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The document provides an overview and technical specifications of a V-Controller device.

The document discusses the assembly, interfaces, analog and digital inputs/outputs, and other main components that make up the V-Controller.

Pages 7 and 19 discuss safety information including danger warnings and transportation instructions.


(BUS 6 VC)
SW 4.XX + 14.XX


E 5.95036.17
Title Manual
Product V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)
Version 5.95036.17

Copyright These operating instructions may be copied by the owner

in any quantity but only for internal use. For other purposes
these operating instructions and extracts thereof must not
be copied or reproduced.
Use and disclosure of information contained in these oper-
ating instructions are not permitted.
Designations and company marks contained in these op-
erating instructions may be brand names, the use of which
by third parties for their own purposes may violate the
rights of the holders.
Obligatory These operating instructions are part of the equipment/ma-
chine. These operating instructions must be available to
the operator at all times and must be in a legible condition.
If the equipment/machine is sold or moved to a different lo-
cation these operating instructions must be passed on by
the owner together with the equipment/machine.
After any sale of the equipment/machine this original and
all copies must be handed over to the buyer. After disposal
or any other end of use this original and all copies must be
When the present operating instructions are handed over,
corresponding sets of operating instructions of a previous
version are automatically invalidated. Please notice that
specifications/data/information are current values ac-
cording to the printing date. These statements are not
legally binding according to the measurement, computa-
tion and calculations.
Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH reserves the right, in develop-
ing its products further, to change the technical specifica-
tions and the handling of the products concerned without
prior notice.
No liability can be accepted concerning the correctness of
the operating instructions unless otherwise specified in the
General Conditions of Sale and Delivery.
Manufacturer Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Ostendstr. 80 - 90
D-90482 Nürnberg
Tel. +49 9 11 54 32 - 0 Fax: +49 9 11 54 32 - 1 30
Table of Contents


1 Safety Information .............................................................................................. 7

2 Technical Data .................................................................................................... 9

2.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Electrical Data ...................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Type Code ............................................................................................................................ 12

3 Transportation, Unpacking .............................................................................. 15

4 Assembly ........................................................................................................... 17
4.1 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Assembly Note ..................................................................................................................... 18

5 Installation ......................................................................................................... 19
5.1 Danger Information ............................................................................................................... 19
5.2 Checks Prior to Installation ................................................................................................... 20
5.3 Display .................................................................................................................................. 21
5.3.1 Seven-segment Display ............................................................................................................... 21
5.3.2 LED Display Element ................................................................................................................... 22
5.4 Terminal Diagram ................................................................................................................. 23
5.5 Connection of the Function Inputs ........................................................................................ 24
5.6 Connector Pin Assignment ................................................................................................... 25
5.7 Connection Cables ............................................................................................................... 31
5.7.1 Connection Cable Encoder Types A, B, C and E ........................................................................ 31
5.7.2 Serial Connection Cable for PC ................................................................................................... 32
5.7.3 Connection Cable RS485 ............................................................................................................ 34
5.7.4 Connection of Leading Axis and Following Axis ......................................................................... 35
5.8 Accessories .......................................................................................................................... 35

6 Commissioning ................................................................................................. 37
6.1 Danger Information ............................................................................................................... 37
6.2 Initial Commissioning of V-Controller ................................................................................... 40
6.2.1 Hardware requirements ............................................................................................................... 40
6.2.2 Installation WinBAS ..................................................................................................................... 41
6.2.3 Guided commisioning .................................................................................................................. 44
6.2.4 Speed control by means of analog input 1 .................................................................................. 51
6.3 Locating Position Reference Point Setting ........................................................................... 57
6.4 Commands to Start the Drive ............................................................................................... 58
6.5 Commands to Stop the Drive ............................................................................................... 60

V-Regler (BUS 6 VC) 3

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17
Table of Contents

7 Parameters ........................................................................................................ 63
7.1 Function Diagrams ............................................................................................................... 63
7.2 Power Supply ....................................................................................................................... 67
7.3 Power Unit ............................................................................................................................ 69
7.4 Overload Monitoring of Power Unit ....................................................................................... 75
7.5 Pulse Width Modulation ........................................................................................................ 78
7.6 Motor Model .......................................................................................................................... 80
7.7 Motor Overload Monitoring ................................................................................................... 86
7.8 Motor Temperature Monitoring ............................................................................................. 89
7.9 Field Angle Calculation ......................................................................................................... 92
7.10 Encoder Manager ................................................................................................................. 96
7.11 Touch probe cycle .............................................................................................................. 102
7.12 Incremental Encoder Emulation ......................................................................................... 107
7.13 Evaluation Encoder 1 and Encoder 2 ................................................................................. 108
7.14 Field angle monitoring and Sin2Cos2-monitoring ............................................................... 118
7.15 Current Controller ............................................................................................................... 120
7.16 Speed Controller ................................................................................................................. 126
7.17 Torque Monitoring .............................................................................................................. 129
7.18 Position Controller .............................................................................................................. 133
7.19 Drive Manager .................................................................................................................... 140
7.20 Data Set Management ........................................................................................................ 158
7.21 Operation System ............................................................................................................... 164
7.22 Ramp Function Generator .................................................................................................. 167
7.23 Set Value Generator ........................................................................................................... 171
7.24 Motor Potentiometer ........................................................................................................... 173
7.25 Analog Inputs ...................................................................................................................... 177
7.26 Analog Outputs ................................................................................................................... 182
7.27 LED Display ........................................................................................................................ 184
7.28 Digital Inputs ...................................................................................................................... 187
7.29 Digital Outputs ................................................................................................................... 191
7.30 External Digital Input .......................................................................................................... 194
7.31 External Digital Outputs ...................................................................................................... 197
7.32 Function module "freely configurable statusword GP State" .............................................. 200
7.33 Service Interface ................................................................................................................. 203
7.34 Link to USS® Protocol ....................................................................................................... 208
7.35 BAPS Communication ........................................................................................................ 222
7.36 Additional Parameter .......................................................................................................... 224
7.37 Objekt list ............................................................................................................................ 225

8 Maintenance .................................................................................................... 227

8.1 Maintenance Information .................................................................................................... 227
8.2 Error Messages .................................................................................................................. 228
8.3 Disposal .............................................................................................................................. 236

9 Appendix ......................................................................................................... 237

9.1 Manufacturer Declaration ................................................................................................... 237
9.2 General Conditions of Sale and Delivery ............................................................................ 238
9.3 Parameter List .................................................................................................................... 241
9.4 Index ................................................................................................................................... 251

4 V-Regler (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH


AC Alternating current PD Parameter description

ADR Address byte PI Parameter identification
AI Function module analog inputs PIV Parameter identification value
AM Asynchronous motor PN Parameter no.
AO Function module analog outputs PS Function module power supply
BAPS Baumüller parallel interface PV Parameter value
BASS Baumüller serial interface PWM Function module pulse width modulation
BCC Block check character RFG Function module ramp function generator
BOF Begin of file SM Synchronous motor
BSA Reference potential analog SPM Space phasor modulation
BSD Reference potential digital STX Start of text
BUM Type of Baumüller converter SV Function module service interface
CE Controller enabling SVG Function module set value generator
CPU Central Processing Unit TM Temperature motor
CT Function module coordinate transformation USS® Trademark Siemens,
DA Digital/analog universal serial interface
DC Direct current ZK Intermediate circuit
DI Function module digital inputs
DSM Function module data set management
EOF End of file
Ext Function module current monitoring
MC Main conductor
MCO Main conductor on
MOE Enable main conductor
I Function module current control
I2t Function module overload monitoring
Inc Unit of position counter
IND Index
Ink No. of graduation marks
J/RI Job / reply identification
LED Light-emitting diode
LGE Telegram length
LT Function module power unit
M Function module drive manager
MM Function module motor model
Mot Function module field angle calculation
MT Function module motor temperature
N Function module speed controller
OS Function module operation system
P Parameter number
P Function module position controller
Para. Paragraph
PD Process data

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 5

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6 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)
5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Safety Information


General Information
These operating instructions contain all the information necessary for correct operation of the products
described. The document is intended for specially trained, technically qualified personnel who are well-
versed in all warnings and commissioning activities. The equipment is manufactured using state-of-the-
art technology and is safe in operation. It can safely be installed and commissioned and functions with-
out problems if the safety information in these operating instructions is followed.


When operating electrical equipment, some parts of the equipment always carry dangerous voltages.
Ignoring these safety instructions and warnings may result in serious personal injury and/or damage
to property.
Only qualified personnel who are familiar with the safety information, assembly, operation and mainte-
nance instructions may carry out work on this equipment.

Danger Information

On the one hand, the information below is for your own personal safety and on the other to prevent
damage to the described products or to other connected equipment.

In the context of the operating instructions and the information on the products themselves, the terms
used have the following meanings:


This means that death, severe personal injury, or damage to property will occur unless appropriate
safety measures are taken.


This means that death, severe personal injury, or damage to property may occur unless appropriate
safety measures are taken.

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 7

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17
Safety Information


This draws your attention to important information about the product, handling of the product or to a
particular section of the documentation.

Qualified Personnel
In the context of the safety-specific information in this document or on the products themselves, quali-
fied personnel are considered to be persons who are familiar with setting up, assembling, commission-
ing and operating the product and who have qualifications appropriate to their activities:

Trained or instructed or authorized to commission, ground and mark circuits and equipment in accor-
dance with recognized safety standards.

Trained or instructed in accordance with recognized safety standards in the care and use of appropri-
ate safety equipment.

Appropriate Use


You may only use the equipment/system for the purposes specified in the operating instructions and
in conjunction with the third-party equipment and components recommended or authorized by BAU-
For safety reasons, you must not change or add components on/to the equipment/system.
The machine minder must report immediately any changes that occur which adversely affect the safety
of the equipment/system.

8 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Technical Data


2.1 General

The motor controller designated as the V-controller is a favorably priced, fully digital solution for
Baumüller equipment for closed-loop control of synchronous and asynchronous motors.

The V-controller covers the range of functions of the existing E-controller and T-controller.

In addition, the two VeCon circuits increase the controller’s computing power and storage capacity. This
results in a significant improvement in the device’s closed-loop control properties, quicker communica-
tions and increased open-loop control functionality in the closed-loop controller. Various option boards
allow you to adapt the BUS 6 V-controller to a vast range of different requirements and applications.

