Process Dynamics of AntiSurge System

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E3S Web of Conferences 42, 01010 (2018)

Anti Surge Control of Centrifugal Compressor at PT. Pertamina

EP Asset 2 Field Pendopo
Muhammad L. Hakim1, Balza Achmad1,*, and Juwari P. Sutikno2
Department of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Chemical Engineering, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia
[email protected] (corresponding author)

Abstract. Gas Compression Package (GCP) is a vital system in the distribution of gas. Pertamina EP, in this
regard as a state-owned company managing oil and gas on the upstream, is in the project phase of purchasing
and installing compressor facilities. GCPs are used to increase gas pressure hence it can be transferred from gas
wells to industrial areas. Dynamic analysis becomes important to observe the performance of the compressor and
to ensure safety during operation, in order to avoid surge phenomenon. Surge is an undesirable phenomenon in
the form of a backward flow of gas. The surge may damage the internal components of a centrifugal compressor,
hence needs to be prevented from happening. The anti-surge controller manipulates anti-surge valve to give
actions in the recycle lines when a surge occurred. PID controller is used for controlling and stabilizing the
system. PID tuning is determined using Auto Tuning Variation method. This method is based on the process
frequency response from relay oscillations. After the dynamic model of the plant had been developed, some
simulations were carried out with various scenarios. The scenarios were based on a variety of issues that may
occur in a gas compression system. The applied scenarios were a decrease in flow rate on the input side, a
pressure drop in gas wells, and changes in gas composition. The control configuration of gas compression
system was designed and modified in order to compensate disturbances and avoid surge phenomenon.
Keywords—anti-surge, centrifugal compressor, dynamic simulation, PID controller.

1 Introduction
Natural gas is one of the natural resources that have a A centrifugal compressor is the main part that is very
broad range of utilization such as for cooking, for vital for transporting natural gas from well to industrial,
generating electricity in power plants, and as raw material commercial, and residential areas. During transportation,
for processing of fertilizer. South Sumatra, a province in the pressure of the natural gas will decrease because of
Indonesia, has very abundant natural resources, including the friction that happens along the wall of pipes, the
natural gas. According to the government of South pressure drop in unit operation, slug flow, etc. Another
Sumatra Province, natural gas reserves are found in Musi vital problem is called surge phenomenon because it
Banyuasin, Lahat, Musi Rawas, and Ogan Ogan Ilir, disrupts the transport of natural gas. Surging is an
which reach 7238 Billion Standard Cubic Feet per Day undesired event which occurs in the form of reverse flow
(BSCFD). The production during the last 4 years on from the discharge of compressor to the suction of
average was 2,247,124 Million Metric Standard Cubic compressor in centrifugal compressors and axial
Feet per Day (MMSCFD) [1]. PT. Pertamina EP is a compressors.
state-owned company which engaged in the upstream oil
Surging is undesirable because it can cause many
and gas. Currently, PT. Pertamina EP produced
approximately 120,000 Barrels of oil Oil per Day problems. If no action is taken, the surge will result in
damage to the internal components of the compressor. It
(BOPD) and around 1,003 MMSCFD of natural gas [2].
PT. Pertamina EP plans to increase its production is not desirable for the company as the internal
components have to be changed often while the costs of
capacity of 100 MMSCFD to 150 MMSFD by building a
new compressor facility in Assets 2 Field Pendopo. This internal compressor parts are very expensive. However,
appropriate precautions can be taken into account to
project is divided into 3 main section, i.e., gas separator
system, gas compression system, and fuel gas-seal gas prevent the surge. There are few symptoms of a surge,
i.e., there will be a low system flow, increases of
system. This paper focuses on the gas compression
system which consists of three trains. Each train consists discharge temperature, extreme changes in current motor,
as well as violent fluctuations in discharge pressure.
of unit operations such as medium pressure (MP)
scrubber, centrifugal compressor, air cooler, high Prevention of surging can be done by installing either
pressure (HP) scrubber, level control valve (LCV), and blowdown valve (BDV) or ASV in the recycle pipe.
anti-surge valve (ASV).

