Debt Market & Instruments'': A Project On "

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Submitted to

University Of Mumbai For Partial Completion Of Degree Of

Bachelor Of Commerce (FINANCIAL MARKET )

Semester VI 2018-19

Submitted By:

Mr :- Milind Ishwar Kamble

Roll No.339

Under the Guidance of

Professor: Devendra Vyas

Uttari Bharat Sabha’s



March, 2018-19



Submitted to

University Of Mumbai For Partial Completion Of Degree Of

Bachelor Of Commerce (FINANCIAL MARKET)

Semester VI 2018-19

Submitted By:

Mr :- Milind Ishwar Kamble

Roll No.339

Under the Guidance of

Professor: Devendra Vyas

Uttari Bharat Sabha’s



March, 2018-19

Uttari Bharat Sabha’s





This is to certify that Mr. Milind Ishwar Kamble Roll No. 339 have worked and duly completed his
project work for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce (FINANCIAL MARKET) under the faculty of

commerce in the subject of management and his project is entitled,: Prof Devendra Vyas under the
supervision. I further certify that the entire work has been done by the learner under my guidance and
that no part of it has been submitted previously for any degree of diploma of any University.

It is his own work and facts reported by his personal findings and investigation.

Date -____________

Course Co-coordinator Principal

Mrs.Chandrakala Srivastav Dr. Ajay Bhamare

Project Guide / Internal Examiner External Examiner

Declaration by Learner

I the undersigned Mr. Milind Ishwar Kamble here by, declare that the work
embodied in this project work “DEBT MARKET & INSTRUMENTS’’forms my own
contribution to the research work carried out under the guidance of Mr. Devendra Vyas

is a result of my own research work and as not been previously submitted to any
other University for any other Degree / Diploma to this or any other University.

Wherever reference has been made to previous work of others, it has been
clearly indicated as such and included in the bibliography.

I, here by further declare that all information of this document has been obtained
and presented in accordance with acedamic rules and ethical conduct.

Name & Signature of the learner


Certified By

Name & Signature of the Guiding Professor

Mr.Devendra Vyas


To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so numerous and the
depth is so enormous.

I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh
dimensions in the completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank the University of Mumbai for giving me chance to
do this project.

I would like to thank my Principal, Mr. Ajay M Bhamre for providing the necessary
facilities required for completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank our Coordinator Mrs.Chandrakala Shrivastava for

her moral support and guidance.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards my project guide

Mr/Mrs. Devendra Vyas. whose guidance and care made the project successful.

I would like to thank College Library, for having provided various reference books
and magazines related to my project.

Lastly, I would like to thank each and every person who directly and indirectly
helped me in the completion of the project especially my parents and peers who
supported me throughout my project.


CHAPTER – 1 07

CHAPTER – 2 13

CHAPTER – 3 29

CHAPTER – 4 31

CHAPTER – 5 61

CHAPTER – 6 68



Chapter - 1
Introduction :-

The debt market in India consists of mainly two categories—the government securities or the G-
Sec markets comprising central government and state government securities, and the corporate
bond market. In order to finance its fiscal deficit,the government floats fixed income instruments
and borrows money by issuing G-Secs that are sovereign securities issued by the Reserve Bank
of India (RBI) on behalf of the Government of India. The corporate bond market (also known
as the non-Gsec market) consists of financial institutions (FI) bonds, public sector units (PSU)
bonds, and corporatebonds/debentures.The G-secs are the most dominant category of debt
markets and form a major part of the market in terms of outstanding issues, market
capitalization, and trading value. It sets a benchmark for the rest of the market. The market for
debtderivatives have not yet developed appreciably, although a market for OTC derivatives in
interest rate products exists.The exchange-traded interest rate derivatives that were introduced
recently are debt instruments; this market is currentlysmall, and would gradually pick up in the
years to come.



There are three main ways repayment may be structured: the entire principal balance may be due
at the maturity of the loan; the entire principal balance may be amortized over the term of the
loan; or the loan may partially amortized during its term, with the remaining principal due as a
"balloon payment" at maturity. Amortization structures are common in mortgages and credit

Payday loan businesses lend money to customers, who then owe a debt to the payday loan








Regulation · Financial law[show]

Economic history[show]

● v
● t
● e

Debt is when something, usually money, is owed by one party, the borrower or debtor, to a
second party, the lender or creditor. Debt is a deferred payment, or series of payments, that is
owed in the future, which is what differentiates it from an immediate purchase. The debt may be
owed by sovereign state or country, local government, company, or an individual. Commercial
debt is generally subject to contractual terms regarding the amount and timing of repayments
of principal and interest.[1] Loans, bonds, notes, and mortgages are all types of debt. The term
can also be used metaphorically to cover moral obligations and other interactions not based
on economic value.[2]For example, in Western cultures, a person who has been helped by a
second person is sometimes said to owe a "debt of gratitude" to the second person.


Interest is the fee paid by the borrower to the lender. Interest is calculated as a percentage of the
outstanding principal, which percentage is known as an interest rate, and is generally paid
periodically at intervals, such as monthly or semi-annually.

Interest rates may be fixed or floating. In floating-rate structures, the rate of interest that the
borrower pays during each time period is tied to a benchmark such as LIBOR or, in the case
of inflation-indexed bonds, inflation.

There are many different conventions for calculating interest. Depending on the terms of the
debt, compound interest may accumulate at a specific interval. In addition, different day count
conventions exist, for example, sometimes each month is considered to have exactly thirty days,
such that the interest payment due is the same in each calendar month. The annual percentage
rate (APR) is a standardized way to calculate and compare interest rates on an annual basis.
Quoting interest rates using APR is required by regulation for most loans to individuals in the
United States and United Kingdom.

For some loans, the amount actually loaned to the debtor is less than the principal sum to be
repaid. This may be because upfront fees or points are charged, or because the loan has been
structured to be sharia-compliant. The additional principal due at the end of the term has the
same economic effect as a higher interest rate.

Riskier borrowers must generally pay higher rates of interest to compensate lenders for taking on
the additional risk of default. Debt investors assess the risk of default prior to making a loan, for
example through credit scores and corporate and sovereign ratings.

Chapter - 2

Types of borrowers


Common types of debt owed by individuals and households include mortgage loans, car
loans, credit card debt, and income taxes. For individuals, debt is a means of using
anticipated income and future purchasing power in the present before it has actually been earned.
Commonly, people in industrialized nations use consumer debt to purchase houses, cars and
other things too expensive to buy with cash on hand.

People are more likely to spend more and get into debt when they use credit cards vs. cash for
buying products and services.[6][7][8][9][10] This is primarily because of the transparency effect and
consumer's "pain of paying."[8][10] The transparency effect refers to the fact that the further you
are from cash (as in a credit card or another form of payment), the less transparent it is and the
less you remember how much you spent.[10] The less transparent or further away from cash, the
form of payment employed is, the less an individual feels the “pain of paying” and thus is likely
to spend more.[8] Furthermore, the differing physical appearance/form that credit cards have from
cash may cause them to be viewed as “monopoly” money vs. real money, luring individuals to
spend more money than they would if they only had cash available.[9][11]

Besides these more formal debts, private individuals also lend informally to other people, mostly
relatives or friends. One reason for such informal debts is that many people, in particular those
who are poor, have no access to affordable credit. Such debts can cause problems when they are
not paid back according to expectations of the lending household. In 2011, 8 percent of people in
the European Union reported their households has been in arrears, that is, unable to pay as

scheduled "payments related to informal loans from friends or relatives not living in your


A company may use various kinds of debt to finance its operations as a part of its
overall corporate finance strategy.

A term loan is the simplest form of corporate debt. It consists of an agreement to lend a fixed
amount of money, called the principal sum or principal, for a fixed period of time, with this
amount to be repaid by a certain date. In commercial loans interest, calculated as a percentage of
the principal sum per year, will also have to be paid by that date, or may be paid periodically in
the interval, such as annually or monthly. Such loans are also colloquially called "bullet loans",
particularly if there is only a single payment at the end – the "bullet" – without a "stream" of
interest payments during the life of the loan.

A revenue-based financing loan comes with a fixed repayment target that is reached over a
period of several years. This type of loan generally comes with a repayment amount of 1.5 to 2.5
times the principle loan. Repayment periods are flexible; businesses can pay back the agreed-
upon amount sooner, if possible, or later. In addition, business owners do not sell equity or
relinquish control when using revenue-based financing. Lenders that provide revenue-based
financing work more closely with businesses than bank lenders, but take a more hands-off
approach than private equity investors

A syndicated loan is a loan that is granted to companies that wish to borrow more money than
any single lender is prepared to risk in a single loan. A syndicated loan is provided by a group of
lenders and is structured, arranged, and administered by one or several commercial banks or
investment banks known as arrangers. Loan syndication is a risk management tool that allows
the lead banks underwriting the debt to reduce their risk and free up lending capacity.

A company may also issue bonds, which are debt securities. Bonds have a fixed lifetime, usually
a number of years; with long-term bonds, lasting over 30 years, being less common. At the end
of the bond's life the money should be repaid in full. Interest may be added to the end payment,
or can be paid in regular installments (known as coupons) during the life of the bond.

