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Industrial Yogurt Manufacture: Monitoring of Fermentation Process and

Improvement of Final Product Quality

Article  in  Journal of Dairy Science · July 2007

DOI: 10.3168/jds.2006-802 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Christos Soukoulis Constantina Tzia

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) National Technical University of Athens


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J. Dairy Sci. 90:2641–2654
© American Dairy Science Association, 2007.

Industrial Yogurt Manufacture: Monitoring of Fermentation Process

and Improvement of Final Product Quality
C. Soukoulis,* P. Panagiotidis,* R. Koureli,† and C. Tzia*1
*Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology, School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens,
Polytechnioupoli Zografou, Athens, Greece
†Fage S. A., Ermou 35 str., Metamorfosi, Athens, Greece

ABSTRACT related fermented milks. Many parameters affect fla-

Lactic acid fermentation during the production of vor, body, and texture of yogurt such as the starter
skim milk and whole fat set-style yogurt was continu- culture, incubation temperature, processing conditions
ously monitored by measuring pH. The modified Gomp- (e.g., heat treatment, homogenization) and composi-
ertz model was successfully applied to describe the pH tional properties of the milk base (Labropoulos et al.,
decline and viscosity development during the fermenta- 1984; Tamime and Robinson, 1999; Shaker et al., 2001;
tion process. The viscosity and incubation time data Hassan et al., 2003).
were also fitted to linear models against ln(pH). The Milk heat treatment is considered to be a critical
investigation of the yogurt quality improvement prac- factor for texture formation. Heating induces whey pro-
tices included 2 different heat treatments (80°C for 30 tein denaturation so that whey proteins can associate
min and 95°C for 10 min), 3 milk protein fortifying with casein micelles. Whey proteins are bound to ca-
agents (skim milk powder, whey powder, and milk pro- seins through disulfide linkages and hydrophobic inter-
tein concentrate) added at 2.0%, and 4 hydrocolloids actions (Law, 1996). The application of a time–tempera-
(κ-carrageenan, xanthan, guar gum, and pectin) added ture profile ranging from 8 to 85°C for 30 min to 90 to
at 0.01% to whole fat and skim yogurts. Heat treatment 95°C for 5 min is regarded to be adequate for producing
significantly affected viscosity and acetaldehyde devel- high quality yogurt (Lucey and Singh, 1997). Lucey et
opment without influencing incubation time and acid- al. (1997) reported that the increase of heating intensity
ity. The addition of whey powder shortened the incuba- induced an extensive denaturation of whey proteins
tion time but had a detrimental effect on consistency, (primarily β-LG), which in turn was correlated to in-
firmness, and overall acceptance of yogurts. On the creased storage modulus (G′) during acid gelation. Lu-
other hand, addition of skim milk powder improved cey et al. (1999) reported that gelation commences ear-
the textural quality and decreased the vulnerability of lier in severely heat-treated milks, leading to a signifi-
yogurts to syneresis. Anionic stabilizers (κ-carrageenan cant decrease of the coagulation time of directly
and pectin) had a poor effect on the texture and palat- acidified milks. In general, an increase in denaturation
ability of yogurts. However, neutral gums (xanthan and of whey proteins (primarily of β-LG) leads to a reduction
guar gum) improved texture and prevented the whey- in fermentation times (Labropoulos et al., 1984; Par-
ing-off defect. Skim milk yogurts exhibited longer incu- nell-Clunies et al., 1986; Thomopoulos et al., 1993,
bation times and higher viscosities, whereas they were Shaker et al., 2000). However, yogurt prepared with
rated higher during sensory evaluation than whole unheated or inadequately heat-treated milk, is charac-
fat yogurts. terized by poor texture, weak gel and firmness, and
Key words: yogurt fermentation monitoring, heat increased susceptibility against wheying off (Tamime
treatment, stabilizer, protein fortifier and Robinson, 1999).
Fortification of solid matter can be achieved by using
several materials including skim milk powder (SMP),
Improvement of the Quality Characteristics milk protein concentrates (MPC), whey protein concen-
of Yogurt trates (WPC), and caseinates. Schkoda et al. (2001)
Flavor and texture are the most pronounced factors reported that the firmness and the resistance of yogurt
that influence the quality and acceptance of yogurt and gels against syneresis are improved as the protein con-
tent increases. Dave and Shah (1998) and Bhullar et
al. (2002) demonstrated that WPC addition favors
Received December 1, 2006.
Accepted January 29, 2007. firmness and viscosity of yogurt whereas whey powder
Corresponding author: [email protected] (WP) seems to be insufficient to improve its quality


