Damore Et Al. v. Google FAC Endorsed

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Santa Clara – Civil

A. Hwang

1 HARMEET K. DHILLON (SBN: 207873) Electronically Filed

[email protected] by Superior Court of CA,
2 RAVDEEP S. GREWAL (SBN: 308447) County of Santa Clara,
[email protected] on 4/18/2018 11:39 AM
GREGORY R. MICHAEL (SBN: 306814) Reviewed By: A. Hwang
4 [email protected] Case #18CV321529
DHILLON LAW GROUP INC. Envelope: 1424782
177 Post Street, Suite 700
6 San Francisco, California 94108
Telephone: (415) 433-1700
7 Facsimile: (415) 520-6593
Attorneys for Plaintiffs James Damore, David Gudeman,
9 Manuel Amador, Stephen McPherson, and Michael Burns
on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated
individually and on behalf of all others COMPLAINT:
16 similarly situated, 1. Violation of Cal. Labor Code § 1101
17 2. Violation of Cal. Labor Code § 1102
Plaintiffs, 3. Workplace Discrimination Due to Gender
18 and/or Race in Violation of FEHA
v. 4. Disparate Impact Discrimination Due to
Gender and/or Race in Violation of FEHA
20 GOOGLE, LLC, a Delaware limited 5. Workplace Harassment in Violation of
liability company; and DOES 1-10, FEHA
21 6. Retaliation in Violation of FEHA
Defendants. 7. Retaliation in Violation of Public Policy
8. Retaliation in Violation of Cal. Lab. Code
23 § 1102.5
9. Failure To Prevent Harassment,
24 Discrimination, and Retaliation
25 10. Hostile Workplace Environment
11. Unfair Business Practices, Bus. & Prof.
26 Code § 17200 et seq.
12. Declaratory Relief

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 1. James Damore (“Damore”), David Gudeman (“Gudeman”), Manuel Amador
2 (“Amador”), Stephen McPherson (“McPherson”), and Michael Burns (“Burns,” together,
3 “Plaintiffs”), through their attorneys, Dhillon Law Group Inc., file this First Amended Complaint
4 (“FAC”) against Google, LLC (“Google”), a Delaware limited liability company, and DOES 1-10
5 (Google and Does, collectively, “Defendants”). Upon personal knowledge, or, if so indicated, upon
6 information and belief, Plaintiffs allege as follows:
8 2. Plaintiffs bring this individual and class action on behalf of themselves and on behalf
9 of a class and subclasses defined as all employees and job applicants of Google discriminated against
10 (i) due to their actual or perceived conservative political views and activities by Google in California
11 at any time during the time period beginning four years prior to the filing of the initial complaint in
12 this action filed on January 8, 2018 through the date of trial (“Political Class Period”); (ii) due to their
13 male gender by Google in California at any time during the time period beginning one year prior to
14 the filing of the initial complaint in this action filed on January 8, 2018 through the date of trial
15 (“Gender Class Period”); and/or (iii) due to their actual or perceived Caucasian or Asian race by
16 Google in California at any time during the time period beginning one year prior to the filing of the
17 initial complaint this action filed on January 8, 2018 through the date of trial (“Race Class Period”)
18 (Political Class Period, Gender Class Period, and Race Class Period referred to collectively, as “Class
19 Periods”). These violations also subject Google to claims for violation of California’s Business and
20 Professions Code § 17200 et seq.
21 3. Google’s officers, based in California, have maintained control over employees’ terms
22 and conditions of employment, including but not limited to, employees’ job and location assignment,
23 career progression, promotion, compensation, hiring, reprimand, and termination policies, practices,
24 and procedures, including all employees located in California. Google has uniformly applied these
25 policies, practices, and procedures to all employees throughout its California offices.
26 4. Throughout the Class Periods, and in violation of California law, Google employees
27 who expressed views deviating from the majority view at Google on political subjects raised in the
28 workplace and relevant to Google’s employment policies and its business, such as “diversity” hiring

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1 policies, “bias sensitivity,” or “social justice,” were/are singled out, mistreated, and systematically
2 punished and/or terminated from Google, in violation of their legal rights.
3 5. Google’s open hostility for conservative viewpoints is paired with invidious
4 discrimination on the basis of race and gender, barred by law. Google’s management goes to
5 extreme—and illegal—lengths to encourage hiring managers to take protected categories such as race
6 and/or gender into consideration as determinative hiring factors, to the detriment of members of
7 disfavored races and males who are employees or potential employees at Google.
8 6. Damore, Gudeman, Amador, and other class members were ostracized, belittled, and
9 punished for their heterodox political views. Damore and Gudeman were additionally ostracized,
10 belittled, and punished for the added sin of their birth circumstances of being a member of a race
11 and/or sex that Google perceives to be overrepresented in its workforce, namely, white/Caucasian or
12 Asian (“Google-disfavored races”) and/or male employees. This is the essence of discrimination—
13 Google formed opinions about, and then treated, Plaintiffs based not on their individual merits, but
14 rather on their membership in groups with assumed characteristics.
15 7. Google employees and managers strongly prefer to hear the same orthodox opinions
16 regurgitated repeatedly, producing an ideological echo chamber, a protected, distorted bubble of
17 groupthink. When employee Plaintiffs challenged Google’s illegal employment practices, they were
18 openly threatened and subjected to harassment and retaliation from Google. Google created an
19 environment of protecting employees who harassed individuals who spoke out against Google’s view
20 or the “Googley way,” as it is sometimes known internally. Google employees knew they could
21 harass Plaintiffs with impunity, given the tone set by managers—and they did so.
22 8. Amador, McPherson, Burns, and other class members were denied employment
23 because of their actual and perceived conservative political activities and affiliations, and their status
24 as actual or perceived Asian or Caucasian male job applicants. Google purposefully perpetuates and
25 preserves its pattern of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation by rejecting applicants who are, or
26 who appear to be, conservative, white/Caucasian, Asian, or male, particularly where those applicants
27 might speak out against Google’s unlawful employment practices.
28 9. Google employs illegal hiring quotas to fill its desired percentages of women and

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1 racially-favored minority candidates, and openly shames managers of business units who fail to meet
2 their quotas—in the process, openly denigrating employees who are, or are perceived to be, male
3 and/or a member of a Google-disfavored race.
4 10. Not only was the numerical presence of women celebrated at Google solely due to
5 their gender, but the presence of Google-disfavored races and males was mocked during company-
6 wide weekly meetings. This unacceptable behavior occurred at the hands of high-level managers at
7 Google who were responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of hiring and firing decisions during the
8 Class Periods.
9 11. Plaintiffs bring this action to vindicate their legal rights, and to stop Google from
10 repeating these practices against other employees and prospective employees now, and in the future.
12 12. Damore is an individual who, at all times relevant to the Complaint, worked in
13 Mountain View, California for Google as a Senior Software Engineer, a Software Engineer, and an
14 Intern. Damore was an employee of Google from 2013 until his wrongful termination on August 7,
15 2017.
16 13. Gudeman is an individual who, at all times relevant to the Complaint, worked in
17 Mountain View, California for Google as a Software Engineer. Gudeman was an employee of Google
18 until his wrongful termination. Gudeman worked for Google from 2013 to December 2016.
19 14. Amador is an individual who currently resides in Zurich, Switzerland. Amador worked
20 for Google in San Francisco, California beginning in 2013, then transferred to Google’s Zurich,
21 Switzerland offices. In or around April 2017, Amador reapplied for multiple positions with Google its
22 office located in Mountain View, California.
23 15. McPherson is an individual who temporarily resides in Naples, Italy, as a result of his
24 current employment. McPherson resided in San Diego, California at the time of applying for a project
25 manager position at Google in mid-2016, and thereafter interviewed for the position in Mountain
26 View, California, which was ultimately not offered to McPherson.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 16. Burns is an individual who currently resides in Colorado. At all times relevant to the
2 FAC, Burns resided in Castro Valley, California, including in June 2017, when he applied for a
3 position at Google’s Sunnyvale, California offices, and was denied employment.
4 17. Google is a corporation that, at all times relevant to the Complaint, was incorporated
5 under the laws of the state of Delaware, with its principal place of business in Santa Clara County,
6 California. Google is registered with the California Secretary of State for the purpose of transacting
7 business in California. Google is or was the direct employer of Damore, Gudeman, and Amador, and
8 refused to hire or rehire Amador, McPherson, and Burns.
9 18. Upon information and belief, Plaintiffs allege that DOES 1 through 10 are the partners,
10 agents, owners, shareholders, managers, or employees of Defendants, and are, or at relevant time
11 were, acting on their behalf. Plaintiffs are unaware of the true names or capacities of the Defendants
12 sued herein under the fictitious names DOES 1 through 10, but prays for leave to amend and serve
13 such fictitiously named Defendants once their names and capacities become known.
15 19. This Court has jurisdiction over this action pursuant to the California Constitution,
16 Article VI, Section 10, which grants the Superior Court “original jurisdiction in all causes except
17 those given by statute to other courts.”
18 20. This Court has jurisdiction over all Defendants because, upon information and belief,
19 each Defendant is either a citizen of California, has sufficient minimum contacts in California, or
20 otherwise intentionally avails himself or itself of the California market so as to render the exercise of
21 jurisdiction over it or him by the California courts consistent with traditional notions of fair play and
22 substantial justice.
23 21. Venue is proper in this Court because Google’s principal place of business is located
24 in this County, Google listed this County as the location of its principal office in filings with the
25 California Secretary of State, and most of the unlawful practices, acts, and omissions alleged herein
26 took place in this County.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
2 22. On November 30, 2017, Damore filed an administrative complaint against Google
3 with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (“DFEH”) and was issued a right-
4 to-sue letter.
5 23. On November 30, 2017, Gudeman filed an administrative complaint against Google
6 with the DFEH and was issued a right-to-sue letter.
7 24. On February 27, 2018, Amador filed an administrative complaint against Google with
8 the DFEH and was issued a right-to-sue letter.
9 25. On January 29, 2018, Burns filed an administrative complaint against Google with the
10 DFEH and was issued a right-to-sue letter.
11 26. Damore, Gudeman, Amador, McPherson, and Burns exhausted the necessary
12 administrative remedies by filing the above-referenced charges of discrimination and/or retaliation
13 with the DFEH and obtaining right-to-sue letters.
16 Damore’s Employment with Google
17 27. Damore received his Bachelor of Science degree in Molecular Biology, Physics, and
18 Chemistry from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He then earned his Master of Science
19 in Systems Biology from Harvard University.
20 28. Damore first began working for Google as a Harvard student in or around the summer
21 of 2013 as a Ph.D. software intern. By around December 2013, Google converted this internship into a
22 full-time position, and hired Damore as a Software Engineer.
23 29. Damore worked on the Google team responsible for indexing and serving Google’s
24 search results to users.
25 30. Damore was diligent and loyal, and received substantial praise for the quality of his
26 work. Damore received the highest possible rating twice, including in his most recent performance
27 review, and consistently received high performance ratings, placing him in the top few percentile of
28 Google employees. Throughout the course of his employment with Google, Damore received

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1 approximately eight performance bonuses, the most recent of which was approximately 20% of his
2 annual salary. Damore also received stock bonuses from the Google amounting to approximately
3 $150,000 per year.
4 31. Damore was never disciplined or suspended during his entire tenure at Google.
5 32. Based on Damore’s excellent work, Damore was promoted to Senior Software
6 Engineer in or around January 2017—just eight months before his unlawful termination by Google.
7 33. Damore did not have any direct reports, did not supervise employees, did not assign
8 work to other employees, and was not an integral or crucial part of the hiring and firing process at
9 Google. Damore was not allowed to discipline employees.
10 34. Damore’s immediate supervisor was Cristian Tapus (“Tapus”). Tapus reported to
11 Chuck Wu (“Wu”), Senior Director of Engineering for Google. Wu, in turn, reported to Ari Balogh
12 (“Balogh”), Vice President of Engineering at Google. Balogh reported to Sridhar Ramaswamy
13 (“Ramaswamy”), the Senior Vice President of GPI and Ads. Ramaswamy, in turn, reported to Sundar
14 Pichai (“Pichai”), the CEO of Google, who ultimately reported to Larry Page (“Page”), the CEO of
15 Alphabet, Inc.
16 Google Shamed Teams Lacking Female Parity at TGIF Meetings
17 35. On March 30, 2017, Damore attended a weekly company-wide meeting called a “TGIF
18 meeting.” These weekly meetings were used as an avenue for employees to connect and discuss
19 certain topics involving Google.
20 36. The TGIF meeting on March 30, 2017 was entitled “Women’s History Month,” and
21 Google brought in two presenters for this get-together: Ruth Porat (“Porat”), the Chief Financial
22 Officer of Google, and Eileen Naughton (“Naughton”), the Human Resources Vice President of
23 Google.
24 37. During the March 30, 2017 TGIF meeting, either Porat or Naughton pointed out and
25 shamed individual departments at Google in which women comprised less than 50% of the workforce.
26 Alternatively, they applauded and praised departments, such as the sales department, where women
27 comprised more than 50% of the workforce. The audience joined in to the group shaming/criticism.
28 38. During the event, Porat and Naughton also discussed that when looking at groups of

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1 people for promotions or for leadership opportunities on new projects, Google would be taking into
2 account gender and ethnic demographics. They then mentioned that Google’s racial and gender
3 preferences in hiring were not up for debate, because the racial and gender preferences were morally
4 and economically beneficial for Google.
5 39. Damore was surprised by Google’s position on blatantly taking gender into
6 consideration during the hiring and promotion processes, and by Google’s public shaming of Google
7 business units for failing to achieve numerical gender parity. Damore believed that express gender
8 preferences and quotas were inconsistent with applicable discrimination laws. This TGIF meeting was
9 one of the factors that led to Damore attending Google’s Diversity and Inclusion Summit.
10 Google’s Diversity and Inclusion Summit
11 40. In or about June 2017, Damore attended a “Diversity and Inclusion Summit”
12 (“Summit”) conducted by Google at its Mountain View campus. Approximately 100 employees
13 attended this event. Damore felt pressured to attend the event because Google proclaims “commitment
14 to diversity and inclusion” to be an important factor in deciding promotion to leadership positions.
15 Due to his excellent work performance, Damore was on the path to a leadership position at Google
16 before his abrupt termination.
17 41. The Summit was organized by Google’s senior vice presidents and other members of
18 Google’s leadership team, including Balogh and Ramaswamy. Employees were allowed to ask
19 questions, and there were also breakout groups for subsequent conversations.
20 42. The Summit covered general topics such as how Google could increase its diversity.
21 Specifically, the Google presenters went through some Google policies purportedly designed to
22 accomplish diversity goals, such as treating preferred categories of people (women, certain but not all
23 ethnic minority groups, disabled, etc.) differently during the hiring process by providing extra
24 interviews, and putting applicants into a more welcoming environment based on their race and/or
25 gender. The Google presenters also discussed putting “diverse” individuals into high priority queues,
26 so that they were more likely to be hired, and hired faster.
27 43. Google defined “diverse” individuals as women or individuals who were not Caucasian
28 or Asian.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 44. At the Summit, Damore spoke with Meghana Rao (“Rao”) from Google’s Human
2 Resources department (“Google HR”). Damore told Rao that he believed some of the positions taken
3 by Google were divisive and misguided. Specifically, Damore mentioned that it seemed like Google
4 was elevating political correctness over merit.
5 45. Rao responded to Damore’s comment by stating “some of the political things at Google
6 were a problem.” They discussed how some Google employees with conservative views and values
7 did not feel included, and Rao mentioned how she, and other Google HR representatives, had received
8 similar complaints in the past from employees with conservative views. Rao identified Damore as a
9 conservative at that time, based upon his objections to Google’s stated racial, gender, and other hiring
10 preferences.
11 46. Notes from a Summit meeting, created by Google management employees, included a
12 section entitled “Political Diversity,” stating: “There seem to be people on the “right” end of the
13 political spectrum that don’t feel they are respected. And some people (including in leadership) have
14 expressed that some right-leaning political values shouldn’t be respected (also some left-leaning
15 political values).”
16 47. While at the Summit, Damore participated in breakout group sessions with other
17 employees. Damore asked questions about whether Google looked at viewpoint diversity with respect
18 to hiring decisions and in evaluating how inclusive Google was as a workplace. The answer he
19 received was that Google only looked at demographic diversity (mainly gender and/or race) when
20 making hiring and promotion decisions—not at viewpoint diversity.
21 48. At the end of the program, the Google presenters specifically asked employee attendees
22 to give written feedback on the program. This request from Google prompted Damore to draft a
23 memorandum entitled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber.”
24 Damore’s Memorandum on Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber
25 49. On or about the end of June 2017, after Google asked for feedback on the contents of
26 the Summit, Damore spoke with different Google employees about the issues they felt were not evenly
27 covered at the Summit, and drafted a memorandum (“memo”) based on those conversations. Multiple
28 employees made suggestions and provided feedback, and this memo was edited multiple times.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 Damore named this memo “go/pc-considered-harmful,” using Google’s own naming conventions. A
2 copy of the final version of the memo with all the edits incorporated is attached as Exhibit A.
3 50. Damore observed in the memo that Google employees and management focus greatly
4 on alleged unconscious racial and gender bias, but neglect political orientation, which is actually a
5 result of deep moral bias.
6 51. Damore specifically stated in the memo that his purpose for writing the memo was to
7 promote discussion among Google employees regarding the “diversity and inclusion” issues covered
8 in the Summit. He wrote, “Open and honest discussion with those who disagree can highlight our
9 blind spots and help us grow, which is why I wrote this document.” Damore further stated, “Of course,
10 I may be biased and only see evidence that supports my viewpoint. In terms of political biases, I
11 consider myself a classical liberal and strongly value individualism and reason. I’d be very happy to
12 discuss any of the document further and provide more citations.”
13 52. The memo then went on to discuss the differences in political ideologies between the
14 leftist liberals and the rightist conservatives, and suggested that neither ideology on its own was
15 “100% correct,” but that a balance between the two would be best for society and Google. The memo
16 then identified Google as having a leftist bias.
17 53. Damore’s memo went on to discuss conclusions reached in scientific studies, and
18 included hyperlinks to the studies Damore referenced. The memo linked to articles and studies from
19 the Wiley Online Library, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Quillette, the British
20 Journal of Guidance and Counseling, and The Atlantic. These citations were provided for the purpose
21 of identifying potential alternative bases for differential workplace patterns at Google, as compared to
22 the sole reason that Google provided—namely, hiring/employment bias against women and racial
23 minorities. Google, and certain employees and outsiders who eventually read this memo, ignored these
24 citations, and later publicly attributed the conclusions drawn from these studies directly to Damore
25 himself.
26 54. After identifying possible non-bias causes for the so-called gender gap identified as an
27 issue in the tech industry, Damore went on to suggest non-discriminatory ways of reducing the gender
28 gap that did not involve the illegal racial and gender quotas and preferences that Google openly admits

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 to having employed.
2 55. Damore’s memo then explained the harms of Google’s current method of simply
3 looking at an individual’s race and/or gender when deciding who to hire, as it effectively lowered the
4 bar for Google-favored minorities (individuals that were not Caucasian or Asian) and women and
5 increased tensions between employees. Furthermore, Damore pointed out that Google’s current
6 method of increasing diversity resulted in what is known as reverse discrimination, because Caucasian
7 and Asian males were not being selected for jobs and promotions due solely to their status as non-
8 females or as members of a Google-disfavored race.
9 56. Damore ended his memo by addressing the problem in a constructive manner,
10 advocating that Google should treat employees and potential hires as individuals, not members of
11 tribes:
“I hope it’s clear that I’m not saying that diversity is bad, that Google or society is
100% fair, that we shouldn’t try to correct for existing biases, or that minorities
13 have the same experience of those in the majority. My larger point is that we have
an intolerance for ideas and evidence that don’t fit a certain ideology. I’m also not
14 saying that we should restrict people to certain gender roles; I’m advocating for
quite the opposite: treat people as individuals, not as just another member of their
group (tribalism).”
16 57. Damore also suggested more concrete steps that Google could take to remedy its
17 problematic/illegal tribalist approach, including stopping the alienation of conservatives, recognizing
18 the fact that Google has its own biases and confronting those, and having open and honest discussions.
19 Damore Posted the Memo Internally
20 58. Damore submitted the memo to Google HR using the feedback form provided by the
21 Google presenters at the Summit.
22 59. Damore’s memo was written entirely on Google’s GoogleDocs systems. The comments
23 section of the memo was left open for other Google employees to leave their thoughts on the document
24 from the day Damore drafted the document to the day Damore was terminated. This document was not
25 hidden in any manner.
26 60. Damore published multiple versions of the memo, internally, each version altered after
27 receiving solicited, individual feedback from numerous Google employees.
28 61. On July 3, 2017, at the suggestion of a co-worker, Damore posted the memo on a

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 Google group discussion forum called CoffeeBeans. CoffeeBeans was an internal Google forum used
2 to discuss various issues at Google, such as workplace diversity.
3 62. In parallel with the discussion group created in CoffeeBeans, Damore emailed
4 individuals responsible for Google’s diversity programs, the Women at Google Program, the Code of
5 Conduct team, and Google HR. Damore also asked whether certain diversity programs that were
6 aimed at helping individuals on the basis of their gender or race, such as “Women Who Code,”
7 “BOLD” (an internship program offered only to women and underrepresented minorities), and
8 “Stretch” (a class Google offers only to women) were legal, and asked how using someone’s protected
9 status, such as race and/or gender, in making employment decisions, was legal.
10 63. Damore emailed the Google Code of Conduct team to state that he believed some of
11 Google’s policies were not being applied equally, and were being violated. The Code of Conduct team
12 referred Damore to Google HR for further action on his concerns. Damore’s complaint about Google’s
13 illegal hiring and employment practices was never investigated or pursued by Google HR, other than
14 by firing him.
15 64. The Women at Google group responded to Damore, and stated that its goal was 50%
16 representation of women at Google. On or about June 2017, Damore met with an individual from the
17 Women at Google group named “Monica” to further discuss his memo, and the organization’s goals.
18 Monica agreed that Damore had a valuable perspective and should share that perspective with the
19 diversity teams, and she promised to connect Damore with such diversity teams, but she never did so,
20 despite Damore’s repeated requests.
21 Diversity Training Event
22 65. On or about July 2017, after the Diversity and Inclusion Summit, Google held another
23 diversity training class (“Diversity Training”) at its Mountain View headquarters. Damore attended
24 this event based on his similar motivations for attending the Summit—namely, because Google
25 factored “diversity and inclusion” into its employment advancement opportunities, and because of his
26 concerns about Google’s employment practices and diversity programs.
27 66. The Diversity Training was broken into two parts: 1) an online course, followed by, 2)
28 an in-person training.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 67. Damore provided feedback in response to the online portion of the Diversity Training,
2 by asking whether Google accounted for political viewpoint bias in the workplace, since Google was
3 addressing other biases. Google’s only response was that Damore should attend the in-person training.
4 68. At the in-person training, entitled “Bias Busting,” Google discussed how biases against
5 women exist in the workplace, and how “white male privilege” exists in the workplace. The training
6 was run by the “Unbiasing Group” at Google, and there were approximately 20 Google employees
7 present. Damore disagreed with this one-sided approach. When Damore verbalized his dissent and his
8 concerns with the one-sided presentation, other employees, including managers, laughed at him
9 derisively. They considered his views to be conservative, and thus flawed and worthy of
10 disparagement.
11 69. At the end of the Diversity Training, the presenters asked the audience members to
12 submit any written feedback they might have to them. In response, Damore electronically submitted
13 the memo he had drafted, which had been updated multiple times with comments and feedback from
14 other Google employees, once again to Google HR. Google HR once again ignored Damore, and did
15 not respond to the memo in any way.
16 70. On or about August 2, 2017, at the suggestion of a Google manager, Damore submitted
17 the edited memo to [email protected] (“Skeptics”), another message board for Google employees
18 only. Damore explicitly stated that the purpose of submitting the memo to the group was for Google
19 employees to discuss different views and look at matters from a different perspective, including the
20 conservative perspective; otherwise, all Google employees would simply hear their same opinions
21 repeated over and over again, and never enrich their employment or their experiences with different
22 viewpoints.
23 71. Within the next few days after Damore published the memo on the Skeptics forum, the
24 memo became more and more widely viewed on the internal Google forums.
25 72. On or about August 4, 2017, an unknown Google employee leaked the memo to either
26 Vice Motherboard or Gizmodo, which selectively quoted from the memo and misinterpreted it. This
27 “news story,” distorting Damore’s internal memo on workplace issues, was picked up by other media
28 outlets, until Damore’s memo went viral across the world.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 73. On August 4, 2017, Damore attended a meeting with Rao and another representative

2 from Google HR. At the meeting, Rao stated that Google was aware ofDamore's memo, and although

3 Google could not ask him to take it down because it was protected political speech, they still thought it
4 was in his best interest to do so. Damore understood from this meeting that Google was threatening

5 him with tennination for his internal speech about workplace issues, including his critique on Google's

6 gender and race quota programs and its dismissal of unpopular (conse1vative) political viewpoints .

7 Damore Received Threats from His Coworkers

8 74. After Damore' s memo went viral outside Google, Damore began receiving multiple

9 threats and insults from his coworkers.

10 75. On August 3, 2017 George Sadlier (" Sadlier"), a Director at Google, sent out a mass

11 email condemning Damore's memo as "repulsive and intellectually dishonest" and promising an HR

12 investigation by Google into Damore. Sadlier also promoted posts that advocated for physical violence

13 against Damore. Subsequently, on Friday, August 4, 2017, Damore received a late-night email from

14 Alex Hidalgo, a Site Reliability Engineer at Google in Sadlier's organization, which stated, "You're a

15 misogynist and a tenible person. I will keep hounding you until one of us is fired. Fuck you."


--- --- Forwarded message - --
18 From : Ale..-,;: Hidalgo
19 D ate: Fri, A ug 4, 201 7 at 10:38 PM
Subject: You are a terrible person
20 To: James Damore <[email protected]>

21 Feel free to pass this along to HR. Keep them in the loop for all I care. May as well do it early.
You're a misogynist and a terrible human. I will keep hounding you until one of us is fired . Fuck you.

25 Alex Hidalgo I Site Reliability Engineer j



28 76. Hidalgo' s email was an example of how Google's management team encomaged rank-

First Amended Complaint
Case No. 18CV321529
1 and-file employees to attack other Googlers who expressed political viewpoints outside the

2 Company's very nairnw views-including in commentary or feedback solicited by Google.

3 77. Damore fo1warded Hidalgo' s email to Google HR, and was told to work from home for

4 some time until emotions cooled down. Similai· threats followed from other coworkers. Google

5 executives and employees condemned Damore, his memo, and his views. Some coworkers demanded

6 Damore's termination, and the termination of other individuals who sha1·ed his views.

e Alon Altman • google.com ltl Aug 5, 2017 ••

One good thing that could come out of the trashflre that is omg/ 5932 is t hat
several of the people who agree with the document have actively stated their
11 support.

13 Pretty much all of those Googlers are employed at-will. If Google management
cares enough about diversity and inclusion, t hey should, and I urge them to,
send a clear message by not only terminating Mr. Damore, but also severely
disciplining or terminating those who have expressed support.

17 This will send a message t hat we have zero tolerance for intolerance.
I will also like to take this opportunity to say, if Mr. Damore is not t erminated by
the end of this month, I plan to turn in my two-week's notice.


22 ■- ~ I <
23 Restricted to google.com • View activity

Louis Gray 11111


Imagine being the one woman in an eight person team with ■
him. She deserves a peer bonus for survival.


First Amended Complaint
Case No. 18CV321529
1 Google Terminated Damore
2 78. Damore was terminated on Monday, August 7, 2017 at approximately 6:00 p.m., via
3 telephone, as he had been working from home that day, pursuant to Google HR’s instruction following
4 the Alex Hidalgo threat of August 4.
5 79. Damore received a call from Rao, who was also joined by Wu. After exchanging
6 pleasantries, Damore informed Rao and Wu that he had filed a complaint that morning with the
7 NLRB, due to Google’s prohibition of his engagement in a protected concerted activity (discussing
8 workplace conditions with his coworkers). Rao and Wu did not respond to this point.
9 80. Wu told Damore he was being terminated for “perpetuating gender stereotypes.” Rao
10 then stated this was the Google’ final decision. When Damore attempted to explain why his
11 termination was unlawful, Rao stated that there would be no discussion. The stated reason for firing
12 Damore was pretextual; Damore was fired because he was a member of a Google-disfavored race,
13 because he was male, and because of his actual or perceived political views.
14 81. During the call when Google terminated Damore, neither Wu nor Rao identified any
15 Google policy or procedure that Damore had violated.
16 82. Upon information and belief, the decision to fire Damore was discussed and approved
17 at the highest levels of Google management, involving not only Sundar Pichai but also the company’s
18 founders and senior executives of Alphabet.
19 Google Employees Were Awarded Bonuses for Arguing Against Damore’s Views
20 83. Not only did Google summarily terminate Damore for his political views relating to
21 workplace issues, but it also rewarded Google employees who disagreed with and disparaged Damore.
22 84. The Google Recognition Team allowed employees to give fellow employees “Peer
23 Bonuses” for arguing against Damore’s political viewpoints. Peer Bonuses were typically reserved for
24 outstanding work performance or for going above and beyond an employee’s job duties. Defending the
25 leftist agenda, or defending violations of California employment law, is not in any Google employee’s
26 official job description.
27 85. In but one example of Google rewarding Damore critics financially, an employee gave
28 a Peer Bonus to another employee, stating that the bonus was for “speaking up for googley values and

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 promoting [diversity and inclusion] in the wretched hive of sclllll and villainy that is [Damore 's
2 Memo]." The Google Recognition Team reviewed this justification, considered it appropriate, and

3 allowed th e bonus to proceed.

'I int@rsec!IOMI
* Re: Congratulatlons, Simone Wu!

Simone Wu Aug 31

Thanks, Matthew. I appreciate the kind feedback. although I am trying 10 spend less energy on lhis stuff :)

8 On Thu, Aug 31 , 2017 al 1:23 PM, gThanks Admln <norepi'[email protected]> wrote:

Congratulations. Simone Wu! You did something so amazing lhal Matthew Sachs awarded you a Peer Bonus. Here's what Matthew Sachs had 10 say:

Simone has been doing a fantastic job speaking up tor googley values and promoong D&I in the wretched hive of scum and villainy /hat Is glpc-harmfu/.discuss,
9 through posts like hltp:llqlpc,-harmful-aiscuss/lGQ4JkbmYO0/q4hEMuY4DAAJ . It can be ve,y draining to stand firm in the face o/ persistent recelcitr=. I'm
indebled to Simone for keeping at ii. and I hope that her example serves as an inspiration to others who can help share the burden.
10 Visij your award history page to see your certificate to print and prol.ldly hang on your cube, wall. fridge, robot etc.

Be sure to thank Matthew Sachs either in person or by email and let them know how much you appreciate the award,
To learn more about the peer bonus program, visit lhe information site or contact [email protected]. Thanks for being a great Googler and keep up the good
gThanks Recognition Team
13 [email protected]

Google Management Admitted to Not Wanting
A Safe Space for the Exchange of Political Ideas
A s Damore Had Hoped

18 86. On August 5, 2017, Cohn Buckley ("Buckley"), a high-ranking SRE Dir ector with over
19 100 employee repo1i s, stated his intention to stifle p olitical dissent within Google in response to

20 Damore's memo.
21 87. Buckley stated that there were ce1iain "alternative views, including different political

22 views" which he did not want people to feel safe sharing at Google. He stated he intended to "silence
23 these views" and that Google employees could "shove them ha1·d up where the sun doesn 't shine."
24 Ill
25 Ill
26 Ill
27 Ill
28 Ill

First Amended Complaint Case N o. 18CV321529
Colm Buckley google.com 11h Aug 5, 3:59 PM ••
3 •

4 You know, t here are certain "atternative views, including different political views"
5 which I do not want people to feel safe to share here. My tolerance ends at my
friends' terror.

7 You can betieve that women or minorities are unqualified all you like - I can't stop
you - but if you say it out loud, then you deserve what's coming to you.

9 Yes, this is "silencing". I intend to silence these views; they are violently
Take your false equivalence and your fake symmetry, and shove them hard up
where the sun doesn't shine.
Restricted to google.com • View activity
~ ■ < I

88. Upon information and belief, Buckley was not reprimanded by Google for his August
16 th
5 post.
Gudeman Begins Working at Google
89. Gudeman first began working for Google in or around October 8, 2013, until his
termination on or ar01md December 5, 2016.
90. Gudeman is a conservative, Caucasian male, and was discriminated against and
harassed at and by Google as a result. Gudeman was ultimately tem1inated for these protected
The Derail Document
91. On or about August 20, 2015, Kim Burchett ("Burchett"), an L7 1 SWE Manager,
drafted and published a document on a Google-employees-only website, entitled, "Derailing." This
28 Google engineers are ranked on a scale ofLl to L9, with L9 being the highest level. These levels
refer to a specific level of experience and qualification according to Google' s internal ranking system.

First Amended Complaint
Case No. 18CV321529
1 document discussed how individuals might attempt to silence another’s opinions or distract from
2 another’s point of view. The document was aimed at Caucasians, a Google-disfavored race, and males,
3 and conflated marginalization with white male privilege. The document essentially claimed through
4 examples that any response but agreement to a statement about bias, prejudice, or privilege was a
5 “derailment.” Reductio ad absurdum, the thesis of this document is that on this one particular set of
6 topics, the left-wing political frame of systematic bias must always dominate, and the receiver must
7 accept that frame, and its associated worldview, in his or her response.
8 92. Gudeman read this article, and disagreed with its premise, as did many other Google
9 employees. Gudeman left a comment stating his belief that men “need to understand that [Caucasian
10 males] are the victims of a racist and sexist political movement and it is not their fault.”
11 93. Gudeman went on to state that “the point of this document is to disallow any defense at
12 all that a man might make when some woman complains about bias. There is no defense. The woman
13 is always right. The man has no alternative but to submit to her superior moral position. We have a
14 word for that attitude, it’s called ‘sexism.’”
15 94. After Gudeman’s comments, others responded stating that he was misinterpreting the
16 document, to which Gudeman responded, “Well if that’s the point then you could be clearer, because
17 all I’m getting from this document is that when anyone claims bias, there is no possible defense, not
18 even the defense that the bias did not exist.” He then provided a helpful suggestion to assuage any
19 similar concerns other Caucasian men might have, and suggested, “Maybe a section on what a man
20 should do when a woman accuses him of bias in order to protect himself from a system that is highly
21 biased against him.”
22 95. Gudeman’s comments were not well-received by other supposedly open-minded
23 Googlers. Gudeman even further stated in another comment, “I started out intending to change minds
24 by explaining logically and rationally what is offensive about this document. In response, I was treated
25 dismissively.”
26 96. Gudeman compared this document to that which “slave owners would have written for
27 their slaves to help them understand how to interact with their masters,” in order to point out
28 prejudices involved with the document.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 97. Burchett, instead of applying the constructive criticism and potentially helping other
2 employees who felt similarly discriminated against like Gudeman did, stated that she was “[r]esolving
3 this comment. Also escalating to management.”
4 98. Ironically, other Google employees began to “derail” Gudeman’s point of view. Under
5 the guise of advocating for an open dialogue, Burchett reported Googlers that disagreed with the thesis
6 of her document, as Gudeman did, to Google management as being “un-Googley.” This further
7 exemplifies the one-sided and flawed mindset of Google—that anyone who disagrees with you is
8 wrong and hateful.
9 Google Punished Gudeman for His Views on Racism and Discrimination
10 99. After being reported to Google, Google HR spoke with Gudeman in or around
11 September 2015 regarding his posts.
12 100. Google HR discussed Gudeman’s viewpoints on race and/or gender equality, and his
13 political viewpoints. Google HR chastised him for attempting to stand up for members of races Google
14 disfavored, for males, and for his conservative views.
15 101. At the end of the Google HR meeting, Gudeman was issued a verbal warning.
16 102. Gudeman complained to his colleagues about the lack of fairness that conservatives
17 received at Google, and the leeway Google provided for leftists to express their thoughts and opinions
18 without repercussions.
19 103. After the 2016 presidential election, many employees at Google became angry, having
20 expected a different outcome fully in line with their political views.
21 104. On November 10, 2016, in response to many Google employee postings on different
22 Google-wide forums regarding their views about the new administration, Gudeman wrote that anyone
23 “who believes President Trump will be out to get minorities, women or gays has absorbed a lot of
24 serious lies from their echo chamber. And the echo chamber is entirely one sided. You can’t watch TV
25 or go to movies without being constantly confronted with the leftist world view. Leftists can go their
26 whole life never being exposed to the conservative world view except in shows written by people
27 hostile to it.”

