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9th European Congress on Menopause and Andropause / Maturitas 71, Supplement 1 (2012) S1–S82 S77

209 Conclusions: Pravastatin did not increase in tube like formation by EPC
KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES, AND PRACTICES REGARDING CERVICAL and did not improve endothelial function. Despite the known beneficial
CANCER SCREENING AMONG PHYSICIANS IN WESTERN REGION OF SAUDI effect on lipids, Pravastatin do not seem to improve other cardiovascular
ARABIA risk factor, at least in healthy postmenopausal women.

N. Anfinan. King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

To evaluate knowledge and practice of the Pap test, the role of HPV in Effectiveness of hysteroscopic management of abnormal uterine
the etiology of cervical cancer, and attitudes regarding the HPV vaccine of bleeding in peri- and post-menopausal women
female physicians in the western region of Saudi Arabia.
E. Cumashi, I. Burk I., E. Pavlakis, D. Musa, P. Skolarikos. A’ Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, “Helena Venizelou” Hospital, Athens, Greece
PROPHYLACTIC CERCLAGE IN TWIN PREGNANCY Aim: To evaluate the efficacy, safety and benefits of hysteroscopy in the
management of abnormal uterine bleeding in middle age women.
N. Asnafi 1,2 , Z. Basirat 1,2 , K. Hajian 1 , B. Taheri 1,3 . 1 Fatemeh Zahra Infertility Methods: In this prospective study participated 196 consecutive patients,
and Reproductive Health Research Center, Babol University of Medical middle age 45±10 years, who underwent operative hysteroscopy because
Sciences; 2 Obstetric & Gynecology Department; 3 Department of Social of abnormal uterine bleeding due to endometrial polyps, submucosal
Medicine, Fatemeh Zahra Infertility and Reproductive Health Research Center, myomas, septum and adhesions diagnosed by ultrasonography, hysteros-
Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran alpingography or diagnostic hysteroscopy. We used the 5mm operative
hysteroscope, the Versapoint Bipolar Electrosurgical system and mechanical
Objective: Preterm birth (PTB) is a common cause of neonatal morbidity instruments. Normal saline was used for distension of the uterine cavity.
and mortality. This condition is more common in multiple pregnancies Results: No endometrial malignancy was missed. The major number of the
which Increased by Assisted Reproductive technology (ART). The aim of lesions were endometrial polyps and submucosal myomas. Mean duration
this study is to compare the effect of cervical cerclage in twin pregnancy of the procedure was 17.3 min (range 4-37) and mean postoperative
for preventation of preterm delivery. hospital stay was five hours (range 2-24 hours). There were no major com-
Method: In this case-control study, pregnant women with twin pregnancy plications. Three women reported postoperative uterine bleeding, which
confirmed by early second trimester sonography were devided into two was managed conservatively and one patient experienced fluid overload.
groups. Women who accepted cerclage were defined as group I and the In all cases malignancy was excluded with histological diagnosis. During
others without cerclage were as group II. Two groups matched for parity postoperative follow-up (36 months) the majority of patients were free of
and maternal age. Cerclage was performed at 13-15 weeks of gestational symptoms.
age. Then the women were followed until delivery. Delivery <35 weeks Conclusion: Hysteroscopy represents an effective and safe method for the
was determined as PTB. The patient with Major fetal anomalies, systemic management of benign intrauterine pathology and furthermore, in our
disease, therapeutic cerclage and Induced Labor excluded from the study. study endometrial malignancy was not missed. Moreover, hysteroscopy has
Results: Of the 80 twin pregnancy, cerclage was performed in 50 women the advantages of quick recovery, early return to normal activities, reduced
(groups I) and 30 women hadn’t cerclage (group II). In group I, 22 hospital stay and increased satisfactory for the patient.
pregnancies (44%) had PTB and 28 women had term pregnancy (56%). Also
in group II, 12 (40%) pregnant women had PTB and others (18 cases, 60%)
had term delivery. there was no significant difference between two groups 213
with and without prophylactic cerclage (P=0.817). MENOPAUSAL SYMPTOMS AND CORRELATED FACTORS IN 45-60 YEARS
Conclusion: Prophylactic cerclage couldn’t prevent preterm birth in twin OLD WOMEN, TEHRAN, 2011
pregnancy without other risk factor.
F. Darsareh 1 , S. Taavoni 2 . 1 Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, Tehran University
of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; 2 Midwifery Countinuing Eucation
211 Office+Research Institute for Islamic & Complementary Medicine (RICM,
EFFECT OF PRAVASTATIN ON ENDOTHELIAL FUNCTION AND TUMS), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
WOMEN Physiological and psychological changes during pre and post menopause
may lead to negative impact and controlling related factors may improve
M. Bracaglia, F. Ianniello, L. Quagliozzi, L. Donati, F. Basile, C. Di Cesare, quality of life of menopause women.
M. Viggiano, B. Carducci, A. Caruso, G. Paradisi. Catholic University of Sacred Aim: To determine correlated factors of menopausal symptoms.
Heart, Roma, Italy Material and methods: This is a cross sectional study, which 350 volunteer
women with age 45-60 years, whom had been visited in health clinics of
Introduction: Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of morbidity and Tehran University of Medical Sciences (Year 2011) were interviewed by
mortality in post-menopausal women. Among statins, Pravastatin has been using questioner, which had two main parts of Personal characteristics,
shown to significantly reduce fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events in and Menopausal Rating Scale (MRS). Deceptive and inferential statistic test
primary and secondary prevention trials. were used. All ethical points were considered.
Objectives: The aim of the present research was to investigate whether Results: 57.1% of samples were menopause with average age 51.9±4.55.
treatment with Pravastatin can modify some indices of cardiovascular risk The most three prevalent symptoms in all premenopause and post
in healthy postmenopausal women such as significant reductions in both menopause women were: depressive mood (64.3%), joint and muscular
total, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides levels. discomfort (61.4%) and irritability (59.1%). Symptoms were mild in 44.6%,
Method: Twenty patients were randomized in double-blind fashion to moderate in 38.6%, severe in 12% of the participants. The most common
treatment for 8 weeks with either Pravastatin 40 mg/day or placebo, and related factors of menopausal symptoms had seen in smokers, and their
subsequently, after one-week wash-out, crossed-over to the alternative own and spouse educational level (p<0.01). Higher education level had
treatment (placebo or Pravastatin) for the following 8 weeks. We per- significant correlation with severity of symptoms.
formed clinical and laboratory investigations, before and at the end of Conclusions: Postmenopausal women presented higher rates of psycho-
each treatment period, to evaluate patient response to the treatment with logical symptoms, and need more consultation. Since there were more
Pravastatin. severe symptoms in Smokers, and samples with higher education, it seems
Results: After eight weeks Pravastatin therapy reduced the median LDL these groups need more follow up, guiding and consultation program. It is
and total cholesterol (p<0.01 in both cases). In contrast, insulin level suggested to be done same study with more samples in other districts and
and insulin sensitivity did not show any difference with regard to values other cities, for comparing the results.
observed after placebo treatment. The absolute number of Endothelial
Progenitor Cells-Colony Forming Unit (EPC-CFU) was significantly increased
by Pravastatin treatment (30.6% increase, p<0.05) and the number of
senescent cells was significantly decreased.

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