Numerical Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Crack Propagation in Rubber Elsiddig Elmukashfi, Martin Kroon

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13th International Conference on Fracture

June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China

Numerical Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Crack Propagation in Rubber

Elsiddig Elmukashfi1,*, Martin Kroon1
Department of Solid Mechanics, Royal Institute of Technology, Osquars backe 1,
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
* Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract Dynamic crack propagation in rubber is modeled and analyzed numerically using the finite
element method. The problem of a suddenly initiated crack at the center of stretched sheet is studied under
plane stress conditions. A nonlinear finite element analysis using implicit time integration scheme is used.
The bulk material behavior is described by finite-viscoelasticity theory and the fracture separation process is
characterized using a cohesive zone model with a bilinear traction-separation law. Hence, the numerical
model is able to model and predict the different contributions to the fracture toughness, i.e. the surface
energy, viscoelastic dissipation, and inertia effects. The separation work per unit area and the cohesive
strength has been parameterized, and their influence on the separation process has been investigated. A
steadily propagating crack is obtained and the corresponding crack tip position and velocity history as well
as the steady crack propagation velocity are evaluated and compared with the experimental data. A minimum
threshold stretch of 3.0 is required for crack propagation. The numerical model is able to predict the dynamic
crack growth such that the strength and the surface energy vary with the crack speed.
Keywords rubber, crack, viscoelasticity, cohesive zone, dynamic fracture

1. Introduction

Elastomers are important materials in many engineering applications; consequently a wide variety
of elastomeric materials is used in several products, e.g., tires, springs, dampers, gaskets, bearings,
oil seals, etc. Fracture mechanics in elastomers is of great importance in the design process and it is
fundamental in some applications such as adhesion technology, elastomers wear, etc.
Dynamic crack propagation in rubber-like materials has been investigated both theoretically and
experimentally but the field is relatively undeveloped compared with brittle materials [8, 12, 21, 28].
Generally, the dynamic fracture in rubber shows remarkable deviation from the dynamic fracture
theories for brittle materials, e.g. the cracks propagate at speeds greater than the speed of sound
without branching and at high stretch levels oscillatory crack propagation results.
The fracture energy of rubber is the sum of different contributions [20, 22, 23]: the surface energy
required to create new crack surfaces, the energy dissipated in the viscoelastic processes around the
crack tip, and the inertia effects that contribute in the case of dynamic fracture. Furthermore, the
separation process is accompanied with a viscoelastic dissipation process to which takes place in the
crack tip vicinity [2].
The theoretical treatment of the problem of crack propagation in rubber-like solid reveals that the
region around the crack tip can be divided into three different zones, determined by the relaxation
spectrum, as shown in Fig. 1a [10]. These regions are: glassy region occurs at the closest to the
crack tip, rubbery region occurs far from the crack tip, the viscous dissipation region that is located
between these two regions. Depending on the relaxation spectrum and crack propagation velocity,
the glassy and viscous dissipation regions may vanish, e.g. in the case of carbon-filled natural
rubber glassy zones are not expected to exist, while viscous dissipation is expected.
13th International Conference on Fracture
June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China



Figure 1. The fracture processes around a crack propagating in rubber with a speed vc : a the different zones
around the propagating crack tip determined by the viscoelastic behavior; and b the cohesive process zone
and its traction-separation law ( T − δ ). GIc is the fracture energy, lcz is the length of the cohesive zone, δ c is
the critical displacement, δ f is the failure displacement, and σ c is the cohesive strength.
One way to give a quantitative description of the contribution from the different fracture-associated
processes is to use the cohesive zone theories. The cohesive zone modeling approach was originally
proposed by Dugdale and Barenblatt [9, 11] to simulate the fracture process and was later
implemented in a finite element environment [3]. A cohesive zone model describes the fracture
process in the crack tip vicinity as a gradual surface separation process, such that the normal and
shear forces at the interface resist separation and relative sliding. Several cohesive zone models
have been introduced in the literature including rate-dependent and independent models and have
been successfully used in both quasi-static and dynamic crack growth problems [1, 4, 13, 27].
The purpose of the present study is to model as well as to analyze the dynamic crack propagation in
rubber. The problem of a suddenly initiated crack at the center of stretched sheet is analyzed using
finite element method, and plane stress conditions are assumed to prevail. A nonlinear finite element
analysis using implicit time integration scheme is used. The bulk material behavior is described by
finite-viscoelasticity theory. The fracture separation process is modeled using a cohesive zone
model with a bilinear traction-separation law. A parametric study is performed over a range of
cohesive zone properties, i.e. cohesive strength and energy, and the steady crack propagation
velocity is calculated and compared with crack speeds obtained in experiments. The problem is
formulated in Section 2, and the numerical analysis is provided in Section 3. A discussion is
presented in Section 4.