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
It's ironic how many of the comments support the premise of the question. Anyone who believes
2 President Trump will be out to get minorities, women or gays has absorbed a lot of serious lies from
their echo chamber. And the echo chamber is entirely one sided. You can't watch TV or go to movies
without being constantly confronted with the leftist world view. Leftists can go their whole life never
4 being exposed to the conservative world view except in shows written by people hostile to it
David Gudeman Nov 10 2016, 9:57 AM
105. Gudeman also stated in response to another Google employee that “[i]f you truly think
Trump is anything like a Nazi or Isis [sic], or wants to hurt gays, women or the disabled, then you are
so badly out of touch it borders on delusional. If you don’t truly believe those things but are saying
them anyway then shame on you for trying to stir up fear and hatred.”
Google Terminates Gudeman
106. On November 9, 2016, a few days after President Trump was elected as President,
Sarmad Gilani (“Gilani”), a Google employee, posted the following message on a Dory thread (an
internal forum where Google employees can ask questions that other Google employees can respond
to): “As someone already targeted by the FBI (including at work) for being a Muslim, I’m worried for
my personal safety and liberty. Will Google take a public stand to defend minorities and use its
influence, or just issue the usual politically nuanced statements about our values.”
107. Gudeman responded skeptically to Gilani’s claim that he was targeted solely due to his
religion by asking, “In the administration of the most pro-Muslim president in history you were
targeted just for being a Muslim? Why didn’t you file a civil rights suit? The Justice Department
would take your side if it really happened.”
108. Other Google employees immediately misinterpreted Gudeman’s post and responded
by stating:
a. “‘If it really happened’? Come on David, let’s give our coworkers the benefit of the
doubt here and not suggest they’re lying.”
b. “‘Pics or it didn’t happen’ isn’t a very constructive comment here.”
c. “Reminds me of that ‘why you didn’t report sexual harassment to the police?’
argument. Pfff.”

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 109. Gudeman explained that he was not suggesting that Gilani was lying, and affirmatively
2 stated that he “would not suggest [Gilani] was lying without specific knowledge of the case.”
3 110. Gudeman further stated that at the suggestion of another Googler, he searched Gilani’s
4 story of being profiled, and found “zero evidence for the claim that [Gilani] was targeted just for being
5 a Muslim.” Gudeman posed more questions about the FBI’s motives for looking into Gilani such as
6 the fact that Gilani had recently visited Pakistan, and that the FBI could have possibly found
7 something interesting about Gilani’s trip or the region that he visited.
8 David, I had to escalate this thread, FYI. It is not ok to create conspiracy theories about your coworkers
9 «- / might be linked to terrorist organizations. You are disrespecting individual rights by generating
conspiracy on topics you probably have no context. What's next? Will I be a criminal or linked to terrorist
10 groups for visiting Turkey? Sorry, but my family still lives there to protect your a** from more radical
terrorism and acting as a buffer. You are criminalizing everyone who has worked harder in Middle East
11 so you can sleep better tonight.

12 Jaana Burcu Dogan Nov 10, 12:30 PM

111. In response to Gudeman’s legitimate questions, a fellow Google employee became
hostile and stated that she had to escalate this thread, meaning that she reported it to Google HR.
112. Gudeman had another conversation with another Google employee on November 10,
2016, where Gudeman complained about being a conservative and a Trump supporter. Gudeman
pointed out that “Trump supporters are a hated and despised minority at Google. Googlers feel
comfortable slandering them in a public forum and assume there will be no consequences.”
113. Gudeman’s comment was met with anger and accusations of him “gaslighting” instead
of having genuine concerns.
114. On or around December 5, 2016, Google HR reached out to Gudeman to discuss his
comments, including those surrounding Gilani’s post. Google HR stated that Gudeman had accused
Gilani of terrorism based on Gilani’s religion, and that this was unacceptable. As a result of
Gudeman’s “accusations,” Google stated that he was being terminated.
115. Google’s purported justification for firing Gudeman is pretextual. Gudeman attempted
to simply question the logic behind a co-worker’s story of victimization on the basis of his race and
religion, but because of his political affiliations, and his status as a white male, Gudeman was
retaliated against and fired. Google employees, particularly male members of Google-disfavored races,

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 were not allowed to question the diversity narrative of the company, even to the point of questioning
2 politically-charged factual assertions by fellow employees in furtherance of their own political
3 agendas.
6 0

116. These interactions showed that the culture at Google was severe enough that employees
such as Gudeman were bullied into silence and required to tolerate harassment without pushing back,
yet Google’s management refused to consider their concerns to be valid or even worthy of
Google Punished Other Employees Who Raised Similar Concerns
117. Google employees have witnessed multiple instances in which hundreds of
“progressive” Googlers would simultaneously target a single co-worker for harassment, and even
potential violence, over a politicized matter, humiliating the person and sabotaging his or her career. In
some of these cases, the victim of the targeted harassment campaign was expressing legitimate
concerns about discrimination against individuals of Google-disfavored races and males in the
workplace as a result of political agitation by social justice activists. As a result of this mistreatment
and retaliation, many Google employees have been afraid to come forward publicly. Because of the

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 virulent threats against them by fellow Google employees, their names are not being used in the

2 Complaint at this time.

3 118. In one example, in May 2015, a Google employee brought evidence of harassment and

4 discrimination against other conservatives, males, and Google-disfavored races, to the attention of

5 Google HR. Google HR made excuses for the progressive activists, and waved away the misconduct,

6 thus ensuring nothing was done about the systemic problem. Throughout the summer of 2015 , the

7 Google employee discussed the issue with several other concerned employees, who shared the same

8 protected traits. In early August 2015, the Google employee then raised the issue ofrace and gender

9 discrimination/harassment at Google with Urs Holzle ("Holzle"), a Senior Vice President, and one of

10 the first 10 employees at Google. This resulted in a targeted campaign of harassment and threats of

11 blacklisting directed at the Google employee, which Google management did nothing to stop; in fact,

12 several members of management made statements that had the net effect of encouraging

13 "unambiguous social pecking" of political dissidents, and supp01ted Google' s harassment.

14 - Yesterday 14 P~1 •
Look, the only way we're going to solve this is by unambiguous social
pecking done by everyone and especial ly leadership. It was awesome to see
16 +Urs Hl>We step up and do 1his.

• google.com l:J 2hours ago



21 I think to ask for a rule book Is mfsslng

the poinL But if you want a succinct summary· don't do
22 what you're oolng here Contact me pnvately if you want
to know more.


25 ■- Q ■ < ■
Restricted to google.com • View activity

27 Jacob Davies 2 hours ago

28 Urs is good coworker. -

First Amended Complaint
Case No. 18CV321529
1 119. On August 14, 2015, a Google employee, and several other employees, raised the same
2 issues of gender and racial discrimination with two other Senior Vice Presidents, in an email entitled
3 “Concerns regarding intimidation and blacklisting.” Google’s blacklists are discussed in more detail
4 below.
5 120. On August 19, 2015, in clear retaliation for the Google employee’s ongoing attempts to
6 end political discrimination at work, his Google HR Manager and Director issued the employee a Final
7 Written Warning letter. At no point did Google ever retract or repudiate the threats and attacks aimed
8 at the Google employee.
9 121. The warning alleged that the Google employee had violated Google’s policy to “create
10 a respectful culture that is free of harassment, intimidation, or unlawful discrimination of any kind.”
11 The examples of the comments for which the Google employee was punished included the following:
a. “Are you insinuating that it is a ‘jerk move’ to share your opinion
13 about a political blog post if 98% of Googlers disagree with you, but
it’s OK to share your opinion about a political blog post if 98% of
14 Googlers agree with you? If so, how do you reconcile this view with
Urs’ request to help make Google a supportive place for minorities of
any kind?”
b. Can you point to the industryinfo post in which somebody expressed
17 an opinion in a way that ignored what others think?”
c. “Many Googlers have claimed that it is ‘harassment’ or some other
19 rule violation to critique articles that push the Social Justice political
agenda. A few Googlers have openly called for others to be fired over
20 it. Do you support this viewpoint, and if so, can we add a clear
21 statement of banned opinions to the employee handbook so that
everybody knows what the ground rules are?”
None of these comments remotely may be described as disorderly, disruptive, derogatory name-
calling, abusive or profane, intimidating or coercive (in stark contrast to the hostile postings aimed at
conservative, male, and/or Google employees of Google-disfavored races and at others who made a
stand against Google’s discriminatory treatment of employees in these protected categories).
122. The Final Written Warning itself repudiated Google’s own policy: “We strive to

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 maintain the open culture often associated with startups,2 in which everyone is a hands-on contributor
2 and feels comfortable sharing ideas and opinions.” Ironically, the Google employee had provided
3 ample evidence that males and members of Google-disfavored races who challenged certain
4 assumptions behind the so-called “social justice” agenda were routinely and unfairly branded as
5 “racists,” “sexists,” or “bigots,” and targeted for severe written abuse and career sabotage.
6 123. According to Google’s policies and procedures, the next step after a Final Written
7 Warning is termination.
8 Google Failed to Protect Employees from Workplace Harassment
9 Due to Their Support for President Trump
10 124. In October 2016, a Site Reliability Manager at Google became aware that a Google
11 employee was a supporter of President Trump, and held socially conservative views. These two
12 individuals did not work together, but had become acquainted through the company’s social mailing
13 lists.
14 125. At a group lunch where the manager was present, the Google employee expressed
15 concerns about Google’s intolerance of political minorities, such as conservatives. He stated that
16 employees whose politics closely aligned with the senior management’s views were receiving
17 favorable treatment, while political dissidents were unfairly denied promotions. The manager became
18 enraged when he heard this, and stormed off.
19 126. In March 2017, the manager scheduled a surprise meeting with the Google employee’s
20 manager in an attempt to sabotage the Google employee’s annual performance review.
21 127. The manager falsely accused the Google employee of participating in an illegal
22 “doxxing” campaign to publish an individual’s personal information on the internet for the purpose of
23 harassment. The manager also suggested that the Google employee was involved in illegal workplace
24 discrimination, which was absolutely false and unsupported.
25 128. When the Google employee later met with his manager, his manager stated that he was
26 very concerned about the doxxing allegation the manager had made. The Google employee provided
28 Google is not a startup. Google operates 70 offices in more than 40 countries and has a market
capitalization over $700 billion.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 evidence that the manager’s claims were false and concocted, but his name and reputation were
2 already besmirched.
3 129. In March 2017, the manager also posted on a political mailing list visible to all
4 approximately 80,000 Google employees to brag about his meeting with the Google employee’s
5 manager for the purposes of harassing and undermining him.
6 130. In this conversation, the manager made additional politically motivated threats directed
7 at members of the “conservatives@” mailing list community at Google. The manager threatened to
8 call in Employee Relations to comb through the mailing list archives to nitpick old postings for
9 possible Code of Conduct violations. Employee Relations at Google is tasked with investigating
10 employees for policy violations, and building a case for discipline. They do not mediate disputes or
11 offer advice.
12 On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 325 PM, wrote:
I have received pr1vate 1eedback about the conservatives@ list that contradicts tti is claim that 1t Is the "least hostile of
13 any polillcal list at Googte.RTo people who do not share their views, H71s appears absoluteJy untrue .

.In that case , I'm glad I was able to bring my assessment of the situation to your attention.
I know Hle conservatives@ list has needed to help a few participants fn the past find communities better suited to their
15 interests. Out of respect for the prwacy of ttiose lndMduals, I have no Intention of menHon1ng names. What I ca11 sh,are is
that the moderators incflcated the personally-held beliefs of those participants were, not taken into consideration. The
16 primary conoem seemed to be ensurln9 that discussions remained on-topic.

17 Every mailing list has a right to set its own domain of discourse. I have seen a diverse number of people partictp,ate in
that parucular list They've openly referred to ltiemse[ves using many labels. However, during the time lney choose to
18 participate in oonse.vaUves@ , they're usually talking about filings re,aling to conservatism. To me , lllatseems perfectly
I understandable.
Tell ya what. How about you and I go to Emptoyee RelaUons and ask them to take a rook atthe arctiives of that list. Then
we can pmvid e an official report back to liberty@ with Employee Relaltons' official slam p of a pprov:al saying ttlat
20 conservatives@ Is a super welcomfng list to those with differing views!

21 Whadclaya say, - You with me?

22 131. The manager also threatened to apply Google’s stringent, politically intolerant, and
23 legally questionable employee handbook speech code to communications taking place between friends
24 on non-work forums, off the clock. As the manager stated: “Interactions with coworkers outside of
25 work are covered by the same policies as interactions at work. So, for example, current Googlers
26 interacting with other current Googlers on [a private, external mailing list with several current and
27 former employees on it][sic].”
28 132. The manager’s threats were reported to Google HR, and Google HR replied that the

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 manager had “crossed the line” with his comments. However, Google never made the manager retract
2 his threats or apologize for his sabotage attempts.
3 133. In August 2017, the same manager posted threats of litigation and termination directed
4 against unnamed employees who spoke to outside bloggers in support of Damore and his memo. Once
5 again, Google did nothing.
6 134. In October 2017, it became widely known within Google that a specific Google
7 employee was a supporter of President Trump and a member of the conservatives@ list. In retaliation,
8 Employee Relations conducted a “fishing expedition” and interrogated the employee about political
9 statements that he had made over 12 months prior. The posts in question were no longer visible on
10 Google’s internal network, as they had been deleted in early 2017.
11 135. On December 22, 2017, Employee Relations issued the employee a verbal warning for
12 a benign comment about free speech from July 2016, claiming that it violated four different handbook
13 policies. Upon information and belief, Google’s handbook is not a single document, but rather a
14 collection of different documents in different places. The employee asked for clarification as to why
15 his posting was in violation, but Employee Relations was not able to offer a cogent explanation.
16 136. Other conservatives at Google have been, and are being subjected to similar fishing
17 tactics aimed at silencing political minorities.
18 137. Conservatives at Google are also subject to name-calling and group shaming.
19 Conservative views are distorted and misrepresented. In an internal Google post on January 26, 2018,
20 Colm Buckley (“Buckley”) referred to conservatives who would whistle-blow on harassing conduct as
21 “a cabal of racists, misogynists, white-supremacists, transphobics, anti-Semites and other assorted
22 troglodytes.” Upon information and belief, Buckley has not been disciplined for this bullying and
23 gross defamation of numerous fellow co-workers expressing concerns about workplace issues.
24 ///
25 ///
26 ///
27 ///
28 ///

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
2 Colm Bue ley , goog e.com Jan 2 , 18

Just in case .anyones not a ar o this ma er: , cabaJ ,o racists, mi sogynis·:s,
4 white-supr mac,sts, tran,sphobi.cs. an1i-'5emit,es and other assorted troglodytes
5 are engaged in a delibe:ra,te ca mpaiig11 t 0 tum · e lives o many of their Google

co-workers into misery, and to sabotage their careers. They are deliberately
6 using Google's welHntentioned polio s of tolerance· and inol.usiv!fy aga,ins,t us,
effective! DOSing1o r HR departments, and sowing mistrust and ear
thro11.1g hout the com pan
I salute iz. Alon, Colin, Tanq and e o hers who are quo ed in this artidle, for
9 conti.nu'ng to ave the bravery, a d contmu·ng o pay h tax bys aring frie ·ime,
10 to speak out.

11 These are ou r coJleagues, who are engaged n a p'.l'ietty lonely battle against a
tltreat wh ich has.so far no been full ecognized for its ev,il destructive
potential. They deserve our suppo and our lo e.
15 Google’s Animosity Toward Trump and Republicans Was Commonplace
16 138. The atmosphere of hostility toward right-wing ideas permeated Google. As an example
17 of Google’s hostility, in January 30, 2017, Alon Altman (“Altman”), a Senior Software Engineer,
18 posted a list of suggestions in response to a town hall meeting where Sundar Pichai and Sergey Brin
19 asked Googlers what they could do to support employees. Altman suggested that Google blacklist
20 right-wing sites such as Breitbart and “[d]elete Donald Trump’s and his administration’s and his aides’
21 Gmail accounts for abuse.” He also suggested Google abuse its power and completely immobilize
22 President Trump’s Android phone by turning it into a “brick.”
23 ///
24 ///
25 ///
26 ///
27 ///
28 ///

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
J n 30, 2017
2 Alon Altman • Politics •
+SUndar Picha +S rg y Brin

Today at the HOLA town hall, you asked us for things you can do to support us. I
6 told you that you can make a clear statement on the Google homepage. Here
7 are a few more things you can do using the full economic force for Google for
8 good, many of these are extreme:

* Blacklist •alt-right• (aka white supremacist) sites from the Google ad network.
10 We should never see Google ads on Brenban.
11 • Take down all •alt right· videos from YouTube.
12 * Remove neo-Nazi sites such as "The Daily Stormer· from the Google search
* Relocate Google 1/0 2017 outside the US.
• Delete Donald Trump's and his administration's and his aides' GMail accounts
15 for abuse.
16 * Brtck Donald Trump's Android phone.
Any other suggestions?
Q ■ <
21 Restncted to googl .com • v, w act1Vity

23 Lees
I would like to see Breitbart removed from the Google News ■
feed as well.

27 139. Google also took efforts to target right-wing outlets and convince its clients to exclude
28 their ads from being placed on "politically right-wing" sites.

First Amended Complaint
Case No. 18CV321529
1 140. Google's Large Customer Sales team ("LCS") learned that the Canadian rum of a social
2 media activist group called "Sleeping Giants," which was originally created to urge adve11isers to

3 remove their ads from Breitbru1~shifted its attention to a right-wing outlet called "The Rebel. "
4 Google's Brand Safety XFN Team decided that it would co-opt Sleeping Giants ' efforts and email

5 Google's partners and client informing them that companies should reconsider adve11ising on certain
6 conservative websites.

7 141. In its proposed email to Google clients, Marshall Self ("Self'), Director of Agency at
8 Google, stated, "Google believes strongly in the freedom of expression... However, there are many

9 sites and channels who offer polrui.zing political viewpoints, whose content does not cross our content
10 policy thresholds for hate speech or incitement to violence."

11 142. Then, Self offered a solution to a problem that did not exist yet. In the same email, he
12 stated, "we provide a number of controls, including placement exclusions and filters for political

13 content. Placement exclusions allow you to specify sites, apps, YouTube channels and videos you'd
14 like to remove from your campaigns. Please contact me if you'd like assistance in making changes to

15 your cmTent controls."

16 Agency xyz Paruier:

17 As you may be aware, a social media actrvist group cal1edilcs:;pin1;1 Gjants has been taigeting brands whose ads appear on sites that arc
identified as politically right-wing or "alt-right" for several months nov.ln the past few weeks, we have seen increasing scnniny from
18 the Canadian ann of Sleeping Giants towards Canadian companies and Canadian publishers.

19 Google believes strongly in the freedom of express101i, but also recognizes the need to protect the quality of our Ad ense and Ad.X
networks for users, advertisers and publishers. Publishers and creators are subject to our content policies, and we take action when the
20 violate these policies. I lowcvcr there arc many sies and channels who ofcr polarizing political viewpoints, but whose content docs no
cross our content policy thresholds for hate speech or incitement to violence.
To help advertisers and their agencies align ad placements wilh the publishers and creators that ~suit each brands specific needs. we
22 provide a wide number of controls, including placement exclusions and filters for political content. Placement exclusions allow you tc
specify sites, apps, 'buTube channels and videos you'd like to remove from your campaigns.
Please contact me if you'd like assistance in making changes to your current controls.
show quoted text


• Marshall Self
Go gle :

First Amended Complaint
Case No. 18CV321529
1 Google Even Attempted to Stifle Conservative Parenting Styles
2 143. Google furnishes a large number of internal mailing lists on Google Groups catering to
3 employees with alternative lifestyles, including furries, polygamy, transgenderism, and plurality3, for
4 the purpose of discussing sexual topics. The only lifestyle that seems to not be openly discussed on
5 Google’s internal forums is traditional heterosexual monogamy.
6 144. In March 2017, Google HR strongly suggested to a Google employee that conservative
7 and traditional parenting techniques were unwelcome at Google.
8 145. Google HR brought up the following post that the employee made in response to a
9 Google thread in which someone specifically requested conservative parenting advice:
“If I had a child, I would teach him/her traditional gender roles and patriarchy
11 from a very young age. That’s the hardest thing to fix later, and our degenerate
society constantly pushes the wrong message.”
13 146. Google HR stated, “We did not find that this post, on its face, violated any of Google’s
14 policies, but your choice of words could suggest that you were advocating for a system in which men
15 work outside the home and women do not, or that you were advocating for rigid adherence to gender
16 identity at birth. We trust that neither is what you intended to say. We are providing you with this
17 feedback so that you can better understand how some Googlers interpreted your statements, and so
18 that you are better equipped to ensure that Google is a place in which all Googlers are able to reach
19 their full potential.” In other words, Google scolded the Google Employee for, among other things,
20 believing that gender identity is set at birth biologically—a position held by the vast majority of the
21 world’s populace that Google professes to serve.
22 ///
23 ///
24 ///
25 ///
26 ///
27 3
For instance, an employee who sexually identifies as “a yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin” and “an
28 expansive ornate building” presented a talk entitled “Living as a Plural Being” at an internal company

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 147. These examples were just a few instances of Google bending over backward to support
2 left-leaning views while punishing conservative views in the Google HR context. Google also placed
3 males and members of Google-disfavored races in a lower standing than women and Google-favored
4 minorities when evaluating employee workplace complaints. In May 2017, one Google Employee
5 discovered and reported several offensive postings attacking Trump supporters, males, and
6 Caucasians. In June 2017, Google HR responded: “Thanks for your time the other day and sharing
7 your response. We have reviewed the threads that you sent us and do not find them to be attacking
8 traditionally conservative views, but more extreme, “alt-right” views that seem to teeter into
9 discrimination and possibly incite violence against certain groups of people.” Upon information and
10 belief, Google never made any such comments or hair-splitting rationalization regarding posts
11 supporting the violent vigilante organization, Antifa, or other extreme leftist/anarchist organizations.
12 In fact, some Googlers have set their corporate profile pictures to Antifa insignias, as seen in the image
13 below.
15 google.com

26 #Jack for #Android

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 Google Publicly Endorsed Blacklists
2 148. On or around August 2015, Adam Fletcher (“Fletcher”), an L6 SRE Manager at
3 Google, Jake McGuire (“McGuire”), an L7 SRE Manager at Google, and Nori Heikkinen
4 (“Heikkinen”), an L6 SRE Manager at Google all publicly endorsed blacklisting conservatives and
5 actively preventing them from seeking employment opportunities at Google.
6 149. Fletcher stated in reference to conservatives, who he categorized as “hostile voices,” “I
7 will never, ever hire/transfer you onto my team. Ever. I don’t care if you are perfect fit or technically
8 excellent or whatever. I will actively not work with you, even to the point where your team or product
9 is impacted by this decision. I’ll communicate why to your manager if it comes up.”
Adam Fletcher
11 11b goo~le.com - Aug 4, 2015
While Google appears to be doing very little to quell tile, hostile voices that exist
13 inside the company, I want those hostlle voices to ik now:

14 * I will never, ever hire/trnnsfer you onto my team . Ever_ I don't care if you are
perfect fit or ted,nically excel'!ent or whatever.
15 * I w:ill actively not work with you, ,even to the poi1n twhere your team or product Is
impacted by ti1is deciston . I'll communicate why to your manager if it c-omes up.
* You're being blacklisted by people at companies outside of Google, You might
17 not have been aware of this, but people know, people ilalk_ There are always social
con sequ ermes.
19 150. McGuire and Heikkinen responded to Fletcher’s comment in agreement and came to

20 his defense, needling a Republican employee who raised concerns about the blacklists.
Nori He;kildnen g '1 2□ 15 +2
21 Well, that was a depressing ·s equenoe ofthre:a.dsto catch up on afterbelrig
22 000 for 3 weeks, :/

23 Aug 7 2015 'l'4

+Adam fletcher This sesems pretty ... hostile .
You may thin'k it's fine to be hostile to hostility {normal ly I would agree), but I
25 ge the feerlng that you're appliyingi this to a bunch of peop'le who aren't
26 actualfy tirying to be hosti1le at alll. Intent matters In cases like th is_People
with good intentions are teacllable. Or at a minimum you can atk 10 them
27 and find o where you disagree. I promise ttiat tlhe disagreement .is not that
they like being hostHe.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 steven Carstensen A g 7, 20 ,. 1-2
2 Intent actt11all,y does not matter in all cases; and
indMd1.J1als can judge when to allow for ,good faith and when not. Hope that
3 helpsl

4 Jake McGuire Aug 7, '.!O 5 .,,9

+Adam f letcher I'm impressed at how calmly and clearly you were abreto
puttJhis, and agree comptetely.
Aug 7 207 ~
+Steve111 Cillstensen except in thf!s case people are assuming, bad intent and
8 reading somettiing that wasn't actually written because of that raise
assumption . If you rernove Intent completely, the statements are completely
9 neutral. And t!hafs how they were actually meant. l'llstead people ar,e reading
things lfke "tjhere is no problem here ... Goog1le is perfect· when no :such thing
was written (that l"m aware of) .
+Jake McGuire the post is actively and Intention al,!y ostile, not to mention
12 bullying and threatening. No idea how you read It as "calm"

13 ~7 1 5
'.. - - - -you say you aren't trying to be hostile; why do you thlnk
the post was directed at you?
Nod Heikkinen Aug 7, 101 5
16 : It's pretty ironic t!hat +Adam Fletcher is gen:tng accused
of hostility in this context Think about that on:e for a minute.
Aug7 20Ic;
18 I don't think I expHcltly said ha I think th Es post was directed at me. But I'm
19 almost certaln tha it was directed at poop'le who 111 fnk like me and that as.
far as lr've seen I, aven't actually s:a rd anything to wanant tMs type of
20 reaction.

21 Nori Heik:kinen Aug 7 . 2015 +4

The people who have said th i119s to merit th[s reaction are areating a hosute
22 work environment for their coworkers. As a manager, I would also r.m want
23 anyone on my team who had demonstrated that they are unwi ling: and/or
unable to provfde that basic civil1environment to thefr peers. T hat's what
24 merits this reaction.

26 151. Google’s management-sanctioned blacklists were directed at specific Google
27 employees who tactfully expressed conservative viewpoints in politically-charged debates. In one
28 case, Jay Gengelbach, a L6 SWE Manager, publicly bragged about blacklisting an intern for failing to

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 change his conservative views.
2 (The "happy" ending: intern conversion was unsuccessful, due in part to multiple
3 people providing unsolicited negative feedback on his packcet.}

4 Matt B·eaumcmt-Gay +-13

5 I was involved in a sim ilar situation four or five·yea rs a,go. I was
not the intern's host -- that duty fell to +Chandler Carruth - but I
6 took it upon myself to have the "you have made serious
7 mistakes" conversation after the most egregious incident Ii
believe that intern is now on our "do not even attempt to hire this
8 person ever" Ii st.
9 REPLY +1

Matthew Se· di Mar
11 Since I was there at the lunch where said intern said the things
he diid -A numbel' of people there at the t ime did try to esquire as
to what he was basing his belief on and give counter examples.
13 They didn't really take. While its possib le that with a bunch more
work its possible he would have been reachable, across many
many lunches he showed no improvement or interest in
15 becoming less self centered . I recall another lunch where he
expressed his desire and competence for another job ladder at
16 google, so someone at lunch in that job ladder asked him a few
17 standard interv.iew questions. He fai led every one. Did he learn
something from this? Nope·. He went on to try to interview for
18 th is ladder later (at least that was my understanding).
I ful ly agree that I wish I. Jay, or someone else there would have
20 made a more formal attempt to get this person the help that
21 might havetuimed them around, I'm not sure we were in a
position to rea lty change his opinions.
24 Jlay Genge! bach 1
+Matthew Seidl yeah, I think part of the problem is that a lot of
25 people responded with "you're wrong and here's why; but not
with "you wil l notwo:rk at Google with your current attitude,"
Although he did seem awfully intransigent, i don't think he was
27 aware that there were real consequences for his actions. That
mlgh.r have given him the right motivation to change his beliefs-
or at least to keep his mouth shut.
First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 152. Other employees supported that decision, and one even stated to “[t]hrow that bad
2 apple [the conservative intern] away with no regrets.”
Shoshana Abrass +2
4 +Jay Gengelbach +Matthew Seidl +John Kachma r
5 Let me al.leviate some of your guilt-in-hindsight. !It's very unlikely
that log,ical straight-talk would change the rnlnd of a person who
6 not onfy holds those beliefs, but is confident enough to voice
7 them openly in a work situation wh ich is more or less an
extended interview. In those cases you shoulld speak up with
8 your own opinion, but more for the· sake of bystanders, and to
rea fflnn y:ouir beliefs (and in this case the company's cu,ltural
norms), rath er than be<:ause yoll hope to change the speaker's
10 opinion. Thmwthat bad apple away with no regrets .
153. On an internal Google+ post, Kim Burchett (“Burchett”), a L7 SWE Manager, proposed
creating an online companywide blacklist of political conservatives inside Google. She mused aloud to
her readership that they might deserve “something resembling a trial” before being added to the
16 K"m Burchett
17 lb google.c.om - B 48 AM

18 I am constderlng creating a pubfrc-lnside-googte document of "people who make

diversity difficu lt'. Please share. here any suggestions, criticisms, or words of
19 warning.

I am thinking of something ftke a google doc that accepts comments, and which
21 calls out those googlers who repeatedly made public statements that are
unsupportive of diversity, with H11ks to those statements so that readers can decide
22 for themselves. The list wi 11be open to contributions from others, but I personally
will be the judge of wl,at is included and what is ,excluded. I wi ll do my best to
23 reprns ent the indfvidua ts fairly, com passionately, and in context . I expect the list to
start with Just a handful of people, and if it ever grows to more than Cl.5%. of
24 goog[ers then I will delete Jt as a failed fdea
Things I'm stil l pondering: shoufd lnclusion on the fist require somethlng
26 resembl ing a trial? should peopte be removed afte.r some period of time if they
start behaving better?


First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 154. On August 7, 2015, another manager, Collin Winter, posted threats directed at a Google
2 employee as a result of raising concerns of harassment and discrimination to Urs Hölzle. Winter
3 stated: “I keep a written blacklist of people whom I will never allow on or near my team, based on
4 how they view and treat their coworkers. That blacklist got a little longer today.”
5 155. Also on August 7, 2015, another manager, Paul Cowan, reshared Collin Winter’s threat
6 to express his agreement with it and to indicate that he had also blacklisted Google employees with
7 perceived conservative views. Cowan stated: “If you express a dunderheaded opinion about religion,
8 about politics, or about ‘social justice’, it turns out I am allowed to think you’re a halfwit… I’m
9 perfectly within my rights to mentally categorize you in my dickhead box… Yes, I maintain (mentally,
10 and not (yet) publicly) [a blacklist]. If I had to work with people on this list, I would refuse, and try to
11 get them removed; or I would change teams; or I would quit.”
12 156. The primary purpose of these blacklists and suggested blacklists was to encourage and
13 coordinate the sabotage of promotions, performance reviews, and employment opportunities for those
14 with conservative viewpoints.
15 157. On August 14, 2015, a small group of employees submitted a complaint to the Senior
16 Vice President of Google HR, Laszlo Bock (“Bock”) and Senior Vice President of Legal David
17 Drummond (“Drummond”) regarding the blacklisting of conservatives at Google.
18 158. The group complained that there was an alarming number of individuals calling for
19 summary firings “if they express[ed] certain opinions on sociopolitical subjects.” The email further
20 claimed that this type of suppression “stifles debate and prevents the free exchange of ideas from
21 happening.”
22 159. The email went on to complain about several individuals who had also openly
23 proclaimed that they kept blacklists of Googlers they refused to work with on the basis of their
24 political views.
25 160. As evidenced by the fact that the blacklisting posts remain live on Google’s internal
26 corporate network, it is clear that Google took no action to prevent blacklisting. Google seems to
27 ignore most cases, and occasionally “coach” the worst offenders. However, Google will not openly
28 condemn the practice; instead, it relies on crowdsourced harassment and “pecking” to enforce social

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 norms (including politics) that it feels it cannot write directly into its policies due, perhaps, to current
2 legal constraints.
3 Google Provides Internal Tools to Facilitate Blacklisting
4 161. Google’s internal company systems allowed employees and managers to maintain a
5 “block list” of other employees with whom they did not wish to interact. For example, if A adds B to
6 her block list, B is not able to look A up in the company directory, communicate with A through the
7 internal instant messaging system, view A’s contact information or management chain, or see A’s
8 posts on internal social media. A and B would not be able to work together constructively on an
9 engineering project if either person blocked the other.
10 162. It is common knowledge within Google that employees were habitually added to block
11 lists for expressing conservative political views. In these comments, employees and managers
12 discussed using block lists to sabotage other Googlers’ job transfers onto their teams.
Ste:phanieVan Dyk (7Uk) 2: 16 AM +4
I nsed to have· a Ii st w ritten down (it was enUtled "Stephanie's Shit Ust"), but
14 it was l1ard to keep i11 sync with my G+ bl-0ck list . So I depre-cated t he former
and j ust use t he latte r.
T his is bette r be-ea use when I added somethin g to t hat li st, I would have to
16 look at t he other names already on it an d t hat woul d make me sad. A G+
17 block li st is just a black hole and you only hav:e to look at it if you want to.

Vesterday4:1 2 PM
18 I
Are such black li sts allowed at Google? I'm no .a ma ager so I don't know
19 wh he specific restrict tons are for adding 1people to 8 team beyond ....ma s
augh in inter iew raining.
2:48AM 1
21 I would talk to lega l before assembling a list of people who,are possibly
crea ing a hos il e wo rkplace.
22 And now I know t hat if I ever sue Google for harassment I should derna1nd to
see all manage s shit-li1sts to see if this was something managl'ment
already knew and th us et happen (my tormentor could be on there and ot
24 dealt wi h). It woul d probably increase the set lement award considerably. I
ould encou age an,yone else ge ing mistrea ed at Google to do the same.
As a manage!" you should either deal with tihe situation or no . Don Wl'i e
do n "I let this happen·, which (although IANA ) sounds to me like what a
27 manager shitlist of this kind is.

28 And ifthe behaviou r is this bad, why aren't you dea ling with it? he standa rd
you walk past is t he standard you accep .

Is this something y,01.11 would ant to see on 1he front page of ~he NYT?
First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 ye 4;41 AM 2
echnically we all maint n such lists in he o,rm of 1h
2 lock,ed on in emal Google+
In my case n's meant that rm much h~p-ier sin ce there are all sOfts of
4 peoplewhoseexis-,enoe I've been able to or el

6 163. When an employee was blocked by a manager in another department in retaliation for
7 reporting misconduct, Google HR defended the practice of blacklisting co-workers, stating: “Thanks
8 for sharing this. Co-workers are allowed to control who can access their social media accounts (like
9 G+ and hangouts). Unless your inability to access John’s social media accounts is negatively
10 impacting your ability to do your job, we don’t find any information to suggest that John is retaliating
11 against you in violation of policy.”
12 164. On a separate occasion, another Googler posted: “Another day, another entry on a
13 blacklist I wish wasn’t necessary to keep.” This was reported to Google HR. Google HR responded
14 that the employee “was just expressing his own personal opinion on who he likes working with,
15 [therefore] we did not find his comments to violate Google policy.”
16 165. At a “TGIF” all-hands meeting on October 26, 2017, an employee directly asked
17 executives about the appropriateness of employees keeping political blacklists. Kent Walker, the
18 Senior Vice President of Legal, dodged the question rather than repudiating the practice of
19 blacklisting.
20 166. On September 8, 2017, a group of conservative employees met with Paul Manwell,
21 Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s Chief of Staff, to raise concerns about the ongoing problem of politically
22 motivated blacklisting, bullying, and discrimination at Google. This meeting was a direct response to
23 the company’s handling of the Damore situation.
24 167. The conservative employees shared their own experiences with discrimination and
25 asked the management for three major reforms. First, they asked for clarity around communication
26 policies, recommending that Google publish a clearer statement on what is acceptable and
27 unacceptable employee communication, and they recommended that any and all complaints about
28 communication be adjudicated through “a documented, fair, transparent, and appealable process.” In

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 the meeting, the employees pointed out that company leadership was sending mixed messages on
2 whether it was even permissible to criticize diversity policies. Second, the employees requested
3 protection from retaliation, asking the leadership to make a public statement that conservatives and
4 supporters of Damore would not be punished in any way for their political stances. Third, the
5 conservative employees asked the company to make it clear that the hostile language and veiled threats
6 directed at Damore and his supporters were unacceptable, and, they requested that in the interest of
7 making Google a healthier environment for employees of all political stripes, the managers and VPs
8 who made such statements retract the same. On information and belief, none of these reforms ever
9 took place.
10 168. In or around October 2017, a number of diversity activists at Google indicated that they
11 had met with VPs Danielle Brown and Eileen Naughton in order to ensure that they would be able to
12 continue blacklisting and targeting employees with whom they had political disagreements. On
13 October 22, 2017, a conservative employee asked Google HR to help put him in contact with company
14 leadership to discuss the issue of targeted political harassment. This request was acknowledged by
15 Employee Relations on October 31, 2017. On December 22, 2017, Employee Relations indicated to
16 the employee that they would not be following up on his concerns about the systemic problems he
17 raised, and that they considered the matter closed.
18 Google Maintains Secret Blacklists of Conservative Authors
19 169. On August 26, 2016, Curtis Yarvin, a well-known conservative blogger who has
20 reportedly advised Steve Bannon, Peter Thiel, and other members of the Trump administration, visited
21 the Google office to have lunch with an employee. This triggered a silent alarm, alerting security
22 personnel to escort him off the premises.
23 170. It was later discovered that other influential conservative personalities, including Alex
24 Jones and Theodore Beale, are also on the same blacklist.
25 ///
26 ///
27 ///
28 ///

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 Summary'"' [email protected]·.Al·e rt. - Poss.ib1e· Unexpected Guest
T icket Type Ptlyslcal Security
4 Desaiptio 1r.1i"'

re 91s1e~d
Yan.nn Host -
ATTENT1l'ON GSOC: An tndivfdual with a name match~ng ttle Google watchfmst ~s
9u_~st.mcm~ 9~m~nt_s!stem:
V1is1t Date. 20116 08 26 Visl.t T1me_
,p m Location : US-SFO-SPE~ Address: 345 .Spear St .- 4th Floor
8 San 'Francisco
10 Vil sit ID: 80B2690DE Please 'fol tow pro oc.ols based on the prescribed actions
for this type of .g uest Please note this person !has, a simitar name but may
11 not be the actua~ person on ttle walchHst
13 You received this message because you are subscnboo to the Google Groups
14 ~Guest Seculity' group.
To unsubscnbe from lli's group aF\d .stop receiving emarls from i send an
15 email ·t o ,guest-sec-tiunsubsc.lil . [email protected].
16 To post to this .g roup., send emajl to g,[email protected]

17 171. On or about September 15, 2016, a Google employee asked Google HR if the writers

18 could be removed from the blacklist. Google HR refused to help with the request, and instead,

19 reconfigured the internal system so that it was no longer possible to see who was on the blacklist.

