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Saghafifar, Hassan (2011) Microstructural stability of a

nickel-based alloy overlay on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel

substrate. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.

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Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy

overlay on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate

Hassan Saghafifar, M.Sc.

Thesis submitted for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Mechanical, Materials, and Manufacturing

The University of Nottingham

July 2011

Ni-based superalloy weld overlays are widely used in electricity generating

plants to significantly reduce high temperature corrosion problems of ferritic
steel components under service conditions. Welding a nickel alloy similar to
IN625 onto the outer bore of a 2.25Cr1Mo steel tube enhances its service life
as a superheater tube in the highly corrosive environment of a Waste-to-
Energy boiler. For the purposes of studying the effects of high temperature
service on the microstructure of this laid tube with a weld overly, a series of
thermal exposure tests at 650˚C was performed for different times from 1 day
up to 128 days. The microstructural evolution was studied using a
combination of analytical techniques along with changes in hardness profile
across the interface. Changes in the microstructure were examined using OM,

Hardness survey results indicate significant changes in the interfacial region

during ageing. Formation of a soft zone ~300 μm wide and its subsequent re-
hardening was observed in the steel side while the hardness of the bulk steel
remained unchanged. Development of a hard band ~30 μm wide adjacent to
the interface in the weld overlay region and hardening of the bulk overlay
material occurs in the early stages of ageing and remained unchanged with
ageing time. Thermodynamic calculations were performed using Thermo-Calc
software and TCFE6 and TTNI7 databases to aid interpretation of
experimental data.

Microstructural evolution in the steel region is related to the carbide

transformation process and carbon migration. In the bulk of the steel tube, the
bimodal microstructure is stable and in the tempered martensite/bainite areas,
the initial M3C transform to M23C6 through a series of metastable carbides
while in the ferrite grains, M2C carbide precipitates and transforms directly to
the equilibrium carbide. The main process for supply of carbon atoms is
transformation of carbides and the rates of transformation are related to the as-
welded microstructure. On the steel side of interfacial region where bainite
was formed after welding, the stability of metastable carbides is related to the
carbon content. Long term ageing causes Mo replenishment in the coexisting
ferrite and fine grains have formed in this region following long term ageing.

Experimental observations confirmed that a network of alloyed M23C6 carbide

precipitates was formed at the interface in the steel side which are believed to
interrupt the carbon migration across the interface. Moreover, there is a
carbide precipitation region within ~100 μm from the interface in the weld
overlay. Beyond this region intermetallic phases like Mo-rich μ and Nb-rich δ
were formed in the interdendritic regions and along the grain boundaries. Hard
band formation is related to precipitation of the σ phase.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...i

Table of Contents

Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………………… i
Table of Contents .…………………………………………………………………………………… ii
Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………………………… viii
List of Abbreviations ……………………………………………………………………………… ix
1- Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
2- Literature review ................................................................................ 5

2-1- Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5

2-2- General Background ............................................................................................... 6

2-2-1- Energy challenges and WtE plants .......................................................................... 6

2-2-2- Materials requirements for boiler in WtE plants .................................................... 7

2-2-3- Surface engineering for boiler components and weld overlay ............................... 8

2-2-4- Alloy 625 weld overlay and welding processes .................................................... 10

2-3- 2.25Cr1Mo steel ................................................................................................... 12

2-3-1- Physical metallurgy of 2.25Cr1Mo steel ............................................................... 13

2-3-2- Carbide transformation in 2.25Cr1Mo microstructure at high temperature ....... 14

2-3-3- Effects of welding on the 2.25Cr1Mo microstructure .......................................... 17

2-4- Alloy 625, a nickel based super alloy .................................................................... 19

2-4-1- Solidification of Alloy 625 and weld deposit of Alloy 625 ..................................... 19

2-4-1-1- Solidification of Alloy 625 ............................................................................ 20

2-4-1-2- Solidification of weld deposit of Alloy 625 .................................................. 23

2-4-1-3- Effect of heat input during welding and cooling rate .................................. 24

2-4-1-4- Effect of dilution .......................................................................................... 25

2-4-2- Phase precipitation during high temperature exposure in Alloy 625 ................... 26

2-4-2-1- Precipitation Hardening Phases .................................................................. 27

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...ii

Table of Contents

2-4-2-2- Carbides and carbo-nitrides ........................................................................ 29

2-4-2-3- Topologically Closed Packed (TCP) phases .................................................. 32

2-4-3- TTT diagrams for wrought Alloy 625 ..................................................................... 34

2-4-4- Precipitation behaviour of weld deposit .............................................................. 36

2-5- Cladding and dissimilar metal welding ................................................................. 37

2-5-1- Interface and its different regions ........................................................................ 38

2-5-2- Interface and Diffusion ......................................................................................... 40

2-6- Microstructural evolution in dissimilar weld joints ............................................... 41

2-6-1- Different Cr-content steels and formation of soft and hard zones ...................... 41

2-6-2- Steel/nickel alloys and formation of carbide arrays ............................................. 42

2-6-3- Phase transformation at 2.25Cr1Mo steel and Alloy 625 weld overlay ............... 43

2-7- Evaluation of microstructural evolution using thermodynamic calculation .......... 46

2-7-1- Thermo-Calc software .......................................................................................... 47

2-7-2- Modelling of microstructure evolution in Ni-based alloys ................................... 48

2-7-3- Prediction of microstructural states in Cr-Mo steels ............................................ 49

2-7-4- Thermodynamic aspects of carbon migration in dissimilar weld joints ............... 50

2-8- Summary .............................................................................................................. 50

3- Experimental procedure ................................................................... 52

3-1- Introduction ......................................................................................................... 52

3-2- Materials .............................................................................................................. 53

3-3- High temperature exposure tests and thermal exposed samples ......................... 54

3-4- Sample Preparation .............................................................................................. 58

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3-4-1- Composition analysis using spark emission spectroscopy .................................... 58

3-4-2- Sample preparation for optical and SE microscopy .............................................. 59

3-4-3- FIB-TEM sample preparation ................................................................................ 60

3-5- Principles of characterization methods ................................................................. 63

3-5-1- Optical emission spectroscopy ............................................................................. 63

3-5-2- Optical Microscopy ............................................................................................... 63

3-5-3- Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) ................................................................... 64

3-5-4- Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)............................................................. 65

3-5-5- Ion beam imaging ................................................................................................. 66

3-5-6- Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX) ................................................................. 66

3-5-7- Electron Probe Micro Analysis (EPMA) ................................................................. 67

3-5-8- EBSD ...................................................................................................................... 69

3-6- Hardness measurements ...................................................................................... 70

3-6-1- Microhardness method ........................................................................................ 70

3-6-2- Nanohardness method ......................................................................................... 72

4- Characterization of the as-welded condition ..................................... 73

4-1- Introduction ......................................................................................................... 73

4-2- Macrostructural features and chemical composition ............................................ 74

4-3- Microstructural characterization of 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate ............................ 77

4-3-1- Inner bore microstructure .................................................................................... 80

4-3-2- Central zone microstructure ................................................................................. 80

4-3-3- Transition zone microstructure ............................................................................ 82

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4-3-4- Far-HAZ zone microstructure................................................................................ 84

4-3-5- Near-HAZ zone ...................................................................................................... 87

4-4- Interface characterisation ..................................................................................... 89

4-5- Microstructural characterization of the weld overlay ........................................... 91

4-5-1- Chemical composition profile through the weld overlay region .......................... 95

4-5-1-1- Mixing zone ................................................................................................. 95

4-5-1-2- Bulk zone ..................................................................................................... 97

4-5-2- EPMA results ......................................................................................................... 99

5- Characterization following high temperature exposure ................... 102

5-1- Introduction ....................................................................................................... 102

5-2- Overview ............................................................................................................ 103

5-3- Hardness survey ................................................................................................. 109

5-4- Microstructural characterization ........................................................................ 117

5-4-1- Microstructural evolution in weld overlay region .............................................. 117

5-4-1-1- Microstructural evolution in the early stages of thermal exposure .......... 118

5-4-1-2- Microstructural evolution in the mid-term thermally exposed samples .. 126

5-4-1-3- Microstructural evolution after long term thermal exposure ................... 134

5-4-2- Microstructural evolution in the steel region ..................................................... 144

5-4-2-1- Tempering of the near-HAZ region ........................................................... 145

5-4-2-2- Formation of soft zone .............................................................................. 152

5-4-2-3- Re-hardening and fine grain formation in the near-HAZ region ............... 163

5-4-2-4- Formation of carbides at interface ............................................................ 179

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Table of Contents

6- Calculation of phase equilibria in Ni-based alloys and 2.25Cr1Mo steel

using Thermo-Calc software ................................................................... 185

6-1- Introduction ....................................................................................................... 185

6-2- CALPHAD principles ............................................................................................ 187

6-3- Thermo-Calc software ........................................................................................ 191

6-3-1- Methodology ...................................................................................................... 191

6-3-2- Multicomponent Databases ............................................................................... 193

6-4- Calculation of phase equilibria in wrought IN625 ............................................... 194

6-5- Calculation of phase equilibria in the weld overlay material .............................. 203

6-5-1- Stable phases in the Bulk zone ........................................................................... 204

6-5-1-1- Effect of carbon on phase equilibria ......................................................... 207

6-5-2- Stable phases in the mixing zone ........................................................................ 208

6-6- Non-equilibrium solidification of weld overlay material ..................................... 213

6-6-1- Bulk zone............................................................................................................. 213

6-6-2- Mixing zone......................................................................................................... 215

6-7- Calculation of stable and metastable phase equilibria in 2.25Cr1Mo steel ......... 218

6-7-1- Effect of temperature on the stable phases ....................................................... 219

6-7-2- Metastable phase equilibria ............................................................................... 220

6-7-3- Effect of carbon content on the stable phase equilibria .................................... 222

7- Discussion and conclusions ............................................................. 225

7-1- Introduction ....................................................................................................... 225

7-2- Microstructural evolution in the steel substrate ................................................. 226

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel

Table of Contents

7-2-1- Carbide transformation in the central zone ....................................................... 227

7-2-2- Carbide transformation in the HAZ region ......................................................... 231

7-2-3- Carbon migration ................................................................................................ 236

7-2-3-1- Thermodynamic prediction ....................................................................... 237

7-2-3-2- Carbon supply model ................................................................................ 239

7-2-4- Formation of fine ferrite grains in the near-HAZ region of the D128 sample..... 242

7-3- Microstructural evolution in the weld overlay .................................................... 243

7-3-1- Microstructure in the as-welded sample ............................................................ 244

7-3-2- Microstrcutral evolution following high temperature exposure ........................ 246

7-3-2-1- Bulk zone hardening .................................................................................. 246

7-3-2-2- Mixing zone hardening .............................................................................. 247

7-3-2-3- Phase precipitation in the interfacial region ............................................. 248

7-4- Summary ............................................................................................................ 250

7-5- Future work ........................................................................................................ 252

8- References ..................................................................................... 253

9- Appendix No.1: Optical emission spectroscopy ............................... 271

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...vii



I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Professor Graham McCartney

and Professor Phillip Shipway for their continued support and guidance during

my PhD studies. Their attitude, enthusiasm, patience and encouragement

regarding my research are greatly appreciated.

I would like to thank the technical staff in Advanced Materials Group. Special

thanks to Mr Keith Dinsdale and Dr Nigel Neate for their constant help and

expertise using SEM and TEM. I would like to thank Mr Thomas Buss and Mr

Martin Roe for their assistance using different characterization techniques. I

would also like to thank Mr Graham Malkinson for help in samples

preparation and thermal exposure. Finally, I am very grateful for the help from

Dr Deen Zhang.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the University of Nottingham

International Office for the funding my Ph.D. programme.

Very special thanks to Hoda, the one and only, who I love deeply, for taking

very good care of me during this period of time, for her unconditional love,

support, understanding, patience, and for encouraging me to follow my Ph.D.


Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...viii

List of abbreviations

List of abbreviations

CCT Continues - Cooling - Transformation

EDS Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry

G. B. Grain Boundary

IPF Inverse Pole Figure

ISE Ion beam induced Secondary Electron

S.D. Standard Deviation

SIMS Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

TCP Topological - Close - Pack

TIG Tungsten – Inert - Gas

TM/B Tempered Martnesite and or Bainite

TTT Time – Temperature – Transformation

Tγ Transformed Austenite (γ)

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...ix

Chapter1 … Introduction

Chapter 1

1- Introduction

In the 21st century, the world faces an important challenge of providing

plentiful, cheap energy to meet the needs of growing global demands. It is

believed that a strong set of electricity generation technologies and fuels

including fossil fuels and renewable sources should be developed to assure

adequate supplies. One of the renewable energy sources is waste [1] and

conversion of all kinds of it, including municipal solid waste (MSW) and

biomass to energy in waste-to-energy (WtE) plants is recognized globally as

one of the means for electricity supply [2]. In order to improve the thermal

efficiency of the WtE plants, it is essential to raise the operation temperature

of the boiler [3].

Conventionally, the chromium-molybdenum series of ferritic steels such as

2.25Cr1Mo steel is used widely in the power generation and process industries

because of their high strength at elevated service temperature, combined with

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...1

Chapter1 … Introduction

microstructural stability [4, 5]. However, ferritic steels do not provide

adequate resistance in high temperature corrosive environments such as WtE

boilers. It should be noted that the typical life time of components in a power

station is about 200,000 hours [6] and thus the cost and performance of

materials for this kind of application should be optimised [7].

Optimisation of cost and performance suggests a surface engineering approach

using a Ni-based alloy with high Cr content as a coating on the candidate

ferritic steel. Coatings can be produced by several methods such as co-

extrusion, diffusion treatment, thermal spraying, laser cladding and weld

overlaying [8]. Good bond integrity, heat transfer and corrosion resistance are

the essential characteristics for a coating. Among various methods of cladding,

there is a growing interest in weld overlays because of the intermixing and

metallurgical bonding of the weld metal to the substrate [9].

Alloy 625 is a nickel based alloy with alloying elements such as Cr, Mo and

Nb and is one such material which is commonly used for cladding processes

[10]. There is large body of work on the microstructural evolution of Alloy

625 with different microstructures (wrought and as-cast) at elevated

temperatures and it has concluded that chemical composition and initial

microstructure are critical parameters.

In addition, the microstructural changes in 2.25Cr1Mo steel after long term

service have been extensively reported in the literature (see section 2-3-2).

Moreover, there are some papers regarding effects of welding on the as-

welded microstructure and its evolution at high temperature (see section 2-3-

3). However, little detailed work has been undertaken on the microstructural

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...2

Chapter1 … Introduction

evolution of Alloy 625 weld overlay on a 2.25Cr1Mo substrate and their

reciprocal effects.

Nevertheless, there are a number of studies which are devoted to

microstructural analysis of dissimilar material weld joints at high

temperatures. It has been concluded that alloying elements such as carbon

diffuse across the interface according to their chemical potential gradient. The

carbon migration process is a well known process in the many dissimilar weld

joints and it occurs from the low alloy side of interface to the high alloy side.

There are many important factors which affect the carbon diffusion process

such as time and temperature and also the type of stable phases in each


The stable phases in multicomponent materials such as steels and nickel-based

alloys can be predicted by using thermodynamic calculation software such as

Thermo-Calc. Knowing the stable phases in each system helps the systematic

analysis of the effects of chemical composition changes on the microstructural

evolution in the complex systems.

Therefore, the aim of this investigation is to understand the effects of service

conditions at temperatures above 600˚C on the microstructure of the

2.25Cr1Mo steel/nickel-based alloy weld overlay system. The following

objectives are set up to reach this aim:

1) To clearly characterize the microstructure and chemical composition of

weld overlay and 2.25Cr1Mo steel and the compositional variation at

the weld interface in the as-welded condition.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...3

Chapter1 … Introduction

2) To evaluate microstructural changes in both materials following

elevated temperature exposure of samples at 650°C and investigate the

effects of this treatment on the hardness of both materials.

3) To better understand carbon diffusion during high temperature

exposure and its effects on the microstructure and determine the

important parameters affecting carbon diffusion in both materials and

develop a model for the microstructural changes.

4) To analyse the stable phases in both materials by performing

thermodynamic calculations using Thermo-Calc software and to

understand the effects of intermixing during welding and carbon

migration during thermal exposure on the stable phases which are

related to microstructural evolution.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...4

Chapter2 … Literature review

Chapter 2

2- Literature review

2-1- Introduction

This chapter provides the context for the themes explored within this thesis.

The underlying aspects are materials for boiler applications and their

properties are presented and in particular, the use of weld overlay as a

corrosion barrier is discussed. Emphasis is placed upon microstrucutral

features of 2.25Cr1Mo steel and Alloy 625 and their stabilities in high

temperature service. In particular, focus is given to carbide transformation in

the 2.25Cr1Mo steel and solidification behaviour of an Alloy 625 weldment

and its secondary phase formation at high temperatures.

Work on different types of dissimilar weld joints is presented and their

microstructural evolution discussed. The most important issue in these

systems is carbon diffusion between dissimilar materials. The reactions and

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...5

Chapter2 … Literature review

phase transformation at the interface are presented. Finally, a thermodynamic

calculation method and its application in prediction of stable phases in the

multi component systems is presented in the final section.

2-2- General Background

2-2-1- Energy challenges and WtE plants

Energy may be the most important factor that will influence the shape of

society in the 21st century. The cost and availability of energy significantly

impacts our quality of life, the health of national economies, the relationships

between nations, and the stability of our environment. Biomass and waste are

renewable energy sources in the modern world [1].

Today‟s Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plants are power plants that utilize municipal

solid waste as their fuel rather than coal, oil or natural gas. WtE plants recover

the thermal energy contained in the waste in boilers that generate steam that

can then be sold directly to industrial customers, or used on-site to drive

turbines for electricity production [3].

The use of fossil fuels for electricity generation poses a unique set of

challenges. On the one hand, this kind of fuel is plentiful and available at low

cost in much the world. On the other hand, traditional methods of fuel

combustion emit pollutants and CO2 at high levels relative to other energy-

generation options [11]. Environmental concerns are a great challenge in

modern power generation and it is claimed that in addition to reduction of

waste materials, WtE plants produce electricity from waste with less

environmental impact than landfill process of waste[12].

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...6

Chapter2 … Literature review

The principle of WtE technology is feeding the waste material to an

incinerator and producing thermal energy by combusting it. In order to

improve the thermal efficiency of these plants, there is a need to raise the

steam temperature and pressure. The main technology is the development of

high temperature materials with sufficient resisitance to the aggressive

environment. Extensive research and development programmes have resulted

in numerous high strength alloys with sufficient corrosion resistance for the

boiler tubing [2, 3, 13-15].

2-2-2- Materials requirements for boiler in

WtE plants

Low alloy ferritic steels are used extensively in modern power generation for

components which operate at temperature less than 550˚C and steam pressure

less than 35 MPa where creep deformation limits the service life which is

about 200,000 h [16-18]. Creep is an important design consideration for steam

tubes operating at temperatures in excess of 400˚C. The chromium–

molybdenum series of steels are used widely in both power plant and process

industries because they offer high strength at ambient and elevated

temperature, combined with adequate toughness. The availability of these low

alloy steels makes them economically attractive [5].

These steels contain chromium from 0.5 wt.% to 12 wt.% and some

molybdenum, usually up to a maximum of 1 wt.%. Other strong carbide

formers such as vanadium and niobium may also be added. The 2.25Cr1Mo

steel is one of the most important steels in this group [4]. Metallurgical

changes occur when creep-resisting steels are used at elevated temperature

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...7

Chapter2 … Literature review

because their properties largely depend on the precipitation and stability of

alloy carbides. The initial microstructure of the steel is also important and

some factors such as grain size, solid solution hardening, type of structure,

precipitation or dispersion hardening and segregation at structural

discontinuities such as grain boundaries are important too.

As waste has a variable composition, the combustion gas from waste

incineration furnaces fluctuates both in gas temperature and composition.

Therefore, corrosion in WtE plants is a more challenging issue than it is in

conventional power plants. Corrosive gases such as hydrogen chloride (HCl)

combined with fly ash (dust) contained in the combustion gas result in a

severe high temperature corrosive environment [8, 19-21]. Low alloy steels

suffer from severe corrosion in chlorine-containing environments; however,

nickel-based alloys are significantly more resistant than steels, as the steels

mass change in a corrosive environment is about 6.5 times compared to that of

the Inconel 625 in the similar environment [1]. The presence of Cr and Mo in

the nickel alloys are very important in corrosion resistance [22].

2-2-3- Surface engineering for boiler

components and weld overlay

There has been an increasing interest in the need to optimise the cost and

performance of materials with appropriate corrosion resistance and

mechanical properties for boiler components. Materials having both attributes

are very scarce and therefore in many applications, bimetallic systems are


Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...8

Chapter2 … Literature review

Materials with satisfactory corrosion resistance must be highly alloyed in

nickel, chromium and molybdenum; thus they are expensive. Moreover there

are many difficulties in utilizing these materials since the mechanical

properties of these alloys may not meet the requirements of structural

components. There is thus a need for surface engineering, using a protective

surface layer to protect the structural components against corrosion and/or

erosion. This allows the structural components to meet the codes and

standards in terms of strength while relying on the surface protective layer to

protect against corrosion. This protective layer can be produced by several

methods such as: weld overlaying; co-extrusion [7]; diffusion bonding [9];

thermal spraying [23]; and laser cladding [24]. The protective layer needs to

exhibit good bond integrity, high heat transfer, good corrosion resistance, and

low porosity, since these are the essential characteristics that provide optimum

life of boiler components.

Among all the cladding processes, there is a growing interest in weld

overlaying in light of the metallurgical bonding between the weld metal and

substrate, providing strong adhesion and reducing the possibility of crack

propagation along the interface. Welding processes can be automated to yield

large output at a reduced cost. The durability of weld overlay cladding is

higher than that of a protective layer produced by other methods, since a dense

coating layer that is chemically bonded with the base metal and as thick as

several millimetres can be produced by this method [25].

Commercially available nickel-based superalloys have been used for weld

overlays [26, 27]. In order to achieve the maximum high-temperature

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...9

Chapter2 … Literature review

corrosion protection with these alloys, there is a need to maintain the lowest

possible dilution from the underlying steel in the overlay. Excessive dilution

in welding that may result up to 20 wt% iron content in the nickel-based

superalloy weld overlay is known to reduce the resistance to high temperature

chloride attack to half compared to un-diluted alloy [28].

It is also important that overlay welding does not result in embrittlement or

degradation in the mechanical properties of the overlaid component. Nickel

alloy weld overlays on steel have been found to exhibit similar mechanical

properties to ferritic steel [10]. Furthermore, tests on the components after

long term service have indicated that nickel alloys increased resistance of the

overlaid boiler components to overheating and to falling clinker [10].

2-2-4- Alloy 625 weld overlay and welding


Alloy 625 is a nickel-based superalloy with corrosion resistance and high

strength at temperature above 500˚C [29]. It contains about 22 wt% Cr, about

9 wt% Mo, less than 5 wt% Fe and about 3.5 wt% Nb. Welding and

overlaying with Alloy 625 filler metal is common in many industrial plants in

the oil and gas industries [30]. These welding products closely match the

coefficient of expansion of many ferritic steels, accept iron dilution without

cracking, weld readily with dissimilar metals and possess the corrosion

properties inherent of bulk Alloy 625 [31]. Since this nickel-based alloy has a

long established reputation for its resistance to highly corrosive environments,

it has been used in WtE environments [32, 33]. The bimetallic Alloy 625/steel

system is also a good candidate for many other applications such as offshore

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...10

Chapter2 … Literature review

and onshore components [30] and black liquor recovery boilers, and for some

waste heat recovery systems in steel making, such as basic oxygen furnace

(BOF) hoods and electric arc furnace (EAF) hoods [10].

The welding process allows successful use of a number of specific deposition

techniques which can be chosen according to application. For each

application, there is a need to compromise between deposit thicknesses,

surface chemical composition, deposition rate, and welding parameters. Some

argue that one of the most successful processes for weld overlaying Alloy 625

is the submerged- arc-welding (SAW) process [34]. However, there are others

applications where the automatic gas-metal-arc-welding (GMAW) is used as a

standard process for applying Alloy 625, such as production of boiler water-

walls. The pulsed-gas-metal-arc-welding (PGMAW) process has a wide range

of use in overlay applications too, since this process has the lowest dilution

level which is related to lower heat input compared to other processes [30].

Figure 2-1 shows a schematic diagram of weld overlay application on a water

wall of the WtE boiler.

Figure ‎2-1. Schematic diagram of weld overlay beads to cover the tube-membrane
water-wall in the WtE boilers [10].

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...11

Chapter2 … Literature review

There are some parts in the boiler such as the superheater which is constructed

from individual tubes and therefore the weld overlay should be applied by a

spiral mode. The spiral weld overlay can be applied with a low energy input

which will only influence the microstructure of the substrate within a limited

depth [35], so that its strength will not change significantly. A superheater

spiral weld overlaid tube is shown schematically in Figure 2-2.

Figure ‎2-2. Schematic diagram of spiral weld overlaid tube [36].

2-3- 2.25Cr1Mo steel

A Cr-Mo low alloy ferritic steel used extensively in modern power generation

has a nominal composition of 0.1 wt.% carbon, 1.9 to 2.6 wt.% chromium and

0.8 to 1.13 wt.% molybdenum. This steel is known as 2.25Cr1Mo steel or T22

[37] and 10CrMo910 [38] in the literature. Its popularity is due to its excellent

mechanical and creep properties as well as good resistance to oxidation and

hydrogen embrittlement at elevated temperatures. In spite of these excellent

properties, a number of problems such as temper embrittlement and creep

embrittlement have often been associated with it use [39].

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2-3-1- Physical metallurgy of 2.25Cr1Mo steel

2.25Cr1Mo steel is a low carbon ferritic steel which has been successfully

used in non-nuclear elevated temperature applications for a number of years.

The amount of chromium in this steel confers increased oxidation resistance,

so allowing it to be used at 550 to 600°C. The molybdenum content of this

steel is known to be about the optimum level to give the required creep

resistance. The presence of chromium in the range of 2.25 wt.% counteracts

the embrittling tendency caused by presence of molybdenum [40]. This steel is

normally regarded as the best low alloy creep resisting steel with an optimum

combination of properties with widespread application [5].

The mechanical and corrosion resistance of Cr-Mo steels depend upon their

microstructure [41] which can be predicted using knowledge of their TTT and

CCT diagrams. Figure 2-3 presents these diagrams for 2.25Cr1Mo steel. Large

amounts of 2.25Cr1Mo steel enter service in either the quenched and tempered

condition, or the normalized condition.

Figure ‎2-3. Corresponding (a) TTT and (b) CCT diagrams for a 2.25Cr1Mo steel. The
CCT diagram shows the terminology used in describing air-cooling form the
austeniteisation (i.e. normalizing) and furnace cooling (i.e. annealing) [42].

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Some believe that in former case, the microstructure usually consists of

tempered martensite and/or bainite, while in the later case it contains a mixed

microstructure of ferrite and very fine pearlite [43]. However, others argue

that in the air cooled and tempered condition, the microstructure is largely

bainitic with varying amounts of ferrite depending on the cooling rate of

product after tempering [5].

For power plant applications, this steel is usually air cooled after

austenitisation [42]. The initial microstructure has a great effect on the service

life of this steel. By increasing the bainite content to about 50-60%, the creep

resistance of this steel can be maximized [44]. The tempering temperature for

this steel depends on the desired mechanical properties at elevated

temperatures, and it is in the range of 650-750°C.

The major metallurgical advantage of this steel is that it will transform to a

fully bainitic microstructure over a wide range of temperatures. Thus the

tempered microstructure contains many carbide precipitates which act as

dispersion hardening particles. The precipitates present in this state are

spheroidsed carbides originally present in the bainite, predominantly M3C

(M=Cr, Fe, Mo) and the smaller incoherent Mo2C needles [42].

2-3-2- Carbide transformation in 2.25Cr1Mo

microstructure at high temperature

During tempering or service at high temperature, the morphology, distribution

and type of carbides in the 2.25Cr1Mo steel will change depending on the

time and temperature [45]. This transformation depends on the initial

microstructure of the steel and its grain size as well as the applied stress and

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temperature of service. Moreover, the carbon content has a critical influence

on the ageing behaviour of this steel [46]. There is a large body of research

which analysed the carbides in this steel after long term service [39, 43, 44,

47, 48]. However, some of the assessments of carbide transformation in this

steel are based on the extrapolation of accelerated thermal ageing tests [49] or

the creep rupture data obtained from laboratory tests [50-52]. The validity of

such an approach is thought to be justified since the accelerated ageing tests

have shown to produce carbides whose chemical compositions are comparable

to those of the carbides which precipitate under actual service exposure

conditions [53].

The initial microstructure of 2.25Cr1Mo steel contains numerous, finely

dispersed carbides embedded in the matrix which undergo changes in

composition and shape during service. Therefore, these changes can be used to

form a time-temperature recorder which can be used in remanent life

assessments [54]. The carbide transformation sequences occurring during the

tempering of this steel, proposed by different researchers are very different.

The first and widely referenced work is that by Baker and Nutting [55]. They

and some other researchers [5] argue that the equilibrium carbide in this steel

is M6C and that there are different sequences in either bainite or ferrite for

carbide transformation as follows:

In bainite:

In ferrite:

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It should be noted that the ageing temperature and time has a great influence

on these sequences. For example, it is noted that thermal ageing at 850 K to

900 K for durations less than 10,000 hours could not lead the transformation

of metastable carbides to the equilibrium carbide [56].

Further experiments showed that M6C and M23C6 are stable carbides after long

term thermal ageing at elevated temperatures [57]. The sequences of carbide

transformation are shown in Figure 2-4. This diagram shows that increasing

exposure time at temperature above 650˚C results in M23C6 growth at the

expense of cementite and Mo2C in addition to Cr7C3 precipitates. Therefore it

causes a decrease in the number of particles in the microstructure.

The final carbides are shown to be M23C6 and M6C; however, some

researchers have argued that two carbides cannot coexist at equilibrium in the

2.25Cr1Mo steel. Therefore, it is suggested that the equilibrium carbide

should be one of the Mo-rich M6C and the Cr-rich M23C6.

Figure ‎2-4. Summary of carbide transformation sequence [58].

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It is found that the nucleation and growth of carbides is sensitive to the

presence of minor alloying additions [59]. Finally, there is some recent

researches which shows that in silicon-containing steels, the transformation

sequence in the bainitic regions is given as [58]:

While in ferrite grains the sequence is given as [43]:

Moreover, carbide transformation sequences have different rates in the various

microstructures. These changes occur at a slower rate in a mixed

microstructure of bainite and allotrimorphic ferrite when compared with a

fully bainitic microstructure [60, 61].

2-3-3- Effects of welding on the 2.25Cr1Mo


The low alloy ferritic steels, (especially 2.25Cr1Mo steel) are used in as-

manufactured and as-welded conditions in service. Welding processes alter the

microstructure in the near-weld region and produce a complex microstructure

leading to sharp variations in service behaviour [62]. The weldability of this

steel is good, although reheat cracking and cold cracking in the heat affected

zone (HAZ) and in the fusion zone are sometimes observed [63]. The

difficulties related to welding can be minimized by preheating or by using low

heat inputs, such as multi-pass welding, in order to reduce austenite grain

growth and to increase the amount of fine grained bainitic microstructure [64].

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The microstructure of the weld metal and HAZ is dependent on the heat input,

the welding procedure and the post weld heat treatment. It is claimed [64] that

the microstructure of the 2.25Cr1Mo steel weld metal is largely bainitic,

consisting of packets of elongated and outlined platelets. These are interpreted

as individual bainitic ferrite platelets outlined by retained carbon-enriched

austenite. Carbides may possibly also be present between platelets.

Metallographic analysis of the HAZ adjacent to the fusion boundary [63, 65]

reveals a bainitic structure consisting of laths of ferrite with aligned carbide

precipitates between the laths. There is limited information about the types of

carbide in the HAZ of 2.25Cr1Mo steel and it is reported that Mo2C and M6C

carbides are not seen in this region [66]. As the heat input increases, this

microstructure becomes coarser. Pro-eutectoid ferrite was never observed in

this zone. It is reported that the austenite grain size differs across the HAZ;

adjacent to the fusion boundary there is a prior coarse grain region which

changes to a fine grain region as the distance from the fusion boundary

increases [66, 67] .

The number of carbides in the fine-grained zone is higher than in other regions

and these carbides tend to be coarser [63]. Therefore, the microstructural

evolution in these two regions is different during post weld heat treatment

(PWHT) or during service life. This is considered to be consequence of

differences in the austenite grain size, bainite morphology and carbide size

distribution governed by cooling rate and chemical composition. These

differences all affect carbide transformation during PWHT or service life [68].

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2-4- Alloy 625, a nickel based super alloy

For evaluation of the weld overlay characteristics, it is necessary to have a

good knowledge of the standard Alloy 625. The solidification behaviour of

Alloy 625 is presented since this is relevant to work addressing a weld deposit

of this material. Moreover, phases which precipitate during high temperature

service are identified and described. This information aids understanding of

the relationship between the phases and their stabilities in the microstructure

during high temperature exposure.

The development of Alloy 625 was started in the 1950s to meet the then-

perceived demand for a high-strength main steam-line piping material [69].

Alloy 625 has been among the most successful nickel based alloys for long

term engineering applications as it is a solid-solution strengthened alloy.

Although the alloy was originally designed as a solid solution strengthened

alloy, it has been shown that some secondary phases form during solidification

[70] or precipitate during ageing treatment or service at temperatures in the

range of 600 to 750˚C [71].

