Adverbios en Ingles 3

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Original research

How “should” we write guideline recommendations?

Interpretation of deontic terminology in clinical
practice guidelines: survey of the health
services community
E A Lomotan,1 G Michel,1 Z Lin,2 R N Shiffman1
Yale Center for Medical ABSTRACT guidelines and is related to deontic logic. Deontic
Informatics, Yale University Objective To describe the level of obligation conveyed by logic is that branch of logic that concerns notions
School of Medicine, New
deontic terms (words such as “should”, “may”, “must” of obligation and permission.9 Clinicians’ percep-
Haven, Connecticut, USA
Center for Outcomes Research and “is indicated”) commonly found in clinical practice tions of obligation to undertake recommended
and Evaluation, Yale-New Haven guidelines. actions, as influenced by deontic terminology, is
Hospital, New Haven, Design Cross-sectional electronic survey. unknown. An understanding of how readers inter-
Connecticut, USA Setting A clinical scenario was developed by the pret deontic terminology would allow guideline
Correspondence to
researchers, and recommendations containing 12 deontic authors to strengthen the connection between
Richard N. Shiffman, MCIS Yale terms and phrases were presented to the participants. guideline language and expected adherence to
Center for Medical Informatics, Participants All 1332 registrants of the 2008 annual guideline recommendations.
300 George St, Ste 501 New conference of the US Agency for Healthcare Research Increasingly, expectations of adherence to recom-
Haven, CT 06511; and Quality. mendations are communicated by systems for rating
[email protected]
Main outcome measures Participants indicated the quality of evidence and grading recommendation
Accepted 26 June 2009 level of obligation they believed guideline authors strength.10 Yet, differences among the grading
Published Online First intended by using a slider mechanism ranging from “No systems reveal important disagreements.11 The
10 August 2010 obligation” (leftmost position recorded as 0) to “Full GRADE system, for example, divides recommenda-
obligation” (rightmost position recorded as 100.) tions into two categories called “strong” and “weak”,
Results 445/1332 registrants (36%) submitted the whereas the US Preventive Services Task Forces
on-line survey; 254/445 (57%) reported that they have applies five letter grades (A through D, plus an I
experience in developing clinical practice guidelines; 133/ statement) to indicate “suggestions for practice”.12 13
445 (30%) indicated that they provide healthcare. “Must” The American Academy of Paediatrics uses four
conveyed the highest level of obligation (median¼100) categories (“strong recommendation”, “recommen-
and least amount of variability (interquartile range¼5.) dation”, “option” and “no recommendation”).10 In
“May” (median¼37) and “may consider” (median¼33) England and Wales, the National Institute for Health
conveyed the lowest levels of obligation. All other terms and Clinical Excellence no longer assigns letter grades
conveyed intermediate levels of obligation characterised to its recommendations but recognises three levels of
by wide and overlapping interquartile ranges. “certainty”.14 Many organisations that develop
Conclusions Members of the health services guidelines do not use any grading system for char-
community believe guideline authors intend variable acterising recommendation strength.
levels of obligation when using different deontic terms Much attention has focused on transforming the
within practice recommendations. Ranking of a subset of knowledge contained in practice guidelines into
terms by intended level of obligation is possible. computable formats.15 16 A major challenge is how to
Matching deontic terminology to the intended translate guideline recommendations into decision
recommendation strength can help standardise the use support tools. Without knowing how guideline
of deontic terminology by guideline developers. authors use deontic terminology, investigators
cannot reliably implement recommendations that
remain faithful to the developer’s intent and purpose.
Clinical practice guidelines are “systematically Through the use of an electronic survey, we
developed statements to assist practitioner and investigated the understanding of deontic termi-
patient decisions about appropriate healthcare for nology by members of the health services
specific clinical circumstances”.1 However, prob- community. Our goal was to describe the level of
lems with guideline clarity and specificity impede obligation and variation in interpretation among
the incorporation of guidelines into medical prac- deontic terms. To our knowledge, the study
tice.2 3 Non-adherence is common.4 5 Several groups presented here is the first attempt to examine the
have developed tools that enable guideline devel- impact of deontic terminology on the perceived
opers to identify potential gaps in guideline quality level of obligation to undertake actions recom-
and implementability.6e8 High-quality guidelines mended within clinical practice guidelines.
make explicit the connections between evidence
quality, recommendation strength and the language METHODS
used to make recommendations. Survey instrument
Language such as “should consider ” and “is We compiled a list of deontic terms commonly
recommended” appears frequently in practice found in guidelines by considering the English

