Fatigue Life Estimation of A Butt Welded Joint by S-N Approach

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Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Pandharpur,India

E-mail : [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - A failure analysis based on stress life approach may be useful for predicting the life time of weld in the structure. This
study presents an upcoming methodology in new three dimensional Finite Element Model to calculate the fatigue life of weld. Ansys
12.1 simulation software uses stress-life method, based on a static non-linear Structural analysis. The weld material S-N curve were
experimentally determined by the Fatigue testing of the dumbell specimen as per 7608 standard. This study assumes that a flaw exist
in weld due to welding process, material in-homogeneity, air voids, slugs or impurities in weld, improper surface machining and
many more. This material curve is used in simulation to get more accurate results. Thus the fatigue life prediction with the material
curves from experimentation will give us more accurate and close to actual failure results.
Keywords : Fatigue Life , S-N approach, Equivalent Stress.

correct design and fatigue assessment early on in the

Failures due to fatigue in welded structures lead to
A better understanding of the limits of the different
loss of life and substantial costs. Remedies to this
fatigue design methods and the influence of fatigue
situation include the introduction of various standards
strength due to the weld quality will improve the
and fatigue design codes. The foundation of such codes
development of new fatigue loaded products. The
rely, in some cases, on old concepts that do not easily
understanding of the link between weld quality and the
translate to the output from modern computer programs
welding process would enable manufacturers to increase
and are also limited to rather simplified structures.
the utilization of high strength steel in fatigue loaded
The development of new generations of products welded structures.
means, in general, increased capacity, increased speed
Being able to determine the rate of crack growth, an
and increased demands on life. Improved maintenance
engineer can schedule inspection accordingly and repair
and higher utilization place additional demands on the
or replace the part before failure happens. Being able
supporting structures.
to predict the path of a crack helps a designer to
The requirements in society towards improved incorporate adequate geometric tolerance in
functionality and minimizing of Life Cycle Cost (LCC); structural design to increase the part life.
force companies to design structures with reduced
weights and “optimum” fatigue resistance. Actions to II. OBJECTIVES
meet these demands are to introduce high strength steel,
Design validation of a fatigue analysis of weld
weld and/or surface improvement technologies and high
joint which is most probable part to fail against fatigue.
productivity manufacturing technologies. The
Hence it needs to find out the stresses in various region
introduction of high strength steel in structures normally
by nonlinear static analysis .
means higher stress levels and, hence, an increased
sensitivity to defects, deviations in weld geometry (e.g. The following are the main objectives of the project.
penetration, throat thickness, undercuts) and variations
in material strength.  Non-linear Static Structural Analysis:-

Expertise in developing and manufacturing fatigue To carry out non-linear static analysis of specimen using
loaded welded structure with low LCC is a key aspect in ANSYS Classic Version 12.1. This is done to find out
order to stay competitive. Shorter development time for safe value of resultant displacement (stiffness) and Von
new products means that it is important to make the Misses stresses. A special attention is required to get

International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJARME) ISSN: 2231 –5950, Vol-2, Iss-2, 2012
Fatigue Life Estimation of A Butt Welded Joint by S-N Approach

