Vol2 No6
Vol2 No6
Vol2 No6
which the objective function is discontinuous, stochastic, or the number of hard constraint violations zero. J. J. Moreira in
highly nonlinear [22]. The genetic algorithm uses three [26] presents a solution method to the problem of automatic
main types of rules at each step to create the next generation construction timetables for the exams. Among several
from the current population. Selection rules: select the mathematical models of representation, the final option was
individuals called parents, that contribute to the population for a model matrix, which is justified by the benefits that
at the next generation. Crossover rules combine two this model presents when used in the algorithm solution.
parents to form children for the next generation. Mutation The method of solution is a meta-heuristics that includes a
rules apply random changes to individual parents to form genetic algorithm.
children. Figure 1 shows the structure of the tool we built.
It consists of two main layers: the first layer gives the ability 4. Problem description
to define variables and constraints and after interfacing with
Making course schedule is one of those NP hard problems.
the genetic algorithm layer the different solutions (Fig 2) The problem can be solved using heuristic search algorithm
can be manipulated via a user-friendly interface. The second to find optimal solution, but it works for simple cases. For
layer is responsible of the genetic algorithm processing. more complex inputs and requirements finding considerably
The fitness function and then the initial population are auto- good solution can take a while or it may be impossible. This
generated upon variables and constraints definition (Fig 4). is where genetic algorithms come in the game. When
Figs 2-3 show the plot of the best fitness got after 200 making course schedule many constraints (number of
generations over which the GA algorithm ran. professors, students, classes and classrooms, size of
classroom, laboratory equipment in classroom and many
other) should be taken into consideration. These constraints
can be divided into two major types: hard and soft
Variables and constraints.
Initial population constraints
Generation definition
• Hard constraints: if one is broken the provided
schedule is not considered as acceptable solution.
1 if the constraint is violated the variables that can be modified between two rows with
f(C)= (2)
0 otherwize the same index.
The general fitness is calculated over all courses as the 4.4. Mutation
summation of violated constraints times their weights as
follows: Mutation operation is very simple. It just takes randomly
a number of rows in the chromosome matrix and moves it to
another randomly chosen slot (change the day and/or the
Fitness = ∑ ∑ α i f (Ci ) (3)
c i time) or location. In every operation, the domain of different
variables is respected. Note that the tool works with variable
where αi represents the weight attached to the constraint Ci . values as indexes to the real values. These real values for
Ci is a set of predicates that have to be all satisfied for Ci to examples courses' names, professors' names, etc can be
be satisfied. This fitness function has to be minimized to bound to these variables. The relationship between the
obtain a better solution. We chose a constant weight α for different variables should be set at the beginning of the
all hard constraints and a constant weight β for all soft process (eg. which professor or set of professors are willing
constraints. This yields to the following fitness equation in to teach a given course).
this particular case:
5. Results
h s
Fitness = α ∗ ∑ ∑ f (Ci ) + β ∗ ∑ ∑ f (Ci ) (4) Figure 2 shows the average number of clashes for each
c i c i constraint during the 200 generations. Figure 4 presents the
best fitness plot for different population during 200
In our measurements the value of α is taken 2 and the
generations. In order to test the effectiveness of our objective
value of β is taken 1. For example if we have the following
function for solving the timetabling problem which is built
by given different weights for hard and soft constraints, we
• A professor can has only one class at a time (C1, provide in Figure 4 the history of constraints violation per
Hard) type (Hard and Soft). Figure 4 demonstrates, in one side,
that the convergence faster for hard than for soft constraints
• A Classroom can handle only one course at a time and, in the other side, the only clashes that may remain
(C2, Hard). (Figure 3) are due to soft constraints.
∀ (ci , di , ti , pi , ri , li ) & (c j , d j, t j, p j, r j, l j)
C1=(di = d j ) & (ti = t j ) & ( pi = p j )
C =(d = d ) & (t = t ) & (r = r )
2 i j i j i j
C3 =(ci =c j) & (di = d j ) (5)
C = (l =l ) & (t = t )
4 i j i j
C5 = (di =Mon) & (ti = 11: 00 − 12: 30)
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Figure 4: Constraint violation per type
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from the hybrid solution the tool supports. In fact, most “Extensions to a memetic time tabling system”, In E.K.
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tabling problem in respect of a set of constraints. This NP- International Conference on the Practice and Theory of
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hard problem required Heuristic methods among which GA
[10] A. Schaerf, “A Survey of Automated Time tabling”,
solution. The problem is that GA may, in one side, runs into Artificial Intelligence Review, vol 13 (2), 1999, 87-127.
minima and, in the other side; the solution may not be the [11] Arabinda Tripathy, “A lagrangian relaxation approach to
wanted solution – even if it has the best fitness – because course time tabling”, Journal of the Operational Research
some soft constraints were not satisfied. For this reason, our Society, vol. 31, 1980, pp. 599-603
tool shows a number of solutions got from GA and then [12] G.M. White and P.W. Chan, “Towards the Construction of
gives the possibility for the user to manipulate the timetable Optimal Examination Timetables”, INFOR 17, 1979, p.p.
in a way to get the needed solution by recalculating the 219-229.
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(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 5
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Cosine Functions”, NAUN conference, Attica, Greece, June Allocation Models For Light-Rail Transaction Systems",
1-3, 2008. International Conference for Prospects for Research in
[14] M. Ben Othman, A. Hamdi-Cherif, “Genetic algorithm and Transport and Logistics on a Regional Global Perspective,
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on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication [26] J. J. Moreira, "A System for Automatic Construction of
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Time tabling: Selected Papers from the 1st Int'l Conf. on the Review, 2008, Vol VI, nº 9, ISSN: 1645-9911
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[22] www.systemtechnik.tu-ilmenau.de/~pohlheim/GA_Toolbox/
[23] S. D. ÖNCÜL, D. S. Ö. AYKAÇ, D. BAYRAKTAR and D.
ÇELEBÝ, "A Review Of Time tabling And Ressource
Math's Department. Science Faculty, EL Minufiya University, Shebin-El Kom -Egypt.
[email protected]
Abstract: The Geoquorum approach for implementing atomic mobility, also referred to as code mobility. Code on demand,
read/write shaved memory in mobile ad hoc networks. This remote evaluation, and mobile agents are typical forms of
problem in distributed computing is revisited in the new setting code mobility. Of course, many systems entail a combination
provided by the emerging mobile computing technology. A of both logical and physical mobility (as explained in our
simple solution tailored for use in ad hoc networks is employed related work). The potentially very large number of
as a vehicle for demonstrating the applicability of formal independent computing units, a decoupled computing style,
requirements and design strategies to the new field of mobile
frequent disconnections, continuous position changes, and
computing. The approach of this paper is based on well
understood techniques in specification refinement, but the
the location – dependent nature of the behavior and
methodology is tailored to mobile applications and help communication patterns present designers with
designers address novel concerns such as logical mobility, the unprecedented challenges[1][2]. While formal methods may
invocations, specific conditions constructs. The proof logic and not be ready yet to deliver complete practical systems, the
programming notation of mobile UNITY provide the intellectual complexity of the undertaking clearly can benefit
tools required to carryout this task. Also, the quorum systems enormously from the rigor associated with a precise design
are investigated in highly mobile networks in order to reduce the process, even if employed only in the design of the most
communication cost associated with each distributed operation. critical aspects of the system. The attempt to answer the
question raised earlier consists of a formal specification and
Keywords: Formal Specification, Mobility, Mobile Ad Hoc derivation for our communication protocol for ad hoc mobile
Networks, the Quorum Systems. systems, carrying out this exercise by employing the mobile
unity proof logic and programming notation. Mobile unity
1. Introduction provides a notation for mobile system components,
coordination language for expressing interactions among the
Formal notations led to the development of specification components and an associated proof Logic. This highly
languages; formal verification contributed to the application modular extension of the UNITY model extends both the
of mechanical theorem proffers to program checking; and physical and logical notations to accommodate specification
formal derivation is a class of techniques that ensure of and reasoning about mobile programs that exhibit
correctness by construction, has the potential to reshape the dynamic reconfiguration. Ensuring the availability and the
way software will be developed in the future program consistency of shared data is a fundamental task for several
derivation is less costly than post factum verification, is mobile network applications. For instance, nodes can share
incremental in nature, and can be applied with varying data containing configuration information, which is crucial
degrees of rigor in conjunction with or completely apart for carrying out cooperative tasks. The shared data can be
from program verification. More significantly, while used, for example, to coordinate the duty cycle of mobile
verification is tied to analysis and support tools, program nodes to conserve energy while maintaining network
derivation deals with the very essence of the design process, connectivity. The consistency and the availability of the data
the way one thinks about problems and constructs solutions plays a crucial role in that case since the loss of information
[1]. An initial highly- abstract specification is gradually regarding the sleep/awake cycle of the nodes might com-
refined up to the point when it contains so much detail that promise network connectivity. The consistency and
writing a correct program becomes trivial. Program availability of the shared data is also relevant when tracking
refinement uses a correct program as starting point and mobile objects, or in disaster relief applications where
alters it until a new program satisfying some additional mobile nodes have to coordinate distributed tasks without
desired properties is produced. Mobile systems, in general, the aid of a fixed communication infrastructure. This can be
consist of components that may move in a physical or attained via read/write shared memory provided each node
logical space if the components that move are hosts, the maintains a copy of data regarding the damage assessment
system exhibits physical mobility. If the components are and dynamically updates it by issuing write operations. Also
code fragments, the system is said to display logical in this case it is important that the data produced by the
8 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
mobile nodes does not get lost, and that each node is able to 2.1 Quorum Systems under Mobility Model
Retrieve the most up-to-date information. Strong data con-
sistency guarantees have applications also to road safety, This section shows here that quorums proposed for
detection and avoidance of traffic accidents, or safe driving static networks are not able to guarantee data consistency
assistance [3].The atomic consistency guarantee is widely and availability if assumptions A1 and A2 hold, because the
used in distributed systems because it ensures that the minimum quorum intersection is not sufficiently large to
distributed operations (e.g., read and write operations) cope with the mobility of the nodes. In fact, since read/write
performed on the shared memory are ordered consistently operations are performed over a quorum set, in order to
with the natural order of their invocation and response time, guarantee data consistency each read quorum must intersect
and that each local copy is conforming to such an order. a quorum containing the last update. We show that there are
Intuitively, this implies that each node is able to retrieve a scenarios that invalidate this condition in case of quorum
copy showing the last completed update, which is crucial in systems Qg with non-empty quorum intersection, and in case
cooperative tasks. However, the implementation of a fault- of dissemination quorum systems Qd with minimum quorum
tolerant atomic read/write shared memory represents a intersection equal to f + 1, where f is the maximum number
challenging task in highly mobile networks because of the of failures [10].
lack of a fixed infrastructure or nodes that can serve as a
backbone. In fact, it is hard to ensure that each update 2.1.1 Generic Quorum System
reaches a subset of nodes that is sufficiently large to be
retrieved by any node and at any time, if nodes move along It is a set of subsets of a finite universe U such that,
unknown paths and at high speed. The focal point model any two subsets (quorums) intersect (consistency property)
provides a first answer to this challenge since it masks the and, there exists at least one subset of correct nodes
dynamic nature of mobile ad hoc networks by a static model. (availability property). The second condition ensures data
More precisely, it associates mobile nodes to fixed availability and poses the constraint f < (n/2). In our system
geographical locations called focal points. According to this model where nodes continuously fail and recover, this
model, a focal point is active at some point in time if its condition is not sufficient to guarantee data availability. For
geographical location contains at least one active mobile instance, in an implementation of a read/write atomic
node. As a result, a focal point becomes faulty when each memory based on Qg, the liveness of the read protocol can
mobile node populating that sub-region leaves it or crashes. be violated since it terminates only after receiving a reply
The merit of this model is to study node mobility in terms of from a full quorum of active focal point. Therefore, since the
failures of stationary abstract points, and to design recovery operation involves a read operation, data can
coordination protocols for mobile networks in terms of static become unavailable [10][11].
abstract nodes [1] [3].
2.1.2 Dissemination Quorum Systems
2. Related Work
They satisfy a stronger consistency property, but
In this section, the quorum systems in highly insufficient if failures occur continuously. An f-fail-prone
mobile networks are investigated in order to reduce the com- system ß C 2U of U is defined as a set of subsets of faulty
munication cost associated with each distributed operation. nodes of U none of which is contained in another, and such
Our analysis is driven by two main reasons: (1) guarantee
data availability, and (2) reduce the amount of message
that some B ∈
ß contains all the faulty nodes (whose
number does not exceed f).
transmissions, thus conserving energy. The availability of
the data is strictly related to the liveness and response time Definition 1. A dissemination quorum system Q d of U for a
of the recovery protocol since the focal point failures occur f -fail-prone system ß, is set of subsets of U with the
continuously, as they are triggered by the motion of nodes. following properties:
Quorum systems are well-known techniques designed to
enhance the performance of distributed systems, such as to (i) | Q1 ∩ Q2 | ¢ B √ Q1 , Q2 ∈Q √B ∈ß
∈ß э Q ∈Q
reduce the access cost per operation and the load. A quorum (ii) √ B : Q ∩ B = Ø.
system of a universe U is a set of subsets of U, called
quorums, such that any pair of quorums does intersect. In Dissemination quorum systems tolerate less than n/3
this paper, the analyzing of quorum systems is in condition failures. Unfortunately, since in our system model an
of high node mobility. Note that the universe U of our additional focal point might fail between the invocation and
quorum systems is (Focal Point) FP, a set of n stationary the response time of a distributed operation, more than f
focal points. This choice allows us to study node mobility in focal points in a quorum set can be non-active at the time
terms of continuous failures of stationary nodes. In the next they receive the request. As a result, data availability can be
Section, two examples of quorum systems are analyzed and violated. The following lemma provides a condition on the
show that they are not always able to guarantee data minimum quorum intersection size (lower bound) that is
consistency and availability under the mobility constraints, necessary to guarantee data consistency and availability
and provide in Lemma 1 a condition on the size of the under our system model, provided nodes fail and recover
minimum quorum intersection that is necessary to [12].
guarantee these properties [10].
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 9
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
This implies (f+3-n) / 2 ≤ 0 note that Q opt is highly resilient 2.3.2 Protocols
(in the trivial case f = n -3, Q opt = {U}). Clearly, there is a
trade-off between resiliency and access cost since the access The high level description of the read/write/ recovery
cost per operation increases with the maximum number of protocols is illustrated in Figure 1. Each mobile node
failures. Moreover, our assumption of connectivity among maintains a copy of the state s associated with the shared
active focal points becomes harder to guarantee as f becomes variable x, which is a compound object containing the value
larger. It is important to note that the minimum intersection s.val of x, a timestamp s.t representing the time at which a
size between two quorums of Q opt is equal to f + 3. We node issued update s.val, and a confirmed tag that indicates
prove in the following section that there exists an if s.val was propagated to a quorum of focal points. Each
implementation of atomic memory built on top of Q opt This node can issue write, read and recovery operations. A new
shows that f + 3 is the minimum quorum intersection size state is generated each time a node issues. a write operation.
necessary to guarantee data consistency and data availability
under our mobility model. Therefore, Q opt is optimal in the
size of the minimum quorum intersection, that is in terms of
message transmissions since the sender can compute a
quorum consisting of its n + f + 3 closest
nodes. This is particularly advantageous in sensor networks
because it can lead to energy savings [12].
10 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
2.4 Analysis
In this section, the key steps to prove the atomic
Write (v): consistency and data availability of the implementation
presented in this paper is shown.
s ← {v, t, unconfirmed, rand}
A. Data Availability
{acki} i ∈ Q ← qbcast (<write s> )
The availability of the data is a consequence of our
{acki} i ∈ Q ← qbcast (<confirm s> )
failure model and of the Qbcast service. The following
Read/recovery ( ): lemmas are useful to prove it and will be also used in
showing atomic consistency [13].
{si} i ∈ Q ← qbcast (<read>)
Lemma 3. The Qbcast service invoked by an active focal
s ← state ({si}) i ∈ Q point terminates within Τ time units since the invocation
if (s not confirmed) Proof: This is true since an active focal point or is able to
{acki} i ∈ Q ← qbcast (<confirm s>) communicate with a quorum of focal points because of
Definition 2, and because at most f + 1 focal points in Q can
return s.val be faulty when the request reaches their focal point regions.
In fact, because of assumptions A1 and A2 at most f + 1 focal
Figure 1. Write / Read/Recovery Protocols. points can appear to be faulty during T time units. Therefore,
at least |Q| — (f+ 1) focal points in a quorum reply. This
2.3.3 Write Protocol proves our thesis since the QBcast service guarantees
reliable delivery, and the maximum round-trip transmission
A node C requesting a write v computes a new state s delay is equal to T.
consisting of value v, the current timestamp, tag The following lemma and Theorem 1 is a straightforward
unconfirmed, and a random identification rand. It transmits derivation of the liveness of the Qbcast service.
its update to a quorum of focal points via the Qbcast service Lemma 4. An active focal point recovers within T time
by invoking qbcast (<write, s> ) and successively qbcast (< units.
confirm, s> ) to make sure that a quorum of focal points
received such an update. Upon receiving a write request, Theorem 1. This implementation of atomic read/write
each non-faulty focal point (including recovering) replaces shared memory guarantees data availability.
its state with the new state s only if the associate timestamp
s.t is higher than the timestamp of its local state, and sets its Lemma 5. At any time in the execution there are at most f+
write tag to unconfirmed. This tag is set to confirmed upon I faulty and recovering focal points. Proof. Because of
receiving the confirm request sent in the second phase of the Assumptions A1 and A2, and Lemma 4, there are at most f +
write protocol, or sent in the second phase of the read 1 faulty and recovering focal points during any time interval
protocol in case the node that issued the write operation [t,t + τ ] for any time t in the execution. This can occur if
could not complete the write operation due to failure[13]. there are f faulty focal points before t and during [t, t + τ]
one of these faulty focal points recovers and another one
2.3.4 Read Protocol
B. Atomic Consistency
In the read protocol, a node C invokes qbcast
(<read>), which forwards the read request to a quorum Q of There exists a total ordering of the operations with
focal points. Each non-faulty focal point in Q replies by certain properties. We need to show that the total order is
sending a copy of its local state s. Upon receiving a set of consistent with the natural order of invocations and
replies from the Qbcast service, node C computes the state response. That is, if o1 completes before o2 begins, then o1
with highest timestamp and returns the corresponding value. < a o2.
If the tag of s is equal to unconfirmed, it sends a confirm Lemma 6. The reply set Q associated with a request
request. This is to guarantee the linearizabitity of the satisfies the following properties:
operations performed on the shared data in case a write n − f
operation did not complete due to client failure [11]. (i) Q ≥ ;
2.3.5 Recovery Protocol Q ∈ Q
( ii ) Q ∩ Q ≥ 2 for any opt
It is invoked by a node C upon entering an empty
Proof. The first property holds because the QBcast service
region Gi. More precisely, C broadcasts a join request as
completes only upon receiving at least |Q| - (f+ 1) replies
soon as it enters a new focal point region and waits for
from a quorum of servers. Therefore,
replies. If it does not receive any reply within 2d time units, − n − f +1 n − f
where d is the maximum transmission delay, it invokes the Q≥ ≥
recovery protocol which works in the same way as the read 2 2
protocol [12].
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 11
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
the Mobile UNITY program accomplishes this. In our The basic progress properties include ensures, leads-to,
example we create two hosts and place them at initial until, and detects:
locations λ0 and λ1. • p ensures q simply states that if the program reaches a
System ad-hoc network state where p is true, p remains true as long as q is false,
Program host (i) at λ and there is one statement that, if selected, is guaranteed to
…………… make the predicate q true- This is used to define the most
End host basic progress property of programs.
Components • p leads-to q states that if program reaches a state where p
host (0) at λ0 is true, it will eventually reach a state in which q is true.
host (1) at λ1 Notice that in the leads-to, p is not required to hold until q
is established.
Interactions • p until q defined as ((p leads-to q) ^ (p unless q)), is used
host (0).token, host (1).token:=host (0).token, host to describe a progress condition which requires p to hold up
(1).token, 0 to the point when q is established.
When (host (0) λ = host (1).token. λ) • p detects q is defined as (p q) ^ (q leads-to p)
^ (host (1).token = 0) All of the predicate relations defined above represent a
Inhibit host (l).move and host (0).move short-hand notation for expressions involving Hoare triples
When (host (0). λ = host (1). λ) quantified over the set of statements in the system. Mobile
^ (host (l).token > 10) UNITY and UNITY logic share the same predicate rela-
End ad-hoc network tions. Differences become apparent only when one examines
the definitions of unless and ensures and the manner in
Unlike UNITY, in Mobile UNITY all variables are which they handle the new programming constructs of
local to each component. A separate section specifies Mobile UNITY. Here are some properties the toy-example
coordination among components by defining when and how satisfies:
they share data. In mobile systems, coordination is typically (1) (host (0).token + host (l).token = k)
location dependent. Furthermore, in order to define the Unless (host (0).token + host (l).token > k)
coordination rules, statements in the Interactions section — The total count will not decrease
can refer to variables belonging to the components (2) host (0).token = k leads-to host (0).token > k
themselves using a dot notation. The section may be viewed — The number of tokens on host (0) will eventually
as a model of physical reality (e.g., communication takes increase
place only when hosts are within a certain range) or as a
In the next section we employ the Mobile UNITY
specification for desired system services. The operational
proof logic to give a formal requirements definition to the
semantics of the inhibit construct is to strengthen the guard
geoquorum approach (the application of the paper).
of the affected statements whenever the when clause is true.
The statements in the Interactions section are selected for
execution in the same way as those in the component 4. The Geoquorum-Approach (The
programs. Thus, without the inhibit statement, host(0) and Application)
host(l) may move away from each other before the token
collection takes place, i.e., before the first interaction In this paper the Geoquorum algorithm is presented for
statement is selected for execution. With the addition of the implementing the atomic read/write in shared memory of
inhibit statement, when two hosts are co-located, and host(l) mobile ad hoc networks. This approach is based on
holds more than ten tokens, both hosts are prohibited from associating abstract atomic objects with certain geographic
moving, until host(l) has fewer than eleven tokens[7]. The locations. It is assumed that the existence of Focal Points,
inhibit construct adds both flexibility and control over the geographic areas that are normally "populated" by mobile
program execution.In addition to its programming notation, nodes. For example: a focal point may be a road Junction, a
Mobile UNITY also provides a proof logic, a specialization scenic observation point. Mobile nodes that happen to
of temporal logic. As in UNITY, safety properties specify populate a focal point participate in implementing a shared
that certain state transitions are not possible, while progress atomic object, using a replicated state machine approach.
properties specify that certain actions will eventually take These objects, which are called focal point objects, are prone
place. The safety properties include unless, invariant, and to Occasional failures when the corresponding geographic
stable [7]: areas are depopulated. The Geoquorums algorithm uses the
fault-prone focal point objects to implement atomic
• p unless q asserts that if the program reaches a state in read/write operations on a fault-tolerant virtual shared
which the predicate (p ^ ¬ q) holds, p will continue to hold at object. The Geoquorums algorithm uses a quorum- based
least as long as q does not, which may be forever. strategy in which each quorum consists of a set of focal
• Stable p is defined as p unless false, which states that once point objects. The quorums are used to maintain the
p holds; it will continue to hold forever. consistency of the shared memory and to tolerate limited
• Inv p means ((INIT) p) ^ stable p), i.e., p holds failures of the focal point objects, which may be caused by
initially and throughout the execution of the program. depopulation of the corresponding geographic areas. The
INIT characterizes the program's initial state. mechanism for changing the set of quorums has presented,
thus improving efficiency [8]. Overall, the new Geoquorums
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 13
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
algorithm efficiently implements read/write operations in a algorithm replicates the read/write shared memory at a
highly dynamic, mobile network. In this chapter, a new number of focal point objects. In order to maintain
approach to designing algorithms for mobile ad hoc consistency, accessing the shared memory requires updating
networks is presented. An ad hoc network uses no pre- certain sets of focal points known as quorums. An important
existing infrastructure, unlike cellular networks that depend aspect of our approach is that the members of our quorums
on fixed, wired base stations. Instead, the network is formed are focal point objects, not mobile nodes. The algorithm uses
by the mobile nodes themselves, which co-operate to route two sets of quorums (I) get-quorums (II) put- quorums
communication from sources to destinations. Ad hoc with property that every get-quorum intersects every put-
communication networks are by nature, highly dynamic. quorum. There is no requirement that put-quorums intersect
Mobile nodes are often small devices with limited energy other put-quorums, or get-quorums intersect other get-
that spontaneously join and leave the network. As a mobile quorums. The use of quorums allows the algorithm to
node moves, the set of neighbors with which at can directly tolerate the failure of a limited number of focal point
communicate may change completely. The nature of ad hoc objects. Our algorithm uses a Global Position System (GPS)
networks makes it challenging to solve the standard time service, allowing it to process write operations using a
problems encountered in mobile computing, such as location single phase, prior single-phase write algorithm made other
management using classical tools. The difficulties arise from strong assumptions, for example: relying either on
the lack of a fixed infrastructure to serve as the backbone of synchrony or single writers. This algorithm guarantees that
the network. In this section developing a new approach that all read operations complete within two phases, but allows
allows existing distributed algorithm to be adapted for for some reads to be completed using a single phase: the
highly dynamic ad hoc environments one such fundamental atomic memory algorithm flags the completion of a previous
problem in distributed computing is implementing atomic read or write operation to avoid using additional phases,
read/ write shared memory [8]. Atomic memory is a basic and propagates this information to various focal paint
service that facilitates the implementation of many higher objects[9]. As far as we know, this is an improvement on
level algorithms. For example: one might construct a previous quorum based algorithms. For performance
location service by requiring each mobile node to reasons, at different times it may be desirable to use
periodically write its current location to the memory. different times it may be desirable to use different sets of get
Alternatively, a shared memory could be used to collect real quorums and put-quorums. For example: during intervals
– time statistics, for example: recording the number of when there are many more read operations than write
people in a building here, a new algorithm for atomic multi operations, it may be preferable to use smaller get- quorums
writes/multi- reads memory in mobile ad hoc networks. The that are well distributed, and larger put-quorums that are
problem of implementing atomic read/write memory is sparsely distributed. In this case a client can rapidly
divided into two parts; first, we define a static system communicate with a get-quorum while communicating with
model, the focal point object model that associates abstract a put – quorum may be slow. If the operational statistics
objects with certain fixed geographic locales. The mobile change, it may be useful to reverse the situation. The
nodes implement this model using a replicated state algorithm presented here includes a limited
machine approach. In this way, the dynamic nature of the ad "reconfiguration" Capability: it can switch between a finite
hoc network is masked by a static model. Moreover it should number of predetermined quorum systems, thus changing
be noted that this approach can be applied to any dynamic the available put-quorums and get –quorums. As a result of
network that has a geographic basis. Second, an algorithm the static underlying focal point object model, in which focal
is presented to implement read/write atomic memory using point objects neither join nor leave, it isn't a severe
the focal point object model. The implementation of the limitation to require the number of predetermined quorum
focal point object model depends on a set of physical systems to be finite (and small). The resulting
regions, known as focal points .The mobile nodes within a reconfiguration algorithm, however, is quite efficient
focal point cooperate to simulate a single virtual object, compared to prior reconfigurable atomic memory
known as a focal point object. Each focal point supports a algorithms. Reconfiguration doesn't significantly delay read
local broadcast service, LBcast which provides reliable, or write operations, and as no consensus service is required,
totally ordered broadcast. This service allows each node in reconfiguration terminates rapidly.
the focal point to communicate reliably with every other
The mathematical notation for the geoquorum approach
node in the focal point. The focal broadcast service is used
- I the totally- ordered set of node identifiers.
to implement a type of replicated state machine, one that
- I0 є I, a distinguished node identifier in I that is
tolerates joins and leaves of mobile nodes. If a focal point
smaller than all order identifiers in I.
becomes depopulated, then the associated focal point object
- S, the set of port identifiers, defined as N>0× OP×I,
fails. (Note that it doesn't matter how a focal point becomes
Where OP= {get, put, confirm, recon- done}.
depopulated, be it as a result of mobile nodes failing, leaving
- O, the totally- ordered, finite set of focal point
the area, going to sleep. etc. Any depopulation results in the
focal point failing). The Geoquorums algorithm implements
- T, the set of tags defined as R ≥0 × I.
an atomic read/write memory algorithm on top of the
- U, the set of operation identifiers, defined as R ≥0 ×
geographic abstraction, that is, on top of the focal point
object model. Nodes implementing the atomic memory use a
- X, the set of memory locations for each x є X:
Geocast service to communicate with the focal point objects.
- Vx the set of values for x
In order to achieve fault tolerance and availability, the
- v0,x є Vx , the initial value of
14 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Op. type=write
Config-id C, initially< 0, i0, c0> Effect:
Confirmed-set C T, initially Ø Op. phase idle
Recon-ip, a Boolean, initially false Confirmed confirmed U {op. tag}
Operations Input read ( ) i
Put (new-tag, new-value, new-Config-id) Effect:
If (new-tag> tag) then Current-port-number
Value ←new-value Current-port-number +1
Tag ← new-tag Op < read, get, ┴, ┬, recon-ip, <0, i0, c0>, Ø>
If (new-Config-id > Config-id) then Output read-ack (v) i
Config-id ← new-config-id Precondition:
Recon-ip ← true Conf-id=<time-stamp, Pid, c>
Return put-Ack (Config-id, recon-ip) If op. recon-ip then
Get (new-config-id) √ C/ ∈ M, э G ∈ get-quorums(C/): G C op. acc
If (new-config-id >Config-id) then Else
Config-id ← new-Config-id Э G ∈ get-quorums(C): G C op. acc
Recon-ip ←true Op. phase=get
Confirmed ← (tag confirmed-set) Op. type=read
Return get-ack (tag, value, confirmed, Config-id, recon-ip) Op. tag ∈ confirmed
Confirm (new-tag) v= op. value
Confirmed-set ←confirmed –set U {new-tag} Effect:
Return confirm-Ack Op .phase idle
Recon –done (new-Config-id) Internal read-2( )i
If (new-Config-id=Config-id) then Precondition:
Recon-ip ←false Conf-id=<time-stamp, Pid, c>
Return recon-done-Ack ( ) √ C/ ∈ M, э G ∈ get-quorums(C/): G C op. acc
Fig .3 Definition of the Put/Get Variable Type τ Else
Э G ∈ get-quorums(C): G C op. acc
4.1 Operation Manager Op. phase=get
Op. type=read
In this section the Operation Manger (OM) is presented,
an algorithm built on the focal/point object Model. As the
Op. tag ∈ confirmed
focal point Object Model contains two entities, focal point
objects and Mobile nodes, two specifications is presented ,
Current-port-number +1
on for the objects and one for the application running on
Op. phase put
the mobile nodes [8] [9].
Op. Recon. ip recon-ip
Op. acc Ø
4.1.1 Operation Manager Client
Output read-Ack (v)i
This automaton receives read, write, and recon requests
Conf-id=<time-stamp, Pid, c>
from clients and manages quorum accesses to implement
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If op. recon-ip then distributed clients through the geocast service, to implement
√ C/ ∈ M, э P ∈ put-quorums(C/): P C op. acc an atomic object (with port set q=s)corresponding to a
Else particular focal point. We refer to this algorithm as the
Э P ∈ put-quorums(C): P C op. acc Focal Point Emulator (FPE). The FPE client has three basic
Op. phase=put purposes. First, it ensures that each invocation receives at
Op. type=read most one response (eliminating duplicates).Second, it
v=op. value abstracts away the geocast communication, providing a
Effect: simple invoke/respond interface to the mobile node [9].