A letter of credit or LC can also be the source of payment for a transaction, meaning that
redeeming the letter of credit will pay an exporter. Letters of credit are used primarily in
international trade transactions of significant value, for deals between a supplier in one country
and a customer in another. They are also used in the land development process to ensure that
approved public facilities (streets, sidewalks, storm, water ponds, etc.) will be built. The parties
to a letter of credit are usually a beneficiary who is to receive the money, the issuing bank of
whom the applicant is a client, and the advising bank of whom the beneficiary is a client. Almost
all letters of credit are irrevocable, i.e., cannot be amended or canceled without prior agreement
of the beneficiary, the issuing bank and the confirming bank, if any. In executing a transaction,
letters of credit incorporate functions common to giros and traveler's cheque. Typically, the
documents a beneficiary has to present in order to receive payment include a commercial
invoice, bill of lading, and a document proving the shipment was insured against loss or damage
in transit. However, the list and form of documents is open to imagination and negotiation and
might contain requirements to present documents issued by a neutral third party evidencing the
quality of the goods shipped, or their place of origin.

Companies also use debt in many ways to leverage the investment made in their assets,
"leveraging" the return on their equity. This leverage, the proportion of debt to equity, is
considered important in determining the riskiness of an investment; the more debt per equity, the

Government :-

Governments issue debt to pay for ongoing expenses as well as major capital projects.
Government debt may be issued by sovereign states as well as by local governments,
sometimes known as municipalities.

Debt issued by the government of the United States, called Treasuries, serves as a reference point
for all other debt. There are deep, transparent, liquid, and open capital markets for
Treasuries.[14] Furthermore, Treasuries are issued in a wide variety of maturities, from one day to
thirty years, which facilitates comparing the interest rates on other debt to a security of
comparable maturity. In finance, the theoretical "Risk-free rate" rate is often approximated by
practitioners by using the current yield a Treasury of the same duration.

The overall level of indebtedness by a government is typically shown as a ratio of debt-to-GDP.
This ratio helps to assess the speed of changes in government indebtedness and the size of the
debt due.

Income metrics

The debt service coverage ratio is the ratio of income available to the amount of debt service due
(including both interest and principal amortization, if any). The higher the debt service coverage
ratio, the more income is available to pay debt service, and the easier and lower-cost it will be for
a borrower to obtain financing.

Different debt markets have somewhat different conventions in terminology and calculations for
income-related metrics. For example, in mortgage lending in the United States, a debt-to-income
ratio typically includes the cost of mortgage payments as well as insurance and property tax,
divided by a consumer's monthly income. A "front-end ratio" of 28% or below, together with a
"back-end ratio" (including required payments on non-housing debt as well) of 36% or below is
also required to be eligible for a conforming loan.

Value metrics

The loan-to-value ratio is the ratio of the total amount of the loan to the total value of
the collateral securing the loan.

For example, in mortgage lending in the United States, the loan-to-value concept is most
commonly expressed as a "down payment." A 20% down payment is equivalent to an 80% loan
to value. With home purchases, value may be assessed using the agreed-upon purchase price,
and/or an appraisal.

Collateral and recourse

A debt obligation is considered secured if creditors have recourse to specific collateral. Collateral
may include claims on tax receipts (in the case of a government), specific assets (in the case of a

company) or a home (in the case of a consumer). Unsecured debt comprises financial obligations
for which creditors do not have recourse to the assets of the borrower to satisfy their claims.

Role of rating agencies

Credit bureaus collect information about the borrowing and repayment history of consumers.
Lenders, such as banks and credit card companies, use credit scores to evaluate the potential risk
posed by lending money to consumers. In the United States, the primary credit bureaus
are Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union.

Debts owed by governments and private corporations may be rated by rating agencies, such
as Moody's, Standard & Poor's, Fitch Ratings, and A. M. Best. The government or company
itself will also be given its own separate rating. These agencies assess the ability of the debtor to
honor his obligations and accordingly give him or her a credit rating. Moody's uses the
letters Aaa Aa A Baa B a B Caa Ca C, where ratings Aa-Caa are qualified by numbers 1-3. S&P
and other rating agencies have slightly different systems using capital letters and +/- qualifiers.
Thus a government or corporation with a high rating would have Aaa rating.

A change in ratings can strongly affect a company, since its cost of refinancing depends on
its creditworthiness. Bonds below Baa/BBB (Moody's/S&P) are considered junk or high-risk
bonds. Their high risk of default (approximately 1.6 percent for Ba ) is compensated by higher
interest payments. Bad Debt is a loan that cannot (partially or fully) be repaid by the debtor. The
debtor is said to default on his debt. These types of debt are frequently repackaged and sold
below face value. Buying junk bonds is seen as a risky but potentially profitable investment.

Loans versus bonds

Bonds are debt securities, tradeable on a bond market. A country's regulatory structure
determines what qualifies as a security. For example, in North America, each security is uniquely
identified by a CUSIP for trading and settlement purposes. In contrast, loans are
not securities and do not have CUSIPs (or the equivalent). Loans may be sold or acquired in
certain circumstances, as when a bank syndicates a loan.

Loans can be turned into securities through the securitization process. In a securitization, a
company sells a pool of assets to a securitization trust, and the securitization trust finances its
purchase of the assets by selling securities to the market. For example, a trust may own a pool of
home mortgages, and be financed by residential mortgage-backed securities. In this case, the
asset-backed trust is a debt issuer of residential mortgage-backed securities.

Role of central banks

Central banks, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve System, play a key role in the debt markets.
Debt is normally denominated in a particular currency, and so changes in the valuation of that
currency can change the effective size of the debt. This can happen due to inflation or deflation,
so it can happen even though the borrower and the lender are using the same currency.

Analysis of Debt Instrument

What is a Debt Instrument

A debt instrument is a paper or electronic obligation that enables the issuing party to raise funds
by promising to repay a lender in accordance with terms of a contract. Types of debt instruments
include notes, bonds, debentures, certificates, mortgages, leases or other agreements between a
lender and a borrower. These instruments provide a way for market participants to easily transfer
the ownership of debt obligations from one party to another.

BREAKING DOWN Debt Instrument

A debt instrument is legally enforceable evidence of a financial debt and the promise of timely
repayment of the principal, plus any interest. The importance of a debt instrument is twofold.
First, it makes the repayment of debt legally enforceable. Second, it increases the transferability
of the obligation, giving it increased liquidity and giving creditors a means of trading these
obligations on the market. Without debt instruments acting as a means of facilitating trading,
debt would only be an obligation from one party to another. However, when a debt instrument is
used as a trading means, debt obligations can be moved from one party to another quickly and

Debt instruments can be either long-term obligations or short-term obligations. Short-term debt
instruments, both personal and corporate, come in the form of obligations expected to be repaid
within one calendar year. Long-term debt instruments are obligations due in one year or more,
normally repaid through periodic installment payments.

Short-Term Debt Instruments

From a personal finance perspective, short-term debt instruments come in the form of credit card
bills, payday loans, car title loans and other consumer loans that have repayment terms of less
than 12 months. If a person incurs a credit card bill of $1,000, the debt instrument is the
agreement that outlines the obligated payment terms between the borrower and the lender.

In corporate finance, short-term debt usually comes in the form of revolving lines of credit, loans
that cover networking capital needs and Treasury bills. If for example, a corporation looks to
cover six months of rent with a loan while it tries to raise venture funding, the loan is considered
a short-term debt instrument.

Long-Term Debt Instruments

Long-term debt instruments in personal finance are usually mortgage payments or car loans. For
example, if an individual consumer takes out a 30-year mortgage for $500,000, the mortgage
agreement between the borrower and the mortgage bank is the long-term debt instrument.

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What are the differences between debt and equity markets?

First, some definitions

The debt market is the market where debt instruments are traded. Debt instruments are assets that
require a fixed payment to the holder, usually with interest. Examples of debt instruments
include bonds (government or corporate) and mortgages.

The equity market (often referred to as the stock market) is the market for trading equity
instruments. Stocks are securities that are a claim on the earnings and assets of a corporation
(Mishkin 1998). An example of an equity instrument would be common stock shares, such as
those traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

How are debt instruments different from equity instruments?

There are important differences between stocks and bonds. Let me highlight several of them:

1. Equity financing allows a company to acquire funds (often for investment) without incurring
debt. On the other hand, issuing a bond does increase the debt burden of the bond issuer because
contractual interest payments must be paid— unlike dividends, they cannot be reduced or

2. Those who purchase equity instruments (stocks) gain ownership of the business whose shares
they hold (in other words, they gain the right to vote on the issues important to the firm). In
addition, equity holders have claims on the future earnings of the firm.

In contrast, bondholders do not gain ownership in the business or have any claims to the future
profits of the borrower. The borrower’s only obligation is to repay the loan with interest.

3. Bonds are considered to be less risky investments for at least two reasons. First, bond market
returns are less volatile than stock market returns. Second, should the company run into trouble,
bondholders are paid first, before other expenses are paid. Shareholders are less likely to receive
any compensation in this scenario.

How large are these markets?

It seems that the average person is much more aware of the equity (stock) market than of the debt
market. Yet, the debt market is the much larger of the two. For example, in September 2005 (the
most recent data available at the time this answer was written), about $218 billion of new
corporate bonds were issued, as compared to slightly under $18 billion in new corporate
stocks. Chart 1 compares new issues of corporate bonds and corporate stocks in the United
States for the past ten years.