Closed-Loop Control

Field-oriented closed-loop control for synchronous motors with

– Sinus encoder with 8 V synchronous-serial interface
– Sinus encoder with 5 V synchronous-serial interface (from SW 14.08)
– Sinus incremental encoder
– Square wave incremental encoder
– Resolver
Field-oriented closed-loop control for asynchronous motors with
– Sinus encoder with 8V synchronous-serial interface
– Sinus encoder with 5V synchronous-serial interface (from SW 14.08)
– Sinus incremental encoder
– Square wave incremental encoder
– Resolver

Closed-Loop Control Functions

Speed control at 62,5 µs

Position control at 62,5 µs
Torque control at 62,5 µs
The digital closed-loop control offers
– Drift-free operation
– Exceptional concentricity properties
– Highest levels of control dynamics and rigidity across the entire speed range
– Speed actual value resolution
Resolver: 1 revolution = 2 12
Sine incremental encoder (e.g. ROD486) with 1024 increments: 1 revolution = 2 22
Depending on the requirements, you can operate the controller by means of
– Analog set value setting and digital switching inputs
– RS485 serial port for drive networking using a busable protocol (compatible with USS protocol)
– RS232 serial port for PC operation, parameterization, commissioning and service as well as for
archiving control parameter to floppy disk.

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 9

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17
Technical Data

Inputs / Outputs

Digital inputs (24 V):

– Pulse enabling
– Rapid halt
– 4 programmable function inputs
Analog inputs:
– 2 analog inputs (0 ... ±10 V), 12 bit resolution
Serial interfaces:
– RS232 with a transmission rate of 9600 baud, optical separated
Digital outputs:
– 1 relay contact message „ready for use“
– 3 programmable function outputs
Analog outputs
– 2 analog outputs (0 ... ±10 V), 12 bit resolution

Operation Software

Up-/Download with PCBASS

Optional Boards

Omega Drive-Line
InterBus-S interface
CAN interface
I/O module MFM-01
Sercos interface
1 x analog input (0 ... ±10 V), 16 bit resolution
Profibus DP-Interface
RS 485-Interface with a transmission rate of 300 to 19200 baud, optical separated

10 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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Technical Data

2.2 Electrical Data

Accuracy of whole system Calculation accuracy 16 bit
Sampling rate of whole system 62,5 µs
2 analog inputs
voltage range -10 V ... +10 V
type differential input
input resistance ca. 40 kΩ
resolution 12 bit
6 potential free inputs
low level 0 V ... +7.5 V
high level +13 V ... +30 V
input resistance 2,5 mA
2 analog outputs
voltage range -10 V ... +10 V
maximum output current 1 mA
resolution 12 bit
1 relay output
maximum contact load 24 V DC / 1 A
maximum potential against electronic 50 V
3 potential free outputs
joint supply voltage + 24 V / 150 mA
joint ground ground of 24 V external
output current per output 50 mA
Encoder emulation no. of increments adjustable
for more information see
Incremental Encoder Emulation on page 107
external supply
voltage 5 V +/- 5 %
current max. 100mA (without load)
output level (RS 422-standard)
output low voltage max. 0,5 V (at IOL=48mA)
output high voltage max. 2,5 V (at IOH=-20mA)
Interfaces 2 encoder interfaces to get absolute position
RS232 service interface

Power Consumption

+5 V 1,2 A
(without encoder supply; plus 0,5 A with 2 encoders)
+8 V 10 mA
(without encoder supply; plus 0,5 A with 2 encoders)
+15 V 50 mA
-15 V 50 mA

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 11

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Technical Data

2.3 Type Code

BUS 6-xx-xx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
BAUMÜLLER No. of licence points
Option board 2 function
Converter Option board 1 function
Controller function
Digital Controller function:
Controller type software version
Controller function:
Encoder type on Customer specific
Connection 1 (X24) software version

Encoder type on Version

Connection 2 (X25) (hardware configuration)

Type of Controller VC Vector Controller

Encoder type on connection 1: 0 No encoder

(X24) A Resolver
B 5 V sinus incremental encoder
C Absolute value encoder with 8 V asynchronous serial interface
Encoder type on connection 2:
D Absolute value encoder with 5 V synchronous serial interface
(X25) (from SW 14.08)
E 5 V square wave incremental encoder

Version: 0001 V-controller, cassette version

1002 V-controller with InterBus-S, built-in version
0017 V-controller with MFM-01, cassette version

Closed-Loop Control Function:

Customer-specific software version 00 No customer-specific software version
03 Software version 03.xx
Incompatible software version

Open-Loop Control Function: 0000 No Omega installed

Axxx Run-time software for minimal Omega
Bxxx Run-time software for Omega + CAN (multi-axis application)
Cxxx Run-time software for minimal Omega + MEM-03
Dxxx Run-time software for Omega + CAN (multi-axis application) + MEM-03

Option Board 1 Function 1 Incompatible software version 1.xx

Option Board 2 Function 0 Software specified by PCB version

No. of licence points 01 1 licence point

02 2 licence points

12 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Technical Data


BUS6 - VC - EC - 1008 - 0003 - D103 - 10 - 02

Controller Type: VC Vector Controller

Encoder type on connection 1: E Square wave incremental encoder

Encoder type on connection 2: C Absolute value encoder with asynchronous serial interface and 8 V supply

Version: 1008 V-controller; Omega with MEM-03; InterBus-S with expansion board;
multifunction module; built-in version

Closed-loop control function

Customer-spec. software version 00 No customer-specific software version
Incompatible software version 03 Software version 03.xx

Open-Loop control function D103 Run-time software for Omega + CAN (multi-axis application) + MEM-03

Option board 1 function: 1 Incompatible software version 01.xx

Option board 2 function: 0 Software specified via PCB version of option board

No. of licence points 02 2 licence points


Compared to the old type code, the positions for the encoder on connection 1 and connection 2 are

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 13

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17
Technical Data

14 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Transportation, Unpacking


The units are packed at the factory in accordance with the order.

You should avoid jolting or dropping the package in transit, e.g. when putting the unit down.

You can start assembly after unpacking the equipment and checking that it is complete and undamaged .

The equipment is packed in cardboard, corrugated sheeting and/or wooden packaging that you should
dispose of in accordance with local regulations.

Report any damage that has occurred in transit immediately.


If the unit was damaged in transit, a qualified person must check, repair and test it before it may be
Ignoring this information can result in death, serious personal injury or considerable damage to pro-

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 15

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17
Transportation, Unpacking

16 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH


4.1 Dimensions

Plug-in depth of cassette

BUS 6 and BUM 62: 128,5 mm

BUM 63/64: 131,0 mm

The total depth can only be determined in conjunction with the basic unit. In addition, it is necessary to
take into account the dimensions of the connector to be used (approx. 40 mm).

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 17

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

4.2 Assembly Note


You are responsible for mounting the described equipment, the motor, the transformer and any other
equipment in accordance with appropriate safety regulations (e.g. EN, DIN, VDE); equally you must
ensure that all other relevant national or local regulations are met with regard to cable ratings and pro-
tection, grounding, disconnectors, overcurrent protection, etc.

During operation, the unit is protected from direct contact such that it is suitable for use in enclosed
electrical premises (DIN VDE 0558 Part 1/07.87, Section, provisional standard EN 50178/VDE
0160/ 11.94, Sections 5.2.6, 5.2.7).

Plug the controller cassette into the appropriate recess in the basic unit and secure it with the two screws
attached to it.


Do not plug in the cassette under voltage!

The installation of the basic units is covered separately.

18 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH


5.1 Danger Information


You are responsible for mounting the controller in accordance with appropriate safety regulations (e.g.
DIN, VDE); equally, you must ensure that all other relevant national and local regulations are met with
regard to cable ratings and protection, grounding, disconnectors, overcurrent protection, etc.

The power converter's power cables are energized!

During operation, the principles on which the power converter and the motor work lead to leakage cur-
rents to earth that are dissipated via the specified protective earths and may result in a current-opera-
ted e.l.c.b. on the input side blowing prematurely.

Speed monitoring systems in the equipment must not just be complemented by a stand-alone moni-
toring system on the motor in the case of speed-critical drives. You can implement this control of the
RPM speed, which is independent of the controller, by means of inductive, optical or torque-dependent
encoders. Refer to the appropriate motor's operating and maintenance instructions.

Be particularly careful before touching the drive shaft directly or indirectly with your hands. This is only
allowed when the system is deenergized and the drive is stationary.

Safety devices must never be deactivated.

According to applicable regulations (EN 60204 Part 1 and VDE 0113 Part 1), stopping the drive using
the enable inputs of the control electronics does not, on its own, represent a safe stop condition. A
disturbance in the power converter's control electronics can lead to accidental starting of the motor.

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 19

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

5.2 Checks Prior to Installation

Note down the type code of the unit and motor

Check the connections by means of the terminal diagram
Connection of the plugs:

PC connection via standard RS232

Drive address set in binary code via DIP switch S20 if controller is equipped with optional board
RS 485-Interface
The locations of the plugs change as a result of various expansions of the standard V-Controller, e.g.
by InterBus-S interface or Omega Drive-Line. Plug labelling and connector pin assignment, howev-
er, remains the same (see corresponding supplementary description).

20 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH

5.3 Display

5.3.1 Seven-segment Display

A 7-segment display is attached to the front of the V-Controller, which shows the state in the drive man-
ager's state machine (P120 - P133)..
Display Meaning





5 OPERATION ENABLED; command „operation disabled“ active

6 OPERATION ENABLED; command „shut down“ active




The following display mode is active only in the status FAULT:

Initially status identifier "F" is shown for three seconds to indicate the fault status. The "F" is followed by
the four digits of the error code. The system outputs them with a decimal point, which clearly differenti-
ates this status from the others in the device control. After the last digit, the system deactivates the dis-
play – apart from the decimal point – for one second. After this, the entire procedure is repeated.

If several errors are pending, the system, displays the entire list in this way.

If you acknowledge an error that is just being shown in display mode, the system still continues to display
it until the end of this sequence. The next time the error list is processed, this error is no longer visible.

Example in the case of error codes 0801 and 0202:

Information on error codes: see "Error Messages" on page 228.

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 21

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

5.3.2 LED Display Element

An LED display, which gives additional information, is located below the 7-segment display.

see function module LED display

22 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH

5.4 Terminal Diagram

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 23

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

5.5 Connection of the Function Inputs


All the enables are edge-triggered except for the emergency stop input.
The emergency stop input must be active before the other hardware enables.

