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12/17/2018 How to use ofs.addLocalrequest?

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What is "ofs.addLocalRequest"?: 
The API "ofs.addLocalRequest" (available from R10 release onwards) is used to process multiple OFS requests (AA
related requests)  in a synchronous manner.
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This routine will allow  to add an OFS message to the existing transaction so that it process in a synchronous
manner i.e this will works in parent-child transaction.   
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 Additional validation will be performed before accepting the message to ensure that we don't get a scenario that
cannot be handled.  
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Working nature of "ofs.addLocalRequest" is explained below.  
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Validation to be performed before adding the OFS to queue: 
1) It is not allowing GTS.CONTROL options where errors or overrides put the record into HLD status

2) It is not allowing Local messages except during authorization process

3) It is not allowing Local messages other than bulk mode

4) It is not allowing Local messages other than VANILLA OFS type message

5) It is not allowing Local messages of type VALIDATE

6) It is not allowing Multi company requests except the current company 

Rules to be followed:
-       The user de ned BEFORE.AUTH.RTN will be invoked the new public API to add additional requests from the
authorisation of the master record. Multiple requests can be added.

-       Child requests can also add additional requests through the BEFORE.AUTH.RTN applied to the version too. The
local code in the BEFORE.AUTH.RTN should be able to determine whether requests processed to date in the bulk
transaction are successful or not – this will allow exibility to only add additional requests when all previous
requests are successful.

-       Requests will be in standard vanilla OFS format.

-       All the local messages will be added to a local internal message request queue. Was this page
-       On successful completion of all the messages in the Core message queue, the local messages from the local
internal request queue would be considered for processing.

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12/17/2018 How to use ofs.addLocalrequest?

-       The processing of the local messages will happen within the same transaction management boundary as with
the core messages and therefore even if one local OFS message fails the entire transaction will be rolled back. 

Sample Routine:




    GOSUB ADD.REQUEST         ;*add local request to local queue


* Additional request for Master transaction

  localOfsRequest =
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    localOfsError = ''


*** <desc>add local request to local queue </desc>

    CALL ofs.addLocalRequest(localOfsRequest,'add',localOfsError)

    IF localOfsError NE '' THEN

        E = localOfsError




Three arguments need to be passed.

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   ofsRequest -           the vanilla message from the application

   insertOrAppend -  INSERT to insert at the start of the local txn queue


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                                     APPEND to add to the end of the local txn queue this is the default method

  errors -                     Any validation of message error


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