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The document discusses the organization of the Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Technology Collaboration Programme (HEV TCP) under the International Energy Agency. It outlines the various tasks and working groups under the programme and lists the coordinators for each task.

The document discusses the organization of the Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Technology Collaboration Programme (HEV TCP) into various tasks focused on topics like information exchange, light electric vehicles, plug-in electric vehicles, wireless power transfer, batteries, fuel cells, and critical raw materials.

Over 40 tasks are covered under the HEV TCP focused on topics like home grids and vehicle-to-everything technologies, small electric vehicles, battery electric buses, extreme fast charging, e-ships, interoperability of e-mobility services, and critical raw materials.















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As the Chair of the Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Technology Collaboration
Programme (HEV TCP) of the International Energy Agency (IEA) I have the
pleasure to introduce you to the Annual Report 2018. This is my last introduction
to the Annual Report of the IEA HEV TCP. I have had the pleasure to chair the
IEA HEV TCP for 20 years and now it is time to hand over to a new Chair to be
elected in fall 2018. The new chair will take over an active community with 13
working groups - EVs and HEVs are hot topics now. This disruptive technology
will change automotive business further in the next decades.
In the past 20 years, the framework for this disruptive technology has changed
dramatically. 20 years ago, the electric drive train was surviving in some hybrid
cars from Japan, mainly the “Prius”. Pure electric vehicles disappeared after the
“hype” in California with the “zero emission act”, calling for “zero emission
vehicles” (ZEVs). Some car proponents believed that the hydrogen car without a
battery would be the future and many member countries dropped out of our
Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP).

Now, 20 years later, the cars with combustion engines are under pressure from
different sides. The CO2 policy targets in Europe require lower emissions and a
higher efficiency. As politicians were not able to fulfill the emissions targets, the
courts now decided that the traffic can be stopped, if needed. Decisions such as in
Germany in spring 2018, which allow to ban “dirty cars” for certain roads, act as a
wake-up call.
This puts cars with combustion motors under pressure even more. The diesel motor
suffers from the “fraud” with the emissions in the USA and Europe. Diesel cars
seem to phase-out these days. Hybrid- and electric vehicles sales are going up, but
still represent a very low number. The pure electric vehicle increasingly offers the
range that is needed for mass market customers. The production and sales price
will go down as the production numbers go up. But to establish all the suppliers
will still need time.
Countries such as China are much more pro-active. They set targets for car
technology. The lead for the electric car is now in China. Before, the lead was in



the USA, pushed by a private company. It’s a time for disruption of the car

Like 20 years ago and today even more, people still like driving a car. In 1998, the
IEA HEV TCP secretary, Frans Koch and myself presented an overview on the
worldwide use of cars. We counted a total of 700 million cars that were
predominantly driven in the IEA countries (Europe, Australia, New Zealand,
Japan, Republic of Korea, Canada, and the USA). In 1998, we counted over 600
cars/1,000 inhabitants in these countries, as compared to 10 cars/1,000 inhabitants
in the then ”low income countries” such as India, China, etc. The numbers can be
seen in Table 1.


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In the last 20 years, the number of cars went up at a rate of 1 car/second (see, for
example www.live-counter.com). This website also evidences 1,254 million cars
worldwide in March 2018. The expected number for 2035 is 1,800 million cars.
This development demonstrates the extraordinary success and the wish of the
people to get a car, if they can afford it. If the global population envisages
sustainable development and aims at reducing both the energy consumption and
the CO2 emissions, a new technology is needed. The “electric drive train” can fill
this gap. As concerns electric cars, the last years let products emerge in the market,
which offer enough power, comfort and range. Not to talk about driving comfort
and acceleration, which is much better in an electric car compared to a
conventional cars.

I am writing these lines during the opening ceremony of the International Motor
Show 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland, the biggest car show in a “no car producing
country”. During this show, car producers announce funny novelties to occupy
some territory and check the customer reaction. I have seen hundreds if not
thousands of concept cars and studies in the last thirty years. Most of them will
never show up again and hence, it is a waste of time to even look at them. In these



times, some car producers even don’t appear at such shows, because of the “mainly
show” element. Two of the most popular and attractive EVs are not even presented
at the International Motor Show 2018 in Geneva. There seem to be easier ways to
attract and find customers.
What counts are cars in the dealer show room, motivated dealers and a short
delivery time. This is a serious problem these days. As opposed to gasoline cars,
sales prices stay high and there is no visible “rebate battle” for EVs. For example,
the costs for an Opel “Ampera-e” car is higher by 50 % in Switzerland than in the
USA. This is not a competitive price. The target customers are still “innovators”
and “opinion leaders”. These groups only contribute 5 % to the car market share. It
will be interesting for the IEA HEV TCP to look at Norway and in this context, the
fact that Norway is likely to join our TCP is extremely good news!

“If you have no plan - you plan to fail!” This quote from the Canadian swim star
Alex Baumann – his two gold medals in Olympia 1984 nicely indicate that we
need plans and goals if we want to reach a goal. Therefore, it is a good sign that we
increasingly hear and see goals communicated for the market introduction of pure
EVs. This can be a car producer such as Volvo or a country aiming to ban all new
internal combustion engine (ICE) cars from its territory. An interesting option is
the ban of “dirty cars” under specific air quality conditions. This prevents a buyer
of an ICE car, especially with a diesel motor, from the possibility to use the car
during certain times. Such prohibitions are a failure of the political system and a
sign that the alternative was not introduced at the right time. Finally, it is the
customers who will lose money.
To track the topic, I started a list of countries and states that announced plans to
ban ICEs (see below). Should some state or country be missing on this list, please
contact me via e-mail.








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As outlined in the Annual Report 2017, the combination of EVs with wind and
especially decentralized PV electricity production is very strong. I was very
delighted to learn that the Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP)
“Photovoltaics (PVPS)” is about to start a new task on “PV and transport”. The
initiative comes from the Japanese Government (NEDO), and Professor Hirota
from Waseda University (Japan) is the Operating Agent. The four subtasks are:
Subtask 1: Benefits and requirements for PV-powered vehicles
Subtask 2: PV-powered applications for electric systems and infrastructure
Subtask 3: Potential contribution of PV in transport
Subtask 4: Dissemination
I very much appreciated this initiative and look forward to new collaboration



A smooth introduction of a new technology is in the interest of all countries. But
this is difficult. The “old technology” has good networks and the “novelty” must
overcome a lot of resistance. Eventually, the customers need to be convinced to
buy HEVs, PHVs, EVs or even FCVs. The marketing theory tells us that the move
into the “early majority” is like entering a “new world”. This transition is called the
“chasm”, and a new approach is needed to enter the mass market.
Considering the price and the range of electric vehicles, we need a new kind of
vehicles. With the new models, e.g., Tesla model 3, Ampera-e (Chevrolet Bolt),
Renault Zoe, etc. and ranges of about 400 km and more, we are close to the point.
But some prices are still too high, as prices lower than for ICEs should be aimed at.
For the car producers, a lot of problems need to be solved, including sales and
service concepts. As more of these cars are on the road, new questions will arise,
extending towards regulations and tax systems, which are not yet compatible with
electric cars.

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The above mentioned challenges must be solved on an international level, many of
them are currently addressed by the HEV TCP. The practical work in the HEV
TCP is carried out in so called “Tasks” that can be initiated by at least two Member
countries. By implementing a new funding scheme, we could speed up the time
needed to initiate a new Task. Countries can suggest new questions and Tasks and
attract collaborators for the topic during Executive Committee (ExCo) Meetings.
This procedure allows the IEA HEV TCP to quickly act on the interests of Member
countries and their EV experts. It has hence turned out to be highly successful and
the IEA HEV TCP now works (in parallel) on many topics (see below). The
contact for collaboration with researchers is the Member country expert, which is
also a Member of the ExCo in the HEV TCP (address to be found in the address
list of the Annual Report).
Current Tasks of the IEA HEV TCP are:
• Task 1: Information Exchange
• Task 23: Light Electric Vehicle Parking and Charging Infrastructure
• Task 26: Wireless Power Transfer for EVs
• Task 28: Home Grids and V2X Technologies
• Task 29: Electrified, Connected and Automated Vehicles
• Task 30: Assessment of Environmental Effects of Electric Vehicles
• Task 31: Fuels and Energy Carriers for Transport
• Task 32: Small Electric Vehicles



• Task 33: Battery Electric Buses
• Task 34: Batteries
• Task 35: Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
• Task 36: EV Consumer Adoption and Use
• Task 37: Extreme Fast Charging
• Task 38: Marine applications (e-Ships)
• Task 39: Interoperability of E-Mobility Services
• Task 40: Critical Raw Material for Electric Vehicles

In 2017, the IEA HEV TCP could also successfully close the following two Tasks:
• Task 25: Plug-in Electric Vehicles
• Task 27: Electrification of Transport Logistic Vehicles (eLogV)

Here, I would like to seize the opportunity and express my thanks to the Operating
Agents (OAs) of all Tasks. My thanks also extend to the Members of the Working
Groups for their contributions, and to the Member countries which support these
Working Groups!

In a new market, the “market development” approach helps everyone as capacities
can be bundled. That is the same for basic research. We can also learn from
leaders. To replace ICEs with EVs is a major task and many joint forces are
needed. Similar to other fields of technology, the exchange of know-how,
components, technologies and cars speeds up the process. These are only some of
the reasons for participating in the Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Technology
Collaboration Programme (HEV TCP).
Others are:
• Collaborate with researchers from all over the world.
• Use of the best public-sector laboratories in the world.
• Obtaining information on best practice for the promotion and deployment of
hybrid and electric vehicles.
• Sharing the results of in-depth projects that focus on special topics in hybrid
and electric vehicles.
• Access to objective, world-wide data and information for governmental
decision makers.
• Transfer of the latest knowledge and experience among Government officials
responsible for automotive research during HEV TCP meetings twice a year.
• Exchange between experts from member countries.



• A well-informed overview of future automotive technology.
• Sharing best practice for implementing alternative-drive vehicle fleets.
• Make a profit from “world-wide best practice”.
• Team-up with other countries, lower costs and speed up the process.
• Gain benefits for your industry and country.
• Lower the expenses for research and information gathering by collaboration.

Sometimes people may ask: “When do we see the end?” Let me say: It is in the
“genes” of us engineers that things can always be better. Only if we can produce a
“competitive advantage”, we get the money to do the next step. Therefore, EVs
will be better in future. Some challenges to be focused on in the future are:
• Raw materials in mass market dimensions.
• Establish profitable recycling processes.
• Build lighter cars and make them more efficient.
• Make cheaper cars.
• Build up the infrastructure.
• Integrate the infrastructure in buildings, parking slots, etc.
• Integrate the electric infrastructure in business models with renewable
• Build up the renewable electricity production for EVs.
• Use the EVs as storage systems in the grid.
• Combination with public transport, if existing.
• Using new possibilities, such as self-driving cars and car sharing.
• Build attractive and safe cars for the consumers all around the world.
• As work progresses, you will always find more things to do!

Pushing a new technology in an established application sometimes needs more
time than expected by the eager pioneer. The German physicist Max Planck said:
“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making
them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new
generation grows up that is familiar with it”1.




EVs hence still need a lot of time to take over the whole vehicle market. These
thoughts should be integrated into the considerations when planning the next
working programme of the next HEV TCP phase.

2017 was the second year in office for our secretary Dr. James Miller from the
Argonne National Laboratories - ANL, USA. His professional assistance is of great
help for everyone in the HEV TCP! He is supported by the Deputy Chairs Carol
Burelle (Canada), David Howell (USA), and Ock Taeck Lim (South Korea). The
Executive Committee is seconded by two Committees for “strategic planning” and
“external relations”. Here, we can especially count on Julie Perez Francis (USA)
who coordinates the work in the strategic planning group in the quality rating of
the task works.
The two ExCo meetings in 2017 were held in Beijing (China) and in Vienna
(Austria). The meeting in Beijing in April 2017 was perfectly organized by Mrs.
Jun Li and the China Automotive Technology and Research Center CATARC. We
got a first impression about the efforts of the Chinese Automotive Industry in the
field of electric mobility. We hope that this first meeting will be the start of a
fruitful collaboration. Many thanks to our host and to all CATARC specialists!
The fall meeting in Vienna was also perfectly organized by Astrid Wolfbeisser and
the ExCo Member Andreas Dorda from the Bundesministerium für Verkehr,
Innovation und Technologie - bmvit. The Austrian specialists are a long-term
stable backbone of our HEV TCP work. We could use the location for
collaboration with the AMV TCP and other IEA initiatives. Again, many thanks to
our host and to all Austrian specialists!
My compliment goes to the Operating Agents running their Tasks and all the
collaborators in the tasks. Bringing up a new topic and start a Task is a
sophisticated piece of work and a lot of patience and much effort is needed to bring
the Task to a successful end. It is always a pleasure to encourage and support these
professionals from all over the world!
My sincerest thanks also go to the Department of Energy (DOE), which continued
to support the IEA HEV TCP in 2017 and financing the service of the secretary
James F. Miller and Julie Perez Francis. I also highly appreciate the efforts of
VDI/VDE-IT and of all the people in the team of Gereon Meyer, specifically the
management of Task 1, the production of the annual report and the website
management (www.ieahev.org).
My final thanks go to the Swiss Federal Office for Energy SFOE, which sent me to
the first meeting for a TCP on “electric vehicles” in Stockholm in 1992, and which



has since then and over the long period of over 32 years supported me, starting
with a first brochure on “Elektrofahrzeuge” in 1986!

People are often stressed by all the challenges we see in technology and society. In
Switzerland, the Government decided to treat renewable sources of energy in 2050
as a priority. This “Energy Strategy 2050” aims at phasing out all nuclear power
plants (>20 % of the electricity production in Switzerland today) and at producing
more than 20 TWh electricity from new renewable energies, mainly
“photovoltaics”. The Swiss people agreed on this Strategy in a referendum in
summer 2017.
While most Swiss politicians will not be active in professional life anymore in
2050, the next generation (e.g., all my students, which I teach), will still be
working at that time. They are the ones who will do all this work! They are well
trained, motivated and will tackle the challenges with effort. So, my message to all
the concerned citizens and doubting voices is always: “Relax! You must not do all
this work! My students and their colleagues around the world will take over!”
A new technology needs a lot of trained specialists, from research to development,
sales and after sales activities, etc. The future specialists are the next generation
engineers and professionals from both sexes that we train today! We, therefore,
need to ensure that we educate enough young folks and hand over the
responsibility to them at the right time. How can the IEA HEV TCP steer activities
towards these avenues? Our “student exchange” programme needs a new start!
That is what I will do from now on. My time as the Chair of the IEA HEV TCP
will end in fall 2018. It has been my great pleasure to push electric mobility
forward on the global roads and worldwide agenda, jointly with all the other ExCo
Members, Operating Agents and desk officers from the IEA headquarter. – Not to
forget all the taxpayers, from which we obtain the budgets and always need to fight
for a surplus.
Professor Urs Muntwyler, HEV TCP Chairman, Burgdorf, Switzerland




Mr. Urs Muntwyler

Professor for Photovoltaic/ Berne University of Applied Sciences BUAS
[email protected]



This chapter introduces the International Energy Agency (IEA) and its Technology
Collaboration Programme for co-operation on Hybrid and Electric Vehicle
Technologies and Programmes (HEV TCP). In 2015, the IEA started rebranding
the Implementing Agreements as Technology Collaboration Programmes (TCPs).


The IEA acts as energy policy advisor for the governments of its 29 member
countries (see Table 1) and beyond to promote reliable, affordable, and clean
energy for the world’s consumers. IEA countries today account for just under half
of the world’s energy consumption. The IEA was founded during the oil crisis of
1973-74 with a mandate to coordinate measures in times of oil supply emergencies.
This is still a core mission of the agency. In June 2011, the 28 IEA member
countries participating at that time agreed to release 60 million barrels of oil in the
following month in response to the ongoing disruption of oil supplies from Libya.
This was the third time in its history that the IEA has been called upon to ensure an
adequate supply of oil to the global market.








Since the 1980s, the IEA is engaged in establishing relationships with countries
and international organisations beyond its membership. Particular interest of IEA
lies in major energy consuming, producing and transit countries (including the
accession candidates Chile and Mexico; the Association countries China, Indonesia
and Thailand; and partner countries as Brazil, India, Russia, and South Africa). In
this manner, the IEA puts lots of effort towards gathering all stakeholders – from
policy makers to business leaders – with a truly international view of the world’s
energy system.
With the evolution of energy markets, the IEA mandate has also broadened. It now
focuses on topics that are well beyond oil crisis management. The core agency
objectives include improving energy efficiency, protecting the climate, enabling
collaboration on energy technologies, and sharing its accumulated energy policy
experience with the rest of the world. In 2013 alone, IEA held over three dozen
workshops on wide-ranging topics, including energy storage technology,
integration of carbon pricing with energy policies, and implications of climate
change on the energy sector as well as opportunities for building resilience to its
The IEA plays an active role in discussions with producer countries and with the
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), particularly within the
International Energy Forum (IEF). The IEA also supports energy-related work of
the Group of 20 (G20), Group of Seven (G7), and Group of Eight (G8), as well as
the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM). Additionally, the IEA supports and
contributes comprehensively to the energy agenda of the Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC) forum, and regularly advises in expert discussions at the
Conference of Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Statistically, the IEA is a founding partner of the Joint Organisations Data
Initiative (JODI), working alongside APEC, the Statistical Office of the European
Communities (EUROSTAT), the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), the
Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE), the United Nations Statistics
Division (UNSD), OPEC and IEF. The IEA also works closely with the
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to maintain a joint database of
renewable energy policies and measures.
Regionally, the IEA also collaborates with multigovernmental organisations such
as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the African Union to
promote energy co-operation among member states.


The shared goals of the IEA form the basis of balanced energy-policy making are:
• Energy security: Promote diversity, efficiency, and flexibility within the
energy sectors of the IEA member countries. Remain prepared to respond
collectively to energy emergencies. Expand international co-operation with all
global players in the energy markets.
• Environmental protection: Enhance awareness of options for addressing the
climate change challenge. Promote greenhouse gas emission abatement,
through enhanced energy efficiency and the use of cleaner fossil fuels.
Develop more environmentally acceptable energy options.
• Economic growth: Ensure the stable supply of energy to IEA member
countries and promote free markets in order to foster economic growth.

The IEA meets its evolving mandate through the activities of its offices and
focused international collaboration. Fostering energy technology innovation is a
central part of the IEA’s work. Development and deployment of safer, cleaner, and
more efficient technologies is imperative for energy security, environmental
protection, and economic growth. IEA experience has shown that international
collaboration on these activities avoids duplication of effort, cuts costs, and speeds
The IEA Committee on Energy Research and Technology (CERT) coordinates and
promotes the development, demonstration, and deployment of technologies to meet
challenges in the energy sector. The CERT has established four expert bodies: (1)
the Working Party on Fossil Fuels, (2) the Working Party on Renewable Energy
Technologies, (3) the Working Party on Energy End-Use Technologies, and (4) the
Fusion Power Coordinating Committee. In addition, expert groups have been
established to advise industry and stakeholders on electric power technologies;
research and development (R&D), in the context of priority setting and evaluation;
and oil and gas (Figure 1).




The IEA also provides a legal framework for international collaborative energy
technology RD&D (research, development, and deployment) groups, through
multilateral technology initiatives known as Technology Collaboration
Programmes (TCPs). A TCP may be created at any time, provided that at least two
IEA members agree to work on it together. There are currently 40 TCPs covering
fossil fuels, renewable energy, efficient energy use (in buildings, energy, and
transport), fusion power, electric power technologies, and technology assessment
methodologies. One of these TCPs is the Technology Collaboration Programme for
co-operation on Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technologies and Programmes (HEV
TCP). HEV TCP reports to the Working Party on Energy End-Use Technologies
(EUWP). An overview of the the activities and recent accomplishments of TCPs is
available on the IEA web site3.
IEA TCPs are at the core of the IEA’s international energy technology network.
This network embraces numerous other activities that enable policy makers and
experts from IEA-member and non-member countries to share views and
experience on energy technology issues. Through published studies and




workshops, these activities are designed to enhance policy approaches, improve the
effectiveness of research programmes and reduce costs.
Over three decades of experience have shown that the TCPs contribute
significantly to achieving faster technological progress and innovation at lower
cost. Such international co-operation helps to eliminate technological risks and
duplication of effort while facilitating processes, like harmonization of standards.
Special provisions are applied to protect intellectual property rights.
The “IEA Framework for International Energy Technology Co-operation” defines
the minimum set of rights and obligations of participants in IEA TCPs. Participants
are welcomed from OECD member and OECD non-member countries, from the
private sector, and from international organisations.
Participants in TCPs fall into two categories: Contracting Parties and Sponsors.
This issue is defined in Article 3 of the framework:
• Contracting Parties may be governments of OECD member countries and
OECD non-member countries (or entities nominated by them). They can also
be international organisations in which governments of OECD member and/or
OECD non-member countries participate, such as the European communities.
Contracting Parties from OECD non-member countries or international
organizations are not entitled to more rights or benefits than Contracting
Parties from OECD member countries.
• Sponsors, notably from the private sector, may be entities of either OECD
member or OECD non-member countries that have not been designated by
their governments. The rights or benefits of a sponsor cannot exceed those of
Contracting Parties designated by governments of OECD non-member
countries, and a sponsor may not become a chair or vice-chair of a TCP.
Participation by Contracting Parties from OECD non-member countries or
international organisations or by sponsors must be approved by the IEA CERT.
The TCP mechanism is flexible and accommodates various forms of energy
technology co-operation among participants. It can be applied at every stage in the
energy technology cycle, from research, development, and demonstration through
validation of technical, environmental, and economic performance and on to final
market deployment. Some TCPs focus solely on information exchange and
dissemination. The benefits of international co-operation on energy technologies in
TCPs are shown in Table 2.




Financing arrangements for international co-operation through TCPs are the

responsibility of each TCP. The types of TCP financing fall into three broad
1. Cost sharing, in which participants contribute to a common fund to
finance the work.
2. Task sharing, in which participants assign specific resources and
personnel to carrying out their share of the work.
3. Combinations of cost and task sharing (such as in the case of the HEV
Effective dissemination of results and findings is an essential part of the mandate
of each TCP. Wide-ranging products and results are communicated by various
means to those who can use them in their daily work. The IEA Secretariat
circulates the online OPEN Energy Technology Bulletin, which reports on
activities of the TCPs. HEV TCP activities are regularly highlighted in the OPEN
Bulletin. The IEA also issues the “Energy Technology Perspectives,” or ETP,
which is an annual publication that presents updates on roadmaps for the
technologies addressed by TCPs. The ETP has been published since 2006 and,
most recently, in May 2014. These reports can be downloaded for a fee at
In March 2008, the vice chairman for transport of the EUWP started a new
initiative by organising a Transport Contact Group (TCG) workshop for the
transport-related TCPs, with the objective of strengthening their collaboration.
HEV TCP actively participates in the Transport Contact Group.


Very few IEA countries do not have issues with urban air quality, and a few others
are self-sufficient in oil, but all IEA countries have problems with greenhouse gas
emissions from automobiles and other vehicles. Today there exists a range of
technologies available to address these problems - most notably hybrid and electric
vehicles. A sound basis therefore exists for an IEA TCP dedicated to developing
and deploying these vehicles.
The IEA Technology Collaboration Programme for co-operation on Hybrid and
Electric Vehicle Technologies and Programmes (HEV TCP) was created in 1993 to
collaborate on pre competitive research and to produce and disseminate
information. HEV TCP is now in its fifth five-year term of operation that runs from
March 2015 until March 2020. The 17 active Contracting Parties (member
countries) as of May 2014 are Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Republic of Korea, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States.
Compared to the automotive industry and certain research institutes, HEV TCP is
relatively small, in the context of an organisation. Nevertheless, HEV TCP is still
playing an important role by (1) focusing on a target group of national and local
governments and government-supported research organizations and (2) providing a
forum for different countries to co-operate in joint research and information
exchange activities. More countries are invited to join the Agreement and to
benefit from this international co-operation on hybrid and electric vehicles.
The work of HEV TCP is governed by the Executive Committee (“ExCo”), which
consists of one member designated by each Contracting Party. Contracting Parties
are either governments of IEA countries or parties designated by their respective
governments. The HEV TCP ExCo meets twice a year to discuss and plan the
working programme. The actual work on hybrid and electric vehicles is done
through a variety of different Tasks that are focused on specific topics. Each topic
is addressed in a Task, which is managed by an Operating Agent (OA). (Before
2011, these task forces were called Annexes.) The work plan of a new Task is
prepared by an interim Operating Agent (either on the OA’s own initiative or on
request of the ExCo), and the work plan is then submitted for approval to the HEV
TCP ExCo. The Tasks that were active during 2015 and in early 2016 are
described in part B of this report. The activities associated with hybrid and electric
vehicles in individual HEV TCP member countries can be found in part C.
The next three subsections briefly report on HEV TCP activities and results in the
second, third and fourth terms of its operation (Phase 2, Phase 3 and Phase 4).



These are organized by task number. The strategy for the current term of operation,
Phase 5 (2015-2020), and its details are reported in subsection 2.2.4.

Phase 2 of the HEV TCP started in November 1999 at a time when the first hybrid
vehicle – the Prius – had just been introduced to the market, and battery electric
vehicles were considered suitable only for some market niches (such as neighbor-
hood electric vehicles, small trucks for local deliveries, and two- or three-wheel
vehicles). Although good progress had been made in battery technology, low-cost,
high-performance traction batteries were not yet commercially available. Progress
with fuel cell technology led to optimism about a “hydrogen economy”, and car
manufacturers switched their attention to fuel cells and away from battery electric
The Tasks in Phase 2 and their main achievements are described below:
• Structured information exchange and collection of statistics (Task 1): The
format of today’s Task 1 was established, with a website divided into both
public and members-only portions. The ExCo also decided that all
participating countries in the HEV TCP should automatically be participants in
Task 1 and established the financial arrangements to support this.
• Hybrid vehicles (Task 7): This task force published reports on questions
pertaining to hybrid vehicles. Issues included their current costs and estimated
future cost reductions; the environmental performance, fuel efficiency, and
other advantages and disadvantages of the various types of hybrid vehicles;
how hybrid vehicles could be most effectively introduced to the market; and
questions on testing, licensing, and taxation. One of the most notable findings
resulting from this task is that the decision of a customer to purchase a hybrid
is based more on reduced fuel costs and projecting an environmentally
responsible image rather than on the cost of the vehicle.
• Deployment strategies for hybrid, electric, and alternative fuel vehicles
(Task 8): This Task considered 95 government programmes in 18 countries
that were aimed at introducing (deploying) clean vehicles and fuels. The scope
of work included both vehicles and fuels, and for this reason the task force was
a joint effort between two IEA TCPs: HEV TCP and the Technology
Collaboration Programme on Advanced Motor Fuels (TCP-AMF). The
objectives of the task force were to analyze how governments can accelerate
the deployment of advanced automotive technologies in the marketplace and
to make recommendations that will enhance the effectiveness of policies,
regulations, and programmes. The final report made practical


recommendations for future deployments, including how to apply lessons
learned in previous deployments and among various countries, to avoid
repeating mistakes.
• Clean city vehicles (Task 9): This Task arose because cities in many
developing countries were growing very rapidly and experiencing the same or
worse air quality and traffic problems as cities in IEA countries. At the same
time, innovative solutions and technologies were being worked out in some of
these developing countries, and there was much that IEA countries could learn
from them. Planning was initiated for a task force, which became Task 9, to
study the application of clean vehicle and fuel technologies in developing
countries. In 2002, a joint workshop with IEA headquarters in Paris included
representatives from Bangladesh, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, India,
Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, and Thailand. As a direct result of the
workshop, representatives from Bangladesh subsequently traveled to Bogotá
to learn about the bus rapid transit system there, to construct a similar system
in Dhaka.
• Electrochemical systems (Task 10): During Phase 2, this Task concentrated
on the sharing of test methods for supercapacitors and batteries. Test
procedures play a key role in moving new technologies from the laboratory to
the market, and developing them involves a large amount of technical work
that can easily cost more than a million dollars. Consequently, the sharing of
test procedures can result in large savings. The Task also played a valuable
role in coordinating the work of the fuel cell TCP, the hybrid vehicle Task, and
itself in the field of electrochemical technologies.

The emphasis during Phase 3 of the Agreement, from 2004 to 2009, was on
collecting objective general information on hybrid, electric, and fuel cell vehicles,
with the same value-added aspects as described for Phase 2 in the previous section.
Governmental objectives of improving air quality and energy efficiency – and of
reducing greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on petroleum fuel – ensured
that the need continued for the HEV TCP’s mission. Topics addressed during the
third phase are shown in Table 3.
Task 1 and Task 10 were the only Tasks remaining from Phase 2 during Phase 3,
with the others having concluded operation during Phase 3 or before. Phase 3 also
witnessed the introduction of new Tasks on electric cycles (Task 11), heavy-duty
hybrid vehicles (Task 12), fuel cell vehicles (Task 13), lessons learned from market
deployment of hybrid and electric vehicles (Task 14), and plug-in hybrid electric



vehicles (Task 15). Many of the Tasks active in Phase 3 continued into Phase 4,
while Tasks 11 through 13 had closed by the end of 2011.
HEV TCP’s other achievements during Phase 3 include contributing to the IEA’s
technology roadmap for electric and hybrid vehicles, as well as a move to interact
more closely with different IAs of the International Energy Agency, in particular
between the seven IAs containing transportation as an item in their work
programme through the Transport Contact Group.

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Interest in HEVs, PHEVs, and EVs as a means to reduce energy consumption and
emissions from road transport is increasing significantly worldwide. At the same
time, many questions remain still to be answered regarding such issues as potential
efficiency improvements, safety, durability, vehicle range, production potential,
and the availability of raw materials for batteries, as well as issues associated with
the impact on electricity grid management, standardization, the potential to
introduce renewable energy in road transport, and market introduction strategies.
There is a strong need for objective and complete information about these issues in
order to enable balanced policy making regarding energy security, economic
development and environmental protection, and the role that hybrid and electric
vehicles can play.
For Phase 4 the ExCo has formulated the following strategic objectives:
1. To produce objective information for policy and decision makers on
hybrid and electric vehicle technology, projects and programmes, and
their effects on energy efficiency and the environment. This is done by
such means as general studies, assessments, demonstrations, comparative


evaluation of various options of application, market studies, technology
evaluations, and identification of industrial opportunities.
2. To disseminate the information produced to the IEA community, national
governments, industries, and – as long as the information is not
confidential – to other organizations that have an interest.
3. To collaborate on pre-competitive research projects and related topics and
to investigate the need for further research in promising areas.
4. To collaborate with other transportation-related IEA TCPs (in Tasks or
joint Tasks), and to collaborate with specific groups or committees with
an interest in transportation, vehicles, and fuels.
5. To be a platform for reliable information on hybrid and electric vehicles.
Besides defined strategies for Phase 4, the HEV TCP ExCo has also identified
topics to be addressed during that phase. In all, it has approved eight new projects
(Tasks) since 2010, including two new ones in November 2013. These projects
include the following:
• Task 17 “System Optimization and Vehicle Integration” to study how EV
system configurations (including vehicle components) could be optimized
for enhanced overall EV performance.
• Task 18 “EV Ecosystems” to create a roadmap of the conditions required to
support market growth needed for the mass adoption of EVs in cities.
• Task 19 “Life Cycle Assessment of EVs” to explore the sustainable
manufacture and recycling of EVs.
• Task 20 “Quick Charging” to discuss the impacts and potential standards
for EV quick charging.
• Task 21 “Accelerated Ageing Testing for Li-ion Batteries” for collaboration
on such testing efforts.
• Task 22 “E-Mobility Business Models” to understand new revenue
opportunities and ways to limit costs associated with EVs, recharging
infrastructure, and associated links to energy systems.
• Task 23 “Light-Electric-Vehicle Parking and Charging Infrastructure”.
• Task 24 “Economic Impact Assessment of E-Mobility”.
During Phase 4 many of the Tasks completed: Task 11 “Electric Vehicles”, Task
12 “Heavy-duty Hybrid vehicles”, Task 13 “Fuel Cell Vehicles”, Task 14 “Market
Deployment of Electric Vehicles”, Task 15 “Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles”,
and Task 16 “Alternatives for Buses”. Nevertheless, many of the Task members
are still involved in ongoing Tasks, for instance, members of the completed Task
14 are currently active in Task 18.



In November 2014, the IEA Committee on Energy Research and Technology
(CERT) approved the fifth phase of operation for HEV TCP, which is scheduled to
run from 1 March 2015 until 29 February 2020.
In the strategic plan for Phase 5, the participants in HEV TCP have formulated
their expectations for the time frame 2015-2020. The first hybrid car – the Toyota
Prius – has been introduced to the market at the end of the previous century.
Today, hybrid electric vehicles have established a foothold in the market, and pure
electric vehicles are becoming increasingly available. The market share of these
vehicle technologies is still small and expected to increase in the coming five
years. A number of developments in society play a role in how fast the market
uptake will be. Decarbonisation of the global electricity mix is expected to
continue by increasing the share of renewable energy, such as wind and solar
power, resulting from climate policies in many countries. To bridge the time gap
between renewable electricity production and electricity demand, smart grids with
large numbers of battery electric vehicles plugged in may offer the electricity
storage capacity that is required for large shares of renewable electricity. At the
same time this will contribute to lowering the CO2 emissions from road transport.
Data history and long-term practical experience will become increasingly available
and will play a key role for further hybrid and electric vehicle adoption. Incentives
are expected to remain necessary for electric vehicle deployment during 2015–
2020, and also policies aiming to build up a charging infrastructure will play a role.
Regarding vehicle technology, battery R&D will continue to increase energy
density and battery life, and at the same time reduce battery costs. Nevertheless,
range anxiety may remain a concern for pure battery electric vehicles. Combining
the electric drive with an internal combustion engine in plug-in hybrid electric
vehicles (PHEVs) and in extended range electric vehicles (EREVs) may eliminate
range anxiety. The price of hybrid and electric vehicles (H&EVs) is coming down,
so the difference in purchase price to conventional vehicles is diminishing, which
is advantageous for H&EV deployment. However, the oil price halved in the
second half of 2014 and remained more or less on that level through the whole of
2015, which counteracts hybrid and electric vehicle deployment. Consumers
become increasingly aware of the impact of CO2 on the environment and have
started to appreciate the advantages of the electric drive. Still, vehicle costs will
remain an important factor in vehicle purchase decisions. High vehicle prices and
lacking charging infrastructure are expected to remain the major hurdles for
increased electric vehicle deployment in the coming five years.


The HEV TCP ExCo considers policy/decision makers in governmental bodies at
national, regional and city levels, in the automotive industry, its component
suppliers and in utilities as the target audience for its work. These include the HEV
TCP Contracting Parties, which are representing national governments. The HEV
TCP mission is to supply this target audience with objective information to support
decision making, to function as a facilitator for international collaboration in pre-
competitive research and demonstration projects, to foster international exchange
of information and experiences, and sometimes to function as a promoter for
Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment (RDD&D) projects and
Against this background and to fulfil its mission, the HEV TCP Executive
Committee has formulated the following strategic objectives for Phase 5
1. To produce and disseminate objective information – for policy and
decision makers – on hybrid and electric vehicle technology, projects and
programmes, and their effects on energy efficiency and the environment.
This is done by means of general studies, assessments, demonstrations,
comparative evaluations of various options of application, market studies,
technology evaluations, highlighting industrial opportunities, and so forth.
2. To be a platform for reliable information on hybrid and electric vehicles.
3. To collaborate on pre-competitive research projects and related topics and
to investigate the need for further research in promising areas.
4. To collaborate with other transportation related IEA Technology
Collaboration Programmes, and to collaborate with specific groups or
committees with an interest in transportation, vehicles and fuels.
The existing HEV TCP working method, including meeting twice a year for
information exchange and running projects in the form of Tasks, has proven to be
appropriate to achieve the objectives of the Agreement, and no changes in the
working method are anticipated for the fifth phase. Tasks that were active at the
end of Phase 4 and that will continue in Phase 5 are shown in Table 4.




In addition to the active Tasks, new topics will emerge in the coming five years.
The HEV TCP participants have listed possible topics for Phase 5 (2015-2020) and
grouped these in three categories: technology evolution/progress (see Table 5),
technology deployment/market facilitation (see Table 6), and environmental
protection (see Table 7). Additional topics will certainly emerge, and depending on
priorities and resources that can be made available, the HEV TCP ExCo will
decide which topics will actually be addressed in Phase 5.
In 2017, the ExCo approved the start of three new Tasks:
• Task 38 “Marine applications (E-Ships)” (in October 2017)
• Task 39 “Interoperability of E-mobility Services” (from 2018)
• Task 40 “Critical Raw Material for Electric Vehicles (CRM4EV)” (from
During 2017 the Task 27 “Electrification of transport logistic vehicles
(eLogV)”and Task 25 ”Plug-in Electric Vehicles” completed.
To pool resources and to increase the impact of its work, HEV TCP will aim to
increase collaboration with other IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes such
as TCP-AMF (Advanced Motor Fuels), TCP-AFC (Advanced Fuel Cells), TCP-
PVPS (Photo-Voltaic Power Systems) and the co-operative programme on smart
grids (TCP-ISGAN). HEV TCP will also aim to reinforce collaboration with
organisations outside the IEA such as ACEA (European Automobile
Manufacturers Association), AVERE (European Association for Battery, Hybrid


and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles), ICCT (International Council on Clean
Transportation), and IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency)


The HEV TCP is an international platform with a global view. It is a network for
the exchange of knowledge and experience that provides access to experts in other
countries. The collaboration of people from governmental bodies, research
institutes and the private sector makes HEV TCP unique. Participants in the
Agreement get the different views on the subject in all domains related to hybrid
and electric vehicle deployment. Having the complete picture contributes to
effective progress in HEV TCP member countries. Other countries are invited to
join the Agreement and share the benefits of HEV TCP membership.









The Electric Vehicle Initiative (EVI, www.cleanenergyministerial.org/Our-
Work/Initiatives/Electric-Vehicles and www.iea.org/evi) is a multigovernment
policy forum established in 2009 under the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), a
high-level global forum to promote policies and programmes that advance clean
energy technology, to share lessons learned and best practices, and to encourage
the transition to a global clean energy economy.
The EVI is dedicated to accelerating the deployment of EVs worldwide. The EVI
brings together representatives of its member governments and partners twice per
year and acts as a platform for knowledge-sharing on policies and programmes that
support EV deployment. Governments currently active in the EVI include Canada,
Chile, the People’s Republic of China (“China”), Finland, France, Germany, India,
Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom,
and United States. This group includes the largest and most rapidly growing EV
markets worldwide and accounted for the vast majority of global EV sales in 2017.
Canada and China are the co-leads of the initiative. The International Energy
Agency serves as the EVI co-ordinator.
For the development of EVI activities, the IEA secretariat co-operates with the IEA
Technology Collaboration Programmes on Advanced Fuel Cells (AFC) and Hybrid
and Electric Vehicle Technologies and Programmes (HEV). Other partners
include: Argonne National Laboratory (ANL); C40; ClimateWorks Australia;
ClimateWorks Foundation; Electrification Coalition; European Association for
Electromobility (AVERE); Forum for Reforms, Entrepreneurship and
Sustainability (FORES) in Sweden; Global Environment Facility; GreenTech
Malaysia; International Council for Clean Transportation (which hosts the
secretariat of the International Zero-Emission Vehicle Alliance); International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC); International Partnership for Hydrogen and
Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE); International Renewable Energy Agency
(IRENA); Hewlett Foundation; King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi (Thailand); Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Mission 2020;
Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC); National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) of the United States; Nordic Energy Research; Partnership on
Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SloCaT); REN21; Rocky Mountain Institute
(RMI); Swedish Energy Agency; The Climate Group; the United Nations
Environment (UN Environment); the United Nations Human Settlements
Programme (UN Habitat); the United Nations Industrial Development
Organization (UNIDO); World Resources Institute (WRI) and Urban Foresight.



To date, the EVI has developed analytical outputs that include several editions of
the Global EV Outlook (2013, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018), the Nordic EV
Outlook 2018 and two editions of the EV City Casebook, with a focus on
initiatives taking place at a local level.
The EVI has also successfully engaged private sector stakeholders in roundtables
in Paris in 2010, in Stuttgart in 2012, and at COP21 in Paris in 2015 and COP22 in
Marrakesh in 2016 to discuss the roles of industry and government in EV
development as well as the opportunities and challenges ahead for EVs.
The EV30@30 campaign, launched at the Eighth Clean Energy Ministerial in
2017, redefined the EVI ambition by setting the collective aspirational goal for all
EVI members of a 30% market share for electric vehicles in the total of all vehicles
(except two-wheelers) by 2030. The campaign includes several implementing
actions to help achieve the goal in accordance with the priorities and programmes
of each EVI country. These actions include:
• Supporting the deployment of EV chargers and tracking progress.
• Galvanising public and private sector commitments for EV uptake in
company and supplier fleets.
• Scaling up policy research, including policy efficacy analysis, information
and experience sharing and capacity building.
• Supporting governments in need of policy and technical assistance through
training and capacity building.
• Establishing the Global EV Pilot City Programme, a global co-operative
programme that aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences and the
replication of best practices for the promotion of EVs in cities.

In 2017, the HEV TCP and the EVI worked together on the collection of data. This
allows better alignment of HEV TCP and EVI data analysis and messages
throughout their respective publications.



Information exchange is at the core of HEV TCP’s work (formerly IA-HEV),
enabling members to share key policy insights and best deployment practices, as
well as to identify common research interests in the rapidly growing international
hybrid and electric vehicle field. Task 1 began in the first phase of HEV TCP in
1993 and continues as the main forum and portal for announcing news and results
to the broader International Energy Agency (IEA) community.
The HEV TCP strategic plan for phase 5 (2015-2020) mentions that “a
communication strategy will be established, to ensure that the different kinds of
information that are generated by the Agreement reach their specific target public,
and to increase the visibility of the Agreement and the results of its work. All
possible communication tools will be considered to this end.” Table 1 lists all
phase 5 objectives, which include communication.

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Task 1 serves as a platform for information exchange among member countries.
The objectives are to collect, analyze, and disseminate information on hybrid,
electric, and fuel cell vehicles and related activities. This information comes from
both member countries and nonmember countries.



Information exchange focuses on these topics:
• Research and technology development;
• Commercialization, marketing, sales, and procurement;
• Regulation, standards, and policies;
• Awareness raising measures, and
• Activities of HEV TCP Tasks.

Experts from member countries serve as delegates at Task 1 meetings held every
six months in conjunction with the HEV TCP Executive Committee meetings.
Country delegates also write country-specific information for HEV TCP
publications, such as the country chapters in this annual report. Many country
delegates also serve dual roles as the official Operating Agent for a specific Task.
In this role, they may also represent HEV TCP to a public audience by presenting
Task results at international conferences, such as the EVS (Electric Vehicle
Symposium) meetings.
The Task 1 Operating Agent (OA) is responsible for coordinating and leading the
semi-annual experts’ meetings, compiling the minutes of these meetings,
maintaining the HEV TCP website (Figure 1), and editing and supervising the
production of the newsletter and the Executive Committee (ExCo) annual report.
The OA also acts as liaison to the other Task OAs, the ExCo Chair (together with
the Secretary-General), and the IEA Desk Officer. Since the end of 2014, the
responsibility for Task 1 has been transferred to Gereon Meyer of VDI/VDE
Innovation + Technik GmbH (Germany) as the OA.
A significant component of the information exchange for the Task occurs at the
experts’ meetings, where participants brief the attendees on relevant reports, facts,
and statistics pertaining to hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric
vehicles (PHEVs), and electric vehicles (EVs) in their home countries. These
presentations generally cover current developments on the market situations for
EVs and HEVs (national sales and fleet penetration, by vehicle type); the progress
of international, national, or local programs and incentives in the field; and new
initiatives in vehicle and component development arising from both the private
sector and public-private partnerships.
Any member country of the HEV TCP can automatically participate in Task 1.
There is no cost for Task membership. Each country designates an agency or non-
governmental organization as its Task 1 expert delegate. Frequently, guest experts
are invited to participate in Task 1 meetings to present their activities and to



exchange experiences with HEV TCP participants. This is a valuable source for
keeping up to date with worldwide developments.

Notable events in 2017 included the following:
• Task 1 Information Exchange meetings were held in Beijing, China, in
April 2017, and in Vienna, Austria, in November 2017.
• The HEV TCP annual report on 2016 entitled Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
– The Electric Drive Chauffeurs was published in 2017. Postcards with the
cover page and the download link for the report were provided to all
participants of the EVS-30 Conference in Stuttgart (Germany)
• A panel discussion involving HEV TCP Task leaders was held at the EVS-
30 Conference in Stuttgart (Germany)




Access to proprietary data and other “late-breaking” information will continue to
be limited to participating members as an incentive to non-member countries to
join. Items from both member and non-member nations may be posted.
The Task 1 expert meeting schedule will coordinate with the future ExCo meeting
schedule. The basic plan of the meeting is for country experts to report on the latest
developments in hybrid and electric vehicles in their respective countries by using
a thirty-minute time slot that includes both a presentation and follow-up discussion.
Because of the growth in the number of members, the focus at each meeting is on
fostering in-depth discussion of critical new developments in a subset of countries.
Generally, each member country participates at least once per year.
The Task 1 OA welcomes suggestions for meetings, website, and newsletter topics
from members.

For further information, please contact the Task 1 OA:
Mr. Gereon Meyer
VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
Steinplatz 1
10623 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 310078-134
E-Mail: [email protected]



The rapid growth in recent years in the usage of light electric vehicles (LEVs)
including electric scooters (“e-scooters”), electric bikes (“e-bikes”), and especially
the hybrid pedal/electric bike called the pedelec, as well as sharing bikes (electric
and non-electric) requires addressing issues related to parking and charging
infrastructure. This includes the development of harmonized charging standards
which are embedded in a public parking space management solution. Task 23
seeks to ensure that these issues are addressed at a governmental level, so that the
outcome is as applicable as possible to both local and global policies. Task 23 will
also encourage the development and establishment of both bicycle, e-scooter,
pedelec sharing schemes and private usage (parking and charging) of such







Following the IEC TC69-WG10 61851-3-1-7 Series, the standardization group on
Light Electric Vehicle standardization (system architecture, infrastructure,
communication and standard batteries), the IEC SC23h is defining the connectors
used for the future parking and charging infrastructure. Since May 2016 Task 23 is


active in the ISO 4210-10 which for the first time is defining the Pedelec
internationally within a harmonized standardization body. The key activity here is
to ensure that there are no indifferences within the technical infrastructure defined
by the IEC and that the standard would be an acceptable basis for international
GTRs (Governmental Technical Regulations) defining that Pedelecs may still be
considered equal to a bicycle. In 2016, the EN 50604-1 was published as the first
Battery Safety standard by the European standardization body CENELEC and is
setting the lead globally followed by the ISO 18243, referencing as well to the IEC
SC23h defined interface connector and the IEC TC69-WG10 defined
communication protocol. This means that when the EN 50604-1 will be published
within the Machinery directive and/or the Battery Directive of the European Union,
it will not only define the technical state of the art, but it will become mandatory
by law, enabling easy infrastructure interconnection down the road.
A key objective of Task 23 is to discuss the specific requirements from the
governmental side (especially at the local level) LEV charging and parking
infrastructure, and deliver these requirements to the IEC TC69-WG10 committee.
This is to be done by the operating agent EnergyBus.org, which is also leading the
German mirror group of the IEC TC69-WG10 61851-3-1-7 Series committee.





After the complete publication of the IEC TS 61851-3-1/7 (unfortunately due to
activities led by Japanese Experts delayed again to potentially 2019) as TS
(Technical Specification of the IEC, the next step will be to create a blueprint for
public tenders, which reference to Standard sets for the acquisition of public
infrastructure, for parking, space management of LEVs and sharing bicycles two-
wheelers, and for charging infrastructure. Such tenders would also include a
section on the requirements and specifications of bicycles, pedelecs and electric
scooters for public use. The need especially for the management of non-moving
traffic just became totally obvious in China due to the extreme popular sharing
bikes which literally flooded the city sidewalks and streets in a way that they
became a serious hurdle creating traffic blocks and urging local governments to
regulate this problem effectively. Here the Charge and Lock Cable system is
perfectly suited to free dense urban areas from uncontrolled flooding with sharing
as well as private vehicles. Japan has the longest history in parking management of
bicycles and other mobility devices since the extreme dense space usage in Japan
has forced governments to deploy strict regulations early.




Task 23 has been organizing events such as expert workshops and conferences, on
the subject of LEV infrastructure as well as suitable vehicles, involving
governments, city planners, public transportation experts, operating companies,
consumer organizations, standardization bodies as well as the vehicle and
infrastructure industries. Activities have been organized until now at: Taipei (TW),
Tianjin (CN), Cologne (DE), Kirchberg (AT), Antwerp (BE), Malbrok (PL),
Istambul (TK), Oslo (NO), Essen (DE), Tanna (DE), Grenoble (FR), Nante (FR),
Frankfurt (DE), Prague (CZ), Taipei (TW) Shanghai (CN), Chengdu (CN),
Rostock (DE), Osaka (JP) Beijing, Shenzen, Tianjin (CN) Zürich (CH) just to
name some of them.

Gathering experts at locations where local governments have established
successful LEV infrastructure systems and sharing findings and summarizing the
positive and negative experiences – distilling the findings into easy-to-follow
recommendations was in Task 23 scope of work. In March 2015, an international
group traveled around China for 8 Days. In June 2015, an international group
traveled in Europe (DE, SE, & DK). In 2016, an international group of Journalists
and opinion leaders traveled to see key Chinese Industry and City environments. In
Spring 2017, a Chinese government and Industry delegation traveled to Europe for
the ISO 4210-10 meeting (PT) and traveled to France, Netherlands, Germany, and
Austria for best practice sharing visits. In 2018, an internationalization of the
participation in the ISO 4210-10 work was promoted by bringing members of other
countries on board which participated in meetings in Japan and US and scheduled
later in 2018 for another meeting in France.

Creating publications summarizing key findings and listing recommendations on
how to establish the most suitable LEV infrastructure. Several lectures have been
hold during 2017 and 2018 about Task 23 activities.

Task 23 was making joint presentations at relevant trade shows and conferences,
explaining the use of suitable methods, the requirements for local governments,
potential manufacturers and providers of LEV infrastructure and rental vehicles.



Within 2017 and 2018 such presentations have been on BtoB and BtoC
Tradeshows in Germany, Taiwan, and China.


Members of Task 23 can participate in events such as best practice sharing study
trips, exhibitions and conferences. They may also host their own local events about
Task 23, and invite international experts to share their insights. They may create
tenders and joint tenders with other cities or regions for LEV infrastructure. They
may create supplier lists, and share experiences with suppliers and their products,
with other local governments and operators interested in acquiring similar

It started with Antwerp (Belgium) and Barcelona (Spain), followed by Istanbul
(Turkey), and talks about active involvement in Task 23 have subsequently been
conducted with various local governments and stakeholders from around the world.
To name just a few: Malta, the DIFU Institute representing most German cities,
Karlskrona and Växjö (Sweden), Hangzhou, Chengdu, Deyang (China), Taichung
City (Taiwan), Kyoto and Osaka City (Japan), Copenhagen (Denmark), Warsaw
(Poland), Graz & Bregenz (Austria), Indonesia, Delhi (India), Munich, Frankfurt,
Cologne, Münster, Rostock, Hannover, Berlin, Merseburg, Tegernsee (Germany),


Grenoble (France) – and these are just the most significant talks. To date, the active
phase including the preparation of the blueprints for tenders to acquire LEV
infrastructure has not yet started. It is expected to happen during Summer 2018.

A central event for Task 23in 2015 was the joint booth within the framework of the
G7 Traffic minister meeting held in conjunction to the Frankfurt Auto show IAA
17 September 2015. there the EU Commissioner for Transport Mrs. Violeta Bulc
visited the IEA HEV Task 23 special Exhibition presented at IAA with a wide
display. Mrs. Bulc was introduced to the results of the EU Mandate 468 of 2010.
The publication of the EN 50604-1 in 2016 was a major milestone and the
finalization of the Connector Standard by the IEC SC23h group in 2017 too. By
2018 the long-postponed IEC Technical Specifications on the Standard Series IEC
TS 61851-3-1/2/3/4/5/6 and 7 defining all communication necessary as well as
safety relevant procedures was finalized. Standards secure safe and interoperable
technical ecosystems.




The Copenhagen Gobike pedelec share system is station-based, but can also offer
free-floating service, and it should not have had to pay back the investment in
establishing the infrastructure alone. Between the years 2011 and 2013, the first
functional version of the EnergyLock was trialed in the Tegernsee region,
Germany. The idea was proven to work. But a clear finding was that the locking
system, based around a heavy duty locking mechanism and steel-reinforced cable,
was considered as too heavy by users. This necessitated a complete reconsideration
of the anti-theft concept. As a result, the mechanical safety layer was downgraded
to a mild level, whereby the locking action is just good enough not to be unlocked
easily by manual force, but it will pop open before it is damaged when pulled
strongly. The anti-theft function is moved to the digital realm, in that all electronic
components on the pedelec will deactivate themselves in the event of unauthorized
disconnection. This would make removing a vehicle that has fully implemented
this safety strategy very unattractive for thiefs. On 18 March 2015, the next
generation of the charge & lock cable was presented for the first time to the public
as a working model at the Taipei Cycle Show 2015. It was received
enthusiastically. It is based on discussions held within the IEC/ISO joint project
team on LEV Infrastructure in November 2014 in Taiwan and Japan, as well as in
Germany in December 2014. It has changed on the electrical side, too: instead of 6
conductor contacts it now has just 2 or 3. CanOpen communication, as well as
transfer of the 12V auxiliary voltage, is transferred to an induction-based system
which is not sensitive to corrosion. The female socket would always be of a
universal shape. But the male plug attached to the vehicle would be available in 3
different versions, catering appropriately to the specific needs of all 3 types of two-
wheelers. This would allow a single infrastructure to cater for all types of two-
wheelers: the system can be used both, to manage the use of public space for two-
wheeler parking, and to provide free two-wheeler electrical charging.