Another way to compare the size of the two markets is to think about total amounts of debt and
equity instruments outstanding at the end of a particular period. According to “Flow of Funds”
data of March 2006, published by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the
fourth quarter of 2005, there was approximately $34,818 billion in outstanding debt instruments

and about $18,199 billion in outstanding corporate equities. Thus, the size of the debt market as
of the last quarter of 2005 was about twice that of the equity market.

Why are these markets important?

Both markets are of central importance to economic activity. The bond market is vital for
economic activity because it is the market where interest rates are determined. Interest rates are
important on a personal level, because they guide our decisions to save and to finance major
purchases (such as houses, cars, and appliances, to give a few examples). From a macroeconomic
standpoint, interest rates have an impact on consumer spending and on business investment.

Chart 2 below shows interest rates on select bonds with different risk properties for the last 10
years. The chart compares interest rates on corporate AAA bonds (highest quality bonds) and
Baa bonds (medium-quality bonds) and long-term Treasury bonds (considered to be risk-free
interest rate).

Another aspect to consider is the fact that many U.S. households hold their wealth in financial
assets (see Table 1 below). According the data from “Survey of Consumer Finances” published
by the Federal Reserve System, in 2004, 1.8% of U.S. households held bonds (down from 3% in
2001), and 20.7% of U.S. households held stocks (down from 21.3% in 2001). Table 1 shows
financial asset ownership data for 2004. In addition to this direct ownership of stocks and bonds,
it’s important to remember that there are households who hold these instruments indirectly—in
retirement accounts, for instance (more than half of U.S. households held retirement accounts in
2001). Poor performance of equity and debt markets reduces wealth of households who hold
stocks and bonds. This, in turn, reduces their spending (via the wealth effect), slowing down the

The stock market is equally important for economic activity because it affects both investment
spending and consumer spending decisions. The price of shares determines the amount of funds
that a firm can raise by selling newly issued stock. That, in turn, will determine the amount of
capital goods this firm can acquire and, ultimately, the volume of the firm’s production.

Financial Markets bring together individuals who want to save money with other individuals or
companies who want to raise money. The bond market and the stock market are the two most
important types of financial markets. They provide capital through the issuing of bonds or stocks,
respectively. Two fundamentally different approaches, that each have their own advantages and
disadvantages. This will become apparent as we look at the difference between bond markets and
stock markets below.

The bond market is a financial market where participants can issue and trade bonds. Bonds are
certificates of indebtedness of the issuer to the holder. They are a type of loan, where big
corporations or governments act as the borrower and the general public acts as the lender (i.e.
creditor). Hence, the sale of bonds is also referred to as debt finance.
Bonds have to be repaid once they reach their so-called date of maturity. Once the bond matures,
the amount borrowed (i.e. the principal) has to be paid back to the lender. The length of time
before this happens is called the bond’s term. The creditors expect to be paid interest in exchange
for lending their money. This periodical payment is called the coupon. The coupon rate depends
on the bond’s term and perceived risk. As with any investment, there is always a certain risk
of default. In other words, there is a certain possibility that the borrower fails to meet their legal
obligations (e.g. coupon payments or repayment of the principal). The probability that this
happens is called the credit risk. In case of bankruptcy however, bondholders are in a relatively
good position – according to the circumstances – because they are creditors and therefore repaid
before shareholders.

When corporations issue new bonds we speak of the primary market. Once these bonds are
issued they can be bought and sold (i.e. traded) freely by participants in the market. This is called
the secondary market, or aftermarket.

The stock market is a financial market where participants can issue and trade stocks (i.e. shares).
Stocks represent partial ownership in a company. Therefore, the sale of stocks is also referred to
as equity finance. Because the owner of a stock is also partial owner of the company, they are
entitled to a proportion of the firm’s profits. However, in the case of bankruptcy, shareholders
will get their money back only after all debt (including bonds) is repaid.

Unlike bonds, stocks don’t have a date of maturity, i.e. they generally don’t have to be repaid at a
certain time. However, the shareholders still expect to be compensated for investing their money.
As mentioned above, they are entitled to a proportion of the firm’s profits, which is referred to as
a dividend. Dividends are usually paid once a year. In addition to that, shareholders can also
profit from an increase in the company’s stock price. Stocks are traded on organized stock
exchanges, like the New York Stock Exchange (i.e. Wall Street) or the London Stock
Exchange. The prices at which they trade are defined by supply and demand.

Ultimately, the price of a stock reflects people’s assumption of the company’s future
profitability. Because of this, the stock market is often used as an indicator of future economic
developments. There are hundreds of stock indices available to monitor the overall price levels in

any particular stock market. A stock index is usually calculated as a weighted average of the
prices of certain stocks that are considered typical of that particular market. Popular examples of
stock indices include the Dow Jones Index, the NIKKEI Index, the DAX, and many more.

Financial Markets bring together individuals who want to save money with other individuals or
companies who want to raise money. The bond market and the stock market are the two most
important types of financial markets. The bond market allows participants to issue and trade
bonds, i.e. certificates of indebtedness of the issuer to the holder (debt finance). Whereas the
stock market is a financial market where participants can issue and trade stocks, i.e. partial
ownership in a company (equity finance).

Debt Market in India

Debt markets can essentially be broken down into three main groups:

● Issuers,
● Underwriters and
● Purchasers

Like any other market, Indian debt markets too have participants who help in smooth and
efficient functioning of the debt markets in India.

Participants in Indian debt markets

The key participants in the Indian Debt markets are...

Central Government

The Central and the State Government need money to manage their short term and long term
finances and fund budgetary deficits. Being the largest issuers in the Indian Debt markets, they
raise money by issuing bonds and T-bill of different maturities.

Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

As a banker to the government, the RBI has a key task of managing the borrowing program of
the Government of India. It has the Money market and the G-Secs market under its purview.
Apart from its regulatory role it also performs several other important functions such as
controlling inflation (by managing policy / interest rates in the country), ensuring adequate credit
at reasonable costs to various sectors of the economy, managing the foreign exchange reserves of
the country and ensuring a stable currency environment.


The SEBI acts as the regulator for the corporate debt market and the bond market wherein the
entities raise money from the public through public issue. The regulation comprises of manner in
which the money is raised and tries to ensure a fair play for the retail investor. It forces the issuer
to make the retail investor aware of the risks inherent in the investment, through its disclosure
norms. SEBI also regulates Mutual Funds and the instruments in which these mutual funds can
invest. Investment from Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) also falls under the SEBI's scanner.

Primary Dealers (PDs)

Primary Dealers (PDs) are market intermediaries appointed by RBI who underwrite and make
market in government securities by providing two-way quotes, and have access to the call and
repo markets for funds.


Banks are the largest investors in the debt markets, particularly the government securities market
due to SLR requirements. They are also the main participants in the call money and overnight

markets. They issue CDs and bonds in the debt markets and also arrange the CP issues of

The other participants in the Indian debt markets are…

● Financial Institutions
● Mutual Funds
● Provident & Pension Funds
● Insurance Companies
● Corporates

While financial institutions and corporates issue short and long term fixed income instruments to
meet their financial requirements. Insurance companies and Mutual Funds along with Provident
& Pension Funds are also the other large investors in the Indian debt markets who invest
significant amount mobilized from their investors.

India Debt Market

Debt market refers to the financial market where investors buy and sell debt securities, mostly in
the form of bonds. These markets are important source of funds, especially in a developing
economy like India. India debt market is one of the largest in Asia. Like all other countries, debt
market in India is also considered a useful substitute to banking channels for finance.

The most distinguishing feature of the debt instruments of Indian debt market is that the return is
fixed. This means, returns are almost risk-free. This fixed return on the bond is often termed as
the 'coupon rate' or the 'interest rate'. Therefore, the buyer (of bond) is giving the seller a loan at
a fixed interest rate, which equals to the coupon rate.

Classification of Indian Debt Market
Indian debt market can be classified into two categories:

Government Securities Market (G-Sec Market): It consists of central and state government
securities. It means that, loans are being taken by the central and state government. It is also the
most dominant category in the India debt market.

Bond Market: It consists of Financial Institutions bonds , Corporate bonds and debentures and
Public Sector Units bonds. These bonds are issued to meet financial requirements at a fixed cost
and hence remove uncertainty in financial costs.

Advantages :-

The biggest advantage of investing in Indian debt market is its assured returns. The returns that
the market offer is almost risk-free (though there is always certain amount of risks, however the
trend says that return is almost assured). Safer are the government securities. On the other hand,
there are certain amounts of risks in the corporate, FI and PSU debt instruments. However,
investors can take help from the credit rating agencies which rate those debt instruments. The
interest in the instruments may vary depending upon the ratings.

Another advantage of investing in India debt market is its high liquidity. Banks offer easy loans
to the investors against government securities.

Disadvantages :-

As there are several advantages of investing in India debt market, there are certain disadvantages
as well. As the returns here are risk free, those are not as high as the equities market at the same

time. So, at one hand you are getting assured returns, but on the other hand, you are getting less
return at the same time.

Retail participation is also very less here, though increased recently. There are also some issues
of liquidity and price discovery as the retail debt market is not yet quite well developed.

Debt Instruments

There are various types of debt instruments available that one can find in Indian debt market.

