Technology Resources Improvement Plan

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2015 - 2018

Goal: Provide and maintain appropriate instructional resources, support services, and functional and safe facilities.
Objective: Provide access for students, staff, parents, and community members to technologies that will enhance their education and enable them to excel in their

Strategies Action Steps Resources Funding Source Person Responsible

The school will maintain  Evaluate all current systems in place and Technology survey, No Cost ICT Coordinator
hardware standards to ensure determine the needs to meet the objectives of auditing and software
compatibility with the school the school.
technology plan.
The school will provide a design  Determine bandwidth requirements for internet Network Performance School MOOE ICT Coordinator
and implementation plan for access to meet educational technology needs of the Reports
voice, computer networks and school.
power systems in all buildings.  Expand WIFI network to include coverage in all
educational spaces.
 Develop replacement /upgrade plan for backup
power systems in critical areas.
Keep all software current  Investigate cost effective updates to online Network Audits School MOOE ICT Coordinator
services Utilization Reports School Head
 Streamline purchase and ensure all software is
being utilized currently

Research new/ current ● Maintain Wi-Fi (wireless access points) in each ICT Department School MOOE School Head
technology trends and of the district’s buildings. Each building should have Teachers
equipment for use and a Staff minimum of one access point phased in for Students
adoption into the school full coverage of all educational spaces. ICT Department
 Increase access to teacher laptops where Teachers Grading
appropriate. Sheets
● Investigate and research sustainability of district
provided 1:1 device for grades 7-12.
● Upgrade all student technologies grades
including computers and other classroom
technology. Teacher and Student
● Establish Distance learning/video conferencing Survey
capabilities for all buildings.
● Tools for teacher web pages and associated
● Maintain network storage with appropriate
backup/de-duplicating procedures.

School will maintain ● School shall maintain adequate resources to Technology Plan School MOOE School Head
presentation systems in each keep systems operational Teachers
classroom in the school  School will continually explore options to Students
enhance learning through new presentation system Survey ICT Department
District will research ● Research current equipment to determine which Survey School Budget School Head
technology needs in products meet the needs of the school curriculum. Teachers
specialized curricular areas ● Acquire and Install the systems. Students
such as Special Education, ● Acquire and install assistive technology as needed. ICT Department
PLTW, Graphical Arts and

Prepared by: Noted by:


ICT Coordinator School Principal

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