Task 23 would likte to do further acquisition of members, cities and regional
governments to create as large a public tender base as possible for the procurement,
with high purchasing and negotiating power, of LEV infrastructure and LEV rental
fleet solutions. Beside the focus on standardization in 2019, Task 23will be mainly
focused on pilot applications in China at the City of Deyang in the Sichuan
A political activity, started in July 2018, is the Petition trying to initiate a change of
the UN vehicle definition which was defined 50 years ago in Vienna. The target is


to redefine the cycle to safely include the electric assisted cycle as well as new
kinds of micro mobility. The proposed definition is based on the IEA HEV Task 11
Results presented in 2012.
Link to the petition: https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/pedelecs-e-bikes-

For further information, please contact the Task 23 OA and co-OA:
Hannes Neupert (Operating Agent)
EnergyBus e.V. / EnergyBus Operations GmbH
Koskauer Str. 100
07922 Tanna
E-mail: [email protected]
Carlo Mol (co-Operating Agent)
VITO – Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek
Boeretang 200
2400 Mol
E-Mail: [email protected]



The cost competitiveness of different drivetrains depends on relative costs of
vehicles, fuel, and other cost components. The tasks considers costs from the
perspective of a consumer with sufficient foresight to consider relevant costs over
the ownership period of the vehicle, or relevant cost of ownership (RCO), as
suggested by Mock [1] and used by Redelbach et al. [2] and Rousseau et al. [3].
We examine how the RCO of PEVs compares to competing powertrains under
various combinations of fuel consumption, annual driving distance, battery costs,
and other factors that can vary significantly between different drivers in different
countries. We examine ranges of these factors relevant to drivers in the United
States and Germany using estimated future costs of vehicles and fuels.

To the extent that consumers choose vehicles on the basis of ownership costs, how
fuel consumption is measured and reported are important. European and U. S.
regulators have made or proposed updated fuel economy certification procedures
to provide fuel economy estimates that are more representative of real world
driving [4, 5]. Fuel economy values reported by U. S. drivers vary over a wide
range [6]. Of potentially greater significance to the consumer considering a PEV
purchase are vehicle prices and energy costs over the vehicle ownership period.
PEV prices are driven by component costs, in particular the cost of the battery
pack, but energy costs depend on fuel price and annual driving distance. For plug-
in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and extended range electric vehicles (EREVs),
fuel costs also depend on the utility factor (UF) - the fraction of distance driven in
charge-depleting (CD) mode - which can differ widely between drivers owing to
different charging frequencies and driving distances.

The topics of the task include vehicle energy consumption, component costs,
vehicle costs, total cost of ownership (TCO), and market penetration.

Objectives associated with vehicle energy consumption are:



• Compare full-function HEVs, PHEVs, and ER-EVs to advance
conventional powertrains (clean diesel, turbocharged direct injection petrol,
CNG, other).
• Include a wide range of powertrain configurations (i.e. BEV with and
without multi-gear transmissions, BEVx…).
• Evaluate the technology potential on both standard and real world driving

Objectives associated with Component Cost, Vehicle Cost and TCO are:
• Conduct a systematic cost methodology comparison (i.e. battery, multiple
TCO models).
• Examine whether a standard peak battery pack and electrical machine
power level for both HEVs and PHEVs can be cost effective in spreading
component costs across both HEV and PHEV platforms.
• Study powertrain depreciation attributes and impact on vehicle lifetime use
costs. In particular, determine whether batteries must be replaced during
vehicle lifetime, or vehicle use patterns must be adapted to less capable
packs or both.

Objectives associated with Market Penetration are:

• Conduct a systematic market penetration methodology comparison using
the same set of inputs.
• Using consistent methodologies, evaluate potential causes of increase in
market(s) size, such as rising oil prices, lower battery pack costs,
economical infrastructure adaption, changes of consumer perception.
• Evaluate policy alternatives to increase market(s) size.
• Taxes at initial purchase, annual fees, fuel/electricity tax.
• Subsidy structures and quantities.


To evaluate the fuel efficiency benefits of advanced vehicles, each vehicle was
simulated using Autonomie [7]. Each vehicle component powertrain is sized to
meet similar vehicle technical specifications such as performance and grade-ability
[8]. The energy efficiency was then estimated for the different vehicles over the
Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Cycle (WLTC) and the U. S. combined
cycle. Conventional and plug-in midsize vehicles were simulated through six


#(!04%2o0,5' ).%,%#42)#6%()#,%34!3+ 

different timeframes (2020–2050) for gasoline and diesel fuels. The attributes of
future vehicles were taken from Moawad et al. [8]. We focused on four different
powertrains (conventional; split PHEV [PHEV20]; EREV [PHEV40]; and Battery
Electric Vehicles [BEV100, BEV200 and BEV300]). The split PHEV was
modelled with one electric motor and a power-split design, and the EREV was
modelled with two electric motors and a powertrain similar to the Voltec design
We assumed technology advancement based on the U. S. Department of Energy
(DOE) Vehicle Technology Office research and development goals. Further details
on the simulations can be found in Moawad et al. [8].
The above vehicles were simulated in Autonomie under the Worldwide
harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP), U. S. Urban Dynamometer
Driving Schedule (UDDS), and U. S. Highway Fuel Economy test (HWFET) drive
cycles, using the same road load coefficients for all cycles. Adjustments were
applied to the UDDS and HWEFT drive cycle fuel consumption values in
accordance with the U. S. current fuel economy label procedures [4].
To estimate the UF (the fraction of distance driven in CD mode), the daily driving
distance was assumed to follow a gamma distribution, which was found to fit
detailed driving records from Seattle by Lin et al. [17]. A mean of 61.8 km/day and
a mode of 20.6 km/day was assumed for U. S. drivers, based on an analysis of the
U. S. 2009 National Household Travel Survey by Krumm [9]. This distribution
gave a dependence of UF on the PHEV CD range that approximated the CD range
dependence used in the standard practice recommended by SAE International for
PHEVs that are charged once per day [10]. This distribution may not be accurate
for other populations [11], but it captures the qualitative shape of realistic driving
distributions and provides a convenient way to approximate how PHEV UF
depends on daily average driving distance [12]. The mean distance was varied to
account for different annual driving distances, and the mode was assumed to vary
in proportion to the mean. A constant value of 300 driving days per year was
assumed. PHEV drivers were assumed to charge once per day.
We estimated the ownership costs under different assumptions to represent U. S.
and German consumers. Combinations of the following parameters were evaluated
that make PEVs cost-competitive with competing (conventionally powered)
• The fuel and electricity consumption as estimated by WLTP and U. S.
adjusted drive cycles;
• The future vehicle prices, estimated for year 2025;
• A range of potential future battery cost estimates;



• The fuel prices (reflecting ranges of possible prices in the U. S. and
• The annual driving distance (ranges representative of U. S. and German

The vehicle costs are calculated from the characteristics of the components (power,
energy, weight, etc.) [8]. Both the vehicle and fuel cost, based on the energy
efficiency values, are then used to calculate ownership cost. Maintenance costs for
year 2025 were assumed to be 0.05 USD2015/km for all powertrain types. This
value was in the middle of the range suggested by Rousseau et al. [3].
The assumptions shown in Table 1 are used to represent the near-term (year 2025)
average prices of energy in Europe (Germany) and the United States and were
assumed to be constant in future years. Constant electricity prices were assumed,
neglecting alternative rate structures such as time-of-use, tiered rates, or special
rates for PEVs.
Energy prices and average annual distance driven in the United States were based
on the U.S. Energy Information Agency’s Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) for 2017
reference case. Energy prices for Germany were estimated for the year 2025 based
on the projected price of crude oil (Brent Spot price of 85.03 USD2015/barrel). High
and low energy prices were based on AEO 2017 High Oil Price and Low Oil Price
cases. Annual distance driven in new light duty vehicles (LDVs) by U. S. drivers
were taken from AEO 2016 reference case. The mileage for German drivers is
taken from the latest national transport survey [20].


Cost models were used to estimate manufacturing costs for major vehicle
components and subassemblies, which were then summed to give the total
manufacturing cost of each vehicle in year 2025 [8]. These manufacturing cost
estimates were assumed to be the same for both American and European
automakers (Table 2). Cost model parameters were assigned values based on input
from U. S. DOE vehicle technology managers and industry experts who provided a
range of values from highly optimistic (high case) to pessimistic (low case).


#(!04%2o0,5' ).%,%#42)#6%()#,%34!3+ 


The RCO was calculated from vehicle prices and other costs [3]:
5 &" - "- !" 
 2  $!" / 
" 7 5(- 6"
8 0 5(-!6
 ! 2  $!" 5( 0 (* 1 (' 1  1   0 ' ),+6

Where N= ownership period (years)

r= discount rate (%)
VKT = annual vehicle kilometers travelled.
Investment costs include the vehicle manufacturing direct costs, manufacturer
mark-up (accounted for by a retail price equivalent [RPE] factor), sales tax or
value-added tax, both applied to the retail price, incentive (or bonus/malus
premium/charge), and initial registration/licensing fees or taxes. For the BEV in
the United States, the cost of home electric vehicle service equipment (EVSE) is
also included in the investment cost. Given the capacity of BEVs, charging times
using only a Level 1 charger do not meet the requirements of most consumers: a
recent survey of California drivers found that only 12 % of Nissan Leaf owners did
not have Level 2 EVSE at home [13]. Because of the higher voltage level (240 V)
in Europe, EVSE costs are not considered for Germany.
Residual values after a service time of 10 years were calculated using regression
equations developed by Pröpfe et al. [18] for each powertrain type. These
equations were developed from European vehicle sales data and may not
accurately model resale values in the United States. Resale values are uncertain,
particularly for PEVs, since the used PEV market is very immature. Residual
values were estimated as a fraction of the total investment cost rather than purchase
price, since the investment cost was assumed to approximate more closely the
transaction cost as it includes incentives and fees, and since evidence suggests that
incentives decrease residual values [19]. A residual value of zero was assumed
after a service time of twelve years or a total distance travelled higher than 338,000



 $!" 2 3 # 45  65( / %! 6 0
5 "$! /  " / ""  / 
where CInvest = Total investment (upfront) cost
CManuf = Manufacturing cost
FRPE = Retail price equivalent or mark-up factor = 1.5 [14]
CIncentives = Feebate (bonus/penalties) or incentive, see
Table 3. Incentives are shown as positive if they decrease the
cost and negative if they increase the cost.
CFee, init = Fees payable upon vehicle purchase see Table 3
TaxSales =State sales tax
CBatt repl = Battery replacement (PHEV and BEV); we assumed
no battery replacement in this paper.
CHome EVSE = Average cost of installing Level 2 EVSE [15]

The incentives have a high impact on the RCO and are geographically dependent.
In the United States, we considered only the federal subsidies (tax credits) for
plug-ins, which depend on the battery total rated capacity in kWh as follows:
2,500 U. S. dollars (USD) for each PEV with at least 5 kWh total battery capacity,
plus 417 USD for each kWh in excess of 5 kWh, up to a maximum of 7,500 USD.
We treat these values as 2015 USD. In reality, the subsidy decreases for each
automaker after the automaker sells more than 200,000 PEVs, which was neglected
in this study. In Germany, the subsidies are 3,000 EUR for each PHEV and 4,000
EUR for each BEV [16]. Using a conversion factor of one EUR to 1.0598 USD
results in 3,179 USD for each PHEV and 4,239 USD for each BEV. These values
are also treated as 2015 USD.
We evaluated sensitivities to assumptions by examining ranges of fuel prices,
battery costs, and annual distance travelled. From these results, we examined
which factors are most important in the United States and Germany for cost of
ownership of PHEVs and BEVs, and under what combination of conditions
PHEVs and BEVs are cost-competitive with other drivetrains.


#(!04%2o0,5' ).%,%#42)#6%()#,%34!3+ 


To be concise, this report primarily focuses on ownership costs of a 2025 midsize
car for average advanced technology and medium optimism cost estimates (cf.
Table 2). In addition, we assumed a period of 10 years of ownership and that the
customer is not going to change the battery pack during this period. The energy
prices applied are displayed in Table 1. The incentives applied, EVSE installation
cost, and other ownership fees are displayed in Table 1 according to the geographic
area. Glider costs were assumed to be the same for the United States and Europe
but vary by year (cf. Table 2). We also assumed that after the battery guaranty
period (eight years or 160,000 km travelled), the total energy capacity of the
battery pack decreases by 4 % each year.
Fuel and electricity (energy) consumption by different powertrains (conventional,
PHEV, and BEV) are compared in Figure 1. One can notice that the U. S. cycle,
even though it is less aggressive than the WLTC, leads to higher vehicle energy
consumption, especially for electrified vehicles, because of its real-world
adjustment factor. The right-hand axis of Figure 1 shows the relative difference in
energy consumption in the U. S. combined cycle vs. the WLTC by each vehicle




Figure 2 shows the cost metric in Europe (using the WLTC as reference) and in the
United States (with the U. S. combined adjusted cycle as reference). Mainly
because of higher European energy prices (cf. Table 1), the cost of the energy per
kilometer travelled is higher in Europe than in the United States.


To properly compare the overall cost of ownership between the United States and
Germany, we need to include the manufacturing cost, the maintenance cost over
the years, taxes, and fees. These are shown in Figure 3 for Germany and Figure 4
for the United States. Negative costs (incentives) are shown below the axis and the
total resulting RCO is shown as a filled, red circle.


#(!04%2o0,5' ).%,%#42)#6%()#,%34!3+ 



For an ownership period of 10 years, only the BEV100 in both Germany and the
United States seems to be cost competitive with conventionally powered cars when
using the current market price as reference (cf. Figures. 3 and 4). However, as
shown in Figure 5, even though the U. S. driving cycle leads to higher energy
consumption for electrified vehicles compared to the WLTC, fuel savings by PEVs
are higher in Germany than in the United States, because of the high price of fuel.




We evaluated the effect of different factors on the competitiveness of PEVs on the
U. S. and German markets.

The battery manufacturing cost has a direct impact on the selling price of the
vehicle and hence on the customer purchase decision. The heat maps below
(Tables 4 and 5) display the RCO by powertrain for a range of manufacturing
battery costs. The color of each cell in the table indicates whether the RCO is
higher (red) or lower (green) in comparison to the others. Values in Tables 4 and 5
are based on the annual distance, discount rate, and fuel prices shown in Table 1.
Tables 4 and 5 show that the PEVs become more competitive as the battery cost
decreases. For instance, the BEV300 becomes even more economical in the United
States than conventional vehicles at 100 USD2015/kWh or less, for an ownership
period of 10 years.



#(!04%2o0,5' ).%,%#42)#6%()#,%34!3+ 


As expected, the annual distance travelled by the customer will have a direct
impact on the cost competiveness between different powertrains (cf. Figure 6);
higher annual distance travel plays in favor of the PEVs. For instance, in the
United States, at around 24,000 km/year for 10 years of ownership, the PHEV20
and BEV100 become more economical than the conventional spark ignition (SI)
vehicle (Table 6). In Germany, largely owing to the higher fuel and electricity
prices, the PHEV20 becomes competitive at higher distances travelled than in the
United States (cf. Tables 6 and 7).






The impact of fuel price is far more important in Europe. Table 8 shows the impact
of a potential fuel price evolution in Germany. At a gasoline price of 2.38
USD2015/liter (9.01 USD2015/gallon), the PHEV20 and the BEV100 will become
more economical than conventional cars. The electricity price also plays a role in
the overall cost for the owner of a PEV, as shown in Table 9. At electricity prices
as low as 0.08 USD2015/kWh, the PHEV20 and the BEV200 become cost
competitive over an ownership period of 10 years. However, the RCO of the
PHEV40 or the BEV300 are higher than for conventional cars even at an electricity
rate as low as 0.08 USD2015/kWh. If carbon emissions are priced, and the cost is
reflected in higher fuel prices, this will tend to favor lower-carbon emitting PEVs,
especially BEVs.



#(!04%2o0,5' ).%,%#42)#6%()#,%34!3+ 


For the combination of factors considered here (Table 1), the U. S. gasoline price
must reach 1.32 USD2015/liter (5.0 USD2015/ gallon) for most PEVs to become cost
competitive (cf. Table 10).


Incentives have a significant impact on the relevant cost of ownership. Therefore,
we applied hypothetical variations on the initial value to enhance their impact on
the RCO. Four different cases were applied in this study:
• Suppression of the incentive (0 % of the current incentive’s values applied);
• Reduction of 50 % of the current value of the incentives;
• No change in the incentive (100 % of the current values applied);
• A hypothetical case of an increase of 50 % of the incentive (150 % of the
current incentive’s values applied).

Tables 11 and 12 below display the new RCO according the incentive variation
and the geographical area. They show how much the incentive influences the RCO
of electrified vehicles. Indeed, if the incentive is suppressed in the U. S., the RCO
for the BEV100 will decrease by almost 10 % and by 7 % for the Split PHEV20. If
PEV incentives are decreased or eliminated, this can be expected to reduce PEV
market share.





We examined ranges of factors to determine what combinations enable BEVs to be
cost-competitive with conventional SI vehicles. The ratio of the RCO of a BEV200
to that of a conventional SI vehicle under different assumptions is shown in
Figures 7 and 8. Those figures display the contours of a constant
RCOBEV200/RCOConvSI ratio for ranges of battery costs and annual distance
travelled for three different electricity prices. All other parameters remain constant
(as given in Tables 1, 2, and 3).
In Germany, mainly due to the high fuel cost for conventional vehicles, at high
annual distance travelled, the BEV200 can be competitive with conventional
vehicles (Figure 7). Furthermore, the electricity price will also have an impact on
both the cost ratio between BEV200 and conventional SI, and on the way the
annual VKT and battery cost will affect this ratio. Indeed, (cf. contours outlined in
red in Figures 7 and 8) the slope of the RCOBEV200/RCOConvSI lines increases
as electricity price decreases and the difference in the energy cost per kilometer
increases. As shown in Figure 8, at high electricity prices (0.35 USD2015/kWh in
the United States) while others parameters remain constant, the slope of contours
become negative, since the energy cost per kilometer for the BEV is higher than
that of the conventional vehicle, and the RCO ratio increases with annual distance


#(!04%2o0,5' ).%,%#42)#6%()#,%34!3+ 



PEVs can be cost-competitive with other powertrains under favorable conditions.
These include various combinations of high fuel prices, low battery costs, and high
annual driving distances. Energy savings from PEVs, especially BEVs, are



somewhat sensitive to the fuel and electricity consumption estimates. The
differences in fuel costs between the WLTP and adjusted U. S. cycles indicate the
importance of energy consumption values. These differences become more
important under high fuel prices. When energy costs per kilometer for PEVs and
conventional vehicles differ widely (high gasoline price and low electricity price),
annual distance travelled becomes an important factor and PEVs can be cost
competitive at high annual VKT. When energy cost per kilometer is similar,
purchase price differences are more important, and PEV cost competitiveness is
more sensitive to assumptions about battery costs. Since future fuel prices are
uncertain, and driving distances differ between drivers, it is difficult to predict how
competitive PEVs will be, but it is important to consider the interactions of
multiple factors. However, there are factors that we did not consider that influence
BEV adoption, such as the difference between the acceleration performance of
PEVs and conventional vehicles, the limited range of the BEV100 and BEV200,
and also availability of public charging stations.

For further information, please contact the Task 25 OA:
Mr. Aymeric Rousseau
Argonne National Laboratory
Building 362, Room C265
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL, 60647
United States
Tel: (+1) 630-816-5471
E-Mail: [email protected]

1. P. Mock. “Entwicklung eines Szenariomodells zur Simulation der zukünftigen
Marktanteile und CO2 Emissionen von Kraftfahrzeugen (VECTOR21).”
Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart (2010).
2. M. Redelbach, E. D. Özdemir, and H. E. Friedrich. “Optimizing battery sizes of
plug-in hybrid and extended range electric vehicles for different user types.”
Energy Policy 73 (2014): 158–68. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2014.05.052.
3. A. Rousseau, T. Stephens, J. Brokate, E. D. Oezdemir, M. Kloetzke, S. A.
Schmid, P. Ploetz, F. Badin, J. Ward, and O. T. Lim. “Comparison of energy
consumption and costs of different plug-in vehicles in European and American
context.” EVS28, Korea (2015).


#(!04%2o0,5' ).%,%#42)#6%()#,%34!3+ 

4. Protection of Environment, 40 C.F.R. Vol. 32, Part 600, Fuel Economy and
Greenhouse Gas Exhaust Emissions of Motor Vehicles, https://www.epa.gov/laws-
regulations/regulations, accessed on July 5, 2017.
5. European Union Regulation (EU) No 333/2014 of the European Parliament and
of the Council of 11 March 2014 amending Regulation (EC) No 443/2009 to define
the modalities for reaching the 2020 target to reduce CO2 emissions from new
passenger cars (2014).
6. Z. Lin and D. Greene. "Predicting individual fuel economy." SAE Int. J. Fuels
Lubr. 4 no. 1 (2011): 84–95. doi:10.4271/2011-01-0618.
7. Argonne National Laboratory. Autonomie Toolkit,
http://www.autonomie.net/index.html, accessed on July 5, 2017.
8. A. Moawad, N. Kim, N. Shidore, and A. Rousseau. “Assessment of vehicle
sizing, energy consumption and cost through large scale simulation of advanced
vehicle technologies.” Argonne National Laboratory report ANL/ESD-15/28
(2016). http://www.autonomie.net/publications/fuel_economy_report.html.
9. J. Krumm. “How people use their vehicles: Statistics from the 2009 National
Household Travel Survey.” SAE Technical Paper 2012-10-0489 (2012), doi:
10. SAE International. “Utility factor definitions for plug-in hybrid electric
vehicles using travel survey data,” http://standards.sae.org/j2841_201009/, 2010.
11. P. Plötz, N. Jakobsson, and F. Sprei. “On the distribution of individual daily
driving distances. ” Transport Research Part B: Methodological. 101 (2017):
12. Z. Lin, and D. L. Greene. “Significance of daily VMT variation over time and
among drivers on assessment of PHEV energy impact.” Proceedings of 90th
Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board Compendium of Papers.
No. 11-2242 (2011).
13. G. Tal, M. S. Nicholas, J. Davies, and J. Woodjack. “Charging behavior
impacts on electric VMT: evidence from a 2013 California drivers survey.”
Presented at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington,
DC, Jan. 2014.
14. A. Vyas, D. Santini, and R. Cuenca, R. "Comparison of indirect cost multipliers
for vehicle manufacturing: Technical memorandum in support of electric and
hybrid vehicle cost estimation studies.” Technical memorandum, Argonne
National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (Apr. 2000).



15. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). “Total cost of ownership model for
current plug-in electric vehicles.” EPRI Technical Report no. 3002001728, Palo
Alto, CA: EPRI (2013).
https://www.epri.com/#/pages/product/000000003002001728/, accessed July 7,
16. Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (2017). “Electric mobility
in Germany.” http://www.bmwi.de/Redaktion/EN/Dossier/electric-mobility.html,
accessed July 7, 2017.
17. Z. Lin, J. Dong, C. Liu, and D Greene, “PHEV energy use estimation:
Validating the Gamma Distribution for representing the random daily driving
distance.” Transportation Research Record 2287-05 (2012).
18. B. Pröpfe, M. Redelbach, D. Santini, and H. E. Friedrich. “Cost analysis of
plug-in hybrid electric vehicles including maintenance and repair costs and resale
values.” Presented at Electric Vehicle Symposium 26, Los Angeles, USA, May
19. P. Holweg, and P. A. Kattuman. “The incentive whiplash: Sales discounts and
the dynamics of residual value in the automobile industry.” (unpublished),
ESEM/2006/2414/IncentiveWhiplash.pdf, accessed February 14, 2015.
20. R. Follmer, D. Gruschwitz, B. Jesske, S. Quandt, B. Lenz, C. Nobis, K. Köhler
and M. Mehlin. “Mobilität in Deutschland 2008: Ergebnisbericht Struktur–
Aufkommen–Emissionen–Trends.” Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and
Urban Development, Germany (2010).
21. N. Kim et al., "Vehicle Level Control Analysis for Voltec Powertrain." EVS30
Symposium Stuttgart, Germany, October 9 –



Wireless charging of electric vehicles (EVs) has the potential to untether EVs from
their charger cables and possibly reduce the size of EV batteries or extend their
range for the same size battery if the vehicles can be charged while in motion in the
future. Research groups in industry, academia, and in national laboratories around
the world are working to improve wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies so
that EVs can charge by parking over a coupling device (referred to as static
charging), by charging at natural stopping points but not parking (referred to as
opportunity charging), or even while the vehicle is in motion (called dynamic
However, the standards for WPT appear to vary in different member countries, or
no standards currently exist, which limits the interoperability among systems and
slows the maturation of this technology. This task is developing a greater global
understanding of WPT systems and interoperability through a focused study of
WPT technologies being developed in the participating countries. Topics covered
by this task include a study of country-based standards (JARI, SAE, ISO/IEC),
technical approaches, grid interactions, interoperability, and safety codes for WPT.
The focus of the task does not extend to bidirectional charging but does include
provisions to gather information on both passenger vehicle and commercial vehicle

The Task coordinates a study of various country-based standards, technical
approaches, grid interactions, regulatory policy and safety codes for WPT for EVs
and addresses interoperability, power levels, alignment, and safety. In addition,
there are many fields of interest in WPT that this Task may address. Areas
considered will be broad as the Task gets underway and narrow in focus as



meetings progress. As there is ongoing effort in many of these areas, in “bullet”
form, the objectives are:
• Categorize deployment approaches and requirements for WPT technologies
such that participants develop an understanding of what challenges are
faced in different countries or markets and what it takes to put this
technology into the field in these markets.
• Compare the characteristics of WPT systems being developed in the
participating countries, and discuss how to address interoperability concerns
• Catalog, discuss, and compare standards for WPT in different countries
(JARI, SAE, ISO/IEC, etc.)
• Discuss and summarize safety issues in regard to misalignment, leakage
fields, and debris tolerance and response

The task conducts bi-annual workshops and supporting conference calls, which
include visiting locations of WPT research or deployment activities to gain first-
hand knowledge of how this technology is progressing and to inform the
committee of new work. Based on information gathered from participating
countries, specific areas may be identified as critical interest for off-line research.
The process for how this task operates is as follows:
• Develop an understanding of the challenges faced in various countries or
markets by categorizing deployment approaches and requirements for WPT
• Conduct comparison of current WPT technology development and address
interoperability concerns for both static and dynamic systems.
• Summarize safety issues arising from misalignment, leakage fields, and
debris tolerance and response.
• Establish a repository for the data collected and links to other activities
available to the members of the task.

Task 26 sponsored one workshop in 2017 focused on installations and alignment.
The workshop was jointly sponsored by VEDECOM and held in Versailles, France
on April 25-26, 2017. The workshop combined technical presentations, site
demonstrations and working group discussions.


The “Installations and Alignment” workshop consisted of presentations from the
European Commission, Germany, Italy, Latvia, South Korea, Spain, the United
Kingdom, and the United States. The workshop was attended by over 30
individuals from eight countries including representatives of industry,
governments, standards group and national laboratories. The following table
summarized the presentations that were part of this workshop.

6%$%#/- 6%$%#/-

Workshop presentations are available on the members site for HEV TCP members.
Additionally, a summary report of this workshop was developed, shared with the



attendees of the workshop, and posted on the Task webpage. This summary report
will provide input into the final task deliverable.
In addition to the presentations, members visited one demonstration site. The site
was a dynamic wireless track within the VEDECOM facilities to explore the power
transfer efficiencies while the vehicle is in motion. A picture of the wireless track
is shown in the following figure.


In 2018, this Task plans to hold additional three workshops. The following table
provides topics and locations for remaining workshops.

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For further information, please contact the Task 26 OA:
Burak Ozpineci, PhD, Task 26 Operating Agent
Center for Transportation Analysis (CTA)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2360 Cherahala Blvd.
Knoxville, TN 37932, USA
Phone: +01-865-946-1329
E-Mail: [email protected]



Road freight transport is one of the fastest growing modes of transport and has an
increasing share in the total GHG emissions of transport. Worldwide, road freight
activity and energy use have almost doubled in the last two decades.4 Furthermore,
higher gradients are observed for freight emissions compared to passenger travel
emissions for most of the IEA countries.5 Various technical and non-technical
options exist for reducing the GHG emissions of road freight transport, such as
improving the efficiency of freight logistics or fuel consumption performance of
vehicles. Current concentration is mainly on incremental technology developments
to reduce fuel consumption of conventional vehicles. However, there may be
potential for (near) zero tailpipe emission vehicles that could result in the large-
scale GHG reduction that is needed.

The aim of Task 27 is to
• Summarize the status of electrified transport logistic vehicles and
infrastructure technologies, implementation and hurdles
• Identify early niche markets and commercialization opportunities for
electrified transport logistic vehicles
• Provide policy recommendations for further research and deployment

The focus of Task 27 is on electric road freight transport vehicles and on related
charging/fueling infrastructure. This includes

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• Light commercial vehicles, medium and heavy freight trucks
• Battery electric technology coupled with conductive, inductive charging
infrastructure or battery-switch stations
• Hybrid electric technology (coupled with catenary charging)
• Fuel cell trucks coupled with hydrogen fueling stations
• Transport tasks and distances focused on urban and conurbation areas

The working method comprises workshops, desk work and public outreach. Figure
1 illustrates the proposed working method of the Task in order to perform the
objectives described above. In general, the Task should be reflecting a networking
activity by the exchange of information and answers to questions from
participating members.


External experts from industry, research organizations, and technology policy
institutions around the world are invited to refer and discuss about the topics of
Desk work
Review of documents and data, providing information and assistance to pre- and
post-processing operations.
Public outreach
Working results will be published and discussed for example on conferences,
within papers and within a final report.


Participation within the Task is free of charge. However, the Task is based on a
work sharing principle and contributions of some kind are expected.

The first Task 27 workshop “Electric transport logistic vehicle technology and its
application” was held in Stuttgart (Germany) on March 19, 2015. Dedicated topics
at the workshop were:
• The state of battery and fuel cell technology for transport logistic vehicles
• Experiences from demonstration projects in Germany – benefits and
• Hurdles of implementation and possible solutions

The second Task 27 workshop “Experiences and prospects of electric freight

vehicles” was held in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) on April 12th, 2016. Dedicated
topics at the workshop were:
• City and country perspectives
• Early adopters of electric freight vehicles
• Infrastructure for charging

The third Task 27 workshop “Electric freight vehicles – out of niche into mass
market” was held in Vienna (Austria) on October 19th, 2016. Dedicated topics at
the workshop were:
• Electric freight vehicles as pillar of sustainable logistics
• Governmental perspectives and implementation plans for electric freight
• Performance and limits of electric freight vehicles
• eDrive system designs for electric freight vehicles

The fourth Task 27 workshop “The Road to Electrification of Logistics” took

place in Coventry (United Kingdom) on April 26, 2017. Dedicated topics at the
workshop were:
• Regional stakeholder approach to electrification of transport logistics
• Planned and ongoing pilots supporting electrification of transport logistics
• Overcoming the technical challenges to electrification of transport logistics

All presentations are available for download over the HEV TCP website, under



• High investment costs for electric trucks (about three times higher
compared to conventional diesel trucks) is the main barrier for application.
• Reaching cost-effectiveness of trucks is difficult due to low profit margins
within the transport sector.
• Reliability of electric trucks is highly volatile.
• The lack of technical support for electric trucks leads to longer downtimes
compared to conventional diesel trucks.
• The lack of experience along with technical issues generate “organizational
range anxiety“: overcautious route planning and dispatching.
• A better way to support the mass adoption of the alternatively fueled
technology is to give them a long-term competitive advantage. Reward
frontrunners e.g. via privileges (subsidies, parking and loading spaces, time
windows for loading-unloading zones, etc.) for electric vehicles and build
platforms for sharing knowledge.
• A supportive government policy is still of high importance for the wider
uptake of electric trucks.
• Strong appeal to develop an integral European vision on electrical
• The majority of fleet managers declare a period of three to four years as the
period of amortization in which they expect to recover the purchase price of
an electric vehicle.

The results of Task 27 are presented in the final report. The outcome of all
activities including the four workshops, the vehicle database (includes about 120
electrified transport logistic vehicles), and the project profiles for demonstration
projects are described. Key recommendations are to further develop the policy
framework by a close coupling between all relevant stakeholders; to define an
integral European vision with a more integrated city management approach; to
reward frontrunners through subsidies, parking and loading spaces, and time
windows for loading-unloading zones; to strengthen and support cross-company,
cross-sectoral and multi-institutional cooperation; and to intensify research on the
applicability of heavy EFVs in regional delivery and long-distance haulage.
The Task 27 final report is publicly accessible on the HEV TCP website for


Task 27 ended as scheduled at the end of 2017. A second phase is currently under

For further information, please contact the Task 27 OA or Task 27 co-OA.

Mr. Florian Kleiner

German Aerospace Center
Institute of Vehicle Concepts
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40
70569 Stuttgart
Office: +49 711 6862 8120
E-Mail: [email protected]

DI. Martin Beermann

Forschungsgesellschaft GmbH
Elisabethstraße 18/II
8010 Graz
Office: +43 316 876 1434
E-Mail: [email protected]



The HEV TCP Executive Committee (ExCo) unanimously approved this Task at
the Executive Committee meeting in May 2014 held in Copenhagen. It was
expected to continue until December 2016 but it was extended until the end of
2018. This Task explores the technologies and accompanying issues associated
with the use of electric storage from plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) for uses other
than powering the vehicles. Customers may use their PEV electric storage
capabilities for other applications such as vehicle-to-grid (V2G), vehicle-to-home
(V2H), vehicle-to-load (V2L) or vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V). The main
characteristics of these applications include the following:
• V2G: Electric utility may be willing to purchase energy from customer
during periods of peak demand, and/or use the EV battery capacity for
providing ancillary services.
• V2H: Use of the PEV as a home generator during periods of electrical
service outage and for increasing self-generated renewable energy usage.
• V2L: Use of the PEV storage to provide power to a remote site or load that
does not otherwise have electrical service. Examples include construction
sites or camp sites.
• V2V: Use of the PEV storage to transfer electrical energy to other PEVs in
case of emergency.

These electric vehicle applications are known as Vehicle to Everything (V2X), a

term that represents the strategic technology for ensuring sustainable, secure, and
cost-effective deployment of electric mobility. Note that although the possibilities
are multiple, most of the research and the demonstration projects are focused on
V2G and V2H applications which have shown further grid benefits and higher
revenue potential. In particular V2H technology holds a high potential for energy
cost reduction by means of enabling energy arbitrage and increasing on-site



renewable energy generation capacity while improving security and quality of

Task 28 aims to address the technical and economic knowledge gaps including
regulatory issues preventing V2X technology to fully deploy. The initial task
objectives were the following:
1. Analyze the technical and economic viability of V2X technology, specifically,
give responses to a number of identified questions.
• When will V2X be available as a consumer application?
• Which are the potential synergies with self-generated electricity in
• Which is the value provided by V2X in terms of security of supply?
• Which impact is to be expected on tax revenues?
• Which are the roles of the different industry players?
• Which is the impact of the different regulatory frameworks in different

2. Develop a set of best practices by connecting and synchronizing the existing
V2X research and demonstration projects.
3. Develop a policy-making toolbox and a technology roadmap definition in order
to serve decision makers seeking to introduce V2X technology in their
respective countries.
4. Establish a worldwide technical information exchange platform enabling
information sharing among scientific institutions and industrial representatives
working in V2X issues.
5. Promotion of new V2X technology demonstration projects.
The gained knowledge and results of such analysis can be used by policy-makers
and industrial partners in the promotion of V2X technology as well as by different
players on the EV market within their market research and business modeling.

The overarching objective of Task 28 is to investigate the means to overcome the
technical, economic, and policy challenges of the V2X technology. The whole
V2X value chain will be considered in this process including power system
operators, power electronics industry stakeholders, and the most relevant original
equipment manufacturers (OEMs).


Utilizing the existing HEV TCP framework, Task 28 provides the opportunity to
bring together the key actors in the EV industry including research and industry
players and energy policymakers in order to discuss the requirements for the
development and the use of V2X technology. Two annual meetings are
programmed on different strategic topics. By leveraging the technical skills and
different experiences of the participants, it will be possible to improve the currently
available market analyses of V2X technology.
In addition to expert workshops, a close relation and coordination of major V2X
technology players is planned in order to connect existing V2X research and
demonstration projects. The promotion of new V2X technology demonstration
projects will be done by collaborating with international organizations and call for

During 2017, Task 28 organized the following expert Workshops and two special
• Workshop VI: V2X Business models, recent developments and
international pilot projects overview
This Workshop was held in Jeju Island (South Korea) on March 21-22,
2017. The workshop had a specific focus on V2X business models, recent
developments and international projects review. The Korean electric vehicle
(EV) market and V2X development in Korea were also addressed with
input from local partners. A V2X international pilot projects session
reviewed experiences in the US, Denmark, UK, and Switzerland including a
review of the EV market in Thailand. Other relevant topics addressed were
Distribution System Operator (DSO) perspectives for V2X development,
standards and potential of plug-in hybrids for V2X. A technical visit to the
e-Bus battery swapping facility was organized in addition to a visit to the
Korean Renewable Energy Center in Jeju Island.
• EEVC Round Table: Challenges and opportunities for V2G
applications as part of the EV massive roll out
Round table at the European Battery, Hybrid & Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle
Congress held in Geneva (Switzerland) on March 14-16, 2017. The
participants where representing car OEMs, distribution system operator
(DSO), protocol developers and demo projects.
• EVS30 special session: V2X insights and applications
This session took place within the 30th International Electric Vehicle
Symposium & Exhibition (EVS 30) in Stuttgart (Germany) on 11 October



2017. The topics presented where “V2X protocols” by CHAdeMO, “Fiscal
barriers” by ElaadNL and “V2G as and economic gamer” by INSERO.

Beside this main events, Task 28 also participates in the following events:
• Invited talk “Vehicles to buildings: electric cars as storage systems” at
WSED’17 (World Sustainable Energy Days) in Wels (Austria) on March 2-
3, 2017.
• Invited talk “V2X insights and applications” at 2nd V2G Conference in
Amsterdam (Netherlands) on May 11-12, 2017.
The main conclusions derived from the multiple expert contributions within these
workshops are detailed below.

The 6th workshop was dedicated to Korean and Asian markets, with special focus
on demonstration projects review, business models and recent technology
developments. The 2017 EV market in Korea is as follows: an estimated 12,000
EVs are on the road, a total of 9,300 charging points are available and 1,300 fast
chargers are installed (considering both publicly available and private ones
belonging to KEPCO). The 2020 targets are: 250,000 EVs, 50,000 PHEV and
3,000 fast chargers.
The Korean policy does not only address incentives but also technology
development (such as increased range, reliability and efficiency) and infrastructure
policy and deployment as key elements for EV massive penetration. As an
example, incentives are slowly decreasing in time but special promotion campaigns
for residential apartment buildings charging infrastructure have been launched with
a target of installing 30,000 charging points.
From the point of view of the Korean DSO, KEPCO, the key elements for EV
integration in the Korean energy system are the integrated EVSE platform
development. In the Jeju Island pilot project (2016-2030), they are developing an
AC/AC V2G charger including V2G service demonstration (2015-2017), building
security infrastructure for smart grid vulnerability test and analysis (2015-2017)
and developing a 6.6 kW wireless power transfer EV charger (with special focus
on luxury class EVs and autonomous EVs). The services planned to be introduced
are demand response (peak reduction and load levelling) at distribution level. At
present, V2H is limited due to regulation, but can be performed as a demand
response (DR) service through a EVSE or V2G provider.


The Korea Automotive Technology Institute presented the evolution of the
automotive industry in Korea which after 60 years of evolution enters into the
globalized advanced country in the world unprecedently: a total of 900 Tier-1,
3,000 Tier-2 and 5,000 Tier-3 parts companies are collaborating with 14 assembly
sites of 7 OEMs in Korea. Internationally, Hyundai-Kia motors are producing
2.5 million vehicles in 10 plants abroad. The Eco-car in Korea (supported by
government’s law) focuses on eCar (PEV, HEV/PHEV, and FCEV), and clean and
efficient ICE. In parallel, the government is promoting EV charging and fast
charging infrastructure in Korea. Hyundai has launched its first full electric vehicle
Ioniq EV and Kia is planning its first own electric version of Kia Niro. Both
companies have been commercializing HEV and PHEV since 2016.

HEV and PHEV demand is increasing (80,000 cumulative sales through 2016)
while BEV demands are decreasing. The National Reform Council (NRC)
proposed an action e-Mobility plan to the governement (in 2015) based on
promoting Thailand as an Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Electric Vehicle Hub, promoting Electric Vehicle usage on Thai roads, promoting
Electric Vehicle production in Thailand, supporting local EV companies,
supporting R&D of EVs parts and charging infrastructure and supporting
investments on EVs.
The main demonstration project, EVAT, is a 100 EV charging station project
supported by EPPO (Thailand Ministry of Energy). It includes fast and normal
charging points for hotels, offices, condominium, etc., together with the launch of a
communication platform and scheme with shareholders, namely EV users, charger
owners, and service providers. Special attention is placed on standardization of
protocols and connectors for charging systems and services. A registration
database is proposed for 4 categories of EVs (with the 4 categories being electric
motorcycle, electric 3-wheelers, electric 4-wheelers, and tractors). The other
relevant demonstration project is the eTuk Tuk with the scope of replacing 22,000
Tuk Tuk motors with electrical motors by 2021.

During the EVS 30 ElaadNL6 presented an interesting analysis on the fiscal
barriers that the smart charge and V2G have to face. The main important regulatory
questions that arise during the talk have previously been analyzed also in other
expert workshops:




• Does the smart charging qualify as energy supply?
• Between what parties is this supply effected?
• How does smart charging relate to netting?
• How does smart charging relate to self-generated power exemption?

Different case studies were presented in which these questions were tried to be
answered in different countries and demonstration projects. Lomboxnet project
(Utrecht, Netherlands) has installed a number of solar PV systems that are directly
linked to charging points in the area, bi-directional charging points allow generated
solar energy to be stored temporarily in EVs and to be re-delivered at a later time,
increasing own use and allowing storage to be used to balance the local grid.
Another interesting project presented is a set of fast charging points installed on a
highway, each installation consists on a solar PV system, a charging station for
four EVs and a battery system. The power consumption from the grid is lower due
to storing of solar energy in the battery allowing the grid operator to avoid grid
One of the highlighted fiscal barriers is the absence of financial stimulation to EV
owners who also have solar panels, that will allow optimization of own
consumption and an enhanced usage of the self-generated electricity. Moreover,
when adding V2G technology there is the possibility of suffering double taxing,
one when the vehicle is charged and one when it is discharged.

The work within Task 28 will continue until the end of 2018. As it was until 2017,
the aim is to organize biannual expert workshops together with different side
events. There is a workshop planned to be held in March 2018 in Newcastle (UK),
taking advantage of the UK Energy Storage Conference 2018 venue. Later, a
scientific workshop will be organized in Barcelona (Spain) and the last workshop
is planned to be organized in autumn in Brussels (Belgium).
The partners contributing to Task 28 activities will also be present in other electric
mobility events such as the 31st International Electric Vehicle Symposium &
Exhibition (EVS 31) in Kobe (Japan) or the IEEE Smart Grids for Smart Cities
Forum in Genk (Belgium).
Task 28 members have the ambition to develop a V2X Technology roadmap as one
of the main outputs of the Task. The roadmap will capture all the knowledge
shared during the multiple expert workshops since Task 28 started with the aim of
identifying the main barriers that prevent the roll out of the V2X technology and
gathering best practices to help with a faster deployment. The topics to be covered


will include: V2X status, technology development (standardization, harmonization,
and battery degradation), regulation and policies, market and business cases and
project’s dissemination among others.

For further information, please contact the Task 28 co-OA:
Ms. Cristina Corchero
Catalonia Institute for Energy Research
Jardins de les Dones de Negre 1, 2nd floor
08930 Sant Adrià del Besòs, Spain
Phone: +34 933 562 615
E-Mail: [email protected]

Mr. Manel Sanmartí

Catalonia Institute for Energy Research
Jardins de les Dones de Negre 1, 2nd floor
08930 Sant Adrià del Besòs, Spain
Phone: +34 933 562 615
E-Mail: [email protected]



The convergence of technologies for connectivity and automation with the
electrification of road vehicles may offer a multitude of synergies in both
performance of the technical systems and added values for users and businesses.
Interdependencies between the development and innovation processes in
automation and electrification are likely, due to similarities in the electronic
architecture both technologies rely on. Furthermore, functional complementarities
as well as commonalities in the systematic character of the operating environment
enlarge synergetic effects. Thus, the combination of these technologies may define
novel products, designs and services contributing to higher customers’ acceptance
of electrified vehicles.
On the other hand, concerns exist over potential rebound effects: High-degree
automation of vehicles may lead to a more intense use of them and thus increase
the energy needs even though the technology is more efficient. Along these lines,
concepts of sharing economy not just provide new market opportunities for the
merging automotive and IT sectors, but also offer ways to compensate negative
effects of a higher mobility demand. In order to discuss opportunities and
challenges of electrification in combination with connectivity and automation of
road vehicles, and particularly to exchange information about the implementation
of related innovation funding programmes, Task 29 was launched by the HEV

Task 29 focuses on the following objectives:
• Analyze the potential technological synergies of electrification, connectivity
and automation of road vehicles and derive research, development and
standardization needs.



• Study the business models by combining electrification and
connectivity/automation of road vehicles with concepts of sharing economy
and identify action fields for companies and/or governments.
• Asses the impact of user/driver behavior on the combination of
electrification, connectivity and automation and conclude on needs for
measures in awareness and legislation.

The participants of Task 29 particularly aim to understand the impact that the topic
has on innovation policy, i.e. roadmaps, funding programmes and regulations.

Task 29 is organizing a series of expert workshops scheduled in conjunction with
dedicated conferences. The workshops gather a variety of stakeholders coming
from academia, industry and public authorities. The purpose is to identify trends
and scenarios, to analyze challenges and opportunities, and to deliver conclusions
for future actions. Moreover, the exchange of information about the impact on
research funding policies and on regulatory actions shall be fostered. The actual
activities are aligned to the interests of the Task participants, including the member
state representatives, as well as the industries and R&D centers involved in the
Task. The results of the Task 29 meetings will be presented in form of a report and
a roadmap. It shall be made available as a book.

On 4 April 2017, Task 29 co-organized (together with the EU-funded SCOUT
project) a breakout session entitled “Shared Economy – Automation & Electro-
mobility” as part of the European Commission’s 1st EU Conference on Connected
and Automated Driving in Brussels. Speakers included Daniel Watzenig, Virtual
Vehicle Centre (Austria), Wolfgang Dettmann, Infineon (Germany), Wolfgang
Gruel, Stuttgart Media University (Germany), Marius Macku, Uber (Belgium), and
Luc Texier, Bestmile (France). The moderator was Gereon Meyer, VDI/VDE-IT
(Germany), the operating agent of Task 29 (see Figure 1).

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The panelists’ contributions and the discussions covered the theme of the session in
a comprehensive way in both technical and non-technical terms. It made clear that
automation of vehicles is a first step towards smart mobility, but also needs to go
along with electrification, shrinking of vehicle size and shared economy.
Automation by itself could possibly lead to unintended consequences as for
example the initial increase in traffic use due to the high attractiveness of
automated driving to additional user groups. Hence, it might not necessarily help to
reduce congestion and emissions. Therefore, a more efficient use of vehicles has to
be aimed at. One possibility to go along with automation is electrification which
potentially reduces overall emissions and provides synergies at the electronic
architecture and control level. An additional option is ride sharing as a smart
alternative to car sharing, which would directly cut down on road use. Those
sharing concepts need to be brought together with public transportation to provide
attractive transport possibilities and make collective transport convenient for its
users. Alternatively, radical changes have to be made regarding the size of the
vehicles for individual use. Automation and connectivity of vehicles are aimed to
make road traffic accident free, which implies that passive safety systems will be
obsolete one day, and cars can be made super light and efficient.
Regarding the impact on innovation policy, Task 29 found that the synergetic
potential of combining the topics of automation and electrification is covered in a
number of roadmaps and strategy plans, partly due to the involvement of Task 29
participants in the related consultation processes:



• Strategic Research Agenda of the European Technology Platform on Smart
Systems Integration (EPoSS, 2017)
• European Roadmap Electrification of Road Transport of the European
Technology Platforms ERTRAC, EPoSS, EITP SNET (2017)
• A3PS Roadmap Eco Mobility 2025+ (2015)
• Strategic Transport Research and Innovation Agenda (STRIA) of the
European Commission (2017)
• Strategic Research Agenda of the Joint Undertaking ECSEL (2017)

Also, first impacts on reseach funding programmes could be observed, e.g.

• German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF),
Electronics for autonomous, electrical driving (ELEKTRONOM)
• German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF),
Disruptive vehicle concepts for autonomous electric mobility (Auto-Dis)
• Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology
Mobility of the Future

Further impacts can be expected by the planning of the European Commission and
the industry for the European Green Vehicles Initiative PPP in the next framework
programme Horizon Europe (from 2021). In the next step, Task 29 will foster the
exchange of information about the outcomes of these activities, i.e. funded projects
and their results.

Becoming a member of Task 29 is free of charge. Please contact the Operating
Agent for more information.

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For further information, please contact the Task 29 OA:
Mr. Gereon Meyer
VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
Dept. Future Mobility and Europe
Steinplatz 1
10623 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 310078 134
E- Mail: [email protected]



Electric vehicles have the potential to substitute for conventional vehicles to
contribute to the sustainable development of the transportation sector worldwide,
for example, in the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) and particle emissions.
There is international consensus that the improvement of the sustainability of
electric vehicles can only be analyzed on the basis of life cycle assessment (LCA),
which includes the production, operation, and the end-of-life treatment of the
vehicles and the fuel cycle. All environmental impacts must include the whole
value chain and – if relevant – interactions from recycling in the dismantling phase
to the production phase, if recycled material is used to produce new vehicles.

The aim of Task 30 (2016 – 2020) is to analyze and assess environmental effects of
electric vehicles (EVs) on water, land use, resources and air based on life cycle
assessment in a cooperation of the participating countries in the International
Energy Agency (IEA).
Task 30 is using the results of the completed Task 19 “Life Cycle Assessment of
Electric Vehicles” (2011 – 2015, www.ieahev.org/tasks/task-19-life-cycle-
assessment-of-evs/, led by JOANNEUM RESEARCH) as a foundation to
subsequently examine the environmental effects – benefits and impacts – of
vehicles with an electric drivetrain (EVs), based on life cycle assessment (LCA).
With an eye on the three phases of LCA, such as production, operation and
dismantling of EVs, various environmental effects of EVs on water, land use,
resources and air, among others, will be analyzed and assessed. Thereby a strong
accent is put on the comparison of environmental effects between pure battery EVs
(BEV) and Plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) on one hand and conventional ICE vehicles
using gasoline and diesel on the other side.
In recent years the focus in environmental assessments of electric vehicles was on
global warming and primary energy consumption. But now it is recognized that



other impacts gain additional relevance and must be addressed by life cycle based
comparisons like water, land use, resource consumption, local PM and NOx
emissions. Therefore Task 30 will focus on the following topics covering
methodologies, data and case studies:
• Effects of EVs on water (emissions to water, waste water, “Water
Footprint” of EVs)
• Effects on EVs on land use – resources – waste (land use, occupation and
degradation, demand of renewable and fossil resources, recycling)
• Effects on EVs on air (local emissions and effects of NOx, PM and CxHy,
human health effect and non-energy related emissions from tires and
• Overall environmental effects and their assessment (comparing and
assessing different impact categories, single score methodologies,
stakeholder involvement).

Within the Task, methodologies for helping countries implement EVs by
identifying possibilities to maximize the environmental benefits will be developed.
Besides, various case studies will be analyzed and networking combined with
information exchange will be supported within the Task’s frames (Figure 1). The
Task will proceed by holding a series of expert workshops addressing the
following objectives:
• Methodologies on assessment of environmental effects
• Analyses of necessary and available data
• Overview of international studies/literature
• Analyses of current knowledge and future challenges
• Overview of key actors and stakeholders and their involvement
• Communication strategies to stakeholders
• Summarizing further R&D demand


Members in this Task will compile a list of environmental benefits and impacts of
EVs with the goal to increase their overall acceptance by providing facts and
figures on the environmental effects of EVs. Thus, numerous advantages of EVs
compared to conventional vehicles will be shown. These results should help the
industry and government to support further development and employment of EVs


in all transport modes. The results will document and summarize the state of
current knowledge and future challenges (incl. methodologies and case studies) on
• Effects of electric vehicles on water
• Effects of electric vehicles on land use – resources – waste
• Effects of electric vehicles on air
• Overall environmental effects and their assessment of EVs
• R&D demand


In addition to these technical and scientific results a glossary on “Frequently asked

questions” (FAQ), a framework for communication strategies to stakeholders and
dissemination activities (e.g. proceedings, reports, papers, notes, presentations) will
be available.

In January 2017 Task 30 held an expert workshop on the environmental effects of
electric vehicles (EVs) on water, energy consumption and air emissions based on
life cycle assessment in Graz/Austria.
The aim of the workshop “Environmental Effects of Electric Vehicles (EV) –
Water Issues and Benefits of EV-Fleets on Energy Consumption and Air
Emissions ” was to present and discuss the current status and the future
perspectives of the environmental performance of electric vehicles in comparison
to conventional vehicles with an internal combustion engine (ICE) in a life cycle



perspective. The main focus was on Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) and Plug in
Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV). The two topics for the workshop were:
1. Water issues, and
2. Benefits of EV-fleets on energy consumption and air emissions.

In an interactive group work the following key issues were discussed, summarized
and documented:
• Main drivers
• Water inventory
• Most relevant water issues for LCA of EV and ICE
• “Water footprint”
• Water issues in electricity production
• Water issues in value chain of EVs and ICE
• Research questions on water issues & EVs

The possible next activities of IEA HEV Task 30 might be on the following
• A report giving a summary of the current state of knowledge on water
issues in the LCA of EVs covering
- methodological aspects
- data issues
- case studies comparing EVs and ICEs
- further R&D demand
• Collection and compilation of water consumption (WCF) of global
electricity production to analyse and assess water consumption of current
global EV fleet. This then might be included in the FACT SHEETS for the
IEA HEV countries and worldwide
• Screen methodologies, data and case studies to expand analyses and
assessment to include
- stress index (or other kind of index) by region/scenario
- impact assessment (e.g. water quality, thermal pollution, etc.)

Since 2014, Task 19 has been estimating the LCA based environmental effects of
the worldwide electric vehicle fleet in 35 countries. In the LCA of these vehicles
using the different national framework conditions, the environmental effects are
estimated by assessing the possible ranges of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4,


N2O), acidification (NOx, SO2), ozone formation (NOx, CO, NMVOC, CH4),
particle matter (PM) emissions and primary energy consumption (total, fossil,
nuclear, renewable) in comparison to conventional ICE vehicles. The system
boundaries chosen are shown in Figure 2.
The key parameters influencing the environmental effects of vehicles with electric
drivetrains are the electricity demand per distance travelled and the mix of
technology for electricity generation. Here the current national electricity
production in the considered countries is analyzed and the electricity consumption
by EV for real world driving cycle (i.e., considering effects of actual on-road
driving such as accelerations and heating/cooling, incl. charging losses) is assumed
to be in the range of 15 - 30 kWh/100 km reflecting different vehicle sizes and real
life usage. The fuel demand of conventional new ICE vehicle is assumed in the
range of 50 - 75 kWh/100 km.