Government Securities

It is the Reserve Bank of India that issues Government Securities or G-Secs on behalf of the
Government of India. These securities have a maturity period of 1 to 30 years. G-Secs offer fixed
interest rate, where interests are payable semi-annually. For shorter term, there are Treasury Bills
or T-Bills, which are issued by the RBI for 91 days, 182 days and 364 days.

Corporate Bonds

These bonds come from PSUs and private corporations and are offered for an extensive range of
tenures up to 15 years. There are also some perpetual bonds. Comparing to G-Secs, corporate
bonds carry higher risks, which depend upon the corporation, the industry where the corporation
is currently operating, the current market conditions, and the rating of the corporation. However,
these bonds also give higher returns than the G-Secs.

Certificate of Deposit

These are negotiable money market instruments. Certificate of Deposits (CDs), which usually
offer higher returns than Bank term deposits, are issued in demat form and also as a Usance
Promissory Notes. There are several institutions that can issue CDs. Banks can offer CDs which

have maturity between 7 days and 1 year. CDs from financial institutions have maturity between
1 and 3 years. There are some agencies like ICRA, FITCH, CARE, CRISIL etc. that offer ratings
of CDs. CDs are available in the denominations of ` 1 Lac and in multiple of that.

Commercial Papers

There are short term securities with maturity of 7 to 365 days. CPs are issued by corporate
entities at a discount to face value.

What is debt market instrument?

A debt instrument is a paper or electronic obligation that enables the issuing party to raise funds
by promising to repay a lender in accordance with terms of a contract. Types of debt
instruments include notes, bonds, debentures, certificates, mortgages, leases or other
agreements between a lender and a borrower.

Understanding Indian Debt Capital Market

The Indian debt market is a market meant for trading (i.e. buying or selling) fixed income
instruments. Fixed income instruments could be securities issued by Central and State
Governments, Municipal Corporations, Govt. Bodies or by private entities like financial
institutions, banks, corporates, etc. Simply put, a bond/debt can be defined as a loan in which an
investor is the lender. The issuer of the bond pays the investor interest (at a predetermined rate
and schedule) in return for the amount invested. The Indian debt market offers a variety of debt
instruments, offered by the Government and non-Government entities. The factors that are
propelling the growth of the market are:

● introduction of new instruments

● increased liquidity

● deregulation of interest rates

● improved settlement systems

The debt market in India comprises broadly two segments, viz.,

● Government Securities Market and

● Corporate Debt Market.

The latter is further classified as Market for:

● PSU Bonds and

● Private Sector Bonds.

The corporate bond market, broadly comprises of corporate sector raising debt through public
issuance in capital market and also through private placement basis.


● State governments and Central government. The largest segment of the Indian Debt market
consists of the Government of India securities where the daily trading volume is in excess of
Rs.2000 crore, with instrument tenors ranging from short dated Treasury Bills to long dated
securities extending upto 30 years.
● Non-government entities like Banks, Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies, Mutual
Funds, Primary Dealers, Corporate entities.


There are a variety of instruments offered in the debt market like:

● MIBOR linked bonds. MIBOR (Mumbai Inter Bank Offered Rate) bonds are closely modeled
on the LIBOR (London Inter Bank Offered Rate) bonds. Currently, Reuters and the National
Stock Exchange (NSE), are the two calculating agents for the benchmark. The NSE MIBOR
benchmark is the more popular of the two and is based on rates polled by NSE from a
representative panel of 31 banks/institutions/primary dealers.

● Commercial Papers(CPs). These are short term unsecured promissory notes, generally issued
by corporate entities.
● Certificate of Deposits (CDs). These are issued by banks.
● Treasury Bills. These are issued by Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
● Medium- to long-term bonds. These are issued by corporate entities/financial institutions. They
can feature fixed or floating rates.
● Call money market. This represents overnight and term money between banks and institutions.
● Repo transactions. These represent temporary sale with an agreement to buy back the securities
at a future date at a specified price.
● Collateralized Borrowing And Lending Obligation (CBLO). CBLOs were developed by the
Clearing Corporation of India (CCIL) and Reserve Bank of India (RBI). It is a money market
instrument that represents an obligation between a borrower and a lender as to the terms and
conditions of the loan. The details of the CBLO include an obligation for the borrower to repay
the debt at a specified future date and an expectation of the lender to receive the money on that
future date, and they have a charge on the security that is held by the CCIL. CBLOs are used by
those who are heavily restricted or have been phased out of the interbank call money market.
The other instruments that are prevalent in the debt market are Debentures, Secured premium
notes, Deep Discount Bonds, PSU Bonds / Tax-Free Bonds, Floating Rate Bonds, State
Government Securities, STRIPS and Interest Rate Derivative products.

The debt market features the usual risks associated with financial securities like:

● Credit risk. While corporate papers carry credit risk due to changing business conditions,
government securities are perceived to have zero credit risk. Credit Risk is the risk that the issuer
will not pay the coupon income and/ or the maturity amount on the specified dates. Credit
Ratings have been established by rating agencies to reflect their opinion of an issuer’s ability and
willingness to do so.
● Interest rate risk. Interest rate risk is present in all debt securities and depends on a variety of
macroeconomic factors. Interest Rate Risk is the risk that interest rates may rise, causing a fall in
value of traded debt instruments.

● Settlement risk. The risk that one party will fail to deliver the terms of a contract with another
party at the time of settlement is called settlement risk.All debt securities are settled within the
specified duration, excepting special cases like death of the holder, etc, in which case it may be
delayed till all the required formalities are completed.
● liquidity risk. The risk arising from the lack of possibility to either buy or sell a security quickly
as per one’s requirement is called liquidity risk. Debt securities have minimum liquidity risk and
can be easily bought and sold after due listing.

. Introduction of New Products - Development of Derivative Markets

In our 2013 report, , swaps and derivatives markets, to effectively complement the cash bond
markets. Over the last 4-5 years, significant developments have occurred in this regard, with the
establishment of interest rate futures markets traded on the exchanges and the trading of INR
interest rate derivatives introduced on the CCIL. Exchange now offers futures on 5, 10 and 13-
year G-Secs and 91-day treasury bills. These instruments are cash-settled and can be used for
hedging the risk arising from interest rate movements as well as for trading. There have been
significant developments in the Interest Rate Futures (IRF) market over the past few years with
futures being introduced on the 5y and 15y on-the-run bonds in 2015 in addition to the future on
10y bonds. The near month maturity IRF on the 10y benchmark bond continues to be the most
traded future and accounts for the majority of volumes. After a weak start of IRF market in 2003
there was a significant push from RBI to make the market more liquid and robust. The total value
traded increased from January 2014 and continued to increase in 2015. However, the total value
traded has decreased in 2016. Total Value Traded in NSE IRF Market (INR bil

7. Corporate Bonds: Evolution of the Secondary and Primary Markets

While the corporate bond market is small as compared to the government bond market, the
growth seen in this space is worth noting. Historically, corporates have primarily depended on
banks for their sources of funding. With banks taking a back seat due to various issues like high
cost of funds, NonPerforming Assets (NPAs), stress in the balance sheet, etc., better rated

corporates started tapping the bond markets because of the lower cost of funding in these
markets. Lower deposit rates, the lack of tax free bonds, tax efficient return from debt funds
ensured large flow of funds into their debt schemes. This phenomenon continued over the last
few years and as a result we see much more liquid and vibrant credit markets. We have seen a
substantial growth in the corporate bond market – over 35% Compound Annual Growth Rate
(CAGR) in last 7 years. FY 2013-2014 was abnormal when RBI hiked overnight rates to defend
the currency and most of the issuers went back to the loan markets. The issuance of corporate
bonds in the year 2015-2016 was lower because of the absence of large power sector financing
companies because of the implementation of the “Ujjwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana” (UDAY)
scheme by the Government of India, whereby State Electricity Boards converted their loans to
bonds. By way of further background, this scheme is aimed at the revival and revitalization of
the distressed State Electricity Distribution Companies (the so-called DISCOMs). The recently
concluded FY 2016-17 witnessed the highest ever total of funds raised through corporate bonds
through private placement, totaling INR 7,035bn. These funds were raised by a total of 661
institutions and corporates. Also, according to Prime Database, total public corporate bond
issuance through yearend March 2017 rose 51% yoy to USD 51bn. Total Debt Private
Placements (INR billion) Year Amount % Change

8. Corporate Bonds: New Endeavours

As mentioned above, the corporate sector relies too heavily on banks for lending and raising
funds to finance their business going forward. Everyone, including the RBI, understands that
developing a strong and sound corporate bond market will alleviate the pressure on banks and
provide corporations an alternative way to finance themselves. Further, not only does a strong
corporate bond market foster healthy competition, the transparency of corporate bond markets
will also force corporations to respond directly to the concerns of investors and stakeholders.
This will in turn facilitate the development of a deep corporate bond market which will improve
the corporate governance, efficiency and discipline within the corporate sector. Given this, the
Indian regulatory authorities have greatly increased incentives for corporate bond issuance.
These include the granting of permission to banks to issue lower-rated bonds that are Basel 3
compliant (AT1 and Upper T1 & T2 issuance) to shore up capital, the liberalization of FPI limits
to invest in domestic corporate bonds, creating a framework for institutional investors to invest
in real estate & infrastructure trusts and the introduction of offshore INR bonds or Masala bonds,

Market Developments

Growth in Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS), Mortgage-Backed Securities