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (
E3S Web of Conferences 42, 01010 (2018)

However, BDV causes too much energy loss, because gas for Anti-Surge Controller (ASC) tuning done by trial and
is discarded and accommodated in the tank. It is better to error with certain procedures. Similar to Ziegler-Nichols
use ASV in order to minimize the waste of energy. ASV method in PID tuning, ATV method employs and .
has a set point above the minimum flow which is is controller gain that Products the limit cycle, while
regulated by a controller namely anti-surge controller is the period taken from limit cycle. The following
(ASC). ASC controls the opening of ASV when some of calculations are to determine the ultimate period ,
the symptoms of surging are about to occur. The way to ultimate gain , controller gain , and integral time
find out when the occurrence of surging is it can be .
observed on the compressor curve which is plot based on
the flow versus head. In the compressor, the curve is
divided into several lines to observe surge those are surge
control line (SCL), backup line (BL), and surge line (SL). (2)
Surging can be observed when the flow falls to the set
point so that the compressor operating point on the curve The control parameters followed the formulas as in
crosses the SL. Table 1. It is recommended for use Tyreus-Luyben
formula for tuning that suitable for unit operation in
Chemical process [7].
2 Methodology
Table 1. Settings of PID controller based on the continuous
This research was conducted in several steps, i.e., cycle method [4]
developing dynamic models, analysis of the performance
of PID controllers, and performing simulation scenario. Ziegler-Nichols

The initial simulation model was created in a steady P 0,5 - -

state. The processes that occur in HYSYS simulation PI 0,45 -
follow thermodynamic laws, mass balance, and energy PID 0,6
balance. The dynamic simulation was then created by
inputting data from Pertamina project into this initial
model. In order to make a dynamic simulation, it needed PI 0,31 -
sizing data of the unit operations and valves, the piping PID 0,45
data, compressor performance, and the surge flow data
which obtained from the vendor. The dynamic model that For the algorithm of PID controller for the auto-
had been created should be stabilized by designing a PID tuning method, there is some additional parameter for
PID controller algorithm, that is phase margin and
There were some controlled parameters such as level, design parameter . The equation to determine the PID
pressure, temperature, flow, and speed of the compressor controller using ATV is as follows [7].
in the plant. PID control parameters were determined
using Auto Tuning Variation (ATV) method. A PID ATV (3)
method developed by Astrom-Hagglund is one of the
auto-tuning technique that is simple and most appropriate
to control process, which has been successfully applied to (4)
industries for over 15 years. This method is based on the
response of process frequency of oscillation relays [3-6]. (5)
The last step was performing simulations with various
scenarios. The scenarios were based on the problems that (6)
might occur in a gas compression system, i.e., a decrease
in flow rate, a pressure drop in gas wells, and changes in
input gas compositions. The scenarios can be analyzed in Based on the formula and algorithm for PID tuning
terms of operation and safety design modifications obtained the value of Kc, Ti, and Td for all of the
offered when compared to existing designs. controller. There are total 24 controllers in the modified
design which is eight controllers in each train. The value
3 Results and Discussion of Kc, Ti, and Td are summarized in Table 2.
In order to determine the control parameter which is The dynamic model created in the process simulator
employed are based on the process conditions and design and the scheme of gas compression systems are presented
demands. PI controllers are commonly used in industries in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.
rather PID controllers because of many factors such as
the tolerated offset, the presence of noise, excessive dead
time, and small capacity.
After determining control parameters, the next step is
tuning with Auto Tuning Variation (ATV) method, while

E3S Web of Conferences 42, 01010 (2018)