20 Google Allowed Employees to Intimidate Conservatives

21 with Threats of Termination

22 172. In the midst of any heated political discussion at Google, it has become commonplace

23 to see calls for conservatives to be fired or “encouraged to work elsewhere” for “cultural fit” reasons.

24 Googlers are extremely proud of the fact that the company has created a “shared culture of shared

25 beliefs” and openly discriminates against job applicants who do not share the same political ideology.

26 173. One Google employee, referring to two conservative Googlers who criticized a feminist

27 blog post in July-August 2015 stated, “maybe we should just try laying off those people. Please.”


First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
An dy Can el! _32 I Aug .... •
2 Dear ·rags, maybe we should j ust by layi ng off those people_

3 Please_

4 Repl~

6 htlps-Jlmemegen_googleplex.com/50043360599Da096
Step hanie Van Dyk Interesting confusion over tine
p rase laying off''_ Was Andy ,ca:ll[ng far the fo'Jks on th.e
tJrt re.ad lo be fired? Or ifor olher ifo ks lo gwe them a break
10 and slop bedng so harsh __ ? 1

11 3:03 ug

12 Amd:y Calffeffi Yeah that dldn"t. come ross c le rly, 1

·.. was trying· o play on the words ln tags.
I'll be b u nt I mean the e are a select fev.1,1 that rm fairi!y
15 certain S:houl-d just be fired •nd we would be a be er

16 company for r.
This isn 't just "a p-o:liliral disagreement."' Their judg.men
18 about what is going tar hurt coworkers is incr-edjbly a,w ful
19 and lhey are llfully blind to what they are dot g wrong
-lh their ser1al shitposting to wide-audience lists. 'T hey
are causing more talented people 1h 11 lhemselves ·to
21 leave or want to ·le ve. "lh their bul shi
22 :40
24 174. Other Google employees also suggested terminating employees with conservative
25 values that did not comport with their own. One even suggested firing an employee twice simply to get
26 the point across—conservatives were not welcome at Google.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 Chris Lewis Sep 2, 101 5 12
Why ar,en't we firing people? I am not beir1g rll etorfc-at this is a serious
question. We are a company who has worked hard to create a shared
3 culrure ofshar,ed b-eHefs_ We don't hire people who don't meet those beliefs
iri Interviews . Why aren. we firlr1g people who are creating a toxic
4 workplace?

Can somBQne enli.ghten me?
175. Many Google employees resorted to name-calling, and one called conservative Google
employees who reported the discrimination they faced to Google HR “poisonous assholes.” The
employee stated that Google knew who the “assholes” were, and that they could be easily replaced.
Several conservative employees reported this to Google HR, but Google HR replied that this hateful
rhetoric was not a policy violation.
Chris Lewis ls
Can we just fire the poisonous assholes allready? n's not like we
14 don't know who they are (it:s not Mike) and it's not like we can't
repl,acethem, We love to dump people out of an inter-view if they
vague ly don't meet '"cu lure fit"' but when someone is hired and
16 clearly, pu blicly and repeatedly act like an asshole, we suddenly
can't do anything about it.
19 steven Jo nson Sep 2,201 S 38
After we fire thls 1person, we should re hire t:hem just so we c an flre them a
second time, for emphasis
23 Google Fails to Match Funds For Donations from Conservatives

24 176. A cornerstone benefit Google provides to all employees is matching of donations made

25 to any nonprofits up to $6,000 per employee. However, Google discriminates in its application of this

26 policy by failing to match donations made by conservatives to various conservative organizations,

27 while matching donations to non-conservative causes.

28 177. Conservatives at Google learned of this when Google failed to match multiple

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 contributions made to the VDARE Foundation (“VDARE”). VDARE is a nonprofit journal and
2 website focused on the issue of immigration in the United States. It features the writings of Ann
3 Coulter, Pat Buchanan, Michelle Malkin, and many other prominent conservatives.
4 178. From November 2017 to January 2018, at least seven Google employees donated at
5 least $2,760.00 to VDARE, and requested matching through Google’s third-party portal that manages
6 the matching program. However, as reflected in Google’s Donations Report, these donations were not
7 matched, even though the donations from the employees were approved. Upon information and belief,
8 Google still deducted the funds from employees’ $6,000 budget for charity matching.
9 179. On or about December 4, 2017, several concerned employees entered a helpdesk ticket
10 to ask why their donations to VDARE were not being matched. Ashley Fraser (“Fraser”), a Product
11 Operations Manager who handles charity escalations, responded that a software glitch was causing the
12 gift match failures and instructed the employees to submit another payment. However, when a
13 software engineer from Fraser’s department investigated the issue, he indicated that Fraser’s claims
14 were incorrect, and there was no software glitch. Fraser’s representation was false.
15 180. On December 13, 2017, Google’s Charity Relations team sent an email to VDARE
16 stating that VDARE had denied discriminating against any person or group of people in its
17 employment practices in a questionnaire Google had sent, and “wanted to check that [VDARE] meant
18 to answer this question in this way.” VDARE once again stated that it did not discriminate against any
19 person or group in any way.
20 181. Upon information and belief, Google continues to deny all matching payments to
21 VDARE, and has never provided an explanation to the affected employees, thereby denying them an
22 employee compensation benefit on the basis of their political views.
23 182. Meanwhile, on March 1, 2018, a “Defend DACA Phone Bank” was organized across
24 multiple different Google offices, including Google’s Palo Alto office and Google’s Los Angeles
25 Office.
26 183. On September 5, 2017, in a companywide email to all approximate 80,000 Google
27 employees, CEO Sundar Pichai (“Pichai”) encouraged employees to contribute to leftist charities in
28 order to “affirm our support” for the DACA program. Pichai stated that “as a company, we’ve made

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 our support for DACA clear” and provided a link to a website where employees could contribute their
2 own money. This campaign raised over $150,000 from approximately 500 Google employees. This
3 only further highlights the disparity between Google’s attitude and treatment of individuals perceived
4 to be conservatives versus progressives.
5 Google Enabled Discrimination Against Caucasian Males
6 184. Liz Fong-Jones (“Fong-Jones”), an L5 SRE Manager at Google, repeatedly
7 discriminated against Caucasian males at Google.
8 185. On April 4, 2015, a Caucasian male posted a comment about a “Diversity Town Hall”
9 meeting in which the management stated that affirmative action was impractical from a legal
10 standpoint. Fong-Jones responded that she “could care less about being unfair to white men. You
11 already have all the advantages in the world.”
r 22,, 2□ 15 +17
I agree with the town ootl's statement. I've yet to se:e effective '"increasing
14 diversity"' efforts which do not bring unfairness against white men ~e.g.
lowering the hiring bar for minorities, or arranging events where w'hiite men.
15 are or feel eXic.l1..1ded).
lilz: lfong,Ja es r 22. 015 179
17 Frnnkly, I could care less about beillg 'unfair' to [edited to add: dsgender,
stratght, abl e--boclied. wealthy] white men . You allready have•al l the

advantages in the·world.
Apr 22., 2015 +9
Ma cofm Rowe ll.pr 22. ~ 1 5 H/12

22 aka Strai ght White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is.

23 Jonathan R-e"d Apr 22. 2015 .,.212

' The factthatth.e,first comment on thi.s post is a microaggres"sion speaks
volumes about the cultural problem at Google.
pr 22., 201 ♦37
26 I understand 1:hat we're not gol n:g to agree, and you are
27 entitled to your own opi nions However, I wi,sh you'd considered how I might
rece,v,e the remarks before you made them.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
Frank.Mayhar Apr 22., 2015 +53
Speaking as a w'ihite man, well, I can't say here what I
really want to say, which would Involve some very NSFW language, so let me
1 just say that you a11d those li:ke you are not Just part of the prob lern, you' re
mos.tot tihe problem . And let me remind you of the adage, "It's better to
2 remain srlent and be thought a fool than to speak a111d remove all doubt:
I wish I could aporog ize to +E~ica Baker and all the rest of the worn e.n and
4 minorities that this, um, pers.on tias insulted but I can't AN I can do is to
speak out against thls lkind of blinkered. pig-ignorant BS andi try to fight It as
5 hard as II can. As others have said, if you're a woman and/or a mirtorlty an-ct
6 you need an advocate orjusi someone to talk to, I'm here and am willi111g to
go to bat for you, any time.
8 186. Dozens of other employees joined the conversation to insult and belittle the Caucasian
9 male, characterizing his concerns about workplace discrimination as, inter alia, “stupid goddamn
10 devil’s advocate bullshit.” This received hundreds of “upvotes” from other Googlers showing their
11 approval.
12 earn McMilllen Apr 22, 2015 +4 18
Here's another thing . You are here posting devil's-advocate troll-bulfs'1ft
13 along the vague lines of oh no., some hypothetical white man who is jrust
barely above the hiring bar mlgh1 be intangibl:t harmed by some Googlers
14 who dectded to give marginally more trainingi or education to non--Googler
16 Mea nw'hil e, we a.ve an est:abUshed pattern of actuat Googler women who
have been at .the cmnpany for years and as far as we know performfng
17 admirably in their actual eng;neeringjobs, leavJng the company in part
because of this stupid goddamn devil's advocate bullS:hit tha shows up
every time they talk honest:ly about tfrel, own goddamn experiences at work.
This is why we say "you are part of the prnb1em". You are contributing to a
20 culture tih a dri\les out women who .a re otherwise strong Goog1e
contributors, al I for fake intemet points.
22 187. The Caucasian male employee’s own manager replied to chastise him and to promise
23 that he would be punished for his apostasy.
Ilona Gaweda Apr~, 20 71D
25 !'m really sony for all who got offended b~ 's comments. 11 was
ftagged to me (l'm - 's manager) and HR
27 l t is not acceptable behavror and I do treat this .seriolilsly.

28 I don't want to extend my comment hem before It ge,t s resolved on the

omctal channels. Thanks for understandUng_

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 188. In a follow-up conversation, Fong-Jones doubled-down on her position, stating that the
2 “benefit to everyone as a whole” justifies discrimination against white men.
3 Uz Fi0ng•J0 es Am 22. 2015 +12
+H'~ld'er IBaUsta In the context of a dlscusslon about whether w,e should
4 engag e in work to support people who are not white and/ or no men in
5 technolog;y, I think my comment was absolutely reasonable- I feel that iif
tihere is any ham, to the i11terests of white men from t!hat work, it is more
6 "than made up fo r by the benefits to everyone as a whole.

189. When Fong-Jones was reported to Google HR, Google’s initial reaction was to state
that since Fong-Jones was responding “to some pretty insensitive comments from other colleagues and
reacting to an environment that we know have been less than friendly to women and minorities at
times,” that her behavior was taken out of context and excused her comments. Google HR then stated
that “some empathy could be valuable as you reflect on the conversations.”
190. It was only after the matter continued to escalate that Google HR finally took “action,”
which they claimed ranged from “coaching to warnings.”
191. Chris Busselle (“Busselle”), a Manager in the Search organization, has frequently urged
other Googlers to engage in discriminatory practices to improve diversity.
192. On April 9, 2017, Busselle posted a message suggesting that employees should
leverage Google’s influence to have “cheesy white males” removed from speaker lineups at
20 Invited to speak externally? Wie)d your infilu,ence for good Nlext time you get
i11vited to speak at a conference, es peciallly if you'ire a white male - ask the
21 or,ganizer to conf11rm you' re t he only white male on the panel/ in the spea ker
22 lineup. If not, say you are honoired, but must decline, and give the reason. And
because you arre at Google, guess what - they're going to change the pane l for
23 you . You' ll fee l bad abo ut inconven iencing them. But not that bad. When t he
cheesy white male executive is in the ',green ro om' and gllari ng at you because he
was bounced for the panel in favor of a woman on his team, you'III feel pretty
25 damn smug. Or you won't: you'll feell bad that you might have put her in a tough
spot, a11d you'll ,go above and beyond to make good with the schmuc ky senioir
du de. (I lknow th is is nu aneed. I lknow it's a burden to lbe a woman and have to do
27 t hese speeches, to be the poster child for diversity in tech. But on ba lance M
rather have the conference organizer try, and t ry harder, than not try at alll.),

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 193. Busselle’s anti-white-male decree was reported to Google HR on April 21, 2017. On
2 May 4, 2017, Google HR replied and said: “Regarding your concern about Chris Busselle’s G+ post,
3 we have reviewed and do not find that it violates our policies. You may of course feel free to provide
4 him feedback about his post.”
5 194. Posts similar to Busselle’s “warning” of white males are commonplace at Google, and
6 systemic throughout Google’s HR Department—which is the body that is meant to safeguard against
7 discrimination. Amy Ho (“Ho”), Hiring Innovation Manager at Google, posted through internal G+, on
8 May 19, 2017 a section from an article advising that hiring committees at Google should “think long
9 and hard about whether your department needs another white man” when they see a stellar white male
10 applicant. Ho’s selective post from the article continued to state, “You are not hiring a researching
11 robot who will output papers from a dark closet. You are hiring an educator, a role model, a
12 spokesperson, an advisor, a committee person. When you hire a non-marginalized person, you
13 are not just supporting this one applicant whom you like, you are rewarding a person who has
14 been rewarded his whole life. You are justifying the system that makes his application look so good.”
15 (Emphasis in the original.)
16 , AmyHo google.com May 19, 2017
18 Interesting opinion piece on #inclusion (in academia but can apply in other
semngs too)
20 "If you are on a hiring committee, and you are looking at appUcants and you see
a stellar white male applicant, think long and hard about whether your
department needs another white man .. You are not hir"ng a researching1robot
22 who will output pa:pern from a dark closet. You are hiring an educator, a role
23 model, a spoke.sperson, an advisor, a committee :person. When you hire a non-
marginalized person, you are not just supporting ttlis one app·Hcant whom you
like, you are rewarding a person who ha.s been rewarded his whole life. You are
25 justifying the system that mak.es his application look so good-■
"When the applications come in, remember sociely makes dominant applicants
27 look better than they are. Society mal<!es marginal:ized applicants ook worse
28 than they are. There ·s no objectivity. Th~rn is no meritocracy. F:ght for justice.
Fight ev,en yourself..•

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 Google Openly Discriminated Against Men with Its “Girl Power” Project
2 195. In or around 2011, Google created “Girl Power” whose objective was to staff more
3 females in senior positions throughout Google.
4 196. According to a one-page advertisement Girl Power released praising its successes, Girl
5 Power boasted that it had “double the number of senior women hires” in just 12 months. The
6 advertisement also included an instructional video which the advertisement stated explained how Girl
7 Power was able to accomplish this feat.
8 G le Gi I Po 1er
Home )om us on G•

11 Got Girl Power?
12 In 2011 the NACE Global Business
Organ liatlon sldrfing tedm redllsed l ere
were not enough senior women In Large
13 compdny Soles (LCS} In the NACE region.

14 So, they did something about it.

In Just 12 months. he team doubled t e

15 number of senior women hires. How did
16 Watch the video to find out.

How to get Involved What you can do today
21 If you are Interested In replica ng Girl Power In your office , please connect with 1. Interview at least one woman for your
oth rs In our IOCiltlon to create ii proJ t 1et1m and nomlna e onf' open role
22 repre>entallve from your office lo join the monthly han out5-Joln our G+
community o tom th conv rsatron. These monthly meeun s I II h Ip our 2. Have at least one woman on the Interview
23 team connect with the Girl Power team and learn about best practices.

24 3. Spend one hour each week sourcing for

diverse talent, be it women or other
25 underrepresented groups
·--··· ...- ...... --·· · · .. ·-···· .. ·-···· . . . - .... ···--·······-···-·-··-·····-.. J


First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 197. The Girl Power video suggested that Google recruiters should “book just one day a
2 week where [the employee] spend[s] one hour sourcing for female candidates,” and that Google
3 recruiters should advertise open positions in “magazines that women are likely to read.”
4 198. The Girl Power video also stated that recruiters should “try to ensure that every single
5 role that you have, you have at least one women represented at [the] interview stage.”
6 199. Similar to Damore’s memo, the Girl Power video employed statistics to justify its
7 position. However, unlike Damore’s memo, it failed to provide any scientific research to support them.
8 The Girl Power video stated that “having a senior woman in the business can reduce your chances of
9 folding by 20% and increase your return on equity by 46%,” thus providing the “business case” for
10 employing more women instead of men.
11 200. The video ended with the Google employees laughing that “once we resolve the girl
12 issue, then there are loads of other issues that we can focus on.”
13 Google Failed to Recognize Its Own Hypocrisy
14 201. An official policy at Google, drafted by Clayton Robbins (“Robbins”), a Diversity
15 Business Partner in Google HR, is the “Inclusive Perf for Managers - Handout” (the “Handout”). This
16 document is provided to all managers as part of their “Inclusive Perf” training at Google, which is
17 required by some departments at Google and strongly encouraged by others. According to Google, the
18 purpose of the training and Handout is to describe methods that race and gender bias can creep into
19 performance management, and methods of preventing this from happening—similar to the goals of
20 Damore’s memo.
21 Inclusive Perf for Managers - Handout [go/inclusiveperf-ha doutJ
22 A postwork study gwde for managers who completed .....,_........,,_......._.....,,..J,.,µ.~........~......_._,_,"-1.1..f.,.,_._
ound glob , worn n ar underrepre medt In the tech Industry In most pl<1ces tn the world peo le o color
24 are also u der presented In tech. Glob I y, men a d hltes ar es cl fly overreprese ced.t I tech a
and leadership roles.
25 Repr senca on patterns hke these could Increase the lmpa o racelgen er bl-1ses on our perfonnance
m.inagement fforts s managers, and these biases re mor ltkely o show up in spaces where here re
26 exaggerated pa ems of some racelgend r groups ein overrepresented, and om 1"> underr presented, like we
have In our Ind stry.
202. The Handout used for training its managers begins by stereotyping and listing “aspects

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 of white dominant culture, commonly centered in corporations, and most spaces in the U.S.” It then
2 provides a list of traits and aspects “valued by U.S. white/male dominant culture,” which included
3 “arguing, winning,” “short-term payoffs,” “giving feedback indirectly (about you, but without you),”
4 “individual achievement,” “meritocracy,” and “colorblind racial frame.” The Handout also includes a
5 list of traits and aspects commonly devalued in white culture, such as “listening,” “growth in quality,”
6 “valuing self-determination,” and “noticing race/color and any racial patterns in treatment.”
Rewarding people when they exhibit values and practices that are part of the dominant culture, and either
8 punishing or failing to reward people when they exhibit values that are outside of the dominant cultural norm .
Below are aspects of white dominant culture, commonly centered in corporations, and most spaces in the U.S.:
10 Valued by U.S. white/male dominant culture Commonly invisibilized or devalued by U.S.
white/male dominant culture
Front of the room, persuasive Listening, raises up multiple voices
12 Arguing, winning Identifying multiple viable paths
Either/Or Both/And
Perfectionism Everything's a work in progress
13 Urgency Sustainability
Numbers driven Narrative driven (quotes, qualitative)
14 Growth in number, size Growth in quality
Protecting' others from Valuing self-determination
15 Short-term payoffs Seven generations thinking
Avoiding conflict Conflict is productive/necessary
16 Giving feedback indirectly (about you, but without you) Giving feedback directly (with you)
Individual achievement Collective achievement
17 Seeing us as unique/exceptional Seeking connections between contexts
We are objective Everything is subjective
18 Casual, informal, off-the-cuff Formal, prepared, thought out
Meritocracy Holding systems accountable for equitable outcomes
19 Colorblind racial frame Noticing race/color and any racial patterns in treatment

203. The Handout then goes on to discuss stereotypes “ascribed to women and people of
color,” stereotypes ascribed to “Black/Latinx people and Black men in particular,” and explains how
Google managers can give feedback to “women and people of color” as opposed to giving feedback to
males and Caucasians.
204. Similar to Damore’s memo, the Handout cites to multiple different studies and articles
on gender and race biases and stereotypes to justify the positions set forth by the Handout. However,
unlike Damore, Robbins was never reprimanded for promoting harmful racial and gender stereotypes
of Google-disfavored races and males. Rather, this program became part of Google’s indoctrination of
its management staff.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 Google Failed to Treat Men and Women the Same
2 205. On November 15, 2015, a Google employee complained to Google HR regarding a
3 highly offensive post from an employee in the Developer Product Group. The post stated:
“If you put a group of 40-something white men in a room together and tell them to
5 come up with something creative or innovative, they’ll come back and tell you how
enjoyable the process was, and how they want to do it again, but they come up with
6 fuck-all as a result!” (Emphasis added.)
7 206. The Google employee stated that this statement was a violation of the Google Code of
8 Conduct, and was creating a hostile workplace environment as it targeted members of Google-
9 disfavored races, males, and individuals over the age of 40.
10 207. Google HR responded: “Given the context of the post and that [the employee’s] main
11 point is to highlight that it is helpful to have diverse perspectives, it doesn’t appear that the post to
12 [sic] violates our policies.”
13 208. Perplexed, the Google employee responded to Google HR by replacing the term “40-
14 something white men” with “women” and asked how that was not a breach of conduct. Google failed
15 to respond.
Hi Josh,
18 Thanks for your reply. If I understand the policy correctly, then ,
would it be acceptable for somebody to post a sentiment along these
21 "If you put a group of women in a room together and tell them to come
22 up with something creative or innovative, they'll come back and tell
you how enjoyable the process was , and how they want to do it again ,
but they come up with fuck-all as a result!"
25 Assuming, of course, that the main point is to highlight that it is
helpful to have diverse perspectives.
[Quoted text hidden]
209. Google’s lack of response and engagement evidenced Google’s biases and its inability

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 to even recognize them when someone pointed them out. As demonstrated above, Google allowed

2 individuals to insult and discriminate against political conservatives, members of Google-disfavored

3 races, and males with impunity.

4 210. A perfect example of Google's relaxed attitude toward discrimination against members

5 of Google-disfavored races and males is seen in Burchett' s G+ posts. As seen below, Burchett states

6 that in the promotions committee which she serves on, where she helps decide which TS Engineers are

7 promoted to the T6 level, she stated, "2/4 committee members were women. Yay! 4/4 committee

8 members were white. Boo! 12/15 candidates were white men. Boo!" Fm1her in the thread, Burchett

9 highlights the divisiveness of her original post by noting that it was not fair even to talk about women

10 when " POC" or "people of color" weren' t getting enough airtime in the discussion.

11 V
Kim Burchett
12 ID google.com - Oct 7, 2015

In t he TS->T6 promo committee I served on,
14 2/4 committee members were women. Vay!
4/ 4 committee members were white. Boo!
15 12/15 candidates were white men. Boo!


- -"


Nina Kang 'er,Pr a; 1f> A•1
Can you share what % of packets were women?
Kim Burchett Yesterc.a/ u . ..1J MI +3
23 +Nina Kang I could, but since google already focuses an awful lot on women
to the exdusion of poc, I'd kind of rather not.
Nina Kang 1 es:.er-'ay B 13 AM +2
Understood. Respect.
Avery Pennarun (esterda· 12.05 P~ +1
27 Whereas on the committee I was on:
0/ 4 committee members were women
28 0/4 packets were women
and I'm not very good at telling which people are white or not.

First Amended Complaint
Case No. 18CV321529
1 211. Upon information and belief, Burchett continued to make hiring and promoting
2 decisions at Google and was not reprimanded by Google, even though Burchett’s posts were reported
3 to Google HR and to the Senior Vice President of Legal in a formal complaint.
4 212. These examples make it clear that 1) Google discriminates against conservatives,
5 members of Google-disfavored races, and males and 2) that Google has fostered an environment
6 where this kind of mistreatment is not only allowed, commonplace, and accepted—but is, in fact,
7 encouraged, enabled, and rewarded.
8 Google’s “Diversity” Policies Impede Internal Mobility and New Hires
9 213. Another former Google employee, who first began working for Google over a decade
10 ago as a Software Engineer has suffered similar discrimination, harassment, and retaliation for his
11 perceived conservative views, his gender, and his Caucasian race.
12 214. From 2008 till 2016, the Google employee was able to move from one team to another
13 with ease after a project was cancelled or completed, and during this eight-year time period, he
14 transferred between approximately five different teams.
15 215. Although the Google employee moved from team to team at Google, the Google
16 employee consistently received at least “Meets Expectations” after his promotion in 2008 until 2015,
17 with one “Needs Improvement” rating in 2015—a month after taking bereavement leave to mourn the
18 death of his grandmother.
19 216. When the Google employee learned that a project he was working on was moving to
20 another country, he began looking for a new team to join as he had done numerous times in the past.
21 However, this time, it was much more difficult.
22 217. The Google employee reached out to more than 10 different hiring managers, but few
23 seemed interested in having him join their team, and only one had extended a firm offer by the end of
24 January 2017.
25 218. Upon information and belief, the Google employee was not selected due to the fact that
26 the hiring managers were looking solely for “diverse” individuals, and as a Caucasian male, the
27 Google employee did not help fill their mandatory (and illegal) quotas. The Google employee was
28 otherwise completely qualified for the positions for which he applied. This discrimination was

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 confirmed a few days later when on February 2, 2017, the Google employee’s former director initiated
2 a “Diversity Team Kickoff” with the intent to freeze headcount so that teams could find “diversity
3 candidates” to help fill the empty roles. Google was specifically looking for women and non-
4 Caucasian/Asian individuals to fill these roles.
5 219. In a further display of disregard for the law, Charles Mendis (“Mendis”), an
6 Engineering Director at Google, informed his team that he was “freezing [headcount]” so that he could
7 reserve future open positions for diverse candidates. Mendis stated, “For each position we have open
8 work on getting multiple candidates including a diversity candidate.” He then went on to state, “Often
9 the first qualified candidate is not a diversity candidate, waiting to have a few qualified candidates and
10 being patient is important.”
11 220. This discrimination against members of Google-disfavored races and males was not
12 only allowed at Google, but was supported and actively encouraged.
13 221. Facing the threat of termination unless he met a looming March 2017 transfer deadline
14 imposed by Google HR, the Google employee was finally able to secure a position with a team in the
15 Ads and Commerce Product Area.
16 222. The team was a new area for the Google employee, but his supervisor praised his work
17 and his ability to learn the new field so quickly. On or around April 2017, a few months after he
18 started working with his new team, the Google employee’s reviewing manager stated in a written
19 performance review, “[The Google employee] has ramped up fast on ML, a new area for him,” and his
20 manager further told the Google employee that he was on track to receive either an “Exceeds” or
21 “Strongly Exceeds Expectations” rating in the next performance cycle.
22 223. The Google employee was further told during his weekly one-on-one meetings with his
23 manager in July 2017 that he was doing fine work. The Google employee’s manager had no
24 complaints or issues to discuss with him.
25 224. Although the Google employee was coming along nicely in his new team, he did not
26 feel that it was a good fit due to the lack of coding involved and was frustrated with the pace of
27 bureaucracy on the team. Therefore, the Google employee reached out to Stephen Gillet (“Gillet”) of

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 the Google X team, whom he had previously corresponded with back when the Google employee was

2 leaving one of his previous teams.

3 225. Gillet was receptive to the idea of re-engaging with the Google employee for the

4 purposes of transfening him over, and connected him to a few other members of the team, including

5 Will Robinson ("Robinson"), the hiring manager of Google X .

6 226. While the Google employee was in the middle of discussing the transfer, Damore's

7 memo began going viral. On August 4, 2017, the Google employee commented in suppo1t of
8 Damore's memo and its defense of the conservative ideology, and stated:

"Thank you for raising this impo1iant issue James. All too often I believe this
subject is po1irayed very one-sidedly here at Google, and with real consequences
11 for those who dare to question the dominant narrative. "

The Google employee then went on vacation after that until approximately August 15, 2017.
227. While the Google employee was out of the office, his director sent an organization-
wide email encouraging all employees to attend "Ads Diversity and Inclusion Week", while
simultaneously condemning Damore's memo, stating that "misogyny an d racism are not ' political
views." '

18 Diversity and Inclusion and "the doc"

Mike Schulman Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 5:20 PM
19 Reply-To:
To: cen-all <[email protected]>
Hi all,

21 I actually drafted this email out last week around encouraging folks to come take part in the Ads Diversity and Inclusion
Week coming up in 7 days! I still plan to encourage participation so hold tight That said a lot has happened between last
22 Friday and today.

To jump right in, I've read the document and have personally found the premise repulsive and the arguments intellectually
23 dishonest. I feel it propagates harmful and invalid stereotypes and advances a misunderstanding on how Google or any
technology company operates.
I very much want a workplace where all people feel safe and can be successful. This includes political views, and Google
25 has room to improve in thls area, but I refuse to accept that misogyny and racism are "political views". Events 6ke Ads
Diversity and Inclusion Week are important opportlmities for us as a team to stand up for what is important to us. I will be
taking part and encourage all of you too as well.
As always please reach out to me, your manager. or your HRBP.
thanks... mike

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 228. On or around September 6, 2017, less than one week before managers began meeting to
2 determine calibration ratings, the Google employee suddenly and suspiciously received verbal
3 feedback from his manager that he was in danger of not meeting expectations. On the next day,
4 Robinson emailed the Google employee that the “[next] (and near-final) step in the process on our side
5 would be a chat with your current manager. This is a normal piece of due diligence that I do for all
6 transfers, and it’s usually the last step before we make a formal transfer offer.”
7 229. On September 12, 2017, the Google employee informed his reviewing manager of his
8 desire to join the Google X team. His reviewing manager claimed to be supportive of the transfer, even
9 offering to expedite it to ensure it would go through before performance reviews are finalized.
10 230. On September 19, 2017, during the weekly one-on-one meetings, his reviewing
11 manager began discussing the Google employee’s future with the team, and told the Google employee
12 that he needed to deliver a sizeable project in the final quarter of the year with “no room for failure.”
13 The Google employee understood this statement to mean that his performance review and his transfer
14 were now in jeopardy.
15 231. A few days later, on September 22, 2017, the Google employee received an email from
16 Robinson titled “Bad News.” The email went on to state that “[a]fter a lot of thought and discussion,
17 I’ve come to the conclusion that the right fit isn’t there for you and our team at this time.”
18 232. Robinson’s sudden and cryptic turnaround, along with the Google employee’s
19 reviewing manager’s negative verbal feedback, just a few weeks after the Google employee’s
20 comment of support in Damore’s memo, made it clear that the transfer was subverted by the Google
21 employee’s management chain at Google due to his political views.
22 233. On or about October 12, 2017, the Google employee confronted his reviewing manager
23 during their one-on-one meeting about his call with Robinson, but his reviewing manager naturally
24 denied any wrongdoing and stated that he only “had a 15-minute conversation regarding [the Google
25 employee’s] strengths and weaknesses.”
26 234. On or about October 25, 2017, two weeks after that weekly meeting, the Google
27 employee received a “Needs Improvement” rating. This occurred despite the fact that his reviewing
28 manager had been assuring the Google employee every week since September 19, 2017, that he had

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 been meeting expectations. The Google employee also argued that the rating was unfair because he
2 only learned of his alleged “poor performance” on September 6, 2017.
3 235. Because this “Needs Improvement” rating was his second one (during his ten-year
4 tenure at Google), the Google employee was also automatically placed on a Performance Improvement
5 Plan (“PIP”). This was the first time the Google employee had received any written feedback since
6 joining his new team that his performance was in need of improvement.
7 236. The Google employee had worked at Google for nearly a decade without incident, and
8 as soon as Googlers learned he supported conservative ideologies, he lost his transfer to a different
9 team, received a poor performance rating, and was placed on a PIP. The employee ultimately left
10 Google as a result of this orchestrated harassment.
11 Google Literally Defines “Diverse Candidates” as
12 Blacks, Hispanics, Veterans, PWDs, and Women
13 And Maintains Quotas
14 237. On May 3, 2016, Gina Coons (“Coons”), Global Marketing Staffing Lead at Google,
15 who manages a group of approximately 16 Google recruiters, sent an email entitled “[Please read]
16 New Monthly Global Staffing Meeting details.” In this email, which was sent to the entire Global
17 Staffing team, Coons forwarded an email from Michael Moran (“Moran”), a recruiter at Google, dated
18 April 28, 2016. In Moran’s email, Moran described two programs at Google: Center Stage and
19 Supplemental Headcount.
20 238. The Center Stage Program was a new project at Google that aimed to “feature
21 exceptional marketing talent to Leadership in an effort to better socialize profiles across the business
22 and find candidates a suitable home.” Moran stated in his email that this project places an “[e]mphasis
23 on diversity (80% of talent featured should be diverse).”
24 Center Stage (golcenterstagem he l
A new project that aims to feature exceptional marketing talent lo Leadership in an effort lo better socialize profiles across the business and find candidates a
suitable home.
• Emphasis on diversity (80% of talent featured should be diverse l
26 • Eligibility: Screened by Staffing AND the business
o At. least 1 Hangout interview with the business
o Preferably a slate of onsites completed
27 o Feedback is all Good for Google/Good for Marketing
• Presented at MHC as new candidates added
• Submit candidates for consideration via oo/cenjerstag~
28 o Submit by end of Thursday for consideration at following Monday's committee

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 239. The Supplemental Headcount Program was "a last-ditch strategy for getting diverse
2 talent into Google when all other avenues have been exhausted." Moran went on to state "POps has a
3 handful of HC reserved exclusively for diverse HC. Diverse candidates are: Black, Hispanic, veterans,
4 PWD, and L4+ women." Upon infonnation and belief, "PWD" stands for "People with Disabilities."
Supplemental Heaclco1.11t Program (golsuP-S;!lementalhcoverviewl
Supplemental Headcoonl allocation is a last-ditch strategy for getting diverse talent into Google when all other avenues have been exhausted. POps has a handful
6 of HC resented exclusively fordivetSe HC. Diverse candidates are: Black, Hispanic, veterans, POO, and L4-t- women.

• Read up on the protocol for pursuing candidates Jltm. Lots of legal jargon, but imperative that the process is followed dosely.
7 • Most likely cases lo gel approval:
o Offer/Candiclate ·reviVal"
o No HC in location
8 • No HC at candidate level
• Requi'ements: Appfoval from HRBP; Approval from Supplemental HC program (GVC meeting with recruiter, HRBP, HM, and SHC rep)
• HC will be transferred to business cost center once candidate accepts offer

• Micha@I Moran
Google • Recruiter

13 240. Notably, Caucasians, Asians, and males are left out of Google's definition, and are thus
14 being eliminated for consideration for certain categories of job openings at Google.
15 Google Treats "Diverse Candidates" Differently

16 Than Caucasians, Asians, and/or Males

17 241. Upon info1mation and belief, Google's subsidia1y, YouTube, implemented policies at
18 Google's direction that discriminated against Caucasians, Asians, and males for the sake of increasing
19 diversity. Google and its subsidiaries gave preferential hn·ing treatment to "diverse candidates" at the
20 expense of candidates who happened to be male or identified as a Google-disfavored race.

21 242. Teny O'Connor ("O 'Connor"), Staffing Leader & Leadership Recrniting at Google,
22 sent her entire recrniting team an email on December 8, 2015, stating that they had "successfully
23 [hired] all of [their] T3 2016 YT New Grads," and that recrniters should "not schedule any interviews
24 for T3 SWE [software engineering] candidates going f01ward." She ended the email by congratulating
25 her team "on meeting the YT New Grad hiring targets," and said that it was "time to focus on L4+,
26 diversity and iOS." O'Connor's email showed that they had filled all the open positions and that there
27 was no longer a need to hire additional employees.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
Terry Oconnor

2 HJ t.eam ,

This is an rtlportant foUow up from ou, team meetilg yesterday re New Gl:ad/TJ hiring.
3 Snee we've suc:cess'fiJly hired al of oorT3 2016 YT New Grads. please do not sde:1.J1e any mteruews for T3 SWEs candidates going forvran::t Also do not send T3 SWE candidates to 1he 'f'TBAhiringmanage.r alias.

rd lfke lo meet with each of you this week to review your T3 candida:es currentty on the aU::x::a!:ion tnx and In your queue. Pfease add lime to ailendar asap.
4 Awesooie J)b on meebng the YT New Grad hiing targets-fine to focus on L-1 +- , d.'VefSity a.ndiOS.

Thanks so much!
5 Terry

7 243. Antonio Caminong (“Caminong”), a Technical Recruiter at Google, responded to this

8 email and asked if this halt in hiring applied to “diverse” T3 software engineers.

9 244. O’Connor responded to Caminong stating “great question – please review all T3

10 candidates with me.” O’Connor stated this even through there were allegedly no open spots available

11 or open at Google as her team had meet their “hiring targets.”

12 245. O’Connor’s response shows that Google maintained special procedures for its “racially

13 favored” candidates—benefits which were not afforded to males or Caucasians/Asians. Upon

14 information and belief, Google considered and hired multiple “diverse” candidates after O’Connor’s

15 email in an effort to boost its diversity statistics – implicitly, refusing to consider candidates that were

16 male or members of Google-disfavored races for those job openings.

