What Is Advertising

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What is Advertising :
The word advertising is derived from the Latin word viz,
"advertero" "ad" meaning towards and "verto" meeting towards and
"verto" meaning. "I turn" literally specific thing".
Simply stated advertising is the art "says green." Advertising is a
general term for and all forms of publicity, from the cry of the street
boy selling newspapers to the most celebrate attention attracts
device. The object always is to bring to public notice some articles or
service, to create a demand to stimulate buying and in general to bring
logethel the man with something to sell and the man who has means
or desires to buy".
Advertising has been defined by different experts. Some of the
quoted definition are :
American marketing association has defined advertising as "any
paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods
or services by an identified sponsor. The medium used are print broad
cast and direct.
Stanton deserves that "Advertising consists of all the activities
involved in presenting to a group a non- personal, oral or visual
openly, sponsored message regarding a product, service, or idea. This
message called an advertisement is disseminated through one or
more media and is paid for by the identified sponsor.
Advertising is any paid form of non – personal paid of presentation
of ideas goods or services by an identified sponsor.
Advertising is a "non- personal paid message of commercial
significance about a product, service or company made to a market by
an identified sponsor.
In developing an advertising programme, one must always start by
identifying the market needs and buyer motives and must make five
major decisions commonly referred as 5M (mission, money message,
media and measurement) of advertising.

Basic Features of Advertising

On the basis of various definitions it has certain basic features such
as :
1. It is a mass non-personal communication.
2. It is a matter of record.
3. It persuades buyers to purchase the goods advertised.
4. It is a mass paid communication.
5. The communication media is diverse such as print (newspapers and
6. It is also called printed salesmanship because information is spread
by means of the written and printed work and pictures so that
people may be induced to act upon it.

Functions of Advertising
For many firms advertising is the dominant element of the
promotional mix – particulars for those manufacturers who produce
convenience goods such as detergent, non – prescription drugs,
cosmetics, soft drinks and grocery products. Advertising is also used
extensively by maters of automobiles, home appliances, etc, to
introduce new product and new product features its uses its
attributes, pt availability etc.
Advertising can also help to convince potential buyers that a firms
product or service is superior to competitors product in make in
quality, in price etc. it can create brand image and reduce the
likelihood of brand switching even when competitors lower their
prices or offer some attractive incentives.
Advertising is particularly effective in certain other spheres too
such as :
i) When consumer awareness of products or service is at a minimum.
ii) When sales are increasing for all terms in an industry.
iii) When a product is new and incorporates technological advance not
strong and.
iv) When primary buying motive exists.
It performance the following functions :
i) Promotion of sales
ii) Introduction of new product awareness.
iii) Mass production facilitation
iv) Carry out research
v) Education of people.

Broadly speaking, advertising may be classified into two categories
viz., product and institutional advertising.

a)Product Advertising
The main purpose of such advertising is to inform and stimulate the
market about the advertisers products of services and to sell these.
Thus type of advertising usually promote specific, trended products in
such a manner as to make the brands seam more desirable. It is used
by business government organization and private non-business
organizations to promote the uses features, images and benefits of
their services and products. Product advertising is sub-divided into
direct action and indirect action advertising, Direct action product
advertising wages the buyer to take action at once, ice he seeks a quick
response to the advertisement which may be to order the product by
mail, or mailing a coupon, or he may promptly purchase in a retail
store in response to prince reduction during clearance sale.
Product advertising is sub-divided into direct & indirect action
advertising & product advertising aims at informing persons about
what a products is what it does, how it is used and where it can be
purchased. On the other hand selective advertising is made to meet
the selective demand for a particular brand or type is product.

b)Institutional Advertising :
It is designed to create a proper attitude towards the sellers to build
company image or goodwill rather than to sell specific product or
service. Its purpose is to create a frame of mind and to implant feeling
favourable to the advertisers company. Its assignment is to make
friends for the institution or organization.
It is sub-divided into three categories : patronage, public, relations
and public service institutional advertising.
i) In patronage institutional advertising the manufacturer tells his
prospects and customer about himself his policies and lives
personnel. The appeals to the patronage motivation of buyers. If
successful, he convince buyers that his operation entitles him to
the money spent by them.
ii) Public relations institutional advertising is used to create a
favourable image of the firm among employees, stock-holders or
the general public.
iii) Public service institutional advertising wages public support.