Table 2. The results of tuning all control parameters

No Label Mode SP Mode SP PV OP Controller Kc Ti Td
1 LIC-2331 Auto Sp Local 1000 1000.003 16.3094 PI 31.1 0.802
2 LIC-2361 Auto Sp Local 825 824.994 44.5636 PI 77.2 1.83
3 LIC-2231 Auto Sp Local 1000 1000.212 17.8985 PI 31.8 0.828
4 LIC-2261 Auto Sp Local 825 824.927 45.1033 PI 75.4 1.56
5 LIC-2131 Auto Sp Local 1000 999.987 16.6827 PI 22.7 0.512
6 LIC-2161 Auto Sp Local 825 824.991 43.9585 PI 75.6 1.55
7 K-234: Surge Auto Sp Local 67314.236 97621.723 0 PI 4 1.5
8 K-224: Surge Auto Sp Local 67330.445 99202.221 0 PI 4 1.5
9 K-214: Surge Auto Sp Local 67294.184 97911.148 0 PI 4 1.5
10 TIC-2351 Auto Sp Local 113 113.000 63.1747 PID 0.627 0.169 3.75×10-2
11 PIC-1101 Auto Sp Local 305 305.001 39.7273 PI 0.85 7.87×10-3
12 TIC-2251 Auto Sp Local 113 112.892 60.651 PID 1.64 0.103 2.29×10-2
13 PIC-0801 Auto Sp Local 305 305.006 41.8596 PI 0.848 7.88×10-3
14 TIC-2151 Auto Sp Local 113 113.001 62.9069 PID 0.955 0.119 2.63×10-2
15 PIC-0501 Auto Sp Local 305 305.001 41.0462 PI 0.849 5.63×10-3
16 PIC-2241 Auto Sp Local 771 771.272 80.1118 PI 0.193 3.81×10-2
17 SIC-2241 Auto Sp Remote 11455.994 11456.349 50.3773 PI 0.632 6.49×10-3
18 PIC-2341 Auto Sp Local 771 771.000 79.6821 PI 0.197 5.65×10-2
19 SIC-2341 Auto Sp Remote 11394.536 11394.536 49.557 PI 0.705 7.32×10-3
20 PIC-2141 Auto Sp Local 771 771000 79.7459 PI 0.19 3.58×10-2
21 SIC-2141 Auto Sp Remote 11403.663 11403.663 49.7234 PI 0.679 6.30×10-3
22 TIC-2251-1 Auto Sp Local 93.25 93.309 57.122 PID 3.07 1.39×10-1 3.10×10-2
23 TIC-2351-1 Auto Sp Local 93.25 93.250 57.5831 PID 3.09 1.39×10-1 3.09×10-2
24 TIC-2151-1 Auto Sp Local 93.25 92.880 53.8588 PID 3.07 1.39×10-1 3.10×10-2

Fig. 1. The dynamic model of three train gas compression system

E3S Web of Conferences 42, 01010 (2018)

control valve (PV) would be split into three train loads with
equal load with current openings steady at 8.5%.
2) Case 2: The flow rate of the working fluid was reduced
from 153.2 MMSCFD to be 65.71 MMSCFD, or
reduced by 57.108% and the valve on the discharge
Table 3 and Table 4 show the comparison between the
system which was equipped with control performance and
load sharing, and the system without them. Compressor
discharge pressure increased when the flow decreased, and
discharge valve failed. In Table 4, when the pressure rose
because of discharge valve failed, it can be overcome by
increasing the RPM of the compressor. In Table 4, pressure
rise cannot be anticipated, thus exceeding the design
pressure of the unit operation in the discharge. This will
certainly endanger the operating unit.

Table 3. The pressure of each train without control performance

and load sharing

Parameter K-214 K-224 K-234

Fig. 2. Scheme of three train gas compression system Compressor Suction Pressure
317.4 317.5 317.6
Max Pressure. (psig) 320.3 320.3 320.3
3.1 Scenario 1 : modified design Compressor Discharge
967.9 971 968.3
Pressure (psig)
This first scenario demonstrated the importance of Min Discharge Pressure
modified design in creating the model using HYSYS [8-11]. 750.0 750.0 750.0
Air Cooler Operating
1) Case 1: By using load sharing, the flow rate was Pressure (psig)
770.0 770.0 770.0
decreased by 62% from 153.3 MMSCFD to 58.28 Air Cooler Design Pressure
950.0 950.0 950.0
MMSCFD (psig)
HP Scrubber OPerating
760.0 760.0 760.0
Pressure (psig)
HP Scrubber Design Pressure
950.0 950.0 950.0