24 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH

5.6 Connector Pin Assignment

RS232 Interface

X 23 SUB-D socket 9-pin

Socket Pin no. Assignment

1 not assigned

2 TxD RS232

3 RxD RS232

5 ground RS232

6 +5V RS232


9 not assigned

RS485 Interface (optional)

X 29 A SUB-D socket 9-pin

X 29 B SUB-D plug 9-pin

Socket Plug Pin no. Assignment

1 -TxD RS485

2 +5V RS485
3 ground RS485

4 ground RS485

5 -RxD RS485

6 +RxD RS485

7 ground RS485

8 ground RS485

9 +TxD RS485

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 25

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

Incremental Encoder Emulation

X27 SUB-D plug 9-pin

Pin no. Assignment

Plug 1 ground incremental encoder emulation

2 external power supply

+5V incremental encoder emulation

3 incremental encoder emulation 0

4 incremental encoder emulation -0

5 incremental encoder emulation B

6 not assigned
7 incremental encoder emulation -A

8 incremental encoder emulation A

9 incremental encoder emulation -B

Sine Encoder (e. g. z. B. Heidenhain EQN 1325, synchronous serial Interface 5V)

X24 / X25 SUB-D socket 15-pin (depends on type, X24 or X25)

Pin no. Assignment

1 ground

2 +5V encoder voltage

3 reserved*
Socket 4 reserved*

5 COS +
6 not assigned

7 SIN -

8 SIN +
9 COS -

10 clock +

11 clock -

12 sense +

13 sense -

14 RS485 +
15 RS485 -

* do not assign


When using this encoder, the standard connection cable (see page 31) cannot be used.

26 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH

Sine Encoder (e. g. Stegmann SCM70, asynchronous serial interface, 8 V)

X24 / X25 SUB-D socket 15-pin (depends on type, X24 or X25)

Pin no. Assignment

1 ground

2 +8V encoder voltage

3 reserved*
Socket 4 reserved*

5 COS +

6 not assigned

7 SIN -
8 SIN +

9 COS -

10 not assigned
11 not assigned

12 RS485 +

13 reserved*
14 reserved*

15 RS485 -

* do not assign


X24 / X25 SUB-D socket 15-pin (depends on type, X24 or X25

Pin no. Assignment

1 resolver ref-

2 resolver ref+

3 not assigned
Socket 4 not assigned

5 resolver cos+

6 not assigned

7 resolver sin+

8 resolver sin-
9 resolver cos-

10 reserved*

11 reserved*
12 not assigned

13 not assigned

14 temperature motor TM1 (see note next page)

15 temperature motor TM2 (see note next page)

* do not assign

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 27

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

Rectangle Incremental Encoder (e. g. Heidenhain ROD 426)

Sine Incremental Encoder 5 V (e. g. Heidenhain ROD 486)

X 24 / X 25 SUB-D socket 15-pin (depends on type, X 24 or X 25)

Pin no. Assignment

1 ground

2 +5V encoder voltage

3 RS422 encoder +U0

Socket 4 RS422 encoder -U0

5 RS422 encoder +U2

6 not assigned

7 RS422 encoder -U1

8 RS422 encoder +U1

9 RS422 encoder -U2

10 not assigned
11 not assigned

12 reserved*

13 reserved*
14 temperature motor TM1 (see note next page)

15 temperature motor TM2 (see note next page)

* do not assign


A secure separation must be ensured externally for the motor temperature measurement of incremen-
tal encoder and resolver pin no. 14, 15.

28 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH

Motor Temperature

Sockets X24, X25 and X26 provide three inputs for acquiring the motor temperature. Only one of these
inputs may be connected. The other two inputs must always be open and cannot be used for additional
external evaluation, because this can lead to corrupted measuring results or the destruction of the inter-
nal measuring circuit.

Controlling the Temperature Probe:

For this, you must remove the cable that is used to collect the motor temperature from the closed-loop
control unit. While the motor is cold (coil temperature of less than 80° C), the resistance between the two
connections in the cable must not exceed 1 kΩ.


The selection of the encoder input is set by parameter P152 MT mode.

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 29

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

Analog/Digital Interface

X26 SUB-D socket 25 pin

Pin no. Assignment

1 analog input 1, differential signal +

2 analog input 1, differential signal -

3 analog input 2, differential signal +

4 analog input 2, differential signal -

5 analog power supply, + 15 V

6 analog power supply, reference potential

7 analog output 1

Socket 8 analog output 2

9 input motor temperature + **

10 input motor temperature - **

11 bbo relay break contact ready for use

12 bbk relay changeover contact ready for use

13 bbs relay make contact ready for use

14 pulse enabling (24 V)

15 digital input 1 (24 V)

16 digital input 2 (24 V)

17 digital input 3 (24 V),
programmed with reset errors

18 digital input 4 (24 V),

programmed with controller enabling

19 rapid halt (24 V)

20 ground for digital inputs 1 to 4

respectively pulse enabling and rapid halt

21 digital output 1 (24 V)

22 digital output 2 (24 V)

23 digital output 3 (24 V)

24 ground digital outputs 1 to 3

25 +24 V for digital inputs 1 to 4,

pulse enabling, rapid halt and
digital outputs 1 to 3



A secure separation must be ensured externally.

30 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH

5.7 Connection Cables

5.7.1 Connection Cable Encoder Types A, B, C and E

The following cable set is available for the connection of the encoder types A, B, C and E.
BL encoder cable 12/15 pin, article no.: 1901 8001 (lengths on request).
Unit end, View of mating side Motor end, View of mating side

SUB-D plug, 15-pin Metal round plug, 12-pin

socket contacts (manufacturer Interconnectron)

Pin no. Connection Pin no.

1 blue Ø 0.5mm 10

2 red Ø 0.5mm 12

3 yellow 3
4 green 4

5 violet 8

7 grey 6

8 pink 5

9 black 1


12 brown 2
13 white 11

14 red/blue 9

15 grey/pink 7

Cable: LiYCY 5x(2x0.14)+2x0.5mm² cores twisted in pairs, total shielding via copper.
The cable shield is connected to the round plug housing and the SUB-D plug connector shielding.


The connecting cable must be manufactured in accordance with the above table!
The cable will not function with a deviating pin assignment!
The cable cannot be used for encoder type D!

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5.7.2 Serial Connection Cable for PC


Connect PC in control cabinet or via isolating transformer.

Refer to additional description WinBASS or Up-/Download for explanation of operating program.

9-pin PC connection (interface cable PC, part no. 1901 8006)

25-pin PC connection (not available)

32 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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Connection Terminal Ring Circuit RS232

The units must be connected as follows, if more than one unit (up to 16) are connected in a ring circuit. :

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5.7.3 Connection Cable RS485

4 wire connection from master to 1. slave

2 wire connection from master to 1. slave

Connection between 1. slave and 2. slave (and so on)

Terminating socket for the last slave

* The +5 V are reserved for the power supply of RS485/RS232 adapters and must not be connect-

34 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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5.7.4 Connection of Leading Axis and Following Axis

5.8 Accessories

Part no.
Bus cable 1901 8026
X27 A/B RS485
Interface cable PC (3 m) 1901 8006
X23 RS232
BL encoder cable 12/15 pin. (cable length on request) 1901 8001
X24/X25 Encoder

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36 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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6.1 Danger Information


This equipment carries a dangerously high voltage and, depending on the version, may have dange-
rous rotating parts (fans). Ignoring the safety and warning information may result in death, severe per-
sonal injury or damage to property.

You are responsible for mounting the power converter, the motor, the commutating reactor and any
other equipment in accordance with appropriate safety regulations (e.g. DIN, VDE); equally, you must
ensure that all other relevant national and local regulations are met with regard to cable ratings and
protection, grounding, disconnecters, overcurrent protection, etc.

The most important factors for protecting people are the DIN/VDE protective measures and safety re-
gulations. If there are no protective earth connections on the equipment, commutating reactor or the
motor, personal injuries are inevitable, since the surfaces may carry dangerously high voltages.

The power converter's power cables are energized!

The mains unit and the field connector of the power converter carry a dangerous voltage even when
the main contactor has dropped.

During operation, the principles on which the power converter and the motor work lead to leakage cur-
rents to earth that are dissipated via the specified protective earths and may result in a current-opera-
ted e.l.c.b on the input side blowing prematurely.

In the case of a short-circuit to frame or to ground, a direct proportion may arise in the leakage current
that makes triggering a higher level current-operated e.l.c.b either more difficult or totally impossible.
Make the PE connection in accordance with DIN EN 60204/VDE 0113 Part 1/06.93; Section 8.2.2 ta-
king into account provisional standard EN 50178/ VDE 0160/11.94, Sections and

Before carrying out commissioning, check whether the plastic covers over the power stage connec-
tions are in place.

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 37

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If an error occurs, the drive is deenergized and then coasts unbraked to a standstill. You should consi-
der this situation particularly with motion and lifting drives.

Faulty drive response

During initial commissioning, faulty or uncontrolled motion of the driven machine elements is always
possible. At this stage, you should therefore proceed with particular care.

Before switching on the drive, you must carefully check the functions of all the higher level safety
equipment to prevent injury to people.

Take particular care when directly or indirectly touching the drive shaft with your hand. This is only al-
lowed when the shaft is stationary and the power converter is deenergized. Any exposed parts of the
machine, such as the shafts, fans, etc., must be covered during operation.

Contact protection in accordance with paragraph 4 Section 4 VBG 4

Protection against direct contact comprises all the measures against danger that can result from tou-
ching the active parts of electrical equipment.
You must therefore protect the active parts from being touched by means of insulation, the construc-
tion and arrangement of the equipment or permanently mounted guards. The guards in question are
standard covers, barriers and procedures that guarantee that people cannot touch active parts that are
carrying power.

Switching cabinets must have an emergency off facility to switch off any voltages that could be dan-
gerous. This does not include equipment which, if switched off, would cause an even more dangerous
situation. The emergency off releasing element must be arranged in such a way that it can be reached
quickly in case of danger. In the case of work that is considerably more dangerous than usual, another
person must be present.

The machine minder must ensure that unauthorized people do not work at the machine.

38 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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The machine minder must report immediately any changes that occur at the machine which adversely
affect safety.

When dismounting safety equipment during commissioning, repair and maintenance work, you must
ensure that the machine is taken out of commission in accordance with applicable regulations. You
must remount and check safety equipment immediately after completing commissioning, repair and
maintenance work.

This list of measures required for safe power unit operation is not complete. If you should need further
information or if special problems arise please contact BAUMÜLLER NÜRNBERG or a sales agency.
Please observe the warnings in Chapter 1 of these operating instructions.