convergence of non-linear system and then validation of

converged results.
 Fatigue Life Calculation:-
To carry out the fatigue life prediction of welded
joint using conventional methods. (S-N approach
 Experimental Validation:-
To validate results obtained from FEA for fatigue Figure 2 : Specimen prepared for fatigue Testing
analysis of weld by some external agency. Same
validation is used for benchmarking of simulation B. Experimental Testing
results obtained with ANSYS Classic Version 12.1 Experimental testing to get the weld material
software parameters were performed at Metallurgical Services
Pvt LTD, Mumbai. This is the reputed material testing
III. DUMBBELL SPECIMEN laboratory and accredited by NABL India. Tests were
EXPERIMENTATION TESTING performed on MTS 31.810 fatigue machine.
Weld material doesn’t fall in regular structural Followings are load specifications.
materials hence we need to either refer S-N curve
through the previous research done in this field or
through the fatigue testing of the same weld material.
Following is the details of the procedure to obtain S-N
curve through the fatigue testing as per ASTM E647
standard and BS 7608 standard.
A. Specimen Preparation
In this work, a mild steel plate of thickness 4 mm is
used. The mechanical properties & chemical
composition of mild steel shown in Table.
Dumbbell specimens were prepared with ASTM E647
and BS 7608 specifications. Two plates of size 110x20
mm is taken for welding & single V-joint with bevel
angle 35 degrees, root face 2 mm are prepared. The
plate is butt-welded by shielded metal arc welding
process with E-6013 electrode.Butt weld joint is
prepared with good surface finishing conditions and
with an electrode specification E6013. Then milling the
plate as per specimen diagram given below. Figure 1
explains the geometry details of Dumbbell Specimen for
Experimental Testing.

Fig. 1 : Dumbbell Specimen for Experimental Testing Figure 3 : Load Unit Specification and Fixture with
CTOD Sensor

International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJARME) ISSN: 2231 –5950, Vol-2, Iss-2, 2012
Fatigue Life Estimation of A Butt Welded Joint by S-N Approach

b) Standards
ASTM E399, E647, B645, E1820, ISO 12737,
12108, 12135

Figure 4 : Fatigue Testing of Specimen loaded on MTS


Figure – 6 : Specimen before fatigue failure

Figure 5 : Fatigue Testing of Specimen on MTS

machine with Software Interface

C. Machine Capabilities
MTS provides the most complete Linear Elastic and
Elastic-Plastic Fracture, Toughness solutions. In Figure 7 : Specimen after fatigue failure.
addition to CTOD fracture criteria software, MTS D. Experimental Results of Fatigue Test
provides Fatigue Crack Propagation solutions. MTS
Fracture Mechanics Application software improves the Table 1 :Fatigue test results
accuracy of your testing while still being easy and
flexible to use. Predefined test templates provide the Sr. Thickn Breadth Load Applied Cycles
capability of testing to various ASTM, ISO and British No. ess mm mm kN Stress
test standards. Run-time graphical displays allow for MPa
monitoring the tests in progress and in order to react to 1 4 12.5 4 80 10752
events as they occur.
2 4 12.5 5.5 110 10008
a) Test Examples 0
3 4 12.5 7 140 52192
Fracture Toughness, Fatigue Crack Growth, Crack 4 4 12.5 8 160 53808
Propagation 5 4 12.5 Ulti.Load 245 1
1206 kgf

International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJARME) ISSN: 2231 –5950, Vol-2, Iss-2, 2012
Fatigue Life Estimation of A Butt Welded Joint by S-N Approach

E. S-N data obtained by specimen testing 4. The material specific S-N curve is obtained for the
weld material. This is utilized to validate simulation
5. Testing were performed on dumbbell specimen to
validate the concept of analysis. The fatigue life
predictions of dumbbell specimen by using these
methods were fairly in close agreement as shown in
6. Analytical calculations were performed on CT
specimen to validate the concept of analysis. The
fatigue life predictions of CT specimen by using
these methods were fairly in close agreement.
7. This simulation concept is not yet thoroughly
implemented in industry as well as in academics
because the simulation software’s like ANSYS 12.1
which are designed and developed on fatigue failure
concepts are in initial stage of development. But
definitely this will be the future asset of fatigue
prediction for all FEA engineers.

Figure 8. S-N curve of test specimens ACKNOWLEDGMENT

F. Result Table The authors wish to acknowledge the

encouragement and help of Dr.B.P.Ronge Secretary,
Sr.No. Load Experimental College of Engineering,Pandharpur. The work reported
kN fatigue life in this paper was performed at College of
1 4 107520
2 5.5 100080
3 7 52192 REFERENCES
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International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJARME) ISSN: 2231 –5950, Vol-2, Iss-2, 2012

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