2. Problem formulation

2.1. Geometry

Consider a thin rectangular sheet of rubber with the initial dimensions 2W0 (width), 2H 0 (height),
and B0 (thickness), as shown in Fig. 2a. The sheet is initially unloaded, and the Cartesian material
coordinates X I , I = 1,2,3 , are used to describe the reference configuration. Plane stress conditions
are assumed to prevail, such that the X 1 − X 2 -plane is the plane of stresses. The sheet is first
subjected to a stretch λ in the X 2 -direction at low rate of loading, such that inertia effects are
13th International Conference on Fracture
June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China

ignored. The deformation is assumed to be defined by the motion x = χ (X, t ) , where the Cartesian
coordinates xi , i = 1,2,3 , are defined in the deformed configuration, as shown in Fig. 2b. The
position vectors in material and spatial coordinates are defined as X = X i e i and x = xi e i ,
respectively, such that the two coordinates possess the same origin and the same set of orthogonal
basis vectors e i , i = 1,2,3 . The displacement vector is defined as u = x − X , and the first
Piola-Kirchhoff traction vector T is defined as force per unit undeformed area. After the required
extension has been achieved, a crack of length 2a is initiated at the center of the deformed sheet
parallel to x1 -direction. Thereafter, the crack propagates dynamically and symmetrically along a
path defined by x2 = 0 .

(a) (b)
Figure 2. The geometry of the thin rectangular rubber sheet: a the reference configuration; and b the current
Considering the symmetry of loading and geometry, only a half portion of the sheet, defined by
X 1 ≥ 0 , is modeled. The crack propagation is then studied over a length of Δa in the deformed
configuration. The time scale is defined according to the following: the sheet is loaded
quasi-statically for t < 0 , and at t = 0 , the crack is initiated. The boundary conditions applied for
the whole period of time are defined according to
X 1 = 0 : u1 = 0, T2 = 0, (1)
X 1 = W0 : T1 = T2 = 0, (2)
X 2 = ± H 0 : u1 = 0, u 2 = ±(λ − 1) ⋅ H 0 . (3)
The initial crack is located at 0 ≤ X 1 ≤ a0 , X 2 = 0 . Note that a pertains to the deformed
configuration, while a0 pertains to the reference configuration. The crack starts to propagate
immediately after the initiation process, i.e. for t > 0 . The propagation process is determined by a
cohesive law. Assuming that the crack tip position is defined as x tip = xtip e1 , the crack tip velocity is
then determined as
vtip =
, (4)
implying that the crack propagates in the X 1 -direction, i.e. v tip = vtip e1 and d / dt is the time
derivative taken with respect to spatial coordinates.

2.2. Constitutive models

2.2.1. The finite-strain viscoelasticity model

The mechanical behavior of rubber-like materials is characterized by finite elasticity theory, i.e.
hyperelasticity, for the quasi-static response. Further, the dynamic response is often characterized by
viscoelasticity theory. The finite-strain viscoelasticity implementation in ABAQUS [14] is based on
a local additive split of the stress tensor into initial and non-equilibrium parts [15]. The initial part
13th International Conference on Fracture
June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China

follows the finite-strain constitutive equations while the non-equilibrium part determines the
viscous response.
Consider a deformation that is defined by the deformation gradient F and the associated Jacobian
J . The deformation gradient is decomposed into volume changing (dilatational) part J 2 / 3I and
volume preserving (distortional) part F = J 1 / 3F . The initial free strain energy function, that
determines the initial stress part, can be written in the decoupled form
Ψ = Ψvol (J ) + Ψiso (F ) , (5)
where Ψvol (J ) is the volumetric part and Ψiso (F ) is the isochoric part. The total strain energy,
including the viscous response, can be written using a generalized Maxwell model (Prony series) as
Ψ = k R (t ) ⋅ Ψvol (J ) + g R (t ) ⋅ Ψiso (F ) , (6)
where k R (t ) and g R (t ) are the Prony series dimensionless relaxation moduli.
In this context, an isotropic and incompressible hyperelastic material is considered, i.e. J = 1 .
Hence, the volumetric part of the strain energy function is then expressed in terms of a hydrostatic
pressure p .
Ψvol = p(J − 1) , (7)
The isochoric part of the strain energy function is defined by the Ogden model for incompressible
materials [25], which reads
μp α
( )
Ψiso = ∑
α α
λ1 + λ2 + λ3 − 3 ,
p p p
p =1 α p

where the λi , i = 1,2,3 , are the principal stretches, μ p and α p are material parameters that
fulfill the condition μ pα p > 0 (no summation) and the shear modulus μ p is defined by
μ = ∑ μ pα p .
p =1