(MBS) and Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) fueled the rapid growth of the securitisation
market through 2005, as new classes of investors and issuers gained confidence in the stability of
and prospects for the further development of the market. Furthermore, investor familiarity with
the underlying asset classes, stability in the performance of past pools and the relatively short
tenor of issuances also helped boost the market. After a brief dip in 2006, caused by the
tightening of capital requirements, strong growth in ABS and CDO volumes boosted the Indian
securitization market through the first half of 2009, when the aftereffects of the global financial
crisis did have a negative impact. Even so, the absence of transactions involving complex
derivatives and CDS in the Indian context meant that Indian securitization volumes did stay
relatively robust, in the immediate aftermath of the financial crisis. The structured issuance
volumes have grown considerably in the last few years in India. ABS is the largest product class
driven by the growing retail loan portfolio of banks and other Financial Institutions (FIs),
investors’ familiarity with the underlying assets and the short maturity period of these loans. The
MBS market has been rather slow in taking off despite a growing housing finance market due to
the long maturity periods, lack of secondary market liquidity and the risk arising from
prepayment/repricing of the underlying loan. During FY2014, the overall securitisation market
(including rated bilateral transactions) in India shrunk further by 5% over the previous year, in
value terms. The number of transactions was also lower by 4% in FY2013 than that in the
previous fiscal year. While the number and volume of ABS transactions declined by about 14%,
the number of RMBS transactions more than doubled in FY2014, (an increase of 75% in value

Issues and Recent Developments

India’s growth is expected to remain stronger than the global average and more robust than the
median for similarly rated sovereigns. India will have long-term funding needs which could be

provided by the securitisation market to finance housing, infrastructure and urbanization
projects. The legal framework for securitisation is at a nascent stage in India as it is restricted to
certain institutions namely, banks and financial institutions only. Amendments to the Securities
Contracts Regulation (SCR) Act are certainly futuristic steps and well-deserved appreciation
must be given towards these steps. It is hoped that in the future, more and more transactions may
be included under the Act so that the market matures and reaches an advanced stage like the UK
or the US, as this process will support economic growth. Development of the market for
securitisation in India will need efforts of the Central Government, State Governments, RBI and
SEBI, has permitted mutual funds to invest in these securities. To galvanize the market, FPIs can
also be allowed to invest in a wide range securitised debt instruments – a process that has already
begun. FPIs are already familiar with these instruments in other markets and can, therefore be
expected to help in the development of this market. However the measures taken in India are still
incomplete and more dedicated efforts would be necessary for a robust growth of asset
securitisation market in India. There are several issues facing the Indian securitisation market
such as: • Stamp duty: In India, stamp duty is payable on any instrument which seeks to transfer
rights or receivables. Therefore, the process of transfer of the receivables from the originator to
the SPV involves an outlay on account of stamp duty, which can make securitization
commercially unviable in states that still have a high stamp duty. A number of states have
reduced their stamp duty rates, though quite a few still maintain very high rates ranging from 5-
12 per cent. To the investor, if the securitized instrument is issued as evidencing indebtedness, it
would be in the form of a debenture or bond subject to stamp duty, and if the instrument is
structured as a Pass Through Certificate (PTC) that merely evidences title to the receivables, then
such an instrument would not attract stamp duty. Some states do not distinguish between
conveyances of real estate and that of receivables, and levy the same rate of stamp duty. SEBI
has suggested to the government on the need for rationalization of stamp duty with a view to
developing the corporate debt and securitization markets in the country, which may going
forward be made uniform across states as also recommended by the Patil Committee. •
Foreclosure Laws: Lack of effective foreclosure laws also prohibits the growth of securitization
in India. The existing foreclosure laws are not lender friendly and increase the risks of MBS by
making it difficult to transfer property in cases of default. • Taxation related issues: Some
ambiguity remains in the tax treatment of MBS, SPV trusts, and NPL trusts. However, one

positive development is that the taxation structure has been changed from distribution tax at SPV
level to taxation in the hands of investors, thereby increasing total after-tax returns. This has led
to a boost in securitization/ABS issuance through FY2017. • Legal Issues: Investments in PTCs
are typically held-to-maturity. As there is no trading activity in these instruments, the yield on
PTCs and the demand for longer tenures especially from mutual funds is dampened. Till
recently, PTCs were not explicitly covered under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act,
definition of securities. This was however amended with the Securities Contracts (Regulation)
Amendment Act, 2007 passed with a view to providing a legal framework for enabling listing
and trading of securitized debt instruments. This will bring about listing of PTCs which in turn
will support market growth, which will hopefully help to resolve the “lack of liquidity” issue.
Securitisation requires a stable and predictable operating environment. India must establish clear
legislative, legal and regulatory guidelines for market participants, incentivize the development
of high quality data for proper risk assessment, and increase foreign participation. To this end the
regulators have carried out an amendment to the rules governing investment by FPIs in India by
expanding the list of areas in which FPIs can invest: These include: Securitised debt instruments,
including (i) any certificate or instrument issued by a special purpose vehicle (SPV) set up for
securitisation of asset/s with banks, FIs or Non-bank Financial Companies (NBFCs) as
originators; and/or (ii) any certificate or instrument issued and listed in terms of the SEBI
“Regulations on Public Offer and Listing of Securitised Debt Instruments, 2008”. On reading of
the above text, it is quite clear that FPIs will be able to invest in both listed and unlisted
certificates/ instruments issued by SPVs set up for securitisation of assets. Here it is also
important to note that the originators of the assets should be either banks, FIs or NBFCs. In
February 2017, SEBI explicitly permitted FPIs to invest in securitized debt instrument (SDI).
The SDIs include (i) certificate or instrument issued by a special purpose vehicle set up for
securitization of assets where banks, financial institutions or non-banking finance companies are
originators; and/or (ii) certificate or instrument issued and listed in terms of the SEBI (Public
Offer and Listing of Securitsed Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2008

10. Rates and Credit Market Infrastructure (including Ratings)

One of the most important elements for a robust credit/fixed income market is an independent
credit ratings industry, which renders a bond market attractive and accessible. While India has
seen the creation of a number of local ratings agencies (such as CRISIL, ICRA & CARE) and the
entry of the international ratings agencies through acquisition or via the creation of standalone
local entities, more remains to be done. To this end, it is gratifying that SEBI intends to
announce a ratings agency framework with greater supervision. A well-supervised and
established credit rating industry will provide investors with more transparency with respect to
the types of securities they are trading. In particular, one of the reasons why investors are not
willing to participate in the bond market is the mismatch between the price of the bonds and the
actual and real risk they carry. To create a more attractive environment for investments, the
credit rating industry must adhere to international best practices. By doing so, investors can take
advantage of an international standardized rating, which will in turn make the market more
transparent and reliable which will attract both domestic and foreign investors. With the premise
that the government is able to halt the tendency of rising interest rates, banks must also start to
recognize mark-to-market losses. By doing so, they would be compelled to trade securities,
rather than holding them to maturity. The more advanced the trading in the secondary market is,
the more necessary is the establishment of a solid risk management function. If banks can
actually develop an independent risk management function, they can become involved in the
trading of corporate bonds, at every level of the yield curve. This would give the option of access
to the bond market for some corporations whose issued bonds carry a low rating and high yield.
This is the stage where an appropriate risk management function kicks in, assessing the bank
exposure to a certain type of security and taking further action to hedge and balance out the
exposure. Nurturing a thorough market infrastructure system also entails meeting the need for
international settlement and financing of local bonds. This will help the Indian financial system
to be further embodied within the international system. Local bonds will then have a wider range
of potential investors, competing with each other and therefore allowing more efficient and less
costly financing. Also, this openness will attract foreign firms and give them the opportunity to
participate in the market and to reuse the bonds in their funding efforts. To further integrate the
Indian financial market within the international marketplace, CCPs such as the CCIL have now
been internationally recognized by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) in
order to provide clearing services for all market participants. This is a positive
development,.since it signals that CCIL will now comply with international practices, thus being
even more attractive to foreign investors. ASIFMA has long supported CCIL’s application for

recognition and is glad to note that this objective has now been attained, at least partially. One
point worth noting is that recognition of CCIL by the Commodities and Futures Trading
Commission (CFTC) in the US, is still outstanding. The trading and clearing of government
securities and corporate bonds by CCIL, the clearing agency for G-Secs, and NSCCL, the
clearing arm of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India, has been functioning smoothly,
thereby giving more credit to the clearing system as a whole. The use of clearing systems for the
reporting of usage of not just cash bonds/securities but also derivatives instruments such as
futures, CDS and other swaps is an encouraging step, since the focus will then be on the
reporting of risk, rather than the restriction of derivatives usage. Also, tailoring the use of these
derivatives instruments in line with the usage of similar instruments globally will encourage
usage and acceptability. Nonetheless, bridging the local settlement system with ICSDs
(Euroclear/Clearstream), would constitute a further step in the development of the bond market,
as they allow easier movement of global collateral across borders via their “collateral highway”.
Combined with offshore settlements, this could create the basis for using local bonds as
collateral in the event that market participants need access to USD cash, as we have seen

