Assignment - 1

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Managing a Successful

Computing Project

Assignment 1

Prepared for :

Mr. Hoang Huu Duc

Greenwich University Da Nang

Prepared by:

Le Vo Thang
Table of Contents
P1 Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario. ........................... 4

1.Definition of project management. The key stages of project management.

The advantages of project management. ............................................................................ 4
1.1.Definition of project management : ........................................................................................... 4
1.2. The key stages of project management .................................................................................. 4
1.3. The advantages of project management. ...................................................................................... 5

2.Definition of project aims and objectives for a given scenario. ........................... 6

P2 + M1 : Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost,

scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources ..................................... 7
Produce a comprehensive project management plan, milestone schedule
and project schedule for monitoring and completing the aims and
objectives of the project............................................................................................................... 7

1. Determine the requirements of the website in the given scenario. .............. 7

1.1.Scope : .......................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.Cost : ............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.3.Time required : ............................................................................................................................. 8
1.4.Risks and resources :.................................................................................................................. 9
1.5.Quality : ....................................................................................................................................... 10
1.6.Communtication : ......................................................................................................................... 12
P3 Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt Chart to provide
timeframes and stages for completion ............................................................................ 13

1.The work breakdown structure – what it is and how it is used for project
management planning. What is a Gantt chart and what is the value of using
Gantt chart? ...................................................................................................................................... 13
* Work breakdown structure definition : ........................................................................................ 13
* How WBS is used in project management planning : .............................................................. 13
* Gantt chart definition : ................................................................................................................... 15
*Benefit using Gantt chart : ............................................................................................................. 15

2.Work breakdown structure, Gantt chart, Critical Path Method. ....................... 16

2.1.Work Breakdown Structure. ..................................................................................................... 16
2.2.GANTT chart : (milestone schedule) ...................................................................................... 17
2.3.Critical Path Method. ................................................................................................................. 17

P4 Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and

quantitative research methods appropriate for meeting project aims and
objectives............................................................................................................................................. 18
1. Quantitative research : ....................................................................................................... 18
2.Qualitative Research................................................................................................................ 18

M2 Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of different research methods

applied. .................................................................................................................................................. 19
1.Questionare method: ............................................................................................................... 19
1.1Reliability :...................................................................................................................................... 19
1.2.Validity .......................................................................................................................................... 19

2.Survey method:........................................................................................................................... 20
2.1. Validity: ........................................................................................................................................ 20
2.2. Reliability : .................................................................................................................................... 20

References........................................................................................................................................... 21
P1 Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario.
1.Definition of project management. The key stages of project management. The
advantages of project management.

1.1.Definition of project management :

Project management involves planning and organization of a company's resources to achieve a
specific task, event, or duty .Resources managed include personnel, finances, technology, and
intellectual property. A project has a defined beginning time, end time and it also has scope
and resources.

1.2. The key stages of project management

There are 5 key stages of project management including : initiating, planning, executing,
controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success
criteria at the specified time.

1.Initiating : During this stage you will understand the business need and purpose of the
project, generally by creating a project charter and business casethat define the measurable
goals or outcomes.

2. Planning : The planning stage is where you will develop the project budget and gantt chart.
The budget should incorporate the resource costs associated with the project activities.The plan
has broken down into gantt chart and the risk assessment has been made in this phase also.

3.Executing :

During this phase, you carry out the project activities according to your plan. We will produce:
the risk and issue log to manage the quality and timeliness of work, potential issues or risks,
and communications with stakeholders to ensure that your project stays on track.

4. Monitoring and controlling

Monitoring and controlling a project runs parallel to the execution phase, and acts as a feedback
loop between execution and planning. The key activities of this phase are measuring the current
state of the project, comparing that to the baseline, and identifying actions to keep the project on

5.Closure :

During this phase you will hand over project deliverables to the customer, close contracts with
suppliers, release project staff, and report the project success to the sponsor. It is also important
to fully document the entire project including the lessons learned, and archive the results with
the business so that future projects can build off what we have done.
1.3. The advantages of project management.