17 246. Upon information and belief, Google tracked the race and gender of the applicants and

18 used these protected categories to determine who it hired to the detriment of males and members of

19 Google-disfavored races.

20 247. Upon information and belief, Google attempted to conceal its illegal discrimination by

21 asking its employees to delete emails and any other references to its hiring quotas or preferences for

22 “diverse” candidates. Google managers would also hold internal meetings explicitly stating the quotas

23 that were being set for new hires, and would ask recruiters to focus on hiring females and non-

24 Caucasian/Asian candidates. These quotas were referred to as “goals,” “benchmarks,” and “OKRs.”

25 Google managers asked that this strategy of increasing diversity be kept secret, and these “goals” were

26 typically communicated orally to internal recruiters at in-person meetings.

27 248. Upon information and belief, Google employs internal recruiters whose sole

28 responsibility was to hire only “diverse” candidates. These recruiters were explicitly instructed not to

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 hire males, or candidates who were Caucasian or Asian. They were also told to recrnit only at colleges
2 and universities that were historically known for having smaller populations of men, Caucasians, and

3 Asians.
Parlsa Tabriz 3.125/16
On Fri, Mar 25, 201 6 at 12:16 PM, Rachel Blum- - - - . . ,rote:
I like these, ahhough I _really_ like this one: ~ 7/ likely be for geo to rommif to taking a certain percentage of our new hires from recruiting
6 pipelines mat manage to find strong candidates with rrore varied backgrounds. Wnich means that there are recruiting ppehnes that find from a more varied
background. Wtry doesn1 ours? (I'm not seeing much of the non-LAX pipeline so _ maybe_ it's a localized problem. Although hiing suggesls that, well, our pipeline
7 is rather unifOITT1)

8 Google Disguised its Hiring Quotas as OKRs

9 249. Upon info1mation and belief, in or around 2017, Google released an internal
10 powerpoint deck of a "Diversity Scorecard" that looked at its diversity statistics in Q l 2017. In this
11 deck, Google laid out its "Objective and Key Results" ("OKRs"). OKRs is a process used by Google
12 for setting, communicating, and monitoring qua1terly goals and results.
13 250. Google stated that overall, women represented 16% of its SWE workforce, black
14 Googlers compromised 0.9% of its SWE workforce, and Hispanics compromised 2.8% of its SWE
15 workforce. Google's OKRs were that the SWE population distribution reaches or exceeds the
16 available candidate pool with respect to diversity by Ql 2018, and that there be 23% women, 5%
17 Black+, an d 4% Hispanics/Latino+ in the workforce.
18 251. After the Q l 2017 diversity OKRs were released, Gayathri Rajan ("Rajan"), Vice
19 President of Product Management at Google, sent an email on March 6, 2017, on behalf of the Geo
20 Diversity Council at stating that "we have specific goals around ensuring that the Geo SWE population
21 distribution exceeds the available candidate pool with respect for diversity. Geo managers will be
22 provided hiring training and will be asked to pruticipate in extensive outreach to colleges with diverse
23 candidate pools." Rajan continued to state that eve1y Geo manager "must have a plan for their team's
24 career development" with a "pipeline that [was] vetted for representativeness." Rajan stated that her
25 team would "also launch the Geo Guides Mentorship Progi-am and expand the Women@Geo
26 Mentorship Program to continue making progress on cru·eer development."
27 252. The OKRs that Google set and that Google Management promoted, were actually
28 quotas that Google man agers were ordered to fill. Google managers are constantly pressured to use

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 applicants’ race and gender as hiring factors, and are explicitly told (warned) that failure to meet the
2 quotas could result in adverse career consequences for managers.
3 253. Plaintiffs and class members may point to innumerable other examples of illegal and
4 discriminatory conduct at Google. For the sake of relative brevity, only a handful of examples have
5 been described in this First Amended Complaint. Attached as Exhibit B to the First Amended
6 Complaint is a compilation of posts and “memes” from Google’s internal message boards designed for
7 employee use. All approximately 80,000 Google employees have access to an internal meme generator
8 site that is described as “a space for sharing internal news, announcements, passive-aggressive
9 statements, awesomeness, witty remarks, Reddit OC and cynical-in-a-good-way experiences on
10 Google and outside.” Employees often use the memegen tool to post offhand comments and
11 observations for others to see; there is a voting mechanism that puts the most popular entries on the
12 top of the page. Other entries on Exhibit B are from widespread Google internal communications
13 available to employees.
15 254. As amply supported by the allegations set forth in this First Amended Complaint,
16 Google has adopted a pattern and practice of disparately and adversely treating similarly situated job
17 applicants because of the applicants’ race, sex, and political affiliations and activities. Google and its
18 management fetishize “diversity” as measured by these protected characteristics only, and mandate
19 that the percentage of non-Caucasian/Asian, non-male, and non-conservatives employed by Google
20 increase rapidly over time. In so doing, Google assigns negative value to applications submitted by
21 persons perceived to be members of Google-disfavored races, male, and/or conservative, by virtue of
22 the applicant’s protected traits, affiliations, or activities. Google favors for employment applicants
23 lacking those traits, affiliations, or activities and instructs or permits hiring personnel to evaluate job
24 applicants on the basis of these protected traits, affiliations, and activities.
25 255. Google’s hiring practices, including the ample discretion afforded to hiring personnel in
26 determining whether a prospective employee is a “cultural fit” within Google, in conjunction with
27 Google’s widely-known toleration and approval of hostility, bullying, and discrimination against
28 employees deemed to be members of Google-disfavored races, also render it more likely that a non-

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 Caucasian/Asian, non-male, or non-conservative applicant will be hired over similarly situated
2 Caucasian/Asian, male, conservative applicants for any given position. Thus, in the alternative,
3 Google’s hiring practices negatively and disparately impact job applicants, including Amador,
4 McPherson, and Burns, who are, or are perceived to be, members of Google-disfavored races, male,
5 and/or conservative. Individuals from these categories are disproportionately less likely to be hired by
6 Google as a causal result of Google’s illegal hiring practices.
7 256. The stories of Plaintiffs Amador, McPherson, and Burns, who were refused
8 employment by Google as a result of invidious discrimination, are described below.
10 Amador Joins Google as a Systems Engineer
11 257. Amador is an accomplished software and reliability engineer, and has worked for
12 several prominent tech companies in the United States and abroad, including Google, Cloud.com,
13 Twilio, Inc., StumbleUpon, and Aditazz. He earned a bachelor’s degree in information management
14 and software engineering from the Universidad Santa Maria in Chile.
15 258. Amador is male, a trait evident from his appearance and name, and is known to be male
16 by Google.
17 259. On or around September 2013, Amador began work at Google’s San Francisco,
18 California headquarters as a site reliability engineer. Then on or around October 5, 2015, Amador
19 transferred to Google’s Switzerland office, where he continued to work as a systems engineer. Amador
20 was an exemplary employee, and met or exceeded all of Google’s expectations.
21 260. The same cannot be said for Google. During his time at Google, Amador experienced
22 the same intolerance of conservative viewpoints, or any viewpoint that did not support the narrow set
23 of ideologies tolerated at Google, as identified by Damore and Gudeman. Often, this intolerance would
24 result in Amador being wrongly accused of being intolerant himself, simply because Amador dared to
25 challenge the views expressed by his colleagues. Such intolerant and harassing behavior was often
26 motivated by discrimination against Amador, on the basis of his real or perceived viewpoints and/or
27 gender, and racism toward Google-disfavored races.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 261. Despite being faced with such hostility, Amador continued to voice his opinions, in
2 direct defiance of those at Google that seek to silence and expel all opposing viewpoints.
3 262. The culture of intolerance, however, eventually became too much for Amador to bear.
4 In or around June 2016, Amador was called to a meeting with Google HR as a result of someone
5 falsely accusing Amador of believing that people have differing levels of intelligence based on that
6 person’s race. Amador has never thought that, does not believe it to be true, and has never written or
7 spoken as if he believed it to be true. This false complaint was filed by an anonymous complainant as
8 means to stifle Amador’s political activities and conversations at Google, was done to harass Amador
9 on the basis of his race and/or gender, and resulted in Amador receiving a letter from Google
10 reprimanding Amador.
11 263. Despite the complaint being entirely fabricated, Google sided with the harassers and
12 asked that Amador issue an apology. At that point, Amador felt compelled to leave Google as a result
13 of the hostile work environment created by, and left unchecked at, Google. To stay at Google brought
14 with it an unacceptably high risk that Amador’s personal and professional reputation would be
15 permanently tarnished by those at Google bent on suppressing and expelling those who hold
16 viewpoints different from their own, Google-disfavored races, and/or males. By demanding that
17 Amador apologize over a falsified complaint, Google sent a clear message that it would allow and
18 enable such hostile, retaliatory, and oppressive conduct to occur unchecked.
19 Amador Voluntarily Departs Google and Releases an Open Letter
20 264. As a result of these hostile workplace conditions, Amador voluntarily left his job at
21 Google on or around July 27, 2016. In his written notice of resignation to Google’s Adam Iwanicki
22 and Brian Kennan, Amador stated that though he profoundly appreciated his involvement on his team,
23 “the way in which [Amador] ha[s] been repeatedly treated by other members of the company
24 (including H.R.) in response to [Amador] speaking up on a variety of subjects, ranging from political
25 events to workplace conditions, ha[s] made [Amador’s] stay at Google too stressful….”
26 265. Amador also released an open letter in which Amador said “goodbye” to Google and
27 identified his reasons for leaving. Specifically, Amador wrote that “Google employs a few individuals
28 (from rank-and-file to upper management) who are or have become highly ideological. They have

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 made it one of their ostensible missions to have the entire company conform to these ideologies. Most
2 of them believe that all of us – me and many others included – should not be permitted to impugn or
3 question the ideologies they want to impose.”
4 266. Amador’s letter further elaborates on the politically-charged monoculture that is hostile
5 to certain viewpoints, including conservatism and libertarianism: “many people (including me) have
6 faced contempt, opprobrium, insults, smears, provocations, threats of industry blacklisting, and even
7 frivolous H.R. reports that influence my career (and many others’), in retaliation for voicing my mind.
8 The tone of this treatment was always particularly intense whenever I dared to question the set of
9 ideologies that I found incorrect, toxic or divisive. I have been slurred as a racist, a sexist and
10 ‘privileged,’ in direct contradiction to the content of my thoughts…I have been directly ordered by
11 senior management to ‘stop posting immediately’ on a thread where I had managed to give other
12 Googlers the impression that it was okay to discuss a common myth about free speech.” As a result of
13 this hostility, Amador was forced to leave Google. A copy of Amador’s open letter is attached here as
14 Exhibit C.
15 267. After his departure, Amador received a written letter from Google, signed by Manuel
16 Chiatello, from Google’s Human Resources Management, and Adam Iwanicki, Google’s Site
17 Reliability Manager, recommending to any prospective employer that Amador be hired. The letter
18 identifies what Google believed to be several of Amador’s strengths as an employee, including his
19 ability to “integrate into the different types of activities he was involved in,” “good planning
20 capabilities and sound judgment,” “good organizational skills,” his ability to cope with “high volumes
21 of work,” and that “Manuel was friendly, open and tactful with superiors and colleagues. His personal
22 behavior was respectable. He was a reliable colleague. The quality of his work met our requirements.”
23 268. Thereafter, Amador was hired by another tech company in Switzerland.
24 Google Refuses to Re-Hire Amador Due to His Protected Status and His Political Activities
25 269. After a period of time, Amador decided to return to Google. While Amador found
26 Google’s culture of intolerance disappointing, he also felt that he should not let Google and a portion
27 of its most vocal employees drive his career decisions, and that his presence at Google might aid in the

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 creation of a more diverse and open workplace, free of discrimination, retaliation, and threats made
2 against those that express viewpoints that are currently not tolerated at Google.
3 270. It is Google’s custom and practice to rehire former employees who voluntarily left their
4 jobs at Google, pursuant to simplified, streamlined rehiring procedures. For example, a former
5 employee wishing to return to his recently vacated position needs only to contact that employee’s
6 former supervisor, request to be rehired, and if the position is available, the employee will be rehired
7 without any formal interview process.
8 271. Accordingly, Amador understood and reasonably believed that he could and would be
9 rehired for the same or substantially similar role as his former position at Google. A former colleague,
10 friend, and current Google employee (referred hereinafter as “Amador’s friend”), also referred and
11 recommended to Google that Amador be rehired as a systems engineer, a position Amador is amply
12 qualified for, including because he performed identical or substantially similar work for Google for
13 approximately three years and he had met all expectations during that time.
14 272. In or around April 2017, Amador applied for the position of systems engineer at three
15 of Google’s offices, including Mountain View, California.
16 273. On April 18, 2017, Google recruiter Taylor Rosser (“Rosser”) emailed Amador,
17 informing him that, despite another Google employee referring him for the position, after “carefully
18 reviewing [Amador’s] background and experience,” Google would not be proceeding with Amador’s
19 application.
20 274. That same day, Amador responded to Rosser’s email, reminding Rosser that Amador
21 performed the same or substantially similar job functions as a systems engineer for Google for the
22 previous three years, and during that time he always met Google’s expectations. Amador also stated
23 that he has 18 years’ work experience in the industry, and that several people would submit
24 recommendations on his behalf, including former teammates, if required. Amador also asked Rosser if
25 she had any suggestions for what other Google positions he should apply for.
26 275. On April 19, 2017, Rosser responded by email, stating that “I was able to share your
27 profile with the individual hiring teams for each of these roles and they chose to pass, stating that they
28 currently have stronger candidates already in progress. I’m unable to suggest any specific roles that

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 you might be a fit for, but the google.com/career page has a variety of options available for you to
2 apply to.”
3 276. Amador responded by email, asking for further information as to the level of
4 experience of the current candidates being considered and why Rosser was unable to suggest a few
5 positions for which Amador could apply. Rosser refused to respond substantively to Amador’s
6 concerns, and evaded his follow-up questions.
7 277. Disturbed by Google’s refusal to rehire him for the same or similar role as he had
8 previously held, which was contrary to Google’s usual practice of rehiring former employees, Amador
9 asked Amador’s friend if he knew why this might be the case. Amador’s friend then approached the
10 Google recruiter, Rosser, to discuss why Amador’s application had been rejected. Rosser stated to
11 Amador’s friend that all other candidates for the systems engineer positions were more qualified than
12 Amador. This reason given by Rosser was false and pretextual.
13 278. Unconvinced that this was the reason, Amador’s friend inquired further and discovered
14 that other applicants had been, at most, designated as an “L3.” Amador, however, was an “L4” during
15 his employment with Google, indicating that Amador was more qualified and/or experienced than the
16 all other applicants, according to Google’s own internal standards.
17 279. Amador’s friend then informed Rosser that Amador was a “L4” when Amador left
18 Google, and that it did not make sense that Google would hire an “L3,” someone of lesser experience
19 than Amador, in Amador’s place. Rosser again acted evasively, avoided answering Amador’s friend’s
20 questions and ultimately refused to provide any cognizable answer as to why Amador’s application
21 had been rejected.
22 280. Amador’s friend later informed Amador that he believed Google had blacklisted
23 Amador from employment at Google.
24 281. Accordingly, Amador is informed and believes, and thereupon alleges, that Google
25 blacklisted him from employment at Google, as a result of his real or perceived political viewpoints,
26 activities, and affiliations, and as a result of his being male, which is, unfortunately, consistent with
27 Google’s unlawful employment practices.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 282. Despite his ample experience and qualifications, including his several years of working
2 at Google in the same or similar role as the position Amador applied for, which he did to Google’s
3 express satisfaction, Google categorically refuses to rehire Amador.
4 283. Despite rejecting Amador’s application, the positions for which Amador applied
5 remained open at the time his applications were rejected, and Google continued to seek applicants
6 from persons of Amador’s qualifications.
7 284. In accordance with its unlawful and discriminatory patterns, practices, and policies,
8 Google refused to rehire Amador on the basis of his actual or perceived political affiliation and
9 activities, and his gender. Indeed, as discussed herein, the pattern and practice of refusing to hire
10 candidates because of these protected traits or activities is pervasive throughout Google.
11 285. Amador’s application for employment was also rejected by Google as a direct result of
12 Google’s hiring practices that disparately impact actual or perceived, members of Google-disfavored
13 races and/or males. Google permits all hiring personnel a wide degree of discretion in assessing and
14 refusing to hire persons that are not considered to be a “cultural fit” within Google, while
15 simultaneously demanding a more diversified workforce and that all employees are, or become,
16 complicit in Google’s discriminatory hostility toward Caucasian/Asian, conservative men, and toward
17 all those that disagree with Google’s approach to achieving diversity in the workforce.
19 286. McPherson is a lawyer, consultant, commercial-rated pilot, and a former U.S. Navy
20 pilot with over a decade of proven leadership experience. McPherson earned a Bachelor of Arts in
21 History from Walla Walla University, in Washington, before earning a juris doctorate from University
22 of Idaho College of Law, followed by a Master’s degree in National Security Policy from the United
23 States Naval War College, in Newport, Rhode Island.
24 287. McPherson is a member of the Republican Party. From August 1996 to August 1998,
25 McPherson served as a congressional staffer for U.S. Representative George R. Nethercutt Jr., a
26 Republican congressman for the 5th Congressional District in the State of Washington. As a result of
27 this work, McPherson’s conservative political background is readily identifiable, including because his

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 prior employment for a Representative Nethercutt constitutes a part of McPherson’s employment
2 history and is identified as such on his resume.
3 288. After attending law school, McPherson worked as a litigator in Washington State for
4 approximately three years. Then in 2003, McPherson enlisted in the U.S. Navy, where he was trained
5 as a Navy pilot, and was deployed to the Persian Gulf, the Horn of Africa, and South America between
6 2005 and 2008, where he piloted Seahawk helicopters.
7 289. McPherson then served as a pilot instructor for the Navy in Jacksonville, Florida for
8 several years, before being transferred to Naples, Italy, where he served as a Commanding Officer’s
9 Lead Project Manager, during which time he managed the finances of an $11-million U.S. military
10 program. From 2013 to 2016, McPherson was stationed in San Diego, California, where he continued
11 to serve in the U.S. Navy as a Senior Manager for the Aviation Training Department with the Littoral
12 Combat Ship Squadron. After leaving the Navy in 2016, McPherson worked as a consultant for the
13 firm Booz Allen Hamilton. He is currently employed as a civil servant for the U.S. Federal
14 Government as a Real Estate Contracting Officer, and is temporarily residing in Naples, Italy, in
15 conjunction with that employment.
16 290. McPherson is a white male. Both of these traits are visibly apparent from his person.
17 McPherson Applies for a Job at Google
18 291. During his decade-long service with the U.S. Navy, McPherson witnessed or learned
19 from at least two other Navy pilots that Google had offered each a job through Google’s veterans
20 placement program.
21 292. In 2016, while stationed in San Diego, California, McPherson transitioned out of the
22 Navy, and applied for a project manager position with the Google Fiber project. While the position
23 may have required McPherson to relocate to Texas, Google considered, interviewed, and ultimately
24 rejected McPherson’s application in its headquarters in Mountain View, California.
25 293. McPherson met all qualifications for the project manager position listed by Google.
26 Based on McPherson’s ample qualifications and extensive leadership experience, he was a strong
27 candidate for the position. Moreover, a former Navy pilot and current Google employee, Manolo
28 Strange (“Strange”), referred McPherson to Google as a prospective employee.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 294. In March 2016, McPherson submitted his application materials and was thereafter
2 contacted for initial telephone interviews in March 2016.
3 295. In April 2016, evidently impressed by McPherson, Google paid to have McPherson
4 flown up to Mountain View, California on or around April 26, 2016 for a series of in-person
5 interviews that took place at Google’s headquarters. This day-long interview process involved
6 approximately five in-person interviews, as well as a more casual interview over lunch, which was
7 intended, in part, to allow McPherson an opportunity to converse informally with another Googler on
8 the Fiber team, and to ask questions.
9 296. Following his day-long interview process, Renee Doyle (“Doyle”), a Google’s HR
10 employee contacted McPherson and began discussing information related to his prospective salary,
11 including his most recent salary, bonus, and stock options. Another Google HR employee, Carmen
12 Simpson, emailed McPherson on May 24, 2016, stating, “Hi Stephen are you prepared to move to San
13 Antonio if I can get you an offer?” To which, McPherson responded in the affirmative. On June 1,
14 2016, Doyle contacted McPherson by email again, asking McPherson to let her know of any
15 competing offer details.
16 297. McPherson understood these exchanges to indicate Google was highly likely to offer
17 him the job.
18 298. Google also requested that McPherson interview with “John,” a member of the Google
19 Fiber team in Austin, Texas. The interview occurred over the phone on or around May 26, 2016.
20 Google Refuses to Hire McPherson
21 Due to His Protected Statuses and His Political Activities
22 299. Despite his ample qualifications, and experience, and the apparent interest by Google,
23 on or around June 10, 2016, Google informed McPherson that he was no longer being considered for
24 the project manager position. Specifically, Google’s staffing employee, Carmen Simpson, informed
25 McPherson that Google requires unanimity in their hiring decisions, and that Google was unable to
26 reach unanimity with McPherson’s application.
27 300. McPherson then contacted Strange, the former pilot who had referred him to Google,
28 and asked his advice on how to proceed. Strange stated to McPherson that what he experienced,

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 namely, being interviewed and proceeding almost to the point of an offer letter, “rarely happens,” but
2 that “once the decision is made they don’t reverse it.” Strange then suggested that McPherson reapply
3 in one year’s time.
4 301. Despite rejecting McPherson’s application, the position for which McPherson applied
5 remained open at the time his application was rejected, and Google continued to seek applicants from
6 persons of McPherson’s qualifications.
7 302. In accordance with its unlawful and discriminatory patterns, practices, and policies,
8 Google refused to hire McPherson on the basis of his political affiliation and activities, gender, and
9 Google-disfavored race. Indeed, as discussed herein, the pattern and practice of refusing to hire
10 candidates because of these protected traits or activities is pervasive throughout Google.
11 303. McPherson’s application for employment was also rejected by Google as a direct result
12 of Google’s hiring practices that disparately impact actual or perceived, members of Google-
13 disfavored races and/or males. Google permits all hiring personnel a wide degree of discretion in
14 assessing and refusing to hire individuals who are not considered to be a “cultural fit” within Google,
15 while simultaneously demanding a more diversified workforce and that all employees are, or become,
16 complicit in Google’s discriminatory hostility toward white, conservative men, and toward all those
17 who disagree with Google’s approach to achieving diversity in the workforce.
19 304. Burns is an accomplished copywriter, marketer, consultant, and entrepreneur. He is also
20 a conservative, white male.
21 305. For years, Burns has worked, directly and indirectly, for a variety of well-established
22 technology companies, including AOL, Microsoft, Visa, Hewlett Packard, Advanced Micro Devices,
23 and Dell, and he has since worked as a contractor, for several companies as a senior copywriter,
24 content strategist, and digital marketing strategies, including for GrokrLabs, Inc., Walmart Global
25 eCommerce, Tata Communications, and Symantec. He has also worked as a brand content and a
26 marketing program manager at several tech companies, including Ixia and Cisco.
27 306. In his spare time, Burns publishes or shares material on social media platforms that are
28 conservative or libertarian in nature, and/or that are likely to be perceived as conservative, including

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 on Twitter and on his LinkedIn profile. At the time of his application, the posts and comments made
2 on these platforms were accessible to the general public and/or to all persons with a Twitter or
3 LinkedIn account.
4 307. For example, Burns follows conservative and libertarian groups and individuals, such
5 as the Cato Institute, Reason Foundation, Heartland Institute, Independent Women’s Forum, and the
6 Heritage Foundation – all of which advocate political positions that fall outside the narrow political
7 ideologies tolerated by Google. Burns follows and/or shares posts made by these entities as a means of
8 engaging in political discussion on topical issues with others on social media.
9 308. As might be expected from an entrepreneur and marketing specialist, Burns includes a
10 hyperlink to his LinkedIn profile at the base of his signature block for every email he sends. This
11 allows interested persons, or companies, to more easily view his experiences, qualifications, and
12 recommendations from those that have used his services or have worked with Burns in the past.
13 Burns Applies for a Job at Google
14 309. Between October 23, 2015 and October 13, 2017, commensurate with his interests,
15 qualifications, and experience, Burns applied for numerous content, marketing, communications, and
16 copywriter positions with Google. Burns was not hired by Google for any of these positions.
17 310. On June 5, 2017, Burns applied for the position described by Google as “Copywriter,
18 Cloud Web Experience Lab – Sunnyvale.” The position was based in Google’s Sunnyvale facilities.
19 311. Burns’ extensive experience in marketing, content strategy, and copywriting satisfied
20 all qualifications specified in the job description posted by Google.
21 312. On or around June 26, 2017, Burns received an invitation from Google’s Creative
22 Recruiter, Lindsey McQueeney (“McQueeney”), for an initial interview with McQueeney “to discuss
23 [Burns’] status and career interests.” Burns promptly responded and discussed his interests with
24 McQueeney over the phone.
25 313. On or around July 5, 2017, Google’s Staffing Services Associate for Recruiting, Salma
26 Arabie (“Arabie”), contacted Burns for a follow-up screening interview, to be conducted over the
27 phone with a person identified as “Goldy.”

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 314. On July 18, 2017, Bmns completed the screening interview with Goldy successfully,
2 and Google then asked Bums to participate in additional follow-up inte1views over the phone with
3 Google's Cloud Web Experiences team in Sunnyvale.
4 315. On July 25, 2017, Bmns was contacted by Katie Papadonis ("Papadonis"), a Google
5 Recruiter, who provided additional information about Google Cloud Marketing to Bmns. Papadonis
6 then proceeded to anange for further interviews.
7 316. On August 2, 2017, Bmns was interviewed by Google 's Managing Director, Online,
8 Google Cloud, Greg Petroff ("Petroff'). Petroff would have been Bmns' supervisor had he received a
9 job offer from Google. Dming the interview, Bmns answered all questions asked of him satisfactorily,
10 and illustrated his ample qualifications and experience for the position.
11 31 7. Immediately following the interview with Petroff, Bmns emailed McQueeney and
12 Arabie thanking them for ananging the interview with Petroff, and stating his continued interest in
13 meeting the rest of the team at Sunnyvale. Bmns also disclosed that he was moving to a last rOlmd
14 conversation with another company for a contractor position, and that he was still open to being
15 considered for employment at Google regai·dless.
16 Google Refuses to Hire Burns
17 Due to His Protected Statuses and His Political Activities
18 318. On August 9, 2017, approximately one week after his interview with Petroff, Bums
19 shared an ai1icle on Twitter (originating on Linkedln), titled "What to Learn from Google 's Missing
20 Leadership on the Diversity Memo," written by New York University adjunct professor, Joshua
21 Spodek.
u II

22 MJc:haoJ 81,1m1 /4.iJt; 2017

svppcrt1ng thar ,OE.as,"

24 t:,o glE
Wh~tto Learn from Goo,gle', Missing l eader,hio on tht Diversity Me.,.
wnen 1\\•as, In graouate. scnoot, my LtTIIWrsty, Co;um.oa, ~ as co.i1siaeffn9
28 c:nang1ng llS ~ICY on aROWi'YJ ROTC Oil c.YTIPJ:S me Ul'llVtr~y presk1a,

0 n
First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 319. The article defended Damore’s right to speak his mind, rebuffed Google CEO Sundar
2 Pichai’s firing of Damore, and offered suggestions for how Pichai could have better handled the
3 situation.
4 320. Burns shared the article because he felt it contributed a unique political perspective as
5 to the heated political discussions about Damore and his controversial memo, which was counter to the
6 prevailing dismissive and derisive attitude exhibited by some members of the public and the press
7 toward Damore.
8 321. This post was shared by Burns on his publicly viewable Twitter account, which shares
9 the same profile name as Burns’ LinkedIn account. Burns also shares other posts, and comments on
10 other people’s posts, in a manner that might lead others to believe that Burns identifies politically as a
11 conservative. As a link to Burns’ LinkedIn account is contained at the base of each of Burns’ emails to
12 Google, those Google employees in a position to make the hiring decision as to Burns’ application for
13 employment had immediate access to review and consider Burns’ social media posts, including those
14 posts that are conservative-leaning, such as the article that defended Damore and was critical of
15 Google’s unlawful practices. On information and belief, Google did precisely this.
16 322. Burns is also a Caucasian male, which is evident from his name and the picture or
17 pictures of Burns visible on Burns’ Twitter and LinkedIn profile pages.
18 323. Despite his ample experience and qualifications, and interviewing for the position,
19 Burns was not offered the copywriter position or any subsequent role as a content strategist with
20 Google. Indeed, Burns later responded to Google’s request for contractors on LinkedIn, but was
21 denied any contractor position with Google, establishing that Burns is being categorically denied a
22 position at Google.
23 324. Despite rejecting Burns’ application, the position for which Burns applied remained
24 open at the time his application was rejected, and Google continued to seek applicants from persons of
25 Burns’ qualifications.
26 325. In accordance with its unlawful and discriminatory patterns, practices, and policies,
27 Google refused to hire Burns on the basis of his political affiliation and activities, gender, and race.
28 Indeed, as discussed above, the pattern and practice of refusing to hire candidates because of these

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 protected traits or activities is pervasive throughout Google. Unfortunately, Burns, like Amador and
2 McPherson, fell victim to Google’s unlawful devices.
3 326. Burns’ application for employment was also rejected by Google as a direct result of
4 Google’s hiring practices that disparately impact actual or perceived, members of a Google-disfavored
5 races and/or males. Google permits all hiring personnel a wide degree of discretion in assessing and
6 refusing to hire persons that are not considered to be a “cultural fit” within Google, while
7 simultaneously demanding a more diversified workforce and that all employees are, or become,
8 complicit in Google’s discriminatory hostility toward white, conservative men, and toward all those
9 that disagree with Google’s approach to achieving diversity in the workforce.
11 Google’s Discrimination Worsened after Its Illegal Practices Were Described Publicly
12 327. After Damore filed his initial Complaint on January 8, 2018, instead of reviewing and
13 revising its discriminatory practices, Google increased its efforts to hunt down and punish
14 conservative speech. Specifically, Google began monitoring the “conservatives@” list in an attempt to
15 locate conservatives, interrogate them about their posts and views, and give them pretextual warnings
16 and reprimands, supposedly to create the justification for a near-future termination.
17 328. Conservative employees began receiving warning for posts they had written and deleted
18 up to two years ago. For example, one Google employee, who was a member of the “conservatives@”
19 list at Google, was dragged into a meeting, without warning, in early 2018, to discuss a post that he
20 had written in mid-2017—approximately six months prior. After interrogating and accusing the
21 employee of specious and vague policy infractions, Google decided there was no policy violation.
22 Upon information and belief, these actions were taken because of the employee’s political beliefs and
23 activities.
24 329. On March 26, 2018, Employee Relations scheduled a surprise meeting with a
25 conservative employee to interrogate him about the use of a personal laptop to check his email—
26 something that is explicitly allowed under Google’s polices, and is extremely commonplace among
27 engineers. Upon information and belief, these actions were taken because of the employee’s political
28 beliefs and activities.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 330. On March 1, 2018, another conservative Google employee from the "conservatives@"
2 list received a warning from his manager for a posting from March 2016. This posting was so old that
3 it had been automatically deleted from Google' s email systems, but someone had apparently located or
4 saved a copy for the purpose of harassing this conservative employee. Upon information and belief,
5 these actions were taken because of the employee' s political beliefs and activities.
6 331. Managers continue to discriminate against conservatives, and, in fact, the
7 discrimination has worsened and became more apparent. Google managers explicitly began making
8 negative remarks about conservatives and made clear attempts to tell employees not to vote for
9 Republicans.
10 332. For example, Rahul Chaturvedi ("Chaturvedi"), an L6 software engineering manager in
11 the Chrome OS division with seven direct repo11s, stated in an internal Google memegen comments
12 section that "[w]ith politics, people who express conservative views, actually end up *voting*
13 republican - which has massively negative effects on a large number of people's lives." Chaturvedi
14 went on to state that if you happen to be an individual who votes Republican, "it is rather hard to just
15 smug off someone's republican viewpoint as just a difference of opinion."
17 January 12, 2018, 8:09 AM PST
Having a political viewpoint is fine as long it is really just an intellectual
18 discussion. With politics, people who express conservative views, actually end
19 up *voting* republican - which has massively negative effects on a large
number of people's lives. If you happen to be one of those people or even
20 know some of those people, or you know, actually have any basic ·respect" for
those people, it is rather hard to just shrug off someone's republican viewpoint
as just a difference in opinion.
24 Google Couched Whistleblowing as Harassment

25 In an Attempt to Silence Conservatives

26 333. Since Damore filed his complaint against Google, employees have been anonymously
27 sharing evidence of alleged harassment, retaliation, intimidation, and misconduct directed at


First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 conservative employees of the company, in a clearly protected attempt to whistle-blow on alleged and
2 perceived unlawful conduct.

3 334. Google has aggressively attempted to recast the whistleblowers as " doxers" and
4 "harassers," although it provided no evidence to suppo1t these claims.

5 335. Holzle wrote on an internal Google post that he hoped to "identify" those responsible
6 for the "reprehensible conduct." Holzle hoped to retaliate against the whistleblowers.


8 Urs Holzle google.com IJ Jan 27, 2018 ••

10 Sometimes, like yesterday, l am ... saddened? taken aback? disgusted? by the

thought that there are Googlers coming to work filled with hate towards the1r
colleagues. I'm not even sure what adjective to use ....but it's sad. No matter the
topic, there's jus1 no room for hate at Google.

14 But then again, I remind myself that 99 99% of our colleagues do not fall into
15 that group, and that we can't let a small fraction of employees dominate our
thoughts, feelings, and culture. That makes me hopeful that we can overcome
the attempts to create a culture of hat,e and fear.

18 But that is little comfort to the Googlers who are being doxxed or harrassed. I
19 hope we wm identtty those behind this reprehensible conduct. All Googlers are
responsible for upholding a workplace and culture that is free of harassment.
discrimination, misconduct, bullying, and retaliation.

■- < ■
336. Google is deliberately attempting to conflate conservative whistleblowers engaging in a
protected employment activity by bringing attention to unlawful work practices within Google, with
inappropriate harassing activity such as " <loxing."

First Amended Complaint
Case No. 18CV321529
1 337. Hölzle, a senior official in Google, is leading this charge and is helping create the
2 discriminatory environment conservatives are complaining about. The apparent intent of Hölzle’s
3 threat is to intimidate employees from exercising their lawful right to report Google’s severe and
4 pervasive workplace problems.
6 338. Plaintiffs bring their first, second, third, fourth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth causes of
7 action pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure § 382 on behalf of themselves and on behalf of
8 the following proposed Class, which all Plaintiffs are members of, and Subclasses:
Class: All employees and job applicants of Google, who were discriminated
10 against by Google, in California, due to their perceived conservative
viewpoints/activities, their race, and/or their gender at any time during the time
11 period beginning four years prior to the filing of the initial complaint on January
8, 2018 through the date of trial in this action (“Class”).
13 Political Subclass: All employees and job applicants of Google who identified
themselves as having conservative viewpoints through their words, actions, and/or
14 conduct, who were discriminated against by Google due to their perceived
conservative viewpoints and/or activities, in California, at any time during the
time period beginning four years prior to the filing of the initial complaint on
16 January 8, 2018 through the date of trial in this action (“Political Subclass”).
17 Gender Subclass: All employees and job applicants of Google discriminated
18 against by Google in California for being males at any time during the time period
beginning one year prior to the filing of the initial complaint on January 8, 2018
19 through the date of trial in this action (“Gender Subclass”).
20 Race Subclass: All employees and job applicants of Google discriminated against
21 by Google in California for being Caucasian or Asian at any time during the time
period beginning one year prior to the filing of the initial complaint on January 8,
22 2018 through the date of trial in this action (“Race Subclass”).
23 Hostile Work Environment Subclass: All members of the Gender Subclass and
24 Race Subclass employed by Google at any time during the time period beginning
one year prior to the filing of the initial complaint on January 8, 2018 through the
25 date of trial in this action (“Hostile Work Environment Subclass”) (Political
Subclass, Gender Subclass, Race Subclass, and Hostile Work Environment
26 Subclass, collectively referred to as “Subclasses”). 4
28 Plaintiffs Damore and Gudeman are members and representatives of the Class and all Subclasses;
Plaintiff Amador is a member and representative of the Class and Political and Gender Subclasses;

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
Plaintiffs reserve the right to amend the definitions of Class and Subclasses following discovery.
2 339. Excluded from the Class and Subclasses is anyone employed by counsel in this action,
3 and any judge to whom this action is assigned and his or her immediate family members.
4 340. This action is brought, and may properly be maintained, as a class action under Code
5 of Civil Procedure § 382, because each Class and Subclass is a well-defined community of interest in
6 the litigation, and each proposed Class and Subclass is easily ascertainable. There also exists a
7 sufficiently numerous classes or subclasses, and substantial benefits from certification that render
8 proceeding as Classes or Subclasses, superior to joinder, filing individually, or other alternatives.
9 341. Numerosity and Ascertainability: The size of the Class and Subclasses makes a class
10 action both necessary and efficient. Upon information and belief, Google employs approximately
11 30,000 employees located across California, and an estimated one to two million job applicants apply
12 to Google each year. Members of the Class and Subclasses are ascertainable through Google’s
13 records, but are so numerous that joinder of all individual Class and Subclass members would be
14 impractical.
15 342. Predominant Common Questions of Law and Fact: Common questions of law and fact
16 affecting the rights of all Class and Subclass members predominate over individualized issues. These
17 common questions include, but are not limited to:
18 a. whether Google has a systemic policy and/or practice of discriminating against
19 employees and job applicants due to their perceived conservative political views and
20 activities;
21 b. whether Google has a systemic policy and/or practice of discriminating against
22 employees and job applicants due to their gender;
23 c. whether Google has a systemic policy and/or practice of discriminating against
24 employees and job applicants due to their race;
25 d. whether Google’s systemic policy and/or practice of discriminating against employees
26 and job applicants due to their perceived conservative political views and activities
28 Plaintiff McPherson is a member and representative of the Class and Political Subclass; Plaintiff
Burns is a member and representative of the Class and Political, Gender, and Race Subclasses.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 violates California Labor Code § 1101 and 1102 et seq.;
2 e. whether Google’s systemic policy and/or practice of discriminating against employees
3 and job applicants due to their gender violates the Fair Employment and Housing Act;
4 f. whether Google’s systemic policy and/or practice of discriminating against employees
5 and job applicants due to their race violates the Fair Employment and Housing Act;
6 g. whether Google’s systemic policy and/or practice of discriminating against employees
7 and job applicants due to their perceived conservative political views and activities
8 was willful;
9 h. whether Google’s systemic policy and/or practice of discriminating against employees
10 and job applicants due to their gender was willful;
11 i. whether Google’s systemic policy and/or practice of discriminating against employees
12 and job applicants due to their race was willful;
13 j. whether Google established a hostile work environment or was aware of the same and
14 failed to take corrective action;
15 k. whether Google’s policies or practices violate Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200 et seq.;
16 l. whether equitable remedies, injunctive relief, damages, and/or attorneys’ fees for the
17 Class and/or Subclasses are warranted.
18 343. Typicality: Plaintiffs’ claims are typical of the claims of the Class and Subclasses as a
19 whole because Plaintiffs are employees or job applicants of Google in California during the
20 respective Class Periods, who were discriminated against for their perceived conservative views, their
21 gender, and/or their race.
22 344. Adequacy of Representation: Plaintiffs will fairly and adequately represent the
23 interests of the Class and Subclasses because their individual interests are consistent with, and not
24 opposed to, the interests of the Class and Subclasses, and because Plaintiffs have selected counsel
25 who have the requisite resources and ability to prosecute this case as a class action and are
26 experienced labor and employment attorneys who have successfully litigated other cases involving
27 similar issues and have litigated class actions.
28 345. Superiority of Class Mechanism: Class certification is appropriate because common

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 questions of law and fact predominate over any questions affecting only individual Class Members.
2 Google’s liability in this case is based on uniform company policies and procedures. The amount
3 owed to each individual Class Member is small in relation to the expense and burden of individual
4 litigation to recover that amount. The prosecution of separate actions against Google by individual
5 Class Members could create a risk of inconsistent or varying adjudications which could establish
6 incompatible standards of conduct for Google. A class action is superior to other available methods
7 for the fair and efficient adjudication of the controversy set forth herein.