C. The Current Overall Bond Market Legal and Regulatory Framework :-

Netting, Bankruptcy and Resolution Regulatory Updates on the Developments in the Indian
Bond Market Given that a well-developed bond market is vital for the health of the economy,
endeavours have been made by the financial regulators in India for promoting exactly that
objective in an orderly manner. In India, bonds are largely governed by the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013; notifications and regulations issued by the RBI and regulations and
circulars issued by SEBI. On the overall policy front, the Ministry of Finance (MOF), through
various departments, acts as the premier policy maker with respect to financial legislation,
capital markets regulation and taxation. In addition, the MOF, through the recent establishment
of the Public Debt Management Office (PDMA) is also taking on a bigger role in managing the
country’s internal debt. The Companies Act, 2013 inter alia makes provisions for the mode of
issuance of bonds (private placement or public issue). RBI, inter alia is charged with the
responsibility of regulating the issuance of and investments in bonds by banks and non-banking
finance companies, foreign investments in India and modes of raising capital offshore and money
markets. SEBI, the capital markets regulator of India, concerns itself with issuance and listing of
bonds on the stock exchanges and regulating intermediaries The Indian regulators are working in
tandem to develop a bond market which complements the banking system in India and provides
an alternative source of finance to corporates for long term investments. 1. Recent Entries in the
Indian Bond Market In the past, the conventional bond market in India mainly involved products
such as non-convertible debentures, foreign currency bonds, zero coupon bonds and structured
products. A need was felt to introduce new products in the bond market that would supplement
the Government’s wave of developing infrastructure in India by raising debt both onshore and
offshore. The Indian bond market thus witnessed the introduction of two new products i.e.
Municipal bonds and Masala bonds (we will take a more detailed look at the regulatory
framework for Masala bonds in the section below). Further, the Government is making an
attempt to popularize holding gold in dematerialized form through gold sovereign Bonds (GSBs)
while Indian entities are entering the arena of Green Bonds, (which is discussed in the section
below). a. Municipal Bonds While municipal bonds have been utilised to their maximum
potential in countries like the US and China, it was only in 2015, that SEBI issued the SEBI
(Issue and Listing of Debt Securities by Municipality) Regulations, 2015 (Municipal Bond
Regulations) making provisions for issuance and listing of municipal bonds. Municipal Bond
Regulations define a municipal bond (also known as ‘muni-bond’) as a long-term bond issued
directly by the local municipality or state-owned enterprise for funding infrastructure projects,
e.g. public institutions, roads, and highways.

The Municipal Bond Regulations classify municipal bonds into revenue bonds and general
obligation bonds. The classification is based on the underlying assets that will be used to service
the principal and interest payments. While the revenue bonds will be serviced by revenues from
one or more identified projects, the general obligation bonds would be serviced through tax
revenues collected by the municipalities. To ensure investor confidence, SEBI has ensured that
the Municipal Bond Regulations prescribe strict disclosure standards for the municipal bodies.
After the introduction of the Municipal Bond Regulations, the Pune Municipal Corporation
became the first local body in the India to raise public coffer aggregating to INR 2bn by issuing
municipal bonds. As per reports, the issue was oversubscribed six times and received
subscriptions worth INR 12bn, thereby showing the appetite of the Indian investors for such

bonds. The municipal bond market has massive potential in India. Infrastructure projects are the
need of the hour in India and a regulated municipal bond market will ensure a steady flow of
capital necessary to fund these projects. As regards investment opportunities, it may provide an
alternative investment opportunity to conservative Indian investors investing in fixed deposits,
small saving schemes or gold as it provides reasonable return with relatively less risk. This may
in turn deepen the capital markets. However, various supply side constraints could prove to be
challenging in the development of the municipal bond market. To prepare for these challenges,
capitalinvestments and other financial management decisions made by municipal bodies need to
be made with caution. Increasing the marketability of municipal bonds, establishing bond banks
and creating a secondary bond market are some of the ways to strengthen the municipal bond
market and ensure its optimal functioning. b. Gold Sovereign Bonds (“GSBs”) The Sovereign
Gold Bonds scheme was introduced by the Government of India in 2015 under the Government
Securities Act, 2005. The scheme is keeping in line with the Government’s efforts to restrict its
excessive gold imports into India along with other schemes such as Gold Deposit and Gold
Monetization. Each year, gold is the second-largest imported commodity in value. A huge
amount of gold is currently locked away in Indian households, thereby not playing a productive
role in the economy. GSBs provide an alternative of holding gold in dematerialized form so as to
deal with the investment demand of physical quantities of gold whilst reducing importation of
gold into India and diverting investment in more productive areas of the economy. The terms and
conditions of the issuance of the GSBs are notified by the RBI periodically, depending upon the
number of series announced for subscription per year, along with an annual set of Operational
Guidelines for the same. GSBs are issued in the form of Government of India stock, for which
the investors receive a physical holding certificate. The physical holding certificate is eligible for
conversion into dematerialized form. Currently, only a person resident in India can subscribe to

The three important benefits of GSBs are (i) coupon rate; (ii) tax exemptions; and (iii) physical
security. GSBs have been exempted from capital gains tax arising on the redemption of these
bonds. GSBs allow the investor to hold gold as investment and benefit from capital appreciation
as well as receive a small interest income.

2. Inter-linkage of the Indian Bond Market with Repos, Swaps and Futures Markets
Development of the bond market is harmonious with the development of repos and swaps
market. Repos provide the primary dealers with a broader range of hedging strategies by linking
the money markets and bond markets. This allows the security dealers to obtain short term
liquidity and even cheap capital to finance their bids at auctions of new issues. Swaps markets
enable the market of a specific country to integrate into the broader international financial system
by bringing together two counterparties who have different interests in different markets and
help in attracting a wider number of foreign investors who in turn bring portfolio investments
thus enabling the bond markets to grow even further. Similarly, a well developed futures market
is beneficial for attracting foreign capital into India, since futures allow for the hedging of
interest rate and currency risks. a. Repo Market Repos have been permitted in government
securities (issued by both the Central Government and State Governments) and corporate bonds
in the Indian market. Repos in corporate bonds inter alia include repos in commercial papers,
certificate of deposits, non-convertible debentures and bonds issued by multilateral financial
institutions like the World Bank Group (e.g., IBRD, IFC), the Asian Development Bank or the
African Development Bank and other such entities as may be notified by the RBI from time to
time. Traditionally, the repo market in India differed from the “classic” repo which envisages the
transfer of title of security and allows the counterparty to use the security for a variety of
purposes. This permits the counterparty to further use the security as it owns the security for a
new repo, covering naked short positions, collateral, and securities lending or as a liquidity
management instrument. However, in India, the security acquired under repo could not be sold
by the repo buyer (lender of the funds) during the period of repo. RBI, in 2015, relaxed this
restriction by permitting re-repo in government securities acquired under reverse repo, subject to
certain conditions. At present, re-repo is restricted to government securities and does not extend
to corporate bonds. RBI has further made reporting of repo trades mandatory on platforms
created by the CCIL or its subsidiary the Clearcorp Dealing Systems (India) Ltd. RBI’s most
recent initiative has been the introduction of Tri-Party Repo (Tri-Party Repo Framework) in
relation to both government securities and corporate bonds. The proposed TriParty Repo
Framework by the RBI is aimed at enabling market participants to use underlying collateral more
efficiently and facilitates the development of the term repo market in India. It isnot yet clear
whether this will finally result in the use of GMRA documentation.

Swaps Market

The swaps market in India broadly is composed of parties with varied exposures to interest rate
and currency risk, such as banks, primary dealers, mutual funds, insurance companies and
corporates. Swaps have been traded in the Indian markets since the 1990s. While banks and
primary dealers (to a limited extent) have been permitted to make markets in India, all other
entities are permitted to use these products only to hedge their currency or interest rate risk. The
Indian swaps market has evolved over the years. The products that have been traded in the
markets have gradually evolved from being simple ‘plain vanilla’ swaps to some sophisticated
cost reduction structures. The Indian OTC derivatives market has witnessed significant growth
over the last few years. While there has been limited growth in the options and credit derivative
markets, the OTC derivatives market has largely evolved on the basis of the swap market in
India. RBI has made tremendous efforts to ensure a healthy swaps market by implementing G-20
initiatives. The steps taken by the RBI in this direction include mandatory central clearing,
bilateral margining requirements, and the creation of an LEI, all meant to guarantee the security
of these transactions. RBI has appointed CCIL for the purpose of providing entities with an LEI.
The local operating units (LOU), are the local implementers of the LEI system and provide the
primary interface for entities wishing to register for LEI. CCIL has been designated as the pre-
LOU in India. CCIL has also been registered as a pre- LOU by the Regulatory Oversight
Committee. In the current context, it may be relevant to note that on 1st June 2017, RBI
mandated the implementation of the LEI system for all participants in the OTC markets for INR
interest rate derivatives, foreign currency derivatives and credit derivatives in India, in a phased
manner (ending March 2018). c. Futures Market SEBI, in consultation with the RBI, introduced
exchange traded cash settled IRF on a range of underlying G-Sec maturities. To further protect
the interest of the investor and bring transparency, SEBI has mandated stock exchanges in India
to provide information regarding aggregate gross long position in futures markets taken together
at end of the day to the depositories National Securities Depository Ltd and the Central
Depository Services India Ltd. The depositories are required to publish the data on their website.
With such initiatives in the repo, swaps and future market, we expect the markets to maintain
pace in the coming years and see the development of a more viable bond market. A number of
other steps have also been taken to make the investment

3. Concrete Steps for Attracting Foreign InvestmentThe role of foreign investments in the bond
market cannot be emphasized enough. Recent benefits given to the FPIs show the commitment
of the Indian regulators towards attracting foreign investments in the Indian bond market. a. FPI
limits for investment in government securities has been enhanced to INR 1877bn; and b. In
February 2017, SEBI finally permitted FPIs to invest in unlisted corporate debt securities in the
form of non-convertible debentures/bonds issued by public or private Indian companies This is
subject to minimum residual maturity of three years and end-user restriction on investment in
real estate business, capital market and purchase of land. c. SEBI has released a consultation
paper dated 28th June 2017 for easing of access norms for investments by FPIs. SEBI vide this
consultation paper inter alia proposes to rationalize the foreign portfolio investment route by
untangling the procedures to attract more funds.

