Planeamiento Integrado

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Better Planning, Scheduling with Spiral Suite

Digital Mining Transformation

Ammar Wahab
Global Business Development Manager

The Schneider Electric industrial software business and AVEVA have merged to trade as AVEVA Group plc, a UK listed company.
The Schneider Electric and Life Is On trademarks are owned by Schneider Electric and are being licensed to AVEVA by Schneider Electric.

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Unified Supply Chain Management (Spiral Suite)

3rd Party Data and

Enterprise Knowledge Management Applications

• Integration with ERP, Historians and other

• Common supply chain data shared across the enterprise applications to provide:
• Single data model for integration and external BI reporting • Shipments and receipts
• Built-in Analytics for analysis and reporting • Inventory levels
• Share experience and knowledge across disciplines • Real-time and reconciled plant data
• Rich visualisations on web, mobile and desktop • Reliability information
• Maintenance schedules
• Other required data
• Provides data for third-party reporting, BI
and analytics

Pag • Schedule
• End-to-end optimization
e2 operations using up
including processing
to date inventory,
outage and receipt • Flexible multi-period for
data timewise optimization
• Compare schedule • Evaluate economics
to actual and plan and operational risks
Value Chain Optimisation
1 day Days Weeks Months

Unified Planning & Scheduling
Transactional Data

Mine Execution
Schedule Schedule

Unscheduled Conformance to Validated Process &

Downtime Schedule Inventory Equipment KPI
Near Real-Time Data Availability

Mining Operations Management (Ampla)

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Demo: Scope of Planning & Scheduling

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How Schneider Electric meets customer need Wining
Unified Supply Chain Management
ERP long-term plans

Long Term Strategic Planning

Production Options Logistics Infrastructure Evaluation Demand Network Planning

Medium Term Planning Optimisation

Mine Scheduling

Source Material Optimized Optimized Transport, blending and storage of Optimized contracts and
Variability Processing Modes inventory specifications

Medium to Short
Term Capacity Scheduling
Source Material Per period Feasible transport, blending and storage of Fulfillment of demand
Variability processing inventory contracts and specifications

Short Term Operational Scheduling

Short term source Processing
Transport activities, loading, unloading Shipment fulfillment
variability activities

Mining Operations Management

Sub-segment Applications Reference architectures

Solutions Reference case(s)
Offerings Product descriptions
Planning Optimization Wining

Minimise costs and maximise revenue across your supply chain

Minimise Quality variability
Explore contract opportunities

Production Financial
Maximize Opportunities Maximise Profitability
Processing modes Optimization Minimise costs

What is the daily What products

Operations capacity of my When and what should we blend in
Manage variability plant for the next products will we order to meet the
Compliance with constraints
12 months? fall short on? ship specification?

Key Questions

Sub-segment Applications Reference architectures

Solutions Reference case(s)
Offerings Product descriptions
Planning Optimization - Summary Wining

Key features:
• Can be applied across entire supply chain
• Includes mining, minerals, processing, concentration
• Planning duration divided into time periods
• Optimizer will determine material movements, what to
process, transport and blending of materials to form final
products for each period
• Can optimize for maximum profit, or maximum revenue,
or maximum throughput, allowing for availability
• Can optimise a single location (e.g. supply chain), or
transfer between nodes of global network
• For complex systems, clients looking to maximise
profitability, with openness to optimization approach
Business benefits:
• Can rapidly explore alternative options, strategies
• High quality solution maximising profit achievable by supply chain
Planning Optimization – Case Study Wining

• Multiple mine, multiple product coal blending supply chain
• Supply of coal from pit, processing at the mine to form
mine products, blending through to port for sale
• 3 month and 12 month planning horizons 3 Mth 12
• Client objective is to maximise profit, meeting contracted
sales on quality spec, and maximising high value spot
• Multi-product blending, with client looking to maximise
profitability, with openness to optimization approach
Proposed Solution:
• Spiral Planning Optimization for 3 month and 12
month horizons together with Ampla
• Integration with mine planning to receive mine feed
from pit, and with Ampla to receive starting inventory
tonnes and qualities
• Optimization on profit, including mining and
processing cost, transport cost, revenue from sales
Capacity Scheduling Wining

Feasible operational plan conforms to optimized targets

Minimise Quality variability
Achieve Product specs

Production Throughput
Fulfil demand Planning targets
Conformance to Plan Scheduling Maximize Utilization

What is the What is the best

Operations bottleneck in my Do we have sequence of ships
Manage variability processing opportunity for for the next period
Trade off Analysis
operation over maintenance? to minimise
period? demurrage?