The analysis is done for each of the 35 countries separately and the main country
specific results are summarized in a “Country Factsheets on Estimated
Environmental Impacts of Current EV-Fleet” documenting (Figure 4)
• “BASIC DATA” on electricity and electric vehicle fleet
- share of national electricity production
- estimated environmental effects of electricity at charging point
- development national electricity market (incl. import&export)
- electric vehicle fleet: number of BEV and PHEV
• “Estimation of LCA based ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS” by substituting
conventional ICE
- absolut annual change
- relative annual change





Generally it can be observed that the share of fossil produced electricity has a
substantial influence on the emissions. In countries with a relatively high share of
renewable or/and nuclear electricity, the estimated emission reduction is significant
(e.g., NO, FR, AT) whereas in countries with a relatively high share of fossil
electricity, an increase of emissions occur (e.g., PL, CN).
The estimation of the average environmental effects of BEVs and PHEVs
substituting diesel and gasoline globally shows
• GHG-reduction: 25 % to 30 %
• PM reduction: 40 % to 50 %
• Acidification: 0 % to 5 %
• Ozone reduction: 50 % to 60 %
• Fossil primary energy reduction 25 % to 30 %
• Renewable primary energy increase 10 % to 15 %
• Nuclear primary energy increase 600 % to 800 %
• Total primary energy reduction 15 % to 20 %

The main conclusions of the environmental assessment of EVs based on Life Cycle
Assessment compared to conventional vehicles are:
• The results show that the environmental effects depend on the national
framework condition, e.g., national electricity generation. In most of the
countries, a significant reduction of these LCA based emissions of up to
90 % is reached.
• The broad estimated ranges are mainly due to variation in:
- Emissions of national electricity production
- Electricity consumption of EVs at charging point
- Fuel consumption of substituted conventional ICEs
- Data availability, uncertainty and consistency, e.g., PM
• Additional renewable electricity with adequate charging maximizes
environmental benefits
• Adequate loading strategies to optimize the use of renewable electricity are
essential for further significant reductions

So there is scientific evidence that under appropriate framework conditions,

electric vehicles can substantially contribute to a sustainable transportation sector
in the future.



The next workshops are scheduled as follows:
• „Effects of EVs on Air“, January 2018, Stuttgart (Germany) organized by
• „Effects of EVs on Land Use/Resources/Waste“, June 2018, collocated with
the Annual Merit Review in Washington DC (USA) organized by
• “Overall Environmental Assessment of EVs”, April – May 2019, Barcelona
(Spain) organized by IREC.

Further dissemination activities were:

• Presentation: The Carbon Footprint of E-Mobility – A Comparison Between
Countries, Mobility for the Future Low-Carbon Economy and Society,
JOANNEUM RESEARCH Zukunftskonferenz 2017, March 1, 2017, Graz,
• Presentation and conference paper: Environmental Effects of 1.5 million
Electric Vehicles worldwide, Fuels – Conventional and Future, 11th
International Colloquium Fuels, June 27 – 29, 2017, Stuttgart/Ostfildern,
• Abstract submission: Life-cycle Based Environmental Effects of 1.5 million.
Electric Vehicles on the Road in 35 Countries – Facts & Figures from the
IEA Technology Collaboration Program on Hybrid & Electric Vehicles,
EVS30 – Electric Vehicle Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, October 9 – 11,

The work of the Austrian participation (2018 – 2020) is financed by the Austrian
Climate and Energy Fund and the FFG.

For further information, please contact the Task 30 Operating Agent:
Mr. Gerfried Jungmeier
JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
LIFE – Centre for Climate, Energy and Society
Waagner Biro Strasse 100
A-8020 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 316 876 7630
E-Mail: [email protected]



Under the IEA TCP on Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, Task 31 “Fuels and energy
carriers for transport” has been executed in 2016 and 2017. Supporting countries
were The Netherlands (lead), Sweden, and Denmark. The objective of Task 31 has
been to execute a review, based on state-of-the-art, independent studies to
determine the impact of different drivetrain options, fuels and vehicle use on CO2
emissions of passenger cars. The output of Task 31 is aimed to inform policy
makers in an easy way on the key environmental aspects of electric vehicles (EVs)
in comparison to conventionally fueled vehicles (Internal Combustion Engine
Vehicles or ICEVs). Within this first phase the focus has been on greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions. In addition, an easy to use proprietary tool has been developed
to compare CO2 emissions and energy efficiency of cars and their drivetrain and
fuel options. Enabling policy makers and other stakeholders to compare and
analyse GHG impacts of passenger cars is increasingly important as life time GHG
impacts are receiving increased attention, and the information in media and
scientific papers is to a large extent dependent on underlying assumptions. Using
the model (results) gives understanding about the influential parameters in a
passenger car LCA and hence which information is critical to make a complete
comparison between vehicles. This helps to interpret passenger car LCA results
published elsewhere. As the in-use GHG emissions of electric vehicles are zero,
many stakeholders now report on life cycle based GHG emissions to compare
electric vehicles with combustion engine vehicles. The sources of information and
assumptions made in these published figures is not always clear and may lead to
unclear or misleading conclusions. The scientific work and modelling has been
done in cooperation with TNO (Netherlands), Chalmers University (Sweden), and
the VUB (Belgium).

The objective is to compare current (2016) and future electric and plug-in hybrid
vehicles with vehicles running on the conventional motor fuels gasoline and diesel.
The model covers the full life cycle of the vehicles, consisting of the phases



production, use and decommissioning (including recycling). The production chain
of the fuel or electricity is included as well. The model uses independent, state-of-
the-art environmental evaluations (LCA) of vehicles and their use. In the full
report, the approach followed is described in detail.
The Task 31 work only looks at GHG (Green House Gas) emissions, expressed as
CO2-equivalents (CO2-eq). The model is prepared to report on energy use and
efficiency as well however the values (references) have not yet been defined.
The multitude of model settings enables scenario analysis on a vehicle level and
can show the consequences of e.g. a changing electricity mix, or of an increasing
average battery size and range of electric vehicles. In the full report, the model is
described in detail.The model is prepared for extension into future years, which
would enable an investigation of the effect of future developments in
manufacturing, use and recycling. Thus far, this has been implemented only for
electricity mix compositions.
The present work provides answers to questions such as:
• How do BEVs, PHEVs and ICEVs (gasoline and diesel) compare on
environmental impacts if not only direct emissions are considered but also
the indirect emissions from energy production chains and vehicle
production and decommissioning?
• Is the environmental impact comparison between BEV, ICEV and PHEV
different for different market segments with corresponding drive patterns?
• How may future developments influence the comparison between electric
vehicles and combustion engine vehicles, in terms of greenhouse gas?
- Efficiency improvement of combustion engine vehicles
- Trend towards more sustainable electricity mix
- Developments in battery capacities and life span
- Changes in driving behavior: autonomous driving, intelligent traffic
systems, platooning
• What is the influence of the electricity mix on the performance of electric
• What is the impact of PHEVs?
• What is the variation among passenger car market segments, from compact
to luxurious vehicles?
• What are the impacts of the vehicle production and recycling?
• What are the impacts of the battery?
- Battery capacity in kWh (or weight)
- Battery production (using renewable energy or not)
- Battery chemistry


- Battery lifetime (in km’s)
- Battery recycling


An important aspect in changing to electric mobility (electric drive) is the trade-off
in emissions between the use of the vehicle, the production of the energy carrier
and the production and recycling of the vehicle. To evaluate the potential
contribution to climate change and air pollution, each of these three parts is
included in the analysis, see Figure 1.


The impacts considered are:
• Contribution to climate change, because of the emission of greenhouse
gases including CO2, methane and N2O, expressed as CO2-equivalents using

Impacts NOT in the current scope but possible as follow up:

• Emission of air pollutants (nitrogen oxides and particulate matter) and
noise, and an indication of their combined impacts, expressed in external
costs. Vehicle emissions include tailpipe emissions as well as brake and tire





The model allows the user to define the vehicle configuration to be analysed by
setting parameter values in the control panel. The model then calculates for that
given configuration the life cycle CO2 impacts. Using the control panel, existing
vehicles can be simulated and compared to published data. “Virtual” vehicles can
be defined as well. This allows the user to study the impact of changing one or
more parameters.
In the model, the inputs are translated into a material composition of the vehicle
and (if present) the battery, and into an energy demand in terms of fuel or
electricity during the use of the vehicle. Simply put, these are subsequently
multiplied with CO2 emission factors per material and per energy carrier. The
direct CO2 emission is calculated as well.
The output is provided in kg CO2 per vehicle-lifetime, and as g CO2/km driven.
The total CO2 emission (per vehicle-lifetime and per km) is decomposed in the life
phases production, use and recycling and energy carrier production. The battery
production and recycling/disposal is shown separately.


• It allows policymakers to compare CO2 emissions and energy efficiency for
different car types, drivetrains in an easy manner but based on credible and
peer reviewed scientific data, enabling them to define parameters fitting the
geographical and fuel (footprint) situation in their specific country. The user
interface and free configuration of parameters enable the user to study
impacts of changing fuel/power over time.
• Providing easy to understand outcomes (comparisons), which are based on
credible peer-reviewed published scientific research results. The examples
in this report demonstrate the use of the model in creating required

For the model, data have been used from published sources. Several widely quoted
and used meta-studies on many Life cycle assessment (LCA) studies have been
used as the primary source in addition to data from Eco-invent LCA database.
The vehicle’s energy requirement calculation is largely based on algorithms
published previously in the Service Request 6 report (TNO).
Based on experience as well as on literature, the key factors are identified that
determine how the life cycle of an electric vehicle compares to the life cycle of an
internal combustion engine vehicle, in terms of environmental impact.
Among these key factors are:
• Size, weight, range of a vehicle
• Engine power / performance
• Engine type of ICEVs and applied emission control measures
• Fuel / energy carrier type and its production pathway
• Material composition of a vehicle, and its source (virgin/recycled)
• Use (km/year) and use pattern (urban/rural/highway)
• Driving style / driving dynamics
• Weight, chemistry, capacity and production method of the battery

This wide range of variables demonstrates the difficulty to compare vehicles using
different drivetrains and fuels. The range of an electric vehicle is, depending on the
assumed battery capacity, usually smaller than that of an ICE vehicle. Also, an
electric vehicle may be heavier because of the weight of the battery, and therefore
require more energy for acceleration – although this is in part offset by brake
energy recovery. Using free to define values for key parameters, the model allows
to consider the most relevant of these.



The work resulted in a life-cycle assessment of greenhouse gases from ICEVs and
EVs. The life-cycle assessment is composed of well-to-tank emissions, tank-to-
wheel emissions and vehicle life cycle emissions (see next paragraphs).
The contribution to the climate change was calculated using the Global Warming
Potentials (GWPs) in the Fifth Activity Report of the IPCC [IPCC, 2013].
Functional unit: Providing personal transportation over a distance of 1 km.

Energy consumption and vehicle direct emissions are dependent on the size of the
vehicle, engine technology, region of use, driving style, condition of the vehicle,
temperature and other factors. The model allows the user to define the key
parameters. Vehicles will be categorized per the following table.
Vehicle type (segment) Drivetrain
Small (A/B) petrol ICEV / diesel ICEV / BEV / PHEV
Standard (C/D) petrol ICEV / diesel ICEV / BEV / PHEV
Luxury (E/F) petrol ICEV / diesel ICEV / BEV / PHEV
SUV petrol ICEV / diesel ICEV / BEV / PHEV

For each category, the user is free to define a lifetime mileage as well as a
representative use pattern, expressed as the shares of urban/rural/highway driving.
Some standard driving patterns are included, as well as the NEDC and WLTP test
cycles, whereby the flexibilities are partially accounted for.
The vehicle lifetime and the distribution among urban rural and highway driving
both have a significant impact on the environmental impact per kilometer of each
vehicle type.
The tank to wheel assessments for ICEVs were based on the SR6 report [Ligterink,
2016] and a general understanding at TNO of the factors that influence the energy
consumption of a vehicle. For the present project, the tank to wheel assessment is
extended for electric and plug-in electric vehicles, using component efficiency
factors provided by Chalmers University and VUB. For plug-in hybrid vehicles, an
estimation is made of the percentage of kilometers driven electrically. This was
done based on actual data for different models with different battery capacities.
More information about the tank to wheel modelling is provided in the full report.


The production and demolition and recycling of vehicles is covered from mining of
raw materials to delivery of the vehicle, and from scrapyard to recycling facilities.
Data for the various materials and processes were collected for European averages
from the Ecoinvent 3.3 database, and validated against existing LCA literature.
This should allow a high degree of comparability as Ecoinvent is the most common
primary source used in the literature. If possible the sources underpinning the
LCAs are used directly to enable consistent modelling of environmental impact
over different vehicle sizes, weight and battery capacities.
A practical approach is followed and where available, worldwide average data will
be used. Insofar single materials or processes influence the total greenhouse gas
emission or air pollutant emission; a sensitivity analysis will be made to show the
robustness. If needed, the analysis is fine-tuned. If possible, information is
collected about which part of the emissions takes place in urban areas. The
calculation of external costs makes it possible to distinguish the effect.

The collected literature data is used as input for the LCA (GHG) model which has
been developed to determine the GHG emissions for the vehicle life cycle GHG
Each study has its own scope and depth. Even LCA studies reported in accordance
with the ISO 14040/14044 standards and other guidelines such as the ILCD
Handbook can differ significantly amongst each other. Moreover, vehicles
discussed in one source may not have the same specified functionality, such as load
capacity for trucks, as vehicles in another source.
The aims of the consolidation are:
• To create consistent vehicle data sets for well-to-tank, tank-to-wheel and
vehicle life cycle data.
• To create vehicle cases with comparable functionality/performance among
BEVs, PHEVs and ICEVs.
• To develop a parametrized model for structuring the comparison of
environmental impacts for vehicles in different segments.
• To translate data obtained from literature into input data for the model.
• To calculate impacts for several scenarios with respect to the input data and
specifications of the compared vehicles.



The consolidation has been done by matching literature data. The rules to scale or
otherwise interpret the data to perform the matching, are derived from the variety
of literature. A model will be built that contains the derived rules, for example the
relation between environmental impact and the weight of a vehicle (excluding
battery), or the relation between a fuel’s direct emissions and the impact of its
production. The relation between vehicle use and fuel consumption will be
included as well, based on TNO experience with measurements in this field.
Next, vehicle cases were constructed for both passenger cars that fulfil matching
minimum requirements in terms of power to weight ratio and minimum range, as
described above.

The objective of Task 31 of the IEA Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technology
Collaboration Program is to provide stakeholders with credible LCA based
information related to cars. This information enables users to determine the
impacts on greenhouse gas emissions of different vehicle configurations and use
profiles and fuels. The initial set up was to provide a set of data on cars illustrating
these impacts. Although this would provide the required comparisons, these would
be one time analyses and almost by definition differ from published results. To
realize the flexibility needed to analyse and compare for example GHG life cycle
data published from different sources, a model has been made allowing the user to
define and configure cars as needed. The objective of the model developed is not to
predict the future, but to investigate the impacts of possible future pathways and
thus enable policymakers to make fact based decisions.
Using an easy to use input panel as shown in the figure below, the user defines the
car to be analysed using pre-set choices (for example for the choice of drivetrain or
car class) or free value fields (for example for vehicle weight or the battery
capacity). The model uses peer reviewed and open LCA data as well as data
published in EU Framework publications.

In the final report it is explained in detail how the LCA approach has been applied
and which sources for the data have been used. The LCA related data are sourced
from multiple scientific publications including several scientific meta studies
where a very large number of publications (dozens or more) were being evaluated.
The modular approach in the model facilitates to update LCA data when available.
Especially in the battery related areas the impacts can change significantly with
changing chemistries, manufacturing processes, scale and locations. Our model can
accommodate specific knowledge for all the relevant parameters and supplies best-


guess defaults where parameters are unknown. The accuracy of the calculation can
be demonstrated by replicating literature results. For other data like the use of the
vehicle, test conditions and results, data which was already published in EU related
framework projects or commissioned work has been used. Credibility and
transparency of the data used is a requirement for having a credible tool.


C6ANH>C< 6I6 )J7A>H=:9 7N (&H 6C9 DBE6G>C< ZEEA:H ID

An important function of the Task 31 model is to make analyses looking at the
impacts of certain vehicle, use, and fuel parameters to study the impacts. Examples
of these are given in the full report and some observations from these analyses are
listed below. This enables the user for example to look at the impact of greening of
the electricity produced in the EU, the impacts of higher battery capacities used in
vehicles, higher battery densities, different use cases and so on.

(7H:GK6I>DCH&69:GDB-6H@ &D9:AC6ANH:H
• For a standard car, the life time GHG emissions of a BEV are
approximately 50 % lower than those of an average ICEV using the EU
electricity mix.
• A BEV using renewable energy for recharging has close to 90 % lower life
cycle GHG emissions than its ICEV equivalent.



• The choice of the lithium-ion battery chemistry used has only a marginal
impact on the life cycle GHG emissions of a BEV.
• In Urban driving, the life cycle GHG emissions of BEV (standard car) are
about 30 % of those of an average ICEV when using the EU-mix electricity.
When using renewable energy to charge the vehicle the GHG emissions are
12 times lower than those of the equivalent ICEV.
• A light-weight REEV driving 80 % electric has only 10 % higher life cycle
GHG emissions than a BEV (standard car). A PHEV driving 30 % electric
has GHG emissions which are slightly higher than those of the equivalent
• For luxury segment cars, a PHEV driving 30 % electric (EU-mix) has about
20 % lower GHG life cycle emissions than the average ICEV in that
segment. A luxury BEV has 50 % lower GHG emissions than the ICEV
equivalent when using EU mix electricity, 90 % lower when using
renewable energy. For a luxury car, the GHG savings of a BEV using
renewable energy are 270 grams per kilometer compared to an ICEV.

.H>C< I=: -6H@   &D9:A -  ID C6ANH: 6C9 DBE6G: )J7A>H=:9
! %%>;:N8A:B>HH>DC6I6
The T31 model is to analyse and compare published LCA data in an “apple to
apple” comparison. This makes it possible for the user to evaluate the credibility of
the published data or to see what changing parameters will do with the LCA
impacts of that car model. If the model is further developed it has the potential to
become a reference model for LCA analyses.
Published data from VW Golf, VW Up!, Nissan LEAF and Nissan Pulsar have
been compared with the T31 model analysis. From these comparisons, several
observations have been made:
• Published data are very difficult to compare which each other as different
assumptions are made for example for vehicle mileage, electricity GHG
footprint, test method or real driving fuel consumption.
• Large differences are observed for the GHG emissions related to vehicle
manufacturing, unclear whether this is related to inclusions or not of
recycling (impacts), differences in assumptions for the manufacturing
impacts on the components or the energy footprint. For the VW data, the
OEM vehicle emissions are much higher than the T31 model as well as
third party Spritmonitor data.
• Model T31 can be useful in making data from different sources comparable.
• A systematic analyses and comparison of OEM and other third party
published data will probably be of high interest to policy makers and other


stakeholders as it will provide more transparency on these published data
and make them comparable.

Task 31 has demonstrated that the modelling of the GHG LCA impacts is possible
and can be very useful. To make it a “tool of reference”, the model needs to be
reviewed by third parties and additional effort is needed to make it more robust and
credible. This is of the highest priority. The increasing importance of having
reliable and comparable GHG emission data for cars provide a good opportunity
for this as it is a clear need which currently cannot be fulfilled. To enhance the
credibility additional LCA expert stakeholders can be involved in the work and a
continuous effort to maintain the (LCA) data used up to date needs to be defined. A
separate proposal will be defined on how this work can be defined, organized and
executed. To make the model more accurate and applicable for a wider variation in
vehicle characteristics, it is recommended to make the following improvements:
• Verification and calibration of real world fuel consumption calculation with
measurement data
• Adding specific LCA data for the parts production and assembly of vehicles
• Review and further detail the battery module as this will be one of the most
important items for future developments and it is also an item about which a
lot is published
• Adding vans (Light Commercial Vehicles) as this is an important vehicle
category for policymakers in cities and logistics companies
• Adding other additional “alternative fuels” like natural gas, synthetic fuels
and biofuels as options for comparison of the impact of GHG life cycle
• An “energy” module and other modules like air quality (NOx, PMs) can be
developed and added.

For further information, please contact the Task 31 OA:
Mr. Bert Witkamp
Rue de Maestricht 12
4600 Visé, Belgium
E-Mail: [email protected]



Pressure on reconsidering transport options is increasing. Growing global
population, a global motorization rate that rose by 21 % between 2005 and 20137,
increased urbanization, problems related to climate change and limited resources
result in the need to use available space, material and energy most efficiently.
Global emission targets quantify the need to reduce emissions and require
innovative mobility solutions. Small electric cars (SEV) could effectively support
the fulfilment of targets. The model variety of SEVs achieved a considerable
number within the last year, including few models from established OEMs
(Renault Twizy, Peugeot e-Vivacity) as well as many models offered by small
companies (Tazzari EV Zero City, Clean Motion Zbee, etc.). However, SEVs still
constitute a very low share of the existing vehicle fleet and vehicle registrations.
Small electric vehicles considered in this Task shall include three and four wheel
small electric vehicles that are propelled by a locally emission free technology and
belong to one of the L-categories L2, L5, L6, and L7 according to UNECE
Regulation8. The Task should additionally comprise locally emission free vehicles
that do not exceed 3.50 m, a maximum drive power of 55 kW and an empty weight
up to 1,200 kg. Examples for this type of vehicle are the smart ED or Mitsubishi i-

The objective of this Task is to promote a wider commercialization, acceptance
and a further development of small electric vehicles (SEVs) by collecting and
sharing pre-competitive information, exchange about framing conditions, best

!#%! *SLC N




practices and ideas, how to develop the market conditions and mobility concepts
further. In this sense, the objectives in short are twofold:
1. Increased safety, comfort and usability at lower costs for SEVs due to
technological progress.
2. Better market perspectives for SEVs due to a change in surrounding
conditions like e.g. regulations, transport policies and mobility concepts.
The Task addresses the SEVs concepts, status of technologies and needs for
research as well as the conditions to put them on the market. Apart from the
vehicles themselves, the Task focuses also the potential future role of SEVs in
advanced mobility concepts, including e.g. their role in concepts of sharing,
increased automation and new public transport.

The main approach of the Task is to collect and exchange information in
workshops. The workshops aim to attract professionals from research, enterprises
and policy makers, depending on the individual topics. The topics and the
individual orientation of the workshops will be decided by the Task partners. The
concept of having invited presentations from individual stakeholders together with
more interactive parts has proven to be attractive. Individual meetings/workshops
might be handled confidential if asked for by participants.
In addition to workshops, the Task may benefit from conducting a survey and/or
organize a special session at conferences to bring together interested stakeholders.
While the Task partnership could constitute from academic institutions, NGOs or
policy makers, contributions from industry and the participation in workshops is
explicitly welcomed.
The results of the Task are shared with the public as agreed with the workshop
participants. The presentations and discussions within the workshops are shared by
the participants. Literally citations of companies’ representatives might be
excluded by gentleman’s agreement. Publications about the Task and about results
are in the interest of the participating researchers. The papers and presentations
will exclude confidential and/or non-official statements. A final report
summarizing the overall results of the Task will be prepared by the operating
agents with the contributions from the Task partners.



Two workshops are organised with a focus on “vehicle concepts and technologies
of SEVs”, one in Europe, one in Asia or North America. One or two workshop(s)
are organised with a focus on “market conditions for SEVs”. One workshop will be
organised with a focus on “mobility concepts and SEVs”.

For this purpose, a flyer is prepared which describes the Task. Results will be
published by writing papers, providing presentations, offering webinars or
attending conferences, according to individual expectations of the task partners. A
final report will provide a compilation of material elaborated during the three years
project duration: presentations and conclusions of the workshops, conference
contributions and scientific publications.
The Task is based on a work sharing principle and contributions of some kind are

The first Task 32 workshop “Differences in worldwide regulations for SEV:
problems and options for improvements” (Focus L7) was held in Rüsselsheim
(Germany) on December 1, 2016 at the Opel Training Center. Experts from OEM
and research institutions from Belgium, Germany, Republic of Korea, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom joined the workshop. Topics presented and discussed at
the workshop were:
• RAK-E: A concept LEV from Opel
• EU regulations relevant for small four-wheeled road vehicles
• Kyburz – company and concept presentation
• Twike – company and concept presentation
• Safety aspects of SEV
• Homologation of L7 in South Korea

Participants discussed and exchanged knowledge in a workshop session with the

following topics:
• Main difficulties in homologation
• Options for improvement

The second Task 32 workshop “Market Conditions and Mobility Concepts” took
place in Brussels, Belgium, on September 18, 2017 at the German Aerospace



Center (DLR) Brussels Office. The main topic of the workshop was the exchange
on common interests and future activities of LEV lobby organisations and key
The third Task 32 workshop “Accelerating SEV uptake, is present diversification
in regulatory requirements in different markets a positive attribute or is
harmonisation required?” was held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, on November
20, 2017. The workshop focussed on vehicle manufacturers from six European
countries and one from the United States.
Amongst others, the main conclusion especially on ultra-lightweight vehicles were:
• The regulation was the primary focus for the in-use phase, primarily.
• Consensus that there is limited consolidation in this area and this is
• Attendees look for support to understand how the regulatory landscape will
• Requirements for comprehensive assessment of regulatory landscape

• Development of a database with L-category regulation.
• Next workshop about “Policies for mobility concepts with SEVs:
viewpoints of cities and municipalities, mobility planner and regulators”
planned to take place at the end of May 2018 in Valladolid, Spain.

For further information, please contact the Task 32 OA:
Mr. Stephan Schmid
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Vehicle Concepts
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40
D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: +49 711 6862 533
E-Mail: [email protected]



Battery Electric Bus Systems have been drawing increasing attention in recent
years. Several cities and urban bus operators aim to electrify bus fleets
partially/completely in the near future. Recent developments show that new
charging strategies and advanced energy storage technologies enable an all-day
operation of electric buses, e.g. using the opportunity of fast charging concepts.
Significant cost reductions are expected due to technology standardization and
economies of scale. More than 20 bus producing companies in Europe already
offer various types of electric buses. Main bus companies intend to start electric
buses in serial production soon, because battery electric bus systems have the
potential to substitute diesel buses in the (near) future.
Numerous innovative projects were initiated in recent years, especially in central
European countries, e.g. from pilot projects towards commercial use (e.g. Geneva,
Vienna, Maastricht, Graz). They are testing and demonstrating various types of
electric buses, charging methods and strategies as well as energy storage systems.
Based on the daily collection of experiences in operating a battery electric buses an
evaluation and analysis of key aspects from 60 electric bus projects is ongoing
worldwide (e.g. charging strategies, electric energy storage systems). Urban public
transport is the promising sector for the implementation of electric buses due to its
structured system layout, professional line management and synergies to existing
electric infrastructure.
The rapid development to prepare the broad rolling out of electric buses is
underlined by the following press-releases of the industry:
"Volvo and the European bus manufacturers Irizar, Solaris and VDL have agreed
to ensure the interoperability of electric buses with charging infrastructure
provided by ABB, Heliox and Siemens. The objective is to ensure an open interface
between electric buses and charging infrastructure and to facilitate the
introduction of electric bus systems in European cities" (15.03.2016)




"The public transport community is preparing for electric buses in Europe and
standardization activities have started via the European body (CEN-CENELEC)
and via the international organization for standardization (ISO/IEC). European
standards are expected to come in place 2019 and international standards in
2020" (23.03.2016)

The objective of the Task 33 (2016 – 2019) is to analyze and assess the current
state of technology & demonstration experiences of battery electric buses. This
covers the bus technology on one hand, e.g. battery or capacitor system, and on the
other hand the charging infrastructure, e.g. fast charging stations at the bus stop
and its optimal integration in an urban infrastructure, e.g. synergies with trams,
metro or trolley bus systems. The task work is done based on an analysis of
ongoing demonstration projects of battery electric buses worldwide. Based on this
the future perspectives and challenges for battery electric buses are analyses and
described. This includes the identification of major challenges, e.g. technology,
costs, public acceptance and the necessary R&D demand. Finally the key aspects
for a successful broad introduction of battery electric buses and the necessary
frame work conditions are concluded.



The work is done in close cooperation with the relevant stakeholder of the three
focus groups:
1. Provider of public transportation services
2. System and technology provider
3. Research institutions

The results are continuously documented and disseminated via presentations,

workshops, conference contributions and publications.


The major activities are

• Identify & analyze state of technology and systems of battery electric buses
• Collect and document „International Success Stories“ in a common format
• Give overview of systems & technology providers with characteristic data
• Stakeholder involvement in 2 - 3 workshops in combination with site visit
• Analyze combination of trolley and battery bus systems
• Integration and use of existing infrastructure of trams, trolleys and metro
• Identify success factors, e.g. size of bus, distances between bus stops
• Define loading strategies
• Analyze sustainability issues – economic, environmental & social aspects
• Identify R&D demand
• Conclude and summarize future perspectives
• Publish glossy brochure of results
• Presentations and contribution at conferences



The most important activity of the working method is the organization of
workshops in different member countries to involve the stakeholders in the value
chain of battery electric buses, e.g. provider of public transportation services,
system and technology provider, research institutions. The organization of
workshops with participation from industry, research organizations, technology
policy experts and governmental institutions provides an international basis for the
exchange of information on the relevant activities. The focus of the expert
workshops is to analyze, discuss and document the
1. State of technology for battery electric buses
2. Future perspectives of battery electric buses

The workshops are combined with a site visit to an ongoing demonstration of

battery electric buses in daily life application.


Numerous innovative projects have been initiated in recent years, especially in
central Europe, e.g. from pilot projects towards commercial use (e.g. Cologne,
Maastricht, Graz). An assessment of current demonstration projects worldwide was
initiated to initially analyze the state of technology, economic aspects and identify
key implementation issues for battery electric buses and their necessary charging




The evaluation and analysis of key aspects from 60 electric bus projects worldwide
(e.g. charging strategies, electric energy storage systems) was done covering
battery, plug-in hybrid and trolley hybrid electric buses. Urban public transport
represents a promising sector regarding the implementation of electric buses due to
its structured system layout and scheduled line management. In recent years,
various types of electric buses, charging methods and strategies as well as energy
storage systems are tested in daily operation in numerous projects worldwide. A
comprehensive overview of electric bus projects worldwide was made to identify
the initial key aspects for a broad successful implementation and to describe the
state of technology.


In this analysis the electric bus systems are characterized by the

• types of electric buses (Fig. 5),
• charging technologies (Fig. 6) and
• charging strategies (Fig. 7).

The main focus of the assessment is on battery electric buses, Plug-in hybrid buses
with ICE and (Hybrid) Trolley buses.
The analysis is based on literature, expert interviews, case studies and life cycle
cost analyses (LCC). In total the evaluation is based on 38 electric bus
manufacturers and 58 electric bus projects worldwide (Figure 8).





In these electric bus projects especially in central and northern Europe innovative
charging strategies are used and highly developed electric energy storage systems
have emerged in the last three years. In Figure 9 the bus types & lengths and their
charging strategies in these demonstration projects are shown. Most of them are a
combination of battery electric buses and opportunity fast charging. By focusing on
12 m battery electric bus the energy consumption is about 1.5 kWh/km. The
Lithium ion battery costs are in the range of 300 – 400 /kWh.








The analysis shows that electric buses are up to three times more energy efficient
than conventional diesel buses; however, their life cycle costs are up to 25 %
higher. The most influential life cycle cost factors are:
• Number of buses operating on a particular route
• Investment costs of the bus
• Energy consumption
• Service lifetime of the bus

In the detailed analysis of five selected demonstrations of electric bus systems in

urban areas the following drivers for a successful implementation are identified:
• Further technological development of electricity storage systems
• Standardization of charging infrastructure
• An accurately planned electric bus system design to achieve an optimal
trade-off between battery/passenger capacity and charging power/time
• An adequate financing strategy (e.g. funding programs)
• A broad stakeholder support

Summing up the actual assessment indicates that battery electric bus systems
using an „opportunity“ fast charging strategy seem to be most promising to
significantly substitute conventional diesel buses in future.



The expert workshop „State of Technology of Battery Electric Buses“ will take
place in Austria 2018, a date will soon be fixed and made available via the IEA
HEV TCP webpage.
A data base to collect and document the electric bus demonstration projects will be
established and partners are encouraged to provide input. Based on this a common
format is developed to collect and document „International Success Stories on
Battery Electric Buses “.
The dissemination activities are:
• Presentation & Conference paper: Battery Electric Buses in Urban Public
Transport – Current Demonstrations and Future Opportunities,
International Conference on Electric Mobility in Systems of Public
Transport, Santiago, Chile, May 10 – 11, 2017.
• Paper & poster: Challenges of Battery Electric Buses – Assessment of
Demonstration Activities in the IEA Technology Collaboration Program on
Hybrid&Electric Vehicles, EVS30 – Electric Vehicle Symposium, Stuttgart,
Germany, October 9 – 11, 2017.
• Visual presentation and paper: Successful Demonstration of Battery Electric
Buses Worldwide – A Game Changer in Urban Public Transport, Transport
Research Arena TRA 2018 in Vienna, April 16 – 19, 2018.

For further information, please contact the Task 33 Operating Agent:
Mr. Gerfried Jungmeier
JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
LIFE – Centre for Climate, Energy and Society
Waagner Biro Strasse 100
A-8020 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 316 876 7630
E-Mail: [email protected]

The work of the Austrian participation (2018 – 2019) is financed by the Austrian
Climate and Energy Fund and the FFG.



Task 34 was formally approved by the Executive Committee (ExCo) at its meeting
in Amsterdam in April 2016. At that meeting, about six countries informed the
committee that they planned to join, and a similar number expressed strong interest
in the Task. The scope of Task 34 is to focus on issues related to battery safety.
Within the area of safety, the Task expects to address topics ranging from basic
cell phenomenon to battery safety issues in vehicular systems. In 2017, this task
was inactive due to unforeseen personal circumstances of Operating Agent (OA).

The ExCo recently agreed to broaden this Task beyond battery safety and include
topics related to the chemistry and performance of electrochemical energy storage
devices (batteries and ultracapacitors) of interest to those working on electric drive
vehicles including hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
(PHEV), and electric vehicles (EV). A new Operating Agent will be established.

Task 34’s goal is to encourage the sharing and dissemination of current
information about battery topics of interest to the vehicle community.

The working method has been revised to reflect the change in scope and OA. The
primary focus of this Task will now be on collecting and reporting information on
EV battery performance and cost state-of-the-art, and on R&D being conducted
worldwide through country to country information exchange and public
meetings.In this context, this report will focus on reporting R&D being conducted
by the Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) of the Department of Energy (DOE) on
advanced transportation technologies which is of particular interest. Technologies
supported by the VTO include electric drive components such as advanced energy
storage devices (batteries and ultracapacitors), power electronics and electric drive



motors, advanced structural materials, energy efficient mobility systems, advanced
combustion engines, and fuels.
VTO is focused on early stage funding, high-reward/high-risk research to improve
critical components needed for more fuel efficient (and consequently, also cleaner-
operating) vehicles. A major VTO objective is to enable U.S. innovators to rapidly
develop the next generation of technologies that achieve the cost, range, and
charging infrastructure necessary for the widespread adoption of PEVs. An
important prerequisite for the electrification of the nation’s light duty
transportation sector is the development of more cost-effective, longer lasting, and
more abuse-tolerant plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) batteries. One of the ultimate
goals of this research, and currently a strong trend in vehicle electrification, is an
EV which can provide the full driving performance, convenience, and price of an
internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle. To achieve this, VTO has established
the following overarching goal:
“VTO supports early-stage R&D to identify new battery chemistry and cell
technology with the potential to reduce the cost of electric vehicle batteries by
more than half to less than 100 USD/kWh and increase the range to 300 miles
while decreasing the charge time to less than 15 minutes by 2028.”

The cost target supports a levelized cost of driving (LCD) of a 300-mile BEV at
0.28 USD/mile, which is comparable to that for future ICEs at 0.27 USD/mile. The
ultimate cost goal for a 300-mile BEV battery is 80 USD/kWh, which achieves an
LCD of 0.26 USD/mile.
During the past year, VTO continued R&D support of PEVs such as plug-in hybrid
vehicles, extended range electric vehicles, and all-electric vehicles (EVs), as well
as some conventional hybrid vehicle technologies, particularly the 12 volt
start/stop hybrid. VTO competitively awards funding through funding opportunity
announcement (FOA) selections. The projects are fully funded through the
duration of the project in the year that the funding is awarded. Directly-funded
work at the national laboratories (also awarded competitively through a lab-call
process) is subject to change based on annual appropriations.
Stakeholders for the VTO R&D activities include universities, national
laboratories, other government agencies and members of the industry including
automakers, battery manufacturers, material suppliers, component developers,
private research firms, and small businesses. VTO works with key U.S. automakers
through the United States Council for Automotive Research (USCAR) – an
umbrella organization for collaborative research consisting of the Fiat Chrysler
LLC, the Ford Motor Company, and the General Motors Company. Collaboration
with automakers through the partnership known as U.S. Driving Research and



Innovation for Vehicle Efficiency and Energy Sustainability (US DRIVE) attempts
to enhance the relevance and the potential for success of the research portfolio.
To quantify the improvements needed to accelerate the large-scale adoption of
PEVs and HEVs, performance and cost targets have been established. Some
sample targets for EV batteries are shown in Table 1, both at cell level and at
system (pack) level.

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During the past year, due to circumstances beyond control, no battery safety
meetings or workshops could be conducted by this Task. However, an assessment
of current battery R&D in the US has continued and its findings are summarized
here. This R&D is primarily supported by the VTO and conducted in collaboration
with industry and national laboratories. Detailed information on individual projects
is available at the website for the VTO annual progress report for batteries.10

Batteries R&D efforts include activities ranging from focused fundamental
materials research to prototype battery cell development and testing. It also
includes R&D on beyond lithium-ion (BLI) and next-gen materials and cell




components, on synthesis and design, and on ways to address high cost – as listed

The VTO advanced cell and battery R&D activity focuses on the development of
robust battery cells and modules to significantly reduce battery cost, increase life,
and improve performance. It includes the following project areas:
• United States Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC)-supported battery
development & materials R&D (15 projects)
• Advanced processing (nine projects)
• Computer-aided engineering for batteries (CAEBAT) (eight projects)
• High-energy, long-life lithium-ion battery (one project)
• Extreme fast-charging (one project)
• Small business innovative research (SBIR) (multiple Phase I and Phase II

A large part of this effort occurs in partnership with the automotive industry,
formalized via a cooperative agreement with the USABC. In FY 2017, VTO
supported 15 cost-shared contracts with developers to further the development of
PEV and HEV batteries and battery components.
Figure 1 shows an Envia 11 Ah capacity pouch cell undergoing teardown and
failure analysis, developed in one of those projects.




The advanced materials R&D activity addresses fundamental issues of materials
and electrochemical interactions associated with rechargeable automotive batteries,
conducted by researchers from various national labs, universities, and industry. It
develops new/promising materials and it makes use of advanced material models to
discover such materials (and their failure modes), utilizing scientific diagnostic
tools and techniques to gain insight into the failure process. It spans mainly two
general areas – “next gen” chemistries (which employ an alloy anode and/or a high
voltage cathode) and beyond lithium-ion (BLI) chemistries (which employ a
lithium metal anode). The next generation lithium-ion battery R&D area’s goal is
to advance material performances, designs, and processes to significantly improve
performance and reduce the cost of Li-ion batteries using an alloy or intermetallic
anode and/or high voltage cathode. Specific areas of investigation include high-
energy anodes (e.g., those containing silicon or tin), high voltage cathodes, high
voltage and non-flammable electrolytes, novel processing technologies, high-
energy and low-cost electrode designs, and certain other areas. The beyond Li-ion
battery technologies R&D includes solid-state technology, lithium metal systems,
lithium sulfur, lithium air, and sodium-ion.
The main areas of focus include new methods to understand/stabilize lithium metal
anodes; Li polysulfides to enable the use of sulfur cathodes; and developing
electrolytes for lithium air and lithium sulfur cells. These systems offer further
increases in energy and potentially reduced cost compared to the next-gen lithium-
ion batteries. VTO is investigating the issues and potential solutions associated
with cycling metal anodes. The activity also includes 13 Lithium sulfur R&D
projects, three Lithium-air batteries R&D projects and two sodium-ion batteries
R&D. In one of its projects (based at the University of Maryland), first principles
calculations were applied to investigate the interface stability between garnet and
formed Li-Al alloys (Figure 2).




The Battery Testing, Analysis, and Design activity supports all other battery R&D
activities. It includes conducting testing (for performance, life and abuse) for
contract deliverables, laboratory- and university-developed cells, and benchmark
systems from the industry; thermal analysis, thermal testing and modeling; cost
modeling; other battery use and life studies; and the recycling of core materials.
Battery technologies are evaluated according to USABC-stipulated battery test
procedures. Benchmark testing of an emerging technology is performed to remain
abreast of the latest industry developments.
As part of this, the cost assessments and requirements analysis activity includes an
ANL project on developing the performance and cost model BatPaC. This ANL
model, developed over time and rigorously peer-reviewed, is used to design
automotive Li-ion batteries to meet the specifications for a given vehicle, and
estimate the cost of manufacturing it. An analysis using BatPaC compared the
estimated costs of cells and packs for different electrode chemistries (Figure 3
shows the pack costs).



Lithium (Li)-ion batteries play a critical role in modern day technologies, but their
specific energy (Wh kg-1) and energy density (Wh L-1) are approaching the



maximum practically achievable values based on existing manufacturing processes
with the conventional cathode and anode materials. The Battery500 Innovation
Center is a combined effort by a team of four National Labs (PNNL, INL, BNL
and SLAC) and five universities (University of Texas-Austin, Stanford University,
Binghamton University, University of Washington, and University of California,
San Diego) whose goal is to develop commercially viable Li battery technologies
with a cell level specific energy of 500 Wh/kg while simultaneously achieving
1,000 deep-discharge cycles. The consortium keystone projects focus on
innovative electrode and cell designs that enable the maximization of the capacity
of advanced electrode materials. Two battery chemistries, high nickel content
lithium nickel-manganese-cobalt oxide (high-Ni NMC, Ni>60 %), coupled with a
Li metal anode, and Li-S chemistry, indicate a potential to achieve an energy
density of at least 500 Wh/kg. The Li anode combined with a compatible
electrolyte system and two cathodes  one high NMC and another sulfur  is to be
studied and developed to reach a high energy density. The consortium will work
closely with the R&D community, battery/materials manufacturers and end-
users/OEMs to ensure that these technologies align well with industry needs and
can be transitioned to production.

Battery recycling and sustainability projects investigate the material and energy
flows pertaining to battery material production, battery manufacturing and
assembly, and battery recycling, to characterize the life-cycle energy and
environmental burdens of LIB. By interacting with battery manufacturers and
recyclers, researchers obtain primary data on the energy and water use for
commercialized LIB production and recycling, and identify environmental impact
drivers, production bottlenecks, and other barriers, for LIB production and
recycling. The recycling and sustainability activity involves studies of the full life-
cycle impacts and costs of Li-ion battery production/use; cost assessments and
impacts of various recycling technologies; and the available material and cost
impacts of recycling and secondary use. It includes three projects, all based at the
• Life cycle assessment of Li ion batteries
• Battery production and recycling materials issues
• Process and cost modeling of recycling activities

Challenges to be faced for Li-ion battery recycling are shown in Table 2, along
with suggested R&D areas for how they can be addressed. Detailed understanding
of recycling processes will be necessary to maximize material recovery.




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The OA, in conjunction with other colleagues in the field, is planning the next
discussion meeting. The issues related to the propagation of a failure from a single
cell to other cells in a battery will be the subject of this meeting. The schedule for
this meeting is not yet decided.
The OA is working with representatives from the member countries to identify
topics and locations for future meetings. Assuming that the other countries who
expressed an intention to join the Task are able to confirm that intention, the OA
hopes to hold an average of two discussion meetings a year for the duration of the
current phase of the HEV TCP.

For further information, please contact the Task 34 OA:
Mr. David Howell
Vehicle Technologies Office
United States Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20585, USA
E-Mail: [email protected]



The motivation of Task 35 is related to the transport system that has significant
impacts on the environment, spending between 20 % and 25 % of the world’s
energy consumption and producing carbon dioxide emissions. The majority of the
emissions are created by the direct burning of fossil fuels. Greenhouse gas
emissions due to transport are increasing faster than any other energy using sector.
Road transport is also a major contributor to local air pollution and climate change.
Fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) have the potential to significantly reduce our dependence
on fossil oil and lower harmful emissions that contribute to the climate change.
FCVs run on hydrogen gas rather than gasoline and emit no harmful tailpipe
emissions. Several challenges must be overcome for them to be competitive with
conventional vehicles, but their potential benefits are substantial. FCVs run on
hydrogen can be representing as one of the sustainable mobility modes. The
interest in hydrogen as an alternative fuel descended from their ability to power
fuel cells in zero-emission electric vehicles, their potential for domestic production
and the fuel cell’s potential for high efficiency and the easier to overcome distance
anxiety unlike with electric vehicles. In fact, a fuel cell coupled with an electric
motor is two to three times more efficient than an internal combustion engine
running on gasoline.
However, nowadays, FCVs still have limitations because only very few hydrogen
stations are available. Then, the major manufacturers such as Hyundai and Toyota,
for example, are currently offering their production fuel cell electric vehicles for
sale or lease to customers living in markets where hydrogen fuel is available.
Therefore, it will be very useful to look in detail at FCVs as a sustainable mobility
representative and its energy infrastructure such as its technology concepts,
prospects, research needs, market condition, and hydrogen stations (international
differences and best practices).



The objectives of Task 35 are to analyze the technology for FCVs and hydrogen
stations and to disseminate the policy of FCVs and hydrogen stations. Furthermore,
to share the information about related technology among the stakeholders through
workshops and conferences and to document and disseminate these to related
topics, such as mentioned below.

The main approach of Task 35 is to collect and exchange information, opinions and
concerns in workshops and to disseminate the results amongst stakeholders and
policymakers. Three major topics are distinguished:
• FCVs concepts: technologies, prospects and research needs.
• Hydrogen station for FCVs concepts: Technologies, prospects and research
• Market condition for FCVs and hydrogen station: international differences
and best practices.

The workshops aim to attract professionals from research, enterprises and policy
makers, depending on the individual topics. An international survey distributed to a
wider audience complements the workshops. Major insights and results together
with other findings from desktop research will be published at conferences and in
scientific journals.
Utilizing the existing HEV TCP framework, Task 35 will answer the main key
questions related to FCVs research and development, e.g.:
• What are technologies to improve FCVs, their efficiency, range, comfort
and how to lower their costs?
• Which barriers exist for bringing more FCVs to the market?
• What safety concepts for FCVs exist, how efficient are they and where are
options for improvement?
• Safety for hydrogen stations.

The results of the Task are shared with the public as agreed with the workshop
participants. Literally citations of companies’ representatives might be excluded by
gentleman’s agreement. The presentations and discussions within the workshops
are shared by the participants. Publications about the Task and about results are in
the interest of the participating researchers. The papers and presentations will
exclude confidential and/or non-official statements. A final report summarizing the



overall results of the Task will be prepared by the operating agents with the
contributions from the Task partners.

At the current time, there are no results that can be reported.

Next workshop will be about “Fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) and technologies”.

For further information, please contact the Task 35 OA:
Mr. Ocktaeck Lim, Ph.D. Professor,
School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering
University of Ulsan
93 Daehak-ro, Nam-gu,
44610 Ulsan
Republic of Korea
Phone: +82-52-259-2852
E-Mail: [email protected]



Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) have continued to increase their market share
worldwide, with advantages in efficiency, low operating costs, and emissions.
However despite decreases in cost within the BEV powertrain and significant
improvements in drivability and performance, the BEV market still accounts for a
small share of new vehicle sales annually. An identified gap to wider adoption of
BEVs is the ability to refuel quickly or to fast charge. The majority of BEV
recharging is done at home, but data shows that having access to public direct
current (DC) fast chargers can have a big impact on BEV utility from a consumer
perspective. Studies have shown that in areas where drivers have access to 50-kW
or 120-kW fast charge stations, annual electric vehicle (EV) miles traveled
increased by over 25 %, even in cases where fast charging was used for 1 % to 5 %
of total charging events11,12. Having access to these fast charge stations can help
alleviate the “range anxiety” commonly cited as a reason for consumer hesitation
to buy a BEV.
Based on these trends, even higher power charging stations could drive further
BEV adoption. To address the fast charge barrier, charging at power levels up to
and even exceeding 400 kW, often referred to as extreme fast charging (XFC),
have been proposed. This task focuses on XFC technology, gaps, installations, and

Task 37 is focusing on the following objectives: investigating station siting – what
factors are considered (i.e. space requirements, city center, community/corridor,




etc.); quantifying the costs of installation – including physical site location and
infrastructure costs as well as costs associated with the charging equipment;
documenting grid connection details for current and planned installations,
including any co-located renewable generation or energy storage; understanding
the implications of XFC on battery design, performance, and cost; documenting
pay structures and/or consumer interfaces for payment; and studying consumer
education methods and topics.
It is generally accepted that for XFC to be successful, charging stations should be
able to recharge a BEV in less than 10 minutes and provide approximately 200
additional miles of driving. However, this introduces a host of new challenges that
need to be addressed. As a result, it is expected that packs designed to meet XFC
will initially be significantly more expensive than BEVs optimized for current
charging technology. From the battery cell to the power grid these 400-kW
chargers are connected to, this research outlined in the report discusses issues that
need to be addressed at each level in order to implement a 400-kW charging

Task 37 is working to finalize member countries at this point, and is currently
reporting out XFC related activities and reports from the United States. The task
plans to organize a series of workshops scheduled in conjunction with dedicated
conferences and HEV TCP Executive Committee (ExCo) meetings. The
workshops will gather a variety of stakeholders coming from academia, industry
and public authorities. Workshops may also include site visits to XFC installations,
providers, or manufacturers. The purpose is to identify trends and scenarios, to
analyze challenges and opportunities, and to deliver conclusions for future actions.
The XFC research findings so far are summarized below.
For XFC to be successful, stations should be able to recharge BEVs in less than 10
minutes and provide approximately 200 additional miles of driving for each
vehicle. However, this introduces a host of new challenges that need to be
addressed. As a result, it is expected that packs designed to meet XFC will initially
be significantly more expensive than those for BEVs optimized for current
charging technology.




A recent study13, funded by the U.S. DOE, investigated the technical gaps and
challenges posed by XFC and divided them into three primary focus areas:
batteries, vehicles, and infrastructure with economic considerations. A multi-
national laboratory team consisting of Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Idaho
National Laboratory (INL), and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
engaged with industry stakeholders to identify barriers and opportunities for
technology R&D solutions needed to achieve 400 kW charging power levels and
combine the findings into a single document for governments and private
industries to reference. Outcomes from this study could be used to inform the
development of technical targets and research and development plans for
stakeholders. Although the study is U.S.-focused, the findings should be applicable
to other countries with mature automotive infrastructures. Many technical gaps and
challenges for XFC have been identified which impact several key technology
sectors such as automotive OEMs, battery manufacturers, codes and standards
bodies, EVSE manufacturers and network operators, and utility suppliers. For XFC
to be successfully implemented, these technology sectors need to foster new levels
of collaboration and communication regarding technology intersections and
overlaps. Results from each of the three focus areas (battery, vehicle, and
infrastructure) are summarized below.

Battery cost is often cited as a barrier to EV adoption. XFC could increase the cost
of a cell by more than 90 %, with anode thickness being the primary cost driver.
Within the battery cells, a bulk of the research identified centers around the anode
and mitigating the onset of lithium plating and minimizing heat generation, which
can lead to dramatic cell degradation and pose safety concerns. Heat generation in
general is a known mechanism for electrochemical and mechanical battery material
degradation. As such, thermal management of batteries when subjected to XFC
protocols require R&D. Thermal management research coupled with robust battery
management controls and charging protocols R&D will help achieve XFC while
prolonging life.



For vehicles, higher voltage battery packs, up to 1000 V from conventional EV’s
400 V systems, can drive much research in the electrical architecture of the vehicle
and power electronics which support the electric drive system. Cybersecurity and
interoperability of vehicle and EVSE communications is needed to ensure XFC
capable vehicles, and legacy vehicles alike, can provide reliable transportation and
not be disrupted by cybersecurity events or differences in charging equipment.
In infrastructure, conductive EV charging using a cord and plug require research in
thermal management of the charger power electronics and charge cable. For
wireless charging technologies, electromagnetic field shaping and shielding have
the bulk of the R&D investment. XFC’s intermittent demand for electricity could
pose challenges to the electric grid’s stability which raises concerns from utilities
as a potential for cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Infrastructure sees the introduction
of the largest and most broad base of stakeholders ranging from EVSE
manufacturers and network operators to utility suppliers and regulators.
Coordination and cooperation within this group of stakeholders is recommended in
order for XFC to make it to market.

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On December 6, 2017, a U.S. DOE GITT meeting was held in Southfield
Michigan, USA. The purpose of the meeting was to understand perspectives from
EVSE makers and utilities on technologies, infrastructure, business models, and
integration issues of implementing extreme fast chargers. It was attended by 26
participants from the various member countries.

The meeting was attended by 26 participants from the several international
suppliers of electric vehicle supply equipment, as listed in Table 2. The agenda
included presentations by AeroVironment, an American technology company
involved in energy systems, electric vehicle systems, and unmanned aerial
vehicles; ABB, a global company specializing in electrification products; and
Efacec Electric Mobility, USA, offering a full range of Electric Vehicles Chargers
for private, public, fast, ultra-fast and wireless segments. These were followed by a
discussion of 2017 accomplishments; a presentation by BTC Power, a transformer
technology company for the telecom and internet infrastructure market; and one by
DTE Energy, Detroit, Michigan-based utility. A tour of the NextEnergy facility
was followed by a group discussion on market timing, technology, site storage,
business model, and finally, a wrap-up session. A list of key findings from this
meeting appears next.