profile. Puvanenthiran et al. (2002) investigated the The end point of the fermentation process is usually
effect of substituting SMP with WPC added in different defined by the pH value. When the pH end point is
ratios and concluded that the increase of the whey to specified, by means of the final product quality profile,
casein ratio was associated with the increase of fermen- then online control of the fermentation process can be
tation time, pH of gelation, and firmness, whereas the carried out by monitoring pH. De Brabandere and De
syneresis defect was constrained. Guzman-Gonzalez et Baerdemaeker (1999) suggested the continuous control
al. (1999, 2000) studied many protein ingredients in- of the fermentation process by monitoring pH. The ad-
cluding SMP, WPC, caseinates, and dairy blends and vantages of this method include low investment and
observed that the addition of caseinates significantly functional cost, easy implementation, and absence of
improved firmness and syneresis prevention, whereas any fluctuations of yogurt coagulation. Alternatively,
WPC, although it controlled wheying loss, did not en- Navratil et al. (2004) and Cimander et al. (2002) pro-
hance texture. Generally, the addition of 2% of protein posed the online monitoring of yogurt fermentation
concentrates is considered adequate for amending the through the implementation of near infrared (NIR) and
textural quality of yogurt (Tamime and Robinson, electronic nose techniques combined.
1999). The aims of our study were 1) to investigate the appli-
The addition of hydrocolloids is another way to in- cability of continuous pH monitoring for controlling the
crease firmness and viscosity of yogurt. The functional- fermentation process and predicting the quality charac-
ity of hydrocolloids is demonstrated by their ability to teristics of the final product and 2) to study the effects
bind water, react with the milk constituents (mainly of processing parameters (heat treatment) and composi-
proteins), and stabilize the protein network, preventing tional properties of milk base such as milk fat, milk
free movement of water (Tamime and Robinson, 1999). solids-not-fat (MSNF) fortifiers, and hydrocolloids, on
Ramaswamy and Basak (1992) observed significant im- the incubation time and textural, chemical, and sensory
provement of the rheological profile of flavored yogurt properties of set-style yogurts.
when 0.3 to 0.4% pectin was added. Gelatin is one of
the most preferable stabilizers for use in fermented MATERIALS AND METHODS
milks. Fiszman and Salvador (1999) and Fiszman et Preparation of Milk Base
al. (1999) reported that gelatin over a great range of
concentrations was able to improve the rheological and Whole (3.5% fat, 8.7% MSNF) and skim (0.03% fat,
textural properties of skim yogurt and to hinder the 8.6% MSNF) homogenized milk was obtained from a
syneresis defect. Keogh and O’Kennedy (1998) reported local dairy plant (Fage S.A., Athens, Greece). Milk was
that gelatin, xanthan, and locust bean increased the divided into 3 batches. Two batches were supplemented
consistency of stirred yogurt, whereas the addition of either with stabilizers or dairy ingredients respectively,
wheat starch did not. κ-Carrageenan has also been in- whereas the third batch had no additions. Skim milk
vestigated for its action in acidified milks. Kalab et al. powder, MPC, and WP (EPI Ingredients, Ancenis,
(1975) reported that κ-carrageenan creates long, thin France) were added at the level of 2% for elevating milk
fibers connected with clusters of κ-CN micelles, solids content. Four hydrocolloids (methylopectin, guar
whereas Baeza et al. (2002) reported that in the pres- gum, κ-carrageenan, and xanthan) were used at 0.01%
ence of κ-carrageenan and denaturated proteins, in- (Chimicotechniki S.A., Athens, Greece). Protein solids
creases in hardness, adhesiveness, gumminess, and co- and stabilizers were dispersed under turbulent agita-
hesiveness of gels occurred. tion in milk heated to 50°C. The fortified milk was
subjected, by means of a circulating water bath, to 2
different heat treatments: 80°C for 30 min or 95°C for
Online Monitoring of the Fermentation Process 10 min. Sample preparation was duplicated giving a
total of 56 formulations. The codification used for the
The determination of incubation time is an essential
description of the samples is cited in Table 1.
technical parameter in industrial yogurt production.
Due to the complexity of the fermentation process and
the great number of factors entangled in yogurt coagu- Preparation of Yogurt
lation, prediction of the incubation step is difficult, so The pasteurized milk bases were cooled to incubation
it is a common practice to control it empirically. In temperature, inoculated with a mixed lactic starter (1:1
addition, definition of the optimal incubation time is Streptococcus salivarius ssp. thermophilus and Lacto-
significant not only in reducing the manufacturing cost bacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus) at selected concen-
but also in avoiding deterioration of the quality charac- trations, poured into 300-mL plastic containers, and
teristics of the final product. incubated at 45°C. The size of the inoculum was set at

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 90 No. 6, 2007

Table 1. Definitions of the descriptors (sensory attributes) used for evaluation of the yogurts

Attribute Description

Aroma Detect any aroma defects (e.g., unclean, masked, unnatural, cooked, lacks freshness) by smelling and oral
perception of samples
Color Assess the color (white, whitish, yellowish, yellow) of yogurt
Palatability Evaluate the taste of samples considering several attributes associated with taste (e.g., unclean, unnatural,
whey, and refreshing perception) and aftertaste (e.g., sourness, astringency, sweetness, bitterness and saltiness)
Firmness Estimate the hardness, brittleness, gumminess, and gelatin-like texture of the coagulum
Consistency Evaluate the viscosity when stirring the product with the spoon; determine of the rheological behavior of
yogurt in the mouth
Flavor Evaluate the intensity of acetaldehyde immediately after removing the lid
Syneresis Visual observation of the yogurt surface; examine whey drainage after inserting the spoon into the curd
Overall acceptance Rate the overall score of the sample considering the appearance, taste, and flavor profiles