1. Efficient Goal Setting :

Most projects fail simply because managers lack a clear goal.For this reason, setting SMART
goals is paramount. SMART goals are stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and
time-bound. SMART goals will ensure that your projects are delivered on time without
exceeding the budget. Professional project managers have the expertise and tools needed to
create forecasts, manage project costs and determine the risks across an entire project life

2. Improved Customer Satisfaction:

Whenever you get a project done on time and under budget, the client was very happy and
satisfied. And the client hope to see you again. Smart project management provides the tools
that enable this client/manager relationship to continue..

3.Accurate Risk Assessment

Over 75 percent of companies lack confidence in project success. Excessive rework, scope
creep, poor communication and unclear objectives are often the culprits. Project management
allows you to take calculated risks and allocate resources more efficiently. You will identify what
the risks are before even getting started. This way, you can plan for any problems in the early
stages and make smarter decisions as risks arise throughout the project life cycle. Effective risk
management also allows you to seize on positive risks or opportunities when they arise.

4.Improved Communication

Project management allows for more efficient communication between leaders and other
employees involved in the project. Experienced project managers are effective at managing
stakeholders who are critical to project success. Project managers maintain team cohesion,
facilitate meetings, solicit subject matter experts, brainstorm ideas and monitor feedback in real-
time. Communication is easily the most critical aspect of any project, and is a necessary skill for
every project professional.
2.Definition of project aims and objectives for a given scenario.

* Definition of the Project aims (project goals) :

This project Canteen management system’s purpose is to provide fast services to college
students and the convenient for the canteen staffs . With the help of this software the students
just have to follow a very simple process to order foods, drinks ,etc,.. and no need to wait in
the long queue.The website also help the canteen staffs easily manage the food orders

* Objectives :

BBT is a professional software company with 100 employees.We designed e-commerce

website and apps for small businesses.My company has a website development project for the
college ‘s canteen and this project has a completion time of 60 days with a budget of $ 12,000.
P2 + M1 : Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope,
time, quality, communication, risk and resources

Produce a comprehensive project management plan, milestone schedule and

project schedule for monitoring and completing the aims and objectives of the

1. Determine the requirements of the website in the given scenario.

*The system comprises of 2 major modules and their sub modules as follows:

1. Admin

a. Login: Canteen person need to login using valid login credentials in order to
access the web application.

b. Add / Manage Items: Can add new food items with details such as name,
image, cost, description, etc. and also can manage added details.

c. Add Wallet Balance: Canteen person can add balance in student’s wallet.

d. View / Update Orders: Can view all the canteen orders received from the

2. Student or User

a. Register: Student need to register first with basic registration details and need to
create a valid login id and password.

b. Login: Student need to login using their valid login credentials in order to access
the web application.

c. View Items: All the food items will be displayed to the student at once with
description and cost.

d. View Recommendation: Food recommendation list will also be displayed based

on their previous orders.

e. Add to Cart: Single or multiple food item can be added to cart by selecting

f. Order and Pay: Order can be placed of selected food items by using a dummy

g. Refill Wallet: Student can refill their own wallet anytime.

h. Order History: All the past and recent order will be displayed.
1.1.Scope :

This website will provide the list of different menu list with different categories. User can select
any item from canteen and can order for it by using debit card payment or wallet Payment.
Wallet Recharging available with debit card details or admin can add amount in user’s wallet.
Users have to register with valid details to login with canteen. Users also get recommendation
for food items, trending food items.
Canteen Management system manages the all details of food items which contains name,
description, image, price etc. Admin can view the confirm order and update the status of the
order accordingly.
Customer can check their balance, order history and able to delete the order according to order

1.2.Cost :

*Budget : 12,000$.

Web server 7000 $

Domain name 500 $
SSL certificate 200 $
Website development team 2000$
Website maintenance 250$
Content manage system 500 $
E-commerce functionality 500 $
Total 10 950$

1.3.Time required :

*Limited : 60 days.

-Start day : 1/1/2019

-End planing day : 15/1/2019

-End execution day : 10/2/2018

-Closure day : 15/2/2018

1.4.Risks and resources :
*Risks :

Risks Risk rating ( High, Low, Med)

The actual cost is overdraft the budget. High

The website got hacked and the information Low

has been leaked outside.

