Jurnal Manggis
Jurnal Manggis
Jurnal Manggis
Author Manuscript
Methods Mol Biol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 April 12.
Published in final edited form as:
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
The prevalence of gastric cancer is associated with several factors including geographical location,
diet, and genetic background of the host. However, it is evident that infection with Helicobacter
pylori (H. pylori) is crucial for the development of the disease. Virulence of the bacteria is also
important in modulating the risk of the disease. After infection, H. pylori gains access to the
gastric mucosa and triggers the production of cytokines that promote recruitment of inflammatory
cells, probably involved in tissue damage. Once the infection is established, a cascade of
inflammatory steps associated with changes in the gastric epithelia that may lead to cancer is
triggered. H. pylori-induced gastritis and H. pylori-associated gastric cancer have been the focus
of extensive research aiming to discover the underlying mechanisms of gastric tissue damage. This
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research has led to the association of host genetic components with the risk of the disease. Among
these is the presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in several genes, including
cytokine genes, which are able to differentially modulate the production of inflammatory
cytokines and then modulate the risk of gastric cancer. Interestingly, the frequency of some of
these SNPs is different among populations and may serve as a predictive factor for gastric cancer
risk within that specific population. However, the role played by other genetic modifications
should not be minimized. Methylation of gene promoters has been recognized as a major
mechanism of gene expression regulation without changing the primary structure of the DNA.
Most DNA methylation occurs in cytosine residues in CpG dinucleotide, but it can also be found
in other DNA bases. DNA methyltransferases add methyl groups to the CpG dinucleotide, and
when this methylation level is too high, the gene expression is turned off. In H. pylori infection as
well as in gastric cancer, hypermethylation of promoters of genes involved in cell cycle control,
metabolism of essential nutrients, and production of inflammatory mediators, among others, has
been described. Interestingly, DNA changes like SNPs or mutations can create CpG sites in
sequences where transcription factors normally sit, affecting transcription.
In this chapter, we review the literature about the role of SNPs and methylation on H. pylori
infection and gastric cancer, with big emphasis to the H. pylori role in the development of the
disease due to the strong association between both.
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Helicobacter pylori; Gastric cancer; Single nucleotide polymorphisms; Methylation
1. Introduction
In 2008, close to one million new cases of gastric cancer (7.8% of the total cases) were
estimated, with 736,000 deaths (9.7% of the total) due to the disease in the same period,
making gastric cancer the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide (1).
However, the incidence and mortality of gastric cancer around the world varies significantly
according to the geographical location. The incidence in Asia and Eastern Europe is more
than 20 cases per 100,000 individuals, contrasting with incidence rates lower than 10 cases
per 100,000 individuals in North America, New Zealand, and Oceania (2, 3). The contrast in
the survival rate of stomach cancer is significant as well. Japan, North America, and
Western Europe have the highest survival rates (52, 21, and 27%, respectively) compared
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with only 6% survival in the sub-Saharan regions (2). Parkin et al. suggested that the
incidence of stomach cancer is higher in men than in women in most of these regions (2). In
the United States, it is estimated that approximately 13,000 men and 8,000 women were
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diagnosed with gastric cancer in 2010 (4); more than 10,000 of them are expected to have
died as a direct result of the neoplasia.
Several classifications of gastric cancer have been proposed over the years, based on
different aspects including histopathology, clinical aspects, and endoscopic characteristics
(5–9). However, the most widely followed classification is the one by Laurén (8), which,
after few later updates, classifies cancer into intestinal and diffuse types, according to
structural characteristics of the tumors. In general, the diffuse type seems to be diagnosed at
earlier stages, more frequent in women than in men, and to be associated with specific blood
types and associated to pangastritis without atrophy (10, 11). In contrast, the intestinal type
of gastric cancer is more associated with gastritis in the corpus that leads to atrophy and
intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia, and finally cancer (see below) (10). In addition, the
intestinal type seems to be more common in men and diagnosed at later ages (11, 12). The
observed decline in gastric cancer globally seems to be associated to a reduction in the
incidence of the intestinal type, while there is an increase of the diffuse-type gastric cancer
(13, 14).
Infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is considered essential for the development of
gastric cancer, such that H. pylori has been classified as a type I carcinogen by the
International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC) (15). It is estimated that nearly half of
the world’s population is infected with this bacterium; however, most people are
asymptomatic, and approximately 1–3% develop cancer (16–18). This infection induces an
inflammatory response that increases the infiltration of lymphocytes, macrophages, and
plasma cells into the gastric mucosa. Neutrophils can also be found when acute
inflammation is present. When the inflammatory response is not accompanied by loss of
gastric glands (atrophy), it is referred to as non-atrophic gastritis (NAG), according to the
updated Sydney classification (19). NAG lesions are associated with the development of
duodenal ulcer, especially if it is localized to the gastric antrum (20). A small percentage of
patients with NAG progress to multifocal atrophic gastritis (MAG). MAG is characterized
by the loss of gastric glands and the appearance of fibrotic tissue (21). This disease can later
progress to MAG with intestinal metaplasia (MAG-IM), in which cells of the gastric
epithelium are replaced by intestinal absorptive and goblet cells (for a graphical view of the
lesions, please see refs. (21, 22)). MAG-IM is considered to be a true preneoplastic lesion
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leading to the development of dysplasia, with abnormal nuclear morphology and abnormal
tissue architecture. It is estimated that up to 85% of patients with dysplasia and a high
degree of atypical features progress to invasive carcinomas (23). Even though some of these
lesions may regress to the previous, less malignant states, the rate of progression is higher
than the rate of regression (24).
It is widely accepted that gastric cancer is the result of the above-described cascade of
histological events leading from normal epithelia to cancer. However, the molecular and
cellular events controlling the transition from one step to the next are not yet fully
understood. Inflammation is a common finding in cancer (25). The inflammatory process is
mediated by pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, the levels of which are controlled,
among other things, by changes in the primary sequence of the DNA sequence. Several
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes encoding cytokines involved in the
inflammatory process have been associated with risk of gastric cancer among several
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premalignant stages and that there is a significant difference in the frequency of these SNPs
between the two ethnic groups (22, 30). These findings are important because it would help
to identify people at increased risk of developing cancer at an earlier stage, allowing for
better intervention strategies and remediation of the possible mucosal damage already
inflicted by the inflammatory reaction.
pylori urease is evidenced by the fact that urease (−) H. pylori strains are unable to colonize
the stomachs of several animal models (41, 42). In addition, H. pylori urease accounts for up
to 10% of the total protein produced by the bacteria (43). The ammonia generated by the
breakdown of urea can, by itself, neutralize the gastric acid (44), thus helping the bacteria
survive and causing damage to the gastric epithelia (45).
The cytotoxin-associated antigen (CagA) is injected into the membranes of the gastric cells
by a type IV secretion system (46, 47). Once inserted into the host’s cell membrane, CagA is
activated by phosphorylation at the carboxy-terminal end of the protein by c-Src/Lyn
kinases (48). This phosphorylation occurs at the tyrosine residues of the EPIYA motifs
(protein domains formed by glutamic acid, proline, isoleucine, tyrosine, and alanine
residues) (48, 49). Phosphorylation-activated CagA recruits the cytoplasmic SRC homology
2 domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase (SHP-2 tyrosine phosphatase) to the membrane
and deregulates the phosphatase domain (49). Tyrosine phosphorylation of the CagA protein
and its subsequent binding to the SHP-2 phosphatase are essential for the induction of the
cellular changes associated with CagA since H. pylori harboring cagA genes without the
EPIYA motifs are able to translocate the protein into the cell membranes, but once there, it
is not phosphorylated nor able to induce any cellular changes (48, 49). Activated and SHP-2
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associated CagA triggers a cascade of phosphorylation events (50) that lead to changes in
the cell shape (46, 48). Interestingly, the promoter activity of the H. pylori cagA gene was
found to be increased in the presence of NaCl in a dose-dependent manner (48, 51).
Furthermore, the levels of the CagA protein were higher in H. pylori grown in higher salt
concentrations and resulted in increased interaction with gastric epithelial cells and
increased phenotypic changes associated with CagA (51, 52). CagA is also responsible for
the induction of inflammatory responses, including interleukin (IL) 8 released by gastric
epithelia, which serves as a chemotactic factor for inflammatory cells (53–56). Once
recruited to the gastric mucosa, the inflammatory cells mount a response essentially
mediated by lymphocyte-derived cytokines which, if not controlled, can promote tissue
Another important factor produced by H. pylori is the arginase enzyme which is encoded by
the rocF gene (57–59). This enzyme is found in many other organisms (60) and is involved
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in the generation of urea and ornithine, the latter being the primary source for the production
of polyamines (61). In Leishmania, the generation of polyamines is essential for the survival
of the parasite, such that arginase gene knockout parasites are unable to survive in culture
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media unless supplemented with polyamines (62). In H. pylori, the enzyme seems to be
critical for survival of the H. pylori in acidic environments, but the lack of the gene does not
affect colonization of mouse stomach (57). Mendz and Hazell (63) have shown that H.