Before touching the modules, the operator must release any electrostatic charge to protect electronic
components from high voltages generated through electrostatic charge, by simply touching a
conductive, grounded object immediately before, for example.

This label is placed in a visible location on units with electrostatically susceptible

components and / or modules.

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6.2 Initial Commissioning of V-Controller

6.2.1 Hardware requirements

A certain minimum setup of the drive components is required to commision a drive. The following dia-
gram shows how the components of a drive could be connected. Observe safety notes which are given
in the manuals of every component. Make a note of the controller type code e.g. BUS 6-VC-..., the con-
verter type code e.g. BUM... and the motor article number (refer to the rating plates).

40 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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6.2.2 Installation WinBAS

WinBASS PC hardware and software

IBM compatible PC with

Pentium processor (at least Pentium II)
at least 16 MB RAM (Windows 95)
at least 32 MB RAM (Windows NT)
40 MB free hard disk memory
CD-ROM drive (at least 8x reading speed)
at least VGA graphic adapter
free serial port (COM1 to COM4)
Operating system: Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0




To install the program under Windows 95 proceed as follows (the installation under Windows NT4.0 is
to be done accordingly):

Start your computer and make sure that Windows 95 is loaded as active operating system.
Make sure that all applications are closed before you start the installation.
Insert the WinBASS CD into the CD ROM drive of your computer.
If the function ”Auto play” of your computer is activated the WinBASS welcome screen appears after a
short time.
If this function is not active, start the installation program manually. Click on the ”Start” button in the
taskbar of the operating system; select the ”Execute” menu item. Enter CD drive:\setup.exe” in the text
box ”Open” and click on ”OK”. Select your language first.

The set-up then looks for already installed WinBASS versions and displays these, if any. Click on ”Setup”
to start a new installation or ”Update” to update an existing version.

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 41

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To start the set-up routine, click on the ”Setup” button.

After clicking on ”setup”, the welcome dialog is displayed. If you click on the ”Next” button, the General
Terms and Conditions of License follow.

With a click on the ”Yes” button you accept the General Terms and Conditions of License of Baumüller
Nürnberg GmbH.

Then enter the user name and the serial number which is printed on the CD cover.

42 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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Two boxes for the entry of the directory are displayed. Enter the desired installation drive and the
installation directory for the source and target files. Please observe the DOS name restrictions (max. 8
characters) of the path. To continue the installation click on ”Next”. The program files are now copied to
the specified target directory on your hard disk.

After you have copied the program files successfully, you are requested to enter the group name for the
Windows 95 start menu. You can accept the suggested name ”Baumüller” or enter another one. Click
on ”Next” to continue the installation.

The data which you have entered are shown on the next screen. You start the copying of the file by
clicking on the ”Install” button.

Then, the successful installation is displayed. Click on ”Close” to complete the installation program.

The WinBASS graphic user interface for controllers is installed now on your computer and you can start
the commissioning of your drive record.

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6.2.3 Guided commisioning

Carefully observe the safety notes in the controller descriptions of the individual components for guided
commissioning. Another prerequisite is that the components as described in Hardware requirements
on page 40 have a minimum wiring.
After you have wired and checked the components, apply the supply voltage, eliminate possible errors
as described in the device descriptions and start the controller operating program as follows:
Select the ”Programs” menu item in the Windows 95 start menu. Go to the ”Baumüller” program group
and then click on the ”WinBASS” link.
When you start WinBASS for the first time, you are prompted to select your communication port. Click
on the serial port you are using (the COM port of your computer). The selection is confirmed by clicking
on the ”OK” button.

Next you select the used controller family (V)ector(C)ontrol:

The configuration window appears.


Because the configuration window is opened again in the guided commissioning, you can close it now
with "OK" or "Cancel".

44 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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The initial WinBASS screen appears. To start the guided commissioning, please click on the ”Commis-
sioning guide” button.

Now you are asked for the commissioning mode. For this, click on the ”Online” button so that commis-
sioning is carried out together with the controller.

When you start the guided commissioning, you are prompted to select your communication port. Click
on the serial port you are using (the COM port of your computer). Click on the ”OK” button and commu-
nication with the controller is started.

After communication to the controller has been established, its configuration is determined (as far as
possible). The result of this scan is displayed on the configuration screen.

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Please compare the data with those which you have written down in Hardware requirements on page
40 (for explanation of the type key see the controller description).

If you have connected a rectangular incremental encoder at encoder input 2 for instance, check the set
number of increments. Click on the ”Select” button at the right side next to the box of set encoders.
The encoder selection menu is displayed. Please check whether the set data is correct. If necessary,
change the settings and confirm them by clicking on the ”Ok” button. After this you return to the configu-
ration window.

46 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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As no data is displayed in the ”Motor” field, click on the ”Select” button at the right side next to the ”Motor”
field. The motor selection menu is displayed. Select the motor type from the list field.

After you have selected the motor type, the list field for the rated speed of your drive opens. Select the
rated speed specified on the motor.

Immediately after the selection of the rated speed, the motor currents from the motor database are dis-
played in the corresponding window. Please check this data whether it is identical with the motor data
on the motor nameplate. Click on the ”OK” button to accept the set data and return to the configuration

If your motor should not be listed, click on the menu item ”User-defined motor values” and a window
opens in which you can enter individual motor data (from the nameplate or the motor datasheet).

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Once the data is entered, click on the ”OK” button to return to the motor selection window.

Now you are in the configuration window and you can check the set configuration data again. When the
data are identical with those of your drive record, click on the ”Continue” button to continue the initial

After the configuration data have been set, the selection window for the operating mode is displayed.
Speed control is preset as the operating mode for initial commissioning. The menu item ”Init with default
values” is used to determine whether the controller is written with default values from the operating pro-
gram. The menu item ”Set config data” determines whether the data defined in the previous windows
are saved in the controller memory. To continue the commissioning, click on the ”Continue” button. If you
have selected at least one of the two options, data is written now to the controller.

48 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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The data transmission to the controller is completed when the next window is displayed. If data which
will become effective only after a restart, is modified in the controller, you can save the new data record
in the controller now and then restart it. To save the data record, click on the ”Yes” button. Otherwise,
the data record remains in the RAM (volatile memory) of the controller and the next window is skipped.

After the successful saving a confirmation window is displayed. Please close this window by clicking on
the ”OK” button.

Once you have saved your data record, you can restart the controller (this procedure is called booting),
since some changes will become effective only after a restart of the controller. For this, disconnect the
controller from the 24V-supply for approx. five seconds. After you have booted the controller, continue
commissioning by clicking on the ”OK” button.

The home position must be determined now so that the controller can calculate the electrical angle. The
homing mode of the home position can be selected using a list field. For a detailed description of the
individual modes please refer to Field Angle Calculation on page 92. For the ”Guided commissioning”
mode, the zero method is used, i.e. the drive must be decoupled and able to rotate freely.
To start the procedure, set the hardware enables (inputs) at the controller (first quick stop (rapid halt),
then pulse enable) and then click on the ”Start” button.

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The motor now rotates to the home position. If this procedure is completed, the display ”Locating point
found” is illuminated and the determined homing angle is displayed (resolver approx. 150 degrees,
Sincos encoder approx. 240 degrees). Click on the ”Stop” button now and switch off the hardware
enables (inputs). To continue the installation click on ”Next”.
After the home position of the drive has been referenced, the drive can now be operated in speed control.
For this, the following window opens.

Enter a value in the ”n-set value” field, connect the hardware enables (inputs) and start the drive by
clicking on the ”Start” button. The motor should rotate now with the speed which results from the
specified value. To stop the drive, click on the ”Stop” button.

50 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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To complete commissioning, click on the ”Close” button and you can save again the RAM data record
in the EEPROM. For this, click on the ”Yes” button. After the successful saving a confirmation window is
displayed. Please close this window by clicking on the ”OK” button.

After completing the guided commissioning, you can carry out any controller function using WinBASS.
If you want to exit the program, press ALT + F4 or click in the ”File” pull-down menu on ”Exit”.

6.2.4 Speed control by means of analog input 1

In the following parameterisation extensions are described which are required to operate the V-controller
as a standalone device without WinBASS as speed controller. The setpoint is entered via the analog
input 1.


Commissioning has been carried out and motor and encoder setting has been completed.

Extending the wiring of X26

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 51

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Establishing the link

To determine the setpoint source for speed control, a ”link” must be established between the analog
input 1 and one of the setpoint inputs of the ramp function generator (see Ramp Function Generator
on page 167).
Click on ”set value generators” in the ”Drive mode” pull-down menu.

In the submenu select the menu item ”Ramp function generator” and the programming window of the
ramp function generator opens.
Displace the switching element at the ramp function generator output to select the desired input of the
ramp function generator (the example below shows input 1).

52 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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Open the toolbox ”Connections” to link analog input 1 with input 1 of the ramp function generator. For
this, select ”Connections” in the ”Tools” pull-down menu.

Another window is opened using which you can establish links by drag & drop.

Click on the ”Analog Input 1”button (the cursor changes) and then on input 1 of the ramp function gene-
rator. The link has been established now (you can recognise it by the highlighted ramp function generator
1 and the grey background of the button in the toolbox) and the ”Analog input 1 (AI1)” screen is displayed

Check the settings of this screen (for a detailed description of analog input 1 see Analog Inputs on page
177) and close the screen by clicking on the button ”Close actual” in the menu bar.
The extension of the parameterisation of the V-controller is completed now and the function can be

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 53

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For this, select the menu item ”Drive manager” in the ”Drive mode” pull-down menu.

The window of the drive manager opens.

Connect the hardware enables (inputs) and start the drive by clicking on the ”Start” button. The motor
rotates with the speed which results from the value set at the analog input. To stop the drive, click on the
”Stop” button.

Setting the communication source


To operate the V-controller as a standalone device, the control access (communication source) via
RS232/BASS must be disabled. Otherwise, the V-controller expects control commands from

54 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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For this, select the menu item ”Drive manager” in the ”Drive mode” pull-down menu.

The window of the drive manager opens.

The control access via RS232/BASS is currently enabled. Click on the tick to disable this function.
Your close this screen and return to the previous screen by clicking on the ”Close actual” button in the
menu bar.
To prevent data from getting lost, save the data record (see “Saving data” auf Seite 56) before switching
off the controller.
Once you have carried out all changes described above, the drive also operates without WinBASS as
described, after you have set the hardware signals.