The following key findings emerged during the GITT meeting:
• Connecting lower power charging cabinets (e.g 50 kW) is becoming the
path forward to get to 350+ kW chargers
• The need for cooled cables for high power charging creates challenges: cost,
weight, flexibility, durability, cooling power
• Demand charges/costs for fast charging is high, but peakiness of the load
could be addressed by working with utilities
• On-site storage reduces peaks – need to study its economics
• Public utility commissions (PUCs) don’t allow a utility to recoup cost of
chargers by raising base rates – no business case yet
• A uniform site specifications is beneficial, even for a city
• Need to consider legacy vehicles and backward compatibility
• Consumer education is important

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Table 3 contains a comparison of four different commercially available fast-
charging EVSE systems, as summarized in the DOE Technology Gap Assessment

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The gaps identified within the research carried out so far could serve as a useful
guide for research programs spanning varying degrees of technology maturity
across a broad industry landscape. Identification and dissemination of XFC
technical issues will help the stakeholder community focus and advance each
technology area at a quicker pace than may otherwise be possible if each


organization were to undertake a similar effort on its own. Task 37 will report out
future ExCo meetings and hopes to gain participation from other countries that
have so far expressed an interest. Future meetings and workshops will be
scheduled with input from members.

For further information, please contact the Task 37 OA:
Mr. Steven Boyd
Vehicle Technologies Office, United States Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20585, USA
E-Mail: [email protected]




The IEA HEV TCP Executive Committee (ExCo) unanimously approved Task 38
in 2017. Task 38 will run until February 2020. Until now Parties from Canada,
Netherlands, Norway, Japan, Sweden, South Korea, Germany, European
Commission, Chile and Switzerland have shown interest to become members. New
members are encouraged to participate. Task 38 focuses on overviewing and
encouraging the development and deployment of e-Ships. The working method to
achieve this will be by building and sharing key knowledge on projects, technology
performance, segments and demand. Including in three regional workshops at the
moment tentatively planned for being held in Europe/Scandinavia, the Americas
and Asia.
Fully electric ships are a new and emerging technology tail winded by the
substantial reductions in battery and renewable electricity production costs.
Electric maritime propulsion also supports direct use of renewable energy,
significant improvements in energy efficiency and zero emission transport.
With the Paris Agreement, nations have agreed to keep the global mean
temperature rise to be well below 2°C by 2100. Shipping industry is one of the
large carbon emitters. As the demand for shipping is continuously growing, there is
a great need for low and zero emission shipping. The focus of the Task is on
battery electric ships and related issues such as battery and charging technology.
But it will also include related and relevant topics including hybrid battery electric
systems, electric retrofit readiness for new ships and the synergy between electric
and autonomous ships.
As a new Task, acquisition of additional member countries and parties are
important and ongoing. The Task scope, deliverables, and products will be refined
and consolidated with all the members. The first phase of Task 38 will be to give
an overview of e-Ships projects, technology, policies and potential deployment
with the focus on Scandinavia and Europe, where many new electric projects are
being built. The second phase is planned to include the Americas and the third
phase to overview Asia and the rest of the world. There will be a cross cutting



focus on e-ships on islands. A country and stakeholder workshop will be held in
each of the regions.
Participating parties and countries are expected to provide information and relevant
contact persons on e-ships related to their own country or region. Attendees at the
meetings are kindly asked to cover their own costs linked to participation (i.e.,
salaries, travel expenditures, accommodation, etc.).

Task 38 currently emphasizes on present state of technology and demonstrates
e-Ships projects with the following objectives:
• Provide a leading network and platform on e-Ships for policymakers,
researchers and industry bridging ’blue’ maritime, ’green’ energy, e-
mobility including energy system, charging and automation perspectives
• Document international e-Ships success cases in a common format
• Overview, characterize and showcase technology, economics, policies,
energy and environmental aspects, applications and market potentials
• Look for segmentation, convergence and scaling of supply and demand
• Analyze and document the current drivers and future perspectives for e-
• Develop methods for data collection and key figures for modelling, for EU
Directive on Infrastructure, for IEA, EVI etc.
• Concentrate knowledge and data into policy relevant information to
advance adoption and market acceptance of e-Ships

Within the Task, a number of workshops and meetings are to be planned in
different member countries/regions and draw interest of other countries and
stakeholders to join the Task. The workshops will involve stakeholders from
various research institutes, maritime organizations, battery technology companies,
shipbuilders and owners etc.
All the members will collect data about technology, projects, policies, economics,
environmental aspects, etc. from their countries and all around the world. The
information and data on the state of present e-Ships technology and future
prospects will be discussed and documented. Every member country/party will also
write a detailed country report, on relevant projects and the current market
organization, including market players and supporting policy measures and


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Task 38 will offer a global network and platform for building and sharing
knowledge and data about e-Ships, including on technology, policies and
measures, standardization, environmental and industrial perspectives. Members
will get the opportunity to learn about key stakeholders, best practices, latest
developments and implementation measures aimed at successful
commercialization of e-Ships technology. New projects, accelerated deployment
and pooling of demand for more segmented serial production could be facilitated
by network between interested industry and demanders from countries, islands,
cities, industry etc.

The Task will deliver a yearly updated overview and status on e-Ships in terms of
technology, performance, projects, economy, environment, deployment, industry,
markets and perspectives, including data. A number of pioneering projects on e-
Ships have been started in the recent years. Assessments of ferries, cargo ships, etc.
around the world have indicated promising potentials for e-Ships to be more
profitable and efficient in comparison to the traditional ships. As a Danish
example, a report from 2016 by Siemens analyzed the 42 domestic routes along the
Danish coast serviced by 52 ferries. The conclusion was that 30-35 of these ferries
would be more profitable as electric ferries15.
In 2016 it was estimated that there were 50 routes in Norway alone where battery-
powered ferries could operate profitably16. Furthermore, battery technology,
including in the automobile industry has been advancing very rapidly, leading to a
greener future with electric vehicles. Also maritime battery systems are expected to
become considerably more efficient and less expensive in the future. Some of the
innovative examples of projects on e-Ships are described briefly below.

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"Ellen" is a highly energy efficient medium sized and a long 22 nautic mile range
e-ferry for passengers, cars, trucks and cargo in island communities, coastal zones
and inland waterways. It is supported by the European H2020 initiative,
demonstrating design, building and operation of a fully electric powered ‘green’
ferry. Electricity from wind power of the Danish island Ærø will allow "Ellen" to
run without any emissions. The e-ferry is expected be in operation in 2018/2019.






"Ellen" is a highly energy efficient medium sized and a long 22 nautic mile range
e-ferry for passengers, cars, trucks and cargo in island communities, coastal zones
and inland waterways. It is supported by the European H2020 initiative,
demonstrating design, building and operation of a fully electric powered ‘green’
ferry. Electricity from wind power of the Danish island Ærø will allow "Ellen" to
run without any emissions. The e-ferry is expected be in operation in 2018/2019.

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Tycho Brahe and Aurora cross 4 km between Helsingborg in Sweden and
Helsingör in Denmark carrying 7.3 million passengers and 1.8 million vehicles
annually. The combined 8,320 kWh battery is equivalent to 10,700 car batteries.
With a 15 minutes schedule, charging must be fast and automated with shore-side
charging in both ports using robots, 3D laser scanning and wireless communication
between ship and shore to optimize connection time and maximize charging
period. Tycho Brahe is expected to be in full electric operation in summer 2018.
The project is co-financed by the European Union Connecting Europe Facility.



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BB Green by Green City Ferries is the world’s first fully electric and air lifted
commuter ferry. The concept reduces friction by 40 per cent, reduces waves and
increases speed up to 30 knots. It is targeted sheltered waterways and relatively
short routes (5 – 14 NM).


BB Green is used as a zero emissions commuter ferry for up to 99 passengers on

the inland waterways around Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. The project is
supported by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme.

"Ampere", operated by the Norwegian ship owner Norled is the world's first fully
electrical car- and passenger ferry. It started operation in May 2015, and has
traveled a distance of more than 1.5 times around the equator. It travels six
kilometers in 20 minutes across the fjord 34 times a day. Shifting from diesel
propulsion to battery has reduced fuel costs by up to 60 percent. "Ampere" was the
result of a competition in 2010 by the Ministry of Transport and Communications
and the Public Roads Administration, where successful development of an
electrical ferry would receive a 10 year concession. After "Ampere" Siemens has
delivered several electric ferries.
In June 2017, "Elektra" began regular operation between Nauvo and Parainen in
the Turku archipelago in Finland. With nearly 98 meters long and 16 meters wide,
Elektra can transport up to 90 cars per trip when traveling the route every 15
minutes. The batteries are charged in five minutes. The two lithium-ion batteries
each have a capacity of 530 kWh.





Two battery-electric container ships to be owned by Port-Liner and hired by
logistics company GVT from Tilburg are expected to connect Rotterdam
(Netherlands) and Vossenberg-West business park (Belgium) from late 2018. Sized
110 m times 11.4 m it can carry up to 270 containers in inland waterways. The
battery packs are expected to operate up to 34 hours and stored in a container it can
either be swapped or charged at a terminal. Port-Liner is reported to build a total of
15 electric-powered cargo ships of different sizes, to join ship fleets in the


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Netherlands and Belgium. The first six electric container ships are estimated to
remove 23,000 trucks from the roads annually in the Netherlands. The project is
supported by the European Union.




Yara Birkeland is the world’s first fully electric and autonomous container ship
with zero emissions. The ship is propelled by electric motors driving two azimuth
pods and two tunnel thrusters with a battery capacity of 7.0 – 9.0 MWh. The ship
will have a cargo capacity of 120 TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units), operating
between Herøya and Brevik (~7 nautical miles) and between Herøya
and Larvik (~30 nm) at a service speed of 6 knots.





In the first phase a detachable maneuvering and navigation bridge will be

implemented. When the ship is ready for autonomous operation this module will be
lifted off. Delivery into full operation is expected in 2019 and fully autonomous
operation in 2020.

The Task is looking for more members to join efforts, and to make workshops and
exchange of knowledge and data possible, so stakeholders and experts can
showcase projects and knowledge about recent developments in technology, policy
and concepts related to e-Ships. Hereby, the development, the deployment and the
environmental impact of maritime electric propulsion is supported.
The next major step will be to organize and have the first of three Task workshops.
This will be in the fall of 2018 and it will have a European and Scandinavian focus
on e-Ships.

For further information, please contact the Task 38 Operating Agent:
Mr. Michael Rask
Gammel Lundtoftevej 34D
2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Phone: +45 24470011
E-Mail: [email protected]



The IEA HEV TCP Executive Committee (ExCo) unanimously approved Task 39
at the 48th ExCo meeting held in April 2018 in Dublin (Ireland). Task 39 will run
for two years during the period 2018-2019. The Netherlands has been official
member from the start and many other countries expressed their interest to join
Task 39.
The market of electric vehicles is growing worldwide at an increasing speed. More
and more electric vehicle models are being introduced on the market. End users
and governments get more and more interested in the potential benefits of electric
mobility since it offers a great potential to solve many of our environmental,
societal and economic challenges. Therefore, policy makers are implementing
supportive measures to facilitate the further uptake of electric mobility in their
region. Main barriers to be addressed are the higher purchase cost, limited driving
range and limited charging infrastructure.
Task 39 will focus on the charging infrastructure and more specifically on the
interoperability aspects of e-mobility services like charging of passenger cars in the
public and semi-public domain. Also smart charging is within the scope of Task
39. Governments and industry are making huge investments in charging
infrastructure in the public and semi-public domain to facilitate the further uptake
of electric mobility and to try to convince the end users to make this step. These
investments are certainly needed since charging will be needed, in more or less
quantities, at all locations: residential, workplace and also the semi-public and
public domain.
However, it is not only about the quantity of available charging points in a region.
Much more important is the quality of the charging service offered to the end user.
This charging service needs to be easy to use, reliable and cost transparent.
Information about the location and availability of charging points, about the way to
get access to these charging points, about the tariffs, etc. are crucial for the end
user to be confident enough to make the step towards electric mobility.



Interoperability between the different e-mobility services offered today is therefore
crucial for the comfort and ease-of-use of the end users. Look at the roaming in the
telecom sector. But interoperability is equally important for the governments and
companies making investments in charging infrastructure and services. Information
exchange between the back offices of the different stakeholders like charge point
operators and mobility service providers is an important aspect and having open
and interoperable solutions can have a positive impact on the business case and on
the flexibility to offer higher quality and/or combined e-mobility services to the
end user.

Today, EV drivers are still not having easy access to all necessary information
about the charging possibilities in their region. Many initiatives are being taken to
improve this situation, but today EV drivers still have to put a lot of time and effort
in collecting this crucial information about the charging infrastructure (location,
availability, accessibility, pricing, …) for their specific charging needs. Only the
EV addicts will go through this effort and most other people interested in electric
mobility will wait until this situation improves.
Task 39 will bring together experts from member countries to share information
and best practices to improve the interoperability and accessibility of charging
Aspects to be studied related to charging in the (semi-) public domain are:
• How to find the charging station: static database, real-time navigation or
apps, etc.?
• How to know the real-time status of the charging station: free, in use,
defect, etc.?
• How to reserve the charging station (= optional)?
• Which authentication is needed at the charging station: none, via RFID
card, via app, ad-hoc use possible, etc.?
• Pricing and payment information: which tariff scheme is used is mostly
unclear today.

An overview of the ongoing initiatives to stimulate interoperability of e-mobility
services will be set-up. Every member country will also write a detailed country
report, explaining the current local market organization (market players &
supporting policy measures), which will be very valuable information for the EV
drivers in that specific country.

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Ultimately, Task 39 intends to set-up recommendations for governments and
industry how to improve the interoperability of charging services.
The main focus in Task 39 will be on “standard” charging services, but also the
aspect of “smart” charging and its interoperability aspects will be taken into

Task 39 will be executed in a pragmatic way and will make use of mainly telco’s
and two workshops to collect, discuss and write down the existing knowledge
available from the experts of the member countries. This information will be
complemented by additional desktop research and contacts with different
initiatives to collect the most recent information. All detailed collected information
will be stored in the IEA HEV TCP SharePoint site and will be accessible to the
member countries.
Putting the available information on paper in a clear and concise way and share it
with the EV community (end users, governments and industry) is the ultimate
ambition of Task 39. The country reports and recommendations will be shared via
the Annual Report and the website of IEA HEV TCP.
The working method and number of workshops can be adapted when new member
countries join and/or opportunities arise.

Since Task 39 just started recently, the first next step is the acquisition of
additional member countries. A higher number of member countries leads to more
and higher quality information exchange and ultimately to better recommendations
to stimulate interoperability of e-mobility services, not only within one country but
also cross-border. This information is valuable for the EV drivers, governments
and stakeholders from the industry.

For further information, please contact the Task 39 OA:
Mr. Carlo Mol
VITO / EnergyVille
3600 Genk, Belgium
Phone: +32 492 58 61 24
E-Mail: [email protected]



Electric Vehicles manufacturers are reducing the costs of EVs and at the same time
improving the performance and longevity. Policymakers and other stakeholders
forecast and plan an important role for EVs in reducing GHG and other emissions
from transport. Several countries have announced a full or partial transition to
ZEVs for personal cars with an important role for BEVs.
With this projected mass deployment of EVs, attention is drawn to potential supply
chain issues for several Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) needed for EV
manufacturing. For materials, like Lithium, Cobalt, Graphite and Rare Earth
Elements news headlines referring to these (potential) supply chain issues are now
frequently seen in the main stream press. Reference is for example made to a
potential lack of supply of these critical material availability or undesired
environmental impacts or social impacts.
Additional uncertainties like how rapid will the mass EV deployment happen and
to what extent and how much of the critical materials are required per vehicle.
Other uncertainties are how rapid the EV technologies are evolving and thus
impacting the type and quantities of critical materials needed and whether
alternative technologies or solutions will become available in the future. All this
makes any projection of the supply chain needs difficult and uncertain.
For Electric Vehicles, several materials are considered as (potentially) critical for a
(quick) ramp up of production volumes. However, fact based and accurate up to
date information on this is not easily available to all the relevant stakeholders.
Headlines pointing to issues of supply raise questions to which reliable answers
often are not readily available but which are relevant to know for stakeholders
looking at a mass deployment of EVs. Examples of the issues which need to be
covered are:
• Which materials are critical raw materials for EVs?
• Are there currently already supply chain issues?



• What are other uses of the CRMs and how will these develop?
• Towards a future of mass deployment, are there any supply chain issues? If
so, are these temporarily or structural and under what circumstances would
these issues occur?
• Are there alternative materials or solutions available?
• What are the impacts of evolving battery technologies?
• What is the nature of the supply chain issues: material availability,
environmental impacts, social impacts, geographical dependencies

Materials like Lithium, Cobalt, Graphite, Rare Earth Elements and others are
frequently in the news related to their (presumed) scarcity, environmental or social
issues. Lithium has been a "hot topic" for years but is perhaps less an issue in the
long run, Nickel is not but will probably be on the list as well. Conflicting
information are making it difficult for policymakers and administrations to get fact
based and reliable information.
Combustion engine technologies also require critical materials, often with
overlooked or already accepted impacts. Fuel Cells use currently PGMs (Platinum
Group Metals). The Task will review impacts of mass BEV deployment on the
currently critical raw materials as well from a material availability point of view.

The overall objective of CRM4EV is to generate and continuously update the
relevant information needed related to critical raw materials for EVs by Task
member countries and other Task stakeholders.
To achieve this, the Task will build a global representative network on the topic
"Critical Materials for EVs" with stakeholders from administrations, industry,
policymakers, researchers and other relevant stakeholders representing the
different value chains of the identified "in-scope" critical materials. The network
will meet twice per year through workshops and a structure with several sub-
groups for different critical materials / topics may be defined. Use the actual need
for information and analyses from governments (and the EU) and those of other
stakeholders as the basis to define the detailed tasks to be conducted. IEA HEV
TCP participating countries will be in the lead for this!

• Define and maintain a list of critical raw materials and the relevant impact
categories for EVs. For these raw materials information needs to be
collected and kept up to date. The starting list will contain Cobalt, Lithium,



Nickel, Graphite, Neodymium, Dysprosium and Copper will be reviewed
for inclusion.
• Provide reliable, up to date and relevant information to the Task participants
and publish (a selection of this) information.
• Prepare and maintain "Fact Sheets" per CRM and topic containing the key
information needed by stakeholders. The Fact Sheets will be made available
for publication (in full or summarized version).
• Data collected, outcome of analyses done by the Task participants or
scenario studies made for possible future needs of CRMs for EVs.

Next to country representative involvement, international, national or regional

stakeholders from industry, research (projects), NGO's and other stakeholders will
be included in the network. Workshops are key to get large numbers of
stakeholders on board. Participating IEA HEV TCP countries will be encouraged
and expected to bring relevant stakeholders on board.
• Develop global views as well as regional or country perspectives, based on
the stakeholder needs and outputs from the Task (information, analysis,
• Data collection and analyses will be a continuous process to be validated
and build on during the workshops.
• Experts and stakeholder involvement to review "Fact Sheets" and other
• Define and maintain a list of Critical Raw Materials to include in the scope
of the Task CRM4EV u Define "criticality" of the Critical Raw Materials in
• Depending on geography
• Depending on penetration rate in the EV application (scenarios)
• Depending on the use of the CM in EVs, cars and in other applications
• Short term versus long term supply issues
• Evaluate (future) availability of alternative solutions or materials (e.g. Rare
Earth Element free electro-motors, solid state batteries).
• Define the different sources (mines: where, what) and exploitable reserves
of the different Critical Raw Materials (are they exploited as primary or
secondary product?). Evaluate the impact of permitting processes in
expanding existing or opening new mines.
• Evaluate quality (and purity) requirements and issues (materials from
different mines / processes can have different characteristics).
• Evaluate environmental (life cycle) and social impacts.



• Evaluate importance of recycling today, gap analyses in recovery and
recycling technologies. Cost position of recycling, legislation?
• Evaluate LCA impacts, variations by region, source, refining processes and
other parameters.
• Review existing (and in development) recycling processes and collection of
materials for recycling, obligations (legislation), costs.
• Define and analyse scenarios for future requirements and needs for CRMs
for EVs.

The Task will start in 2018. At the current time, there are no results that can be

Define reporting deliverables (e.g. reports, analyses, publications, casebook) and
maintain the information up to date considering the latest developments.
• List of EV Critical Raw Materials and "needs to know" for these CRMs
• List of Transport (vehicles) CRMs impacted by EVs (replacement)
• Short summary "Fact Sheets" on CRMs and CRM4EV topics (like
recycling, LCA)
• Insights in the current mining, refining, main applications of the CMs
• Insight in planned and potential mining and refining capacities
• Insight in current and projected (scenarios) needs of the CMs
• Insight in need of the CRMs per unit, current and future
• Insight in alternatives of the CRMs (and impacts if alternative is used)
• Insight in recycling processes and legislation (Including collection
• Workshops and dissemination at relevant conferences
• Yearly reports
• CRM4EV Casebook

Besides, there will be two workshops per year as a combination of closed and open
(on invitation) workshops:
• Workshop 1 (on invitation only) Workshop: November (15+16) 2018 in
Brussels (during the EU Raw Material Week with its Summit November



• Workshop 2 (partly public): May 2019 in Korea (in combination with the
annual JeJu Island EV conference and exhibition)

For further information, please contact the Task 40 OA:
Mr. Bert Witkamp
Rue de Maestricht 12
4600 Visé, Belgium
E-Mail: [email protected]



Member countries of the HEV TCP regularly report the sales of HEVs, EVs and
Table 1 shows the fleet totals for passenger vehicles17 of HEVs, EVs, and PHEVs
over the last three years. The numbers for 2015 and 2016 have been taken from the
previous HEV TCP Annual Reports. The country chapters provide more detailed
numbers for 2017 sales and fleet totals for EVs, PHEVs, and HEVs.





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In 2017 13,726 EVs have been registered, 5,189 (+61 % compared to 2016). This
is a significant increase as already 2016 showed a registration growth rate of 65 %.
In 2016, the increase was linked to tax incentives, which made the purchase of EVs
more attractive for companies and self-employed persons, e.g. company cars have
become eligible for deduction of input tax and are exempted of non-cash
compensation regulations. In 2017, the increase correlates with the introduction of
the “Förderpaket für Elektromobilität” program. This program is a federal support
package for EVs which consists of purchase subsidies and subsidies for the
construction of charging infrastructure. In addition, the program offers incentives
for the EV-use on federal level such as the particular green license plate.


Austria is facilitating the nationalwide deployment of EVs through the creation of a

nationwide network of charging stations. In a first step, 11 electricity suppliers
combine 1,300 of their charging stations. From April 11th, 2017 onwards EV



drivers have access to the combined network, which will grow to 2,000 charging
stations until the end of the year.
Other major developments (1) on a political level is the strong commitment to e-
mobility in the 2017 Austrian government program, (2) the Austrian co-operation
activities within European Battery Initiative or (3) the continuous research and
innovation funding in the area of e-mobility such as the funding program
“Mobilität der Zukunft” (Mobility of the Future).

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In November 2016, the Austrian minister for Transport, Innovation and
Technology (bmvit) and minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water
Management (BMLFUW) together with the spokesman of the Austrian automobile
importers presented the “Förderpaket für Elektromobilität”18, a package of
measures to support e-mobility. The program runs for two years and will make 72
million EUR available for the purchase of EVs and the installation of charging
stations. The package contains also EV-use incentives like a particular green
license plate. The main objective of the green license plate is to allow flexibility in
the introduction of tailored incentives on regional and local levels.
7,100 funding application for EVs have been submitted in 2017. 5,300 of these are
related to passenger EVs. With 87 % BEVs represent the lion’s share here. There is
also a considerable demand for the green license plate as 1,869 plates have been
issued only in the first two weeks after its introduction on April 1st, 2017.
On December 6th, 2016, the national strategy framework was introduced to the
Ministerial Council by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and
Technology (bmvit), the Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW)
and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
(BMLFUW) and approved. With the national strategic framework “Saubere
Energie im Verkehr”19 (Clean Energy in Transportation) Austria fulfilled an
obligation of the 2014/94/EU directive of the European Parliament and Council
about the installation of an infrastructure for alternative fuels, such as electricity,
CNG, LNG and hydrogen.





In 2017, the number of motor vehicles on Austrian roads has risen to 6,771,395
(+1.8 % compared to 2016) out of which 4,898,578 (+1.6 %) represent passenger
vehicles. The numbers are in line with the long-term trend towards a growing
passenger vehicle fleet, which showed an average growth rate of 1.4 % per year in
the last ten years.


42,112 (0.9 %) of the passenger cars on Austrian roads are EVs. Figure 2 illustrates
the split between BEV/ HEV/ PHEV. In absolute numbers HEVs dominate with a
total of 23,546 cars with an increase by 5,800 (+33 % compared to 2016), followed
by 14,618 BEVs (+5545 vehicles or +61 % vehicles) and 3,948 PHEVs (+1661
vehicles or +73 %). The number of FCEVs (not included in Figure 2) increased
since 2016 from 13 to 18. Although the passenger EV share of the total vehicle
fleet is not significant yet, the number of newly registered EVs and its yearly
growth rate show a promising trend towards an accelerating EV uptake.
In 2017, a total number of 457,174 motor vehicles (+6.1 % compared to 2016) and
353,320 passenger cars (+7.2 % compared to 2016) were newly registered. 13,726
or 3.9 % (+5189 compared to 2016) of the newly registered passenger vehicles are
EVs. Remarkable is the high EV registration growth rate of +61 % in 2017 which



considerably outperforms the overall market growth. The trend is a continuation
similar to previous years with EV registration growth rates of +43 % in 2015 and
+65 % in 2016. Within the passenger EV sector differences in the registration
growth between BEV/ HEV/ PHEV can be identified. HEVs show the highest
growth with +6572 vehicles (+89 %), followed by BEVs with +5433 vehicles (+42
%) and by PHEVs with +1721 vehicles (+39 %).

In Austria most public charging stations (EVSE) are operated and/or owned by
regional energy service providers and many operators require a specific registration
for the customer in order to charge at their stations. To overcome this EV-use
barrier the Climate and Energy Fund funded the project “ÖHUB”. In the project 11
regional energy service providers connected their existing charging infrastructure
to a shared network. This step gives EV-drivers access to 80 % of the current
public Austrian charging infrastructure with only one single contract. In 2017,
approximately 2,000 charging points became part of the ÖHUB network. Until
2020 the network plans to expand to 5,000 charging points.
Another relevant service provider yet not part of the ÖHUB network is
SMARTRICS, a company which provides a public charging network. Shareholders
of SMARTRICS are the “Verbund”, Austria’s biggest energy service provider, and
Siemens. The SMARTRICS charging network includes around 435 charging points
located along motorways and in urban centers out of which 210 are high-speed
charging points with 43 or 50 kW output.


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Austrian EVSEs are not obliged to register in a central data base. Therefore the
number of public available EVSEs and their charging capacity vary depending on
the data set source. The number of charging points accessible at a single EVSE
depends on the used charger type. EVSEs using AC level 2 Charger with a



charging capacity of maximum 22 kW consist of in average three charging points.
EVSEs using other charger types provide in general one charging point.
3,736 EVSEs are publically accessible. 3,178 of these allow a charging capacity of
up to 22 kW. The remaining 588 stations offer accelerated charging or fast
The figures in table 1 are based on a comprehensive data base provided from the
website “e-tankstellen-finder.com” of the regional energy service provider KELAG
(Kärntner Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft), which is a member in the ÖHUB
consortium. Although EVSE operators are free to add their stations to the data
base, the information can be considered as reliable and up-to-date as EV drivers
use the website and the related app for charging station decisions.

klimaaktiv mobil20, the national action program for mobility management, provides
a national framework for developing and implementing measures to reduce CO2
emissions. It promotes environmentally friendly and energy efficient mobility and
stimulates new innovative business opportunities and green jobs. Between 2006
and 2016, more than 8,400 green mobility projects have been initiated. This
enabled annual savings of 640,000 tons of CO2. In 2016, 19 million EUR funding
has been made available. For the whole program period an overall funding of 87.5
million EUR is planned.
The Program “Leuchttürme der Elektromobilität”21 (Electric Mobility Flagship
Projects) is a funding program within the Climate and Energy Fund. Its objective is
to demonstrate the suitability of Austrian electric mobility technologies for
everyday use and to translate innovations into close-to-the-market applications.
The program addresses technological areas such as automotive engineering,
software development, usability optimization or transport planning to tackle the
challenges of electric mobility. From 2014 to 2017, four calls have been published.
This program has an annual budget of approximately 5 million EUR.
The research program “Mobilität der Zukunft”22 (Mobility of the Future) is an
Austrian national transportation R&D-funding program for the period 2012–2020.
The program was developed by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport
Innovation and Technology (bmvit). It includes four complimentary thematic
fields: Personal Mobility, Mobility of Goods, Vehicle Technology, and Transport






Infrastructure. The annual budget of Mobilität der Zukunft is between 13 and
19 million EUR.
In 2006, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport Innovation and Technology
(bmvit) founded the “Austrian Association for Advanced Propulsion Systems
(A3PS)”23 in order to support an active technology policy of the ministry and to
strengthen Austrian research and development activities. A3PS is a strategic
public-private partnership, serving as a reliable partner for the ministry as well as
for the partner companies and scientific institutions. A3PS addresses all advanced
power train and vehicle technologies such as advanced ICE technologies, hybrid,
battery electric and fuel cell vehicles as well as advanced fuel technologies
including bio fuels and active safety measures such as ADAS and supports the
whole innovation cycle including research, development and deployment.
It is worth to mention that according to VCÖ24 (Verkehrsclub Österreich) 86.500 e-
bikes were sold in 2016, which makes Austria number 3 in terms of sold e-bikes
per inhabitant in Europe. However, these impressive numbers are not included in
the above statistics as electric bikes, e-bikes or pedelecs (pedal-electric-vehicles)
are defined as bicycles with assisted pedaling.







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Figure 3 illustrates the number of newly registered passenger BEVs for specific
OEM models. Like in the previous years, Renault Zoe was the most popular
electric vehicle in Austria.

The “Förderpaket für Elektromobilität”, package of measures to support e-mobility
will be continued in 2018.
Several funding programs provide a stable and lasting framework for e-mobility
reseach innovation and demonstration projects.
Austria is also planning to further develop H2 infrastructure and is setting up a
hydrogen flagship region which will demonstrate a feasible transition of the
Austrian economy and energy production towards a hydrogen based energy




The vehicle industry in Belgium is in a transition to a clean and smart mobility
industry. The vehicle industry has always been an important industrial sector in
Belgium, but especially the car assembly has been under severe pressure in the past
years. With the closure of the Ford Genk factory in 2014, we lost 10,000 direct and
indirect jobs. The government is proactively seeking solutions to recover these jobs
and developed SALK, a regional strategic action plan, to mitigate the projected
economic impacts of this factory closure. For future job creation, our industry has
to make the right choices and has to be very efficient and innovative. Within the
automotive sector, it is not only about making and selling vehicles anymore. It is
about offering a clean, comfortable and cost-efficient mobility service to the end
customer. Electric vehicles can play an important role, especially when we
combine this with the growth of renewable energy sources in our energy supply.
The transport and energy sector will get more and more interlinked and this creates
new economic opportunities for companies in this new e-mobility value chain
(vehicles, charging infrastructure, ICT, mobility and energy services). A dedicated
study on these economic opportunities has been concluded at the end of 2016 and
was a cooperation between the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and USA. All results can be found
online on http://www.ieahev.org/tasks/economic-impact-assessment-of-e-mobility-
task-24/. The Netherlands has updated their country chapter again in 2017 and this
information (available in Dutch) can be found on
Since the beginning of 2017, the number of electric vehicles on the road in
Belgium has grown significantly. Within the national action plan “clean power for
transport”, new policy measures have been set up to stimulate the use of alternative
fueled vehicles and related infrastructure. But also the local research and industrial
activities on electric mobility are growing. Many interesting announcements were
made in 2017 by different OEMs and suppliers in the e-mobility value chain. More



electric vehicles on the road means more services like sales, maintenance and after-
service, but more and more charging infrastructure, energy and mobility-related
services are also possible. An important trend to mention is that we not only see
growth in electric passenger cars. The interest in electrification of freight vehicles
and vehicles used for public transportation such as electric buses is growing fast.
The fastest growing market within electric mobility is that of pedelecs, which are
becoming more and more popular for younger people and for commuting, and
which already have a market share of more than 23 % .

Today, Belgium still hosts two car assembly plants: Audi in Brussels and Volvo
Cars in Ghent. Both OEMs are active in the field of electric mobility.
The site of Audi Brussels in Belgium will become a key plant for electric mobility
in the Volkswagen Group. Audi Brussels has been producing the Audi A1 family
in the European capital of Brussels since 2010. In 2017, around 95,284
automobiles rolled off the production line. In 2018, Audi Brussels will exclusively
produce and present the first fully electric series model: the Audi e-tron. With its
range of 500 kilometers and the fast charging options at up to 150 kilowatts the
new SUV allows customers to drive purely electrically without making
compromises. Until the start of series production, almost 250 development vehicles
will complete testing under extreme conditions worldwide.
Audi attaches great importance to resource-conserving production. As the first of
its kind, the e-tron will be produced completely CO2-neutral at the converted
Brussels plant, where also the model’s batteries will be assembled. Audi has been
investing considerably in rebuilding the factory. The site is now covering all
production processes and all other emissions generated at the plant by either
renewable energies (approximately 95 percent) or environmental projects
(approximately 5 percent). Audi Brussels thus operates the world's first certified
CO2-neutral high-volume production plant in the premium segment.
For example, with a total area of 37,000 square meters Audi Brussels has built the
largest photovoltaic system in the region on top of their plant’s roofs. This way, the
company saves around 17,000 tons of CO2 per year, equivalent to the consumption
of around 1,500 people.




Volvo Cars Gent has been producing cars in Ghent since 1965. In 2014, Volvo
Cars Gent has built 264.000 cars (S60, XC60, V40 and V40 Cross Country) which
was its second best result ever since the start in 1965. The number of jobs at Volvo
Cars Gent has been growing to above 5,000 employees.


After successful testing of the pure electric Volvo C30 prototype, Volvo Cars is
now moving ahead with its electrification programme. The existing Volvo V60
plug-in hybrid, which is currently built in Volvo’s assembly plant in Gothenburg,
will move to Volvo Car Gent early 2017 and will be the first plug-in hybrid car
being built in Ghent. Volvo Cars Gent will spend a lot of attention to the training
program of its employees for working with electric vehicles in the production line.
This is a good preparation for the Volvo XC40 which will be the next model
produced in Ghent and which will also be available in a plug-in version.
Training and lifelong education of employees plays a crucial role for companies to
stay competitive, especially when new technology gets introduced. Audi Brussels
and Volvo Cars Gent were both recognized for their personnel management. Volvo



Cars Group has been recognised by the Ethisphere Institute, a global leader in
defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices, as a 2017
World’s Most Ethical Company®. Audi Brussels was rewarded by the Top
Employer Institute as “Top Employer 2016” and “Top Employer 2017” for
creating excellent working conditions and development opportunities for its
Besides car assembly, Belgium has a lot of other activities in the automotive
sector. Toyota Motor Europe has its European headquarter, logistics centers, and
technical R&D center in Belgium. Belgium has about 300 local automotive
suppliers (for more details see below). There are assembly plants for trucks (Volvo
Europa Trucks), heavy-duty vehicles (MOL CY) and for buses (Van Hool and
VDL Bus Roeselare) in Belgium.

Belgian bus companies Van Hool, Green Propulsion, and VDL Bus Roeselare are
very active in this field.
Van Hool, a Belgian independent manufacturer of buses, touring coaches and
industrial vehicles, is very active in electric and fuel cell buses. Van Hool
presented its inductively charged electric buses driving in the city of Bruges during
Busworld 2015.


With EquiCity, the so-called trambus, Van Hool developed an innovative concept
for sustainable public transport in which hybrid, battery electric or fuel cell
powertrain can be integrated. In March 2018, Van Hool announced that it is to
build 58 trambuses for Trondheim in Norway, where they are set to enter service as
from August 2019. This is the largest order that Van Hool has ever secured for its



trambus, which has been available on the market since 2011 and of which more
than 250 vehicles have been ordered in 11 countries to date.
Van Hool is also coordinator of important fuel cell electric bus European projects
like “High VLO City” and “3Emotion”, in which a total of 49 Fuel Cell Buses are
being introduced in San Remo, Aberdeen, Cologne, Rotterdam, London, Antwerp,
and Rome. In the beginning of 2018, Van Hool announced that it has signed a
significant contract with RVK Köln and WSW Wuppertal (Germany), to supply 40
hydrogen buses of the latest generation. This order consists of 30 fuel cell buses for
Cologne and 10 for Wuppertal, making it the largest order for hydrogen-powered
vehicles ever been placed in Europe. These high-tech vehicles will be built in the
Van Hool factory in Koningshooikt. The first buses will be delivered in the spring
of 2019. Van Hool has been building hydrogen buses for the American market
since 2005 and for the European market since 2007. By now, Van Hool has
produced 53 hydrogen buses for North America (21) and Europe (32). The eight
hydrogen-powered tram-buses Van Hool is manufacturing for Pau (France) should
be added to this total. These are to be delivered in the second half of 2019.
VDL Bus Roeselare, part of VDL Bus & Coach bv, produces public transport
buses and coaches in the city of Roeselare. VDL Bus Roeselare plays a significant
role in the development and production of the full electric public transport bus
portfolio within the VDL Groep and has supplied its products to numerous
European projects amongst which 43 articulated buses in Eindhoven (NL) and 100
articulated buses in Amsterdam (NL).


The VDL Citea is available in 9, 12 and 18 meter length-variants of which the

latter two are produced in Roeselare. VDL Bus Roeselare is also delivering 121
hybrid buses to the Flemish public transport operator De Lijn and electric buses to
cities in Sweden, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and France.



We also see developments in other types of electric vehicles like electric cargo-
bikes (TheOpportunityFactory) and city distribution vehicles (E-trucks, Addax
Addax Motors (http://www.addaxmotors.com) is convinced that, in the future,
mobility in towns and cities will rely on small personalized, electric commercial
vehicles. These vehicles will ensure cost and energy efficient, silent and
environmentally friendly transport. Addax Motors is offering a full service solution
which includes the technical, financial and administrative aspects: mobility as a
service. The Addax Motors vans are electric and 100 % “Made in Belgium”.


Rhenus SML manufactures the Addax Motors electric vans on the suppliers’ park
of the former Ford plant in Genk. The Belgian SML used to supply Ford Genk, and
now builds suspensions for Audi Brussels. SML has shifted up a gear, and recently
began making complete vehicles. In 2017, SML expects to produce a volume of
150 Addax MT 10 and 15 vans mainly for the BeNeLux market. In 2018, this
could rise to 300 following interest from Sweden, France and the Netherlands. The
vans don’t make any noise, neither do they release harmful emissions.
Consequently, they are ideal vehicles to bring goods from the edge to the center of
cities, as well as for recreational and holiday parks and even for green waste
collection. The light vans weigh 600 kg and can take a payload of up to 1,000 kg.
They have a maximum range of 110 km on a fully charged battery.
Altreonic has developed a novel modular and scalable propulsion platform for
electric vehicles. It is made available in two vehicle categories, the small City-
KURTs and the larger KURT-Shuttles. Both are targeted at urban environments



only. Altreonic’s aim is to bring solutions to the market that fulfill the promise of
sustainable Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in urban environments. Their main
contribution is the KURT lightweight electric vehicle platform (http://kurt.mobi/)
invented and developed by Altreonic. KURT is an enabler for urban electric
mobility. Its modular and scalable architecture solves many issues that prevent
light weight electric vehicle from taking off. With a low empty weight, it provides
a much better load capability and better energy efficiency. It can be easily
customised for a wide range of applications by adapting the superstructure. The
result is a unique platform that allows Altreonic to develop new vehicle variants in
a short period of time in a cost-efficient way. Also available under an Open
Technology License.

As for light electric vehicles, since a few years, the electric bicycle is the most
successful vehicle in Belgium. The trend was confirmed in 2016, with sales of
186,000 electric bikes, a 25 % increase compared to 2015. In 2017, the sales of
electric bicycles even went up until 218.000 which corresponds to a market share
of 45 %. The electric bike market in Belgium has a turnover of 420 million EUR,
which is three times more than the market of full electric cars (Source: AVERE -
Annick Roetynck).
There are a considerable number of Belgian electric bicycle assemblers, whereas
all international leading brands are available as well. On average the quality of the
electric bikes on offer is high and consumers have easy access to service. All
bicycles are equipped with lithium-ion batteries offering a range that increases
every year. Besides electric bicycle assemblers and resellers, we also see new
market players focusing on new services like the easy and safe
parking/charging/storage of expensive products like electric bicycles
(http://www.gridbox.be/). See also Task 23 for more details related to “Light-
Electric-Vehicle Parking and Charging Infrastructure”.
The market of electric scooters/mopeds and motorcycles is still very limited in
Belgium. The offer is restricted to a few brands only and prices are not competitive
(yet) with those of ICE two-wheelers.

Belgium hosts about 300 suppliers to the automotive industry. A lot of the
innovations in the automotive are taking place on the suppliers side. In Belgium we
have renowed suppliers like e.g. Umicore, Siemens PLM Software, Melexis, PEC,
Leclanché, DAF, and Punch Powertrain. Most of these companies are active in
electric mobility.



Umicore, the Belgian materials technology and recycling group, announced in
April 2016 investments of some 160 million EUR over a period of three years at
the company’s existing rechargeable battery cathode materials facilities in
Cheonan (South Korea) and Jiangmen (China), as well as greenfield investments
on adjacent land in both locations. In 2018, a further investment of
300 million EUR was announced. These investments will enable the company to
sixfold existing capacity by the end of 2020 compared to 2015 across a broad
range of material grades. The expansion is required to meet a surge in demand for
materials used in hybrid and electric vehicles.
One of the key elements in cathode materials is cobalt (Co). In December 2016,
Umicore obtained third party validation for its sustainable procurement framework
for cobalt. Umicore was the first company in the world to have introduced such a
framework for cobalt supply and the first to obtain external validation for its
ethical procurement approach in this area. In order to cope with the needs for Co
for rechargeable battery materials, Umicore invested 25 million EUR in its Co
refining and recycling plant in Olen (Belgium) (http://rbm.umicore.com/).
Punch Powertrain continued its efforts in 2016 and 2017 to develop its first
hybrid application with the customer. The hybrid electric powertrain has a
transmission based on the VT2/3 CVT and uses a PMAC motor. The Switched
Reluctance Motor developed earlier was not market ready for PHEV applications.
The market launch of the first hybrid application is expected for 2018. In parallel
additional application projects are targeted with other customers.


Punch Powertrain also elaborated an electric trike demonstrator and started the
preparation of an electric powertrain for an electric race car which had its world
premiere on EEVC (Geneva).

PEC (http://www.peccorp.com) delivers the building blocks for the development
and manufacturing of large format cells and modules used in electric mobility. In



2016, PEC released a new generation of battery cell testers, the ACT0550 and
CT0550, specifically designed for materials research, life cycle testing and
simulation of Hybrid and Battery Electrical Vehicles applications, supporting
currents up to 4,000 Amps. In 2016, PEC continued the delivery of its automated
cell finishing lines to cell makers all over the world. Recent customer research
showed that battery cells produced on PEC’s automated cell finishing lines have a
much better cycle life and show an improved consistency in cell capacity and
impedance due to a more homogenous forming of the SEI layer in the battery cell.
More information about the Belgian vehicle industry can be found on following
• www.beautomotive.be is the homepage of the Belgian vehicle industry. The
sector represents about 300 companies and 70,000 employees, or 10 % of
the Belgian export. Beautomotive.be brings together information on
relevant companies, events, job opportunities and news items from the
sector, covering the topics innovation, technology, talent, investments and
• www.asbe.be is the Belgian section of the European AVERE network for
manufacturers, suppliers, importers and distributors of Electrically
propelled vehicles (battery, hybrid, fuel cell,...) and accessories. The
purpose of the association is to promote the use of battery-electric, hybrid
and fuel cell electric vehicles and supporting scientific and technological

The Belgian automotive industry is ready for a transition to a green and smart
mobility industry. Many new research and demonstration projects related to
electric mobility have been set up in 2017 together with research partners like e.g.
Flanders’ MAKE, VUB-MOBI and VITO/EnergyVille.
The list of projects is too long to summarize in the country report, so we
recommend to take a look at following websites:
• VUB-MOBI : mobi.vub.ac.be
• Flanders’ MAKE : www.flandersmake.be
• VITO/EnergyVille : www.vito.be and www.energyville.be

VUB-MOBI: The Mobility, Logistics and Automotive Technology Research

Centre (MOBI) is nested at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and is a leader in
in electric and hybrid vehicles with an impressive track record. It develops electric
and hybrid vehicles technologies, and evaluates new concepts in mobility and



logistics on their sustainability. Its multidisciplinary team of 100 specialists
enables a holistic approach. The group possesses considerable expertise in the
scientific and operational management of multi-partner research projects, and is
currently involved in 15 European projects. It has a unique position to address the
EU roadmapping activities. Some example project references are: FIVEVB - Five
Volt Battery, ELIPTIC - Electrification of public transport in cities and ASSURED
- Fast and Smart Charging Solutions for Full Size Urban Heavy Duty Applications.
Flanders’ MAKE: Flanders Make is the strategic research centre for the
manufacturing industry and works together in a structural way with research
departments of the 5 Flemish universities. The aim is to realise a top-level research
network in Flanders that delivers full support to the innovation projects of
manufacturing companies to contribute to new products and processes that help to
realise the vehicles, machines and factories of the future.
VITO/EnergyVille: EnergyVille is an association of the Flemish research
institutes KULeuven, VITO, imec and UHasselt in the field of sustainable energy
and intelligent energy systems. EnergyVille provides expertise to industry and
public authorities on energy-efficient buildings and intelligent energy networks for
a sustainable urban environment. Electric vehicles will play an important role in
energy networks based on more and more renewable energy sources. EnergyVille
is performing research on batteries (stationary and vehicles), battery management
systems, grid integration, demand side management, energy management systems,
business models, … Some example project references are: ZEB – Zero Emission
Bus Platform, VKSL – Flemish Knowledge Platform Smart Charging and
EVERLASTING - Electric Vehicle Enhanced Range, Lifetime And Safety
Through INGenious battery management.


In response to the Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 22 October 2014 on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure,
Belgium has developed a policy framework regarding alternative transport
The introduction and roll out of alternative fuels in the Belgian transport sector
could contribute significantly to the following objectives: the reduction of our oil
dependence, the integration of more renewable energy in the transport sector, the
strengthening of our economy & the creation of additional employment, the
improvement of air and sound quality and the fight against climate change.
However, a significant introduction of alternative fuel vehicles has progressed
relatively slowly over the past few years in Belgium. This is mainly due to some



persisting barriers that are difficult to overcome, such as for example a higher
purchase price of alternative fuel vehicles, the lack of recharging infrastructure,
a limited driving range and the lack of objective and correct information (which
causes prejudices among consumers). Given the complex institutional context in
Belgium (both regional and federal entities are directly involved) and the various
involved policy areas such as economy, mobility, energy, environment, finances,...
an interdepartmental transversal government working group (Energy-
Transport) was created. The Federal Public Service of Economy and the Federal
Public Service of Mobility & Transport (federal government of Belgium)
coordinated the national concertation and development of the Belgian policy
framework. However, the Regions of Belgium (i.e. Flemish Region, Walloon
Region & Brussels-Capital Region) are competent in most aspects of Directive

 :9:G6A +:<>DC6A BJC>8>E6A>I>





Also the cooperation with neighboring countries is taken into account e.g. via the
Benelux recommendation M(2015)10 on cooperation regarding the deployment of
infrastructure for alternative fuels which was signed in October 2015 by the three
Benelux countries. This cooperation aims to strengthen the exchange of knowledge
and best practices on the deployment of infrastructure for alternative fuels in the
territories ensuring a minimum coverage by the end of 2020, 2025, and 2030. In
December 2017, the ministers of the Benelux-countries signed a political
declaration on borderless e-mobility services, also referred to as eRoaming.
Underlying regional and federal policy frameworks aim at providing an overview
of the current and/or planned policies and measures in favor of the development of
alternative fuel infrastructure and vehicles in Belgium. Moreover, specific targets
have been determined regarding the roll-out of alternative fuels infrastructure in



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The Flemish policy framework regarding alternative fuels infrastructure for
transport in response to Directive 2014/94/EU is based on the Flemish Action
Plan on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure as adopted by the
Flemish Government on December 18, 2015. With this Action Plan, the Flemish
Government wants to accelerate the transition towards the roll out of an alternative
fuels vehicle market in Flanders and to support the European dimension regarding
this topic, e.g. in rolling out cross-border infrastructure for alternative fuels. As
observed in other countries, multiple actions will be set up simultaneously in order
to achieve maximum effect. Market support for green vehicles must be
accompanied by the development of charging and refuel infrastructure while at the
same time informing the stakeholders concerned, including the early adopter-
drivers of Clean Power vehicles. In conclusion, the implementation of the actions
as defined in the Action Plan should operate as a driving force during the period
2015-2020, stimulating future Clean Power development.
The Action Plan focusses on four-wheelers and integrates 2020 objectives for
electric vehicles and vehicles on natural gas as well as objectives for charging and
refueling infrastructure. Long-term goals (horizon 2025 and 2030) are to be further
explored and examined. The main actions stimulate market uptake for Clean Power
vehicles and aim for a fast expansion of the infrastructure required. The actions
should remove the main barriers as experienced by current users, more specifically
the purchase price, the lack of charging infrastructure and the limited user
knowledge regarding Clean Power. A well-organized coordination structure with
working groups for the implementation, including feedback and reporting
mechanisms, ensures the transversal character and the involvement of all
stakeholders concerned in the policy development. Key concerns are clear
consumer information, visibility and user friendliness.
In order to reach the targets set forward in the Flemish Action Plan, the following
policy measures are being implemented:
• Fiscal incentives for Clean Power vehicles (exemption from registration and
annual circulation taxes).
• Financial incentives for zero-emission vehicles. A zero-emission premium
of 5,000 EUR maximum for individuals when purchasing or leasing battery-
electric or hydrogen vehicles. The zero-emission premium is currently
being revised, among others with the aim of stimulating electric car-sharing.
• The 2 year prolongation of the financial support provided under the ecology
subsidy to companies for the installation of electric charging infrastructure.



• The setup of a website dedicated to Clean Power
(www.milieuvriendelijkevoertuigen.be) and an accompanying
communication campaign.
• The development and provision of a tool to compare the total cost of
ownership (TCO) of Clean Power vehicles to one another and other
• The design of an electric mobility guide for local governments and a guide
for charging and home charging.
• The obligation of the Distribution Grid Operators (DGOs) to install 5,000
extra publicly accessible charging points through public procurement in
2020 distributed over the more than 300 municipalities in Flanders.
Currently, more than 1,000 of these are already in operation. Local
governments are responsible for the installation of the parking spot and
parking policies (e.g. enforcement). The charging points should enable EV
drivers to conveniently charge in Flanders.
• The introduction of a notification requirement for publicly accessible
charging points. Gather data on locations of publicly accessible charging
points/fueling stations in Flanders and inform citizens through our clean
vehicles website. Currently, more than 1,700 normal charging points and 34
locations for fast charging are registered in Flanders.
• The deployment of the first publicly accessible hydrogen refueling stations.
• The setup of actions to encourage the use of shore power for vessels on
inland waterways.
• The use of European financial instruments to stimulate infrastructure
development in Flanders. Initiated by Flanders and in cooperation with the
Netherlands and Brussels Capital Region, the BENEFIC Action
(www.benefic.eu), which was selected for financial support under the CEF
transport call 2016, has the ambition to implement more than 700 additional
infrastructure points for clean vehicles on the TEN-T core network and in
the urban nodes, combining normal/fast/ultra-fast charging points, natural
gas and hydrogen fueling stations and shore power installations.
• In addition, a number of European projects, initiated by stakeholders, will
stimulate the up-take of infrastructure for alternative fuels on the TEN-T
core network in Flanders (e.g. FAST-E, ULTRA-E, UNIT-E, H2Benelux,
LNG Blue Corridors, …).
• The mobilization of funds (1 million EUR each year) to support studies
(e.g. light electric vehicles) and Clean Power projects. At the moment, 17
CPT projects are being implemented (e.g. zero-emission buses and taxis,
projects on car-sharing and light electric vehicles, projects on grid



integration). More information on some of these CPT projects/studies can
be found under chapter EV Demonstration Projects.

Meanwhile, Flanders is preparing a following-up policy programme for a further
transition towards zero-emission transport horizon 2030. In preparation of the
policy vision, all relevant stakeholders were actively involved in stakeholders
sessions on different topics (e.g. charging infrastructure, role of natural gas and
hydrogen and role of local governments).

The Walloon Region has recently boosted its intent to foster alternative fuels on its
territory. While electric mobility has improved its ability to replace fossil fuels
vehicles in recent years, we have reached a point where an increased support to
alternative fuels becomes necessary. Recently, the Walloon Government has
approved some decisions that will impact the development of alternative fuels in
coming years (i.e. 2030 and 2050). The Government has set up a ban on diesel
vehicles in 2030 and a 50 % replacement rate on battery electric vehicles (100 % in
In order to reach those ambitious objectives, several formal decisions have been
• 2 million EUR budget to support deployment of publically accessible
charging infrastructures;
• 50 million EUR investment plan for power to hydrogen innovative projects
where transport will be specifically addressed (with an aim on logistics and
public transportation);
• 40 million EUR for 2018 and 2019 for specific climate actions where
transport is a major objective to be encountered;
• Implementation of the first hydrogen refueling station within the
H2BENELUX project;
• 400 hybrid buses to be deployed within 2 to 3 years (already 20);
• Study of the potential of electric mobility as a support to the electricity grid;
• Specific scope on transport and mobility within the National Plan on Energy
and Climate;
• Plan FAST that will boost intermodality in the transport and aiming the
creation of 100 platforms with shared electric or CNG vehicles, refuelling
infrastructures, etc. A provisional budget has been approved in order to
launch the first platform at last in 2019.