Op. phase idle Third, it provides each mobile node with multiple ports to
Confirmed confirmed U {op. tag} the focal point object; the number of ports depends on the
Input recon (conf-name)i atomic object being implemented. The remaining code for
Effect: the FPE server is in fig .5.When a node enters the focal
Conf-id <clock, i, conf-name> point, it broadcasts a join-request message using the LBcast
Recon-ip true service and waits for a response. The other nodes in the
Current-port-number focal point respond to a join-request by sending the current
Current-port-number +1 state of the simulated object using the LBcast service. As an
Op < recon, get, ┴, ┴, true, conf-id, Ø> optimization, to avoid unnecessary message traffic and
Internal recon-2(cid) i collisions, if a node observes that someone else has already
Precondition responded to a join-request, and then it does not respond.
√ C/ ∈ M, э G ∈ get-quorums(C/): G C op. acc Once a node has received the response to its join-request,
√ C/ ∈ M, э P ∈ put-quorums(C/): P C op. acc then it starts participating in the simulation, by becoming
Op. type=recon active. When a node receives a Geocast message containing
Op. phase=get an operation invocation, it resends it with the Lbcast service
Cid=op. recon-conf-id to the focal point, thus causing the invocation to become
Effect ordered with respect to the other LBcast messages (which
Current-port-number are join-request messages, responses to join requests, and
Current-port-number +1 operation invocations ).since it is possible that a Geocast is
Op. phase put received by more than one node in the focal point ,there is
Op. acc Ø some bookkeeping to make sure that only one copy of the
Output recon-Ack(c) i same invocation is actually processed by the nodes. There
Precondition exists an optimization that if a node observes that an
Cid=op. recon-conf-id invocation has already been sent with LBcast service, then it
Cid= <time-stamp, Pid, c> does not do so. Active nodes keep track of operation
Э P ∈ put-quorums(C): P C op. acc invocations in the order in which they receive them over the
Op. type=recon LBcast service. Duplicates are discarded using the unique
Op. phase=put operation ids. The operations are performed on the
Effect: simulated state in order. After each one, a Geocast is sent
If (conf-id=op. recon-conf-id) then back to the invoking node with the response. Operations
Recon-ip false complete when the invoking node with the response.
Op. phase idle Operations complete when the invoking node remains in the
Input geo-update (t, L) i same region as when it sent the invocation, allowing the
Effect: geocast to find it. When a node leaves the focal point, it re-
Clock 1 initializes its variables .A subtle point is to decide when a
Fig .4 Operation Manager Client Read/Write/Recon and node should start collecting invocations to be applied to its
Geo-update Transitions for Node replica of the object state. A node receives a snapshot of the
state when it joins. However by the time the snapshot is
received, it might be out of date, since there may have been
some intervening messages from the LBcast service that
4.2 Focal Point Emulator Overview
have been received since the snapshot was sent. Therefore
The focal point emulator implements the focal point the joining node must record all the operation invocations
object Model in an ad hoc mobile network. The nodes in a that are broadcast after its join request was broadcast but
focal point (i.e. in the specified physical region) collaborate before it received the snapshot .this is accomplished by
to implement a focal point object. They take advantage of having the joining node enter a "listening" state once it
the powerful LBcast service to implement a replicated state receives its own join request message; all invocations
machine that tolerates nodes continually joining and leaving received when a node is in either the listening or the active
.This replicated state machine consistently maintains the state are recorded, and actual processing of the invocations
state of the atomic object, ensuring that the invocations are can start once the node has received the snapshot and has
performed in a consistent order at every mobile node [8].In the active status. A precondition for performing most of
this section an algorithm is presented to implement the focal these actions that the node is in the relevant focal point.
point object model. the algorithm allows mobile nodes This property is covered in most cases by the integrity
moving in and out of focal points, communicating with requirements of the LBcast and Geocast services, which
16 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
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imply that these actions only happen when the node is in the Precondition:
appropriate focal point [8]. Peek (geocast-queue) =m
Focal Point Emulator Server Transitions
Dequeue (geocost- queue)
Internal join ( ) Obj , i
Input get-update (l, t) obj,i
Location ∈ FP-location
Location ← l
Clock← t
Effect: Fig. 5 FPE server transitions for client i and object Obj of variable
Join-id ←<clock, i> type τ = <V, v0, invocations, responses, δ >
Status← joining
Enqueue (Lbcast-queue,<join-req, join-id>)
Input Lbcast- rcv (< join-req, jid>) obj, i
5. Problem Specification
The methodology for formal specification of the
If ((status=joining)) ^ (jid=Join-id)) then
geoquorum approach is illustrated by considering a set of
Status ←listening
mobile nodes with identifiers with values from 0 through
If ((status=active))) ^ jid ∉ answered-join-reqs)) then
(N-1) moving through space. Initially some of the nodes are
Enqueue (LBcast-queue, < join-ack, jid, val>)
idle while others are active. Nodes communicate with each
Input Lbcast- rcv (<join-ack, jid, v>) obj, i
other while in range. A node can becomes idle at any time
but can be reactivated if it encounters an active node. The
Answered-join-reqs ← answered-join-reqs U {jid}
basic requirement is that of determining that all nodes are
If ((status=listening) ^ (jid =join-id)) then
idle and storing that information in a Boolean flag (claim)
Status ← active
located on some specific node say node (i0), formally the
val V
problem reduces.
Input Geocast –rcv (< invoke, inv, oid, loc, FP-loc>) obj,i
If (FP-loc=FP-location) then
Stable W (S1)
If (<inv, oid, loc> ∉ pending-ops U completed ops) then
Enqueue (Lbcast-queue, <invoke, inv, oid, loc>)
Input LBcast –rcv (< invoke, inv, oid, loc>) obj,i
Claim detects W (P1)
If ((status=listening V active) ^
(<inv, oid, loc> ∉ pending-ops U completed-ops)) Then
Where W is the condition
Enqueue (pending-ops, <inv, oid, loc>)
Internal simulate-op (inv) obj, i
Precondition: W=< ^ i: 0 < i ≤N:: idle [i] > (D1)
Peek (pending-ops) =<inv, oid, loc>
Effect: (S1) is a safety property stating that once all nodes are idle,
(Val, resp)← δ (inv, val) no node ever becomes active again. (P1) is a progress
Enqueue (geocost- queue, < response, resp, oid, loc>) property requiring the flag claim to eventually record the
Enqueue (completed-ops, Dequeue (pending-ops)) system's quiescence. Using idle [i] to express the quiescence
Internal leave ( ) obj, i of a node and define active [i] to be its negation. It is
Precondition: important to note that the problem definition in this case
Location ∉ fp-location does not depend on the nature of the underlying
Status ≠ idle computation.
Status← idle 5.1 Formal Derivation
Join-id← <0, i0>
Val ← v0 In this section, specification refinement techniques are
Answered -join- reqs← Ø employed toward the goal of generating a programming
Pending –ops ← Ø solution that accounts for the architectural features of ad hoc
Completed-ops ← Ø networks which form opportunistically as nodes move in
Lbcast-queue ← Ø and out of range.
Geocast-queue ← Ø The refinement process starts by capturing high level
Output Lbcast (m) obj, i behavioral features of the underlying application [14] [15].
Precondition: In each case, we provide the informal motivation behind
Peek (Lbcast-queue) =m that particular step and show the resulting changes to the
Effect: specification. As an aid to the reader, each refinement
Duqueue (Lbcast- queue) concludes with a list of specification statement labels that
Output geocast (m) obj, i captures the current state of the refinement process, as in:
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Refinement 0: P1, S1 where N is the number of nodes in the system. Property (P1)
is then replaced by:
5.1.1 Refinement 1: Activation Principle
Claim detects D = N (P2)
A node invocation may become put, get, confirm,
reconfig – done. The safety property of these computations With the collection mechanism left undefined for the time
can be expressed as: being.
< ∃ T : Tag ≠ new - tag :: Tag > new - tag >
Recon - done [i] (S 5 )
< Э id, ip: config-id ≠ new-config- id:: recon-ip=false>
Captures the requirement that, when node i activates and
In previous, it is determined that all invocations and its becomes node j, the config-id of node j must be increase in
conditions of the application. the same step. Clearly, this new property strengthens
Refinement 1: P1, S2, S3, S4, S5. property (S2), (S3), (S6).
w= < max i: L=N ^ oid [i] > 0:: i > (D5) Join-id[j] > 0 ^ L = N ^ < Э I < j:: com (i, j)> , And a safety
To keep track of the highest ranked node holding oids. After
all nodes are idle, we will force w to decrease until it reaches Join-id [j] > 0 ^ L= N ^ j = 0 (S9)
0.when w=0 and L=N, obj (v0) will have collected all the
oids. At this stage we add a new progress property, Unless
Join-id[j] = 0 ^ L=N ^ < Э i< j:: com (i, j)>
w = k > 0 until w < k ( P3)
Refinement 5: P2, P3, P6, S4, S5, S7, S8, S9
That begins to shape the progress of oid passing. As 5.1.6 Refinement 6: Contact Guarantee
mentioned, the until property is a combination of a safety
property (the unless portion) and a progress property (the Property (P6) conveys two different things. First; it
leads – to portion). As long as the highest ranked oid holder ensures that a node with join-ids will meet a lower ranked
passes its oids to a lower ranked node, we can show that all node, if one exists. Second, it requires the join-ids to be
the oids will reach obj (V0= 0) without having to restrict the passed to the lower ranked node. The former requires us to
behavior of any node except node (w) = obj (w). Some can either place restrictions on the movement of the mobile
replace (P2) with nodes or make assumptions about the movement. For this
reason, we refine property (P6) into two obligations. The
Claim detects (w=0) (P4) first
According to the code for the FPE client and FPE server Join-id [j] > 0 ^ L = N ^ < Э i< j:: com (i,j)>
which discussed in section 3.2 clearly, a node can only
activate another node or pass (join-ids=jid) to another node Guarantees that a node with join-ids will meet a lower
if the two parties can communicate. To accomplish this, we ranked node. The second,
introduce the predicate, com (i, j) that holds if and only if
nodes i and j can communicate. Join-id [j] > 0 ^ L = N ^ < Э i< j:: com (i, j)>
Idle [i] (S8) Join-id [j] = 0 ^ L = N ^ < Э i< j:: com (i,j)> Forces a
node that has met a lower ranked node, to pass its join-ids.
Unless At the point of passing, communication is still available.
There two new properties replace property (P6).
< Э j: j = i : : active/[ j] ^ active [j] ^ active [i ] ^ (join-id[i]
+ join-id [j]=(join-id)/[i] +(join-id)/[j]-1)> 0 ^ com (i,j)> Refinement 5: P2, P3, P7, P8, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9
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[13]T. Hara, "Location Management of Replication
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International Conference AINA, 2006, PP. 753-758.
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2010 (Cairo University) reviewers for their constructive Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", Journal of Interconnection
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[15]Y Sawai, M. Shinohara, A. Kanzaki, T. Hara, S. Nishio,
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20 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
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cross layer one that allows concurrent transmissions to take In this paper we start by looking at the power management
place in the same vicinity and simultaneously conserves schemes used in ad-hoc networks in section II. We then
energy. present our cross layer design in section III. Simulation
setup in section IV is followed by results and analysis in the
Ad-hoc networks could be broadly classified into three Vth section. We conclude this paper in the VIth section
topologies namely, spare, dense and cluster form. Since the followed by the references in the VIIth section.
MAC and Network layers play an important role in
conserving power and increasing the system throughput, it 2. Previous Work
is essential to have a cross layer design that can support
different topologies. The MAC layer in a system controls The research community has done a lot of work to suggest
how and when a node accesses the medium. This also potential ways of power control in ad-hoc networks. In [1]
includes the transmission power used for communication. If Rong Zheng and Robin Kravets proposed an on demand
a transmitting node is aware of the ideal SINR value at the power management scheme for ad-hoc networks. It is an
receiver, it can adjust its transmitting power such that only extensible on-demand power management framework for
required amount of power is used for communication. In ad-hoc networks that adapts to traffic load. Nodes maintain
doing so not only does the transmitter save power (compared soft-state timers that determine power management
to transmitting at full power) but also interferes with lesser transitions. By monitoring routing control messages and
nodes (as increased power would mean increased range). In data transmission, these timers are set and refreshed on-
case of sparse network, we introduce the “locally aware” demand. Nodes that are not involved in data delivery may
power management protocol in which a receiver can inform go to sleep as supported by the MAC protocol. This soft
its transmitter of the minimum required SINR (to be able to state is aggregated across multiple flows and its
decode the signal) so that the transmitter can adjust its maintenance requires no additional out-of-band messages.
transmitting power accordingly. In a dense topology a The implementation is a prototype of the framework in the
receiver may face interference from more nodes than in a NS-2 simulator that uses the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol.
sparse topology. We propose the “globally aware” protocol Simulation studies using this scheme with the Dynamic
here. In such a case it is essential that the receiver transmits Source Routing protocol show a reduction in energy
its minimum required SINR value in all the directions. This consumption near 50% when compared to a network
will ensure that all the transmitters in this receiver’s without power management under both long-lived CBR
neighborhood will control their power such that they do not traffic and on-off traffic loads, with comparable throughput
interfere with this receiver anymore but can still carry on and latency. Preliminary results also show that it
with their own communications. Both the sparse and the outperforms existing routing backbone election approaches.
dense topology designs are supported by a power aware In [2] Zongpeng Li and Baochun Li present a probabilistic
routing protocol at the Network layer. Since a sensor power management scheme for ad-hoc networks. It
network is a network in which nodes gather relevant data introduces Odds, an integrated set of energy-efficient and
about an activity and send it to an actor node which fully distributed algorithms for power management in
processes the data further; it is important that efficient wireless ad-hoc networks. Odds is built on the observation
routing is performed from the sensor nodes to the actor that explicit and periodic re-computation of the backbone
nodes. Cluster topologies are very common in ad-hoc topology is costly with respect to its additional bandwidth
sensor networks to record signals of interest at certain places overhead, especially when nodes are densely populated or
only. Fig. 1 shows the difference between a homogeneous highly mobile. Building on a fully probabilistic approach,
and non-homogeneous spatial distribution of nodes. We Odds seek to make a minimum overhead, perfectly
study the changes in power consumed and throughput when balanced, and fully localized decision on each node with
all cluster nodes transmit at the same power to when there is respect to when and how long it needs to enter standby
power control. Power control is implemented by making mode to conserve energy. Such a decision does not rely on
sure that each cluster uses its own power level such that it periodic message broadcasts in the local neighborhood, so
does not interfere with other cluster nodes. This simple cross that Odds are scalable as node density increases. Detailed
layer design helps prolong the network lifetime and also mathematical analysis, discussions and simulation results
shows increase in throughput. have shown that Odds are indeed able to achieve our
objectives while operating in a wide range of density and
traffic loads. Power control schemes using purely directional
transmission and reception have not been researched in
detail. Exploiting the advantages of directional antennas
[13, 14, 15, 20] shows considerable improvement in the
overall network performance.
system power consumption and thereby prolongs the battery control when nodes are non-homogeneously dispersed in
life of mobile nodes. Furthermore, the invention improves space. In such situations, one seeks to employ per packet
the end-to-end network throughput as compared to other ad- power control depending on the source and destination of
hoc networks in which all mobile nodes use the same the packet. This gives rise to a joint problem which involves
transmit power. The improvement is due to the achievement not only power control but also clustering. Three solutions
of a tradeoff between minimizing interference ranges, for joint clustering and power control are presented. The
reduction in the average number of hops to reach a first protocol, CLUSTERPOW, aims to increase the network
destination, reducing the probability of having isolated capacity by increasing spatial reuse. The second, Tunnelled
clusters, and reducing the average number of transmissions CLUSTERPOW, allows a finer optimization by using
including retransmissions due to collisions. The present encapsulation. The last, MINPOW, whose basic idea is not
invention provides a network with better end-to-end new, provides an optimal routing solution with respect to
throughput performance and lowers the transmit power. [6] the total power consumed in communication. The
and [8] also talk about transmission power control. contribution includes a clean implementation of MINPOW
at the network layer without any physical layer support. All
Topology control [4], [9] schemes have also been proposed. three protocols ensure that packets ultimately reach their
In [4] authors present Span, a power saving technique for intended destinations.
multi-hop ad-hoc wireless networks that reduces energy Power aware routing protocols such as Power Aware AODV
consumption without significantly diminishing the capacity [10] also contribute to conserving the network power.
or connectivity of the network. Span builds on the Changes have been suggested to the NS2 routing structure
observation that when a region of a shared-channel wireless to accommodate for a power aware routing protocol that is
network has a sufficient density of nodes, only a small aimed at increasing the network lifetime. [17, 18, 19] also
number of them need be on at any time to forward traffic for propose energy efficient schemes for wireless networks.
active connections. Span is a distributed, randomized
algorithm where nodes make local decisions on whether to 3. Proposed Scheme
sleep, or to join a forwarding backbone as a coordinator.
Each node bases its decision on an estimate of how many of 3.1 Power Control: The MAC Perspective
its neighbors will benefit from it being awake and the
amount of energy available to it. Authors use a randomized In this paper we propose a cross layer design in which the
algorithm where coordinators rotate with time, MAC layer and the Network layer functions can be modified
demonstrating how localized node decisions lead to a to achieve lesser power consumption and increase
connected, capacity-preserving global topology. throughput. The system mimics the 802.11 standard and
Improvement in system lifetime due to Span increases as the uses directional antennas at the physical layer. Since
ratio of idle-to-sleep energy consumption increases, and different situations demand different control mechanisms,
increases as the density of the network increases. the solutions in this paper are aimed at the three most
Simulations show that with a practical energy model, system common topologies in wireless ad-hoc networks, namely
lifetime of an 802.11 network in power saving mode with sparse, dense and cluster forms. A power controlled MAC
Span is a factor of two better than without. Span integrates protocol decides the power level for transmission for a
nicely with 802.11. When run in conjunction with the particular node. It is the power used to access the channel
802.11 power saving mode, Span improves communication and also to carry on subsequent transmissions. Researchers
latency, capacity, and system lifetime. A cone-based solution have used different metrics to determine the optimum
that guarantees network connectivity was proposed in [9]. transmission power; the SINR of the receiving node being
Each node i gradually increases its transmission power until the most popular [add ref]. We assume that there is a
it finds at least one neighbor in every cone of angle. Node i mechanism like GPS that enables the nodes to be aware of
starts the algorithm by broadcasting a “Hello” message at the network topology. This enables the receivers to calculate
low transmission power and collecting replies. It gradually the SINR level based on the number of transmitters and
increases the transmission power to discover more neighbors their distance from this receiver. Not only does this prolong
and continuously caches the direction in which replies are network lifetime but also allows more nodes to communicate
received. It then checks whether each cone of angle contains at the same time. In the proposed protocols the collision
a node. The protocol assumes the availability of directional avoidance information does not prevent interfering nodes
information (angle-of-arrival), which requires extra from accessing the channel. Instead, it bounds the
hardware. This scheme does not seem to work for transmission powers of future packets generated by these
directional antennas [16] as most of the replies would be lost nodes. This is unlike the RTS/CTS packets used in the
depending on where the source’s antenna is pointing. Some 802.11 scheme.
researchers proposed the use of a synchronized global
signaling channel to build a global network topology To understand what this collision avoidance information is
database, where each node communicates only with its and how nodes can make use of it, consider the transmission
nearest N neighbors (N is a design parameter). This of a packet from some node i to some node j. Let SINR (i,j)
approach, however, requires a signaling channel in which be the SINR at node j for the desired signal from node i.
each node is assigned a dedicated slot. Then,
A scheme based on clustering [5] in ad-hoc networks was
also presented. This paper discusses the problem of power
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 23
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
A packet is correctly received if the SINR is above a certain 2) Dense Networks: A Globally Aware Protocol
threshold (say, SINRth) that reflects the QoS of the link. By
allowing nearby nodes to transmit concurrently, the The protocol which we have simulated states that each node
interference power at receiver j increases, and so SINR (i,j) in the network transmits with optimum power (which is the
decreases. Therefore, to be able to correctly receive the minimum required SINR) in an attempt to maximize the
intended packet at node j, the transmission power at node i throughput of the network. When a transmitting node sends
must be computed while taking into account potential future an RTS to the receiver successfully, the receiver piggy backs
transmissions in the neighborhood of receiver j. This is the SINR information in the CTS frame which can be
achieved by incorporating an interference margin in the further used to decide the ideal transmitting power at the
computation of SINR (i,j). This margin represents the transmitter. It also broadcasts the Collision Avoidance
additional interference power that receiver j can tolerate Information in all the directions. When the neighboring
while ensuring coherent reception of the upcoming packet nodes receive this information, they adjust their
from node i. Nodes at some interfering distance from j can transmission power such that they can still carry on their
now start new transmissions while the transmission i → j is conversation and not disrupt the other nodes. When a pair
taking place. The interference margin is incorporated by of communicating nodes experience interference from some
scaling up the transmission power at node i beyond what is other node (SINR goes down at the reciever), the Collision
minimally needed to overcome the current interference at Avoidance information is updated and can be sent to the
node j. For our simulations, a SINR margin of 10 dB transmitter with a CTS (in response to a data frame). This
ensures correct reception. Also, it is to be kept in mind that allows the nodes which are at a fair distance from other
the minimum transmission power should not be allowed to nodes to transmit at maximum power and also restrict the
drop below a threshold given by power of nodes which are closer to each other. Now a node
with a packet to transmit is allowed to proceed with its
transmission if the transmission power will not disturb the
ongoing receptions in the node’s neighborhood beyond the
allowed interference margin. Allowing for concurrent
transmissions increases the network throughput and
P t (i,j)= power transmitted by node i such that the
decreases contention delay.
transmission range does not exceed node j
P r (j,i)= power received by node j when node i transmits
P max = maximum power for this configuration
The cluster approach is defined for networks which tend to members. AODV uses sequence numbers to ensure the
operate in small groups. If all the nodes were to transmit at freshness of routes. It is loop-free, self-starting, and scales to
a random level of transmission power, the network large numbers of mobile nodes.
throughput would degrade since the neighboring nodes
would cause interference. It would be appropriate in such a AODV builds routes using a route request / route reply
scenario to restrict the power levels of different groups. query cycle. When a source node desires a route to a
Each member in a group uses the same power level. destination for which it does not already have a route, it
Different groups use different power levels depending on the broadcasts a route request (RREQ) packet across the
size of the group. Since new members may be added to the network. Nodes receiving this packet update their
cluster and old members might leave, a special node called information for the source node and set up backwards
the Cluster Head (CH) is elected. This node has knowledge pointers to the source node in the route tables. In addition to
of the topology of the network. It calculates the minimum the source node's IP address, current sequence number, and
required power so that all node pairs can communicate. This broadcast ID, the RREQ also contains the most recent
value is beaconed after short durations so that all the nodes sequence number for the destination of which the source
have the updated information and are transmitting with only node is aware. A node receiving the RREQ may send a route
the required power. Fig. 3 shows the reason for having each reply (RREP) if it is either the destination or if it has a route
group use its own power level. Nodes can still communicate to the destination with corresponding sequence number
within the cluster and use much less power. Since reducing greater than or equal to that contained in the RREQ. If this
the power also means a reduction in range for the is the case, it unicasts a RREP back to the source.
directional antennas, we see a better throughput result in our Otherwise, it rebroadcasts the RREQ. Nodes keep track of
case. This is a result of better spatial reuse. Next we study the RREQ's source IP address and broadcast ID. If they
the changes made to the Network layer. receive a RREQ which they have already processed, they
discard the RREQ and do not forward it. As the RREP
propagates back to the source, nodes set up forward pointers
to the destination. Once the source node receives the RREP,
it may begin to forward data packets to the destination. If
the source later receives a RREP containing a greater
sequence number or contains the same sequence number
with a smaller hop count, it may update its routing
information for that destination and begin using the better
route. As long as the route remains active, it will continue to
be maintained. A route is considered active as long as there
are data packets periodically travelling from the source to
Figure 3. Nodes inside a cluster can use lesser power to the destination along that path. Once the source stops
communicate sending data packets, the links will time out and eventually
be deleted from the intermediate node routing tables. If a
link break occurs while the route is active, the node
3.2 Power Control: The Network Perspective
upstream of the break propagates a route error (RERR)
Network layer solutions are energy-oriented and aim at message to the source node to inform it of the now
reducing energy consumption, with throughput being a unreachable destination(s). After receiving the RERR, if the
secondary factor. It includes intelligent routing based on source node still desires the route, it can reinitiate route
immediate link costs i.e. power aware routing [10]. Every discovery.
node in the network can compute the power consumed to With power control, AODV manages to preserve the
send a packet to its one hop neighbors. This allows nodes to network life as it routes packets through nodes which have
choose the path which consumes least power, thereby higher power remaining. This means when the AODV
preserving the system power. We implement the power protocol calculates the next hop on receiving a RREQ
aware AODV protocol and simulation results show that packet, it considers the remaining power of all its
network throughput increased marginally and system neighboring nodes before sending a RREP packet. In such a
lifetime was preserved. The advantage of power aware case every node must be periodically updated of the power
routing is that it can be integrated with the changed MAC levels of the neighboring nodes. We do so by periodically
layer, to enhance the system performance. The novelty here broadcasting the remaining power information to immediate
lies in the physical layer, with directional antennas. neighbors. If a node receives information that a neighboring
The Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing node is running out of power, it must immediately calculate
algorithm is a routing protocol designed for ad-hoc mobile a new route to the destination. Although this protocol may
networks. AODV is capable of both unicast and multicast face slightly larger delays (since longer routes may be
routing. It is an on demand algorithm, meaning that it chosen depending on the remaining power of neighbors), it
builds routes between nodes only as desired by source nodes. manages to preserve network lifetime with the same
It maintains these routes as long as they are needed by the throughput efficiency.
sources. Additionally, AODV forms trees which connect
multicast group members. The trees are composed of the
group members and the nodes needed to connect the
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 25
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Table 1 lists the parameters and their respective values that We start this section by testing our protocol and studying the
have been used in the simulations. We simulate the three behavior of the network in different situations. We obtained
topologies in NS2 on a Unix platform. The codes have been data by varying different parameters like the CBR rate and
written in Tcl. In the next section we evaluate the changing the number of nodes in a network. The CBR rate
performance of the cross layer design. We perform corresponds to how fast the packets are being generated and
simulations to obtain the network throughput and the transmitted from the transmitter. Controlling this parameter
average consumption of power in the network using our means controlling the network load. Since a given network
design. The packet size is 512 bytes unless specified has only limited bandwidth, by increasing the CBR, the
otherwise. Each flow in the network transmits CBR traffic. throughput should first increase as more and more packets
We do not consider mobility in our simulations. For the are sent successfully over the network. As the bandwidth is
radio propagation model, the two ray path loss model is constrained in a network, on increasing the CBR rate
used. NS2 uses the 802.11 model for wireless networks. The further, collisions occur, packets get dropped and
power consumption has been calculated by considering the throughput decreases. So the network behaves best for a
power used for transmission only, taking into consideration particular CBR for a given scenario. This claim is validated
the number of directional antennas used. Perl language has by Fig. 4, 5 and 6. It is clear that the throughput in all the
been used to calculate values from the trace files. The power three types of networks increases as the CBR rate is
consumed for receiving and carrier sensing have not been increased, but starts to decrease and attains a steady state
calculated. For our simulations, we consider a mobile ad-hoc when the rate is increased further. When the available
network in a square area of dimensions 500m X 500m. bandwidth of a network is fixed and the number of nodes is
varied, the affect is very similar to changing the CBR. With
Table 1: Parameters and their values used in simulations a constant CBR, when nodes are added to a particular
network, they increase the throughput of the network as
TOPOLOGY PARAMETER VALUE more packets are sent over the medium. It is noticed that
when too many nodes start talking in the same space,
Sparse Network Number of nodes 8 collisions occur and the throughput decreases. From Fig. 7,
Size of network 500 X 500 8 and 9 we can see that as we increase the number of nodes
Simulation time 500 secs in the three cases, the throughput increases to a maximum
Packet size 512 bytes value. When a high number of nodes are present is any
Bandwidth 1Mb network, the value of throughput is much low. For Fig. 7, 8
Traffic Type CBR and 9 the number of nodes in each network is specified in
Pmax 100mW Table I. The CBR rate for the sparse network is 20 Kbps and
MinRecvPwr 1mW for the dense and cluster network is 40 Kbps. These tests
Dense Network Number of nodes 30 show that even after making changes to the MAC, Network
Size of network 500 X 500 and Physical Layer of the network, it has good behavior.
Simulation time 500 secs
It should be noted that in Fig. 7, when there are 18 nodes in
Packet size 512 bytes
the network, the throughput is very low. This is attributed to
Bandwidth 2Mb
the fact that the cross-layer design for the sparse network is
Traffic Type CBR
not effective when a large number of nodes are present. This
Pmax 100mW is the point where we switch from the Locally Aware
MinRecvPwr 1mW Scheme to the Globally Aware Scheme and we say our
Cluster form Number of nodes 16 network is no longer sparse. Using the Globally Aware
Size of network 500 X 500 Scheme helps more nodes in the network be aware of the
Simulation time 500 secs SINR values at the receivers and they can then adjust their
Packet size 512 bytes transmission power accordingly. Different networks may
Bandwidth 2Mb have a different value for number of nodes in sparse and
Traffic Type CBR dense network.
Pmax 100mW
MinRecvPwr 1mW
26 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Figure 10. Throughput comparison between the three Figure 12. Comparison in power consumed in different
topologies when using a omni directional antenna and a topologies when using a omni directional antenna to using a
directional antenna with our power scheme implemented. directional antenna with power control.
Fig. 11 shows that implementing the power control design Fig. 13 shows the difference in power consumed in case of
increases the throughput by nearly 6% (in the cluster form the three topologies when using a regular directional
case) when compared to a directional antenna without power antenna to when a directional antenna with power control is
control. This is attributed to the fact that reducing the used. Controlling the transmission power shows a lower
transmission power allowed for more node pairs to value of consumed power as compared to a network when
communicate and thus more packets were transmitted all the nodes are transmitting at the maximum power. The
successfully. The dense network and the cluster form simulations show that reducing the transmission power of
topologies also show better performance once the cross layer the nodes did not affect the throughput of the system
design in used. negatively and also helped in conserving the overall network
power. Throughout the simulation, the receiver keeps the
transmitter aware of the ideal transmitting power by sending
its SINR value to the transmitter. The network without
28 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
[5] Vikas Kawadia and P. R. Kumar, “Power Control and Authors Profile
Clustering in Ad-hoc Networks”, INFOCOM 2003.
[6] El-Osery, A.I. Baird, D. Bruder, S, “Transmission Mahasweta Sarkar joined the
power management in ad-hoc networks: issues and department of Electrical and
advantages”, In Proceedings of the IEEE Networking, Computer Engineering at San Diego
Sensing and Control, 2005. State University as an Assistant
[7] Marwan Krunz and Alaa Muqattash, “Transmission Professor in August 2006, after receiving
her Ph.D. from UCSD in December
Power Control in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks:
Challenges, Solutions, and Open Issues”, Network, She received her Bachelor’s degree in
IEEE Sept-Oct 2004. Computer Science (Suma Cum Laude)
[8] Matthias Rosenschon1, Markus Heurung1, Joachim from San Diego State University, San
Habermann, “New Implementations into Simulation Diego in June, 2000. Prior to joining
Software NS-2 for Routing in Wireless Ad-Hoc SDSU, she worked as a Research
Networks”, 2004. Scientist at SPAWAR Systems Center,
[9] http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/tutorial/ Point Loma, San Diego. Her research interests include protocol
[10] Asis Nasipuri, Kai Li and Uma Reddy Sappidi, “Power designs, flow control, scheduling and power management issues in
Wireless Local Area Networks.