Qual Saf Health Care 2010;19:509e513. doi:10.1136/qshc.2009.032565 509

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Original research

forms of the French deontic terms identified by Georg et al17 and the study ran for 6 weeks from mid October 2008 to the
the most frequent deontic terms appearing in the Yale Guideline beginning of December 2008. We sent two reminder emails
Recommendation Corpus using the Simple Concordance during that time. The comments we received during the pilot
Program (V.4.09 for Macintosh, Alan Reed, available from http:// period did not suggest any major difficulty in understanding the We also searched the websites of all purpose of the study, the survey instructions or use of the slider
organisations listing more than five guidelines on the National mechanism.
Guideline Clearinghouse website ( Because the survey remained unaltered following the pilot
for any information relating to how they apply deontic study and pilot participants were selected from the complete list
terminology. of conference registrants, we combined all responses into a single
We constructed a web-based electronic survey that presented analysis. We calculated a response rate based on the Response
each of the 12 deontic terms within simplified recommendation Rate (RR2) definition from the American Association for Public
statements. To isolate the effect of the deontic term from that of Opinion Research.22
any other contextual feature, we instructed participants to
assume that a particular drug “A” was effective for a clinical Data management and analysis
condition “X” and presented them with recommendation We used descriptive statistics to examine the variable response
statements that varied only in use of the deontic term or phrase for each deontic term. Analysis was conducted using a standard
(see figure 1.) statistical package (SPSS V.16 for Macintosh).
Participants used a slider mechanism to record the level of
obligation they believed the guideline authors intended. The
scale ranged from “No obligation” (leftmost position recorded as RESULTS
0) to “Full obligation” (rightmost position recorded as 100). We Upon registration for the AHRQ annual conference, attendees
gave explicit instructions that the term “No obligation” did not were given the option to describe themselves by choosing one or
mean that prescribing drug A was prohibited; rather, selecting more of several professional categories (Howard Holland,
the leftmost position would indicate that the decision to AHRQ, personal communication, 2008). Results are summarised
prescribe drug A was completely “optional”. We also explained in table 1.
our understanding that clinical decisions rely heavily on The registrants (445/1332) submitted our on-line survey
individual patient circumstances and that answers about (response rate of 36%). More than half (57%, 254/445) reported
intended level of obligation may not necessarily reflect intended that they have experience in developing clinical practice guide-
adherence. lines, and 30% (133/445) indicated they provide healthcare
We collected information about participant age, whether they (table 1). We did not collect data from clinicians about their level
provide direct healthcare to clients and whether they had ever of guideline usage. Respondents between ages 50 and 59 years
participated in the development of clinical practice guidelines, represented the largest age group (38%, 171/445.)
clinical decision support systems or performance measures. The Most organisations listing more than five guidelines on the
initial version of the survey presented each of the recommen- National Guideline Clearinghouse website did not provide any
dation statements in random order to avoid the potential insight into their use of deontic terminology. Those that
introduction of order bias.19e21 Early informal piloting, however, provided guidance seemed to disagree on what and how terms
revealed that readers could not consistently record their answers should be used (eg, whether the terms should be linked to
without referring to their responses from previous questions. specific levels of evidence quality or recommendation strength).
Based on this feedback, we instituted a revised version of the A partial list of organisations that commented either within
survey that presented questions in non-random order and published guideline manuals or directly on their websites on
allowed participants to adjust their answers until final submis- their use of deontic terminology is shown in table 2.
sion of the survey. The final version of the survey can be found Figure 2 displays the median and interquartile range for each
at of the 12 deontic terms examined in our survey, arranged in
descending order of perceived level of obligation. “Must”
Study population conveyed the highest level of obligation (median¼100) and least
We invited all 1332 registrants for the 2008 annual conference of amount of variability (interquartile range¼5.) “May”
the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to (median¼37) and “may consider” (median¼33) conveyed the
participate. We emailed each registrant an introductory message lowest levels of obligation. All other terms we examined
and a direct link to our survey website. Following a formal pilot conveyed intermediate levels of obligation characterised by wide
period using 50 randomly selected registrants, the main body of and overlapping interquartile ranges (see figure 2).

