Applications of Sample and Hold Amps 1314747719

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Applications of Monolithic
Sample-and-Hold Amplifiers
Application Note August 9, 2005 AN517.0
Author: Don Jones and Al Little

Introduction The HA-2420/2425

The sample-and-hold or track-and-hold function is very The HA-2420/2425 is one of the most versatile monolithic
widely used in linear systems. This function is readily sample-and-hold integrated circuits. A functional diagram is
available in modular, hybrid, and monolithic form. shown in Figure 1.
All high quality sample-and-hold circuits must meet certain ADJUST
requirements: V+

3 4 9
1. The holding capacitor must charge up and settle to its
final value as quickly as possible.
1 - 7
2. When holding, the leakage current at the capacitor must -INPUT - +
be as near zero as possible to minimize voltage drift with 2 + OUTPUT
time. 14 HA-2420/2425
3. Other sources of error must be minimized. CONTROL

Design of a sample-and-hold involves a number of 13 5 11

compromises in the above requirements. The amplifier or GND V- HOLD
other device feeding the analog switch must have high CAPACITOR
current capability and be able to drive capacitive loads with FIGURE 1. HA-2420/2425 FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM
stability. The analog switch must have both low ON
resistance and extremely low OFF leakage currents. But, The input amplifier stage is a high performance operational
leakage currents of most analog switches (except the amplifier with excellent slew rate, and the ability to drive high
dielectrically isolated types) run to several hundred capacitance loads without instability. The switching element
nanoamperes at elevated temperatures. The analog switch is a highly efficient bipolar transistor stage with extremely
must have very low coupling between the digital input and low leakage in the OFF condition. The output amplifier is a
analog output, because any spikes generated at the instant MOSFET input unity gain follower to achieve extremely low
of turn-off will change the charge on the capacitor. The bias current.
output amplifier must have extremely low bias current over
the temperature range, and also must have low offset drift MOSFET inputs are generally not used for DC amplifiers
and sufficient slew rate. because their offset voltage drift is difficult to control. In this
configuration, however, negative feedback is generally
Another design consideration is whether to make the input applied between the output and inputs of the entire device,
differential or single ended. A single ended sample/hold and the effect of this offset drift at the inputs is divided by the
amplifier has a fixed gain, usually +1, so that it simply open loop gain of the input amplifier stage.
provides the sample/hold function. In contrast, a differential
input sample-and-hold amplifier is designed to be configured The HA-5320
with external feedback, just like an op amp. It may be used The HA-5320 is a high speed monolithic sample/hold circuit
to form a filter, integrator, inverting or non-inverting amplifier which includes its own 100pF hold capacitor. Unlike the HA-
with gain, etc. This allows the designer to combine any 2420/2425, this device utilizes an input transconductance
number of op amp signal conditioning circuits with the amplifier and integrating output stage as shown in Figure 2.
sample-and-hold function. All Intersil sample-and-hold The hold capacitor is charged through a low leakage analog
amplifiers are designed with differential inputs to take switch at the virtual ground node of the output amplifier. In
advantage of this capability. this configuration, charge injection at the transition from
sample to hold is constant over the entire input/output
voltage range. Additional hold capacitance may be added to
the HA-5320 for improved droop rage, at the expense of
increased acquisition time.

1 CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures.
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Application Note 517

bandwidth during sampling. So, the capacitance value must

ADJUST be optimized for each particular application. Drift during
holding tends to double for every 10°C rise in ambient
3 4 9 temperature. The holding capacitor should have extremely
HA-5320 high insulation resistance and low dielectric absorption-
1 polystyrene (below +85°C), Teflon, or mica types are
2 + - 7 recommended.
S/H 14 For least drift during holding, leakage paths on the P.C.
CONTROL board and on the device package surface must be
13 5 11 6 8 minimized. The output voltage is nearly equal to the voltage
on CH for the HA-2420. The output line may be used as a
GND GND guard ring surrounding the line to CH. Since the potentials
are nearly equal, very low leakage currents will flow. The two
HOLD package pins surrounding the CH pin are not internally
connected, and may be used as guard pins to reduce
FIGURE 2. HA-5320 FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM leakage on the package surface. A suggested P.C. guard
ring layout is shown in Figure 4. The hold capacitor in the
The HA-5330 HA-5320 operates at virtual ground. For this device, a guard
ring must be connected to the SIG GND terminal (pin 6)
The HA-5330 is a monolithic sample/hold amplifier optimized
instead of output.
for very high speed performance, acquiring a 10V step to
0.01% in 500ns. Its circuit topology is similar to the HA-5320
(Figure 3), but there is no provision for external capacitance. 1
The integrated 90pF capacitor provides excellent 14
13 2
performance alone; external leakage paths and noise pickup HOLD +IN
are avoided in this design by not exposing the integrator (2420) 12 3
input node to an external pin.
11 4
V+ 10 5
3 4 10 9 6
HA-5330 90pF
8 7
- IN + - 7
+IN +

S/H 8 Since the internal hold capacitor is not assessable in the HA-
CONTROL 5330, no P.C. layout consideration to minimize leakage is
11 5 12
Although the hold capacitor is configured differently for the
SUPPLY V- SIGNAL three sample/hold devices as shown in Figure 5, most
applications are common to all. For simplicity, the hold
FIGURE 3. HA-5330 FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM capacitor has been excluded from circuit diagrams in the
following examples and the S/H’s are depicted as op amps
with a sample/hold control. This symbol is intended to
Sample-and-Hold Applications remind the user of the “op amp” capability of these devices.
A number of basic applications are shown on the following
pages. These devices are exceptionally versatile, since they
can be wired into any of the hundreds of feedback
configurations possible with any operational amplifier. In
many applications the device will replace both an operational
amplifier and a sample-and-hold module.