10 Violation of Cal. Labor Code § 1101

(By All Plaintiffs on behalf of themselves and the Political Subclass Against Google)
12 346. Plaintiffs repeat and incorporate each paragraph above as if fully set forth here.

13 347. Employers may not refuse to hire, discharge, or discriminate against an employee for
14 engaging in political activities or the exercise of any rights afforded him. California Labor Code §
15 1101 prohibits employers from making, adopting, or enforcing any rule, regulation, or policy that
16 forbids or controls, or tends to control, their employees’ political activities.
17 348. California Labor Code § 1105 states, “Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the injured
employee from recovering damages from his employer for injury suffered through a violation of this
349. Upon violation of this section preventing employers from controlling political activities
of employees, employees have a right of action for damages for breach of an employment contract.
Lockheed Aircraft Corp. v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County (1946) 28 Cal.2d 481.
350. Plaintiffs, and all members in the Political Subclass, engaged in protected political
activity. Plaintiffs, and the Political Subclass members, expressed their political viewpoints, and as a
26 result were discriminated against throughout the respective Class Periods by Google.

27 351. As a direct result of the aforesaid violations of law, as well as the job retaliation set

28 forth herein, Plaintiffs and Political Subclass have sustained, and will continue to sustain for a period

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 of time in the future, damages in an amount according to proof at the trial of this action.
2 352. As a direct and proximate result of Google’s willful, knowing and intentional
3 retaliation, Plaintiffs have suffered and will continue to suffer emotional and physical distress and
4 injury, stress, humiliation, anxiety, depression, and loss of employment benefits and job opportunities
5 in an amount to be determined at trial.
6 353. These actions of Google were so cold, callous, and reckless as to be malicious.
7 Plaintiffs and the Political Subclass are therefore entitled to an award of punitive damages in an
8 amount to be determined at trial.
9 354. Plaintiffs and the Class and Subclasses pray for attorneys’ fees and expenses pursuant
10 to Code of Civil Procedure § 1021.5.
12 Violation of Cal. Labor Code § 1102
13 (By All Plaintiffs on behalf of themselves and the Political Subclass Against Google)

14 355. Plaintiffs repeat and incorporate each paragraph above as if fully set forth here.
15 356. California Labor Code § 1102 makes it illegal for an employer to threaten employees
with discharge, or to refuse to hire job applicants, as a means of coercing or influencing employees or
job applicants’ political activities.
357. California Labor Code § 1105 states, “Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the injured
employee from recovering damages from his employer for injury suffered through a violation of this
358. Upon violation of this section preventing employers from controlling political activities
of employees and job applicants, employees have a right of action for damages for breach of an
employment contract. Lockheed Aircraft Corp. v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County (1946) 28
Cal.2d 481.
359. Plaintiffs and the Political Subclass engaged in protected political activity. Plaintiffs,
and the Political Subclass members, expressed their political viewpoints, and as a result were

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 threatened and coerced, and/or were denied employment, throughout the respective Class Period by
2 Google, who does not share their political views.
3 360. As a direct result of the aforesaid violations of law, as well as the
4 job retaliation described above, Plaintiffs, and the Political Subclass, have sustained, and will continue
5 to sustain for a period of time in the future, damages in an amount according to proof at the trial of
6 this action.
7 361. As a direct and proximate result of Google’s willful, knowing and intentional
8 retaliation, Plaintiffs have suffered and will continue to suffer emotional and physical distress and
9 injury, stress, humiliation, anxiety, depression, and loss of employment benefits and job opportunities
10 in an amount to be determined at trial.
11 362. These actions of Google were so cold, callous, and reckless as to be malicious.
12 Plaintiffs and the Political Subclass are therefore entitled to an award of punitive damages in an
13 amount to be determined at trial.
14 363. Plaintiffs, and the Class and Subclasses, pray for attorneys’ fees and expenses pursuant
15 to Code of Civil Procedure § 1021.5.
17 Hiring and Workplace Discrimination Due to Gender and/or Race in Violation of FEHA
(By Plaintiffs Damore, Gudeman, Amador, and Burns on behalf of themselves and the Gender
and Race Subclasses Against Google)
20 364. Damore, Gudeman, Amador, Burns repeat and incorporate each paragraph above as if

21 fully set forth here.

22 365. At all relevant times, Google was an employer covered by the Fair Employment and

23 Housing Act (“FEHA”), and Damore, Gudeman, Amador, Burns and the Gender and Race

24 Subclasses were covered employees and/or job applicants.

25 366. Google violated FEHA when they discriminated against Damore, Gudeman, Amador,

26 Burns and the Gender and Race Subclass members because of their gender and/or race by, among

27 other things, taking into account gender and/or race when considering hiring a job applicant,

28 promotions, failing to protect employees from negative comments made about Caucasian men as

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 Google protected members of other protected classes, and ignoring formal requests for redress from
2 Google managers and the Human Resources department.
3 367. As a direct and proximate result of Google’s willful, knowing and intentional gender
4 and/or race discrimination, Damore, Gudeman, Amador, Burns, and the members of the Gender and
5 Race Subclasses, have suffered and will continue to suffer emotional and physical distress and injury,
6 stress, humiliation, anxiety, depression, and denial of employment benefits and job opportunities in
7 an amount to be determined at trial.
8 368. These actions of Google were so cold, callous, and reckless as to be malicious.
9 Damore, Gudeman, Amador, Burns, and Gender and Race Subclass members, are therefore entitled
10 to an award of punitive damages in an amount to be determined at trial.
11 369. FEHA provides for an award of reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred by a
12 prevailing plaintiff in an action brought under its provision. Damore, Gudeman, Amador, and Burns
13 have incurred, and are incurring, attorneys’ fees and costs. Thus, should Damore, Gudeman, Amador,
14 and Burns prevail at trial, they will be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, pursuant to
15 Govt. Code § 12965(b).
17 Disparate Impact Discrimination Due to Gender and/or Race in Violation of FEHA
(By Plaintiffs Amador and Burns on behalf of themselves and the Gender
and Race Subclasses Against Google)
20 370. Amador and Burns repeat and incorporate each paragraph above as if fully set forth

21 here.

22 371. At all relevant times, Google was an employer covered by the Fair Employment and

23 Housing Act (“FEHA”), and Amador, Burns and the Gender and Race Subclasses were covered job

24 applicants.

25 372. Google violated FEHA by having a hiring policy or practice that instructs, encourages,

26 or permits hiring personnel to evaluate “cultural fit” of an applicant being considered, while

27 simultaneously mandating that diversity be increased in all sectors of its employment and tolerating

28 and approving a culture of discrimination and harassment against Caucasian/Asian men. This

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 selection policy or practice has a disproportionate adverse impact on Amador and Burns and the
2 Gender and Race Subclass members that are, or are perceived to be, white or Caucasian/Asian,
3 and/or male, is not, and cannot be, justified by business necessity, and was a substantial factor in
4 causing the same harm. Even if such a policy or practice could be justified by business necessity, less
5 discriminatory alternatives exist and would equally serve any alleged necessity. While Google
6 displays some employment statistics on its webpage, it does not publically release information or
7 statistics regarding when Google denies employment to males, Caucasians, and/or Asians.
8 373. Google has maintained these discriminatory policies, patterns, and/or practices both
9 within and outside the liability period in this case, and the discriminatory policies, patterns, and/or
10 practices have had a discriminatory impact on males and members of Google-disfavored races within
11 the State of California.
12 374. As a direct and proximate result of Google’s facially neutral policy of evaluating
13 “cultural fit,” Amador, Burns, and the members of the Gender and Race Subclasses have suffered and
14 will continue to suffer emotional and physical distress and injury, stress, humiliation, anxiety,
15 depression, and loss of employment benefits and job opportunities in an amount to be determined at
16 trial.
17 375. These actions of Google were so cold, callous, and reckless as to be malicious.
18 Amador, Burns, and Gender and Race Subclass members, are therefore entitled to an award of
19 punitive damages in an amount to be determined at trial.
20 376. FEHA provides for an award of reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred by a
21 prevailing plaintiff in an action brought under its provision. Amador and Burns have incurred, and
22 are incurring, attorneys’ fees and costs. Thus, should Amador, Burns, and/or Gender and Race
23 Subclass members prevail at trial, they will be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs,
24 pursuant to Govt. Code § 12965(b).
25 ///
26 ///
27 ///
28 ///

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
Workplace Harassment in Violation of FEHA
(By Plaintiffs Damore and Gudeman Against Google)
377. Damore and Gudeman repeat and incorporate each paragraph above as if fully set forth
378. The FEHA provides that it is unlawful for an employer to harass an employee because
of, inter alia, the employee’s gender and/or race. Cal. Govt. Code § 12940(j).
379. Furthermore, it is unlawful to harass an employee for informing internal management
about possible violations of the law.
380. Google constantly treated Damore and Gudeman in a discriminatory and harassing
fashion after they reported labor code and California Civil Code violations, thus creating a hostile
work environment.
381. The harassment was based on Damore and Gudeman’s gender and/or race, and their
constant reminders to Google to not break the law by taking into account protected categories, and
giving members of Google-favored races and women special preferences when making hiring or
promotion decisions. Any discussions to the contrary were ignored, or punished.
382. Among other things, Hölzle specifically encouraged and participated in the workplace
harassment by bullying lower-level Google employees who failed to share his political opinions and
views. Hölzle sought to seek out, silence, and retaliate against whistleblowers at Google who
complained about Google’s unlawful conduct. Hölzle, as a Senior Vice President at Google, also
allowed other employees to engage in such behavior, giving employees the impressions that this
harassing behavior was acceptable and/or encouraged at Google.
383. Google’s conduct was so severe and pervasive that it altered Damore’s and
Gudeman’s conditions of employment.
384. Google’s treatment of Damore and Gudeman caused them to consider the work
environment to be hostile and/or abusive, and a reasonable person in their circumstances would have
similarly considered the work environment to be hostile and/or abusive.
385. Damore and Gudeman made it clear to Google that such harassment was unwelcomed

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 by reporting it to Google HR directly multiple times. However, Google failed to act.
2 386. Google’s conduct was a substantial factor in causing Damore’s and Gudeman’s harm.
3 387. As a direct and proximate result of Google’s willful, knowing, and intentional
4 harassment, Damore and Gudeman have suffered and will continue to suffer emotional and physical
5 distress and injury, stress, humiliation, anxiety, depression, and loss of employment benefits and job
6 opportunities in an amount to be determined at trial.
7 388. These actions of Google were so cold, callous, and reckless as to be malicious.
8 Damore and Gudeman are therefore entitled to an award of punitive damages in an amount to be
9 determined at trial.
10 389. FEHA provides for an award of reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred by a
11 prevailing plaintiff in an action brought under its provision. Damore and Gudeman have incurred,
12 and are incurring, attorneys’ fees and costs. Thus, should Damore and Gudeman prevail at trial, they
13 will be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, pursuant to Govt. Code § 12965(b).
15 Retaliation in Violation of FEHA
(By Plaintiffs Damore, Gudeman, and Amador Against Google)
17 390. Damore, Gudeman, and Amador repeat and incorporate each paragraph above as if

18 fully set forth here.

19 391. California Government Code § 12940(h) provides that it is unlawful for any employer

20 or person to discriminate against any person because the person has opposed any practices forbidden

21 under the Fair Employment and Housing Act, Government Code § 12940, et seq.

22 392. Damore, Gudeman, and Amador opposed Google’s unlawful hiring and promoting

23 practices in violation of California Government Code § 12940 et seq. by complaining to their

24 supervisors and Google HR on several occasions.

25 393. Specially, Damore, Gudeman, and Amador reported to Google numerous occasions of

26 hostile comments made by coworkers regarding the Plaintiffs’ gender and/or race.

27 394. Damore, Gudeman, and Amador further complained regarding the unlawful hiring and

28 promoting practices taking place at Google.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 395. In retaliation for objecting to such unlawful conduct in violation of FEHA, Google
2 took adverse employment action against Damore, Gudeman, and Amador by issuing them verbal and
3 written warnings, by refusing to rehire Amador, and by providing them with decreased performance
4 reviews.
5 396. There is a causal link between Damore, Gudeman, and Amador complaining to report
6 Google’s illegal activities, harassment, discrimination, and the subsequent retaliation they suffered.
7 397. In so retaliating against Damore, Gudeman, and Amador, Google violated the Fair
8 Employment and Housing Act, among other statutes and California common law.
9 398. As a direct and proximate result of Google’s willful, knowing, and intentional
10 retaliation, Damore, Gudeman, and Amador have suffered and will continue to suffer emotional and
11 physical distress and injury, stress, humiliation, anxiety, depression, and loss of employment benefits
12 and job opportunities in an amount to be determined at trial.
13 399. These actions of Google were so cold, callous, and reckless as to be malicious.
14 Damore, Gudeman, and Amador are therefore entitled to an award of punitive damages in an amount
15 to be determined at trial.
16 400. FEHA provides for an award of reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred by a
17 prevailing plaintiff in an action brought under its provision. Damore, Gudeman, and Amador have
18 incurred, and are incurring, attorneys’ fees and costs. Thus, should Damore, Gudeman, and Amador
19 prevail at trial, they will be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, pursuant to Govt. Code §
20 12965(b).
22 Retaliation in Violation of Public Policy (Tameny)
(By Plaintiffs Damore and Gudeman Against Google)
24 401. Damore and Gudeman repeat and incorporate each paragraph above as if fully set forth

25 here.

26 402. Reprimanding employees in retaliation for resisting the violations of laws that secure

27 important public policies contravenes those policies, and gives rise to a common law action in tort.


First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 403. Damore and Gudeman were given verbal and written warnings after complaining about
2 Google’s unlawful hiring and promoting practices. Google’s violation of Damore’s and Gudeman’s
3 statutory and constitutional rights is inconsistent and hostile to the public’s interest.
4 404. Google’s justifications for reprimanding Damore and Gudeman are pretextual in nature
5 and calculated to disguise the motivating basis of the adverse employment action to which Damore
6 and Gudeman were subjected.
7 405. As a direct and proximate result of Google’s willful, knowing, and intentional
8 retaliation, Damore and Gudeman have suffered and will continue to suffer emotional and physical
9 distress and injury, stress, humiliation, anxiety, depression, and loss of employment benefits and job
10 opportunities in an amount to be determined at trial.
11 406. These actions of Google were so cold, callous, and reckless as to be malicious. Damore
12 and Gudeman are therefore entitled to an award of punitive damages in an amount to be determined at
13 trial.
14 407. Damore and Gudeman pray for reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses pursuant to
15 Code of Civil Procedure § 1021.5.
17 Retaliation in Violation of Cal. Labor Code § 1102.5
(By Plaintiffs Damore, Gudeman, and Amador Against Google)
19 408. Damore, Gudeman, and Amador repeat and incorporate each paragraph above as if

20 fully set forth here.

21 409. California Labor Code § 1102.5 (a), in pertinent part, provides: “An employer, or any

22 person acting on behalf of the employer, shall not make, adopt, or enforce any rule, regulation, or

23 policy preventing an employee from disclosing information to a government or law enforcement

24 agency, to a person with authority over the employee, or to another employee who has authority to

25 investigate, discover, or correct the violation or noncompliance, or from providing information to, or

26 testifying before, any public body conducting an investigation, hearing, or inquiry, if the employee

27 has reasonable cause to believe that the information discloses a violation of state or federal statute, or

28 a violation of or noncompliance with a local, state, or federal rule or regulation, regardless of whether

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 disclosing the information is part of the employee's job duties.” Labor Code § 1102.5 subsections (c)
2 & (d) provides: “An employer, or any person acting on behalf of the employer, shall not retaliate
3 against an employee for refusing to participate in an activity that would result in a violation of state or
4 federal statute, or a violation of or noncompliance with a local, state, or federal rule or regulation. (d)
5 An employer, or any person acting on behalf of the employer, shall not retaliate against an employee
6 for having exercised his or her rights under subdivision (a), (b), or (c) in any former employment.”
7 410. As set forth above, Damore, Gudeman, and Amador opposed Google’s wrongful and
8 illegal practices to discriminate, harass, and retaliate against individuals based on their protected traits.
9 411. Thereafter, Google took a series of retaliatory adverse employment actions against
10 Damore, Gudeman, and Amador such as giving them poor performance reviews, denying them
11 promotions, and/or refusing to rehire.
12 412. As a direct and proximate result of Google’s willful, knowing, and intentional
13 retaliation, Damore, Gudeman, and Amador have suffered and will continue to suffer emotional and
14 physical distress and injury, stress, humiliation, anxiety, depression, and loss of employment benefits
15 and job opportunities in an amount to be determined at trial.
16 413. These actions of Google were so cold, callous, and reckless as to be malicious.
17 Damore, Gudeman, and Amador are therefore entitled to an award of punitive damages in an amount
18 to be determined at trial.
19 414. Damore, Gudeman, and Amador pray for reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses
20 pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure § 1021.5.
22 Failure to Prevent Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation in Violation of FEHA
(By Plaintiffs Damore, Gudeman, Amador, and Burns Against Google)
24 415. Damore, Gudeman, Amador, and Burns repeat and incorporate each paragraph above

25 as if fully set forth here.

26 416. At all relevant times, Google was required, but failed, to take all reasonable steps

27 necessary to prevent discrimination, harassment, and retaliation under Government Code § 12940(k),

28 et seq.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 417. Upon information and belief, Google’s lack of any meaningful investigation into
2 Damore’s, Gudeman’s, Amador’s, and Burns’s complaints of coworkers’ discriminatory, harassing,
3 and retaliatory behavior constituted failure to prevent discrimination under the FEHA, including as to
4 Defendants’ discriminatory and unlawful hiring practices.
5 418. As a direct and proximate result of Google’s willful, knowing and intentional failure
6 to take all reasonable steps necessary to prevent discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, Damore,
7 Gudeman, Amador, and Burns have suffered and will continue to suffer emotional and physical
8 distress and injury, stress, humiliation, anxiety, depression, and loss of employment benefits and job
9 opportunities in an amount to be determined at trial.
10 419. These actions of Google were so cold, callous and reckless as to be malicious.
11 Damore, Gudeman, Amador, and Burns are therefore entitled to an award of punitive damages in an
12 amount to be determined at trial.
13 420. FEHA provides for an award of reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred by a
14 prevailing plaintiff in an action brought under its provision. Damore, Gudeman, Amador, and Burns
15 have incurred, and are incurring, attorneys’ fees and costs. Thus, should Damore, Gudeman, Amador,
16 and Burns prevail at trial, they will be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, pursuant to
17 Govt. Code § 12965(b).
19 Hostile Work Environment
(By Damore and Gudeman on behalf of themselves and the Hostile Work Environment
Subclass Against Google)
22 421. Damore and Gudeman repeat and incorporate each paragraph above as if fully set forth

23 here.

24 422. At all times mentioned, Google was subject to FEHA. All Plaintiffs were members of

25 groups protected by FEHA and Government Code § 12940(j)(1), which makes the harassment of an

26 employee because of their sex, gender, or race unlawful if the entity, or its agents or supervisors, knew

27 or should have known of this conduct and failed to take immediate and appropriate corrective action.

28 423. Damore, Gudeman, and the Hostile Work Environment Subclass were targets of

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 harassment and discrimination. Fellow Google employees, including managers attacked them for
2 expressing being males and/or Caucasians/Asian both in person and publicly on internal Google
3 message boards, including but not limited to Dory, Google+, and Memegen.
4 424. Google facilitated this conduct by providing Dory, Google+, and Memegen and other
5 internal message boards as platforms throughout which harassing commentary was pervasive.
6 425. A reasonable person would have recognized the environment created by Google to be
7 hostile and abusive. The hostile environment created by Google’s conduct was so severe and pervasive
8 that it fundamentally and substantially altered Damore’s, Gudeman’s, and the members of the Hostile
9 Work Environment Subclass’ working conditions.
10 426. Damore and Gudeman, and other Google employees, reported this harassment and
11 discrimination to Google through their managers and the Human Resources Department, and made
12 clear that the harassing comments were unwelcome. However, even after this harassment and
13 discrimination was reported, Damore, Gudeman, and the Hostile Work Environment Subclass still
14 continued to experience it.
15 427. Google failed to conduct any meaningful investigation into Damore’s and Gudeman’s
16 complaints of coworkers’ discrimination and harassment against males, Caucasians and/or Asians.
17 Google failed to take all reasonable steps to prevent discrimination and harassment from occurring in
18 violation of FEHA. Google’s inaction and failure to take corrective actions only contributed to the
19 hostile workplace environment for males, Caucasians, and Asians.
20 428. As a direct, foreseeable and proximate result of Google’s unlawful actions, Damore,
21 Gudeman, and the Hostile Work Environment Subclass have suffered and continue to suffer economic
22 losses, losses in earnings, loss of employment benefits, and other benefits.
23 429. As a further direct, foreseeable and proximate result of Google’s actions, Damore,
24 Gudeman, and the Hostile Work Environment Subclass have suffered emotional distress, humiliation,
25 shame, and embarrassment in an amount to be proven at trial.
26 430. Google committed the acts herein despicably, maliciously, fraudulently, and
27 oppressively, with the wrongful intention of injuring Damore and Gudeman, from an improper and
28 evil motive amounting to malice, and in conscious disregard of Damore’s, Gudeman’s, and the Hostile

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 Work Environment Subclass’ rights to be free from discrimination. Damore, Gudeman, and the Hostile
2 Work Environment Subclass are thus entitled to recover punitive damages from Defendant in an
3 amount to be proven at trial.
4 431. FEHA provides for an award of reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred by a
5 prevailing plaintiff in an action brought under its provision. Damore and Gudeman have incurred, and
6 are incurring, attorneys’ fees and costs. Thus, should Damore, Gudeman, and/or the Hostile Work
7 Environment Subclass prevail at trial, they will be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs,
8 pursuant to Govt. Code § 12965(b).
10 Unfair Business Practices, Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200 et seq.
(By All Plaintiffs on Behalf of Themselves and the Plaintiff Class Against Google)
12 432. Plaintiffs repeat and incorporate each paragraph above as if fully set forth here.

13 433. Google’s violations of the California Labor Code, and California statutory and common

14 law, and other provisions, as described above in the causes of action listed in this First Amended

15 Complaint, all constitute unfair and unlawful business practices pursuant to Business & Professions

16 Code § 17200 et seq.

17 434. The unlawful conduct described herein resulted in harm to Plaintiffs and the Class.

18 435. As a direct and proximate result of the acts mentioned herein, Google has received and

19 continue to receive ill-gotten gains belonging to Plaintiffs and the Class.

20 436. Plaintiffs and the Class are entitled to restitution and disgorgement of ill-gotten gains in

21 an amount to be determined at trial.

22 437. Because the conduct alleged herein is ongoing, and there is no indication that either

23 Google will cease their unlawful conduct described herein, Plaintiffs and the Class and Subclasses

24 request that this Court enjoin Google from further violations of California’s laws.


Declaratory Relief
(By All Plaintiffs on Behalf of Themselves and the Plaintiff Class Against Google)
28 438. Plaintiffs repeat and incorporate each paragraph above as if fully set forth here.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 439. An actual controversy has arisen and now exists between the parties relating to the legal
2 rights and duties of the parties as set forth above, for which Plaintiffs and the Subclasses desire a
3 declaration of rights and other relief available pursuant to the California Declaratory Judgment Act,
4 Code of Civil Procedure § 1060 et seq.
5 440. A declaratory judgment is necessary and proper in that Plaintiffs and the Subclasses
6 contend that Google has committed and continues to commit the violations set forth above and, on
7 information and belief, Google will deny that it has done so and/or will continue to commit such acts.
10 WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated,

11 respectfully pray for relief and judgment against Defendants, jointly and severally, as follows, in

12 amounts according to proof:

13 1. For an order certifying this action as a class action;
14 2. For an order appointing Plaintiffs as Class/Subclass representatives, and appointing
15 Plaintiffs’ counsel as Class/Subclass counsel;
16 3. For judgment in favor of Plaintiffs against Defendants;
4. For preliminary and permanent injunctive relief enjoining Google from violating
California Labor Code §§ 1101 and 1102 et seq. by discriminating, harassing, and retaliating against
individuals with conservative political views;
5. For restitution and disgorgement of ill-gotten gains as ascribed in the Eleventh Cause of
6. For declaratory relief as ascribed in the Twelfth Cause of Action;For damages;
7. For pre-judgment interest where allowed in an amount according to proof;
25 8. For attorneys’ fees under applicable provisions of law, including but not limited to

26 FEHA and Code of Civil Procedure § 1021.5;

27 9. For costs of suit incurred herein; and

28 10. For such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper.

First Amended Complaint Case No. 18CV321529
1 Respectfully submitted,
2 Date: April 17, 2018 DHILLON LAW GROUP INC.
4 ___________________________________
Harmeet K. Dhillon
5 Ravdeep S. Grewal
6 Gregory R. Michael

7 Attorneys for Plaintiffs James Damore, David

Gudeman, Manuel Amador, Stephen McPherson,
8 Michael Burns, and all others similarly situated
11 Plaintiffs demand a trial by jury for all claims.
12 Date: April 17, 2018 DHILLON LAW GROUP INC.
14 ___________________________________
Harmeet K. Dhillon
15 Ravdeep S. Grewal
16 Gregory R. Michael

17 Attorneys for Plaintiffs James Damore, David

Gudeman, Manuel Amador, Stephen McPherson,
18 Michael Burns, and all others similarly situated

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
First Amended Complaint
Case No. 18CV321529

Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber
How bias clouds our thinking about diversity and inclusion
James Damore - damore@
July 2017
Feel free to comment (they aren’t disabled, the doc may just be overloaded).
For longer form discussions see g/pc-harmful-discuss

Reply to public response and misrepresentation 1

Background 2
Google’s biases 2
Possible non bias causes of the gender gap in tech 3
Personality differences 4
Men’s higher drive for status 5
Non discriminatory ways to reduce the gender gap 5
The harm of Google’s biases 6
Why we’re blind 7
Suggestions 8

Reply to public response and misrepresentation

I value diversity and inclusion, am not denying that sexism exists, and don’t endorse using
stereotypes. When addressing the gap in representation in the population, we need to look at
population level differences in distributions. If we can't have an honest discussion about this,
then we can never truly solve the problem.
Psychological safety is built on mutual respect and acceptance, but unfortunately our culture of
shaming and misrepresentation is disrespectful and unaccepting of anyone outside its echo
Despite what the public response seems to have been, I've gotten many†personal messages
from fellow Googlers expressing their gratitude for bringing up these very important issues
which they agree with but would never have the courage to say or defend because of our
shaming culture and the possibility of being fired. This needs to change.

● Google’s political bias has equated the freedom from offense with psychological safety,
but shaming into silence is the antithesis of psychological safety.
● This silencing has created an ideological echo chamber where some ideas are too
sacred to be honestly discussed.
● The lack of discussion fosters the most extreme and authoritarian elements of this
○ Extreme: all disparities in representation are due to oppression
○ Authoritarian: we should discriminate to correct for this oppression
● Differences in distributions of traits between men and women may in part explain why we
don't have 50% representation of women in tech and leadership.
● Discrimination to reach equal representation is unfair, divisive, and bad for business.

People generally have good intentions, but we all have biases which are invisible to us.
Thankfully, open and honest discussion with those who disagree can highlight our blind spots
and help us grow, which is why I wrote this document2. Google has several biases and honest
discussion about these biases is being silenced by the dominant ideology. What follows is by no
means the complete story, but it’s a perspective that desperately needs to be told at Google.

Google’s biases
At Google, we talk so much about unconscious bias as it applies to race and gender, but we
rarely discuss our moral biases. Political orientation is actually a result of deep moral
preferences and thus biases. Considering that the overwhelming majority of the social sciences,
media, and Google lean left, we should critically examine these prejudices:

left Biases Right Biases

Corq>aSSion for 1he weak Respeot for tlle s1mngtaothority
Disparities are due to injustices Disparities are natural: and just

Humans are inherentl,y cooperative Humans are inherently competiifi,ve


1 This document is mostly written from the perspective of Google’s Mountain View campus, I can’t speak
about other offices or countries.
2 Of course, I may be biased and only see evidence that supports my viewpoint. In terms of political

biases, I consider myself a classical liberal and strongly value individualism and reason. I'd be very happy
to discuss any of the document further and provide more citations.

Chang~ is good! (unstable) Change i s dangerous (stable)

Open Olosed

Idealist Pragmatic

Neither side is 100% correct and both viewpoints are necessary for a functioning society or, in
this case, company. A company too far to the right may be slow to react, overly hierarchical, and
untrusting of others. In contrast, a company too far to the left will constantly be changing
(deprecating much loved services), over diversify its interests (ignoring or being ashamed of its
core business), and overly trust its employees and competitors.

Only facts and reason can shed light on these biases, but when it comes to diversity and
inclusion, Google’s left bias has created a politically correct monoculture that maintains its hold
by shaming dissenters into silence. This silence removes any checks against encroaching
extremist and authoritarian policies. For the rest of this document, I’ll concentrate on the
extreme stance that all differences in outcome are due to differential treatment and the
authoritarian element that’s required to actually discriminate to create equal representation.

Possible non-bias causes of the gender gap in tech3

At Google, we’re regularly told that implicit (unconscious) and explicit biases are holding women
back in tech and leadership. Of course, men and women experience bias, tech, and the
workplace differently and we should be cognizant of this, but it’s far from the whole story.

On average, men and women biologically differ in many ways. These differences aren’t just
socially constructed because:
● They’re universal across human cultures
● They often have clear biological causes and links to prenatal testosterone
● Biological males that were castrated at birth and raised as females often still identify
and act like males
● The underlying traits are highly heritable
● They’re exactly what we would predict from an evolutionary psychology perspective
Note, I’m not saying that all men differ from all women in the following ways or that these
differences are “just.” I’m simply stating that the distribution of preferences and abilities of men
and women differ in part due to biological causes and that these differences may explain why
we don’t see equal representation of women in tech and leadership. Many of these differences
are small and there’s significant overlap between men and women, so you can’t say anything
about an individual given these population level distributions.
3 Throughout the document, by “tech”, I mostly mean software engineering.


Reducing people t,o ~eir gr,oup identity and a . mfng

Uie averag·e is rep ,esentalive lgno s hrs- ,over,lap
{'this is barl and I don't endorse 'that)


Personality differences
Women, on average, have more:

● Openness directed towards feelings and aesthetics rather than ideas. Women generally
also have a stronger interest in people rather than things, relative to men (also
interpreted as empathizing vs. systemizing).
○ These two differences in part explain why women relatively prefer jobs in social
or artistic areas. More men may like coding because it requires systemizing and even
within SWEs, comparatively more women work on front end, which deals with both
people and aesthetics.
● Extraversion expressed as gregariousness rather than assertiveness. Also, higher
○ This leads to women generally having a harder time negotiating salary, asking for
raises, speaking up, and leading. Note that these are just average differences
and there’s overlap between men and women, but this is seen solely as a
women’s issue. This leads to exclusory programs like Stretch and swaths of men
without support.
● Neuroticism (higher anxiety, lower stress tolerance).
○ This may contribute to the higher levels of anxiety women report on Googlegeist
and to the lower number of women in high stress jobs.

Note that contrary to what a social constructionist would argue, research suggests that "greater
nation-level gender equality leads to psychological dissimilarity in men’s and women’s
personality traits." Because as “society becomes more prosperous and more egalitarian, innate
dispositional differences between men and women have more space to develop and the gap
that exists between men and women in their personality traits becomes wider.” We need to stop
assuming that gender gaps imply sexism.

Men’s higher drive for status

We always ask why we don't see women in top leadership positions, but we never ask why we
see so many men in these jobs. These positions often require long, stressful hours that may not
be worth it if you want a balanced and fulfilling life.

Status is the primary metric that men are judged on4, pushing many men into these higher
paying, less satisfying jobs for the status that they entail. Note, the same forces that lead men
into high pay/high stress jobs in tech and leadership cause men to take undesirable and
dangerous jobs like coal mining, garbage collection, and firefighting, and suffer 93% of
work-related deaths.

Non-discriminatory ways to reduce the gender gap

Below I'll go over some of the differences in distribution of traits between men and women that I
outlined in the previous section and suggest ways to address them to increase women's
representation in tech without resorting to discrimination. Google is already making strides in
many of these areas, but I think it's still instructive to list them:
● Women on average show a higher interest in people and men in things
○ We can make software engineering more people-oriented with pair programming
and more collaboration. Unfortunately, there may be limits to how
people-oriented certain roles at Google can be and we shouldn't deceive
ourselves or students into thinking otherwise (some of our programs to get
female students into coding might be doing this).
● Women on average are more cooperative
○ Allow those exhibiting cooperative behavior to thrive. Recent updates to Perf may
be doing this to an extent, but maybe there's more we can do.
○ This doesn't mean that we should remove all competitiveness from Google.
Competitiveness and self reliance can be valuable traits and we shouldn't
necessarily disadvantage those that have them, like what's been done in
● Women on average are more prone to anxiety
4For heterosexual romantic relationships, men are more strongly judged by status and women by beauty.
Again, this has biological origins and is culturally universal.

○ Make tech and leadership less stressful. Google already partly does this with its
many stress reduction courses and benefits.
● Women on average look for more work-life balance while men have a higher drive for
status on average
○ Unfortunately, as long as tech and leadership remain high status, lucrative
careers, men may disproportionately want to be in them. Allowing and truly
endorsing (as part of our culture) part time work though can keep more women in
● The male gender role is currently inflexible
○ Feminism has made great progress in freeing women from the female gender
role, but men are still very much tied to the male gender role. If we, as a society,
allow men to be more "feminine," then the gender gap will shrink, although
probably because men will leave tech and leadership for traditionally "feminine"

Philosophically, I don't think we should do arbitrary social engineering of tech just to make it
appealing to equal portions of both men and women. For each of these changes, we need
principled reasons for why it helps Google; that is, we should be optimizing for Google—with
Google's diversity being a component of that. For example, currently those willing to work extra
hours or take extra stress will inevitably get ahead and if we try to change that too much, it may
have disastrous consequences. Also, when considering the costs and benefits, we should keep
in mind that Google's funding is finite so its allocation is more zero-sum than is generally

The harm of Google’s biases

I strongly believe in gender and racial diversity, and I think we should strive for more. However,
to achieve a more equal gender and race representation, Google has created several
discriminatory practices:
● Programs, mentoring, and classes only for people with a certain gender or race5
● A high priority queue and special treatment for “diversity” candidates
● Hiring practices which can effectively lower the bar for “diversity” candidates by
decreasing the false negative rate
● Reconsidering any set of people if it’s not “diverse” enough, but not showing that same
scrutiny in the reverse direction (clear confirmation bias)
● Setting org level OKRs for increased representation which can incentivize illegal
5 Stretch, BOLD, CSSI, Engineering Practicum (to an extent), and several other Google funded internal and external programs are for people with a
certain gender or race.
6 Instead set Googlegeist OKRs, potentially for certain demographics. We can increase representation at an org level by either making it a better
environment for certain groups (which would be seen in survey scores) or discriminating based on a protected status (which is illegal and I’ve seen it
done). Increased representation OKRs can incentivize the latter and create zero-sum struggles between orgs.