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Saving data

To prevent data from getting lost, save it in the non-volatile controller memory before you switch off the

For this, select the menu item ”Data set manager (DSM)” in the ”Drive mode” pull-down menu. The ”Data
set manager” screen is displayed.

To save the data, click on the ”Save” button and the parameters are saved in data record 0 (boot data
record = data record which is loaded when the controller is switched on). After the successful saving a
confirmation window is displayed. Please close this window by clicking on the ”OK” button.

56 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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6.3 Locating Position Reference Point Setting

If you do not know the encoder’s installation position, you must carry out reference point setting

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6.4 Commands to Start the Drive

58 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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6.5 Commands to Stop the Drive

60 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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62 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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7.1 Function Diagrams

Encoder Evaluation

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Overview V-Controller

64 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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Current Measurement and Monitoring

66 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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7.2 Power Supply


The function module indicates the status of the power supply unit and the intermediate circuit. Moreover
the function voltage failure compensation and intermediate circuit monitoring is implemented.

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P110 PS state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P087 PS UZK nominal 280 ... 1000 V

P111 PS voltage Uzk 117 ... 1000 V ✕

P112 PS voltage failure time 0 ... 6.000 s

Parameter description

P110 PS state
This parameter indicates the present power supply state.

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 2 0 : STOP Ready for use signal power supply is not monitored
1 : RUN Ready for use signal power supply is monitored
3: STAND BY State after status transition 3 in drive manager.
The time to load the intermediate circuit is considered. After maximal 10 s the
ready for use signal of the power supply must be available, otherwise the
fault 0110 is created.
3 1 : Fault in function module, fault code see M fault code (P124)
4 reserved
5 1 : Warning voltage failure
6 1 : Ready for use signal of power supply is available
7 ... 15 reserved

P087 PS Uzk nominal

This parameter sets the nominal intermediate circuit voltage of the power unit.

U ZK = U Mains ⋅ 2

UMains : voltage between lines

P111 PS voltage Uzk

This parameter displays the actual intermediate voltage in V.

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P112 PS voltage failure time

Within this time an automatic restart of the drive after a voltage failure is possible.

Value Meaning
=0 automatic start not possible
>0 automatic start possible

In case of a voltage failure the following sequence will start:

The voltage failure is acknowledged by the power supply unit and its disabled status is re-
layed to the controller by means of the ready for use signal.

The function module power supply recognises this and displays it via bit no. 5 = 1 (warning
voltage failure) to the drive manager, and starts a timer, set with the aforementioned time.

The drive manager changes form the status OPERATION ENABLED to the status
SWITCHED ON, whereby the method by which this is achieved (see function module drive
manager) is set via the parameter M INHIBIT code (P132).

The drive manager remains in the state READY TO START until:


the set voltage failure time has expired. After which the function module power sup-
ply registers a fault and the drive manager changes to the status FAULT.


the main voltage returns before the end of the voltage failure time . If this occurs the
power supply unit resets the signal ready for use (see documentation on power sup-
ply unit). The function module power supply acknowledges the new status and reacts
by setting bit no. 5 to 0 (warning disabled). The drive manager returns again to the
status OPERATION ENABLED and the drive ramps-up automatically.

It is assumed that the controller electronics are supplied with voltage during the voltage failure

68 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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7.3 Power Unit

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P115 PU state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P090 PU mode 0000 ... 0007
from SW 04.09
0000 ... FFFF

P117 PU type 0.1 ... 65535 ✕

P114 PU I nominal 0.1 ... 2500,0 A ✕
P113 PU I max 0.1 ... 2500,0 A ✕
P119 PU overload time 0.00 ... 600,00 s ✕
P116 PU I limit The range depends on the PU. A
Permitted range:
PU Inom-
----------------------- ≤ PU I limit ≤ PU I max

P118 PU temperature -80 ... 130 °C ✕

Parameter description

P115 PU state
This parameter displays the state of the power unit

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 2 0 : STOP 1 : RUN
3 1 : Error in function module, error code see M error code (P124)
4 1 : Power unit reset is active
5 1 : Pulses are enabled, power unit is active
6 1 : Power unit temperature > 80 °C
7 1 : Power unit ready for use
8 1 : PU monitoring is active, current reduction to 100% Inom power unit
9 1: Short circuit temperature sensor
10 1 : "Fault safety relay" is active.
The bit does not display the state of the safety relay itself, it displays the stored state
"fault safety relay" in the power unit.
11 ... 15 reserved

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P090 PU mode
The parameters P114, P113 and P119 can only be changed, if PU Mode 0001hex is set and
the password is correct.

Bit-Nr. Bedeutung
0 0 : Read the power unit´s characterisation, data is set according to the characterisation
1 : Characterization is not read, PU data is read from EPROM
1 Short circuit monitoring temperature sensor
0 : If the temperature falls below the threshold value of -40°C the error bit in the
PU status is set and the controller is disabled.
1 : If the temperature falls below the threshold value of -40°C only the warning bit No. 9 in
the PU status is set. The controller is not disabled.
2 0 : The reaction on "Fault safety relay" is equal in all controller states.
1 : Reaction on "fault safety relay" depends on controller state:
No error 0206hex is displayed when "fault safety relay" appeares in states 0 (NOT
The error 0210hex is not generated in this states too.
E (FAULT REACTION ACTIVE) only the error 0206hex is displayed when the saftey relay
reacts. The errors 0204hex and 0207hex to 020Dhex which follow are not displayed.

3 reserved
4 ... 5 from SW 14.09
Multiple scanning of the ready-for-use signal before changing to the error state when the
ready-for-use signal is missing:
00: 10 times controller displays after 320 ms the missing ready-for-use signal with an error
message (standard, setting for error-free operation)
01: 7 times controller displays after 224 ms the missing ready-for-use signal with an error
10: 4 times controller displays after 128 ms the missing ready-for-use signal with an error
11: 2 times controller displays after 64 ms the missing ready-for-use signal with an error
6 from SW 14.09
PU Ixt monitoring: current reduction when reaching 100 % of Ixt value (P139)
0: reduction to P114 PU I nominal standard
1: reduction to P261 MM motor nominal current *)
7 ... 15 reserved

*) Notes referring to Bit 6:

In addition to the present functions with the parameter P090 PU mode bit no. 6 = 1 a reduction to the motor nomi-
nal current (P261 MM motor nominal current) can be set. Therefore the motor nominal current must be set smaller
than the power unit nominal current.
To avoid a pump effect (permanent enable and disable of the current reduction) the second condition for enabling
the limit current again is P056 N blocking time. After the blocking time is over the reduction is disabled at the earli-
– If P116 PU I limit is set lower than the power unit nominal current, the Ixt monitoring never reduces the current.
– If P116 PU I limit is set lower than the PU I_max, the period running the machine with PU I limit is enlarged ac-
cording to the current time area.
Example: BUS621-10/15A; (15 A - 10 A) * 1 s = (12,5 A - 10 A) * 2 s
– When accelerating the first time (cold power unit) the motor can be run with the PU I max current not exceeding
the overload time. For normal units the overload time is 1 s. Only the large units e.g. BUM 62, BUM63 and BUM
64 permit an overload time of 120 s.

70 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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P117 PU type
The parameter displays the type of the power unit. The value 0 characterizes an unknown
power unit.

Version Power unit PWM frequency PWM frequency Overload time in s

P103 = 8 kHz P103 = 4 kHz
nominal/peak cur- nominal/peak cur-
rent effective rent effective
6210 BUS621 5 A / 7,5 A 6,3 A / 7,5 A 1
6211 BUS621 10 A / 15 A 12,5 A / 15 A 1
6212 BUS621 3 A / 3,7 A 3,1 A / 3,7 A 1
622 BUS622 15 A / 22 A 18,3 A / 22 A 1
623 BUS623 20 A / 30 A 25 A / 30 A 1
6240 BUS624 38 A / 57 A 47,5 A / 57 A 1
6241 BUS624 45 A / 67,5 A 56,3 A / 67,5 A 1
600 BUM60 12 A / 24 A 12 A / 24 A 1
601 BUM60 6 A / 12 A 6 A / 12 A 1
602 BUM60 3A/6A 3A/6A 1
612 BUM61 24 A / 45 A 30 A / 45 A 1
613 BUM 61 32 A / 60 A 40 A / 60 A 1
62 BUM62 57,7 A / 75 A 75 A / 97,5 A 120
6203 BUM62T 75 A / 97 A 100 A / 130 A 120
6201 BKH62 75 A / 97,5 A 90 A / 97,5 A 1
63 BUM63 115 A / 150 A 150 A / 195 A 120
6301 BKH63 150 A / 195 A 180 A / 195 A 1
6302 BUM63T 210 A / 235 A 160 A / 180 A 120
64 BUM64 231 A / 300 A 300 A / 390 A 120

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How to change the power unit data in case of an unknown power unit, see below:

PU mode = 0001hex P090

DSM command = 0 P190
DSM command = 8 P190
Enter password 1
Parameter P013, P114 and P119 can now be set and the PU characterization is not be read
at booting.
Values for peak current (P115), nominal current (P114) and overload time (P119) see table
PU I max = set table value P113
PU I nominal = set table value P114
PU overload time = set table value P119
PU I limit = set value P116
DSM command = 0 P190
DSM command = 5 P190
→ Values are stored in the EEPROM
The data of the power unit is available now on every switch on.


After each change of parameter P103 (PWM) the data must be saved, the controller
switched off and booted new to set the new power unit parameters.

P114 PU I nominal
This parameter displays the power unit´s nominal current. This current can be supplied for an
unlimited time.

P113 PU I max
This Parameter shows the power unit´s peak current. The peak current is greater or equal
power unit nominal current.

P119 PU overload time

During the overload time the power unit can supply the peak current. After that the nominal
current (P114) is limited. The bit no. 8 in PU state (P115) displays the limitation.

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P116 PU I limit
This parameter sets the standardization of the current controlling.


100 % ↔ I limit

The limits of this parameter depend on the power unit used.


The standardization of the current controlling must not be changed if pulses are enabled.

P118 PU temperature
This parameter displays the power unit´s temperature.
A temperature over 80°C enables the bit no. 6 in PU state (P115). Exceeds the power unit´s
temperature 85°C the error 0205hex appears.

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74 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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7.4 Overload Monitoring of Power Unit

This monitoring protects the power unit from thermic overload. The temperature of the power unit is im-
itated and monitored by a Ixt model.

