The Production of The Compacted Embankment From Belo Monte HPP
The Production of The Compacted Embankment From Belo Monte HPP
The reservoir of the Belo Monte HPP has two sectors interconnected by a channel, called
the Diversion Channel: a sector, upstream of the Diversion Channel, formed by the natural
course of the Xingu River, called the Main Reservoir, and another sector downstream, formed
by the construction of dams and dikes, called the Intermediate Reservoir.
The Adduction to the main Intake in the Belo Monte Site, from the natural course of the
Xingu River, is made through the Diversion Channel, seven Transposition Channels
denominated CTPT1, CTPT2, CTPT3, CTTC, CTCA, CTCS and CTSA and three Filling
Channels denominated 1, 2 and 3. The channels were excavated along the Intermediate
Reservoir in order to reduce the load losses.
For the most part, the Diversion Channels comprised excavations in soil, with lateral
slopes below the operation levels of the Intermediate Reservoir. The channels were coated in
the bottom with rocking and in some of them, the protection extends to the lateral slopes.
Norte Energia S.A.
Norte Energia S.A.
Oscar M. Bandeira, Daniel T. Leite, Marcelo B. Boaventura, Marcelo L. Foz, Leandre S. Valino and
Rodrigo J. F. Sarlo
The Intermediate Reservoir consists of 28 containment dikes that closes saddles or streams
thalweg and are distributed along the entire reservoir. In addition to these dikes, in the Belo
Monte region, the reservoir is limited by the Versant of the Santo Antonio Dam (VSAD), the
Left Closing Dam (LCD) and the Right Closing Dam (RCD), and the Intake in itself.
Oscar M. Bandeira, Daniel T. Leite, Marcelo B. Boaventura, Marcelo L. Foz, Leandre S. Valino and
Rodrigo J. F. Sarlo
Under the upstream backrest, a trench exploratory/insulation was carried out in order to
investigate, mainly, the occurrence of canaliculi. Its depth was, in principle, established at
3.00 m, with the possibility of deepening it to 6.00 m, depending on the frequency and
magnitude of the canaliculi. The trench was also provided with the launching of a layer of
sand on its downstream slope, in order to prevent the transport of fines through the smaller
canaliculi. In the trench was also planned the treatment of canaliculi by means of injection of
cement by gravity.
The internal drainage system consists of a 0.70 m wide vertical sand filter and, on the
foundation, a horizontal drainage mat of 3 or 5 layers of granular materials, with protection at
the outlet downstream, a foot drain fitted with transitions and rocking.
Table 1 shows the dynamics of the construction of the compacted embankment in the
Intermediate Reservoir, with 46 million m³, which corresponds to 76.6% of the total volume
executed in the whole project (60 million m³). It is noticed that in the first two years of the
work, the advance was limited to about 22% and that 78% of the embankment were built in
the last 2 years.
The difficulty of advancing in the first 2 years of construction may be justified by the
following factors: (i) challenging logistics, (ii) implementation and adaptation of access roads
to the sites, (iii) implantation of pioneer sites, (iv) implantation of definitive sites, (v)
liberation of the areas to start construction of the structures - environmental, land ownership,
archaeological prospecting, plant suppression, etc.
As for the logistics challenge, just remember that Belo Monte HPP is located on west of
Pará, in the municipality of Vitória do Xingu, distant about 50 km from the city of Altamira.
Access can be made via land via the Transamazônica Highway (BR-230), via river from
Belém to the city of Vitória do Xingu and by air.
In order to make feasible the construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant, four
construction sites were implanted: Belo Monte Site (Main Powerhouse), Pimental Site
Oscar M. Bandeira, Daniel T. Leite, Marcelo B. Boaventura, Marcelo L. Foz, Leandre S. Valino and
Rodrigo J. F. Sarlo
(Complementary Powerhouse and Xingu River Bus), Diversion Channel and Bela Vista Site
(Dikes Construction of Intermediate Reservoir). To get a sense of the size of the work, it
should be noted that the distance between the Belo Monte Site and the Pimental Site is about
50 kilometers, a distance that is repeated between the Belo Monte Site and the Diversion
From the Transamazônica Highway (BR-230), the beds are accessed by the Travessão 27
and Travessão 55 (vicinal roads) meaning more than 80 kilometers of roads. The works of
adaptation of Travessão 27 were initiated after the release of the Installation License in June
2011 and the works of adaptation / implementation of Travessão 55 were started in 2012.
As the implantation of the sites and the access roads advanced, the works of land and rock
also advanced. In 2012 the activities of common excavation, foundation treatment and
construction of embankments of dikes and dams was still incipient. In 2013, the advance of
Oscar M. Bandeira, Daniel T. Leite, Marcelo B. Boaventura, Marcelo L. Foz, Leandre S. Valino and
Rodrigo J. F. Sarlo
the compacted embankment was indeed relevant, reaching the mark of 9.7 million m³, about
21% of the total.