pylori lacks some of the enzymes required for the synthesis of L-arginine (L-Arg) and
depends on L-Arg generated by the host. We and others have shown that H. pylori arginase
can inhibit functions of both macrophages and T cells, making the bacterium able to control
both acquired and innate immune responses to the infection (64, 65).
of PHA-induced proliferation of T cells. This effect was not observed when crude extracts of
the isogenic CagA−VacA+ was used. On the other hand, H. pylori CagA and VacA are
responsible for the downregulation of the proliferation of gastric cell lines (71, 72), an effect
not mediated by apoptosis (73). Interestingly, the dysfunction of T cells observed in H.
pylori infection is also seen in gastric cancer (74, 75).
We have shown that H. pylori arginase contributes to the depletion of L-Arg in culture
media, leading to the downregulation of the CD3ξ molecule, essential for activation of T
cells (64). Some studies have shown that in gastric cancer there is a reduced expression of
CD3ξ in T cells in local lymph nodes (76). Whether this happens in response to the infection
with H. pylori, or if the virulence of the bacteria is differentially associated with this event,
is still to be determined.
mice (IRF-1−/−), which do not produce IFNγ, also fail to develop gastritis after infection
with H. pylori. Mohammadi et al. (78) and Nedrud et al. (79) clearly demonstrated that
C57Bl/6 mice infected with H. felis develop aggressive gastritis due to a strong Th1
response. In contrast, Balb/c mice that have a preferential Th2 response developed a
protective immune response. Therefore, the type of cytokine response is closely associated
with the pathological outcome of the infection.
In humans, most reports agree that a Th1 response is elicited both in vitro and in vivo after
H. pylori exposure, while a Th2 response is absent or negligible. Increased levels of IFNγ in
the mucosa of patients infected with H. pylori were observed both in situ and after purifying
the epithelia-infiltrating lymphocytes. No production of IL4 or IL5 could be detected (80,
81). Cytokines like IL8 and IL6 have also been reported to be increased; however, the
increase of IL8 appears to be independent of the presence of H. pylori and may be more of a
response to the inflammatory process initiated by the infection (82). In contrast, increased
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expression of IL6 within the gastric mucosa is largely associated with the presence of the
bacteria, such that its levels significantly decrease after clearance of the infection (82).
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The enzyme arginase (EC is one of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of L-
Arg, producing L-ornithine and urea, the first needed for the synthesis of polyamines
required for cell proliferation (91, 92). Additionally, nitric oxide synthase (EC
metabolizes L-Arg into citrulline and nitric oxide, an innate mechanism involved in
cytotoxic cellular responses mediated by macrophages (93, 94).
affects the degree of cellular immunity against H. pylori, by reducing the levels of Th1/Th17
cytokines, including IFNγ, IL17a, and IL12p40 (105). The latter has been shown also in
macrophages in the intestinal muscularis (jejunum and ileum) of mice infected with
Helicobacter hepaticus (106). Even though these macrophages did not show any signs of
infection by the Helicobacter, those obtained from infected mice had significantly reduced
induction of inflammatory cytokines than those obtained from uninfected, after being
stimulated in vitro with LPS and IFNγ (106). These results indicate that even if the
Helicobacter never encounters cells of the immune system, soluble factors released by the
bacteria, or by the inflamed gastric epithelia, may influence the immune response associated
with gastric damage. The possibility about H. pylori being able to invade the gastric mucosa
and interact directly with cells of the immune system is still controversial, but there are
some research showing actual in vivo phagocytosis of H. pylori at the gastric level (107–
109). This controversy is far from being solved, but some in vitro assays suggest that, even
if ingested, H. pylori is able to delay the intracellular killing, at least by macrophages (110–
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113). If this is a phenomenon that actually happens in vivo, it may lead to intracellular H.