Consumption and Throughput in Mobile Ad-hoc
Networks using Directional Antennas”, In
Ankur Gupta is currently a graduate research student under Dr.
Preceedings of the Eleventh International Mahasweta Sarkar at San Diego State
Conference, Computer Communications and University, San Diego. He received his
Networks, 2002. Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering
[11] Thanasis Korakis, Gentian Jakllari and Leandros in June 2001 from Pune University, India.
Tassiulas, “A MAC protocol for full explotiation of His research interest includes analysing and
Directional Antennas in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks”, studying the effect of power management
MobiHoc, June 1-3, 2003, Annapolis, Maryland, protocols in wireless devices that emply
USA. directional antennas.
[12] ANSI/IEEE Std 802.11, “Wireless LAN Medium
Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)
specifications”, 1999.
[13] Z. Huang, Z. Zhang, and B. Ryu, "Power control for
directional antenna-based mobile ad-hoc networks",
in Proc., Intl. Conf on Wireless Comm. and Mobile
Computing, pp. 917-922, 2006.
[14] Ram Ramanathan, "On the performance of ad-hoc
networks with beamforming antennas", Proc. Of
MobiHoc '200 1, pages 95-105, October 2001.
[15] B. Alawieh, C. Assi, W. Ajib, "A Power Control
Scheme for Directional MAC Protocols in MANET",
IEEE Conf, WCNC2007, pp.258-263, 2007.
[16] Nader S. Fahmy, Terence D. Todd, and Vytas Kezys,
"Ad-hoc Networks with Smart Antennas Using IEEE
802.11-Based Protocols", In Proceedings of IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC),
April 2002.
[17] P. Karn., “MACA -A New Channel Access Method for
Packet Radio”, in Proc. 9th ARRL Computer
Networking Conference, 1990.
[18] E.-S. Jung and N. Vaidya, “A power control MAC
protocol for ad-hoc networks”, In 8th ACM Int. Conf
on Mobile Çomputing and Networking
(MobiCom02), pages 36-47, Atlanta, GA, September
[19] J.-P. Ebert, B. Stremmel, E. Wiederhold, and A.
Wolisz, “An Energy-efficient Power Control
Approach for WLANs”, Journal of Communications
and Networks (JCN), 2(3): 197-206, September 2000.
[20] Mineo Takai, Jay Martin, Aifeng Ren, and Rajive
Bagrodia, "Directional virtua1 carrier sensing for
directiona1 antennas in mobile ad-hoc networks",
MOBIHOC'02, June 2002.
30 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Our resource allocation scheme splits the available Table 1: Bandwidth requirements of the SSs in Figure 1
resource, namely bandwidth into a “fixed” pool and a
Demand SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 SS5
“bidding” pool. At the onset, resources from the fixed pool
are allocated to users based on a standard WiMAX-like
UGS+RTPS 65 4 12 15 40
resource allocation algorithm. However if the users still
have unsatisfied demands they bid for extra resource which NRTPS+BE 15 6 8 5 30
might be allocated to them (from the bidding pool) if they
happen to win the bid. An eligible user who bids the highest A distinctive feature of IEEE 802.16 is its Quality-of-
amount for a bandwidth pool, is the winner. We will present Service (QoS) support [1]. As discussed in Section I, it has
a detailed description of the bidding process and a user’s four service classes to support real time and non-real time
eligibility to bid in Section 3. communication, namely, UGS, RtPS, NRtPS and BE. We
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 identify the fact that today’s applications are extremely
describes the system model and the premise of our problem. diverse with varied QoS requirements. Applications that are
Section 3 describes the resource allocation scheme. In categorized under the same service class as per the
Section 4 we present numerical results and a discussion of conventional IEEE 80.16 traffic classification rules [1]
those results. We conclude the paper in Section 5. might in reality require different services as we have
illustrated with the example of a video conferencing
application and a streaming video application in Section I.
2. System Model
This led us to a fine grained traffic classification especially
A WiMAX network comprises of a Base Station (BS) that within the UGS and RtPS classes. Note that, since NRtPS
communicates with several Subscriber Stations (SS) and BE traffic classes comprise of applications that does not
wirelessly. Each of the SSs in turn, communicates with have stringent QoS requirements, finer grained traffic
several users. A BS is primarily responsible for allocating classification in these classes would probably be
available resources to its SSs. A SS further allocates these unnecessary.
resources, to users that it caters to, as depicted in Figure 1. Our traffic classification scheme is based at the user level.
We have quantified the UGS, RtPS, nRtPS and BE We classify the users into three categories namely GOLD,
demands with respect to each SSs in Table1. We will be SILVER and BRONZE. The GOLD users are the ones that
using the system in Figure1 as basis for explaining our have a mix of all four traffic classes namely UGS, RtPS,
resource allocation scheme. This allocation of resources by NRtPS and BE. The SILVER users are those who have a
BS to SS, and further by a SS to its users is achieved via mix of three traffic classes – RtPS, NRtPS and BE. The
WiMAX’s scheduling scheme. Note that the WiMAX BRONZE users are those who only have NRtPS and BE
standard (IEEE 802.16 [1]) does not specify any standard traffic at a particular point in time. We further classify
scheduling scheme. It is left to the judgment and decision of GOLD and SILVER class users into priority classes 1, 2, 3
individual vendors. and 4. A SILVER user who is running an application with
the most stringent QoS requirement will fall under Priority
Class 1, a SILVER user with comparatively lesser stringent
QoS requirement will opt for priority class 2, 3 or 4.For e.g.
a live video conference for an official meeting would
probably demand a Class 1 service whereas a friendly
Internet chat with a friend might be clubbed as Class 2 or 3
Our scheme assumes that users with applications which
have stringent QoS requirements will also be willing to pay
for the extra resource that they would demand from the
network. A real life scenario of this concept could be that of
an end user paying a higher fee to its ISP for increased
bandwidth allocation. We assume that GOLD and SILVER
class users with a high component of delay-sensitive UGS
and RtPS traffic within their traffic mix, are the ones who
participate in the “bidding” process to acquire extra
resources from the network to support their “high
maintenance” traffic. We also assume that these users have
the willingness and the budget to bid/pay for the extra
resource (bandwidth) that they would be demanding from
the network. We define a “bid” as an amount of money that
a particular user is willing to pay for the extra resource that
Figure 1. WiMAX architecture depicting one BS catering to it would demand from the network. We exploit a user’s
five SSs each of which caters to a set of users. The resource willingness to pay for preferential treatment from the
demands of each of these users are also outlined in the network as the basis of maximizing revenue that can be
figure earned by the ISP for provisioning for “additional” network
resources to the “high priority class” users.
32 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
3. However, if there are no users with UGS and RtPS In order to implement some amount of fairness in the
traffic, the fixed pool will be split proportionally scheme, a SS is deterred from bidding repeatedly for extra
according to BE and nRtPS. resource (thus decreasing the chance for other SSs to win a
bid) by introducing a “penalty” cost. A user/SS who has won
(2) a bidding pool portion in previous bidding game will incur a
fixed penalty cost if they participate in a new bidding game
4. After allocating bandwidth to UGS and RtPS traffic again. This is mainly to dissuade same user/SS from
for all SSs, if there are resources left then these winning pool portions frequently. There is also a “flat fee”
resources are proportionally split and allocated to to cover the overhead costs.
the SSs to meet their BE and nRtPS traffic Assuming that the resource allocation scheme is run every
requirements. T=3 seconds, and the SSs are required to pay a “flat fee” of
$0.15 and a penalty fee of $0.01 for using 1 MB of resource
5. Once BS allocates bandwidth to the SSs, the SSs from the bidding pool, we calculate the Initial Amount
repeat the same proportionality principle (as payable by each SS as below :
explained in Step 2) to split the resources granted
to it by the BS, amongst its users. Initial AmountSS(i)= flat fee + penalty fee*(number of
previous winnings of SS(i)) where i= 1,2..#of SSs
Let us again consider SS1 in Figure 1. Total (3)
(UGS+RtPS) demand of SS1 is 65MB. (UGS+RtPS)
demand of user1 is 20MB. The bandwidth allocated to the Table 3 lists the unsatisfied bandwidth requirements and
SS by the BS for (UGS+RtPS) traffic is 31MB (as per our the Initial Amount payable by each SS based on an assumed
previous computation). Then bandwidth allocated by SS1 to number of prior victories in winning the bid by each SS.
user1 = 20*31/65=9.5MB. Similarly, the other users get the
following chunk of bandwidth: user2=25*31/65=12; Table 3: Unsatisfied bandwidth and associated cost
user3=15*31/65 =7MB; user4=5*31/65=2.5MB. In order to Unsatisfie # of times SS Amount to be
ensure fairness in terms of resource allocation, each and SS d won paid for using
every user in the network will be allocated a minimum Demand previously 1MB of
chunk of bandwidth (as long as it has a bandwidth (assumption) resource for
requirement) regardless of the traffic type it is carrying. This T=3 sec incl.
is especially important to prevent resource starvation thereby penalty
leading to unsatisfied users in the system.
SS1 49MB 3 0.15+0.01*3=
BW available from fixed pool SS2 8.9MB 0 0.15
BW allocated to SS1 BW allocated to SS2 SS3 14MB 1 0.15+0.01*1=
BW allocated to SS3 BW allocated to SS4
BW allocated to SS5 0.16
SS4 17MB 4 0.15+0.01*4=
31% SS5 50MB 2 0.15+0.01*2=
3.2.1 Resource Partitioning in Bidding Pool
5% 10%
The BS first collects the information regarding unsatisfied
resource demands from all its SSs. The BS then divides the
bidding pool into portions, proportional to unsatisfied
Figure 2: A pie-chart depicting the bandwidth allocation to demand of each SS. For e.g. the bidding pool with available
the five SS’s from the “Fixed Pool” based on their UGS and bandwidth of 40MB will be divided into 5 parts -P1 through
RtPS traffic demands. P5 (for each of the SSs that reports an unsatisfied demand)
as follows:
3.2 Resource Allocation from Bidding Pool
If resources from the fixed pool are not sufficient to satisfy (4)
user demands of GOLD and SILVER class users, then they
resort to “bidding” for extra resources. This extra resource is Thus with a bidding pool of 40MB and a total unsatisfied
allocated to the winner of the bid by the BS from the BW request of 138.9 MB, SS1 will be allocated a
“bidding” pool of resources. Going by our example, BP(1)=49*40/138.9=14.1MB. Similar calculations will yield
unsatisfied demand of the SSs are: SS1=49MB, SS2=8MB, BP(2) = 2.56MB, BP(3)=4.03 MB, BP(4) = 4.89 MB and
SS3=14MB, SS4= 17MB, and SS5= 50MB. Note that BP(5) = 14.39 MB respectively for SS2 through SS5 in
unsatisfied demand of an SS only comprises of resource Figure 1 respectively - (Step 2).
demand of GOLD and SILVER user belonging to that
particular SS. Unsatisfied traffic demand of BRONZE users
are not considered since they do not bid for resources.
34 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
3.2.2 Determining Initial Cost Matrix can bid only for BP(2), BP(3) and BP(4). Table5
enumerates the cost that a SS encounters to bid for a certain
The BS first determines the minimum price for 1MB of chunk of bandwidth (BP(1),…,BP(5)). A ‘*’ denotes the
bandwidth for a time duration of 3 seconds (as outlined in SS’s inability to bid for that particular chunk of bandwidth.
Step 1). The BS then determines the initial cost Thus due to budget constraints, SS2 will not be able to bid
matrix . This matrix represents the cost of for BP(1) and BP(5) while SS1 and SS5 will be able to bid
allocating a chunk (portion) of the bidding pool to a SS. for all bandwidth chunks from BP(1) through BP(5).
Recall that ‘n’ represents the number of chunks that the
bidding pool resource has been split up into while ‘m’ Table 5: SS eligibility to bid based on its budget
represents the number of SS in the system. is
calculated as follows: SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 SS5
where i= 1,2…m
and j= 1,2..n. BP 2.52 * * * 2.4
(5) 1
BP 0.45 0.375 0.4 0.475 0.425
For example; SS1 requires $0.18 to access 1MB of 2
bandwidth for the duration of 3 seconds as calculated in BP 0.72 0.6 0.64 0.76 0.68
Table 3. Thus the associated cost for SS1 to access BP(1) 3
which comprises of a chunk of 14.1MB of bandwidth, would BP 0.9 0.75 0.8 0.95 0.85
be equal to $0.18* 14.1 = $2.53. 4
Similarly the minimum costs incurred by SS(1) through P5 2.6 * * * 2.45
SS(5) for bidding for bandwidth chunks denoted as BP(1)
through BP(5) are depicted in the Initial Cost (b) BW Demand Factor
matrix (Table 4). We will henceforth use In addition to the budgetary constraint, SSs are allowed to
for determining eligibility of an SS to participate in the bid only for bandwidth chunks that offer bandwidth less
bidding process. than or equal to the demand of the SS. This is enforced in
order to prevent resource wastage. Total bandwidth (BW)
Table 4: Initial Cost Matrix provided by each chunk or bidding-pool portions (BP) for a
duration of 3 seconds is calculated as BP(i)*3 thus leading
SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 SS5 to 42.3MB, 7.68 MB, 12.09MB, 14.67 MB and 43.17 MB
chunks of bandwidth available in the 5 pool portions for 3
BP 0.18*1 0.15*1 0.16*14= 0.19*14 0.17*
4= 4= 2.1 2.24 =2.66 14=2.4
seconds each as depicted in Table 6.
BP 0.18*2 0.15*2. 0.16*2.5 0.19*2.5 0.17*2. Table 6: Total Bandwidth available in each pool for 3
2 .56= 56= 6= 0.4 6= 56= seconds
0.45 0.375 0.475 0.425 BP1*3 BP2*3 BP3*3 BP4*3 BP5*3
BP 0.18*4 0.15*4 0.16*4=0 0.19*4= 0.17*4
3 =0.72 = 0.6 .64 0.76 = 0.68 42.3 7.68 12.09 14.67 43.2
BP 0.18*5 0.15*5 0.16*5=0 0.19*5= 0.17*5 MB MB MB MB MB
4 =0.9 = 0.75 .8 0.95 =0.85
BP 0.18*1 0.15*1 0.16*14. 0.19*14. 0.17*14 Thus SS4 with an unsatisfied BW of 17 MB can bid only
5 4.4= 4.4= 4=2.3 4=2.7 .4=2.45 for bandwidth-pools BP(2), BP(3) and BP(4) while SS1 and
2.6 2.16 SS5 can bid for all pool portions. Similarly SS2 with
3.2.3 Eligibility of SS to Participate in Bidding unsatisfied BW of 8.9MB can bid only for BP(2)while SS3
with an unsatisfied BW of 14MB can bid for BP(2) and
The BS first determines the eligibility of a SS to
participate in the bidding process based on the following BP(3) only. Taking into consideration the budget and the
factors: BW constraint, we compute the final matrix (Table 7).
Once again, a ‘*’ in the table entry denotes the
(a) Budget Factor corresponding SS’s ineligibility to bid for the particular
Budget Factor is the first criterion that determines eligibility bandwidth pool (BP). Henceforth we will be using Final cost
of a SS to participate in the bidding process. A SS that matrix for all future calculations.
cannot afford a specific (or any) pool portion(s) is not
eligible to bid. Each SS has a certain budget for bidding. Let
us suppose that SS1 through SS5 has a budget of $4, $2, $1,
$1.5 and $3 respectively. Since a SS cannot exceed its
budget during bidding, a SS can only bid for pool portions
that cost less than or equal to its budget. Note that a SS with
sufficient monetary resource can bid for multiple chunks of
Thus SS1 with a budget of $4 can bid for all the chunks
from BP(1) through BP(5) whereas SS2 with a budget of $2
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 35
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Table 7: Final Cost Matrix bandwidth-pool (or BP) is now assigned a SS who is eligible
SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 SS5 to bid for that particular BP AND offers the minimum price
for that BP.
BP 2.52 * * * 2.4 Note that, an SS cannot be associated with two different
1 BPs even if it is the lowest bidder on both of them. Again,
BP 0.45 0.375 0.4 0.475 0.425 this is enforced to ensure fairness. Thus referring to the
2 Final Cost Matrix in Table 7, BP(5) is associated with the
BP 0.72 * 0.64 0.76 0.68 minimum bidder – SS5- amongst its eligible bidders SS1
3 and SS5. The second biggest bandwidth-pool is BP(1) which
BP 0.9 * * 0.95 0.85 is associated with SS1. [Note that though SS5 had a lower
4 bid on BP(1) than SS1, but since SS5 has already been
BP 2.6 * * * 2.45 associated with BP(5), it cannot be associated again with
5 BP(1)]. Similarly, applying the above policy, BP(4), BP(3)
and BP(2) are associated with SS4, SS3 and SS2
3.2.1 Determining Expected Revenue, Initial Bid respectively and consecutively.
Price and Profit Margin Thus, the minimum cost incurred by BS for allocating all
Next step is to estimate minimum revenue i.e. expected its BP for auctioning =
revenue (Step 4c) that the BS expects make in the bidding
game. For estimating minimum revenue we need to CC*= SS5’s cost for BP(5) + SS1’s cost for BP(1)+ SS4’s
calculate initial bid price(Step 4a) and the profit margin cost for BP(4)+ SS3’s cost for BP(3)+ SS2’s cost for BP(2)
(Step 4b).The BS calculates the initial bidding price for each (7)
bandwidth chunk (or BP) and also estimates the profit Plugging the above values from Table 7, we have;
margin corresponding to each BP that it expects to gain at CC*= $2.45 + $2.52 + $0.95 + $ 0.64 + $0.375 = $6.885.
the end of the bidding. For example, using Table 7 as a (ii) The BS now iteratively calculates a CC* for each of the
reference, the BS will estimate the profit margin that it will bandwidth-pool portions or BPs. In order to do so, it
acquire by allocating the bandwidth chunk BP(1) to both eliminates that particular bandwidth chunk or BP and
SS(1) and SS(5) (note that both these SSs are eligible to bid computes yet another CC* value without those two
for resource BP(1)). The BP will of course allocate the elements. We denote these CC* calculations for each
chunk to the SS that will maximize its profit making that particular BP as CC*BP(i) ∀i {1,….,n}
particular SS, the winner of the bid. CC*BP(1) = SS5’s cost for BP(5) + SS1’s cost for BP(4)+
(a) Initial Bid Price SS3’s cost for BP(3)+ SS2’s cost for BP(2) (8)
The initial bid price for each pool portion is equal to the Plugging the above values from Table 7, we have;
minimum cost that an eligible SS has to pay for that CC*BP(1) = $2.45 + $0.90 + $ 0.64 + $0.375 = $4.315.
particular pool portion. Consider the Final cost matrix from (iii) Finally, the profit margin associated with each
Table 7. The initial bid prices can be calculated as follows: bandwidth chunk is calculated as:
3.2.2 The Auction Qualitatively, we attempt to prove to the reader that our
The BS broadcasts the initial bidding prices (calculated in resource allocation scheme attains NE by showing that:
Step 4a) for each BP to all the eligible SSs with unsatisfied 1. The bidding format leads to resource allocation such
bandwidth demands. Each SS adds a random amount to the that it generates the maximum revenue that could be earned
initial bid price of each pool portion that it is eligible to bid from a bandwidth-pool.
for. While doing this, a SS can never exceed its budget. The 2. No user can benefit by changing its bid offer
SS then makes a price offer to the BS. If the price meets the unilaterally
BS’s calculated ER value for that specific bandwidth-pool,
3.3.1 Necessary Condition for NE
the SS is granted access to that bandwidth-pool and that
particular bandwidth-pool is taken off the auction. Note that From Game Theory literature, we know that our resource
though a SS can bid for different pool portions it is allowed allocation scheme can claim to attain Nash Equilibrium if
to win only one bandwidth-pool per game. the scheme can guarantee that it will generate the maximum
revenue that can be possibly generated by allocating a
3.2.3 Resource Distribution by SS certain BP to a certain SS [8],[9]. No other allocation could
Once a SS wins a bandwidth-pool that it bid for, it have maximized the revenue earned by the BS. Let us
distributes it amongst the users based on the offers made by assume that our resource allocation scheme allocates BP(i)
individual users. Gold class users with delay sensitive and to SS(a) ∀i {1,….,n} and ∀a {1,….,m}. For our
resource intensive applications (RtPS or UGS) have the scheme to have attained NE;
highest budget hence bid higher than other users and hence
has higher probability of winning the biggest chunk of the
resource. It is actually at this level that budget based on
priority class plays an important role. Also note that users
and hence SS can bid for multiple resource pool but can win
for any combination of ‘x’ and ‘y’ ∀x {1,….,m} and ∀y
only one. This is done to prevent a particular user from
hogging the entire network resource and ensure fairness
Now consider the bandwidth-pools BP(1) and BP(5). SS2,
amongst users with various priority classes.
SS3 and SS4 cannot bid for these pools because of budget
3.3 Nash Equilibrium is reached in our Resource and bandwidth limitations. Hence these allocations are not
Allocation Scheme - Discussion possible. From Table 7, we finally determine that SS2 is
The above resource allocation scheme has been designed allocated BP(2), SS3 could have been allocated BP(2) and
such that it attains Nash Equilibrium. A rigorous proof of BP(3) but preferably was allocated BP(3) as BP(3) had a
this statement can be found in [8]. In this section we provide higher bandwidth chunk which catered to the high
a qualitative discussion. Nash Equilibrium (NE) is a unsatisfied bandwidth requirement of SS3. SS4 could have
concept in Game theory that has been widely used in various been allocated BP(2), BP(3) or BP(4) but it was allocated
areas of engineering for attaining optimal solutions to a BP(4) as that particular bandwidth chunk best suits its
variety of problems. NE is a profile of strategies in which needs. Hence the allocation of SS2 to BP(2), SS3 to BP(3)
each player’s strategy is an optimal response with respect to and SS4 to BP(4) is the best possible allocation abiding by
all the other players’ strategies. Therefore, when a system the Bidding Rules. This allocation will generate a revenue of
attains NE, a player’s payoff does not increase if this player $0.98+$1.00+ $1.50 = $3.48.
unilaterally deviates from the NE strategy. In this paper, we On the other hand, SS1 and SS5 has the resources to bid
ensure that the bidding “game” reaches NE by enforcing the for all bandwidth-pools and hence would choose to bid for
following rules and regulations that have to be followed by the highest chunks of bandwidth namely BP(5) and BP(1).
users, SSs and the BS participating in this game: Thus 2 possible final combinations could arise, namely ss1
1. Users with stringent delay and jitter requirements are to BP91) and SS5 to BP(5) OR SS(1) to BP(5) and SS(5) to
allocated higher budget, increasing their chances to win BP(1). Let us examine the revenues ( and generated
because while bidding a user cannot exceed its budget. by each of these combinations along with the already
2. Users are allowed to bid for only those bidding pools decided upon combinations of SS2 to BP(2), SS3 to BP(3)
that meet their demand. They are not allowed to bid for and SS4 to BP(4):
more resources than they require which avoids unnecessary = (SS1-BP(1),(SS2-BP(2),SS3-BP(3),SS4-BP(4)),SS5-
resource wastage. BP(5)) = $4.79 + $3.48+ $3= $11.48 and
3. BS calculates the Expected Revenue (ER) at the = (SS1-BP(5),(SS2-BP(2),SS3-BP(3),SS4-BP(4)),SS5-
beginning of the bidding game to prevent users and SSs BP(1)) = $5.23 + $3.48+ $3 = $11.78
from overbidding or underbidding. Thus, we find >
4. Incase the BS’s ER price could not be met by any SS, However SS1 has higher demand requirements and
the BS still has to allocate the bandwidth-pool to the highest budget hence is the probable winning combination, as
bidder. SS1 will outbid SS5 for BP(5).
5. The BS penalizes SS and SS further penalizes users for Thus is the winning combination that generates the
participating in bidding game again when they have won highest revenue possible than any other combination (we
resources from the previous games. This is to ensure fair have argued that other combinations will be eliminated as
allocation of resources to all SS and hence users. The per the bidding rules) and it is the allocation that our
penalty can be reset after a certain period of time. scheme proposes. We have thus qualitatively and
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 37
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
numerically proven that our resource allocation scheme allocation scheme where the entire available bandwidth is
attains Nash Equilibrium. chopped up into four chunks for the four different traffic
classes. WiMAX charges a flat rate from all users of all
3.3.2 No user can gain by changing its strategy
(bid offer) unilaterally
Figures 3(a) and 3(b) demonstrates the other important
We have already numerically shown in the previous section
aspect of our scheme which is revenue maximization. The
that the winning combination generates the maximum
X-axis represents systems with increasing number of GOLD
revenue. The SSs bidding strategies are restricted by their
and SILVER users. The Y-axis denotes the revenue earned
bandwidth requirement and budget. Hence SS2, SS3 and
from these users. We see that WiMAX’s fixed allocation
SS4 cannot bid for pool portions BP(1) and BP(5); SS2
and flat-fee-for-all-users scheme leads to higher revenue as
cannot bid for BP(4) due to its lower bandwidth requirement
the number of users increase in the system but the “bidding”
though it has higher budget than SS4; SS3 can only bid for
scheme leads to a much higher (as much as ~50%) revenue
BP(3) because its demand requirement is higher than other
earned as it forces users to pay proportionally to their
bandwidth-pools namely BP(2) and for the same reason SS4
resource demand.
was best allocated BP(4). Again, SS1 and SS5 would
maximize the revenue only by opting for BP(1) and BP(5).
Any other combinations of SS and BPs will not lead to a
higher revenue or more apt bandwidth need fulfillment.
Thus no SS will gain by changing their strategy of bidding
for other bandwidth-pool than what our resource allocation
scheme spells out. We have thus proved the second required
criteria for our scheme to have attained NE.
5. Conclusion
In this paper we have addressed the issue of broad traffic
Figure 6(a): Resource allocated to UGS classes by WiMAX classification in WiMAX which we perceive inappropriate
fixed scheme( Green Bar) and Bidding scheme ( Red Bar) in today’s world of varied applications and their resource
requirements. We suggest a finer grained traffic
classification within the realms of WiMAX’s service class.
We device a resource scheduling algorithm using a
combination of WiMAX’s fixed resource allocation scheme
and a Nash equilibrium based bidding scheme. We have
framed rules and regulations to ensure that optimum
resource allocation is achieved, without wasting any
Revenue maximization is an off-spring of our resource
allocation scheme by taking advantage of a user’s
willingness to pay a higher price for extra resources.
Simulation results prove that our “bidding” resource
allocation scheme not only allocates resources optimally and
Figure 6(b): Resource allocated to RtPS classes by WiMAX more efficiently than WiMAX’s fixed resource allocation
fixed scheme( Green Bar) and Bidding scheme ( Red Bar) scheme but also maximizes the revenue earned by the ISPs
We have also compared the performance of our scheme in for the same bandwidth allocation to users. Our future
satisfying BE - Figure7(b) and nRtPS - Figure7(a) research entails mathematically formulating the bandwidth
requirements with increasing GOLD, Silver and Bronze partitioning scheme into the fixed and the bidding pool
users. As number of Gold and Silver users increase more based on the traffic mix to optimize the resource allocation.
resources are allocated to them and lesser to Bronze users.
The simulation result in Figure 7 shows that existing
WiMAX scheme performs slightly better than Bidding
scheme when it comes to Bronze users. This is because [1] ANSI/IEEE Std 802.16, “IEEE802.16 Standard:
Bidding scheme allocates more resources to Gold and Silver Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Network,”
users than the WiMAX fixed scheme. 2000.
[2] Ha'ikel Yaiche and Ravi R. Mazumdar, “A Game
Theoretic Framework for Bandwidth Allocation and
Pricing in Broadband Networks,” in proceedings of
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, October
[3] Isto Kannisto, Timo Hamalainen, Jyrki Joutsensalo,
Eero Wallenius and TeliaSonera,“Adaptive Scheduling
Method for WiMAX Basestations” in Proceedings of
European Wireless Conference, 2007.
[4] Jyrki Joutsensalo, Ari Viinikainen, Mika Wikström and
Timo Hämäläinen , “Bandwidth allocation and pricing
in multimode network,” in the Proceedings of IEEE
Figure 7(a): Resource allocated to NRtPS by WiMAX fixed
Advanced Information Networking and Applications
scheme (Green Line) and Bidding scheme ( Red Line)
(AINA), 2006.
40 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Authors Profile
Mahasweta Sarkar joined the department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering at
San Diego State University as an assistant
Professor in August 2006, after receiving
her Ph.D. from UCSD in December 2005.
She received her Bachelor’s degree in
Computer Science (Suma Cum Laude) from
San Diego State University, San Diego in
June, 2000. Prior to joining SDSU, she
worked as a Research Scientist at SPAWAR Systems Center, Point
Loma, San Diego. Her research interests include protocol designs,
flow control, scheduling and power management issues in Wireless
Local Area Networks.
with the maximum earliest completion time for scheduling. that have previously been assigned to it (based on the ETC
The idea behind Max-min is that overlapping long running entries for those tasks). The completion time (CT) of task ti
tasks with short-running ones. The Heaviest Task First on machine mj is equal to the execution time of ti on mj plus
(HTF) heuristic [23] computes each task’s minimum the machine availability time of mj i.e.
execution time on all machines and the task with the
maximum execution time is selected. The selected task is CT (ti , mj) = ETC(ti , mj) + MAT(mj)
the heaviest task among all tasks (note that the Max-Min Makespan (MS) is equal to the maximum value of the
algorithm selects the task with the latest minimum completion time of all tasks i.e.
completion time, which may not be the heaviest one). Then
this heaviest task is assigned to the machine on which this MS = max MAT(mj) for (1 ≤ j ≤ n)
task has minimum completion time. Eight dynamic Provided with T, M and ETC our objective is to find the task
mapping heuristics are given and compared in [13], assignment strategy that minimizes makespan.
however the problem domain considered there involves
priorities and multiple deadlines. In Segmented Min-min
heuristic [22] the tasks are divided into four groups based on
their minimum, maximum or average expected execution
4. Task Partitioning Heuristic
time, and then Min-min is applied on each group for In heterogeneous environment for task selection different
scheduling. The Sufferage heuristic [17] is based on the idea criteria can be used, examples are minimum, maximum or
that better mappings can be generated by assigning a task to average of expected execution time across all machines. In
machine that would suffer most in terms of expected task partitioning heuristic we use minimum (min),
completion time if that particular machine is not assigned to maximum (max), average (avg), median (med) and standard
it. Sufferage assigns each task its priority according to its deviation (std) of expected execution time of task on
sufferage value. For each task, its sufferage value is equal to different machines as selection criteria; hereafter referred to
the difference between its best completion time and its as key. Given a set of tasks T = {t1, t2,…,tm}, a set of
second best completion time. The detailed procedure and its machines M = {m1, m2,…,mn}, expected time to compute
comparison with some widely used heuristics are presented (ETC) matrix then the working of proposed heuristic can be
in [17]. In [6] a new criterion to minimize completion time explained as follows: we compute the sorting key for each
of non makespan machines is introduced. It is noted that task (for each heuristic only one key will be used for
although completion time of non makespan machine can be sorting), then we sort the tasks in decreasing order of their
reduced but it can increase the overall system makespan as sorting key. Next the tasks are partitioned into k disjoint
well. Dynamic mapping heuristics for class of independent equal sized groups. In last, tasks are scheduled in each
tasks are studied in [17] and three new heuristics are group gx using the following procedure:
proposed. Balanced Minimum Completion Time (BMCT),
heuristic for scheduling independent tasks is given and Procedure 1
compared in [18], which works in two steps: In first step it
a) For each task ti in a group gx find machine mj which
assign each task to machine which minimize the execution
completes the task at earliest.
time, and then in second phase try to balance the load by
swapping tasks in order to minimize completion time. In [5] b) If machine mj is available i.e. no task is assigned to
the comparison of eleven heuristics is given and the Min- machine then assign task to machine and remove it from list
min heuristic is declared the best among all the other of tasks.
heuristics considered based on makespan criterion.
c) If there is already task tk assigned to machine i.e. machine
Minimum standard deviation first heuristics is proposed in
mj is not available then compute the difference between the
[16] where the task having the minimum standard deviation
minimum earliest completion time (CT) and the second
is scheduled first.
smallest earliest CT on all machines for ti and tk
The work in this research is different from the related work
that here different keys are used as a selection criterion 1. If the difference value for ti is larger than that of tk
suiting the ETC type. Moreover for any given ETC we then ti is assigned to machine mj.
provide the near optimal solution by using the heuristic best 2. If the difference value for ti is less than that of tk, then
suited for a specific ETC type. no changes to the assignment.