2-4-1- Solidification of Alloy 625 and weld

deposit of Alloy 625

To be termed Alloy 625, the composition has to fall within certain limits

which are mentioned in 2-2-4. However, variations within this range can

affect the microstructure and thus properties. In cases such as hard-facing [72]

and weld cladding [73] where Alloy 625 is used as weld deposit, the

composition will be affected by substrate dilution. It is suggested that

solidification reactions in such diluted compositions will be different to those

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of pure Alloy 625 and consequently phase formation processes will differ.

Moreover, solidification during welding is an inherently non-equilibrium

process and the microstructures generated during welding are often not those

predicted by applying equilibrium considerations to existing phase diagrams


Phase formation during solidification of nickel alloys has been widely

presented in the literature, and provides a foundation for the discussion of

phase formation process during solidification in a weld overlaid Alloy 625 on

the steel substrate. The effects of the following issues on the formation of

these solidified microstructures are then presented.

1) Increase in the cooling rate which cause changes to the equilibrium


2) Changes in the composition due to mixing with steel

2-4-1-1- Solidification of Alloy 625

In order to investigate phase formation during solidification, the sequence of

solidification reactions is of prime importance. Alloy 625 is considered as a

modified version of alloy 718 [71]. This assumption is helpful for

understanding the solidification behaviour of Alloy 625. The dominating

solidification reaction in these nickel alloys is the enrichment of the remaining

interdendritic liquid in niobium as the γ dendrites form from the liquid. This

causes formation of niobium-rich Laves and/or niobium carbide in those

regions during the final stages of solidification [71]. Another way of

illustrating the solidification is a pseudo ternary equilibrium diagram which is

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shown in Figure 2-5. This schematic presentation is based on the alloy 718

data [75] and is modified for Alloy 625 [71]. As shown in Figure 2-5, the

C/Nb ratio dictates the solidification path from three available paths and

affects the resultant microstructure. Path 1 is related to the high C/Nb ratios

and leads to the formation of γ+NbC with no Laves phase. Path 2 is for

intermediate C/Nb ratios and firstly forms γ+NbC, followed by Laves phase

formation at the end of solidification. At low C/Nb ratios (path 3) γ+Laves

phase forms with no NbC. Examination of microstructures in typical heats of

Alloy 625 reveal the Path 1 (γ + NbC) or Path 2 (γ + NbC + Laves)

microstructures [71].

Figure ‎2-5. Schematic view of solidification paths in Alloy 625 [71]

The F.C.C. structure of the nickel matrix has a high solubility for many

substitutional alloying elements, but commercial nickel alloys often contain a

large number of minor phase particles such as carbides, nitrides, borides and

intermetallic compounds in their as-solidified condition [76]. This reflects the

fact that the solidification rate and other alloying elements such as N and B

also affect microstructure.

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There are a few publications describing phase formation during solidification

and important factors which affect formation of Nb-rich phases in Alloy 625

[70, 71]. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) was performed to establish

approximate equilibrium solidus and liquidus temperatures of Alloy 625 with

different Nb, Si and C contents. These DTA results reveal that the presence of

these elements decreases liquidus temperature from 1406˚C to 1352˚C and

solidus temperature from 1380˚C to 1275˚C which causes an increase of the

melting range (ΔT) and formation of minor phases during the final stages of


Microstructural examination of as-solidified Alloy 625 revealed that there are

two different types of elemental segregation during solidification of Alloy

625. The continuous segregation pattern within the primary austenite (γ)

dendrites causes the liquid solubility to be exceeded during the terminal stages

of solidification, promoting another segregation between austenite (γ) and the

various minor phases [70]. Therefore, it is found that solidification of Alloy

625 terminates by a eutectic-like reaction of enriched remaining liquid phase

forming a solid solution alloy (γ) and various niobium-rich phases such as

NbC, M6C and Laves phase, the details of which depend on the chemical

composition. The solidification reaction in Alloy 625 with a levels of Nb=3.53

wt%, C= 0.035 wt%, Si=0.46 wt% is as follows [70]:

The amount of eutectic-type constituents can be calculated, at least semi-

quantitatively, from DTA thermo-grams. Using this technique, it has been

found that the minor phases to matrix ratio is about 3% to 5% and depends on

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the carbon and silicon contents [70]. The important factors affecting the final

microstructure are carbon to niobium ratio (C/Nb) as well as iron and silicon

contents. The higher C/Nb ratio results in more carbide while the higher iron

and silicon contents promote more Laves phase in the microstructure.

2-4-1-2- Solidification of weld deposit of Alloy 625

Work by Cieslak [77] describes the solidification of gas tungsten arc (GTA)

weld deposit of Alloy 625 as a function of composition and determined the

fundamental melting/solidification parameters such as liquidus and solidus

temperatures. In his research, he correlated the solidification microstructure

and weldability of Alloy 625 as a function of chemical composition, along

with sequences of solidification reactions leading to the formation of the as-

welded microstructure.

The DTA results obtained from re-melting weld deposits showed that the

important alloying elements (i.e. Nb, C and Si) decreased the liquidus from

1354˚C to 1333˚C and the solidus temperature from 1250˚C to 1158˚C which

caused an increase in the melting range (ΔT). The melting temperature range

was related to the presence of a eutectic-type constituent which increased hot

cracking susceptibility. These possible eutectic phases are identical to those of

the as- solidified Alloy 625 [77], the dominant phase depending on the weld

wire characteristics [78] .

In research relating to Alloy 625 overlay deposits on a nickel-based material

produced by plasma transferred arc welding (PTAW), it is argued that the

C/Nb ratio is the primary factor controlling the secondary phase formation

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[79]. As the C/Nb ratio decreased from 0.024 to 0.016, the content of γ/NbC

eutectic constituent also decreased from 1.25 to 0.77 vol%, but the content of

γ/Laves eutectic constituent increased from 1 to 2.5 vol%, resulting in a total

content of eutectic constituents being increased from 2.25 to 3.27 vol% [79].

Formation of the Laves phase increases the tendency for hot cracking during

welding [77] and reduces the ductility in as cast material [71]. Moreover, the

corrosion resistance decreases due to spatial inhomogeneity in the

composition [80].

2-4-1-3- Effect of heat input during welding and

cooling rate

In the industrial application of Alloy 625 as a weld metal, other phases such as

sigma (σ) and P phases appear as a result of non-equilibrium solidification

[81]. The appearance of these phases in the microstructure can be related to

local segregation. During non-equilibrium solidification, the thermodynamic

driving force for formation of these phases is achieved by a sufficient local


In a weld overlay structure, heat input during the welding is an important

parameter which can affect the resultant microstructure, and metallographic

examination has indicated that the formation of secondary phases in Alloy 625

weld overlays depends on the heat input [33]. It is claimed that the lower heat

input would result in more rapid cooling and less time being available for

segregation. Rapid cooling would promote a lower degree of segregation of

the alloy constituents, a finer dendrite spacing and finer dispersion of the

terminal phase.

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Moreover, it is shown that the phase fraction of secondary phases found in

Alloy 625 weldment decreased from about 3 % to about 1% as the cooling rate

increased from 0.1 to 104 K/s. This can be explained as a consequence of

interaction between solute atoms and the trapped vacancies in the solid [82].

It should be noted that increasing the cooling rate has no effect on the type of

carbides formed, but it is observed that the distribution of carbide particles

changes from relatively few large particles to many fine precipitates as the

cooling rate is increased [83].

2-4-1-4- Effect of dilution

Dilution of the overlaid material with substrate material occurs during welding

processes. This dilution results in a variation of chemical composition in an

overlay and thus there is a variation in the solidification behaviour and

microstructure since these are sensitive to chemical composition. In general,

during welding of an Alloy 625 on a steel substrate, the content of Fe, C and

Si increases in the Alloy 625 overlay composition. It has been shown that

addition of Fe up to 6 wt.% to Alloy 625 did not change the solidification

behaviour. Moreover, the C-enriched alloy solidification behaviour is identical

to pure Alloy 625 [84]. In both of them, molybdenum and niobium have been

shown to exhibit strong tendencies to segregate to interdendritic regions and

their segregation was balanced by inverse segregation of nickel and iron to

dendrites cores [84].

It is believed that the Laves phase fraction increases with an increase in the

content of Fe and Si alloying elements in Alloy 625. The formation of Laves

phase and NbC particles in the interdendritic regions decreases the toughness

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of weld metal. The impact energy at room temperature of the weld metal made

with a standard (Fe = 3.19 wt%, Si = 0.22 wt%) filler wire is about 42.3 J.

This value increased to about 152.7 J in a weld made with the low Fe and Si

wire (Fe = 0.80 wt.%, Si = 0.08 wt.%) [71]. In addition, it has been shown that

addition of iron caused alteration in the Laves phase composition. The more

iron in the Alloy 625 (increasing from 2 wt% to 6 wt%), the larger the iron

concentration in the Laves phase (increasing form ~1 wt% to 4 wt% ) in the

as-solidified sample [84].

2-4-2- Phase precipitation during high

temperature exposure in Alloy 625

The main aim of this section is to describe phase changes that occur at high

temperature in Alloy 625. It is clear that solid-state transformation or phase

precipitation during high temperature exposure relies on the initial

microstructure. Therefore, in order to understand the precipitation of

secondary phases in a weld microstructure of Alloy 625 during high

temperature exposure, the available information concerning precipitation

processes in the wrought Alloy 625 can be used as a guideline.

Alloy 625 was not originally developed as a precipitation hardened alloy [85]

but in the 1970‟s, a long time ageing study showed that there are various

phase transformations that can take place in this material as a function of time

and temperature [86]. It should be noted that secondary phases which are

precipitated during production processes can significantly influence the

microstructure of the wrought Alloy 625 products [87]. Different carbides and

inter-metallic compounds can precipitate in Alloy 625 after thermal exposures

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at temperatures in the range of 600 - 1000˚C. Due to its high content of

molybdenum, chromium and niobium, Alloy 625 exhibits complex

precipitation behaviour [88]. The precipitation behaviour in the wrought alloy

is also dependent upon the carbon content and final annealing treatment [89].

A large amount of research has been carried out to correlate the properties and

precipitation behaviour of wrought Alloy 625 [71, 88-93]. In order to simplify

this, the following categories can be considered:

1) Precipitation of hardening phases

2) Carbides and carbo-nitrides

3) Topologically closed-packed (TCP) phases

2-4-2-1- Precipitation Hardening Phases

The efforts for identification of these phases in Alloy 625 go back to early

stages of its application. Comprelli and Wolff [94] noted that in Alloy 625

material and other researchers found in weld metal of Alloy 625 [95] , there is

an increase in hardness (from ~270 to ~370 Vickers) after ageing at 700˚C.

Moreover, tensile strength increases (form ~880 to ~1000 and a

significant decrease of elongation (form 32 % to 20 %) occurred after ageing

at 700˚C.It was assumed that this was due to the precipitation of a coherent

phase (γ‟) with formula [Ni3(Nb, Al, Ti)] as seen in other nickel alloys [96].

However, research work of Bohm [97] showed that the increase in the

hardness at temperatures above 750˚C is caused by the precipitation of a stable

incoherent orthorhombic phase with formula [Ni3(Nb,Mo)].

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The long term ageing study was carried out and the mechanical properties of

Alloy 625 were determined for samples exposed 8,000 hours at 649˚C, 760˚C

and 871˚C [86]. It was found that an increase in tensile strength was observed

after exposure at 649˚C (812.2 Mpa compared to 456.4 Mpa in mill annealed

condition) but that tensile strength dropped significantly to about 671.6 Mpa

in samples aged at 760˚C and further decreasing happen to about 439.2 Mpa at

871˚C. The reported X-ray diffraction results of this study showed that two

M6C phases and a Ni3Nb phase were present in the material aged at 871˚C, but

the increased strength at 649˚C was not explained by the X-ray data [87].

Further investigations in this regard showed that strengthening at intermediate

temperatures (between 600 to 700˚C) in Alloy 625 occurred by precipitation

of the metastable γ” phase. This phase has a body centred tetragonal D022

structure while the equilibrium intermetallic phase is the δ phase with D0a

structure. It is believed that the metastable γ” phase [Ni3(Nb,X)] forms on

ageing at temperatures above 600˚C and transforms to the orthorhombic δ

phase [Ni3(Nb,Mo)] upon prolonged ageing[98].

Figure ‎2-6. Time-Temperature-Precipitation (TTP) diagram corresponding to γ”‎and‎δ‎

precipitation in Alloy 625 [98].

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Moreover, it was shown that δ phase [Ni3(Nb,Mo)] formation is possible

directly from the supersaturated solid solution at higher temperatures [99]. It is

claimed that the equilibrium phase (δ) often nucleates at grain boundaries

during thermal exposure while dislocations act as effective nucleation sites for

precipitation of the γ‟‟ phase [98, 100]. Time-temperature-precipitation (TTP)

curves corresponding to the formation of these phases are presented in Figure

2-6, while their micrographs are shown in Figure 2-7.

Figure ‎2-7. Different precipitates found in Alloy 625; (a)‎ δ‎ precipitates‎ formed‎ after‎
ageing at‎820˚C‎for‎200‎hours, (b) plates of δ‎phase growing from a NbC precipitate, and
(c)‎γ’’‎precipitates‎formed‎after‎ageing‎at‎675˚C‎for‎100‎hours [93].

2-4-2-2- Carbides and carbo-nitrides

NbC carbides with B1 structure [82] form in this alloy during the final stages

of solidification; these are generally termed primary NbC particles [71]. In the

solution annealed condition (above 1100˚C), all the phases, except primary

NbC, have been put into solid solution and further carbide precipitation in

Alloy 625 during ageing has been observed from 650˚C onwards [101]. It has

been reported that three different carbides i.e. MC, M6C and M23C6 are present

in the temperature range from as low as ~600˚C to as high as ~1050˚C[102].

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Others have argued that the temperature range is more limited being in the

range of 760-980˚C [103].

The type of carbide formed during heat treatment depends upon the

temperature. At higher temperatures, roughly from 870˚ to 1040˚C, the

carbides are both MC (NbC) as thin grain boundaries films, and M6C, where

M is principally Ni, Cr, and Mo. At temperatures in the 700˚C - 870˚C range,

the grain boundary carbides are primarily M23C6 where M is almost entirely

Cr. After intermediate temperature heat treatments, all three carbides can

usually be found [103, 104].

However, Muzyka [105] has reported that the primary MC carbides

decompose during annealing on prolonged exposure at elevated temperatures

into M6C and M23C6 [106]. Many researchers report precipitation of all

carbides on grain boundaries [71]. It should be noted that the chemical

composition of MC with intergranular precipitation is different from

intragranular primary MC precipitates with irregular shape [107, 108]. The

lattice parameter of the primary MC carbide was found to lie between the

reported lattice parameter of NbC and TiC phases [101]. The thin film on the

grain boundaries is reported to be mainly NbC [71]. Two different

morphologies for intergranular MC have been reported, namely the diamond

shape and dendritic form [93].

The M6C and M23C6 carbides commonly have blocky, irregular shapes and

form as series of separate, discrete grain boundary particles. Figure 2-8 shows

TEM micrographs of these types of carbides. The MC carbide formed in the

early stages of heat treatment (after 1 hour) at 900˚C while the M23C6 carbide

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was formed after a prolonged heat treatment (100 hours) at lower temperature

(800˚C). The M6C carbide precipitates after 1 hour at higher temperature

(1025˚C). The stability of different carbides in solutionized Alloy 625 forged

bar has been reported by Vernotloier and Cortial [109, 110] who mentioned

that fine M23C6 carbides precipitated along austenite grain boundaries in a

sample heat treated for 8 h at 700˚C, whereas a sample heat treated for 8 h at

800˚C contained M6C carbide, and the sample heat treated at 1050˚C

contained only MC carbide. The precipitation of the M6C carbide at 800˚C

caused degradation of mechanical properties (reduction of yield stress ~150 [109] and corrosion resistance (3 times) [110] of Alloy 625.

Figure ‎2-8. Images of different intergaranular carbides;‎(a)‎dendritic‎MC‎(900˚C,‎1‎h),‎

(b)‎ diamond‎ shaped‎ MC‎ (900˚C,‎ 1‎ h),‎ (c)‎M 23C6 blocky‎ shape‎ (800˚C,‎ 100 h), (d) M6C

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Moreover, slight changes in the chemical composition resulted in different

type of carbides [111]. Table 1 summarizes the crystal structures and typical

compositions of the carbides types which found to be present in the

microstructure of wrought Alloy 625 [71].

Table 1.Structures and typical compositions of the carbide precipitates [71].

Phase Structure Location Typical Composition

(Ti0.07 Cr0.04 Fe0.02 Ni0.09 Nb0.75 Mo0.03 )C

Cubic , Fm3m
MC a0= variable
(Ti0.53 Cr0.03 Ni0.04 Nb0.39 Mo0.01 )C

a0=0.43nm (Ti0.15 Cr0.04 Fe0.01 Ni0.12 Nb0.67 Mo0.01 )C
Cubic , Fd3m Grain
M 6 C (Cr0.21 Fe0.02 Ni0.37 Nb0.08 Mo0.24 Si0.08 )6 C
a0=1.13nm Boundaries
Cubic , Fm3m Grain
M 23 C6 (Cr0.85 Fe0.01 Ni0.07 Mo0.07 )23 C6
a0=1.08nm Boundaries

2-4-2-3- Topologically Closed Packed (TCP)


The last group of precipitates are intermetallic compounds commonly known

as topologically-close-packed (TCP) phases because of their characteristic

crystal structures [91, 92]. These can be listed as follows:

1) Laves Phase

2) Sigma (σ) Phase

3) Mu (μ) Phase

4) Ni2M Phase

Laves phase: Laves phase is a hexagonal A2B compound that can be found in

number of binary alloys [112]. In more complex alloys, Laves phase can

contain significant amounts of other alloying or impurity elements, and depart

considerably in composition from a simple A2B type chemistry. In Alloy 625,

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the Laves phase has noticeable compositional variations that reflect the

differences in processing history of the alloy in which the particles were

formed [71]. Irrespective of processing, Laves phase is generally found to be

significantly enriched in Nb (12 to 27 wt%), Mo (12 to 23 wt%), and Si (2 to 9

wt%) while the Fe, Cr levels are 3 to 5 wt% and 13 to 22 wt% respectively

which are not noticeably different compared to the nominal Alloy 625

composition [33, 77].

Sigma‎ (σ)‎ phase: this phase typically appears in Fe-Cr alloys that contain

more than 20 wt% of Cr, and in these alloys and it has the approximate

composition of FeCr. Sigma (σ) phase has a complex, tetragonal layered

structure and tends to nucleate from M23C6 carbides to which it is structurally

and compositionally related. Although sigma (σ) phase formation is not

common in Ni-Cr systems, it can form in nickel based alloys that contain

about 10 wt% Mo and more than 15 wt% Fe and other alloying elements that

tend to stabilize sigma (σ) phase including Si and W [113].

Mu‎ (μ)‎ phase: Some researchers [92] believe that the Mu (μ) phase has a

A6B7 type composition where A is Mo and/or W and B is Fe and/or Co. It has

a hexagonal close-packed structure and D85 crystal system. Others claim that

Mu (μ) phase has a complex, rhombohedral structure, which occurs in Cr

containing alloys with large amounts of Mo and W and stabilized by Fe [113].

Mu (μ) phase particles tend to nucleate on M6C carbides which are structurally

and compositionally (Mo-rich) similar. For a certain Ni-Cr-Mo-Fe alloy, the

Mu (μ) phase is reported to have a composition as follows [92]:

(Ni0.36Cr0.16Fe0.04Co0.02) (Mo0.39W0.03)

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Ni2M: This intermetallic compound with Pt2Mo-type structure is reported to

precipitate in Alloy 625 after prolonged service at temperatures close to but

less than 600˚C [114, 115]. This phase is known as Ni2M or Ni2 (Cr, Mo) and

has six variants and precipitates in the austenite grains. These particles exhibit

a snowflake-like morphology and are uniformly distributed in the matrix

[106]. There are other minor phases in the Alloy 625 matrix [116]; however,

due to their negligible fractions, further discussion is not necessary for the

purpose of this work.

2-4-3- TTT diagrams for wrought Alloy 625

It has been shown that different phases precipitate in Alloy 625 depending

upon temperature and duration of ageing [117] and TTT diagram is a helpful

tool in analysing of the precipitation behaviour in this alloy. Several TTT

diagrams have been presented for Alloy 625 which differ in certain aspects

from each other. There are several possible reasons for these differences; the

first is variation in composition within the ranges given for Alloy 625. The

second source of variability is related to the techniques which are used to

identify the phase transformations.

With these facts in mind, a TTT diagram for commercial Alloy 625 was first

published by E. Schanbel and co-workers [88] and is presented in Figure2-9.

It is clear that heat treatment of the material during its processing can

significantly change the TTT diagram; for example by solution annealing, the

precipitation behaviour of Alloy 625 is changed. Crum and co-workers [88]

have published a revised TTT diagram which is shown in Figure2-10.

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Figure‎2-9. Time-Temperature-Transformation diagram for Alloy 625 [88].

Figure‎2-10. TTT diagram for solution treated Alloy 625 [88].

Figure ‎2-11. Approximate TTT diagrams for phase formation at high temperatures in
nominal Alloy 625 [71].

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Finally, Floreen [71] presented an approximate TTT diagram for nominal (as

defined by Floreen) heats of wrought Alloy 625 (see Figure 2-11). Carbo-

nitrides are not indicated on the Floreen diagram due to wide difference in the

composition of nominal heats; however, the main intermetallic phase i.e.

Laves phase is identified in this diagram. Although the precipitation of δ and

γ‟‟ are similar in all of these diagrams, carbide precipitation curves are

different in terms of temperature and time. Additionally, the TTT diagram for

the specific solution treated alloy (see Figure2-10) contains different variants

of M6C carbide while there is only one variant in the diagram shown in Figure

2-11; these variations are related to differences in the chemical composition.

In addition to these differences, the Ni2M phase, which was experimentally

detected in Alloy 625, was not present in the TTT diagrams referred to in the

literature [118]. Additionally, Figure2-9 and 2-10 have features inconsistent

with the basic principles of TTT diagrams.

2-4-4- Precipitation behaviour of weld deposit

Thermal exposure also can markedly change the microstructure of a weld

deposit. However, there are issues in the application of TTT diagrams for

prediction of precipitation behaviour of Alloy 625 with an as-welded

microstructure. For example, even if care is taken to avoid Laves phase in the

as-welded structure, the enrichment of Nb in the interdendritic regions will

lead to accelerated precipitation reactions in the ageing experiments.

Figure 2-12 shows an example of a TTT diagram for Delta (δ) precipitation in

GTA deposited Alloy 625 weld metal compared to wrought Alloy 625 [71].

As seen, the time for Delta (δ) formation was reduced by a factor of 50

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compared to that of the wrought material. It is reported by Cortial [95, 119]

that in the rough-welded condition with TIG, the minor phases are present in

the interdendritic regions, which is normal for any metal in the as-solidified

state. Different interdendritic phases have been identified which are Laves

phases, MC and M6C carbides. This indicates that the M6C carbide was

formed during the non-equilibrium conditions associated with welding. It is

reported that the corrosion resistance of the as-solidified IN625 is reduced due

to several microstructural changes which occur during rapid solidification.

Phase formation during the re-solidification of laser melted surface and/or

solidification of the weld overlay has been shown to be a source of high

corrosion rate under severe conditions [26, 80].

Figure ‎2-12. TTT diagram showing thermal exposure conditions for formation of Delta
in weld metal compared to wrought Alloy 625 [71].

2-5- Cladding and dissimilar metal welding

There is a large body of research addressing dissimilar welding and their

results may be relevant to this work which is concerning microstructural

evolution in a weld overlay/substrate system. The effects of the welding

process and inter-diffusion of elements across the interface during post weld

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heat treatment (PWHT) and service can be used as a guide for understanding

of the weld overlay/steel substrate system.

Dissimilar metal welds are widely used in high temperature applications in

industrial plants and are generally fusion welded. There are different types of

dissimilar weld joints such as joints between steels of different phase type

(austenitic-ferritic joints) and/or steels of differing substitutional alloy content

(primarily ferritic-ferritic joints). Moreover, there are weld joints between

different types of steel and nickel alloys. The weldability, compatibility, and

long term microstructural and mechanical stability of the welded joints, are of

the highest importance in the analysis of dissimilar weld joints.

2-5-1- Interface and its different regions

When a dissimilar metals joint enters service at high temperatures,

microstructural changes and elemental redistribution may occur with these

changes being most marked close to the fusion boundary. The weld interface

of the weldment is classically defined as the interface between the liquid metal

and the heat affected zone.

However, microstructural examination on a finer scale reveals a more

complicated metallurgical condition at the fusion boundary. Savage [120] has

presented a schematic illustration of the various regions of the weld which is

shown in Figure 2-13. As presented, there are two additional zones between

the melted weld metal and heat affected zone. These are the unmixed zone and

the partially melted zone, with the apparent interface being between these two


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Figure ‎2-13. Schematic illustration showing different regions of a heterogeneous weld

and the proposed terminology of these regions [120].

Usually, all the material in the so called HAZ is regarded as remaining solid

right up to the boundary of the fully molten region. However, metallographic

examination at high magnifications reveals significant localized melting

within this zone near to the fusion boundary. It has become apparent,

therefore, that the definition of the fusion boundary is dependent upon both

the magnification and metallographic technique used to examine this region.

Figure ‎2-14. Showing photomicrographs of the welding interface indicates identification

of unmixed zone with elemental profile [121].

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In dissimilar weld joints, an important issue is the difference in chemical

composition of the materials which are being welded together. The interface

can be identified by the point where the elemental profiles start to change such

as shown in Figure 2-14. As seen, a clear layer of unmixed zone exists

between the weld metal and substrate. However, there are different materials

in this region and therefore this zone is actually the inter-mixing zone.

2-5-2- Interface and Diffusion

Dissimilar joints are prone to migration of alloying elements across the

interface during their service at elevated temperature. This occurs owing to

wide difference between chemical compositions of materials. The main factors

that influence the stability of the welded joint are the phase nucleation,

element diffusion, and the rate of phase transformation. These factors depend

significantly on temperature and the diffusion path which is related to the

structure of the interface; secondary phases have been found to nucleate in an

area near to the interface.

The microstructural transformation in a treated weld joint is usually a

complicated issue when diffusion between two different materials occurs at

the interface. In such cases, several mutually influencing phase

transformations can often be observed. The rate of phase transformation is

dependent on the temperature and chemical composition of the materials.

Changes in the chemical potentials of the elements can cause phase

precipitation, phase dissolution, and/or interface replacement in the diffusion

zone along the welded interface [122, 123].

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2-6- Microstructural evolution in dissimilar weld


The mechanical performance of dissimilar weld joints is dependent on the

microstructural changes taking place in the interface region at high

temperature. Owing to differences between the two materials, transport of

elements across the interface occurs, which could potentially result in either

dissolution or precipitation of phases such as intermetallics and carbides. The

formation of phases is dependent on the heat treatments which are applied

during welding (including post weld heat treatment) as well as the service


2-6-1- Different Cr-content steels and

formation of soft and hard zones

In all dissimilar steel joints, it is known that carbon migration across the weld

interface occurs from the low-alloy steel to the more highly alloyed austenitic

[123-128] or ferritic steels [67, 129-135]. This happens generally during post

weld heat treatment (PWHT) or subsequent service at elevated temperature.

As a result of this migration, a carbon depleted zone (soft zone) is formed in

the heat affected zone (HAZ) of the low alloy steel and a carbon enriched zone

(hard zone) is formed in the highly alloyed steel [128, 133, 136]. Since the

solubility of carbon in ferrite is extremely low, the partitioning of carbon

involves the dissolution of carbides on the low alloy side of the weld, and the

precipitation of carbides on the high alloy side of the weld. The precipitation

of carbides at temperatures where the joints enter service begins with the

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formation of cementite, followed by a number of alloy carbides as the system

tends towards equilibrium [131, 137-139].

2-6-2- Steel/nickel alloys and formation of

carbide arrays

There is a wide body of research regarding the development of the interfacial

structure in steel/nickel alloy weld joints [6, 140-147]. The low Cr ferritic

steels include 2.25Cr1Mo, AISI 4130 and T11 while nickel alloys include

Inconel 625, Inconel 182 (Ni-15% Cr-10% Fe-8% Mn-2% Nb), Hastelloy G

(Ni-22% Cr-20% Fe-7% Mo-2% Co-2% Cu-2% W) and Alloy 800 (Fe-30%

Ni-20% Cr-1% Mn-0.5% Ti).

Moreover, other different types of steels including stainless steels such as

SS310 [141, 145, 147] and high Cr ferritic steels such as 9Cr1Mo [146, 148]

are welded to nickel alloys. These dissimilar weld joints are used very

frequently in the welding of power plant components, since it is claimed that

failures which occur by low ductility circumferential cracking in Cr steel weld

joints can be resolved by using nickel alloys as the weld metal [143].

However, the joint made with a nickel-based weld is not immune to failure. It

is claimed that nickel-based joints after failure or long-term service exposure

contain arrays of particles, mainly M23C6 and M6C in the ferritic steel, parallel

and very close (~1µm) to the weld interface. The precipitates show two

general morphologies; the most frequent is a single plane of precipitates with

mean size >0.5 μm, and the other is a wide band of finer precipitates (>100

nm). These morphologies are classified as types I and II respectively [6, 140].

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It is reported that during welding of 2.25Cr1Mo steel with different nickel

alloy fillers, a band of martensite ~0.5 to 50 μm wide forms between the steel

and the weld metal due to dilution of steel into the weld metal [6, 143]. The

interface between the steel and the martensite band acts as a site for

precipitation of coarse carbides during ageing, and a line of these particles

grow on the narrow martensite band. It is believed that microscopic cracking

is generally associated with these precipitates [6].

These precipitates develop during long-term high temperature service

exposure and in the particular system (2.25Cr1Mo steel/ Inconel 182) it is

reported that interfacial precipitation can be accelerated by laboratory ageing

at 630-700˚C and precipitates and hardness profile in a sample aged at 630˚C

for 6000 h are similar to those after long term service [6]. However, above

657˚C, extended laboratory ageing on multi-bead weld samples can cause

interfacial precipitate dissolution and gross decarburization of some regions in

the weld metal, which are not typical features in the ex-service joints [140].

2-6-3- Phase transformation at 2.25Cr1Mo

steel and Alloy 625 weld overlay

There are two publications which address the 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate and

Alloy 625 weld overlay system [149, 150]. One of them addresses phase

transformation at the interfacial region and evaluation of microstructural

characteristics which could affect the mechanical properties and corrosion

resistance of weld overlay. In this research, the interface microstructure of

different cladding methods were evaluated [149]. The other paper relates to

dilution of steel in the weld overlay and its subsequent solidification

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Chapter2 … Literature review

behaviour [150]. There are some differences in the nature of the systems

examined, including the iron content of the weld overlay and the interdiffusion

structure and width. Moreover, different secondary phases in the weld overlay

were reported.

Ayer [149] reported that SIMS images of the interface between 4130 steel and

Alloy 625 for chromium and nickel exhibited a sharp change at the interface.

However, the iron image indicated a somewhat greater movement of iron into

the Alloy 625 cladding which is about 20 μm. He found that these images are

similar for 2.25Cr1Mo steel/IN625. The overall composition measured by

EDS in a TEM with a 40 nm microprobe demonstrated that transition occurred

over approximately a 5 μm distance. The composition of the ferritic steel was

modified only by moving ~1 μm away from the interface while the

composition in the Alloy 625 side was modified to less than 10 wt.% Fe over a

4 μm distance.

Nevertheless, DuPont [150] has found that the process of weld cladding can

be visualized to consist of the melting of a small region of the steel surface by

the molten Alloy 625 weld pool. The elements from this melted region of the

steel are homogenized in the liquid phase which provides a greater

intermixing and minimizes the gradient of compositional profile. The

transition region was seen to be ≈20 μm and beyond this transition region

there is no systematic variation in composition with distance. Thus, the weld

metal composition was shown to be homogeneous on a macroscopic scale

with 27.2 ± 5.8 wt.% Fe content.

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These researchers have reported different secondary phases in the weld

overlay material which may be associated with the differences in compostion

and welding process. Ayer [149] reported that grain boundary precipitates

were either M6C or NbC carbides. The stoichiometry of M6C carbides was

determined to be as follows:

(Mo0.4 Ni0.36 Cr0.16 Fe0.08)6 C

In contrast, DuPont [150] has reported that secondary phase formation and

microsegregation behaviour of the main alloying elements (Fe, Ni, Cr, Mo and

Nb) are very similar to those for Alloy 718. The Laves phase formed in a

eutectic-type morphology with γ at final stages of solidification as follows:

Ayer [149] has reported that, as in conventional welding, HAZ was observed

in the steel and the grain size of the steel had been modified over a major

portion of the HAZ. Some interesting microstructural features were also

observed at the interfacial region. At the interface between the FCC austenite

and BCC ferrite regions, a thin zone of un-tempered martensite was observed.

The thickness of the martensite region varied in the range of 0.2 to 0.5 μm. In

addition to martensite, precipitation of particles was also observed at the

boundary between the un-tempered martensite and ferrite. The particles were

identified to be M23C6 carbides.

Formation of these carbides is dependent upon the carbon content of this

region. The ferrite is changed to austenite during the welding and the carbon

solubility is enhanced. Upon cooling the cladding to room temperature, a

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Chapter2 … Literature review

small region of the steel in the interface region is transformed to austenite or

austenite + M23C6 carbide region. This reversion is the result of the presence

of alloying elements in the area near to interface (such as nickel) which

stabilise austenite to lower temperatures.