pylori replication, as shown in vitro (114), and explain the persistence of the infection,
which in turns may lead to antibiotic resistance, selecting more aggressive strains able to
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transfected cells have shown that allele A at position -308 of the TNFA gene (TNF*2) is
associated with increased levels of TNF-α, suggesting a role for this SNP in inflammatory
and infectious processes. The proinflammatory IL6 is responsible for inducing fever after
injection of IL1 in animals (121). The levels of IL6 are also controlled by genetic
mechanisms. An SNP at position -174 (G > C change) has been associated with differential
production of IL6 with increased activity of promoters containing G (121). After stimulation
with LPS, PBMCs obtained from healthy individuals with IL6-174GG or IL1-174GC
genotypes produced significantly higher amounts of IL6 in response to LPS than individuals
with the IL6-174CC (121). Furthermore, haplotype analysis of the IL6 promoter has
suggested that the IL6 expression is controlled by the interaction of at least four
polymorphisms in the IL6 promoter (122). The clinical importance of genetically controlled
levels of cytokines has been demonstrated in transplantation (123, 124), autoimmune
diseases (125), and infectious diseases (126, 127).
National Institutes of Health, cancer health disparities are defined as “all adverse differences
in cancer incidence, cancer prevalence, cancer death, cancer survivor-ship, and burden of
cancer or related health conditions that exist among specific population groups in the United
States” (129). Even though the socioeconomic status is highlighted as one of the major
factors leading to lack of appropriate health care, it is possible to suggest that ethnic
differences are also playing some role in defining such disparities. Recent reports have
shown that the composition of genetic blocks between African-Americans and Caucasians is
different, with more heterogeneity observed in the African-American group (130, 131). This
could be associated to a differential genetic background that makes one individual more
susceptible to suffer specific diseases, including cancer (132). These differences may
include differential transcription of regulatory genes, increased transcription of genes that
promote inflammation and reduced transcription of those that are anti-inflamatory. Because
gene transcription may be affected by the presence of SNPs at the promoter level, these may
potentially be used as determinants of risk of disease in specific ethnic groups. An example
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of differential SNPs distribution between ethnic groups and its possible association with
disease is given by the gene of the multidrug transporter (MDR1), which mediates the
transport of many types of drugs including anticancer drugs (133, 134). The frequency of
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one SNP in exon 26 of the MDR1 gene (a C > T change at position 3435) has been found to
be differentially associated with African-Americans, Caucasians, and Asian populations
(135), as well as with differential expression of the MDR1 protein and with plasma levels of
several drugs (136–142). Additional work has shown that such SNP is in linkage
disequilibrium with two other nearby SNPs forming haplotype blocks differentially
associated with three ethnic groups in Asia (143). Regarding to inflammatory mediators,
several cytokine SNPs have been associated with the development of gastric cancer. A
seminal work by El-Omar et al. (26) associated a transition from C to T at position −511 of
the IL1B gene (ILB-511C>T) with gastric cancer in European populations. This finding has
been later confirmed by other groups (28, 29, 144, 145), even though racial and ethnicity
factors have been associated with differential gastric cancer risk in various populations
worldwide. However, most studies agree that the presence of allele IL1B-511T increases the
risk of intestinal-type and noncardia gastric cancer in Caucasian but not in Asian
populations, a fact that has been validated by several meta-analyses (146–149).
Interestingly, this SNP has also been linked to increased secretion of IL1β (116, 117); this,
in turn, is associated with reduction of gastric acid secretion (150), promoting the
colonization by H. pylori. IL1B-511 is in near complete linkage disequilibrium with another
SNP at position −31 (IL1B-31) (26), and its capacity to modulate IL1B gene transcription is
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modified depending on the presence of other nearby SNPs (151). This strongly suggests that
SNP’s association with disease needs to be studied not only individually but also as
The biological activity of the IL1β is regulated by the presence of a natural antagonist, the
interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL1ra), which is encoded by the IL1RN gene (152). Allele
2 of a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) on intron 2 of the IL1RN gene
(IL2RN*2) has been associated with reduced levels of IL1ra (153, 154) and with the
increased risk of several types of cancer, including gastric cancer (26–28).
Another cytokine important in the initiation and maintenance of immune responses is tumor
necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), in which SNPs have been associated with gastric cancer as
well as other types of cancer. The presence of allele A at position −308 of the TNFA gene
(TNF-308A) has been associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer and non-small cell
lung carcinoma (28, 29, 155). In addition to the effect of the TNF-308 SNP, TNF-857T has
been linked to the development of gastric intestinal metaplasia (156) and gastric B-cell
lymphoma (157).