4. Protection of Investors ‘a must’ For the development of the bond market

confidence of the investors is sine qua non. Realizing the importance, the Indian regulators have
taken concrete steps to instill the faith of investors in the bond market. a. Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
(“LODR Regulations”) In September 2015, SEBI notified the LODR Regulations providing for
disclosures to be made by a listed entity if it has outstanding listed debt . Chapter V of the LODR
Regulations contains detailed provisions with respect to compliances for listed debt securities.
These provisions aim to increase transparency in the market and enable investors to make
informed decisions. b. Netting With increasing multiplicity and complexity of transactions, the
concept of netting has gained tremendous momentum. Netting gives the investors a right to off-
set giving them more confidence to remain in the market. This affirmation is particularly relevant
for banks and investment managers who are significantly exposed to counterparty risk if
exposures are grossed up and not netted. Thus, these types of institutional investors set limits to
reduce the level of exposure in the market, hampering liquidity even further in the secondary
market. In the recent past, enforceability of netting has been doubted by certain segments of the
markets as regards sovereign owned entities. Concrete steps have been taken under the new
Insolvency framework to give formal recognition to the concept of netting in India.

The IB Code is the Government of India’s response to resolve the growing crisis faced by banks
in India as regards impaired debt and low recovery rates. The inimitable feature of the IB Code is
that it has an overriding effect over all other legislations – Central or State. This is a first for any
Indian legislation. The concern as regards netting has been partly addressed by the enactment of
the IB Code. Section 36 of the IB Code stipulates that any assets of the corporate debtor that
could be subject to mutual dealings and set-off would not form part of liquidation estate of the
corporate debtor. Further, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Liquidation Process)
Regulations, 2016 states that “where there are mutual dealings between the corporate debtor and
another party, the sums due from one party shall be set-off against the sums due from the other to
arrive at the net amount payable to the corporate debtor or to the other party”.

ii. Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance Bill, 2017 (FRDI Bill) The MOF introduced the
draft FRDI Bill in September 2016. After taking feedback from key stakeholders, a revised draft
is to be placed before the Indian Parliament in the monsoon session of 2017. It proposes to
establish a special resolution regime to be administered by Resolution Corporation. This will
cover financial service providers such as banks, insurance companies, financial market
infrastructure entities, payment systems. As regards netting of financial entities, the FRDI Bill
proposes to establish a special resolution regime for financial service providers. The FRDI Bill
will be amending the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and providing a statutory basis to netting
for all classes of counterparties. It is expected that the Resolution Corporation will protect the
stability and ensure the resilience of the financial system. Once implemented, the FRDI Bill
together with the IB Code will go a long way in giving comfort to the investors by
unambiguously implementing the principle of netting, ultimately leading to a flourishing bond

5. Indian Bond Market:

The Road Map Ahead SEBI has been making ongoing efforts in strengthening the Indian bond
market. Through its various initiatives, SEBI, intends to create a more transparent and liquid
bond market in India. a. Re-issuance and Consolidation of Bonds SEBI vide its circular dated 30
June 2017 has made provisions for re-issuance and consolidation of debt securities issued on
private placement basis. As per the circular, an issuing company will be permitted a maximum of

17 International Securities Identification Numbers (ISINs) maturing per financial year that shall
include 12 ISINs for plain vanilla debt securities and 5 ISINs for structured debt/market linked
debentures. An issuer issuing only structured/market linked debt securities has been permitted 12
ISINs in a financial year.

This may however, cause some practical difficulties to issuers who are used to doing multiple
issuances in a year. Same ISIN may be granted to only those debt securities having a common
maturity and coupon. This may limit the number of issuances an issuer can make in a financial
year. While the proposed amendments are expected to increase liquidity in the market, this will
need to be weighed with the clubbing of liabilities for the issuer. b. Electronic Book Provider
(EBP) Mechanism The use of the EBP mechanism is currently mandatory for all private
placements of debt securities with an issue size of INR 5bn. With its consultation paper dated
22nd May, 2017, SEBI has expressed its intention of making EBP mechanism mandatory for all
private placement of debt securities with an issue size of INR 500mn. SEBI proposes to provide
an option of direct bidding to non-institutional investors. Currently, only institutional investors
have a choice of either participating through an arranger or entering bids on proprietary basis on
their own. Though the purpose of SEBI for introducing the consultation paper is achieving better
and transparent price discovery through the bidding process, having a threshold as low as INR
500mn shall increase the cost of fund raising for small and medium size issuers and may thereby
discourage small issuers from the corporate bond market.

1. Uniform Settlement Cycle for Government Debt Securities Background At present the
settlement cycle for FPIs trading in government debt via the OTC route is T+2 with different
cutoff time for reporting / confirmation of sale and purchase trades. While the sale trades are
required to be reported on day T (‘T’ being the trade date) the purchase trades can be reported
until 1 pm on day T+1. For trades executed on NDS-OM Web the settlement cycle is T+1. The
challenge for investors is to manage different reporting dates for purchase/ sale. Global
custodians and FPIs prefer not to have differential treatment of reporting / confirmation of
purchase and sale trades as it requires considerable changes in systems and bespoke procedures
at their end. Also, for certain FPIs, reporting of trades on day T is a challenge as the necessary
instructions to the local custodian via the global custodian may not flow on day T before the
reporting / confirmation deadline. Recommendation We suggest moving the settlement cycle to
T+1 with custodian reporting/confirmation in the first half of T+1, uniformly for purchases and
sales, allowing FPIs across time zones sufficient time to send instructions to the local custodian
via the global custodian overnight and to make necessary arrangements for margin and
settlement funding. 2. Rationalization of Debt Limit Rules Background a. The existing debt limit
rules have multiple nuances making the process of pre-trade due diligence and limit monitoring
of available limits quite complex for the foreign investors. The monitoring of limits is
particularly complex on account of multiple categories and subcategories of limits and nuances
pertaining to reinvestment eligibility. The practice of auction of limits when overall FPI
utilization is more than 90% of the total limit under the general category (non long term) also
adds to the complexity. b. The custodians are required to ensure that the cumulative value of the
purchase trades of their respective clients in a given day does not exceed the threshold of 90%
utilization (90-N) and 100% utilization (100-N) for General Category limits and Long Term
Category limits respectively. This results in uncertainty and potential commercial impact to FPIs
when utilization approaches the thresholds, as ‘in flight’ trades that fail the (100-N) & (90-N) are
not reported on NDS-OM by the custodian. Also, this check performed by the custodians is error
prone due to the manual nature of such monitoring. c. The utilization of reinvestment eligibility
is calculated by FPIs and Custodians manually and is reported daily to NSDL. NSDL
consolidates the positions based on reporting by the custodians and hosts the cumulative
utilization on its website daily. The multiple legs in the process and the manual intervention in
the process heighten the risk of incorrect calculation of cumulative utilization. d. Recently, FPIs
have been allowed to access real time anonymous order matching platform NDS OM-Web
Module for trading in government debt. However for FPI trades executed on this platform
custodians cannot perform checks such as the monitoring of (100-N) and (90-N) threshold and
adherence to residual maturity, restrictions applicable to FPIs. e. There is also an ask from FPIs
to increase the time window available to avail of reinvestment facility upon sale or maturity of
their debt holdings.