The Brussels Capital Region (BCR) is facing important challenges in improving
local air quality and reducing road congestion. Especially the numerous diesel
vehicles daily entering and circulating the roads contribute strongly to the
emissions of particulate matter and nitrogen oxydes, causing important health
problems, as well as damage to ecosystems and cultural heritage. Changing the
way of transportation towards more sustainable modes of transport (walking,
cycling, public transport) is the main driver in the regional mobility policy and is
translated in the Region’s objective to reduce motorized traffic by 20 % by 2018,
compared to 2001.
In order to reach the BCR’s targets regarding air quality and climate change,
additional actions are necessary. These actions have been defined by the ‘Air-
Climate-Energy Plan’ (ACE plan), adopted on June 2, 2016 by the Brussels’
regional government. Besides rationalizing the transport demand and encouraging
a modal shift, the plan includes several measures to improve the environmental
performance of vehicles. The introduction of a Low Emission Zone (excluding the
most polluting diesel and petrol cars, vans and buses) on the complete BCR
territory as of January 2018, is one of the most important measures which have
been decided upon. The vehicle taxation (annual circulation tax and registration
tax) will also be reformed, as part of the ACE plan, giving an advantage to
environmentally friendly vehicles.
Alternatively fueled vehicles form an interesting solution for the nuisance caused
by conventional diesel and petrol vehicles, although these vehicles will not resolve
the congested roads. Seen the urban context of the BCR and the fact that on
average only 5 kilometers are travelled inside the region per trip, electric vehicles
are considered as the most promising alternative vehicle technology. This is
especially the case for captive fleets, such as taxis, car sharing, public fleets, etc.
To stimulate the transition towards electric transport, the BCR has already taken
different measures, e.g. quota on electric cars in the public fleets, financial support
for small and medium enterprises to purchase hybrid, electric and fuel cell
vehicles, electric taxis, etc. The public transport company of the BCR
(STIB/MIVB) is currently testing electric buses as to prepare the transition for an
electric bus fleet as from 2030.
In 2017 the deployment of a public charging infrastructure network will take a
lead, with an objective to have 200 recharging points by 2020 for 2,000 electric
cars and 600 light duty vehicles. A concession is being prepared for the installation
of public charging infrastructure in the Region. The first normal charging points
will be installed as from the summer of 2018, to create a regional basic



infrastructure, after which the next round of points will be installed based on users
demand. Currently, only one public CNG station is operational in the BCR, which
will be expanded towards three public stations by 2020.
The port of Brussels (an inland port, part of the TEN-T core network) will also
start the transition towards alternative fuels for vessels with the installation of three
shore-side electricity supply points by 2020, as well as one LNG refueling point by
The urban context and limited presence of motorways on the BCR territory directs
the objectives of the Brussels policy framework strongly towards electric
recharging infrastructure. Infrastructure for hydrogen or LNG for heavy duty
vehicles is currently not included in this policy framework due to safety
considerations within our densely populated region.
The Brussels Capital Region (BCR) is also partner in the BENEFIC action
(www.benefic.eu), together with the Flemish Region and the Netherlands with the
purpose to provide financial support for the installation of two additional CNG
stations, ten fast chargers, one ultra-fast charger and three shore-side electricity
points for the Brussels’ port.

The main elements with regard to Directive 2014/94 can be found in the policy
frameworks of the three regions being mainly competent for aspects regarding
alternative fuels infrastructure. The federal part of the Belgian policy framework
describes the main federal policy measures/competences which directly or
indirectly regard alternative fuels / vehicles / infrastructure. The federal part goes
beyond the scope of Directive 2014/94.
However, the federal government of Belgium played an important role in support
actions like the coordination of the national policy framework. The Federal Public
Service of Economy and the Federal Public Service of Mobility & Transport
coordinated the national concertation and development of the Belgian policy
framework. In the ENOVER-Transport working group, all regional and federal
energy and mobility related policy makers work together. Input from industry and
research was collected via stakeholder meetings and communication has been done
via the “Belgian Platform Alternative Fuels”.
The federal government also plays a coordinating role in Belgium related to the
cooperation with the other policy levels: Benelux, EU Sustainable Transport
Forum, IEA TCP Hybrid & Electric Vehicles, etc.



Main federal policy measures/competences are related to federal fiscal measures,
economy & employment, mobility & transport (networked and integrated
transport), energy & environment (synergy electric mobility and renewable
energy), federal government fleet, standardization (CEN – NBN) and security.
Some examples:
• Federal fiscal measures for (alternative) company vehicles: tax reduction for
certain electric vehicles, advantageous deductibility rates for clean company
cars in function of CO2 emissions, lowering deductibility rates for polluting
vehicles, incentives via system “benefit in kind” for company cars,
advantageous excise duties for example for natural gas as a motor fuel, etc.
Fiscal measures with regard to private vehicles is a regional competence in
• Economy & employment: incentives were created by the federal
government (tax shift - reduced employer contributions, tax benefit systems
for shift work, tax credit for research and development, etc) which
facilitated the choice of Audi to produce its first EV, the e-tron Quattro
SUV, in the plant in Vorst (Brussels) for production in 2018, and its second,
the e-tron Sportback, which will also be built in Brussels starting in 2019.
The plant in Brussels will also produce the batteries for the electric vehicles.
Further efforts will be made in order to attract additional investments with
regard to the production of electric vehicles/batteries in Belgium. In
February 2018, the federal government organized a stakeholders meeting on
• Mobility & Transport: new federal regulation and incentive measures were
adopted in 2017 with regard to speed pedelecs and normal (electric) bikes.
Moreover, in February 2018, a smart mobility call was launched by the
federal government (budget: 4 million EUR). The call will focus on -
among others - projects regarding car sharing, intermodality, services / apps
which provide real time information on transport services, open data with
regard to mobility, etc.
• Energy & climate: integration of transport objectives in the energy &
climate plans of Belgium. Moreover, a transport chapter is included in the
interfederal “Energy Pact” for 2030/2050, of which the political
negotiations are currently being finalized. This will have a considerable
impact on the Belgian CPT policy framework with a time horizon of
• Federal government fleet: new rules were adopted in 2017 with regard to
the purchase of vehicles for the federal government. In general, the
following objective was set: the federal government fleet consists of at least



25 % of battery-electric , hybrid or CNG vehicles and at least 25 % of the
fleet has an “ecoscore” of 75 (or higher).
• Standardization issues: various standards have been developed and
published by the Belgian national organization for Standardization (NBN),
also regarding Directive 2014/94.

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Recently, low-emission zones have been entered into force in Belgium. This
measure aims to improve the local air-quality by keeping polluting vehicles outside
certain areas in the city or region.
The federal level created a sign so that there is uniformity throughout Belgium for
indicating low emission zones. Cities in Flanders can introduce low-emission
zones starting in March 2016. The first city to introduce a low-emission zone was
Antwerp starting in February 2017. Other cities in Flanders will follow. The
Brussels Region turned its whole territory with only a few exceptions left into a
low-emission zone on January 1, 2018.


Inspired by the Dutch Green Deal on car-sharing, Autodelen.net, The Shift, The
New Drive and Taxistop took the initiative to launch a Green Deal Shared Mobility
with the Flemish Government. The aim of the Green Deal is to accelerate the
growth of shared mobility (car-sharing, carpooling and bike-sharing) in Flanders.
The Green Deal is a partnership of many different organisations who are willing to
undertake actions and to remove barriers to provide alternatives to car ownership.



The Green Deal, launched on March 27, 2017, is an engagement between several
parties and the Flemish government. At the moment of the kick-off, 80
organisations have signed the deal with three Flemish Ministers: Bart Tommelein
(Energy), Ben Weyts (Transport and public works) and Joke Schauvliege
(Environment). The signing organisations have chosen their own actions to
contribute to the four objectives of the green deal, with 2020 as horizon. More
information: http://gedeeldemobiliteit.be/english/.
In Flanders, the number of electric car-sharing vehicles has quintupled in one year
up to 71 vehicles at the end of 2017. The reason is that more and more car-sharing
initiatives are active in Flanders and some of them even focus completely on
electric car-sharing. In 2018, initiatives like Poppy (Antwerp) will introduce
hundreds of extra electric car-sharing vehicles in Flanders. The ambition of the
Green Deal is to reach 1,000 electric car-sharing vehicles in 2020. The seven
partners in the Green Deal are:
• www.autodelen.net
• www.cambio.be
• www.battmobiel.be
• www.partago.be
• www.poppy.be
• www.stappin.be
• www.zencar.eu

In Brussels, car-sharing initiatives like DriveNow, Cambio, Ubeeqo, ZipCar and
Zen Car are active. Zen Car already have more than 100 electric car-sharing
vehicles on the road today.

In Belgium, the Belgian Bureau for Standardisation (NBN) has started to develop a
Belgian standard on “Electrical propelled road vehicles – controlling risks during
interventions” in 2017.
The reason for this initiative is the fact that more and more vehicle manufacturers
in the EU are placing e-mobility vehicles on the market. The take-off of e-mobility
has started slowly, but is now in full expansion transforming the automobile sector
fundamentally, from assembly to recycling. This new technology has a serious
influence and impact on all safety procedures, requirements and precautions which
need to be considered in case of interventions on these vehicles.
Standardization of procedures and practices across the European Union and
providing adequate, correct and updated information to first and secondary



emergency responders and persons working on electric traction vehicles becomes a
priority matter. This Belgian standard is being developed by the standardisation
committee NBN/B Electric Vehicles. Within this committee there are
representatives of the private and public transport sector, the academic institutions,
and the technical service departments of car manufacturers or their importers
involved in Belgium.
The purpose of this standard is to define the requirements for the control of risks
during interventions on electric traction hybrid, plug-in hybrid, full electric
passenger cars, small commercial vehicles and motorcycles (categories M-N-L).
Special requirements will be identified to remove any electrical risk and to
properly handle damaged and defective components of such vehicles.
Several other EU Member States have developed similar standards in the past few
years: the Netherlands (NEN 9140-2013), France (NF C18-550), and Germany
(DGUV 205-022). In addition to these European initiatives, the International
Standard Organisation (ISO) has been working on the standard ISO 17840 “Road
Vehicles - Information for first and second responders” since 2015 which is to be
published in 2018.
This standard consists of four parts:
• ISO 17840-1, Rescue sheet for passenger cars and light commercial
• ISO 17840-2, Rescue sheet for buses, coaches and heavy commercial
• ISO 17840-3, Emergency Response Guide template
• ISO 17840-4, Propulsion Energy Identification

Educating technical personnel and intervention teams has become an integral part
in the deployment of electric traction vehicles on the European marketplace.
Technical information and advice is essential to control all the risks potentially
associated with this new technological mobility development.

The number of electric passenger cars in Belgium has been growing quickly. Most
sold electric passenger cars in 2017 are PHEV’s with Mercedes GLC350e, BMW
X5 40e, Volvo XC90 PHEV, BMW 530e and BMW 330e. as top sellers Within the
BEV’s segment, the top sellers in 2017 are Tesla Model S, Tesla Model X, Nissan
Leaf, Renault Zoe and BMW i3.









All statistics on electric passenger cars but also on the other types of electric
vehicles like 2-wheelers, light commercial vehicles, medium and heavy freight
trucks and electric buses can be found below.

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Within the National Policy Framework “Alternative Fuels Infrastructure” extra
policy measures have been taken to stimulate the market for charging infrastructure
in Flanders, Walloon Region and Brussels Capital Region. See chapter “National
Policy Framework” for all details.
Getting an up-to-date overview on all charging points available in a country is not
an easy task, because this information is spread out over the different market
players. For previous annual reports, we collected this information via a survey
sent to the different market players in Belgium. But this only gave a rough idea of
how this charging infrastructure market is growing and which companies are active
in this market. Worldwide, drivers of an electric vehicle need much more detailed
real-time information on the charging infrastructure: location, ways of access,
availability, prices, etc. There is still a long way to go, because at the moment all
information is scattered over different databases/websites/apps and not always up-
to-date and certainly not available in a standardized way. So big improvements are
needed for user-friendly access to charging infrastructure information.
Therefore a new Task 39 on “Interoperability of e-mobility services” has been
started within the framework of the IEA HEV TCP (see chapter 19). Task 39 will
be coordinated by VITO (Belgium). In the annual report of 2018, a more
comprehensive country chapter focused on the charging infrastructure market in
Belgium will be included. For this annual report we will focus in detail more on
the statistics on charging infrastructure in Flanders.

Triggered by the end customer needs and by the European and national/regional
governments, the market for charging infrastructure is trying to organize itself to
aim for an open and interoperable charging network. In Flanders, this process
started already in the Flemish Living Lab Electric Vehicles (2011-2014) within the



interoperability working group. Afterwards, different initiatives like EVORA and
OpenChargePoint.be continued this huge effort of bringing the different
stakeholders together to set-up “code-of-conducts” in which the main and basic
conditions for public accessible charging are described. This Code will be used as
a standard in Flanders, as it was also referred to in the Flemish EV policy. The
Code covers topics such as charging definitions, conditions for accessibility,
payment standards and interoperability. As described in the chapter “National
Policy Framework”, a lot of new policy measures have been taken to stimulate the
alternative fuels infrastructure. To avoid duplication of information, we
recommend to read that chapter. All measures aim for having more publicly
accessible charging points and for giving the potential EV drivers more accurate
information. All information is centralized on the following website:
Currently, 1,726 normal charging points and 34 locations for fast charging are
registered in Flanders (Source: Annual Report Flemish Action Plan CPT).
More charging infrastructure is expected in the next years, coming from initiatives
like BENIFIC (www.benefic.eu) and via the obligation of the Distribution Grid
Operators (DGOs) to install 5,000 publicly accessible charging points through
public procurement in 2020. In order to differentiate between private and (semi)
public charging infrastructure, a definition of publicly accessible charging points
(24/7 accessibility) was integrated in the Energy Decree of the Flemish
Government. The charging points are distributed over the more than 300
municipalities in Flanders. Currently more than 1,000 of these are already in
operation. Local governments are responsible for the installation of the parking
spot and parking policies (e.g. enforcement). The charging points should enable
EV drivers to conveniently charge in Flanders. An overview of all publicly
accessible charging points is available on the clean vehicles website

The “Platform elektrische bedrijfswagens” (Platform electric company cars or
“PEB”) aims at accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles in company fleets in
Belgium/Flanders. Its primary objective is to adopt a thorough selection of EV in
the car policy of multiple companies and create incentives for employees to
implement the adoption in practice. PEB offers a platform for fleet owners and
market players to share knowledge on the subject and challenge each other, with a
clear focus on bringing more EV on the road. PEB is an initiative from Fleet &



Mobility (the Belgian organization of fleet owners), Traxio (the Belgian umbrella
organization of mobility retailers) and The New Drive (management consultants in
e-mobility). The Platform is supported and co-financed by the Flemish government
through the Clean Power for Transport program. The project started on January 1,
2017 and will run over the course of two years.
In 2017, the Platform organization brought together a group of five companies
which aim at an average 25 % EV share (total fleet, not new sales). These
frontrunner companies, have a diverse fleet in terms of size, utility/person cars and
legal entity (profit and non-profit). The 25 % goal was reached after several in
depth knowledge sessions in which best practices and experience from other
companies was shared. The Platform initiated a Request for Information (RFI)
toward the market (car, leasing and charging service companies) to review the
market offer and roadmap and to challenge the TCO, compared to gasoline
company cars. 24 companies participated in the RFI (Allego, Alphabet, Athlon,
Arval, Audi, Belfius, BMW, EDF Luminus, ENGIE, Eneco, EV-Box, Fastned,
Jaguar, Mini, Mobility+, Land Rover, New Motion, Powerdale, Renault, Tesla,
Total, Volvo, VW, and VW D’Ieteren Lease). The deliverable was a report which
showed us that the TCO of electric cars dropped below gasoline cars in certain
cases, especially at a yearly distance of 25,000 km or more. The report was shared
with more than 20 fleet owners with over 20,000 company cars.
At the end of 2017, the Platform developed a model e-car policy, together with the
front runner companies, which was made publicly available in March 2018. The
Platform also initiated two conferences with fleet owners and market players, to
share best practices. In spring 2018, there will be an EV experience test for the
employers of the frontrunner companies. They will test electric cars during a
period from 1 to 3 weeks. The aim of this experience is to convince the employees
and make the choice for an electric company car. At the end of spring 2018, the
Platform will also publish an electric fleet manual/guideline, to support even more
fleet owners to electrify their fleet.

The “Clean Power for Taxis” project is led by BBL and taxi federation GTL with
support from the Flemish government. The scope of the project is to have at least
one out of ten taxis driving electrically in 2020. The “Clean Power for Taxis”
builds further on the pilot projects in Antwerp and Louvain and will also roll-out in
Bruges, Ghent and Mechelen. The project wants to support cities and taxi
companies in the process to introduce electric taxis.




In Brussels, the taxi sector took its first steps in introducing electric vehicles into
its fleet already at the end of 2014. The operation seems to be successful. However,
while waiting for the next client electric taxis have to make use of fast charging
infrastructure and there is a lack of fast chargers, so today these electric taxis in
Brussels have to rely on the fast chargers at VUB-MOBI and Engie Electrabel.


Projects like ZeEUS (http://zeeus.eu/) and events like Busworld Europe
(www.busworld.org) prove that the market of electric buses is in full expansion
worldwide. At the latest Busworld Europe in Kortrijk (Belgium), 41 electric buses
were presented. In 2017, the ZeEUS project produced an update of the ZeEUS
eBus Report, a very comprehensive overview of the electric buses being used in
Europe today and gives information about 90 European cities and a growing
number of bus manufacturers. The 2017 update also included electric system
suppliers for the first time. From Belgium, input was foreseen from the city of
Bruges and Namur and from bus manufacturers Van Hool and VDL Bus & Coach.
VITO gave support in creating the ZeEUS eBus Report.
The Flemish Zero Emission Bus Platform (ZEB Platform) was approved at the
end of 2016 and is running from 2017 until mid 2018
(http://www.platformzeb.be/). The Zero Emission Bus project aims to accelerate
the transition to zero emission bus transport in Flanders, by improving the
cooperation and knowledge sharing between the different stakeholders. Many
workshops have been conducted. The ZEB platform worked closely together with
the ZeEUS project, to translate the huge amount of knowledge build up by ZeEUS
on the European level to the local situation in Flanders.




The ZEB platform had its first symposium at FBAA

(https://vimeo.com/210910748/8cb8dc93bf). The public transport authorities and
operators were informed about the barriers and opportunities of introducing
electric buses in operational use. At Busworld 2017, the first intermediate results
have been presented and the final ZEB report is in preparation and will be
delivered by mid 2018.

TEC Group, the Public Transport company of the Walloon Region, has very
ambitious plans in the electrification of its bus fleet. TEC ordered 90 electric
hybrid buses and 12 charging stations for Charleroi and Namur.
The Belgian cities of Charleroi and Namur are to receive 90 Volvo 7900 Electric
Hybrid buses and 12 ABB charging stations as part of a complete solutions
contract with Volvo Buses. Charleroi will introduce 55 Volvo 7900 Electric
Hybrids and four ABB charging stations. This order comes on top of the previous
order for Namur and brings the total for both cities to 101 Volvo electric hybrids
and 15 ABB charging stations! This will be the largest single network of electric
buses and bus charging systems in Europe.
The TEC Group previously ordered 11 Volvo 7900 Electric Hybrids along with
charging stations for Namur, a system that became operational in January 2017.
Once the 35 extra electric buses for Namur are on the roads, 90 percent of Namur’s
public transport will be electrified!





In January 2017, ABB inaugurated the first two OppCharge bus charging stations
ordered in February 2016, to power eleven electric hybrid buses running within a
new zero-emissions zone in the city center of Namur. The charging stations will
fully charge the electric hybrid buses with 150kW of charging power in three to six
minutes during layover times at the bus route’s end points. ABB’s fast chargers are
compliant with the open Interface OppCharge (www.oppcharge.org), which
means that buses from other manufactures can also be charged. The scope of
ABB’s second contract is a complete turnkey project to charge the additional 90
Volvo Electric Hybrid buses and includes twelve 150kW charging stations,
substations, switchgear, civil works, installation and a service contract. ABB’s fast
charger connectivity includes remote diagnostics and management, and over-the-
air software upgrades to ensure a fast response and high availability. With over
5,000 web-connected DC fast chargers sold around the world, ABB’s connectivity
solutions have delivered industry leading uptimes.



The quiet and clean Volvo 7900 buses are designed for zero-emission areas and
silent or safety zones. The buses extend their reach and flexibility when needed
with a small diesel engine. They create possibilities to open new routes and stops
in areas that were not possible before.

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STIB/MIVB, the Public Transport company of the Brussels Capital Region, is
currently testing electric buses to prepare the transition for an electric bus fleet as
from 2030.

De Lijn, the Public Transport company of the Flemish Region, has the ambition to
drive completely electric in 2025 in the “urban environments”. The first project
with inductive charging for electric buses in daily operation started already a few
years ago in the city of Bruges.
Today, De Lijn is starting up projects with six full electric buses in three cities
(Ghent, Antwerp and Louvain). The buses will be charged via pantograph
opportunity charging.
Brussels Airport and De Lijn are starting up a pilot project with a self-driving bus
on the Brussels Airport. The vehicle that is being developed for this, will be one of
the first to drive in Belgium in mixed traffic. After the summer of 2019, tests
without passengers will begin at constructor 2GetThere in Utrecht (The
Netherlands). The shuttle bus will arrive at Brussels Airport in the beginning of
2020 for further tests.

ECAR (http://www.ecar333.be/) was shown as a concept on the Brussels
Motorshow 2015. Since then business angels have provided funds through three
consecutive capital increases and a regional subsidy has been obtained to develop
and homologate the first rolling vehicles. Final prototypes were shown at the
Brussels Motorshow in January 2017, creating a lot of interest of regional and
national government. Industrial partners have been identified who will industrialize
the whole concept.
ECAR is an L5 category full electrical vehicle aiming at being different than a
traditional car and affordable through its simplicity. It is a 3 wheel category
simplifying the homologation track but also light weight product whilst still seating
three people and reaching 130 km/h speeds. With one battery set an autonomy of
150 km can be reached and 300 km with two battery sets. These batteries will be



rented as a second life is planned as home batteries stretching the overall life of the
battery to over 20 years, time at which recycling will generate a surplus versus its



Saroléa (www.sarolea.com) was the first Belgian producer of motorcycles, and one
of the first producers of motorcycles in the world. This Belgian factory was
established in 1850 by Joseph Saroléa. As of 2008, Saroléa is focused on the
development and production of high-performance electric two-wheelers and
electric drivetrains. The Saroléa SP7 electric race bikes and the Saroléa MANX7
road bikes are built around an innovative carbon fibre monocoque chassis and an
ultra-efficient 180 kW axial flux motor, powered by a 22 kWh interchangeable
battery pack. This combination of materials and techniques results in ultra-efficient
motorcycles with an autonomy already surpassing 330 km.



Saroléa is also supplying high-performance / high-capacity battery packs as well as
electric drive-trains for automotive, nautical and aerospace applications.


GEAR 2030: Belgium is represented by Flanders’ minister of innovation, Mr
Muyters in the High Level Group on Automotive Industry GEAR 2030, that started
its activities in early 2016 to make recommendations to reinforce the
competitiveness of the European automotive value chain, in particular developing a
roadmap for the connected and automated vehicles. Within the context of AVICA,
Flanders’ MAKE is working on the realisation of self-driving buses that consider
other road users and are able to participate in public road transport. This is a
logical next step following the self-driving vehicles that are already in use for
instance in agriculture fields. The strategic research centre smart manufacturing
gets support for its research program ‘Autonomous Vehicle and Infrastructure
Cooperative Architecture’. The objective is to create a demonstration environment
for automated vehicle technologies to facilitate the take up in public transport in
the coming years.
The use of electric vehicles in new mobility services, the improvement of
important components like batteries, higher end user comfort/trust and the
seamless integration of electric vehicles in a smart grid environment are still high
on the research agenda within Horizon 2020. Research centres like VUB-MOBI,
Flanders’ MAKE and VITO/EnergyVille are therefore setting up a lot of new
research projects on these topics in close collaboration with the
industry/governments to further improve the ecologic and economic benefits from
electric mobility for the society.





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In December 2017, the Government of Canada along with provincial and territorial
governments released the first annual synthesis report on the status of the Pan-
Canadian Framework (PCF) on Clean Growth and Climate Change. As part of this
work, federal, provincial and territorial governments committed to modernize
transportation systems through new emission standards for vehicles, a plan for
establishing retrofit requirements for heavy-duty vehicles, and a strategy to put
more zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) on the road. In addition, governments are
enhancing investments in lower-emitting public transportation and electric and
alternative fuel vehicle charging and refueling infrastructure.25
The PCF aims to achieve Canada’s international commitments in the Paris
Agreement and confirms the commitment of Canada’s First Ministers to implement
policies in support of meeting or exceeding Canada’s 2030 target to reduce
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 30 % below 2005 levels while transitioning
Canada to a stronger, climate resilient, low carbon economy.
Under the PCF, federal, provincial and territorial governments also committed to
work with industry and stakeholders to develop a Canada-wide ZEV strategy, to be
released in 2018. The ZEV strategy will build on existing programs and policies to
meet 2030 emission reduction targets. A sectoral Advisory Group comprised of
government, industry, academia, and other stakeholders was established to develop
options for addressing the key barriers that are preventing the broader deployment
of ZEV technologies.26





Also in 2017 after consultations, the Government of Canada published a regulatory
framework on a new clean fuel standard. The clean fuel standard aims to reduce
GHG emissions through the increased use of lower carbon fuels, energy sources,
and technologies. Consultations will continue in 2018 with the intent of publishing
regulations in mid-201927.
Finally, work is underway to ensure carbon pricing applies across Canada. Some
jurisdictions have carbon pricing systems in place while others are working to
develop and implement pricing systems. In the event that jurisdictions do not have
a pricing scheme in place by 2018, a federal backstop system will apply that will
ensure that carbon pollution pricing applies in every province to a broad set of
emission sources with increasing stringency over time28.

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The 2016 federal budget allocated 48.3 million USD over 2 years to Phase I of the
Electric Vehicle and Alternative Transportation Fuels measures in order to support
the demonstration of next-generation electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure
and the deployment of charging infrastructure for EVs, as well as refueling
infrastructure for alternative transportation fuels, such as natural gas (NG) and
hydrogen (H2).
The Demonstration Program supports the use of innovative and next generation EV
charging infrastructure technologies in real-world applications such as multi-unit
residential buildings (MURBs), workplaces, and public transit, where market
failures are preventing the development and commercialization of new charging
technologies. Upon the successful completion of projects (some of which have
been extended to 2020), the Demonstration Program is expected to result in over
200 next-generation EV charging stations which include Level 2 (240V AC) and
DCFC (direct current fast-charge).
The aim of the Deployment Initiative is to increase the number of EV fast charging
stations along Canada’s highways, NG refueling stations along key freight
corridors, and H2 refueling stations in strategic urban centers. In 2018, upon
successful completion, this initial investment will result in the deployment of over
100 new publically accessible EV fast chargers, 7 NG and 3 H2 refueling stations





in 7 provinces. Budget 2017 announced an additional 61 million USD over 4 years
(starting in 2018) in support of Phase II of the EV and Alternative Fuel
Infrastructure Deployment Initiative, to further deploy NG refueling stations along
key freight corridors, establish H2 stations in key metropolitan areas, and to bolster
Canada’s coast-to-coast EV fast charging network. An additional 23 million USD
was also allocated over 4 years for Phase II of the EV Infrastructure Demonstration
Program to support new and innovative EV infrastructure projects. Finally, 7
million USD was allocated to the development of supporting codes and standards
for electric and alternative fuel vehicles, as well as charging and refueling


In December 2017, the Government of Canada released an aggressive strategy to
reduce emissions from all Government operations, including facilities and fleets.
This strategy includes commitments to adopt low-carbon mobility solutions,
deploy supporting infrastructure in its facilities, and modernize its fleet. Starting in
the 2019-2020 fiscal year, 75 % of new light-duty administrative fleet vehicle
purchases will be ZEVs or hybrid, with the objective that the Government’s
administrative fleet comprises at least 80 % ZEVs by 2030. Priority is to be given
to purchasing ZEVs. Also starting in the 2018-2019 fiscal year, all new executive
vehicle purchases will be ZEVs or hybrids. To assist all federal departments in
succeeding in this commitment, the Government is coordinating across all
departments to help collect and analyze the energy usage of vehicles in their fleets,
and determine the lowest emitting option that continues to meet their operational
needs. This includes identifying options for electrification, fuel switching, fleet
right sizing, and fuel-efficient driver training.

In 2017, the Government of Canada launched the first phase of the Smart Cities
Challenge. The challenge will award 60 million USD in 2018 to 4 communities.
Eligible recipients include municipalities, regional governments, and indigenous
communities. The Challenge encourages communities to improve the quality of
life for urban residents through better urban planning, the implementation of clean,
digitally connected technology including greener buildings, smart roads and energy
systems, and advanced digital connections for homes and businesses.




British Columbia (B.C.) has a multitude of policies and programs to accelerate the
deployment of low-emission vehicles within the province.
In 2017, the provincial government launched its 30 million USD Specialty-Use
Vehicle Incentive program. The funding aims to accelerate the deployment of
electric and H2 vehicles and expand refueling infrastructure. Over 20 million USD
will be available for vehicle purchase incentives. In addition to incentives for light-
duty and low speed vehicles, rebates are available for medium and heavy-duty
vehicles, airport and port specialty vehicles, and forklifts. The goal of the program
is to stimulate the sale of clean energy vehicles where by 2020, five percent of new
light duty vehicle sales in B.C. will be clean energy vehicles. The remaining
funding will enhance charging and H2 infrastructure across the province by
expanding fast charging, workplace charging, and charging at MURBs. The
province’s first of six public H2 refueling stations is also expected to open in 2018.
The BC Scrap-It program also provides an incentive of 2,500 USD to vehicle
owners that scrap an aging fossil fuel powered vehicle in favor of a more fuel-
efficient vehicle. The program was enhanced in 2017 to increase the incentive to
4,500 USD when scrapping an older vehicle and purchasing a new EV, and 2,250
USD when purchasing a used EV. Other financial incentives are available to
encourage public transit, active transportation, and ride sharing. The BC Scrap-It
Program incentives can be combined with incentives for the purchase of clean
energy vehicles up to 8,250 USD.

The Government of Manitoba and the City of Winnipeg formed a joint task force
to investigate the viability of deploying electric transit buses in the provincial
capital. A number of electric buses and overhead chargers are being tested on
routes that were typically serviced with diesel buses. Preliminary results of the
demonstration reveal that the electric buses reduce operating costs (fuel and
maintenance), reduce environmental impacts, and enhance energy security and
price predictability. While a number of obstacles exist (high capital cost of electric
versus diesel buses), there is a case for larger scale deployments in a transit setting.




In 2017-18, the province established an EV working group consisting of
representatives from the provincial government, municipalities, Newfoundland
Power, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, and industry. This group is assisting in
the development of the province’s policy approach for increasing the market
penetration of EVs in Newfoundland and Labrador moving forward.
The provincial government also launched the Vehicle Efficiency and Cost
Calculator (VECC) to inform consumers about the costs and benefits associated
with purchasing a fuel-efficient and alternatively powered vehicle. The VECC
provides calculations for both EVs and those that run on gasoline or diesel. The
VECC allows users to compare different vehicles to estimate their costs of
ownership and impact on the environment by inputting information such as the
vehicle type, purchase price, repayment structure, fuel consumption rating, and
annual kilometers driven.

On July 11, 2018, the newly elected government of Ontario announced that it was
terminating its electric vehicle incentive program that provided up to 10,500 USD
on eligible electric and hydrogen vehicles, as well as its electric vehicle
infrastructure programs targeted at expanding electric vehicle infrastructure in
The government has committed to provide an update on its plan to address climate
change in the fall of 2018.

The Government of Québec aims to have 100,000 PHEVs and EVs on Québec
roads by 2020. To support this goal, the province announced a multitude of
initiatives in 2017, as described below.
Regulations were published that will provide consumers with more EV and PHEV
vehicle choices. Starting with model year 2018, regulations will establish
EV/PHEV sales targets for each reporting vehicle manufacturer. The legislation
requires manufacturers to sell an increasing percentage of EVs and PHEVs over
time. In the event that manufacturers do not comply, they will be able to purchase
“credits” from other manufacturers to meet their mandated sales thresholds. With





this new measure, manufacturers will be motivated to offer more models and to use
low-carbon technologies.
In addition, new regulations enable eligible EV, PHEV, and hydrogen fuel cell
vehicle (HFCV) owners to obtain a green license plate. These vehicle owners will
be exempt from paying the additional annual registration fees for luxury vehicles
that applies to the portion of a vehicle’s value between 30,000 USD and 56,000
A new outreach program (Electrifying Encounters) was also launched that will
allow employers and employees to try a variety of EVs and to learn more about EV
technologies from industry experts. Four hundred thousand motorists from across
the province are expected to participate in the program.
In addition to these measures, the Government of Québec offers incentives to
encourage the uptake of electric and H2 cars and trucks and electric school buses.
Programs and incentives also exist to expand charging infrastructure along major
routes, to increase the availability of charging infrastructure at workplaces and for
residents of MURBs.

Increased consumer awareness, greater availability of charging infrastructure,
improvements in vehicle technology, more PHEV and EV choices offered by the
vehicle manufacturers, purchase incentives offered by provinces, and infrastructure
supports from all levels of government, have all contributed to an increase in plug-
in vehicle sales in Canada in 2017.
As Table 1 illustrates, at the end of 2017, Canada had almost 25,000 EVs on the
road, 23,000 PHEVs, and over 200,000 HEVs. There are almost 23 million light-
duty vehicles on Canadian roads32 where EVs, PHEVs and HEVs now represent
just over 1 % of Canada’s total light-duty fleet.
Year over year sales of EVs increased by almost 100 % in 2017 (9,838 versus
5,130), whereas sales of PHEVs increased by almost 50 % (8,730 versus 5,893).
The sale of both EVs and PHEVs totaled 18,568 vehicles, representing a 68 %
increase over 2016 sales of 11,000 vehicles. Canadian light-duty vehicle sales in




2017 totaled 2,038,60033 units where EVs, PHEVs, and HEVs represented over 2
% of new vehicle sales.

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Table 2 illustrates the top selling EVs and PHEVs in Canada in 2017. In both the
EV and PHEV categories, Chevrolet led the way with the Bolt and Volt product






In terms of geographic distribution of plug-in vehicle sales in Canada, provinces

that offer consumers purchase incentives for low emission vehicles have the
highest sales. Over 7,000 EVs and PHEVs were sold in both Ontario and Québec,
whereas British Columbia witnessed sales of 3,200 vehicles. Table 3 provides a list
of some of the EVs and PHEVs for sale in Canada and their estimated pricing.





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Due to initiatives by the federal, provincial, and municipal governments, as well as,
utilities and private firms, public charging infrastructure is continuing to grow in
As shown in Table 4, there were approximately 5,843 EVSEs in Canada in 2017,
of which 5,168 were Level 2 (240V AC), 483 were DCFC, and 190 were Tesla
Superchargers. This represents a 38 % increase in public charging infrastructure



installations across Canada compared to 2016. Most of the newly installed
charging infrastructure was in British Columbia, Ontario, and Québec, however,
there was also a notable increase in other provinces such as in Alberta and New
It is important to note that there are no requirements by respective jurisdictions to
register EVSEs as they are installed. As a result, tracking of operational Level 2,
Level 3 and Tesla Supercharger stations is performed through the issuance of
service contracts to collect the charger information, or through voluntary reporting
by charging network owners and managers, as well as end users. Level 1 (120V
AC) EVSEs are not reported on since this infrastructure typically relates to
charging via a residential wall outlet.

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Natural Resources Canada is providing 2.6 million USD to CrossChasm
Technologies Inc. to demonstrate that the collection and analysis of real-world
vehicle charging data, such as battery state and all charge events, will improve the
operation and the deployment of EV charging infrastructure. This will be
accomplished by monitoring data on the vehicle side through a logging module
installed for the project duration.
The results and analytics will be widely disseminated and enable Canadian utilities
and policy makers to identify where grid overloading may occur, as well as where
grid and charging infrastructure upgrades are required. Research will also provide




decision-makers with tools to successfully deploy EV charging infrastructure at
workplaces and MURBs.

Approximately 5.4 million USD will be provided to AddÉnergie Technologies Inc.
to develop and demonstrate new and innovative EV charging technologies.
Activities include: the development of next generation EV fast charging stations;
exploring a monthly subscription based charging business model; and installing
street-side charging in five major Canadian cities.

 /=6G<>C<,I6I>DCH68GDHH-G6CH 6C696!><=L6N
Funding of 6 million USD will be provided to Fast Charge TCH. The objective of
this project is to demonstrate an EV fast charging network using battery storage
across the Trans-Canada Highway that can serve as an example for rural areas that
have low-power grid connections. The network will include 34 locations,
connecting northern Ontario to the Manitoba-Saskatchewan border along the inter-
provincial national highway.

South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority (TransLink) will receive
approximately 1 million USD to install, operate and maintain two high-powered,
overhead bus charging systems with one on-route and an in-depot charging
solution to support four electric buses.
The project, which is part of a pan-Canadian initiative led by the Canadian Urban
Transit Research and Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC), will integrate more than
one bus manufacturer and more than one charging system provider, allowing to
assess bus and charging station cross-compatibility, as well as to evaluate the
performance of electric buses and overhead chargers in a Canadian transit setting.
A third party will gather, validate, and share data and intellectual property
emanating from the trial regarding charging episodes, powertrain performance,
vehicle and charging system ruggedness, and durability. Data will be disseminated
to the wider Canadian community of transit and utility systems and will result in
improving the performance, charging speed and safety of DCFC systems
associated with overhead electric bus hardware.



British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority will receive approximately 0.9
million USD for a novel Level 2 EV charger aimed at MURBs, and large
commercial and municipal buildings. In this project, the transformer would be
integrated into the charger, which will eliminate the need for the designated
transformer reducing space requirements in the meter room, reduce the number of
conduits and wiring, and improve the EV charger system’s performance and
reliability, while also reducing costs. The space savings would be especially
beneficial for charger installations in older buildings. A smart utility meter will be
integrated into the charger to allow for individual metering and billing, as well as
remote monitoring.

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British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) will receive approximately 0.8
million USD to demonstrate EV charging solutions destined for the urban
environment. The project will demonstrate curbside charging using existing
streetlight infrastructure, and provide charging infrastructure in commercial
outdoor parking lots by leveraging the existing lighting systems. The project will
also demonstrate a load-management system and user interface to emulate a
MURB, and an open, non-proprietary communication protocol to improve
interoperability between charging technologies from different vendors.







• In 2017 EV taxation was reduced to revitalize the EV market by extending
the 20 % registration tax break until the end of 2018 or until 5,000
additional sales.
• However, EV sales in 2017 is still at the low level since the introduction of
the EV vehicle registration tax in 2016 and the ending of the EV support
programmes. Sales in early 2018 show an upward trend.
• 2017 was a new record year with 43.4 % of Denmark’s electricity
consumption supplied by wind power. Renewable energy production from
wind power has more than doubled since 2008. At least 50 % will be
covered by renewable energy by 2030 as new offshore wind farms are
developed. Thus electric transport also becomes more sustainable.
• Research and demonstration, new green and autonomous mobility solutions,
novel business models and integration between smarter and greener
transport and energy sector has developed more focus, including in V2G
and V2X projects (Vehicle to Grid/Everything).
• New modes of electric transport are gaining momentum in Denmark. Large
electric ferries are introduced, more electric buses in public transport,
several electric car-sharing services including DriveNow, GreenMobility
and LetsGo.
• Denmark has a strong EV charging infrastructure thanks to the major
private e-mobility providers: CLEVER, E.ON, CleanCharge Solutions,
Tesla and Nerve Smart Systems.
• Many EV projects have been launched to familiarize companies, public
authorities, and private consumers with EVs and strengthen Denmark’s
position as an important green transport corridor in Northern Europe.

Denmark is supporting the Paris Agreement including a very ambitious national
target of being fully independent of fossil fuels by 2050, and a 2030 milestone of
50 % of energy consumption supplied by renewable energy.



According to EU targets, EU greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced 20 % in
2020 (10 % of energy in transport must be renewable in 2020), 40 % in 2030 and
80-95 % in 2050 (all these EU targets are compared to 1990). Within the EU,
Denmark is expected to have a 39 % reduction target in non ETS sectors (which
include transport) in 2030 (compared to 2005).
Globally, as well as in Denmark, transport is recognized as a challenging sector for
greenhouse gas emission reductions. Transport demand, energy consumption and
greenhouse gas emissions are all increasing. And transition to low carbon and
renewable solutions is depending on a range of new technologies to be matured,
industrially scaled and price-competitive before becoming a mass market mover.
For more than a decade, the transformation of Danish transport sector has been
seen in relation to the very ambitious transformation of the Danish energy sector.
Denmark holds several years of world records of fluctuating wind power in the
electricity mix. In 2017, the wind power generation in Denmark corresponded to
43.4 % of the electricity consumption.
In 2017, 2016, and 2015, World Energy Council ranked Denmark as number one
among 125 countries energy systems on three core dimensions: energy security,
energy equity, and environmental sustainability.
The combination of a prize-winning, strong and flexible energy system with
record-breaking shares of fluctuating renewable energy positions Denmark as an
interesting test laboratory for exploring the interplay between the energy system,
renewable energy and e-mobility in terms of smart grid, smart energy and storage.
Well-developed public transport, focus on new and electric mobility, new business
models and e-mobility as a service, e-car-sharing, e-buses and autonomy will also
be at the front in the coming years. Electric maritime propulsion is upcoming, with
several ongoing e-ferries projects in Denmark. Biking is very important in
Denmark and e-biking continues to grow.
With policy strategies and grant schemes since 2008, Denmark was one of the first
mover countries in introducing battery electric cars and hydrogen and fuel cell
based transport, since 2008 in a testing and demonstration context, and since 2012
also in deployment mode.
Incentive programmes focused broadly on electric application in passenger cars,
buses, vans, garbage trucks, including charging infrastructure. Private and public
fleets together with city car sharing systems have been a main priority. In the
private segment, commuters and families with more than one car has been another
important focus area. Denmark is actively represented and participating in a broad
palette of regional, international and EU programmes, ranging from charging and
roaming standards, cross bordering and highway charging corridors and smart grid



projects to e-mobility as service and as an energy efficient and environmental
friendly form of transport. Hydrogen programmes have especially focused on R&D
in fuel cells and deployment of a Danish network of hydrogen filling stations.
Broad political agreements governed the development. The 2008 energy agreement
continued the decarbonising of the energy system and initiated the first
programmes for electric mobility and charging infrastructure. The broad political
energy agreements from 2012 set out the ambitious targets for the energy system in
2020 and 2050 and also initiated new e-mobility and charging infrastructure
programmes with focus on deployment vehicles and infrastructure for alternative
fuels, mainly electrically, but also hydrogen and biogas.
In the transport sector two political agreements in 2009 and 2014 focused on a
Green Transport Policy and financial support for green solutions in the public
transport sector (2009), for research in alternative fuel technologies, and for small-
scale tests of electricity and CNG vehicles (2013). These funds and programmes
largely ended in 2015, with projects running until their projects periods end,
typically within 3-5 years. A small scheme of 1,6 million USD (1.35 million EUR)
funds new fuel cell vehicles and infrastructure in 2018.
The support for green transport provided by the government has helped regional
and municipal authorities to develop initiatives promoting e-mobility like
Copenhagen Electric and the Municipality of Copenhagen.
In 2016, Copenhagen City published a new climate plan aiming at making the city
the first CO2-neutral capital by 2025, including in the public transport sector. The
plan contains objectives, main activities and initiatives adopted by the City Council
to be implemented to achieve this goal.

Until January 1, 2016, battery electric vehicles (BEV) were exempted from the
relatively high registration tax on passenger cars (VAT was applied). The
exemption was a very strong incentive, which together with the national and
regional activities brought Denmark in the e-mobility forefront. The taxation
systems lead to some disproportionate incentive towards expensive BEVs which
resulted in rather high shares of sales.
A progressive reduction of the tax exemption was decided in 2015, starting from
2016 and with full taxation phased in by 2020. The detailed phase-in steps were
initially 20 % in 2016, 40 % in 2017, 65 % in 2018, 90 % in 2019, and 100 % in
2020. This led to a drop in sales of BEVs in 2016, where taxation was phased in
with a 20 % first step. Due to low EV sales, the taxation was changed again with
two political agreements in 2017.



New Political Agreement as per April 18, 2017:
• EV taxes stay 20 % for the next 5,000 EVs or latest to the end of 2018.
• EV purchase tax is 40 % in 2019, 65 % in 2021, 90 % in 2021, 100 % from
2022 on.
• New (2017-2021) BEV and PHEV purchase tax rebate of 225 USD/kWh
(190 EUR/kWh) battery, max 45 kWh (10,000 USD; 8,458 EUR).
• Energy tax exemption (0.124 USD/kWh) (0.105 EUR/kWh) for commercial
charging to 2019, from 2020 full tax.
• Energy tax exemption for charging e-buses extended to 2023 or longer
according to the EU.
• Grant scheme for Hydrogen filling stations: 5 million DKK (0.7 million
USD) (0.59 million EUR) in 2017-2018
• New Car Taxation Political Agreement as per October 3, 2017:
• Vehicle low purchase tax is reduced from 105 to 85 % high tax is
maintained 150 %.
• Cut between low and high tax is moved from (16,900 USD; 14,294 EUR) to
(29,300 USD; 24,783 EUR).
• Bonus/Malus from 16 to 20 km/l gasoline and 18 to 22 km/l diesel.
• Malus rose from 1,000 DKK/l (134.27 EUR/l) to 6,000 DKK/l (805.63
EUR/l); Bonus is still 4.000 DKK/l (537.08 EUR/l).

Effects generally:
• Cheap ICE cars getting a bit more expensive, expensive cars getting
cheaper, also HEV
• Lower cost EVs not much more expensive first years, high cost EVs more
• Consumer reaction on tax exemption removed at the end of 2015 has been
• Taxation changes in 2017 did not change this, but slightly upward trend

The Danish EV and PHEV stock increased in 2016 to approx. 9,300 EV units and
1,300 PHEV units. The number of new EV registrations in 2016 was reduced to
approx. 1,400 EV units and 650 PHEV units due to the new taxation system for EV
and PHEV.




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Denmark has a very well developed public charging infrastructure, thanks to the
four major private e-mobility providers: CLEVER, E.ON, CleanCharge Solutions,
and Tesla. Combined, the four companies provide publicly accessible recharging
networks countrywide. The Danish Road Directorate has conducted tenders to
establish public charging infrastructures at rest stops on national Danish highway



system. E.ON and CLEVER have deployed combined fast chargers on these sites,
while Tesla has deployed chargers close to the highway system.
E.ON, CLEVER and CleanCharge provide data to a map that gives an overview of
publicly available charging infrastructure in Denmark. The project is supported by
the Danish Transport and Construction Agency. The map is hosted by the Danish
Electric Vehicles Alliance here: https://www.ladekortet.dk.
In terms of interoperability, all quick chargers in Denmark today are multi-standard
types (CHAdeMO, CCS and Mennekes type 2) and are connected to backend
systems which allow billing of customers based on actual consumption of kWh.
E.ON and CLEVER’s business models are primarily based on customer
subscriptions of the company’s recharging infrastructure (with a monthly
subscription fee) and charges for energy consumption. Both e-mobility providers
also offer non-subscription based recharging services. CleanCharge Solutions is a
Danish e-mobility provider. The company installing equipment and providing
value-added services (billing services, charging data processing, etc.) to charging
point operators and parking operators that provides open access with direct
payment for the use of the recharging stations.Tesla has installed a network of
Supercharger stations in Denmark where drivers can fully charge their Tesla
vehicles for free.

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Since 2008, the Danish Energy Agency (DEA), the Danish Road Safety Agency
and the Danish Road Directorate administrated several programmes to support
deployment of electric, plug in hybrid and hydrogen transport and infrastructure in
the Danish transport sector. Funds have been used to support projects that allow
companies, public bodies, and private consumers to familiarize themselves with
EVs and other vehicles, develop synergies between relevant stakeholders and
support the deployment of alternative fuel infrastructure. These funds and



programmes largely ended in 2015, but will be running until their projects periods
end, typically within 3-5 years.

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Denmark hosts several electric car-sharing services, including DriveNow,
GreenMobility and Let’s Go.
• DriveNow operates in several European countries, but in Copenhagen its
fleet is 100 % electric. It includes some 400 BMW i3s to be booked via an
app. The pricing models include rates per minute, daily rates or monthly
• GreenMobility operates in Copenhagen and surrounding regions. It includes
more than 400 Renault ZOEs to be booked and accessed via an app. The
pricing models include rates per minute, daily rates or monthly
• Let’s Go is a non-profit organisation operating in several Danish cities,
currently with 30 electric cars, representing 15 % of the total fleet. Let’s Go
is a membership-based organisation, with dedicated parking. Members pay
based on time and distance travelled.

Partnerships with the public sector, and funding from the Danish Energy Agency
and the Capital Region of Denmark for the deployment of public charging
infrastructure, has helped to expand the operational zone of these schemes, for
example to serve hospitals.

Movia is the Public Transport Authority (PTA) in East Denmark including the
capital area of Copenhagen. Movia started using electric buses in 2009-2014, with
11 all-electric 8 m buses in Copenhagen. In 2014-2015, Movia tested two 12 m
depot-charged electric BYD buses. In 2016-2019, Movia and Copenhagen are
testing opportunity-charged electric Finnish Linkker buses. Out of Movia’s 1,241
in-service buses today three are electric buses. Movia has decided that by 2030, all
bus operation must be fossil-free. Furthermore, local NOx must be reduced by
97 %, particles by 92 % and external bus noise by 15 %. This is on top of former
targets, of a 29 % reduction of the CO2-emission and a 75 % reduction of the NOx
and particles in 2020 compared with the baseline year 2008. To meet the goal of
fossil-free bus fleet by 2030, all new bus operation starting from 2018 and forward
must be fossil-free – or prepared for fossil-free operation.
In 2016, Copenhagen published a new climate plan aiming at making the city the
first CO2-neutral capital by 2025, including the public transport sector. It contains



objectives, activities and initiatives adopted by the City Council. For public buses,
the goal is to shift the bus fleet to all-electric buses. The City Council has decided
that from 2019 and forward, all new city buses must be electric - or perform alike
on CO2-emission, local emissions and noise. Furthermore, the Lord Mayor has
expressed a strong interest in electric harbour buses in Copenhagen from 2020.
The City Council of Roskilde decided in February 2018, that all bus-lines run by
the municipality to be electric from April 2019 on. The world’s largest bus
manufacturer Chinese Yutong will deliver e-buses, chargers and maintenance.


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The Parker project builds on two previous Danish projects, the EDISON and
Nikola projects, which have founded the understanding the electric vehicle’s
potential for balancing the Danish power system. Parker represents the next
technology readiness level by allowing balancing services to be applied to a fleet
of electric vehicles.




Research and development in the project is carried out as a multidisciplinary
collaboration between commercial OEMs, technology providers, fleet owner and
customers as well as academic institutions.
Parker works together with the world’s first commercial pilot of series produced
V2G cars providing system services, the Frederiksberg Pilot, to ensure market
adoption, applicability and re-usability to power systems in Denmark and
elsewhere. One of three goals is to produce a Grid Integrated Vehicle (GIV)
certificate which demonstrates whether vehicles and chargers are able to support
the power grid.

Nerve Smart Systems is a new Danish company developing a charging solution
based on a battery system making charging significantly faster without overloading
the power grid. The solution allows an electric car to be charged in less than 10
minutes via a 350 kW high power charging station connected to the energy grid
with a regular connection.

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The Green Region for Electrification and Alternatives fuels for Transport project
(GREAT) aims to development a green transport corridor connecting Norway,
Sweden, Denmark, and Germany.



Project partners include E.ON, Nissan, Renault, and the Technical University of
Denmark (DTU). The latter is partially responsible for conducting studies on
learning experiences from the new corridor.
The Multimodal e-mobility connectivity for the Oresund Region project (MECOR)
aims to promote multimodal e-mobility by installing 30 semi-fast charging sites in
Denmark and Sweden. The charging sites will be located in transport “hotspots”
such as bus and train stations to underpin multimodal e- mobility. The project is in
line with the Oresund Regional development strategy, which calls for the
development of “green corridors”. CLEVER is a key project partner.

The project aims to increase environmentally friendly transport in the Öresund-
Kattegat-Skagerrak region by helping the municipalities adapt to e-mobility. A
common platform delivers expertise to help increase deployment of EVs in public
fleets and among private citizens. The platform is established by The Danish EV
Alliance (DK), Power Circle (SWE), and Elbilforening (NOR). It is funded by
50 % by the EU Interreg programme.

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”Ellen” is a highly energy efficient medium sized and a long 22 nautical mile range
e-ferry for passengers, cars, trucks and cargo in island communities, coastal zones
and inland waterways. It is supported by the European H2020 initiative,
demonstrating design, building and operation of a fully electric powered ‘green’
ferry. Electricity from wind power of the Danish island Ærø will allow ”Ellen” to
run without any emissions. The e-ferry is expected be in operation in 2018/2019.





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Tycho Brahe and Aurora cross 4 km Helsingborg in Sweden and Helsingör in
Denmark carrying + 7.3 million passengers and 1.8 million vehicles annually. The
combined 8,320 kWh battery is equivalent to 10,700 car batteries.
With 15 minutes schedule, charging is fast and automated in both ports using
robots, 3D laser and wireless communication to maximize charging time. Co-
financed by the European Union Connecting Europe Facility, Tycho Brahe is
expected to be in full electric operation in summer 2018.


• DK world leader in greening energy systems, gCO2/kWh 550 g in 2006 to
below 200 g in 2017.
• Record breaking strong energy system, RE shares and ambitious targets.
• DK first mover with EV policy strategies and grant schemes since 2008.
• Very strong charging infrastructure with several operators.
• New EV taxation is very challenging, but with increasing sales in the
beginning of 2018.
• Applications in fleets, buses, ships, bicycle etc. increases.
• A lot of exciting projects show that DK is an ideal technical and
commercial test bed for interplay between e-mobility, smart energy system,
renewable energy and energy storage.
• Cities and regions as Capital Region of Copenhagen/CPH Electric City and
commercial players are very active in many projects.
• For electric buses in DK the charging tax exemption could mean a positive
commercial business case due to lower energy cost (EV bus basically twice
as expensive, but three times more energy efficient).
• E-Trucks are not taxed.




2016 proved that electric vehicles are finally making their way into Finland.
According to the Finnish Transport Safety Agency the amount of electric vehicles
doubled during the year to a total of 3,285 EVs. The growth was especially
significant with plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
The market share of electric vehicles was 1.2 % of all new cars registered in 2016,
also doubling from 0.6 % in 2015. A significant amount of EVs are also brought
from outside the country, which can’t be seen in the statistics.
With governmental subsidies for public EV charging infrastructure and more
advanced cars in the market the amount of EVs is expected to grow even faster in
The number of electric cars will grow considerably in Finland in the near future
and, according to forecasts, there will be an estimated 250,000 electric and hybrid
cars on our roads by 2030. According to the automobile trade, the single biggest
factor slowing down the sale of electric cars in Finland is the lack of charging

The Finnish government has decided to speed up the development of EV
infrastructure in Finland with a 5 million EUR subsidy. The subsidy is an
important step towards sustainable transport and makes Finland a forerunner in
smart charging solutions.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment decided to allocate 4.8 million
EUR to further expand public EV charging infrastructure in Finland between 2017
and 2019. The objective is to catalyze 15 million EUR in investments to EV
charging systems and triple the current amount of public charging stations.



