Original Plum Torte of The NEW YORK TImes
Original Plum Torte of The NEW YORK TImes
Original Plum Torte of The NEW YORK TImes
Y I E L D 8 servings
The Times published Marian Burros’s recipe for Plum Torte every September from 1983 until 1989, when the editors
determined that enough was enough. The recipe was to be printed for the last time that year. “To counter anticipated
protests,” Ms. Burros wrote a few years later, “the recipe was printed in larger type than usual with a broken-line
border around it to encourage clipping.” It didn’t help. The paper was flooded with angry letters. “The appearance of
the recipe, like the torte itself, is bittersweet,” wrote a reader in Tarrytown, N.Y. “Summer is leaving, fall is coming.
That's what your annual recipe is all about. Don't be grumpy about it.” We are not! And we pledge that every year, as
summer gives way to fall, we will make sure that the recipe is easily available to one and all. The original 1983 recipe
called for 1 cup sugar; the 1989 version reduced that to 3/4 cup. We give both options below. Here are five ways to
adapt the torte ( http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/09/14/dining/marian-burros-plum-torte-recipe-
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Bake 1 hour, approximately. Remove and cool; refrigerate or freeze if
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To freeze, double-wrap the torte in foil, place in a plastic bag and
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