Fourth Quarter Periodical Test in Grade Eleven Statistics and Probability

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Mandaue City


Directions: Read carefully each question and encircle your answer.

1. This refers to an intelligent guess about a population proportion.

A. hypothesis B. test statistic C. decision D. interpretation
2. What type of error is illustrated when a false hypothesis is accepted?
A. type I error B. type II error C. type III error D. no error
3. What mathematical model is appropriate for decision-making?
A. graphical presentation B. normal curve C. z-statistic D. none of these
4. Under the normal curve, the middle part represents __________.
A. null hypothesis B. margin of error C. acceptance region D. rejection region
5. Maria insists that she is 18 years old when, in fact, she is 21 years old. What error is Maria committing?
A. type I error B. type II error C. type III error D. no error
6. It is a statement that there is no difference between a parameter and a specific value.
A. null hypothesis B. test statistic C. conclusion D. alternative hypothesis
7. In a two-tailed test, if Ho = 100, what is Ha?
A. Ha = 100 B. Ha ≠ 100 C. Ha > 100 D. Ha < 100
8. Write the null hypothesis in symbol in the given statement “the average TV viewing of the students is 4 hours”.
A. Ho = 4 hours B. Ho ≠ 4 hours C. Ho > 4 hours D. Ho < 4 hours
9. What appropriate test statistic is used when the given sample is large or n > 30?
A. t-test B. x-test C. y-test D. z-test
10. What is the critical value for a two-tailed hypothesis z-test on a population mean when alpha is 5%?
A. 2.33 B. 1.645 C. 2.58 D. 1.96
11. What appropriate form of the test-statistic is used when the population variance is assumed to be unknown?
A. t-test B. spearman rho C. pearson r D. z-test
12. For the 95% confidence level,
A. ∝ = .01 B. ∝ = .05 C. ∝ = .10 D. ∝ = .025
13. What is the desired decision when the z computed value is greater than the tabular value?
A. don’t reject the Ho B. accept Ho C. reject Ho D. not enough information is given
14. When ∝ = .01, then the confidence level is __________.
A. 1% B. 10% C. 90% D. 99%
15. Given n = 20 and ∝ = .05 in a two-tailed t-test, then the critical value is __________?
A. 2.101 B. 2.093 C. 2.878 D. 2.861
16. If the number of samples is 11, then the degree of freedom is ____________?
A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12
17. When the given sample is small, what appropriate test statistic is used?
A. t-test B. spearman rho C. pearson r D. z-test
18. Find the value of z, given: 𝑥̅ = 90, 𝜇 = 88, 𝜎 = 6, n = 100.
A. 1.33 B. 2.33 C. 3.33 D. 3.12
19. Given z tabular value equals -1.28 and z computed value equals -1.5, what is the decision?
A. accept Ha B. accept Ho C. reject Ho D. reject 𝑥̅
20. Compute df, given n = 25.
A. 15 B. 20 C. 24 D. 30
For Nos. 21-23. A principal at a certain school claims that the students in his school are above average intelligence. A
random sample of thirty students IQ scores have a mean score of 112. The mean population IQ is 100 with a
standard deviation of 15.
21. What is the appropriate test statistic to be used?
A. t-test B. spearman rho C. pearson r D. z-test
22. What is the appropriate alternative hypothesis?
A. Ho = 100 B. Ho ≠ 100 C. Ho > 100 D. Ho < 100
23. Find z computed value.
A. 4.38 B. 3.84 C. 8.43 D. 8.34
For Nos. 24-26. A researcher is interested in determining whether or not review sessions affect exam performance. The
independent variable, a review session, is administered to a sample of students (n=9) in an attempt to determine if this
has an effect on the dependent variable, exam performance. Based on information gathered in previous semesters, I
know that the population mean for a given exam is 24. The sample mean is 25, with a standard deviation (s) of 4.

24. Find t computed value.

A. 7.5 B. 5.7 C. 75.0 D. 0.75
25. What is the appropriate null hypothesis?
A. Ho = 24 B. Ho ≠ 24 C. Ho > 24 D. Ho < 24
26. What is the appropriate test statistic to be used?
A. t-test B. spearman rho C. pearson r D. z-test
27. Find the tabular value or critical value.
A. 1.503 B. 1.86 C. 1.305 D. 1.68
For Nos. 28-33 A random sample of 200 school managers were administered a developed Leadership Skills Test. The sample
mean = 78 and the sd = 4.2. In the standardization of the test, the mean was 73 and the sd = 8. Use ∝ = .05.
28. What is the appropriate null hypothesis?
A. Ho = 78 B. Ho ≠ 78 C. Ho = 73 D. Ho ≠ 73
29. What is the appropriate alternative hypothesis?
A. Ha = 78 B. Ha ≠ 78 C. Ha = 73 D. Ha ≠ 73
30. Find z computed value.
A. 7.88 B. 8.84 C. 6.44 D. 4.66
31. What is p-value?
A. 0.2 B. 0.02 C. 0.002 D. 0.0002
32. What is the decision?
A. reject Ha B. accept Ho C. reject Ho D. none of these
33. What is the appropriate test statistic to be used?
B. t-test B. spearman rho C. pearson r D. z-test
34. If the p-value is greater than alpha in a two-tailed test
A. the null hypothesis should be rejected C. a one-tailed test should be used
B. the null hypothesis should not be rejected D. alpha should be changed
35. If the p-value is less than alpha in a two-tailed test
A. the null hypothesis should be rejected C. a one-tailed test should be used
B. the null hypothesis should not be rejected D. alpha should be changed
36. If a one-tailed test for a proportion is being performed and the upper critical value is +2.33 and the test statistic is
equal to +1.37, then:
A. the null hypothesis should be rejected C. the sample size should be decreased
B. the null hypothesis should not be rejected D. the alternative hypothesis must be accepted
37. If a p-value for a hypothesis test on a mean was given as 0.0330, and the level of significance used was 5%, then the
conclusion would be to
A. don’t reject the Ho B. accept Ho C. reject Ho D. not enough information is given
38. If P0 = 0.35, what is qo?
A. 0.15 B. 0.35 C. 0.65 D. 1.35
39. These are data that involves two variables.
A. univariate B. bivariate C. trivariate D. all of these
40. It exists when high values of one variable correspond to high values in the other variables.
A. positive correlation B. negative correlation C. zero correlation D. none of these
41. It is the line closest to the points.
A. normal curve B. scatter plot C. parallel line D. trend line
42. It shows how each point collected from a set of bivariate data are scattered on the Cartesian plane.
A. normal curve B. scatter plot C. parallel line D. trend line
43. It is a statistical method used to determine whether a relationship between two variables exists.
A. correlation analysis B. z-test C. t-test D. hypothesis testing
44. It exists when all points fall in the trend line.
A. negative correlation B. positive correlation C. zero correlation D. perfect correlation
45. The name of mathematician who made a lot of research on coefficient correlation.
A. Karl Pearson B. Karl Malone C. Karl Marx D. Karl Ziegler
46. Base on the measuring devise to determine the strength of the computed r, what is ±0.50 to < ±0.75?
A. very low B. moderately low C. moderately high D. very high
47. It exists when high values in one variable corresponds to either high or low values on the other variable.
A. positive correlation B. negative correlation C. zero correlation D. none of these
48. What is ±0 to < ±0.25, based on the measuring devise to determine the strength of the computed r?
A. very high B. moderately high C. moderately low D. very low

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