Key Questions

Sub-segment Applications Reference architectures

Solutions Reference case(s)
Offerings Product descriptions
Capacity Scheduling - Summary Wining

Key features:
• Can be applied from mine ROM stock through to shipping
• Includes mining, minerals, processing, concentration
• Planning duration divided into time periods
• Planner will determine material movements, what to process,
transport and blending of materials to form final products for
each period
• Streamlined manual and automated workflows to allow rapid
construction of plan
• Simple, easy to use, highly configurable, with rich graphical
• For straightforward to complex systems, clients looking for rapid
easy means to explore options

Business benefits:
• Can rapidly explore alternative options, strategies
• Fast to learn and to use, can readily see impact of changes
Capacity Scheduling – Case Study Wining

• Multiple mine, multiple product iron ore blending supply
• Supply of processed iron ore products at the mine, railed to
form blended products at port for sale
• 3 month and 12 month planning horizons Short-term 2 Wk Medium-term 3 Mth

• Client objective is to manage inventory build-up at each

mine, meet port demand and ship products on spec
• Existing in-house MES inventory tracking
• Moderate blend problem with client aiming for manual
control, ease of use and ability to rapidly explore options
Proposed Solution:
• Spiral Capacity Scheduling for 2 week and 3 month horizons
• Integration with mine planning to receive mine production
output, and with MES system to receive starting inventory
tonnes and qualities
• Daily planned railing and blending of products, and loading to
Operational Scheduling Wining

Feasible operational plan conforms to optimized targets

Compliance to Specs

Logistics Production
Sequencing activities Maximize Utilization
Streamline material flow Scheduling Reconciliation

What processing Should I direct

Operations mode should I Am I maximising
available buffer load my train or
Assess impact of change adopt to manage stack onto a
Decision visibility and constraints
the recent stock?
quality stockpile?
Key Questions

Sub-segment Applications Reference architectures

Solutions Reference case(s)
Offerings Product descriptions
Operational Scheduling - Summary Wining

Key features:
• Can be applied to processing intensive operations, where
detailed rail and shipping not required
• Includes mining, minerals, processing, concentration
• Period comprised of scheduled activities
• Scheduler will determine material movements, what to process,
transport and blending of materials to form final products
• Streamlined manual and automated workflows to allow rapid
construction of schedule
• Simple, easy to use, highly configurable, with rich graphical
• For short term scheduling, clients looking for rapid easy means
to create schedules that will meet planned targets

Business benefits:
• Can rapidly explore options to achieve schedule objectives
• Fast to learn and to use, can readily see impact of changes

User Value Proposition

Value chain Balances the production targets across the value chain to maximize profitability
USE CASE: Managers of the plant, rail and port should focus on meeting their set
Managers production targets only and place their efforts on achieving lowest cost possible.

Create optimized plans to meet business KPI’s based on Value Chain constraints
Planner USE CASE: Where throughput and profitability are optimization objectives, Spiral
analytics allows planner to choose a scenario that best meets both KPI’s

Receives optimized targets from the Plan

Scheduler Create scenarios by combining targets with reconciled actuals from Ampla MES
USE CASE: Able to reschedule upon notification of exception that impacts Plan

Production Review, validate and execute activities

USE CASE: Removes the need for spreadsheets to schedule activities based on
Manager targets & shift dependencies. This is all taken into account in Spiral Scheduling

Confidential Property of AVEVA Group plc. Page 14


User Value Proposition

Provides visibility of inventories and material qualities in near-real time
Metallurgists USE CASE: Accurate metal accounting of work-in-progress materials allow for
fine tuning of the process to maximize metal recoveries and minimize losses

Business Capture root causes of unscheduled downtimes and production delays

USE CASE: By analyzing historical downtime root causes and quantifying the
Improvement financial impact of these delays, a business case for capital to remedy this
Managers recurring problem can be made.

Reduce/Eliminate Spreadsheets
IT Managers Reduce Integration, risk of errors and overall TCO
Increases overall maintainability & reliability

Enterprise Standards Platform to manage multiple vendor devices

Control Systems Process Simulation underpins control check in/out and operator training systems
Managers USE CASE: A Common Control Room with Abnormal Situation Management HMI
and Alarms across multiple vendor devices can be managed in one environment

Confidential Property of AVEVA Group plc. Page 15

Key Differentiators

Unified Enterprise
• Eliminates costly business gaps arising from legacy
point solutions • Collaboration enables better business decisions
• Single application: unified by design, not
• Lowers cost of ownership for IT and Support

Modern Unique

• Only unified, enterprise supply chain management

• SaaS and Cloud enabled
• Pag
Easy to use and learn • Integrated with Operations Management
e 16

Sub-segment Applications Reference architectures

Solutions Reference case(s)
Offerings Product descriptions

Confidential Property of Schneider Electric | Page 17

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