The subsidy is targeted only to public smart charging stations and especially tries
to boost the implementation of fast chargers. The subsidy rate for normal chargers
is 30 %. Half of the 5 million is allocated to fast chargers, which get a higher 35 %
subsidy rate.

A key element in the subsidy is that it is allocated only to smart charging devices.
The term smart charging is being used to describe a system where there is a data
connection between an electric vehicle and a charging device, and also a data
connection between the charging device and a charging operator.
In practice smart charging is a charging device connected to a back-end service
that enables monitoring, controlling and restricting the usage of the device. Smart
charging enables operators to utilize EVs as a part of the energy system.
Initially public charging becomes more common in commercial real estate
locations and along highways. However charging business is not restricted to any
industry, and any company can offer subsidized EV charging as a service on their
The finish company Varma is preparing for the coming of electric mobility.
Starting from summer 2017, it will be possible to charge electric and hybrid cars at
some 250 parking spots at the parking facility of Varma’s head office in
Salmisaari, Helsinki.

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In late 2016, the Finnish government created a new Energy and Climate Strategy.
The strategy aims to decrease transport-related emissions and one of the main goals
is to increase the number of electric vehicles up to 250,000 by 2030. The growth
from thousands to hundreds of thousands awakes questions about the capacity of
the national electrical grid. Can the existing grid handle the growth?
The shift from combustion engine vehicles to the greener alternatives takes time,
which gives the electrical grid time to adjust to the changes, like coping with a
large number of fast chargers. In addition to this, energy efficiency keeps
improving in other areas and the consumption of electricity for example in the
construction and housing sectors will decrease in the next few years. Energy
utilities are also constantly developing new solutions for electricity demand
However, even a significant increase in the number of EVs will not shake the
operation of the electric grid, if the vehicles are being charged using smart
charging solutions. The hypothetical 250,000 cars don’t have to be plugged in all at
the same time, or during the rush hours of electricity consumption. But most
importantly with smart charging we can control the timing of charging events.
Virta already offers a solution to optimize charging events automatically based on
price and thus demand at the local electricity market. In addition, with smart
charging, the charging power can be decreased automatically when needed if the
local grid momentarily gets strained.
In the next decade new technologies will evolve. For example vehicle-to-grid
(V2G) charging that allows electricity to be returned to the grid is already being
tested. Nevertheless, the target set for 2030 in Finland is not an utopian scheme
even with today’s technologies. Massive rebuilding of the electrical grid is not
needed if smart charging services are being used. Utilizing smart solutions in the
development of transportation is also a goal included in the Energy and Climate
Strategy of the Finnish government.

Turku Region Public Transport Föli has adopted their first all-electric buses in
autumn 2016. The six electric buses were supplied by the Finnish Linkker Oy.
With the charging system, the total value of the procurement is approximately 3.8
million EUR. The Ministry of Employment and the Economy has granted
approximately 1 million EUR in investment aid for the implementation of the
system.The strategic goal of the City of Turku is to become carbon neutral by
2040, which requires ambitious climate and environmental measures. In fact, the



city aims to purposefully increase the share of electric equipment in public
transport and outsourced services (taxis, transport services, the city’s own
The electric buses will be adopted on line 1 of Turku City Transport, which
operates on the route Harbour–Market Square–Airport. During rush hours, two
diesel-powered buses are operated alongside the electric buses. Turku Energia will
build quick-charge stations for the electric buses at the harbour and the airport.
Turku Energia will also implement the charging equipment at the operator’s bus
depot for night-time charging. The agreement includes a service agreement for the
buses and charging equipment for a period of seven years. The procurement
decision is a significant first step in the electrification of bus transport on a national
level. Until now, electric buses have primarily been used in Finland on an
experimental basis, and the only other place where an entire line is being operated
with electric buses is one line in Espoo.

The Helsinki Regional Transport Authority’s (HSL) vision is to power a third of its
fleet in the Helsinki metropolitan area with electricity by 2025. HSL has yet to
announce how this would influence ticket prices. HSL is deploying several 400 kW
opportunity chargers during 2017-2018. In 2017 HSL will have 12 buses in use.




Tekes’ EVE programme (2011-2015) came to its end. A final seminar was held in
January 2016. The total expenditure of the five year programme was roughly
80 million EUR. Tekes funded about half of the total costs. However, support for
electric traffic innovations by Tekes still continues. EV related projects are now
within the framework of a Smart City programme under the theme “smart
mobility” together with MaaS, autonomous vehicle projects, that are hot topics in
Finland today.”




The bonus system aims to reward purchasers of new cars or vans emitting from 0
to 20 grams of CO2 per kilometer through long-term purchase or lease financing (2
years and more). Set up in 2008, the bonus is reviewed annually in order to adapt
to the evolution of the offer of low-emission vehicles.
The bonus applies to new vehicles belonging to the category of passenger cars,
vans and specialized motorized vehicles, as well as to two- or three-wheeled
vehicles and quadricycles. Vehicles eligible for the bonus may be registered by
individuals or by companies. Used vehicles are not eligible.

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Used vehicles are not eligible. Also plug-in hybrid vehicles will no longer be
eligible for the bonus in 2018.

The ecological malus is a first registration tax on the most emitting vehicles of
carbon dioxide.
Via a registration tax the ecological malus aims to encourage consumers to acquire
new passenger cars emitting the least CO2. This tax aims to cut global warming by
reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transport. The scale of the penalty is
progressive: the higher the CO2 emissions of the vehicle, the higher the penalty
(from 50 to 10,500 EUR).
The bonus-malus automobile scheme is designed to balance the amount of aid paid
under the bonus and the conversion bonus by amount of revenue from the malus
levied on passenger cars with the highest CO2 emissions. Thus, revenues from the
malus, due by buyers of passenger cars emitting more than 119 g CO2/km, are
entirely dedicated to financing aid for the acquisition of the most virtuous vehicles,
including cars and electric vans.

As part of the Climate Plan, the French Government wants to accelerate the
renewal of the old and polluting car fleet by helping buying a cleaner new or used
car in exchange for the scrapping of an old vehicle.
The conversion premium is for private and professional users. The old scrapped
vehicle must be a car or van, with a gross weight which does not exceed 3.5
tonnes. It should also meet the following criteria:
• taxable household / professional: diesel vehicle registered before 2001 and
gasoline vehicle registered before 1997;
• non-taxable household: diesel vehicle registered before 2006 and gasoline
vehicle registered before 1997.

The amount of the premium depends on the vehicle and the tax situation of the
• purchase of a used electric vehicle or a new or used Crit'air 1 or 2 ICE
vehicle (petrol or diesel), emitting less than 130 g CO2/km: 1,000 EUR for a
taxable household, 2,000 EUR for a non-taxable household;
• purchase of a new electric vehicle: 2,500 EUR, without condition of



• purchase of new motorized two-wheelers or three-wheelers or quadricycle:
100 EUR for a taxable household, 1,100 EUR for a non-taxable household.

New electric vehicles receive an ecological bonus, which may be added to the
conversion premium.

The air quality certificate is a self-adhesive sticker to stick on the vehicle, which
indicates its environmental class according to its emissions of atmospheric
There are six classes of certificates. The air quality certificate promotes the least
polluting vehicles:
• Favorable parking arrangements;
• Privileged traffic conditions;
• Possibility of driving in Low Emissions Zones.

The air quality certificate is mandatory to circulate in low emissions zones

established by certain communities (Paris). The vehicles are divided into six
environmental classes, with the exception of the most polluting vehicles, which are
not classified and are not entitled to the air quality certificate.
The classification depends on the type of vehicle (passenger cars, two-wheelers,
tricycles and quadricycles, light commercial vehicles and heavy vehicles including
buses and coaches), its engine, and the European emission standard it respects
(Euro standard). A specific class is set for electric vehicles.
The air quality certificate can therefore be used by local authorities to ensure that
the least polluting vehicles benefit from privileged parking conditions or can enter
into low Emissions Zones.

The law on the energy transition for green growth offers the possibility to the
communities that wish to set up low emissions zones with restricted circulation for
the most polluting vehicles, on all or part of their territory, in order to protect the
population health in areas regularly subject to air pollution.
Vehicles in the Low Emissions Zones must have an air quality certificate.



The Government has put in place a series of measures to promote the deployment
of the charging infrastructure network for electric vehicles.
Depending on the type of infrastructure and the entity leading the deployment
project, there are various financial aids to the installation of a charging point:
• Communities: Several editions of the Program “Investment for the Future”
helped to provide 61 million EUR for the installation projects of more than
20,000 charging points, largely supported by local authorities.
• SMEs and artisans: The ADVENIR program has encouraged the installation
of 12,000 private charging stations in car parks (shops or businesses) and in
collective housing through financial assistance.
• The installation of private charging stations is also helped: individuals can
benefit from a 30 % energy transition tax credit for the installation of a
charging plug.
• The Government also promotes the development of the infrastructure
network through its legislation. A decree on the pre-equipment of parking
spaces during the construction of buildings was published. A decree from
January 2017 on recharging infrastructures for electric vehicles implements
various measures to transpose Directive 2014/94 / EU on Alternative Fuels
Infrastructure. This decree will allow a homogeneous development of the
charging points by regulating in particular the power according to the type
of recharge, the interoperability, and the access to the recharge.

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With 30,921 vehicles registered in 2017, the electric vehicle market continues to
grow. Electric cars account for 1.2 % of new vehicle registrations in 2017.
However, growth is stagnating: in 2017, registrations increased by only 13 %,
compared to 23 % in 2016 and 47.5 % in 2015. This slowdown is a reminder of the
fragility of the market and the importance of state support for its development.

The passenger car market remains the most important with 25,983 new
registrations (up 14 % year-on-year), or 1.47 % of new passenger car registrations,
compared with 1.35 % in 2016. Like last year, the Renault Zoe gets the biggest
share of sales with 15,245 units (58.6 % of sales). Better, with a 34 % increase over
one year, the Renault Zoe gains market share thanks to its new offer with a range
of 400 kilometers. The Zoe is followed by the Nissan Leaf with 2,381 cars sold,
down 38 %, and the BMW i3, with 1,954 registrations (including 1,073 with a
range extender) up 45 %.


The market for electric commercial vehicles reaches 6,011 new units, an increase
of 8 %. The Renault Kangoo remains the leader in the sector with 2,546 units (up



7 %), followed by the Zoé (675 registered models, up 67 %) and the Peugeot
Partner (660 vehicles, up 50 %).

In 2017, 13,458 PHEVs were registered, compared to 6,467 in 2016, representing a
progression of +108 %. This strong increase can be explained by fiscal incentives
(bonus, conversion premium) refocused on these vehicles in 2017 and the
technological maturity of the market on this type of model which allows the supply
of greatly expand.


The number of public charging points increased by +35.5 % in one year on the
national territory. Ile-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, and New Aquitaine are
the most equipped regions.
Today, 20,048 parking spaces, divided into 7,242 stations open to the public, allow
to charge an electric vehicle. The charging point network is up 35.5 % from last
year (14,799 charging points out of 4,507 stations). A network to which charging
points at home and at workplaces can be added (estimated at 106,000 charging
This acceleration was achieved thanks to the deployment of local Government
networks, partly financed by the State, and the proliferation of private initiatives.



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The UN Climate Change Conference - November 2017 took place 6-17 November
in Bonn, Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel confirmed in her speech Germanys
commitment to the national climate action plan 205036 and the goal to reach largely
greenhouse gas neutrality in the mid of the century. For 2020, Germany faces the
ambitious target of 40 % reduction related to 1990. This also played a central role
in the forming of the new German government37. In the contract of the renewed
‘grand coalition’ the role of Germany as a pioneer in climate protection and its
commitment to the national, European and international climate goals for 2020,
2030 and 2050 is confirmed. The gap to the 2020-targets needs to be reduced and a
law for the 2030-targets is envisaged38. For transport and mobility, air pollution
prevention is also an important topic here: incentives for low-emitting mobility, the
support of car-sharing and alternative power trains, investments in electric
mobility, amongst others hydrogen and fuels cells, as well as the support of battery
cell production in Germany and the build-up of 100,000 charge points until 2020 is
mentioned here.

Meeting the EU air quality standards set in the Sixth Environment Action
Programme of the European Community entitled ”Environment 2010: Our Future,
Our Choice” and in Directive 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 21 May 2008 on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe39 is a
matter of ongoing discussion in Germany. Concentrations of ambient air with
nitrogen dioxide (NO2) have improved however still about 70 municipalities faced







threshold exceedances in 201740. Also particle concentrations were lower in 2017
in average compared to 2005-2016. However still about 87 % of all measurement
stations in Germany are above the WHO target of exceeding 50 μg/m3 at the
utmost of three days per year (ibid.).
Therefore, in November 2017, the German Government and related Federal States
and cities and municipalities agreed on a programme for better air quality in cities.
The German Government issued an instant programme “Clean Air 2017-2020”
which supports the following in the context of e-mobility amongst other items41:
• Electrification of urban commercial transport
• Electrification of taxis, rental cars, and car sharing vehicles
• Electrification of bus fleets in public transport
• Support of charging infrastructure related to the incentivised vehicles
• Improvement of electricity grid stability due to new charging infrastructure
• Built-up of low-cost infrastructure and mobile-metering charge points.

In 2016, the federal regulation defining technical requirements for the installation
and operation of public charging stations, the so-called “Ladesäulenverordnung
(LSV)” entered into force. It transposes EU regulation into national law and
supports an accelerated implementation of charging infrastructure. The central
element of the regulation is the specification of standardised plugs and socket-
outlets according to IEC 62196. Depending on charging power, type 2 (> 3.6 kW)
or Combo 2 (>22 kW) connections are mandatory for new charging stations. In
2017, minimum payment standards have been set with the amendment of the
charge point rules in 201742 (Ladesäulenverordnung, LSV) securing the non-
discriminating access to charging infrastructures 43.
In 2016, the “Umweltbonus44”, a federal monetary purchase incentive programme
for electric vehicles has started. Purchase of PEV is supported with 4,000 EUR for
BEV and 3,000 EUR for PHEV (half of the amount is to be paid by the OEM). A
budget of 600 million EUR has been provided to promote the purchase of at least








300,000 vehicles. The incentive will end when the budget has been spent, or latest
of at the end of 2019.
Until February 2018, a total of 54,274 applications have been handed in which
distributes among the vehicle categories as follows 45:
• 31,312 for BEV
• 22,946 for PHEV
• 16 for FCEV

The subsidy is restricted to BEV, FCV or PHEV (CO2 emission  50 g CO2/km)

listed by the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control 46.
Requirements include:
• initial vehicle registration
• category M1, N1 or N247 vehicles (L-category vehicles are excluded)
• models with a net list price  60,000 EUR (basic version)

In November 2016, a law for the tax promotion for electric mobility entered into
force. It extends the tax exemption for fully electric vehicles to ten years with
retroactive application for vehicles registered after January 1, 2016. Vehicles
converted to purely electric vehicles by technically appropriate, authorized means
are included in the tax exemption48.
Income tax law additionally promotes electric mobility. The benefit in kind in form
of gratuitous charging at work, granted to employees by their employer, is
exempted from income tax. Exemption is valid both for purely and hybrid electric
vehicles. Charging infrastructure given to the employee for free may be taxed with
a flat-rate tax of 25 %. The same tax rate may be applied for subsidies for charging
infrastructure granted by employers.








At the end of 2017, 29 PEV models were available from German manufacturers.3.
The portfolio covers all segments from small cars to large sports utility vehicles
and luxury cars. The majority of electric vehicles made in Germany are PHEV.
Five BEV models were available in 2017. However, all German manufacturers
announce battery electric vehicles for the future.
Furthermore, in 2017 Mercedes Benz presented its SUV with fuel cell plug-in
hybrid technology as part of the IAA as a pre-production model. The GLC F-Cell
is expected in the market in 2018. After BMW announced an electric offensive
with twelve pure electric and 13 plug-in hybrid models by the year 2025, the
German company also showed the SUV-Concept X7 iPerformance at the IAA,
which will be presented in the coming year as a production model. Audi presented
two concept vehicles with electric drives at the IAA 2017. The two showcars are
an SUV coupe based on the e-tron Sportback concept with three electric motors
and a luxury class concept with four electric motors and a range between 700 and
800 kilometers. VW announced an electrification offensive with the “Roadmap E”.
Besides the continuously growing portfolio of electric passenger cars, German
manufacturers of light and heavy duty vehicles have visibly increased their
activities concerning electric mobility. With his Brand Fuso, the Daimler Group
improved the competitiveness of electric light trucks. The Fuso eCanter has been
produced since July in a small series in the Portuguese plant Tramagal. MAN
Truck and Bus has also started to produce its electric distribution-truck with a
Range of a total of 200km in a small series. Apart from presenting new concepts,
the largest producer of battery electric light duty vehicles in Germany,
Streetscooter, reached the milestone of 1,000 produced units50.
Daimler and Porsche announced investments in BEV production sites in Germany.
Porsche expands its main factory in Stuttgart, while Daimler will produce its first
EQ model in Bremen. Furthermore, Daimler plans to spread its BEV
manufacturing onto its international production network. Volkswagen confirmed
that its first battery production site will be built in Germany. The location and
completion date have not yet been finally decided51.






The automotive supplier ZF founded a new E-Mobility division to merge all its
powertrain electrification activities. Bosch expanded its e-mobility activities by
creating a sharing service for electric two wheelers. The station-based project is
named “Coup” and started in Berlin with a fleet of 200 scooters.

New car sales in 2017 have cumulated to 3.44 million. This corresponds to a 2.7 %
year-on-year growth. BEV sales experienced a strong growth of 120 % year-on-
year to 25,056; HEV sales increased by 76 % to 84,675; PHEV sales increased by
114 % year-on-year to 29,436. The widespread discussion of air pollution by diesel
cars might have led to a 13 % decrease in sales compared to 2016, reaching a share
of 38.8 %. Gasoline cars (57.8 %) still remain at a high level. The average CO2
emission of the new car fleet increased by 0.5 g/km to 127.9 g/km compared to
As of January 1, 2018, 56.5 million motorised vehicles were on the road in
Germany, including 46.5 million passenger cars, 117,000 L category vehicles, 4.2
million motor bikes, 5.2 million trucks and 79,000 buses. The stock of BEV
amounted to 53,861, that of HEV to 236,710. This corresponds to a year-on-year
growth of 58 % and 43 %, respectively. With 4,322 sold units the Renault Zoe was
the most popular BEV in 2017. It is followed by the VW Golf (3,026) and the
Smart Fortwo (2,987). The most popular PHEV were the Audi A3 e-Tron (4,454
sold units), the BMW 225xe Active Tourer (3,680 sold units), and the Mitsubishi
Outlander PHEV (2,234 sold units52).


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As of June 2017, a total of 10,878 charging points were publicly available. Publicly
available charging stations amount to 4,73053. Most of the charging points enable
22 kW charging. About 566 charging points facilitate fast charging.
In November 2016, BMW, Daimler, Ford and Volkswagen with Audi and Porsche
agreed to establish a high-powered charging network in Europe54. The build-up
started in 2017 and will eventually lead to a network of 400 350 kW DC ultra-fast
chargers across Europe. The network will be equipped with the Combined
Charging System (CCS) standard and is supposed to facilitate the BEV adoption
across Europe.
The build-up of hydrogen infrastructure is slightly slower, but also advancing. The
German alliance H2 Mobility by Air Liquide, Daimler, Linde, OMV, Shell and
TOTAL has drawn a roadmap to build up 100 hydrogen fuel stations until 2018.
Their target is to have up to 10 stations in the six biggest cities Hamburg, Berlin,
Rhein-Ruhr area, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Munich55.







EV sales grew by 46 % from 2016 to 2017. Several new models entered the market
in 2017. Traditionally BEVs have represented the larger share of EVs sold in
Ireland. However, this has become increasingly challenged as the number and
range of PHEVs available is steadily increasing. In the BEV market, there is still
not enough depth and variety to the vehicles on offer. For instance the Tesla Model
S represents an ideal family sized car, but it is too expensive to gain wide scale
adoption in Ireland. The Leaf and the Ioniq represent the most prominent BEV
options in the Irish market.
The Government established the Low Emissions Vehicle (LEV) Task Force to
assess ways to increase the uptake rate of lower emission vehicles, which
examined market subsidies and infrastructure for EVs. As sales of EVs continued
to grow in 2017, progress is still slow with respect to ownership issues surrounding
the existing public charging infrastructure.

The primary support mechanisms for the EV market include a capital grant of up to
5,000 EUR and Vehicle Registration Tax relief of up to 5,000 EUR for BEVs.
PHEVs receive the same grant amount but only receive VRT relief of up to
2,500 EUR. Accelerated Capital Allowances are provided to commercial
purchasers of EVs.
Domestic charge points were being installed free of charge for the first 2,000 EV
purchasers of new EVs by ESB Ecars (a company which belongs to the same group
as the Distribution System Operator). The charge point and installation is valued at
approximately 900 EUR. ESB stopped providing this incentive at the end of 2017,
but the scheme has continued in 2018 as a grant of 600 EUR per installation by the
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

The cumulative number of Passenger EVs (BEV and PHEV) on Irish roads was
3,580 vehicles as of the end of 2017. Imports of vehicles from the UK were



significant again in 2017 with good exchange rate and availability of low cost EVs
being a key factor.

Table 1 indicates the current number of chargers available at publically accessible
locations in the Republic of Ireland. Development activity was relatively low for
the national infrastructure in 2017 apart from replacement of early unreliable
infrastructure with more reliable units. Some Chademo only Fast Chargers have
also been changed out with triple headed units which supply CCS and Fast AC
along with Chademo. Tesla have introduced a number of superfast charger stops
around the country with little fanfare.
Charging infrastructure is also available in Northern Ireland and drivers may roam
between and readily access the infrastructure in both parts of Ireland.
ESB also introduced an enhanced charge point management system, now powered
by infrastructure software provider Driivz. The system allows ESB to monitor the
availability of the charge point network and to remotely operate charge point units
in the field, as well as the ability to carry out fault diagnoses and repair.
Furthermore, the system feeds real time information into the charge point map and
app enabling drivers to better plan their journey.





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The LEV Task Force will report with its main recommendations to the
Government in 2018. It is expected that the Government will introduce several
more subsidies in order to encourage greater growth of the EV market. More
developments are expected in terms of vehicle driving range and consumer choice.
The driving cycle (NEDC) is due to change to the WLTP which will have a
significant impact on reported driving range and CO2 emissions figures for PHEVs.



A period of transition will be required for the consumer and also there is an
opportunity to revise the vehicle tax mechanisms to further enhance the uptake of
EVs. European manufacturers must plan for post 2020 CO2 regulations which are
likely to require a percentage reduction on their 2021 figures. However, significant
risk exists for a disconnect between progress on CO2 targets before and after the
change over to the WLTP drive cycle.





2017 was a positive year regarding to new passenger car registrations, which
globally had a moderate increase (+7.9%) compared to 2016, reaching a global
amount of about 2 million cars which makes Italy the fourth biggest market in the
European Union. Also sales of alternative fuel vehicles increased (+24 %) due to
the benefit from demand for LPG-fueled cars, the sales of which registered the
biggest absolute value, while sales of battery and hybrid electric vehicles
(especially plug-in hybrid electric vehicles) registered the highest percentage
increases compared to the previous year.
The efforts to promote and financially support the introduction of cleaner vehicles
were continued. Even if the national policy does not give direct incentives for
purchasing electric vehicles, other incentives for use and circulation were
confirmed in 2017: the exemption from the annual circulation tax (ownership tax)
for a period of five years from the date of the first registration and after this five-
year period electric vehicles benefit from a 75 % reduction of the tax rate applied
to equivalent petrol vehicles. Further, electric vehicles receive a discount from
various insurance companies and finally, in some big municipalities (for example
Milan and Rome) they benefit of free parking in urban areas and free circulation in
limited traffic areas. On the other side, some dealerships of different brands
reserved a bonus to people scrapping or trading in their outdated diesel cars for
hybrid ones. The fiscal advantage of super amortization was confirmed but limited
to only instrumental vehicles.
Looking at charging infrastructure, the implementation of the National Plan for
Electric Charging Infrastructure and the European Directive on Alternative Fuel
Infrastructure is in progress. Further Enel, the largest Italian electric utility,
launched its plan to provide Italy with an appropriate charging infrastructure.
These are good premises in a Country where global statistics still show a very low
diffusion of hybrid (about 0.5 % and 3 % respectively in car fleet and sales) and
electric (about 0.02 % and 0.1 % respectively in car fleet and sales) vehicles and
charging infrastructure while, on the other side, hybrid and electric vehicles have
positive perspectives: Italy has the highest motorization rate combined with the



oldest vehicle fleet in Europe and these could be driving forces (in addition to the
mandatory constraints in CO2 emissions by 2020 and the air quality control) to
usefully capitalize on a nationwide project of e-Mobility industrial development
the numerous, major competencies boasted in Italy.

In Italy, direct incentives (discount, VAT exemption) to purchase electric vehicles
are not provided, but some incentives for use and circulation are present:
exemption from the annual circulation tax (national policy), detractions on some
tariffs, for example exemption from parking and tolls payment, free transit in
limited traffic areas, exemption from total or partial disruption to traffic (regional
or municipal policy, which regards less than 50 % of national citizens).
Electric vehicles are exempt from the annual circulation tax (ownership tax) for a
period of five years from the date of the first registration and after this five-year
period they benefit from a 75 % reduction of the tax rate applied to equivalent
petrol vehicles. Further, electric vehicles receive a discount from various insurance
The national legislation does not consider hybrid electric vehicles (petrol/electric
or diesel/electric). Some regional administrations have acted autonomously: in the
Lazio Region, for example, owners of new hybrid electric vehicles are exempt
from the ownership tax for a period of three years from the date of the first
In some big municipalities (for example Milan and Rome) electric vehicles are
exempt from payment in reserved parking areas and can enter the limited traffic
According to the “Balance Law”, the fiscal detraction in terms of super
amortization was confirmed for year 2017, but limited to vehicles directly used for
carrying on company’s business. Multipurpose vehicles, or vehicles used by
employees, are excluded from the benefit.
Incentives dedicated to charging infrastructure are in terms of direct investments
(national policy), that is, Public Administration directly participating to the
development of charging infrastructure, co-financing projects presented by
Regions and Local Authorities. The instrument to incentivize charging
infrastructure is the National Plan for Electric Charging Infrastructure (PNIRE) by
the Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure. The first version of PNIRE was



issued in 2013, successively updated in 2014 and, more recently, in 2015: this last
version became effective in 201656.
The Government has implemented the European Directive on the deployment of
alternative fuel infrastructure (DAFI 2014/94/ EU) issuing the National Legislative
Decree n. 257, issued on December 16, 2016 and become effective on January 14,
The PNIRE and the National Legislative Decree n. 257 define the national strategy
for the widespread diffusion of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. In this
strategy, some interesting arguments can be highlighted:
• A target of 4,500 ÷ 13,000 slow/accelerated charging points and more than
2,000 ÷ 6,000 fast charging stations on the national territory by 2020, giving
priority to urban areas which belong to metropolitan cities and,
successively, suburban areas, extra-urban roads, state roads and highways;
• The “technology neutral” approach to realize environmental targets by
means of each type of alternative fuel;
• New fuel stations – or the ones under renewal – must provide methane or
natural gas and install charging stations for electric vehicles;
• Public Administrations are required to buy 25 % at least of methane, natural
gas or electric vehicles, when substitute their fleets;57
• Within December 31, 2017, municipalities must update their building
regulations to meet the requirements for supplying alternative fuels and,
starting from June 1, 2017, new buildings58 or the ones under significant
renovations must provide connections to install charging stations for electric
To implement the PNIRE, that is to receive governmental funds, the Decree
4/8/2017 by the Ministry for Infrastructures and Transport requires metropolitan
cities, municipalities and municipalities associations with more than 100,000
inhabitants to provide and adopt new Urban Plans for Sustainable Mobility.






Following the Balance Law 2017, the “Strategic national plan on sustainable
mobility” is in preparation. It contains provisions for replacing bus fleets in the
public transport: stop “Euro 0” and “Euro” 1 buses (7,200 units, ACI source),
5,000 new buses will be put into service in 2018 and 1,500÷2,000 from 2019 to
In November 2017 the Ministry for Economic Development and the Ministry for
Environment issued the final version (after public consultation) of the National
Energy Strategy (SEN), which has a section dedicated to transport and sustainable
mobility, where several measures are mentioned: local regulation (to limit the
circulation of pollutant vehicles in urban areas, free entrance of HEVs and EVs in
limited traffic areas, preferential lanes and parking for zero emissions vehicles),
revision of fiscal systems on transport (registration and owner taxes, duties on
petrol and diesel, etc.), sharing and smart mobility, strengthening of charging
infrastructure for alternative fuel vehicles, enhance public transport.
A lot of initiatives from stakeholders, environmental and user Associations,
representatives of Local/Central Public Administrations and Research
Organizations have been held, suggesting recommendations to policy makers for a
better mobility planning: the “Tiscar Round Table”, a joint resolution by the Public
Works and Environment Committees of the Senate of the Italian Republic, the
“Metropolitan Chart on Electromobility”. They recommend direct incentives for
purchasing EVs and fiscal advantages, incentives to replace old vehicles with
AFVs, use of EVs in Public Administration’s fleets, banning motorcars fueled by
fossil petrol and diesel within 2040 and introducing BEVs and PHEVs (target 3 %
of the market within 5 years), circulation tax linked to vehicle’s pollution, clear
identification of zero emission vehicles in the “Rules of the road”, to use PNIRE
co-founds also to purchase vehicles for electric car sharing, local regulation,
incentives for charging infrastructure, charging points in new residential buildings
and also in already existing ones.
As an effect of legislation and initiatives from Ministries, regions and
municipalities, various funding were activated in 2017.
The Ministry for Environment issued 15 million EUR for projects on efficiency,
mobility and climate in minor islands and 75 million EUR to municipalities for a
National Experimental Program about “home-school and school-home mobility”
aimed to reduce traffic, pollution and stops of cars near schools and working sites,
by means of bike & car sharing & pooling.
An Industrial Plan for the city of Rome was issued with more than 500 million
EUR (about 100 by municipality, 90 by Lazio region, and 330 by the Ministry for



Economic Development) for sustainable mobility & energy, renewal of public
transport vehicle fleets, car sharing and 700 new electric vehicle charging stations.
The Apulia region issued 50,000 EUR for EV domestic charging points fueled by
renewable energy sources (max 1,500 EUR per allowed installation).
Emilia Romagna provides incentives to buy new light commercial vehicles: 2,500
EUR for scrapping and replacing of an old vehicle with a new alternative fuel
vehicle (with a maximum of 200,000 EUR per company).
The Lombardia region issued 15 million EUR for the diffusion of electric vehicles
and their charging infrastructure in municipalities. Further, this region provides
incentives on private charging points: 1,500 EUR per charging point in case of
charging system with a single socket, 1,000 EUR per socket in case of charging
systems with several sockets, until a maximum of 10,000 EUR per applicant.
In the Mobility Plan of the Sardinia region, 15 million EUR were issued to increase
the electric vehicles fleet and charging infrastructure, with 650 new charging
stations planned.
The Bolzano Province provides incentives to buy electric (4,000 EUR) and hybrid
plug-in electric (2,000 EUR) cars. Further, the exemption from annual circulation
tax for five years and then 77.5 % (instead of 75 % as for the national policy)
reduction of the tax rate. Finally, incentives are provided for EV charging
infrastructure: 1,000 EUR per charging station.
In the Mobility Plan for the Trento Province, investments were planned for 21
million EUR.
The Italian electric mobility wins the confidence of important international bodies
too: the European Investment Bank issued 230 million EUR in favor of Florence
municipality for a three years investments plan in”smart city projects“. Sustainable
mobility is a part of it.

The National Research Council of Italy (CNR) has been studying for different
years the development of an integrated system between electric mobility and
energy production from renewable energetic sources and storage. The application
of this study is the integration of alternative sustainable mobility systems,
Intelligent Transport System (ITS) by the means of an ICT platform directed to
systems, infrastructures and electric vehicles, fuel cell and hybrid (fuel cell and
battery) vehicles. Another area of study is the management of energetic flows
inside the hybrid propeller: it gives information to build simulation models of the
energetic flows and pollutants generation. This study wants to define and



experimentally evaluate the best control strategies for the optimal management of
the propulsion system. Finally, CNR studies the different types of energy storage
systems (batteries and supercapacitors) for electric vehicles.
The Italian National Agency on New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable
Economic Development (ENEA) in 2017 continued its activities relating to the
“Sustainable Electric Mobility” project, included in the National Research Program
for the Electrical System founded by the Ministry for Economic Development.
These activities include studies and researches to realize support instruments for
planning and/or evaluating electric mobility and developing innovative
technologies for charging infrastructures, especially the investigation of the
impacts of electric mobility on the transport system in an urban context and the
development of useful instruments for Local Public Transport (LPT) Companies or
Local Administrations. Here is a list of the activities made by ENEA in 2017:
• Studies on dynamic wireless charging, in terms of system design and
implementation on a little size experimental vehicle.
• To design the transformation of a conventional vehicle into a mobile fast
charging station to be used as a rescue track. This study is aimed to
establish a road rescue service useful to remove the uncertainties on residual
range when travelling long distances and create new working opportunities
for service companies along roads or call-services.
• Risk analysis and management of the residual risk for batteries in electric
vehicles. Even if batteries and their management systems are subject to hard
safety tests, the risk analysis (and experience) shows that there is the
possibility of undesired events. This study analyses different arguments:
failure of safety systems during vehicle use and recharge, crash situations,
• Studies on support instruments for LPT: to evaluate technical feasibility and
economic convenience of electric traction in public road transport lines for a
major city; to run energy consumption measures of urban buses in real
operative contexts.
• Optimal location of charging infrastructures. Following the indications from
PNIRE, a growth of the charging infrastructures network, able to manage
the increasing request from users is a priority for the diffusion of electric
mobility. An operative instrument, able to join the request from users
(according to their real movements) and the implementation of a “fuzzy”
decisional logic to produce a spatial distribution of charging points.
• Development of an instrument, aimed at electricity distributors, able to
predict the needs of electric mobility in an urban area.



• User safety and protection from residual electromagnetic fields during
electric vehicle charging.

“Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico” (RSE), another main research institute together
with CNR and ENEA, has been working for different years on electric mobility,
not only vehicles but especially their impacts on the grid and the optimization of
mobility in the context of the wider energetic scenario. A study realized by RSE
evaluates the impact of 10 million electric cars (a third of which battery electric
vehicles and two thirds plug-in hybrid electric vehicles) in Italy in 2030: on the
basis of this scenario, consistent with the ones made by other research
organizations, considering the development of electricity consumptions expected in
the future, the impact of charging electric cars would be an energy increase of 5 %
(18.7 TWh out of 362 TWh) which can be managed at a national level without
having to build new power stations or electricity grids.

In 2017, overall new passenger car registrations increased by about 7.9 %
compared to 2016, reaching a global amount of 1,970,497. The positive trend of
previous years has continued and Italy is the fourth biggest market in the European
Union. New battery electric passenger car registrations increased by 42.8 %, while
registrations of new plug-in hybrid electric passenger car (+102.4%) accounted for
the strongest growth. In total new electrically chargeable passenger cars increased
significantly by 71.2 %. The demand for new hybrid electric passenger cars
continued to grow (+70.2 %). New other alternative fuel (natural gas, LPG,
ethanol) passenger car registrations had a moderate growth (11.2 %). Totally, new
alternative fuel passenger car registrations increased by 24 %.
An analysis of sales based on categories of customers [2] shows that private
customers bought fewer (-1.9%) than in the previous year. The drop was
considerably higher in the case of purchase by companies (-11.3%): this would be
pretty obvious after the boom (+24.7 %) caused in 2016 by the super amortization,
no longer available in 2017 for all companies, but limited to only instrumental
vehicles. In fact, rent companies belong to one of the few categories which have
taken this fiscal advantage and their purchases increased (+18.8 %). Cars registered
by manufacturers and dealers had a strong growth (52.3 %) so to balance the
market share there is a reduction of private customers.
A large increase was registered for sales of hybrid electric passenger cars, thanks to
the continuous extension of range: these vehicles went beyond the share threshold
of 3 %. Nevertheless the strong growth in sales of battery and plug-in hybrid
electric passenger cars, the share in sales for these type of vehicles still remains



about 0.1 % with respect to the total. This is due to various reasons. The first one is
the high purchase price – which in other countries is balanced by significant fiscal
detractions – and the low number of charging infrastructure. In addition to this,
there are consumers’ doubts about electric vehicles (range anxiety). In fact, in Italy
the owners of “fully electric” cars are mostly companies or rent companies or
public administrations: new electric passenger cars registered in 2016 belong to
companies for about 85 % and natural persons for only 15 %. But something is
moving, thanks to the National Plan for Charging Infrastructure and the European
Directive on alternative fuels, recently adopted by the Government.
Figure 1 shows the share (following the European standard on pollutant emissions,
from Euro 0, the most polluting, to Euro 6, the cleanest) of circulating passenger
cars, updated on January 1, 2017.


A certain attention towards electric vehicles is beginning: free parking and

circulation in limited traffic areas are reserved to electric vehicles in many cities,
there are various projects included in the mobility urban plan based on electric
vehicles (services, logistics of goods and car sharing). Electric energy distributors
have established partnerships with car makers to promote services based on electric
vehicles, as it is in the announcements for car sharing services issued from various
Italian cities. In 2017, 6,644 shared vehicles were counted in Italy: the electric
share of these vehicles is growing, thanks to some operators which based their
service on electric vehicles (Share‘ngo, Drivenow, BlueTorino). A reduction of
“Station Based” demand and, on the other side, strengthening of “Free Floating”
was registered. The diffusion of bike sharing is growing too, especially because of
“Free Floating”: in a total of 29,404 shared bikes, 12,800 belong to this type of
service. About scooter sharing service, in 2017 EniJoy terminated the service, but
other new operators are entering the market: MiMoto (Milan), eCooltra, ZigZag
(Rome). The total amount of shared scooters is 500. Figure 2 shows the statistics
on sharing mobility in the last three years.




Fully electric cars are starting to be present in Italian municipalities with various
examples. Car makers are interested to promote electric mobility, for this reason in
the latest years have established agreements with public administration,
municipalities (delegation vehicles or vehicles for Municipal Police), regions, trade
associations and private companies (for example vehicle rent Company). Also the
security force started to use electric vehicles.
In 2017, the Italian demand for light commercial vehicles (< 3.5 t) declined (-
3.4 %) while sales of medium and heavy weight trucks (> 3.5 t) registered a growth
(+4.5 % and +8.4 % respectively). The fiscal benefit of the super amortizing was
continued but limited to only instrumental vehicles.
In 2017, new buses and minibuses registrations reached 3,357, with an increase
(+20.3 %) compared to 2016 (2,791 vehicles sold). This confirms the expected big
growth, also in relation with public tenders for new fleets. IVECO (the main Italian
bus manufacturer) is providing 120 new hybrid buses in the framework of the plan
to renew ATM’s (the local public transportation company in Milan) fleet. As
regards FCEVs, a national survey in 2015 showed that at least 68 enterprises are
currently active in the field of Fuel Cells and hydrogen technologies in Italy. In
spite of this, only 13 FCEVs are registered and circulating in Italy at the time of
writing (one Toyota Mirai, twelve Hyundai ix35 of which two are police cars).
Statistics for the total vehicle fleets and sales in Italy are reported at the end of the
chapter, in Table 3.

In Italy about 10,000 charging points can be estimated, 7,000 ÷ 7,500 (around 75
%) of them are charging points in private areas. The situation is in continuous
progress, because the National Plan for Electric Charging Infrastructure (PNIRE),
issued by the Ministry for Infrastructures and Transport (MIT) has to be applied.
As a consequence of this, a general upward trend, shown in Figure 3, is registered
but, on the other side, the inventory of charging infrastructures is particularly
complicated: the results, to the best of actual abilities have been obtained by the



European Alternative Fuel Observatory’s (EAFO) web site and are resumed in
Table 1.


=6G<>C<"C;G6HIGJ8IJG:DC :8:B7:G 
=6G<:GH *J6CI>IN

In 95 Italian provinces (see Figure 4) there is at least one public charging point.
Charging points are concentrated in the main urban areas and cities, but thanks to
the first installations of EVA+ project, the location of charging stations is now
arriving very close to main highways in Italy. Several Apps keep track of the
charging stations and help drivers to plan the charge: among others, Chargemap,
evway, Open charge map, e-go Ricarica (by Enel), D-Mobility (by Duferco




Some tests on electric vehicle charging, performed by the specialist magazine

“Quattroruote” [3] with different charging power and type of vehicle, are shown in
Table 2.
EDL:G 8=6G<:9  E:G E:G
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-NE: %D86I>DC 6AADL:9   B>C @0=
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I7 %.%,     

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%.%2')! -?PRGL I7

I7 %.%,     
3?G?LM !#

'!2$! I7
I7 3?Jc     
5./ !#

Using the app “e-go Ricarica”, Enel offers the charging service by app for the cost
of 0.217 EUR per minute until January 15, 2018 from then on it will be 0.366



EUR. Using Enel drive card, the sign of a service agreement is required and the
tariff is 0.40 EUR per kWh.
PNIRE is the instrument which rules the development of charging infrastructure: it
establishes a target of 4,500 ÷ 13,000 normal power charging points (i.e. power
equal or lower than 22 kW) and 2,000 ÷ 6,000 high power charging stations (i.e.
power bigger than 22 kW) by 2020. Under the push of PNIRE, various regions
have already implemented Electric Mobility Plans and/or guide lines for the
development of electric mobility. Dedicated plans for all other regions are in
On November 9, 2017 Enel launched its plan to provide Italy with an appropriate
charging infrastructure. According to the study made by Enel & Polytechnic of
Milan to prepare the plan, under the assumption of a fleet of 360,000 e-cars
(against the 6,000÷7,000 e-cars now on the road) 12,000 charging stations would
be required. Enel will use 100 to 300 million EUR, resulting from company
investment, European founds and drivers’ contribute, this is not going to be a part
of electricity tariff and a burden on the electricity bill. Targets for Enel’s Plan are:
• 2,700 charging points by 2018,
• 7,000 charging stations by 2020,
• 14,000 charging stations by 2022.

By the first half of 2018, Enel will install 250 charging stations in parking areas of
Conad’s sale points59 throughout Italy: 40 Fast Charge Stations (50 kW) very close
to main highways, enclosed in EVA+ project, and 210 Pole Stations (22 kW).

Many programs/projects/initiatives, which Italian research institutes, companies or
cities have taken part in, continued to be promoted and financed/co-financed in
2017 by the EU.
“Steve” is a project funded by the European Commission in the framework of the
Program Horizon 2020. It involves 21 partners between universities,
administrations and little/medium companies for the development of an innovative
city electric car as a valid instrument to solve typical critical issues in urban
centers. Torino and Venaria (Italy) Calvià (Spain) and Villach (Austria) will be
pilot cities for this project.
“Smart-MR”, Sustainable Measures for Achieving Resilient Transportation in
Metropolitan Regions, is a European project aimed to help local (municipal and




regional) authorities to achieve resilient and low-carbon transportation and
mobility in metropolitan regions. ATAC, the largest public transportation company
in Rome, is the main stakeholder in the project.
Over the next three years E.ON (an international energy and e-mobility Company)
and CLEVER (a Denmark based e-mobility service provider) will establish a
network of 180 ultra-fast charging stations (150 kW with potential for upgrade to
350 kW) for electric vehicles in seven countries connecting Norway to Italy. The
network is appointed as a European flagship project and has received 10 million
EUR in funding support from the European Commission in the framework of
Connecting Europe Facility Program.
Enel, as coordinator, and Austria’s main utility Verbund are collaborating on a
fast-recharging network project in Italy and Austria, alongside some of the world’s
largest EV carmakers including Renault, Nissan, BMW, and Volkswagen Group
Italia (represented by Volkswagen and Audi). Electric Vehicle Arteries (EVA+) is
aimed to create a fast charging infrastructure for electric vehicles on key roads and
motorways in Italy and Austria. Over the course of the three-year project 200
multi-standard fast charge stations, each capable of offering all the fast charging
standards (CSS Combo 2, CHAdeMO or AC charging) will be installed. Of the
project’s 200 columns, 180 Fast Recharge Plus columns (a technology developed
by Enel that enables two vehicles to be simultaneously fast charged in 20 minutes)
will be installed in Italy by Enel, while the remaining 20 will be installed by
Verbund’s subsidiary SMATRICS in Austria, also offering all fast charging
standards. The project’s budget is 8.5 million EUR, 50 % co-funded by the
European Commission under the “Connecting Europe Facility” Program. A grant
agreement worth a maximum of 4.2 million EUR was signed with INEA, the
Innovation and Networks Executive Agency delegated by the European
Commission and EVA+ was officially launched in Brussels in January 2017. The
first 30 “Fast Recharge Plus” charging points (one infrastructure every 60 km)
were installed by Enel on the route between Rome and Milan.
”Puglia Active Network” (Pan) is a project of Enel, supported by the European
Community and the Ministry for Environment: co-financed with 85 million EUR
under the EU NER 300 Program, it wants to promote the use and development of
renewable sources, energy efficiency and electric mobility. In fact, the project
includes, inter alia, to enable new services for citizens by developing of a network
of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles on a regional scale. More than 70
intelligent and interoperable (which may be used by customers of different
operators) charging infrastructures will be installed, distributed in about 40 sites of
the municipalities, ring roads and access roads to major urban centers of the region,



as well as on the primary highway network. The project was officially launched in
2016 and the first phase of installation was completed in 2017.
The project “E-Vai 3.0”, launched by “FN Mobilità Sostenibile” (company of the
group “Ferrovie Nord Milano”) in collaboration with Enel is a project of integrated
mobility that combines railway and green car sharing using only electric vehicles.
The project will be active until June 2018 in the municipalities of Varese and
Saronno, with 12 cars and three charging stations respectively installed in parking
areas (6 parking spaces each one) at Varese and Saronno’s railway stations.
The “E-Via” project, co-funded by PNIRE, will bring 35 charging stations into the
region Val d’Aosta: 11 of them will be installed in the city of Aosta and 24 along
the main roads and valleys of the region. The project started in February 2017 with
the installation of the first charging station in Saint Vincent.
In December 2017, the “E-VIA - FLEX-E” project for the installation of 14 multi-
standard Ultra-Fast Charging Stations in Europe was launched. The charging
stations are ranging from 150 kW to 350 kW: 8 in Italy, 4 in Spain and 2 in France.
The project is co-financed by the European Commission in the framework of the
program “Connecting Europe Facility”.
In the works of the project “Mi Muovo elettrico-Free Carbon City”, funded by
Emilia Romagna Region, 130 charging stations will be installed in urban and
interchange areas.
Enel and the City of La Spezia made an agreement for a pilot project which
involves 8 electric cars and 5 electric bikes, which will be given to the force of the
Municipal Police, and 16 charging points.
The “Green Way Primiero” is a project on sustainable mobility realized by the City
of San Martino di Castrozza, aimed to demonstrate the substitution of conventional
fuels in transportation with electric energy from local renewable energy sources. It
involves the installation of 13 charging stations in public areas and 18 EVs for
local public transport.
Enel, Nissan Italia and the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) made an agreement
for a pilot project on company electric car sharing and V2G charging system. IIT
will be the company where the car sharing will be realized, by the means of two
electric cars Nissan Leaf and two bidirectional (V2G) charging station installed by
Many demonstration projects put together the interest on e-mobility and the Italian
environmental beauty to realize examples of sustainable mobility in touristic zones.



“Ischia Isola verde” is an eco-tourism pilot project made by a collaboration
between Enel and Emotion (a “green cars” service company), which combines 20
rental e-cars and 30 charging stations in hotels. “Sicily Eco tour” is collaboration
between Enel, Renault and the rental car company “Sicily by Car”, which offers
200 Renault Zoe and 400 charging stations along tourist itineraries in Sicily.
“Asinara Zero Emissions” is a project for substituting the diesel vehicles of
Asinara Island’s Park Authority with electric vehicles. It is founded by
“Fondazione di Sardegna” and also provides for purchasing and installing charging
stations initially connected to the grid, but in the final part of the projectto be
integrated by a PV plant and an energy storage system to reduce the dependence
from the grid as much as possible in favor of the use of “clean” energy.

The prospects for EVs, PHEVs and HEVs in Italy are judged positively and with a
significant growing trend in the medium to long term with higher attention from
media general public and authorities. The major driving force for most countries
and car makers in Europe will be the mandatory constraints in CO2 emissions by
2020. In addition to this, the air quality control in Italy will further improve the
introduction of low and zero emission vehicles to mitigate the local environmental
emergency, also thanks to the initiatives of regional and municipal authorities
integrating the initiatives of the central government and various Ministries.
Finally, a further impulse is expected by the EU directive for the installation of a
clean fuel infrastructure throughout Europe with approved national plans for
implementation by 2020 and beyond. The National Plan for Electric Charging
Infrastructure prepared by the Italian Government is operative, and the one for
hydrogen refueling infrastructure is already prepared by the Ministry for Economic
Development and ready to become operative. The presence of charging
infrastructures will drive the growth of clean vehicles.
As indicated in [4], Italy boasts numerous, major competencies that can be usefully
capitalized on in a nationwide project of industrial development of e-Mobility,
particularly in the areas connected with:
• bodywork and interiors: within R&D, there is a solid and prestigious
tradition with engineering and design companies, as well as in bodywork
manufacture and the design of interiors;
• electronic components: Italy is the second country in the world in terms of
trade balance of electrical conductors for voltages above 80V;
• charging equipment: Italy excels in the engineering, industrial design and
manufacture of electrical charging equipment – with companies such as



Enel, Bitron, Ducati Energia, Scame and ABB – that permit the launching
in the short-term of a plan to develop a grid infrastructure on a national
• electrical grid: Italy is in the vanguard in this area and is developing
projects and international collaboration in the development of Smart Grids,
Smart Charging and Vehicle to-Grid technologies, including on a world
• mobility services: Italy has a long-standing tradition in the production of
light electrical vehicles, electric bicycles and motorcycles, and a framework
is emerging of innovative companies specialized in the development of
software, applications and technological solutions for managing mobility,
including intermodal.

Conversely, the battery and electric motor sectors are less-covered than their
foreign competitors, however, in both sectors, there are interesting development
opportunities for Italy, in particular in the battery energy storage market, where
Italian knowhow in inverter production for industrial automation and energy
generation from renewable sources could serve as a driver, and could be
transferred and adapted to the e-Mobility sector.
Considering Italy and the overall perimeter of e-Mobility (motor vehicles,
motorcycles, buses and commercial vehicles), the value chain involved represents a
very significant range of activity, with 160,000 companies, a workforce of over
820,000 employees and annual revenues of nearly 390 billion EUR. Taking into
account the electric motor vehicle market alone (not included: motorcycles, buses,
commercial vehicles) and the turnover that can be generated in each stage of the
value chain, a study [4] by Enel and “The European House - Ambrosetti”
Consulting Group estimates that in the different development scenarios (lower,
middle, upper, accelerated) hypothesized, an overall turnover of between 24 and
100 billion EUR by 2025 and between 68 and 303 billion EUR by 2030could be
activated, see Figure 5. This is a significant impact, of which Italy could capture a
relevant share in the component, bodywork and interiors sectors, as well as in the
area of electric charging equipment, in addition to those that develops
predominantly nationwide, that is the electricity grid, recycling and second life. It
would be possible, therefore, to generate a value of between 14 and 59 billion EUR
in Italy by 2025 and between 41 and 180 billion EUR by 2030.




Figure 6 shows hypothetical scenarios of the spread of electric motor vehicles
(BEVs and PHEVs) in the Italian car fleet and Figure 7 illustrates hypothetical
scenarios of the spread of electric charging points and the ratio of electric motor
vehicles (EVs) and charging points in Italy as of 2025 and 2030.
The histograms refer to hypothetical growth in the number of electric motor
vehicles (BEVs and PHEVs) on a national level in the various development
scenarios for the years 2025 and 2030, respectively 3 and 9 million electric motor
vehicles in the accelerated scenario, with 30,000 public charging stations – 1.5
million private wall-boxes and 45,000 public charging stations – 4.5 million
private wall-boxes.
Great expectations are on the Italian car manufacturer FCA, who is planning the
production of some electric models of its range (Doblò). Maserati, a famous brand
of the FCA Group for luxury and high performances cars, will be the pioneer
company in the Group to develop hybrid and electric technologies. In 2019 it will
start the production of plug-in hybrid electric cars and will further launch the first
model of a fully electric car. The target would be electrifying 50 % of FCA’s
models within 2022 [5].








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A fuel cell SUV from Hyundai is expected to be available for sale in summer 2018.

/:=>8A:H"C8:CI>K:H;GDB6G :6A:GH
Until December 31, 2017, an offer by some Toyota dealerships gave a bonus of
between 5,000 and 8,000 EUR to people scrapping or trading in their outdated (6
months, at least) diesel vehicle for an hybrid one. Other examples are given in
Table 5.

6G&D9:A >H8DJCI>C.+

[1] IEA_HEV_TCP_Report2017 “Hybrid and Electric Vehicles - The Electric
Drive Chauffeurs”
[2] “Quattroruote” Magazine, N. 750, February 2018, pages 206÷207
[3] “Quattroruote” Magazine, N. 750, February 2018, pages 149÷155
[4] Enel, The European House – Ambrosetti, “E-Mobility Revolution –
Impacts on Italy and its industrial value chain: Italy’s agenda”, 2017
[5] “Quattroruote” Magazine, N. 749, January 2018, Annex page 44
[6] “Quattroruote” Magazine, N. 748, December 2017, pages 210÷211




By 2030, only zero-emission cars will be sold in the Netherlands. That is the Dutch
government’s ambition. With this goal in mind, businesses, social institutions,
knowledge institutions and the government all work together in the Formula E-
Team, the Dutch PPS platform to promote e-mobility, to accelerate the transition to
electric vehicles. The aim is to help meet the climate targets and, in addition, to
take advantage of the associated economic opportunities.
And their efforts bore fruit in 2017: the number of electric cars in the Netherlands
grew once again. For the first time, the growth came entirely from fully electric
cars: more than 8,600 new, fully electric passenger vehicles were registered, while
the total fleet number of plug-in hybrids fell slightly.
The economic impact of e-mobility was monitored and research showed that in
2016, 3,730 fte were working in the sector. The number of jobs and the production
volume has increased 40 % year-to-year. It is clear, therefore, that e-mobility is an
innovation that offers economic opportunities for Dutch businesses. Amongst
others, Dutch companies are active in the field of charging infrastructure, charging
services, consultancy, the manufacture of electric trucks and buses, the
manufacture of components and the manufacture of light electric vehicles,
including electric scooters.