2.5% (wt/wt). The coagulation of milk was monitored method (Mannheim Boehringer GmbH, 1987). Results
for pH during the incubation period until a pH of 4.4 were expressed in milligrams of acetaldehyde per one
was attained (the pH end point). The pH meter was hundred grams of yogurt.
connected to a computer recorder and pH was continu-
ously recorded as a function of time (s) to obtain sigmoi- Sensory Evaluation
dal curves representing the fermentation process. Acid-
ity and apparent viscosity determination was conducted Eight panelists experienced in the evaluation of fer-
at fixed time intervals during the incubation of yogurt. mented dairy products were chosen for the assessment
When the pH end point was achieved, the yogurts were of the sensory attributes of yogurt samples. Flavor, tex-
cooled at 7°C, stored at the same temperature for 24 ture, and appearance of the samples were evaluated.
h, and then acetaldehyde and sensory analyses were A predetermined list of 18 sensory attributes was used
conducted. Sensory evaluation was conducted only on to describe the sensory characteristics of yogurts (Body-
the samples heat treated at 95°C. felt et al., 1988; Hui, 1993; Martin et al., 1999; Tamime
and Robinson, 1999). A 2-h training session was con-
Measurement of pH ducted to evaluate the use of the attributes by the panel-
ists during sensory analysis. Panelists’ training was
pH was measured using a pH meter (WTW-pH 330,
carried out using one standard for each sensory attri-
Weilheim, Germany) with a glass electrode standard-
bute prepared according to the procedures described by
ized at 45°C over the range 6.8 to 4.0.
Hui (1993). The introduced sensory attributes allowed
the differentiation of samples in terms of appearance
Measurement of Viscosity
(color), texture (firmness, consistency, syneresis), flavor
Apparent viscosity (expressed in cPs) was measured (flavor and aroma), and taste (palatability).
using a Brookfield viscometer model LV (Brookfield En- Samples were coded using a 3-digit random number
gineering Laboratories Inc., Stoughton, MA) using a and served successively to the panelists in individually
helipath stand at 30 rpm with T-bar spindle C. For each partitioned booths. Samples were tempered at 7°C for
sample, 3 dial readings were taken at 30-s intervals 24 h before sensory assessment. Samples were served
and their mean value was reported. Viscosity measure- in 125-g plastic cups. All of the sensory attributes as-
ments were performed in yogurts at the incubation tem- sessed by the panelists were rated using a 10-point scale
perature, which was maintained by a circulating wa- (1 = unacceptable, 5 = acceptable, 10 = no criticism).
ter bath. The assessment procedure of the sensory attributes of
yogurts was divided into 3 major stages. First, flavor
Determination of Acidity was assessed by removing the lid of the cup and rating
the intensity of the volatile flavor substances (e.g., lactic
Acidity was determined in duplicate by titration with
acid and acetaldehyde). Second, appearance by visual
0.1 N NaOH using phenolophthalein as indicator. Re-
observation and textural properties by breaking down
sults were expressed as grams of lactic acid per one
the yogurt gel and agitating the product were evalu-
hundred grams of yogurt.
ated. Finally, the taste and aroma (aroma sensory attri-
bute was defined as the combined perception of the
Determination of Acetaldehyde
detected aroma defects) of yogurts was assessed by
Acetaldehyde concentration was determined enzy- swallowing 10 g (a teaspoon portion) of sample. Overall
matically adapting the aldehyde dehydrogenase acceptance was rated at the end of the sensory evalua-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 90 No. 6, 2007


tion of each sample. The sensory attributes and their

descriptions used for the characterization of yogurts
are given in Table 1. Panelists were motivated to note
any criticisms on the score sheets used for the sen-
sory evaluation.

Experimental Designs
A 3-way factorial design, with heat treatment (2 lev-
els), milk fat content (2 levels), and addition type (8
levels including control samples; 3 protein fortifiers, 4
hydrocolloids, and 1 with no additions) as the main
effects, was applied to investigate their effects on the
fermentation progress physicochemical properties (in-
cubation time, viscosity, acidity, and acetaldehyde).
Two 2-way factorial designs with milk fat content (2
levels) as the first main effect and hydrocolloid type (5
Figure 1. Profiles of pH and incubation during the lactic acid
levels including control samples) or MSNF fortifier (4 fermentation of whole and skim milk.
levels including control samples) as the second main
effect were implemented to study their impact on the
sensory properties. The latter experimental designs
were also used to reveal the specific effects of hydrocol- lag phase was shorter and the pH decline was steeper
loids and MSNF fortifying agents on the physicochemi- compared with acidified skim milk. De Brabandere and
cal properties. De Baerdemaeker (1999) reported that despite the
shape, pH profiles with incubation time could be de-
scribed by the modified Gompertz equation for bacte-
Statistical Analyses
rial growth:
All of the statistical analyses were performed using
Statistica software (Statistica 7.0, StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, pH = pH0 + (pH∞ − pH0) [1]
OK). Significant differences were defined at P < 0.05.
⎧ ⎡ ␮e ⎤⎫
The ANOVA for each assessor was used to verify their exp⎨−exp⎢ (λ − t) + 1⎥ ⎬,
ability to replicate their results within repeated ses- ⎩ ⎣ (pH∞ − pH0) ⎦⎭

sions. An ANOVA was also performed to evaluate the

main effects and interactions of heat treatment, milk- where pH0 = initial pH, pH∞ = final pH, ␮ = maximum
fat, hydrocolloids, and MSNF sources on the physico- pH reduction rate, and λ = lag phase time.
chemical and sensory data. Multiple mean comparisons Our results confirmed the former dependence of pH
were carried out by performing Duncan’s least signifi- vs. incubation time. The calculated parameters ac-
cance difference. Principal components analysis (PCA) cording to the previous mathematical model are given
was applied to physicochemical and sensory data in Table 2.
means. Viscosity monitoring can be carried out in a similar
way to pH screening; for example, by continuous mea-
surement of rheological properties using rotational or
oscillatory rheometers (Shaker et al., 2000, 2001).
Online Monitoring of Fermentation Process Apparent viscosity development can also be described
using the modified Gompertz model:
The pH profiles of yogurts prepared with skim or
whole milk are shown in Figure 1. As expected, 3 phases
␮a = ␮a0 + (␮a0 − ␮a∞) [2]
described the entire fermentation process: 1) lag phase
(slow pH decline), 2) logarithmic phase (rapid pH de- ⎧ ⎡ ␮e ⎤⎫
crease), and 3) slow down of acidification rate. The exp⎨−exp⎢ (λ − t) + 1⎥ ⎬,
⎩ ⎣(␮a − ␮a ⎦⎭
0 ∞
shape of fermentation curve is strictly dependent on
many parameters including the milk base, the type and
concentration of supplemented ingredients, starter cul- where ␮a = apparent viscosity, ␮a0 = initial apparent
ture, incubation temperature, and milk heat treatment. viscosity, λ = lag phase time, and ␮ = maximum rate
Figure 1 shows that in whole milk fermentation, the of apparent viscosity.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 90 No. 6, 2007