The website could be broken after an upgrade. Medium

*Resources :

-Human :

In this project, our BBT company will devided into 6 group with 10 people each group :

+Group 1 :Set up website hardware

+Group 2 :Buy domain name

+Group 3 :Register SSL certificate

+Group 4 : Website development team

+Group 5: Manage Content system

+Group 6: Mangae E-commerce functionality .

-Budget : 12 000$ (estimated : 10 950$)

-Time required :60 days ( estimated : 45 days)

1.5.Quality :

When considering a website design and development project, there are a number of factors to
consider. User experience (UX), user interface (UI), manageability, quality content, and web
content management systems (CMS). Another factor that is absolutely essential in any web
development project is the Quality Assurance process.

Quality Assurance (QA) is defined as the maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service
or project, by paying attention to every aspect of the delivery or production processes. In web
development, QA involves three areas of testing: (1) Requirements testing; (2) Design testing;
(3) Functionality testing.

*Here are the QA Checklist:

1. Setting up for the QA Process:

Download and/or back-up any pertinent website files.

Install a bug reporting app, such as Usersnap.

2. Initial High-level Review

Check all hyperlinks and test/fix all broken links. This also includes menu buttons, drop down
bars, and sidebars.

Check the 404 pages, and make sure that they redirect to 404 and has an html sitemap. The
goal of the 404 page is to keep a visitor on your site even if they hit a page that doesn’t exist.

Repeat the test on all browsers: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox.

Test on all devices: PC Desktop, smartphones, and tablets.

3. Check the Design in All Devices and Browsers

Test to ensure that your website design works on all major browsers. Check for consistency in
the styling and layout elements.

Test key functionalities – Links, forms, plugins, site search.

Check the Homepage, subpages, and landing pages.

4. Content

Proof read all content for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Tools such as Sitebeam
can be used for checking spelling, SEO, social, cookie law, accessibility.

Compare and check the main navigation against the approved site architecture.

Make sure that all website page content matches what was approved.

5. Contact Forms

On all Contact Forms, send test emails to ensure that the form works properly.

Make sure to also check all Call-to-Actions (CTAs).

6. SEO:

Check Title Tags and Meta descriptions.

Make sure that all social media icons are linked to the correct social media pages.

Ensure that images have ALT Tags within the IMG tag. Doing so will provide a clear text
alternative of the image for screen reader users. This is very important for SEO ranking.

Redirect old pages to the new pages. For WordPress redirects, use .htaccess file.

Ensure that URLs are SEO friendly: Short and extension less.

Custom 404 error page with site links/site map and URL errors redirect to a 404 page.
1.6.Communtication :

-Effective communication saves money, time and effort

+Make a message’s subject easily identifiable (by “message,” I mean not only email, but any
form of communication);

+Make a message’s content quickly understood;

+Involve only those resources (people, tools, etc.) that are needed to complete a task.

-Proper communication leads to the following outcomes:

+the pace of a project is sustained;

+team leaders maintain control of the project’s progress;

+people with different responsibilities and levels of involvement are better engaged in the
P3 Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt Chart to provide
timeframes and stages for completion

1.The work breakdown structure – what it is and how it is used for project
management planning. What is a Gantt chart and what is the value of using
Gantt chart?

* Work breakdown structure definition :

Work breakdown structure (or WBS) is a hierarchical tree structure that outlines the project
goals and breaks it down into smaller, more manageable portions. It’s a way to divide and
conquer large projects so you can get things done faster and more efficiently

The goal of a WBS is to make a large project more manageable. Breaking it down into smaller
chunks means work can be done simultaneously by different team members, leading to better
team productivity and easier project management overall.

* How WBS is used in project management planning :

Here’s a process of creating a WBS :

1. Understand the Project’s Scope

In our earlier project management guide, we identified the WBS as one of the key documents
created at the end of the ‘Planning’ phase.

Before we can create it, however, we need a thorough understanding of the project’s scope and
objectives :

-Project scope statement to understand the project’s scope in detail.

- Project scope management plan to understand how to deal with changes to the project’s
scope (which will affect your deliverables).

2. Determine Major Deliverables

Once we have an understanding of the project scope, start the WBS development process by
figuring out the key deliverables.