c)Other Types :
The other types are as follows :
i) Consumer advertising
ii) Comparative advertising
iii) Reminder advertising
iv) Reinforcement advertising
The long term objectives of advertising are broad and general, and
concern the contribution advertising should make to the achievement
of overall company objectives. Most companies regard advertisingly
main objective as hat of proving support to personal selling and other
forms of promotion. But advertising is a highly versatile
communications tools and may therefore by used for achieving
various short and long term objectives. Among these objectives are
the following :
1. To do the entire selling job (as in mail order marketing).
2. To introduce a new product (by building brand awareness among
potential buyers).
3. To force middlemen to handle the product (pull strategy).
4. To build brand preference 9by making it more difficult for
middleman to sell substitutes).
5. To remind users to buy the product (retentive strategy).
6. To publicize some change in marketing strategy (e.g., a price
change, a new model or an improvement in the product).
7. To provide rationalization (i.e. Socially acceptable excuses).
8. To combat or neutralize competitors advertising.
9. To improve the moral of dealers and/or sales people (by showing
that the company is doing its share of promotion).
10. To acquaint buyers and prospects with the new uses of the
product (to extend the PLC).
The functions of advertisement, and that purpose its ethics, may be
discussion below :
1. It leads to cheaper prices. "No advertiser could live in the highly
competitive arena of modern business if his methods of selling
were more costly than those of his rivals."
2. It acquaints the public with the features of the goods and
advantages which buyers will enjoy.
3. It increases demand for commodities and this results in increased
production. Advertising :
a) Creates and stimulates demand opens and expands the
b) Creates goodwill which loads to an increase in sales volume;
c) Reduces marketing costs, particularly product selling costs.
d) Satisfied consumer demands by placing in the market what he
4. It reduces distribution expenses in as much as it plays the part of
thousands of salesman at a home. Information on a mass scale
relieves the necessity of expenditure on sales promotion staff,
and quicker and wider distribution leads to diminishing of the
distribution costs.
5. It ensures the consumers better quality of goods. A good name is
the breath of the life to an advertiser.
6. By paying the way for large scale production and increased
industrialization, advertising contributes its quota to the profit
of the companies the prosperity of the shareholder the uplifts of
the wage earners and the solution of he unemployment
7. It raises the standard of living of the general public by impelling it
to use to articles of modern types which may add to his material
well being. "Modern advertising has made the luxuries of
yesterday the necessities of today ..................... It is a positive
creative force in business. It makes two blades of grass grow in
the business world where one grew before.
8. It establishes the goodwill of the concern for the test articles
produced by it and in course of time they sell like not cakes
consumer search for satisfaction of their needs when they
purchase goods what they want from its beauty, superiority,
economy, comfort, approval, popularity, power, safety,
convenience, sexual gratification and so on. The manufactures
therefore tries to improve this goodwill and reputation by
knowing the buyer behaviour.
To sum up it may be said that advertising aims at committing the
producers, educating the consumer, supplementing the
salesman converting the producer and the dealer to eliminate
the competitor, but above all it is a link between the produce
and the consumer.


Advertising as a tool to marketing not only reaches those who buy ,
but also those whose opinions or authority is counted for example a
manufacturer of marble tiles and building boards advertises not only
to people who intend to build houses but also to architect and
engineers. While the manufacturers of pharmaceuticals products
advertise to doctors as well as to the general public. At time it is
necessary for a manufacturer or a concern to advertise things which it
does not sell but which when sold stimulates the sales of its own
product. There are concerns like electric heaters, iron etc. because the
use of these increases the demand for their products.
Advertising should be used only when it promises to bring good
result more economically and efficiently as compared to other means
of selling. There are goods for which much time and efforts are
required in creating a demand by sending salesman to prospective
buyers than by simply advertising them. In the early days of the cash
register in America it was sold by specially trained salesman who
called on the prospective users and had the difficult task of convincing
them that they could no longer carry on with the old methods, and
that they urgently needed a cash register. In our country certain
publishers have found it less costly to sell their books by sending
salesman from house to house among prospective buyers than to
advertise them. In these two examples the cost of creating demand
would be too high if attempted by advertising alone under such
circumstances advertising is used to make the salesman acceptable to
the people they call upon to increase the confidence of the public in
the house. Naturals when there are good profits competitors will be
attracted and they should be kicked out as and when sufficient capital
is available by advertising on a large scale. Immediate result may not
justify the increased expenditure but it will no doubt secure future