Table 2. Effects of milk fat on the lag phase time (λ), maximum rate Table 3. Effects of milk fat on the lag phase time (λ), maximum rate
of pH reduction (␮), initial pH (pH0), and pH end point (pH∞) of apparent viscosity development (␮), initial apparent viscosity (␮a0),
and final apparent viscosity (␮a∞)
Type of milk
Type of milk
Parameter Skim Whole
Parameter Skim Whole
λ (h) 1.1930 0.7089
␮ (h−1) −0.7758 −0.8121 λ (h) 2.106 1.762
pH∞ − pH0 −1.7745 −2.2176 ␮ (h−1) 0.0584 0.0562
pH0 6.2595 6.4308 ␮a∞ − ␮a0 (cPs) 201.0 220.0
␮a0 (cPs) 6.43 6.43

Figure 2 illustrates the profiles of viscosity vs. incuba-

tion time. Apparent viscosity development can be also physicochemical changes during milk fermentation in-
described using the modified Gompertz model [Eq. 2]. cluding calcium caseinate-phosphate complexes desta-
Regression coefficients were found to be adequate for bilization, formation of casein-denaturated whey pro-
both yogurt formulations (R2 = 0.978 for whole and tein linkages, and casein coagulation (Tamime and Rob-
0.938 for skim milk yogurt). The parameters estimated inson, 1999). Thus, taking into consideration that pH
according to the Gompertz model are given in Table development is adequately correlated with the Gomp-
3. It is well established that viscosity development is ertz model, the same model can be applied during the
strictly related to the coagulation phenomena and gel fermentation process to explain viscosity changes. Vis-
formation and consequently to the biochemical and cosity development interpretation according to the mod-
ified Gompertz model correspondingly illustrated the 3
major stages similar to that characterizing the acidifi-
cation process: 1) lag phase (stationary viscosity), 2)
logarithmic phase (rapid viscosity development), and
3) gel contraction; constant or slightly reduced viscosity,
which are well known by previous researchers (Tamime
and Robinson, 1999; Shaker et al., 2000, 2001).
Figure 3 illustrates the correlation between incuba-
tion time or viscosity and pH. Our data suggested a
linear correlation between pH and viscosity [Eq. 3] and
incubation time [Eq. 4]. The correlations of the former
parameters may furnish a useful tool for controlling
the fermentation process and the viscosity development
to the dairy industry, and in consequence they can be
used for the determination of the end of fermentation
process obtaining a high quality product by means of
textural and aroma characteristics. Our data suggested
a linear correlation between pH and viscosity [Eq. 3]
and incubation time [Eq. 4]:

␮a = a ln(pH) + b [3]

tf = c ln(pH) + d, [4]

where a, b, c, and d are constants.

Moreover, the determination of fermentation time
and viscosity using the former models and their compar-
ison to the empirically prospective values may provide
information for many parameters that critically affect
the fermentation process and product quality such as
the activity of the lactic starter, the milk contamination
with lactic acid bacteria inhibitors, the adequacy of heat
Figure 2. Viscosity-incubation time profiles during the lactic acid treatment, and the effect of extrinsic factors such as
fermentation of A) whole and B) skim milk. incubation room temperature.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 90 No. 6, 2007


Figure 4. Effects of processing conditions (treatment at 80 or

95°C) and ingredients: xanthan, κ-carrageenan, pectin, guar gum,
skim milk powder (SMP), whey powder (WP), and milk protein con-
centrate (MPC), on the incubation time of yogurts made with whole
and skim milk.

tics and also its interaction with the compositional prop-

erties of yogurt should be studied. The quality charac-
teristics of fermented milks change very slowly after the
end of the second phase of incubation. The fermentation
time can be considered as the time required for pH to
decrease down to this end point, presupposing that the
required quality properties have been developed.

Effect of Heat Treatment

Figure 3. Correlations of incubation time (min) and viscosity (cPs
× 10−1) with pH in yogurts prepared with A) whole and B) skim milk. The effect of the heat treatment applied and composi-
tional characteristics of milk bases on the incubation
time, viscosity, acidity, and acetaldehyde concentration
Despite the convenience and the low cost of yogurt are displayed in Figures 4 through 7, respectively. It
coagulation control by pH monitoring, the method ex- is well established that heat treatment implemented
hibits a major problem: the drift of pH measuring equip- during yogurt manufacture affects the acidification rate
ment and protein deposits in the internal parts of the and incubation time. Thus, the reduction of incubation
pH probe (De Brabandere and De Baerdemaeker, 1999). time is due to whey protein denaturation. The greater
This problem can be curtailed by thorough cleaning the whey protein denaturation induced, the shorter the
and recalibration of the pH device at the end of the incubation period achieved. Our data suggested no sig-
fermentation process. nificant effect of the applied heat treatments on incuba-
The 2 major parameters (pH and viscosity) may be tion time (Table 4). Generally, severe heat treatment
incorporated into an automated multivariable control of milk base is associated with a significant decrease
system. Thus, the fermentation process can be con- of incubation time (Labropoulos et al., 1981, 1984; Par-
trolled continuously by monitoring both pH and viscos- nell-Clunies et al., 1988) whereas gelation phenomena
ity, whereas their interaction should also be taken into commence at greater pH value (Lucey et al., 1999;
consideration. Because the 2 controlled variables are Shaker et al., 2000). However, all heat treatments im-
each affected by both manipulations and thus, the pro- plemented in the studies mentioned above were dis-
posed automated system should have the capability to tinctly different; that is, long time, low temperature vs.
adjust the possible declinations of the first parameter as very high vat heat treatments. Moreover, in some of
a result of the fluctuations of the second and conversely. these studies, the effect of supplemented ingredients
However, for pH to be used as an accurate control pa- (SNF fortifiers or stabilizers) on the fermentation time
rameter, its correlation to the other quality characteris- was not taken into consideration. Our data reveal that