Table 4. The pressure of each train to control the performance and

load sharing

Parameter K-214 K-224 K-234

Compressor Suction Pressure
304.9 304.9 304.9
Max Pressure. (psig) 320.3 320.3 320.3
Compressor Discharge
771.0 771.0 771.0
Pressure (psig)
Min Discharge Pressure
750.0 750.0 750.0
Air Cooler Operating
770.0 770.0 770.0
Pressure (psig)
Air Cooler Design Pressure
950.0 950.0 950.0
HP Scrubber OPerating
760.0 760.0 760.0
Pressure (psig)
HP Scrubber Design Pressure
950.0 950.0 950.0
Fig. 3. The Result of load sharing for three train compressors
3) Case 3: Comparison of design in the case of denser gas
Fig. 3 shows the result of the simulation with three load in the train K-224
sharing. When the flow rate dropped to a certain value, it
caused surging. The above simulation conducted for 20 Table 5 provides the comparison of the two systems
minutes by decreasing the flow rate from 153.3 MMSCFD when the molecular weight of gas is varied. It can be
to 58.28 MMSCFD. When surging was about to happen, inferred; the modified design is more efficient compared to
ASV 2141, ASV-2241, ASV 2341 aggressively opened at the existing design due to pressure ratio and the power
58.94%, 59.27%, 55.32% to prevent surging. The purpose of needed to operate each compressor.
the installation of gas compression systems in parallel was
to balance the load. When there was a surging, the pressure

E3S Web of Conferences 42, 01010 (2018)

Table 5. The pressure of each train to control the performance and

load sharing

Parameter Existing Modified

Design Design
Adiabatic Efficiency (%) 70.69 71.388
Polytropic Efficiency (%) 73.147 73.799
Power (kW) 2,345.19 2,256.99
Suction Pressure (psig) 307.2 304.9
Discharge Pressure (psig) 772.5 771
Pressure Ratio 2.446 2.459

3.2 Scenario 2 : Low Suction Pressure

On the second scenario, it is observed how the system
responds to disturbances in the form of low suction pressure.
Any disturbance can cause a surge, so the role of the Anti-
Surge Controller (ASC) and Anti-Surge Valve (ASV) is
important to overcome surge. ASC has parameters named
surge control parameter (A, B, C, D) which must be
calculated by the user. The equation of surge control
parameters is mathematically written as follows. Fig. 4. The result of low suction pressure simulation

Where Fs (m /s) is the surge flow, hm (m) is the head, and A
(m), B (m/m3/s), C (m/m6/s2), and D (m/m9/s3) are surge
control parameters set by the user. Table 6 provides the
result of surge control parameter.

Table 6. Surge Control Parameters

No Parameter Value
1 Parameter A (m) -28,134.9
2 Parameter B (m/m3/s) 113,450
6 2
3 Parameter C (m/m /s ) -57,205.7
Fig. 5. Compressor performance for the low suction pressure
4 Parameter D (m/m9/s3) 0
5 Control Line (%) 10
Table 7. Safety factor for The pressure of each train to control the
6 Backup Line (%) 8 performance and load sharing
7 Quick Opening (%) 40 10% Safety Factor for Temperature

Inlet Suction Discharge

It can be observed from Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 when a low Temperature (F) 101.2 93.12 270
suction pressure is occurring, the flow rate will decrease Tekanan (psig)
temporarily. At a certain value of the decreasing of flow 281 267.8 771
rate, it will cause surge [9, 10]. It can be observed that the Molar Flow
151 49.93 49.93
blue line (actual volume flow) approaches the green line (the
5% Safety Factor for Temperature
set point of surge controller). In order to prevent surge,
ASV-2141, ASV-2241, and ASV-2341 aggressively opened Inlet Suction Discharge
at 76,6%, 55,22 %, 65,63%. Temperatur (F) 101.2 93.04 285
There is a limit of decreasing of low suction pressure. The Tekanan (psig) 260 246.1 771
safety factor is one of the considerations that commonly Molar Flow
used to limit the margin of operation [12,13]. Generally, the (MMSCFD) 149.5 49.27 49.26
safety factor is set to 5% to 10%. The design temperature for
unit operation air cooler and HP scrubber is 300 oF. Table 7
presents the safety factor for operating temperature for the 3.3 Scenario 3 : Change in Composition of Fluid
system. In order to meet the demand of safety factor, In Scenario 3, the simulation was conducted in order to
discharge pressure that allowed is set 260-281 psig, and the observe the effect of a change in the composition of the
suction pressure is set 246.1 to 267.8 psig hence that the fluid. Gas with heavier molecular weight named denser gas
temperature generated in the discharge of 270-285 oF. (+2 g/mol), otherwise gas with lighter molecular weight
named leaner gas (-2 g/mol).