2-7- Evaluation of microstructural evolution

using thermodynamic calculation

The understanding of microstructural evolution in a dissimilar weld joint

between nickel alloy and steel system is based on the depth of knowledge of

the phase equilibria of both materials in this system. An accurate knowledge

of phase fields and transformation temperatures in the steel and the nickel

alloy is therefore vital for successful studies of microstructural evolution

during thermal exposure. As both of the materials are considered to be

multicomponent, so the thermodynamic calculations in each of them would be

an important approach in understanding the changes in the microstructure of

the system.

The CALPHAD (CALculation PHAse Diagram) method has proved to be an

efficient tool for solving various problems in the field of materials research

and thermochemistry [151]. In recent years, significant progress has been

made in the application of thermodynamic methods to the calculation of

multicomponent phase diagrams in steels [152-154], nickel based superalloys

[155-158] and other Ni-Cr-Mo alloys [159]. An important reason for

employing thermodynamic methods is that they offer a means of systematising

and modelling the behaviour of one interesting phase such as a carbide in

complex systems like nickel superalloys. This allows the phase relations of

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Chapter2 … Literature review

multi-component, multiphase systems to be modelled from those of their


Various computer-based thermodynamic models such as Thermo-Calc [160]

(used during this research) and MTDATA [58, 161] are commercially

available for the calculation of multiphase, multicomponent equilibria as a

function of pressure and temperature in conjunction with appropriate

thermodynamic property databases. The thermodynamic databases contain

assessed Gibbs energy parameters for the thermodynamic models for

individual phases. The databases are then linked to software for the calculation

of phase equilibria for the practical applications of interest. The success of the

CALPHAD technique depends upon the reliability of these databases.

2-7-1- Thermo-Calc software

Thermo-Calc is a software and database package for all kinds of phase

equilibrium, phase diagram and phase transformation calculations and

thermodynamic assessments. Moreover, many types of process simulations

can be performed using this programme. It has been developed for complex

heterogeneous interaction systems with strongly non-ideal solution phases and

can be applied to any thermodynamic system in different fields like

metallurgy, alloy development, semiconductors etc. depending on the kind of

database it is connected to [160].

The underlying methodology of this programme is usually a Gibbs free energy

minimization process and Thermo-Calc makes use of a very general algorithm

to find the equilibrium state of a system. The development of Thermo-Calc

started at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm [162] . This

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Chapter2 … Literature review

technique allows much more flexibility for the user setting the external

conditions for the equilibrium state than any other thermodynamic software.

For example, Thermo-Calc is the only software that allows explicit conditions

on individual phase compositions or configuration whereas most software can

handle conditions on the overall composition only. For example, activities and

chemical potentials of the components, volumes, enthalpies, entropies etc. can

also be set as conditions. Many quantities that must be calculated by so called

“target calculations”, i.e. a double minimization procedure, with other

software can be calculated directly and much faster with Thermo-Calc.

The flexible way to set conditions is particularly useful when Thermo-Calc is

used as a subroutine package in application programs, for example in

microstructure evolution or process simulations. For phase diagram

calculations, the facility that each condition is set separately and that any

condition can be used as axis variable means that Thermo-Calc can calculate

innumerable types of diagrams. Thermo-Calc was designed originally for

multi-component systems and all its facilities are available for systems with

up to 40 components [163].

2-7-2- Modelling of microstructure evolution

in Ni-based alloys

The design of new or modified nickel based superalloys for high temperature

application is an extremely expensive and time consuming process. Therefore

thermodynamic calculations are being introduced in attempt to reduce these

costs [164]. Thermodynamic simulation using a CALPHAD software like

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Chapter2 … Literature review

Thermo-Calc can bring some useful information to aid understanding of the

phase transformations in complex multicomponent systems of the nickel based

alloys [165]. However, little experimental data are available on the

effectiveness of these predictive tools in these systems.

In the case of Ni-based superalloys, interesting data are the liquidus, the

solidus, the hardening phase (γ‟ and/or γ‟‟) solvus i.e. temperature above

which no hardening phase exists at equilibrium, and the temperature range for

the existence of minor phases like carbides, carbo-nitrides, borides and TCP

phases. Amounts and compositions of such phases are also required to be

computed. Some of these data which are obtained from the equilibrium phase

diagram for Inconel 625 are presented elsewhere [142].

2-7-3- Prediction of microstructural states in

Cr-Mo steels

The microstructural changes in the Cr-Mo steels, especially in the dissimilar

weld joints, can affect the service life of the component or the properties of

the joint. Thus it is of great practical importance to be able to predict structural

changes that occur during the thermal histories associated with production,

post weld heat treatment and service. This problem has been tackled both

experimentally and by application of numerical calculation. Extensive

literature is available for the microstructure – property correlations and

identification of carbides in a variety of Cr-Mo steels. However, there are a

few works which are related to thermodynamic properties of these Cr-Mo

steels [166, 167] and 2.25Cr1Mo steel [168].

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Chapter2 … Literature review

There are some models developed by Bhadeshia for carbide transformation

sequences in power plants steels [169, 170] which are dependent upon the

accurate thermodynamic data of the stable carbides in these steels. Moreover,

there is a paper which uses phase diagrams to predict the stable phases in the

microstructure of these steels [153].

2-7-4- Thermodynamic aspects of carbon

migration in dissimilar weld joints

An interesting feature in dissimilar weld joints is the carbon migration. It is

important to predict the microstructural changes in these joints during thermal

histories in production and service. Computer simulation of diffusion in the

multiphase systems has been thoroughly investigated [152, 171, 172]. In order

to perform accurate simulations, one needs an accurate thermodynamic

description of different materials in the dissimilar weld joint system which is

available within the thermodynamic softwares such as Thermo-Calc system.

2-8- Summary

There is a large body of work on the microstructural evolution in the

2.25Cr1Mo steel and Alloy 625 at service temperatures. Moreover, the

microstructural evolution in dissimilar weld joints between steels and nickel-

based alloys are available. In the current work, the microstructure of the

various regions of a Ni-based weld overlay on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate in

as-welded condition will be characterised.

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Chapter2 … Literature review

High temperature exposure tests will be used to produce a set of simulated

service microstructures to allow characterization of the microstructural

changes in the different regions with ageing time. This work will examine the

microstructural changes that occur in the 2.25Cr1Mo steel and the weld

overlay material system and the reciprocal effects on each material due to

carbon migration.

Moreover, thermodynamic modelling work has been carried out for the

simulation of phase formation during welding and at certain temperature with

different carbon contents in each material of this system. This information can

then be used as a guide to the long term service performance of weld overlaid


Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...51

Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

Chapter 3

3- Experimental procedure

3-1- Introduction

The experimental procedure used for the performance of high temperature

exposure tests and the microstructural characterization of different samples

presented in this thesis will be discussed in this chapter. The first sections

concern the starting materials and experimental procedure for thermal

exposure tests. The next sections cover the sample preparation for the various

chemical and surface techniques used to examine the changes in the

microstructure before and after thermal exposure tests. Methods of

microstructural examination and characterization are then briefly reviewed in

the following sections.

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

3-2- Materials

The starting material in this work was a weld overlaid tube with 25 mm

outside diameter as shown in Figure 3-1(a). The tube consists of a weld

overlay layer with approximately 1.7 to 2 mm thickness which is applied by a

proprietary spiral welding method on the outer bore of a steel tube with 15

mm internal diameter and about 3.5 mm wall thickness. This tube is designed

to be used in a boiler super heater tube in a WtE plant. A wrought IN625 plate

was used to compare the characteristics of the weld overlay with Alloy 625.

Figure ‎3-1. Showing (a) the weld overlaid tube and weld bead specifications, (b) the
whole cross sectional sample of the tube.

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

The tube was nominally a 2.25Cr1Mo steel and the weld overlay was a nickel-

based alloy similar to IN625. The typical composition ranges of these

materials are given in Table 3-1.

Table ‎3-1.Nominal chemical composition of 2.25Cr1Mo steel and IN 625 alloy (wt.%)

Element Steel 2.25Cr1Mo IN625

C <0.1 <0.1
Al - <0.4
Si <0.5 <0.5
Ti - <0.4
Cr 2-2.5 20-23
Mn <0.5 <0.5
Fe Balance <5
Ni - Balance
Nb - 3.15-4.15
Mo 0.9-1.2 8-10

3-3- High temperature exposure tests and

thermal exposed samples

In order to simulate the effects of high temperature service conditions on this

overlaid tube, individual samples were produced by cutting sections of tube.

The sections were cut with about 7 to 10 mm thickness and each section was

subsequently cut into quarters, yielding 4 specimens. Figure 3-2(a) shows a

typical cross sectional samples used in this work. The specimen dimensions

are suitable for mounting and preparation processes.

The aim of this research is to analyse the evolution of microstructure during

high temperature exposure. Referring to previous research, the microstructure

of 2.25Cr1Mo ferritic steel undergoes phase changes above 675˚C which are

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

undesirable for service condition [6, 140]. Therefore, specimens were kept

below this temperature. They were heated in a furnace at 650°C for high

temperature exposure experiments for various times, from 1 day to 128 days

to ensure maximum rates of phase transformations which are applicable for

service conditions.

The sample identification represents its exposure time in days and therefore

includes “D” e.g. D128 represents a sample which was at elevated temperature

for 128 days. All specimens were air cooled after their exposure time. Due to

the oxidation of the steel occurring during the high temperature exposure tests

in the air, for long term experiments i.e. 64 and 128 day tests, these samples

were sealed in evacuated quartz tubes at a residual pressure of 10 -5 torr before

being placed in the furnace and were subsequently air cooled to room

temperature. As the main aim was to analyse the phase transformation and

precipitation behaviour at this temperature, the use of a vacuum will not affect

on the behaviour.

It should be mentioned that for some conditions such as the as-welded and the

128 day conditions, the longitudinally sectioned samples (see Figure 3-2(b))

were examined. These samples were used for analysis of the microstructral

features along the length of tube. Moreover, in order to investigate how the

nickel alloy microstructure behaves in the absence of the steel substrate, one

tube section with about 10 mm length was cut and its steel substrate was

removed by machining which is shown in Figure 3-2(c). The thermal effect of

machining on the weld overlay material will be negligible after 128 days


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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

Figure ‎3-2. Showing (a) the typical cross sectional sample used for high temperature
exposure tests, (b) the longitudinal section of the tube used for the analysis of the
interface in the as-welded condition and after 128 days, and (c) the free standing of weld
overlay (WD128) sample after high temperature exposure and mounting.

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

Moreover, hardening due to machining should be relieved in the first hours of

thermal exposure. It should be noted that three different sets of high

temperature exposure tests were carried out in this work which are reported in

Table 3-2. In the first set, the exposure time started at 1 day giving the D1

sample. Afterwards, the exposure time was increased by a factor of 2 for the

next exposure test, up to a maximum of 128 days.

Based on the results of the first set and in order to obtain a more detailed

understanding of microstructural changes during high temperature exposure, a

second set of tests were undertaken. In this set, the first sample was exposed

for 12 days and the exposure time was increased by four days for the next test;

the final sample in the second set has been exposed for 32 days. Because of

performing two sets of exposure tests, two samples i.e. D16 and D32 were

produced twice, providing a measure of the reproducibility of the tests.

Table ‎3-2: Sample identification including sample name, its quantity and the exposure

Sample Name Number of samples in each set Time(hours)

set1 set2 Set3
As-welded 1 0 0 0
D1 1 0 0 24
D2 1 0 0 48
D4 1 0 0 96
D8 1 0 0 192
D12 0 1 0 288
D16 1 1 0 384
D20 0 1 0 480
D24 0 1 0 576
D28 0 1 0 672
D32 1 1 0 768
D64 1 0 0 1536
D128 1 0 0 3072
WD128 0 0 1 3072

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

In the third set of tests, only the free standing weld overlay sample was

exposed. In order to compare its precipitation behaviour with the D128

sample, this sample was exposed for 128 days at 650˚C in the air, as there is

no concern about oxidation and is termed WD128 sample. Moreover, the

furnace ambient has no effect on the precipitation of the weld overlay

material. Comparison of WD128 microstructure with D128 reveals the effect

of steel on the weld overlay micorstructural evolution.

3-4- Sample Preparation

3-4-1- Composition analysis using spark

emission spectroscopy

This technique was employed to determine chemical composition of both the

overlay and tube materials using a FOUNDARY-MASTER instrument. The

instrument requires a flat surface of at least 15 X 15 mm and Figure 3-3 shows

a mounted cross section of a sample prepared for this experiment.

Figure ‎3-3. Showing a cross section of the flat sample using for chemical composition
analysis after mounting

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

The steel composition was determined from analysis of the surface shown in

Figure 3-3. The other side of sample was used for the analysis of the overlay

which was performed on two different flat planes. The position of these planes

was referenced to the distance from the steel/nickel alloy interface at the

midpoint of the sample. The distances were 700 μm and 500 μm respectively.

3-4-2- Sample preparation for optical and SE


Specimens for the microstructural characterization studies were prepared by

conventional mounting, grinding and polishing methods. Because of oxidation

and decarburization of steel in the samples during high temperature exposure

tests, and to avoid its effects, approximately 1 mm of specimen surface were

removed by grinding. The cross sectional samples were firstly hot mounted

using different Metprep mounts (conductive and non-conductive) and a

Buehler Metaserv automatic mounting press. The mounted samples were

ground mechanically to 1200 grit with SiC papers, then polished with 6

microns and 1 micron diamond paste respectively to obtain mirror surface. For

some characterization processes such as EBSD, the roughness of surface

finished with 1 micron diamond paste was not suitable; in these cases the final

polishing was conducted with colloidal silica suspension (Si2O, 0.1 μm, pH:


As a result of the widely dissimilar compositions of weld overlay material and

steel substrate in the samples, it was necessary to etch samples sequentially to

reveal the microstructure of each part. 2% NITAL solution was used for the

steel part and the etching time has a great effect on the microstructure and

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...59

Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

after running many tests, it was found that by 30 seconds etching time the best

result can be achieved.

The weld overlay region required highly corrosive etch and there are many

processes for Alloy 625 etching which is reported in hand books and former

researches. In the present investigation, two different methods were used for

etching the weld overlay as well as wrought IN625, namely electrolytic

etching and etching with AQUA REGIA.

In former method, a solution of 10 wt.% oxalic acid in water, was used with

electrode potentials of 2-3 V. The cathode of the device was connected to a

stainless steel plate which was suspended in the solution. The anode was

connected to the sample with a wire. The desirable etching time in this process

depends on electrode potentials and decreases by increasing voltage. The

electrolytic etching process required a non-conductive mount which causes

limitations for using EDX of the samples in the electron microscopy.

The latter etching method used AQUA REGIA solution which consists of a

25% by volume of HNO3 and 75% by volume of HCl. It was found that this

solution must be heated up to 50°C prior to etching. This reduces the etching

time and causes more corrosion rate during etching and protrudes the

dendrites after etching. As the AQUA REGIA etchant solution is very

corrosive, the etching time is less than 10 seconds.

3-4-3- FIB-TEM sample preparation

The TEM analysis required a thin foil which is electron transparent and the

main issue is to prepare a sample and choose a proper thinning process among

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

different thinning processes. The Focused ion beam (FIB) instrument is a

powerful tool in material studies as micromachining for transmission

microscope specimen preparation is possible with it. Moreover, it can be used

for high resolution imaging process. In this section, the FIB-TEM sample

preparation will be outlined.

Because of sputtering action of the ion beam, the FIB can be used to locally

remove or mill away material. Therefore, this process can be used for

production of the sample from the bulk material and also for its thinning

process. The microstructure of the D64 and the D128 samples were studied

using the FIB-TEM method in the Department of Materials, Loughborough

University. Three specimens were prepared from these samples; the first one

was taken from the weld interface and two other samples were taken from

~100 μm and ~500 μm distant from the interface in the steel region.

Figure 3-4(a) shows the locations of the TEM specimens in the D64 sample.

TEM specimens were cut form similar locations in the D128 sample. Figure

3-4(b) shows a micro-volume sample for production of a TEM sample using

the FIB method. It is clear that material around the micro-volume sample has

been removed. Finally, the micro-volume sample has been cut from the bulk

with ion beam again.

An Omniprobe micro-manipulator was used to lift out the micro-volume

sample. This sample was thinned using FIB to produce a TEM specimen.

Finally, a Pt gas injector system is used for local Pt thin film deposition. The

TEM specimen with a deposited film of Pt and mounted in the sample holder

is shown in Figure 3-4(c).

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

Figure ‎3-4. Showing (a) TEM specimens locations in the cross sectional sample with
different distances from the interface, (b) the micro-volume sample which is used for the
TEM thin foil preparation, and (c) the TEM electron transparent specimen in the
sample holder which is covered by deposition of Pt films.

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

3-5- Principles of characterization methods

3-5-1- Optical emission spectroscopy

The chemical composition analysis of the steel substrate and the weld overlay

material as well as wrought IN625 were performed using an optical emission

spectrometer. The specimen preparation procedure is detailed in section 3-4-1.

The optical emission spectrometer determines element concentration via

a quantitative measurement of the optical emission from excited atoms.

This high-temperature discharge provides sufficient energy to promote the

atoms into high energy levels. The atoms decay back to lower levels by

emitting light. Since the transitions are between distinct atomic energy levels,

the emission lines in the spectra are narrow. The spectra of samples containing

many elements can be very congested, and spectral separation of nearby

atomic transitions requires a high-resolution spectrometer. Since all atoms in a

sample are excited simultaneously, they can be detected simultaneously using

a polychromator with multiple detectors. This ability to simultaneously

measure multiple elements is a major advantage of optical emission

spectroscopy. In this research, a FOUNDRY-MASTER instrument was used

which works with electron discharge in argon atmosphere. Different software

was used for analysis of the steel and the nickel alloy. The results of this

analysis are presented in appendix No.1.

3-5-2- Optical Microscopy

Optical microscopy is a conventional process for characterisation of the

microstructure. In this work, there are some features in the microstructure of

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...63

Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

some samples which are only visible with an optical microscope. In other

words, the optical microscopy images show distinctive regions compared to

the other microscopy methods. In this work, primary microstructural analysis

was carried out on the samples using a Nikon model OPTIPHOT microscope.

This microscope was equipped with a Nikon digital camera DMX1200F for

imaging. Three different objective magnifications were used in this method.

For overall images it was 5X while for detailed images it was 40X and finally

for high magnification images, it was 100X.

3-5-3- Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

SEM provides valuable information regarding the microstructural features in

the cross sectional samples. The SEM characterization was performed on a

FEI microscope. This FEI XL30 scanning electron microscope was fitted with

a tungsten filament which operates in high vacuum mode. The microscope

was primarily operated at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV, spot size of 4-6

and a working distance of 10 mm in both secondary electron (SE) and back

scattered electron (BSE) imaging modes.

In a typical SEM system, a stream of electrons generated by the filament of

the electron gun is accelerated toward the specimen using a positive electrical

potential. This stream is confined and focused using the metal apertures and

magnetic lenses into a thin, focused, monochromatic beam. This beam is

focused onto the sample using a magnetic lens. This electron beam irradiates

the surface of the specimen which in turn produces a signal in the form of

either x-ray fluorescence, secondary or back scattered electrons. The signal

produced by the secondary electrons is detected and sent to a cathode ray tube

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

(CRT) image. By changing the width (W) of the electron beam scan, the

magnification (M=D/W) can be changed where D is the width of the CRT.

Since D is constant, the magnification can be increased by decreasing the

width (W).

The secondary electron imaging method was mainly used for analysing the

microstructure of samples in the etched condition. However, backscattered

electron imaging was used for the analysis of different phases available in

samples in the un-etched condition, since the BSE imaging mode relies on the

differences in the mean atomic number of the phases. The mean atomic

numbers of all the phases which are expected to occur in the 2.25Cr1Mo steel/

nickel alloy system are listed in appendix No.2.

3-5-4- Transmission Electron Microscopy


Transmission electron microscopy is powerful imaging tool for detailed

crystal structure and observing the fine particles in the matrix as well as other

features such as grain boundaries. As mentioned in section 3-4-3, FIB-TEM

specimens were produced from different regions of the D64 and the D128

samples. A Philips Tecani F20 FEG-(S)TEM equipped with an Oxford ISIS

EDS system and a Fischione high annular dark field detector (HAADAF) was

operated at 200 kV in STEM mode for high resolution imaging and analytical


In a STEM, a narrow spot of the focused electron beam scanned over the

sample in a raster. The rastering of the beam across the sample makes this

mode of TEM suitable for analysis techniques such as mapping with EDS and

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

annular dark field imaging (ADF). These signals can be obtained

simultaneously, allowing direct correlation of image and quantitative data. By

using a STEM and a high-angle detector, it is possible to form atomic

resolution images.

3-5-5- Ion beam imaging

In the same manner that images are generated in an SEM, the ion beam can

rastered over a sample surface and the emitted electrons, particles (atoms and

ions), and electromagnetic radiation can be detected. In the FIB instrument,

the imaging is based on detecting the low-energy electrons referred to as ion-

induced secondary ions (ISEs).

As an alternative to chemical etching, by controlling the FIB, the contrast

mechanism for ISE can be changed from channelling which reveals grain

microstructure, to a contrast that reveals the phase distribution. In this

technique, only surface atoms layers are removed so actual surfaces are

remained for the quantification. The ion beam imaging analysis was

performed on an FEI Nova 600 Nanolab dual beam system which combines

both a FIB and a FEG-SEM in a single instrument.

3-5-6- Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis


Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis was used together with SEM for

local elemental identification. When the incident electron beam interacts with

the specimen the bombardment of high energy electrons on the orbiting inner

most electron shell of an atom will lead to the escape of high energy electrons

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

and leave a vacancy. An electron from the outer orbiting shell jumps into the

empty electron vacant shell and emits energy. The emitted energy, in the form

of X-ray photons is specific for each element in the periodic table. The

induced X-ray fluorescence in the sample is energy-analyzed using a cooled

semiconductor detector. The element-specific spectral lines are identified to

give the elemental composition for the incident area.

This technique employed with an Oxford Instruments Si detector in

combination with the SEM in the present work. Data were converted using a

standardless ZAF correction procedure. The process is suitable for

determining elements with atomic number higher than 12; therefore light

elements such as B, C, etc. cannot be quantified.

3-5-7- Electron Probe Micro Analysis


An electron probe micro analyzer (EPMA) is an analytical tool used for

determination of chemical composition of small volumes of solid materials. It

works similarly to a SEM-EDX but emitted X-rays are wavelength-analysed.

The basic measurement in this method is the intensity ratios of X-rays from a

sample and a standard which is most conveniently taken to be the pure

element [173].

The measured intensities require certain instrumental correction, including

subtraction of back-ground, the chief source of which is the continuous X-ray

spectrum. The composition at the analysed point is calculated from the

corrected intensities by applying „matrix corrections‟ which take account of

the various factors governing the relationship between intensity and

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

composition. These are commonly applied in the form of „ZAF correction‟

with separate correction factors dependent on atomic number, absorption and

fluorescence [174].

A JEOL JXA-8200 electron microprobe in Department of Archaeology at

University of Nottingham (with thermionic emission from an electron gun

fitted with a tungsten „hairpin‟ filament which operates at high accelerating

voltage under high vacuum mode) was employed to examine the light

elements such as carbon distribution in the microstructure of the samples. The

micro probe analyser was primarily operated at an accelerating voltage of 20

kV and 10-4 Torr or better vacuum. Magnetic lenses are used to focus the

beam into a fine probe incident on the surface of the specimen and a probe

diameter of 0.2-1 μm is typical. The electron beam current used in this

research was about 10 nA which is in the range of typical current (1-100 nA)

and working distance of this microprobe analyser is about 11 mm. In

microprobe analysis, the X-ray spectrum is recorded with either with 4

wavelength dispersive spectrometers (WDS) or one energy dispersive

spectrometer (EDS).

In the current research, the WDS method was used to obtain quantitative

information about the composition of different phases in each sample. Prior to

quantitative analysis, it was necessary to calibrate each spectrometer using

pure metal standards from Micro-Analysis Consultants Ltd. Moreover, the

φρΖ correction method supplied by JEOL was used to obtain quantitative


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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

3-5-8- EBSD

Electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) is a technique which allows

crystallographic information to be obtained from the samples in the scanning

electron microscope (SEM). In EBSD, a stationary electron beam strikes a

tilted crystalline sample and the diffracted electrons form a pattern on a

fluorescence screen. This pattern is characteristic of the crystal structure and

orientation of the sample region from which it was generated.

The diffraction pattern can be used to measure the crystal orientation, measure

grain boundary misorientations, discriminate between different materials, and

provide information about local crystalline perfection. When the beam is

scanned in a grid across a polycrystalline sample and the crystal orientation

measured at each point, the resulting map will reveal the constituent grain

morphology, orientations, and boundaries. These data can also be used to

show the preferred crystal orientations (texture) present in the material. A

complete and quantitative representation of the sample microstructure can be

established with EBSD.

An Oxford Instruments HKL Technology Nordlys II EBSD detector fitted to

FEI XL-30 and controlled with CHANNEL5 software was used to obtain

preliminary EBSD results for the D128 sample. In order to determine the

chemical composition and crystallographic nature of observed phases in the

D32 and the D64 samples, the combined EBSD and EDS analyses were

carried out in Oxford Instruments laboratory. A Nordlys S detector and X-

MAX 80 ESD detector from Oxford Instruments installed on a FEG SEM

were used for this study. The Flamenco software was used to acquire both

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

EBSD and EDS data. Tango and Salsa software modules in CHANNEL5 were

used for post processing the EBSD data acquired. The EBSD data was

obtained with a probe current of 10 nA and an acceleration voltage of 20 kV.

3-6- Hardness measurements

3-6-1- Microhardness method

The Vickers hardness tests were conducted with a LECO-M400 machine and

were measured using a 200 gf load on specimens at various locations of

samples. The measurements were carried out on the steel and weld overlay

regions systematically at various distances from the weld interface. Four sets

of measurement were carried out on different locations of a sample which are

shown Figure 3-5(a).

In each set, there are different intervals between two successive indents. In the

preliminary measurements, the distance is more than ~200 μm, while in the

final measurements it was reduced to the standard minimum distance. In the

measurements of low hardness regions, and in order to keep the standard

minimum distance between two successive indents, the hardness

measurements were carried out on an inclined line. The distance from the

interface increased by ~100 μm and a ~100 μm horizontal distance is

considered between them. Figure 3-5(b) shows a set of these hardness

measurements which was carried out on the steel substrate of the D32 sample.

On the basis of the preliminary results, the detailed measurements of hardness

in the harder regions were carried out by decreasing the intervals between

indents to ~20 μm.

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

Figure ‎3-5. Showing (a) four preliminary hardness measurement sets of different regions
in a sample, (b) indicates a set of measurement in the steel region of D32 sample.

In order to characterize the boundary of different hardness regions, the

hardness measurement has been repeated on the certain areas of the sample

between two indents. This process was repeated for 4 different regions of the

sample and each time 5 tests were carried out. The hardness values versus the

distance from the interface were used to establish the hardness profile of the

sample in one location. Based on these results, the comparison between

hardness profiles of different samples can be made.

This procedure was applied on the as-welded sample as well as thermally

exposed samples for identification of hardness profile. The hardness profile

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Chapter3 … Experimental procedure

changes are crucial in this investigation, as they are related to the

microstructural evolution during high temperature exposure experiments.

3-6-2- Nanohardness method

A MML Nanotest system manufactured by Micro Materials Ltd was used to

carry out the nano-indentation for hardness measurement of the WD128

sample. The indentation experiments were performed using a standard

diamond Berkovich indenter. A 5 mN load was used with a 3X10 grid in

which indents were approximately 5 μm apart. Due to limitations of

microhardness method in the edges, this type of indentation was carried out on

two different regions i.e. bulk and edges of polished WD 128 sample in order

to reveal the hardness changes in these regions.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...72

Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

Chapter 4

4- Characterization of the as-welded condition

4-1- Introduction

The material in this project is a weld overlaid tube which has a potential

application as a superheater tube in a WtE boiler. The purpose of this chapter

is to make an extensive characterization for different regions of this tube in the

as-welded (i.e. as-deposited) condition. In the first section, the macrostructure

of the tube is reviewed and the chemical composition of different regions is


In the second section, the microstructure of the steel substrate is reported and

its different zones are introduced. It should be noted that the substrate is a

ferritic steel and the analyses were carried out to evaluate the effects of the

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...73

Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

welding on its microstructure. A brief discussion about the interface region is

also presented in a following section.

The final section considers the weld overlay of similar composition to IN625

and in this section, characteristics of different zones in this material will be

reported. Moreover, secondary phases in this material will be analysed.

4-2- Macrostructural features and chemical


The experimental work described here was conducted on the cross section of

weld overlaid tube to gain an understanding of the macrostructure. There are

two main regions, namely the steel substrate tube and the weld overlay as

shown in Figure 4-1. As shown, the overlay region thickness is between 1.7

and 2.0 mm and the steel substrate thickness is about 3.0 to 3.5 mm. The

variations in the thicknesses are because of surface roughness of the weld

overlay and the wavy interface between the two.

The welding process for cladding on the outer bore of steel tube causes a wavy

interface between the weld overlay and substrate. The amplitude of the

interface undulations depends on the location. There are large undulations

with a few millimetres wavelength and several hundred microns amplitude in

some points while there are some parts with smaller wavelength and few

microns amplitude.

The results of the chemical composition analysis of the weld overlay are

presented in the Table 4-1. The results are from two longitudinal planes

parallel to the tube axis but at different distances from the interface (700 μm

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...74

Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

and 500 μm). The details of the sample preparation were presented in section


Figure ‎4-1. Showing typical sample in this project with the thickness of the weld overlay
and the steel substrate; the interface undulation is related to welding and alters form
point to point.

The chemical composition of a wrought IN625 plate is presented in Table 4-2

for comparison. It is clear from Table 4-1 that the chemical composition of

weld overlay is similar to that of alloy IN625. By comparing these tables, it is

clear that the weld overlay has significantly more iron and carbon and lower

molybdenum and niobium contents. However, the chromium content is about

the same in the both materials.

Moreover, it can be seen that some minor elements such as Ti in both

materials are in the same range while other minor elements i.e. Cu, Co and Al

contents are negligible in the weld overlay material. The higher Fe and C

levels in the weld overlay material come from either dilution during cladding

or the use of a consumable with higher iron and carbon compared to the

standard IN625 or a combination of both.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

Table ‎4-1.Chemical composition of the weld overlay from different planes with 700 μm‎
and 500 μm‎distance‎from the interface

Composition (wt.%)
Element Average (wt.%)
at 700μm at 500μm
C 0.02 to 0.03 0.01 to 0.02 0.02
Ti 0.17 to 0.18 0.18 to 0.19 0.18
Cr 20.6 to 20.7 21.0 to 21.1 20.9
Fe 8.3 to 8.7 7.3 to 7.7 8.0
Ni Balance Balance Balance
Nb 3.1 to 3.2 3.1 to 3.3 3.2
Mo 8.1 to 8.2 8.1 to 8.3 8.2

Table ‎4-2.Measured chemical composition of the wrought IN625, wt.%

Element wt.% Average (wt.%)

C 0.004 to 0.006 0.005
Al 0.1 to 0.11 0.1
Ti 0.20 to 0.22 0.21
Cr 21.8 22.0 21.9
Fe 3.09 to 3.28 3.18
Co 0.09 to 0.1 0.1
Ni Balance Balance
Cu 0.17 to 0.174 0.17
Nb 3.4 to 3.6 3.5
Mo 9.1 to 9.2 9.2

Table ‎4-3.Measured chemical composition of the steel substrate, wt.%

Element wt.% Average (wt.%)

C 0.09 to 0.11 0.10
Si 0.22 to 0.25 0.24
Cr 2.31 to 2.34 2.33
Mn 0.42 to .44 0.43
Fe Balance Balance
Cu 0.10 to 0.11 0.11
Ni 0.9 to 0.1 0.1
Mo 0.91 to 0.92 0.92

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

The chemical analysis of the steel substrate is presented in Table 4-3. The

chromium content is approximately 2.25 wt.%, the molybdenum content is ~ 1

wt.% and the carbon content is ~ 0.1 wt.%. Therefore, it can be assumed that

the steel substrate in the overlaid tube is the well known 2.25Cr1Mo steel

which is also known by the code 10CrMo910 and T22. The results of the

optical emission spectroscopy are presented in the appendix No.1.

4-3- Microstructural characterization of

2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate

Figure 4-2(a) is a low magnification image of the steel region of the tube

cross-section. Two different zones in the 2.25Cr1Mo steel microstructure are

clearly visible after etching with 2% Nital and are labelled in this image.

1) A HAZ zone close to the interface, about 1 mm wide and with a

uniform microstructure.

2) A central zone of the steel region, ~ 2 to 2.5 mm wide and with a

bimodal microstructure.

The optical microscopic images of different zones of the steel substrate in the

as-welded condition are shown in Figure 4-2(b) and (c). The HAZ can be

divided into two regions as follows (see Figure 4-2(b)):

1) A Near-HAZ ~ 300 μm wide with a uniform microstructure

2) A Far-HAZ ~ 700 μm wide with a non-uniform microstructure.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

Figure ‎4-2. Showing different zones in the cross section of the steel substrate in the
etched condition; (a) low magnification image indicates the HAZ and the central zones,
(b) higher magnification optical microscope image of two zones in the HAZ and the
transition zone and (c) higher magnification optical microscope image of the central and
inner bore zones.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

It is clear that by moving away from the interface, the uniformity of the HAZ

zone decreased which is related to the maximum temperature and rate of

heating/cooling of the thermal cycle during the welding process. Moreover,

there is a zone ~ 200μm wide between the far-HAZ and central zone. The

microstructure of the steel has changed gradually from a bimodal structure to a

more uniform microstructure in this zone which is termed the transition zone

in this thesis.