Further, the volumetric response is assumed to be purely elastic such that the viscoelastic response
is determined by the isochoric response, i.e. k R (t ) = 1 . The total strain energy function, including
the viscoelastic response, can be written in the decoupled form

∑ g (1 − e ),
g R (t ) = 1 − i
P −t / τ i
i =1

where N , ki P , g iP and τ i are material constants. The model includes N Maxwell elements,
i.e. series combinations of spring and dash-pot.

2.2.2. The cohesive zone model

The constitutive response for the cohesive surface is modeled in terms of the relationship between
the traction and the displacement jump across the surface. The traction-separation law (TSL) is a
physically based or a phenomenological model that can be obtained from a free energy density
function, φ , as
T = T(Δ ) = , (10)
where T is a first Piola-Kirchhoff traction vector, and Δ is the displacement jump vector
between two initially coincident points which are defined in three different directions the normal ( n )
direction, and the two shear directions ( s and t ) with respect to the cohesive surface.
In this work, a bilinear traction-separation law is used, and only the opening mode fracture (mode I)
is considered. For this reason, only the constitutive behavior in the normal direction is controlled,
see Fig. 3. The material parameters of the bilinear traction-separation law are K n (the initial elastic

13th International Conference on Fracture
June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China

or penalty stiffness), δ nc (the critical normal separation), δ nf (the failure separation), and σ c (the
cohesive strength in the normal direction).

Figure 3. The bilinear traction-separation law

The cohesive element behavior in ABAQUS [14] is based on the characterization of the damage
process as the degradation of the material stiffness. The initial behavior is assumed to be linear
elastic and is active until damage is initiated. When damage is initiated, the material stiffness
decreases and the rate of degradation is defined by the damage evolution law. A scalar damage
variable, d , that determines the stiffness degradation, is used, which evolves monotonically from 0
to 1, i.e. from an undamaged to a fully damaged state. The irreversible bilinear traction-separation
law is then written as
⎧ K nδ n if δ n ≤ δ nc ,
Tn = ⎨ , (11)
⎩(1 − d ) ⋅ K nδ n if δ n ≥ δ n ,

where the linear elastic unloading behavior after damage onset is determined by the degraded
stiffness K n′ = (1 − d ) ⋅ K n . The damage variable, d , for linear softening is determined as
δ f (δ max − δ nc )
d = nmax n f , (12)
δ n (δ n − δ nc )
where δ nmax is the maximum value of the displacement attained during the loading history, see Fig.
3. A maximum nominal stress criterion is used to predict damage initiation, i.e. damage is assumed
to be initiated when the maximum nominal stress reaches a critical level Tn ≥ σ c .

3. Numerical analysis

3.1 Estimation of material parameters

A carbon-black-filled natural rubber material is considered here and its physical and chemical
properties are illustrated in [5, 10]. This material has been studied extensively [5-7].
Experimental data from a uniaxial tensile test for the carbon-black filled natural rubber [3] has been
used to estimate the parameters in the Ogden strain energy function. The Cauchy (true) stress, σ ,
in the uniaxial test is defined by
σ = ∑ μ p (λ − λ ),
αp − (1 / 2 )α p
p =1

where λ is the stretch in the uniaxial tension direction. Using a nonlinear least squares method,
the Cauchy stress in Eq. (13) is fitted to the uniaxial tension data and two sets of parameters are
found to be sufficient, see Fig. 3. The parameter values are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. The Ogden strain energy function parameters ( M = 2 )
p μ p [MPa ] α p [-]
1 1.639 2.724
2 0.088 0.004
Free retraction test experimental data [5] is used to estimate the model parameters in the
13th International Conference on Fracture
June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China

viscoelasticity model. Maxwell model with one element has been used, i.e. N = 1 . The relaxation
time for rubber is experimentally found to be of the order of 1.0 s at ambient temperatures [19, 26],
and therefore we assumed a relaxation time of τ 1 = 1.0 s . (The viscoelastic response of the rubber
material is much slower than the rapid processes that we are considering in the present dynamic
crack propagation analysis, so the exact value of τ 1 is irrelevant.) The associated relative stiffness,
g1p , then has to be determined from the experimental data from the retraction tests.