3. If the differences are equal, we compute the
difference between the minimum earliest completion
3. Problem Statement time and the third smallest earliest completion time
for ti and tk respectively. And repeat 1-3. Every time
Let T = {t1, t2,…,tm} be a set of tasks, M = {m1, m2,…,mn}
if step 3 is selected, the difference between the
be a set of machines, and the expected time to compute
minimum earliest completion time and the next
(ETC) is a m × n matrix where the element ETCij represents earliest completion time (e.g. the fourth, the fifth…)
the expected execution time of task ti on machine mj. For for ti and tk are computed respectively. If all the
clarity, we denote ETCij by ETC(ti , mj) in the rest of the differences are the same then the task is selected
paper. Machine availability time, MAT(mj), is the earliest deterministically i.e. the oldest task is chosen.
time machine mj can complete the execution of all the tasks
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 43
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Now the proposed Task partitioning algorithm can be Table 2: Task partitioning
summed up in the following steps:
Task Partitioning Heuristic Task no m1 m2 m3 m4 Avg
t1 17 19 31 17 21.00
1. Compute the sorting key for each task: t7 13 26 28 10 19.25
Sub-policy1 (avg): Compute the average value t14 16 9 16 15 14.00
of each row in ETC matrix
t13 14 8 12 20 13.50
keyi = ∑ ETC ( ti , mj ) / n. t3 18 11 12 7 12.00
t15 18 11 5 7 10.25
Sub-policy2 (min): Compute the minimum
t12 14 6 12 8 10.00
value of each row in ETC matrix
t6 10 9 11 7 9.25
keyi = min ETC ( ti , mj ) . t9 10 13 8 5 9.00
deviation, and each heuristic is named as TPAvg, TPMin, 5.2 Comparative Performance Evaluation
TPMax, TPMed and TPStd. The algorithms Segmented The performance of the heuristic algorithm is evaluated by
min-min (med) and Segmented min-min (std) are also the average makespan of 1000 results on 1000 ETCs
implemented for the evaluation purpose. The naming generated by the same parameters. In all the experiments,
conventions and source information for all existing and the size of ETCs is 512×16, the value of k = 3, the mean of
proposed heuristics are detailed in Table 4. task execution time µtask is 1000, and the task COV Vtask is
in [0.1, 2] while the machine COV Vmachine is in [0.1, 1.1].
Table 4: Summary of compared heuristics
No Name Referenc No Name Reference The motivation behind choosing such heterogeneous ranges
e is that in real situation there is more variability across
H1 TPAvg New H9 Smm-avg [22] execution times for different tasks on a given machine than
H2 TPMin New H10 Smm-min [22] the execution time for a single task across different
H3 TPMax New H11 Smm-max [22] machines.
H4 TPMed New H12 Smm-med New
H5 TPStd New H13 Smm-std New The range bar for the average makespan of each heuristic
H6 Min-min [9] H14 MCT [17] shows a 95% confidence interval for the corresponding
H7 Max-min [9] H15 minSD [16] average makespan. This interval represents the likelihood
H8 Sufferage [17] H16 HTF [23] that makespans of task assignment for that type of heuristic
fall within the specified range. That is, if another ETC
5. Experimental Results and Analysis matrix (of the same type) is generated, and the specified
heuristic generates a task assignment, then the makespan of
5.1 Dataset the task assignment would be within the given interval with
In the experiments, COV based ETC generation method is 95% certainty. In our experiments we have also considered
used to simulate different HC environments by changing the two metrics in comparison of heuristics. Such metrics have
parameters µtask, Vtask and Vmachine, which represent the mean also been considered by [18]
task execution time, the task heterogeneity, and the machine • The number of best solutions (denoted by NB) is the
heterogeneity, respectively. The COV based method number of times a particular method was the only one
provides greater control over the spread of the execution that produced the shortest makespan.
time values than the common range-based method used • The number of best solutions equal with another
previously [5, 10, 11, 21]. method (denoted by NEB), which counts those cases
where a particular method produced the shortest
The COV-based ETC generation method works as follows makespan but at least one other method also achieved
[2]: First, a task vector, q, of expected execution times with the same makespan. NEB is the complement to NB.
the desired task heterogeneity is generated following gamma
distribution with mean µtask and standard deviation µtask × The proposed heuristics are compared with 11 existing
Vtask. The input parameter µtask is used to set the average of heuristics. Experiments are performed with different ranges
the values in q. The input parameter Vtask is the desired of task and machine heterogeneity.
coefficient of variation of the values in q. The value of Vtask
quantifies task heterogeneity, and is larger for high task In the first experiment we have fixed the value of Vtask = 2
heterogeneity. Each element of the task vector q is then used and then increase the value of Vmachine from 0.1 to 1.1 with
to produce one row of the ETC matrix following gamma increment of 0.2 in each step. The results of NB and NEB
distribution with mean q[i] and standard deviation q[i] × are shown in the Table 5 (best values shown in bold). From
Vmachine such that the desired coefficient of variation of the values we can see that for high values of Vmachine H16 is
values in each row is Vmachine, another input parameter. The the best heuristic. And in all other cases one of the proposed
value of Vmachine quantifies machine heterogeneity, and is heuristic H2 or H5 outperforms all other heuristics. Figure 2
larger for high machine heterogeneity. gives the comparison of average makespan of the all
heuristics considered.
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 45
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
In the second experiment we have fixed the value of Vtask = that here in all the cases one of the proposed heuristic H2 or
1.1 and then increase the value of Vmachine from 0.1 to 1.1 H5 is best. Figure 3 gives the comparison of average
with increment of 0.2 in each step. The results of NB and makespan of all the heuristics considered.
NEB are shown in the Table 6. From the values it is clear
In the third experiment we have fixed the value of Vtask = it is clear that here in all the cases proposed heuristic H5
0.6 and then increase the value of Vmachine from 0.1 to outperforms all other heuristics. Figure 4 gives the
1.1 with increment of 0.2 in each step. The results of comparison of average makespan of all the heuristics.
NB and NEB are shown in the Table 7. From the values
In the fourth experiment we have fixed the value of Vtask it is clear that here in all the cases proposed heuristic H5
= 0.1 and then increase the value of Vmachine from 0.1 to outperforms all other heuristics. Figure 5 gives the
1.1 with increment of 0.2 in each step. The results of comparison of the average makespan of all the
NB and NEB are shown in the Table 8. From the values heuristics.
From all these experiments we conclude that in most of Compute the Vtask and Vmachine
circumstances one of the proposed heuristics H2 or H5 if Vtask is high and Vmachine is high then
outperforms the existing heuristics in terms of average ETC belongs to region1
makespan. In the remaining cases H16 performs better. if Vtask is medium or Vmachine is medium then
ETC belongs to region2
5.3 Algorithm to find best heuristic if Vtask is low or Vmachine is low then
ETC belongs to region3
Based on the values of Vtask and Vmachine we divide ETC end if
into three different regions. If the values of Vtask and switch(region)
Vmachine are high (here Vtask = 2 and 0.9 <= Vmachine <= case region1: return H16
1.1) then ETC falls in the region 1, if either of them is case region2: return H2
medium (here Vtask = 1.1 or 0.3 <= Vmachine < =0.7) then case region3: return H5
it falls in region 2 and if either of them is low (here 0.1 end switch
<= Vtask <= 0.6 or 0.1 <= Vmachine <= 0.2) then it falls in
region 3. Fig. 6 shows the three regions and best
heuristic for each region.
6. Conclusions
COV of Machines
Optimal assignment of tasks to machines in a HC
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1
COV environment has been proven to be a NP-complete problem.
2 H5 H2 H2 H2 H16 H16 It requires the use of efficient heuristics to find near optimal
Tasks 1.1 H5 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 solutions. In this paper, we have proposed, analyzed and
0.6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 Region 1 implemented seven new heuristics. A comparison of the
0.1 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 proposed heuristics with the existing heuristics was also
performed in order to identify the circumstances in which
Region 3 Region 2 one heuristic outperforms the others. The experimental
results demonstrate that in most of the circumstances one of
Figure 6. Division of ETC in different regions the proposed heuristics H2 or H5 outperforms all the
existing heuristics. Based on these experimental results, we
The procedure for finding a best heuristic is given below are also able to suggest, given an ETC, which heuristic
should be used to achieve the minimum.
in Algorithm Best Heuristic, which suggests the best
heuristic depending on ETC type.
Best heuristic
Input: expected time to compute matrix (ETC) The authors are thankful to COMSATS Institute of
Output: best heuristic Information Technology for providing the support for this
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 49
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
research. This work is supported by the Key Program of The Rust, B., Siegel, H.J., (1998). “Scheduling Resources
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International Conference on Parallel Processing, pp: Computational Intelligence.
Authors Profile
Abstract: Environmental and energy conservation issues building cooling and heating systems by requiring colder fan
have taken center stage in the global business arena in recent discharge temperatures. In the summer, these temperatures
years. The reality of rising energy costs and their impact on may satisfy computer lab cooling needs while overcooling
international affairs coupled with the increased concern over
the global warming climate crisis and other environmental
issues have shifted the social and economic consciousness of the
business community.
Green Computing, or Green IT, is the practice of
implementing policies and procedures that improve the
efficiency of computing resources in such a way as to reduce the
environmental impact of their utilization. Green Computing is
founded on the “triple bottom line” principle which defines an
enterprise’s success based on its economic, environmental and
social performance. This philosophy follows that given that
there is a finite amount of available natural resources, it is in
the interest of the business community as a whole to decrease
their dependence on those limited resources to ensure long-term
economic viability. Just as the logging industry long ago learned
that they need to plant a tree for each that they cut, today’s
power consumption enterprises must maximize the conservation
of energy until renewable forms become more readily available.
This is often referred to as “sustainability” – that is, the ability
Figure 1. Green computing environment
of the planet to maintain a consistent level of resources to other spaces. Adarsh College given commitment to energy
ensure the continuance of the existing level of society and com- conservation and the environmental stewardship, we must
mercial enterprise.
address the issue of responsible computer use by adopting
In this paper we discuss green computing approach and give conserving practices, annual savings of 40,000 Rs.
green computing solutions that will help for ecofriendly approximately are possible.
Keywords: Computer System, Flat Panel Display, Energy 2. Green Computing Approach
Conservation, Energy Star.
1. Introduction
Over the last fifteen years, computers have transformed the
academic and administrative landscape. There are now over
100 computers on campus of Adarsh College, Hingoli.
Personal computers (PC) operation alone may directly
account for nearly 1, 50,000 Rs. approximately per year in
Adarsh College Hingoli. Computers generate heat and
require additional cooling which adds to energy costs. Thus,
the overall energy cost of Adarsh College about personal
computers is more likely around 2,25,000 Rs. Figure 2. Green Keyboard
Approximately. A meeting computer cooling need in
summer (and winter) often compromises the efficient use of
52 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
2.1 Green use everyday, direct annual electrical cost would be over 1500
Reducing the energy consumption of computers and other Rs. In contrast, if you operate your system just during
information systems as well as using them in an normal business hours, say 40 hours per week, the direct
environmentally sound manner. annual energy cost would be about 1000 Rs plus, of course,
the cost of providing additional cooling. Considering the
2.2 Green disposal tremendous benefits of computer use, neither of the above
Refurbishing and reusing old computers and properly cost figures may seem like much, but think of what happens
recycling unwanted computers and other electronic when these costs are multiplied by the many thousands of
equipment. computers in use at CU. The energy waste Cost adds up
2.3 Green design
Here are some tested suggestions that may make it possible
Designing energy-efficient and environmentally sound for you to reduce your computer energy consumption by 80
components, computers, servers, cooling equipment, and percent or more while still retaining most or all productivity
data centers. and other benefits of your computer system, including
2.4 Green manufacturing network connectivity.
Manufacturing electronic components, computers, and other
associated subsystems with minimal impact on the 4. Solutions for green computing
These four paths span a number of focus areas and 4.1 Energy efficiency
activities, including - Maximizing the power utilization of computing systems by
• Design for environmental sustainability. reducing system usage during non-peak time periods.
• Energy-efficient computing.
• Power management 4.2 Reducing Electronic Waste
• Server virtualization. Physical technology components (keyboards, monitors,
• Responsible disposal and recycling. CPUs, etc.) are often not biodegradable and highly toxic.
• Green metrics, assessment tools, and methodology. Several business and governmental directives have been
• Environment-related risk mitigation. enacted to promote the recycling of electronic components
• Use of renewable energy sources and and several hardware manufacturers have developed
• Eco-labeling of IT products. biodegradable parts.
4.3 Employing thin clients
4.4 Telecommuting
Authors Profile
Rajguru Prakash Vithoba received the M.C.M.
from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada
University, Aurangabad and M.Phil. degree in
Computer Science from Algappa University
Karikudi in 2005 and 2008 respectively. During
2005-till today, he is working as Sr. Lecturer of
Computer Science in Adarsh Education
Society’s, Hingoli.
all the bits within the symbol are in error in other words Pb
Abstract: This paper presents extensive results of a
experimental and simulation test of additive white Gaussian
is less than or equal to Ps. Thus ban-pass modulation can be
noise (AWGN) channel on binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) defined as the process whereby the amplitude, frequency or
modulated signal. The bit error rate (BER) is measured and phase of RF carrier or a combination of them is varied or
then simulation results are provided to verify the accuracy of will has M discrete values in accordance with the
error rate measurements. Results for all measurements and information to be transmitted. The efficiency of digital
simulation are presented in curves. Results show that coherent band-pass modulation technique depends on Eb/No
detection of BPSK signal offers approximately 60-70% parameter which can be expressed as the ratio of average
improvement in BER over the non-coherent detection. signal power to average noise power (SNR) [1, 4].
Keywords: Wireless Communications, BPSK detection, noise, 3. Probability of bit error for non-coherent
BER analysis
detection of band-pass modulation
1. Introduction
When the receiver does not exploit phase reference of the
Multipath propagation in wireless cellular systems leads to carrier to detect the received signals, the process is called
small-scale fading. Rayleigh distribution is a useful model non-coherent detection. Thus a complexity reduction in non-
for describing fading conditions for medium or large coherent systems can be achieved at the expense of error
cellular systems. The Ricean distribution is another performance. For non-coherent analysis we consider equally
important fading model for describing small-scale fading. two band-pass modulated signals set (i=1, 2) at the input of
In [1] a precise BER expression for a BPSK signal corrupted the detector, Where:
by Ricean-faded co-channel interfering signals was
obtained, their work focused on Ricean-faded co-channel ri (t ) = s i (t ) + n (t ) (2)
interfering signals. In [2] The BER performance of BPSK
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system
r i (t) - the received signal
is analyzed in the cases of AWGN, but their work focused s i (t) - the transmitted signal
on OFDM system only. In [3] An exact expression for the n (t) - the noise signal
bit error rate of a synchronous maximum-likelihood receiver
used to detect a band limited BPSK signal in the presence The two band pass modulated signals can be defined by:
of a similar BPSK signal, additive white Gaussian noise and
imperfect carrier phase recovery is derived. It is shown that
the receiver is more robust to carrier phase mismatch at si (t ) = cos(ω0t + ϕ ) 0≤t ≤T (3)
high signal to-interference ratios (SIR) than low SIR. T
2. Error performance for band-pass E is the signal energy per bit; T is the bit duration.
Considering the noise in the received signal n (t) is a white
modulation Gaussian noise we use the decision rule to choose the
Band pass modulation is the process by which an minimum error [5, 8]. This rule for the detector stated in
information signal is converted to sinusoidal waveform [4, terms of decision regions is whenever the received signal ri
5]: (t) is located in region1 , choose signal s1, when it is located
in region2 choose signal s2 as in figure (1).
v(t ) = V (t ) sin[(ω 0 t + ϕ (t )] (1) γ 0 = (a1 + a 2 ) / 2 represents the optimum threshold for
minimizing the probability of making an incorrect decision
Where in digital systems the duration of carrier sinusoidal is given equally likely signals.
called digital symbol. The probability of symbol error (Ps) is For the case when s1is sent such that r (t) =s1 (t) + n (t), the
one of performance evaluation parameter of correct output z2(T) is a Gaussian noise random variable only
reception. The probability of incorrect detection of any without signal component, so it has Rayleigh distribution.
receiver is termed the probability of symbol error Ps, but it’s While z1 (T) has a Rician distribution since the input to
often convenient to specify system performance by the envelope detector is a sinusoid plus noise.
probability of bit error Pb. A symbol error doesn’t mean that
56 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
We can compute Pb by integrating the area of either In BPSK there are no fixed decision regions in the signal
probability density functions p (z/ s1) or p (z/ s2): space, but the decision is based on the phase difference
between successively received signals. Thus the probability
of bit error is equal to [5]:
1 E
pb = exp(− b ) (9)
Decision Line 2 N0
transmitted and received data are compared bit by bit in the results of BER versus SNR for the coherent and non-
comparator, if the bit is not match an error pulse is coherent detection of BPSK modulation.
generated, the errors are totalized in a counter over a fixed
Figure (5) shows a comparison between simulation and
time period (106 ms is the time required for 128 data bits)
measurement results of BER versus SNR for coherent and
generated by a one shot. Each time when the counter is reset
non-coherent detection of BPSK modulation.
a 106 ms one shot is triggered, and the error pulses from the
XOR gate are totalized by the counter only during 106 ms
frame. Then a display indicates how many errors occurred
within the time interval.
Coherent PSK
BPSK Σ Amplifier Coheren Noncoherent PSK
t det.
NRZ 0.2
ent Det.
Figure 2. BPSK measurement system Figure 4. Probability of bit error versus SNR for
simulation BPSK detection
A performance comparison of coherent and non-coherent
BPSK detection in the presence of noise was made at:
0.3 8. Conclusions
Results show that coherent detection of BPSK offers
0.1 approximately 60-70% improvement in BER over the non-
0 5 10 15 20 25
SNR[dB] coherent detection. Simulation results offer approximately
40-50% improvement over the measuring results.
Figure 3. Probability of bit error versus SNR for
Measurement and simulation results led us to conclude that
measurement BPSK detection
BPSK modulation has the best performance in coherent
7. Simulation results
application provides web-based interfaces for lecturers to means, when a mobile phone user sent SMS to 32244, SMS
update student information (e.g. students’ contact numbers centre of the respective mobile service provider will route
and email addresses), class information and upload notes or the message to the specific SMS Gateway server. Based on
assignments to SMLS server (see Figure 1). the first keyword in the message, the Gateway will then
make a HTTP GET request to SMLS. Upon receiving the
request, SMLS server will verify the message and process
the request as explain in the later part of this section. An
example of SMS sent by a user is as below:
To : 32244
Send Cancel
3. Design and Implementation The first string which is “sms2u” is the keyword for SMLS
application (see Figure 3). The Gateway will invoke the
3.1 System Architecture HTTP request using a GET method to SMLS server together
Figure 2 below shows the architecture of the SMS with several other parameters for processing as below:
technology used in SMLS prototype. The prototype is
developed based on the current SMS technology. As to http://smls.net/receive.php?from=01234567
reduce the development time and concentrate more on the 89&[email protected]
development of the learning contents, a third party SMS 01&shortcode=32244
gateway service was deployed. The third party SMS gateway
provides the application programming interface between the
After processing the string, SMLS will return the result
SMLS and the service provider’s SMS centre.
accordingly. Basically the result contains 4 parameters as
describe in the Table 1 below:
The above string contains message type code (0), the special keywords together with the announcement to be
recipient phone number (0123456789), the result or made to SMLS as below:
information requested in url encoded and the premium
charge (30) in cents. The Gateway then processes the string Sms2u announce cseb324 class is
and forwards the message to the respective SMS Centre of postponed.
the particular service provider. Figure 4 shows the example
SMS sent by a user to 32244 and the reply from SMLS. Upon receiving the request, SMLS will invoke the Bulk
SMS module to send the announcement to phone numbers
listed under CSEB324 class. The status of the operation will
then send back to the lecturer’s cellular phone. Besides IOD
and Bulk SMS module, there are also a database server
(MySQL) and PHP modules, which control the flow and
processes of user requests. They also act as the interfaces
between the SMS gateway and other web services, like
emails and FTP. So, upon receiving the HTTP GET request,
From : 32244
the web server will execute and perform specific PHP scripts
CSEB364 notes had according to the keyword. In some cases, when necessary,
been sent to
[email protected]. the script will invoke the database server to establish a
connection to the database or request the mail server to send
Close Delete
email to an email address.
Figure 6 describes the flow of SMLS processes. For
example, in the event of receiving a SMS, SMLS will first
verify the message and then performs the required task.
Figure 4. SMS replies from SMLS Every incoming SMS will be logged into an incoming SMS
database table. Also, for every valid keyword, the required
task will be performed (i.e. either make a query to database
3.2 Server Components of SMLS and get the result or invoke the sendmail function to send
In general, SMLS comprises of two main components; the emails). Also, an acknowledgment will be sent through the
Information On Demand (IOD) module and the Bulk SMS SMS gateway, then to the SMS centre and eventually to the
module. The IOD module is used to handle information as student’s mobile device for every valid SMS request.
per user request. This is a one-to-one service type. It means,
if information is requested by a user, the information is S ta rt
Apache P ro c e s s
W eb SM S
s t r in g
Server M ySQL
F a ls e R e tu rn e d
V a l id
e rro r
R e q u e s t?
m essage
T ru e
IOD M ail
M odules Server o b ta in d
r e le v a n t
in fo r m a tio n
R e tu r n e d
Bulk th e in fo r m a tio n R e co rd
Modules Server
The Bulk SMS module is used when SMLS needs to send 3.3 System Functionality
message to multiple users. For example, let assume that a
Table 2 below describes the tasks and application offered by
lecturer needs to send announcement from his mobile
SMLS system to students and lecturers. SMLS has been
phone. In this case, the lecturer can send SMS containing
successfully implemented for student of CSEB324 Data
62 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Structure and Algorithms class during Semester 2 and reliability issues, two solutions are proposed. First,
2009/2010 in UNITEN. university can choose a third party SMS gateway provider
with better reliability and performance track record. The
Table 2: SMLS functionalities option is a simple but the recurring costs (i.e. maintenance,
Actor Task Description upgrading) of such gateway can be very expensive. A better
Lecturer Announcement Send announcement to all option the problem is for university to setup its own SMS
students in a class. gateway server. Although the initial setup cost is expensive,
Announcement can be in the university can recoup its investment from the charged
the form of instruction to imposed by the service provider to the user.
students or notification
related to their class.
4.2 Cost of SMS issue
Student Request notes Student can request notes Since SMLS is using a third party SMS gateway, cost of
and the notes will then be sending IOD to user is charged at a premium rate with
emailed to their email minimum of RM0.30 per message received. This amount is
address. on top of standard SMS rate imposed by the respective
service provider. Students, with financing constraint were a
Check class Student can check class bit reluctant to use the system, unless they have no choice.
information schedule, class For an SMS massage, about 40% to 60% of the premium
announcement or any class charges goes to the service provider. Whatever remains will
related information. be shared between the third party SMS gateway and the
content provider (in this case the university). If the
Download quiz Student can request quiz university owns the gateway server, almost half of the cost
paper to be emailed to their can be subsidized by the university. Furthermore, the mobile
email. service provider could play their role in reducing premium
charged for education purpose as part of their corporate
Review question Student can request for social responsibility project.
review question for a
chapter for refreshment 4.3 Attestation and Privacy issue
before class. Despite the ability of the SMLS prototype system to detect
students’ mobile phone, the issue of user verification and
Class synopsis. Student can request for authentication still posed a major challenge in MSLS
class or chapter synopsis for environment. It is hard to develop a function that able to
refreshment before or after authenticate the user’s identity in the SMLS environment.
class. Although some mobile phone such as PDA has the user
authentication function using finger print to authenticate the
Check marks Student can check their authorized phone user, such mobile phone is seldom used by
marks (quizzes, test or any students. In most cases, the access to the mobile devices is
assessment marks) open to everyone; thus, who has access to the phone can use
the phone to send SMS and obtain privacy information such
as student’s marks, or maybe, answer a quiz on behalf of
other students.
In this pilot project, we just assume that the sender is the
4. Issues and Challenges trustworthy student. However, in order for an SMLS system
Although SMLS works as planned, there are several
to be widely used and accepted, attestation framework has to
important issues to be highlighted.
be developed.
4.1 Reliability and performance issue
4.4 Copyright of the learning material
The reliability of current implementation of the SMLS
It is common that academic materials are usually
prototype architecture relies on several servers. However,
copyrighted. In mobile learning environment where
these server are not owned by the university– they are
materials such as lecture notes and questions are
belongs to the service provider (i.e. SMS Centre and the
disseminated through mobile phone without the copyright
SMS gateway). As such, the performance of the SMLS
notice. Hence, the intellectual property of the material is not
prototype depends much on the performance and availability
protected. As such, the students could easily reproduce the
of both servers. During the trial, there were cases where the
material and disseminate the material to other students.
reply takes longer than 15 seconds and it was caused by the
Therefore, serious consideration should be taken into
Gateway server. In some isolated cases, the reply even failed
account including looking for means to protect lecturers’
to reach the user. This is solely due to the network
intellectual properties right for their learning materials.
connection problem.
Often, the problem was due to the connectivity failure
4.5 Equal opportunity among students
between the third party SMS Gateway and the service
In mobile learning environment, the use of mobile
provider SMS centre. Thus, to overcome the performance
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 63
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
technology gadget is mandatory. In SMLS context, a student of papers. London: Learning and Skills Development
should have a mobile phone with SMS capability. Despite Agency.At www.LSDA.org.uk/files/PDF/1440.pdf,
the mobile phone penetration in the country is high (almost accessed Nov 2009.
100%), there are still students who cannot afford to have it. [5] Bacsich, P, Ash, C, Boniwell, K and Kaplan, L
Unlike personal computers, mobile phone is personal (1999). The Costs of Networked Learning. Sheffield,
accessories and therefore not provided by the university. UK: Sheffield Hallam University. Available online at:
Thus, it creates unequal learning opportunity to those who www.shu.ac.uk/cnl/report1.html
cannot afford to buy the mobile phone. [6] Corlett, D, Sharples, M, Chan, T and Bull, S
Serious actions should be taken to bridge the gap (2004). A mobile learning organiser for university
between students as the possession of a mobile phone is an students. Proceedings of the 2nd International
important requirement if the SMLS were to be implemented Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in
in larger scale especially in the third world country. Education. JungLi, Taiwan: IEEE Computer Society,
[7] Johnsen ET (2004).Telenor on the EDGE. 3G
4.6 University policy and acceptance Americas at www.3gamericas.org/English/
We also look into the university policy on extra charges to PressReleases/PR200469682.html, accessed Nov 2009.
be paid by the students. Since university is bound by rules [8] Lonsdale, P, Baber, C, Sharples, M and Arvanitis,
and regulation of the Ministry of Higher Education, extra TN (2003). A context-awareness architecture for
charges to the students have to be addressed carefully. This facilitating mobile learning. Proceedings of MLEARN
is to avoid any discrepancies with the current rules and 2003: Learningwith Mobile Devices. London, UK:
regulation on charging the students. Learning and Skills Development Agency, 79-85
As a pilot project, SMLS is implemented only as an [9] Lonsdale, P, Baber, C, Sharples, M,Byrne, W,
alternative and to complement the current web based Arvanitis, T, Brundell, P and Beale, H (2004). Context
technology. Students are not forced to use the system; awareness for MOBIlearn: creating an engaging
instead, they opted to use the SMLS voluntarily as this learning experience in an art museum. Proceedings of
brings new learning environment experience to students. MLEARN 2004. Bracciano, Rome: LSDA
[10] Malaysian Communications and Multimedia
5. Conclusion Commission (SKMM), 2009 Brief Industry Trends
With the intention to enrich student learning experience, Report: 2H 2008 http://www.skmm.gov.my, assesses
SMLS had been developed. SMLS is an approach of April 2010
implementing e-learning, using existing and inexpensive [11] NRPB (2004). Mobile Phones and Health 2004:
technology. Using SMLS, the learning process can be done Report by the Board of NRPB.Didcot, Oxfordshire:
in almost any place with a very minimal infrastructure – a National Radiation Protection Board.
hand phone. Further research and work need to be done to [12] Prensky M (2004). What Can You Learn from a
improve the system so that more complicated content such Cell Phone? – Almost Anything.At
as multimedia content can be delivered. Besides that, more www.marcprensky.com/writing/ Prensky-
works should be done in the issues and challenges discuss in what_Can_You_Learn_From_a_Cell_Phone-
this paper in order to provide more conducive environment FINAL.pdf, accessed November 2009.
for students and lecturers to interact via SMLS. It is hoped
that this project will not only generate new knowledge, but Authors Profile
will also provide a new learning paradigm as it could
improve students’ learning interest and eventually Mohd Hazli M.Z obtained his BACHELOR OF Computer Science
contribute to the improvement of their performance. and M.Sc (Computer Science) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
in 1998 and 2001 respectively. Started his
career as system engineer in an IT company in
1998 as system developer and joined the
References UNITEN in the year of 2001 as Lecturer in
Software Engineering Department. He currently
[1] Albanese, M and Mitchell, S (1993).Problem-based
pursues his PhD in Software Testing.
learning: a review of the literature on its outcomes and
implementation issues. AcademicMedicine, 68: 52-81
[2] Attewell, J, 2005: Mobile technologies and learning Mohd Z. M. Yusoff obtained his BSc and MSC
A technology update and m-learning project summary: in Computer Science from Universiti
Learning and skills development agencies: http :// Kebangsaan Malaysia in 1996 and 1998
www.LSDA.org.uk, retrieved on 30 /10/2009 respectively. He started his career as a Lecturer
[3] Attewell, J and Savill-Smith, C (2003).M-learning at UNITEN in 1998 and has been appointed as a
and social inclusion - focusingon learners and learning. Principle Lecturer at UNITEN since 2008. His
has produced and presented more than 60
Proceedings of MLEARN 2003: Learning with Mobile
papers for local and international conferences.