Figure 4-2(c) shows the inner bore of the tube; further investigation revealed

that the steel microstructure close to the inner bore area is slightly different

from that in the central zone. This area ~200 μm wide has a higher fraction of

ferrite grains compared to the central zone. There are thus five main different

zones in the 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate of the weld overlaid tube with different

microstructures, and from the tube‟s inner bore towards welding interface they

are referred as following:

1) An inner bore zone ~150 to 200 μm wide with a higher proportion

ferrite grains in the microstructure.

2) A central zone ~ 2000 to 2500 μm wide with approximately equal

portions of ferrite and carbide containing regions.

3) A transition zone ~ 200 μm wide which has a transformed two phase


4) A far-HAZ zone ~ 700 μm wide with a one phase microstructure;

however, the former bimodal structure is still visible.

5) A near-HAZ zone ~ 300 μm wide with a uniform microstructure.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

4-3-1- Inner bore microstructure

It is probable that the central and the inner bore zones of the steel were not

affected by the thermal cycle of the welding process and therefore they retain

their initial microstructures. Figure 4-3 shows different images of these

regions. The optical microscope image of the inner bore zone is shown in

Figure 4-3(a1) and reveals predominantly ferrite (α-Fe) grains and some small

dark etching areas.

The width of this zone varies from point to point and is ~150 to 200 μm wide

as indicated in the lower magnification SE micrograph of this region (see

Figure 4-3(b1)). The higher magnification SE micrograph of the inner bore

zone microstructure is presented in Figure 4-3(c1) and reveals that ferrite (α-

Fe) grains have a featureless appearance after etching while the dark optical

microscope areas surface have a mottled contrast. It is suggested that bright

particles are carbides in a tempered martensite or bainite structure. These areas

will be termed TM/B (tempered martensite/bainite) in the rest of the thesis.

4-3-2- Central zone microstructure

The bimodal microstructure of the central zone is seen in the majority of

2.25Cr1Mo steel region and consists of approximately equal proportions of

ferrite (α-Fe) grains and TM/B areas. This type of microstructure is seen in the

central part of steel tube between the inner bore and the transition zones. The

optical microscope image of this zone is presented in Figure 4-3(a2) and

shows its main features which are large areas of TM/B and ferrite (α-Fe)

grains of different size.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

Figure ‎4-3. Showing microstructure of the inner bore (1) and the central (2) zones in the
etched condition; (a1,a2) optical microscope images, (b1,b2) lower magnification SE
micrographs and (c1,c2) higher magnification SE micrographs.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

As seen in Figure 4-3(b2), there are some locations in the central zone where

the TM/B areas can be considered as matrix and small grains of ferrite (α-Fe)

are formed in these areas. Nevertheless, there are other locations where a

group of ferrite (α-Fe) grains are formed and their grain boundaries are clearly

visible. There are some bright particles on the grain boundaries of ferrite

grains as labelled in this image. The bright particles are seen more clearly in

the higher magnification SE micrograph (see Figure 4-3(c2)) on the

boundaries of ferrite grains and in the TM/B areas. Referring to section 2-3, it

is believed that these particles are likely to be carbides as a common feature in

a tempered martensitic or bainitic structure. It must be noted that the etching

process causes relief of carbides on the surface and so carbides are seen as

bright in the SE micrographs.

4-3-3- Transition zone microstructure

The transition zone is between the far-HAZ and the central zone. In this zone,

the bimodal microstructure including (α-Fe) and TM/B has partially

transformed to austenite (γ-Fe) during the welding process. The austenite

subsequently transformed to martensite or bainite during the rapid cooling of

the weld thermal cycle. The resultant regions after cooling are termed Tγ

(transformed γ) in this thesis.

Figure 4-4(a) shows the etched microstructure of the transition zone. In the

higher peak temperature parts of this zone (upper parts of Figure 4-4(a)) the

microstructure was completely transformed to γ. However, some

untransformed ferrite grains are present in the central part and some TM/B

areas appear in the lower parts of this image.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

Figure ‎4-4. Showing microstructure of the transition zone in the etched condition; (a)
optical microscope image indicates the‎ untransformed‎ (α-Fe) and the untransformed
TM/B‎ as‎ well‎ as‎ the‎ Tγ,‎ (b) lower magnification SE micrograph of the untransformed
(α-Fe) and Tγ areas in the transition zone and (c) higher magnification SE micrograph
indicates‎the‎Tγ structure in the TM/B areas and corners of a ferrite‎(α-Fe) grain.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

The untransformed (α-Fe) grains and TM/B are related to the lower peak

temperature during the welding process. In the lower parts of transition zone,

only some parts of TM/B areas and the corners of (α-Fe) grains were

transformed to the γ during heating up period. Figure 4-4(b) shows a low

magnification SE micrograph of the transition zone which is similar to the

optical microscope image. The untransformed (α-Fe) grains and TM/B areas

are clearly labelled in this image.

The higher magnification SE micrograph of this zone is presented in Figure

4-4(c) and reveals that the Tγ structure is different from the initial

microstructure. The edges and corners of ferrite grains convert to Tγ after the

welding process while the centre of the grains remains untransformed. In the

transition zone, the TM/B areas and the ferrite (α-Fe) grains were transformed

to a uniform structure which is the main feature of the HAZ. The

transformation process from the initial structure to austenite (γ) at high

temperature and then to the Tγ structure is critically dependent on the heating

and cooling rates of the thermal cycle of the welding and the peak temperature

of the region. Moreover, it is suggested that the TM/B areas were transformed

to austenite in a shorter time compared to the ferrite grains.

4-3-4- Far-HAZ zone microstructure

In this work, the HAZ region is divided into a near-HAZ and a far-HAZ. It is

suggested that, during welding, the temperature of the steel surface must reach

at least to that of IN625 melting temperature. Referring to former research

[150], there is a range for IN625 melting temperature which is between

approximately 1250 and 1420˚C. Therefore, the regions of the steel adjacent

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...84

Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

to the weld overlay were heated above the austenitisation temperature and

rapidly cooled afterwards. The region where austenitisation and air cooling led

to a uniform lath-like structure is termed near-HAZ.

The uniformity of the austenite phase depends on the carbide dissolution and

austenitisation temperature which is a function of distance from the interface.

The region where a completely uniform lath-like structure was not seen is

termed the far-HAZ. Thus, the area closer to the interface is heated up to a

higher temperature, so the austenite in this area is more uniform compared to

other areas which are far from the interface. It is suggested that in the far-HAZ

zone, the carbide dissolution in the austenite during welding may not have

been completed.

Figure 4-5(a) shows an optical microscope image from the area about 500 μm

distant from the interface. It is shown in Figure 4-2(b) that the width of the

far-HAZ zone is ~700 μm and therefore the image with ~500 μm distance

from the interface is showing the central part of the far-HAZ zone. Traces of

the initial bimodal microstructure of the central zone are still distinguishable

in this image.

A low magnification SE micrograph of this zone, taken from the same region

(~500 μm distant from the interface) is presented in Figure 4-5(b). There are

some regions with more bright contrast particles compared to the other parts.

Therefore, this type of microstructure is called non-uniform Tγ in this thesis.

Figure 4-5(c), shows a higher magnification image of this zone. The former

TM/B areas and ferrite (α-Fe) grains are labelled in this image.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

Figure ‎4-5. Showing microstructure of the area ~500 μm‎distant from the interface (far-
HAZ) zone in the etched condition; (a) optical microscope image indicates former (α-Fe)
and TM/B, (b) lower magnification SE micrograph of the non-uniform far-HAZ zone
and (c) higher magnification SE micrograph contains blocky carbide particles in the
former TM/B area.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

The main feature of the far-HAZ zone is the presence of the un-dissolved

carbide particles in the former TM/B areas which is related to incomplete

austenitisation during heating up period. The un-dissolved carbide particles in

the far-HAZ zone (see Figure 4-5(c)) are blocky which are different compared

to the initial TM/B area (see Figure 4-3(c2)).

4-3-5- Near-HAZ zone

Figure 4-6(a) shows an optical microscope image of the interfacial region

(close to the overlay) in the etched condition. The microstructure of this

region (defined as the near-HAZ zone) is uniform without any un-dissolved

blocky carbides. A high magnification SE micrograph of the interfacial region

is shown in Figure 4-6(b). The lath-like structure is visible in the

microstructure close to interface which is the main characteristic of rapidly

cooled austenite.

Figure 4-6(c) shows the microstructure of the area about 300 μm distant from

the interface. It can be seen that the nature of the uniform Tγ microstructure is

also visible in this area. Therefore it is suggested that the width of this zone is

~300 μm which is different from point to point. It can be said that the

appearance of the un-dissolved carbides could be considered as the border

between the near-HAZ and the far-HAZ zones.

Comparison of Figure 4-6(c) and Figure 4-5(c) reveals the differences

between the uniform Tγ and the non-uniform Tγ microstructure.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

Figure ‎4-6. Showing microstructure of the near-HAZ zone in the etched condition; (a)
optical microscope image shows the microstructure of the uniform Tγ‎close to interface,
(b) higher magnification SE micrograph of the interfacial region illustrates lath-like
structure and (c) higher magnification SE micrograph of the area ~300 μm‎distant from
the interface shows uniform‎Tγ.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

It is suggested that at a smaller distance from the interface, un-dissolved

blocky carbide particles disappeared from the microstructure and replaced

with the lath-like structure. The length of the laths of the Tγ microstructure

increased from less than 10 μm in the area away from the interface (see Figure

4-6(c)) to about 30 μm adjacent to interface (see Figure 4-6(b)).

4-4- Interface characterisation

In order to understand the intermixing process of the fusion weld overlay and

the steel substrate, a comprehensive investigation on the interface region was

carried out. Figure 4-7(a) and (b) show the typical interface in the cross

sectional samples in the etched condition. Nital did not affect the weld overlay

region; therefore the interface can be clearly identified. EDX line scans across

the interface showed the compositional variation in the interfacial region. The

composition changes from a Fe-rich to a Ni- rich alloy in less than 5 μm (see

Figure 4-7(c)). This profile for different shapes of interface was similar.

Further investigation was carried out on longitudinal sections. Figure 4-8(a)

shows a BSE micrograph of the interfacial region in these samples and

indicates the semi-melted interface areas. It is clear that during the welding

process, some areas of the steel did not fully melt. The semi-melted areas in

the interfacial region proved that the interface is not a planar feature between

the steel and weld overlay. Figure 4-8(b) shows an un-melted steel part in the

weld overlay region. The presence of the semi-melted regions and or un-

melted parts in the interfacial region cause an undulating interface and

therefore it can be considered as a three dimensional feature.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

Figure ‎4-7. Showing the nature of the interface in the weld overlay/substrate system; (a,
b) SE micrographs from different locations of interface etched in Nital indicate different
interface shapes, (c) compositional profile at the interface shown in figure(a).

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

Figure ‎4-8. Showing the weld overlay/substrate interfacial region, (a) low magnification
BSE micrograph from the interfacial region in the longitudinally sectioned sample
indicates the semi melted areas, (b) higher magnification SE micrograph form the un-
melted steel part in the weld overlay region.

4-5- Microstructural characterization of the weld


Etching samples with Aqua-Regia reagent revealed the weld overlay

microstructure. Figure 4-9(a) shows an optical microscope image from the

whole region of the weld overlay. One edge of this region is the interface with

the steel and the other one is the tube outer surface. The weld overlay

microstructure has a dendritic structure which is a characteristic of an as-

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...91

Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

solidified material. The columnar dendrites exist through the whole region and

show directional solidification aligned with the radial direction.

Figure 4-9(b) shows a higher magnification optical microscope image of the

weld overlay close to interface with the steel. There is a region in this image

where the columnar dendrites are not visible. Due to partial melting of the

steel surface and intermixing with the weld pool during the welding process,

the microstructure of this region is different from the other parts. This region

of less than 30 μm wide is called the mixing zone in the rest of this thesis.

However, other parts of the weld overlay region have a similar structure.

Therefore the region beyond the mixing zone is considered as the bulk zone of

the weld overlay.

The most important feature in the dendritic microstructure of the bulk weld

overlay is inhomogeneity of the chemical composition between the dendrite

cores and interdendritic regions. The segregation phenomenon in this region

can be seen in the BSE micrograph (BSE signal is sensitive to the mean

atomic number) and is shown in Figure 4-9(c).

As seen in this image, there are some bright features which are labelled as

interdendritic regions of higher mean atomic number. Moreover, the darker

areas can be considered as the cores of dendrites. It means that during

solidification, the segregation of higher atomic number elements such as Mo

and Nb cause the interdendritic regions to become brighter in contrast

compared to that of the dendrite cores.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

Figure ‎4-9. Showing microstructure of the weld overlay region; (a) low magnification
optical microscope image indicates the edges of the weld overlay region, (b) high
magnification optical microscope image of the mixing zone close to interface and (c) BSE
micrograph of the weld overlay region indicates inhomogeneity in the microstructure of
bulk zone.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

EDX analyses, with line scans, were carried out on the different locations of

the weld overly region in order to reveal the chemical composition differences

between the interdendritic and dendrite core regions. Figure 4-10(a) shows an

EDX line scan results from a location in the bulk zone at ~500 μm from the

interface. The corresponding location of this analysis is presented in Figure

4-10(b). It can be seen the bright contrast regions match with the higher

niobium and molybdenum content regions.

Figure ‎4-10. Showing inhomogeneity in the bulk zone of the weld overlay (a) EDX
analysis results showing concentration profiles of Mo and Nb, (b) location of the line
scan indicates the bright regions correspond to the higher Mo and Nb regions.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

4-5-1- Chemical composition profile through

the weld overlay region

Based on the previously mentioned results, it is suggested that there are two

main zones in the weld overlay region as follows:

1) A mixing zone ~ 30 μm wide

2) A bulk zone with a dendritic structure

EDX area analyses were carried out on different locations of these two zones

to analyse the differences in their chemical composition. In order to compare

the results of different parts, all the EDX analyses were taken in the form of a

box 10 μm wide and 100 μm long. EDX analyses were repeated on five or six

different locations with the same distance from the interface.

4-5-1-1- Mixing zone

The chemical composition of the mixing zone was determined with two sets of

area analyses. The first set was carried out on many different locations at ~1

μm distant from the interface. The schematic diagram of this set of analyses is

shown in Figure 4-11 and the results are presented in Table 4-4. This table

presents the results from 6 different locations and reveals that the chemical

composition in the first 10 μm of weld ovverlay varies significantly.

The second set of analyses was carried out on different locations at ~10 μm

distant from the interface (D=10 μm). Table 4-5 shows the results of 5 points

of this set of analyses and it seen that by increasing the distance from the

interface, the average of iron content decreases while other elements increase.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

Figure ‎4-11. Showing schematic of EDX analysis on different locations of the mixing

Table ‎4-4. Chemical composition of the mixing zone in the weld overlay region at
different areas 1 μm distant from the interface. (D=1 μm)
Element (wt.%) A(1) A(2) A(3) A(4) A(5) A(6) Mean S.D.
Cr 10.5 13.1 15.4 15.3 15.1 11.3 13.5 2.2
Fe 57.3 44.7 33.4 33.7 36.9 54.5 43.4 10.6
Ni 26.8 35.3 43.2 43.2 40.5 28.5 36.2 7.3
Nb 1.2 1.5 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.6 0.3
Mo 3.9 5.1 5.8 5.9 5.6 4.1 5.0 0.9

Table ‎4-5. Chemical composition of the mixing zone in the weld overlay region at
different areas 10 μm distant from the interface. (D=10 μm)
Element (wt.%) A(1) A(2) A(3) A(4) A(5) Mean S.D.
Cr 16.2 19.6 18.8 14.8 17.8 17.4 1.9
Fe 30.7 16.1 17.6 36.7 23.1 24.8 8.7
Ni 43.0 53.1 51.5 40.2 48.7 47.3 5.5
Nb 3.2 3.2 3.9 2.2 3.0 3.1 0.6
Mo 6.6 7.7 7.7 5.9 7.3 7.0 0.8

A comparison of the mean values of Fe and Ni in these tables reveals the

intermixing of the weld overlay with the steel substrate. The variation in the

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...96

Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

chemical composition at a fixed distance from the interface is probably related

to the interface undulations. The presence of the semi melted and/or un-melted

parts of the steel substrate in the area close to interface causes higher iron

content in some locations of the mixing zone.

4-5-1-2- Bulk zone

In order to have a chemical composition profile in the bulk zone, the EDX

area analyses were carried out on locations with different distances from the

interface. The EDX results for one set of these measurements are shown in

Figure 4-12. As variations of high atomic number elements i.e. Mo and Nb are

smaller than other elements, their profiles are presented in a separate graph. It

is seen that after a distance of ~30 μm from the interface, the composition of

the bulk zone is almost uniform through whole region. The border between the

mixing and the bulk zones can be defined by the dashed line shown in Figure


This type of measurement was repeated on different locations of weld overlay

region and the results were very similar. The resultant profiles exhibit a

plateau between 20 to 40 μm from the interface. Comparison between the

compositions of the bulk zone in different profiles reveals that nickel and iron

content vary within a range of 3 wt.%. However, the concentration variation

range of other elements in different profiles is less than 1 wt.%. Finally, the

composition in the bulk zone is close to the analysis results from the spark

emission spectroscopy (see Table 4-1).

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition


Element wt.%
40 Ni



10 Mixing Bulk

1 10 100 1000

9 Nb
Element wt.%

1 Mixing Bulk
1 10 100 1000
Distance from interface(μm)

Figure ‎4-12. Showing typical EDX analysis results for the weld overlay region on
logarithmic distance scale; (above) indicates variation of the matrix elements i.e. Cr, Fe
and Ni as a function of distance from the interface, (below) shows variation of minor
alloying elements i.e. Mo and Nb in the same way.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

4-5-2- EPMA results

EPMA analysis using WDX spectrometers was carried out on the interfacial

region of a cross sectional sample. The methodology employed is described in

section 3-5-7. Figure 4-13 shows elemental colour maps for Cr, C, Nb, Ti, Mo

and Fe as well as a backscattered electron image from the interfacial region

(with CP in the data bar) between the steel (lower part) and weld overlay

(upper part). The concentrations represented by the different colours are

shown by the scales to the right of the image.

The mixing zone, previously identified by SEM/EDX, is clearly visible as a

~30 μm wide zone of high Fe and low Ni, Cr, Mo and Nb compared to the

bulk of the weld overlay. The levels of these elements away from the mixing

zone are also in agreement with the SEM/EDX results. Moreover, EPMA

results give more distinct information about distribution of the niobium and

molybdenum in the weld overlay region.

As seen, the concentrations of the both of these elements are increased in the

mixing zone with increasing distance from the interface (Mo concentration at

the interface is ~1 at.% and increases to about 6 at.% while Nb concentration

at interface is almost zero and increases to ~2 at.%). However, the Mo

distribution in the bulk zone is somewhat different from the Nb distribution.

The Mo map appears more uniform whereas the Nb is concentrated in some

regions in the bulk zone which are red and visible in Figure 4-13.

It should be noted that most of the Nb-rich points correlate with Ti-rich points.

This fact can be related to formation of secondary phases at final stages of

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

solidification. Presence of Ti and Nb possibly is related to (MC) carbide.

Moreover, the carbon concentration range is not valid which is related to its

low concentration.

Figure ‎4-13. Showing different element maps in the interfacial region with the steel at
the lower part and weld overlay at the upper part; the variation in chemical composition
is visible in the mixing zone. The boundary between the mixing and the bulk zones is
clearly visible and some (Nb, Ti)-rich points are present in the bulk zone. The carbon
concentration range is not valid and its map did not show anything.

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Chapter4 … Characterization of the as-welded condition

In summary, as a result of the welding of the nickel alloy on the outer bore of

the steel tube, following regions are present in the weld overlaid steel tube in

the as-welded condition:

1) 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate

a) A inner bore region which contains ferrite grains

b) A central zone region with bimodal microstructure which

contains approximately equal portions of ferrite grains and

TM/B areas as the main zone

c) A transition region which shows the extent of austenitisation

during the welding

d) A far-HAZ region ~700 μm wide with a non-uniform

microstructure including un-dissolved carbides

e) A near-HAZ zone region ~300 μm wide with a uniform lath-

like microstructure

2) Nickel alloy weld overlay region

a) A mixing zone ~30 μm wide with high Fe content

b) A bulk zone with ~9 wt.% Fe content and 0.02 wt.% C which

are higher than the standard wrought IN625 which is

mentioned in Table 4-2.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...101

Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Chapter 5

5- Characterization following high

temperature exposure

5-1- Introduction

In order to prevent failures in service, it is necessary to evaluate the effects of

service conditions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the steel

tube and the weld overlay, particularly in the interfacial region. In this project,

the main focus is on the effect of high temperature exposure on the hardness

and microstructure of different regions of the weld overlay and the steel

substrate. The weld overlay is a nickel based alloy similar in composition to

IN625 but with a higher iron and carbon contents and the substrate is

2.25Cr1Mo ferritic steel.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...102

Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Due to the differences in the chemical composition of these materials,

transport of various elements across the interface is likely to occur during the

high temperature exposure. As the results reveal a complex set of interactions,

a brief overview will be presented in section 5-2. The aim of this is to provide

the reader with a succinct description in which the primary processes in the

microstructural evolution are defined. Moreover, schematic diagrams

displaying the main features in the microstructure of both materials are


In the following sections of this chapter, the results of hardness tests and

microstructural analysis of the thermally exposed samples are presented. In

these sections, evidences about the microstructure evolution in the weld

overlay region and different zones of the steel are described in detail. The

results are classified by region in terms of the microstructural evolution


5-2- Overview

The hardness and microstructure of samples were analysed in detail (see

section 5-3 and 5-4) and changes in the microstructure are classified in the

present section. The changes in the microstructure were compared with the as-

welded condition. The microstructures of the steel substrate as well as the

weld overlay in the as-welded condition are reported in chapter 4. In the as-

welded condition, there is a significant variation in the microstructure of the

steel from the near-HAZ region to the tube inner bore due to the different

thermal cycles experienced.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-1. Showing (a) schematic diagram of the as-welded sample microstructure,
indicates different region in the steel, (b) schematic diagram of the D1 sample
microstructure, indicates tempering in the steel and the fine veins formation in the weld
overlay, (c) indicate the hardness values of both materials; in the steel due to tempering
it is decreased while it is increased for the weld overlay region due to hardening.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure 5-1(a) shows the schematic diagram of the as-welded sample. In this

steel, the initial microstructure contains ferrite (α-Fe) grains and the TM/B

areas. This bimodal structure converts to austenite during welding and then by

rapid cooling lath-like structure was formed and termed (Tγ). Due to the

gradient in peak temperature during the welding, the uniformity of HAZ

microstructure decreases with increasing the distance from the interface

(compare the near-HAZ with far-HAZ).

Thermal exposure at 650˚C for 1 day causes tempering of the lath-like Tγ

structure in the HAZ region to give a tempered structure with small carbide

precipitates. Figure 5-1(b) shows schematically this issue. The hardness drops

in the HAZ region as seen in Figure 5-1(c). Thermal exposure causes

hardening of the weld overlay, and hardness of the weld overlay in the D1

sample increases compared to the as-welded condition (see Figure 5-1(c)).

Moreover, due to carbon migration across the weld interface at high

temperature and presence of carbide former elements, carbide particles are

likely to precipitate along the grain boundaries in the weld overlay. Therefore,

some features, termed veins, formed in the weld overlay side of interfacial

region. These veins ~50 μm long are shown in Figure 5-1(b).

After 8 days exposure (D8 sample), tempering of the steel and a decrease in its

hardness continues. This is accompanied by increasing the length of the veins

in the weld overlay to about 100 μm. Moreover, the hardness increases up to a

depth of 20 μm into the weld overlay. This region is termed a “hard band”

which is emphasised as a dark band in Figure 5-2(a). The maximum hardness

of this region rises to about 500 kgf mm-2.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-2. Showing (a) schematic diagram of the D8 sample, indicates fully tempered
structure in the steel and the vein growth and hard band formation in the weld overlay
(b) schematic diagram of the D16 sample, indicates soft zone in the former near-HAZ
region and further growth in the veins and wider hard band in the weld overlay and (c)
indicates the hardness variation in different parts of two samples.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Further increase in exposure time causes apparently further carbon migration

from the steel to the weld overlay and a soft zone forms on the steel side of the

interface. This soft zone is first apparent after 12 days exposure and remains

even after 32 days of exposure. The microstructure of the D16 sample is

shown schematically in Figure 5-2(b). The main characteristics of the soft

zone are a large ferrite grain structure and low hardness (see Figure 5-2(c)).

The width of the soft zone is ~300 μm which is equivalent to the near-HAZ

region. The soft zone is largely free from precipitates.

In the weld overlay region of the D16 sample, the width of the hard band

increased to ~50 μm and its maximum hardness increased to ~600 kgf mm-2.

The hard band width is correlated to the mixing zone (see section 4-5-1-1)

which is a nickel rich region with ~30 at.% iron content material. Moreover,

comparison of the D8 and D16 samples indicates that veins become thicker

with increasing exposure time at 650˚C.

After 64 days exposure, see Figure 5-3(a), two important changes took place

in the near-HAZ region. First, fine particles were precipitated within the large

ferrite grains and secondly a network of coarse carbide particles was formed at

the interface between the weld overlay and the steel (in the steel side). This

has led to a re-hardening of the near-HAZ region (see Figure 5-3(c) compared

to Figure 5-2(c)).

Within the weld overlay region, the features termed veins did not extend

further into the sample but appeared more distinct, suggesting a coarsening of

the precipitates within them (see Figure 5-3(a) compared to Figure 5-2(b)).

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-3. Showing (a) schematic diagram of the D64 sample, indicates precipitates
within the large ferrite grains and a coarse precipitate network at the interface region,
(b) schematic diagram of the D128 sample indicate fine grains of ferrite and TM/B
formation in the former near-HAZ region; and (c) indicates the hardness variation of
the different regions of two samples.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Finally, after 128 days, the hardness values of the near-HAZ region and the

hard band in the weld overlay underwent little further change. However, the

grain size of the ferrite in the near-HAZ region decreased very significantly

from ~150 μm to less than 10 μm. Also in the bulk zone of the weld overlay

region the TCP precipitates become visible (see Figure 5-3(b)).

This overview provides a framework for presenting the detailed experimental

results in the following sections. The hardness results are presented in section

5-3 followed by the microstructral observations after different ageing times at

650 ˚C in section 5-4.

5-3- Hardness survey

The microhardness measurements for both materials, the weld overlay (nickel

alloy) and steel tube (2.25Cr1Mo) were carried out in the as-welded condition

and after each thermal exposure experiment. In this section, the results of

hardness tests for different samples are presented. The hardness measurement

procedure was described in section 3-6.

It should be noted that several hardness measurements in a sample show

similar profiles and in a particular zone, there is ~30 kgf mm-2 difference

between the maximum and the minimum values. Therefore, for displaying the

changes in the hardness profile of different samples, one set of measurements

is presented in the diagrams for each sample. The typical ~30 kgf mm-2 error

bar should be considered in each diagram which represents the difference

between values of a certain zone in the sample.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

The hardness values of the weld overlay region in the as-welded condition are

presented in Figure 5-4(a), and show a range of 220 - 250 kgf mm-2 for both

zones. The hardness values for the steel region in the as-welded condition are

presented in Figure 5-4(b) and show the maximum hardness values are

corresponding to the near-HAZ region (~300 μm wide) and are between 430

and 460 kgf mm-2.

The hardness values in the far-HAZ region are in the range of ~200 to ~430

kgf mm-2 and decrease with increasing distance from the interface. The

hardness values in the central zone are in the range of ~150 to ~180 kgf mm-2.

It can be suggested that the hardness profile in the as-welded condition is

correlated to the peak temperature during welding.

High temperature exposure has a significant effect on the hardness of both

regions (steel and weld overlay). The hardness values for the weld overlay and

the steel regions of the D1 sample are presented in Figure 5-4(a) and (b)

respectively. As seen, in the weld overlay region, the hardness values increase

to the range of ~280 to ~310 kgf mm-2. Moreover, the hardness values in both

regions of the HAZ in the D1 sample are decreased compared to those of the

as-welded sample. The hardness values in the HAZ region varied in the range

of ~220 to ~250 kgf mm-2, which are still higher compared to those of the

central zone.

The central zone hardness values range is between ~150 and ~180 kgf mm-2,

in the D1 sample, which is similar to that of the as-welded sample. This means

that high temperature exposure for 1 day did not affect the hardness values of

this zone in the steel region.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

a) 500

Hardness (kgfmm-2)




-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0
Distance from interface into weld overlay (μm)

b) 500

400 As-welded
Hardness (kgfmm-2)


Near Far
HAZ HAZ Central zone
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Distance from interface into steel (μm)

Figure ‎5-4. Showing (a) hardness profile in the weld overlay region of the as-welded and
the D1 samples, (b) hardness profile in the steel region of the as-welded and the D1

The hardness values of the D4 sample in different regions are shown in Figure

5-5. As seen, increasing the exposure time to four days did not change the

hardness profiles significantly in the steel region. However, hardness values in

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...111

Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

the weld overly region increased to the range of ~320 to ~350 kgf mm-2,

which is higher compared to that of the D1 sample (~280 to ~310 kgf mm-2).

a) 500

Mixing zone
450 D8 zone
Hardness (kgfmm-2)





-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0
Distance from interface into weld overlay (μm)

b ) 500

Hardness (kgfmm-2)



Near Far
HAZ HAZ Central zone
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Distance from interface into steel (μm)

Figure ‎5-5. Showing (a) hardness profile in the weld overlay of the D4 and the D8
samples indicates hard band formation, (b) hardness profile in the steel region of the D4
and the D8 samples, indicates hardness decreasing in the HAZ region.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure 5-5(a) shows the hardness profile in the weld overlay region of the D8

sample. As seen, the hardness of the mixing zone increased significantly to the

range of 470 - 500 kg fmm-2. Meanwhile, the hardness values of the bulk zone

underwent little changes compared to the D4 sample. In the steel region, as

shown in Figure 5-5(b), the hardness values of the HAZ region in the D8

sample decreased to the range of 170 - 200 kgf mm-2; which is very close to

the hardness values of the central zone.

A comparison of the hardness profiles in the as-welded sample (see Figure

5-4) and the D8 sample (see Figure 5-5) shows that the hardness profile in the

steel region becomes uniform through whole the steel region. Moreover, after

8 days of exposure, the hardness values increased in the mixing zone of the

weld overlay region which is called hard band.

Increasing the exposure time to 16 days causes further changes in the hardness

profiles of both regions. The weld overlay hardness profile in the D16 sample

is presented in Figure 5-6(a) and it is obvious that the maximum hardness in

the hard band increases to a range of 590 - 620 kgf mm-2. Moreover, the hard

band width increases up to ~50 μm. The hardness values of the bulk zone

show little changes compared to those of the D8 sample.

The hardness profile in the steel region of the D16 sample is presented in

Figure 5-6(b). The hardness values decrease to a range of 110 - 130 kgf mm-2,

in the near-HAZ region. A soft zone (low hardness), ~300 μm wide, formed in

all mid-term exposed samples (from 12 to 32 days). However, the hardness

values in other regions of the steel show small changes (less than 10 kgf mm-2)

compared to those of the D8 sample.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

a) 700 Bulk zone


Hard band

Hardness (kgf mm-2)




-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0
Distance from interface into weld overlay (μm)

b) 300 Near Far HAZ Central zone D32

Hardness (kgf mm-2)




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Distance from interface into steel (μm)

Figure ‎5-6. Showing (a) hardness profile in the weld overlay of the D16 and the D32
samples indicates formation of hard band, (b) hardness profile in the steel region of the
D16 and the D32 samples, indicates formation of soft zone.

Exposure at 650˚C for 32 days did not affect the hardness profiles compared

to those of the D16 sample. As shown in Figure 5-6(a), the maximum

hardness of the hard band increases to the range of 620 - 650 kgf mm-2, in the

D32 sample, while its width is similar to that observed in the D16 sample.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

a) 700 Bulk zone


Hard band

Hardness (kgf mm-2)




-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0
Distance from interface into weld overlay (μm)

b) 300 Near Far HAZ Central zone D128

Hardness (kgf mm-2)




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Distance from interface into steel (μm)

Figure ‎5-7. Showing (a) hardness profile in the weld overlay of the D64 and the D128
samples, (b) hardness profile in the steel region of the D64 and the D128 samples,
indicates re-hardening of the near-HAZ region.

Moreover, the hardness values of the bulk zone in the D32 sample are almost

similar to those of the D16 sample. The hardness profile in the steel region of

the D32 sample shown in Figure 5-6(b) indicates that the soft zone hardness

values and width are similar to those of the D16 sample. The hardness values

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...115

Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

of the far-HAZ region in the D32 sample are almost the same as those of the

central zone. Further investigations about the hardness profiles in samples of

the second set of tests, including D12, D16, D20, D24, D28 and D32 samples,

did not reveal any significant changes compared to those presented in Figure

5-6. Therefore, it is suggested that the hardness profiles in this figure are valid

for all mid-term exposed samples

The hardness profile of the weld overlay region in the D64 sample, presented

in Figure 5-7(a), indicates that increasing the exposure time did not affect the

hardness values in this region. However, the hardness profile of the steel

region in the D64 sample shows a significant change (about 50 kgf mm-2) in

the Near-HAZ region compared to that of the D32 sample. The hardness

values of the soft zone have increased to the range of 160 - 180 kgf mm-2. This

range is almost the same as that of the central zone (see Figure 5-7(b)).