Figure 1 Screenshot of the first three

survey questions. Readers moved the
slider to the left or right according to the
level of obligation they believed
guideline authors intended. The default
position was recorded as 50 (shown

510 Qual Saf Health Care 2010;19:509e513. doi:10.1136/qshc.2009.032565

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Original research

Table 1 Characteristics of conference registrants while “may” and “may consider” convey lower levels of obliga-
Characteristic n (%) tion. “Should” and all other deontic terms we examined convey
intermediate levels of obligation.
Total 1332 (100)
Self-described upon registration 893 (67)*
Variable interpretation of expressions used in medicine has
AHRQ grantee/contractor 135 (15)
been well documented, most notably with regard to physician
Other federal awardee 16 (1.8) interpretation of probabilities.28e30 Kong et al demonstrated that
Researcher 125 (14) medical professionals could agree on the ranking of common
Healthcare provider 120 (13) probability expressions, but there was wide variation in inter-
Health plan/insurer 17 (1.9) pretation of each expression.31 Similarly, our survey demon-
Healthcare supplier or vendor 28 (3.1) strates a ranking of a subset of terms but with considerable
Member of trade or professional 87 (9.7) variability in interpretation of individual deontic expressions.
organisation Figure 2 suggests for members of the health services
Healthcare purchaser 2 (0.2) community to recognise at least three levels of obligation.
Member of a consumer, patient or 16 (1.8) “Must” conveys the highest level of obligation, while “may” and
advocacy group
“may consider ” convey lower levels. Every other term we
Representative of federal, state or local 221 (25)
government examined conveys an intermediate level. The addition of
Other 126 (14) “consider” appears to decrease the level of obligation associated
Survey participants 445 (36)y with “must” and “should” but does not change the impact of
Provide healthcare 133 (30) “may”, which already conveys the lowest level of obligation.
Experience developing While the use of “consider” in a recommendation softens the
Clinical practice guidelines 254 (57) obligation imposed, it also makes measuring performance and
Clinical decision support systems 212 (48) auditing adherence more difficult. Increasingly, performance
Performance measures 314 (71) measures are based on practice guidelines.32 Guidelines that use
Age (years)z “consider” pose significant challenges to quality improvement
20e29 22 (4.9) teams because it is often impossible to determine whether
30e39 82 (18) a recommended activity was “considered”.
40e49 108 (24) A guideline reader’s formula to determine the level of obli-
50e59 171 (38) gation and intended adherence likely includes a plethora of
$60 57 (13) linguistic and non-linguistic variables. In addition to the deontic
AHRQ, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. term encountered, a reader is likely to assess such factors as the
*Percentages for subcategories of conference registrants use a denominator of 893.
yPercentages for subcategories of survey participants use a denominator of 445.
stated recommendation strength (if present), the type of action
zSeven participants (1.5%) did not specify their age on the survey. recommended (eg, to prescribe a medicine vs to order an invasive
procedure or test), the severity of the patient condition under
consideration and the organisation responsible for the guideline’s
DISCUSSION development. To our knowledge, none of these other variables
Our goal was to describe the level of obligation imposed by have been studied as potential influences on clinicians’ percep-
deontic terms commonly found in clinical practice guidelines. tion of obligation to undertake recommended actions.
We found that the interpretation of deontic terms by the health
services community varies and that ranking of deontic terms by Suggestions for guideline developers
level of obligation is possible. Using an internet-based survey, we If deontic terminologies were used to strengthen a connection
showed that “must” conveys the highest level of obligation, between recommendation language and expected adherence to

Table 2 Deontic expressions recommended for use by a sample of guideline-developing organisations

Should ✗ ✗ ✗
May ✗
Must ✗
Should be done ✗
Consider ✗ ✗
Should consider ✗
Should be considered ✗
May/might be considered ✗ ✗ ✗
Must be considered
Recommend or is recommended ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
Is indicated ✗
Suggest or is suggested ✗
Is/may/might be reasonable ✗
Is/can/may be useful ✗
Is/can/may be effective ✗
Offer ✗
Discuss ✗
AAN, American Academy of Neurology23; AAPD, American Academy Of Paediatric Dentistry24; ACC, American College of
Cardiology25; AHA, American Heart Association25; ACCP, American College of Chest Physicians26; NICE, National Institute for Health
and Clinical Excellence (England and Wales). Also provide specific instructions for the rare use of “must” and “must not”14: NZGG,
New Zealand Guidelines Group27; USPSTF, US Preventive Services Task Force.13