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P139 PU Ixt value 0,00 ... 400,00 % ✕

Parameter description

P139 PU Ixt value

This parameter displays the actual I*t value of the overload monitoring. At a value equal
100 % follows a current limitation to nominal current (P114). Drops the I*t value below 95%
the current value is set to PU I limit (P116).
Current set value (Iact) [Aeff] P099
PU nominal current (Inom) [Aeff] P114
PU maximum current (Imax) [Aeff] P113
PU limit current (Ilimit) [Aeff] P116
PU overload time (tO) [s] P119
PU temperature (ϑact) [°C] P118
PU Ixt value (Ixt) [%] P139

PU overload factor max (umax) [%]

PU overload factor actual (u) [%]
PU thermic time constant (τPU) [s]
PU reaction time (trea) [s] time till the limitation of Inom
PU Ixt offset (Ixt offset) [%]

I max
- ⋅ 100
u max = --------- [%]
I nom
I act
- ⋅ 100
u = --------- [%]
I nom
τ PU = – --------------------------------------
- [s]
 u max – 100
ln ----------------------------
 u max 

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– for power unit temperature > 45 °C

ϑ act – 45 C
Ixt offset = ---------------------------------
o o
⋅ 100 [%]
85 C – 45 C
– otherwise
Ixt offset = 0 %
u – 100
t off = τ PU ⋅ ln  ---------------------------------
 u – Ixtoffset


Inom = 10 Aeff (BUS 621)

Imax = 15 Aeff (BUS 621)

tu = 1 [s] (BUS 621)

Ilimit = 12 Aeff

ϑact = 35 °C

u max = ------ ⋅ 100 = 150 [%]

u = ------ ⋅ 100 = 120 [%]

τ PU = – ------------------------------------- = – ( 0, 91 ) [s]
150 – 100
ln  --------------------------
 150 

120 – 100
t off = – ( 0, 91 ) ⋅ ln  -------------------------- = 1, 63 [s]
 120 – 0 

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This characteristic curve refers to a „cold“ power unit (Ixt Offset = 0 %; ϑιst < 45 °C).

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7.5 Pulse Width Modulation


The parameters of the pulse width modulation module only serve to display the values supplied by the
current controller.

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P100 PWM phase U -100,00 ... +100,00 % ✕

P101 PWM phase V -100,00 ... +100,00 % ✕
P102 PWM phase W -100,00 ... +100,00 % ✕
P103 PWM frequency 4,0 ... 8,0 kHz

P199 PWM mode switch (from V4.xx) 0 ... 100 %

Parameter description

P100 PWM phase U

P101 PWM phase V
P102 PWM phase W
These parameters display the angle α of the relative power transistors for the individual phas-

This means: +100,00 % to a regulation angle of α= +100 %

0 to a regulation angle of α= 0%
-100,00 % to a regulation angle of α= -100 %

The resultant voltage (middle values) at the power supply terminals can be calculated as fol-

PWM phase U – PWM phase V P100 – P101

U UV = U ZK ⋅ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ = P111 ⋅ ----------------------------------
maximum total range 200, 00 %

PWM phase V – PWM phase W P101 – P102

U VW = U ZK ⋅ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = P111 ⋅ ----------------------------------
maximum total range 200, 00 %

PWM phase W – PWM phase U P102 – P100

U WU = U ZK ⋅ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = P111 ⋅ ----------------------------------
maximum total range 200, 00 %

Whereby UZK is the intermediate circuit voltage which is indicated via P111. Due to the un-
derlying cycle frequency this voltage cannot be measured on universal devices.

78 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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Even with an output voltage close to zero, the pulsed intermediate circuit voltage is detect-
able at the terminals. In addition a potential of > 300 V to earth may be detected at the ter-

P103 PWM frequency

The frequency of the power unit is normally 8,0 kHz and can be changed to 4,0 kHz (values
between are not possible).


A change of the frequency is only permitted when pulses are inhibited.

After change of the freqency the parameter must be stored and the controller has to be

P199 PWM mode switch

With this parameter you can switch between space phasor modulation (SPM) and modified
When using modified SPM the average switching frequence is reduced by one third and
therefore the average switching loss is reduced by one third, too. Using the MSPM has ad-
vantages especially at higher load (>80 %).
At lower load the switching loss is reduced by one third as well, but the ripple of the switching
current can be twice of that with normal SPM.
Therefore this parameter should be set between 80 % and 100 %.

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7.6 Motor Model


This function module sets the parameters for synchronous and asynchronous machine.

Parameter overview synchronous and asynchronous machine

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P260 MM magnetizing current Id 0,0 ... P116 A

P261 MM motor nominal current A

P264 MM Kp flux controller 0,2 ... 15,9

P265 MM Tn flux controller 0,0 ... 1000,0 ms

P268 MM Ke factor 0 ... 400 V/1000

P269 MM mode 0000 ... 001F

from SW 14.09
0000 ... 00FF

P298 MM stator resistance (from V4.xx) 0,000 ... 65,535 Ω

P299 MM leakage inductance (from V4.xx) 0,00 ... 653,35 µΗ

Parameter overview asynchronous machine

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P293 MM Tr rotor actual value 0 ... 20000 ms ✕

P266 MM flux set value 0 ... 100 % ✕
P267 MM flux actual value 0 ... 100 % ✕
P262 MM nominal speed 1 ... 11500 rpm

P294 MM frequency temperature 1 up to SW 14.07 10,00 ... P263 Hz

from SW 14.08 10,00 ... 600,00
P295 MM temperature 1 up to SW 14.07 -30 ... P296 °C
from SW 14.08 -30 ... 230

P263 MM nominal frequency up to SW 14.07 P294 ... 600,00 Hz

from SW 14.08 10,00 ... 600,00

P296 MM temperature 2 up to SW 14.07 P295 ... 230 °C

from SW 14.08 -30 ... 230

P297 MM frequency = f (temp) 10,00 ... 600,00 Hz ✕

P291 MM MGen1 Nnominal 0 ... 100 %

P292 MM MGen2 12000 rpm 0 ... P291 %

P303 MM Kp field weakening (from V4.xx) 0,2 ... 15,9

P304 MM Tn field weakening (from V4.xx) 0,0 ... 1000,0 ms

Minimal value = 10 % of nominal current of the power unit

Maximum value = peak current of the power unit (see parameter P117 LT version)

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Parameter description for synchronous and asynchronous machines

P260 MM magnetizing current Id

A field weakening is implemented for the SM. If the output voltage reaches the value of
U ZK ⁄ ( 2 ) the the field weakening starts. The Id set value is limited between 0 and 50 % of
the power units nominal current (P114). This can increase the speed between 10 and 20 %.

MM mode bit no. 3 = 0 (SM) P269

PU I nom (P114)
MM magnetizing current Id range 0 .... --------------------------------------------- P260

MM Tn field controller T n = ----------- P265
6 ⋅ f1
f1: first harmonic at the start of the field weakening

MM kp field controller = 2 ... 3 P264


MM mode bit no. 3 = 1 and bit no. 4 = 1 P269

See Id from motor data sheet

If Id is not known, it can be calculated approximately
I d = I ⋅ 1 – ( k ⋅ cos ϕ n )

It is: |I| = motor nominal current (P261)

cos ϕn = cosϕ motor in nominal load (see type code)
k = 1,0 ... 1,3

P261 MM motor nominal current

This parameter sets the motor nominal current. Moreover it is used to calculate the overload
factor of the motor I²t monitoring.

Ilimit ( P116 )
Overload factor = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Motor nominal current (P261)

P264 MM Kp flux controller

This parameter sets the gain (Kp) of the flux controller.
AM: Kp = 3 ... 6
SM: Kp = 2 ... 3.

P265 MM Tn flux controller

This parameter sets the integral action time (Tn) of the flux controller.
AM: Tn ≈ 1/2 *P293
SM: T n = ------------ , f1: first harmonic at the start of the field weakening.
6 ⋅ f1

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P268 MM Ke factor
Here, you set the motor EMF, relative to 1000 rpm (voltage constant), of the synchronous or
asynchronous machine.

If no value is available for the Ke factor, you can proceed as follows:

- Set a speed specified value that corresponds to the motor’s rated speed (P262)
- Enable the drive and run it at no-load
- By changing Ke (P268), bring the Iq controller output (P068) down to approximately 0%

P269 MM mode

Bit no. Meaning

0 0 : Follow-up of temperature is switched off
1 : Follow-up of temperature is active
1 0 : Generatoric torque limiting is switched off
1 : Generatoric torque limiting is active
2 0 : If pulse enable and controller enable are activated at the same time, immediate
torque release followed within the basic speed range (up to nominal speed P262).
Above the nominal speed the torque set value is released after 3 * TR.
1 : If pulse enable and controller enable are activated at the same time, the torque will
be available after 3*TR.
3 up to version 3.xx : reserved
0 : Synchronous machine (from version 4.xx)
1 : Asynchronous machine (from version 4.xx)
4 up to version 3.xx : reserved
0 : Chopper available, Uzk controlling switched off, Uzkref = 800 V (from V4.xx)
1 : no chopper available, Uzk controlling active, Uzkref = 760 V (from V4.xx)
(explanation see Uzk controlling on next page)
5 reserved
6 upper interpolation point for torque limiting of the asynchronous machine
0: at 12000 rpm (standard)
1: at 24000 rpm
7 0: field weakening depending on voltage (standard)
1: field weakening with constant Isd current
8 ... 15 reserved


Check the locating angle (P035) when switching from asynchronous to synchronous ma-

The function Uzk controlling is only available for synchronous machines. The Uzk con-
trolling must be deactivated, if a chopper is available.

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Uzk controlling:

The generatoric torque limit is changed depending on intermediate circuit voltage. If the inter-
mediate circuit voltage exceeds the set value, the generatoric torque is reduced. Therefore
the controlling of the intermediate circuit voltage is necessary.

Because the switch on threshold of a chopper is approx. 760 V, the Uzk controlling must be
deactivated if a chopper exists.

MM mode bit no. 4 is the only parameter for Uzk controlling. The controller parameters are
dimensioned and set internal. The controlling is in normal use always stable.
Exceptionally an overshoot of the intermediate circuit voltage can occur, e.g. if the interme-
diate circuit´s capacity is very low and the brake current in the intermediate circuit is very high.
In this case the N M limiter type (P038) should set to 0 and the N M limiter Gen/MR2 (P055)
should be reduced.

P298 MM stator resistance

P299 MM leakage inductance
To improve the bandwidth of the current controller a current prediction procedure is imple-
mented. The necessary parameter can be set here.