In other words, increasing the exposure time to 64 days caused re-hardening

of the soft zone. Examination of hardness values in the D128 sample did not

reveal significant changes in the hardness profiles of both regions compared to

those of the D64 sample. These hardness profiles for both regions are

presented in Figure 5-7(a) and (b).

WD128 sample hardness survey

The WD128 sample was aged after having had the steel substrate machined

away and hardness measurement was carried out on the bulk zone of the

WD128 sample using microhardness method and same procedure. The

preliminary results did not reveal any significant change in the hardness of the

bulk zone in the WD128 sample compared to those of the D128 sample. In

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

order to investigate the formation of a hard band in this sample, the hardness

measurement in the edges of the sample was required.

The refined hardness measurement was done using a nano-indentation method

as described in section 3-6-2 at two different locations of the WD128 sample.

The hardness values at the edges of sample are reported as 7.7±0.6 GPa.

However, the hardness of the bulk zone is reported as 5.4±0.6 GPa. Therefore,

it is suggested that a hard band formed even in the absence of solid state

diffusion from the steel substrate.

5-4- Microstructural characterization

The microstructure evolution in the weld overlay and the steel regions are

linked together but in the following sections, the microstructural changes in

the different regions are represented separately. In the next section, the

microstructural evolution in the weld overlay region is reported and the

microstructural changes in the different zones of the steel region are described

in the latter section.

5-4-1- Microstructural evolution in weld

overlay region

Microstructural changes occur during the high temperature exposure. For a

better understanding of these changes, the thermally exposed samples should

be divided into following three categories:

1) Early stages of thermal exposure including samples D1 to D8

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

2) Mid-term thermally exposed samples including D16, D32 and D64

3) Long term thermally exposed samples including D128 and WD128

5-4-1-1- Microstructural evolution in the early

stages of thermal exposure

Examination of the D1 sample reveals that some features named as veins

formed in the mixing zone of the weld overlay.

Figure ‎5-8. Showing overall view of the weld overlay region in the D1 sample; (a) optical
microscope image in the etched condition indicates veins ~50 μm‎ long, (b) SE
micrograph in the etched condition indicates formation of the veins along the dendrites.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

An optical microscope image from the D1 sample in the etched condition

shows these veins close to interface (see Figure 5-8(a)). These veins ~50 μm

long are the main features in the microstructure of the D1 sample. SE

micrograph of the interfacial region in the etched conditions presented in

Figure 5-8(b) shows that veins are formed along the dendrites. Moreover, the

length and population of these veins vary from point to point. Further

investigation confirmed that there is no significant change in the bulk zone of

the weld overlay region in the D1 sample compared to that of the as-welded


Figure 5-9(a) shows a BSE micrograph of the interfacial region in the polished

condition and indicates a vein ~30 μm long with darker contrast compared to

the matrix. It is suggested that veins contain some precipitates with lower

mean atomic number compared to that of the matrix. Figure 5-9(b) shows a

higher magnification optical microscope image of the veins in the etched

condition, indicating formation along the dendrites. Figure 5-9(c) shows a SE

micrograph in the etched condition indicating formation of veins with

different sizes at the interdendritic regions. Moreover, some fine precipitates

are visible in the large veins.

Examination of the D2 sample indicates the growth of veins. An optical

microscope image of the D2 sample presented in Figure 5-10(a) shows the

veins are ~100 μm long. Further investigations reveal that these veins outline

the grain boundaries of weld overlay region. Figure 5-10(b) presents a SE

micrograph of the D2 sample in the etched condition and the grain structure of

the weld overlay region is clearly visible in this image.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-9. Showing different aspects of the veins in the D1 sample; (a) BSE micrograph
in the un-etched condition indicates a vein ~30 μm‎long with darker contrast compared
to the matrix, (b) optical microscope image in the etched condition indicates veins
locations and (c) SE micrograph in the etched condition indicates different sizes of the
veins and precipitates in the larger one.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

An EDX line scan across the wide veins (see Figure 5-10(c)) reveals the Cr

and Mo concentrations are about 50% higher in veins compared to those of the

matrix. Considering higher Cr and Mo content in the veins and their dark

contrast in the BSE micrograph (see Figure 5-9(a)), it is suggested that (Cr,

Mo)-rich carbide are likely to precipitate along the grain boundaries of the

weld overlay region.

The analysis of the D4 sample reveals that growth of the veins in the

interfacial region has continued. The optical microscope image of the

interfacial region in the D4 sample in the etched condition is shown in Figure

5-10(d). In addition to the veins, some grain boundaries are present in the area

~300 μm away from the interface.

Figure 5-10(e) shows a SE micrograph of the interfacial region in the D4

sample in the etched condition. The veins have formed mostly in the

interdendritic regions. These interdendritic regions are protruding from the

matrix in the etched condition.

Further investigation with the SEM reveals that fine precipitates are present on

the grain boundaries in the area ~300 μm away from the interface. These

precipitates on the grain boundaries are shown in Figure 5-10(f). It should be

noted that the grain boundaries are present in some parts of the microstructure

where the precipitates are large enough to be observed. It is clear that the grain

boundaries in the area ~300 μm away from the interface become visible by

precipitation of fine particles along them. EDX spot analysis revealed that

some of these fine precipitates which are large enough to be analysed, are

enriched in Nb, Mo compared to the matrix.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-10. Showing microstructure of the D2 and the D4 sample in the etched
condition; (a) optical microscope image of the D2 sample, (b) SE micrograph of the veins
in the D2 sample and (c) EDX line scan results of a vein in the D2 sample; (d) optical
microscope image of the D4 sample, (e) SE micrograph of the veins in the D4 sample and
(f) SE micrograph of the grain boundaries in the area‎~300‎μm‎from‎the‎interface in the
D4 sample

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Microstructural analysis of the D8 sample in the etched condition, revealed a

dark etch band of ~20 μm wide, adjacent to the interface which is shown in

Figure 5-11(a). As was indicated in section 5-3, a hard band formed in the

interfacial region of the D8 sample which was ~20 μm wide. It is suggested

that formation of the dark band is related to hardening of this region. Figure

5-11(b) shows a BSE micrograph of the D8 sample and indicates more distinct

darker contrast features compared to the D1 sample (see Figure 5-9(a)). As

seen, these features are outlined the grain boundaries.

Figure ‎5-11. Showing the interfacial region of the D8 sample in different conditions; (a)
optical microscope image in the etched condition indicates the dark band ~20 μm‎wide,
b) BSE micrograph of interfacial region in the un-etched condition indicates darker
contrast grain boundaries in the area close to interface.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure 5-12(a1) shows a lower magnification SE micrograph of the interfacial

region in the D8 sample in the etched condition while Figure 5-12(a2) shows

an area ~300 μm distant from the interface in the same condition. The grain

boundary features are present in both of these images. Higher magnification

SE micrographs of these features in both regions are shown in Figure 5-12(b1)

and (b2) respectively. These images indicate fine precipitates along the grain

boundary features.

BSE micrographs of two regions in this sample at different distances from the

interface (i.e. ~50 μm and ~300 μm) in the un-etched condition are presented

in Figure 5-12(c1) and (c2) respectively. The grain boundary features in the

area close to the interface have darker contrast compared to the matrix.

Further investigation indicates that dark grain boundaries are present within

~100 μm distance from the interface. However, grain boundaries in the area

far from the interface contain bright contrast precipitates. It is suggested that

darker precipitates are likely to correspond carbide precipitates in the

interfacial region while the bright precipitates in the bulk zone are Mo, Nb

enriched precipitates. The changes in the microstructure of the weld overlay

region in the early stage of thermal exposure is summarised in the following


1) (Cr, Mo)-rich carbide precipitation along the grain boundaries within

~100 μm distance from the interface.

2) (Nb, Mo)-rich precipitates formation along the grain boundaries in the

bulk zone.

3) Formation of a dark etch band, ~20 μm in width, adjacent to interface.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-12. Showing micrographs of the interfacial region (1) and the bulk zone (2) in
the D8 sample; (a1, a2) lower magnification SE micrographs in the etched condition
indicate grain boundary features, (b1, b2) higher magnification SE micrographs indicate
fine precipitates and (c1, c2) BSE micrographs in the un-etched condition indicate the
dark precipitates in the interfacial region and bright precipitates in the bulk zone.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

5-4-1-2- Microstructural evolution in the mid-term

thermally exposed samples

In this section, the microstructural evolution in three samples i.e. D16, D32

and D64 are reported. Detailed investigation on the weld overlay

microstructure in the etched condition using optical microscope revealed that

the dark etch band width was increased to ~50 μm in the D16 sample as

indicated in Figure 5-13(a).

However, as seen in this image, the length of the veins in the D16 sample did

not change significantly compared to that of the D8 sample and remained at

~100 μm. The appearance of the dark etch band is related to the etching of the

weld overlay in Aqua-Regia. For example, electro-etching of this sample

results in a different appearance to the interfacial region. A higher

magnification image of the interfacial region of the D16 sample in the electro-

etched condition is presented in Figure 5-13(b). As seen, the dark etch band

region does not appear in this condition. This image indicates that the hard

band in the D16 sample has granular structure which is different from the

dendritic structure of the bulk zone.

A higher magnification image of the bulk zone (~300 μm distance from the

interface) in the D16 sample etched in Aqua-Regia is presented in Figure

5-13(c) and shows the sub grains. It should be noted that an identical

microstructure was observed for all of the mid-term thermally exposed

samples in the etched condition, for both etching processes. Hence, the

corresponding images of the D32 and the D64 samples are not presented here

as they are very similar to those of the D16 sample.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-13. Showing optical microscope images of the D16 sample weld overlay region
in the etched condition; (a) lower magnification image indicates the dark band and the
grain boundaries, (b) higher magnification image of the electro-etched sample indicates
grains in the mixing zone and (c) higher magnification image of the bulk zone indicates
formation of sub grains.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Further examinations were carried out on the microstructure of the D16

sample in the etched condition using SEM. A SE micrograph of the interfacial

region of this sample, presented in Figure 5-14(a1), shows the dark band

region and grain boundaries. The EDX area analyses results from the D16

sample have shown that composition of the interfacial region in this sample

generally is similar to the as-welded condition (see Figure 5-14(a2)).

Therefore, the formation of the hard band is not related to the compositional


A higher magnification SE micrograph of the grain boundaries in the

interfacial region is presented in Figure 5-14(b1). The EDX spot analysis of

the large particles present along the grain boundaries in this region is shown in

Figure 5-14(b2) and indicates higher Cr and Mo compared to the matrix.

As seen in Figure 5-14(c1), fine precipitates in the bulk zone are individual

precipitates which are formed in the interdendritic regions. As seen, there are

different types of precipitates in this region. There are some larger blocky

particles dispersed in the interdendritic regions. EDX spot analysis on these

particles indicates higher Nb and Ti content compared to the matrix.

Moreover, there are some irregular shape precipitates, which EDX spot

analysis on them shows higher Nb and Mo content compared to those of the

matrix (see Figure 5-14(c2)).

The microstructure of the weld overlay region in the etched condition in the

D32 and the D64 samples are similar to those of the D16 sample. However,

there are some minor differences in the interfacial region of the mid-term

thermally exposed samples which can be revealed by BSE micrographs.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-14. Showing SE micrographs (1) and EDX results (2) of the weld overlay region
in the etched condition in the D16 sample; (a1) lower magnification image of the
interfacial region, (a2) EDX results for the hard band; (b1) higher magnification image
of the grain boundaries close to interface, (b2) EDX results for a particle in this region;
(c1) higher magnification image from the bulk zone indicates two different particles, (c2)
EDX results for a Mo, Nb- rich particle in this region.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Increasing exposure time causes coarsening of the (Cr, Mo)-rich carbide

precipitates along the grain boundaries within ~100 μm of the interface.

Figure 5-15(a1) shows a higher magnification BSE micrograph from the

interfacial region in the D16 sample and dark grain boundaries are hardly

visible in this image. In the same region of D64 sample the dark grain

boundaries became more distinct at the same magnification (see Figure

5-15(b1)). Figure 5-15(c1) shows the EDX line scan results across these dark

grain boundaries in the D64 sample and indicates higher Cr and Mo contents

in them.

Figure 5-15(a2) and (b2) show the region at a ~100 μm distance from the

interface in the D16 and D64 sample respectively. The dendritic

microstructure is visible in D16 sample while in the D64 sample there are

some bright precipitates at the end of dark grain boundaries. Figure 5-15(c2)

shows the EDX line scan results across the large bright particles in this region

of the D64 sample and shows a higher Mo and Nb content in them compared

to those of the matrix.

EPMA analysis was carried out on a region at a distance of ~50 μm from the

interface in the D64 sample and its results are shown in Figure 5-16. This

image shows the elemental colour maps for all elements in the weld overlay

region as well as a BSE micrograph of the analysed area (indicated in the

image). The dark grain boundary is correlated to the Cr-rich regions in the Cr

map. Moreover, the Mo map also shows a band with slightly higher Mo

concentration in the regions which are correlated to the grain boundary.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-15. Showing microstructural evolution in the interfacial region (1) and the area
at‎a‎~100‎μm‎distance‎from‎the interface (2) in the mid-term samples; (a1) the interfacial
region of the D16 sample (b1) the same region in the D64 sample and (c1) the EDX
results of the dark‎grain‎boundaries‎in‎this‎region.‎(a2)‎the‎area‎at‎a‎~100‎μm‎distance‎
from the interface in the D16 sample, (b2) the same region in the D64 sample and (c2)
the EDX results of bright precipitates in this region.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Therefore, it is suggested that (Cr, Mo)-rich carbide are likely to precipitate

along the grain boundaries in this region. Moreover, there are some bright

contrast precipitates in Figure 5-16 which are correlated to higher

concentrations of Nb and Mo. It is suggested that these precipitates are related

to formation of intermetallic phases. However, it should be noted that some of

the Nb-rich points are related to the Ti-rich points too. The average

concentrations in (at.%) for the elements except carbon in this region are in

the same range compared to those of the D16 sample (see Figure 5-14(a2)).

Figure ‎5-16. Showing EPMA analysis results on the weld overlay region of the D64
sample in the un-etched condition indicates dark and bright precipitates.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

EDX line scan results from the interfacial region in the polished condition in

D32 and the D64 samples are presented in Figure 5-17(a1) and (a2)

respectively and show that the concentration profiles for different elements in

this region are very similar to those of the as-welded sample (see Figure 4-12).

Further analyses were carried out on the D32 and the D64 samples in order to

identify the differences in precipitate population by Oxford-instruments

Company. BSE micrographs of an area at ~50 μm distance from the interface

in the D32 and the D64 samples are presented in Figure 5-17(b1) and (b2).

Figure ‎5-17. Showing different images for midterm exposed samples; (a1) EDX line scan
for the interfacial region of the D32 sample, (a2) EDX line scan in the D64 sample; (b1)
BSE micrograph of precipitates along the grain boundaries in the D32 sample and (b2)
BSE micrograph of precipitates around the grain boundaries in the D64 sample.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

A comparison of these images shows that there are more dark precipitates

around the grain boundaries in the D64 sample compared to those of the D32

sample. These images indicate that although the length of carbide precipitation

region close to interface is constant, the population of these carbides was

increased with increasing exposure time.

Evolution processes in the weld overlay region of the mid-term thermally

exposed samples, are summarized as following points:

1) Coarsening of the carbide precipitates along the grain boundaries in the

interfacial region (within ~100 μm distance from the interface) and

formation of some particles around the grain boundaries.

2) Formation of a (Nb, Mo)-rich phase along the grain boundaries beyond

~100 μm distance from the interface and precipitation of (Nb, Ti)-rich

in the bulk zone of the weld overlay region.

3) The dark etch band composition is similar to its as-welded condition

and formed due to different etching behaviour of the hard band.

5-4-1-3- Microstructural evolution after long term

thermal exposure

In this section results of the microstructure evaluation after long term thermal

exposure are presented. The experimental observations for the D128 sample

are described in the next section. Moreover, in order to understand the effect

of steel substrate on the evolution processes, the results of the WD128 sample

are shown in the following section.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

The D128 sample

Figure 5-18(a) shows an optical microscopic image of the interfacial region in

the D128 sample in the etched condition. As seen, the dark etch band width

did not change significantly compared to that of the D16 sample (see Figure

5-13). However, due to coarsening of the precipitates along the grain

boundaries in the interfacial region, they appear more distinct in this sample

compared to those of the mid-term exposed samples.

Figure ‎5-18. Showing the weld overlay region microstructure in the D128 sample; (a)
optical microscope image in the etched condition indicates the grain boundaries in the
interfacial region, (b) BSE micrograph of the interfacial region in the un-etched
condition indicates the carbide precipitation area.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure 5-18(b) shows a BSE micrograph of the D128 sample in the un-etched

condition and indicates a region ~100 μm wide with carbide precipitates

adjacent to interface. It is seen that even after a long term ageing process; the

carbides precipitates along grain boundaries did not grow beyond this region.

A comparison of Figure 5-18(a) and (b) indicates that grain boundaries in the

etched condition beyond ~100 μm from the interface contain different


Higher magnification BSE micrographs from different regions in the weld

overlay are presented in Figure 5-19 and reveal that some bright precipitates

are present beyond the carbide precipitation region. A BSE micrograph from

the region at ~250 μm distant from the interface is shown in Figure 5-19(a)

and indicates irregular shape bright precipitates adjacent to some dark features

in this region. In other words, in this region carbides and precipitates with

higher atomic number are present together. These precipitates were probably

TCP phase which formed in the interdendritic locations and along the grain

boundaries in this region.

Figure 5-19(b) shows a BSE micrograph of the region at ~100 μm distant

from the interface. It is seen that at the end of the carbide precipitation region,

there is a different morphology for TCP precipitates. There are some acicular

precipitates adjacent to carbide precipitates which are different from those

observed in the bulk zone of the weld overlay region. Finally, Figure 5-19(c)

shows carbide precipitates along grain boundaries in the interfacial region. It

is seen that the population of these precipitates adjacent to interface is less

than other parts.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-19. Showing different regions of the D128 sample; (a) the BSE micrograph at
~250‎ μm‎ distant from the interface indicates TCP precipitates along the grain
boundaries, (b) the‎ BSE‎ micrograph‎ at‎ ~100‎ μm‎ distant from the interface indicates
different TCP phases in this region and (c) the BSE micrograph from the interfacial
region indicates carbide precipitates along the grain boundaries.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

EPMA analyses were carried out on the different locations of the weld overlay

region in the D128 sample. The average compositions of the mixing and the

bulk zone are similar to those of the as-welded sample. Moreover, some

elemental mappings were carried out on this sample. The first analysis was

carried out on a region at ~50 μm distant from the interface.

Figure 5-20(a) shows a BSE micrograph in this region which indicates the

analysed area. Figure 5-20(b) shows the elemental colour maps for this region

and due to larger size of carbide precipitates in this sample, the carbon map

shows higher concentrations in the regions which are correlated to the grain

boundary. Although the Cr map is also showing that grain boundaries are Cr-

rich, it is clear that Cr is uniformly distributed in the matrix of this region.

The Mo map shows two different precipitation behaviours; in the regions

which are correlated to the grain boundary there are higher concentrations of

Mo which is similar to the Cr map. Nevertheless, in the region which is

correlated to the bright precipitate there is a higher concentration of Mo which

is similar to Nb map. Moreover, there are some isolated, high concentration

regions of Ti and Nb which are correlated to the brighter contrast points in the

interdendritic regions.

The next EPMA was carried out on the region at ~100 μm distant from the

interface in the D128 sample where acicular precipitates are present. The

analysed area is shown in Figure 5-21(a) and the corresponding elemental

maps are presented in Figure 5-21(b). As seen there are two Mo, Nb-rich

points and one Nb, Ti-rich point.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-20. Showing EPMA results for a‎region‎at‎~50‎μm‎distant‎from‎the‎interface in

the D128 sample; (a) the BSE micrograph indicates the analysed area, (b) The colour
maps for the elements.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-21. Showing EPMA results for a‎region‎at‎~100‎μm‎distant‎from‎the‎interface‎in‎

the D128 sample; (a) the BSE micrograph indicates the analysed, (b) The colour maps
for the elements.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

It is seen that two red points in the Mo map are correlated to the brighter

blocky particles in the BSE micrograph. Moreover, evaluation of the Nb map

indicates that although the Nb-rich regions are correlated to the Mo-rich

regions, the highly Nb-rich points are in different positions compared to those

of the Mo-rich points. Moreover, it is observed that some parts of the Mo-rich

regions in the bright particles are correlated to the Cr-rich regions.

Nevertheless, some of the bright precipitates are corresponding to regions

which are enriched in Nb and Ti.

The WD128 sample

Figure 5-22(a) shows an optical microscope image of the WD128 sample in

the etched condition which is different compared to that of the D128

microstructure (see Figure 5-18(a)). The dark etch band is not seen adjacent to

the interface; however, nano-indention hardness measurement results indicate

a higher hardness for the interfacial region compared to the bulk zone in the

WD128 sample. The grain boundaries in the interfacial region of the WD128

sample are less distinct compared those of the D128 sample.

An EDX line scan across the grain boundaries in the interfacial region of the

WD128 sample (see Figure 5-22(b)) reveals some (Mo, Nb)-rich precipitates

along the grain boundaries. Further investigation was carried out in the un-

etched condition. A BSE micrograph of the WD128 sample presented in

Figure 5-22(c) shows some bright contrast precipitates along the grain

boundaries in the interfacial region. There is no evidence for carbide

precipitation in this region which is different compared to the D128 sample

(see Figure 5-18(b)).

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-22. Showing the interfacial region in the WD128 sample; (a) an optical
microscope image in the etched condition indicates grain boundaries, (b) EDX line scan
results for the precipitates along the grain boundaries and (c) a BSE micrograph in the
un-etched condition indicates the TCP phase precipitates along the grain boundaries
close to the interface.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

It is concluded that formation of the hard band is not related to presence of the

dark etch band and the steel substrate. A comparison of BSE micrographs for

the D128 and the WD128 samples indicates that presence of steel substrate

has a great influence on the type of precipitates along the grain boundaries in

the interfacial region. In the D128 sample, carbide precipitates are present

while TCP precipitates have formed along the grain boundaries in the WD128


Figure ‎5-23. Showing different regions in the bulk zone of the WD128 sample in the un-
etched condition (a) a BSE micrograph of a region‎at‎~250‎μm‎distant from the interface
indicates larger TCP precipitates at interdendritic regions, (b) a BSE micrograph of a
region‎ at‎ ~100‎ μm‎ distant from the interface indicates the smaller TCP precipitates
along grain boundaries.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure 5-23(a) shows a higher magnification BSE micrograph from a region at

~250 μm distant from the interface and shows the individual bright contrast

precipitates (TCP phase) which is similar to the D128 sample (see Figure

5-19(a)). A BSE micrograph from a region at ~100 μm distant from the

interface (presented in Figure 5-23(b)) shows some fine bright contrast

precipitates (TCP phase) along the grain boundaries which are smaller

compared to other regions. Moreover, the acicular bright precipitates did not

appear in this sample.

5-4-2- Microstructural evolution in the steel


As mentioned in chapter 4, there are five regions with different

microstructures in the steel region of the as-welded sample. The

microstructural evolution in each region is dependent upon the initial

microstructure. Three main regions are defined here for investigations of the

microstructural changes in the steel region.

The first and the second regions were chosen at ~100 μm and ~500 μm distant

from the interface which are in the near-HAZ and the far-HAZ regions

respectively. The third region was chosen at a ~1 mm distant from the inner

bore of tube which is in the central zone. Different analyses were carried out

on the microstructure of these regions to investigate the microstructural

evolution in each region. As described in section 5-2, different processes are

defined for changes in the microstructure of 2.25Cr1Mo steel region. These

processes and related samples are described in the following sections:

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

1) Tempering of the near-HAZ region is shown by the D1 and the D8

samples microstructure.

2) Soft zone formation is described by presentation of two mid-term

thermally exposed samples i.e. the D16 and D32 samples.

3) Re-hardening of the soft zone in the D64 sample and fine grain

formation in the D128 sample are shown together.

4) Formation of a network of carbides at the interface with increasing

exposure time is shown in the D32, the D64 and the D128 samples.

5-4-2-1- Tempering of the near-HAZ region

Figure 5-24(a1) shows an optical microscope image for the steel region in the

D1 sample in the etched condition which is similar to the as-welded sample

(see Figure 4-2(b)). Moreover, the locations of the main regions are shown in

this image. The optical microscope image of the D8 sample in the etched

condition is presented in Figure 5-24(a2). The overall view of the D8 sample

in this condition is similar to that of the D1 sample. However there are some

white/bright regions adjacent to the interface.

Figure 5-24(b1) and (b2) are SE micrographs from the interfacial region in the

D1 and the D8 samples in the etched condition. These images indicate some

precipitate free regions adjacent to the interface in the D8 sample. BSE

micrographs from the interfacial region of the D1 and the D8 samples in the

un-etched condition are shown in Figure 5-24(c1) and (c2) which indicate

formation of some fine bright precipitates in the D8 sample.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-24. Showing different images of the D1 (1) and the D8 (2) samples; (a1, a2)
optical microscope images, (b1, b2) SE micrographs indicate the precipitate free regions
in the D8 sample and (c1, c2) BSE micrographs in un-etched condition.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-25. Showing higher magnification optical microscope images from the D1 (1)
and the D8 (2) samples; (a1, a2) the near-HAZ region microstructure, (b1, b2)
microstructure in the far-HAZ region and (c1, c2) bimodal microstructure in the central

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Higher magnification optical microscope images of the main regions in both

samples are presented in Figure 5-25. The near-HAZ region in the D1 sample

is shown in Figure 5-25(a1) and indicates a fine and uniform microstructure in

this region. Figure 5-25(a2) shows the same region in the D8 sample which is

not uniform, and adjacent to the interface, exhibits a coarser microstructure

compared to other regions. The far-HAZ region in the D1 and the D8 samples

are presented in Figure 5-25(b1) and (b2) respectively. The fine grains are

observed in this region of both samples. Finally, the higher magnification

optical microscope images from the central zone of the D1 and the D8

samples are shown in Figure 5-24(c1) and (c2) respectively. The bimodal

microstructure (ferrite grains and TM/B) of the central zone is seen in both


SE micrographs of the main regions in the etched condition for these samples

are presented in Figure 5-26. Figure 5-26(a1) shows the near-HAZ region

microstructure in the D1 sample and indicates uniform tempered structure.

The near-HAZ region microstructure in the as-welded sample is shown in

Figures 4-6(b) and (c) which exhibits a lath-like structure. After one day

exposure at 650˚C, the structure was changed to a tempered structure with fine

precipitates. The near-HAZ region in the D8 sample shown in Figure 5-26(a2)

indicates larger grains with fine precipitates. Figure 5-26(b1) shows the

microstructure of the far-HAZ region in the D1 sample which contains two

different types of precipitates named as coarse and fine precipitates. As

mentioned in section 4-3-4, in the as-welded sample, the far-HAZ region

microstructure is non-uniform with un-dissolved carbides.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-26. Showing higher magnification SE micrographs for different regions in the
D1 (1) and the D8 (2) samples; (a1, a2) the near-HAZ region, (b1, b2) the far-HAZ
region and (c1, c2) the central zone.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

After 1 day exposure, the tempered non-uniform microstructure is observed in

the far-HAZ region. Those regions with coarse carbides are related to the

former TM/B areas while the fine carbide dispersed in the matrix are related to

the former ferrite grains. Figure 5-26(b2) shows a SE micrograph from the far-

HAZ region in the D8 sample and indicates fine grains in this region.

Moreover, some carbides in this sample are coarser than to those observed in

the D1 sample. The microstructural evolution in the far-HAZ region is carbide

coarsening between the ferrite fine grains.

SE micrographs of the central zone in the D1 and the D8 samples are

presented in Figure 5-26(c1) and (c2) which are similar to the as-welded

sample. The bimodal microstructure is visible in these samples. However, the

grain boundaries are more distinct in the D8 sample compared to those of the

D1 sample. Moreover, some fine precipitates are seen within the ferrite grains

in the D8 sample.

Higher magnification BSE micrographs of the near-HAZ region in the D1 and

the D8 samples are shown in Figure 5-27(a1) and (a2). There are a few bright

acicular precipitates in the D8 sample. Figure 5-27(b1) shows a BSE

micrograph of the far-HAZ region in the D1 sample and there are some

regions where a few fine round precipitates are present which shows non-

uniform precipitation in the far-HAZ region after a day exposure. Figure

5-27(b2) shows the far-HAZ region in the D8 sample and there are more and

coarser bright precipitates compared to the D1 sample. The BSE micrographs

of the central zone in these samples are presented in Figure 5-27(c1) and (c2)

and show some precipitates on the ferrite grain boundaries in the D8 sample.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-27. Showing higher magnification BSE micrographs for different regions in the
D1 (1) and the D8 (2) samples; (a1, a2) the near-HAZ region, (b1, b2) precipitates in the
far-HAZ regions and (c1, c2) fine precipitates on the grain boundaries in the central
zone of D8 sample.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

5-4-2-2- Formation of soft zone

Microstructural analysis of thermally exposed samples reveals that after 12

days exposure, a soft zone with low hardness and a large grain structure has

formed adjacent to the interface. A soft zone was observed in samples aged up

to 32 days. In this section only the microstructures of the D16 and the D32

samples are presented. Figure 5-28(a1) shows an optical microscope image of

the interfacial region in the D16 sample in the etched condition where a white

zone ~300 μm wide is seen adjacent to the interface. Based on the hardness

test results (see section 5-3), this region has lower hardness values compared

to the other regions. The optical microscope image of the D32 sample in the

etched condition is shown in Figure 5-28(a2) which is similar to that of the

D16 sample.

Figure 5-28(b1) and (b2) show SE micrographs of the interfacial region in the

etched condition in these samples and indicate large grain structures with fine

precipitates. The soft zone in the D32 sample contains fewer and coarser

precipitates in the interfacial region compared to those of the D16 sample.

BSE micrographs of these samples in the un-etched condition shown in Figure

5-28(c1) and (c2), revealed a noticeable change in the microstructure. The

D16 sample microstructure is similar to the D8 sample. However, in the D32

sample some bright precipitates are visible which are non-uniformly

distributed in the near-HAZ region. The Mo-rich phase (possibly M6C

carbide) has a higher mean atomic number compared to that of the matrix

(Fe). Therefore bright precipitates can be attributed to the formation of the

Mo-rich carbide precipitates.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-28. Showing different images of the D16 (1) and the D32 (2) samples; (a1, a2)
optical microscope images indicate the soft zone, (b1, b2) SE micrographs indicate the
large grains in the soft zone and (c1, c2) BSE micrographs indicate fine bright Mo-rich
carbide precipitates in the D32 sample.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-29. Showing higher magnification optical microscope images from different
regions in the D16 (1) and D32 (2) samples in the etched condition; (a1, a2) show the soft
zone adjacent to the interface, (b1, b2) indicate fine grains in the far-HAZ region and
(c1, c2) the bimodal microstructure in the central zone.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Higher magnification optical microscope images of the D16 and the D32

samples are presented in Figure 5-29. The soft zones in these samples are

shown in Figure 5-29(a1) and (a2) which are seen to contain large grains (up

to several hundred microns in size). The microstructures of the far-HAZ

region are presented in Figure 5-24(b1) and (b2). The grain size in this region

is less than 10 μm and its microstructure is similar to that of the D8 sample.

The bimodal microstructure in the central zone of these samples is shown in

Figure 5-29(c1) and (c2) respectively.

SE images of the D16 and the D32 samples in the etched condition are shown

in Figure 5-30. SE micrographs of the soft zones in these samples are

presented in Figure 5-30(a1) and (a2) which show some fine precipitates

uniformly dispersed within the large grains. There are some coarse

precipitates in this region too. Grain boundaries in these samples are not

delineated by precipitates. There are more coarse precipitates in the D32 than

in the D16 sample. Moreover, the coarse precipitates are dispersed more

uniformly on the grain boundaries and within the grains in the D32 sample.

The far-HAZ region microstructures of these samples are presented in Figure

5-30(b1) and (b2) respectively. It seems that these images are similar to that of

the D8 sample and contain fine grains and some precipitates. Figure 5-30(c1)

and (c2) show the microstructure of the central zone in these samples. The

bimodal microstructure is clearly seen in these images too. However, the

precipitates on the ferrite grain boundaries are coarser in the D32 sample

compared to those in the D16 sample. Moreover, fine precipitates within the

ferrite grains are fewer and coarser in the D32 sample.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-30. Showing higher magnification SE micrographs from different regions in the
D16 (1) and the D32 (2) samples in the etched condition; (a1, a2) precipitates in the near-
HAZ region, (b1, b2) microstructure in the far-HAZ region and (c1, c2) precipitates on
ferrite grain boundaries in the central zone.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

BSE micrographs of the soft zone in the D16 and D32 samples are shown in

Figure 5-31(a1) and (a2). As seen, there are more bright precipitates and fewer

dark precipitates in the D32 sample compared to those of the D16 sample. A

comparison between the D8 sample (see Figure 5-27(a2)) and the D32 sample

(see Figure 5-31(a2)) shows that number and size of bright precipitates

increases with increasing exposure time. These elongated precipitates in the

near-HAZ region have higher mean atomic number compared to the matrix.