At the beginning of 2014 there was a major challenge ahead: the execution of 36 million
m³ of embankment in just 2 years. The schedule of the work provided for the beginning of the
filling of the Intermediate Reservoir was 11/15/15. At the time, taking into account the
existing difficulties, the climate was skeptical about the viability of these large volumes in
such a short period of time. The objective of this article is to present a brief description of the
actions taken during the years 2014 and 2015 to enable the construction of 36 million m³ of
compacted embankment of the dikes and dams of the Intermediate Reservoir in such short
Oscar M. Bandeira, Daniel T. Leite, Marcelo B. Boaventura, Marcelo L. Foz, Leandre S. Valino and
Rodrigo J. F. Sarlo
accesses, both in the excavation regions and in the material disposal regions (Dumping
Ground). Another important differential in this equipment was its capacity of material
transport, about 23 m³, which guaranteed a considerable increase of productivity.
In 2014, the embankment project progressed simultaneously in 17 structures, increasing to
25 structures by 2015, with the challenges of personnel logistics, equipment and supplies for
these works scattered over an extension of more than 30 kilometers.
In the service fronts, several types of support were required: (i) canteens, (ii) rest areas,
(iii) sanitary facilities, (iv) electrical maintenance, (v) mechanical maintenance, (vi)
topography, (viii) laboratory tests, etc.
An important differential of the execution of the embankments of the dikes and dams was
the "itinerant" support present in the work. At the height of the project, in addition to the three
central canteens in the main sites, there were five more air-conditioned mobile canteens
scattered around the building, which optimized the movement of employees.
Oscar M. Bandeira, Daniel T. Leite, Marcelo B. Boaventura, Marcelo L. Foz, Leandre S. Valino and
Rodrigo J. F. Sarlo
The same happened with laboratory tests for the technological control of the construction
of compacted embankment, the results of which were obtained quickly in one of the 10 labs
(4 central and 6 roving) strategically positioned throughout the work. A quality control
system, therefore, was structured to meet the demands of large volumes of compacted
embankment and productivity challenges.
The same itinerant concept was applied to the other demands of the work: (i) topography,
(ii) construction maintenance, (iii) electrical maintenance and refrigeration, (iv) mechanical
maintenance, (v) The support structures were repositioned whenever necessary, to meet the
dynamics of the enterprise.
The following will briefly describe some points considered relevant to obtain the good
results observed in the execution and the release of the embankment layers of dikes and dams,
as far as Technological Control.
In order to promote a coordination of the lean production system, based on the philosophy
of the Toyota production system, the NEO - Operational Excellence Nucleus - dedicated to
the compacted embankment program was implemented in 2013. From this work was
established the pull planning, as well as the ideal rhythm of work, in order to avoid wastes,
overproduction, stocks and rework. Among the various actions, highlights:
Definition of the ideal size of workplaces due to the sequencing of activities;
Balancing resources per work place according to the ideal size of each lot;
Oscar M. Bandeira, Daniel T. Leite, Marcelo B. Boaventura, Marcelo L. Foz, Leandre S. Valino and
Rodrigo J. F. Sarlo
Implementation, inside the compartment of the roller, of a device to control the number
of passes, reducing the occurrence of overcoating of layers or lack of compaction;
Creation of equipment patrols - a group of trucks dedicated to a bulldozer - associated
to the definition of the origin and destination of the materials - deposit / launching place
- guaranteeing the production rate (Time Takt);
Oscar M. Bandeira, Daniel T. Leite, Marcelo B. Boaventura, Marcelo L. Foz, Leandre S. Valino and
Rodrigo J. F. Sarlo
Implantation of support points close to the service fronts aiming to reduce the time of
displacement of the teams;
Reduction of the spacing between the layer thickness indicators in the launching areas,
as well as the use of reflective adhesives on the crossbars, improving their visualization
and their effectiveness during the nightshift.
Oscar M. Bandeira, Daniel T. Leite, Marcelo B. Boaventura, Marcelo L. Foz, Leandre S. Valino and
Rodrigo J. F. Sarlo
The filling of the Intermediate Reservoir at the end of 2015 was only possible with the
completion of compacted filling of the dikes and dams, which moved an impressive 46
million m³, almost 80% of this volume during the last two years. Challenges encountered in
the first years of the project's implementation involved environmental issues, expropriation
and clearing of areas, archaeological surveys, advances in plant suppression, highlighting the
enormous difficulty of logistics, great distances and poor access conditions.
Enabling the implementation of large volumes of compacted embankment required a series
of coordinated actions that included labor training, acquisition of a fleet of new equipment,
state-of-the-art technology, support from major equipment manufacturers, use of remote
monitoring of operational conditions, electronic appropriation system, etc.
The construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant counted with a good infrastructure
in its four construction sites, which had two main core: accommodation and industrial.
However, the great differential observed in the execution of the compacted embankment was
the concept of itinerant support, which allowed a rapid repositioning of the resources to meet
the dynamics of the work.
AutoLab management software has established itself as a great ally of the procedures
related to technological control, an indispensable item in the quality of compacted
embankment. In addition to gaining agility in obtaining test results, the program ensured an
adequate control of landfill layer data, reducing rework, allowing targeted training, pointing
to the need to define constructive methods and standardization of activities, among other
important gains.
The creation of the Operational Excellence Nucleus (NEO), dedicated to the compacted
landfill program, constituted an essential action to obtain the results presented in this article,
as it avoided waste, overproduction, stocks and rework. The definition of the ideal size of the
squares, the balance of resources per square, the creation of equipment patrols, the
standardization of service maneuvers are examples of the effectiveness of NEO.