In October 2017, the Rutte III new Dutch cabinet presented its coalition agreement.
In the mobility chapter, the aim is for all new cars to be zero emission by 2030 at
the latest. Tax incentives for zero emission cars will be phased out as this ambition
is achieved. The cabinet states that it will ensure that charging infrastructure is in
place to meet the needs of the new stock of electric vehicles, but that market parties
will continue to bear primary responsibility for supplying and operating charging
equipment. And by introducing low emission zones, and reducing parking charges
for zero emission vehicles, the municipal authorities have instruments at their
disposal to improve air quality in inner cities. Some cities already have
environmental zones at place, but not yet for zero emission vehicles only.



The cabinet aims for a 49 % reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. In
order to give economic sectors certainty about the long-term targets, a national
climate and energy agreement will be made and should be ready in 2018.



Together with her colleagues from Luxembourg and Belgium, the Netherlands’
State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water Management, Ms Stientje van
Veldhoven, is to put measures in place to make it easier for e-drivers to find
charging stations and to make payment at these charging stations more user
friendly. The countries have signed a partnership agreement that aims to promote
“cross-border access to e-mobility services in the Benelux countries”. This is
designed to enable drivers of electric vehicles to travel seamlessly through the



Benelux countries. Under the agreement, drivers will be able to charge an electric
vehicle in all three countries using a single charging card or app, and prices will be
transparent. For this reason, Open Chargepoint Belgium, eViolin and Chargy – the
sector organisations for providers of charging services from Belgium, the
Netherlands and Luxembourg – are also party to the agreement.

Several regions have completed their tendering processes for (additional) public
charging infrastructure. In the South, in the provinces of Brabant and Limburg,
1,250 additional charging points will be installed under a tender where a
government grant per charging point is no longer required. The Metropolitan
Region of Amsterdam has organized a successful tender for the operation of 360
existing charging points. The tender is unique in that it is the first time that a
commercial player will pay for operation of the charging stations. Previously, the
government provided co-finance.
Five European fast charging companies, including the Dutch company Fastned,
have joined forces to form the Open Fast Charging Alliance. The parties will
connect their networks through roaming to provide a high-quality network of fast
charging stations throughout Europe. This network will be open to all fully electric
vehicles, thereby facilitating long-distance travel.
More and more electric buses are being taken in operation in the Netherlands.
Examples include the cities of Utrecht, Dordrecht, Haarlem and Amersfoort.
Operator Hermes has reached a milestone for its 43 electric buses around
Eindhoven, because it has covered 1 million electric kilometers with the buses – in
operation since December 2016.
VDL Bus & Coach has launched an electric minibus called the MidCity Electric.
The new electric vehicle is suitable for small-scale passenger transport. The fully
electric minibus is 8 m long and has a low floor, which facilitates boarding for
passengers and wheelchair users. In addition, the longer wheelbase provides a high
level of flexibility in terms of the type and number of seats. The MidCity Electric
has a maximum range of 220 km. VDL also produces the fully electric 12 to 18
meter long Citea, flexible in options of several electric drives, battery packs and
charging systems, so that the ideal, optimal combination can be put together for
any area of operation.




E-Trucks Europe has manufactured a fully electric garbage truck for the
municipality of Breda. The electric garbage truck produces no emissions and is
equipped to run on hydrogen in the future. The vehicle is currently capable of fast
charging, i.e. its battery can be re-charged from empty within 2 hours.


In Rotterdam, the first fully electric water taxi has been brought into service. The
water taxi has a converted Tesla battery under its bonnet. It has enough power to
run for a day at an average speed of 12 km an hour.




In 2017, a number of Dutch companies launched new models on the light electric
vehicle market. Urban mobility firm Stint and the municipality of Zaanstad, for
example, have developed a vehicle that the municipality will use for landscaping
and street cleaning. Previously, municipality employees had to walk 6 km a day
with a wheelie bin to empty the bins; now they use an electric vehicle developed
by Stint, which can transport a load of up to 400 kg over a range of 90 km.


Electric car sharing is gaining ground in the Netherlands, with several new
initiatives in 2017. Hyundai, eg., has launched a project in Amsterdam and
Ameland with more than 100 fully electric vehicles. And car2go welcomed its
50,000th member in Amsterdam. Their Smarts are now used almost 2,000 times a
day. 4 % of all shared passenger cars in the Netherlands are electric. Also bike
sharing is taking up in Dutch cities.



In 2017, a number of Dutch companies caught the eye of major multinationals.
Some companies were taken over completely (eg. NewMotion by Shell and
EVBox by Engie), while others sold a percentage of their shares (eg. 25 % stake in
Jedlix by Renault).

The city of Arnhem has introduced a charging point for electric vehicles that
derives its energy from batteries that are housed in the pylon of a trolley bus wire.
This is the first time in Europe that power from braking trolleybuses has been
harnessed to power electric vehicles. The city plans to introduce more of these
charging points over the next few years.
ElaadNL, Liander, GreenFlux, NewMotion and EVnetNL have demonstrated in a
pilot that charging electric vehicles more slowly during the evening peak does not
adversely affect drivers of electric vehicles. During the project, the electric
vehicles of 71 participants were charged at half the normal speed during the
evening peak for 1 year in order to reduce the burden on the grid. This was offset
by charging the fully electric vehicles 25 % more quickly outside peak hours.
Lightyear has unveiled the pre-design for its commercial solar car, the Lightyear
One. The vehicle is fully electric, is powered exclusively by solar energy and will
be launched in 2019. With a full battery, the vehicle can travel up to 800 km. The
integrated solar panels on the roof of the new car generate enough energy to charge
the battery during the day and plugging in to charge is rarely necessary. For very
long journeys, the car can be charged using a normal socket, so a separate charging
infrastructure is not required. In the meantime, more than 10 of the vehicles have
already been sold at the pre-sale stage, even before the first prototype is ready.




The province of Noord-Brabant, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water
Management, Rijkswaterstaat (the Dutch agency responsible for water and road
management), and the municipalities of Eindhoven, Helmond and Tilburg, have set
up the MobilitymoveZ.NL Urban Mobility Testing Area. The initiative comprises
of a stretch of national, provincial and local roads that runs from Helmond to
Tilburg via Eindhoven. MobilitymoveZ.NL provides national and international
players with a controlled, manageable section of a public highway to develop and
test new technologies and services in the field of smart mobility and innovative
mobility services in practical situations.
Just as in previous years, the Dutch student teams had an excellent year in 2017,
with the unveiling and development of new vehicles and technology and
participation in international competitions:
• TU/ecomotive, a team of students from Eindhoven University of
technology, has presented the design of Lina the car in the world to be made
of a biocomposite. The electric city car, which can accommodate 4 people,
weighs just 225 kg.
• Team FAST, a team of students from Eindhoven University of Technology,
has unveiled an electric bus that runs on Hydrozine, a sustainably produced
formic acid. The self-built system is housed in a small trailer that is
connected to an electric bus, which converts the formic acid into electricity
by splitting it into hydrogen and CO2. The hydrogen is then used to generate
electricity, which is used to power the bus.
• The Nuon Solar Team and the Solar Team Eindhoven have won the World
Solar Challenge. Delft University of Technology’s Nuna9 took first prize in
the Challenger Class of the World Solar Challenge in Australia. Solar Team
Eindhoven’s Stella Vie won the Cruiser Class for ‘practical’ solar cars.
Stella Vie can accommodate 5 people but can still cover some 1,000 km a
day on solar power.

The Dutch Automobile Association, ANWB, published the E-mobility Monitor,

which outlines developments in e-mobility in the Netherlands, consumer response
to electric vehicles and any obstacles that have been encountered. The first edition
of the Monitor indicates, amongst others, that 38 % of consumers are interested in
In 2017, the Netherlands Knowledge Platform for Charging Infrastructure (NKL)
published their yearly benchmark of the costs associated with public charging
infrastructure. This report indicates that the costs of public charging infrastructure
continued to fall in 2017 to 35 % of the costs in the reference year (2013). Another



of the report’s findings is that, from 2017 onwards, the focus moves from cost
reduction to professionalization of the market.



This report “Charging infrastructure on private property built environment”, which

was produced by Ecorys and EVConsult, highlights obstacles to the installation of
charging points for electric vehicles on private property built environment, such as
shared car parks in apartment complexes and offices. According to the writers of
the report, there are a number of different policy measures that could be
implemented by the government to speed up an increase in the number of charging



PwC’s research on the institutional barriers and potential solutions for the smart
charging of electric vehicles reviews current obstacles to optimum use of electric
vehicles in the Netherlands and suggests potential solutions. The report’s
recommendations include the following: optimization of the incentive to store
energy in an electric vehicle for own use, avoidance of a double tax on energy use
and reduction of the transmission charge.

One of the main drivers behind the increase of electric vehicles in the Netherlands
is fiscal stimulation. As from 2016, there is more focus on zero emission vehicles.
Until 2020, fiscal incentives for plug-in hybrid cars will gradually be reduced to
the same level as for conventional cars. Table 1 provides an overview of the
incentives that were in place in 2017.

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As part of the Green Deal on Publicly Accessible Charging Infrastructure, the

national government has committed a total of 7.2 million EUR to contribute to the
installing of public charging points by municipalities. In the period mid-2015 to
mid-2018 a gradually decreasing contribution per pole can be granted, provided
that a municipality contributes the same amount and a market party also



contributes. Up to the end of 2017, 216 municipalities have installed 7,800
charging poles through this arrangement.

The number of plugged-in electric vehicles grows steadily in the Netherlands. At
the end of 2017, almost 120,000 electric passenger cars were registered. Of these,
almost 18 % were Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), the majority consisting of
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs). When compared to the end of 2016, the
number of BEVs increased by 61 % and the total number of PHEVs decreased for
the first time by 1 %.
There were 158,245 HEVs on the road at the end of December 2017.



Over the year 2017, 2.6 % of new registrations were BEVs or PHEVs. In 2016 this
percentage was 6.7. About 1 % of the total passenger car fleet was electric.






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The Netherlands has a well-developed charging network.


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At the end of 2017, there were 32,875 regular charging points in the country, an
increase of 26 % compared with the year before. 15,288 of these were public
charging points and 17,587 were semi-public, the majority of those being
destination chargers. The number of fast charging points increased by 23 %



compared to 2016, to a total of 755 – in total 178 locations along highways but also
in cities.
Next to these public charging points, an estimated minimum of at least 80,000
private charging points was in operation.
About half the number of (semi)public charging points are already smart charging
ready, reports the Living Lab Smart Charging. Moreover, all charging is
interoperable, and has been so since the beginning of 2011. The Open Charge Point
Interface (OCPI) protocol, an independent roaming protocol for providers of
charging infrastructure and services, was designed in the Netherlands for this
purpose. It provides information about location, real-time availability, prices, and
real-time billing, as well as mobile access of chargers.
The Dutch government, knowledge institutes and companies together call for the
use of open standards and open protocols in charging infrastructure, so as to
stimulate innovation and global access – thus stimulating EV uptake.


There are a great number of projects going on. This is only a small selection.
In partnership with Nuon, Liander and ElaadNL, the municipality of Amsterdam
has introduced flexible charging of electric vehicles. In this pilot, electric vehicles
are charged up using more power when there is less demand for electricity from
other energy users and the demand for power is therefore low. And they are
charged up using less power when less energy is available. 200 charging points in
Amsterdam Centre, West, New West and South are taking part in this pilot.



In conjunction with car manufacturer Mitsubishi and network operator TenneT,
NewMotion has launched a pilot that involves bidirectional charging of a number
of electric vehicles in an effort to balance peak demand on the grid more
effectively. A first charging station has now been brought into service.
After a successful pilot in Lombok, the sustainable energy system Smart Solar
Charging is to be expanded to 5 districts in the Utrecht region and will include 70
electric We Drive Solar cars. During the day, a smart charging station stores local
solar power in electric car-share cars, while at other times the excess energy is used
locally thanks to vehicle2grid (V2G) technology.
The project ‘Amsterdam Arena’ is one of the pilots in the ‘SEEV4-City’ Interreg
project. It researches and tests energy storage and V2G applications through 280
used Nissan Leaf batteries.

In the summer of 2018 the new Energy and Climate Agreement will be ready,
taken into account the large task on CO2 emissions reductions that the Netherlands
will need to accomplish to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. This
will serve as the new policy focus for all relevant sectors, including transport and
Technology is moving fast, as smart mobility, connected and autonomous driving
gain terrain. The Netherlands wants to be prepared for changing mobility demand
by facilitating developments and removing hurdles. It also acts as a testing ground
for connective, cooperative and automated driving.
As far as electric mobility is concerned, the market is anxiously looking forward to
many new models with a larger battery capacity that will arrive in 2018/2019.
There are also some challenges towards the future of e-mobility for the
Netherlands. As most electric cars are still business (leased) cars, consumers need
to adopt electric vehicles for actual market scale-up. The installation of easily
accessible public charging infrastructure remains a point of attention for the
government. Besides that, the number of workplace chargers will need to increase.
And last but not least, the importance of open standards worldwide is undeniable
for the creation of a global e-mobility market.





Korea’s electric car waste battery regulations are announced in the Air Quality
Preservation Act. It requires that the removed battery be returned to the local
government when the electric vehicle is scrapped. However, there is no detailed
procedure for recycling, disassembling and disposing of returned batteries, so it is
necessary to prepare related regulations. Therefore, The Ministry of Environment
is planning to hold a discussion meeting on the regulation for the improvement of
system and policy direction for improving the circulation of waste batteries in
electric cars. They will collect opinions from diverse stakeholders such as civic
groups, recycling industry, automobile companies, as well as various methods from
the discussions, and reflect them in related regulations.

Hyundai Motors participated in ‘CES 2018 (Consumer Electronics Show)’ held in
Las Vegas to unveil ‘NEXO’ car name, specifications and major technologies for
the first time in the world.
Specification of NEXO: NEXO is 4,670 mm in length, 1860 mm in width and
1630 mm in height. The battery pack is equipped with a 40 kW battery pack and a
100 kW fuel cell. The maximum travelable distance is 609 km, the maximum
output is 154 hp, and the zero back is 9.5 seconds. The price of the car is about 70
million KRW (approx. 55,400 EUR).

The Ministry of Environment organized a budget for the supply of 130 hydrogen
cars this year. Currently, there are four regions in Ulsan, Gwangju,
Gyeongsangnam-do, Changwon, and Chungcheongnam-do that support the
hydrogen car supplement subsidy. The additional subsidy is the highest at Ulsan
with 27.5 million KRW (21,766 EUR), and the other subsidy is about 10 million
KRW (7,913 EUR). In 2018, Seoul, Daejeon and Gangwon-do will provide
subsidies in addition to the four regions.



Based on the Ulsan city government subsidy of 27.5 million KRW (21,766 EUR)
and additional subsidies of 12.5 million won (9,889 EUR), the actual purchase
price is expected to be 30 million KRW (23,734 EUR). Currently, there are 12
hydrogen filling stations, and the Ministry of Environment is also building 19 other
facilities and announced plans to install 10 charging stations in 2018.


The government plans to invest 35 trillion KRW (27.7 billion EUR) over the next
five years in order to make a leap into future powers. The Ministry of Industry
announced the ‘Future Automobile Industry Development Strategy’, which was
established jointly by related ministries to provide a new growth breakthrough in
the future automobile market such as electric and autonomous vehicles.

Electric vehicles were subsidized by government subsidies (14 million KRW)
(11,073 EUR) regardless of the type of vehicle until this year. From 2018, The
Ministry of Environment announced that it will cut subsidy prices for passenger
cars, but will expand the support for cargo and buses. Government subsidies (based
on passenger cars) will be paid to 20,000 electric vehicles. Depending on the
performance of the vehicle, the subsidy will vary from a maximum of 12 million
KRW to a minimum of 10.17 million KRW (8,042 EUR).


The provincial local subsidy system maintains a fixed subsidy system. In the case
of micro electric cars, 4.5 million KRW (3,559 EUR) is paid semiannually
regardless of the model. In the case of purchasers living in some local governments
that do not conduct electric vehicle supply projects, only up to 500 cars can apply



for subsidies through the Korea Environment Corporation without local subsidies.
In addition to purchasing subsidies, individual tax exemption benefits of up to 3
million KRW (2,372 EUR), education tax of up to 900,000 KRW (711 EUR) and
acquisition tax of up to 2 million KRW (1,581 EUR) will remain the same. The tax
exemption for individual consumption tax will increase from 2 million KRW
(1,581 EUR) to 3 million KRW (2,372 EUR), which will reduce the burden on
buyers. Up to 2 million won (1,580 EUR) will be paid to the taxi, so the maximum
amount of 12 million KRW (9,489 EUR) will be paid regardless of the type of
vehicle. The Ministry of Environment plans to subsidize the 1 ton cargo truck,
which is widely used in delivery vehicles, by 20 million KRW (15,815 EUR), so
that it will actively support the aged passenger car used by the common people to
be replaced by the electric car that will be released in the second half of 2018.


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Electric buses will be subsidized to medium-sized buses. Subsidies are set at 60

million KRW (47,432 EUR) for medium-sized buses and 100 million KRW
(79,062 EUR) for large buses The Ministry of Environment plans to induce town
buses and school buses to be converted into electric vehicles. Government
subsidies for hybrid vehicles (HEV) have been cut from 1 million won (790 EUR)
to 500,000 won (395 EUR) this year, and the amount of subsidies has increased
from 50,000 this year to 60,000 in 2018. The government subsidy system for
hybrid vehicles will be abolished in 2019, but for the plug-in hybrid vehicle
(PHEV) will be maintained (5 million KRW (3,953 EUR) per vehicle).




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Until now, charging infrastructure has been installed in highway rest areas, public
institution parking lots, etc. in Korea. In the future, it is planned to improve
charging conditions by installing the AC level 2 charger in welfare facilities such
as accommodation facilities, large marts and parks. Therefore, the public charging
conditions of plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV), which is evaluated as a quasi-
electric car, is expected to improve significantly. In case of plug-in hybrid vehicles,
it was difficult to use the nationwide installed fast chargers, because of battery
capacity and cost problems. Therefore, the Ministry of Environment wants to
install the charger through amendment of the guidelines, and is going to apply for
the land owner or the customer who can use it publicly. In the existing charger
installation instructions, it was limited to apartment houses and workplaces with
more than 100 parking spaces. However, with this revision, there is space for
charger installation, and anyone with a management staff can apply for installation.
The charger installation application will be received from August 18, and the
installation budget of 546 rapid chargers will be additionally reflected in the
Congress in July, and a total of 1,076 rapid chargers will be installed only this year.
As for the fast charger, 750 units were installed and operated nationwide by the
end of last year. In addition, 1,076 units will be installed by the year 2018, and
charging conditions are expected to improve by more than 40 % from last year.

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At the end of this year, a total of 25,593 electric vehicles were supplied. The
number of electric cars distributed this year was 13,826, 2.3 times more than last
year’s 5,914. The number of electric cars will increase from 1,075 units in 2014 to
2,907 units in 2015 and 5,914 units in 2016. The number of infrastructure units to
be installed is doubling every year, including 750 units in 2016 and 1,801 units in
currently year.



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On 26 June 2015, the Spanish National Government
approved an Agreement of knowledge about a new National
Strategy to promote Energy Alternative Vehicles in Spain
for the period 2014-2020 (the so called VEA Strategy).
Three main guidelines considered in the VEA Strategy are
• Industry: to promote R&D and industrialization measures regarding
vehicles, components and infrastructure
• Market: actions to promote the demand of alternative vehicles and
communication and training campaigns
• Infrastructure: actions to promote recharging and refueling networks to
allow an adequate use of alternative vehicles

The VEA Strategy is congruent with the objectives of the Directive 2014/94/EU
brought on 22 October 2014, which is concentrating on the promotion of
infrastructure of alternative fuels and technologies. This Strategy stablishes 30 key
actions to place Spain as a reference country for the alternative energies applied to
the transport sector: electric, LPG, Natural Gas, Biofuels, and Hydrogen vehicles,
focusing on the industrial development in order to meet energy and environmental

Directive 2014/94/EU states that each Member State shall adopt a national policy
framework for the development of the market as regards as alternative fuels in the
transport sector and the deployment of the relevant infrastructure and notify them
to the European Commission before 18 November 2016.
Directive 2014/94/EU was transposed into Spanish normative through Royal
Decree 639/2016 on 9 December 2016, and the Spanish National policy framework



(Marco de Acción Nacional-MAN-), consistent with the VEA Strategy 2014-2020
and establishing an objective of 150,000 electric vehicles by 2020, was notified on
time to the EC.

In the frame of the VEA Strategy, the MOVEA website was created, a Government
official site for sharing relevant information of the different alternative fuels and
technologies in the transport sector. On this website, a database on alternative
vehicles is available where users can search the different models of vehicles
available in the Spanish market and technical information of them.


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In order to give continuity to MOVEA 2016 incentives plan, the Spanish
Government published the “Plan MOVEA 2017” on June 23, 2017 (Royal Decree
617/2017), a National Plan of direct incentives for the acquisition of alternative
vehicles (LPG, CNG /LNG and Electric vehicles and also the deployment of
charging infrastructure for EVs). Plan MOVEA 2017 lasted from June 24, 2017 to
October 15, 2017 and it was funded with a total budget of 14.26 million EUR.
A number of 2,444 alternative vehicles and 26 public charging points for electric
vehicles were subsidized in the frame of this plan, with a final budget of
9,258,646 EUR applied. Most of the subsidized vehicles were electric (67 %), in
addition to LPG vehicles (21 %) and Natural Gas vehicles (12 %).


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In addition to the above table of incentives for electric vehicles and charging
infrastructure, car dealers had to facilitate the installation of charging points,



assuming a cost of 1,000 EUR (150 EUR in case of the category of the vehicles
being L6e or L7e).

Plan MOVEA 2017 incentives finished on October 15, 2017. After that, new
incentives programs were approved:
“Plan MOVALT Vehicles”: The Institute for Energy
Diversification and Savings (IDAE), through the
Resolution of its Council of November 7, 2017 and the
Resolution of its General Manager of November 21,
2017, approved the regulatory bases and public call
respectively, of a new incentives program for alternative vehicles acquisition, quite
similar in format to MOVEA 2017.
MOVALT Vehicles is funded with a total budget of 20 million EUR and is running
effectively from December 13, 2017 to June 30, 2018. In this context, the Spanish
Government dedicated 36.6 million EUR during 2017, to incentive the acquisition
of alternative vehicles.
“Plan MOVALT Infrastructure”: The Institute for
Energy Diversification and Savings (IDAE), through
the Resolution of its Council of November 7, 2017 and
the Resolution of its General Manager of January 10,
2018, approved the regulatory bases and public call
respectively, of a new incentives program for EV charging infrastructure.
MOVALT Infrastructure was initially approved with a total budget of 15 million
EUR that was increased by 5 million EUR in March 2018, and is running
effectively from January 23, 2018 to December 31, 2018.

In the year 2017, in Spain a number of 11,160 electric vehicles were registered,
considering BEVs, PHEVs and REEVs (Table 2), which almost double the figures
of the previous year of 2016, with a number of 6,179 EVs registrations. This
increase was heavily supported by National incentives programs for EVs
acquisition (Plan MOVEA 2017 and MOVALT Vehicles) and also by other
initiatives and incentive programs for vehicle acquisition at regional or local scale.
Focusing on conventional hybrid vehicles, the huge increase of the passenger car
registrations along the years 2016 and 2017 is remarkable, with a total number of


#(!04%2 30!).

55,482 registrations during the year of 2017, coming from a total of 7,759
registrations during the year of 2015 (more than seven times the figures of 2015). It
is remarkable that, at a National scale, there have not been any incentives programs
running for the acquisition of these vehicles over the last years, but this is more
than compensated by the impact of the new Environmental car labelling and the
measures implemented for clean air in regions and cities.

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In the specific case of electric passenger cars (BEVs, PHEV/EREVs), this category
had a market penetration of 0.6 % during 2017. Considering both electric vehicles,
jointly with hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), resulted in a market penetration of
4.7 %. Regarding fleet numbers in Spain and considering vehicle registration
figures showed in the Table 2, Electric vehicle fleet totals in Spain (considering
BEVs, PHEVS and REEVs) during 2017, rose to a total number of 24,817, coming
from a total amount of 20,012 electric vehicles registered during 2016 (an increase
of 19.4 %)


In the specific case of conventional hybrid vehicles (HEV), the passenger car fleet
amounted to a number of 164,696 vehicles in 2017, coming from a fleet of 94,771
vehicles at the end of 2016 (a remarkable increase of 74 %).


#(!04%2 30!).


After an initial stage characterized by charging vehicles for free in the frame of
pilots demonstration projects promoted by city councils and regional
administrations, a public infrastructure service for charging electric vehicles in
Spain must be operated at present by authorized charging operators “Gestor de
Cargas”, established and defined by the National normative (Royal Decree
At the end of 2017, there were a number of 58 charging operators officially
registered and published by the National Commission of Markets and Competition
(CNMC), which deployed a total of 278 public charging stations for EVs in
different cities all over the national territory, as it figures at the website.60
However, a total number of 1,600 public charging stations and an amount of 4,600
charging points is estimated in Spain, most of them deployed in the frame of pilot
demonstration projects, pending of registration in the charging operators list of the
CNMC, which means a ratio of 6,5 charging points per electric vehicle registered
in Spain.
In this way, Spain is currently working on an accurate data collection of the
placements and technical characteristics of the stations and charging points,
according with the European Plan for Infrastructure deployment for alternative
vehicles, as it is collected in Article 10, chapter 6 of the Directive 2014/94/UE.





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Apart from different regional and local initiatives in order to promote charging
infrastructure for EVs all over the Spanish territory, there are other relevant
initiatives at a national level:
• Plan MOVEA and Plan MOVALT Infrastructure: Incentives for private and
public companies to deploy quick and semi-quick charging points for EVs
for public use.
• Operative Program of Sustainable Growth (POCS), financed by Structural
and Investment European Budget (EIE Founds) includes financing for local
administrations which promote the deployment of charging infrastructure,
in the framework of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, effectives until
• Railway operator RENFE is preparing a plan for deploying charging
infrastructure of EVs in parking lots of different railway stations.
• Airport operator AENA is studying a business model for the current
charging infrastructure of EVs in parking lots of the Spanish Airports.
• PIRVEC 2016-2019, Strategic Plan for the deployment of charging
infrastructure of electric vehicles in Catalonia

CIRVE Project - The Spanish and Portuguese National Governments promoted

the creation of a consortium formed by eight partners to deploy quick charging
points through the Mediterranean and Atlantic corridors, as a business model to
study for the future implementation of RTE-T European charging network and
connecting Iberian Peninsula with the rest of the European continent.


#(!04%2 30!).

This project has a quantitative objective of installing a number of 25 new quick
charging points and to adapt another 15 existing quick charging points in the
Iberian corridors. The investment associated to this project is co-financed by the
2015 call for proposals of the “Connecting Europe Mechanism (CEF).


E-VIA FLEX-E project - European project focused on the deployment of ultra-

fast charging stations (150-350 kW), coordinated by Enel and co-financed by the
European Commission and with the participation of the charging operator IBIL.
This project started on December28, 2017 and will run in Italy, France and Spain,
with the objective to deploy 14 ultra-fast chargers, to test that this network enables
new electric vehicles, with a range of more than 300 km, to travel long distances
and to contribute to the development and spread of e-cars in Europe61.


In the city of Barcelona, there are currently a number of 303 public use charging
points working, from which 121 are located in streets (including 15 quick charge
points), and the other 182 are located in covered parking facilities (74 % for cars
and 26 % for motorbikes).
Moreover, Barcelona city has also more than 100 charging points in different
private facilities (hotels, malls, etc.) for public use, but privately managed.
Regarding the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, a collaboration agreement was signed
by the following entities: FGC, SIMON, DTES, RAILGRUP, VOLTOUR,




ICAEN, IMESAPI, EMPARK to deploy charging stations for EVs in five train
A new relevant initiative in Barcelona is the launching of the project “Car-Esmatic
Project”, promoted by the European Commission, with the participation of the
Barcelona Port, jointly with the Luka-Koper Port (Slovenia) and the Neptune Lines
shipping company, focusing on the role of electric vehicles in the intermodal
transport and on the logistic requirements for EVs imports and exports through the
Barcelona Port.

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The energy company “Endesa” deployed six quick charge points all over the island
of Mallorca. The medium distance between the charging points is 35 km. In these
charging points, EV users can charge 80 % of the car battery in less than 30
The infrastructure is co-financed by the European budget “FEDER Program”.
Charging points are equipped with the three technologies currently available in the
market and can be reserved and controlled through a mobile phone application.



In 2017, Sweden adopted a progressive climate law and the domestic road
transport system has two overreaching environmental goals – to reduce its GHG
emissions with 70 % by 2030 and become completely fossil-free by 204562.
Electrification, biofuels and a more transport-efficient society has been pointed out
as key enablers to reach these goals by a report dispatched by six governmental
Sweden has the largest plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) market share in the EU
(EAFO, 2018), third globally (IEA, 2017) and in 2017, PEVs constituted 5.1 % of
the new-car sales (Bil Sweden, 2017). The number of PEVs reached over 45,000
vehicles in Sweden during 2017.
The public charging infrastructure in Sweden has developed significantly during
2017, from approximately 2,200 charging points to over 4,600. Many of these have
been granted support through the investment scheme Klimatklivet, the Climate
leap, which by the end of 2017 in total had granted investment support to over
12,000 charging points, both public and non-public. In 2017, several efforts to
further promote the development of the charging infrastructure ecosystem in
Sweden were made: first, a home-charging support scheme and secondly, a project
to enable charging infrastructure along larger roads in Sweden, i.e. where
Klimatklivet is enough to ensure market expansion.
In 2017, the Swedish government also decided that the PEV purchase rebate
system will be replaced by a cost-neutral bonus-malus system. In addition to
incentives towards passenger cars and van, a purchase rebate to e-bikes and light
electric vehicles (LEVs) was introduced in 2017.





In June 2017, Sweden adopted a new progressive climate law and the new law
requires all policy areas, not only environment, climate, transport and energy, to
contribute to achieve the targets. The two overreaching goals for the Swedish road
transport system are to reduce its GHG emissions with 70 % by 2030 and to
become completely fossil-free by 2045. By formalising the goals in a law means
that to make changes, it must be passed through the parliament first.

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The EU emission standard regulations highly influence Swedish policy and
ultimately the PEV uptake. The EU regulations today don’t push for PEVs
specifically, hence the need for national incentives to promote the PEV uptake.

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In 2006, the first Green car definition was introduced in Sweden. The aim is to
specify certain criteria, which vehicles in compliance with these get benefits, like
tax reliefs and priority in public procurements. Over the years, the criteria have
been altered, but the basic principal has focused on renewable fuels and/or energy-
efficiency. Between 2006 and 2009, green cars were granted a purchase rebate.
The Super Green Car definition was introduced in 2012 comprise vehicles tail-pipe
emissions lower than 50 g CO2/km, i.e. plug-in electric vehicles, and was the first
demand-side measure to specifically promote PEVs.

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The Super Green Car rebate is granted for new-sales passenger vehicles that
comply with the super-green car definition, i.e. tail-pipe emissions lower than 50 g
CO2/km. The subsidy was introduced in 2012 and became differentiated between
BEVs and PHEVs in 2016. Both private cars and company cars are granted the
super green car rebate. For BEVs, the rebate corresponds to 40,000 SEK (4,000
EUR), and from 2016 PHEVs have been granted 20,000 SEK (2,000 EUR). For a
company car, the rebate covers approximately 35 percent of the price difference
between a super green car and the nearest comparable car. The budget for 2016
was initially 32 million EUR, but the big interest motivated additional 19 million
EUR. For 2017, 74 million EUR is allocated the scheme. The Super Green Car
Rebate will be replaced by a cost neutral bonus-malus support scheme in 2018 and
the rebate to PEVs (< 60 g. CO2/km) will be 6,500 EUR.
In July 2018, the Super Green Car rebate system will be replaced by a cost neutral
bonus-malus system. The implementation of the bonus-malus system aims to


#(!04%2 37%$%.

ensure subsidies to the most environmentally friendly vehicles without burdening
the national finances.

As mentioned, in addition to the Super Green Car rebate, company cars may
reduce the value of fringe benefits for PEVs compared to the equivalent,
conventional fossil-fueled car. After adjustment, the value of fringe benefits is
reduced by 40 %, maximum 1,700 EUR in 2012-2016 and 950 EUR in 2017.
Given the PEV deployment among company cars, it constitutes for over 70 % of
the PEV ownerships; this has probably been the most important incentive to
promote the use of PEVs in Sweden.

Today, light-duty vehicles in compliance with the Green car definition are
exempted from the annual vehicle tax for the first five years it operates. The
subsidy aims to generally encourage the acquisition of energy efficient or powered
by renewable fuels. The annual vehicle tax comprises a static basic sum of 360
SEK/year (35 EUR/year) and a variable part that is 22 SEK/g (2.15 EUR/g); CO2
for each gram of CO2 over 111 g CO2/km. Subsequently the exemption implies at
least 180 EUR in tax relief the first 5 years, but for the average Swedish car in
2016 (123.1 g CO2/km) it would mean over 210 EUR. The coming bonus-malus
system will limit the vehicle tax exemption to 3 years, but differentiate the vehicle
tax further.

In 2017, the Swedish government launched a purchase rebate to e-bikes and light
electric vehicles (LEVs). In September, after the new support became official, the
market of e-bikes increased with 230 % compared to August. The budget for 2018
is 35 million EUR and each rebate comprises 25 % of the cost up to 1,000 EUR.


In September 2015, the Swedish government launched the investment support
scheme Klimatklivet, the Climate Leap, which is a general investment support
scheme64. The allocation principal of Klimatklivet is competitiveness. Each call




generates applications that are ranked according to the climate-effectiveness of the
proposed investments. Even though the scheme is general and welcome
applications from all sectors, charging infrastructure is specifically mentions in the
directive and the directive also commissions the Swedish Energy Agency as the
national coordinator for the EVSE deployment. Applicants are primarily
companies, private households can’t apply, however tenant-owned cooperatives
can apply. The programme period is 2015-2023 and since 2015, 320 million EUR
have been allocated to this purpose. For 2018-2020, the yearly budget will increase
from 150 million EUR in 2018, 200 million EUR in 2019 and 300 million EUR in
So far, Klimatklivet has granted over 14.000 charging points investment support.
Most are normal charging points, both non-public and public, and the scheme has
also successfully received and granted support to DC fast chargers along
motorways (see Figure 2).

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In 2017, the Swedish government decided on a home-charging support scheme.
From February 1, 2018, private households are subsidized up to 1,000 EUR, or by
50 %, when installing an EVSE at their home65.

Klimatklivet has contributed to the expansion of the fast charging corridors along
several roads, but Sweden is a widespread country and there are roads where the
market drivers currently are not enough. Therefore, the Swedish Government has
commissioned the Swedish Transport Agency to investigate possible public
measures to improve the market conditions in these areas66.


In 2016, the Government introduced a purchase subsidy specifically targeting
electric buses. In the beginning, battery electric and plug-in hybrid buses could be
granted rebate. Since 2017, fuel cell buses using renewable hydrogen are also
included in the scheme. Several other changes in the directive were also made last
year, mainly to include more public transport providers and smaller buses. Now the




#(!04%2 37%$%.

minimum capacity is 15 passengers. For 2017-2023, the annual budget is 100
million SEK (approx. 9.8 million EUR).


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Another public initiative is Fossilfritt Sverige, Fossil-free Sweden, launched by the
Swedish government in 201567. The initiative aims to gather all different types of
public and private actors, associations and other, which all support the vision of a
fossil-free society. Today, the initiative complies over 250 companies,
municipalities, regions, universities, and other organizations, which all have
adopted ambitious targets for their own businesses. To create a market push, the
initiative launches different challenges, or campaigns. One example is
Transportutmaningen, The Transport Challenge, a campaign were the participating
actors have more ambitious targets for their own fleet then stated in the Climate
Law and then used as showcasing forerunners. Another example for the transport
sector is the campaign Tjänstebilsutmaningen, the Company Car challenge. Actors
that sign up for this challenge, thereby oblige to only acquire plug-in vehicles and
biogas vehicles as company cars. These kind of voluntary and market-driven
commitments are an interesting complement to national policies and a showcase
for positive sustainable business models.

Electric mobility R&D and the Swedish industrial policy interact to put fossil-free
vehicles and vessels to the market. Regarding the market for heavy-duty vehicles,
Swedish companies represent 20 % of the global market. Between 2013 and Q1
2017, over 1,450 million SEK (approx. 141.5 million EUR) of public means where
invested in electric mobility projects as R&D support. On top of that, the
automotive industry has matched that investment. Sweden is an automotive
country, with a broad portfolio of passenger cars, heavy-duty vehicles, construction
machinery, vessels and marine engines, and the scope of the electric mobility in
Sweden includes all segments. The Swedish government has granted 1 billion SEK
(approx. 96.2 million EUR) to facilitate a new electromobility lab in Gothenburg, a
test bed for electrified power train, but also charging systems68.
A so called gigafactory for producing lithium ion batteries is to be built in the city
of Skellefteå, accompanied by an R&D production line in Västerås with the





support from the Swedish government69. The production capacity of the plant will
be 32 GWh/year and the plant is planned to operate in 2023.The size of the factory
and the Swedish electricity mix constitute good conditions to produce lithium ion
batteries to a low cost with a low environmental impact.

Sweden has the largest global market share in the EU (EAFO, 2018), third globally
(IEA, 2017) and in 2017, PEVs constituted 5.1 % of the new-car sales (Bil
Sweden, 2017). The total stock of PEVs in Sweden is almost 40,000, see Figure 1.
There are no separate regional or local policies, only variable levels of
engagement. Common for the cities and regions in Sweden where the PEV uptake
is high and the deployment of charging infrastructure is advanced, is that it’s the
results of consistent work for many years, and in most cases were initiated by an
early PEV activity such as a demonstration project and/or the PEV technology
procurement. Today, ten Swedish cities have introduced a total of 51 electric
buses, many as a part of a broader EV strategy.
Even though the conditions for PEVs in Sweden are more favorable outside the
dense cities, the three largest metropolitan areas – Stockholm, Gothenburg and
Malmö – comprise 75 % of the PEVs in Sweden. The highest uptake of PEVs in
Sweden is found in Stockholm. Approximately half of the PEV stock is registered
here. There are two main explanations for this: The inspirational explanation,
where the city of Stockholm has been actively promoting the use of PEVs for
almost 10 years and have been involved in several demonstration projects and
managed the PEV technology procurement. During 2017, Stockholm adopted an
ambitious political programme to promote PEVs. There is also the practical
explanation, where the new-car sales in Stockholm is high and it has the highest
number of company cars throughout Sweden. The PEV market share in Stockholm
is approximately 6.5 %. In Gothenburg, the automotive capital of Sweden, electric
vehicles operate among all vehicle segments: passenger vehicles, electric garbage
trucks and distribution vehicles. Electric buses operate central bus lines and
elaborate on different concepts to enhance usage of public transport. Indoor bus
stops, even one in a library, and decorative Christmas lighting are only two
examples demonstrated. To promote PEVs, several public entities are involved and
one of the most extensive EVSE deployment project is currently carried out by the
parking company, with investment support from Klimatklivet.



#(!04%2 37%$%.

Two Swedish municipalities, Sölvesborg and Varberg, have more than 20 % PEVs
in their fleets70. Both Sölvesborg and Varberg have consistently worked to deploy
PEVs for several years and started off with different demonstration projects.
Sölvesborg has been involved in the demonstration project Green Charge Sydost,
which started in 2013. Varberg was a part of the PEV Technology Procurement
Scheme initiated in 2010. The Swedish public fleet comprises approximately
32,000 vehicles (passenger cars and vans) and public fleets represent a significant
purchaser group, thus a great potential contribute to the climate goals.

The cold climate in Sweden implies an extensive deployment of block heaters and
other power outlets (foremost standard household outlets, Schuko) to precondition
the vehicles during the winter. This infrastructure amounts of more than 600,000
outlets and even though it is rudimentary, hence not adapted to power loads over
several hours, it constitutes an excellent foundation for cost-effective EVSE
upgrades, both at private houses but also in public parking lots.

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The public charging infrastructure in Sweden today is the result of public and
private actions, sometimes in joint forces, and constitute of over 4,600 charging
outlets at almost 1,300 charging stations71, see Figure 2. The Swedish market for
charging infrastructure is completely deregulated, which enables almost anyone to
become a charge point operator (CPO). For example, a housing cooperative could
make a charging point publicly available at their ground and charge users for this





service. This makes it possible for a variety of different electricity suppliers and
numerous charge point operators (CPOs) to create costumer value in their service
to PEV users.

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A couple of years ago, the demonstration projects mainly focused on the vehicles
itself and often on different types of road vehicles. Now the focus has shifted to
study modal shifts in a transport-efficient society, a broader portfolio of vehicles


#(!04%2 37%$%.

(such as sea vessels and construction and mining trucks) and charging
infrastructure concepts.
In June 2016, the world’s first electric road system (ERS) on a public road was
inaugurated at E16 and the technology has now been tested with good results on a
two kilometer stretch through airborne electrical wiring. An extension of the route
is now discussed. Another ERS project from the intergovernmental innovation
procurement scheme, eRoadArlanda, connects Rosersberg logistics area with
Arlanda airport. Instead of using a pantograph, eRoadArlanda feed electricity from
a rail that is immersed in the roadway. It will be inaugurated in spring of 2018 and
has been granted about 12 million EUR support. The innovation procurement
scheme is collaboration between the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish
Transport Administration and Vinnova.
The company Boliden, with financial support from the Swedish Energy Agency,
has initiated a demonstration project for the electrification of in-pit truck transports
in Aitik – Sweden’s largest open pit copper mine – together with key partners in
industry and academia. The project will develop, install and operate an electric
transport route with electric trolley lines and four electric mine trucks. Up to 80 %
reductions of greenhouse gas emissions are expected. There is also potential
identified in transport electrification related to increased productivity.


Life cycle analysis, LCA, has been used to study biofuels for several years.
However, to compare different vehicle technologies overall impact, tail-pipe
emissions or fuel-LCA data is not enough. During 2017, the topic of vehicle LCA,
i.e. the carbon foot print of production, operation and scrapping of the vehicle, has
been raised on the agenda. In 2017, the Swedish Energy Agency and the Swedish
Transport Administration initiated a study on PEV battery production. The report
“The Life Cycle Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from



Lithium-Ion Batteries” highlighted the difficulties to obtain this data (there are not
many primary sources of data and a lot of data is relatively old), but found a clear
relationship between battery size and emissions. The study got a lot of attention in
the media, which constitute the topic in the public awareness.

In 2018, several new policies to promote PEVs will be in place but the most
influential is the new bonus-malus system. This will come into action in July and it
will be interesting to observe the market reactions to that.
During 2018, Sweden will be chair of the Nordic Council of Ministers. During the
presidency, Sweden will initiate several PEV projects with the aim to address
common Nordic challenges, exchange best practice and to enable a shared Nordic
platform for charging point location data based on the Norwegian database Nobil.


#(!04%2 37%$%.


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Swiss population is sensitive and open-minded to the climate issue. On May 21,
2017 the population approved by vote the ”Energy Strategy 2050” to reduce
energy consumption, increase energy efficiency and promote renewable energies
under the motto ”Energy Strategy 2050”.


Today Switzerland has a secure and cost-efficient supply of energy. Economic and
technological developments as well as political decisions at home and abroad are
currently leading to fundamental changes in the energy markets. In order to prepare
Switzerland for these, the Federal Council has developed the Energy Strategy
2050. This should enable Switzerland to make advantageous use of the new
starting position and maintain its high supply standard. At the same time the
Strategy contributes to reducing Switzerland’s energy-related environmental




The Microcensus on Mobility and Transport provides information on the mobility
behavior of the Swiss population: possession of vehicles, driving licenses and
public transport subscriptions, daily traffic volume, traffic purposes and use of
transport modes. The data collected provide a detailed picture of passenger
transport in Switzerland. They serve as a statistical basis for the preparation and
validation of policy measures, but also as input for in-depth analyses of traffic
On average, each Swiss resident covered a daily distance of just under 37
kilometers within Switzerland in 2015. The majority of this (65 %) was covered by
passenger cars. The most common reason for using transport (accounting for 44 %
of the daily distances travelled) was leisure activities, followed by work (24 %).



Since 2012, CO2 emission regulations for new passenger cars have been in force in
Switzerland in the same way as in the EU: by 2015, the average emissions of
passenger cars registered for the first time on the roads should have been reduced
to 130 grams of CO2 per kilometer. At 134 grams of CO2 per kilometer, this target
was also slightly exceeded in 2016.


#(!04%2 37)4:%2,!.$

In the next stage, Switzerland, like the EU, will gradually reduce the CO2 target for
new passenger cars to 95 grams per kilometer from 2020 and introduce new targets
for delivery vans and light articulated lorries (147 grams CO2 per kilometer). In
Switzerland, these values are to be reached in full by the end of 2023. Until the end
of 2022, vehicles with a maximum of 50 grams of CO2 per kilometer are subject to
so-called supercredits, i.e. they are credited several times, and a small part of the
fleet is still exempt from meeting the target (phasing-in). The relevant laws and
regulations came into force on January 1, 2018.

The new energy label classifications for passenger cars have been in force since
January 1, 2018. In addition, the following points are new:
The average CO2 emissions of all passenger cars registered for the first time in
2018 will now be 133 grams per kilometer instead of 134 grams as in 2017 – New
is the energy label for cars driving on hydrogen, such as fuel cell vehicles. For the
calculation of the gasoline equivalent, the CO2 emissions from the pre-processes
and the primary energy gasoline equivalents, the production path of the mix, which
can be obtained at the two hydrogen filling stations open to the public in 2017, is

The approximately one hundred rest areas (with WC and partly a snack bar) along
the national roads are under the sovereignty of the federal government. Under
previous law it was not possible to set up quick charging stations here. With the
entry into force of the revised National Roads Ordinance on January 1, 2018, the
Federal Roads Office is now obliged to create the technical conditions to enable
the construction and operation of plants for the supply of alternative means of
In order for the charging station network along the national roads to be completed
quickly, it is important to provide a power supply with the necessary connections.
The federal government supports this because - unlike the rest areas - there are no
shops or restaurants with which the business model could be combined. The
revised Federal Ordinance does not result in any changes for service areas under
the sovereignty of the cantons. Quick charging stations are still possible.

On January 1, 2018, the “regulations for associations for own consumption” of
electricity produced in-house came into force with the totally revised Energy Act.



The regulations create legal certainty and should encourage the formation of self-
consumption communities. This is of interest to electric car owners, among others,
who want to operate their vehicles with solar power they produce themselves.

The SCCER Study73 “Towards an Energy Efficient and Climate Compatible Future
Swiss Transportation System” analyzes the status and structure of the Swiss
transport system and sketches possible paths for its evolution towards an energy
efficient, climate compatible and environmentally friendly mobility future. The
report was motivated by the need to provide strategic directions, primarily to the
research carried out within the Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research -
Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility (SCCER Mobility). Moreover, it
aims to communicate insights from engineering/natural as well as social/economic
sciences to policy makers, opinion leaders and the interested public in general. It
serves as a platform for reflection and synthesis of views from a variety of


In accordance with the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050 and recognizing the
importance of the overarching goal of climate change mitigation, we focus on
energy demand and in particular on CO2 emissions as a proxy for the overall
sustainability of future mobility. The core of our analysis concentrates on road
transport, as it is the dominant contributor to both energy demand and CO2
emissions of the Swiss transport sector. We focus on motorized individual
transport, which accounts for about two-thirds of CO2 emissions stemming from
transportation, and in selected cases, we comment on the development of the even



#(!04%2 37)4:%2,!.$

faster growing freight transportation sector as well. However, the report does not
closely consider international aviation – despite its growing worldwide importance
– since corresponding policy is a matter of international cooperation. Closer
consideration of this mode will be important in the future.

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The edition 2017 of Market Trends on energy efficient vehicles by swiss energy,
an initiative of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE, has been elaborated
again by e’mobile, a division of Electrosuisse specialized on efficient mobility74.
This yearly publication focusses on category “A” energy efficient cars that emit a
maximum of 95 grams of CO2 per kilometer. CO2 emission regulations for new
cars and light commercial vehicles: like the EU, Switzerland introduced CO2
emission regulations for new cars in July 2012. The average level of emissions
from cars registered in Switzerland for the first time may not exceed 130 grams of
CO2 per kilometer. This level is applicable until the end of 2019. With effect from
2020, a target level of 95 grams of CO2 per kilometer will apply for cars.





In the editorial of this yearly publication, Benoît Revaz, Director of the Swiss
Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) emphasizes on the most important trends in the
field of the efficient mobility: Electrification of the drive train - new forms of
shared mobility - autonomous driving cars - potential of data and information in
the always connected vehicles.

Road traffic in Switzerland is today almost completely dependent from fossil
energy sources and responsible for over a quarter of the Swiss energy
consumption. The Swiss “Energy Strategy 2050” aims, among other things, to
increase energy efficiency and through that reduce the total energy consumption
while at the same time reducing emissions of CO2 and generally speaking air
Electric mobility is one way of achieving these goals, as electric motors are highly
efficient compared to internal combustion engines. When using renewable
energies, it can help to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and local emissions of air
pollutants, greenhouse gases and noise. Electric mobility does indeed lead to an
increased demand for electricity. However, thanks to its electricity mix with a high
proportion of renewable energy sources, the conditions for meeting this demand on
a sustainable basis are favorable in Switzerland.
In addition to the federal government and cantons, cities and municipalities can
also make the transition from fossil fuel based road traffic towards energy-efficient
and climate-friendly road traffic. They thus make a contribution to achieving
Switzerland’s ambitious energy and climate policy goals.
This guide shows cities and municipalities what they can do in the field of electric
mobility. This includes proposals for measures, practical examples and information
on further information and contact points. The guide is aimed at decision-makers in
cities and municipalities and internal administrative experts in the fields of energy,
transport, environment, construction and spatial planning75.

One of the leading organizations in Switzerland pushing the electric mobility is
e’mobile by Electrosuisse, a neutral specialist unit for efficient mobility. e’mobile
has been strongly committed to the market launch of low-consumption and low-
emission vehicles (road shows in the communities with car-explainers and cross-



#(!04%2 37)4:%2,!.$

brand test drives, joint stand with partners from the industry at the Geneva
International Motor Show) for decades with a wide range of measures in
cooperation with the industry. Claudio Pfister, new head at e’mobile by
electrosuisse, has taken over his responsibilities as of April 1, 2017.

In 2017, a total of 412,827 new road vehicles were registered in Switzerland. This
is 0.5 % less than in 2015. The total stock has increased to over 6 million vehicles
(+1.2 %), 76 % of which were passenger cars. 4,985 new BEVs and EREVs were
registered which is almost 40 % more than in the previous year and a market share
of 1.6 % of passenger cars. This compares to 11,812 new gasoline-electric and
diesel-electric HEVs and PHEVs (+24.2 %). However, with a market share of 3.8
% they are still a long way from the mass market.
The best sold BEV, as in the years before, is Tesla Model S (1,128), followed by
Tesla Model X (824), Renault ZOE (741), BMW i3 (699) and Opel Ampera-e
Only 1,001 e-scooters and motorcycles including three and four wheeled vehicles
were sold in 2017, which is again less (-28 %) than in the year before. The best-
selling e-model was once again the three wheeled Kyburz DXP (253 vehicles, -
51 %) with Swiss Post being its major customer. Second best selling was Vengo
V100 with 83 vehicles (-58 %).

By the end of 2017, about 2,000 public charging locations with a total of over
5,000 charging points were registered in the Swiss national database. There were
over 1,500 Type 1 and Type 2 AC-locations with 1 to 3 EVSEs each and 436 fast
charging points (CHAdeMO, CSS, Tesla Superchargers).
The Swiss charging infrastructure is still built and operated almost exclusively by
the private sector.
Three major developments have been observed in 2017:
• MOVE: The MOVE charging networks is one of the biggest players in
Switzerland. Their new MOVE network gives access to 620 stations
throughout Switzerland and is compatible to 1,600 further stations in
Switzerland and 20,000 stations all over Europe. A smart phone app easily
directs the user to the next free charging station. The customer gets access
either by a prepaid system or by subscription and is benefitting from a
support service around the clock.



• evpass: Green Motion is further expanding the ”evpass” charging stations
network together with partners including McDonald’s, Aldi, Parking
Zurich, Avia service stations, the energy utility SAK in St. Gall and others.
Their installed charging stations counts 791 and Green Motion plans to
increase this number to over 3,000 stations by the end of 2020.
• GOFAST opened its first high performance charging station (150 kW /
1,000 V) in alliance with Energy 360° that allows charging all electric
vehicles capable for fast charging, through the special DC-Type-2-Plug
even for Teslas. GOFAST is a founding member of the European Open Fast
Charging Alliance that owns and operates more than 500 fast chargers in six
• Plug’n’Roll, the charging network of RePower and its partners focusses not
only on the public charging infrastructure, but also on companies and
private locations to combine them all into a performing charging network
counting over 1,000 locations throughout Europe today.


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The Swiss catamaran, which will circumnavigate the earth for the second time
between 2017 and 2021 using only renewable energies (solar energy, wind,
hydrogen) in order to draw attention to the pollution of the oceans and to
demonstrate as a floating laboratory that innovative technological developments
can protect the oceans.

At the beginning of 2018 the E-Dumper has left the factory to head for its defined
operation. The Swiss industry develops locomotives, aerial cableways, trolley


#(!04%2 37)4:%2,!.$

buses, construction machines, agricultural and military vehicles, as well as electric
vehicles and aircraft. The research, development and marketing of heavy electrical
transport and construction machines should be added to this tradition. A fully laden
Komatsu e-Dumper from Kuhn Schweiz AG (total weight 111 tons) transports 60
tons of lime and marl from the high-elevation extraction area to the permanently
installed transport system. Energy recovered on the downhill (laden) run is stored
in batteries, provided by Lithium Storage GmbH, and is used to power the uphill
run, and the surplus is fed into the electricity grid. With a history of constructing
electric goods vehicles, Kuhn Schweiz AG is defining a new goal: the
development, construction and marketing of electrified 100-tonne+ construction






Lithium Storage GmbH and Kuhn Schweiz Ltd built the world’s largest battery-
powered tipper truck, based on the Komatsu 605-7. The e-dumper is not only the
world’s largest electric vehicle, it also has the largest battery (600 kWh) ever
installed in a vehicle. A comparable diesel vehicle consumes between 50,000 and
100,000 liters of diesel per year and emits 131 to 262 tons of CO2. Never before
has it been possible to save as much CO2 by replacing a single vehicle by an
electric one. The e-dumper can even be operated as a plus energy vehicle. It can
generate more energy by driving downhill fully loaded than it consumes driving
uphill without a load.