The larger the value of the hold capacitor, the longer time it
will hold the signal without excessive drift; however, it will
also reduce the charging rate/slew rate and the amplifier

2 AN517.0
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Application Note 517

independent of output level, and less percentage drift will

occur in a given time for a larger output signal.




Application No. 1
Feedback is the same as a conventional op amp voltage
follower which yields a unity gain, non-inverting output. This
hookup also has a very high input impedance. Application No. 3
The only difference between a track-and-hold and sample- This illustrates another application in which the hookup
and-hold is the time period during which the switch is closed. versatility of a sample/hold often eliminates the need for a
In track-and-hold operation, the switch is closed for a separate operational amplifier and sample-and-hold module.
relatively long period during which the output signal may This hookup will have somewhat higher input to output
change appreciably; the output will hold the level present at feedthrough during “hold”, than the non-inverting connection,
the instant the switch is opened. In sample-and-hold since output impedance is the open-loop value during “hold”,
operation, the switch is closed only for the period of time and feedthrough will be: V R IN O
necessary to fully charge the holding capacitor. R1 + R2 + R0


Application No. 2
This is the standard non-inverting amplifier feedback circuit. Application No. 4
It is often required that a signal be filtered prior to sampling.
It illustrates one of the many ways in which a sample/hold This can be accomplished with only one device. Any of the
amplifier may be used to perform both op amp and sampling inverting and non-inverting filters which can be built with op
functions, eliminating the need for a separate scaling amps can be implemented. However, it is necessary that the
amplifier and sample-and-hold module. sampling switch be closed for sufficient time for the filter to
In general, it is usually best design practice to scale the gain settle when active filter types are connected around the
such that the largest expected signal will give an output device.
close to + or -10 volts. Drift current is essentially

3 AN517.0
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Application Note 517

FILTERED SAMPLE-AND-HOLD The sample/hold may be used to remove many other types
of “glitches” in a system. If a delayed sample pulse is
required, this can be generated using a dual monostable
multivibrator I.C.


Application No. 5
Short sample times require a low value holding capacitor;
while long, accurate hold times require a high value holding Application No. 7
capacitor. So, achieving a very long hold with a short sample
This circuit reconstructs and separates analog signals which
appears to be contradictory. However, it can be
have been time division multiplexed.
accomplished by cascading two S/H circuits, the first with a
low value capacitor, the second with a high value. Then the The conventional method, shown on the left, has several
second S/H can sample for as long a time as the first circuit restrictions, particularly when a short dwell time and a long,
can accurately hold the signal. accurate hold time is required. The capacitors must charge
from a low impedance source through the resistance and
current limiting characteristics of the multiplexer. When
holding, the high impedance lines are relatively long and
subject to noise pickup and leakage. When FET input buffer
amplifiers are used for low leakage, severe temperature
offset errors are often introduced.


Application No. 6
The word “glitch” has been a universal slang expression
among electronics people for an unwanted transient
condition. In D to A converters, the word has achieved semi-
official status for an output transient which occurs when the
digital input address is changed.

In the illustration, the sample/hold amplifier does double Application No. 8

duty, serving as a buffer amplifier as well as a glitch remover, This basic circuit has widespread applications in
delaying the output by 1/2 clock cycle. instrumentation, A/D conversion, DVMs and DPMs to
eliminate offset drift errors by periodically rezeroing the
system. Basically, the input is periodically grounded, the

4 AN517.0
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Application Note 517

output offset is then sampled and fed back to cancel the


The system illustrated automatically zeros a high gain

amplifier. Care in the actual design is necessary to assure
that the zeroing loop is dynamically stable. A second
sample-and-hold could be added in series with the output to
remove the output discontinuity.

Many variations of this scheme are possible to suit the

individual system.


Application No. 10
This useful application illustrates how fast repetitive
waveforms can be slowed down using sampling techniques.
The input signal is much too fast to be tracked directly by the
X-Y recorder, but sampling allows the recorder to be driven
as slow as necessary.

To operate, the waveform is first synched in on the scope.

Then the potentiometer connected to the recorder X input is
slowly advanced, and the waveform will be reproduced. The
S/H amplifier samples for a very short interval once each
Application No. 9 horizontal sweep of the scope. The sampling instant is
This accurate, low drift peak detector circuit combines the determined by the potentiometer at the instant when the
basic sample-and-hold connection with a comparator. When horizontal sweep waveform corresponds to the X position of
the input signal level exceeds the voltage being stored in the the recorder.
S/H, the comparator trips, and a new sample of the input is
taken. The S/H offset pot should be adjusted for a slight This principle can be applied to many systems for waveform
positive offset, so that the comparator will trip back when the analysis, etc.
new peak is acquired; otherwise the comparator would PLOT HIGH SPEED WAVEFORMS WITH SAMPLING
remain “on” and the S/H would follow the peak back down. TECHNIQUES
To make a negative peak detector, reverse the comparator
inputs and adjust the S/H for a negative offset.

The reset function, which is difficult to achieve in other peak

detector circuits, forces a new sample at the instantaneous
input level.

Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design, software and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to
verify that the Application Note or Technical Brief is current before proceeding.

For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see

5 AN517.0
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