Overview of Tourism Industry
Overview of Tourism Industry
Overview of Tourism Industry
Definition: Tourism
Activities of people traveling to and staying in places outside the usual environment for not more than
a year for pleasure, business and others. - (WTO-World Tourism Organization)
Four Different Perspectives of Tourism
1. The Tourist
• Seeks various psychic and physical experiences and satisfactions.
2. The Business Providing Tourists Goods and Services
• Business people see tourism as an opportunity to make a profit by supplying the goods and services
that the tourist market demands.
3. The Government of the Host Community of Area
• The politicians’ perspective of tourism is related to the incomes their citizen can earn from tourism.
• They also consider foreign exchange receipts and tax receipts as well.
4. The Host Community
• Local people see tourism as a cultural and employment factor.
Definition:Tourism Industry
Is a composite of industries and entities, both public and private, involved in the planning,
development, marketing, sales, operation and evaluation of destinations, products and services.
UNIT 1: Overview of Tourism and Hospitality Industry: Scope, Structure, Theories and Forms
4 Factors of a destination:
o Site or Event
o Natural or Man-made
Amenities of facilities
Activities or entertainment
Tourism as a Service
• Employees perform actions that benefit or serve customers
• Employees are professionals
• A special attitude or relationship exists between the employee performing the service and the
customer receiving it