An advertising is an organized series of advertising messages. It has
been defined as "a planned, co-ordinate series of promotional efforts
built around a central theme and designed to reach a specified goals."
In other words, it is an orderly planned effort consisting of related but
self – contained and independent advertisements. The campaign may
appear in one more media . it has single theme or keynote idea and a
single objective or goal. Thus, "a unified theme of content provides
psychological continuity throughout the campaign while visual and
oral similarity provide physical continuity. In short run, all campaign
want pre-determined psychological reaction in the long run,
practically all campaigns have sales goal.
The series of advertisements used in the campaign must be integrated
with the sales promotional efforts and with the activities of the sales
Campaign vary in length some may run only for a few days, other for
weeks, yet other for a season or the entire year. Usually a range of 3
to 6 months includes many campaigns. Many factors influences
campaign length such as competitors advertising media, policies,
seasonal falls curves of the product involved, the size of the
advertising funds, campaign objectives and the nature of the
advertisers marketing programme.

The advertising campaign, especially those connected with the
consumers aims at achieving these objectives :
i) To announce a new product or improve product.
ii) To hold consumers patronage against intensified campaign
iii) To inform consumers about a new product use.
iv) To teach consumers how to use product.
v) To promote a contest or a premium offer.
vi) To establish a new trade regional, and
vii) To help solve a coca regional problem.
The institutional advertising campaign on the other hand, have
these objectives.
i) To create a corporate personality or image.
ii) To build a company prestige.
iii) To keep the company name before the public.
iv) To emphasize company services and facilities.
v) To enable company salesman to see top executive
consistently when making sales calls, and
vi) To increase friendliness and goodwill towards the company.
Developing the campaign programmes. The advertising
campaigns are prepared by the advertising agencies, which work an
behalf of their clients who manufacture product or service
enterprises, which have services to sell. The word campaign is used
because advertising agencies approach their task with a sum Blanca of
military fanfare in which one frequently hears words like target
audience logistics, zero in and tactics and strategy etc.
The account executive co-ordinates the work in a campaign. The
creation of an advertising campaign starts with an exploration of
consumers habits and psychology in relation to the product. This
requires the services of statistical trained in survey techniques and of
others trained in social psychology. Statisticians select samples for
survey which are done by trained interviewers who visits individuals,
included in the sample and ask question to find out about their taste
and habits.
This enquiry often leads to a change in a familiar product. For
instance bathing soap may come in several new colours or cigarette in
a new packet or talcum powder in another size.
Such interviews are often quite essential to find out the appeal
of advertising message for a product that would be most effective with
David Ogilvy describes a consumers survey to find out the most
meaningful benefit in which women are interested when they buy a
face cream. The largest preference as given to "Cleans deep into
pores" followed in order of importance by prevent dryness, "is a
complete beauty treatment, recommended by skin doctors" makes
skin look younger' contains estrogenic hormones, pasteurized for
purity, prevent skin form aging, smooth our wrinkles Ogilvy concludes,
form this voting come one of Helena Rubinstein's most successful face
creams. We christened it deep cleanser, thus, building the winning
form into name of the product.
After getting the data the account executive puts together the
essential elements of his clients brief, interprets the research findings
and draws up what he calls the "advertising strategy".
Several steps are required to developed an advertising campaign
the number of stages and exact order in which they are carried out
may vary according to an organisations resources, the nature of its
product and the types of audiences to be reached. The major
stages/step are :
1. Identifying and analyzing the advertising.
2. Defining advertising objects.
3. Creating the advertising platform.
4. Determining the advertising appropriation.
5. Selection media plan.
6. Creating the advertising message.
7. Evaluating the effectiveness of advertising.
8. Organizing of advertising campaign.