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Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) using Japanese and Korean populations
found that two SNPs in the prostate stem cell antigen gene (PSCA) were significantly
associated with diffuse-type gastric cancer (166). A later study showed that one of those
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SNPs, rs2976392, is associated with a significant increase risk of both gastric cancer types,
intestinal and diffuse, in a Chinese population (167). These results were further confirmed
by a more recent GWAS in a Chinese population, which, in addition to finding that the same
two SNPs in the PSCA gene were associated with noncardia gastric cancer, also found that
risk of gastric cardia cancer was associated with two SNPs, rs22742223 and rs3765524, that
create missense mutations in the region 10q23 encoding the phospholipase Cε1 (PLCE1)
Our work with African-American and Caucasian individuals from Louisiana has identified
SNPs, alone or arranged in haplotypes, in several cytokine genes differentially associated
with more severe forms of gastritis (22, 30). Interestingly, African-Americans have higher
frequency of proinflammatory SNPs and haplotypes in both IL1B and IL10 genes (22, 30),
present higher incidence of more aggressive forms of the disease (22, 30), and are infected
more frequently with aggressive H. pylori strains (30). Taken together, and considering that
these inflammatory stages may lead to gastric malignancy, our results may help explain in
part why African-Americans have increased risk of developing gastric cancer than
Caucasian individuals.
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In summary, the balance of the pro- and anti-inflammatory responses to an offending agent
(H. pylori) appears to play a central role in gastric mucosal damage and repair. Defects on
the type of the response elicited, or in their balance, result in an abnormal environment that
can be detrimental for the host and favor the development of malignancy. However, the
interplay between the virulence of the bacteria and the genetic background of the host is
crucial in determining the fate of the inflammation initiated by the H. pylori infection.
DNMT1, DNMT22, and DNMT3 (comprising 3A, 3B and 3L) involved in de novo and
maintenance methylation of hemi- and unmethylated DNA sequences (177, 178).
Interestingly, there is an increased expression of DNMT proteins in gastric cancer tissues, as
compared to tissues with normal histology. A recent study has found an SNP at position
−448 of the DNMT3A gene (DNMT3A-448A) highly associated with risk of gastric cancer
in a Chinese population (179). The presence of DNMT3A-448A increases more than
twofold the activity of the promoter, and homozygous carriers of this SNP
(DNMT3A-448AA) have more than sixfold increased risk of gastric cancer when compared
with GG carriers (179).
Hypermethylation of gene promoters has been described in gastric tissues, and this process
seems to be directly associated with the inactivation of specific genes in gastric cancer
samples (180, 181). However, as different population may have differences in their genetic
contents, differences in the methylation patterns may also vary. In a sample from Colombia,
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South America, when comparing two populations with different risks of gastric cancer,
hypermethylation of the RPRM gene was associated with the disease and with infection with
virulent H. pylori strains (cagA+/vacA s1m1+) in the high-risk population (182), as
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compared with an area of low risk for gastric cancer. H. pylori virulence seem to be also
associated with differential methylation on enzymes involved in the pathway that generates
S-adenosylmethionine, the universal donor of methyl groups in humans (183). In a study
from Brazil, it was found that infection with virulent strains of H. pylori is associated with a
polymorphism in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene (MTHFR) enzyme (MTHFR
C677T) in patients 60 years old or older (184). In addition, hypermethylation of cell cycle
controlling genes (E-cadherin and CDKN2A) have been reported in patients infected with H.
pylori (184–188). Regarding to E-cadherin (encoded by the gene CDH1), the
hypermethylation of this gene seems to be directly related to the infection with H. pylori
since its eradication by antibiotic treatment lead to a significant reduction of the methylation
level (188). This type of inactivation of this gene adds to the importance of CDH1 in the
process of the progression of malignancy associated with gastric cancer. One study using
New Zealand families have found that a G to T mutation in the sequence of exon 7 leads to
an aberrant product and is associated with familial gastric cancer (189).