Devices. London, UK: Learning and Skills His research interest includes modeling and applying emotions in
Development Agency, 3-12 various domains including educational systems and software
[4] Attewell J, Savill-Smith C (eds) (2004). Learning agents, modeling trust in computer forensic and integrating agent
with mobile devices: research and development –a book in knowledge discovery system.
64 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Abstract: Face detection and recognition play an important the face. Face Recognition using Eigen-faces [6] algorithm
role in the process of biologic character identity. Biological recognizes the person by comparing characteristics of the
character identification happens in two phases, first is the face face to those of known individuals. Eigenface method [7]
detection and then recognition. Face detection is performed by
for effectiveness is evaluated by comparing false acceptance
feature extraction considering skin color model and performing
skin segmentation and morphological operations in different
rates, false rejection rates and equal error rates, and
environmental variations. It extends with extracting the skin verification operations on a large test set of facial images,
color regions by skin likelihood and then the obtained face is which present typical difficulties when attempting
cropped, scaled and stored in a specified location using the recognition, such as strong variations in lighting conditions
digital image processing techniques. For the purpose of face and changes in facial expression.
recognition, cropped face images are projected onto a feature
space (face space) that best encodes the variation among known
The Proposed method introduces a Skin color model that
face images by using Eigenface method to identify the
helps to detect faces from different environmental variations
authenticated person.
and after this stage, model is proposed for Recognition the
Keywords: Face detection, Face recognition, Skin Segmentation, faces from crowded image. This paper is organized as
Skin-Color model follows: Section 2 discusses face detection using Skin color,
Segmentation, Morphological operation, Region labeling,
1. Introduction Euler’s test, Template matching and Recognition by using
Eigen-faces. Section 3 discussing the Results of the
Automatic recognition of individuals based on their proposed method and Section 4 concludes the paper.
biometric characteristics has attracted researcher’s attention
in recent years due to the advancement in image analysis
2. Proposed Method
methods and the emergence of significant commercial
applications. There is an ever increasing demand for In the proposed method, the goal is to detect the presence of
automated personal identification in a wide variety of faces in crowded image using Chrominance method and
applications ranging from low to high security such as: Recognition using Eigen vector algorithm. The system
Human Computer Interaction (HCI), access control, composed of two stages: Face Detection with feature
surveillance, airport screening, smart card and security. extraction and Face Recognition.
Even though biometrics such as finger prints and iris scans
deliver very reliable performance, the human face remains 2.1 Face Detection
an attractive biometric because of its advantages over other
Face detection is achieved by detecting areas that indicate a
forms of biometrics.
human face. Face detection is based on using grayscale and
The face detection algorithm, “Human Skin Color
color information and implementing an algorithm to detect
Clustering for Face Detection” [5] uses 2D color (chromatic)
faces independently of the background color of the scene.
space (RGB) for detecting skin color pixels. Some color
have a property of separating the luminance component 2.1.1 Skin Color Model
from chromatic component and with that at least partial An RGB image when compared to other color models like
independence of chromaticity and luminance is achieved. YUV or HSI, has the disadvantage of not clearly separating
Such color spaces are for example YUV, RGB, HSI, etc. The the mere color (chroma) and the intensity of a pixel, which
original face detection algorithm [1] was developed to work makes it very difficult to robustly distinguish skin colored
best under standard daylight illumination. After the skin regions, as it often has large intensity differences due to
color classification is done for every pixel of the image, the lightning and shadows. In the RGB space, the triple
component (r,g,b) represents not only color but also
skin region segmentation is performed. Unsuitable regions
luminance. Luminance may vary across a person's face due
are then eliminated on the basis of geometric properties of
66 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
to the ambient lighting and is not a reliable measure in segmented region. Using this technique of adaptive
separating skin from non-skin region. thresholding, many images yield good results; the skin-
colored regions are effectively segmented from the non-skin
In order to segment human skin regions from non-skin
colored regions. The skin segmented image of a color image
regions based on color there is a need for a reliable skin
resulting from this technique is shown in figure 2. The next
color model that is adaptable to people of different skin
stage in the process is Morphological operations that
colors and to different lighting conditions. Luminance has to
involves tools for extracting image components that are
be removed from the color representation in the chromatic
useful in the representation and description of region shape,
color space. Chromatic colors, also known as "pure" colors
such as boundaries and Skeletons using erosion and dilation.
in the absence of luminance, are defined by a normalization
process shown below:
r = R/(R+G+B) (1)
b = B/(R+G+B) (2)
Figure 1. Sample color image and its resulting skin- 2.1.4 Region Labeling
likelihood image The binary image resulted after morphological operation
needs to be labeled such that each clustered group of pixels
can be identified as a single region, in order for each region
2.1.2 Skin Segmentation
to be analyzed further to determine if it is a face region or
Since the skin regions are brighter than the other parts of
not. That is instead of 1 and 0; each region is labeled as 1,
the images, the skin regions can be segmented from the rest
2, 3 and so on. Pixels with 0 values are unchanged. A
of the image through a thresholding process. Also, since
function is used to show each different labeled region in
people with different skins have different likelihood, an
different colors as shown in figure 4.
adaptive thresholding process is required to achieve the
optimal threshold value for each case. The adaptive The next stage is to conduct Euler test for skin region
thresholding is based on the observation that stepping the and it should have at least one hole inside that region.
threshold value down may intuitively increase the
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 67
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
data. The kth vector, µ k is chosen such that manageable. The associated Eigen-values allow us to rank
the Eigen vectors according to their usefulness in
1 M characterizing the variation among the images. The
λk =
∑ (µ
n =1
k Φ n )2 (4)
Training set, Normalized and Eigen faces are as shown
is a maximum, subject to
meaningful eigenvectors.
Sample1 14 13 92.8
(a). Original Image
Sample2 5 5 100
Sample3 8 7 80
Face Recognition
Input Faces Efficiency
(b). Detected Face faces Recognized
Figure. 10: Varying light intensity condition
Sample1 13 12 92.3
Sample2 5 5 100
Sample3 7 7 100
application of PCA to pattern analysis. It is a simple and
fast method that works reasonably well, though not very
(a). Original Image robust when dealing with some variations like changes in
size. The main drawback of proposed method is that when
the background color is similar to skin color, there is
difficult to detect the skin areas in the image.
(b). Detected Face
[1] Ming Hu and Qiang Zhang , Zhiping Wang
Figure. 11: Very bright light and uniform
“Application of Rough Sets to Image Pre-processing
background condition
for Face Detection” IEEE International Conference on
Information and Automation , June 20-23, 2008,
Zhangjiajie, China.
[2] Sina jahanbin, hyohoon choi, “Automated facial
feature detection and face recognition using gabor
features on range and portrait images” IEEE
(a). Original Image transaction on 2008.
[3] Xiaogang Wang and Xiaoou,” Face Photo-Sketch
Synthesis and Recognition” IEEE Trans. on Pattern
analysis and machine intelligence
[4] Randazzo Vincenzo, Usai Lisa, “An Improvement of
AdaBoost for Face-Detection with Motion and Color
(b). Detected Face Information” IEEE 14th International Conference on
Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP) on 2007.
Figure. 12: Very bright light and non-uniform
[5] Jure Kova C, Peter Peer, and Franc Solina “Human
background condition
Skin Colour Clustering for Face Detection”.IEEE
Table No. 1 Comparison of Proposed method with Region8, Eurocon 2003. pp.144-148. vol.2
Different Samples [6] M. Turk and A. Pentland (1991). "Face recognition
using eigenfaces". Proc. IEEE Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. pp. 586–
4. Conclusion 591.
In this paper, the presented results could conclude that [7] Thomas Heseltine1, Nick Pears, Jim Austin, Zezhi
detection algorithm based on only skin color and feature Chen “Face Recognition: A Comparison of
extraction considering skin color model, skin likelihood, Appearance-Based Approaches” VIIth Digital Image
performing skin segmentation and morphological Computing: Techniques and Applications, Sun C.,
operations. It works even with images taken on non-uniform Talbot H., Ourselin S. and Adriaansen T. (Eds.), 10-12
background and different lightning and Intensity conditions. Dec. 2003, Sydney.
Face recognition is done by PCA-based eigenface method
70 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Authors Profile
Chandrappa D N is a research scholar. He is
working as an Assistant Professor in Dept. of
Electronics and communication Engineering at
SJB Institute of Technology Bangalore-60. He
has a B.E in degree in Electronics &
Communication, M.E degrees in Power
Electronics from University Visveswaraiah
College of Engineering and currently pursing PhD in Image
processing. He has 10 years of teaching experience & has
guided many UG and PG projects.
during the comparison of session data and user's profile. generated as compared to the approach presented in [8].
This type of system is well suited for the detection of More rules generated reduce false alarms. But it is also not
previously unknown attacks. The main disadvantage is that, well suited approach for role based database access. Kamra
it may not be able to describe what the attack is and may et. al [10] have proposed a role based approach for detecting
sometimes have high false positive rate. In contrast, a malicious behavior in RBAC (role based access control)
misuse detection model takes decision based on comparison administered databases. Classification technique is used to
of user's session or commands with the rule or signature of deduce role profiles of normal user behavior. An alarm is
attacks previously used by attackers. raised if roles estimated by classification for given user is
We are presenting unsupervised machine learning different than the actual role of a user. The approach is well
approach for database intrusion detections in databases suited for databases which employ role based access control
enabled with role based access control (RBAC) mechanism. mechanism. It also addresses insider threats scenario
It means number of roles has been defined and assigned to directly. But limitation of this approach is that it is query-
users of database systems. Keeping database security in based approach and it cannot extract correlation among
view, proper privileges are assigned to these roles. queries in the transaction.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section
2, we discuss related background. In section 3, a detailed 3. Our Approach
overview about our approach is given. In section 4, analysis
The approach we are presenting is a transaction level
and result of our approach is presented. Finally in section 5
approach. Attributes referred together for read and write
we conclude with the references at the end.
operations in transactions play important role in defining
normal behavior of user’s activities.
2. Related Work For example consider the following transaction:
Application of machine learning techniques to database
security is an emerging area of research. There are various Begin transaction
approaches that use machine learning/data mining select a1,a2,a3 from t1 where a1= 25;
update t2 set a4= a2+ 1.2(a3);
techniques to enhance the traditional security mechanisms
End transaction
of databases. Bertino et al. [6] have proposed a framework
based on anomaly detection techniques to detect malicious Where t1 and t2 are tables of the database and a1, a2, a3
behavior of database application programs. Association rule are the attributes of table t1 and a4, a5 are the attributes of
mining techniques are used to determine normal behavior of table t2 respectively.
application programs. Query traces from database logs are This example shows the correlation between the two
used for this purpose. This scheme may suffer from high queries of the transaction. It states that after issuing select
detection overhead in case of large number of distinct query, the update query should also be issued by same user
template queries. i.e. the number of association rules to be and in the same transaction. Approach presented in [10] can
maintained will be large. DEMIDS is a misuse-detection easily detect the attributes which are to be referred together,
system, tailored for relational database systems [7]. It uses but it cannot detect the queries which are to be executed
audit log data to derive profiles describing typical patterns together. This example shows the correlation between the
of accesses by database users. The main drawback of the two queries of the transaction. It states that after issuing
approach presented as in [7] is a lack of implementation and select query, the update query should also be issued by same
experimentation. The approach has only been described user and in the same transaction. Our approach extracts this
theoretically, and no empirical evidence has been presented correlation among queries of the transaction. In this
approach database log is read to extract the list of tables
of its performance as a detection mechanism. Yi Hu and
accessed by transaction and list of attributes read and
Brajendra Panda proposed a data mining approach [8] for
written by transaction. The extracted information is
intrusion detection in database systems. This approach
represented in the form of following structure format:
determines the data dependencies among the data items in (Read, TB-Acc[ ], Attr-Acc[ ][ ], Write, TB-Acc[ ],Attr-
the database system. Read and write dependency rules are Acc[ ][ ] )
generated to detect intrusion. The approach is novel, but its Where Read and Write are binary fields while TB-Acc[ ]
scope is limited to detecting malicious behavior in user is binary vector of size equal to number of relations in
transactions. Within that as well, it is limited to user database and Attr-Acc[ ][ ] is vector of N vectors and N is
transactions that conform to the read-write patterns assumed equal to the number of relations in the database. If
by the authors. Also, the system is not able to detect transaction contains select query then Read is equal to 1
malicious behavior in individual read-write commands. otherwise it is 0. Similarly, if transaction contains update or
False alarm rate is may be more. It also does not hold good insert query Write is equal to 1 otherwise it is 0. Element
for different access roles. Sural et al. [9] have presented a TB-Acc[i]=1 if SQL command at hand access i-th table and
approach for extracting dependency among attributes of 0 otherwise. Element Attr-Acc[i][j] = 1 if the SQL
database using weighted sequence mining. They have taken command at hand accesses the j- th attribute of the i-th table
sensitivity of data items into consideration in the form of and 0 otherwise. Table 1 shows the representation of
weights. Advantage of this approach is that more rules are example transaction given above using this format.
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 73
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Table 1: Representation of example transaction into number of groups, we have used k-means clustering
algorithm for clustering. K-means is the fastest among the
Rd t1 t2 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
partitioning clustering algorithms. Training tuples
1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 generated from database log has binary data fields.
Therefore similarity measures of binary variables can be
used for clustering such tuples. Similarity measure between
Table 1: (Continued) two tuples for clustering algorithm of our approach is as
Wt t1 t2 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
Where Rd=Read and Wt=Write simm(t1,t2) =
Values of fields of above structure will form the normal ncount11 + ncount10 + ncount01
behavior of the transaction to be issued by user. Violation to
such behavior will be detected as anomalous. The overall Where
approach is depicted by figure 1. ncount11 – count equals to number of similar binary
fields of both the tuples t1 and t2 has value 1.
Current Session
For example consider the following transactions:
Clustering Clusters (Role Transaction tr1
(Learning Phase) Profiles)
User transaction Begin Transaction
select a1,a2 from t1;
(Detection Phase) update t2 set a4;
End Transaction
Outlier Update
Corresponding bit pattern:
Raise Alarm New DB Log
110 1100010100010
role are grouped into same cluster. Approach is also well and ulnerability Assessment (DIMVA), pages 123-
suited for the users with more than one role. Detection phase 140,2003.
need to be generalized only. [2] Lee, V. C.S., Stankovic, J. A., Son, S. H., “Intrusion
Detection in Real-time Database Systems Via Time
4. Result and Analysis Signatures,” In Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE Real
For verification of our approach, we generated number of Time Technology and Applications Symposium, pages
database tables with number of attributes. We defined 121-128, 2000.
number of roles and generated number of transactions for [3] Marco Vieira and Henrique Madeira, “Detection of
these roles. Based on these transactions, we also generated Malicious Transactions in DBMS,” IEEE Proceedings-
large number of tuples as a training dataset. For detection, 11th Pacific Rim International Symposium on
we generated number of valid as well as invalid Dependable Computing, PP: 8, Dec 12-14, 2005.
transactions. We tested our approach by supplying valid as [4] Ashish Kamra, Elisa Bertino, and Evimaria Terzi. ,
well as invalid transactions and our approach was detecting “Detecting anomalous access patterns in relational
these transactions with full accuracy. We considered all the databases,” The International Journal on Very Large
possible ways for generating valid and invalid transactions Data Bases (VLDB), 2008.
and we got the proper result for all the cases. Our approach [5] Wai Lup LOW, Joseph LEE, Peter TEOH., “DIDAFIT:
is perfectly detecting correlations among commands of the Detecting intrusions in databases through
transactions. We tested the approach by issuing the valid fingerprinting transactions,” ICEIS 2002 - Databases
transactions by eliminating one of the SQL command from and Information Systems Integration, pages 121-
the transaction and it was detected as invalid transaction. 127,2002.
When we issued the transactions with all the desired SQL [6] Elisa Bertino, Ashish Kamra, and James Early,
commands, it was detected as valid transaction. Training “Profiling database application to detect sql injection
time was also varying linearly with respect to number of attacks,” IEEE International Performance, Computing,
training tuples as per the expectations. Figure 2 shows the and Communications Conference (IPCCC) 2007, pages
nature of training time vs number of training tuples. 449–458, April 2007.
[7] C.Y. Chung, M. Gertz, and K. Levitt. , “DEMIDS: a
misuse detection system for database systems,” In
Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems:
Strategic Views on the Need for Control. IFIP TC11
WG11.5 Third Working Conference, pages 159-178,
[8] Yi Hu and Brajendra Panda, “A data mining approach
for database intrusion detection,” In SAC ’04:
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on applied
computing, pages 711–716, New York, NY, USA,
[9] Abhinav Srivastava, Shamik Sural and A. K.
Majumdar, “Database intrusion detection using
weighted sequence mining,” Journal of Computers,
Vol. 1, NO. 4, pages 8-12, JULY 2006.
[10] Elisa Bertino, Ashish Kamra and Evimaria Terzi,
“Intrusion detection in rbac-administered databases,”
In Proceedings of the Applied Computer Security
Figure 2. Training Time Vs Training Data
Applications Conference (ACSAC), 2005.
4. Conclusion
In this paper we have proposed a new unsupervised machine
learning approach of database intrusion detection for
databases in which role based access control (RBAC)
mechanism is enabled. It considers the correlations among
the queries of the transaction and detects them accordingly.
It does not require role information to be logged in database
log. Clusters of transactions generated can also provide
guidelines to the database administrator for role definitions.
[1] Fredrik Valeur, Darren Mutz, and Giovanni Vigna., “A
learning-based approach to the detection of sql
attacks,” In Proceedings of the International
Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware,
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 75
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
2.1.2. Protocol Description message because, he can’t discard the TicketC as it is issued
by KDCA. In step-5 KDCB sends the message to client C and
KDCA and KDCB are key distribution centers which store the rest of the steps are executed normally. In this way,
(Alice’s identity, ID(A), and password, pwa), and (Bob’s client A establishes the intended session key with client C
identity, ID(B), and password, pwb) respectively. K is a not with the actual client B. In the, modified C2C-PAKE
symmetric key shared between KDCA and KDCB. protocol there is no verifiable message where both A and B
can verify their identities after step-4. In this way, the
1. Alice chooses x ∈R Z∗ p randomly, computes and sends attacker may trap client C and communicate with client A
Epwa(gx), ID(A) and ID(B) to KDCA. pretending as client B. This causes identity mis-binding
2. KDCA obtains gx by decrypting Epwa(gx). KDCA selects r
∈R Z∗ p randomly and makes TicketB = EK(gx·r, gr, ID(A), In step-2, the attacker may modify the Lifetime L of the
ID(B), L). L is a lifetime of TicketB. Then KDCA sends ticket with a higher value than the value specified by KDCA.
TicketB, ID(A), ID(B) and L to Alice. But, KDCB obtains the actual value of L. As client A has a
high L value, she may request KDCB for service within the
3. Upon receiving the message from KDCA, Alice forwards enhanced time period. But, KDCB is unable to provide the
TicketB to Bob with ID(A). service after the actual lifetime L. This causes a Denial of
Service (DOS) attack.
4. Bob chooses y ∈R Z∗ p randomly, and computes Epwb(gy).
Then he sends Epwb(gy), ID(A) and ID(B) to KDCB with 3. Proposed Protocol
In our proposed protocol every host is registered with the
x·r r TTP with different passwords. The hosts and the TTP agree
5. KDCB obtains g and g by decrypting TicketB, selects r’
upon a family of commutative one-way hash functions
∈R Z∗ p randomly and computes gx·r·r’ and gr·r’. Next KDCB which is used for host authentication. One-way hashes of the
sends gx·r·r’ and gr·r’ to Bob. passwords are being stored instead of storing the plaintext
version of the passwords. One-way function is a function F
6. Bob makes cs = H1(gx·y·r·r’ ) using gx·r·r’ and y. Then Bob such that for each x in the domain of F, it is easy to compute
chooses a random number a ∈R Z∗ p and computes Ecs(ga) y=F(x), but given F(x) it is computationally infeasible to
and gr·r’·y. Finally, Bob sends Ecs(ga) and gr·r’·y to Alice. find any x.
7. Alice also can compute cs using gr·r’·y and x. Next, Alice 3.1 Notations
selects b ∈R Z∗ p randomly and computes the session key sk The following notations are used in this paper.
= H2(gab) and Ecs(gb). Finally she sends Esk(ga) and Ecs(gb)
for session key confirmation. Alice, Bob Honest Hosts
TTP Trusted Third Party
8. After receiving Esk(ga) and Ecs(gb), Bob gets gb by IDA, IDB Identities of Alice and Bob
decrypting Ecs(gb) with cs and computes sk with gb and a. pwa, pwb Passwords of Alice and Bob
Bob verifies ga by decrypting Esk(ga) with sk. Bob sends EK(X) Encryption of plaintext X using key K
Esk(gb) to Alice to confirm the session key. DK(X) Decryption of plaintext X using key K
SK Session Key between A and B
9. Alice verifies gb by decrypting Esk(gb) with sk. H(pwa) One way hash of password of A
g Generator of cyclic group
2.2 Cryptanalysis of Modified C2C-PAKE Protocol p, q Large prime numbers
A→B: M A sends message “M” to B
Let an outside attacker having knowledge of the whole TicketB Kerberos Ticket issued to A for service
cross-realm architecture comes in between client A and from B
KDCA. In the first message transfer from A to KDCA, he sgnA( . ) Signature generated using the private
may snoop the message and modify the IDB with some ID key of A
say, IDC which is a legitimate client in the other realm. K Shared Secret Key between TTP1 and
Upon receiving the message from A, KDCA makes TicketC = TTP2
EK(gx·r, gr, IDA, IDC, L) which is not the intended Ticket for
client B. When KDCA sends the message to A in step-2, the
attacker can again change the IDC to IDB. Hence, A doesn’t 3.2 Proposed Protocol
know what happened in between as she can’t decrypt the
Ticket. Here we describe the steps involved in the protocol in detail.
g, p and q are global parameters shared by protocol
In the same way the attacker may snoop the message in the participants.
step-4 and modify IDB to IDC. After decrypting the Ticket,
KDCB assumes that client A wants to communicate with 3.2.1 Single-Server Setting
client C as he receives same IDC from both the message and
the Ticket. He may discard Epwb(gy) as an redundant
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 77
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
v. B obtains grtt' (mod p), gtt' (mod p) after An adversary with pwa (or pwb) can easily compute gr by
decrypting the message. He chooses s as random decrypting H(pwa)(gr). But these values do not help to
and finds an ephemeral key Ke= grtt's (mod p). He compute Ke or SK in old sessions because session key
also randomly selects his private key as b and generation is based on the Diffie-Hellman problem.
calculates his public key as RB=gb(mod p). Next, Therefore the proposed protocol provides perfect forward
RB concatenated with the IDs of the hosts is secrecy.
encrypted using the ephemeral key Ke. Then he
sends this encrypted value and gtt's (mod p) to A. 4.4. Denning-Sacco Attack:
B → A : g t .t '.s (mod p ), EKe ( IDA, IDB , RB ) Now we can show that our protocol is secure against
Denning-Sacco attack. Like the original C2C-PAKE
vi. After receiving the message A finds the protocol, we also classify an adversary into two types. One is
ephemeral key Ke using r and gtt's (mod p). She an Insider adversary and the other is an Outsider adversary.
also recovers RB from the message and chooses
her private and corresponding public key as a, RA 4.4.1. In case of Outsider Adversary:
respectively, where RA= ga(mod p). She computes Outsider adversary, with session keys Ke and SK can
the session key SK=(RB)a (mod p)=gba (mod p). A compute ga, gb and all conversations in the protocol. But he
concatenates RA, RB and IDB, creates a signature can not verify a candidate password pwa'(or pwb') of pwa
of the result using his private key a. The (or pwb) since he can not get r (or s) which is a random
signature is encrypted using the session key SK secret value of A (or B).
and sent to B along with the encrypted value of
RA. 4.4.2. In case of Insider Adversary with pwa:
A → B : EKe ( RA), ESK (sgn A( IDB , RA, RB )) We are going to show that an adversary cannot mount a
dictionary attack on pwb. To verify a candidate password
vii. Upon receiving the message B obtains RA by pwb' of pwb, he must get gs. Since the value of s is a random
decrypting the message, computes the intended number of B, he cannot compute valid gs.
session key SK=(RA)b(mod p)=gab(mod p), and
verifies A’s signature. If the signature is verified, 4.4.3. In case of Insider Adversary with pwb:
B creates a signature exactly the same way as Similar to the case of insider adversary with pwa, he must
done by A and encrypts it using the session key get gr to verify a candidate password pwa' of pwa. Since the
SK. Then he sends the encrypted signature to A. value of r is a random number of A, he cannot compute
valid gr.
B → A : ESK (sgn B ( IDA, RA, RB ))
4.5 Dictionary Attack:
viii. Finally, A verifies the signature and if verified, In case of compromise of pwa or pwb, adversary can mount
ensures that both of the hosts have the same a dictionary attack if he gets gr or gs. However, he can not
session key SK. mount a dictionary attack as analyzed in Denning-Sacco
4. Security Analysis of Proposed Protocol
In this section, security of the proposed protocols is 4.6 On-line guessing attack, man in the middle attack
analysed. Our proposed protocols are secure against the type and replay attack:
It is the same as analyzed in the original C2C-PAKE
of attacks considered in [13,14] including Identity Mis-
protocol with regard to on-line guessing attack, man in the
binding Attack and Denial of Service attack.
middle attack and replay attack.
4.1. Identity Mis-binding Attack:
Unlike the modified C2C-PAKE protocol, the IDs of the 4.7 Chen’s attack:
Regarding Chen’s attack, there is no verifiable cipher text
communicating entities are encrypted using the one-way
based on password in TicketB. So it is secure against the
hash value of the passwords in the proposed protocol. So,
dictionary attack by a malicious TTP2.
the adversary can’t change any of the IDs of the hosts. As a
result, the proposed protocols are secure against identity
mis-binding attack. 5. CONCLUSION
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1995 Engineering from Balasore College of
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80 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
values guarantee that the current EN passes node The results in Figure 5 are obtained by starting each election
exploration responsibility only after having received most from a different initiator node. In more than 90% of the
replies from farthest nodes, thus achieving its correct runs, the Replication Strategy protocol has identified either
EN_value. optimal solutions or quasi-optimal solutions at 1-hop
distance from the actual optimum. The average inaccuracy
is only 0.385 hops, which represents a largely acceptable
value for the addressed application scenario.
Abstract: A checkpoint is a local state of a process saved on not appropriate to directly apply checkpointing protocol
stable storage. In coordinated checkpointing, processes take designed for fixed network distributed systems to mobile
their checkpoints in such a manner that the resulting global systems.
state is consistent. Mostly it follows two-phase commit structure. Checkpointing algorithms are classified into two main
In the first phase, processes take tentative checkpoints and in categories: uncoordinated and coordinated. In
the second phase, these tentative checkpoints are made uncoordinated approach each process takes its checkpoint
permanent. In case of a single systems failure or reply
independently without the knowledge of other process. This
negatively, processes rollback to last consistent checkpointed
state. In mobile distributed systems process is considering as a
approach is simple, but suffers from domino-effect. In
MH without stable storage and there is wireless link between coordinated checkpointing approach, processes take
MH and MSS. So during checkpointing, an MH has to transfer checkpoints in such a manner that the resulting global state
a large amount of checkpoint data to its local MSS over the is consistent. So, this approach is domino-free [2], stores
wireless network. Since MHs are prone to failure and during the minimum number of checkpoints on the stable storage
failure of an MH these checkpoints become unnecessary. (maximum two).
Therefore, transferring such unnecessary checkpoints and then In a MDCS the checkpoint taken by a MH is need to be
rollback after failure, may waste a large amount computation transferred to its current MSS due to lack of stable storage at
power, bandwidth, time and energy. In this paper we propose a MH level [2]. Most of the existing coordinated
soft-checkpoint based checkpointing algorithm which are checkpointing protocols try to minimize the number of
suitable for mobile distributed systems. Our soft-checkpoints are
processes to take checkpoint and to make checkpoint
store on local MHs and have not any transferring cost. These
algorithms non-blocking. These algorithms follows two-
soft- checkpoints are stored in stable only receiving the commit
message or during failure of a node and discard locally, after phase commit structure [1] - [5]. In the first phase, processes
receiving the abort message. Hence, in case of failure our soft- take tentative checkpoints and in the second phase, these are
checkpoint has much less overhead as compare to tentative. made permanent. The main advantage is that only one
permanent checkpoint and at most one tentative checkpoint
is required to be stored. In the case of a fault, processes
Keywords: Checkpointing, Coordinated checkpointing, rollback to last checkpointed state [1].
uncoordinated Checkpointing, Fault Tolerance, Mobile Distributed
Systems, Domino-free
2. Related Work and Problem Formulation:
1. Introduction 2.1 Related work
Checkpointing and rollback recovery techniques for fault- The work presented in this paper shows the performance
tolerance in distributed systems have studied extensively in improvement over work reported in [1]-[5]. These
the literature. However, little attention has been devoted to algorithms either try to make the checkpointing algorithm
fault–tolerance techniques for mobile distributed systems. either minimum-process or non-blocking or both minimum–
Today, mobile user become common in distributed system process and non-blocking.
due to availability, cost and mobile connectivity. Mobile All these algorithms follow two-phase commit structure. In
distributed systems raise new issue such as mobility, low the first phase, processes take temporary checkpoints when
bandwidth of wireless channels, disconnections, limited they receive the checkpoint request. These tentative
battery power and lack of reliable stable storage of mobile checkpoints are store in the stable storage of MSS. In the
nodes. Due to these unique features of mobile systems, it is second phase, if an MSS learns that all of its processes to
86 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
whom it sends checkpoint request, have taken their tentative that all processes takes their hard checkpoint successfully,
checkpoints successfully, initiator MSS sends the commit then it forward commit message. This approach assumes
message to all the participating node. However, in case of a that each site has its own local log, sufficient volatile
single failure or reply aborted, initiator process broadcast memory and can therefore rollback or commit the
the aborted message. After receiving commit request, transaction reliably.
processes convert their tentative checkpoints into permanent
ones and on receiving abort message, every process that has 3. Soft-checkpoint based Checkpointing
already taken a temporary checkpoint must discard it. Later Approach:
the checkpointing algorithm has to be restarted again from
the previous consistent global state. As to take a checkpoint, 3.5 System model
an MH has to transfer a large amount of data to its local
MSS over the wireless network. Since the wireless network A mobile distributed system is a distributed system where
has low bandwidth and the MHs have relatively low some of the processes are running on mobile hosts
computation power. During failure theses transferred (MHs)[7]. It consists of Static Hosts (SHs), Mobile
checkpoint become useless and discard later. These Hosts(MHs) and the Mobile Support Stations(MSSs). So, the
algorithms have higher checkpoint latency and recovery mobile distributed system can be considered as consisting of
time as transferring such temporary checkpoints on stable “n” MHs and “m” MSSs. The static network provides
storage may waste a large amount computation power, reliable, sequenced delivery of messages between any two
bandwidth, energy and time. MSSs, with arbitrary message latency. Similarly, the
wireless network within a cell ensures FIFO delivery of
2.2 Problem formulation messages between an MSS and a local MH. The links are
FIFO in nature. An MH communicates with other nodes of
In mobile distributed system multiple MHs are connected
system via special nodes called mobile support station
with their local MSS through the wireless links. A process is
(MSS).An MH can directly communicate with an MSS only
considering as a MH without stable storage. During
if the MH is physically located within the cell serviced by
checkpointing, an MH has to transfer a large amount of
MSS. A static node that has no support to MH can be
checkpointed data (like variables, control information,
considered as an MSS with no MH. A cell is a geographical
register value and environments etc.) to its local MSS over
area around an MSS in which it can support an MH .An
the wireless network. So, it consume resources to transfer
MH can change its geographical position freely from one
data and to rollback in case of any failure to its consistent
cell to another cell or even area covered by no cell .At any
state. If even a single MH fails to take a checkpoint all the
given instant of time an MH may logically belong to only
checkpoint which is taken on MSS must be rollback. So, it
one cell; its current cell defines the MH’s location and the
increases the checkpoint latency, recovery time during and
MH is considered local to MSS providing wireless coverage
disk overhead during the failure.
in the cell. If an MH does not leave the cell, then every
The objective of the present work is to design a
message sent to it from local MSS would receive in
checkpointing approach that is suitable for mobile
sequence in which they are sent.
computing environment. Checkpointing and recovery
protocol for Mobile computing environment demands for
efficient use of the limited resources of mobile environment 3.6 The Soft checkpoint approach
i.e wireless bandwidth, battery power and memory etc. Therefore, in the present work we emphasize on to make
Consider a mobile environment, in which a MSS has 1000 computation faster, eliminating the overhead of taking
MHs in their minimum set. During the first phase 999 MHs temporary checkpoint on stable storage and finally utilize
take their temporary checkpoints successfully and one MH the available fast memory. In this context we proposed a
fails to take checkpoint. In such case, checkpointing process soft-checkpoint based approach, in which processes takes
must be aborted; MHs discard their temporary checkpoint their temporary checkpoints, as a soft-checkpoints on their
and the system restarts its execution from a previous main memory. The approach work as follows:
consistent global checkpoint saved on the stable storage
during fault free operation. Observe that taking a temporary 3.2.4 Action at the initiator Pj
checkpoint in the stable storage and later discard it, affects The initiator can be in one of four states during the
the bandwidth utilization and waste the MHs limited battery checkpointing process: Initial state, Waiting state, Hard
power. checkpointing state, and COMITTED/ABORTED state, as
shown in state transition diagram of Figure[1]. Each state is
2.3 Basic idea followed by its previous state and work as follows.
The basic idea of the proposed scheme is to store the 1. When P j initiates checkpointing algorithm:
checkpoint as a soft-checkpoint in the memory, till the time {take_soft-checkpoint; Increment csn; set weight=1;
it receives the hard checkpoint request from the initiator. Compute minset[]; send take soft-checkpoint request to
The initiator asks all processes in minset[] whether they are all processes belongs to minset along with minset[], csn
agreed to soft-checkpoint or not. If one process reply abort, and weightj=weightj/2;} /*If Pi initiate its(x+1)th
or fails to respond within a timeout period, then the initiator checkpoint then the set of processes on
broadcast to aborted message and after receiving ABORT, which Pi depends(directly or transitively) in its xth
process rollback to their previous consistent state locally. So checkpoint is minimum set[8]. */
this approach has not any transferring cost. If initiator know 2. Initiator waits for response to the soft-checkpoint
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 87
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
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The length of the secret key (which is to be transmitted) where J is obtained from H by rotating, circularly, two rows
is 512 bits. On using this key, we can generate a new key E in the downward direction.
in the form
where H = ET, in which T denotes the transpose of a matrix,
and F and G are obtained from E and H as follows. On
interchanging the 1st row and the 16th row of E, the 2nd row
and the 15th row of E, etc., we get F. Similarly, we obtain G
from H. Thus, we have L.