This indicates that Mo-rich precipitates (possibly M6C carbides) have grown

in the near-HAZ after 32 days exposure. The distribution of these precipitates

is not uniform in the matrix. In contrast, the dark precipitates in the D32

sample are fewer compared to those in the D16 sample. This indicates that

other types of carbides i.e. (Fe and/or Cr) carbides were dissolved in the

matrix with increasing exposure time.

Figure 5-31(b1) and (b2) show BSE micrographs of the far-HAZ regions in

these samples. Two different types of precipitates (bright and dark) are present

in these images. There is no significant difference between these micrographs.

It seems that the far-HAZ region microstructure did not change significantly

with increasing exposure time up to 32 days. The morphology of the bright

precipitates in the far-HAZ region is different compared to that of the near-

HAZ region in both samples. The size of elongated particles is up to several

microns in the near-HAZ region while in the far-HAZ region blocky

precipitates are very smaller in size. It seems that the fine precipitates in the

far-HAZ region did not grow with increasing exposure time, as their quantity

and size in the D32 sample is similar to those in the D16 sample.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-31. Showing higher magnification BSE micrographs from different regions in
the D16 (1) and the D32 (2) samples; (a1, a2) precipitates in the near-HAZ region, (b1,
b2) indicate similar microstructure in the far-HAZ region and (c1, c2) dark precipitates
on the ferrite grain boundaries.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Finally, BSE micrographs of the central zone in these samples are seen in

Figure 5-31(c1) and (c2). It seems that some bright precipitates (possibly Mo-

rich M6C carbide) and some dark precipitates (possibly Fe/Cr-rich carbides)

are present along the ferrite grain boundaries in both samples. However, these

precipitates in the D32 sample are coarser compared to those of the D16


Further investigations were carried out on the D16 sample using EPMA to

examine the differences between the near-HAZ and the far-HAZ regions. The

elemental colour maps for these regions are presented in Figure 5-32. It should

be noted that the average of Cr and Mo in both regions are in the same level.

The Cr distribution in the soft zone is more uniform compared to that of the

far-HAZ region (see Figure 5-32(a1) and (a2)). However, the Mo map in the

far-HAZ region (see Figure 5-32(b2)) shows highly concentrated regions

while in the soft zone (see Figure 5-32(b1)), the Mo concentration is almost

uniform. The C maps for both points are presented in Figure 5-32(c1) and (c2)

and do not show any significant features due to its low concentration.

The elemental maps for the alloying elements indicate that Cr and Mo in the

far-HAZ region are concentrated in the precipitates. These maps confirm that

Mo-rich precipitates (possibly M6C carbide) are present in the far-HAZ region

of the D16 sample. However, considering the fully Tγ structure in the near-

HAZ region of the as-welded sample, the uniform Cr and Mo maps in the soft

zone of the D16 sample must be related to smaller precipitates after tempering

in this region. In other words, it is suggested that these did not grow

significantly even after 16 days exposure.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-32. Showing EPMA elemental colour maps for alloying elements in the near-
HAZ region (1) and the far-HAZ region (2) of the D16 sample; (a1, a2) relatively
uniform Cr distribution in both regions, (b1, b2) Mo-rich points in the far-HAZ region
and (c1, c2) the C distribution maps which are not valid due to negative concentrations.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

EDX analyses were performed on the different precipitates in the interfacial

region of the D32 sample and the results are presented in Figure 5-33(a). As

seen in this image, two different precipitates are present in this region. There

are some Mo-rich precipitates in the near-HAZ region (soft zone) and some

(Cr, Mo)-rich precipitates adjacent to the interface. Figure 5-33(b) shows EDX

results in the far-HAZ region and shows there are some (Cr)-rich precipitates

in this region, in addition to (Mo)-rich precipitates.

Figure ‎5-33. Showing EDX analysis results in different regions of the D32 sample; (a) the
Mo-rich elongated precipitates in the near-HAZ region (soft zone) and (Cr, Mo)-rich
precipitates adjacent to the interface which is shown in higher magnification too, (b) the
Mo-rich and the Cr-rich precipitates in the far-HAZ region.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Further investigations were carried out on the D32 sample using EBSD in the

Oxford Instrument laboratory. The small grains in the far-HAZ region and

TM/B areas in the central zone can be easily observed with this process. The

large grains in the near-HAZ region (soft zone) and the fine grains in the far-

HAZ region are shown in Figure 5-34(a) and (b). The central zone is shown in

Figure 5-34(c) which indicates ferrite sub grains in the TM/B areas.

Figure ‎5-34. Showing EBSD results for the D32 sample indicates; (a) large grains in the
soft zone (b) fine grains in the far-HAZ region and (c) ferrite sub grains in TM/B areas.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

5-4-2-3- Re-hardening and fine grain formation in

the near-HAZ region

Microstructural investigations were carried out on the D64 and the D128

samples and the results are presented in this section. Based on the hardness

test results shown in Figure 5-7(b), these samples have a similar hardness

profile. As mentioned in section 5-3, the soft zone which was formed in the

near-HAZ region in the mid-term thermally exposed sample was found to be

re-hardened in the D64 sample. Moreover, a little change was observed in the

D128 sample hardness compared to that of the D64 sample. This fact is related

to some changes in the microstructure which are shown schematically in

Figure 5-3.

The overall view images from the interfacial region in these samples are

shown in Figure 5-35. The optical microscope image of the interfacial region

in the D64 sample is presented in Figure 5-35(a1). As seen, the microstructure

in this sample is similar to that of the mid-term thermally exposed samples

(see Figure 5-28(a1) and (a2)). Although the hardness values of this region are

significantly increased, large grains are still seen in this image.

The optical microscope image of the interfacial region in the D128 sample is

shown in Figure 5-35(a2) and revealed a significant change in the

microstructure. As observed, the large ferrite grains were not seen in the near-

HAZ region after a long term thermal exposure which is a very unusual. SE

micrographs of the interfacial region in the etched condition in both samples

are shown in Figure 5-35(b1) and (b2) respectively.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-35. Showing different images of the D64 (1) and the D128 (2) samples; (a1, a2)
optical microscope images indicate significant change in the near-HAZ region, (b1, b2)
SE micrographs indicate the grain size changing and (c1, c2) BSE micrographs indicate
different morphologies for bright precipitates in the near-HAZ region.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

The SE micrograph of the D64 sample in the etched condition contains large

grains with some coarse and fine precipitates dispersed in the matrix.

However, the interfacial region in the D128 sample (see Figure 5-35(b2)) is

similar to the tempered structure of the D8 sample (see Figure 5-24(b2)). In

other words, the D128 sample microstructure contains fine grains and some


The BSE micrograph of the interfacial region of the D64 sample is presented

in Figure 5-35(c1) and is similar to that of the D32 sample (see Figure

5-28(c2)). As previously shown, the Mo-rich precipitates (possibly M6C

carbide) are present in the matrix. However, the morphology of these

precipitates in the D64 sample is different compared to those of the D32

sample. Moreover, the population and size of these precipitates did not

increase significantly. The BSE micrograph of the interfacial region in the

D128 sample in the un-etched condition contains Mo-rich precipitates (see

Figure 5-35(c2)). However, their morphology and distribution are significantly

different compared to those of the D64 sample.

Figure 5-36 shows higher magnification optical microscope images of the

main regions in these samples in the etched condition. It seems that all images

of the D64 sample presented in Figure 5-36 (a1), (b1) and (c1) are similar to

those of the mid-term thermally exposed samples. Nevertheless, higher

magnification optical microscope image of the near-HAZ region in the D128

sample (see Figure 5-36(a2)) shows a very unusual feature. It is seen that grain

size in this region is less than 10 μm which are very smaller compared to that

of the D64 sample. (i.e. there has been a substantial grain size reduction)

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-36. Showing higher magnification optical microscope images from different
regions in the D64 (1) and D128 (2) samples in the etched condition; (a1, a2) indicate the
grain size reduction in the near-HAZ region, (b1, b2) indicate similar far-HAZ regions
and (c1, c2) indicate the bimodal microstructure in the central zone.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure 5-36(b2) and (c2) show the far-HAZ region and the central zone

microstructures in the D128 sample respectively. There is no significant

difference between these images and those of the mid-term thermally exposed

samples. It is suggested that the bimodal microstructure remained largely

unchanged during these later stages of thermal exposure up to 128 days.

High magnification SE micrographs of the main regions in the etched

condition are presented in Figure 5-37. The first row shows the D64 sample

micrographs and they did not reveal any significant difference compared to

those of the D32 sample (see Figure 5-30(a2), (b2) and (c2)). The near-HAZ

region microstructure (see Figure 5-37(a1)) contains large grains with some

coarse and fine precipitates which are dispersed in the matrix. The far-HAZ

region microstructure is presented in Figure 5-37(b1) and shows fine grains.

Finally, the central zone microstructure is shown in Figure 5-37(c1) which

exhibits the bimodal microstructure. However, there are fewer and coarser

precipitates within the ferrite grains and larger precipitates along grain

boundaries in this sample compared to the D32 sample.

High magnification SE micrographs from the different regions of the D128

sample in the etched condition are presented in Figure 5-37(a2), (b2) and (c2).

The near-HAZ region microstructure is shown in Figure 5-37(a2) and contains

fine grains with some precipitates. This structure is similar to tempered

structure of the D8 sample (see Figure 5-27(a2)). There are no significant

differences between this sample and the D64 sample regarding the

microstructure of other regions. However, precipitates in the central zone have

grown with increasing exposure time.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-37. Showing higher magnification SE micrographs from different regions in the
D64 (1) and the D128 (2) samples in the etched condition; (a1, a2) indicate the near-HAZ
region, (b1, b2) indicate the far-HAZ region and (c1, c2) indicate precipitates growth in
the central zone.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

High magnification BSE micrographs from these regions in the D64 sample

are presented in Figure 5-38(a1), (b1) and (c1). In all of these micrographs,

fine dark precipitates are visible in the microstructure in addition to Mo-rich

bright precipitates. It is suggested that the dark precipitates are related to the

formation of Cr-rich precipitates (possibly M7C3 and M23C6) with lower mean

atomic number compared to the matrix. Moreover, the morphology of the

bright precipitates is different in these regions. The bright precipitates are

coarser in the near-HAZ region compared to those of the far-HAZ region (see

Figure 5-38(b1)). Moreover, these precipitates are present on the ferrite grain

boundaries in the central zone (see Figure 5-38(c1)).

The BSE micrographs from different regions of the D128 sample in the

polished condition are shown in Figure 5-38(a2), (b2) and (c2). The near-HAZ

region micrograph in the D128 sample (see Figure 5-38(a2)) is different

compared to that of the D64 sample and shows some chains of coarse bright

precipitates in some locations and some fine bright precipitates which are

dispersed in the matrix. Moreover, there are fewer coarse bright and fine dark

precipitates in the near-HAZ region of the D128 sample compared to those of

the D64 sample. The far-HAZ region and the central zone micrographs in the

D128 sample (see Figure 5-38(b2) and (c2)) contain similar features (bright

and dark precipitates). However, morphologies and distribution of these

precipitates are different compared to those of the near-HAZ region.

Generally, it is seen that dark precipitates are fewer in the D128 sample

compared to those of the D64 sample. This can be related to formation of (Cr,

Mo)-rich carbides with a mean atomic number close to that of the matrix.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-38. Showing higher magnification BSE micrographs from different regions in
the D64 (1) and the D128 (2) samples; (a1, a2) indicate precipitates in the near-HAZ
region, (b1, b2) indicate the far-HAZ region precipitates and (c1, c2) indicate fewer dark
precipitates on the ferrite grain boundaries with increasing exposure time.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Comparison between BSE micrographs of the near-HAZ region in the D32

(see Figure 5-31(a2)) and the D64 (see Figure 5-38(a1)) samples shows that

the bright precipitates morphology changes from elongated to coarser irregular

particles. This means further growth of these precipitates with increasing

exposure time. Moreover, there are a lot of fine dark precipitates which are

uniformly dispersed in the matrix of the D64 sample which are related to Cr-

rich carbides and attributed to re-hardening of this region.

The presence of dark precipitates observed in the BSE micrographs of the

near-HAZ region is complex. In the D64 sample, there are more dark

precipitates compared to those in the D32 sample. However, these features are

fewer in the D128 sample than those observed in the D64 sample. It seems

that increasing exposure time results in precipitation of Cr-rich M23C6 in

addition to the former Cr-rich M7C3. However, these carbides convert to (Cr,

Mo)-rich M23C6 with a mean atomic number close to matrix which are not

seen in the BSE micrographs.

In order to identify these precipitates, further investigations were carried out

on the D128 sample using EBSD and the results are shown in Figure 5-39.

The fine grains in the steel region adjacent to interface are clearly visible in

the IPF (Inverse Pole Figure) map of this region (see Figure 5-39(a)). The

phase discrimination map of the interfacial region is shown in Figure 5-39(b)

and shows many mismatched (black) points. The precipitates contain some

points which match with Cr23C6 while other points match with Mo2Fe4C. Both

of these phases i.e. Cr23C6 and Mo2Fe4C have FCC structure; therefore it is

suggested that (Cr, Mo)-rich precipitates were formed in this region.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-39. Showing EBSD results from different regions of the D128 sample; (a) IPF
map from the interfacial region indicates the interface and fine grain in this region, (b)
higher magnification phase discrimination map of the near-HAZ region indicates two
different phases in the precipitates and (c) higher magnification phase discrimination
map of the far-HAZ region indicates only M6C phase in the precipitates.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure 5-39(c) shows the phase discrimination map in the far-HAZ region, and

it is clear from BSE micrographs that finer precipitates are present in this

region. The precipitates in the far-HAZ region are mainly M6C with no

evidence for M23C6 phase. This issue is related to limitation of W filament

electron gun in producing phase discrimination maps.

Advanced microstructural examination

Based on the above observations, it was deemed necessary to identify the

bright and dark contrast precipitates of BSE images in the near-HAZ region of

the D64 and the D128 samples. Moreover, the unusual grain size reduction in

this region from the D64 to the D128 samples should be investigated;

specifically how this might be related to changes in the precipitates. Therefore

further analyses were carried out using ion beam imaging and FIB/TEM (see

section 3-5-4 and 3-5-5) on these samples in the Loughborough University.

The ion beam induced secondary electron (ISE) images of these samples are

presented in Figure 5-40. The interfacial regions in the D64 and D128 samples

are shown in Figure 5-40(a1) and (a2) respectively. A comparison of these

images shows a significant change in the grain size of the near-HAZ region.

Figure 5-40(b1) and (b2) show higher magnification ISE images from the

near-HAZ region after 1 raster in the D64 and the D128 samples respectively.

It is observed that there are a lot of fine precipitates in the D64 sample (see

Figure 5-40(b1)) and that these have grown with increasing exposure time to

128 days (see Figure 5-40(b2)). It is clear that further raster results in a

changing in channelling of ISE images. Therefore it is possible to observe the

grain boundaries.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-40. Showing ion beam induced secondary images of the D64 (1) and the D128
(2) samples; (a1, a2) low magnification ISE images from the interfacial region indicate
grain size difference in the near-HAZ region, (b1, b2) higher magnification ISE images
of near-HAZ after 1 raster indicate precipitate growth with increasing exposure time
and (c1, c2) higher magnification ISE images of the same region after 3 raster indicate
precipitates along the grain boundaries in the D128 sample.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Higher magnification ISE images from the same regions after 3 raster in both

samples are presented in Figure 5-40(c1) and (c2). It is observed that the fine

precipitates in the D64 sample are scattered in the matrix. However, the

precipitates in the D128 sample are mostly along the grain boundaries in the

near-HAZ region.

Further investigation using FIB-TEM was carried out and the high angle

annular dark field (HAADF) scanning transmission electron microscope

(STEM) micrographs from two regions of these samples are presented in

Figure 5-41. The far-HAZ region of the D64 sample is shown in Figure

5-41(a1) and indicates fine grains and precipitates in this region. The near-

HAZ region of this sample are shown in Figure 5-41(b1) and (c1) with

different magnifications. It is observed that the grain boundaries are not

visible in the near-HAZ region of the D64 sample. However, the fine

precipitates (nano-particles) are clearly visible in both images.

Similarly the HAADF-STEM micrographs of the D128 sample are presented

in Figure 5-41(a2), (b2) and (c2). Figure 5-41(a1) shows the far-HAZ region

and indicates that it is similar to that of D64 sample. However, the low

magnification image of the near-HAZ region in the D128 sample (see Figure

5-41(b2) indicates grain boundaries. Moreover, the higher magnification

image of this region shows only one coarse precipitate (see Figure 5-41(c2)).

The EDS maps of the main elements (Fe, Cr and Mo) for Figure 5-41(c1) and

(c2) are presented in Figure 5-42. The Fe maps indicate the location of

precipitates in these regions and their size. Figure 5-42(a1) shows precipitate

size is less than 50 nm while Figure 5-42(a2) shows a ~200 nm particle.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-41. Showing HAADF STEM micrographs of the D64 (1) and the D128 (2)
samples; (a1, a2) low magnification images from the far-HAZ region indicate similar
microsructure, (b1, b2) low magnification images from the near-HAZ region indicate
fine grain formation with increasing exposure time and (c1, c2) higher magnification
images from the near-HAZ region indicates precipitate growth with increasing exposure

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...176

Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Comparison between Cr maps in the D64 (see Figure 5-42(b1)) and the D128

(see Figure 5-42 (b2)) samples indicates that Cr-rich precipitates grow in size

with increasing exposure time. It is observed that many fine Cr-rich

precipitates (less than ~50 nm size) are present in the D64 sample while there

is only one coarse Cr-rich precipitate (~200 nm size) in the D128 sample.

A comparison of Mo maps in both samples (see Figure 5-42(c1) and (c2)),

indicates the growth of Mo-rich precipitates with increasing exposure time.

Moreover, it is observed that coarse precipitate in the D128 sample is a (Cr,

Mo)-rich phase. It should be noted that Mo-rich part of this precipitate is

different from the Cr-rich part.

A comparison between the Cr and Mo maps in the D64 sample (Figure

5-42(b1) and (c1)) reveals that there are 3 types of precipitates in this sample.

It is seen that a number of precipitates are (Cr, Mo)-rich. However, there are

some precipitates which are either Cr-rich or Mo-rich precipitates. As such, it

is suggested that in the near-HAZ region of the D64 sample, fine Cr-rich and

(Cr, Mo)-rich precipitates are present in the microstructure in addition to

coarse Mo-rich precipitates in BSE micrographs (see Figure 5-38(a2)).

The fine (Cr, Mo)-rich precipitates are likely to be M23C6 carbide and their

presence causes re-hardening of the near-HAZ region (former soft zone) in the

D64 sample. Moreover, these precipitates have grown with increasing

exposure time and in the D128 sample only a coarser (Cr, Mo)-rich precipitate

(possibly M23C6 carbide) is present in the microstructure. It is observed that

these precipitates are present mainly on ferrite grain boundaries (see Figure

5-40 (c2)).

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-42. Showing EDS maps for key elements for the D64 (1) and the D128 (2)
samples with reference to Figures 5-42(c1) and (c2); (a1, a2) Fe maps indicate location of
precipitates and their growth with increasing exposure time, (b1, b2) Cr map for
precipitates and (c1, c2) Mo map for precipitates.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

5-4-2-4- Formation of carbides at interface

The interfacial regions of the D32 and the D64 samples were analysed in the

Oxford Instruments labratory in order to identify the precipitates at the

interface and the results are shown in Figure 5-43. The low magnification BSE

micrographs of the interfacial region in these samples are presented in Figure

5-43(a1) and (a2) respectively. A comparison of these images shows that more

bright contrast precipitates exist at the interface of the D64 sample compared

to those of the D32 sample. Moreover, higher magnification micrographs from

the interface region indicate coarser precipitates in the D64 sample (Figure

5-43(b2)) compared to those of the D32 sample (Figure 5-43(b2)).

Further analyses were carried out using EBSD and EDS on the D64 sample.

The superimposed results of EBSD with the EDS for one precipitate adjacent

to the interface is presented in Figure 5-43(c) and shows a F.C.C structure

which is related to the Cr23C6 carbide. However, it is seen that some parts of

this precipitate did not match with the Cr23C6 structure. Analysis of the

mismatched parts with EDS shows a higher Mo concentration. Therefore, it is

suggested that these precipitates are (Cr, Mo)-rich carbide, possibly M23C6

carbide. Moreover, the carbide precipitates at the interface have grown with

increasing exposure time.

The precipitates at the interface in the D64 sample are easily identified by the

Cr and Mo peaks in the EDX line scans across the interface in this sample.

Figure 5-44(a) shows a BSE micrograph from the interfacial region in the D64

sample with Cr and Mo peaks adjacent to interface.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-43. Showing precipitates at the interface region of the D32 (1) and the D64 (2)
samples; (a1, a2) low magnification BSE micrographs indicate precipitates growth with
increasing exposure time, (b1, b2) higher magnification BSE micrographs and (c) EBSD
analysis with EDS maps for one precipitate in the D64 sample.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Similar EDX analyses were carried out on the interfacial region of the D128

sample in the etched condition. The results confirm the presence of the (Cr,

Mo)-rich carbides adjacent to the interface (see Figure 5-44(b)). Moreover, the

SE micrograph in the etched condition indicates a network of these carbides

formed at the interface. A comparison of these images shows that Cr-rich

region width increased with extending exposure time.

Figure ‎5-44. Showing (Cr, Mo)-rich carbides in the D64 and the D128 samples; (a) BSE
micrograph indicate higher Cr and the Mo concentrations in the region adjacent to
interface in the D64 sample (b) SE micrograph in the etched condition indicates a
network of particles adjacent to the interface in the D128 sample in the Cr-rich region.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Advanced microstructural examination

Based on the above presented results, it was deemed that further analyses were

required for characterization of carbide precipitates at the interface region in

the D64 and the D128 samples. Therefore, further analyses were carried out

using FIB/TEM (see section 3-5-4) on these samples in the Loughborough

University. The HAADF STEM micrographs from the interface region in the

D64 and the D128 samples are presented in Figure 5-45(a1) and (a2)


These dark field images show a chain of precipitates in both samples. The

EDS maps for the main elements in the carbide phase i.e. Cr and Mo in the

D64 sample are presented in Figure 5-45(b1) and (c1) and confirm that these

precipitates are (Cr, Mo)-rich and possibly are M23C6. The similar maps for

the D128 sample (see Figure 5-45(b2) and (c2)) indicate similar results for this

sample. These results are in accord with former results obtained with the


Considering the EDS maps in both samples, it is clear that generally the Mo-

rich regions correspond to the Cr-rich regions; however, there are some points

in the precipitates that the Mo concentration is higher compared to other

points. A comparison of the EDS maps in theses samples shows that there are

slightly larger precipitates (~110 nm) in the D128 sample compared to (~90

nm) precipitates in the D64 sample. This fact could be related to the growth of

these precipitates with increasing exposure time. Moreover, these (Cr, Mo)-

rich precipitates are likely to be M23C6, as shown in the EBSD results of the

D64 sample (see Figure 5-43(c)).

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

Figure ‎5-45. Showing precipitates at the interface region in the D64 (1) and the D128 (2)
samples; (a1, a2) HAADF STEM micrographs from the interface, (b1, b2) the EDS map
for Cr indicate the growth of precipitates and (c1, c2) the EDS map for Mo.

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Chapter5 … Characterization following high temperature exposure

In summary, the following transformations were observed during the ageing

of the weld overlaid tube at 650˚C:

1) In the weld overlay region:

a) Carbide particle formation and growth along grain boundaries within a

region ~100 μm wide adjacent to the interface. The width of this

region remained constant during thermal exposure.

b) Formation of a hard band ~30 μm wide adjacent to interface. The

hardness of this region may affect the tube service behaviour.

c) Precipitation and growth of TCP phases is different in different regions

of this material.

2) In the steel substrate:

a) Tempering of all regions of this material occurs at different rates

which could be related to the as-welded microstructure.

b) Decarburization of the steel occurs (formation of soft zone in the near-

HAZ region) which could affect the service behaviour.

c) Re-hardening of the near-HAZ region and fine grain formation in this

region is observed after 128 days. This unusual phenomenon may be

related to carbide transformation and carbon concentration in the


d) Carbides precipitate at the interface and possibly cause a barrier to

carbon migration.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...184

Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Chapter 6

6- Calculation of phase equilibria in Ni-

based alloys and 2.25Cr1Mo steel using
Thermo-Calc software

6-1- Introduction

Thermo-Calc is a software package for multi-component phase diagram

calculation and, when combined with a suitable critically assessed

thermodynamic database, it can be used to predict equilibrium phase

formation in complex alloys such as those investigated in the present work.

Thermo-Calc is now available with a Windows interface and this version was

employed in this work which is referred to as TCW (Thermo-Calc Windows).

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...185

Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

In this research, TCW was used to investigate the equilibrium phases in the

wrought IN625, weld overlay material and 2.25Cr1Mo steel. In the next

section, the principles of computer calculation of phase diagrams

(CALPHAD) will be presented and the implementation of this approach in

TCW will be reviewed. In the following section, the focus is on Thermo-Calc

software, the methodology employed and the available databases. A study of

the wrought IN625 composition is presented in the next section and then,

based on this section, the weld overlay material will be compared to the

wrought IN625. In the weld overlay section, both regions of the weld overlay

material (i.e. the bulk and the mixing zone) will be assessed separately.

A further application of the TCW software was to investigate non-equilibrium

solidification of the weld overlay based on the well known Scheil

solidification model. This was undertaken to have a better understanding of

phases likely to be present in the weld overlay material in the as-deposited

condition. The different regions of the weld overlay will be analysed in this

section too.

In the final section, the equilibrium stable and metastable phases are predicted

for the 2.25Cr1Mo steel. Based on these calculations, the carbide

transformations and changes in the co-existing ferrite will be described.

Finally, the effect of carbon content on the stable carbide will be introduced in

order to provide underpinning understanding of the carbide phase changes

which occur during decarburization of the near-HAZ region.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...186

Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

6-2- CALPHAD principles

The usual (temperature versus composition) phase diagram is a graphical

representation of the most stable phases in a certain chemical composition at a

given temperature as well as constant pressure. With these conditions these

stable phases correspond to a minimum of the system Gibbs free energy. The

Gibbs free energy of a system is defined by the equation as follow:

where H is the enthalpy (heat content), T the absolute temperature, and S the

entropy (measure of randomness) of the system. It is suitable to choose G as

the basic thermodynamic modelling function because a system at constant

temperature and pressure has the lowest possible value of the Gibbs free

energy if it is in stable equilibrium or phases are the most stable ones.

Phase transformations occur when one or more phases in an alloy system

change into a new phase or mixture of phases. This occurs because the initial

state of the alloy is unstable relative to the final one. This phenomena is

related to diffusion of atoms from one state to another one which occurs in

order to decrease the system Gibbs free energy [175]. Therefore, calculation

of stable phases in a system or its phase diagram is achieved by achieving the

minimum Gibbs free energy. If the Gibbs energies of all competing phases in

a system are known as a function of temperature and composition, this

calculation can be done numerically.

Practically, the thermodynamic functions can be determined from experiments

only for observable phases and these are valid only for their stability regions

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...187

Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

in terms of temperature and composition ranges [176]. Therefore, choosing a

suitable mathematical expression is important for the thermodynamic

functions. These equations must be based on realistic physical models while

the interpolation of the experimental data as well as extrapolation outside the

experimentally ranges is being allowed.

A simple power series can represent the Gibbs energy of a system. There is no

natural zero point for the Gibbs free energy and it must always be given

relative to one reference. For example, it is expressed as following popular


The S0 is set to zero and then the last term is omitted. H0 (298.15) is indicated

by HSER for enthalpy of a stable element reference. Different states of a

stoichiometric compound can be shown with unary data. As their

compositions are defined, a mathematical formula is used for presenting their

fundamental properties such as enthalpy and entropy. These type of data are

expressed as a function of temperature in the form of the following equation:

Critical analyses and computer optimisation of experimental results and Gibbs

free energy as well as information from phase equilibria studies are needed for

calculation of the coefficients of this equation. Moreover, some theoretical

methods may also be used in this regard [161].

Where phases exist over a wide range of chemical compositions (for example,

solid solution phases in metallic materials) other mathematical models are

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...188

Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

used to show the effect of composition changes on free energy. The ideal

solution is the simplest description of a solid solution phase which means that

the constituents are non-interacting and only mixed randomly together. The

free energy of a solution phase with two elements is described as follows:


The first term in this equation is related to the unary data of each element and

shows the free energy change because of presence of pure A and B atoms

together. Mixing of xA and xB mole fractions of atoms A and B in the solution

causes changes in the entropy of system. The second term is associated with

the configurational entropy and its effect on the Gibbs energy of system.

In practice, most binary systems are non-ideal and interactions between the

elements within the lattice should be considered. This difference from ideal is

expressed by the excess Gibbs energy which is shown in the following

equation by ΔGxsmix:

A large number of thermodynamic models have been developed for crystalline

phases and related systems such as the substitutional type and the multiple

sublattice models [155, 161] based on this general equation for free energy.

The main differences in these models are based on the definition of the excess

Gibbs free energy term. There are different sites for atoms in the crystalline

structure which cause an increase in the entropy of system. The free energy of

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

the substitutional model (ΔGm) for a multi-component system can be

represented by the following equation:

where xi is the mole fraction of component i, ΔG0i is the free energy of the

pure component i based on the unary data, T is the temperature and R is the

gas constant. Ωv is an interaction coefficient dependent on the value of v. In

the regular solution model, v=0 and in the sub-regular model v=0 and 1. In

practice v does not go up above 2 [155]. The ΔGxsmix term is associated with

interaction between the different elements on the first sublattice.

In real systems, there are two and/or more crystallographic sublattices and

interaction between these sublattices must be considered. The multiple

sublattice model is significantly complex because the ΔGxsmix term is related

to the interaction between components on the sublattice and between

sublattices themselves. These interactions must be considered in calculation of

the ΔG0 and the ΔGidealmix terms in addition to the ΔGxsmix term. Details of

calculation of these terms for a phase with two sublattices and two species in

each of them are presented elsewhere [177].

Once thermodynamic properties of various phases are defined, phase

equilibria can be calculated using software packages such as Thermo-Calc or

MTDATA which perform free energy minimization routines with the aid of

thermodynamic databases. All types of models require input of coefficients

which uniquely describe the properties of the various phases and these

coefficients are held in databases.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

6-3- Thermo-Calc software

6-3-1- Methodology

Calculation of equilibrium phase fractions in a system and their compositions

as a function of temperature for multi-component materials is the main

application of Thermo-Calc software. The Windows version of Thermo-Calc

software (TCW) has a graphical user interface which makes calculations of

multi-component phase diagrams easy to perform. The calculation of stable

phases where temperature is varied can easily be shown by a single axis

diagram. In this diagram, mole fraction or mass fraction of each phase is

shown versus temperature. This is termed a multiphase diagram in this work.

Moreover, it is possible to analyse the effects of changing the chemical

composition on the stable phases at a given temperature in a single axis

diagram. For example, the effect of Fe content on the stable phases in the

wrought IN625 can be shown in this type of diagram. Different types of

“multiphase” diagrams were calculated for the wrought IN625, the weld

overlay material and 2.25Cr1Mo steel.

Diagrams for the equilibrium phases can be generated by the Thermo-Calc

software using a diagram map which contains two axes. In these phase

diagrams, the effect of chemical composition and temperature on the stable

phases can be plotted. By generating the diagram for equilibrium phases in a

material versus one specified element content, the phase formation at a given

temperature could be predicted. This data can be used for analysis of

experimental observations during the high temperature exposure experiments.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

For example, the diagram for the equilibrium phases in the 2.25Cr1Mo steel

with carbon content and temperature can help in evaluation of the stable

phases in the steel resulting from changing carbon concentration. In other

words, the effects of the steel decarburizing on its stable phases can be


Another application of the Thermo-Calc software is the calculation of phases

arising from non-equilibrium solidification using the Scheil-Gulliver model.

TCW contains a Scheil module for calculating the effect of microsegregation

on the solidification process in a multi-component alloy such as the weld

overlay material. The basic assumptions in the Scheil-Gulliver model are:

1) Fast diffusion in the liquid phase (homogenous composition in this


2) No diffusion of solute elements in the solid phase [160]

In this type of calculation, the chemical composition of the liquid and the solid

phases at the start of solidification are computed from the equilibrium

calculation. Then, for the next step, the resultant liquid composition is used for

the calculation of new liquid and solid phases using thermodynamic equations

in order to minimize the free energy of system. Therefore, the effect of

enrichment of alloy elements in the remaining liquid phase is considered for

calculation of the coexisting solid phase composition as temperature is


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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

6-3-2- Multicomponent Databases

A thermodynamic software package is dependent upon accurate and validated

databases. There are many critically-assessed and high quality databases

available which cover a wide spectrum of materials including steels and

nickel-based alloys. An important step in using Thermo-Calc is choosing the

right database. The general database is SSOL4 which covers a large number of

elements whereas the TTNI7 database is suitable only for nickel-based alloys

and the TCFE6 database is designed for steels. The data sheets of these

databases are presented in Appendix 3.

The TCFE6 database was released in March 2008 by Thermo-Calc and

includes many new critical assessments of the thermodynamic data for

multicomponent system of various steel/Fe alloys. This database covers

complete and critical assessment of binary and ternary systems as well as the

iron corner of some higher order systems, within a 21 element framework.

