of a research proposal
1. Definition of terms
2. Significance of study
3. Ethical considerations
4. Sampling design
5. Conceptual framework
a. 1,2,3,5,4
b. 2,1,5,4,3
c. 2,5,4,3,1
d. 2,1,3,5,4
49. The student told you that she will study the correlates of migration intention of nurses in
government-owned tertiary hospital. What will you advise her?
a. This is not researchable; she should think of another one
b. She will do a quasi-experimental study
c. She will use questionnaire to get data from chief nurses of selected hospitals
d. She will first do a review of related literature
50. Which of the following data are useful in her study?
a. Civil status of the respondents and number of children if married
b. Intention of working abroad
c. Socioeconomic status of the respondents
d. All of the above
51. The students’ hypothesis is: The respondents’ annual personal income is related to their
intention to migrate. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Annual income is predictive of migration intention
b. There is a need to give an operational definition of migration intention
c. This is an example of statistical hypothesis
d. All of the above

Situation: You are interested n studying the factors that affect the compliance of TB patients with
short course chemotherapy

52. Educational attainment is related to the compliance of TB patients. Educational

attainment is an example of:
a. Concept
b. Independent variable
c. Dependent variable
d. Ratio scale
53. The study will be conducted in Municipality Y where there are 150 patients registered at
the health center. The sample will be chosen through
a. Simple random sampling
b. Network sampling
c. Cluster sampling
d. Stratified sampling
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54. The following are associated with the patients’ compliance. Which of the following is an
example of ratio scale?
a. Gender
b. Monthly income
c. Occupation
d. Civil status
55. The research instrument that should be used is:
a. Interview schedule
b. Questionnaire
c. Observation checklist
d. All
56. If the findings in the Municipality Y can be generalized to similar groups, the study has
a. External validity
b. Internal validity
c. Validity
d. Reliability
57. If you are going to prepare research proposal, what are the steps that you will go
1. Formulate hypotheses
2. Review related literature
3. Identify research variables
4. Formulate and delimit the problem
5. develop a conceptual framework
a. 4,2,5,3,1
b. 1,2,3,4,5,
c. 2,3,4,5,1
d. 4,1,2,3,5
58. The result of this study could be used to influence:
a. Policy on the duration of the short course chemotherapy
b. Strategies in improving compliance
c. Decision to stop SCC
d. Need to train health workers
59. Hawthorne effect is a weakness of:
a. Surveys
b. Correlational
c. Experimental
d. Evaluation studies
60. To prevent Hawthorne effect, we can introduce this measure:
a. Random sampling
b. Control group
c. Double Blind
d. Increase Sample Size

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