Figure 4. Comparison between the uniaxial true stress-stretch data (‘◦’) [5] and Ogden material model
(M = 2)
In the free retraction experiment, we consider a thin rectangular strip of rubber with initial
dimensions L1 = 250 mm , L2 = 10 mm and L3 = 0.5 mm , see Fig. 5a (i). The strip is stretched
quasi-statically to a certain stretch, λ0 , and then one end is released as shown in Fig. 5a (ii).
Consequently, the released end undergoes retraction at a relatively high speed which depends on the
initially imposed stretch as well as the material parameters.
(a) (b)

Figure 5. The free retraction experiment: a the geometry of the rubber specimen used in the free retraction
experiments (i) the reference configuration; and (ii) the current configuration; b the predicted retraction
speeds for different viscoelastic properties compared with the experimental data [7]. The dashed, full, and
dotted lines represent different values of the relative stiffness ( g1P = 0.0,0.7, and 0.9 ), respectively.
The initial-boundary value problem for the free retraction experiment is analyzed using a
two-dimensional plane stress finite element model. A nonlinear dynamic analysis, using an implicit
time integration scheme, is performed using the finite element code ABAQUS [14], and the free
edge steady retraction velocity, vr , is computed and fitted to the data from the retraction velocity
tests, see Fig. 5(b) using different values of the relative stiffness, g1P . The parameter values
obtained for the Maxwell model are shown in Table 2 below.

13th International Conference on Fracture
June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China

Table 2. Prony series coefficients

i g iP τi
1 0.7 1.0

3.2 Numerical implementation

The initial-boundary value problem described in Sec. 2 is numerically solved using the finite
element code ABAQUS [14]. A nonlinear quasi-static analysis is used for the initial loading, and a
nonlinear dynamic analysis, using implicit time integration, is used for the crack propagation
The rubber material is modeled using finite-strain viscoelasticity as described in Sec. 2.2.1 and the
material parameters in Tables 1 and 2 are used.
The fracture separation process is modeled using the cohesive zone model that is described in Sec.
2.2.2. The cohesive zone parameters, the cohesive strength and cohesive energy, are material
parameters that determine the length of the process zone together with the other material properties
[3, 17]. They are not easily measurable, and they are often estimated using experimental data of a
known problem setup. The cohesive strength is directly related to the tensile strength of the material
while the cohesive energy may be estimated on the basis of fracture mechanics experiments as the
work needed for fracture. However, in such estimates, both the actual surface energy and additional
dissipative work are included. In this work the cohesive energy is equal is assumed to be total
fracture energy. The cohesive strength is chosen to be σ c = 30 MPa and then the experimental data
are fitted using variable fracture energy.
A high value of the initial stiffness K n is often assumed in order to avoid ill-conditioning and to
reduce the changes of the structure compliance due to the presence of the compliance of the
cohesive elements. Therefore, the initial stiffness is assumed to be K n = 2.67 × 10 6 MPa such that
a stiff behavior is obtained prior to damage initiation without risking the numerical instabilities.
The geometry of the thin rectangular sheet in Fig. 2 is discretized, and a typical finite element mesh
is shown in Fig. 6. Due to symmetry, only one half of the specimen is analyzed. The initial
dimensions are taken as W0 = 75 mm , H 0 = 5 mm , and B0 = 0.5 mm [6]. The initial crack is
assumed to be 2a0 = 10 mm , and the crack propagation is studied over a length of Δa = 50 mm .
Note that Δa pertains to the deformed configuration, while Δa0 pertains to the reference
configuration. The 4-node bilinear plane stress element CPS4 and 4-node two-dimensional linear
cohesive element COH2D4 are used in the discretisation. The cohesive elements are inserted along
the crack propagation path, i.e. along X 2 = 0 , and the bulk elements are defined elsewhere. The top
and bottom faces of the cohesive elements are tied to the adjacent bulk plane stress elements,
implying that three cohesive elements are attached to two bulk elements, see Fig. 6b. The cohesive
elements are modeled with zero initial thickness in the reference configuration, and consequently
the top and bottom faces and nodes coincide. The mesh comprises 27207 elements, of which 25506
are bulk elements and 1701 are cohesive elements. A cohesive element length of lce = 0.025 mm is
The element death/birth technique is adopted to model crack initiation. The initial crack domain is
discetized using cohesive elements, and therefore they have been removed at the instant of crack
initiation, i.e. at t = 0 .
The problem is solved for different values of the initial stretching, i.e. λ = [2.0,4.0] . The relative
normal separation displacement, Δu2 , between each pair of initially coincident nodes in the
interface ( X 2 = 0 ) is computed and recorded during the analysis. The crack tip position, xtip , is

13th International Conference on Fracture
June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China

defined by Δu 2 = δ nc , and the crack tip velocity is determined using forward differencing of Eq. (14)
of the smoothed cohesive crack tip position data, xtip , (using Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter).
xtipn+1 − xtipn
vtip = , (14)
Δt n
where indices n and n + 1 denote variable values at time instants t n and t n+1 , respectively, and
Δt n = t n+1 − t n is the time increment. Further, the steady crack velocity, vc , is computed by taking
the average velocity over the steady propagation period.

