Beej Mantra
Beej Mantra
Beej Mantra
A Beej Mantra is the shortest form of a Mantra just like a beej (seed)
which when sown, grows into a tree. Similarly beej mantras of different Gods,
when recited together gift us immense positive energy and blessings bestowed from
all the Gods.
They are the vibrations, and represent the “call” of the soul.
It is believed that the universe was created then the sounds produced
during the cosmic evolution emanated from the beej mantra.
Each Beej mantra carries its own power and when mixed with mantras,
they add extra power to the benefits of derived from that mantra.
Mantras which contain up to nine words are termed Beej Mantra, ten or twenty
words forms Mantra and beyond are known Maha Mantra.
Basic beej mantra “Om” is further expanded into the following types of beej -
yog beej ,tejo beej, shanti beej and raksha beej, which are respectively known as
aeng (aim) hreem,
sreem, kreem, kleem, dum, gam, glaum, lam, yam, aam or um or ram.
Om ॐ
This beej mantra is the mystic name for the Hindu Trimurti,
and represents the union of the three gods, viz.
‘A’ for Brahma, ‘U’ for Vishnu and ‘M’ for Mahadev Shiva.
The three sounds also symbolize the three Vedas (Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda)
Kreem ककक
This is Goddess Kali’s beej mantra. Kali Mata gives us health, strength,
all round success and protects us from evil.
This mantra creates a strong base for Kali Mahavidya Sadhana. In this mantra ‘ Ka ’
is Maa Kali ,
‘ Ra ’ is Brahman, and ‘ ee ’ is Mahamaya. ‘ Nada ’ is the Mother of the Universe,
and bindu is the dispeller of sorrow.
Shreem शश
Hroum हह
Doom ददक
Hreem हश
Ayeim ऐक
Gam गक
Fraum फह
Dam दक
Bhram भक
Dhoom धधक
Hleem हलश
Kshraum कह
Dhham धक
Ham हक
Ram ररक
Yam यक
Ksham कक
Tam तक
This beej mantra is for getting rid of disease, worry, fear and illusion.