Table ‎6-1.TCFE6 alloying elements and their maximum wt.%

Element Max (wt.%) Element Max (wt.%)

Al 5.0 N 5.0
B Trace Nb 5.0
C 7.0 Ni 20.0
Ca Trace O Trace
Co 20.0 P Trace
Cr 30.0 S Trace
Cu 5.0 Si 5.0
Mg Trace Ti 3.0
Mn 20.0 V 15.0
Mo 10 W 15.0

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

The database is applicable to various types of steels/Fe alloys with a minimum

50 wt.% Fe and for the alloying elements, the recommended composition

limits in weight percent are as Table 6-1. Sensible calculations cannot be

expected if all alloying elements are at their highest limits but considering the

2.25Cr1Mo steel composition (presented in Table 6-8), this database can be

used for equilibrium calculations in this material.

The TTNI7 database was specially created by Saunders [155-157] to answer

the requirements of dealing with Ni-based superalloys including IN718 and

IN625. This database has proved to provide excellent agreement with

experimental observations in a range of nickel based alloys [178].

Furthermore, it has also been used successfully in solidification modelling of

these alloys [156]. The database contains following 22 elements:

Ni, Al, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, Hf, Mn, Mo, Nb, Re, Ru, Si, Ta, Ti, V, W, Zr, B, C, N

and O.

Considering the chemical composition of the wrought IN625 presented in

Table 6-2 and the weld overlay material (bulk and mixing zones) presented in

Table 6-4 and Table 6-6 respectively, the TTNI7 is an appropriate database for

them. Data sheets of these databases are presented in appendix No.3.

6-4- Calculation of phase equilibria in

wrought IN625

The results of calculations for the equilibrium phases in the wrought IN625

using Thermo-Calc software are presented in this section. As it is a well

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

known material, the Thermo-Calc results can be compared with the

experimental results. Moreover, it gives a good baseline for the calculation of

stable phases in the weld overlay material. The composition of wrought IN625

as obtained by spark emission spectroscopy is given in Table 6-2.

Table ‎6-2.Chemical composition of the wrought IN625 material

Element wt.% at.%

C 0.005 0.025
Al 0.1 0.22
Ti 0.21 0.26
Cr 21.9 25.2
Fe 3.18 3.4
Co 0.1 0.1
Ni Balance Balance
Cu 0.17 0.16
Nb 3.5 2.3
Mo 9.2 5.7

In this work, the “Elements” module was chosen for entering the initial

conditions (temperature, pressure and chemical composition). By choosing the

TTNI7 database for the wrought IN625, the chemical composition presented

in Table 6-2 was entered in the software. Moreover, referring to the thermal

exposure tests at 650˚C, additional conditions (T=650˚C, P=1 Bar) were

entered in software too. The equilibrium molar fractions of the phases at

650˚C are calculated as follows (in mol.%):

1) FCC-A1#1(γ) : Austenite (Ni solid solution) - 81.95

2) DELTA#1 (δ) : Ni3 (Nb0.88 Ti0.08 Mo0.04) - 8.97

3) Mu_PHASE#1 (μ) : Mo (Cr0.52 Ni0.47 Fe0.01)2 - 8.95

4) Carbide (M23C6): (Cr0.82 Mo0.13 Ni0.05)23C6 - 0.13

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

As expected for the wrought IN625 at 650˚C, the main phase is the austenite

(γ) or FCC-A1#1 which is the matrix and other phases are precipitates.

Because of the low (0.005 wt.%) carbon content, the stable Cr-rich M23C6

carbide phase has the lowest fraction in system. Two other phases in this

material can be classified as interemetallics. The (μ) is a Mo-rich phase, while

the (δ) is a Nb-rich phase.

The multiphase (molar fraction of phases) diagram versus temperature is a

convenient presentation of the changes in the stable phases. Figure 6-1(a)

shows a multiphase diagram of phase fraction (NPM) versus temperature for

the wrought IN625 alloy in the range of 500 to 1500˚C. This figure indicates

the temperature range for the equilibrium solidification in this material.

Moreover, the temperature range for precipitation of minor phases in the γ can

also be seen in this diagram.

It is clear that above 1000˚C and under equilibrium conditions, only austenite

(γ) phase exists in this material and below 1000˚C, (MC) precipitates from the

austenite (γ) phase. As seen in Figure 6-1(b) with decreasing temperature

other phases become stable in this material. The (δ) becomes stable at

temperatures below 900˚C while the (μ) is stable at temperatures below

850˚C. These phases are formed at the expense of matrix (γ) and so it can be

shown by following reaction:

where ppt. represents different secondary phases such as (MC), (δ) and (μ).

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Figure ‎6-1. Showing plots of mole-fraction of phase (NPM) versus temperature for the
equilibrium phases in wrought IN625 (Table ‎4-2); (a) indicates equilibrium solidification
and precipitation, (b) indicates temperature range for precipitation of different phases
and (c) indicates carbide transformation temperature range .

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Based on former experimental observations (see section 2-4-2-2), carbide

transformation occurs in the IN625 alloy and as seen in Figure 6-1(c) above

950˚C, the (MC) phase (line No.6) converted to the M6C carbide (line No.5).

In order to determine the chemical composition of the MC and M6C phases,

two separate single equilibrium calculations were carried out at 990˚C and

950˚C respectively. The results of the calculation at 990˚C show the following

equilibrium phases are present (in mole %):

1) FCC_A1#1 (γ) : Ni solid solution - 99.99

2) FCC_A1#1 (MC): (Nb0.96 Ti0.04)C - 0.01

While at 950˚C the equilibrium phases are as follows:

1) FCC_A1#1 (γ) : Ni solid solution with 99.99

2) Carbide (M6C): (Mo0.37 Ni0.33Cr0.24 Ti0.06)6 C with 0.01

The above results clearly indicate that the Nb-rich MC carbide transforms to

the Mo-rich M6C carbide. Moreover, the diagram shows that the Mo-rich M6C

molar fraction increased with decreasing temperature and finally transforms to

Cr-rich M23C6 at temperatures around ~800˚C.

As seen in Figure 6-1(b), in the temperature range of 500-800˚C four

equilibrium phases are present in this material. However, the mole fractions of

(δ) and (μ) phases increased while the mole fraction of the (γ) phase decreases

with equilibrium cooling. This behaviour can be attributed to the growth of

these phases. At a temperature just above 500˚C the Ni2M phase is predicted

to precipitate from the (γ) phase and its molar fraction increases with cooling.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

There is evidence from published research (see section 2-4-2-3) that at

temperatures below 600˚C, the Ni2M phase precipitates and grows at the

expense of the (γ) phase by the following reaction:

The effect of changes in the chemical composition on the equilibrium phases

at a specified temperature can be investigated by a diagram which shows the

mole fractions of phases versus mass percent of one element. For example, the

effect of changing carbon and iron contents on the stable phases at 650˚C was

investigated by these diagrams. In these calculations, the carbon or iron

contents are changed by treating nickel as the balancing element and keeping

all other element contents constant.

The multiphase diagram of stable phases in the wrought IN625 versus carbon

mass percent at 650˚C is presented in Figure 6-2(a). The composition of

wrought IN625 contains 0.005 wt.% C; however, at the zero point of this

diagram, the composition contains zero percent carbon. The maximum of

carbon content was chosen for relevance to the experimental work. This

diagram shows that increasing the carbon content results in more M23C6

carbide at the expense of (γ) and (μ) phases. Increasing the carbon content has

negligible effect on the (δ) fraction while the (μ) phase is reduced due to

formation of the M23C6 carbide which contains a higher fraction of the Mo

atoms. Therefore it is suggested that increasing the carbon content at 650˚C

decreases the stability of the (μ) phase in the wrought IN625.

The effect of iron level was explored because this is relevant to intermixing in

the experimental samples due to weld deposition. The maximum iron level

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

was chosen for relevance to the experimental work. The multiphase diagram

of mole fraction of phases versus iron mass percent at 650˚C is presented in

Figure 6-2(b). Increasing the iron content to about 25 wt.% has no effect on

the carbide type and minimal effect on its molar fraction. However, above that

level the carbide transforms to MC with a little change in its molar fraction.

Increasing the Fe content up to 8 wt.% increases the mole fraction of (μ) but at

this level, the (σ) phase starts to appear and its fraction increases at the

expense of the (μ) phase, eventually replacing the latter above 13 wt.% Fe

Figure ‎6-2. Showing plots of mole-fraction of phases (NPM) versus composition for the
equilibrium phases in wrought IN625 (Table ‎6-2)‎at‎650˚C; (a) multiphase diagram for
varying the carbon (b) multiphase diagram for varying the iron content.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

The results of calculation of equilibrium phases at 650˚C with different Fe

levels are shown in Table 6-3 and indicate changes in the stable phases and the

chemical composition of (μ) and (σ) phases. The mole fraction of (σ) phase

increases with increasing Fe content; however, above 33 wt.% Fe, the Laves

phase become stable and its mole fraction increases at the expense of (σ)


Table ‎6-3. Stable phases in the wrought IN625 with different Fe content at‎650˚C.

IN625 with 10 wt.% Fe IN625 with 15 wt.% Fe

Composition mol.% Composition mol.%
γ - 77.13 - 70.13
δ Ni3 (Nb0.88 Ti0.08 Mo0.04) 9.48 Ni3 (Nb0.88 Ti0.09 Mo0.03) 9.58
μ Mo (Cr0.52Ni0.43Fe0.05)2 9.26 - 0.00
σ Cr0.45 Ni0.25 Mo0.19 Fe0.11 4.01 Cr0.42 Ni0.22 Mo0.21 Fe0.15 20.17
M23C6 (Cr0.82 Mo0.13 Ni0.05)23C6 0.12 (Cr0.82 Mo0.13 Ni0.05)23C6 0.12

The effects of chemical composition and temperature on the stable phases can

be investigated simultaneously with phase diagrams. Figure 6-3(a) shows the

phase diagram of the wrought IN625 with carbon while an enlarged diagram is

presented in Figure 6-3(b). The stability regions of stable phase are shown by

different lines. For example, the line No.2 shows the stability region of the

MC phase and its curvature indicates solid solution of carbon in the IN625 at

temperatures above 950˚C. Line No.4 shows the stability region of M6C phase

and indicates that increasing the carbon content results in stability of this type

of carbide at higher temperature. Finally, line No.3 shows the stability region

of M23C6 carbide and indicates that at carbon content more than 0.06 wt.%, it

becomes stable at higher temperatures.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Figure ‎6-3. Showing different phase diagrams for the wrought IN625 material (Table
‎6-2); (a) phase diagram of IN625 and carbon between‎ 400˚C‎ and‎ 1200˚C,‎ (b)‎ phase‎
diagram‎ of‎ IN625‎ and‎ carbon‎ between‎ 600˚C‎ and‎ 1000˚C,‎ (c)‎ phase‎ diagram‎ of‎ IN625‎

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

As shown in Figure 6-3(a) and (b) below 800˚C, the stable carbide is M23C6

and there is little solid solution of carbon in the IN625 alloy. The stability

regions of three different intermetallic phases in this material are shown by the

straight lines because carbon content does not have any significant effect on

these minor phases. The Ni2M phase (line No.1) is stable at temperatures

below 500˚C; however, line No.5 shows the stability region of (δ) phase

whereas line No.6 is related to the (μ) phase.

The phase diagram for the IN625 alloy with iron is presented in Figure 6-3(c)

and shows that above 850˚C, the (μ) phase is not stable while the (σ) phase is

stable. However, at 650˚C and iron content less than 8 wt.%, the (μ) phase is

stable. Between 8 and 13 wt.% iron, the (σ) phase becomes stable in addition

to the (μ) phase and at higher Fe content (>13 wt.% ), the (μ) phase is not


6-5- Calculation of phase equilibria in the

weld overlay material

The weld overlay is a nickel based similar on composition to alloy IN625 but

because of inter-mixing with the steel substrate during deposition, its chemical

composition is significantly different from that of the wrought IN625. Based

on the experimental observations presented in chapter 4, there are two

different regions in this material with different composition which have been

termed the bulk and the mixing zones. In this section, the effect of chemical

composition and temperature on the stable phases under equilibrium will be

described for these regions separately.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

6-5-1- Stable phases in the Bulk zone

The chemical composition of the bulk zone in the weld overlay material as

obtained by spark emission spectroscopy is given in Table 6-4. The results of

calculations for the equilibrium phases using Thermo-Calc are presented in

this section. As the composition contains more Fe and C compared to those of

the wrought IN625, the Thermo-Calc results for this material can be compared

with the phases of the wrought IN625. The composition of stable phases and

their mole fractions in the weld overlay and the wrought IN625 at 650˚C are

presented in Table 6-5.

Table ‎6-4. Chemical composition of the weld overlay material in the bulk zone.

Element wt.% at.%

C 0.02 0.1
Ti 0.18 0.22
Cr 20.9 23.9
Fe 8.0 8.5
Ni Balance Balance
Nb 3.2 2.0
Mo 8.2 5.1

Table ‎6-5. Stable‎phases‎in‎the‎bulk‎zone‎of‎the‎weld‎overlay‎and‎the‎IN625‎at‎650˚C

IN625 Weld overlay

Composition mol.% Composition mol.%
γ - 81.95 - 83.36
δ Ni3 (Nb0.88 Ti0.08 Mo0.04) 8.97 Ni3 (Nb0.87 Ti0.07 Mo0.06) 8.12
μ Mo (Cr0.52Ni0.47 Fe0.01)2 8.95 Mo (Cr0.49 Ni0.48 Fe0.03)2 8.04
M23C6 (Cr0.82 Mo0.13 Ni0.05)23C6 0.13 (Cr0.82 Mo0.13 Ni0.05)23C6 0.48

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

A comparison between the phases in the weld overlay and IN625 at 650˚C

shows that the chemical composition of the intermetallic phases and their

molar fractions are almost similar. For example, the (μ) phase in weld overlay

contains more Fe atoms. The carbide molar fraction in the weld overlay is

almost four times that predicted in the wrought material; this ration is

approximately the same as the ratio of their carbon levels.

Figure 6-4(a) shows the multiphase diagram of (NPM) versus temperature for

the bulk zone in the range of 500 to 1500˚C. This figure indicates that the

temperature range for equilibrium solidification is approximately the same as

that of the wrought IN625 (see Figure 6-1(a)). However, the precipitation of

MC carbide occurs at temperatures above 1100˚C. The carbide transformation

process in this material is similar to that of the IN625 but the temperature

ranges of their stability are different as indicated in the following equations:

Figure 6-4(b) shows that higher carbon and iron contents in the weld overlay

material result in some changes in the stability of different phases compared to

those of the wrought IN625 (see Figure 6-1(b)). For example, the MC

becomes stable at higher temperature while M6C carbide transformation

temperature is lower compared to that of the wrought IN625 alloy.

Nevertheless, there is no significant difference between the precipitation

behaviour of the intermetallic phases i.e. (δ) and (μ) in these materials.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Figure ‎6-4. Showing plots of mole-fraction of phase (NPM) versus temperature for the
equilibrium phases in the bulk zone of the weld overlay material (Table ‎6-4); (a)
indicates equilibrium solidification and precipitation, (b) indicates temperature range
for carbide transformation and precipitation of intermetallic phases, (c) indicates
carbide‎ transformation‎ temperature‎ at‎ (~760˚C)‎ and‎ (σ)‎ phase‎ transformation‎ to‎ (μ)‎

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Moreover, the precipitation of the Ni2M phase is not seen in this range of

temperature. However, two different Cr-rich phases i.e. (σ) and α (Cr) phases

precipitate at temperatures ~830˚C and ~500˚C respectively. Figure 6-4(c)

shows the stability temperature range of the (σ) phase and as seen, it

transforms to the (μ) phase at ~820˚C.

6-5-1-1- Effect of carbon on phase equilibria

As seen in the experimental observations, high temperature exposure of the

overlaid tube at 650˚C results in microstructural changes due to carbon

diffusion. Therefore the effect of carbon content on the stable phases was

examined. To show this effect, a multiphase diagram involving changes in

carbon content at 650C along with a temperature – wt.% C phase diagram

were calculated. The multiphase diagram of stable phases in the bulk zone

versus carbon mass percent at 650˚C is presented in Figure 6-5(a). At the zero

point of this diagram, the composition is the same as Table 6-4 but with zero

percent carbon. This diagram shows that increasing the carbon content results

in an increase of carbide mole fraction at the expense of the (γ) and the (μ)

phases. Calculation of equilibrium phases at 650˚C with 0.12 wt.% carbon

indicates that the carbide mol.% increases to 2.85 while (μ) phase mol.%

decreases to 6.98 compared to values in Table 6-5.

Figure 6-5(b) shows the phase diagram of this material with varying carbon

level. Although the phases are similar to those of the wrought IN625 (see

Figure 6-3(b)), their stability regions are different. In this diagram there is a

stability region for the (σ) phase which is shown with line No.6 and increasing

the carbon content results in a reduction in the stability of this phase.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Figure ‎6-5. Showing different diagrams for the bulk zone of the weld overlay material
(Table ‎6-4); (a) the multiphase diagram versus‎ carbon‎ content‎ at‎ 650˚C‎ indicates‎
increasing‎the‎carbide‎mole‎fraction‎at‎the‎expense‎of‎the‎(γ)‎and‎the‎(μ)‎phases,‎ (b) the
phase‎ diagram‎with‎carbon‎between‎600˚C‎and‎1000˚C‎indicates‎stability‎region‎of‎the‎

6-5-2- Stable phases in the mixing zone

The Fe content in the mixing zone is higher compared to that of the bulk zone.

The definition of chemical composition in the mixing zone is complicated

because of a three dimensional interface between the steel and this zone. The

EDX results for elements (excluding C) in this region from several analyses at

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

a distance of ~10 μm from the interface were collected and their mean values

are presented in Table 6-6.

Table ‎6-6. Mean chemical composition of the weld overlay material in the mixing zone as
determine by EDX (excluding carbon)

Element wt.% at.%

C 0.02<x<0.1 0.1<x<0.5
Cr 17.4 19.7
Fe 24.8 26.1
Ni Balance Balance
Nb 3.1 2.0
Mo 7.0 4.3

Although the Fe level in this zone is greater than in standard nickel alloys, it is

believed that TTNI7 database is suitable for high Fe content nickel alloys

[178]. To allow simulation of interdiffusion of carbon into the mixing zone

during welding, a range of carbon levels is explored in the calculations. The

carbon content in this region is investigated in a range between the carbon

content of bulk zone (0.02wt.%) and steel (0.1wt%). The Thermo-Calc

calculation results for phase equilibria with different carbon content at 650˚C

are presented in Table 6-7.

Table ‎6-7. Stable phases‎in‎the‎mixing‎zone‎of‎the‎weld‎overlay‎at‎650˚C‎with‎different‎

carbon content.

C=0.02 wt.% C= 0.1wt.%

Composition mol.% Composition mol.%
γ - 81.6 - 82.4
δ Ni3 (Nb0.97Mo0.03) 7.4 Ni3 (Nb0.97Mo0.03) 7.3
σ Cr0.37 Ni0.21 Mo0.24 Fe0.18 10.3 Cr0.37 Ni0.21 Mo0.24 Fe0.18 7.1
M6 C (Mo0.48Cr0.17Ni0.17Fe0.16Nb0.02)6C 0.7 (Mo0.48Cr0.17Ni0.17Fe0.16Nb0.02)6C 2.7
M23C6 - 0.00
1. (Cr0.8Mo0.13Ni0.04Fe0.03)23C6 0.5

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Figure ‎6-6. Showing plots of mole-fraction of phase (NPM) versus temperature for the
equilibrium phases in the mixing zone of the weld overlay material (Table ‎6-6); (a)
indicates equilibrium phases for 0.02 wt.% C, (b) indicates temperature range for
carbide transformation for 0.02 wt.% C and (c) indicates stable carbides and
transformation temperature for 0.1 wt.% C.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

A comparison of the mole fraction of phases in Table 6-7 indicates that

increasing the carbon content in the mixing zone results in a higher carbide

content, with two different types forming at expense of the (σ) phase. The Cr-

rich M23C6 carbide becomes stable in addition to the Mo-rich M6C carbide.

The multiphase diagrams of NPM versus temperature for the mixing zone

with different carbon contents are presented in Figure 6-6. The multiphase

diagram with 0.02 wt.% carbon is shown in Figure 6-6(a). The equilibrium

solidification behaviour in this material is different compared to that of the

bulk zone (see Figure 6-4(a)). As seen in this diagram, at the final stages of

solidification, the MC phase becomes stable. It is suggested that equilibrium

solidification terminates with following eutectic reaction:

Considering 0.02 wt.% carbon (see Figure 6-6(b)), the M6C carbide is the

stable carbide at the temperature range of 620 to 690˚C while with 0.1 wt.%

carbon (see Figure 6-6 (c)), MC and M6C are stable above 660˚C and the M6C

and M23C6 carbides are stable below this temperature. The effect of carbon

content on the stable phases in the mixing zone can be easily shown using

multiphase diagram versus carbon content along with the phase diagram. The

multiphase diagram for stable phases versus carbon content at 650˚C in the

mixing zone is presented in Figure 6-7(a). An enlarged diagram presented in

Figure 6-7(b) indicates that with increasing carbon content, the mole fraction

of M6C carbide increases at the expense of the (σ) phase. Moreover, above

0.06 wt.% C, the M23C6 carbide becomes stable.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Figure ‎6-7. Showing different diagrams for the mixing zone of the weld overlay material
(Table ‎6-6); (a) the multiphase diagram NPM‎ versus‎ carbon‎ content‎ at‎ 650˚C,‎ (b)‎ a‎
enlarged‎ diagram‎ indicates‎ increasing‎ the‎ carbide‎ mole‎ fraction‎ at‎ the‎ expense‎ of‎ (σ)‎
phase and (c) phase diagram with carbon‎ mass‎ percent‎ between‎ 600‎ and‎ 1000˚C‎
indicates the stability regions of different carbides.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Figure 6-7(c) shows the phase diagram for the mixing zone with carbon

content. Although the carbide types in this diagram are similar to those of the

bulk zone, their stability regions are different (see Figure 6-5(b)). Moreover,

the stability region for the (σ) phase (line No.5) is significantly larger than that

in the bulk zone.

6-6- Non-equilibrium solidification of weld

overlay material

Rapid cooling after welding results in non-equilibrium solidification of weld

overlay material which affects phase formation at the final stages of

solidification. The Thermo-Calc Scheil module enables a diagram to be

plotted which shows mole fraction of all solid phases versus temperature.

6-6-1- Bulk zone

The non-equilibrium and equilibrium solidification behaviours for the

composition of the bulk zone (Table 6-4) are shown in Figure 6-8(a) and (b)

respectively. In non-equilibrium condition, the temperature range for

solidification is between 1370˚C and 1140˚C. In contrast, in the equilibrium

condition (Figure 6-8(b)) the temperature range of solidification is between

1370˚C and 1270˚C. Moreover, there are more secondary phases predicted to

form during non-equilibrium solidification than under equilibrium freezing.

The Scheil model shows that solidification starts at 1370˚C with following


Along the Line No.2

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...213

Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

This reaction causes enrichment of alloying elements in the remaining liquid

and at 1207˚C, the MC carbide starts to form with a eutectic-like reaction (as

follows) and therefore the solid phases are γ and MC along the Line No.3

Along the Line No.3

Point Temperature(˚C) Liquid mol.% Solid phases

A 1370 100 -
B 1207 12 γ
C 1148 7 γ + MC
D 1147 6 γ + MC+ δ
1137 0 γ + MC + δ +σ

Figure ‎6-8. Showing different diagrams for the bulk zone of the weld overlay material
(Table ‎6-4); (a) diagram indicates formation of different phases during final stages of the
solidification based on the Scheil model, (b) equilibrium solidification diagram.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Further non-equilibrium cooling results in Nb enrichment in the remaining

liquid and causes formation of the Nb-rich (δ) at ~1148˚C with the following


Along the Line No.4

Finally, at ~1147˚C, the composition of the remaining liquid is capable for

formation of the Cr-rich (σ) phase which is shown with point D. Therefore the

final reaction is:

Along the Line No.5

Therefore, in the final state, different phases like (γ), (MC), (δ) and (σ) are

present in the as-solidified microstructure under non-equilibrium condition (no

diffusion in the solid state) while under equilibrium solidification, only (γ)

phase is stable. There is an option in the Scheil calculation for the elements to

be considered as fast diffusing elements in the solid state. Carbon is the only

element that can be considered as fast diffuser. However, calculation in this

conditon did not change the predicted phases in the Scheil model.

6-6-2- Mixing zone

The Scheil model calculation results for the mixing zone (Table 6-6) with low

carbon content (0.02 wt%) are shown in Figure 6-9(a). As seen in this

diagram, the temperature range for non–equilibrium solidification in this

material is similar, but secondary phases are different compared to those of the

bulk zone. In this composition, MC, Laves and (δ) were firstly formed and the

solidification terminates with formation of the (σ) and the (μ) phases.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Point Temperature(˚C) Liquid mol.% Solid phases

A 1370 100 -
B 123 15 γ
C 1155 9 γ + MC
D 1147 5 γ + MC + Laves
E 1135 1 γ + MC + Laves + δ
F 1130 0 γ + M + Laves + δ +σ +μ

Figure ‎6-9.Showing different diagrams for the mixing zone of the weld overlay material
(Table ‎6-6) with 0.02 wt.% C; (a) diagram indicates formation of different phases during
final stages of the solidification based on the Scheil model, (b) equilibrium solidification

The equilibrium solidification diagram presented in Figure 6-9(b) shows that

MC carbide is predicted to form at the final stages of solidification by a

eutectic like reaction. As seen in this diagram, at the final stages of

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...216

Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

solidification, the mole fraction of liquid suddenly decreases to zero while (γ)

and (MC) carbide phases increase. Therefore, it is suggested that under

equilibrium conditions, the solidification terminates with following eutectic


Considering carbon as a fast diffuser element has no effect on the results of

the Scheil model.

Point Temperature(˚C) Liquid mol.% Solid phases

A 1370 100
B 1290 28 γ
C 1185 7 γ + MC
D 1150 5 γ + MC + σ
E 1135 3 γ + MC + σ + Laves
F 130 0 γ + MC +σ + Laves + δ +μ

Figure ‎6-10. Showing a diagram indicates formation of different phases during final
stages of the solidification based on the Scheil model for the mixing zone of the weld
overlay material (Table ‎6-6) with 0.1wt.% carbon .

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Although the equilibrium solidification behaviour of the mixing zone is the

same for different carbon contents, the Scheil model results are different. The

Scheil model results for the mixing zone (Table 6-6) with a high (0.1 wt.%)

carbon content are shown in Figure 6-10. It is seen that secondary phases

during solidification under non-equilibrium condition are different compared

to those of the low carbon material. Increasing the carbon content causes

formation of (σ) phase after (MC) phase. At point D (point No.5), formation

of σ phase stopped and Laves phase formed from the remaining liquid which

is shown by line No.6.

6-7- Calculation of stable and metastable phase

equilibria in 2.25Cr1Mo steel

Analysis of the stable phases in the 2.25Cr1Mo steel (the substrate material of

the weld overlaid tube) is presented in this section. The chemical composition

of this steel is shown in Table 6-8. The thermodynamic calculations were

carried out using the TFEC6 database.

Table ‎6-8.Chemical composition of 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate as determined by spark

emission spectroscopy

Element wt.% at.%

C 0.10 0.46
Si 0.24 0.48
Cr 2.33 2.5
Mn 0.43 0.43
Fe Balance Balance
Cu 0.11 0.1
Ni 0.1 0.1
Mo 0.92 0.53

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

6-7-1- Effect of temperature on the stable


Thermo-Calc calculations for stable phases at 650˚C results in the following

phases being predicted to form (in mol. %):

1) BCC_A2#1 (α) : Ferrite - 97.77

2) M23C6#1 (M23C6 Carbide) : (Cr0.50Fe0.39Mo0.11)23C6 - 2.23

Referring to section 2-3-2, the stable carbide in this steel is dependent upon

the temperature. Therefore, a multiphase diagram of phase fraction versus

temperature is an appropriate method to display carbide type. The multiphase

diagrams of phase mole fraction (NPM) versus temperature with different

temperature ranges are presented in Figure 6-11. The equilibrium

solidification in low carbon steels terminates with the following peritectic


Figure 6-11(a) shows this reaction in the temperature range between 1450 to

1470˚C. Moreover, the eutectoid transformation (as follows) at temperature

below 800˚C is indicated in this diagram.

Based on the experimental results, it is clear that this diagram shows the effect

of heating up during welding. In other words, the extent of HAZ can be related

to the stability region of the (γ) phase which is between ~ 850˚C and ~1450˚C.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Figure ‎6-11. Showing plots of mole-fraction of phase (NPM) versus temperature for the
equilibrium phases in the 2.25Cr1Mo steel (Table ‎6-8); (a) indicates equilibrium
peritectic solidification transformation and eutectoid carbide formation, (b) indicates
temperature range for stability of different carbides in the microstructure of steel.

6-7-2- Metastable phase equilibria

It is well known that the microstructure of the 2.25Cr1Mo steel in industrial

applications and after normalization is bainitic (see section 2-3-1) which is a

metastable structure. Moreover, as shown in section 2-3-2, the carbide type in

this steel changes during the ageing process and ageing at temperatures above

630˚C results in precipitation of the Cr-rich M23C6 carbide.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Based on the experimental observations of the as-welded sample (see section

4-3-4), the lath-like microstructure of the HAZ contains metastable carbide.

Therefore, it suggested that the initial carbide in this state is cementite. In

order to establish which metastable carbides could potentially form in the

microstructure, the stable carbide should be suspended from the calculation at

a specified temperature and this procedure repeated for all available carbides

in the database.

Thermo-calc software results show that in the 2.25Cr1Mo steel at 650˚C;

when Cr-rich M23C6 is not stable, the M7C3 and M6C are stable and instability

of M7C3 leads to stability of Cr-rich M2C. Moreover, instability of Cr-rich

M2C carbide results in the stability of (Cr, Fe)-rich M3C [CEMENTITE#1]

and (Fe, Mo)-rich M3C [KSI CARBIDE]. Finally, when KSI is not stable, it

transforms to CEMENTITE#1. Nevertheless, instability of M6C causes

stability of Mo-rich M2C; and instability of this carbide have a similar result.

Considering the chemical composition of these carbides from Thermo-Calc

calculations, the carbide transformation process can be related to the

enrichment of alloying elements (Cr and Mo) in the carbide phase. The

carbide transformation process can be summarized in the following reactions

where alpha represents coexisting B.C.C. iron.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

It is known that at 650˚C, the Cr-rich M3C is not stable and above reactions

indicate how it transforms to different types of the Cr-rich and the Mo-rich

metastable carbides. It is clear that the Cr-rich carbides have different

metastable states compared to those of the Mo-rich carbides. Moreover,

changing the carbide type from the (Cr, Fe)-rich M3C to the equilibrium

M23C6 affects the coexisting ferrite composition as well as the molar fraction

of carbide which are shown in Table 6-9.

Table ‎6-9.Ferrite compositional changes with carbide transformation

Ferrite Cr(wt.%) Mo(wt.%) Carbide type Carbide

type mol.%
α1 1.68 0.91 (Cr-rich)M3C 1.83
α2 1.85 0.66 (Cr-rich)M3C+(Mo-rich)M3C 1.83
α3 1.81 0.38 (Cr-rich)M2C 1.37
α4 1.73 0.66 M7C3+(Mo-rich)M2C 1.52
α5 1.72 0.54 M7C3+M6C 1.72
α6 1.55 0.57 M23C6 2.23

6-7-3- Effect of carbon content on the stable

phase equilibria

The experimental results (Chapter 5) show that the near-HAZ region

decarburized during high temperature exposure at 650˚C. Thermo-Calc was

used to explore the effect of changing carbon content on the stable phases.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

Figure ‎6-12. Showing different diagrams for the 2.25Cr1Mo steel (Table ‎6-8); (a) the
multiphase diagram versus‎carbon‎content‎at‎650˚C,‎(b) indicates changing carbide type
and increasing the M 23C6 carbide molar fraction with carbon content at‎650˚C‎and‎(c)‎
phase diagram‎with‎carbon‎between‎600˚C‎and‎950˚C‎indicates‎the‎ stability‎regions‎of‎
different carbides types.

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Chapter6 … Calculation of phase equilibria using Thermo-calc software

The multiphase diagram of NPM versus carbon content at 650 C is shown in

Figure 6-12(a) and (b) which indicate that at low carbon levels, the stable

carbide is M6C which changes to the M23C6 with increasing carbon content.

The phase diagram of 2.25Cr1Mo steel with carbon is shown in Figure

6-12(c). It is seen that decarburizing of steel in the near-HAZ region results in

a changing in the carbide type and stability of M6C carbide at 650˚C. It is clear

that stability of M6C carbide affects the composition of coexisting ferrite.

A calculation was carried out with a similar composition but very low (0.005

wt.%) carbon content to analyse the ferrite composition. The results are as

follows in mol.%:

1) Ferrite : (α) [ Mo: 0.79 wt.%, Cr: 2.32 wt.%]- 99.84

2) M6C Carbide : (Mo0.55Fe0.37Cr0.06 Si0.02)6C - 0.16

In summary, Thermo-calc software is a useful tool for understanding of

equilibrium phases in different materials. Thermodynamic calculations can be

used to indicate the stability regions of interesting phases and the effects of

chemical composition and temperature on these regions. Moreover, the Scheil

module show solidification behaviour under non-equilibrium conditions and

phase formation during final stages of this process.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...224

Discussion and conclusions

Chapter 7

7- Discussion and conclusions

7-1- Introduction

In this chapter, the main aspects concerning the microstructural evolution

following high temperature exposure in the weld overlay and steel substrate

are discussed. The microstructural evolution in different regions (presented in

chapter 5) is discussed with reference to the as-welded condition. The size,

shape and type of precipitates in both materials are discussed in detail.

