MEWP Safety

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The purpose of this document is to set out the interim requirements for safety devices on new or imported Mobile Elevating
Work Platforms (MEWPs) used in Australia.

This document is set out as follows:

 Part A – Requirements for safety devices on MEWPs

 Part B – Implementation phases on safety devices for new MEWPs in Australia
 Part C - Alternative methods to achieve design registration

Part A – Requirements for safety devices on MEWPs

The Safety Related Parts of control systems of MEWPs must be designed in accordance with the requirements of either
AS4024 or IEC62061 or ISO13849. In addition MEWPs are required, as a minimum, to be fitted with the relevant safety
devices specified in AS1418.10-2010 Table 2.1 and conform to the applicable reliability levels listed.


These requirements as far as they relate to the reliability of safety devices for various safety functions take precedence over
the requirements specified in the primary standard used in the design.

Verification of the functional requirements for safety devices:

The functional requirements of safety devices define how the safety device must operate and does not relate to the reliability

The functional requirements shall meet or exceed the requirements specified in AS1418.10-2010 and shall be verified by
design review and functional test. Such tests shall be documented in a test report.

Verification of the specified reliability levels for safety devices:

For the purpose of Australian design verification, compliance with the specified reliability levels for safety devices can be
demonstrated in one of the following ways:

1. CE Certification and EC Type examination certificate issued by an EC Notified Body. For equipment imported into
Australia, the CE Certification and EC Type examination certificate must specifically refer to EN280.and include some
form of verifiable link to positively identify the imported plant as the same plant items referred to in the certifications.
E.g. a letter from the Notified Body to say that they have sighted the specific models that are imported into Australia.

2. An EC declaration of conformity issued by the manufacturer and provision of the EC Homologation file and supporting
documentation demonstrating compliance with the above requirements. The design verifier has to examine the
manufacturer’s technical documentation and ensure that there is sufficient proof that the manufacturer’s declaration of
conformity is adequately supported.

3. Validation according to the requirements specified in AS4024, EN954-1, IEC62061 or ISO 13849.2 as applicable.
(Note: These standards only cover the safety control systems and have very little to do with other design aspects of
the plant e.g. stability/strength etc.)

For the purpose of Design verification or validation the verifier must satisfy the requirements for design verifiers specified in
the relevant OH&S Plant Regulations.

Design Verification to AS1418.10

For new designs or modified designs conformity can be demonstrated in one of the following ways: (See Part C)

1. CE Certification and EC Type examination certificate issued by an EC notified body, and separate verification relating
to the unique requirements specified in AS1418.10 (Int) 2004. The certification issued by the EC notified body must
specifically refer to EN280.

2. Design verification against AS1418.10 and validation of the requirements for safety devices according to AS4024,
EN954-1, IEC62061 or ISO 13849.2 as applicable.

Part C provides illustration of alternative design verification processes.

NOTE: For the purpose of Design verification or validation the verifier must satisfy the requirements for design verifiers
specified in the relevant OH&S Plant regulations.

Part B – Implementation phases on safety devices for MEWPs in Australia

These requirements apply no later than the following:

 All relevant safety devices listed in AS1418.10, other than those relating to load sensing and moment sensing, are to be
fitted to all MEWPs imported into or manufactured in Australia after 1 June 2010

 Safety devices associated with load sensing and moment sensing, are to be fitted to:

o Uninsulated MEWPs imported into or manufactured in Australia after 1 March 2011

o Insulated MEWPs imported into or manufactured in Australia after 1 March 2012.

Dates are valid based on assumption that the National Regulators’ Committee for High Risk Plant confirms (in writing and on
public forums) the position regarding safety system requirements in May 2010

Note: Solutions for load sensing and moment sensing can be provided in a number of ways and are specified in AS1418.10.
PART C - Alternative methods to achieve design registration

Combination of Australian Harmonised OH&S


Australian Design Registration Process using the CE Australian Design Registration Process using the
conformity to EN280 route Australian Standards AS1418-10 route.

CE Type compliance certificate issued by EC Notified Body o Verification of structure, functions and safety features in
accepted as a verification of general safety system integrity AS1418-10

Verification of Australian Variation of functions and additional

safety features as described in AS1418-10

CE Type compliance certificate issued by EC Verification of compliance with AS1418-10

Notifying Body conducted by 3rd party verifier.

As part of the EC Type-Examination process, the As part of AS1418-10 verification process, the Technical
Technical File relating to the machine under scrutiny File relating to the machine under scrutiny must by
must be verified by an approved body. verified by 3rd party verifier

Technical File Contents required by EC Notified Body: Technical File Contents supplied to verifier

Main technical description including performance capability, power Main technical description including performance capability, power
supply, dimensions and weight. supply, dimensions and weight.

Overall drawings with main dimensions. Detail drawings of load Overall drawings with main dimensions. Detail drawings of load
carrying parts and components. Electrical/Hydraulic/Pneumatic carrying parts and components.
Schematics. Schedule of all drawings related to the type tested. Electrical/Hydraulic/Pneumatic Schematics. Schedule of all
drawings related to the type tested.
Structural and Stability calculations to verify conformity with
Essential Health and Safety requirements. Structural and Stability calculations to verify conformity with
AS1418-10 (Int) 2004 requirements.
Copies of reports of tests carried out to validate conformity with
requirements including stability, structural and functional tests and Copies of reports of tests carried out to validate conformity with
validation of the reliability levels for safety devices.. requirements including stability, structural and functional tests and
validation of the reliability levels for safety devices. NOTE:
Certificates related to compliance of bought-out components and guideance on verification methods is provided in AS1418.10
parts. Where appropriate certificates demonstrating acceptability of
manufacturing processes e.g. welding. Certificates related to compliance of bought-out components and
parts. Where appropriate certificates demonstrating acceptability of
A report which records how essential Health and Safety manufacturing processes e.g. welding.
Requirements have been addressed or developed considering the
following documents submitted as a part of the TCF: A report which records how essential OH&S Requirements have
 The general hazard analysis spreadsheet been addressed. A description of the methods adopted to eliminate
 Individual hazard analyses for other safety functions hazards presented by the machine.
 Risk assessment specifically addressing applicable items
listed in EN280 section 5.11 A comprehensive list of all standards used in the design,
 Safety system schematic for each such applicable item manufacture and testing of the machine.
 Safety block diagram for each such applicable item
 Information for these items as applicable (number of Manual or Manuals containing instructions regarding machine
machines, time in use, total claims, claims classified as operation and maintenance.
dangerous failures, summary and calculation document)
 Parts Analysis A description of internal quality assurance and control measures
operated to ensure consistency with the Type-Examined example.
 Safety function validation plan
 Safety related software control plan
 Electrical and hydraulic controls system schematic
 Summary spreadsheet of each applicable safety function,
giving overview description of safety system operation and
showing or linking to reliability data demonstrating
compliance to the required category
 Noise test report

A comprehensive list of all standards used in the design,

manufacture and testing of the machine.

Certificates confirming compliance with any other applicable

directive e.g. Electromagnetic Compatibility.

Manual or Manuals containing instructions regarding machine

operation and maintenance.

A description of internal quality assurance and control measures

operated to ensure consistency with the Type-Examined example.

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