Settings of the current controller:

P298 = 0 oder P299 = 0

The current prediction is switched off, the parameter kP and TN can be set as usual.

If the motor parameter stator resistance and leakage inductance are known, the current con-
troller can be set according the instructions at the module current controller.
(See P080 I P gain P081 I integral action time on page 121.)

Parameter description for asynchronous machines

P293 MM Tr actual value

This parameter displays the rotor time constant (Tr) of the asynchronous machine.

P266 MM flux set value

P267 MM flux actual value
This parameter shows the flux actual and set value of the asynchronous machine.

P262 MM nominal speed

The nominal speed can be read on the type label / motor data sheet of the motor.

P263 MM nominal frequency at temperature 2

The nominal frequency at nominal torque can be read on the type label / motor data sheet of
the motor. This nominal frequency results in the thermic state of the machine - P296 MM tem-
perature 2 (warm).

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P294 MM frequency at temperature 1

P295 MM temperature 1
P296 MM temperature 2
P297 MM frequency = f (temp)
The asynchronous motor’s rated frequency is changed; this change is linear in dependence
on the motor temperature (P153). As a result of this, there is constant torque across the motor
temperature, assuming that the cross current is constantly regulated.

It is: 10,00 Hz ≤ P294 ≤ P263 ≤ 600,0 Hz

-30°C ≤ P295 ≤ P296 ≤ 230°C

Frequency = f (temp)

Nominal frequency

Frequency temp 1
Motor temperature

Temperature 1 Temperature 2
P295 P296
cold warm

As a good approximation, you can expect for the slip while the machine – P295 MM tempe-
rature 1 – is cold, approximately 75% of the rated slip under thermic loading.
This results in the frequency that has to be set for temperature 1:

P263 + --------------------- ⋅ P033 ⋅ 0, 3
60 ⋅ ----------
P294 MM frequency temp1 = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1, 3
P263 MM nominal frequency= 53,60 Hz
P295 MM temperature 1 = 20 °C
P296 MM temperature 2 = 80 °C
P262 MM nominal speed = 1500 rpm
P033 Mot no. of pole pairs = 2

53, 6 Hz + ------------------------ ⋅ 2 ⋅ 0, 3
60 ⋅ ----------
P294 MM frequency temp1 = --------------------------------------------------------------------------- = 52, 77 Hz
1, 3

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P291 MM MGen1 Nnominal

P292 MM MGen2 12000 rpm
This parameter sets the torque limiting at generator-operation of the asynchronous machine.

This results in identical torque in motor as well as generator terms.

It is 0% ≤ P292 ≤ P291 ≤ 100 %


M Gen1

M Gen2
n actual

Nominal speed 12000


As a good approximation, you can expect around 95 % for P291 MGen1 Nnom and approxima-
tely 60 % for P292 MGen2 12000 rpm.

P303 MM Kp field weakening

P304 MM Tn field weakening
The motor voltage in the field weakening range is set depending on the intermediate circuit
voltage in 2 operation modes:
Operation mode 1: With the set motor and intermediate circuit voltage the modulator doesn’t
reach the limit. The field weakening starts at nnom. In the field weakening range the EMC is
Operation mode 2: If the mains voltage is low, the intermediate circuit voltage available is not
high enough. The field weakening starts below nnom.

This parameters depend on the mechanic time constant Tm. If Tm is lower, Kp field weakening
must be set higher.

Setting of the AM model and the flow controller:

MM mode bit no. 3 = 1 P269

(1 : AM)
MM mode bit no. 2 = 1 P269
(torque available after 3*TR)
MM Kp field weakening = 1 ... 5 P303
MM Tn field weakening = 5 ms P304

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7.7 Motor Overload Monitoring


The overload monitor protects the power unit/motor from thermal overloading. The temperature of the
power unit/motor is imitated and monitored by an I²t model.

Motor model:

The motor temperature is measured when P089 = 0 and in state NOT READY TO START (if motor tem-
perature sensor is available).

The PT1 element is initialized on this motor temperature. Following calibration is valid 40°C ↔ 0 % and
155°C ↔ 100 % of P091. Therefore the error „overload monitoring“ can appear in spite of low current or
in the start phase.

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P093 I2t state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P089 I2t time constant motor 0 ... 3600 s

P088 I2t warning limit motor 0,00 ... 100,0 %

P091 I2t value motor 0,00 ... 40000,00 % ✕

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Power unit: BUS 621 Inom = 10 Aeff

Motor: DS 56 L - 3000; (P065) Inom = 5,1 Aeff;

Tt = 10 min. = 600 s


The motor nominal current is set in parameter MM motor nominal current (P261).

P116: Set current Ilimit (maximum current e.g. at acceleration) e. g. Ilimit = 8 A)

P088: 80 % (warning limit)

P089: 600 s

P099: Level change from 0 % to 100 % Inom of power unit

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Parameter description

P093 I2t state

The state shows the function module state.

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 2 000: STOP 001: RUN 010: LINE 011: STAND_BY
3 1: Error in function module, error code see M error code (P124)
4 1: Warning: I²t value motor > limit motor (P088)
5 ... 10 reserved
11 1: I²t value motor > 100 %
12 ... 15 reserved

P089 I2t time constant motor

The thermal time constant of the motor Tt [s] (see technical data motor) must be entered in
If motor time constant = 0 the overload monitoring is turned off.

P088 I2t warning limit motor

If this value is exceeded the bit „motor overload warning“ (bit no. 4, P093) is set.

100 % ↔ 155 °C

P091 I2t value motor

This parameter shows the output of the PT1 element.

100 % ↔ 155 °C

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7.8 Motor Temperature Monitoring


This module protects the motor from thermal overloading.

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P151 MT state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P152 MT mode 0000 ... 0029

P153 MT temperature -80 ... 250 °C ✕

P154 MT threshold 1 -80 ... 250 °C

P155 MT threshold 2 -80 ... 250 °C

P156 MT shutdown threshold -80 ... 250 °C

P157 MT hysteresis 0 ... 5 °C

Parameter description

P151 MT state
The module state is displayed here.

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 2 000: STOP motor temperature monitoring is switched off
001: RUN motor temperature monitoring is active
3 1: error in function module, error code see M error code (P124)
4 1: motor temperature has exceeded threshold 1
5 1: motor temperature has exceeded threshold 2
6 1: motor temperature has exceeded shutdown threshold
7 1: shutdown switch / PTC thermistor responses
8 1: short circuit temperature sensor
9 ... 15 reserved

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P152 MT mode
This parameter sets the motor temperature recording type.

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 2 Sensor type
000: No sensor, temperature monitoring is switched off
001: Temperature sensor KTY 84 (PTC)
010: reserved
011: reserved
100: reserved
101: reserved
110: reserved
111: reserved
3 0: If the shutdown threshold P156 is exceeded, the error bit in MT state is
enabled and a shutdown follows.
1: If the shutdown threshold P156 is exceeded, the warning bit no. 6 in MT
state is enabled and no shutdown follows.
4 ... 5 Input mode
00: The temperature is monitored with connector X26, pin no. 9 and 10
01: The temperature is monitored with connector X24, pin no. 14 and 15
(interface encoder 1)
10: The temperature is monitored with connector X25, pin no. 14 and 15
(interface encoder 2)
11: reserved
6 Short circuit monitoring temperature sensor
0 : If the temperature falls below the threshold value of -40°C the error bit in the
MT status is set and the controller is disabled.
1 : If the temperature falls below the threshold value of -40°C only the warning bit
No. 8 in the MT status is set. The controller is not disabled.
7 ... 15 reserved

P153 MT temperature
This parameter indicates the measured motor temperature if a temperature sensor is used.

P154 MT threshold 1
P155 MT threshold 2
P156 MT shutdown threshold
The temperature ascertained by the temperature sensor is compared to these parameters
and the relevant bits are set in the status word.

P157 MT hysteresis
On exceeding a threshold the relevant set and it is reset only after falling below the threshold
minus hysteresis.

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7.9 Field Angle Calculation


In this function module, the electrical field angle is calculated from the number of pole pairs of the motor
and the mechanical rotor angle. Apart from this, the module contains the algorithms for determining the
locating position and the rotor position, which play a significant part in the operation of synchronous ma-

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P036 Mot state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P031 Mot mode 0 ... 4

P033 Mot no. of pole pairs 1 ... 120

P034 Mot rotating field 0 ... 1

P037 Mot delta I 1 ... 50

P039 Mot delta Rho 1 ... 50

P035 Mot locating angle 0.0 ... 360,0 degrees

P030 Mot phi mechanical 0.0 ... 360,0 degrees ✕

P032 Mot rho electrical 0.0 ... 360,0 degrees ✕

Parameter description

P036 Mot state

This parameter shows the status of the function module.

Bit No. Meaning

0 ... 2 0: STOP
1: RUN Normal operation
3: STAND_BY Optimization algorithms are running
3 1: Error in module; for error code, refer to M error code (P124)
4 1: Locating point found (method 0,1)
0: Locating point still unknown
5 1: Rotor position found (method 2, 3, 4)
0: Rotor position still unknown
6 ... 15 reserved

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Before the controller can be enabled, following parameters must be set:

Motor model
Limit current
Current controller
Operation mode
→ Hardware enables

P031 Mot mode

Selection of the optimization method for Location Point Reference Setting mode.
With all the optimization methods, the controller sets its own current specified value using pa-
rameter P067 M specified value. This means that the system must not write to this parameter
during optimization (e.g. via the communications interfaces, digital inputs, etc.).

Value Meaning
0 Set reference to encoder’s installation position (location point) (method 0)
1 Set reference to encoder’s installation position (location point) (method 1)
2 Set reference to rotor position of synchronous machine (method 2)
3 Start up a clockwise-rotating synchronous machine (method 3)
4 Start up a counterclockwise-rotating synchronous machine (method 4)

To 0: Mode Set reference to encoder’s installation position (location point) is intended

for operation of a synchronous machine with an absolute value encoder. You
must dismount the motor when carrying out this optimization. The current spec-
ified value increases in a linear way from 0% to 100%; after this, the system de-
termines the current values and sets bit no. 4, Locating position found, in Mot

To 1: Mode Set reference to encoder’s installation position (location point) is intended

for operation of a synchronous machine with an absolute value encoder. You
must not necessarily dismount the motor when carrying out this optimization.
However, the motor shaft must be able to move load-free in both directions by
about one or two degrees. After completing optimization, the system sets bit no.
4, Locating position found, in Mot state.