 , G::CA6HH
After the successful testing of their new mobility concept “SBB Green Class” in a
one year pilot project, which combines individual and public transport by
customized door-to-door transport at a flat rate of 12,200 CHF (11,100 EUR) per
year, SBB has decided to extend the pilot to an offering for the public with
different options. The participants od the pilot got a 1st class annual train pass for
unlimited travel, annual subscriptions to the PubliBike cycle scheme for 900
bicycles and e-bikes at 100 locations, Mobility car sharing for 2,900 cars at 1,460
locations and the yearlong use of a BMW i3. The fully insured electric car comes
with a charging port at home and an annual parking pass for car parks at Swiss rail
stations. ETH Zurich monitored the participants’ movements by a smart phone app,
allowing researchers to analyze how and when Green Class participants use the
various means of transport included in the pass77.





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Turkey made national electric vehicles a priority in the past years and a consortium
composed of five major corporations (J=@KHQ%NKQL

Turkcell and Zorlu Holding) supported by the government was established in
November 2017 in order to develop Turkey’s first locally produced national
electric vehicle brand. The consortium has made a 15 year investment plan and
targeted to have a running prototype by 2019 and start serial production in 2022.
The vehicle is anticipated to have five electric models on a single modular platform
and is planned to be exported as well as being sold in Turkey.
Furthermore, on the electric bus side; development, production and sales have been
increasing in the past years. Turkish bus manufacturers introduced their fully
electric vehicles during exhibitions in 2017. Karsan introduced its electrically drive
midi-bus Jest Electric in Busworld Kortrijk. In addition, Bozankaya, Temsa,
Otokar and Anadolu Isuzu have all showcased their electric buses, with ranges
varying from 70 to 250+ kms. Bozankaya, a leader in the development of electric
buses, has been sold more than 250 electric buses in the country with the main
focus being zmir metropolitan municipality. The company also agreed to deliver
its Sileo brand all electric buses, with patented BMS system, to the several
municipalities across Turkey in early 2018.
Moreover, The Electric Taxi Project was officially initiated in Istanbul, primarily
using Renault “Zoe” EV vehicles, led by ITEO (Istanbul Chamber of Taxi Drivers)
and funded by a private financial institution. Within this scope, charging stations
were located at central car parks, taxi stands and shopping malls. Turkcell
(country’s largest mobile service operator) provided data service for the vehicles
whereas the information technology services were provided by Ceiia.





On the R&D side, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey –
Marmara Research Center (TÜBITAK MRC), within the Automotive Excellence
Center, have also accelerated its research on vehicle and component level for
electric and hybrid vehicle development, prototype building and testing in 2017.
Various working prototypes have been developed regarding EV sub-components
(electric motor, battery module/pack, battery management system, inverter and
electronic control units) in the scope of different projects to be used in a wide
range of vehicle applications. In addition, AVL Turkey, established its 2nd R&D


#(!04%2 452+%9

center in the country in order to conduct further research on autonomous and
hybrid vehicle technologies.
On the university side, the 12th Efficiency Challenge Electric Vehicle competition
on electro-mobile and hydro-mobile categories was held in Turkey in mid-2017.
The competition was aimed to increase environmental awareness of university
students and facilitate the development of new corresponding technologies and
organized by TUBITAK. Çukurova University electro-mobility team won the
electro-mobility competition by consuming 934 kW energy in 30 laps.



Turkey has been using various legal and policy instruments to support
electrification of transportation to encourage the use of hybrids and EVs. The
taxation regulation, declared in late 2016, classify the special consumption tax
(SCT) of conventional vehicles and hybrid vehicles based on engine cylinder
volume; untaxed vehicle price and electric motor power. Also apparent tax
advantage is valid for full EV vehicles.
The effects of SCT regulation on the sales of low engine volume conventional
vehicle and hybrid vehicle (engine volume lower than 1,800 cc and electric motor



power >50 kW) were apparent in 2017 sales and shown in Table 2. Thus, Table 1
and Table 2 show the vehicle sales SCT (special consumption tax) categories for
initial new passenger vehicles, motorbikes and electric/hybrid vehicles.


In Turkey, the total number of road motor vehicles in traffic increased by
1,128,521 in 2017 compared to the previous year and number of vehicles registered
on traffic exceeded 22 million. The number of electric and hybrid vehicles on the
road has also increased with the introduction of new models in the country. The
total number of hybrid & electric vehicle sales in Turkey passed over 4,500 units at
the end of 2017. Despite the increase of sales, H&EVs still incorporate a negligible
fraction of the total vehicle sales. Most common engine size was 1,501-1,600 cc
among cars (40.8 %) registered in 2017. Among all vehicles sold, passenger cars
dominated the fleet with a 54.1 % of total fleet, followed by small trucks 16.4 %.
By the end of year 2017, the average age of the total registered road motor vehicles
became 13.1. Table 3 shows the total vehicle fleet with respect to vehicle types
from 2013 to 2017. The HEV & EV new sales collected by the Automotive
Distributors Association (ODD) are shown in Table 4.

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Passenger car sales in 2017 decreased by 34,860 units compared to the previous
year. When the passenger car market was evaluated according to the engine
volumes, the passenger cars below 1,600 cc received the highest share of sales with
96.10 % (694,464 units). In 2017, there were 76 EV passenger cars sold in Turkey



compared to 44 units the year before. On the hybrid passenger cars, 4,507 units
were sold in 2017 where Toyota C-HR, a locally produced vehicle, led this

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Furthermore, the breakdown of the vehicle sales with respect to various

powertrains is shown in Figure 4.


#(!04%2 452+%9








When the passenger car market is examined according to average emission values
in 2017, a significant increase on the passenger car sales with emission values
between 140 g/km and 160 g/km is observed. Passenger cars with the emission
values between 120 g/km and 140 g/km led the sales with 42.6 %. Moreover, Table
5 shows the passenger cars under 140 g/km CO2 emissions accounted for more
than 81 % of vehicle sales.

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According to Republic of Turkey Energy Market Regulatory (EPDK)
announcement, 400+ charging stations for electric vehicles are active in the
country. The number of private companies on EVSE installation and charging
infrastructure has slightly increased in 2017. In addition, gas station companies
such as Alpet, Aytemiz have also joined the competition in collaboration with the



main charging infrastructure providers by establishing fast charging stations nearby
their gas stations.
Installation efforts are mostly concentrated in shopping centers, hotels, restaurants,
public buildings and auto-dealers in metropolitan municipalities. Esarj, currently
the largest charging infrastructure provider, increased the charging capacity to 173
stations. The rest of the charging stations are owned by EVSE providers such as
Contact. In terms of fast chargers, the numbers of stations built/planned are still a
low fraction of the total existing stations.
Furthermore, in 2017, Gersan announced an agreement with Tesla Motors for
installations of superchargers within previously announced locations in Turkey by
Tesla Motors. A Map showing the charging stations by private companies
throughout the country is shown in Figure 5. Some of active fast charging stations
established by gas station companies are highlighted on Figure 6.




#(!04%2 452+%9




In 2017, the UK set out a commitment78 that: ‘Our ambition is for Britain to lead
the world in electric vehicle technology and use. We want almost every car and
van to be zero emission by 2050’. The UK’s Air Quality79 plan restated this. We
will end the sale of new conventional petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2040.
Meeting the 2040 commitment should be industry-led, with Government
monitoring developments closely. Against a rapidly evolving international context,
we will seek to maintain ambitious targets and our leadership position, intervening
firmly if not enough progress is being made.
By 2040 almost all new cars and vans will need to deliver a significant proportion
of journeys with zero tailpipe emissions. This ambition is technology neutral, and
the UK Government welcomes any innovative thinking that helps us to achieve this
ambition. An updated strategy detailing the Government’s role in the
decarbonisation of road transport will be published by the end of March 2018.
To achieve this, the UK Government is investing nearly £1.5 billion (1.7 billion
EUR) between April 2015 and March 2021. This investment supports one of the
most comprehensive global programmes of support for ULEVs (ultra low emission
vehicles), with grants available for plug in cars, vans, lorries, buses, taxis and
motorcycles, and schemes to support charge point infrastructure at homes and
workplaces and on residential streets.
The UK’s Clean Growth Strategy80, National Air Quality Plan and Industrial
Strategy,81 all highlight the importance of electric vehicles, which is why the Prime
Minister announced in December 2017 that the UK would host a Zero Emission
Vehicle Summit in Autumn 2018. The UK’s high level Government summit in
autumn, will bring together countries from around the world to further the
development of the global low emission and electric car market. It is hoped the







Summit will inspire attendees to make new commitments to investing in zero
emission vehicle technology and infrastructure, helping to meet the ambitions of
the Paris Agreement.



)AJ< >C6G G6CI

There have now been over 130,000 claims made for the Plug-in Car Grant82. The
scheme offers up to £4,500 (5,099 EUR) off the cost of an electric or fuel cell car
and up to £2,500 (2,832 EUR) off qualifying plug-in hybrids. The categories for
the grant are explained in figure 2 and the guidance on the grant criteria needed for
cars to be included on the approved list can be found on the Office for Low
Emission Vehicles website83. The grant will continue with its current levels until
April 201884 and there will be a grant of some sort until March 2020.






)AJ<>C/6C G6CI
The Plug-in Van Grant85 offers 20 % off the price of qualifying vehicles up to a
maximum of £8,000 (9,064 EUR). In 2016 the UK Government announced that the
grant would be expanded to include N2 & N3 vehicles (i.e. vans over 3.5 t and
HGVs), with up to £20,000 (22,663 EUR) available for the first 200 vehicles. The
Office for Low Emission Vehicles have published guidance86 for manufacturers
wishing to have their vehicles approved and placed on the list of eligible vehicles.


)AJ< >C-6M> G6CI

Taxis are one of the main contributors to poor air quality in urban areas which is
why in the UK cities like London are bringing in policies87 to improve their
environmental performance. To support these efforts the UK Government
announced the Plug-In Taxi Grant88 (PITG). £50 million (56.6 million EUR) has
been set aside to support the Plug-in Taxi Grant programme. This grant will give
licensed taxi drivers up to £7,500 (8,498 EUR) off the price of a new vehicle. In
addition the UK is investing £14 million (15.8 million EUR) to deliver new
dedicated charging points for electric taxis in 10 council areas.









In 2016, the 13 winners of the £30 million (33.9 million EUR) low emission bus
scheme were announced. In total, 326 buses will be procured – including electric,
hybrid, hydrogen and bio-methane buses – to their fleets, and will install more than
£7 million (7.93 million EUR) worth of infrastructure. On August 28, 2017 it was



announced that a further six local authorities will receive £11 million (12.46
million EUR) for low emission buses.


The scheme was announced in 2016 with qualifying powered two wheelers being
eligible for a grant of 20 % up to £1,500 (1,699 EUR). Currently there are over
seven scooters and motorcycles eligible.


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Thanks to Government leadership, a growing private sector & Local Authority
engagement, the UK now has over 11,500 publically accessible charging points.
This includes over 900 rapid charging points, one of the largest networks in
Europe. Our grant schemes and the recently announced public-private Charging
Infrastructure Investment Fund will see thousands more electric vehicle charging
points installed across the UK. In addition, Highways England has commitment89
to £15million (16.99 million EUR) to ensure there are charging points (rapid where
possible) every 20 miles on 95 % of the Strategic Road Network.

The UK Government believes that the majority of electric vehicle charging will be
carried out at home and overnight which is why they are supporting the Electric
Vehicle Homecharge Scheme90. To date there have been over 90,000 installations
under this and predecessor schemes and it was announced recently that the EVHS
would continue at its current rate of £500 (566 EUR).

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In 2016, the UK announced the winners of the Go Ultra Low Cities programme91 .
The four main winning cities were Bristol92, London93, Milton Keynes94 and









Nottingham95 in addition the governments also set aside £5 million (5.66 million
EUR) of the total £40 million (45.31 million EUR) fund for specific initiatives in
Dundee, Oxford, York and the North East region to finance some elements of their
bids. The key deliverables for each city in the scheme are outlined in Figure 4.


Following the analytical work of UKH2Mobility96 the UK Government introduced
an £11million (12.46 million EUR) Hydrogen for Transport Advancement
Programme which has seen 12 hydrogen refueling stations installed and the
introduction of 50 FCEVs on the UK’s roads. In March we announced97 a new
£23.5 million (26.62 million EUR) fund to accelerate FCEVs and refueling

The Go Ultra Low communications campaign is now into its fourth year. This
jointly funded government and industry initiative aims to inform vehicle
purchasers about the benefits of ULEVs and to dispel widespread myths. The Go
Ultra Low industry partners are: Audi, BMW, Hyundai, Kia, Nissan, Renault,
Toyota, and VW. Centered around the Go Ultra Low website98 the campaign also
includes multi-channel content including video on demand delivered via the Go







Ultra Low YouTube channel99 as well as paid for content in print media and on

Alongside a £500 million (566.43 million EUR) Government investment in the
joint-industry Advanced Propulsion Centre100, the OLEV R&D programme
includes support dedicated to research and development into ULEV-specific
technologies, building UK capability, skills and leadership. Most OLEV R&D
funding is delivered through a partnership with Innovate UK101, a Business Energy
and Industrial Strategy Department-sponsored organisation. Innovate UK’s Low
Carbon Vehicles Innovation Platform has three main aims: significantly reduce
carbon emissions from vehicles; accelerate the introduction of low-carbon vehicle
technologies; and to ensure that the UK automotive sector benefits from growing
demand for ULEVs. In the last five years Innovate has supported over 300 projects
through investment of over £500 million (566.43 million EUR) in collaborative
research and development.
The Faraday Battery Challenge102 (FBC) is part of the International Strategy
Challenge Fund. In phase one the FBC will invest £246 million (278.71 million
EUR) over the next four years to focus on collaborative research, development and
scale up. This will accelerate the UK as a world leader in battery technology and
provide the catalyst required for future investment of large scale production of
batteries needed to sustain the UK’s position in car production. The FBC will
deliver a coordinated programme of competitions that will be split into three
• £78 million (88.37 million EUR) for a new ‘application-inspired’ research
programme coordinated at a national scale;
• An £88 million (99.71 million EUR) innovation programme to stimulate
collaborative research and development with co-investment from the
• An £80 million (90.6 million EUR) scale-up programme to allow
companies of all sizes to rapidly move new battery.







As part of the challenge, the Faraday Institution103 was established to bring
together key founding industry partners and universities with the shared aim of
ensuring the UK is a global leader in battery research and technology. This
includes taking advantage of the predicted £50 billion (56.66 billion EUR) market
across Europe by 2025 and anchor the automotive sector to the UK.


The Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill104 has been laid in the UK Parliament
and is proceeding through the necessary legislative steps. The Bill will give the
government new powers to improve the provision of electric vehicle infrastructure.
These proposals include powers to regulate technical standards of infrastructure to
ensure easy compatibility with vehicles, to ensure availability of data on charging
point locations and availability, and to require provision at motorway service areas
and large fuel retailers.

The way people, goods and services move is changing. The Government has a long
term aim to ensure that almost all cars and vans on the road are zero emission by
2050. This shift presents significant air quality, carbon reduction and energy
security benefits, and new global opportunities for UK businesses. This is why the
Government will be publishing a strategy in 2018.





The Road to Zero strategy will set out how the Government will lay the
groundwork now to ensure the UK has the right infrastructure and incentives in
place and is well placed to capitalise on the opportunities.
The strategy will also set out steps we will take to clean up the existing vehicle
Priorities for the Government are to:
• have the cleanest vehicle fleet possible;
• drive up the uptake of zero emission vehicles;
• ensure we have the right infrastructure in place;
• prepare for the impact on the energy system;
• position the UK as the best place in the world to develop and manufacture
these vehicles and find solutions for heavier vehicles.




United States continues to rely on light-duty vehicles for personal transportation.
November 2016 through November 2017 national vehicle miles traveled (latest
data available) exceeded that for November 2015 through November 2016 by
1.2 %, reaching 3.20 trillion miles.105 This presents a strong opportunity for
reduced emissions and fuel use through vehicle electrification. HEV, PHEV, and
full-electric or battery EV (BEV) sales all increased in 2017. There were 47 plug-in
electric vehicle (PEV, including both PHEVs and BEVs) and 57 hybrid electric
vehicle (HEV) models sold in the United States during 2017, reaching a total of
566,053 unit sales.106
Some major market developments in the U.S. EV industry in 2017 include:
• Three new electric vehicles were released: Tesla started limited deliveries of
its Model 3 BEV sedan107, Hyundai released its IONIQ lineup, which has
HEV, PHEV, and BEV iterations108, and Honda released its Clarity lineup,
also with HEV, PHEV, and BEV iterations (limited markets initially).109
• Several manufacturers announced future electric vehicle plans110:
- GM: 20 all-electric vehicles by 2023
- Ford: 13 new electrified models by 2023
- Toyota and Mazda are in partnership to develop basic EV technology
for broad application across platforms and building a U.S. plant by









- Daimler will be investing 1 billion USD in an Alabama plant to build
all-electric SUVs, and investing 10 billion USD in overall EV
development112. Mercedes Benz plans to offer 50 electrified models by
- Renault/Nissan/Mitsubishi plan 12 all-electric models by 2022114.
- Jaguar/Land Rover plan to electrify the entire line-up by 2020115.
- Volvo will be electrifying its entire line-up by 2019116.
- Volkswagen/Audi/Porsche: 84 billion USD in EV development;
electrified versions of 300 vehicles by 2030117.
• Tesla announced the Tesla Semi, a fully electric Class 8 truck that aims to
start at 150,000 USD for 300 miles of range. The company plans to produce
100,000 units of the truck per year within four years.118 Several large
companies have already placed orders: Anheuser-Busch, DHL, J.B. Hunt,
Pepsi, Ryder, Sysco, Walmart, UPS, and others.119
• Light trucks (SUVs, minivans, and pickup trucks) continue to pull market
share from the passenger cars. This trend has carried into the electrified
vehicle market. Light trucks now hold 27 % of the summed HEV, PHEV,
and BEV market; whereas in 2015 and before they held less than 5 %. Most
of electrified light trucks sales have been HEVs.












Several different electric vehicle research and development (R&D) funding
opportunities were released in 2017, from both federal and state sources. Selected
prominent funding initiatives from 2017 are briefly summarized below:
• The U.S. Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) funded
a technology gap assessment of extreme fast charging (i.e., charging at a
rate of 400 kW, which could provide for 200 miles of range addition in as
little as 10 minutes). The technology gap assessment report explores
impacts on vehicles, batteries, infrastructure, and operating costs and
identifies technical barriers that must be overcome through R&D in order
for extreme fast-charging to be widely adopted.120
• VTO announced up to 15 million USD for research projects on batteries and
vehicle electrification technologies to enable extreme fast charging.
Advanced battery projects will focus on early-stage research on battery cells
that can enable extreme fast charging, while electrification projects will
support the development and verification of electric drive systems and
infrastructure for extreme fast charging (400 kW).121
• VTO announced 19.4 million USD for 22 new cost-shared projects to
accelerate the research of advanced battery, lightweight materials, engine
technologies, and energy efficient mobility systems, including 15 “Battery
Seedling” Phase 1 projects for Battery500 Consortium research to more
than double the specific energy (to 500 watt-hours per kilogram) of lithium
battery technologies. After 18 months, promising Phase 1 awardees will be
competitively awarded a Phase 2 research opportunity.
• California Energy Commission (CEC) awarded over 24 million USD in
grants for clean energy freight transportation projects. The three grantees
(Long Beach Harbor Department, South Coast Air Quality Management
District, and Los Angeles Harbor Department) are building, deploying,
and/or demonstrating battery electric trucks and charging infrastructure.122
• California’s Clean Vehicle Rebate Project, which has issued rebates over
480 million USD for more than 218,000 EVs (over 2010-2017), recently






announced that its Rebate Now program would allow car shoppers to apply
online for pre-approval to expedite the rebate process.123

This section provides information on the number of hybrid and electric vehicles on
the road in the United States at the end of 2017, by powertrain technology. It also
includes an overview of the prices of the most popular-selling hybrid and electric
vehicles. Figure 1 shows the overall sales of electrified vehicles by manufacturer in
2017. Figure 2 shows the overall cumulative 2017 sales by type. It is seen that the
top two market shareholders (Toyota and Ford) are primarily HEV-focused, while
the 3rd and 4th largest (Tesla and Chevrolet) are PEV-focused.






The 2017 HEV sales reached 370,685 units, in a reversal of the prior sales decline
(which occurred between 2013 and 2016). There were 40 different models sold
across 18 manufacturers, with 23 models that accumulated annual sales over 1,000
units. The highest selling models were the Toyota Prius Liftback, Ford Fusion, and
Toyota RAV4, which accounted for 47 % of the U.S. hybrid vehicle market. The
Toyota Prius line-up controlled a considerably smaller share of the market (24 %)
compared to its share in 2016 (38 %), possibly due to the increasing adoption of
hybrid technologies across manufacturers. This shift in the market is evident in
Figure, which shows annual HEV sales for the top 6 manufacturers (from those
with over 2 % of the HEV market). Toyota’s overall share shrank further in 2017
as newer players (e.g., Kia) and Ford offered competitive HEVs. 124 Out of the
remaining 12 OEMs, four held 1-2 % of the market and eight held less than 1 %





In 2017, there were 30 PEV models sold in the United States, including 18 all-
electric EV models across 13 manufacturers and 27 plug-in hybrid EV (PHEV)
models across 14 manufacturers. As mentioned previously, three new PEV models
were released in 2017: Honda’s Clarity PHEV and BEV (announced late 2017),
Hyundai’s IONIQ PHEV and BEV (announced spring 2017), and Tesla’s Model 3
(announced mid-2017).
Total 2017 PEV sales reached 195,368 units (non-Tesla: 145,398). A total of 25
PEV models sold over 1,000 units in 2017, including 12 BEVs and 13 PHEVs. The
highest-selling 2017 models included Tesla Model S, Tesla Model X, Toyota Prius
Prime, Chevrolet Volt, Chevrolet Bolt, and Nissan LEAF. Chevrolet, Tesla,
Nissan, Ford, Toyota, and BMW cover 80 % of the complete 2017 U.S. PEV
market. (It should be noted that monthly Tesla sales are estimates, since Tesla only
publishes quarterly sales.) Figure shows the evolution of the U.S. PEV market over
time. 2017 continued the upward trend in total annual sales and saw increased
OEM diversity in the market – 21 different OEMs now offer a PEV model,
compared to 17 in 2016 and 2015. The top six OEMs (among those with over 2 %
of the PEV market), cover 90 % of the total historical PEV market, but held an
85 % share in 2017. Of the remaining 15 OEMs, nine held between 1-2 % of the
PEV market and six held less than 1 %. Chrysler, Mini, and Volvo sold their first
U.S. PEVs in 2017. Table 1 provides estimated total stock and sales numbers for
the electrified fleet.




A list of available vehicles and their respective prices appears in Table 2 and Table
3. It is seen that in 2017, seven of the 16 PEV models listed in table 2 (i.e., nearly
half the models) sell for a price below the average of prices for all light-duty
passenger vehicles (which was 36,113 USD as published by Kelly Blue Book125).




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In 2017, EV charging infrastructure availability in the United States grew
considerably. The number of available (public) stations grew by 25 %, including
those for Level 2 and DC Fast Charging station count increases of 13 % and 9 %
respectively, while Level 1 charging availability decreased about 13 % (a possible
explanation for the drop could be the increased availability of Level 2 and Fast-
chargers, which reduce the charging time substantially). The average number of
plugs at each station increased considerably for Level 2 chargers (42 %) and was
nearly constant for Level 1 and DC Fast Charge installations compared to 2016.
Table 3 provides an overview of the number of public charging stations in the
United States by type including Levels 1 and 2, Fast Chargers, and Tesla
Superchargers, while Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the state-level distribution of
charging stations in the U.S. California leads the other states by an order of
magnitude with over 23 % of the total stations and 30 % of the total available
plugs. This information is all continuously collected by the U.S. DOE’s Alternative
Fuels Data Center (AFDC), and placed on their website.133

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Due to the terms of their settlement with U.S. and California governments,
Volkswagen will be spending a total of 2 billion USD over the next 10 years to
install additional EV infrastructure across the U.S. The company created a
subsidiary called Electrify America to facilitate station siting and installation and
started the station rollout with 50 dual-standard DC fast chargers (50 kW) in 10
major metro markets. In December 2017, they announced plans to install 2,800
charging stations in 17 of the largest U.S. cities by 2019.134
In 2017, the U.S. DOE published its Public PEV Charging Infrastructure Guiding
Principles135 document. This was the collaboration among the PEV community to
guide DOE VTO’s research efforts and to support stakeholder decisions regarding
PEV infrastructure deployment.

Global sales of light, medium, and heavy duty PEVs are estimated to continue
growing, according to revised forecasts from Bloomberg New Energy Finance
(BNEF).136 BNEF suggests that electric vehicles will reach cost parity with
gasoline vehicles by 2025 due to the quickening pace of lithium ion battery cost
reduction. OPEC and several oil producers, including Exxon, BP, and Statoil, also
drastically increased their EV market penetration forecasts mid-year.137 As noted
earlier in this section, there is a broad industry consensus to increase electrification
in the passenger vehicle market over the next 10 years.
Electrification also appears to be an integral feature of self-driving cars according
to Ford (testing on the Fusion Hybrid), GM (testing on the Bolt EV), Uber (testing
on Volvo’s XC90 PHEV), Waymo (testing on Chrysler’s Pacifica PHEV), and
others. If this technology achieves the performance and cost claimed by its
advocates and continues to use EVs, the share of electrified vehicle miles traveled
could increase dramatically.








In recent years, the scale of China’s new energy vehicle (NEV) industry has been
extending. The NEV production and sales volume reached 794,000 units and
777,000 units respectively in 2017. The NEV production volume accounted for
2.7 % of the total automotive production volume, ranking 1st in three consecutively
years globally.
For new energy passenger cars, the production and sales volume of battery electric
passenger cars was 478,000 units and 468,000 units, rising by 81.7 % and 82.1 %
year by year; the production and sales volume of plug-in hybrid electric passenger
cars was 114,000 units and 111,000 units, rising by 40.3 % and 39.4 % year by
For new energy commercial vehicles, the production and sales volume of battery
electric commercial vehicles was 202,000 units and 198,000 units, rising by 17.4 %
and 16.3 % year by year; the production and sales volume of plug-in hybrid
electric commercial vehicles was the same of 14,000 units, decreasing by 24.9 %
and 26.6 %.


In April 2017, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of
Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Science and Technology
issued a “Medium and Long Term Development Plan of Automotive Industry”. It
put forward the goals of NEV production and sales volume: by 2020, NEV annual
production and sales volume reaching 2 million units, and by 2025, NEV
production and sales volume accounting for more than 20 % of total automotive
production and sales volume.”



Currently, purchase subsidy is the main incentive for private customers. There are
central subsidy and local subsidy. In 2017, subsidy for new energy passenger cars
was provided as the following. Central subsidy for fuel cell electric passenger car
in 2017 was RMB 200,000 each car.



 V+    V+   +W  +W 


Central subsidy for fuel cell electric passenger car in 2017 was CNY 200,000
(approx. 25,000 EUR) each car.

In August 2014, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, and
the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the bulletin of
NEV purchase tax exemption starting from September 1, 2014 to December 31,
2017. In December 2017, a bulletin was issued stating that NEV purchase tax
exemption should be implemented from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020.

In September 2017, five ministries and commissions signed and issued the
“Method for Parallel Administration on Corporate Average Fuel Consumption of
Passenger Car and New Energy Vehicle Credit” (hereunder abbreviated as the
“Method for Administration”). The “Method for Administration” will be
implemented starting on April 1, 2018. According to the “Method for
Administration”, there is no requirement on NEV credit proportion for traditional
passenger car manufacturers and importers whose annual production volume or
imported volume is less than 30,000 units; for those manufacturers and importers
with annual production or imported volume more than 30,000 units, there is NEV
credit proportion requirement from 2019. The NEV credit proportion requirement


#(!04%2o./. -%-"%2#/5.42)%3

for 2019 and 2020 is 10 % and 12 % respectively. The NEV credit proportion
requirement for 2021 and the years afterward will be issued till further notice.

In 2017, top 10 new energy passenger car sales cities include Beijing, Shanghai,
Shenzhen, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Hefei, Changsha, Ningbo, and









For new energy passenger car production, the top 10 brands were all self-owned
brands, including Beijing, BYD, Roewe, Zotye, Geely, Jiangling, ChangAn, JAC,
and Chery. The production volume of the top ten took 78.9 % of the total new
energy passenger car production. BYD produced most plug-in hybrid electric
passenger cars, followed by Roewe. The market concentration is high.













The following table shows the prices of some new energy passenger cars on the

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According to the data of the China Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Promotion Alliance, by the end of 2017, there were 446,000 charging pillars built
in China, including 214,000 public charging pillars and 232,000 private charging
pillars. Public charging pillars consisted of 86,600 AC charging pillars, 61,400 DC
charging pillars, and 66,000 AC and DC integrated charging pillars.

The NEV production will keep growing in 2018. Although the purchase subsidy is
reduced, the double credit policy will encourage the automotive manufacturers to
invest more in NEV production. It is expected that the NEV production volume
will exceed 1 million in 2018.


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Japan’s Revitalization Strategy revised in 2015 (Cabinet approval on June 30,
2015) states “(Next-generation automobiles) aim to increase the share of new
automobiles accounted for by next-generation automobiles to between 50 % and
70 % by 2030” (Followed by “2014 Automobile Industry Strategy” of METI). The
total sales of EVs and PHEVs as of the end of 2017 were over than 200,000.)

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A subsidy of passenger cars is available for electric vehicles (EVs), plug-in hybrid,
vehicles (PHEVs), clean diesel vehicles (CDVs) and fuel-cell vehicles (FCVs).
• EVs and PHVs: up to 400,000 JPY (3,604 USD)
• CDVs: up to 150,000 JPY (1,351 USD)
• FCVs: up to 2,080,000 JPY (18,738 USD)

EVs, PHEVs, CDVs and FCVs are exempt from paying “automobile acquisition
tax” (local tax: registered vehicles: 3 %; light motor vehicles 2 %) and “motor
vehicle tonnage tax” (national tax at 1st & 2nd inspection) and “automobile tax”
(local tax: partially exemption).
HEVs are partially exempt from paying “automobile acquisition tax” and “motor
vehicle tonnage tax” and “automobile tax”.


#(!04%2o./. -%-"%2#/5.42)%3

METI has provided approximately 3.27 billion JPY to support for R&D in 2016,
with the following targets:
1. Promotion of higher capacity and lower cost of lithium-ion batteries for
automotive use
2. Development of new technologies to create innovative batteries
technology beyond lithium-ion batteries
3. Development of top level analytical technology for batteries

As of the end of 2017, cumulative EVs/PHEVs/FCVs sales were over 220,000 in
Japan. In 2017, there were about 4.38 million newly registered passenger vehicles
in Japan. Of this newly registered total, 1,370,568 were HEVs, 18,092 were EVs,
36,004 were PHEVs, and 849 were FCVs.

METI has provided to support charging infrastructure by a subsidy of the
“Promotion Project to Develop Charging Infrastructure for Next-generation
Vehicles”. As of the end of 2017, more than 28,000 public charging stations
including over 7,200 quick chargers were installed in Japan. Many private
companies such as four Japanese car manufacturers’ joint company138 take an
active role in installing quick chargers and normal chargers in response to the
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Morocco, which is considered as an African leader in the field of clean energy has
made his vision and commitment toward the environment clear by adopting a new
national energy strategy, the signature of conventions and creation of international
coalitions and by putting trams and electric buses into service in some Moroccan
In 2017 the electric vehicles (EV) sector has known different developments in
Morocco such as the implementation of demonstration projects and R&D facilities,
the introduction of tax incentives for eco-friendly electric vehicles to promote the
use of EVs and help the EV market find a starting point, the main development
being the agreement on the establishment of a major EV factory to build battery-
powered passenger cars, buses and trucks by the world’s largest maker of electric

Morocco considers the electric mobility as an essential component of the
Moroccan national energy strategy139 and sustainable transformation of the
transport sector. This sector emits 18.2 million of tons of CO2 annually140, which
represents 15 % of the total emissions and 28 % of the emissions of the energy
sector in the country. In addition, it consumes 5.6 Mt (37 %) of Morocco’s
petroleum products3. The motivation for electric mobility in the kingdom is
therefore based on ecological, economical and even political interests to limit the
energy dependency, reduce CO2 emissions and to promote the EV Market.
The project of the roadmap for sustainable mobility was inspired by the global
macro roadmap for transport transformation presented by the Paris Process on
Mobility and Climate during the COP22 in Marrakech. Morocco decided to adopt
this model and consequently developed its national roadmap for sustainable
mobility. It aims to develop a shared vision to make transportation a real
contributor to sustainable development and also to serve public and private
stakeholders as a guiding framework for sector transformation, while balancing
economic, energy, environmental and social objectives141.






In the frame of the Moroccan roadmap for sustainable mobility, the direction of
taxes of the Moroccan Kingdom under the umbrella of the ministry of environment
has made a reflection of possible incentive measures and adapted taxation schemes
to promote the use of eco-friendly vehicles.
In 2017, Morocco made the decision to remove circulating taxes for hybrid and
electric vehicles in the framework of a tax package aimed at encouraging the
development of electric-mobility in the country and to fulfill the engagement of the
Moroccan Kingdom to preserve the environment.
The Moroccan government enacted the Finance Law142 in which the hybrid and
electric vehicles were declared exempt from annually circulating taxes. This
development is considered as one step in a multi-phase process to create further
incentives not only for EVs, but also for electric batteries. The several ministries
involved are seriously studying the possibility of exempting HEV from customs


In July 2017, PSA, the French automotive manufacturer signed an agreement with
five Moroccan universities and two American ones based in the kingdom in order
to create the first Open Lab PSA-Morocco named “Sustainable mobility for
Africa”. This “university-industry” scientific partnership is to play an important
role in supporting the implementation of the PSA plant in the Rabat-Salé and
Kenitra region and supporting the development of the PSA group in Africa143.
The scientific program of the Moroccan Open Lab focuses on three areas: the
electric vehicle of the future, renewable energies, and the supply chain
management. Furthermore, this Moroccan Open lab is the first in Africa and
Middle East Region and is part of 17 PSA active open labs in the world existing
only in France, China, and Brazil144.





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The Moroccan roadmap for sustainable energy has set the goal of generating
electric vehicles and jobs in the country. Morocco has taken advantage of the
combination of low inflation and low-cost labor, generous tax incentives, an
improved transportation infrastructure as well as economic and political stability to
attract automotive companies. Therefore, the automotive industry in Morocco is
expanding fast. After Renault and PSA, a Chinese global leader in electric vehicles
“BYD” is now to be installed in the country. The partnership agreement signed in
December 2017 between the Moroccan government and the automobile
manufacturer aims to help Morocco create an ecosystem of E-Mobility in the
kingdom. BYD, which is a market leader in EV production, is planning to build a
production plant in Tangier in order to supply the domestic market. The
information indicates that the project will create around 2,500 jobs and cover 50
The factory will be in the new Mohamed VI Tangier Tech City, which is part of a
project between China and Morocco to create what some are calling a North
African Silicon Valley.
The BYD production plant intends to produce electric cars, buses, trucks and to
supply the needed electric batteries to cover the demand in Morocco as well as in
the MENA region and Africa.

In Morocco, the electric vehicle market is not very large. There are few hybrid and
electric vehicles on the road. Therefore, data and statistics about the exact number
of these vehicles and the amount of sales are not available. The most popular
electric vehicle in Morocco seems to be Renault ZOE.

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Since 2015, social and economic studies were conducted in the Green Energy Park
in order to evaluate the Moroccan customer behavior towards electric vehicles. The
main obstacle preventing Moroccan people from buying EVs was found to be the
lack of charging infrastructures. In the light of this, the Research Institute of Solar
Energy and New Energies (IRESEN) formed an initiative to build the first
Moroccan charging network for EVs: Green Miles. Even before this project, some
temporary charging stations existed in Morocco. They were implemented, for the
majority of them, in order to host the Light Us first Relay by bringing the
photovoltaic Torch from Paris (COP21) to Marrakech (COP22) and then from
Marrakech to Bonn (COP23). The Light Us Relay traveled on seven Tesla cars
which had the opportunity to charge at several stations all the way from Marrakech
to Tangier.

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Green Miles is a project initiated by IRESEN in partnership with Schneider
Electric, the Motorway Service Areas and the Moroccan Network of Motorways
(Autoroutes du Maroc) in early 2017. The aim of the project is to deploy charging
stations for electric vehicles in the motorway service areas. In total, 37 charging
stations will be deployed; this means 74 charging points since we have a double
power socket in each station to cover 800 km on the motorway connecting Tangier
to Agadir as seen on the map below in order to enhance the vehicle’s reliability, a


#(!04%2o./. -%-"%2#/5.42)%3

station will be implemented each 60 km. Furthermore, the charging stations will be
equipped with smart meters and communication modules in order to centralize data
and manage the charging process. The data collected and monitored will be a
valuable asset for research purposes such as studying the impact of initial
investment on electric mobility and traffic modeling. To make this project even
more green, IRESEN is aiming to power the charging stations by a solar parking
shading structure implemented inside the service area.






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IRESEN, in collaboration with the region of Marrakech – Safi, Schneider Electric,
and GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) has started the
implementation of charging points in the city of Benguerir, deployed at the Green
Energy Park, the municipality and the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic. The
initiative is a first step towards providing the whole region with the needed
infrastructure for electrical mobility using different capacities from 7 kW up to 22
kW. This will help the study on a larger scale of the impact of this infrastructure on
the national grid, in collaboration with ONEE (National Office of Electricity and
drinking water) and AMEE (Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency), as well as
the different scenarios of use of EVs in a big city such as Marrakech. The city has
already provided itself with electrical buses using renewable solar energy sources
to make a first step towards developing electrical mobility.



IRESEN has the vision via its research platforms to establish a research and
development center that will generate innovative ideas, by promoting cooperation
between academics and industrials, and by contributing to the transfer of
knowledge from advanced foreign clusters to Morocco and the MENA region.
IRESEN is determined to create test-beds and laboratories that will be a key driver
to facilitate the commercialization of EVs in the Kingdom.

In September 2017, Marrakech was the first Moroccan and African city (with Cape
Town) to introduce electric buses in its transportation system. The project, which
cost 347 million dirhams, put into circulation 10 high quality electric buses. The
first phase of this project consists in one route with eight stations connecting the


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city center to the town’s peripheral districts. Three other routes are expected by
Today, barely 4 % of the population in Marrakech use buses. Through this new
transportation system, the city hopes to raise this figure to 9 % and aims to
encourage the use of an ecological public transport by creating a modern means of
transport that meets the needs of the population.


This project, besides its role in reducing the carbon footprint and preserving air
quality, strengthens the position of Marrakech as a model city in the field of
sustainable development. Furthermore, in order to guarantee the supply of these
buses with clean energy, a solar energy production station has been set up in
partnership with the World Bank at the entrance of the city in the district of

Although it has just started, the electric mobility progress in Morocco is very
motivating. Endorsed by the national energy strategy and the transport roadmap,
sustainable mobility has many opportunities to grow in the country. Furthermore,
the projects conducted by IRESEN and its research platform are playing an
important role in concretizing the national directives and targets and driving the
growth of HEV vehicles.



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In the “On the Road” sections of the country chapters, fleet numbers of motorized
road vehicles are presented in a standardized table as much as possible. The
definitions of the vehicle categories that are used in these tables are given below.

/:=>8A: :H8G>EI>DC




/:=>8A: :H8G>EI>DC


A Ampere
AC Alternating Current
ADEME Agency for Environment and Energy Management (France)
AEV All-Electric Vehicle
AFDC Alternative Fuels Data Center (DOE)
AFV Alternative Fuel Vehicle
ANR Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France)
APC UK Advanced Propulsion Centre United Kingdom
APN Access Point Name
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
AVEM Avenir du Véhicule Electro-Mobile (France)
AVTA Advanced Vehicle Testing Activity
AWD All-Wheel Drive
A3PS Austrian Agency for Alternative Propulsion Systems

BC British Columbia
BDEW German Association of Energy and Water Industries
BEV Battery Electric Vehicle
BEVx BEV with Auxiliary Power Unit
BFH Bern University of Applied Sciences (Berner
BIS Department for Business Innovation & Skills (United
BMLFUW Federal Ministry of Agriculture (Austria)



BMVIT Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation, and Technology
BMWFJ Federal Ministry of Economy (Austria)
BOMA Building Owners and Managers Association (British
BSS Battery-Swapping Station

CARB California Air Resources Board

cc Cubic Centimeter
CCS Combined Charging Standard
CCZ Congestion Charge Zone
CEA Canadian Electricity Association
CEI-CIVES Italian EV Association
CEIIA Centre for Excellence and Innovation in the Auto Industry
CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
CERT Committee on Energy Research and Technology (IEA)
CHF Swiss Franc (currency)
CIRCE Research Centre for Energy Resources and Consumption
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CNR National Research Council (Italy)
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CRD Capital Region of Denmark
CRM Customer Relationship Management

DC Direct Current
DCFC Direct Current Fast Charging
DEA Danish Energy Agency (Denmark)



DLR German Aerospace Center
DKK Danish Crown (currency)
DMA Derindere Motor Vehicles (Turkey)
DOE U.S. Department of Energy
DOET Dutch Organisation for Electric Transport
DPD Dynamic Parcel Distribution
DSO Distribution System Operator

ECV Electric Commercial Vehicle

ED Electric Drive
EET European Ele-Drive Transportation Conference
eMI3 eMobility ICT Interoperability Innovation Group (Belgium)
ENEA Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and
Sustainable Economic Development
EnEl Ente Nazionale per l'energia ELettrica
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EREV Extended-Range Electric Vehicle
ERS Electric Road System
ERTICO European Road Transport Telematics Implementation
ESB Electricity Supply Board (Ireland)
ETBE Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether
EU European Union
EUL EcoUrban Living (Finland)
EUR Euro (currency; the standard “” abbreviation is used in this
EUWP Working Party on Energy End-Use Technologies (IEA) (this
group was previously called the End-Use Working Party)
EV Electric Vehicle



EVCIS Electric Vehicle Charging Infra System (Korea)
EVE Electric Vehicle Systems Program (Finland)
EVS Electric Vehicle Symposium
EVSE Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
EVSP Electric Vehicle Service Provider
EVX (Global) Electric Vehicle Insight Exchange
ExCo Executive Committee (IA-HEV)

FCV Fuel Cell Vehicle (also called a Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle
FEUP Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (Energy
Faculty of the University of Porto) (Portugal)
FFV Flex(ible) Fuel Vehicle
FHWA Federal Highway Administration

g Gram
GAMEP Office for Electric Mobility (Portugal)
GEM Global Electric Motorcars
GHG Greenhouse Gas
GIS Geographic Information System
GM General Motors

h Hour
HEV Hybrid Electric Vehicle
HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle
hp Horsepower
HSL Helsinki Region Transport
HSY Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority



HVO Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil
H&EVs Hybrid and Electric Vehicles

IA Implementing Agreement (IEA)

IA-AMF Implementing Agreement on Advanced Motor Fuels
IA-HEV Implementing Agreement for Co-operation on Hybrid and
Electric Vehicle Technologies and Programmes
ICE Internal Combustion Engine
ICS Inductive Charging System
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IDAE Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (Spain)
IEA International Energy Agency
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IMA Innovative Mobility Automobile GmbH (Germany)
Inc. Incorporated
INESC Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto
(Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering of Porto)
INL Idaho National Laboratory (DOE)
INTELI Inteligência em Inovaa_o (Portugal)
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IT Information Technology
ITS Intelligent Transportation System

KAMA Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association

KETEP Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and
kg Kilogram
km Kilometer



KORELATION Cost – Range – Charging Stations (Kosten – Reichweite –
Ladestationen) (e’mobile project)
KRW South Korean Won (currency)
kton Kiloton
kW Kilowatt
kWh Kilowatt-Hour

L Liter (also spelled Litre)

LCA Life-Cycle Assessment
LCV Low-Carbon Vehicle
LDV Light-Duty Vehicle
LEV Light Electric Vehicle
Li Lithium
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas

MERGE Mobile Energy Resources in Grids of Electricity (Europe)

METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan)
MIA Environmental Investment Allowance (The Netherlands)
min Minute
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MOBI.E Mobilidade Eléctrica (Portugal)
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
mpg Miles per Gallon
mph Miles per Hour
MPV Multipurpose Vehicle
MRC Marmara Research Center (TÜBITAK, Turkey)
MSEK Million Swedish Krona (currency)
MSRP Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price



MVEG Motor Vehicle Emissions Group (Europe)
MW Megawatt
MWh Megawatt-Hour

n/a Not Available. In the data tables, this abbreviation can mean
either no reported data or the technology is not commercially
available at present.
NEDC New European Driving Cycle
NGV Natural Gas Vehicle
N•m Newton Meter
NPE National Platform for Electromobility (Germany)
NRCan Natural Resources Canada
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory (DOE)

OA Operating Agent
OCPP Open Charge Point Protocol
ODD Turkish Automotive Distributors Association (Turkey)
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OERD Office of Energy Research and Development (NRCan)
OLEV Office for Low Emission Vehicles (United Kingdom)
OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

PCM Phase-Charge Material

PFA Automobile Sector Platform (France)
PHEV Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
PHV Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle
PIAM Plan de Incentivos Autotaxi Madrid (Spain)



PIMA Aire Plan de Impulso al Medio Ambiente (Spain)
PIP Plugged-in Places (United Kingdom)
psi Pound-Force per Square Inch
PV Photovoltaic

QC Quick Charging

RAI Royalty Amsterdam International (The Netherlands)

RD Royal Decree (Spain)
R&D Research and Development
RD&D Research, Development, and Deployment (also called
Research, Development, and Demonstration)
RDW Dutch Vehicle Authority
REV Range Extender Vehicle
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RTC Rotterdamse Taxi Centrale (The Netherlands)
RWE Name of a German Electric Utility Company (originally
Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk)
RWS Rijkswaterstaat (The Netherlands)

SAE Society of Automotive Engineers

SALK Belgian Regional Strategic Action Plan (Belgium)
SCT Special Consumption Tax (Turkey)
SEK Swedish Krona (currency)
SFOE Swiss Federal Office of Energy
SI Système International (International System of Units)
SLF Shredder Light Fractions
SME Subject Matter Expert



STM Société de Transport de Montréal (Canada)
SUV Sport Utility Vehicle
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (a type of
planning method or analysis)

t Metric Ton or Tonne (1 t = 1,000 kg)

TCA Taxi Centrale Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
TCG Transport Contact Group (EUWP)
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
TCP Technology Collaboration Programme
Tekes Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation
TNO Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
TOSA Trolleybus Optimisation Système Alimentation (Switzerland)
TÜBTAK Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

UGAP Union des Groupements d'Achats Publics (Union of Public

Purchasing Groups) (France)
UITP International Association of Public Transport
ULEV Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle
UK United Kingdom
UPS United Parcel Service (U.S.)
US United States
U.S. United States
USA United States of America
USABC United States Advanced Battery Consortium

V Volt
VAMIL Arbitrary Depreciation of Environmental Investments (The



VAT Value-Added Tax
VITO Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (Flemish
Institute for Technological Research) (Belgium)
vol-% Percentage Based on Volume
VPN Virtual Private Network
VRT Vehicle Registration Tax
VSST Vehicle and Systems Simulation and Testing (DOE)
VTO Vehicle Technologies Office (DOE)
(ANR) VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (Valtion Teknillinen
VW Volkswagen
V2G Vehicle-to-Grid
V2V Vehicle-to-Vehicle
V2X Bidirectional Charging

WCC Workplace Charging Challenge (DOE)

Wh Watt-Hour
WPT Wireless Power Transfer

ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences



The website of the IEA Technology Collaboration Programme on Hybrid and

Electric Vehicles (HEV TCP) can be found at www.ieahev.org.


Chairman Deputy Chairman and

Mr. Urs Muntwyler Country Delegate for the U.S.A
Bern University of Applied Sciences Mr. David Howell
Division of Electrical and Communications Vehicle Technologies Office, EE-3V
Engineering U.S. Department of Energy,
Jlcoweg 1 1000 Independence Avenue, SW,
3400 Burgdorf; Switzerland Washington, DC 20585; USA

Deputy Chairman and Deputy Chairman and

Country Delegate for Canada Country Delegate for Italy
Ms. Carol Burelle Mr. Francesco Vellucci
Natural Resources Canada ENEA – Italian National Agency for New
Office of Energy R&D (OERD) Technologies, Energy and Sustainable
580 Booth Street, 14th Floor Economic Development
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4; Canada Casaccia Research Centre
Via Anguillarese 301
00123 S.M. di Galeria, Rome; Italy

Austria Belgium
Mr. Andreas Dorda Mr. Carlo Mol
Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation VITO – Vlaamse Instelling voor
und Technologie (BMVIT) Technologisch Onderzoek
Abteilung Mobilität und Boeretang 200
Verkehrstechnologien 2400 Mol; Belgium
Renngasse 5
1010 Vienna; Austria




Denmark Finland
Mr. Michael Rask Mr. Martti Korkiakoski
Danish Energy Agency - part of the Danish TEKES - Finnish Funding Agency for
Ministry of Climate, Technology and Innovation
Energy and Building Energy and Environment
Amaliegade 44 P.O. Box 69
1256 Copenhagen K; Denmark 00101 Helsinki, Finland

France Germany
Mr. Johan Ransquin Mr. Matthias Laske
ADEME - Agence de l’Environnement et de Projektträger Jülich
la Maîtrise de l’Energie Geschäftsbereich Energietechnologien
Service Transports et Mobilité Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
500, route des Lucioles Sophia 52428 Jülich; Germany
06560 Valbonne; France

Ireland The Netherlands

Mr. Graham Brennan Ms. Sonja Munnix
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Netherlands Enterprise Agency
Wilton Park House, Wilton Place Croeselaan 15, P.O. Box 8242
Dublin 2; Ireland 3503 RE Utrecht; The Netherlands

Republic of Korea Spain

Mr. Hyun-choon Cho Mr. Juan Francisco Larrazábal Roche
KETEP – Korea Institute of Energy Transport Department
Technology Evaluation and Planning IDAE – Institute for the Diversification and
Union Building Tehyeranro 114-11 Saving of Energy
Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-280; C/ Madera, 8
Republic of Korea 28004, Madrid; Spain

Sweden Switzerland
Mr. Peter Kasche Mr. Martin Pulfer
Swedish Energy Agency Bundesamt für Energie (BFE)
Department for Energy Technology Abteilung AEW/
P.O. Box 310 Sektion Energieforschung
631 04 Eskilstuna; Sweden 3003 Bern; Switzerland



Turkey United Kingdom
Mr. Halil S. Hamut Mr. Bob Moran
TÜBITAK Marmara Research Center Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV)
Energy Institute Great Minster House
P.K. 21, 41470 Gebze Kocaeli; Turkey 76 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DR; UK


HEV TCP Secretary-General HEV TCP, Desk Officer

Mr. James F. Miller Mr. Pierpaolo Cazzola
Argonne National Laboratory IEA - International Energy Agency
9700 S. Cass Avenue Energy Technology Policy Division
Argonne, IL 60439, USA 9, rue de la Fédération
E-Mail: [email protected] 75739 Paris Cedex 15; France
E-Mail: [email protected].



Task 1 – Information Exchange Task 23 – Light Electric Vehicle
Mr. Gereon Meyer Parking and Charging Infrastructure
VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH Mr. Hannes Neupert
Dept. Future Mobility and Europe EnergyBus e.V.
Steinplatz 1 Koskauer Str. 100
10623 Berlin; Germany 07922 Tanna; Germany
E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]

Task 25 – Plug-in Electric Vehicles Task 26 – Wireless Power Transfer

Mr. Aymeric Rousseau Mr. Burak Ozpineci
Systems Modeling and Control Group Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Argonne National Laboratory 2360 Cherahala Blvd.
9700 South Cass Avenue Knoxville, TN 37932
Argonne, IL 60647; U.S.A. USA
E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]

Task 27 – Light-Electric-Vehicle Parking and Charging Infrastructure

Mr. Florian Kleiner Mr. Martin Beermann
German Aerospace Center (DLR) Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Institute of Vehicle Concepts GmbH
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40 Elisabethstraße 18/II
70569 Stuttgart; Germany 8010 Graz; Austria
E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]

Task 28 – Home Grids and V2X Task 29 – Electrified, Connected and

Technologies Automated Vehicles
Ms. Cristina Corchero Mr. Gereon Meyer
Catalonia Institute for Energy Research VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
(IREC) Dept. Future Mobility and Europe
Jardins de les Dones de Negre 1, 2a pl. Steinplatz 1
Sant Adrià de Besòs 10623 Berlin; Germany
08930 Barcelona;Spain E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]



Task 30 – Assessment of Environ- Task 31 – Fuels and Energy Carriers for
mental Effects of Electric Vehicles Transport
Mr. Gerfried Jungmeier Mr. Bert Witkamp
Joanneum Research Valuad
LIFE – Centre for Climate, Energy and Rue de Maestricht 12
Society 4600 Visé, Belgium
Wagner Biro Strasse 100 E-Mail: [email protected]
8010 Graz; Austria
E-Mail: [email protected]

Task 32 – Small Electric Vehicles Task 33 – Battery Electric Buses

Mr. Stephan Schmid Mr. Gerfried Jungmeier
German Aerospace Center (DLR) Joanneum Research
Institute of Vehicle Concepts LIFE – Centre for Climate, Energy and Society
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40 Wagner Biro Strasse 100
70569 Stuttgart; Germany 8010 Graz; Austria
E-mail [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]

Task 34 – Batteries Task 35 – Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles

Mr. David Howell Mr. Ocktaeck Lim, Ph.D. Professor,
Vehicle Technologies Office School of Mechanical and Automotive
United States Department of Energy Engineering
1000 Independence Avenue SW University of Ulsan
Washington, DC 20585, USA 93 Daehak-ro, Nam-gu,
E-Mail: [email protected] 44610 Ulsan, Republic of Korea
E-Mail: [email protected]

Task 37 – Extreme Fast Charging Task 38 – E-Ships

Mr. Steven Boyd Mr. Michael Rask
Vehicle Technologies Office, United Raskgreentech
States Department of Energy Gammel Lundtoftevej 34D
1000 Independence Avenue SW 2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Washington, DC 20585, USA E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]



Task 39 – Interoperability of E- Task 40 – Critical Raw Material for
Mobility Services Electric Vehicles
Mr. Carlo Mol Mr. Bert Witkamp
VITO – Vlaamse Instelling voor Valuad
Technologisch Onderzoek Rue de Maestricht 12
Boeretang 200 4600 Visé, Belgium
2400 Mol; Belgium E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]


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