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 90 No. 6, 2007


Figure 5. Effects of processing conditions (treatment at 80 or Figure 7. Effects of processing conditions (treatment at 80 or
95°C) and ingredients: xanthan, κ-carrageenan, pectin, guar gum, 95°C) and ingredients: xanthan, κ-carrageenan, pectin, guar gum,
skim milk powder (SMP), whey powder (WP), and milk protein con- skim milk powder (SMP), whey powder (WP), and milk protein con-
centrate (MPC), on the viscosity of yogurts made with whole and centrate (MPC), on the acetaldehyde concentration of yogurts made
skim milk. with whole and skim milk.

pectin became more viscous when the severe heat treat-

ment was applied. The previous observation was not
the interaction between heat treatment and supple- very clear for the other formulations. However, a more
mented ingredients (Table 4) was determined to be sig- detailed investigation of the viscosity data revealed that
nificant (P < 0.001). This supports our suggestion that yogurts were influenced by the interaction of heat treat-
the extent of the effect of heat treatment on incubation ment and the fat content of milk base. The viscosity of
time may be enhanced or restricted depending on the nonfat yogurts containing guar gum, WP, and MPC
milk composition (plain or enriched milk). A similar and whole fat yogurts with carrageenan and SMP were
dependency can be observed for the acidities of yogurts enhanced when the high temperature-short time heat
(Figure 6) where, in general, the severely heat-treated treatment was implemented. The latter suggestion is
milk formulations developed higher acidities. Milk heat in accordance with statistical data in Table 4. The in-
treatment had a significant impact (P < 0.001) on viscos- crease in viscosity when the severe heat treatment was
ity (Figure 5). Yogurts fortified with xanthan gum and applied was associated with the induced formation of
whey protein-casein linkages leading to gelation and
texture development (Mottar et al. 1989). Both incuba-
tion time and viscosity development are influenced by
heat treatment and based on the same phenomena.
However, it should be considered that the incubation
time is defined by pH (the time needed for yogurt to
reach a predetermined end pH value) regardless of tex-
ture formation, which means that yogurts with equal
incubation times may exhibit noticeably different tex-
tural properties and consequently different viscosities.
Heat treatment also significantly affected (P < 0.001)
acetaldehyde content (Figure 7). Yogurts prepared by
severely heat-treated milk developed high acetaldehyde
concentrations. Acetaldehyde content can be increased
by performing the appropriate milk heat treatments
(Tamime and Robinson, 1999).

Figure 6. Effects of processing conditions (treatment at 80 or

95°C) and ingredients: xanthan, κ-carrageenan, pectin, guar gum, Effect of Milk Fat
skim milk powder (SMP), whey powder (WP), and milk protein con-
centrate (MPC), on the acidity of yogurts made with whole and The milk fat content of yogurt significantly influenced
skim milk. the incubation time (P < 0.001), viscosity (P < 0.001),

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 90 No. 6, 2007


Table 4. Effects of heat treatment, milk fat, and ingredient added (addition) on incubation time and physicochemical properties of yogurts

Incubation time Viscosity Acidity Acetaldehyde

Effect df MS F MS F MS F MS F
Heat treatment (HT) 1 0.003 0.15 841,806 42.09*** 0.00268 3.35 0.08237 102.96***
Milk fat content (MF) 1 2.088 104.40*** 778,806 38.94*** 0.00369 4.61* 0.11937 149.21***
Addition (AD) 7 0.632 31.61*** 2,094,256 104.71*** 0.01323 16.53*** 0.17855 223.19***
HT × MF 1 0.001 0.03 135,056 6.75* 0.00114 1.42 0.00160 2.00
HT × AD 7 0.140 6.99*** 129,035 6.45*** 0.00622 7.77*** 0.04001 50.01***
MF × AD 7 0.367 18.37*** 655,406 32.77*** 0.00732 9.15*** 0.42279 528.49***
HT × MF × AD 7 0.077 3.86** 567,428 28.37*** 0.00304 3.80** 0.25301 316.26***
*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.

acetaldehyde (P < 0.001), and acidity (P < 0.05). Yogurts and consistent yogurt (Tamime and Robinson, 1999).
prepared using skim milk had lower incubation rates The addition of 2% SMP, WP, or MPC significantly
but had greater viscosity, acetaldehyde, and lactic acid influenced (P < 0.001) the incubation time of yogurts
concentrations. The fortification of milk solids com- (Table 5). The time required for the complete precipita-
monly increases the incubation time of yogurt. Our re- tion of caseins was shorter in whole milk fortified with
sults did not demonstrate such dependence. Thomo- WP than in unfortified milk or milks enriched with
poulos et al. (1993) reported that incubation time of MPC or SMP. Puvanenthiran et al. (2002) demon-
yogurt was remarkably increased when whole milk was strated that the incubation time of yogurts was consid-
substituted by skim milk. Increased viscosity of nonfat erably increased when the ratio of whey protein to ca-
yogurts may be attributed to higher protein content sein was increased, suggesting that the protein compo-
of skim milk than whole milk. Salvador and Fiszman nents of yogurt milk bases are an important factor
(2004) reported that skim yogurts had greater firmness determining the incubation duration. Whey powder tra-
than whole fat yogurts. Sensory evaluation revealed ditionally contains a high amount of whey protein, in-
that the use of skim milk significantly improved (P < creasing the ratio of whey proteins to caseins. However,
0.001) all of the examined quality characteristics. Non- the use of powdered protein fortifiers made using severe
fat yogurts were characterized by a firm, consistent, heat treatments (e.g., drum drying) influences parame-
and viscous texture. The results were in accordance ters of yogurt fermentation such as incubation time or
with the instrumental properties. Similar results con- firmness development (Lucey et al., 1997). In our study,
sidering the texture sensory attributes have been re- the WP was manufactured using a high-temperature
ported by Salvador and Fiszman (2004). Moreover, non- drum-drying technique; thus, the percentage of dena-
fat yogurts exhibited enhanced flavor and they were tured whey proteins was considerably high before the
also rated as more palatable. Brauss et al. (1999) ob- preheating of the milk base. This may explain the re-
served that low fat yogurts (0.2% fat) release volatiles duced fermentation times observed in milk bases forti-
more quickly and at higher intensity but with less per- fied with WP. Significant reduction of the fermentation
sistence than whole fat yogurts. times of yogurt when whey powder was added were also
reported by Penna et al. (1997).
Effect of MSNF Fortifiers The type of MSNF fortifier had a significant effect on
the viscosity of yogurts. Yogurts containing WP were
The fortification of MSNF content of milk allows the determined to be less viscous (P < 0.001) than those
elevation of total solids to achieve a more viscous, firm, without any protein enhancement or those containing