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 91
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
From (3.8) and (3.10), we can readily find that On using (3.8), (3.10), (3.17), and the procedure for
K K–1 mod 256 = K–1 K mod 256 = I. (3.15) decryption (See Fig. 1.(b)), we get back the original binary
Let us consider the image of a hand, which is given image P, given by (3.16).
below. From the matrix C, on connecting each 1 with its
neighbouring 1, we get an image which is in a zigzag
manner (See Fig. 3).
4. Conclusions
In this analysis, we have made use of a modified Hill
cipher for encrypting a binary image. Here we have
illustrated the procedure by considering a pair of examples:
(1) the image of a hand, and (2) the image of upper half of a
where 1 denotes black and 0 denotes white. person.
On adopting the iterative procedure given in Fig. 1, we Here, we have noticed that, the encrypted image is
get the encrypted image C totally different from the original image, and the security of
the image is completely enhanced, as no feature of the
original image can be traced out in any way from the
encrypted image.
This analysis can be extended for the images of
signatures and thumb impressions.
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been proposed. The proposed scheme satisfies all the 3. Overview Of Aung et al.’s DLP Based Proxy
properties of a proxy blind signature scheme. Blind Signature scheme With Low
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section
2,some related work are discussed. Overview Of Aung et
al.’s DLP Based Proxy Blind Signature scheme with Low
Computation has been done in section 3 . In Section 4, In this section,DLP Based Proxy Blind Signature scheme
Cryptanalysis of Aung et al.’s scheme has been done. An With Low Computation has been discussed.
introduction to ECC is being described in section 5. In
Section 6, Proposed scheme is being described. Security
analysis of the proposed scheme has been done in section 7. 3.1 Proxy Delegation Phase
In Section 8, Efficiency of the proposed scheme is being
compared with the previous schemes and concluding
Original signer selects random number and
remarks are being described in Section 9.
2. Related Work
sends along with the warrant to the proxy
D. Chaum [4]introduced the concept of a blind signature signer. And then proxy signer checks:
scheme in 1982. In 1996 Mambo et al [2] introduced the
concept of proxy signature. The two types of scheme: proxy (3)
unprotected (proxy and original signer both can generate a
valid proxy signature) and proxy protected (only proxy can If it is correct, P accepts it and computes proxy signature
generate a valid proxy signature) ensures among other secret key as follow:
things, non-repudiation and unforgeability . (4)
The first proxy blind signature was proposed by Lin and Jan
[1] in 2000. Recently Tan et al. [7] introduced a proxy blind
Note: responding proxy public key
signature scheme, which ensures security properties of the
schemes, viz., the blind signature schemes and the proxy
signature schemes. The scheme is based on Schnorr blind
signature scheme Lee et al.[3] showed that a strong proxy
signature scheme should have properties of strong 3.2 Blind Signing Phase
unforgeability, verifiability, strong identifiability, strong
nonrepudiation and prevention of misuse. Proxy signer selects random number and
Hung-Min Sun and Bin Tsan Hsieh [8] show that Tan et
al.[6] schemes do not satisfy the unforgeability and
unlinkability properties. In addition, they also point out that
Lal and Awasthi [7] scheme does not possess the
unlinkability property either. In 2004, Xue and Cao [9]
and then sends to signature asker . To obtain the
showed there exists one
blind signature of message m, original signer randomly
weakness in Tan et al. scheme [5] and Lal et al. scheme [7]
choose two random numbers and computes:
since the proxy signer can get the link between the blind
message and the signature or plaintext with great (6)
probability. Xue and Cao introduced concept of strong (7)
unlinkability and they also proposed a proxy blind signature (8)
In 2007 Li et al.[10] proposed a proxy blind signature If =0 then has to select new tuple Otherwise
scheme using verifiable self-certified public key, and their sends to . After receiving proxy signer computes :
scheme is more efficient than schemes published earlier.
Recently, Xuang Yang and Zhaoping Yu[11] proposed new (9)
scheme and showed their scheme is more efficient than Li et
al.[10]. and sends the sign message to .
In 2009 Aung et al.[12] proposed a new proxy blind
signature scheme which satisfied all the security
requirements of both the blind signature scheme and the 3.3 Extraction Phase
proxy signature scheme.
While receiving , computes:
signer, message type to be signed by the proxy signer, the The recipient of the signature can verify the proxy blind
delegation limits of authority, valid periods of delegation, signature by checking whether
h(.) a secure one-way hash function. (24)
|| the concatenation of strings. where
6.2 Proxy Delegation Phase If it is true, the verifier accepts it as a valid proxy blind
signature, otherwise rejects.
Original Signer randomly chooses ,1< < n ; and
7. Security Analysis of the proposed scheme
and corresponding proxy public key Nonrepudiation: The original signer does not obtain the
proxy signer’s secret key and proxy signer does not
obtain original signer’s secret key . Thus, neither the
original signer nor the proxy signer can sign in place of
6.3 Blind Signing Phase the other party. At the same time, through the valid proxy
blind signature, the verifier can confirm that the
Proxy Signer randomly choose , where 1 < < n and signature of the message has been entitled by the original
computes: signer, because the verifier must use the original signer’s
public key during the verification. Likewise, the proxy
signer cannot repudiate the signature. The scheme offers
(18) nonrepudiation property.
and then sends to signature asker A. To obtain the Unforgeability: An adversary (including the original
blind signature of message m, original signer O randomly signer and the receiver) wants to impersonate the proxy
choose two random numbers u,v and computes: signer to sign the message m. He can intercept the
delegation information but he cannot obtain
(19) the proxy signature secret key . From Equation (15),
(20) we know that only the proxy signer holds the proxy
(21) signature secret key . Because of 1 < < n , the
adversary can obtain the proper proxy signature secret
If then A has to select new tuple (u,v),Otherwise key by guessing it with at most a probability .That is,
O sends e to P. After receiving e proxy signer P computes : anyone else (even the original signer and the receiver)
can forge the proxy blind signature successfully with a
(22) probability .
9. Conclusion
We analyzed that Aung et al.’s DLP based proxy blind
Identifiability: The proxy blind signature signature scheme with low computation does not satisfy
contains the warrant . Moreover, in the verifiability property of proxy blind signature scheme
the verification equation .Compared with Aung et al’s scheme , we present a more
which includes the original signer O’s public key and efficient and secure proxy blind signature scheme to
the proxy signer P’s public key . Hence, anyone can overcome the pointed out drawback of the Aung et al’s
determine the identity of the corresponding proxy signer scheme.We proved that our scheme is more efficient and
from a proxy signature. secure than the previous schemes.
Authors Profile
Asis Kumar Tripathy received the B.E.
degree in Information Technology from
bialasore College of Engineering and
Technology in 2006. He has joned the
same college as Lecturer since
26.12.2006. Now, he is persuing his
M.Tech degree at International Institute
of Information Technology-Bhubaneswar,
Orissa, India. His research area of interest is Information Security
Abstract: This paper describes a comparative study between the highest classification rate was achieved by using feed-
continuous Density hidden Markov model (CDHMM) and forward neural network. Another research work carried out
artificial neural network (ANN) on an automatic infant’s cries by Cano [8] used the Kohonen's self organizing maps
classification system which main task is to classify and (SOM) which is basically a variety of unsupervised ANN
differentiate between pain and non-pain cries belonging to technique to classify different infant cries. A hybrid
infants. In this study, Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient approach that combines Fuzzy Logic and neural network
(MFCC) and Linear Prediction Cepstral Coefficients (LPCC)
has also been applied in the similar domain [7].
are extracted from the audio samples of infant’s cries and are
fed into the classification modules. Two well-known recognition Apart from the traditional ANN approach, other infant cry
engines, ANN and CDHMM, are conducted and compared. The classification technique studied is Support Vector Machine
ANN system (a feedforwaed multilayer perceptron network with (SVM) which has been reported by Barajas and Reyes [2].
backpropagation using scaled conjugate gradient learning Here, a set of Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC)
algorithm) is applied. The novel continuous Hidden Markov
was extracted from the audio samples as the input features.
Model classification system is trained based on Baum –Welch
algorithm on a pair of local feature vectors.
On the other hand, Orozco and Garcia [6], use the linear
After optimizing system’s parameters by performing some prediction technique to extract the acoustic features from the
preliminary experiments, CDHMM gives the best identification cry samples of which are then fed into a feed- forward
rate at 96.1%, which is much better than 79% of ANN whereby neural network recognition module.
in general the system that are based on MFCC features
Hidden Markov Model is based on double stochastic
performs better than the one that utilizes LPCC features.
processes, whereby the first process produces a set of
observations which in turns can be used indirectly to reveal
Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks, Continuos Density
Hidden Markov Model; Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient, another hidden process that describes the states evolution
Linear Prediction Cepstral Coefficints, Infant Pain Cry [13]. This technique has been used extensively to analyze
Classification audio signals such as for biomedical signal processing [17]
and speech recognition [18]. The prime objective of this
1. Introduction paper is to compare the performance of an automatic
infant’s cry classification system applying two different
Infants often use cries as communication tool to express classification techniques, Artificial Neural Networks and
their physical, emotional and psychological states and needs continuous Hidden Markov Model.
[1]. An infant may cry for a variety of reasons, and many
scientists believe that there are different types of cries which Here, a series of observable feature vector is used to reveal
reflects different states and needs of infants, thus it is the cry model hence assists in its classification. First, the
possible to analyze and classify infant cries for clinical paper describes the overall architecture of an automatic
diagnosis purposes. recognition system which main task is to differentiate
between an infant ‘pain’ cries from ‘non-pain’ cries. The
A number of research work related to this line have been performance of both systems is compared in terms of
reported, whereby many of which are based on Artificial recognition accuracy, classification error rate and F-measure
Neural Network (ANN) classification techniques. Petroni under the use of two different acoustic features, namely Mel
and Malowany [4] for example, have used three different Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) and Linear
varieties of supervised ANN technique which include a Prediction Cepstral Coefficients (LPCC). Separate phases of
simple feed-forward, a recurrent neural network (RNN) and system training and system testing are carried out on two
a time-delay neural network (TDNN) in their infant cry different sample sets of infant cries recorded from a group of
classification system. In their study, they have attempted to babies which ranges from newborns up to 12 months old.
to recognize and classify three categories of cry, namely
‘pain’, ‘fear’ and ‘hunger’ and the results demonstrated that
100 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
3.2 Feature Extraction where r is derived from the LPC autocorrelation matrix
3.2.1 Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC)
MFCCs are one of the more popular parameter
cm = a m + ∑ ( )ck a m−k for 1 < m < P
used by researchers in the acoustic research domain. It has
the benefit that it is capable of capturing the important (7)
k =1 n
characteristics of audio signals. Cepstral analysis calculates
the inverse Fourier transform of the logarithm of the power
spectrum of the cry signal, the calculation of the mel cepstral
coefficients is illustrated in Figure 3.
cm = ∑ ( )ck a m−k for m > P
k = m− p n
∑ C jm = 1 , 1≤ j ≤ N , 1≤ m ≤ M
The activation function used in all layers in this work is •
hyperbolic tangent sigmoid transfer function ‘TANSIG’.
Training stops when any of these conditions occur: where N is the number of states, j is the state index, μjm is
• The maximum number of epochs (repetitions) is the mean vectors of the mth Gaussian probability densities
reached. we established 500 epochs at maximum function, and אis the most efficient density functions widely
because above this value, the convergence line do used without loss of generality[11, 15] which is defined as,
not have any significant change.
• The networks were trained until the performance (11)
is minimized to the goal i.e. mean squared error is
less than 0.00001.
In the training phase, and in order to derive the models
for both ‘pain’ and’non-pain’ cries (i.e. to derive λpain and
λnon-pain models respectively) we first have to make a rough
guess about the parameters of an HMM, and based on these
initial parameters more accurate parameters can be found by
applying the Baum-Welch algorithm. This mainly requires
for the learning problem of HMM as highlighted by
Rabiner in his HMM tutorial [13]. The re-estimation
procedure is sensitive to the selection of initial parameters.
The model topology is specified by an initial transition
matrix. The state means and variances can be initialized by
Figure 5. MLP Neural Network clustering the training data into as many clusters as there
are states in the model with the K-means clustering
3.3.2 Hidden Markov Model (HMM) approach algorithm and estimating the initial parameters from these
The continuous HMM is chosen over the discrete clusters [16].
counterparts since it avoids losing of critical signal The basic idea behind the Baum-Welch algorithm (also
information during discrete symbol quantization process and known as Forward-Backward algorithm) is to iteratively re-
that it provides for better modeling of continuous signal estimate the parameters of a model, and to obtain a new
representation such as the audio cry signal [12]. However, model with a better set of parameters ¸ which satisfies the
computational complexity when using the CHMMs is more following criterion for the observation sequence
than the computational complexity when using DHMMs. It ,
normally takes more time in the training phase[11]
An HMM is specified by the following:
• N, the number of states in the HMM; (12)
• ), the prior probability of state si being
the first state of a state sequence. The collection of π1 where the given parameters are¸ . By
forms the vector π = { π1, ….., πN}; setting, ¸ at the end of every iteration and re-
• , the transition coefficients estimating a better parameter set, the probability of
gives the probability of going from state si immediately to can be improved until some threshold is reached. The re-
state sj. The collection of a ij forms the transition matrix estimation procedure is guaranteed to find in a local
A. optimum. The flow chart of the training procedure is shown
• Emission probability of a certain observation o, when in Figure 6,
the model is in state . The observation o can be either
discrete or continuous [11]. However, in this study a
continuous HMM is applied whereby continuous
observations o | = indicates the
probability density function (pdf) over the observation
space for the model being in state .
For the continuous HMM, the observations are continuous
and the output likelihood of a HMM for a given observation
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 103
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
(13) (17)
This is called the maximum likelihood (ML) estimate. The
best model in maximum likelihood sense is therefore the one (18)
that is most probable to generate the given observations.
In this study, separate untrained samples from each class
where fed into the HMM classifier and were compared
against the trained ‘pain’ and ‘non-pain’ model. This
F-measure varies from 0 to 1, with a higher F-measure
testing process mainly requires for evaluation problem of
indicating better performance [14].
HMM as highlighted by Rabiner [13]. The classification
where tp is the number of pain test samples successfully
follows the following algorithm:
classified, fp is the number of misclassified non-pain test
If P(test_sample| λpain) > P(test_sample| λnon-pain) samples, fn is the number of misclassified pain test samples,
and finally tn the number of correctly classified non-pain
Then test_sample is classified ‘pain’
test samples.
Else Both systems performed optimally with 20 MFCC’s 50 ms
window. For the NN based system the hierarchy of one
test_sample is classified ‘non_pain’
hidden layer having 5 hidden nodes showed to be the best,
while an ergodic HMM with 5 states and 8 Gaussians per
state has resulted in the best recognition rates. The
4. Experimental Results optimum recognition rates obtained were 96.1% for HMM
A total of 700 cry segments of 1 second duration is used trained with 20 MFCC, whereas for ANN the highest
during system testing. Each feature vector is extracted at recognition rate was 79% using 20 MFCC also. For both
50ms windows with 75% overlap between adjacent frames. systems trained with LPCC’s, the best recognition rate
The size of the input data frame used was 50ms and 100ms obtained for HMM was 78.5% using 16 LPCC+DEL, 10
in order to determine which would yield the best results for Gaussians , 5 states and 50 ms whereas for ANN was
this application. These settings were used in all 70.2% using 16 LPCC, 5 states, 8 Gaussians per state and
experiments reported in this paper which compare between 50 ms window.
the performance of both types of infant cry recognition Table I, Figures 7 and 8 summarizes a comparison between
systems described above utilizing 12 MFCCs (with 26 filter performance of both systems using different performance
banks) and 16LPCCs (with 12th order LPC) acoustic metrics for the optimum results obtained with both MFCC
features. The effect of the dynamic coefficients for both used and LPCC features.
features was also investigated.
After optimizing system’s parameters by performing some
preliminary experiments, it was found that a fully connected
(an ergodic) HMM topology with five states and eight
104 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
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Features MFCC LPCC
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Coefficients”, Proceedings of International Conference
CER% 20.99 3.87 29.83 21.55 on Information Retrieval and Knowledge
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Comparison between NN & HMM using MFCC
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Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients Extraction from
Com paris on between NN & HMM us ing LPCC
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identify infant pain and non-pain cries . From the obtained [9] Jose Orozco, Carlos A. Reyes-Garcia,
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[1] J.E. Drummond, M.L. McBride, “The Development of Engine for Arabic Spontaneous Speech”, 2nd IEEE
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“Identifying Pain and Hunger in Infant Cry with [12] Joseph Picone, “Continuous Speech Recognition Using
Classifiers Ensembles”, Proceedings of the 2005 Hidden Markov Models”, IEEE ASSP magazine,
International Conference on Computational pp.26-41, 1991.
Intelligence for Modeling, Control and Automation, [13] L.R. Rabiner, "A tutorial on hidden markov models
and International Conference on Intelligent Agents, and selected applications in speech recognition".
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 105
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a Scalable ACC-DCT based widely used in video compression. Such encoder exploits
video compression using UP/DOWN sampling approach which inter frame correlation to provide more efficient
tends to hard exploit the pertinent temporal redundancy in the compression. However, Motion estimation process is
video frames to improve compression efficiency with less computationally intensive; its real time implementation is
processing complexity. Generally, video signal has high difficult and costly [1][2]. This is why motion-based video
temporal redundancies due to the high correlation between coding standard MPEG[12] was primarily developed for
successive frames. Actually, this redundancy has not been
stored video applications, where the encoding process is
exposed enough by current video compression techniques. Our
model consists on 3D to 2D transformation of the video frames
typically carried out off-line on powerful computers. So it is
that allows exploring the temporal redundancy of the video less appropriate to be implemented as a real-time
using 2D transforms and avoiding the computationally compression process for a portable recording or
demanding motion compensation step. This transformation communication device (video surveillance camera and fully
turns the spatial temporal correlation of the video into high digital video cameras). In these applications, efficient low
spatial correlation. Indeed, this technique transforms each cost/complexity implementation is the most critical issue.
group of pictures (GOP) to one picture (Accordion Thus, researches turned towards the design of new coders
Representation) eventually with high spatial correlation. This more adapted to new video applications requirements. This
model is also incorporated with up/down sampling method led some researchers to look for the exploitation of 3D
(SVC) which is based on a combination of the forward and transforms in order to exploit temporal redundancy. Coder
backward type discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients. As
based on 3D transform produces video compression ratio
this kernel has various symmetries for efficient computation, a
which is close to the motion estimation based coding one
fast algorithm of DCT-based Scalability concept is also
proposed. For further improvement of the scalable performance, with less complex processing [3][4][5][6]. The 3d transform
an adaptive filtering method is introduced, which applies based video compression methods treat the redundancies in
different weighting parameters to DCT coefficients. Thus, the the 3D video signal in the same way, which can reduce the
decorrelation of the resulting pictures by the DCT makes efficiency of these methods as pixel's values variation in
efficient energy compaction, and therefore produces a high spatial or temporal dimensions is not uniform and so,
video compression ratio. Many experimental tests had been redundancy has not the same pertinence. Often the temporal
conducted to prove the method efficiency especially in high bit redundancies are more relevant than spatial one [3]. It is
rate and with slow motion video. The proposed method seems to possible to achieve more efficient compression by exploiting
be well suitable for video surveillance applications and for more and more the redundancies in the temporal domain;
embedded video compression systems. this is the basic purpose of the proposed method. The
proposed method consists on projecting temporal
Keywords: SVC, Group of Pictures (GOP), ACC-DCT, redundancy of each group of pictures into spatial domain to
Up/Down Sampling, ACC-DCT.
be combined with spatial redundancy in one representation
with high spatial correlation. The obtained representation
1. Introduction will be compressed as still image with JPEG coder. The rest
The main objective of video coding in most video of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives an
applications is to reduce the amount of video data for storing overview of basic definition of three dimensional DCT.
or transmission purposes without affecting the visual Section 3 gives the basics of the proposed method and the
quality. The desired video performances depend on modifications made to improve the compression ratio and
applications requirements, in terms of quality, disks capacity also reduce the complexity. Experimental results were
and bandwidth. For portable digital video applications, discussed in section 4. The section 5 concludes this paper
highly-integrated real-time video compression and with a short summary.
decompression solutions are more and more required.
Actually, motion estimation based encoders are the most
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 107
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
2. Definitions
Accordion representation is formed by collecting the video
2.1. Three dimensional DCT cube pixels which have the same column rank and these
The discrete cosine transform (DCT)[4][7] has energy frames have a stronger correlation compare to spatial
packing efficiency close to that of the optimal Karhunen- frames. To improve correlation in the representation we
Loeve transform. In addition, it is signal independent and reverse the direction of event frames. This tends to put in
can be computed efficiently by fast algorithms. For these spatial adjacency that the pixels having the same coordinate
reasons, the DCT is widely used in image and video in the different frames of the video cube. The following
compression. Since the common three-dimensional DCT example i.e., Figure.2 clearly projecting the Accordion
kernel is separable, the 3D DCT is usually obtained by representation also minimizes the distance between the pixel
applying the one-dimensional DCT along each of the three correlated in the source.
dimensions. Thus, the N ×N ×N 3D DCT can be defined as
3. Proposed Method
3.1. Algorithm
4. Experimental Results
Figure 8. GUI for Decoding and Validation Process PROPOSED METHOD
37 MPEG4
P S N R (d B )
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Frame Number
Figure 10. Frame number Vs PSNR(dB)(Hall Monitor)
ans =
hObject: 4.0011
110 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Motion analysis like vector movement, frame block
variation with time, speed analysis and histogram analysis
etc are plotted and presented in figure12. To conclude the
performance betterment of our proposed method PSNR
value is calculated for different bit rate, and then compared
with other popular methods shown in figure 13. For
comparison with representative lossy compression
algorithms, we have two performance measures were used
as described below in equ 4 and equ 5.
Figure 12. Motion analysis of the video sample (a) Speed
analysis (b) Histogram plot
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 111
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
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Transform. Diploma thesis, Institute of Radio Plane Split” IEEE conference,2009.
Electronics, FEKT Brno University of Technology,
Czech Republic, 2002. Authors Profile
[5] G. M.P. Servais, .Video compression using the three
dimensional discrete cosine transform,. in G.Suresh received the B.E Degree in ECE from Priyadarshini
Engineering College affiliated to Madras University in 2000, and
Proc.COMSIG, pp. 27.32, 1997.
the M.E degree from Anna University, Chennai, in 2004. Currently
[6] R. A.Burg, .A 3d-dct real-time video compression he registered for Ph.D and doing research under anna university,
system for low complexity single chip vlsi Chennai. His research focuses on video processing, and
112 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
compression techniques, Reconfigurable and adaptive logic design,
and high performance clock distribution techniques.
Figure 1. An Overview on the Functionalities of the Cross-Layer Framework While Receiving Flows
The first component of the framework is a new and efficient requirements. Second, a distributed admission control which
QoS multicast routing protocol (QMR). The QMR protocol used to prevent nodes from being overloaded by rejecting the
is used to find and maintain the paths that meet the QoS request for new flows that will affect the ongoing flows.
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 115
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
than that in FQM-Random. In FQM-Uniform, the mobile show that AL for FQM-Uniform is relatively lower than
nodes are distributed uniformly so the degree of neighbor FQM-Random. In FQM-Uniform, the traffic is distributed
nodes is equaled and as a result the traffic load is balanced through different paths while in FQM-Random the traffic is
through intermediate nodes. congested and as a result, the AL is increased. In addition,
when mobility is increased, the uniform distribution of
In FQM-Random, the mobile nodes are distributed
nodes is changed and as a result, the AL in FQM-Uniform is
randomly so the degrees of nodes are different from one
node to another and as a result, the traffic load may congest
through some intermediate nodes. When mobility is 4.1.1 Jitter
increased, the distributions of nodes are affected and as a 100
FQM-Random FQM-Uniform
result the difference of PDR between FQM-Uniform and 90
Jitter (ms)
0.36 FQM-Random FQM-Uniform 50
0.3 40
OH per Packet Delivery
0.21 20
0.15 10
0.09 0 5 10 15 20
Mobility (m/s)
Figure 5. Performance of jitter vs. mobility.
0 5 10 15 20
Jitter occurs due to temporally lack of wireless connections
Mobility (m/s)
and scheduling issues on the link layer [18]. The number of
Figure3. Performance of OH vs. mobility. hops in the path is affected by the node distribution and as a
Figure 3 shows the Control OH vs. increasing mobility. The result, the jitter is affected. Frequently changing routes
results show that control OH for FQM-Uniform is lower could increase the jitter since the time for selecting forward
than FQM-Random when mobile nodes are static; this is nodes and the delay variation between the old and new
because the number of data packets that received in FQM- routes increase the jitter. Figure 5 gives an overview on the
Uniform was higher than that received in FQM-Random. As performance of jitter vs. increasing mobility. The results
mobility increased, the number of data packets that received show that the jitter for FQM-Uniform is relatively less than
in FQM-Uniform decreased and this affect the percentage of FQM-Random when mobile nodes are static. When mobility
control OH per packet. As a result of this, the differences increased, the uniform node distribution is affected and as a
between FQM-Uniform and FQM-Random are decreased. result the differences between FQM-Uniform and FQM-
Random in jitter are decreased.
4.1.3 Average latency (AL)
100 4.1.5 Group Reliability (GR)
90 FQM-Random FQM-Uniform
The Group Reliability vs. increasing mobility is given in
Figure 6. The GR for FQM-Uniform is higher than that in
FQM-Random when mobility is zero. As mobility is
increased, the difference between FQM-Uniform and FQM-
Random in group reliability is decreased as discussed in
AL (ms)
section 4.1.1.
FQM-Random FQM-Uniform
0 5 10 15 20
Mobility (m/s)
Figure4. the Performance of AL vs. mobility.
AL (ms)
density. 150
In a denser network, the probability of mobile nodes to sense
the activities of its neighbor nodes increases so the packet
collision that is coming due to hidden terminals is reduced
[19]. In addition, when the network density increases, the
number of connection increases so packets can finds paths to 100 150 200 250
arrive at destinations. Number of nodes
30 FQM-Random FQM-Uniform
100 150 200 250
Number of nodes 60
4.3 The Performance of FQM under High while mobility is increased; this is because the average
Density and High Mobility latency is changed while mobility is increased.
The effect of mobility with low node density is discussed in
details in section 4.1. In this Section, the effect of high
360 FQM-Random FQM-Uniform
mobility with high density on the performance of FQM with
uniform and random placement models is studied. The node
density is 100 mobile nodes and mobility is 20 m/s.
Jitter (ms)
4.3.1. Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) 200
The packet delivery ratio as a function of mobility with high
density for FQM-Uniform and FQM-Random is given in
Figure 11. The figure shows that the difference between
PDR for FQM-Uniform and FQM-Random is decreased
while mobility increased even the node density is high. This
is because the uniformly distribution is affected with high 0
0 20
mobility and as a result, the traffic is congested and
M obility (m/s)
available bandwidth is reduced.
100 FQM-Random FQM-Uniform Figure 13. Jitter as a Function of mobility with high density
4.3.4. Group Reliability (GR)
The performance of the group reliability with high mobility
70 and high node density is described in Figure 14. The Figure
60 shows that the difference between GR in FQM-Uniform and
Figure 11. PDR as a Function of mobility with high density 70
4.3.2. Average Latency (AL)
0 20
Mobility (m/s)
270 FQM-Random FQM-Uniform
210 Figure 14. GR as a Function of mobility with high density
AL (ms)
120 5. Conclusion and Future work.
60 In this paper, we have studied the performance of FQM
30 framework with two placement models under different node
0 mobility and node density. From the results, the
0 20 performance of the QoS multicast framework FQM with
Mobility (m/s)
Uniform placement model (FQM-Uniform) is better than the
Figure 12. AL as a Function of mobility with high density performance of FQM with Random placement model (FQM-
Random) when the mobility of nodes is zero. Although the
4.3.3. Jitter Uniform placement model is superior Random placement
The results in Figure 13 reflect that the difference between model, the Random placement model is more suitable to
the jitter in FQM-Random and FQM-Uniform is decreased reflect the real behavior of nodes in mobile ad hoc networks.