These practices are based on false assumptions generated by our biases and can actually
increase race and gender tensions. We’re told by senior leadership that what we’re doing is
both the morally and economically correct thing to do, but without evidence this is just veiled left
ideology7 that can irreparably harm Google.

Why we’re blind

We all have biases and use motivated reasoning to dismiss ideas that run counter to our
internal values. Just as some on the Right deny science that runs counter to the “God > humans
> environment” hierarchy (e.g., evolution and climate change), the Left tends to deny science
concerning biological differences between people (e.g., IQ8 and sex differences). Thankfully,
climate scientists and evolutionary biologists generally aren’t on the right. Unfortunately, the
overwhelming majority of humanities and social sciences lean left (about 95%), which creates
enormous confirmation bias, changes what’s being studied, and maintains myths like social
constructionism and the gender wage gap9. Google’s left leaning makes us blind to this bias and
uncritical of its results, which we’re using to justify highly politicized programs.

In addition to the Left’s affinity for those it sees as weak, humans are generally biased towards
protecting females. As mentioned before, this likely evolved because males are biologically
disposable and because women are generally more cooperative and agreeable than men. We
have extensive government and Google programs, fields of study, and legal and social norms to
protect women, but when a man complains about a gender issue issue affecting men, he’s
labelled as a misogynist and a whiner10. Nearly every difference between men and women is
interpreted as a form of women’s oppression. As with many things in life, gender differences are
often a case of “grass being greener on the other side”; unfortunately, taxpayer and Google
money is being spent to water only one side of the lawn.

7 Communism promised to be both morally and economically superior to capitalism, but every attempt
became morally corrupt and an economic failure. As it became clear that the working class of the liberal
democracies wasn’t going to overthrow their “capitalist oppressors,” the Marxist intellectuals transitioned
from class warfare to gender and race politics. The core oppressor-oppressed dynamics remained, but
now the oppressor is the “white, straight, cis-gendered patriarchy.”
8 Ironically, IQ tests were initially championed by the Left when meritocracy meant helping the victims of
9 Yes, in a national aggregate, women have lower salaries than men for a variety of reasons. For the
same work though, women get paid just as much as men. Considering women spend more money than
men and that salary represents how much the employee sacrifices (e.g. more hours, stress, and danger),
we really need to rethink our stereotypes around power.
10 “The traditionalist system of gender does not deal well with the idea of men needing support. Men are
expected to be strong, to not complain, and to deal with problems on their own. Men’s problems are more
often seen as personal failings rather than victimhood, due to our gendered idea of agency. This
discourages men from bringing attention to their issues (whether individual or group-wide issues), for fear
of being seen as whiners, complainers, or weak.”

This same compassion for those seen as weak creates political correctness11, which constrains
discourse and is complacent to the extremely sensitive PC-authoritarians that use violence and
shaming to advance their cause. While Google hasn’t harbored the violent leftist protests that
we’re seeing at universities, the frequent shaming in TGIF and in our culture has created the
same silent, psychologically unsafe environment.

I hope it’s clear that I'm not saying that diversity is bad, that Google or society is 100% fair, that
we shouldn't try to correct for existing biases, or that minorities have the same experience of
those in the majority. My larger point is that we have an intolerance for ideas and evidence that
don’t fit a certain ideology. I’m also not saying that we should restrict people to certain gender
roles; I’m advocating for quite the opposite: treat people as individuals, not as just another
member of their group (tribalism).
My concrete suggestions are to:
● De-moralize diversity.
○ As soon as we start to moralize an issue, we stop thinking about it in terms of
costs and benefits, dismiss anyone that disagrees as immoral, and harshly
punish those we see as villains to protect the “victims.”
● Stop alienating conservatives.
○ Viewpoint diversity is arguably the most important type of diversity and political
orientation is one of the most fundamental and significant ways in which people
view things differently.
○ In highly progressive environments, conservatives are a minority that feel like
they need to stay in the closet to avoid open hostility. We should empower those
with different ideologies to be able to express themselves.
○ Alienating conservatives is both non-inclusive and generally bad business
because conservatives tend to be higher in conscientiousness, which is required
for much of the drudgery and maintenance work characteristic of a mature
● Confront Google’s biases.
○ I’ve mostly concentrated on how our biases cloud our thinking about diversity and
inclusion, but our moral biases are farther reaching than that.
○ I would start by breaking down Googlegeist scores by political orientation and
personality to give a fuller picture into how our biases are affecting our culture.
● Stop restricting programs and classes to certain genders or races.
○ These discriminatory practices are both unfair and divisive. Instead focus on
some of the non-discriminatory practices I outlined.
11 Political correctness is defined as “the avoidance of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or
insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against,” which makes it clear why it’s a phenomenon of the
Left and a tool of authoritarians.

● Have an open and honest discussion about the costs and benefits of our diversity
○ Discriminating just to increase the representation of women in tech is as
misguided and biased as mandating increases for women’s representation in the
homeless, work-related and violent deaths, prisons, and school dropouts.
○ There’s currently very little transparency into the extent of our diversity programs
which keeps it immune to criticism from those outside its ideological echo
○ These programs are highly politicized which further alienates non-progressives.
○ I realize that some of our programs may be precautions against government
accusations of discrimination, but that can easily backfire since they incentivize
illegal discrimination.
● Focus on psychological safety, not just race/gender diversity.
○ We should focus on psychological safety, which has shown positive effects and
should (hopefully) not lead to unfair discrimination.
○ We need psychological safety and shared values to gain the benefits of diversity.
○ Having representative viewpoints is important for those designing and testing our
products, but the benefits are less clear for those more removed from UX.
● De-emphasize empathy.
○ I’ve heard several calls for increased empathy on diversity issues. While I
strongly support trying to understand how and why people think the way they do,
relying on affective empathy—feeling another’s pain—causes us to focus on
anecdotes, favor individuals similar to us, and harbor other irrational and
dangerous biases. Being emotionally unengaged helps us better reason about
the facts.
● Prioritize intention.
○ Our focus on microaggressions and other unintentional transgressions increases
our sensitivity, which is not universally positive: sensitivity increases both our
tendency to take offence and our self censorship, leading to authoritarian
policies. Speaking up without the fear of being harshly judged is central to
psychological safety, but these practices can remove that safety by judging
unintentional transgressions.
○ Microaggression training incorrectly and dangerously equates speech with
violence and isn’t backed by evidence.
● Be open about the science of human nature.
○ Once we acknowledge that not all differences are socially constructed or due to
discrimination, we open our eyes to a more accurate view of the human condition
which is necessary if we actually want to solve problems.
● Reconsider making Unconscious Bias training mandatory for promo committees.

○ We haven’t been able to measure any effect of our Unconscious Bias training
and it has the potential for overcorrecting or backlash, especially if made
○ Some of the suggested methods of the current training (v2.3) are likely useful,
but the political bias of the presentation is clear from the factual inaccuracies and
the examples shown.
○ Spend more time on the many other types of biases besides stereotypes.
Stereotypes are much more accurate and responsive to new information than the
training suggests (I’m not advocating for using stereotypes, I just pointing out the
factual inaccuracy of what’s said in the training).


Anti-conservative postings

This is not the time for •not all (whatever)". The choice to be a Republican is the choice
to align yourself with a white supremacist, xenophobic regime. That wasn't true in 201 5, but it's true now.

- Like, it's not popular to say, but one of two major American political party has adopted white supremacy
as a political platform. If you prefer, take that as a hypothetical: if a major American political party
announced that a subset of Americans were sub-human, is that something Google should permit
because we don't want to offend? Because we might lose money? Diversity is itself political for a subset
of people- should we skip that, too, because there are some American voters who object to it?

nlegitimate world views "Conservative Christianitt I admire your

tolerance, but pairing those two phrases still sounds like an
oxymoron to me. How is supporting a racist not racist? How is
saying "I'm going t 0 elect a man who says he will immediately

deport 11 million Mexicans and cast a shroud of suspicion on all

Muslims" not racist?
Chuck Simmons Nov 9, 5:29 PM

Anti-conservative postings

Josh Beitelspacher google.com IJ Aug 13, 6.05 PM ••

Conservative values:

Women: Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.

White supremacists: We condemn in the strongest possible terms this

egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many

Immigrants: They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and
some, I assume, are good people.

If you're concerned about discussing conservative values at work. maybe you

should be. Maybe that's a feature, and not a bug.

I do think we could stand to

alienate tewer conservatives

Anti-conservative postings

2 08 PM Yesterday •
A majority of people who identify themselves as "Republicans" also
believe the Earth is 10,000 years old. Therefore by logical deduction, I
personally believe that a majority of self-identified "Republicans" can
be placed in the bucket category of idiots (or uneducated) and am not
afraid to say it in a forum like Memegen. Now I'm not at all singling out
an individual "Republican" as an idiot. That would be a Jerk and not at
all appropriate in the workplace (go/no-jerks). I know many Republican
voters who are smart, intelligent, kind, etc. They just generally
prioritize things differently than I do.

Likewise, in a forum like Memegen, I also feel it is OK to

categorize people who think the earth is flat as idiots. I still
wouldn't do it in a normal workplace setting however. And I
would never do it to an individual.
l. If: 21\. l"este.day (ed1.ed 2.16? .! festerday)

Do vou eveli wisb:vou were a

corinoration or a:fetus

so Republicans woulil tinallv

treatvou like·aHuman lieing?

Anti-conservative postings

Robert Lehmann google.com lb Nov 11, 2016 ••

Dear Lazyplus, dear Trump supporters,

I keep hearing people feeling unsafe about supporting Trump.

Please help me understand how - as a rational person, as a Googler - anyone

could possibly support Trump? I understand opposing Hillary Clinton, but
supporting a character that's been openly racist, sexist, and other horrible things
and incites other to be the same?

I don't think our basic value system of human rights is a negotiable issue.
Dignity is no tit-for-tat game. I can understand having a different political view
regarding government. regulations, or economy. I can seek rational discourse
with people denying climate change, doubting evolution, and maybe even
opposing democracy as a whole. There's just some things which are out of the
question, and inciting hate against parts of the populace is one of them.

If I may make a comparison not earning me the Godwin medal right there: If an
L9 sexually harasses someone we cannot go and argue, •hey, but he's a great
engineer, and all of his reports are happy with him!" This lapse weighs stronger.
For us as a company, we have decided there a central set of values that are set
in stone, and which trump every other argument. The same should apply to our
society and its political leaders.

+1 3 Q 1 <
Restricted to google. com • View activity

Not a Trump supporter, but I read your argument as "If you do
support Trump, you cannot work here•. This is a dangerous
proposition to make.

Anti-conservative postings

People in Indiana are bigots,

but thev don't call it bigotrv?

wh·at do ,1lev c~ri.;~,l~- .

.J' ' - . y , • ~. - -

-- /
Reli.gi.ous freedom~ ~

Anti-conservative postings

,•,hat you and I see ,Yhen we look

at history is so fundamentany different that l have to
assume that you•re deeply deceived or having some sort
of psychotic break from reality.

l see lhat the US prior to Clinton had a much more robust

welfare system. you seem to think that it can't have been
more socialist.

l see Scandanavian capitalist/socialist states as making

their people significantty happier. while maintaining a
quality of life significanUy higher than in the US. with a
lower totaJ taxes + fees + replacement costs burden than
the US. Canada has chosen a balance point between
Norway/Sweden/Denmark and the US and is comparably
better than the US but not as effective as the
Scandanavian states. You see everything non-US as a

What you think of as information is nonsense . What

you've been told are facts are dangerous lies. Please join
us in reality. Until then. I have to think of you as part of
the dangerous semantic noise spawned by Fox Ne\VS

and AM talk radio.

Anti-conservative postings

Groups +-,
fij•HIMii C
Pollt!CS >
Donald Trump is not expanding the GOP
21 posts by 10 authors r.1 G•I

Man I love data-dnven political analysis It's like catnip. Linked article has prettier tont, 11nks. and ple1ures t

* Other recipients

You mean white male voters with racist and/or sexist biases are not really Democrallc voters and voted for Trump?!

Anti-conservative postings
Alon Altman Yesterday 10.31 PM +6
~ Google does have a culture problem.- was part of that problem. He
did us a great service by resigning.

" ' Alon Altman Yesterday 10:51 PM +7

Regarding being inclusive of all people vs being inclusive of all ideas:
■will he welcome at Google again if he changed his mind and accepted the
company's values of inclusion.
Erica Baker could not stop being a black woman in order to feel included.
Kelly Ellis could not choose not to be harassed.
We want to be inclusive of people not ideas. We are indeed intolerant of
ideas that are intolerant of others. We also believe that people can change
for the better (e.g. hiring +chris Poole). But we should not accept people
who are toxic and unwilling to change.

we can't be both diverse

and politicaHv1divers8 .
. I l ' I
( ) I

'I I : 1' I I -
1 I /1 ii ; I
1il Lil ,. , :,c
LI .
- 4l.l.. ~~411!

When one candidate is anti-diversitv ·

Anti-conservative postings
January 13 2017, 11:38 AM PST

Every time someone makes a meme like this, I have to point out: political and religious opimons do not need the same
accommodations as gender and race *identities*. If you feel uncomfortable around people who do not share your
beliefs. you need to reevaluate them, not pressure others into assuaging you.

Brian Swetland google.com J Aug 5, 5.19 PM •

I once again find myself severely disappointed with management's apparent

inability or (worse) lack of desire to provide a non-toxic environment

Seriously, if I wanted to work somewhere where white nationalists, racists,

climate deniers, and misogynists were supported as viewpoints worthy of
protection, I'd find a job at Fox News or in the Trump Administration.

If management is having trouble deciding whether this should be a safe place

for Nazis or for anyone-who's-not-a-white-man, well, I really don't think this is a
hard question to answer.

+1 <
Restricted to google.com

Anti-conservative postings

Axel Wagner ,,, 26 ~ ' .,"lf 4 •

Intolerance deserves no tolerance. It's a common fallacy to
think it does. I consider Trump to be activety dangerous to the
well-being of a sigmficant part of the world. I don't realty care
about the US, they brought it on themselves. I care about the
rest of the world, that he intends - to varying degrees. ranging
from "pissing off" over "send troops'" to · commit war crimes" -
to declare war on).

I could care less about people being republican. But I won't

tolerate trump-voters.


Anti-conservative postings

-• Anil Oas
~ c3 ,.. , • + 1
I actually agree with your meme, and consider the p~chforks
misguided when Googlers find out the company has donated to some
Republican candidate or group.

•- Anil Das "" i:: ~ • • +15 +1 I•

Modulo all this, let me state plainly that tf you are a Trump supporter, all this
respect stuff is out the window, and you can
read ~ttps·, /plus.google com/106282167698240575328/ postsn RrQSNB2p
uh to see why I feel strongly about that.

tndustryinfo >
98 posts by 4 7 authors E)

e* Rachel Whetstone 10/28/14

As someone who cannot vote In US elections (and who has just recently moved to the US). I am shocked
by the very partisan nature of the political debate In the US. I thought the UK was bad, but this feels way
more prejudiced and antagonistic than anything I am used to back home.

As I have said at TGIF on several occasions, I feel similarly about some of the Internal debates we have
at Google around policy Issues. It seems like we believe in free expression except when people disagree
with the majority view. These figures from CrowdPAC (full disclosure - this is my husband's start-up) give
an interesting perspective on majority opinion in the Valley. I have lost count of the times at Google, for
example, people tell me privately that they cannot admit their voting choice if they are Republican
because they fear how other Googlers will react. So I thought this opinion piece was fascinating and
really worth thinking about



Anti-conservative postings

~ PM
How can Google better create an inclusive environment for Googlers supporting President-Elect Trump?

El 6

Tha1's a tough one. Being more than tolerant (by proactively creating an inclusive environment) with
people who are supporters of one of the most intolerant (read 'fascist') political figures in American
history is not an easy choice. In any case, this topic merits a serious discussion, so I will upvote it, even
though I personally disagree with the idea.
Vlad Cardei Nov9, 4 52 PM

I think that the first step there is to understand why they support Trump. Economics? Trust in a
• businessman? Distrust of Hillary? Distrust of politicians? I am genuinely curious about their reasons.

To me, it is very hard to understand what reasons someone can have that override the facts that (1) the
KKK supports Trump and (2) Trump has said deplorable things about Muslims, Mexicans, disabled folks,
women. etc.
Kylia Miskell Nov9, 502 PM

It works both ways. Trump supporters should also ask how better they should communicate and listen
/ the opposition opinion. Ignoring the fact that Trump has policies that are borderline discriminative makes
it hard for Trump supporters to be heard by groups that prioritize the human rights the most.
Jaana Burcu Dogan Nov 9, 506 PM

Anti-conservative postings

We all have Googler colleagues who supported Trump. but cannot admit it due to the tyranny of the internal
majority. What are we doing to foster dialog.ue, learn from our dissenting colleagues, and build a path forward?
How can we propose helping to unify the nation without our own house in order?

~ 718

I think you might need lo revisit some of the classes that Google gives us each year. Ifs important to
embrace diversity, not just because it's morally correct, but because it builds a better business. If we
have colleagues that support racism and do not support women's rights, learning from them is not a
goal. Well, okay, learning what's wrong with them so we can better figure out how to fix it...
Chuck Slmmons Nov 9, 5:23 PM

I have a hard time understanding what reasons someone could have for supporting Trump that override
• the fact that (1) the KKK supports Trump and (2) Trump has has said said hurtful and cruel things about
Muslims, Mexicans, disabled folks, women, etc.
Kylia Miskell Nov 9, 5:28 PM

One theory about why all the polls and predictions were so wrong is because people supporting Trump were
afraid to express their opinions for fear of retaliation. Is there anything Google can do to help achieve a world
where nobody is afraid to voice their opinions

Q 44

If their •opinion· is racism. why do they deserve to have their voices amplified?
Patrick Conner Nov9,411 PM

Anti-conservative postings
11 /10/1 6

* Other recipients:

I had this same feedback

I received 3(111) emails from senior leaders In my management chain yesterday, all of which were saY1n9 how much 'hate' won, and how
disappointed they were with the 'nationalistic and fear-mongering'.

As a Republican at Google, and a per.;on who voled for Trump, I already knew I was In the minority. What I dldn1 foresee is the fact I would
have to come into work yesterday and near my cube mates rldlcule and mock people like myself that voted for Trump, and then have that
behavior reinforced by senior leaders who sent emails condoning that beratemenl of Republicans.

I undersland that this Is not the outcome many here wanted. How are we StJpposed to have an open dialog, and discuss common ground,
when all that seems to happen Is hate and rtdlcuJe (on both sides!)

I don't want 10 live In an ecno Chamt>er. Many (all?) or my friends are Liberals, and I silently try to undersland their points or View, and how
they differ from mine. I don't hale people who voled differen tly tllan me, all I ask Is that the hate and vitriol be toned down, at least while
you're at work.

"Liberal = good/smart
conservative = bad/stupid"

Is one 01
the most prevalent
. . .}\;
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and stereotvf es
·· ...... f'i - ,.
at Google
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And I've never s!een it ad.dressed anvwliere

Anti-conservative postings

Dana Jansens ► google.com I:! Nov 09, 2016


Rather than starting a flamewar on erg-global@..

> Some Googlers voted for Secretary Clinton, others voted for
> Donald Trump for leg;t:imate personal reasons. Please respect
> each other's rights to choose, be tolerant, try to understand each
> other, and put your fajth in the rule of law.

I mean no disrespect, but statements like this come off rather condescending
IMO when rule of law has been killing blackfolks for generations and is now well
documented, and part of the platform of the man who was elected was that law
would be harder on blackfolk. This sort of statement smells strongly of privilege
that many people in the US do not have.

+1 ~ 15 < 2

Restricted to google.com • View activity

Hide 9 comments

Julia Tuttle +10 5d

Yeah. I don't see why I should tolerate people putting my fellow
minority coworkers at even more risk.

Anti-conservative postings

Salvatore Domenick Desiano (sdd)

US-S80-- · Jan 31, 7:10 PM

Couldn't 'working behind the scenes· legltimlz.e a fascist regime? Equal Protection (amend. XIV} applies to all
persons in America, not just citizens. If even one Googler has been materially affected by last week's order,
don't we owe it to them to file or join and carry a case to the Supreme Court?


https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2GpLJyDTmjnUGN5WnVQSVVJV1 U/edit?start=42m20s

http://scholarship.law.georgetown.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?art icle= 1302&c ontext=facpub

http://money.cnn.com/2017/02/01/technology/apple-tim-cook-trump-travel-ban-legal-action/index .html

Just listened to this podcast today:

hnp://www.marketplace.org/2017/01/31 / economy/make-m e-sm art-kai-and-molly/2-checks-and-

For more context...

Jef Hall Yesterday. 10:14 AM

+1. We work behind the scenes with business-friendly Republicans who might disagree with us on
policy. We should not work behind the scenes with white supremacists like Steve Bannon.
Tim Chevalier Yesterday. 10:14 AM

Kyha Miskell Yes1erday, 10 53 AM

Feb 1,951 AM

Google Is secular and pretty liberal. I'm also pretty secular and pretty liberal, but I have coworkers who are
conservative or religious, and they've told me that they feel an overwhelming pressure to stay •in the closet• so
to speak. Can you address this aspect of diversity and inclusion?

~ 23

Diversity doesn't obligate us to include people who cannot include others themselves.
Tim Chevalier Feb 1, 9:59 AM

Anti-conservative postings
mh-anon ,
Whelp, guess it might be time for revolution
5 posts by 1 author 0

B* mh-anon 1/30/17

How do people cope with this? t'Ve never been part of a mllltary or war eff'ort belore. I guess I can be uselul as IT support or ror haektng, but
my emoUons keep swinging between despair and anger and I don1 know how useful I'll be.

C ck hereto~

B* mh-anon 1/30/17

Gel in touch wllh your friendly local anUla. Oon1 try to dO this alone. There are people who have been fighUng neo-Nazls for decades. They're
nice people (generally). Gel to know lhem.

II you d0n1 know where to find 1/lem, try an Occupy group, like occupy Oakland (though not OCcupy NYC. that one has been co-opted by
fascists) or Just find Blaek. Latina/Latino. or Muslim activists and ask hOw you can support them.

I won't say v10lence has no place, but II you are going to be domg anything risky. I can1 overemphasize the Important of networking with
people Who'Ve been thinking abOut scenarios like the one we're In for years, and building relationships with them. We are only powerful if we

B* mh-anon

Also try lhe IWW.



It ls a glVen that there are people working at Google who have an Interest In undennlnlng radical resistance. statlstically, that's guaranteed.
Assume that people you can't trust are reading what you wnle at all times and that some of them might try to get you lnvOlved in something
viOlent ln order to undermine your movement rather than to further an objective. Use encryptlon and be aware of who your audience Is. I'll Just
leave 11 at that.

B* mll-anon 1/31117

If you're serious about resistance. you should read this: hltps://med1um.corn/@thegrugqllwltter-actMst-securlty-7c806bae9cbO . Working at
google I'm sure you understand Just how Interconnected everything onllne ts, and how easy It Is to learn things about people based on their
activ1tles onllne. II goes without saying that everything you dO should be encrypted, but also you need to be sure to keep eliminate au PII you
possibly can. Plus, since there are a lot of people moblllzJng to resist and hence a lot of folks moblllzlng to counter-resist, as :42 sald, you
should assume a stance of distrust towards any person or group until you have slgnlflcant evidence that they can Indeed Ile trusted with your

B* 1/31117

And it should be pointed out that this list Is not truly anonymous. The government could l$SUe a subpoena to provide names on this 11st and
Google would have to comply.

February 1, 2017, 10:31 AM PST

> But I'm just going to remind everyone that some of the people who work at Google
voted for him, and support him.

Unfortunately, as we've seen over the past two weeks, this puts them at odds with
basic human decency. If that's their polit ical position, they have to live with it. If they
don't like people calling a fascist what he is, that's their problem.

Anti-conservative postings

~~ Jennifer Messerly google.com m, Aug~ 4 2·10 PM •••

Reminder that sidetracking diversity efforts with complaints about "bias against
anti-diversity beliefs" is harmful, to precisely the minority groups we're trying to
make feel safe & included.

If we're going to have any success in creating a safe environment for minorities
here, then we must reject anti-diversity beliefs/ efforts.

If you need help letting go of those beliefs, there's a lot written inside the
company about our diversity programs, how they work, what they're about, why
they matter. There's also trainings to help: http·//go/ grow-inclusion

Jake McGuire [email protected] well said. We

recognize people for improving the productivity of their
coworkers . We should also recognrze people for reducing
the productivity of their coworkers through personal
unpleasantness. By firing them if necessary.

12:49 ,;:,M +1
Let me say it loud and clear. I believe should absolutely be
fired because he has made multiple statements that have made women
(and men) uncomfortable, angry, and threatened.

This is not character assassination, it is highlighting bad behavior.

Anti-conservative postings
September 9, 2016, 12:19 PM PDT

This is the type of thing unsolicited feedback is made for. It wouldn't take much. Just.
"Please see the contents of this ticket and consider promotion candidate's behavior on it.

September 9, 2016, 10:42 PM PDT
i hope you're not serious.

yeah, he is. this happens all the time here.

Counter point It is not possible to be a supporter of Donald Trump •and* to respect Google's actual diversity, as regards either race,
gender or sexuality

Furthermore he has shown to be a liar time and time again.


Anti-conservative postings

@ Anthony Haddlng > The only problem is that these


~ things are very hard to prove. and these disputes~

unfortunately, end up hurting the victim's career as well.

Google isn't the government. Proof of wrongdoing is not

needed to fire anyone (in the US, at least).

Given that. I sometimes wonder if the optimal strategy is

fire all those accused 100% of e time.

Consider tv,o cases:

Case 1: The accused person did nothing wrong.

As long as you don't publicly out the person being fired

(thus ruining their ability to get wor1< elsewhere), any
innocent person will be ab!e o move to another company
and will continue to have a wonderful career (since if you
can get a job at Google, you can get a job any\'1here).
Awesome! You"ve actually hun nobody]

Case 2: The accused person did something wrong.

Then we get rid of them. They do the same thing at their
next company and are also fired immediately upon the
first complaint. Eventually they run through all the places
anyone would ,vant to work and are finally unable to
bother anyone. reaving the world a better place. Or they

Anti-conservative postings

Gregory Collins
Im gve'.) tl com - AJg 6, 2015

Boy is this exhausting.

> Many Googlers have claimed that it Is "harassment" or some other rule violation
to critique articles that push the Social Justice political agenda. A few Googlers
have openly called for others to be fired over it. Do you support this viewpoint, and
if so, can we add a dear statement of banned opinions to the employee handbook
so that everybody knows what the ground rules are?

Short answer, speaking for myself: yes, the posting of this kind of "critique· - and
in fact, the posing of this very question itself - directly contributes to the creation
of a hostile work environment for women at this company. We are hemorrhaging
good people because they don't want to put up with this crap anymore, and if it's a
question of ·social justice· (i.e. trying to ensure that everybody can feel
comfortable working here regardless of their gender) vs. whatever-it-1s-people-on-
the-other-side-are, I definitely know who I want sticking around.

You can post to the Breitbart comment section at home on your own time. And if
you feel like being asked to kindly not behave this way is censorship or that your
rights are somehow being violated: perhaps everybody involved might be happier if
you found some place to work where the culture is more in line with your values.

Anti-conservative postings
Alon Altman Yeste day 7 4f' 1
• Am Freestone I see your point about Job security To some degree, this Is
already the case with at-will employment. "'1lere are certain things that you
can do that will get you fired invned1ately.

What other options do we have to ensure that jerks and people who do not
respect their fellow employees don't stay employed here?

Amy Freestone yarl,orrl!lU 7 48 p

+Alon Altrruan That ls true (and given my first job was in logs analysis, I was
quite aware of that). However, such a thing would be unexpected and not a
matter of course.

- Liz Fong-Jones VO«::'TDrt1 y 7 48 P

+Alon tm n Easler paths to figuring out who those people are and
terminating their employment.

- Kim Burchett ~ "'1: A· • +2

+Bridget Spitznagel I don't expect to change people's behavior. I do expect
to have a place where others can see that their behavior is noted and not
approved of. I expect the list will be useful to nooglers trying to decide
which teams to join. I expect to use It to prod managers and directors and
VPs Tnto taking action within their teams. I may also use it to submit
unsolicited pee-r feedback for anyone on the 11st, just to ensure that
committees are aware of their behavior and take it into account when
deciding whether to promote them.

+Fish Novosad I am considering this explicitly In order to counter the current

approach, where HR considers everything behind closed doors, and unless
someone's behavior is bad enough to warrant being fired, nobody else can
tell that anything ever happened. That kind of silence suggests consent or
indifference, which is very demoralizing.

Anti-conservative postings
Larry Lansing Jul 20, 2015
You've created a great honeypot. Log the usernames, forward to HR, let t he
firings cont inue until behavior improves. I don't want these people at my

Colin McMillen ,-.r ~2 ~n1 c:. +42

"I'm struggling to understand why this keeps happening even though I
understand why it keeps happening."

Because we don't fire enough people, that's why.

David Guild A • 24 :11 ~

■ And yet we have a bunch of white males crying bloody

murder over the suggestion that we slightly lower the hiring bar for women
and minorities. No one is saying we'll raise the bar for them; it's not a zero-
sum game and we already can't hire enough people.

This seems equivalent to your driving scenario, albeit with some signs
flipped (i.e. helping more instead of harming less).

1s where you say to group A.

I think the unrealistic part of your scenario
·we're going to reward group B", and then you expect the members of A to
go "meh whatever•. Robots would do that. People do not do that

Works on Moonshots

Summary Product lead for early stage Google[x] projects and Rapid Eval.
General manager of Foundry, early stage (x] projects.
Talk to me f.f you're interested to join [xi in a PM or non-tech leadership role. Especially if you are a
woman :)
I don't have an open role at the moment, but always looking for good PMs
(https;//grow.goog leplex.com/opportunity/job/7872017573)
For an [xi talk or demo, go/iwantx

Anti-conservative postings

Nicolas Dumazet 3: 12 AM Toda}

.:,e1 ea ex

and we shouldn"t leave men behind

I find it hard to read this without reac ·ng very

strongly. I suggest removing this completely, or
rewording this significantly.

Being pnvileged. Men are not Jeft behind. Like. ever.

If you want a productive debate on this document. I
suggest removing rethoric of this sort.

Reply Resolve

James Damore
Did you read my Ii nk? T here are many ways in
which men a re left behind and education is an
example where women get more degrees at
every Jevet
~-q~ I 10 y

II Nicolas Dumazet
Your source isn't relevant to my reaction. Do
you understand why "we shouldn't leave men
behind" is highly triggering? (I'm assummg that

"We'll never be a company that makes great products for everyone if we're not more reflective of the outside world. As I shared with my org,
discussions on d iversity can sometimes bring up ugly assumptions-from reverse discrimination to lowering the bar on talent-and that
needs to stop. We work hard to hire incredibly smart people and it's not about our standards changing. Our efforts to make Google more
diverse encompass everything from being more aware of biases, to shining a light on deserving talent and focusing on the leaders we already
have, to expanding the pool of talent, and more. And it's not just up to minorities; we ALL have a role to play. and that goes for leadership too.
" -Sridhar Ramaswamy

Anti-conservative postings
I believe this is what makes Slack, for example, so much more successful than us
at hiring, say, black engineers in the US. Their CEO actually believes this matters
for moral reasons. M eanwhile we worry about taking any action that might piss off
the horde of racist and sexist people we've already hired - the people who feel
nothing but apathy towards the blatant jnequaUty that pervades our industry, yet
erupt with passion when they feel their advantages being discounted.

Kim Burchett
lb '.:loogle.\,-um - Jun 29, 2015

Here's a suggestion from my wife: "I think only women and poc should be allowed
to make hiring decisions at google for a year. And/or randomly assign a third of
each position type to only be hired by women, poc, or unselected type. Look at the
resulting hiring data. Google likes experiments? Do an experiment."

To make a measurable difference we need to make large changes. not j ust small tweaks. Some
of what follows is my attempt to expand Google's Overton window. however most of it I think is
quite practical.

Here are some big changes we could do

• We could make Atlanta a major office.
• We could start a policy of actively recruiting anyone in the top X% of their graduating
class, regardless of school.
• We could hire people on the assumption that it's easier to learn to code at the level that
Google requires than to learn to be smart/friendly/creative (this one isn't as crazy as it
sounds - I've actually had success using this approach at previous companies)
• We could make gender and race be explicit factors in hiring decisions (e.g. add a 0.2
bump to interview scores seen by the hiring committee). There are ways to do this
without causing too much backlash.
• We could set representation targets that each SVP must achieve (either via hiring or
attrition) or else forfeit 50% of their equity compensation.
• We could hire activists to tell us what to do. Hire everyone from Project Include, pay
them well, give them staff and a project budget.
• We could open a trade school, where we accept the responsibility for teaching people
how to code. Accept anyone from age 16 up. Locate it out in the middle of east
brooklyn or east palo alto (and move it once the area gentrifies). Couple tt with a
guaranteed internship upon successful completion, and offer childcare. This would be
like McDonald's deciding to start its own fanns because it's not happy with the quality of
the produce it's able to source.

Anti-conservative postings
A Google user
Oct 15 2015, 12:13 PM

This week googlers were openly discussing retaliation against those who raise concerns about promotions
based on sex (see g/men). People are afraid to speak out because of things like this. Is management doing
anything to make googlers feel safe to raise such concerns?

&1 1

The standard of hiring should be by merit and merit only, not by race, gender, age or any other non-merit
related factors. Does the push towards diversity mean the hiring bar will be different for different
ethical/gender/ ago group of candidates? If that is the case. it is discrimination by nature.

El 21

I want to emphasize that. in relation to the original question, the hiring bar is already lower for men, for
white people, for abled people, for people in their twenties and thirties, because of biases we all hold.
Diversity efforts are to correct for these biases and ensure that everybody will be held to the same
standards. Denying that these biases exist doesn't make them go away.
Tlm Chevalier Today, 5 08 PM

Anti-conservative postings

Thomas BushneU, BSG google.com n, Aug 6, 4:12 PM


h/t +Matthew Garrett for the link. See

https://twitter.com/ alicegoldfuss/ status/894248580441 030656.

I'm going to do my part to address this problem until recruiting comes up with a
coherent strategy. I'm not perfect at it, but I'm going to try, and I would
appreciate pointers to resources to take into account and things to be wary of.

From now on, I'm going to devote at least the first third of my 45 minute
interview time to a discussion of experience with diversity. If the first fifteen
minutes doesn't satisfy me, I'll continue the discussion. If need be, it will t ake
forty-f,ve minutes.

I would encourage others to do the same. Judging ~googliness· by a vague

gestalt with no deliberate attention to such things is inadequate. We need to
consciously ask and make it clear that this is part of what we care about.

+1 l <
Restricted to google.com • View activity

Anti-conservative postings

Urs Holzle
Im J0og,e.corn - 11 :46 AM

I just sent out an email congratulating Tl's newest directors and principal
engineers, and 1O out of 1 O are male. While I am happy for all those promoted, I am
unhappy wrth this ratio - my VPs and I know that it's on us to identify talented
women and help them grow into leaders. Overall, in Tl, women were promoted at a
slightly higher rate than men in this round, so J know we don't have a systemic
problem. And we're working on the pipeline; for example, we have a leadership
development program targeted at senior women engineers (more to come on this
soon) , which started in Tl and which other PAs are now adoptfng as well. But I
wanted to be upfront with this post and say: yes, I noticed that too.

-the email -

Huge congrats to everyone who got promoted in this round and to our ten newest
Directors and Principal Engineers!

Once more, we've attempted to squeeze their tremendous achievements into just
ten words. This doesn't really capture the impact these folks are making on
Google's success. They all used their deep expertise to solve a big challenge--
whether it was getting various pieces of our infrastructure ready for the cloud and
the web or the future, keeping Google safe. or making networks much more
testable. And in order to get this done they all had to develop and enable their
teams and work collaboratively across organizations.

Why not take this as a good moment to step back and think of your own personal
work and how you can make your ·customers' happy, whether they're internal or
external. I can't promise that it'll result in a promotion but it'll be deeply satisfying.
Rinse and repeat :-)


Anti-conservative postings

* other recipients:

I wonder If tnere are any impl tca11ons for the way we conduct Interviews?
9 16/15

If my understanding of the articie Is correct. it locks like prefacing Interview Wltn sometlllng like "Tills Is not a coding or matn test, I Just want
to understand your way of lhlnl<lng" could probably help.

Tangentially, do we have en01.1gh female Interviewers? II may sound mean, but weeding out male candidates whose performance drops
slgnlffcanfly when Interviewed by a woman (If there are such candidates. of course) would, to me. be a good thing.

Bruce Murphy Aug 24, 2015 +5

You appear to be confusing "not permitted to talk about diversity" with
"people increasingly getting irritated that you derail constructive discussions
of fixing bias by jumping up and down and shouting repeatedly asking 'what
about the hypothetical anti white male bias' and then claiming sexism when
this is pointed out."

Is there any chance you could stop doing that?

Jon Orwant Aug6

There are no blacklists.