-Each deliverable must be essential to the success of the project.

-Each deliverable should be the responsibility of an independent team.

3. Determine Work Packages

This is a deliverable at the lowest level of a WBS.

This work package must be:

-Independent: The work package must be mutually exclusive and have no dependence on other
ongoing elements.

- Definable: The work package should have a definite beginning and end, and should be
understood by all project participants.

- Estimable: You should be able to estimate the work package's duration and resource

- Manageable: The package must represent a "meaningful unit of work", i.e. it must accomplish
something concrete, and can be assigned to an individual or team. It should also be

- Integratable: The package must integrate with other elements to create the parent level.
Adaptable: Ideally, the package must be able to accommodate changes in scope as per the
project's requirements.

4. Create a WBS Dictionary

The WBS dictionary is a document that outlines the definition and scope of each element
contained in the WBS. It is a supporting document meant to help incoming project teams
understand each work package better.

Here are a few details we include in the WBS dictionary:

-Work package ID ; Work package name ; Work package description; Assigned to; Department
Date of assignment; Due date ; Estimated cost.

5. Use the Right WBS Format

Once you have all the work packages and WBS dictionary, it’s time to create the WBS.

There are several WBS formats we can follow. The simplest way to do this is to create text-
based hierarchical groupings. By convention, you use numbers and decimal points to indicate
the level of the element.
* Gantt chart definition :
Gantt chart is a visual view of tasks scheduled over time. Gantt charts are used for planning
projects of all sizes and they are a useful way of showing what work is scheduled to be done on
a specific day. They also help you view the start and end dates of a project in one simple view.

*Benefit using Gantt chart :

1. Know what’s going on in your projects :

The biggest advantage of using free online Gantt charts in project management is that you get
to see everything related to project at a single place. It acts as a great visualization and
prioritization tool as it provides the total overview of the project and tells you about the critical
information such as members involved in each step, the order of tasks, duration, start-to-end
dates, task dependencies and progress made in them.

2. Measure the progress of projects

Once you schedule your project in a Gantt chart software you can check the progress of the
projects in it. As project members can update the completed percent of each task, everyone
stays on the same page. This information is quite useful to determine if the project is headed in
the right direction or not.

3. Better time management

a Gantt chart software helps project members to understand the severity of time delays while
managing projects. It’s easy to get carried away and work mindlessly on tasks but when you
have a unified view of the overall progress, you can easily allocate time to each and every task
and do what really needs to be done.

4. Avoid resource overload

Gantt charts allow you to use your resources effectively and can easily see how and where
resources are being utilized. Within Gantt charts, you can also delegate tasks and align
resources without burdening them with too much work. This way you can effectively manage
resources and when resources are properly managed, projects are more likely to be completed
within budget and deadlines.
2.Work breakdown structure, Gantt chart, Critical Path Method.

2.1.Work Breakdown Structure.

Work Breakdown Structure Table

Project College 's Canteen management website Project Working Title:


Project Le Vo Thang Project Sponsor: The college 's council


Prepared Date / Control

by: BBT team Number: 10/2/2019

Element WBS Elements Definition of Activity or Task (Description) Responsible Person Estimated (E) or
Number Activity, Task, or Sub-Task or Group Actual (A) Cost (Cross
Name reference to budget)

1 Set up web sever 1.1. Buy the web sever hardware Group 1 7000$
1.2.Configuration for web sever

2 Buy domain name 2.1.Create the name of website Group 2 500$

2.2.Pick the right top level domain and register
a domain name

3 Buy SSL certificate 3.1.Purchase a SSL certificate for website Group 3 200$
3.2.Install SSL Certificate.

4 Develop the website 4.1.Develop Front-end Group 4 2000$

4.2.Develop website's function and database.

5.1. Organize your website content

5 Content manage system Group 5 500$

5.2. Develop a Maintenance Plan & Processes.

6 E-commerce functionality 6.1. Choose the product Group 6 500$

6.2. Finding Manufactures
6.3. Setting up the Website
2.2.GANTT chart : (milestone schedule)

2.3.Critical Path Method.

P4 Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research
methods appropriate for meeting project aims and objectives.

