Critical Legal Thinking
Critical Legal Thinking
Critical Legal Thinking
Beka Swaby
Critical Legal Thinking Case Study 2 2
Can Jim recover damages from Ruth; from Flowers, Inc? Why or why not?
Jim can recover damages from Ruth and from Flowers, Inc because of negligence, according to
the scenario descripted and the evidence of the case, something that Jim would need to prove.
Basically, he’ll need to prove the jury that both the company and Ruth did not follow their duty
In order to establish negligence, Jim would need to prove that (1) both Ruth and Flowers, Inc.,
owed a duty to him to act in conformity with a certain standard of conduct to act reasonably
under the circumstances; (2) Flowers Inc and Ruth breached that duty by failing to conform to
the standard; (3) a reasonably close casual connection exists between the injury and the Ruth or
Flowers Inc’s actuation; and (4) that Jim really suffered a loss or injury because of the
happenings. Once negligence is proven, the next step would be to prove the breach of duty or
Based on the key facts, Jim should be able to prove to the court that Ruth and Flowers, Inc. are
the reasons behind what caused his injury along with the property damage, without any kind of
issues or worries, according to the evidence found and hound the scenario developed. Since Ruth
was the one who carelessly left her car parked improperly on a steep hill, Ruth breached the duty
of care that she owed to everyone around her, including Jim. Because of her irresponsible actions
Jim suffered an injury, not mentioning the monetary losses that the station and the tanker
suffered due to the explosions and the loss of opportunities for commercializing and the own loss
of the product. It needs to be clear that Ruth was acting on behalf of Flowers, Inc., so the
plaintiff (Jim) would also be able to claim through liability damages from Flowers, Inc.
Critical Legal Thinking Case Study 2 3
Identify the cause of action. Discuss each element of the cause of action and relate them to
your assessment of whether Jim has a cause of action against Ruth.
According to James, (2014, the causation requirements include two parts: actual cause and
proximate cause. In the case under study, the plaintiff will need to prove that both causes or
requirements were present during the case. For establishing the actual cause, Jim will need to
prove the jury that he was hurt as a result of the other part’s negligence (remembering it’s
Flowers, Inc and Ruth), whose action in the parking set led to a series of occurrences after Ruth
was told by Flowers Inc to directly deliver orders for them, carelessly parking her vehicle on a
steep hill improperly, an event that caused the vehicle to move way down the hill and hit an
electric line, which at the same time ignited a field of grass which led to the ignition of a gasoline
station a mile away. The gasoline station in fire also ignited the gasoline pumped at the moment
by a gasoline tanker, which explosion led to the gasoline’s structure collapse and the plaintiff
being harmed.
If Ruth acted according to the minimum safety standards or if she had never left her regular
position at the company Flowers, Inc, the events that led to Jim’s injury would have never
happened. That leads to the establishment of proximate cause. Now Jim will need to prove that
Ruth and/or the company had a duty to protect the particular plaintiff against the particular
conduct that injured the plaintiff. This is a requirement that places limits on the liability
regarding the other party, the defendant. A risk that a regular reasonable subject would have
avoided, such as parking on a steep hill and not doing it properly, was created by Ruth’s actions.
The only issue is to prove that all the chain of events happened because of Ruth’s irresponsible
Critical Legal Thinking Case Study 2 4
Discuss the legal doctrine under which Jim might also recover from Flowers, Inc.
Two legal doctrines can make Jim to recover damages from Ruth and Flowers, Inc: Respondeat
Respondeat Superior is a legal doctrine known for making the employer, such as Flowers, Inc.,
liable for all of the actions of their employees, such as Ruth, when the actions or events that lead
to the happening under discussion took place within the scope of the employment, making the
employer liable for all of their employees as a result of such a common law. Ruth undoubtedly
acted as an employee of Flowers Inc., being proven that she was told to use her own car to make
the deliveries. This fact will allow Jim to recover damages from the company.
The other legal doctrine, Res Ispa Loquitor, will allow Jim to prove the breach of duty and
causation indirectly. This doctrine applies when an accident has occurred and although there is
no direct proof that the accident would not have happened without someone’s negligence,
Baish, A. (2005). Six Factors to Consider for a Successful Litigation Strategy - Godfrey & Kahn.
Recuperated from:
Gopen, G. (1988). The State of Legal Writing: Res Ipsa Loquitur. Michigan Law Review. ISSN
Hirby, J. (2015). Activities and Events that Occur at a Pretrial Hearing.
Retrieved from:
James, P. (2014). Preparing for Trial. Pretrial Planning Conference and Final Stipulation.
Recuperated from:
Surhone, L.; Timpledon, M.; Marseken, S. (2010). Respondeat Superior: Legal Doctrine,
Common Law, Civil Law, Tort, Employment, Civil Law, Vicarious Liability.
Betascript Publishing. ISBN 6130342276, 9786130342272.