E3S Web of Conferences 42, 01010 (2018)

1) Case 1: leaner Gas (15,92 kg/m3) and low molecular discharge pressure required more effort to depress the gas
weight (17,06 g/mol) (Fig. 7). Thus the pressure would exceed the demands of the
design. Therefore, the RPM of the compressor will be
Leaner gas contains very high methane about 95.496% and decreased by speed controller causes the flow rate become
slight water content as shown in Table 8. Fig. 6 shows the small so that the pressure generated in will reach the set
performance of the compressor when the composition is points.
changed to -2 g/mol. Gas with the lighter molecular weight
Table 9. Gas well composition with a molecular weight of 21.06
will be easier to push. Thus, it does not need much discharge
pressure. It has implications for the design demands; the
pressure generated becomes less. Therefore, the RPM of the Mol Liquid
compressor will be increased by a speed controller, so fraction Gas phase phase (mol Water (mol
(mol %) (mol %) %) %)
greater flow rate occurs, then the pressure generated will
reach the set point. Methane 95.496% 95.496% 25.295% 0.000%
Ethane 1.883% 1.883% 2.207% 0.000%
Table 8. Gas well composition with a molecular weight of 17.06 Propane 0.830% 0.830% 2.979% 0.000%
i-Butane 0.111% 0.111% 0.909% 0.000%
Mol Liquid n-Butane 0.132% 0.132% 1.441% 0.000%
Gas phase Water
fraction phase (mol
(mol %) (mol %) i-pentane 0.044% 0.044% 1.090% 0.000%
(mol %) %)
n-pentane 0.034% 0.034% 1.071% 0.000%
Methane 77.771% 78.067% 8.413% 0.000%
n-hexane 0.040% 0.040% 3.605% 0.000%
Ethane 9.291% 9.319% 4.498% 0.000%
n-Heptane 0.078% 0.078% 18.704% 0.000%
Propane 4.096% 4.100% 6.050% 0.000%
n-Octane 0.017% 0.017% 10.938% 0.000%
i-Butane 0.549% 0.548% 1.819% 0.000%
n-Nonane 0.010% 0.010% 16.970% 0.000%
n-Butane 0.649% 0.646% 2.899% 0.000%
n-Decane 0.003% 0.003% 14.288% 0.000%
i-pentane 0.216% 0.213% 2.143% 0.000%
n-C11 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
n-pentane 0.167% 0.163% 2.103% 0.000%
H2S 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
n-hexane 0.200% 0.187% 6.694% 0.000%
H2O 0.105% 0.105% 0.069% 99.985%
n-Heptane 0.383% 0.320% 30.689% 0.000%
Nitrogen 0.587% 0.587% 0.056% 0.000%
n-Octane 0.083% 0.054% 13.850% 0.000%
CO2 0.631% 0.631% 0.380% 0.014%
n-Nonane 0.050% 0.021% 13.749% 0.000%
n-Decane 0.017% 0.004% 6.131% 0.000%
n-C11 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
H2S 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
H2O 0.516% 0.325% 0.089% 99.976%
Nitrogen 2.897% 2.909% 0.109% 0.001%
CO2 3.114% 3.125% 0.765% 0.023%

Fig. 7. Compressor Performance with a change in composition +2


4 Conclusion
Simulation of gas compression systems in the dynamic
Fig. 6. Compressor Performance with a change in composition -2 state using a process simulator HYSYS has been
g/mol successfully created and has stabilized. Models were made
as detailed as possible in order to approach the actual
2) Case 2: Denser gas (15,92 kg/m3) and high condition of the plant. Some modifications were made such
molecular weight (21,06 g/mol) as the addition of control performance and load sharing. PID
Otherwise, the denser gas contains methane, which is control parameters obtained by using Auto Tuning Variation
smaller than normal around 77.771% and more water method, almost the entire process variables are controlled by
content than normal as shown in Table 9. When the gas the PI controller except for temperature control using PID
composition changed by increasing the molecular weight controllers. With scenarios such as a decrease in the input
becomes +2 g/mol, it will have implications for the flow rate, low suction pressure, and changes in the

E3S Web of Conferences 42, 01010 (2018)

composition will cause the compressor into the surge. In this

Study, designed gas compression system has been able to
prevent surge by regulating the ASC and ASV with the
configuration offered on the simulation. Therefore the
simulated disturbances are compensated by the system.

The authors would like to thank Mr. Dwi Yudha
Prasetyatama and Pusat Studi Ilmu Teknik Universitas
Gadjah Mada for providing data and consultations.

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