Many factors may influence the degree of methylation on one specific genomic region. One
of those factors is the presence of SNPs that either create CpG sites at the promoter levels,
maybe modifying the binding of proteins involved in the transcription machinery, or
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increase the binding of transcription factor that promotes the increased transcription of the
gene. One example of the latter is the effect that C to T change at position −511 in the IL1B
gene (IL1B-511T) has on the methylation of CpG islands of several genes, including
TWIST1 and CYPB1 (190). It was noted that gastric cancer patients with the allele
IL1B-511T had significantly increased methylation on genes like TWIST1, CAGNA1G,
GRIN2B, CYPB1, and CRABP1, when compared to individuals with the allele IL1B-511C
(190). One possible explanation of these results may be the association between the levels of
IL1β at the gastric mucosa and the IL1B gene polymorphisms. It has been shown that
individuals with the IL1BTT genotype have significantly higher IL1β at the gastric level
than those with the genotype IL1BCC genotype (117). This cytokine has a plethora of
effects, and among them are both the increased expression of DNMT1 and the increased
activity of the enzyme, which, as discussed before, is involved in the transfer of S-
adenosylmethionine to cytosine residues in CpG sites (183).
areas with different gastric cancer risk, either increasing or decreasing, according to the risk
of the new area of settlement (191, 192). Several factors have been associated with the
development of gastric cancer, including environmental, microbial, and genetic factors (33,
193). It has been shown that fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of gastric cancer, without
regard to the anatomical position or histological type of cancer (194). A large study
involving more than 10,000 individuals reported that those with the very low to none intake
of fruits and vegetables had a relative risk (RR) of developing gastric cancer of 5.5 (95% CI
1.7–18.3), compared to those with a high intake of these foods (195). In addition, a study
with more than 12,000 individuals from seven countries reported a reduced risk for gastric
cancer in individuals with high consumption of fruits, even though no effect was associated
with vegetable consumption (196). Such studies have helped identify the specific
micronutrients that are involved in preventing this malignancy. Despite conflicting results
(197–199), it is commonly found that beta-carotene intake is inversely associated with the
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risk of gastric cancer (200–203), while the consumption of salted meats seem to increase the
risk of the disease (204, 205).
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In humans, it has been shown that T cells isolated from the antral mucosa of patients with
active gastritis or duodenal ulcer disease, associated with H. pylori infection, are
preferentially producing Th1 cytokine (77, 80, 209–211). Other studies have shown that
CD4+ T-cell clones isolated from the gastric mucosa of these patients proliferate in response
to specific H. pylori antigens, including CagA, VacA, and urease, thus showing antigen
specificity (209, 210). This enhanced proliferation is related to the cytokine response which
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appears to be associated with the presence of CagA and VacA (73). Patients infected with H.
pylori strains expressing these two proteins show an activation of nuclear transcription
factors AP-1 and NFkB and several tyrosine kinases including MAP kinases. All of these
factors participate in the transactivation of proinflammatory cytokine genes (212–214).
Even though most of the research on H. pylori-induced gastritis has focused on T cells, other
cells involved in the inflammatory reaction including the gastric epithelium,
polymorphonuclear cells, and macrophage/dendritic cells play an important role in the
response to H. pylori infection. Gastric epithelial cells can produce IL6 and IL10 upon
contact with H. pylori (215). Furthermore, they express B7.1 and B7.2 costimulatory
molecules, suggesting they could play an important role as antigen-presenting cells (216).
Initial reports about the role of macrophage/dendritic cells suggested that H. pylori severely
impairs phagocytosis and antigen processing in these cells, a mechanism that may be
dependent on the presence of the CagA protein (217). Furthermore, urease from H. pylori
can degrade urea which is needed to produce CO2 and NH3, effectively blocking the
bactericidal function of peroxynitrite, a metabolite derived from nitric oxide (218). Thus, it
is possible that the detrimental effects of H. pylori on macrophages could lead to the T-cell
dysfunction observed in chronic infections.
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common among individuals who become infected with H. pylori and also among the
different strains of the bacteria able to colonize and induce inflammation in humans. Genetic
and epigenetic markers of the infection and of the damage induced by it are necessary tools
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to devise strategies aiming at limiting the degree of inflammation and to restore the
homeostasis of the gastric environment. These markers will probably show differences
among populations and related to H. pylori virulence, but our actual capacity to fully
sequence the human genome will, for sure, identify those common DNA sequences and
transcripts able to modify the risk not only of being infected with the bacteria but also of
developing gastric cancer.
This work was supported by a NCRR-NIH grant number 149740220B to J. Zabaleta
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