2. Masala Bonds

The issue of A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.171 by the RBI, commonly referred to as the “Rupee
Denominated Bond Guidelines” (“RDB Guidelines”), initially paved the way for Indian issuers
to quickly and efficiently issue Indian Rupee-denominated bonds in the international debt capital
markets pursuant to the RBI’s overarching Master Circular on External Commercial Borrowings
and Trade Credits (the “ECB Guidelines”), without having to seek prior approval from the RBI.
The introduction of the “RDB Guidelines” was pursuant to the robust demand made by the
International Finance Corporation (“IFC”) and the Asian Development Bank. IFC was the first to
issue RDBs outside India. The RDB Guidelines permits banks, corporates, non-banking finance
companies, infrastructure investment trusts and real estate investment trusts to issue RDBs
overseas. The introduction of the RDB Guidelines has ushered a new era for debt-raising by
Indian entities. Initially, the Rupee Bond Guidelines have relaxed a number of the requirements
for Indian credits to access foreign funding and, in the process, opened up a potentially flexible
form of funding for Indian companies through the issuance of so-called ‘Masala bonds’, which
are bonds denominated in Indian Rupees but settled in a foreign currency (for example, U.S.
dollars). This synthetic settlement feature of Masala bonds means that issuers enjoy the benefits
of raising capital in their home currency, with currency fluctuation risk shifting to investors,
while at the same giving them an opportunity to tap an international investor base in the G3
markets. Similarly, the Rupee Bond Guidelines present foreign fixed income investors with the
first real opportunity to gain portfolio exposure to the Indian Rupee – a currency that, at the time
of the introduction of the Rupee Bond Guidelines, enjoyed significantly lower implied volatility
compared to its Asian peers and other emerging market currencies in the wake of the RBI’s
inflation targeting policies. In addition, the Indian Finance Ministry has reduced the withholding
tax on interest income of such bonds to 5 per cent from 20 per cent and capital gains from rupee
appreciation have been exempted from tax, thus providing an additional source of attraction to
foreign investors. While Masala bonds did not introduce any regulatory flexibility insofar as
credit enhancement elements, covenant packages and related structural techniques are concerned,
the effective passing of currency risk to an investor base that was seemingly happy to assume it
led to an initial spate of issuance, especially following the reduction of the minimum average
maturity period from five years to three years – thereby ensuring that fixed income investors had
access to a U.S. dollar-Indian Rupee currency swap market that was sufficiently deep to hedge
their currency exposure (a market which did not otherwise exist with a minimum average
maturity of five years and over). It was thus widely expected that Masala bonds would provide
an opportunity for mid-size Indian corporate issuers, who would otherwise not meet the ECB
Guidelines requirements in order to access foreign investors, to access an international fixed

income investment base. This was especially the case for non-bank financial companies, such as
Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited and HDFC, who did not have the benefit of a deposit base:
Masala bonds essentially provided them with an entirely new source of funding. In Indianbulls
Housing Finance's case, a reduction in the cost of funding was achieved further by securing the
bonds against its loan portfolio, on a pari passu basis with the rest of its loans. However, since
the introduction of the Rupee Bond Guidelines, the requirements for issuers to be able to use
them as an instrument have become increasingly stricter, with the most recent A.P. (DIR Series)
Circular No.47 effectively increasing the average maturity back to five years (for issues above
USD 50 million); including an all-in cost ceiling limited of 300 basis points above the prevailing
yield of Indian sovereign securities of equivalent maturity, and – as indicated in the discussion
on high yield bonds above – excluding the use of Masala bonds as part of a broader structure by
requiring investors not to be related parties. It is our view that these recent changes to the
regulatory framework represent an obstacle to the further development of the Indian capital

4. Green Bonds

There is no formal or statutory definition of a green or climate bond, nor are they always easily
identifiable by a green moniker or a “green bond” title. Essentially a green bond or climate bond
is a fixed income product the proceeds of which are used for projects which have environmental
benefits and typically promote a low carbon economy. Green bonds are popular amongst issuers
for various reasons, although at the moment improved pricing on issue does not seem to be one
of them. Corporate green bonds are currently pricing flat on issuance with the issuer’s other debt.
There is logic to this as the credit is the same. Interestingly however, many of the green bond
issuances are creating demand from a wider range of investors, and in some cases investors who
are new to the particular issuer. For example, on the GDF Suez issuance it was reported that 64%
of investors were sustainable investors, many of whom were investing in GDF bonds for the first
time. Increased investor demand and diversification may eventually translate to a pricing
differential. A recent report by Barclays indicates that green bonds trade at a premium in the
secondary market, up to 17 basis points tighter than conventional bonds, attributed in part to
demand from environmentally-focused funds. In addition, issuers benefit from positive publicity

resulting from green bond issuance – green bonds present an opportunity to align corporate
strategwith fund raising.

Although multilateral investment institutions such as the European Investment Bank and the
World Bank have been issuing green bonds since 2007, the first corporate green bonds were only
issued in November 2013 (with Indian's first certificated green bond in international markets
being raised by Axis Bank Limited in 2016, listing on the London Stock Exchange). In India,
green bonds have also been issued by other Indian entities such as Yes Bank Ltd., Exim Bank,
IDBI Bank Ltd. and have received positive response in the market. Keeping in mind the potential
of green bonds, SEBI, in May 2017, notified disclosure requirements for issuance and listing of
green bonds (“Green bonds Circular”). As per the Green bonds Circular, green bonds can be
issued inter alia for projects and/or assets relating to renewable sources of energy, waste
management and climate change adaption. To ensure bona fide utilization of funds, SEBI has
placed the issuing company under an obligation to utilize the proceeds for the stated environment
purpose, and ensure that the projects/assets meet the eligibility criteria. SEBI has prescribed
additional disclosure requirements for issue of green bonds. Since 2013, the global market has
seen exponential growth, from USD 11bn in 2013 to approximately USD 93bn in 2016 (Reuters
data), and the number and range of issuers entering the green bond market continues to expand.
The emergence of the green bonds market has been recognised by the United Nations in its
“Trends in Private Sector Climate Finance” on 9 October 2015 as representing “one of the most
significant developments in the financing of low-carbon, climate-resilient investment
opportunities”. There is no legal definition of a “green bond”: it is effectively issuers themselves
who determine if their bonds are green and market them as such. Similarly, the ongoing
commitments of green bond issuers, such as ensuring that the proceeds are used for the green
purposes described in the bond offering documentation and complying with any reporting
obligations that they have agreed to adhere to, are not generally included as contractual
covenants enforceable by investors – investors must rely on market reprobation to ensure issuer
compliance. The key players in the green bond market see benefit in self-regulation by the
market, but also recognise that minimum standards and criteria give confidence to investors,
enable better and quicker execution and trading and improve comparability across bonds. To
address the lack of uniform standards the Green Bond Principles (GBP) and the Climate Bonds

Initiative (CBI), amongst others, have sought to develop general principles and certification
programmes. In conjunction with these initiatives there is an increased focus across the sector on
standardising the provision of assurance, verification and reporting. While the introduction of
green bonds , and their adoption by Indian issuers, are seen as being a positive development in
the world of sustainable finance, the commercial reality remains that green bonds are ultimately
no different – from a credit profile and credit analysis perspective – than any other corporate
bond issuance. Accordingly, the issues and challenges faced by Indian companies seeking to
engage a broader "green" investor base, and enhance its access to sustainable financing, will be
subject to the same obstacles surrounding pricing parameters and the lack of viable credit
enhancement, synthetic settlement and pricing alternatives attendant on any other issuance of
debt securities


Debt Instrument is what something, usually money is owed by one party,

The borrower or debtor to a second party. It’s a paper or electronic obligation that
enables the issuing party to raise fund the promising to repay a lender in accordance with
terms of a contract. Types of debt instrument include note, bonds, debentures,
certificates, mortgage, leases or other agreement between lender and borrower. The
instrumen provide a way for market participants to easily transfer the ownership of debt
obligation from one party to another.
Debt instruments can be either long-term obligation or
Short- term obligation, short- term debt instrument , both personal and corporate , come
in the form of credit card bills , payday loans, car title loan and others consumers loans.
In corporate finance short-term debt usually come in the form of revolving line of credit,
loans are while it tries to raise venture funding, the loan is consider a short term debt


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Himalaya Publishing House, 305. Bagchi, S.K. (2004). Credit Risk Management, Mumbai: Jaico publishing

House, 66-74. Gurusamy D.S. (2008). Financial Markets and Institutions, Chennai: Vijay Nicole inprints

Pvt. Ltd., 301-316. Karmakar, K.G. (1999). Rural Credit and SHGs – Micro Finance Needs and Concepts

in India, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 211. Khan M.Y. (2006). Financial Services, 3rd Edition, New

Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd. Kohak M.A. (1993). Financial Markets and Services ,

Nashik Digvijay Publications, 401-405. Kohok, M.A. (1993), Reading in Indian Financial Service, Credit

rating its technique and valuation model, Nasik: Digvijay Publications, 26. Premavathy, N. (2007).

Financial Services and Stock Exchanges, Chennai: Sri Vishnu Publications, 16.1-16.10. Punithavathy

Pandian (2012). Financial Services and Markets, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 105-120.

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Pandian (2012). Financial Services and Markets




The trend is growing and in 2019 these numbers became only bigger. The amount
of data generated each second will grow 700% by 2020, according to GDC
prognosis. The financial and banking data will be one of the cornerstones of this
Big Data flood, and being able to process it means being competitive among the
banks and financial institutions.

As we already elaborated while listing the types of Big Data tools IT Svit uses, the
really big data flows can be described with 3 v’s: variety, velocity, and volume.
Here is how these relate to the banks:

 Variety stands for the plenitude of data types processed, and the banks do
have to deal with huge numbers of various types of data. From transaction
details and history to credit scores and risk assessment reports — the banks
have troves of such data.

 Velocity means the speed at which new data is added to the database. Hitting
the threshold of 100 transactions per minute is easy for a respectable bank.

 Volume means the amount of space this data will take to store. Huge financial
institutions like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) generate terabytes of
data daily.

However, as we explained in the article on the Big Data visualization principles, the
3 v’s are useless if they do not lead to the 4’th one — value. For the banks, this
means they can apply the results of big data analysis real time and make business
decisions accordingly. This can be applied to the following activities:

 Discovering the spending patterns of the customers

 Identifying the main channels of transactions (ATM withdrawal, credit/debit

card payments)

 Splitting the customers into segments according to their profiles

 Product cross-selling based on the customers’ segmentation

 Fraud management & prevention

 Risk assessment, compliance & reporting

 Customer feedback analysis and application


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