Qual Saf Health Care 2010;19:509e513. doi:10.1136/qshc.2009.032565 511

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Figure 2 Level of obligation conveyed

by deontic terms commonly appearing
in clinical practice guidelines. Bars
represent simplified box plots displaying
interquartile ranges and medians.
Perceived level of obligation was
recorded by a slider mechanism that
ranged from 0 (“No obligation”) to 100
(“Full obligation”).

recommendations, these data suggest that three separate levels other deontic terms may produce different responses. We also
of recommendation strength should be available to guideline did not take into account word preferences (eg, the use of “shall”
developers. As long as terms conveying distinct levels of obli- vs “should”) or cultural norms (eg, American vs British) that
gation were chosen (ie, non-overlapping interquartile ranges), may affect how people interpret and use deontic terminology.
guideline developers could take advantage of a natural ranking of We permitted each participant to use his or her own under-
deontic terms. standing of the concept of obligation and did not measure intra-
“Must” clearly defines the highest level of obligation; however, rater variability.
we anticipate only rare usage of the term. Based on our exami-
nation of the Yale Guideline Recommendation Corpus, “must” CONCLUSION
appears in only 19 recommendations.18 The use of “must” or A focus on deontic terminology is a small but important step
“must not” may be limited to situations where there is a clear towards producing guidelines with more predictable influences
legal standard or where quality evidence indicates the potential on clinical care.3 “Must”, “should”, and “may” are well suited to
for imminent patient harm if a course of action is not followed. represent three discrete levels of obligation recognised by the
“May” is an appropriate choice for the lowest level of obligation. health services community. A standardised approach to the use
We suggest avoiding any expression using “consider” for reasons of deontic terminology and the application of deontic termi-
mentioned earlier. The impact of “not” remains a topic for future nology to systems for grading recommendation strength should
study. be part of a larger set of standards for guideline development and
“Should” is the most common deontic verb found in the Yale presentation.
Guideline Recommendation Corpus (appearing 709 times) and is
an appropriate choice to convey an intermediate level of obliga- Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the US Agency for Healthcare
tion. Alternatively, the intermediate level could be stratified into Research and Quality and the National Library of Medicine for their support.
“should” and “is appropriate”. Overlapping ranges of obligation Funding This study was supported by grant R01-LM07199, which is cofunded by the
may be acceptable as long as guideline developers make explicit National Library of Medicine and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,
the connection between deontic terms chosen and their intended contract AHRQ-07-10045, and by grant T15-LM07065 from the National Library of
level of obligation. One strategy would be to link deontic terms to
grades of recommendation strength. In this approach, the Competing interests None.
number of deontic terms used would depend on the particular Ethics approval The Yale Human Investigations Committee approved our study under
grading system applied by the guideline developers. exemption status. The survey instrument did not collect any personally identifiable
Contributors EAL is a paediatrician and postdoctoral fellow in medical informatics at
Limitations Yale University. EAL wrote the survey instrument, solicited survey participation,
Our response rate was low but consistent with response rates of analysed the data and is guarantor. GM designed and implemented the survey and
internet-based surveys reported elsewhere.33e35 Generalisability database to which it connected. ZL provided statistical input and verification. RNS is
to a wider population of clinicians and consumers of practice the associate director of the Yale Center for Medical Informatics and has expert
knowledge on guideline implementability and transformation into computerised
guidelines may be limited. However, our sample included key decision support tools. RNS provided critical direction and oversight at each phase of
target audiences, including clinicians, developers of practice the project, including study design, data analysis and revision of the manuscript. All
guidelines, developers of performance measures and developers authors had full access to all of the data.
of decision support systems. Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
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Qual Saf Health Care 2010;19:509e513. doi:10.1136/qshc.2009.032565 513

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How ''should'' we write guideline

recommendations? Interpretation of deontic
terminology in clinical practice guidelines:
survey of the health services community
E A Lomotan, G Michel, Z Lin and R N Shiffman

Qual Saf Health Care 2010 19: 509-513 originally published online
August 10, 2010
doi: 10.1136/qshc.2009.032565

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