If you trace back where this notion came from. it was a claim that there was one manager who allegedly kept
a list of people they didn't want to work with. Seems plausible. But that's It. If one wants to call that a blacklist,
OK, but it shouldn't be Interpreted as an Institutionalized phenomenon at Google.

Now. If someone wants to transfer onto my team, at some point I might do a "from:" search In my lnbox for
their name. And so I'd see their posts to industryinfo@ and eng-misc@ and now pc-harmful-discuss@. I don't
want jerks on my team, so if I saw jerky behavior that'd be a negative. Conversely, if I saw pleasant behavior,
that'd be a positive.


Anti-conservative postings

.i Urs Holzle ► google.com 1 May 10, 2016

I'd like to comment on a pattern I frequently see in internal discussions, where

things go off the rails because (well intentioned, usually) engineers (always)
want to "examine the facts· or debate the ·exact goals". A recent example is
below, screenshot only since it's been deleted in the meantime.

As engineers we're trained to pay attention to the details, think logically,

challenge assumptions that may be incorrect (or just fuuy), and so on. These
all are excellent tools for technical discussions. But they can be terrible tools
for discussions around race, discrimination, justice, and so on, because these
discussions touch topics with a high cultural and emotional content. That's
because questioning the exact details can easily be perceived as questioning
the overall validity of the effort., or the veracity of a historical context.

In these situations, determining the exact truth can often be counterproductive

because it is situationally inappropriate. I.e., debating a point may be fine in one
context but totally inappropriate in a different context.

Let me illustrate this with a contrived example. Suppose you're attending

someone's funeral. Everyone's emotional, and several people give eulogies
praising the deceased. Suppose that one of the speakers mentions how great a
parent the person was, and suppose you know for a fact (100% demonstrable,
documented, etc) that this is not correct. What would the reaction be if you got
up and said "wait a second, that's not quite true, in this particular situation back
in 2012 they weren't really a great parent"? It's highly likely that the reaction of
the audience will be independent of the correctness of your statement.
Everyone would be upset because it's simply the wrong place, and the wrong
time, to debate the exact details of the past. The goal of the funeral is to
celebrate the person, and to help family and friends come to terms with the fact
that they are gone. In a different context (say, a court case) the exact statement
could have been welcome, but here it is not - and it's not a subtle call, it's
obviously inappropriate.

So before you post on a thread, think about the larger context. and whether your
question is appropriate in the context of the thread. For example, the question
below clearly is inappropriate because it has a high probability of being
interpreted as ''these diversity efforts are questionable" (even more so since the
question clearly is rhetorical).

And just as a reminder. when you see something that you feel is off, report it at
go/saysomething. We don't expect everyone to be skilled at intervening
themselves, but we do expect you to report it so someone else can.

(also available as a doc at go/why-discussion-context-matters)

I'm also Interested In the answer to this Question. The white majority in the US (63.7% Non-
Hispanic White https://eo.wikrDQd,a.org/wlk.,tDemograohy of the Umted States) is
underrepresented In Google (60% White employees overall). If we want to achieve racial mix-
up lo mimic the country then we should also hire more whiles. Is that one or the goals or
diversity effort?

Anti-conservative postings
I'm very glad that at Google we do our very best to make sure everyone feels included and that
everyone can "bring their whole self' to the office. Not only is this a noble goat, but it's the right
thing to do. I heard at TGIF that some conservatives (i.e. people who hold conservative political
beliefs) don't feel comfortable expressing their political beliefs at the office. At first I was
saddened by this, since it's a sign of how divided our society has become. But then I realized

Throughout the entire election campaign , one side has not only sought to divide, but has used
hatred and blatant racism to get ahead. Donald Trump has publicly stated, among many other
• Mexicans are rapists and murderers
• Muslims should be banned from entering the US
• Refused to condemn white supremacists who were campaigning for him
• Promoted violence against people, such as b lack lives matter protesters, who have
views different than him

Unfortunately, when you vote for or nominate a candidate, you vote for the entire package. You
can't support Donald Trump without also supporting his racism, misogyny, homophobia, and
transphobia. Or even worse, if you vote for Donald Trump because of his economic policy or
because you feel the other party is corrupt, then what you're saying is that economics is more
important than the safety of your peers.

This is where my tolerance ends: with intolerance. You can't support someone who sows seeds
of intolerance, and then complain that people aren't tolerating you. You need to decide, does
tolerance matter? Because if it does, then the things that Trump said during the campaign and
his nomination should have been dealbreakers for you. If not, then I'm sorry but you can't claim
to want to be included while excluding others.

Anti-conservative postings

Adam Fletcher
Im oogle !:Om - ,-\ug 4. 2015
While Google appears to be doing very little to quell the hos1ile voices that exist
inside the company, I warn those hostile voices to know:

* I will never, ever hire/ t ransfer you onto my team. Ever. I don't care if you are
perfect fl1 or technically excellent or whatever.
1r I w ill actively not work with you, even to the point where your team or product is

impacted by t his decision. I'll communicate why to your manager if it comes up.
* You're being blacklisted by people at companies outside of Google. You might
not have been aware of this, but people know, people talk. There are always social

~ Urs Holzle ► google.com n, Aug 6, 2017


Yesterday I came back from a week of internet- and cell-free vacation into
modem-speed land, and was dismayed to see the news about ..the document"'.
Needless to say, I completely disagree with it, and I find it deeply offensive.

Jn many ways it reminds me of other discussions (e.g., about evolution), in that 1t

argues a position that will be obsoleted by history. And I hope that we'll all pitch
in to create that future, soon.

As an optimist, the one positive outcome is the overwhelming support for an

inclusive workplace that it provoked. As a r,ealist, I am saddened that the hurtful
statements in this document have been written at Google. S1ill, if there was any
question about the direction we're heading in, I hope the strong reaction by
Googlers settles it - there's no path back to a past where it's ok to judge people
by their gender or identity. No way.

Anti-conservative postings
Paul Cowan
lb google.com Aug 7, 2015

OK. part II of my diversity-themed rants for the day.

There's a common thread I've seen in many dlverstty-related

discussionsAWshitshows. This is the repeated claim that people can't be punished,
or shamed, for expressing an opinion. I've seen "freedom of speech" invoked more
than once.

Any argument about where "freedom of speech" starts and ends (the old ·t1re In a
crowded theatre· argument) aside: please understand that freedom of speech is
the right to freely express an opinion. It Is most assuredly not the right to express
an opinion with freedom from the consequences.

The fact that you have a right to express a dunderheaded opinion does not mean
you have the right to demand that everyone continues to respect you, to pay
attention to you, to listen to you, or even to treat you without contempt. It is as
much someone's right to judge you (rightly or wrongly) for your opinion as it is
yours to express it.

This applies regardless of the opinion. If you express a dunderheaded opinion

about religion, about politics, or about "social Justice•. It turns out I am allowed to
think you're a halfwit. In some cases, I cannot act on my thinking (1 generally can't
fire you for thinking something I don't think about religion), but I'm perfectly within
my rights to mentally categorize you in my dkkhead box.

To make this more specifically about recent events: I saw a thread recently (which,
alas, I cannot find right now) in which someone described the (my words, not
theirs) "SJW cabal", and (horror of horrors) used words very like "some of them
have even talked about having a list of people they won't work with".

To be clear: this Is, In my opinion, perfectly acceptable. Quoting this as If it were

some egregious abuse of power, or of your rights, Is laughable. Everyone in this
company has a right to work In an environment which makes them happy and
comfortable. Yes, I maintain (mentally, and not (yet) publicly) such a list. If I had to
work with people on this list, I would refuse, and try to get them removed; or I
would change teams; or I would quit. My life, happiness, and mental health, are
worth too much to me to bum my precious happy-tu working with people I find
contemptible, unpleasant, or even in some cases merely Irritating.

Like +Collin Winter (see

https://plus google.com/ 113930769093822119546/ posts/ DoPXTit8Si9?e=-
RedlrectToSandbox), I do, and will continue to, maintain such a list.

Sadly, my list grew larger by quite a bit this week.

But I take comfort in one thing: my list of people I'm proud and delighted to work
with grew by even more. So, on average: thanks, everyone.

Anti-conservative postings
jaqx0 r @jaqxOr · Sh V

I contributed to a gender bias remvl fixit, and had to keep a list of the people who
objected, so I I remembered who to avoid in the future.

01 tl. 1 Q 8

0 Paul Cowan
( Follow

Replying to @jaqxOr

Fun fact! Keeping a list can get you called out

on a certain reprehensible internal mailing
list, and have threats of being reported to HR.
3:S1 PM - S Aug 2017

1 Retweet 8 Likes

0 2 t."l 1

Q 8
jaqx0 r @jaqxOr · Sh V

Replying to @ftmkwit
That is not a fun fact. Did an MRA start that policy?

0 2 Q
Paul Cowan @funkwit · Sh


Oh wait, yeah, not "fun". The other one that starts with "fu". I always get those two
mixed up.

0 t.1 Q 3

Paul Cowan @funkwit · 5h

0 Replying to @funkwit @JaqxOr

Threats I ignored, naturally, and which ironically grew the list substantially.

0 1 t.l, Q 7

Anti-conservative postings

Collin Winter
::,-.:>QL __ . Aug 6 20 5

One of the great lhings about Google's internal communication mechen sms (G• ,
mailing ists, etc). is that. as a mar,,ager, I can easity go find out if I really want to
wort<. with )'OU. When we're chatting for 30 minutes because yoo wanl to join my
team. you're going to be on your best behaviour: if thats masking a stream of G+
rants belittling your coworkers, I m going to find out.

I keep a written blac list of people whorr, will never a low on or near my team,
based on how they V'.ew end treat their co·11·orkers. That blac ist got a lrttle longer

+77 ,c.7

intersecbonal ,
Canceling reservations for white supremacists
1 posl by 1 author 0

tm Danielle LeVlnson ll/14/17 <+.. •


There are more white supremacist rallies planned ror August 26th In SF and August 27th In Berkeley. Do you know anyone who works al
Airbnb and who a,n work with managemen1 lhere to a,ncel while supremacists' reservabons? If so, please re ach o ut to theml

I have a further thought on this, and I know I'm violating Godwin's Law by saying it: during the 1930s and
1940s IBM collaborated closely with the Nazis on the information systems that underpinned the Nazis'
ability to execute the Holocaust. Do we want to similarly enable the current US administration?

-https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/lBM_and_the_Holocaust
Mar 9, 9:28 AM

Anti-conservative postings

i.} Jay Gengelbach , google..com WJ Jan 7, 5.58 PM •••

And here, I'm a little disappoint ed with how Google and other big companies
behave. This company does a criminal background check on its employees-but
do we look around for patterns of harassment? Do we pass on information from
our HR investigations to companies that call us for a reference? All we've said
publicly about James Damore or any similar case is that we can confirm that
they've been terminated. My understanding is that in reference calls, managers
are encouraged not to say anything negative about former employees.

I believe there's a lawyercatly reason underpinning this. Sharing details about

someone's termination can be construed as defamation, and limiting their future
employment prospects would be damages that ·could potentially be recovered in
a defamation lawsuit. But to that, I say: so WHAT? Google doesn't move on any
such cases without substantial evidence. 'Truth' is a defense to defamation
claims, and although it costs money to defend them, I'd hope that this mattered
enough to us that we were willing to put some money on the line for it. And I
don't think a lot of offenders would be interested in stepping .jnto court to
publicly face whatever evidence we have against them that led to our
terminating them. f we really care about diversity in tech, we don't just need to
~hase serial offenders out of Google, wef)eed t0 discourage them all thtoughout
(he industry. We should be willing to give ·a Wink and a nod to other Silicon ~alley
empl·oyers overterminable offenses, not sen<tthe worst parts of tech ~aclill)g
a on
with a smil§..an.d ye:ar o ernR!Q)'ment at G009le tl1eiu esu™ We should
be working with our victims to say ·we have all this documeritation of this case,
and we're happy to refer it onward to Mountain View Police Department if you'd
like;' so the worst of these things show up in those criminal background checks
that big companies like to do.

We need to be the end of the line for serial offenders--not just another stop on
their spree of misery. "Catch and release" is not an OK orientation towards
people who make tech toxic. We should be leading an alliance of big tech
·companies who are willing to take a stand on erasing abuse from tech, and
willing to take risks to do so. Silence is a part of rape culture. We shouldn't be a
part of it.

Anti-conservative postings

Jay Laefer +2 +1
I haven't looked at g/politics in quite a few months, so I don't
know how bad that's been. The worst stuff I read recently is at

Back in August 2015, I reported some of the worst

g/freespeech posts to leadership. I hadn't realized it's been a
year and a half since then, and some of the recent posts are
far worse. However, I don't have enough emotional energy right
now to dig through and report my recent concerns. I'll try to
make some time this week. The posts aren't going anywhere,

Trump or Hillary? (Responses) ~

Fie Eeltt. Vl9W Data TOolS Help

e Y · i Ht fi·:M
0 1

I Tlm1:>Marl1p
1 (Trnestamp IOo you support Trump or HIiary tor Pre,fdent?
9/27'201622:46:31 OlhercaftC!ld.ale-S
912712016 22:33:<2 HIiiary Clinton
ll/27/201622:37:17 HlllaryCllotoo Count of Do you support Trump or HIiiary for
912712016 22:36:02 Hlllilry Clintoo President?
9127)2016 22;35t39 HIiiery Clinton e Otho,c;,a!Qdatas
9/2712016 22'46:20 Donald Trump • HiAiw)'Cli~an
9127'2016 22:49:,3 Hillary Clinton 0Gri111d Trump
9'27/'2016 22:~ HHrary C Unton • TedCru~
,0 9127/201622:!16:19 OonoldTMnp • JII Steln
9/2712016 23:o:,~ HHiary Clinton • Gfiry.lOMloo
",. 9/2712016 23:08:02 H Iiiary Clinton
e HDary Clinton.
Beme Sanden

9127'2016 23:09:24 Otneramdld.sle$ . ,..,,....,
912712016 23; 10:46 Hlllafy Clloton

9/'ll/2016 23: 10:39 H lltary Clinton
9127/2016 23:16:04 HIiiary Cllnt011
9l27l201623. 16:34 HlllaryClloton
10 9'27/2016 23.16.07 HIiiary Clinton

19 ~'2712018 23: 16:47 HHl.lry Clinton
9/271201623·19:45 Donald Trump
" I

Google endorsing political violence

Anthony Baxter google.com 11b Aug 5, 6.44 AM ••

Funny story when I posted a (somewhat exaggerated) anti Nazi G+ post I was
told to delete it yet this latest is ok.

That Piece is all good and fine, apparently. I merely suggested that punching
nazis had a fine tradition of well all of the twentieth century. That was too much,
yet this stuff is OK? Get serious. Everyone involved in that 'Tm a pathetic man
baby who is unable to deal with the modem world" needs to get in the bin.

Google HR- don't be mean to actual Nazis they are valued coworkers.
Me::They're Nazis. No.

I will absolutely go out of my way to make sure I never work near anyone
involved with or who endorsed that garbage. Because Nazis.

And you should absolutely punch Nazis.

+1 <
Restricted to google.com • View activity

Shia LaBeout punched a Nazi

.... l
·-..J _.
January 211, 2017 1 "32 PM PST

Counter-point: Talk shit, get hit.

Google endorsing political violence

Matthew Montgomery +8
We went to war over this shit. We did not set up a roundtable
with Churchill, FDR, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, et al. We killed Nazis
until the Nazis stopped. Why? Nazis wouldn't stop until it became
clear that they could not win, and it is the ONLY reason they
stopped, because they were utterly defeated. With large scale
violence, killing thousands of humans and destroying billions of
dollars worth of property. THAT was the only language they
understood. Anything else, you'll recall, was branded as
appeasement. I'm pretty sure we know that's ~objectively bad.

To paraphrase MLK, punching a Nazi is the language of the

oppressed. MLK was pretty clear that you need BOTH the threat
of violent and non-violent resistance for the latter to be an
effective threat. MLK refused to condemn the more violent
elements of the civil rights era despite repeated calls because
without that threat, they'll just keep killing you.

This is why I refuse to condemn rioters, or punching Nazis. This

is targeted, political, defensive violence. It's what happens when
you leave otherwise nonviolent people with no other choice, and
it's what happens when a movement ignores everything else:
facts, reason, morality, empathy; justice, fairness, whatever.

This is not an ideological debate, full stop, period. We are in a

failure mode of democracy. This is literally, in every respect, a
power struggle. It's a struggle over who gets to set the rules of
society, who has the power to determine facts and morality. It's
best we dispense with any illusions otherwise.

So let some black bloc guy punch a Nazi, and let the world point
and laugh. Let it be symbolic and let all the Nazis fear. And then
repeat after me: this is not normal. This is not normal.

Google endorsing political violence

Rachel Bl'.um (corpsif1ed) +s

If you subscribe to an ide-ology that, as a matter of fact, wants
to kill people because t hey are different - and has, by the
millions - t hen you deserve being punched in the face.

And if I ever subscribe to an ideology like that, please punch

me in the face as well. By all means.

My problem with Breitbart isn't that I disagree with them. Its
that they're objectively pro-Nazi.

Tim Chevalier google.com Ill Aug 25, 2017 ••

'i'm a queer-ass nonbinary trans person t hat is fucking sick and tired of being
told to open a dialogue with people who want me dead

we are at a point where the dialogue we need to be having with these people is
"if you keep talking about this shit, i will hurt you"

we are beyond the point of ~opening dialogue to win hearts and minds~

we are at the point where the only way to change people's minds is to make
being a fucking nazi have consequences'

- Nora Reed

Google endorsing political violence

~ Torrey Hoffman google.com lll:l Aug21,2017


Also in the mood to punch Nazis, but none within punching distance.

Originally shared by Chris Conway

I'm in a mood to punch some Nazis but there are no Nazis currently within
punching distance, so... instead I'm going to match up to $5,000 in donations to
the following organizations t hat are fighting the good fight.

- National Immigration Law Center (https://www.nilc.org)

- Southern Poverty Law Center (https://www.splcenter org)
- Transgender Law Center (https://t ransgenderlawcenter.org)

Google endorsing political violence

~ hy We Fight: Frequently Asked 9uestions

Feb. 6th, 2017 09:39 am
L) tim
I used to be a pacifist. It's easy to be one when you aren't being attacked.

Large-scale vfolence always starts with ideas and rhetoric, because rhetoric eases
organizing and large-scale violence requires the consent and participation of many
people. How do you let people know you don't take their ideas seriously? How do you
defend yourself against ideas that can only cause harm to you? Communicating that
you will refuse to listen is one way, but it doesn't scale. No-platforming powerful
fascists does scale. So does punching one on camera.

Here's a FAQ list of things people have asked me -- or, in some cases, things they
would have asked me if they had thought to ask rather than assuming an answer --
about why I think fascism must be stopped by any means necessary.

That was the theory; here's the practice: 11 2

How to (Properly) Punch a Naz i by Master Randall Trang

Make a tight fist. Use your legs and hips.

Squeeze a ll the air out. Plant your back leg & pivot
Hit w/ the 1st 2 knuckles . on it as you punch. This
turns your hips into it &
drives the punch forward.


Google endorsing political violence
2. Okay, sure, I accept that definition of "fascism". But Trump isn't a fascist, is he?

Yes, he is -- not because I disagree with Trump (I'm not sure Trump has a
coherent enough ideology for the word "disagree" to denote much, though Steve
Bannon certainly does), but because he fits the definition of "fascist." Quoting
Emily Gorcenski again:

So let's look at how we're using the term today. Is the modern GOP a
fascist party? Is Trump? His supporters?

Trump won with the minority popular vote. So there's that. He's
controlling narratives away from negative views of his party.

His policies involve cutting off resources for marginalized communities.

His supporters call anyone not a white man a "snowflake."

His rise to power was strongly aided by technology. He wants to march

tanks through DC in a show of military might.

He has a singular focus on restoring manufacturing jobs to the US at the

expense of other services.

And he and his team regularly harp about "unity" and patriotism.

So yes, Trump is a fascist and his team promotes fascism.

Not because I disagree with them, but because actions align with fascist

If you talk like a fascist and you act like a fascist and you govern like a
fascist, you're probably a fascist.

[ ... ]
TLDR: fascism requires mandatory unity for strengthening the state and
isn't about dismissing speech or dissent.

3. Well, okay, maybe he's a fascist, but the people elected him, so don't you have to
accept him as our leader?

No. Donald Trump exploited a loophole in the Constitution in order to take over the
government. Voting in the US is based on the electoral college because the
founders foresaw that the popular vote might result in the election of an
incompetent leader. They thought that the job of president was too important to
entrust directly to the majority. They wrote the electoral college into the

Google endorsing political violence
9. Fine, there might be a few bad guys we can't convince, but surely the majority will
see they're wrong.

History suggests otherwise. As Rachel Stark points out ( read the whole thread ),
no-platforming is the only effective defense against fascists because the
wrongness of their position is not obvious -- over time, fascists have adapted and
found ways to re-brand themselves that bypass people's defenses, much like pop-
up ads that make it past your ad blocker. Ideally no-platforming would be done
peacefully, and it usually is, but sometimes peaceful methods fail, and punching a
Nazi if it prevents genocide is a moral imperative.

So I am 100% pro punching Nazis & tired of hearing this debated, but I
wonder if folks realize WHY anti-fascists punched that Nazi.

We don't punch Nazis out of anger (though we are mad), or to change

their minds (they don't want to change) ...

We don't even punch Nazis because it feels good {though it feels SO


A central Antifa (anti-fascist) principle is that fascists CANNOT be

allowed to have a platform.

Tim Chevalier google. com Feb 2, 2017 •

Trying to ·work behind the scenes· with the Trump regime means trying to work
with white supremacists and make compromises with them. Is that w hat we
want Google to do?

Tim Chevalier google.com Mar 13, 2017 ••

Steve King. a Republican member of the House of Representatives, used Twitter

to call for ethnic cleansing.

How much more evidence do you need that the Republican party Is openly
advocating for white nationalism In 2017? No, not every Republican member of
Congress Is saying this - nor are they taking out their trash.

Google endorsing political violence

Punch All the Nazis @fatneckbeardguy · 14h V

Replying to
I could have said "Republicans", "conservatives", •alt-right", "neo-Nazi", doesn't
matter, They're all working together for the same goal.

Q1 t.l. 4 C) 2

Punch All the Nazis @fatneckbeardguy · 14h v

When the Republican party talks about "freedom of speech" these days, what
they mean is "freedom to dehumanize". Don't be fooled.

Q1 t.l. 8 C) 10

Google endorsing political violence

Tim Chevalier Aug 29, 2017 ••

' ' • Public •

[Trying a public post here; I won't hesitate to disable comments if necessary.]

[CW: domestic violence]

Thread from @quicksilvre on Twitter:

'Thinking about the trend of trying to explain away antifascist violence as

"random." It's anything but random. It's very precisely targeted

There is literally only one reason an antifascist would be violent towards you:
you are a fascist

I mean, human beings are human beings and we're complex and we never only
have one reason for doing anything but still

People don't commit antifascist violence except in response to fascist violence.

Antifascists are not roaming, looking for punching targets

Antifascists are showing up where proud fascists are making public displays of
force and making their own public displays of force.

If you don't want to get punched by an antifascist, it's simple: don't go to white
supremacist rallies and don't own white power symbols

It's not ~oppression~ if you can't be out & proud about your belief that white
people are just ~better~ without the risk of being punched

Getting punched for participating in a white supremacist rally is not oppression,

it's reasonable social consequences

Not being able to express your belief that groups of people are "lesser" & should
be done away with without facing violence isn't oppression

It's perfectly reasonable to expect a violent response to the expression of hate

speech because hate speech is itself violence

Anti-Caucasian postings

II vou want to increase diversitv at Google

Bruce Murphy Aug 4, 2015 +3

Maybe a clamour would work better than surgical intervention, but I just
forsee endless escalation between honest decent folks and the defenders of
the hypothetical oppressed white male until HR steps in and fires everybody.

Have we actually triend non-self-directed adjustment? (Warnings don't

count, there's no specific outcome )

The only way we "move past color in America is for white people to shut up and
listen. And yes, it means people used to be in the spotlight (I'm looking at you,
Justin) need to step back and quietly build a stage for others to speak. That's
allyship, which is Justin's only role in this.

Anti-Caucasian postings

- If you are whlte/ male/ heterosexual/ (lnsert majority group here], there are times to
just shut up and listen. Try for some empathy. You'll learn a lot.

Jon Klem Jan 21, 2015 +1

Every time I'm reminded of the travails of Kathy Sierra it
makes me want to pound a brogrammer in the face.

Anti-Caucasian postings


I..a EQu"~ R,&\\Ts foP.
81-AC\t PEOPLE - oo ~OT
~P.KE S1.1~E~-tio.,S To -'' -
Tt-\OSE \/Jt'\O DO

Asfandyar Qureshi google.com ID1 Nov 14, 2016 ••

"I am a white male and I am sick and tired of being demonized and blamed for
society's ills. I am sick and tired of my race and gender being the target of real,
honest hate (e.g., #killallmen"'') that society would not tolerate if directed at
other groups"

A Googler explaining why he voted for Trump (doc link at end). The more I learn
about Goog!ers outside my immediate circles, the less I want to be anywhere
near them.

This is so disconnected from reality I don't even know what to say. Most "real,

Anti-Caucasian postings

Paul Cowan
Im oogle.t;<11n - 6'20 PM

It's good to be periodrcally reminded, given how popular Dilbert is

amongst us geekfolk, that the creator of Dilbert is (among other
things) a paranoid sexist dickbag.

Burcu Dogan
lib google.com - Mar 1o, 2015


There are numerous sexual abuse and harassment cases going on at Google. All
internal G+ threads I have skimmed through were dominated by men debating
about false accusations and their legal implications.

We can't address the harassment issue, because you want to keep harassing us.
You want to offend us. You want to ignore us. You want to ignore our issues and
stick back to your daily masturbation about your manly problems. Any woman who
is questioning the status quo is reacting over-sensitively, should be a drama queen
or seeking for possibilities to damage a powerful man's career. This is how your
brain works.

Being disturbed by your arrogance and annoyance, I don't feel safe at Google

+24 ,.+ ..,.

Anti-Caucasian postings
Kim Burchett
lb google.com - .,ul 7, 2015

I Challenge You to Stop Reading White. Straight. Cis Male Auti,ors

"or One Year - xoJane
c9+ xoJane

Anti-Caucasian postings

,-,,,, Chloe Stevens

1J google.com - Apr 24, 2015

If you read one post today, read this one.

-** originally shared:

A coworker quit. In her parting letter, she felt the company was a
toxic environment, inferred as bad for diversity employees.
Read more (155 lines)

..... -
. - ....... ~·~ · ... _.., _ _.-=....:..-~
. . - ..

Select difficulty:

___, '
. .
.__....., ..-
___. ' . -.
Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There
Is I Whatever
whatever scalz1 com

I've been thinking of a way to explain to straight white men how life works
for them, without invoking the dreaded word "privilege," to which they
react like vampires being fed a garlic tart at high noon. It's not that the
" .

Anti-Caucasian postings

google.com r , Nov 1, 4:09 PM :•

"The paradoxical implication is that the same psychological characteristics that

enable male managers to rise to the top of the corporate or political ladder are
actually responsible for their downfall. In other words, what it takes to get the
job is no1 just different from, but also the reverse of, what it takes to do the job

Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?


+l 1 < 1

Restricted to google.com • V1e1111 activity

3) By being a white male you are in a privileged class that is actively harmful
to others, whether you like it or not. So no, you really actually don't get to
complaln about your right to an opinion. You are in a position of power, be
mindful of that.

Anti-Caucasian postings

• Cassiano Mecchi (Cassi) ► BGN EMEA Oct 12, 5:46 AM :

Though 1his speaks to USA-specific numbers, I found it very useful.

White Privilege, Explained in One Simple Comic -

Everyday Feminism



Cassiano Mecchi (Cassi)

Diversity Business Partner - EMEA GMS, gTech, GCAS & Data Centres · cass1 ·he/ t11m

Anti-Caucasian postings
II Peter Goett 9130/1~

I hate when lndustJyinfo takes Important Issues and devolves Into arguelng allOut minuta anc! misses the big picture. No matter who was Invitee! by
Google. there would have been a non-Inconsequential amount of vltriol just because they were women standing up tor a feminist cause.

Maybe to Ille small population of people who know the details of gamer-gate, tl1e Invite list is problematic. For the vast ma)ority of Americans (the ones
whO llave never heard of gamer-gate), the fact that this program eXists iS a good thing. These women are qualffied to speak to onllne harassment
regardless of their perceived tactics.

Just going to put this here and quote John Oliver- ·11 you're thinking that doesn1 seem llke that big of a problem. oongratutat!ons on your white penis· .


Anti-Caucasian postings

§ Wesley Darlington ► google com lllD Mar 01 , 11.42 AM


Isn't it interesting that Travis Kalanick gets as many chances to grow up as he

wants - he's 40!! - but Trayvon Martin was 17.

+1 El 1 < 1

Restricted to google.com • View activity

Viet-Tam Luu +3 7h
Yesssss. Resharing this under the phrase, •okay Google, define
white privilege."

Jonathan Feinberg google.com m1 Aug 9, 12·01 PM ••

The doc considered formally as abuse springing from an entitled worldview.

Excellent essay.

tim I Refusing to Empathize with Elliot

Rodger: Taking Male Entitlement Seriously

+1 8 < 2

Restricted to google.com • View activity

Anti-Caucasian postings

Scott Bruceheart
fflm google.com - :>ct 13, 2015

Dear all the boys: do not put the burden of relieving your systematic misogynistic
discrimination on women.
Dear all the white people: do not put the burden of relieving your systematic racist
discrimination on the people that aren't white.

It is not the responsibility of the victim to end the victimization. It is the

responsibility of the victimizer to stop being terrible.

+31 ,., ...


':c' -: 2C"' 5 +2
Please don't put •an the boys•, ·an the white people", or any other entire
demographic into the ·victimizer· bucket. It is not the responsibility of
everyone who kinda looks like the person who committed an offense to right

- it is the responsibility of the privileged to end the privilege

though. Nobody else can.

Scott Bruceheart "'I...-• .. 3 2015 +4 +1 Reply I•

' I'll just leave this here: http:// goodmenproject.com/ featured-contentfwJ,,ite-
f rag ii1ty-and-the-rules-of.-eng agem ent-twlm/

Anti-Caucasian postings

~ Antonio D'souza ► google.com Ill Julll,2017 •••

From Y@G:

"I (a white Googler), in an attempt to build rapport with a Black Noogler and
demonstrate my lack of ignorance of Black History, ended up whitesplaining
Black History to him .. .thereby demonstrating my ignorance of Black History in
the process. A few minutes later, feeling like a complete idiot, I went back to him
and apologized for whitesplaining"

First time I've seen a mea-culpa submission. Would be nice to see more
demonstrations of self-awareness.

If vou didn't understand / were offended

when that uuv said that white men had to
do some research and read about privilege

vou should rea11v do some research

and read about privilege [and also
attend abias busting session).

Anti-Caucasian postings

google.com Aug 14 9.53 AM •

This is a pretty good article about the •walking on eggshells" effect as actually
experienced by people of color - of being afraid to point out racial stressors for
fear of being lumped as •over-sensitiveM, and of needing to phrase things to be
palatable and not trigger defensiveness.

The Sugarcoated Language Of White Fragility

Cause of Racial Streu Effect on Aspect of White ldentfty

Suggesting that a White person's Challenge to objectJVlty

v.ewpoint comes from a raciallzed frame
of reference

People of color talking directly about the r Challenge to White taboos on talking
own raciaJ perspec:Uves ~ e n l y about race

People of color choosing not lo protect l -chalfenge to White racaal expectations and
the racial feelings of white people In need/entitlement to racial comfort
regards to race

People of color not being willing to tell Challenge to the expectation that people of
their stories or answer questions about
the r raetal expenences
I c:alor w,nserve Wlute people

David Seidman 10:12A 1Today •

The male gender role is currently inffexible

This is partially incorrect. Male gender roles are an
active area of study and activism. See "toxic
https :J/en.wi kiped,a.orglwiki/Toxic_ masculinity

Rep1y Resolve

Anti-Caucasian postings

Asfandyar Qureshi
Im google.com - 2 29 PM

The article works just as well jf you replace 'white' with 'male'.

·How dare you suggest that I could have said or done something
racist!" ... Outrage Is often followed by righteous Indignation about
the manner in which the feedback was given.

Derailing and tone policing ... it's comical how often those happen in
these discussions. Exemplified by the second comment on Kim's
post, which is about why 'racism' is an Inappropriate word for
"structural oppression·.

cJ •o ·) J _ .L..1.

(Turning comments off, because I have work to do.)

Show less

Kim Burchett originally shared:

·1write and teach about what it means to be white in a society that
proclaims race meaningless. yet remains deeply divided by race. A
Read more

Write Fragility and tile Rules of Engagement -

goodmenproJect com

Anti-Caucasian postings

Bridget Spitznagel
11b "009 e :._ ~ - ,.~u AM

attn. BGN allies (i.e. white folks), this is relevant to your interests
This external talk will be recorded but you have to register to get the
future recording. The problem that it ls meant to solve is: "many
white folks [who want to help] don't know where to start and feel
overwhelmed by the emotions that begin to arise - whether that's
feeling frozen with guilt, powerless to make a difference, or defensive
about the idea that racism is a factor.·
I think this problem does come up here a lot and this talk may be
more effective than reading drsprite p-0sts ;) (IDK, I haven't seen it.)
S11ovv less

Healing from Toxic Whiteness to

Better Fight for Racial Justice
A FREE Online Workshop
By Everyday Feminism
September 15, 2016

Healing from Toxic Whiteness

co11 i,.,ass1onaLe<1u,v sm ,eadpages.ev

Googler reactions to the Damore memo

$\ Dave Burke google.com ,J Aug 7, 12:30 PM •••

Taking a quick pause from my vacation over in Ireland. Like most of you, I've
read the document (and indeed can't miss it given the press coverage).

If you haven't seen these already, I strongly recommend reading Yonatan

Zanger's (https://medium.com/@yonatanzunger/ so-about-th1s-googlers-
manifesto-1e3773ed1788) and Mike Cleron's
{https //plus.google.com/ 100250496237307976234/ posts/ L8b6X1LX12H)
rebuttals. They nail it.

But above all else. if you're on my team, or work with my team, and were as
dismayed and frustrated as I was reading this document I feel compelled to let
you know 3 things:
1/ 3: I will not stand for this BS.
2/3: I am more committed than ever to an inclusive and diverse team.
3/ 3: We have your back.

+1 <
Restricted to google corn · v,ew act1V1ty

Googler reactions to the Damore memo

Angelica lnguanzo (inguanzo) •

US-SBO-- · Today, 4:13 PM
As engineers it is expected that we provide interviews to prospective
Googlers, how can we better ensure that people with these bias aren't part of
the interviewing process moving forward. It makes me uncomfortable that
the group of people that "supported" his doc should continue to participate.

~ 7

Simon Howard (fra)
US-CAM-1111· Today, 3·38 PM
Meta-request: There are a lot of questions from men on this Dory. Will you
ensure that questions from women are given equal time during this Town

~ 7

Heather Young (heatheryoung) •••

US-KIR- · 59 minutes ago
The author was not alone in his views: 175+ people agreed to some degree
before the poll was taken down (and leaked). They -and others like them-
work among us, and may be managers, on hiring/ promo committees, etc.
What is being done to understand the true scope of this cancer within our

Googler reactions to the Damore memo

i Paul Cowan google.com Aug 5, 4:23 PM



Originally shared by Tanya Reilly

God, please let our inevitable public statement be less toothless than that
internal mail. We need to say "Wow, that was some bullshit right there. We've
fired that guy [into the sun), and updated our code of conduct to say not to do
anything that looks even a bit like that, ever. Also, we're looking at how we can
change our interview processes to notice toxic opinions like that, because
seriously, wtf, where did that come from? Sorry everyone, that must have been
exhausting. It was for us too.·

Healthy debate.

Come on.

Andy Carrel (wac) google.com 1t1 Aug 8, 1:34 PM


Completely unsurprised that my ".LO" gmail label. which I use to avoid

interactions with toxic Googlers that we apparently do not want to terminate, is
filled with posts attempt ing to defend that doc. It makes me wish we had an
internal blocktogether equivalent.

Bryan Klimt google.com Aug 5, 8:56 AM •

rmon vacation and ignoring work stuff, but the bullshit is seeping into the public
internets today. So I came here to say something. If you think women are
inherently less capable of coding, leading, etc - please leave. If you don't respect
Google's values of diversity and inclusion, quit. Frankly, you're lucky I'm not in a
position to fire you.

Googler reactions to the Damore memo

f~ Collin Winter google.com m, Aug 7, 9:03 AM •••

So, That Doc.

I'm thrilled that you don't feel comfortable expressing these views at Google. I'm
excited that you can't question the humanity and basic value of your coworkers
without worrying about blowback. I'm happy that publicly undermining the
people around you might carry some consequences.

I'm happy that treating people wrth respect has become table stakes. I'm happy
that Googlers have reacted like a body to an infection, surrounding and isolating,
trying to contain the damage, to limit how many people your pseudo-scientific
racism and sexism can hurt.

Because this is an infection, and this is actively hurting people. How could it

Because this isn't an intellectual exercise. This isn't taxes, or infrastructure

spending, or foreign policy; this isn't an area for dispassionate discussion, where
we can bat around different ideas over lunch.

This is an attack on people as people, on people's humanity, on people's

employment, security, on their place in the world. On their fundamental value as
human beings.