Table 5. Effects of milk SNF fortifiers (MSNF) and milk fat on the incubation time and physicochemical properties of yogurts
Incubation time Viscosity Acidity Acetaldehyde

Effect df MS F MS F MS F MS F

Heat treatment (HT) 1 0.0000 0.00 70,312 3.52 0.00198 2.48 0.00003 0.04
Milk fat content (MF) 1 2.2261 111.30*** 877,813 43.89*** 0.00405 5.06* 0.34694 433.68***
MSNF 7 0.2242 11.21*** 4,225,346 211.27*** 0.02236 27.94*** 0.03890 48.63***
HT × MF 1 0.0392 1.96 103,512 5.18* 0.00004 0.05 0.00551 6.89*
HT × MSNF 7 0.0783 3.91*** 78,646 3.93* 0.00760 9.50*** 0.01189 14.86***
MF × MSNF 7 0.3348 16.74*** 1,074,279 53.71*** 0.01129 14.11*** 0.16342 204.27***
HT × MF × MSNF 7 0.0481 2.41 533,579 26.68*** 0.00587 7.34** 0.12237 152.97***
*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 90 No. 6, 2007

Table 6. Effects of milk SNF fortifiers1 and milk fat on the sensory attributes (mean values) of yogurts

Sensory attribute

Sample Overall Color Aroma Firmness Consistency Syneresis Flavor Palatability

Skim milk
No addition 7.2ef 8.7d 6.8abc 7.1c 6.9b 3.0cd 6.5bc 7.2bc
SMP 7.6f 8.6d 6.6abc 8.2d 7.9c 2.4d 7.0c 7.8c
WP 6.8bce 5.7ab 6.8abc 6.7bc 6.4ab 3.2cd 6.9c 6.8ab
MPC 7.1cef 8.3d 7.3c 7.3d 7.2b 3.2bc 6.9c 7.5bc
Whole milk
No addition 6.5abc 6.7c 7.2bc 6.1ab 6.8b 4.0ab 6.1ab 7.2bc
SMP 6.4ab 6.2bc 6.2a 7.0c 7.6c 4.2a 5.8a 6.2a
WP 6.1a 5.2a 6.4ab 6.1ab 6.0a 3.4abc 6.7bc 6.4a
MPC 6.0a 6.6b 6.4ab 5.9a 6.3a 3.8ab 6.5a 6.5ab
Different letter between the rows indicates significant difference (P < 0.05) among the yogurts (Duncan’s
SMP = skim milk powder; WP = whey powder; MPC = milk protein concentrate; all added at 2.0%

SMP or MPC. Yogurts enriched with MPC had the high- The ratings for the whole and skimmed yogurts forti-
est viscosities. Similar results have been reported by fied with proteins are given in Table 6. The main effects
Bhullar et al. (2002), Dave and Shah (1998), and Modler of MSNF fortifiers are shown in Table 7. Sensory evalu-
et al. (1983) who reported that the casein-based pow- ation data demonstrated that the addition of whey pow-
ders are more effective in giving firmer yogurts than der improved only the flavor of yogurts. Yogurts con-
are whey protein products. Penna et al. (1997) demon- taining WP had poor firmness and texture, were more
strated that the optimum level of yogurt supplementa- vulnerable to syneresis, and were less palatable (P <
tion with WP ranges from 1.4 to 1.6%, whereas further 0.001). On the other hand, only the addition of 2% SMP
increases led to detrimental effects on yogurt con- favored the quality properties of yogurts. Thus, yogurts
sistency. fortified with SMP had enhanced firmness and consis-
The acidity of yogurts containing protein fortifiers tency, good mouthfeel performance, and were less prone
was significantly elevated compared with yogurt with- to syneresis. Palatability and overall acceptance were
out additions (P < 0.001). Yogurts containing MPC had rated similarly in nonfortified yogurts and yogurts en-
intermediate acidities whereas those enriched with riched with SMP. Yogurts with MPC had generally sim-
SMP and WP had higher acidities. The elevation of ilar quality characteristics to nonfortified yogurts, al-
titratable acidity could be due to the buffering action of though they exhibited extended syneresis. The latter
the additional proteins, phosphates, citrates, lactates, effect has been reported by Guzman-Gonzalez et al.
and other milk constituents (Tamime and Robinson, (1999).
1999). Acetaldehyde concentration was significantly
changed (P < 0.001) when SMP or WP was added. Acet- Effect of Hydrocolloids
aldehyde content was increased in the following se- The primary aim of hydrocolloid addition is their abil-
quence: no addition < MPC < SMP < WP. ity to form linkages among themselves and with milk