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 119
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
This is because the mobility is the main characteristic of [12] J. Yoon, M. Liu, and B. Noble, “Random Waypoint
mobile ad hoc network. Moreover, the Uniform placement Considered Harmful,” In the Proceeding of the IEEE
model is suitable in some applications of sensor networks INFOCOM, 2003.
where static sensors are used. [13] C. Bettstetter, G. Resta and P. Santi, “The Node
Distribution of the Random Waypoint Mobility Model
The analysis of simulation results shows that the mobility for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Transaction on
model has the most effect on the performance of the FQM Mobile Computing, Vol, 2, No. 3, JULY-
QoS multicast as it changes the distribution of mobile nodes SEPTEMBER, 2003.
and as a result, it affects the group member and network [14] M. Hasana and L. Hoda, Multicast Routing in Mobile
capacity. In future work, we intend to study the performance Ad Hoc Networks: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
of the FQM QoS multicast framework with different [15] M. Saghir, T. C. Wan, and R. Budiarto, “A New Cross-
mobility models. Layer Framework for QoS Multicast Applications in
Mobile Ad hoc Networks,” International Journal of
Computer Science and Network Security, (IJCSNS),
References vol. 6, pp. 142-151, 2006.
[16] http://pcl.cs.ucla.edu/projects/glomosim.
[1] C. Bettstetter and C. Wagner, “The Spatial Node [17] K. Farkas, D. Budke, B. Plattner, O. Wellnitz, and L.
Distribution of the Random Waypoint Model,” In Wolf, “QoS Extensions to Mobile Ad Hoc Routing
Preceding the First German Workshop Mobile Ad Hoc Supporting Real-Time Applications,” In the
Networks, 2002. proceeding of the 4th ACS/IEEE International
[2] P.gupat and P. Kumer, “the capacity of ad hoc Conference on Computer Systems and Applications,
networks”, IEEE transaction information theory, V 64, Dubai-UAE, 2006.
no 2, pp388-404. [18] O. Farkasa, M. Dickb, X. Gub, M. Bussec, W.
[3] M. grossglauser and D.Tse, “mobility increase capacity Effelsbergc, Y. Rebahid, D. Sisalemd, D. Grigorase, K.
of ad hoc networks”, In the proceeding of the IEEE Stefanidisf, and D. Serpanosf, “Real-time service
INFOCOM, pp1360-1369,2001. provisioning for mobile and wireless networks,”
[4] B. Milic and M. Malek, “NPART - Node Placement Computer Communications, vol. 29, pp. 540-550,
Algorithm for Realistic Topologies in Wireless Multi- 2006.
hop Network Simulation”, In Proceedings of the 2nd [19] C. Lin, H. Dong, U. Madhow, A. Gersho, “Supporting
International Conference on Simulation Tools and real-time speech on wireless ad hoc networks: inter-
Techniques , 2009 packet redundancy, path diversity, and multiple
[5] P. Song, J. Li, K. Li and L. Sui, “Researching on description coding,” In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM
Optimal Distribution of Mobile Nodes in Wireless international workshop on Wireless mobile
Sensor Networks being Deployed Randomly,” applications and services on WLAN hotspots, USA,
International Conference on Computer Science and 2004.
Information Technology, 2008. [20] A. NILSSON, “Performance Analysis of Traffic Load
[6] C. Bettstetter, “Mobility Modeling in Wireless and Node Density in Ad hoc Networks,” In proceeding
Networks: Categorization, Smooth Movement, and the Fifth European Wireless Conference, Spain, 2004.
order Effects,” ACM Mobile Comp. and Comm. Rev.,
vol. 5, no. 3, 2001. Author Profile
[7] C. Bettstetter, H. Hartenstein, and X. Perez-Costa,
“Stochastic Properties of the Random Waypoint Mohammed Saghir received his B.S
Mobility Model,” ACM/Kluwer Wireless Networks, from Technology University, Iraq in
2004. 1998, M.Sc. from Al Al-Bayt
[8] D. M. Blough, G. Resta, and P. Santi, “A Statistical University, Jordan in 2004 and his
Analysis of the Long-Run Node Spatial Distribution in Ph.D from University Sains Malaysia
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” In the Proceeding ACM 2008 in Computer Science. He is
Int’l Workshop Modeling, Analysis, and Simulations working as a lecturer in Hodeidah
University, Yemen. His current
of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), 2002.
research interests include, Mobile Ad
[9] T. Camp, J. Boleng, and V. Davies, “A Survey of hoc networks, QoS multicast routing
Mobility Models for Ad Hoc Network Research,” in MANETs, WiMax.
Wireless Comm. & Mobile Computing (WCMC), vol.
2, no. 5, pp. 483-502, 2002.
[10] E. Royer, P. Melliar-Smith, and L. Moser, “An
Analysis of the Optimum Node Density for Ad Hoc
Mobile Networks,” In the Proceeding of the IEEE Int’l
Conf. Comm. (ICC), 2001.
[11] J. Song and L. Miller, “Empirical Analysis of the
Mobility Factor for the Random Waypoint Model,” In
Proceeding of the OPNETWORK, 2002.
120 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
2. MANET: Applications and Challenges even before it is needed. They are also called table driven
because routes are available as parts of a well-maintained
MANET invokes popular communication architectures to table. The popular proactive routing protocols [12], [15] are
offer to NNs the opportunity to share information and Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) and Global
services, in the absence of any infrastructure. Today the State Routing (GSR). Since the network topology is
commercial aspect of MANET enables cars to exchange dynamic, when a link goes down, all paths that use that link
information about road conditions, traffic jams or are broken and have to be repaired. If no applications are
emergency situations leading to improved road safety, using these paths, then the effort gone in to repair may be
efficiency and driving comfort for the customer. The beauty considered wasted that cause scarce bandwidth resources to
lies in the diversity of the MANET applications [7], [9] be wasted and may lead to further congestion at
ranging from military, law enforcement, national security intermediate network points. These Protocols are applicable
(global war), to disaster relief, and rescue mission like crisis only for low mobility networks and are scalable in the
management during natural disasters to user oriented number of flows and number of nodes but are not scalable in
brighter side. Commercially, MANET can expand the the frequency of topology change. In contrast, reactive
capabilities of mobile phones, communication in routing protocols establish the route to a destination only
exhibitions, conferences, sale presentations, restaurants, etc. when requested. To overcome the wasted work in
There are several challenges existing in the field of maintaining routes not required, on-demand, or reactive
MANETs and to list a few one can start with the protocols have been designed. Reactive routing protocols
autonomous behavior of each node leading to no centralized save the overhead of maintaining unused routes at each
administration [8]. For example, the frequent change in node, but the latency for many applications will drastically
network topology due to the NNs causes a great deal of increase. Most applications are likely to suffer a long delay
control information to flow onto the network. The small when they start because a route to the destination will have
capacity of batteries and the bandwidth limitation of to be acquired before the communication can begin.
wireless channels are major factors [1], [3], [10]. Moreover, Reactive protocols namely Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance
data access focused at a single point may incur impossibility Vector (AODV) [13] and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)
of communication and make quality of service worse. This [14] are suitable for networks with high mobility and
becomes a serious consideration, especially with recent relatively small number of flows. Shortest path algorithm
trends to transferring huge data including video. used in the existing routing protocols does not provide
optimal results when the primary route is congested.
3. Related Work Congestion aware routing protocols [16]-[17] were therefore
Congestion control is a key problem in mobile ad-hoc proposed to that effect due to the fact that besides route
networks. The standard TCP congestion control mechanism failures, network congestion is the other important cause of
is not able to handle the special properties of a shared packet loss in MANETs.
wireless multihop channel well. In particular the frequent
changes of the network topology ruled by NNs and the 4. ICAR: Protocol Design
shared nature of the wireless channel pose significant The policy of design for mobile networks is that if two
challenges. Many approaches have been proposed to or more routes for NNs communication exist then simply the
overcome these difficulties. The problems in using path with the minimum traffic metric associated is selected.
conventional routing protocols in MANET [12] are as Objectives include maximizing network performance from
follows: the application point of view while minimizing the cost of
• Existing protocols cannot cope with frequent and network itself in accordance with its capacity. In this paper
unpredictably changing topological connectivity [11]. we develop a new Routing framework that is service
• Conventional routing protocol could place heavy oriented for MANET which will cover following issues:
computational burden on mobile computers in terms of • Intelligent routing algorithm ICAR that encompasses
battery power and network bandwidth. an area with broadband wireless coverage and also can
• Inefficient convergence characteristics. dynamically cope with congestion and path load.
• Wireless media has limited range unlike wired media. • Supporting NNs that can act as routers for other
One of the issues with routing in open networks concerns network devices, i.e., each node is an implicit router
whether nodes should keep track of routes to all possible further extending the network.
destinations or instead keep track of only those destinations ICAR protocol operation is illustrated in Figure 2. The
that are of immediate interest [18]. Routing protocols are service required by the device A resides at NN ‘H’. The NN
classified broadly into two main categories as proactive K’ can act as a route to NN ‘A’, helping it to reach the
routing protocols and reactive routing protocols [12]. service at NN ‘H’. Additionally, NNs ‘K’ & ‘H’ can share
Proactive routing protocols are derived from legacy Internet. the data about other services with the NN ‘A’. Suppose NN
Proactive protocols that keep track of routes for all ‘A’ requires a service which is being offered by NN ‘H’ at a
destinations in the ad hoc have the advantage that distance of 2 hops (as path length is a secondary issue here)
communications with arbitrary destinations experience but the most congestion free route is to be selected. So ‘A’
minimal initial delay from the point of view of the broadcasts a request HELO looking for the service through a
application. When the application starts, a route can be lesser loaded path. Alongside service request, ‘A’ also
immediately selected from the routing table. Such protocols advertise its own services. All neighbors NNs receiving the
are called proactive because they store route information broadcast update their service directories. NN ‘K’ has
122 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
offered by ‘H’ and ‘K’ itself. Here one additional field is Routing
proposed in the standard packet header. This field is called C K
the Traffic Field, and it is initialized to zero by the source Routing
NN before broadcasting a route discovery packet. Every REQ
calculates its current total traffic based on its total neighbor REQ
NNs at one instance and adds it to the value of the Traffic REQ REQ
Field on the incoming packet. The result of the addition is Routing RACK H
assigned to the Traffic Field before the NN rebroadcasts the F
packet. When generating the route discovery Reply, besides Table
copying the route discovery packet’s node list to the reply Table
Table 1: Values used in simulation their loss. ICAR also outperformed ISR in the routing
overhead metric (see Figure 4). ISR incurred an average of
Parameters ICAR ISR 11.42 overhead packets per data packet higher than ICAR.
Send buffer size 64 64 We found that the higher the level of mobility, the higher
Routing table size 64 30 the difference in overhead between ICAR and ISR. At the
Cache on off highest level of mobility, ISR incurred about 38.53 of
HELO interval dynamic N.A. overhead packets per data packet, whereas ICAR incurred
Lost HELO allowed 03 N.A. about 1.04 overhead packets per data packet. At the lowest
WAIT 600 ms N.A. level of mobility, ISR incurred about 2.29 of overhead
Interface queue size 50 50 packets per data packet, while ICAR incurred about 0.42
overhead packets per data packet. The reason for such high
Ten runs of different traffic and mobility scenarios are overhead is the additional Route discoveries incurred by ISR
averaged to generate each data point. However, identical through its salvaging process because of the congested
traffic and mobility scenarios were used for both protocols. network. We found that the data packets experienced delay
We used three performance metrics to compare our times long enough to invalidate, due to the mobility, the
schema to ISR. The first metric is the Packet Delivery Ratio, routes of these packets. For those packets to be salvaged,
which is defined as the percentage of data packets delivered ISR initiates the Route Discovery process to find alternative
to their destination NN of those sent by the source NN. The routes. ICAR surpassed ISR in the average end-to-end delay
second metric is the Routing Overhead of both protocols, metric (see Figure 5). The average end-to-end delay for
which is defined as the number of routing packets ICAR was 2.59 s while it was 6.11 s for ISR. Generally, the
“transmitted” per each data packet “delivered.” On multi- average end-to-end delay of ICAR was about three seconds
hop routes, each transmission of the routing packets is less than that of ISR. The difference is significant at the
counted as one transmission. We chose not to include the highest level of mobility, where the average end-to-end
forwarding information carried in each data packet in our delays for ICAR and ISR were 3.44 s and 8.70 s,
calculation of the overhead because the size is the same for respectively.
both protocols.
Overhead packets per data
P 80 ISR 40
70 ICAR 35
K 60 30
50 25
E 30
L. 10
R 10
A 0
T 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
o Pause Time (seconds)
Pause Time (seconds)
100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, and 500 s) to differ 9
the mobility level (with 0 s pause time meaning continually 8
moving nodes and 500 s representing stationary nodes). 7
ICAR had a better delivery ratio than ISR (see Figure 3). 6
the other hand, ICAR avoided the creation of such regions [14] D. Johnson, “The Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)
by selecting routes based on Traffic metric and not the Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for IPv4,”
RFC4728, February 2007.
shortest path. [15] T. Clausen and P. Jacquet, "Optimized Link State
Routing Protocol (OLSR)," IETF Mobile Ad Hoc
6. Conclusion and Future Work Networks (MANET) Working Group Charter, October
2003, www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3626.txt.
In this paper, we presented the ICAR protocol keeping in [16] X. Gao, X. Zhang, D. Shi, F. Zou, and W. Zhu,
view the nature of MANETs, to route the traffic through “Contention and Queue-Aware Routing Protocol for
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” WiCOM, September 2007.
least congested paths. We have made an effort to take the [17] D.A. Tran and H. Raghavendra, “Congestion Adaptive
discovery and delivery of services to the level of routing, Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE
ICAR is compared to a shortest path based routing protocol, Transactions on Parallel Distributed Systems, 17(11),
namely ISR. ICAR distributes the load on a large network pp. 1294-1305, November 2006.
area, thus increasing the spatial reuse. The simulation study [18] Hui Xu , J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, “Neighborhood
Tracking for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” Computer
has confirmed the advantages of ICAR over ISR. We intend Networks: The International Journal of Computer and
to explore the application of the idea introduced in ICAR to Telecommunications Networking, 53 (10), p.1683-
other routing protocols in our future study. 1696, July, 2009.
[19] Yih-Chun Hu and D. B. Johnson, “Implicit Source
Routes for On Demand Ad Hoc Network Routing”, In
References Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc
Networking & Computing, MobiHoc, Long Beach,
[1] Mario Gerla, “From Battlefields To Urban Grids: New California, USA, Oct. 2001.
Research Challenges in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks,” [20] VINT Project. The Network Simulator - ns-2,
Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 1(1), pp.77-93, http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/, 2002
March 2005.
[2] Marco Conti, “Multihop Ad Hoc Networking: The
Theory,” Communications Magazine, IEEE, Vol. 45, Authors Profile
pp. 78-86, 2008.
[3] R. Ramanathan and J. Redi, “A Brief Overview of Ad Dr. P. K. Suri received his Ph.D. degree
Hoc Networks: Challenges and Directions,” IEEE from Faculty of Engineering, Kurukshetra
Communications Magazine, 40(5), pp. 20--22, 2002.
University, Kurukshetra, India and Master’s
[4] S. Hariri, “Autonomic Computing: Research Challenges degree from Indian Institute of Technology,
and Opportunities,” CAIP Seminar, February 2004.
Roorkee (formerly known as Roorkee
[5] T. Camp, J. Boleng, and V. Davies, “A Survey of
Mobility for Ad Hoc Network Research,” Wireless University), India. Presently, he is Dean,
Commun. Mobile Comput. (WCMC), pp. 483--502, Faculty of Science, Kurukshetra
2002. University and is working as Professor in the Department of
[6] Al Hanbali , A. A. Kherani , R. Groenevelt , P. Nain , Computer Science & Applications, Kurukshetra University,
E. Altman, “Impact of Mobility on the Performance of Kurukshetra, India since Oct. 1993. He has earlier worked as
Relaying in Ad Hoc Networks,” Extended version, Reader, Computer Sc. & Applications, at Bhopal University,
Computer Networks: The International Journal of Bhopal from 1985-90. He has supervised six Ph.D.’s in Computer
Computer and Telecommunications Networking,
51(14), pp.4112-4130, October, 2007 Science and thirteen students are working under his supervision.
[7] S. Hadim, J. Al-Jaroodi, and N. Mohamed, He has more than 110 publications in International / National
“Middleware Issues and Approaches for Mobile Ad Hoc Journals and Conferences. He is recipient of ‘THE GEORGE
Networks,” In Proccedings of 3rd IEEE Consumer OOMAN MEMORIAL PRIZE' for the year 1991-92 and a
Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC RESEARCH AWARD –“The Certificate of Merit – 2000” for the
2006, pp. 431--436, 8--10 Jan. 2006. paper entitled ESMD – An Expert System for Medical Diagnosis
[8] C. Bettstetter, "On the Connectivity of Ad Hoc from INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS, INDIA. His teaching and
Networks," The Computer Journal, 47(4), pp. 432--447, research activities include Simulation and Modeling, SQA,
April 2004.
Software Reliability, Software testing & Software Engineering
[9] Konrad Lorincz , et al., “Sensor Networks for processes, Temporal Databases, Ad hoc Networks, Grid
Emergency Response: Challenges and Opportunities,”
IEEE Pervasive Computing, 3(4), pp.16-23, October Computing and Biomechanics.
[10] Lu Yan , Xinrong Zhou, “On Designing Peer-to-Peer Kavita Taneja has obtained M.Phil(CS)
Systems over Wireless Networks,” International Journal from Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu and
of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 3(4), pp.245- Master of Computer Applications from
254, June 2008. Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra,
[11] Michael Gerharz , Christian de Waal , Peter Martini, Haryana , India. Presently, she is working as
and Paul James, “Strategies for Finding Stable Paths in Assistant Professor in M.C.A. at
Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” In Proceedings of
the 28th Annual IEEE International Conference on M.M.I.C.T & B.M., M.M. University,
Local Computer Networks, pp.130, October 20-24, Mullana, Haryana, India. She is pursuing
2003 Ph. D in Computer Science
[12] Mina Masoudifar, “A Review and Performance andapplications from Kurukshetra University. She has published
Comparison of QoS Multicast Routing Protocols for and presented over 10 papers in National /International
MANETs, Ad Hoc Networks,” 7(6), pp.1150-1155, Journals/Conferences and has bagged BEST PAPER AWARD,
August, 2009. 2007 at International Conference for the paper entitled “Dynamic
[13] C. Perkins , E. Belding-Royer , S. Das, “Ad hoc On- Traffic -Conscious Routing for MANETs” at DIT, Dehradun. She
Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing,” RFC
Editor, 2003. is supervising five M.Phil scholars in Computer Science. Her
teaching and research activities include Simulation and Modeling
and Mobile Ad hoc Networks.
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 125
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
department of Computer Science and Engineering ,
Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
[email protected]
Abstract: - a large number of articles and papers in various compilation. The plagiarism may be done through
languages are available due to the expanding of information manipulation of resource, such as text, film, speech and
technology and information retrieval. Some authors translate other literary compilation or artifacts, and through manner,
these papers from original languages to other languages so that which Maurer[1] listed four broader categories of plagiarism
they claim as their own papers. In this paper a method for as follows:
detection of exactly translated papers from English to Persian i. Accidental: due to lack of plagiarism knowledge.
language is proposed. Document classification is performed by ii. Unintentional: probably the initiation of the same
corner classification neural network (CC4) method to limit the
idea at same time.
investigated documents, before the main process is commenced.
For bi-lingual text processing, language unification is necessary
iii. Intentional: a deliberate act of copying someone
that is performed by a bi-lingual dictionary. After language work without any credit or reference.
unification, the suspicious text fragments are rephrased iv. Self-plagiarism: republished self published work.
according to the original language. Rephrasing is performed jalali et al.[2] believe that the first two cases occur in non-
like crystallization process. The similarity is computed based on English countries since authors are not competent to use
equivalent word place distance in English and Persian; in fact, English and to avoid plagiarism. They have suggested that
the paragraphs in a suspicious text are probed in the original plagiarism should be avoided by employing a combination
text. Proposed system is tested in two conditions, first with of measures such as explicit warning, using plagiarism
rephrasing and adopted distance based similarity and other with detection software, disseminating knowledge and improving
tradition method. By comparing the outcomes in two the academic and writing skills.
experiments distinguished that proposed method’s
In this paper we will discuss about text plagiarism that can
discriminability is good.
be occurred in same language (monolingual) or other
Keywords: plagiarism detection, document classification, bi- ones(cross-lingual). In first one, a person copies, rewrites or
lingual text processing rephrases another's text in a similar language and
plagiarism detection in same cases can be performed bye
1. Introduction and motivation tradition document similarity algorithms. But in second, a
thief author translates from source language to target
At first, there are several questions that will be discussed.
language. For detection; we need extra knowledge bases
They are
such as a dictionary, wordnet and word correlation table.
i. What is the research?
Actually; plagiarism detection is time consuming because
ii. What is the plagiarism?
there are many large text corpora that must be compared
iii. How an essay is criticized?; and
with suspected document, though most of them are
iv. What is the scientific misconduct?
irrelevant. For this reason if we eliminate irrelevant
These questions and instances of like are ambiguous
documents from comparison corpora, we’ll decrease an
questions that don’t have a clear answer or they share
indispensable time spontaneously. This is realized by
overlapped scopes. These terms are defined in table 1.
classification methods that will be explained later.
Some of the paradigms mentioned, are in the academic
The paper is organized as follow: in next section the related
dishonesty domain and some of them are not. As mentioned
works is reviewed and document classification is discussed
above, these fields have shared overlapped scopes and the
in section 3. Thereafter in section 4 the proposed approach
border line between correct works and incorrect works must
will be explained then datasets and experimental results are
be cleared. Plagiarism is prevalent due to spread
enlargement digital information especially text information
on the internet and other devices. The simple definition of
plagiarism is appropriating another author’s writing or
126 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
method. There are three main tasks in proposed system. 4.2. Similarity evaluating
They are As mentioned before, each vector of English words is
i. Document classification: just as explained in changed into jagged matrix of the Persian words, the
previous section, the classification determines tradition vector space methods such as euclidean, cosine,
what documents must be processed. dice, jaccard similarity measures[15] that use the inner
ii. Document representation (translation): documents product of vectors can’t be used for similarity calculation
in different language must be uniformed that will because one side of problem is vector and other side is
be illustrated in next section. matrix. Let t1, t2, · · ·, tn be fragments conforming a
iii. Similarity calculation: this part of system uses a suspicious text T in Persian, and let w1, w2, · · · ,wm be a
word distance base method. collection of W original fragments in English. According to
the structural differences between investigated languages,
the smallest piece of text which must be processed is a
English Paragraph.
The sentence length in English and Persian is different [16],
and one sentence in English during its translation may be
rendered in two or more sentences. Furthermore, the
structural differences exist. For example, the verb placement
Classifier Classifier
in the English sentences is in the middle of sentence but in
the Persian sentences is in the end of sentence. Moreover,
Sorted the sentence boundary detection is an extra task that can be
documents ignored.
At first, the jagged matrix of TW is created according to
Similarity meaning of including words of W like figure 3. The main
evaluating Translate
d aim is computing similarity between T and TW. For this
purpose, each word in T is probed in the TW matrix and a
vector (indi) based on indices of matching words such as (1)
is created.
Rate of similarity
W1 p11 p12 p13
L( D1 , D2 ) = d1i - d 2i (3)
W2 p12 p22 i
W3 If most of a fragment's words of text in T are neighbors in
p31 p32 p33 p34 p35
CS, there are most probable that these two fragments are
... … … … same. For computing amount of similarity we use the
Wj p1
p 2
p 3j p 4j p 5j p 6j p 7j
j j relation (4).
… … … …
Wm p1
p 2
pm3 pm4
m m
0.6 and all English documents from same class for using in
similarity computation are extracted. The most similar
document along similarity rate of it for each Persian
0.2 document is determined. This is rational that we expect the
0 similarity coefficient in unparallel document would be
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 closed to 0 and in 200 parallel documents near to 1. For
distance final result the mean of all similarities in parallel and
unparallel groups are calculated as the table (2) shows.
Figure 4. effect of distance on similarity with sl= 15 and
p=8 Table 2: mean of similarities in parallel and unparallel
documents with sl= 15 and p=8
This fact is important that how far the neighbor words in Tf based method Proposed method
original paragraph are from each other in the suspicious Parallel 0.76 0.81
paragraph. Suppose tk and tk+1 are adjacent in T and wi and unparallel 0.35 0.09
wi+d are their equivalents in W. if d or in other words the
distance of two words were closed to each other, we can First column in table (2) represents tradition method results
consider wi and wi+d in an identical sentence. By in which similarity of two documents is computed based on
generalizing this fact, the W and T fragments are equal if words occurrences of a document in other one. In other
most of W words equivalences are neighbor in T. in other words this is a term frequency based method, also in this
side of coin; we restate T words by illustrated reconstruction case rephrasing is not performed. Considering, tf based
method in CS. If CS contents come from different part of method has high precision in parallel documents matching,
text or various W, we can not find a unique same for T. but its error rate in unparallel documents are excessive.
Total similarity between two documents with T and W Second column shows proposed method results that in this
fragments is computed by relation (5) that there Pdoc and method, term frequency doesn't have any influence on
Edoc are respectively Persian and corresponding English similarity, and similarity is computed based on distance. As
document. results discloses, similarity rate for each group are
sim(Ti , Wj )
similarity( Pdoc, Edoc) = ∑∑ (5)
min( Pdoc , Edoc )
i j
6. Conclusion
5. Experimental result Plagiarism is a challenging problem in research domain and
academic comportment. For distinguishing plagiarist from
Dataset gathering in bi-lingual research is the main and the researcher, automatic detection of plagiarism is
time consuming challenge especially if you are among the necessary. In this paper we developed a system for detection
beginners in that domain. In order to evaluate the proposed of exact translation from English to Persian. In bi-lingual
approach we used a parallel corpus containing 200 plagiarism, in which system dealing with two different
documents in Persian and English that were collected and languages that each word in one language has several
translated from internet then converted into .txt format. This equivalences in the other. Thus selecting a suitable meaning
corpus contains documents in English and exact translate of is essential. In proposed method, this is realized by
them in Persian from various genre such as social short rephrasing task that inspired from crystallization. Structural
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 129
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
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challenge in bi-lingual tasks. That this problem is solved by of Technology, tehran - iran 2006.
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outcomes are very promising to detect exact translated texts. for information retrieval’, Journal of the American
Using all validate words in similarity computation is One of Society for information Science, 1975, 18, (11), pp.
the best properties of proposed method 613-620
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approach for sentence similarity computation’. Proc.
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130 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
verified and expanded to cover the real fiber transmission 5. Results and discussions
Modulator produces different types of shift keying 5.1 Voltage loss
modulated signals (ASK, OOK, FSK, PSK) with carrier
frequency 2.4 kHz (approximately five times the highest Table (1) shows the measured received light voltage for
frequency of the baseband signal). Then modulated signals different modulated signals detected by phototransistor and
are transmitted by the fiber optic transmitter (FOT) and transmitted by different length of glass fibers:
received by the fiber optic receiver (FOR).
FOT has an infrared LED light source with a peak Table 1: Measured received light voltage
wavelength 820 nm and with typical spectral bandwidth 45 Fiber type The received light voltage [mV]
nm (50% less than peak wavelength). ASK OOK FSK PSK
As it's known light source speed affects the bandwidth of a Glass 4.46 4.66 4.26 4.46
fiber optic system. The greater the bandwidth requirement, fiber(1m)
the greater the need to turn the light source on and off more Glass 4.44 4.65 4.25 4.45
quickly. Therefore light source speed is defined in terms of fiber(5m)
rise time (tr) and the following equation approximates the
maximum bandwidth (Bwmax) [6, 7]: Table (2) shows the calculated optical voltage loss in dB/m
for different modulated signals as in equation (5):
Bwmax = 0.35/tr [Hz] (4)
Table 2: Calculated optical voltage loss
Carrier Loss = ( 20 log(v1 / v2 )) /( L2 − L1 ) [dB/m] (5)
ms is the time required for 128 data bits) generated by one 0.4
shot. Each time when the counter is reset a 106 ms one shot
is triggered, and the error pulses from the XOR gate are
totalized by the counter only during 106 ms frame.
A performance comparison of shift keying modulation 0.2
transmission through a glass fiber optic link with graded
index (62.5/125 μm) was made in the presence of noise at 0.1
cutoff frequency of low pass filter 1.5 kHz; total number of
bits transmitted 128 bits; SNR was calculated for 4Vp-p 0
(2.828 Vrms) input signal amplitude and variable amplitude 6 8 10 12
14 16 18
of noise signal.
Figure 2. BER versus SNR using 1m glass fiber
132 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
[1] Bernard Sklar., 2001- “Digital Communications
ASK-5m glass
OOK-5m glass
Fundamentals and Applications”, Prentice- Hall, New
FSK-5m glass Jersey.
PSK-5m glass
[2] Harold B. Killen., 1991-”Fiber Optic
Communications”, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey
0.4 [3] Yihong M., S. Lobanov and S. Raghavan., 2007-
in each node which is used as a primary parameter. Also the quickly. The nodes which are located farther than head-node
second parameter is used to improve the communication 5 also will consume a lot of energy to send the data. After
inside each cluster and identifying that if a node is located all data have been collected from the members by the head-
in the communicative range of several head-nodes, which node, it sends them directly to the base station. It is clear
one will be chosen as its head-node. that those head-nodes which are far from the base station
MLCH is a protocol based on a clustering which tries to will have problems with the direct sending of the data and
minimize waste of energy in sensor networks. The key they cannot maintain the needed energy.
characteristics of MLCH are as follows:
3.8 Clustering with maximum lifetime
1. Network lifetime increases
2. It has self- configuration To solve the above problems in LEACH, the clustering
3. The head-nodes are distributed evenly method and the kind of connections between the head-nodes
4. Sending is hierarchical. and base station should be changed and modified. Basically
Since the energy consumption has a direct relation with the we use MLCH to solve these two problems. The structure of
square root of the distance, MLCH tries to cluster the clustering in MLCH avoids the unequal distribution of the
sensors in a way that the sensors’ density is less and the members of the clusters. Also the hierarchical routing
distance between them in the clusters is not big. In this pattern avoids the long term direct connection between the
protocol, the head-nodes are chosen in a way that they can head-nodes and the base station.
cover all the area and the head-nodes can send their data to Our proposed algorithm includes a setup phase and a steady-
the base station hierarchically. Thus the network lifetime is state phase (figure 2). Each period includes setup phase and
increased and the head-nodes are distributed evenly and the steady-state phase. According to the algorithm, in setup
load will be balanced. phase, the head-nodes are distributed evenly and in steady-
state phase, first the clusters are created and then the sensor
nodes send the sensed data to the cluster’s head-node which
3. The proposed algorithm
they belong to. Each of the head-nodes combines the
Here we will discuss the problems related to one of the most received data from the cluster nodes with its own data and
common hierarchical routing protocols for wireless sensor sends it to the base station. Whenever the head-node in a
networks and then will introduce the suggested algorithm. cluster stops working, “steady-state” will be finished and
3.7 The problems with LEACH thus the system will return to the setup phase. The system
will continue this cycling until all the sensor nodes present
LEACH uses a self- configuration method and decreases the
in the network stop working (or the simulation time is
energy consumption a great deal. However, it has some
deficiencies too. First, LEACH doesn’t study the distribution
of head-nodes because it chooses the head-nodes randomly Setup Phase Steady-state phase
and it doesn’t have any control over the evenly distribution
of them in the environment. Figure (1) is an example,
showing the head-nodes in the environment which has been
created by LEACH.