And that is why there can be no ·healthy debate•. No one should have to debate
their own humanity or the terms of their own existence. The very idea is
demeaning and degrading.

There will be no debate, there will be no discussion. The matter is settled. You

Googler reactions to the Damore memo

Trevor Schroeder • google.com l!l1 Aug 7 10·27 AM •••

I just realized something very liberating because it's been a question I've been
struggling with.

Even in the event we would hesitate to dismiss a person for espousing

repugnant opinions, if nobody is willing to work with them then they cannot be a
part of a team and cannot be retained.

+1 1 <
Restricted to google.com • View activity

Googler reactions to the Damore memo

Benjamin Treynor Sloss google.com ~ Aug 7, 7:19 PM •••


Team, all,
To the many inquiries I've received: YES.

Yes, I've seen the 'Echo Chamber' doc;

Yes, I personally deeply disagree with much of its content and insinuations;
Yes, it shows that bias is alive and well in the minds of at !'east a few we've hired;
Yes, I remain resolute that bias and discrimination have no place in my team,
just as they have no place at Google.
and frnall'y,
Yes, I will continue to work to ensure that bias at Google- whether stated baldly,
or concealed - is rendered powerless through our practices, our systems, and
the unflagging attention of Ithe vast majority of] our people.


+1 2 <
Restricted to google com • View activity

Googler reactions to the Damore memo

Meredrth Whittaker google.com m:1 Aug 8,919 PM •••

I think it's critically important that we discuss the steps women and minorities at
Google should take when faced with colleagues who openly supported the
views in the doc. This is a functional workplace, and many are already dealing
with this question and the anxiety that comes with it.

To this end, I ask those who agree to amplify:

https://dory.googleplex.com/ senes/100897204/submissions/100897 487

Meredith Whittaker (merednhrachel) ..•

US·NYCI I I· 3 minutes ago
What should women and minorities at Google do if someone who openly
supported the doc Is transferred to their team, or added as a pert reviewer, or
becomes their manager?

~ o

Patrick Jones google.com m, Aug 8, 2017 ••

I could say lots of things, but other people have said them much better than me.
So I'll just say, fuck those opinions, and fuck people who think it's OK to have

Googler reactions to the Damore memo

google.com m., Aug 7. 1:36 PM •••

The-Document-That-Shall-Not-Be-Linked (TDTSNBL) is wrong. I'd say it is

comically mis-informed, but there's nothing about it that's funny. The author
does a fantastic job convincing me that I'd never work with him, never
encourage anyone to hire him, and will now re-double my efforts to ensure that
those around me understand that anyone holding such views has no place on
any team I'm a part of.

One last point the staggering lack of empathy, the implicit assumption in
TDTSNBL that it's his safety that must be prioritized over those who are not like
him, his vi.ews that must be respected above others ... He's not trying to help
Google, he shows no interest in leveraging the skills of those around him. He's
just trying to protect his own sense of superiority relative to everyone else.

To the thousands of women who share their talents with Google, thank you. I
value you, I respect you, I see you.

To the men at Google who don't agree with the author of TDTSNBL, let this
moment shine a light on the shit that those women confront day in and day
out ... not always this explicitly, but certainly implicitly. Acknowledge that
challenge, appreciate that they're not just trying to do their job, but trying to lean
into the headwind generated by blowhards who believe that they're genetically
incapable of doing their job. let alone excelling at it.

As for the men who agree with TOTSNBL? You're welcome to your opinion. I'll
give you that. But you are wrong, and you are outnumbered.

Googler reactions to the Damore memo

Mekka Oker,eke google.com IIb Aug 7, 7:04 AM


I see an unfortunate misunderstanding that's going on in communication

between leadership and most of Google, specifically around "rea soned debate."
We are attributing missteps in communication to a very unfavorable intent.

What I think leadership are trying to communicate is:

·This PCCH nonsense is trying to hide behind the veil of reasonable, data driven,
challenging of assumptions that they know we like. No one is buying this.

We want to shut this nonsense down hard, but in a way that doesn't prevent us
from having real conversati.ons about other important topics in the future. Doing
this right takes time."

Andrew Young google.com Aug 6, 4:07 PM ••

I've been struggling for a while with the limi1ations on "being your whole self" at
work and I think this demonstrates the shortcomings of that presumption,
although I have other examples. We're a large multinational company. Nobody
should expect to be able to be their whole self, particularly the parts of their
whole self that make others uncomfortable. If your whole self reinforces the
existing privilege structure, all the more so.

Googler reactions to the Damore memo

Andrew Over google.com Aug 8, 1:36 PM •

Freedom of speech and freedom of consequence from speech are two entirely
different things. If the only t hing ho.lding you back from saying t hings t hat
degrade/devalue/disrespect your coworkers is fear of consequence and this
makes you feel uncomfortable, perhaps spend some t ime thinking about why
that is and whether Google is the right place for you.

There's little else I can say that hasn't been said more eloquently by others.

Zac Bowling google.com lllJ Aug 1O. 4:56 PM ••

James Demore is a troll. He was on campus by the Android figures and was
trying to go live on pariscope during the town hall. Doubling down on his rhetoric
it seems to make himself an icon instead of apologizing and going into a corner
to let this all blow over for himself. Looks like he never wants to work in tech
ever again.

•• Colln McMIiian <mcm1llen@g oogle.com> 8/6/17 <+.,Reply to all •

to Adam pc-harrnfut-c1s ...

Can I be upset about both of those things?

sure :)

But Vox Day isn't on my side. He doesn't speak for me. I don't think anyone would imagine that he does.
(Quick summary from people who don't like him. He's about as well-respected as Richard Spencer.) Well,
maybe they would, but they'd be wrong. Do I need to make this clear? Vox Day is a mean person with terrible
ideas and worse manners. he's not on ·my side", and rm not on h is. I hope that helps dear things up.

The specific part I'm concerned with the leaks to Vox Day is: it was done by a Googler. Said Googler knows that
Vox Day and his followers have a history of"doxxing" various "SJWs" they dislike. Whoever leaked thrs knew full
well what they were doing, and that it woold put specific Googlers' lives in potential danger, and leaked
confidential communications intentionally, knowing all those things.

And thinl<ing Vox Day *is• on their side. (Otherwise why would they teal< to Vox Day in parucular?)

Whoever did this should not just be fired; they should be arrested for reckless endangerment of human life.


Googler reactions to the Damore memo

Vicki Tardif Holland google.com nn Aug 3, 9 29 AW. •••

I am always amazed at the need some early/mid-career engineers have to write

(internal to Google) public, career-limiting documents. Of course, they are
usually followed a year later with table-flipping epitaphs about how they are
leaving because it is impossible to get to L6.

+1 18 m 4 < ,
Restricted to google.com • View activity

J Francis Fung
l Well, actually, I'll bet they have sincerely held reasons for taking
these actions.

(Is that sufficiently sarcastic to avoid Poe's law? I can't tell

anymore. :P)

Vicki Tardif Holland +2

+Francis Fung I am sure they do. But when someone claims
Google has "extremist and authoritarian policies· because they
were forced to sit in Unconscious Bias training for a few hours,
I don't know how to get around Poe's Law.

Simone Wu
Seriously! What IS it with these goofballs?

Christopher Richards +1
I wonder how often Google is their first employer. I suspect
most other employers are less likely to let matters get to the
"career-limiting doc" phase, not to mention the "wondering why
not promoted· phase.

Googler reactions to the Damore memo

- Trevor Schroeder google.com J Aug 5, 7.54 PM •••

I have the feels so I'll keep spewing until I don't or I'm sufficiently embarrassed to

As a manager, I have to walk a fine line when it comes to political neutrality.

It is inappropriate to speak from a position of authority about what is or is not

correct political orientation.

However, Google has very clear values and ones which would cause me to leave
should I feel they were violated include pursuit of diversity and inclusion.

If your personal or political views are antithetical to that you can get the hell out.
I know where the door is.

I'm sure wound up about this.

+1 <
Restricted to google com • View activity

· Travis Wise google.com Db Aug 6, 5:32 PM ••

We appear to have some employees who (1) have too much free time on their
hands at work. and (2) aren't a good cultural fit with the values of the company
they work for. They should fin d another place to work.


Restricted to google.com • View activity

Googler reactions to the Damore memo

~~ Timothy Jordan google.com Aug 7, 2017


Below is the email I sent my team this week

Subject: Everyone on this team belongs here

Hey Team,

By now many of you will have heard about or read the 'pc manifesto' written by
an ill-informed and misguided person at this company. I'm so incredibly
disappointed that one of our coworkers could possibly think this is even
remotely a contribution to objective debate. This 1s mansplairnng at rt's most
caustic and ifs not okay.

I found myself looking for catharsis by reading Yonatan's response

(https.//goo.gl/ hPSg9g) which led to his piece on Tolerance (Tolerance is not a
moral precept, https://goo.gl/ Yrk71 Z), Julie Pango's So You Want to Be an Ally
(https //goo.gl/ 3GBZEd) and 101 off limits (https://goo gl/ Dhc2gY) and Terri
Oda's How does biology explain the low numbers of women in computer
science? Hint: it doesn't (https://goo gl/d2ohlx).

All that helped, but I needed to do one more thing, I needed to write this email.
Because we're all in this together. We don't have to just deal with the tech
industry we inherited, we can actively build the one we want. What do you
want? I want a culture that values open discussion and exchange of ideas but
also one that unmasks prejudice disguised as scientific reasoning. I want an
industry that deeply values diversity without question and fights for it. That's
why I'm going to Grace Hopper this year, it's why I'm writing this email, and if s
why I hope you'll join me in making sure everyone on this team feels belonging
and can bring their authentic selves to work.

Googler reactions to the Damore memo
Respond to That Doc
1 post by 1 author 0 G•

George Sadlier 81711 7

* Uke many of you, I've watched the debate around the aforementioned execrable document blow up internally and externally
over the weekend. I want to make it clear that I am (and Google is) committed to diversity and inclusiveness as not only a
business imperative, but as the right thing to do. I personally find the oontent of that document not just repulsive, but also
intellectually dishonest. It propagates harmful and invalid stereotypes, makes bad assumptions about gender, and advances
a facetious view of engineering .

Building an inclusive environment means fostering a culture in which people of every identity feel safe and empowered. While
!ha.I includes those of varied political views, it cannot and does not extend to viewpoints that actively run contrary to safety
and inclusion. Neither misogyny, racism nor intolerance are "political views".

"I do not accept the notion that suitability of women for careers in tech needs to be discussed, debated, questioned,
contested, or argued."
-- dgentry@, on Tw itter, 2017-08-06

One way or the other, Google is changi ng. Let's make sure it's for the better.

I enoourage folks who are looking to learn more to read u p on the Paradox of Tolerance, and the dangers of tolerating
intolerance. Former Googler Yonatan lunger also wrote a good piece on this.

Finally, to all my colleagues .. you are wanted. You are valued. Yo needed. You are critical to olJlr success.

And as for its impact on you: Do you understand th.at at th.is point, I could not
in good conscience assign anyone to work with you? I certainly couldn't assign
any women to deal with this, a good number of the people you migh t have to
work with m.ay sim_pl punch you in the fac , and even if there were a group of
like-minded individuals I could put you with, nobody would be able to
collaborate with them. You have just created a textbook hostile workplace

Googler reactions to the Damore memo

Sitaram Iyer ► google.com lb Aug 5, 7:42 PM •••

Management, FFS please stop pacifying, and take an actual position to stop this
madness right now.

It's nice that we are all inclusrve and happy people, and glad we're not
•encouraging• the viewpoint, but WHAT HAPPENS when someone pushes a
horrible, bigoted essay that causes widespread hurt? Any consequences?
Nothing? Which is i1? Because if we don't take a position, then good people will
leave. Because the bar to whatever one can say and get away with has just been
significantly lowered, so what's next -- something far more dangerous? And the
only people working for us then are the people who are ok with that? Where's the
line - is it not this document? What will you do about it? What values does the

I Google'd 'Big Five Personality Differences Male Female' (psych terminology) and nearly every top result
backed the offensive claims of Neuroticism & Agreeableness (mean not absolute) differences by gender. Is
Search wrong? Should we link t o academic findings t hat may support incorrect stereotypes?



~ 18

e Anonymous
Today, 1:00 AM

We've seen:
• Sudar's email calling out female stereotypes in the memo, but not male stereotypes
• pert handout stereotyping whites
• co-workers saying ' it's not sexism/ racism if it's against males/ whites".
What can we do to communicate to everyone that white/ male stereotypes are also hurtful?

~ o

Googler reactions to the Damore memo

John Olson google.com lb Aug 4, 2·44 PM ••

I want to say something clever about pc-considered-harmful, but mostly I'm just
disgusted and angry. If Google's mission is to "organize the world's information
and make it universally accessible and useful," how the heck will we do that if we
only hire straight white men? That's a really weird, biased minority of humanity
with no access to substantial chunks of the world's information. I am proud to
work for a company that has acknowledged its own biases, and is actively
working to correct the biases that have kept women and people of colour out of
the tech industry. I think Google's "pc• policies are some of the best things
about this company. I want more women, and more people of colour, and more
GLBTQIA (did I miss anyone?) people and more differently-abled people and
more diversity and variety in my colleagues every day, and I will work to help
make that happen through recruiting and hiring and training and mentoring and

Liz Fong-Jones • google.com 1 Sep 25, 2:05 PM


Please reach out to me if you have been subject to retaliatory •reverse

discrimination• complaints to HR for speaking up against Damore et. al.

I'm trying to put together an escalation. And if you were told you're gagged about
it, and are an individual contributor in the US, said gagging is not valid because
of NLRB rules about protected concerted activity regarding working conditions.
So you can still talk to me, another individual contributor in the US.

+1 <
Restricted to google.com · View activity

Liz Fong-Jones +4
(p.s. I do not advise directly replying to this G+ post or otherwise
somewhere where retaliatory actors could see)

Commenting 1s disabled for this post

Googler reactions to the Damore memo

Andrew Bunner google.com I:! 14h

James Damore has reaUy gone out of his way to show t he world just how
unemployable he is. I hope for him that he grows up and develops some
measure of empathy. A long road given how far he's dug his heels in.

Originally shared by Ashleigh Rentz - 3 comments

There are racist people working at Google.
There are sexist people working at Google.
There are anti-Semitic people working at Google.
There are homophobic people working at Google.
There are lslamophobic people working at Google.
There are trans phobic people working at Google.

Racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, lslamophobia, and transphobia are

not opinions; t hey are anti-values. We must reinforce our company's culture by
openly and loudly rejecting those ant i-values.

Googlers should not feel comfortable holding any of those anti-values here. If
Googlers express those anti-values, then those anti-values become part of our
shared culture. The paradox of tolerance tells us that we cannot tolerate
intolerance unless we accept that intolerance has a place here.



Other reel lents:

I happen to be visiting ZRH this week. and rve made use of the gender neutral rooms a number of times when I happened to be In the area
of them.

Somewhat concemlngly I notice this office has a habit of making single-stall women's restrooms that are also wheel-chair access restrooms,
with no wheel-<:halr access In the "men's" restrooms (which are Illustrated with a drold with a mustache). I really find the slgnage odd here.

I appreciate the gender neutral restrooms, I really hope someday we can get all restrooms changed to gender neutral, and put lhls slgnage
confUsion behind us.

On a less happy note, from my own expenenoes I can say a completion conversion to gender neutral restrooms can't come soon enough - In
KIR at the start of my transition when I started using the women's restroom (wearing strictly femme clolhlng) In C2 and I had one Instance of
a woman confronUng me saying lhls Is lhe ladles room (lo which I answered )'es.") and she looked i<Jnd of Indignant and contlnued to give
me stares on later times If we encounter eachother (one of these days I might report Iha! but my memory for names Is terrible), a couple other
times l'Ve seen a woman come In and see me and then promptly tum arounct and nee at high speed back out the door and look confuse<lly at
lhe door slgnage and then wander off (presumably to seek another restroom), and once In a while I still get a bewildered look from people I
haven't met before lhat turns more cordial after a delay. These experiences have added to my PTSD and I still get flashbacks and twinges of
fear now and then In that restroom that I use mulUple times per day. I want to see an end to that Judgmental awkwardness, especially for
genderqueer folk who rarely conform enough to frt any binary expectations of cis folks.
..,:Mid ).I

► google.com lb Sep 28, 2016 •••

In the women's bathroom just now, a Googler was changing her baby girl's
diaper when another Googler came in and said to the baby, "Oh look at you with
those big eyes! That must be why all the guys like you! You're such a flirt!"

I quietly pointed out to the second person that it's inappropriate to sexualize an
infant, and that her comments reinforced sexist and heterosexist norms.

I'm sharing this because it was so blatant, because it happened at Google and
involved only Googlers (except for the baby), and as a reminder that bias is
pervasive in our culture.

poly-discuss ,
Outing yourself?
47 posts by 36 authors 0


* HI.

I'm a Noogler (started Monday) and I was wondering whal has worked for outing yourseH as poly? I've been wrth my wife 23 years and my
other partner 12 years so when people talk family it's natural for me lo menfion either or both

In past jobs I've tried two strategies both of which are sub optimal.

1) The "just tell l)eOple" option. nus reels fike It's often TMI (insert Vegan I Cross-Ill Joke here)

2) Just lalk about my wife and partner as lhe conversaUon saems appropriate and wait unlll somebody asks "you talk abou1 you wife and your
partner which Is ti?" - this one feels like It leads to gossip.

Anytlody have better Ideas?


I usually go with option 2 and find an opportunity to say something slightly more eicpllcil to the people I wo~ with most frequently. "I'm
crashing at the office tonight because my wife is having her boy1rlend over and I wanted to give them the house."

Tl1e "Worsr reaction I ever 901 was "Oh. You might want 10 be careful Who you teU.• followed by some contusea but earnest questions.

[Everyone-americas] An invitation: Celebrating Black history & advancing racial o iai lfi

David Drummond < da viddrummond@google .com> 2122/16 <~ Reply to all .,.
to everyone-amerl •


H I everyone,

Three }'Cars ngo I led a Hoodie March al TGIF to bring awareness lo the killing of Trayyon Martin, and several months
have now gone by since Googlers around the world exprc,;sed their ~olidanty for vi ctims of racially-motivated violence in the
US_These caJls to action have resulted in importnnt i nitiatives within t.hc company to advance racial justice, including S5
million in il!fil!.!.og from Googlc.oig for racial justice innovators. but there's more that Google can do.

In lleu of TGIF this w eek, we' ll use the Thursday t ime slot to continue this Important discussion about racial
Justice and to honor Black H istory Month. Live out of Charlie's in Mountain View, we'll host Bryan Stevenson, a
renowned civil rights lawyer challenging racial bias in our criminal justi ce system. Bryan has won landmark cases before the
Supreme Court and 1s a moving speaker-his TED Talk has earned nearly J million views, and he was a favorite at Zeitgeist.
We' ll also hear some exciting updates from Google.org on our racial justice portfolio, and from the Blaci< Googler
Network and Diversity team.

Jusl alter the p rogram. BGN Is hosllng a celebratlon with live performances, a drum ci rcle, music and delicious rood
before and after the event. Everyone is lnvited--and encouragedl-to Join in on the celebration.

Googlcrs and TVCs c.an attend the program. and we need everyone lo keep the content slnclly confidential within Google. If
you're not based in Mountain View, we'd love for you to participate as well. The llvestream will be available lo all,
lncludlng a video recording alter the event, and we encourage you to set up watch parties In your local offices. See
below for more details.

[Googlers-us] A Conversation with Van Jones and Race@ panelists

David Drummond <[email protected]> 12/5/ 16 (.._Reply to all

to Googlers-us •

Hi everyone,

A couple of weeks ago, we announced Race@, Google's initiative to address race and racial Justice issues. As the
executive sponsor of the Race@ speaker series, Decoding Race. I'm excited that we are taking these Important
steps to have more open and constructive conversations on race.

I'll be hosting Van Jones for a Fireside Chat on Monday, Dec. 12 at 1Oam in Charlie's Cafe. Following this chat, I will
moderate a panel on programming and prejudice, with Bradley HorowllZ. Nancy Douyon. Megan Rose Dickey. and
Anil Dash. Details are already on your calendars.

You can join us In person In Charlie's or watch via our llvestream from your desk or in one of the viewing rooms.
We'll also leave lime for Q&A, so add your questions to the dory.

Please know that Decoding Race Is Just one step In raising our awareness abOut race; the next step In Race@ Is to
emt>ark on a journey to learn more about race, with courses we wlll make available In Grow In 2017. Stay updated
by signing up for alerts from Ille Race@ team here.

* #TheldesofTrump: Postcard Writing Party In SFO (March 13, 12 pm PT)


I'm participating in #TheldesorTrump. a natJOllal movement lo send POTUS a poslcard on March 15 expressing opposition to him (movement statement below my

I've grabbed a room in SFO..Spear (Judah on the 5th floor) on Monday, March 13 from 12-1 pm PT for a postcard writing party and hope some rolks can come
Mar i0

write one!

ru provide 1he postcards and the stamps (I've got about 50-ishJ. You just bnng your woke selves. :)

We the people. in vast numbers, from an comers of the world, will overwhelm the man wffh his unpopularity and failure. We will show the media and the politicians
wllat slanding with him - and against us - means. And most lmportantty. we wiU bury the IMllte Hausa post office in pink sttps, ail Informing Donnie that he's fired.
Each of us - every protester from every march. each congress calling citizen, every boycotter. volunteer, donor, and petition signer- if each of us writes even a
single postcard and we put them al in the mail on the same day, March 15th, welt: you do the math.

No altemsuve fact or Russian translation will expta,n away our record-breaking, offida/ty-verifiable, warehousa-filling Rood of fury. Hank Aaron currently holds the
recotd for fan maJ, having received 900.000 piec,,s in a year. Weie salting a new record: ovftr a million piec,,s In a day, with not a single nice thing to say.


* Anti-Trump protest

If you support Trump, or you don't live "reasonably close" to SF, you can stop reading now.

If you can't stand Trump, read on!

Fellow members of the Herschel team,

I cordially invite you to this:

il'rumn got,vou Hown?

. ..::.~•

-,.~~'-! .. > .·.... "
e.:: - .
r _, ~ ..... -
' ~~ -
...... ..ft.
Exercise vour 1st Amendment Rights
SF Citv Hall, Noon Fridav (Nov 181
To print your ow n copy of thi s sign. hnp://900.91/PMM sdH Event page A

If your stomach turns when you consider a Trump presidency, I urge you to not let this moment pass quietly.


Tim Chevalier ► google.com It! August 25

Alternate proposal: moratorium on hiring white cis

heterosexual abled men who aren't abuse survivors. -

originally shared:

On Googler Entitlement:

I work in CorpEng. hence on a project for Googlers (http://

go/optimus-time). Since I joined this project my opinion of
the average Googler is getting worse and worse. Googlers
are a bunch of spoiled brats. The amount of entitlement
that some Googlers express in their feedback to our project
is sometimes really absurd. Our project being called
"obnoxious" is just one example. Another one are people
assuming that they basically own meeting rooms and we
are the baddies by pointing out how wasteful they use them.

I often wonder what would help to adjust Googlers'

entitlement. My suggestion is the following: I don't think
we should hire anyone directly from university. Everyone
joining Google should at least have had to work in some
shitty normal company for at least half a year. I am pretty
sure after that. most people would appreciate what they
have here much more (and that includes appreciation for
their colleagues and what their colleagues work on). And
for those colleagues that are already here I propose an

lndustrylnfo ,
Biggest pay gap in America: Computer programmers
25 posts by 14 authors ..:,1

* http:Jtwww.cnetcomtnewSlblggest-pay-ga,p-1n-america-computer-programmerst

Life is sweet for computer programmers. Companies crave their coding skills and will do anything to attrac

But being computer programmer is even sweeter if you have a dick.

That's the obvious verdict from a report released Wednesday by job recruiting site Glassdoor, which exam

Glassdoor's "Demystifying the Gender Pay Gap" report concludes that, when it comes to women's pay, co
same job - and the same education, years of experience and age, among other factors.

·1 don't think there a re any examples of technical jobs where there is a pay advantage for women."
Andrew Chamberlain, Glassdoor's chief economist

The advantage of terms !Ike 'diversity" and •unconscious bias• Is that they're easier for people to accept than older terms !Ike 'prejudice" or
"white supremacist patriarchy", but if we lose sight of the fact that these really do mean the same thing, then we will fall to fix the problem,

Date: Mon. Jan 9, 2017 at 5:52 PM
Subjeet Talks at Google & Race@ present I Deeodlng Race Serles
To: everyone-cam <[email protected]>

Hi Cambridge,

On behalf o f the Talks at Google and Rae a teams I'd like to invite you 10 a Decodlnsi Race talk titled ·The
Responsibility and Ro le of White People in Responding to Racism.··

I' ll be hosting the talk on January 18 he re in the Cambridge office as part of ::t I I-part series. and I hope that you' ll
join us for what prom ises to be an enlightening and em powering conversation about race that centers on white racial

To help lead the discussion, we'll be joined by award-winning national and local race experts and leaders Tim Wise.
Dr. Arvia Martin and :\lichncl Patnck !\fncDonald. We' ll discuss how while Googlers may \\1lllt to be a part o f the
solution. and how to confront their fears of being seen as racist. We'll also talk about ways to grapple wi1h race ,md
its intersections_whether your experience is currently centered around allr-ship. colorblindness. or thinking that race
is not a significant factor in people's lives. I strongly encourage Googlers to come with an OiJ)en mind. an appetite to
learn, and \\; llingness to c-0ntribute during the Q&A.


Not a question, but I feel like the moderator just cut off Dr. Martin.

Q o

US-MTV- · Today, 10:48 AM
No question, just a quick kudos to Tim Wise for teaching me more
about the history of racism in 3 minutes than a semester long
class could have. Just bought your book.

El o


US-SVL-- · Today, 11 :13 AM
We didn't really talk about white fragility in the race discussion.

How can we address the notion in the t itle of this talk, "white tears·,
and how to check your privilege and emotion at the door as a white
person when you want to engage and support movements,
protests, conversations on race?

El 1


- • google.com 111:1 Oct 13, 2014 •••

I'm planning to go to the "Dear White People~screening + director Q&A Thursday

at 5:30. I don't know who I'm going with, so if you're going or thinking of going,
let me know!

"Dear White People" Advance Movie Screening & Director


Go gle

"Dear White People" Advance Movie Screening &

Director Q&A
Pl<'UP f OIJI lhl<t form ,ryou 11/P 1nt•r1111,d ,n llllf'nding th Googl, 1dvonc• $Cf('11tn1n9 of "ONII
V.hite People•

v,hat ·o.., Whit• Pe opt•·

V.1\o Gooqlus & lnt,.ma .. I Gu•st (Gu..,st can b,. a tJon-Gooqt..,)
T1nie Thur~d.lf, Oc1obc:r 16 al 5 JOprn 8 l5pm
Location CPl'\1111')' Can<imas 16 (lS0O N Shorel O" 81¥'d, 1,10Ul'llainVl'?W CA 9•040)
Add G♦ ln\lle to Cat!(rnd4t Ol: 90/dwpmov,o

Mov•• Pr•v1tw WWW dPQhMptooJl!ffiOYfC com W:fU{'!I)db com/rnlr£U2235)08

Movie Ruo'lr.'1(,1 r.me 1 lct 40 m,:1

Tim Chevalier +1
I would also like to state a boundary that if this thread
becomes centered on how white men feel about being called
sexist and how white people in general feel about being called
racistj I will mut@ notifications. It's up to +CoJin McMillen how
to moderate threads on his statuses, but that is my boundary.


Nov 15, 12:44 PM

- Christopher Davis • google.com ll •

It's time again for the too-frequently-needed reminder that "cargo cult
programming" is a problematic phrase that is both racist in origin and often
insulting in use.

If you think code is being unnecessarily repeated, say so in those words. It's
best to do so while offering a solution for removing the redundancy, since the
original author may not be aware of the best ways to reuse code and/ or
definit ions in a given language. (This particularly goes for things like GCL, where
I've managed to break things more t han once while trying to limit redundancy.)

Living as a plural being ~

FOO Edit VJew lnsort Toots t'felp

8 ~ · 1t O ¥3 :i:\HM

I.Mng Ha -pb'aj bing

Pronouns and forms of address

Plural They pronouns: Generally plural beings prefer they or you&lyour&
pronouns, and self-address as welour. But many of us are stealth (as noted,
1.5% of the population have DID which is a subset of Plurality).

General examples of 'not okay' etiquette around plural beings:

-- ----
- --
- - • Questions about 'integration'; healing trauma splits is a private matter, and
beings may be unable to combine headmates, co-conscious is an alternative.
• Addressing any one headmate in particular; we're all listening!
• Assumptions that we're mentally damaged; actually we're happier this way.

GeneraHy- - prefers that we go by She./HerJI as if singlel, as a social Victory in our transition. We're kind of curious aboul gettin g people to accept plural TheyM'e
tenninology but haven't pressed fo.- it We h.ave however observed that our coworker who ts non-binary has nOi had an overty difficult time getting singular They pronoul'\S
from Googlers who are familiar whh them, but It doesn't seem to be a default ,esponse in society


Folks, friends, confidantes, colleagues and partners in crime:

I'm writing to say goodbye to Google.

First, I'd like to share that I've had a great time over the last two and a half years; I've learned a lot from
all of you, and I carry with me quite a few memories that I won't forget.

It was not easy, and it took a long time, for me to come to this decision. I have been unhappy for a while
and, though I have tried to keep a positive perspective, not much has changed that would help me
actually feel differently. So much so, that on Monday last week, I felt simply too sick to even
contemplate going to the office. All I could think of, was quitting.

This is what I am doing today, and I explain why below. I'll be searching for new opportunities here in
Zürich over the course of the next weeks. If you know of any, I'm certainly open to suggestions.

Finally, I don't mean this to be a goodbye to you. While I have not had a chance to collect contact
information from many of you, if you'd like to keep in touch, please write to me at [email protected]
(GPG fingerprint 320B 2934 CAC6 EF54 16FF A16C 5C06 F67A 8BDE BA09). A chat over beers and steaks,
about anything Google or not, would be great as well.

Manuel Amador (Rudd-O)


Why Rudd-O is leaving.

One of the things I'm proud is that I was raised to speak up, and to be frank, with regards to ideas —
good or bad — that I encounter in my life. While I am by no means correct all the time — and, oh, how I
would like to be, as that skill would be very useful in Vegas and Wall Street — I try to at least tell people
what's on my mind — whenever and wherever there's a forum to discuss ideas that are important, ideas

that shape how we live, and ideas that inform our ethics. In all of my friendships and business dealings,
I've tried to meet this bar that my education instilled on me, of honesty and sincerity, and of honoring
the respect given to me by giving it back in return. Consistent to this condition of mine, one of my
fundamental needs within any environment that I frequent is to be afforded the opportunity to speak
truthfully and honestly without reprisals. I can say with confidence that I have had a chance to be frank
to every single one of you, and I have enjoyed the privilege of frankness from you in return. This is what
makes friendships (and relationships in general) blossom, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

I can't, however, extend this gratitude to Google as a whole.

Google has problems.

You might be thinking that I'm referring to the political bias and favoritism of many of its employees for
the current U.S. administration. Or perhaps its no-longer-secret dealings with Hillary Clinton's
Department of State about the Benghazi videos. Or its involvement in the clandestine PRISM program
which, I'll be the first to admit, takes place only because Google remains under duress.

Those are not the problems I am referring to.

Google employs a few individuals (from rank-and-file to upper management) who are or have become
highly ideological. They have made it one of their ostensible missions to have the entire company
conform to these ideologies. Most of them believe that all of us — me and many others included —
should not be permitted to impugn or question the ideologies they want to impose.

The ideologies that, over the course of the last years, have taken hold, are no secret. Selective equalism,
"social justice", "diversity" (always of external characteristics but never of viewpoints), regressive
racialism and sexism, invisible privilege theory, grievance "feminism", anti-conservatism, anti-
libertarianism, microaggression theory, disagreement as harassment, frivolous "phobias", "affirmative"
(racist, really) action, and a decidedly hostile attitude to impartial or even marginal discussion of these
ideas. These toxic (not to mention wrong) ideologies of "political correctness"¹ cause people to atomize
themselves into tribal affiliations based, not on attributes from reality or reasoned conclusions, but on
allegiances to ideologies and artificial victimhoods. This irrationalism have, in turn, caused within the
company a series of moral panics with which quite a few Googlers are familiar.

Outside of Google, these ideologies have succeeded so wildly that, today, you can be disinvited from a
talk and tarred as a hateful racist simply because you once pointed out that the African slave trade
hundreds of years ago involved black people kidnapping and selling other black people, or fired and
blackballed for making a donation to a political initiative that in fact was successful and popular just a
few years ago. In fact, I expect that at least one person would use this very paragraph to accuse me of
being both a racist and a homophobe, falsely inferring motive and intent on my part, simply because I
referred to these facts in this paragraph. But to consider that an accident by a misguided yet well-
meaning person, would be to miss the point — it is the whole point of the ideologue pushing for these
ideologies to make it impossible to discuss the issues they want people not to discuss! Since reality
contradicts the ideologue, it is reality which must be suppressed, by hook or by crook.

Inside of Google, they are all too common as well. Though I personally won't be naming names in this
note, during these years many people (including me) have faced contempt, opprobium, insults, smears,
provocations, threats of industry blacklisting, and even frivolous H.R. reports that influence my career
(and many others'), in retaliation for voicing my mind. The tone of this treatment was always
particularly intense whenever I dared to question the set of ideologies that I found incorrect, toxic or
divisive. I have been slurred as a racist, a sexist and "privileged", in direct contradiction to the content
of my thoughts, and in contempt of the tough things I have had to live through to get where I am. I have
had mean people interfere with a forum I was a part of, just to generate the false impression that
people in the forum were bad individuals. I have been directly ordered by senior management to "stop
posting immediately" on a thread where I had managed to give other Googlers the impression that it
was okay to discuss a common myth about free speech. I've seen a person get banned from a mailing
list, and their conduct characterized as "not welcome", for daring to disagree one time, and politely,
with a premise of a discussion. I've seen people bring up conclusively damning complaints to
government agencies about this problem. I've seen people quit.

So how Kafkaesque and totalitarian has the situation become at Google?

About a month ago, I was called to meet with H.R. as a result of someone filing a complaint about
something I did not say, did not write, and do not believe. And then, in what really defied the limits of
audacity, I was asked in that meeting to apologize for that which I did not say! Of course, I did no such
thing... but that was the moment I changed my mind, from "Google has a big problem", to "even if I
have to peel potatoes for a living, I really can't work here anymore."

There is without a doubt a systemic component to this degeneration of company culture. The
ideologues either occupy privileged positions in company management or receive support and
encouragement from company management. People like me, who oppose these ideologies, are silenced
by management or 'coached" by H.R. to effectively shut up and focus on our work. Conversely, people
who proselytize these ideologies and actively alter company policy to legitimize them, are portrayed as
virtuous and even rewarded professionally. In fact, there appears to be a push towards making it
mandatory for certain promotions to have been involved in proselytizing these ideologies. All of you are
extremely bright, so the outcome of this systemic bias ought to be a foregone conclusion to you. Of
course, there's also the external component to what Google as a corporation does, which has included
(but doesn't stop at) front page Doodle support for a controversial Marxist terrorist sympathizer, as well
as funding plus venue for events to give platforms to sexist and racialist hatemongerers and riot

Some folks might be tempted to dismiss these concerns by arguing that Google is but a workplace,
where people come to work and not to "discuss politics", and therefore these concerns are not valid. I
would have no problem accepting that argument if such a standard was applied equitably and Google
did not pick favorite ideologies. But clearly the standard is not applied equitably, as these ruinous
politics shape the workplace conditions that every employee and TVC experiences. The result of this
uneven standard is that partisans of the ideologies are very happy to work at Google, at the expense and
at the detriment to the happiness of folks like me and many others. Many others who, may I note,
simply don't voice their concerns, because they fear retaliation and opprobium from colleagues bent on
getting their own ideological theories put in practice at Google.

I'm not sure if I'm the only one who believed this, but when I began working at Google, I believed that
Google was a unique place, where frank and honest discussion of any issue could be entertained, where
data would often be used to settle the argument, people got respected right or wrong, and the value of
open communication was cherished. At the time, this impression made Google the superior choice of
company to work for, much in the way that, for many folks, catered food is a great reason to work for
Google. Today, I feel defrauded; the reality is that discussion is allowed, but only insofar as everyone
involved continues to look away from the Emperor's buttocks. Point to his plump cheeks, and you'll get
booed with the classic "Wrongthink! Hateful!" in no time.

As the third rail has become fatter and fatter and harder to miss, many other Googlers — who remained
silent because they had a substantive belief that there would be repercussions if they spoke up —
already quit over this. I, too, thought their decision was premature... but now they have proven to be
correct. And so, my time has come.



¹ Many group these ideologies under the term "political correctness". That term gives people a wrong
idea of where these ideas come from, or what they really are. A more honest term is "cultural
Marxism": a term that indicates how the Frankfurt School (née Institut für Sozialforschung) applied
Marxist class analysis to cultural critiques — you may have noticed that Marxist class analysis is the
common thread underlying all those ideologies. Interestingly, the Frankfurt school disguises this fact by
calling their work "critical theory". From Marcuse's infamous "Tolerance of the intolerant" instigating
people to be vitriously intolerant of anyone against these traditionally-leftist ideas, to modern academic
noise about people resistant to adopt entirely made-up pronouns and animal-kin genders, the attack on
basic philosophical truths from these wrong-headed modes of thinking against society has given no


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