1.Identifying & Analyzing the Advertising target :

Under this step it is to decided as to whom is the firm trying to reach with the
message. The advertising target is the group of people towards which advertisements
are aimed at four this purpose complete information about the market target i.e. the
location and geographical location of the people, the distribution of age, income,
sex, educational level, and consumers attitudes regarding purchase and use both of
the advertising product and competing products is needed with better knowledge of
market target, effective advertising campaign can be developed on the other hand, if
the advertising target is not properly identified and analysed the campaign is does
likely to be effective.
2.Determining the advertising objectives :
The objectives of advertisement must be specifically and clearly
defined in measurable terms such as "to communicate specific
qualities about a particulars product to gain a certain degree of
penetration in a definite audience of a given size during a given period
of time", increase sales by a certain percentage or increase the firms
market shares."
The goals of advertising may be to :
i) Create a favourable company image by acquainting the public
with the services offered available to the employees and
its achievements.
ii) Create consumers or distributor awareness by encouraging
requests providing information about the types of
products sold; providing information about the benefits to
be gained from use of the company's products or services;
and indicating how product (or services) can be used;
iii) Encourage immediate sales by encouraging potential
purchasers through special sales contests, getting
recommendation of professional people about company's
products etc.
iv) It secures action by the reader through associating ideas,
repetition of the same name in different contexts,
immediate action appeal.

3.Creating the Advertising platform :

An advertising platform consists of the basic issues or selling points
that an advertiser wishes to include in the advertising campaign. A
single advertisement in an advertising campaign may contain one or
more issues in the platform. A motorcycle producers advertising
platform should contain issues which are of importance to consumers
filling and such issues also be those which the competitive product do
not posses.

4. Determining the Advertising Appropriation:

The advertising appropriation is the total amount of money
which marketer allocates. For advertising for a specific time period.
Determining the campaign budget involves estimating now much it
will cost to achieve the campaigns objectives. If the campaign
objectives are profit relating and stated quantitatively, then the
amount of the campaign budget is determined by estimating the
proposed campaigns effectiveness in attaining them. If campaigns
object is to build a particular type of company image, then there is
little basis for predicting either the campaigns effectiveness or
determining the budget required.

5.Selecting the Media :

Media selection is an important since it costs time space and money various
factors influence this selection, the most fundamental being the nature of the
target market segment, the type of the product and the cost involved. The
distinctive characteristics of various media are also important. Therefore
management should focus its attention on media compatibility with advertising

Media Form
1. Press Advertising or Print
i) Newspapers City, Small town, Sundays,
Daily, weekly, Fortnightly,
quarterlies, financial and
annuals, English,
vernacular or regional
ii) Magazines General or special,
illustrated or otherwise,
English, Hindi, Regional
iii) Trade & Technical Journals, Circulated all over the
Industrial year books, country and among the
commercial, directories, industrialist and business
telephone, Directories, magnates.
references books & annuals.
2. Direct Mail Circulars, catalogues,
leaflets, brochures,
booklets, folders,
colanders, blotters,
diaries & other printed
3. Outdoor or Traffic Poster and bills on walls,
railways stations
platforms outside public
buildings trains, buses.
4. Broadcast or radio and T.V. Spot, Sectional or national
trade cost
5. Publicity Movie Slides and films
non theatrical and
documentary films metal
plates and signs attaches
to trees.
6. House to house Sampling , couponing,
free gifts, novelties,
7. Dealer aids Counter and widows
display demonstration
given by retailer or the
advertises goods.
8. Internet Today, Internet is a big
spot for advertising.
So these are the media of the advertising campaign of the selecting of the media.

6.Creating the Advertising Messages :

This is an important stage of advertising campaign. The contents of
the message has to be very carefully drafted in the advertisement.
Characteristics of person in the advertising target influence the
message content and form. An advertisers must use words, symbols
and illustration that are meaningful, familiar and attractive to those
persons. The type of media also influence the content and form of the

7.Evaluating the Effectiveness of Advertising :

The effectiveness of advertising is measured for a variety of reasons :
a) To determine whether a campaign accomplished its advertising objects.
b) To evaluate the relative effectiveness of several advertisements to
ascertain which copy, illustrations or layout is best.
c) To determine the strengths and weaknesses of various media and media
In other words, measuring advertising effectiveness is needed to determine
whether proposed advertisement should be used and if they will be now they might
be improved; and whether going campaign should be stopped, continued or
changed. In accomplishing these purposes, pretexts and post test are conducted.
The former tests before exposing target consumers to advertisements and the
letter after consumers have been exposed to advertisements and the letter after
consumers have been exposed to advertisements.

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