Figure 2. Round of sensor network operation
chosen as a head-node in the next layer and they will be the distance of the head-node A from the base station through a
new heads in the next layer. Also for each of these head- head-node like X.
nodes, a successor will be chosen to start working when the
first one has some problems or can’t work well and this is
D ( x) = d A2 − x + d x2−sin k x ∈ {all other headnodes} (1)
done to increase the error durability in the network. After
repeating these steps, we have distributed our own head-
nodes evenly, as is shown in figure 3. Then the minimum amount of these functions will be chosen
and it will be compared with the square root of the distance
5-1 of head-node A from the base station.
1 95 189 283 377 471 565 659 753 847 941
Go to steady phase
Figure 6. Comparing Protocols LEACH and MLCH
Number of active nodes:100 , Number of members:10
Figure 4. The process of sensor network setup
Create Cluster and
Node senses data 80
Node forward
sensed data to
cluster-head 20
Cluster-head 1 148 295 442 589 736 883
aggregates data
Figure 7. Comparing Protocols LEACH and MLCH
Cluster-head Number of active nodes:100 , Number of members:15
sends aggregated
data to sink 120
Yes 100
Go to setup
Figure 5. The process of sensor network “steady-state”
phase 20
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[1] S. Ratnasamy, D. Estrin, R. Govindan, B. Karp, L. Yin
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Energy-Saving Data Gathering Using Two-Phase
Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Proceedings
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[6] A. Manjeshwar and D. Agrawal, “TEEN: a Routing
Protocol for Enhanced Efficient in Wireless Sensor
Networks,” Proceedings of the 15th International
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Figure 10. Comparing Protocols LEACH and MLCH 2009-2015, 2001.
Number of active nodes:200 , Number of members:15 [7] Lindesy and C. Raghavendra, “PEGASIS: Power-
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250 Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference, pp. 1-
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1 95 189 283 377 471 565 659 753 847 941
Institute of Information Technology of ANAS,
Azerbaijan Republic
[email protected]
greatly improve the quality of real-time traffic by the approaches that propose to provide service differentiation
elimination of intermediate link breaks. Figure 2 illustrates based on 802.11, by either assigning different minimum
an example network where real-time and best-effort traffic contention window sizes ( CWmin ) , Arbitrary Inter Frame
utilize different routes [16]. Spacing (AIFS), or back-off ratios, to different types of
traffic. These approaches can all provide differentiation;
however, the parameters are typically statically assigned and
cannot adapt to the dynamic traffic environment. This
reduces the usage efficiency of the network [16].
We propose an adaptive scheme to address trade-off. The
basic idea is that, because the state of ad hoc networks can
vary greatly due to mobility and channel interference, it is
advantageous to adjust the back-off behavior according to
the current channel condition.
To achieve service differentiation, as well as to adapt to
the current network usage, we combine the collision rate
Figure 1. Functionality of the framework at IP and MAC layers. and current QoS of flow with the exponential back-off
mechanism in IEEE802.11. To do it, classifies flows into
three types: delay-sensitive flows, bandwidth sensitive flows
and best effort flows. The delay-sensitive flows, such as
conversational audio/video conferencing, require that
packets arrive at the destination within a certain delay
bound. The bandwidth-sensitive flows, such as on-demand
multimedia retrieval, require a certain throughput. The best
effort flows, such as file transfer, can adapt to changes in
bandwidth and delay. Due to the different requirements of
flows, each type of flows has its own contention window
Figure 2. An example of the routes for different traffic. adaptation rule [15].
1) Delay-Sensitive Flows: For a delay-sensitive flow, the
dominant QoS requirement is end-to-end packet delay. To
2.2 Call setup for real-time traffic control delay, the end-to-end delay requirement d must be
When a real-time flow is requested, a call setup process is broken down into per-hop delay requirements. Each hop
needed to acquire a valid transmission path with satisfied locally limits packet delay below its per-hop requirement to
QoS requirement. Call setup also enables effective maintain the aggregated end-to-end delay below d. For this
admission control when the network utilization is saturated. paper, each node is assigned with the same per-hop delay
This requires accurate estimation of channel utilization and requirement, d/ m, where m is the hop count of the flow.
prediction of flow quality, i.e., throughput or transmission d − D (n)
delay. ( n+1) ( n)
CW = CW * (1 + a m ) (1)
The proposed QoS approach is based on model-based d
resource estimation mechanism, called MBRP [19]. By m
modeling the node backoff behavior of the MAC protocol th
Where the superscript n represents the n update
and analyzing the channel utilization, MBRP provides both iteration, D denotes the actual peak packet delay at the node
per-flow and aggregated system wide throughput and during a update period and α is a small positive constant
delay[16]. (α=0.1) [15].
Call setup
Call setup process based on the modified AODV routing 2) Bandwidth-Sensitive Flows: For a bandwidth sensitive
protocol, which can be divided into a Request and a Reply flow, the dominant QoS requirement is throughput, which
phase. In the request phase, the source node sends Route requires that at each node along the flow’s route, the packet
Request messages (RREQ) for the new flow. The RREQ arrival rate of the flow should match the packet departure
packet reaches the destination if a path with the needed rate of the flow.
quality exists. During the reply phase, the destination node
sends a Route Reply message (RREP) along the reverse path ( n +1) ( n) ( n)
to the source node [16]. CW = CW + β (q − Q ) (2)
where q is a threshold value of the queue length that is
2.3 Prioritized medium access
smaller than the maximum capacity of the queue, Q
Communication in ad hoc networks occurs in a distributed represents the actual queue length and β is a positive
fashion. There is no centralized point that can provide constant(β= 1). If Q is larger than q, the algorithm decreases
resource coordination for the network; every node is CW to increase the packet departure rate to decrease queue
responsible for its own traffic and is unaware of other traffic length. If Q is smaller than q, the algorithm increases CW to
[16]. decrease the packet departure rate and free up resources for
In Ad hoc networks, priority scheduling algorithm is other flows. As the queue size varies around the threshold
based on IEEE 802.11[6].Currently, there are several
140 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
( n +1) ( n) ( n)
CW = CW × (1 + γ ( f − F )) (3)
Where f is a congestion threshold for idle channel time,
Figure 3. Markov Chain model for the back-off window size.
F is the actual idle channel time and γ is a positive constant
(γ= 0.1) [15]
In Eq.(5) W denotes the Contention Window size of flow.
When the average idle channel time F is smaller than the
With attention to Eq.(5), probability that the station with
threshold value f, the network is considered congested and
low CW versus the station with big CW obtain the channel
the contention window size of the best effort traffic is
and transmits a packet, is high. Using the above three
increased to avoid decreasing the service level of real-time
contention window adaptation algorithms and Eq.(4),
traffic. On the other hand, if the network is lightly loaded so
ensures that flows dynamically adjust their contention
that the idle channel time is larger than f, the contention
parameters to meet their own QoS needs with attention to
window size of best effort traffic is decreased so that the idle
collision rate.
bandwidth can be utilized [15].
Additional to combine the collision rate with the
exponential back-off mechanisms, we use the follow 4. CONCLUSION
algorithm [16]: Using the above three contention window adaptation
algorithms (1,2,3) and Eq.(4), ensures that real-time flows
r dynamically adjust their contention parameters to meet their
Back−off =Rand [0,( 2 +Rcol * pri )*CWmin ]*Slot _Time (4)
own QoS needs with attention to collision rate. A real-time
where Rcol denotes the collision rate between a station’s flow that did not get its required QoS in the past due to
two successful frame transmissions, and pri is a variable competition from other flows decreases its contention
associated with the priority level of the traffic. window size so that statistically it will have a higher chance
By applying Eq. (4), traffic with different priority levels will to obtain the channel in the future (Eq.(5)). A best effort
have different back-off behavior when collisions occur. Also flow, on the other hand, increases its contention window
traffic with same priority levels will have different back-off size when the network is considered busy and hence releases
behavior when collisions occur, with attention to flow the channel to the real-time flows.
current status. Specifically, after a collision occurs, low The novelty of this model is that it is robust to mobility
priority traffic will back-off for longer, and subsequently and variances in channel capacity and imposes no control
high priority traffic will have a better chance of accessing message overhead on the network and in calculates CW
the channel. size, attention to collision rate and flow’s current QoS.
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142 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Abstract: Image segmenting is one of the most important steps need of having the main segmented image of the intended
in movie and image processing and the machine vision image at hand.
applications. The evaluating methods of image segmenting that Unsupervised method does not require comparison with a
recently introduced. In this paper, we proposed a new manually- segmented reference image, has received little
formulation for the evaluation of image segmentation methods. attention. The key advantage of unsupervised segmentation
In this strategy using probabilistic model that utilize the evaluation ability to evaluate segmentations independently
information of pixels (mean and variance) in each region to
of a manually-segmented reference images. This metric is
balance the under-segmentation and over-segmentation. Using
this mechanism dynamically set the correlation of pixels in the
good for processing real-time systems.
each region using a probabilistic model, then the evaluation of The evaluating unsupervised which are given up to now, are
image segmentation methods introduce for an optimization base on the features of the image in locality area and the
problem. For solving this problem (evaluation of image number of areas and the number of pixels in each region. In
segmentation methods) use the novel Imperialist Competitive this paper, we examine a new scales for evaluating
Algorithm (ICA) that was recently introduced has a good segmenting with and unsupervised methods.
performance in some optimization problems. In this paper a new In this paper, we formulated the evaluation of image
Imperialist Competitive Algorithm is using chaotic map (CICA2) segmentation methods for an optimization problem. For
is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, the chaotic map is used solving this problem used ICA algorithm.
to adapt the radius of colonies movement towards imperialist’s So far, different evolutionary algorithms have been proposed
position to enhance the escaping capability from a local optima
for optimization which among them, we can point to a
trap. Some famous benchmarks used to test proposed metric
search algorithms were initially proposed by Holland, his
performance. Simulation results show this strategy can improve
the performance of the unsupervised evaluation segmentation colleagues and his students at the University of Michigan.
significantly. These search algorithms which are based on nature and
mimic the mechanism of natural selection were known as
Keywords: Image segmentation, Imperialist Competitive Genetic Algorithms (GAs) [1,2]. Particle Swarm
Algorithm, Segmentation Evaluation. Optimization algorithm proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart
[3,4], in 1995. Simulated Annealing [5] and Cultural
1. Introduction Evolutionary algorithm (CE), developed by Reynalds and
Jin [5], in the early 1990s etc. The ant colony optimization
Image segmentation is used to partition an image into algorithm (ACO), is a probabilistic technique for solving
separate regions for analysis and understanding image. computational problems that can be reduced to finding good
Different methods have been introduced for segmenting paths through graphs. This algorithm is a member of ant
image. There are two main approaches in image colony algorithms family, in swarm intelligence methods.
segmentation: region segmentation and boundary detection. Initially proposed by Marco Dorigo in 1992 in his PhD
We consider region-based image segmentation methods, thesis [6][7] , the first algorithm was aiming to search for an
because it has better results for texture images but there is optimal path in a graph, based on the behavior of ants
no appropriate scale for evaluating these algorithms yet. The seeking a path between their colony and a source of food.
most usual evaluating method is the visual one in which the Differential evolution (DE) is an optimization algorithm.
user visually observes different segmenting method at hand. The DE method is originally due to Storn and Price [8][9]
Being time-consuming and gaining different results by users and works on multidimensional real-valued functions which
is disadvantages of this method. are not necessarily continuous or differentiable.
In supervised method, different segmented images are Recently, a new algorithm [10], in 2007, which has inspired
compared and evaluated with a ground truth image which not natural phenomenon, but of course from a socio-human
has been made by the experts or different users. This method from phenomenon. This algorithm has looked at
is the best method because of its high evaluating precision. imperialism process as a stage of human's socio-political
Up to now most researches has been one on the supervised evolution. The Imperialist Competitive Algorithm makes
methods. relation between humans and social sciences on one hand,
In spite of their simplicity and low cost this method don’t and technical and mathematical sciences on the other hand,
have a proper efficiency because of miscue resulted from having a completely new viewpoint about the optimization
user improper choosing and spending a long time to topic. In the ICA algorithm, the colonies move towards the
examine different existing segmenting methods and also the imperialist country with a random radius of movement. In
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 143
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
[11] CICA algorithm has been proposed that improved A measure of discrepancy between the
segmented image output by an algorithm
performance of ICA algorithm by the chaotic maps are used discrepancy methods
to adapt the angle of colonies movement towards Computing the degree of overlap of the
imperialist’s position to enhance the escaping capability Region Differencing cluster associated with each pixel in one
from a local optima trap. The ICA algorithm is used for segmentation [16][17][18].
Matching boundaries between the
Neural Network Learning based on Chaotic Imperialist segmentations, and computing some
Boundary matching
Competitive Algorithm [12]. summary statistic of match quality
Formulate the problem as that of
In this paper, we have proposed a new formulation for the evaluating an affinity function that gives
evaluation of image segmentation methods that solved with Information-based
the probability of two pixels belonging to
Imperialist Competitive Algorithm. the same segment [16][21][22][23].
We introduce in this paper a study of unsupervised
evaluation criteria that enable the quantification of the Unsupervised methods instead evaluate a segmented image
quality of an image segmentation result. This evaluation based on how well it matches a set of features of segmented
metric computes some statistics for each region in a images as idealistic by humans.
segmentation result. Suggested scales engage in evaluation For solving these problem we need to use unsupervised
methods of segmenting by extracting image features in methods so unsupervised evaluation suitable for online
spatial domain. This method evaluate by evolutionary segmentation in real-time systems, where a wide variety of
algorithm (ICA). These methods compare considering the images, whose contents are not known beforehand, need to
segmented images and the main image. For this be processed. We for evaluation segmented image need to
comparative study, we use two database composed of 200 original image and some of segmented images.
images segmented. We will explain the suggested methods There are two major problems with segmentation: under-
afterwards. segmentation and over-segmentation [24][25] are shown in
Figure1. We need to minimize the under- or over-
This article is organized as follows: In Section 2, provides segmentation as much as possible.
an introduction of the unsupervised evaluation criteria and
highlight the most relevant ones and related work. In a b c
section 3, we introduced the Imperialist Competitive
Algorithm (ICA). In section 4, described proposed
algorithm and definition of chaotic radius in the movement
of colonies toward the imperialist. In section 5, we present Figure 1. a) A ground truth image. b) Under-segmented
unsupervised evaluation methods and optimization problem. image. c) Over-segmented image.
In Section 6, comparing results and show role correlation
In the case of under-segmentation, full segmentation has not
metric and our evaluation finally, in Section 7 we present a
been achieved, i.e. there are two or more regions that appear
summary of our work and provide pointers to further work.
as one. In the case of over-segmentation, a region that would
be ideally present as one part is now, split into two or more
2. Related Work parts. These problems, though important, are not easy to
Unsupervised method does not require comparison with a Recently a large number of unsupervised evaluation
manually-segmented reference image, has received little methods have been proposed. Without any a priori
attention and it is quantitative and objective. Supervised knowledge, most of evaluation criteria compute some
evaluation methods, evaluate segmentation algorithms by statistics on each region or class in the segmentation result.
comparing the resulting segmented image against a We consider region-based image segmentation methods.
manually segmented reference image, which is often Most of these methods consider factors such as region
referred to as ground-truth. uniformity, inter-region heterogeneity, region contrast, line
The degree of similarity between the human and machine contrast, line connectivity, texture, and shape measures [26].
segmented images determines the quality of the segmented An evaluation methods has been proposed by Liu and Yang
image. One benefit of supervised methods over unsupervised (1994) [27], that it is compute the average squared color
methods is that the direct comparison between a segmented error of the segments, penalizing over-segmentation by
image and a reference image is believed to provide a finer weighting proportional to the square root of the number of
resolution of evaluation. Unsupervised method also known segments. It requires no user-defined parameters and is
as stand-alone evaluation methods or empirical goodness independent of the contents and type of image. The
methods [13]. evaluation function:
Where, is the total cost of nth empire and is the Figure3. The CICA2 algorithm.
normalized total cost of nth empire. Having the normalized
total cost, the possession probability of each empire is
computed as below 5. Unsupervised Image Segmentation and
CICA2 algorithm
make a better segmentation, since over-segmentation can In Fig.6, we are shown that run-time for evaluation 100
occur and it is a problem for evaluations. images in CICA2 algorithm is better than E, F and Q.
The proposed algorithm is a good algorithm for evaluation
of segmented image because this method has a controller for Error of evaluation of segmented images
under-segmentation and over-segmentation. The corr has 120
important role in evaluation so error of evaluation is the data2
less. 100
by the total number of comparisons in the experiment. We
compute the effectiveness of F, Q, E and CICA2 algorithm
based on their accuracy with evaluations provided on four
dataset that is shown in Table.2.
7. Conclusion And Future Work
3)1200 images- %71.01 %73.35 %75.50 %84.63
In this paper, we present an optimization method that
4)1000 images- %62.43 %68.6 %71.32 %83.43 objectively evaluate image segmentation. In this paper, we
Berkeley proposed a new formulation for the evaluation of image
segmentation methods. In this paper using probabilistic
The results, given in Table 2, once again demonstrate the model that utilize the information of pixels (mean and
bias of many of the evaluation methods towards under- variance) in each region to balance the under-segmentation
segmentation. F and E, achieve low accuracy in this and over-segmentation. Using this mechanism dynamically
experiment. On the other hand, those measures that are set the correlation of pixels in the each region using a
more balanced or less biased towards under-segmentation, probabilistic model, then the evaluation of image
i.e. Q and CICA2 algorithm, achieve higher accuracy. segmentation methods introduce for an optimization
Overall, CICA2 algorithm performs best here. problem. We first present four segmentation evaluation
We evaluate an image with four unsupervised evaluation methodologies, and discuss the advantages and
and can see that CICA2 algorithm is better than F. and shortcomings of each type of unsupervised evaluation,
CICA2 algorithm no sensitive to under-segmentation and among others. Subjective and supervised evaluations have
over-segmentation. It computes correlation and pixel density their disadvantages. For example tedious to produce and can
for each region and control error of under-segmentation and vary widely from one human to another and time-
over-segmentation in evaluation. consuming. Unsupervised segmentation evaluation methods
offer the unique advantage that they are purely objective and
do not require a manually-segmented reference image and
those embedded in real-time systems. We have demonstrated
via our preliminary experiments that our unsupervised
segmentation evaluation measure, CICA2 algorithm,
improves upon previously defined evaluation measures in
several ways. In particular, F has a very strong bias towards
images with very few regions and thus do not perform well.
Q outperforms F but still disagrees with our human
evaluators more often than E did. The correlation and
density in each region are important components in
obtaining our results. Coding evaluation problem and
present a new cost function and solving a optimization
Figure 6. Run-time for four metrics for evaluation 100 problem is interesting directions for future research.
image (second).
148 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Authors Profile
3.5 Segmentation
Segmentation is the initial step for any image
analysis. There is a task for segmentation of brain MRI
images. That is to obtain the locations of suspicious areas to
assist radiologists for diagnose. Image segmentation has
been approached from a wide variety of perspectives.
Region-based approach, morphological operation, multiscale
Figure 2 a) Before Preprocessing analysis, fuzzy approaches and stochastic approaches have
been used for MRI image segmentation but with some
limitations. Local thresholding is used by setting threshold
152 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
values for sub-images. It requires selection of a window size 4.1 Pheromone Initialization
and threshold parameters. Wu et al. presented that the For each ant assign the initial pheromone value T0.
threshold for a pixel is set as the mean value plus the Root And for each ant select a random pixel from the image
Mean Square (RMS) noise value multiplied by a selected which has not been selected previously. To find out the
coefficient in a selected square region around the pixels is been selected or not, a flag value is assigned for
thresholded pixel. Kallergi et al. compared local each pixel. Initially the flag value is assigned as 0, once the
thresholding and region growing methods. It showed that pixel is selected the flag is changed to 1. This procedure is
the local thresholding method has greater stability, but is followed for all the ants. For each ant a separate column for
more dependent on parameter selection. Woods et al. used pheromone and flag values are allocated in the solution
local thresholding by subtracting the average intensity of a matrix.
15×15 window from the processed pixel. Then, region
growing is performed to group pixels into objects. 4.2 Local Pheromone Update
Comparing with the multi-tolerance region growing Update the pheromone values for all the randomly
algorithm and the active contour model, it showed that the selected pixels using the following equation:
speed of the algorithm is more than an order of magnitude Tnew = (1 – ρ) * Told + ρ * T0 ,
faster than the other two. where Told and Tnew are the old and new pheromone values,
Edge detection is a traditional method for and ρ is rate of pheromone evaporation parameter in local
segmentation. Many operators, Roberts gradient, Sobel update, ranges from [0,1] i.e., 0 < ρ < 1. Calculate the
gradient, Prewitt gradient and Laplacian operator, were posterior energy function value for all the selected pixels by
published in the literature. Some mathematical the ants from the solution matrix.
morphological operations such as erosion, top-hat The ant, which generates this local minimum value, is
transformation and complicated morphological filters and selected and whose pheromone is updated using the
multi-structure elements can also be used. It is good in following equation:
dealing with geometrically analytic aspects of image
analysis problems. Stochastic approaches have also been Tnew = (1 – α) * Told + α * ∆Told,
used to segment calcifications. Stochastic and Bayesian where Told and Tnew are the old and new pheromone values,
methods have provided a general framework to model and α is rate of pheromone evaporation parameter in global
images and to express prior knowledge. Markov Random update called as track’s relative importance, ranges from
Field (MRF) model was used to deal with the spatial [0,1] i.e., 0 < α < 1, and ∆ is equal to ( 1 / Gmin). For the
relations between the labels obtained in an iterative remaining ants their pheromone is updated as: Tnew = (1 –
segmentation process. The process-assigning pixel labels α) * Told, here, the ∆ is assumed as 0. Thus the pheromones
iteratively. are updated globally. This procedure is repeated for all the
image pixels. At the final iteration, the Gmin has the
optimum label of the image. To further enhance the value,
4. Proposed parallel Ant Colony System (ACS) this entire procedure can be repeated for any number of
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a population-based times. In our implementation, we are using 20 numbers of
approach first designed by Marco Dorigo and coworkers, iterations.
inspired by the foraging behavior of ant colonies [13, 14,
15]. ndividuals ants are simple insects with limited
memory and capable of performing simple
ctions.However, the collective behavior of ants provides
intelligent solutions to problems such as finding the
shortest paths from the nest to a food source. Ants
foraging for food lay down quantities of a volatile
chemical substance named pheromone, marking their
path that it follows. Ants smell pheromone and decide to
follow the path with a high probability and thereby
reinforce it with a further quantity of pheromone [12, 16].
Figure 4. Segmented MRI
The probability that an ant chooses a path increases with
the number of ants choosing the path at previous times
and with the strength of the pheromone concentration laid 5. Conclusion
on it. In this paper, a meta heuristic based image segmentation
In this work, the labels created from the MRF approach was presented. The multi-agent algorithm takes
method and the posterior energy function values for each advantage of various models to represent the agent’s
pixel are stored in a solution matrix. The goal of this problem solving expertise within a knowledge base and
method is to find out the optimum label of the image that perform an inference mechanism that governs the agent’s
minimizes the posterior energy function value. Initially behavior in choosing the direction of their proceeding steps.
assign the values of number of iterations (N), number of This paper details an image segmentation method based on
ants (K), initial pheromone value (T0). [Hint: we are using the ant colony optimization algorithm. The improved
N=20, K=10, T0=0.001]. accuracy rate according to the experimental results is due to
better characterization of natural brain structure.
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 153
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
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that the segmentation result of the proposed method has Intelligence 21, June 1999, pp. 544-551.
higher accuracy compared to existing algorithms. [15] John Ashburner , Karl J. Friston,” Rigid body
registration “, The welcome dept of image neuro
science , 12 queen square, London.
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154 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
Abstract: Today internet based e-commerce has become a over the Internet is traditionally provided using Secure
trend and business necessity. Secure Socket layer (SSL) is the Socket Layer (SSL). It is commonly used for secure http
world standard for cyber security. A SSL session contains connections where credit card information is going to be sent along
temporally and logically related request sequences from the a network and this gives e-commerce the confidence it needs
same client. In e-commerce session integrity is a critical metric. to allow on-line banking and shopping.. SSL provides and
Overload on server can lead e-commerce applications to encrypted bi-directional data stream, data is encrypted at the
considerable revenue losses, response times may grow to sender's end and decrypted at the receiver's end. It can
unacceptable levels and as a result the server may saturate or
perform mutual authentication of both the sender and
even crash .Session based admission control techniques is able
receiver of messages and ensure message confidentiality.
to control the server load . The purpose of this paper is to review
about various session based admission control techniques to This process involves certificates that are configured on both
avoid server overload. Overload control is a critical goal so that sides the connection. Although providing these security
a system can remain operational even when the incoming capabilities does not introduce a new degree of complexity
request rate is several times greater than the system capacity in web application structure, it increases remarkably the
and this admission control mechanism based on session will computation time needed to serve a connection, due to the
maximize the number of sessions completed successfully, use of cryptographic techniques, becoming a CPU intensive
allowing e-commerce sites to increase the number of workload.
transactions completed, generating higher benefits and Two problems are typically encountered with deploying e-
optimizes performance. commerce Web sites presented in [1,2]. First is overload,
where the volume of requests for content at a site
Keywords: Admission control, Application servers, temporarily exceeds the capacity for serving them and
Overload control, Service differentiation
renders the site unusable. Second is responsiveness, where
the lack of adequate response time leads to lowered usage of
1. Introduction a site and subsequently, reduced revenues. During overload
E-Commerce is a growing phenomenon as consumers gain conditions, the service’s response times may grow to
experience and comfort with shopping on the Internet .Most unacceptable levels, and exhaustion of resources may cause
of e-commerce web sites applications are session-based. the service to behave erratically or even crash causing denial
Access to a web service occurs in the form of a session of services. For this reason, overload prevention in these
consisting of a sequence of individual requests. Placing an applications is a critical issue. Several mechanisms have
order through the web site involves further requests relating been proposed in [1,3,4] to deal with overload, such as
to selecting a product, providing shipping information, admission control, request scheduling, service
arranging payment agreement and finally receiving a differentiation, service degradation.
confirmation. So for a customer trying to place an order or a Request scheduling refers to the order in which
retailer trying to make a sale, the real measure of a web concurrent requests should be served. A well known form is
server performance is its ability to process the entire queuing theory (SRPT) that shortest remaining processing
sequence of requests needed to complete a transaction. The time first scheduling minimizes queuing time .Better
higher the number of sessions completed the higher the scheduling can always be complementary to any other
amount of revenue that is likely to be generated as discussed mechanism .Service differentiation is based on
in [3]. Sessions that are broken or delayed at some critical differentiating classes of customers so that response times of
stages, like checkout and shipping, could mean loss of preferred clients do not suffer in the presence of overload.
revenue to the web site. Security between network nodes Service degradation is based on avoiding refusing clients as
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 155
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010
a response to overload but reducing the service offered to control goodness discussed in [1,2]: First is the percentage
clients for example in the form on providing smaller of aborted requests, which server can determine based on the
content. client side closed connections. Aborted requests indicate that
Admission control generally requires two components the level of service is unsatisfactory. Typically, aborted
knowing the load that a particular job will generate on a requests lead to aborted sessions, and could serve as a good
system, and knowing the capacity of that system. By keeping warning sign of degrading server performance; second is a
the maximum amount of load just below the system percentage of connection refused messages sent by a server,
capacity, overload is prevented and peak throughput is
in the case of full listen queue. Refused connections are the
achieved discussed in [1,2]. The goal of overload control is
dangerous warning sign of an overloaded server and its
to prevent service performance from degrading in an
inevitable poor session performance. If both of these values
uncontrolled fashion under heavy load, it is often desirable
to shed load. are zero then it reveals that an admission control
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: mechanism uses an adequate admission control function to
Section II Overview of Session based admission control cope with current workload and traffic rate. Good admission
(SBAC) techniques. Section III presents SSL connection control strategy which minimizes a percentage of aborted
differentiation and admission control. Sections IV CPU requests and refused connections (ideally to 0) and
Utilization-Based Implementation of SBAC Mechanism. maximizes the achievable server throughput .Now in the
Section V Adaptive admission control technique. Section following sections we are going to discuss three techniques
VI Comparative study of SBAC techniques. Section VII of session based admission control and their comparative
Conclusion. study
Hybrid admission control strategy which tunes itself to be session will maximizes the number of sessions completed
more responsive or more stable on a basis of observed successfully and allow e-commerce sites to increase the number of
quality of service. It successfully combines most attractive transactions completed, therefore help in enhancing security and
features of both responsive and stable policies. It improves performance.
performance results for workloads with medium to long
average session length.
6. Comparative study of SBAC Techniques
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accept and still guarantee processing of all the future session performance” ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
requests. This adaptive strategy evaluates the observed , XXI (II) , pp. 207–233 , 2003
workload and makes its prediction for the load in the nearest [6] D. Mosberger, T. Jin “A tool for measuring web
future. It consistently shows the best performance results for server performance” Workshop on Internet Server
different workloads and different traffic patterns. For Performance (WISP’98) in conjunction with
workloads with short average session length, predictive SIGMETRICS’98 Madison, Wisconsin, USA, pp59–
strategy is the only strategy which provides both: highest 67 , 1998 .
server throughput in completed sessions and no (or, [7] S. Elnikety, E. Nahum, J. Tracey, W. Zwaenepoel,
practically no) aborted sessions. “A method for transparent admission control and
Session-based adaptive overload control mechanism based request scheduling in e-commerce web sites” 13th
on SSL connections differentiation and admission control International Conference on World Wide Web
presented in [3,4] prioritizes resumed connections (WWW’04), New York, USA, pp. 276–286, 2004
maximize the number of sessions completed and also limits [8] B. Urgaonkar, P. Shenoy, “Cataclysm: Handling
dynamically the number of new SSL connections accepted extreme overloads in internet services” Tech. Rep.
depending on the available resources and the number of TR03-40, Department of Computer Science, University
resumed SSL connections accepted, in order to avoid server of Massachusetts, USA, December 2003
overload. [9] H. Chen, P. Mohapatra, “Overload control in QoS-
aware webservers” Elsevier journal Computer Networks
7. Conclusion XLII (I) , pp.119–133, 2003
[10] A.O. Freier, P. Karlton, C. Kocher, “The SSL
SSL is commonly used for secure http connections where Protocol.Version 3.0” November 1996. Available:
sensitive information is going to be sent along networks. SSL http://wp.netscape.com/eng/ssl3/ssl-toc.htm
session integrity is a critical metric in e-commerce.
Overload can lead e-commerce applications to considerable
revenue losses or may cause response times to grow to
R K Pateriya M.Tech & B.E. in Computer
unacceptable levels hence overload control is a critical goal. Science & Engg. and working as Associate
To meet this goal either apply predictive or hybrid overload Professor in Information Technology
control strategy based on session length which tunes itself Department of MANIT Bhopal . Total 17
for giving better performance according to different Years Teaching Experience ( PG & UG ).
workload or an alternative approach is to apply SSL
connection differentiation and admission control technique
which prioritizes resumed SSL session over new session for
overload control. These admission control mechanism based on
158 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2010