(a) (b)
Figure 6. The finite element mesh of the thin rectangular sheet of rubber: a the mesh of the whole geometry;
and b mesh details along the middle of the sheet where the cohesive elements are inserted along the crack
propagation path

3.3 Numerical results

Several analyses have been performed for different combinations of stretch and cohesive zone
properties. The cohesive crack tip position and velocity, as well as the steady crack propagation
velocity, have been obtained for all the combinations.
Typical crack propagation results, including the cohesive crack tip position and velocity results, are
shown in Figs. 8a and 8b. At t = 0 , the crack is initiated such that it propagates immediately after
the initiation, i.e. typically within less than 1 ms , at low velocity and continues propagating with a
slow acceleration, see in Fig. 8b. After approximately 1.5 ms , the crack velocity approaches a
transition region wherein the crack starts to accelerate rapidly and the velocity increases to high
velocity levels. Then, after about 1.83 ms , the crack tip velocity reaches a plateau region, where
steady crack propagation occurs. Different cohesive properties virtually yield the same type of
behavior. Stationary crack propagation was obtained for all sets of cohesive properties, provided
that the crack was able to get started. There was a threshold stretch, λth , below which the initial
crack was immediately arrested and no propagation occurred.
(a) (b)

Figure 8. Crack propagation results for λ = 4.0 , σ c = 60 MPa and GIc = 20 KJ/m 2 : a crack tip position
xtip vs time t ; and b crack tip velocity vtip vs time t .

13th International Conference on Fracture
June 16–21, 2013, Beijing, China

The numerical predictions of the steady crack propagation velocity are compared with the
experimental data [6], as shown in Fig. 9. The numerical threshold stretch differs for the different
cohesive properties, such that its minimum value, λth = 3.0 , occurs for σ c = 60 MPa and
GIc = 20 KJ/m 2 . For low stretches, the model clearly overestimates the crack speeds from the
experimental data. However, by using different cohesive properties, the numerical model is able to
predict the crack speeds from the experiments, at least in the high stretch regime ( λ ≥ 3.5 ).

Figure 9. Comparison between numerical predictions of the steady crack propagation velocity and
experimental data ('ο') [4]. The black, red and blue lines indicate simulations with the cohesive strengths
30,60,90 MPa , respectively, and the full and dashed lines indicate simulations with cohesive energies
20,40 KJ/m 2 , respectively.

4. Discussion and concluding remarks

In the present analysis, the contribution from viscoelastic dissipation in the bulk material to the total
work of fracture is negligible. This is due to the fact that the crack propagation process is very rapid
in comparison with the relaxation time of the rubber material.
In the analyses, the main properties of the cohesive law, i.e. the cohesive energy and the cohesive
strength, were varied to enable a prediction of the experimentally obtained crack speeds. The
analyses indicate that the effective fracture energy of the rubber material at hand is to be found
roughly in the range 20 − 40 KJ/m 2 , and the cohesive strength is expected to be approximately
30 − 90 MPa . We emphasize that this estimate of the fracture energy should not be taken as the
actual surface energy required to create new crack surface at the very crack tip. Rather, this estimate
should be taken as a value that contains the actual surface energy but also significant amounts of
dissipation associated with damage processes in the vicinity of the crack tip. Strictly speaking, this
would be dissipation that takes place in the bulk material surrounding the crack tip, which is not
really accounted for by the continuum viscoelasticity model adopted for the bulk behavior.
Few experimental investigations have been concerned with characterization of high speed fracture
of rubber, in which crack speed variation with fracture toughness has been experimentally measured
under high strain or loading rate. Typical fracture toughness has been reported to be in the range
7 − 300 KJ/m 2 for the crack speed in the range 0.5 − 30 m/s using pure shear and tensile strip
specimens [12, 24]. It is also shown that a low fracture toughness of 30 KJ/m 2 can be measured at
a crack speed of 30 m/s . Thus, the effective fracture energy reported in the literature shows good
agreement with the values attained here.

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