Table 7. Effects of milk SNF fortifiers and milk fat on the sensory attributes of yogurts1
Overall acceptance Color Aroma Firmness
Effect df MS F MS F MS F MS F

Milk fat content (MF) 1 3.6100 45.125*** 12.2500 153.125*** 0.0900 1.125 6.2500 78.125***
Milk SNF (MSNF) 1 0.2867 3.583 4.0200 50.250*** 0.3033 3.792* 1.1300 14.125**
MF × MSNF 4 0.0833 1.042 0.7233 9.042** 0.1433 1.792 0.4633 5.792*
Consistency Syneresis Flavor Palatability

MF 1 0.5625 7.031* 3.2400 40.500*** 2.1025 26.281*** 1.1025 13.781**
MSNF 4 1.9558 24.448*** 0.3200 4.000 0.2492 3.115 0.2558 3.198
MF × MSNF 4 0.0625 0.781 0.4667 5.833* 0.2492 3.115 0.5425 6.781*
*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 90 No. 6, 2007


Table 8. Effects of hydrocolloids and milk fat on the incubation time and physicochemical properties of yogurts

Incubation time Viscosity Acidity Acetaldehyde

Effect df MS F MS F MS F MS F
Heat treatment (HT) 1 0.0176 0.88 1,115,560 55.78*** 0.01232 15.40*** 0.10161 127.01***
Milk fat content (MF) 1 0.4162 20.81*** 158,760 7.94* 0.00681 8.52** 0.00888 11.10**
Hydrocolloid addition (HC) 7 0.7207 36.04*** 484,660 24.23*** 0.00884 11.05*** 0.24628 307.85***
HT × MF 1 0.0020 0.10 21,160 1.06 0.00506 6.33* 0.01697 21.22***
HT × HC 7 0.1871 9.36*** 102,860 5.14** 0.00232 2.90* 0.05932 74.16***
MF × HC 7 0.2819 14.10*** 294,860 14.74*** 0.00746 9.33*** 0.60055 750.68***
HT × MF × HC 7 0.1226 6.13** 725,460 36.27*** 0.00138 1.72 0.34598 432.48***
*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.

constituents (mainly protein particles) and bind water, strengthening the protein network and controlling syn-
resulting in viscosity enhancement, body, texture, and eresis. On the other hand, xanthan and guar gums are
mouthfeel improvement (Tamime and Robinson, 1999). neutral hydrocolloids and their contribution to firmness
The addition of stabilizers significantly influenced (P < enhancement is attributed to the increase of viscosity
0.001) the incubation time (Table 8). Milks containing of the continuous phase (Hansen, 1993). Everett and
κ-carrageenan were characterized by shorter incuba- McLeod (2005) demonstrated that neutral stabilizers
tion times than those containing xanthan or guar (no such as guar gum and xanthan were able to improve
significant difference among them) and pectin; the lat- texture over the critical percentage of 0.1%, which is
ter had the longest incubation time. It is interesting in accordance with our results. κ-Carrageenan exists
that milks without added stabilizers required much in the form of random coils at elevated temperatures
more time to reach the pH end point, suggesting that (>50°C). When the temperature is lowered, the stabi-
the interaction of hydrocolloids with proteins affected lizer undergoes a transition from a coil to a helix. The
the ion equilibrium and the precipitation of caseins. helix formation is accompanied by gelation phenomena
Pectin was found to be the only stabilizer that did not and interaction with casein micelles and thereafter, it
improve viscosity. Yogurts containing xanthan and facilitates viscosity enhancement (Thomas, 1997;
guar gum exhibited viscosities similar to those without Langendorff et al., 2000; Spagnuolo et al., 2005). Yo-
stabilizer whereas κ-carrageenan addition led to a sig- gurts with pectin or guar gum had higher acidities than
nificant increase of viscosity. The addition of hydrocol- those containing xanthan or κ-carrageenan. Similarly,
loids in fermented milks noticeably affected (P < 0.001) the addition of stabilizers induced significant increases
their acidities. The former observation seems reason- in acetaldehyde concentration (P < 0.001). The lowest
able, considering that hydrocolloids carry anionic or acetaldehyde content was measured in nonstabilized
cationic groups capable of reacting with other charged samples whereas the highest was found in yogurts con-
particles found in milk such as proteins or calcium ions taining guar gum. Kumar and Mishra (2004) reported
(Tamime and Robinson, 1999). Pectin and κ-carra- that the acetaldehyde content of soymilk yogurts was
geenan are anionic hydrocolloids capable of interacting influenced by the addition of hydrocolloids; however,
with positive charges on the surface of the proteins, they observed that control yogurts had higher acetalde-

Table 9. Effects of hydrocolloids and milk fat on the sensory attributes of yogurts
Overall acceptance Color Aroma Firmness
Effect df MS F MS F MS F MS F

Milk fat content (MF) 1 5.1005 60.361*** 17.298 216.23*** 1.0580 13.23** 7.4420 93.025***
Hydrocolloid addition (HC) 1 0.6320 7.479** 0.607 7.59** 0.3700 4.63* 0.6780 8.475**
MF × HC 4 0.1580 1.870 0.133 1.66 0.6280 7.85** 0.0320 0.400
Consistency Syneresis Flavor Palatability

MF 1 2.4500 30.625*** 1.5680 19.600** 1.5680 19.600** 2.4500 30.62***
HC 4 1.1750 14.687*** 0.7730 9.663** 0.6280 7.850** 0.5920 7.40**
MF × HC 4 0.3850 4.812* 0.1330 1.663 0.1080 1.350 0.3200 4.00*
*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 90 No. 6, 2007

Table 10. Effects of hydrocolloid addition and milk fat on the sensory attributes (mean values) of yogurts1