1. Quantitative research :
To do the quantitative research for the Canteen management website ‘project , as a project
manager I have taken the survey method for the I have prepared a survey questions
for students of the college.

Survey Question Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree 1 2 3 4 disagree5
This website will improve the canteen ‘s
This system help the canteen serve the big
amount of customers
The effectively systen made students
interesting in going to the canteen everyday.
The system will get huge respond from
student in college.

2.Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is taken to know the insight of the customers and people. So the BBT
company has set some questions to get the insights of the customers. In the following section, as
a manager of the project I have set some questions for the customers.

1. Will the Website increase benefit of the canteen?

2. Do you think that almost students will satisfy with the website?

4. Is the quality service of the canteen increased?

5.Are students do not have to wait in the long queue anymore ?

M2 Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of different research methods

1.Questionare method:

1.1Reliability :
The reliability of a questionnaire can be considered as the consistency of the survey results. As
measurement error is present in content sampling, changes in respondents, and differences across
raters, the consistency of a questionnaire can be evaluated using its internal consistency, test-retest
reliability, and inter-rater reliability, respectively.

Test-retest reliability refers to the extent to which individuals’ responses to the questionnaire items
remain relatively consistent across repeated administration of the same questionnaire or alternate
questionnaire forms.Provided the same individuals were administered the same questionnaires twice
(or more), test-retest reliability can be evaluated using .

The validity of a questionnaire is determined by analyzing whether the questionnaire measures what it
is intended to measure. In other words, are the inferences and conclusions made based on the results of
the questionnaire .Two major types of validity should be considered when validating a questionnaire:
content validity and construct validity.

Content validity refers to the extent to which the items in a questionnaire are representative of the
entire theoretical construct the questionnaire is designed to assess :

 The questions covered all the problem areas with your pain

 You would like the use of this questionnaire for future assessments

 The questionnaire lacks important questions regarding your pain

 Some of the questions violate your privacy.

 The questions were clear and easy

2.Survey method:

2.1. Validity:
 Content validity: This is related to our ability to create questions that reflect the issue we are
researching and make sure that key related subjects are not excluded.

 Internal validity: This asks whether the questions we pose can really explain the outcome we
want to research. Here we are looking for a relationship between independent variables and the
dependent variable

 External validity: This refers to the extend in which the results can be generalized to the target
population the survey sample is representing. As we all know, the way we ask questions will
determine the answer we get, so the questions should reflect how the target population talks
and think about the issue under research, which often call for the need to conduct exploratory
qualitative research.

2.2. Reliability :
Reliability ,on the other hand, is concerned with the consistency of our measurement, that’s the degree
to which the questions used in a survey elicit the same type of information each time they are used
under the same conditions.

Reliability is also related to internal consistency, which refers to the degree different questions or
statements measure the same characteristic.

Validity and reliability are not always aligned. Reliability is needed, but not sufficient to establish validity.
We can get high reliability and low validity. This would happen when the wrong questions are asked
over and over again, consistently yielding bad information. Also, if the results show large variation, they
may be valid, but not reliable.

Anon, (2019). [online] Available at:

the-key-stages-of-project-management/ [Accessed 14 Feb. 2019].

Investopedia. (2019). Project Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2019].

Project Management Guide. (2019). What is Work Breakdown Structure in Project Management? -
Project Management Guide. [online] Available at:
guide/faq/what-is-work-breakdown-structure-in-project-management/ [Accessed 14 Feb. 2019].

Cohen, E. (2019). A Beginner-Friendly Guide to Work Breakdown Structures (WBS). [online] Available at:
wbs [Accessed 14 Feb. 2019]. (2019). The Ultimate Guide to Gantt Charts - [online]

Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2019].

ProofHub. (2019). Top 7 Benefits of Gantt Charts in Project Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2019]. (2019). Quality Assurance Checklist for We... | Blog | Webilize. [online] Available at:
development [Accessed 14 Feb. 2019].

Smashing Magazine. (2019). How To Communicate Effectively In IT Projects. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb.

Surveys, V. (2019). Validity and Reliability in Surveys - Relevant Insights. [online] Relevant Insights.
Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2019].

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