Emphasis is given to the carbon migration across the interface and its effect on

the phase transformation in both materials. The kinetics and thermodynamics

relating to nucleation, growth and phase transformation in both the weld

overlay and the steel are considered. The precipitate transformations in

different regions of the steel and the weld overlay and their effects on the

matrix microstructure are discussed.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...225

Discussion and conclusions

This chapter is divided into four main sections; in the first section

microstructural changes in the steel region are discussed. In this section, a

model for carbon supply which considers formation of a carbide network at

the interface will be presented. The following section is related to the

microstructural evolution in the weld overlay and finally a summary will be


7-2- Microstructural evolution in the steel


As shown in section 2-3-2, the microstructure of 2.25Cr1Mo steel in the

normalized and tempered condition consists of almost equal portions of

bainite/tempered bainite and proeutectoid ferrite grains [66, 179]. During

ageing or service at high temperature, the morphology, distribution and type

of carbides in this steel will change depending on the time and temperature.

There are different arguments regarding equilibrium carbide and

transformation sequences during ageing. In this work, the equilibrium carbide

is considered to be M23C6 for both bainitic regions (as presented by Race [58])

and for ferrite grains (as presented by Yang [43]).

In this system, two essential issues should be considered for understanding the

microstructural evolution in the steel region following the high temperature


1) Welding of the nickel alloy material on the steel substrate causes

microstructural changes in the HAZ region. Therefore, based on the

work of Thomson and Bhadeshia [60, 61], carbide transformation rates

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...226

Discussion and conclusions

in the HAZ following high temperature exposure is different to those

of the central zone.

2) The steel has a fusion bond to a nickel alloy with higher Cr and Mo

contents and carbon migration occurs across the interface during the

high temperature exposure experiments. The carbon migration may

cause further modifications to the carbide transformation process.

In this work, carbide transformation and carbon migration occurs

simultaneously. In following section, the carbide transformations in the central

zone and HAZ region are presented and effect of carbon migration is

discussed later with a carbon supply model.

7-2-1- Carbide transformation in the central


The observations of the central zone reveal that there are some blocky

precipitates present in the TM/B areas and fine precipitates within the ferrite

grains. Although the hardness and etched micrographs of samples with

different ageing times are the same in this zone, there are significant

differences between precipitates in the BSE micrographs. The BSE

micrograph did not reveal any precipitates in the D1 sample. However, in the

D8 sample, some coarse blocky particles along grain boundaries with brighter

contrast were observed (see Figure 5-27). Increasing exposure time to 32 days

resulted in precipitation of some dark precipitates in addition to these bright

precipitates along grain boundaries (see Figure 5-30).

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...227

Discussion and conclusions

Referring to Figure 5-38, it is clear that dark and bright precipitates have

grown with increasing exposure time to 64 days. However, a comparison of

the BSE micrographs of the D64 and the D128 samples indicates that the

population of dark and bright precipitates have decreased with increasing

exposure time. Moreover, a comparison of the SE micrographs in the D8

(Figure 5-36) and the D128 samples (see Figure 5-37) indicates transformation

of a large number of needle shape precipitates to a few precipitates with more

rounded shapes within the ferrite grains.

Thermodynamic calculation for stable phases were used to predict carbide

transformation sequence in a similar manner to the work of Saroja [153].

Successively less stable carbides and their mole fraction (mol.%) were

determined using Thermo-Calc and TCFE6 database. The calculation results

for this steel in section 6-7 shows that the equilibrium carbide is

with 2.22 mol.% at 650˚C, and Figure 7-1(a) shows

the less stable carbides which are predicted with their mole fraction with the

least stable carbide being Cr-rich M3C.

These facts should be considered with the following important observations

concerning the carbide transformation process:

1) The M2C precipitates have an acicular shape and are very small in size

[53, 180].

2) It is reported that thermal ageing at 580 to 630˚C for durations less

than 10,000 hours could not lead the transformation of metastable

carbides to the equilibrium carbide [56]. Moreover, based on TTT

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...228

Discussion and conclusions

diagram of this steel presented by Robson and Bhadeshia [169, 181]

the M23C6 carbide is not seen before 1000 hours at 650˚C.

3) There are different arguments about stable carbides in the mid-term

aged samples (up to 500 hours at temperatures between 630˚C to

650˚C). Some argued that the stable carbide is Mo-rich M6C [44, 53,

130, 180]. However, others [43, 60, 170, 181] argued that Cr-rich

M7C3 and M23C6 carbides are the dominant carbides. Moreover,

metastable carbides formation affects the composition of the coexisting

ferrite [153, 170].

4) Some researchers believe that the Mo content in precipitates increases

with exposure time at 540˚C [44] while there are other reports that

stated that the Mo content in precipitates first increased with ageing

time and then decrease with long term ageing [46, 153] which caused

Mo replenishment in the coexisting ferrite [48].

Based on calculation in appendix No.2, the Mo-rich carbides (M2C and M6C)

have a higher mean atomic number than the matrix and are thus brighter in

BSE micrographs, while the Cr-rich carbides (M7C3 and M23C6) are darker

than matrix in BSE imaging. However, the mean atomic number of the alloyed

M23C6 carbide is close to that of matrix and therefore this carbide is not visible

in BSE micrographs. Moreover, due to presence of Mo atoms in (M3C)

carbides, these are not visible in BSE micrographs.

Bright precipitates with a blocky shape in the D8 sample are attributed to the

Mo-rich M6C carbide; fine acicular precipitates within ferrite grains are

suggested to be M2C carbide. Increasing the exposure time promotes

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...229

Discussion and conclusions

formation of Cr-rich M7C3 and Mo-rich M6C carbides. These carbides have

grown with increasing exposure time up to 64 days. However, in the D128

sample Cr-rich M7C3 carbides and Mo-rich M6C dissolved in the matrix and

the equilibrium alloyed M23C6 is formed at their expense.

Figure ‎7-1. Showing schematic diagrams for the carbide transformation in the central
zone; (a) indicates carbide transformation prediction using Thermo-Calc, (b) indicates
carbide transformation in TM/B areas with exposure time based on experimental
observations of the central zone.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...230

Discussion and conclusions

The transformation of carbides within the ferrite grains is different and M2C

carbides transform directly to the M23C6 with increasing exposure time. A new

model considering both Cr-rich and Mo-rich carbides as metastable and M23C6

as the equilibrium carbide for TM/B areas is presented in Figure 7-1(b) and it

is clear that these sequences are not seen in the ferrite grains.

7-2-2- Carbide transformation in the HAZ


It is known that welding processes alter the microstructure in the heat affected

zone (HAZ) and generate a complex microstructure which results in a

significant variation in ageing behaviour [62]. Therefore, carbide

transformation in this region has different sequences compared to that of the

central zone. The microstructure of the HAZ is dependent on the heat input,

the welding procedure and the post weld heat treatment. The state of the HAZ

affected by welding process is shown schematically in Figure 7-2.

Bhadeshia reported that normalization (cooling form the austenite) in the bulk

material results in formation of bainite in this steel [42]. Moreover, Race [58]

and Bergquiest [64] and Laha [182] indicated that the weld metal of

2.25Cr1Mo has a fully bainitic microstructure. Nevertheless, it is reported that

metallographic analysis of the HAZ adjacent to the fusion boundary in the

dissimilar weld joints [63, 65] revealed a bainitic structure consisting of laths

of ferrite with aligned carbide precipitates between the laths with no pro-

eutectoid ferrite. There is a report which mentioned that the Mo-rich carbides

(M2C and M6C) are not seen in the HAZ after long term service [66].

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...231

Discussion and conclusions

The experimental observations of the as-welded sample confirmed that bainite

was formed in the HAZ region (Figure 4-7). The hardness profile can be

related to the carbon content in the new bainite which was formed in this

region after welding and is dependent upon austenitisation temperature.

Figure ‎7-2. Showing schematic diagrams for the HAZ microstructure affected by
welding; (a) indicates carbon content in the new bainite based on the hardness survey,
(b) different‎γ‎grains‎in‎the‎near-HAZ and the far-HAZ regions during welding process
(i.e. at elevated temperatures).

Figure 7-2(a) shows the carbon content in bainite based on hardness values

and the width of the near-HAZ region (Figure 5-4(b)). Referring to results on

TIG welding of 2.25Cr1Mo steel [62, 65], the fully bainitic region hardness is

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...232

Discussion and conclusions

about ~450 kgf mm-2 and the width of this region is about 300 μm in both

studies. However, the width of non-uniform bainite is reported to be from

about 300 μm [62] to zero[65].

Figure 7-2(b) is based on former research introducing prior coarse grain

austenite region adjacent to interface and prior fine grain austenite region

away from the weld interface [63, 149]. Moreover, it is reported that number

of carbides in the fine grain zone is higher than coarse grain zone and tend to

be coarser [63]. This diagram indicates differences in the HAZ region in the

as-welded sample. Therefore, it is suggested that a metastable structure of

bainite with different levels of carbon will vary in their decomposition.

Moreover, the presence of carbides in the far-HAZ region results in different

sequences in the carbide transformation.

The hardness profiles of the D1 and the D8 samples are comparable with other

research on 2.25Cr1Mo steel with an Inconel 182 nickel alloy filler. Nicholson

[140] reported the hardness after ageing at 630˚C decreased to a range of 220

to 230 kgf mm-2 within 200 h. Moreover, Bhaduri [143] mentioned that the

hardness values decreased to 200 ~ 210 kgf mm-2after 10 h ageing at 630˚C.

In the HAZ region of the D1 sample, the SE micrographs show a large number

of fine precipitates and very small ferrite grains (less than 2 μm). However,

BSE micrographs indicate that a few bright precipitates are present only in the

far-HAZ region. SE micrographs of the D8 sample indicate growth of ferrite

grains (about 10 μm) in the near-HAZ region and coarsening of precipitates in

the far-HAZ region. Moreover, BSE micrographs of the D8 sample show a

few acicular bright and fine dark precipitates in the near-HAZ region. The

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...233

Discussion and conclusions

number of these precipitates in the far-HAZ region is significantly higher. It

should be noted that some regions adjacent to the interface decarburized in the

D8 sample which will be discussed later.

The near-HAZ region decarburized very quickly between 8 days and 12 days

of exposure but changes in the far-HAZ region were not noticeable. The

hardness profile and microscopic observation of the D16 and the D32 samples

indicate that the decarburization width is equal to the near-HAZ region and

did not change with exposure time. The optical microscope and SE

micrographs of these samples in the far-HAZ region are similar to the D8

sample. However, BSE micrographs of the near-HAZ region in the D16 and

the D32 samples indicates that bright precipitates have grown and the dark

precipitates have become less with increasing exposure time.

Figure ‎7-3. Showing stable carbides in different regions of the steel with increasing
exposure time indicates different sequences in carbide transformation.

Finally, hardness surveys indicated that the near-HAZ region re-hardened in

the D64 sample and little changes occurs in the hardness profile with

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...234

Discussion and conclusions

increasing exposure time. Moreover, many fine dark and coarse bright

precipitates were observed in the BSE micrographs of this region in the D64

sample which become fewer in the D128 sample. These evidence confirmed

that carbide transformation sequences in the HAZ region are similar to those

of the central zone.

However, there are different rates in these sequences which are shown in

Figure 7-3. This diagram shows stable carbides for the different regions and

their transformation with exposure time based on observations and is in accord

agreed with the following former research:

1) Parameswaran [46] found that bainite dissolution rate is related to its

carbon content and higher carbon content shows more resistance to


2) There is a report that carbide transformation occurs at a slower rate in

a mixed microstructure of bainite and allotrimorphic ferrite compared

to that of a fully bainitic microstructure [60, 61].

3) The type of carbides in equilibrium is agreed with the Wada report

[168]. However, carbon content [46, 180] is an important factor in the

carbide transformation. For example, Thomson found that in low

carbon content, M7C3 carbide is stable at the expense of M3C [60].

Moreover, Natesan [180] reported that in low carbon content the Mo-

rich M6C carbide is stable.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...235

Discussion and conclusions

It is known that these different carbides are affected by carbon migration

process and in the next section a new model is developed to explain

experimental results for decarburization of steel region.

7-2-3- Carbon migration

It is known that carbon migration occurs across the weld interface in the

dissimilar weld joint from the low alloy steel to the high Cr material [67, 128,

139, 143, 183, 184]. The temperature range of 500 to 700˚C results in

depletion of carbon in the area adjacent to the interface in the low alloy steel

which is called soft zone or carbon depleted zone (CDZ) [129, 131, 139]. The

soft zone is characterized by lower hardness and its width is varied depending

on the composition of materials as well as temperature and time of exposure.

Many researchers argued that growth of decarburized zone width (ηα) between

austenitic and ferritic steels joints [67, 128, 134, 139] follow parabolic kinetic

with time (t) according to following equation:

However, Race [58] reported that in ferritic steels joints, the decarburized

zone width growth is not a parabolic function of the time. The carbon

migration is a diffusion process and occurs according to the profile of

chemical potential of carbon [185] and is not related to the carbon

concentration. However, carbon concentration profile in the steel region, C(X,

t)(s) is used for showing of the decarburization process. Haung [67]

approximated the carbon concentration profile in the steel region by following

equation in a ferritic steel/nickel alloy system:

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...236

Discussion and conclusions

where C0(s) and Cf(s) are carbon concentrations in the initial and the

decarburized states and DC is the carbon diffusion coefficient and t is exposure

time. The flux of carbon out of the steel is equal the carbon flux into the weld

overlay (i.e. changes in both sides must satisfy following equation):

where C0(w) and Cf(w) are carbon concentration in the initial state and

carburized zone in the nickel alloy and DW is the carbon diffusion coefficient

in this material.

Carbon diffusion coefficient is an important parameter and is dependent upon

its concentration [185] and the presence of other alloying elements and

temperature [67]. The carbon diffusion coefficient (DC0) in ternary Fe-Cr-C is

reported as 1.05X10-11 m2/s while for the 2.25Cr1Mo steel is reported to be

1.58X10-11 m2/s. The apparent DC increased to 2.85x10-9 m2/s in the soft zone

with carbon concentration less than 0.002 at.% at 750˚C [185]. Pavlovsky

[127] reported experimental values for carbon diffusion coefficient in a

specific ferritic/austenitic steel dissimilar joint as a function of temperature

which is 3.16X10-14 m2/s at 650˚C. These different values of DC0 in this

system will be used to describe carbon supply model.

7-2-3-1- Thermodynamic prediction

Thermo-Calc calculation results show that the chemical potential of carbon in

the steel depends upon the carbide type and carbon content. These data are

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...237

Discussion and conclusions

shown schematically in Figure 7-4(a). As shown in the initial state where the

(Fe, Cr)-rich M3C is stable, carbon chemical potential is μ0(s)= -2.5E+04

while in the equilibrium state with alloyed M23C6 is μe(s)= -3.3E+04.

Moreover, in the low carbon content (0.005 wt.%) with M6C is μf(s)= -

4.1E+04. Nevertheless, the chemical potential of carbon in the bulk zone of

weld overlay region is μ0(w)= -8.26E+04 while in the mixing zone with the

same carbon content is -7.97E+04. Increasing the carbon content of mixing

zone to about 0.1 wt.% rises carbon chemical potential to μe(w)= -7.9E+04.

The carbon migration during welding is not considered and carbon

concentration profile in the as-welded condition is shown in Figure 7-4(b).

Since the carbon activity in the steel is higher than that of the weld overlay, it

is predicted that carbon atoms will diffuse from steel into this material.

Moreover, decarburization should continue indefinitely due to higher chemical


Figure ‎7-4. Showing schematic diagrams indicates carbon chemical potential and carbon
concentration in the as-welded sample.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...238

Discussion and conclusions

7-2-3-2- Carbon supply model

Based on the experimental observation, the decarburized region growth in this

system has different rates. Moreover, there is a carbon migration across the

interface and the carburized zone includes a narrow region of the steel. After a

period of time, the carbon migration stopped at the interface while

redistribution of carbon within the steel region continued. In order to explain

the apparent inconsistencies between experimental results for decarburization

and the thermodynamic predictions and previously published research a new

model is developed based on the present carbides in different regions of steel

microstructure which is called the carbon supply model. The hardness profile

is considered to represent the carbon content in the steel and variation of

carbon chemical potential in this steel is shown schematically with correlation

to the carbide type.

Hardness surveys indicate that in the D8 sample, the hardness of the near-

HAZ region is still higher than that of the far-HAZ region and decarburization

is limited to small regions. However, it has been reported that exposure at

650˚C for times over 100 hours [168, 186] causes instability of M3C and M2C

carbides in this steel. This difference can be explained by nucleation of

alloyed M2C carbide in the near-HAZ region. Precipitation of this type of

carbide causes higher hardness values and prevents carbon migration in this


In this condition decarburization occurs by dissolution of present coarse M3C

carbides and growth of metastable carbides in other regions. This process is

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...239

Discussion and conclusions

considered in the other models [169, 181, 187] and the rate of carbon supply is

low. The carbon concentration profile did not change significantly compared

to the as-welded condition (see Figure 7-5(a)). The calculated DC in this

condition is about 10 -16 m2/s which in the range of the diffusivity of C in this

steel reported in previous researches [127, 180].

Figure ‎7-5. Showing schematic diagrams indicates carbon chemical potential variation
and carbon concentration in different states; (a) in the D8 sample, (b) in the D12 sample,
(c) in the D32 sample and (d) in the D64 and the D128 samples. (Values are same as the
Figure 7-4)

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...240

Discussion and conclusions

The carbon concentration changes rapidly in the D12 sample (see Figure

7-5(b)). The nuclei of alloyed carbides in the near-HAZ region have formed in

the neighbourhood of other carbides. Therefore carbon supply is governed by

this region with DC = 10 -8 m2/s which is in the range of the diffusivity of C in

ferrite and the soft zone [185].

The chemical potential of carbon at the interface is μf(s) and there are different

slopes in the carbon potentials to ensure carbon diffusion. The decarburized

region width is equal to the near-HAZ region and carbon supply continues

until all M2C carbides transformed to other metastable carbides. The chemical

potential of carbon in other regions changes with increasing exposure time to

32 days (see Figure 7-5(c)).

DC in this condition is about 10-16 m2/s which means that carbon supply is

governed by other regions again. Figure 7-5(d) shows the carbon potential and

concentration in the D64 and D128 sample and chemical potential at border is

higher than steel region. This is related to formation of carbide network at the

interface which is shown schematically in Figure 5-3. EDX line scans over the

interface in these sample reveal that these particles are (Mo, Cr)-rich and

EBSD results indicate their structure is M23C6. The TEM work indicates that

increasing exposure time causes a little coarsening of the M23C6 carbides at

the interface.

Formation of carbides at interface is reported in former works of the aging of

dissimilar weld joints between 2.25Cr1Mo steel and different nickel alloys [6,

143, 149, 188, 189]. Moreover, it was reported [9, 143, 149] that an austenite

band formed parallel to interface which is related to diffusion of Ni and Cr

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...241

Discussion and conclusions

from the nickel alloy during bonding. The nickel rich austenite band has

different precipitation behaviour compared to that of other regions in the steel.

Interruption of carbon migration across the interface and carbon chemical

potential differences in the steel result in carbon supply to the soft zone from

the bulk steel and carbon concentration becomes even through the steel region.

The re-hardening of the near-HAZ region is related to formation of Cr-rich

carbides in this region which indicates that carbon content is increasing. Based

on thermodynamic calculations, the M23C6 carbide is the equilibrium carbide

in this steel and therefore increasing the exposure time results in stability of

alloyed M23C6 carbide in all regions. The slope of chemical potential line in

the steel region at equilibrium state will be zero.

7-2-4- Formation of fine ferrite grains in the

near-HAZ region of the D128 sample

Although the carbon depleted zone (CDZ) formation has been reported in

previous research on dissimilar welds, there is no information about the

microstructural evolution in this region after long term exposure. Albert [129]

reported that in the dissimilar welds between Cr-Mo steels and austenitic

stainless steels, the soft zone re-crystallized during the thermal exposure.

Moreover, Foret [139] analysed a dissimilar weld between two Cr-Mo-V

steels, and found that the re-crystallization of ferrite was observed in the CDZ

at temperatures above 700˚C.

Experimental observations of the near-HAZ region in the D64 and D128

samples indicates M23C6 carbides are formed at the expense of coarse Mo-rich

M6C carbides which indicates dissolution of Mo into the matrix. Moreover,

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...242

Discussion and conclusions

the IES images confirmed that in the D128 sample, precipitates in the near-

HAZ region are along the grains boundaries.

Thermodynamic calculation of the stable phases in this steel revealed that Mo

content (wt.%) in the coexisting ferrite with M23C6 in equilibrium 5.7X10-3

while it is 5.4X10-3 with metastable M6C and M7C3 carbides. Therefore, fine

grain ferrite formation could be related to the carbide transformation and the

related Mo replenishment in the coexisting ferrite, with new ferrite grains

being formed between carbide particles with following reaction.

Bhadeshia and Fujita [170] have shown similar reactions in the modelling of

alloy carbide sequence in power plant steels. Although there are

disagreements about the changes in Mo content in the carbides with exposure

time, the proposed reaction is in accord with the work of Jayan [48].

7-3- Microstructural evolution in the weld


Based on spark analysis, the weld overlay region is a nickel based alloy

similar to IN625 but which contains higher iron and carbon contents compared

to the standard IN625. The microstructural development in this nickel alloy

weldment can be significantly influenced by microsegregation and phase

transformation during non-equlibrium solidification because the dendritic

structure results in formation of intermetallic secondary solidification

constituents in the interdendritic regions.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...243

Discussion and conclusions

The intermixing between substrate and the overlay material during welding

results in a variation of Fe and C contents in the weld overlay material.

Therefore, solidification and ageing behaviour of different regions are various.

Finally, there is a metallurgical bond to the steel which has a higher carbon

activity and carbon migration from the steel substrate causes further changes

in the microstructure of this material.

7-3-1- Microstructure in the as-welded


Phase formation during solidification in the nickel based alloys including

IN625 [69, 85] in the bulk solidification [69, 71, 85] and in weld metal [33,

74, 77, 79, 81-83, 150, 190, 191] have been thoroughly investigated in

previoius research. It is reported that the dominating solidification reaction is

the enrichment of the remaining interdendritic liquid in niobium, and the

consequent formation of Laves phase and/or (Nb, Ti)-rich MC carbide during

final stages of solidification [71]. It is reported that the residual liquid

solidifies with a eutectic-like reaction [84] and that the phase formation is

strongly influenced by the C/Nb ratio.

Cieslak [70] showed that carbon addition causes formation of more MC

carbide at the expense of Laves phase. The solidification of the nickel alloy

weldment is generally similar to the above mentioned process. Although the

welding wires or electrodes are produced with no intermetallic phases, after

welding TCP phases appear in the microstructure [74, 81, 192]. The size and

type of the terminal eutectic-like constituents in IN625 weldments is affected

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...244

Discussion and conclusions

by heat input during welding [33] and cooling rate; however, the amount of

carbide present remains at constant level [83].

The experimental observations indicate that weld overlay material has a

rapidly solidified microstructure and consists of columnar grains originating

from the substrate (see Figure 4-9). Within the grains are finely spaced

dendrites which indicate a general loss of homogeneity (Figure 4-10).

Moreover, EPMA results (Figure 4-13) confirmed the formation of (Nb, Ti)-

rich points in the bulk zone. There is no evidence for formation of phases in

the mixing zone.

Thermodynamic calculations reveal that phase formation during non-

equilibrium solidification of the weld overlay depends on Fe and C content. In

the bulk zone, MC, (δ) and (σ) phases are predicted to form (see Figure 6-8).

The MC and δ are Nb-rich while the σ is a (Cr, Mo)-rich phase. Increasing the

Fe content with the same level of carbon in the mixing zone causes formation

of Laves phase (see Figure 6-9).

However, addition of carbon delays formation of Laves phase by formation of

σ phase (see Figure 6-10). These phases must be present in the interdendritic

regions of the as-welded sample. The (Nb, Ti)-rich points are related to the

MC and/or δ phases, and cooling rate has a critical affect on formation of

these phases. Higher cooling rate in the mixing zone will result in the absence

of δ phase in this region. However, it is believed that there are some fine

carbide precipitates in this region.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...245

Discussion and conclusions

7-3-2- Microstrcutral evolution following high

temperature exposure

7-3-2-1- Bulk zone hardening

Different studies have dealt with the effects of aging at temperatures in the

range of 600 to 750°C on the wrought IN625 microstructure [87, 88, 90, 98,

101, 103, 104, 106-108, 114, 115, 117, 118] and weld overlay material [95,

119, 150]. In this condition, strengthening is brought about by precipitation of

the metastable (γ‟‟) phase with a body centred tetragonal DO22 structure [69,

97, 98]. It is reported that (γ‟‟) phase transform to orthorhombic (δ) phase with

DOa structure on prolonged aging [99].

Experimental observation indicates that hardening of the bulk zone in the D1

sample (Figure 5-4) continues with increasing exposure time (Figure 5-5).

However, exposure times of more than 8 days causes little change in the bulk

zone hardness. The hardness values in the as-welded condition are well

matched with those of the weld metal [119] and rapidly solidified IN625 [82]

from previous research. The hardness values after 8 days of thermal exposure

are also well matched with those of the weld metal [95] and wrought IN625


As such, it may be argued that the hardening of the bulk zone with thermal

exposure at 650˚C occurs by precipitation of (γ‟‟) phase. This phase has a

coherent structure and cannot be seen in this study. However, needles of the

(δ) phase become visible after prolong ageing in the D128 sample in some

regions which can related to transformation of (γ‟‟) to (δ) phase.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...246

Discussion and conclusions

7-3-2-2- Mixing zone hardening

Formation of a narrow hard band adjacent to the interface in the weld metal,

after heat exposure in the range of 600˚C to 700˚C has been reported in

previous research in dissimilar weld joints between steels and Ni alloys [6, 7,

9, 66]. It has been argued that the increasing in hardness is related to the

precipitation of carbides on the higher Cr side of the interface.

Observations of the D8 sample in this work indicates hardening of the mixing

zone and increasing exposure time to 16 days results in formation of a hard

band ~30 μm wide. Increasing exposure time causes only small changes, both

in hardness values or hard band wide. Nevertheless, it is notable that the hard

band was also formed in the free standing weld overlay sample (WD128).

Figure ‎7-6. Showing Schaeffler diagram and indicating Cr equivalent for the mixing
zone composition and stability of austenite in this region.

Therefore it is suggested that carbon migration has no effect on hard band

formation, which indicates that it is not related to formation of carbides. The

Schaeffler diagram (see Figure 7-6) indicates that (γ) austenite is stable in the

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...247

Discussion and conclusions

mixing zone. Thermodynamic calculation indicates that the (σ) phase is stable

at 650˚C in this region (Figure 6-6). Therefore it is suggested that hard band

formation is related to the precipitation of the hard intermetallic (σ) phase in

this zone

7-3-2-3- Phase precipitation in the interfacial


It is known that some carbides and intermetallic phases are normally

precipitated in the IN625 alloy during either aging or service at temperatures

in the range of 600˚C to 750˚C in wrought [93, 193, 194] and as-solidified

conditions [91, 96, 97, 99, 102, 195]. It is reported [104, 119] that below

700˚C, the M23C6 carbide is the most stable type of carbide in the IN625 alloy.

Moreover, precipitation of Mo-rich (μ) phase in this alloy has also been

reported [92].

Observations indicate that some veins were formed in the interfacial region

following thermal exposure tests. These veins are ~100 μm in length and

increasing exposure time has a little effect on the length of them. BSE

micrographs indicated that these veins are associated with carbides in the

microstructure and that the carbide population increased with increasing

exposure time around the grain boundaries. The EPMA results of the D64 and

the D128 samples confirm that in the interfacial region, (Cr, Mo)-rich carbide

precipitates are present. Analysis of the WD128 sample reveals that

precipitation of carbides in this region is related to carbon migration from the


Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...248

Discussion and conclusions

Thermodynamic calculations for the bulk zone show that at 650˚C, the (Cr,

Mo)-rich M23C6 carbide is stable. However, there are different stable carbides

with changing Fe content, and in the mixing zone the Mo-rich M6C is stable.

Increasing the carbon content results in a higher carbide mol.% at the expense

of other phases in the bulk zone while in the mixing zone causes the stability

of (Cr, Mo)-rich M23C6. These results are similar to those reported in other

works based on thermodynamic calculations [103, 142].

Therefore, it is suggested that MC carbides formed during the final stage of

solidification transform to the (Cr, Mo)-rich M23C6 in the neighbourhood of

grain boundaries in the interfacial region. Carbon migration across the

interface results in growth of these carbide precipitates. However, the constant

length of the carbide precipitation region in the weld overlay (veins) can be

related to the formation of other phases.

Evaluation of the weld overlay region microstructure in different samples

indicates that some intermetallic precipitates are present at the grain

boundaries which were identified as TCP phases. These precipitates are (Mo,

Nb)-rich and were formed in the interdendritic regions. However, EPMA

results reveal that the Nb-rich areas are different from the Mo-rich areas.

Thermodynamic calculations show that although (μ) phase is not formed

during non-equilibrium solidification, this phase is stable at 650˚C with Fe

contents of less than 8 wt.% (in addition to Nb-rich (δ) phase). Increasing the

Fe content results in formation of (σ) phase at the expense of the (μ) phase and

above 15wt.%, (σ) phase is stable with Nb-rich (δ) phase.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...249

Discussion and conclusions

Therefore, beyond the ~100 μm distance and due to lower Fe content, the

(Mo, Cr)-rich (μ) phase becomes stable and formation of this phase decreases

the chemical potential of Cr and Mo and prevents carbide formation in this

area. However, this phase formed very close to the Nb-rich (δ) in the

interdendritic regions and so it is difficult to distinguish these phases from

each other. It can be said that both these phases are co-exist in these regions.

In the D128 sample some acicular bright precipitates become visible in the

microstructure very close to carbides which are suggested to be the (δ) phase.

In this region, the Cr and Mo atoms formed carbides and as such, the Nb

atoms are free to form the Ni3Nb phase. The (δ) phase was also seen in the

WD128 sample along the grain boundaries close to interface because (μ)

phase is not stable at this region due to high Fe content.

7-4- Summary

The precipitation behaviour following thermal exposure, in various regions of

the weld overlaid tube, are different due to variation of as-welded

microstructure and composition. Moreover carbon migration causes further

changes in the interfacial region due to wide differences in its chemical

potential in the 2.25Cr1Mo steel and the nickel alloy.

The main process in the early stages of thermal exposure is dissolution of

metastable carbides in the steel region and formation of carbides at the

interface and along the grain boundaries of the interfacial region. However,

different microstructures in the steel region cause different rates of dissolution

and precipitation sequences which are considered in a new model to explain

microstructural evolution in the different regions of steel. It is clear that the

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...250

Discussion and conclusions

width of the HAZ zone is related to heat input during welding. Therefore

choosing a welding process with a narrower HAZ could be useful in changing

the width of the soft zone during service.

Formation of a carbide network at the interface interrupts carbon supply

across the interface. However, there is carbon redistribution in the steel region

which causes further changes in the microstructure of the near-HAZ region.

The re-hardening of this region and the formation of fine ferrite grains is

explained by formation of fine Cr-rich carbides and Mo replenishment in the

coexisting ferrite. Due to the above observations, carbon migration cannot

continue indefinitely and it is observed that the mechanical properties and

microstructure of the central and the far-HAZ zones remain almost unchanged

at 650˚C. Therefore, it is suggested that increasing the steam temperature to

above 450˚C in the power plants is possible. However, the technical issues in

this regard should be considered.

The Fe/Mo ratio is the major parameter in formation of different phases in the

microstructure of weld overlay region. Increasing distance from the interface

with lower Fe/Mo ratio results in formation of the (μ) intermetallic phase at

the expense of carbide precipitates which are stable at higher ratio along the

grain boundaries. This fact indicates that the steel substrate has some effect on

the first 100 μm of the weld overlay material. Therefore, it is suggested that by

consideration of corrosion rate and it relation to the thickness, the weld

overlay thickness can be reduced which means reduction of costs for

manufacturing of the bimetallic tube.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...251

Discussion and conclusions

Based on the results of this research, it is clear that formation of the hard band

is not related to the carbide formation as it also formed in the WD128 sample.

Although formation of this hard band layer has not a significant effect on the

hook stress, due to the temperature fluctuation and 3 dimensional forces in the

tube, the presence of a hard band adjacent to the soft zone could degrade

mechanical properties of the tube during its service life.

7-5- Future work

The first important issue is to determine the realistic temperature profile in the

wall thickness of a super heater tube in the service condition. This thermal

analysis helps to understand the effect of increasing service temperature on the

different regions of this tube especially at interface.

The second issue is that the aim of applying a weld overlay on ferritic steel is

to increase the corrosion resistance in the severe operating conditions such as

WtE boilers. The corrosion resistance is related to the microstructure and it is

necessary to analyse this property of the weld overlay. It is clear that the weld

overlay material contains about 9 wt% Fe which may cause different corrosion

behaviour compared to that of the standard wrought Inconel 625 with less than

5 wt% Fe content.

The third issue is to understand the affects of the hard band and the soft zone

on the mechanical properties under service conditions. Therefore mechanical

tests need to be done on different samples.

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...252


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9- Appendix No.1: Optical emission spectroscopy

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...271


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Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...273


Appendix No.2: Mean atomic number calculations

1) Steel

2) Weld overlay

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...274


Appendix No.3: Database description forms

Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...275


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Microstructural stability of a nickel-based alloy on a 2.25Cr1Mo steel substrate...277

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