Sensory attribute

Sample Overall Color Aroma Firmness Consistency Syneresis Flavor Palatability

Skim milk
No addition 7.2e 8.7f 6.8cd 7.1d 6.9ef 7.0c 6.5cde 7.2def
Pectin 6.5cd 8.0cd 6.4bc 6.9d 5.8bc 6.0b 6.2bcd 7.0cdef
Guar gum 7.1de 8.4ef 7.2d 6.9d 6.9ef 6.2b 6.7de 7.3ef
κ-Carrageenan 6.4cd 7.7c 6.7cd 6.2c 6.2cd 5.8b 6.0bc 6.7cd
Xanthan 7.1de 8.3def 7.3d 7.3d 7.2f 6.8c 6.9e 7.5f
Whole milk
No addition 6.5cd 6.7b 7.2d 6.1c 6.8de 6.0b 6.1bcd 7.2def
Pectin 6.0bc 6.7b 6.8cd 5.8bc 5.8bc 6.0b 6.0bc 6.8cd
Guar gum 5.7ab 6.2ab 6.0ab 5.5ab 5.5ab 5.7ab 5.7ab 6.0ab
κ-Carageenan 5.1a 5.6a 5.7a 5.0a 5.1a 5.1a 5.2a 5.7a
Xanthan 6.0bc 6.6b 6.4bc 5.9bc 6.3cde 6.2b 6.5cde 6.5bc
Different letters between the rows indicates significant difference (P < 0.05) among the yogurts (Duncan’s
All hydrocolloids were added at 0.01%.

hyde contents that the stabilized ones. Sensory evalua- and consistency without developing brittleness or ex-
tion of yogurts displayed that all the estimated attri- cessive gumminess. Moreover, xanthan addition pre-
butes were significantly affected by the presence of hy- vented the wheying off defect. The performance of xan-
drocolloids (Table 9). Sensory analysis ratings (Table than gum as a means to prevent syneresis has been
10) showed that the use of κ-carrageenan was inade- stated by El Sayed et al. (2002). Pectin and guar gum
quate because it caused deterioration in texture, had similar effects on the sensory attributes examined.
mouthfeel, and palatability of yogurts. Moreover, the Apart from κ-carrageenan, stabilizers did not show sig-
samples containing κ-carrageenan were found to be the nificant differences among them when aroma, flavor,
most susceptible to wheying off. In general, xanthan and color attributes were evaluated. Lo et al. (1996)
gum had the best stabilizing effect, enhancing firmness reported that the addition of guar gum in yogurt at

Figure 8. Principal components analysis of yogurts (physicochemical properties). Key: noadd = no addition; xan = xanthan; car =
carrageenan; pec = pectin; gua = guar gum; smp = skim milk powder; wp = whey powder; pc = milk protein concentrate; 80 and 95 = heat-
treatment at 80°C and 95°C, respectively; S = skim milk; W = whole milk.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 90 No. 6, 2007


Table 11. Factor loadings for principal components (PC) analysis axis accounted for 33.77% of the total variance and the
(incubation time and physicochemical properties)1
second for 28.00%, accounting for 61.77% of the total
Variable PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 variance. Acetaldehyde and incubation time (Table 10)
Incubation time 0.659 0.232 −0.619 0.355 were positively and maximally loaded with the first
Viscosity −0.153 −0.786 −0.542 −0.251 axis, whereas viscosity and acidity were negatively
Acidity 0.471 −0.667 0.434 0.380
Acetaldehyde 0.819 0.048 0.148 −0.552
loaded with the second axis. As can be seen in Figure
8, yogurts prepared using whole milk, regardless of the
Values in bold indicate the variables that load the principal compo- supplemented ingredients, were characterized by short
nents maximally.
incubation times and low acetaldehyde concentrations.
Unexpectedly, there were no distinct differences in the
levels ranging from 0.1 to 0.5% did not affect the release acidities and viscosities of samples considering the milk
of the aroma substances. Gallardo-Escamilla et al. fat content and heat treatment. The supplementation
(2006) mentioned depression of the flavor and taste of yogurts with SMP and xanthan led to long incubation
perception of fermented whey with added xanthan and times and high acetaldehyde concentrations, whereas
high methylopectin; however, the concentrations of the the addition of pectin and guar had the opposite effect.
hydrocolloids were substantially higher (0.26 and Yogurts containing MPC, xanthan, or κ-carrageenan
0.53%, respectively) in that study. Viscosity and firm- developed the highest viscosity and acidities values.
ness enhancement was significantly greater than xan- In the PCA biplot of the severely heat-treated yogurts
than did but less than guar. (Figure 9), the consistency and aroma sensory attri-
butes were excluded because they were highly corre-
lated with firmness and flavor attributes, respectively.
The first axis accounted for 66.58% of the total variance
Physicochemical and sensory properties were sub- and the second axis for 19.65%, for 86.23% of total vari-
jected to PCA. Sensory data were analyzed separately ance. The first axis was loaded negatively and maxi-
from the physicochemical data, because the experimen- mally to overall acceptance, flavor, and firmness, and
tal designs used for collecting them were different. The positively to syneresis. In contrast, palatability was
PCA plot of the yogurt samples is shown in Figure 8. loaded positively to the second axis. Interpreting the
The factor loadings are listed in Table 11. The first PCA plot, yogurts produced using skim milk exhibited

Figure 9. Principal components analysis of yogurts (selected sensory attributes). Key: noadd = no addition; xan = xanthan; car =
carrageenan; pec = pectin; gua = guar gum; smp = skim milk powder; wp = whey powder; pc = milk protein concentrate; 95 = heat-treatment
at 95°C; S = skim milk; W = whole milk.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 90 No. 6, 2007


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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 90 No. 6, 2007

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