To 2: Mode Set reference to rotor position is intended for operation of a synchronous

machine with an incremental encoder. This means that before commissioning
a drive of this type, you must carry out this optimization function first. You must
not necessarily dismount the motor when carrying out this optimization. How-
ever, the motor shaft must be able to move load-free in both directions by about
one or two degrees. After completing optimization, the system sets bit no. 5, Ro-
tor found, in Mot state.

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To 3 and 4: These modes are intended for operation of a synchronous machine with an in-
cremental encoder. The system keeps moving the synchronous machine with a
clockwise- or counterclockwise-rotating electrical angle until the incremental
encoder’s zero pulse has been measured. After this, the system sets bit no. 5,
Rotor found, in Mot state.


These both methods are only necessary to find the zero pulse of the incre-
mental encoder. After that the incremental encoder acts as an absolute value
encoder. In order to run a synchronous machine safely the locating angle
must be at least one time searched and stored.

P033 Mot no. of pole pairs

Pole pairs of the used motor.

P034 Mot rotating field

This parameter matches the control to the rotating field of the motor.

Value Meaning
0 motor with anti-clockwise rotating field (phase V and W changed)
1 motor with clockwise rotating field


After making changes to Mot rotating field, you must save data set 0 (the boot data set)
and reboot the controller!

P037 Mot delta I di-

Using this parameter, you can specify the setting for the current rise per unit of time dt . This
is only necessary for Mot Modes 1 and 2. The value 1 means that the current rise per second
is 3,05 % of the limit current (P166 LT I lim).

P039 Mot delta rho dRho-

This parameter sets the angular velocity of the electrical angle dt . This is only necessary for
Mot Modes 1 and 2. The value 1 means that the angular change per second is 2,75° electrical.

P035 Mot locating angle

This parameter shows the locating angle that was determined in mode Set reference to locat-
ing point.

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P030 Mot phi mechanical

This parameter displays the mechanical rotor angle.

P032 Mot rho electrical

This parameter displays the calculated electrical field angle.

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7.10 Encoder Manager


The module manages the classification of encoder 1 (X24) and 2 (X25) to motor control, speed controller
and synchronisation control as well as incremental encoder emulation.

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P225 EM state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P228 EM encoder types 0000 ......00FF ✕
P226 EM mode 0000 ... 003F

P227 EM no. of graduation marks 128 ... 32767 Ink

P229 EM offset zero impulse 0000 ... FFFF Inc

P019 EM maximum speed 500 ... 12000 rpm

from SW 14.07
500 ... 24000

P224 EM Kp 0 ... 255.9

Parameter description

P225 EM state
Display of the internal module state

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 2 000: STOP
001: RUN
101: INIT Initialization, wait for the initialization of the encoder modules.
3 1: Error in function module, error code see M error code (P124)
4 ... 6 reserved
7 Absolute position of the encoder for motor control is not known
8, 9 reserved
10 N=0 - message from the encoder selected for the motor management
(via GM mode bit 0)
11 ... 15 reserved

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The initialization of the incremental encoder emulation can only be done after the encoder,
to which it is connected, is initialized.
If an absolute value encoder is used, the ICE emulation takes place immediately
If this encoder is an incremental encoder the initialization will be delayed (bit 7 Parameter
P 226), until the zero pulse of the encoder is found. During this time P225 EM state is INIT.

P228 EM encoder types

Shows the really quipped encoder modules (see type code).

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 3 Encoder type at connection 2 (X25)
0: no encoder
A: resolver
B: sinus incremental encoder 5 V
C: absolute value encoder with asynchronous serial interface 8 V
D: absolute value encoder with synchronous serial interface 5 V (from SW 14.08)
E: rectangle incremental encoder 5 V
4 ... 7 Encoder type at connection 2 (X24)
0: no encoder
A: resolver
B: sinus incremental encoder 5 V
C: absolute value encoder with asynchronous serial interface 8 V
D: absolute value encoder with synchronous serial interface 5 V (from SW 14.08)
E: rectangle incremental encoder 5 V
8 ... 15 reserved

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P226 EM mode

Bit no. Meaning

0 0: Rotor angle and speed is measured by encoder 1
1: Rotor angle and speed is measured by encoder 2
This bit can only be changed if the position controller´s state is STOP.
1 0: Incremental encoder emulation is connected with position actual value G1/G2.
1: Incremental encoder emulation is connected with position set value.
2 0: Incremental encoder emulation is switched off
1: Incremental encoder emulation is active
3 0: Incremental encoder emulation is connected with encoder 1
1: Incremental encoder emulation is connected with encoder 2
4 Change polarity of incremental encoder emulation:
0: With a clockwise-rotating encoder (depending on bit number 3) the system outputs
a clockwise-rotating signal pattern on connector X 27.
1: With a clockwise-rotating encoder (depending on bit number 3) the system outputs
a counterclockwise-rotating signal pattern on connector X 27.
5 0: The no. of graduation marks is multiplied by 1
1: The no. of graduation marks is multiplied by 8
6 up to version 3.03
0: Smoothing of incremental encoder emulation is inactive
1: Smoothing of incremental encoder emulation is active
from version 3.03:
7 up to version 3.08:
from version 3.08:
0: activation of incremental encoder emulation after init of encoder
1: instant activation of incremental encoder emulation (if bit 2 = 1)
8 ... 15 reserved


After setting the mode parameter the data set 0 (boot data set) should be saved and the
controller should be booted new.

98 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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The incremental encoder emulation can be used in combination with following encoders (see
type code, too):

Incremental encoder emulation Encoder 1 X24 Encoder 2 X25

not active Abs. encoder ASI 8 V Abs. encoder ASI 8 V
bit no. 2 = 0 Abs. encoder SSI 5 V Abs. encoder SSI 5 V
rectangle inc. 5 V rectangle inc. 5 V
sine inc. 5 V sine inc. 5 V
resolver resolver
active resolver 2 pole pairs Abs. encoder ASI 8 V
bit no. 2 = 1 or Abs. encoder SSI 5 V
no encoder rectangle inc. 5 V
sine inc. 5 V

The internal delay time between getting the encoder signals (encoder 1 (X24) and encoder 2
(X25) and the output through the incremental encoder emulation X27 is maximal 90 µs.
The minimum output impulse length can be calculated the following way:

6562500 ⋅ 4
t min ≥ ------------------------------------------------------ [ µs ]
n max ⋅ pulsenumber

Clockwise rotation

360° electrical
TAB out min

A out

B out


Anti-clockwise rotation

360° electrical
TAB out min

A out

B out


T ABout min = ( 2 ⋅ t min ) [ s ]

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1 1
f ABout max = ------------------------- ---
T ABout min s

P227 EM no. of graduation marks

This parameter sets the no. of graduation marks of the incremental encoder emulation. The
no. of graduation marks refers to 1 revolution of encoder chosen with P226 EM mode
bit no. 3. Bit no. 5 of EM mode selects the multiplicands for the number of graduation marks.
The limit frequency is 1,6 MHz.


If the incremental encoder emulation is evaluated using an external unit, e.g. an NC-con-
trol, it must be ensured that the counter input of the unit is able to process a frequency of
n max ⋅ no.of graduation marks 6
f ABout max = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ⋅ 10 .
8 ⋅ 6562500

P229 EM offset zero impulse

This parameter sets the angle offset between the zero angle of encoder chosen with P226
and zero impulse of incremental encoder emulation.

P019 EM maximum speed

This parameter sets the maximum speed. This speed corresponds to 100 % in all other speed
specifications e.g. speed set values, speed actual values and monitoring thresholds of both
e.g.: 100 % nset ↔ 2800 rpm, if maximum speed is set to 2800 rpm.

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P224 EM Kp
This parameter sets the P gain of the feedback loop for the incremental encoder emulation.
The P gain kP must be checked. If the P gain is set to high the incremental encoder emulation
6 16 fS = 4 or 8 kHz
131, 25 ⋅ 10 2
k P ≤ 0, 8 ⋅ INT  ---------------------------------------------- • --------------------
 n max ⋅ Strichzahl 20MHz INT: only the integer is used for
2 ⋅ fS further calculation.

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7.11 Touch probe cycle


This hard- and software is required for the touch probe cycle:
softwareversion 3.08 or higher
Encoder type
not resolver


The function Touch Probe Cycle is an extension of the module Encoder Manager. By using the Touch
Probe Cycle it is possible to save the current value of position into the V-controller at a definite point of
time. The input for the Touch Probe Cycle is by the digital input 1 (Pin 15 at X26). Additional program-
ming of the digital input 1 into a target parameter is allowed.

102 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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Store measured value via zero pulse

The storage of the measured value via zero pulse extends the function touch probe cycle. Here the ac-
tual position value is stored via the zero pulse of the encoder in spite of the signal of the touch probe
The storage of the measured value via zero pulse is activated with P221 GM measured value command
bit no. 0 = 1. In addition only for this measured value storage a qualification signal can be programmed.
The storage is triggered by the touch probe input MP_1 (pin no. 15 at X26) and the level is set in the
measured command bit no. 11. Via the connection with the touch probe input the activation time can be
reduced to the hardware time delay. The stored value is then independent of internal controller program
run times.
The selected encoder (bit no. 4 GM measure value command) definites the stored position and with its
zero pulse the measured value storage itself.
Run of a measured value storage via zero pulse with MP1 as qualification signal..

Zero pulse

Enable storage
P221 bit no.0


zero point storage
P222 bit no. 4...5

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P221 EM measuring-command 0000 ..... 0F31

P222 EM measuring-state 0000 ... FFFF X

P223 EM measured val phi1 00000000 ... FFFFFFFF

P233 EM measured val rev1 00000000 ... FFFFFFFF

P234 EM measured val phi2 00000000 ... FFFFFFFF

P235 EM measured val rev2 00000000 ... FFFFFFFF

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Parameter description

P221 EM measuring-command
Command word for the Touch Probe Cycle.

Bit no. Meaning

0 0: Storage of measured value disabled
1: Storage of measured value enabled
1 ... 3 reserved
4 Measured value - storage of current value of position disabled
0: Encoder 1
1: Encoder 2
5 ... 8 Measured value - storage
0000: once at positive slope (into measured value 1)
0001: once at positive slope (into measured value 2)
0010: once at negative slope (into measured value 1)
0011: once at negative slope (into measured value 2)
0100: continuous at positive slope (into measured value 1)
0101: continuous at positive slope (into measured value 2)
0110: continuous at negative slope (into measured value 1)
0111: continuous at negative slope (into measured value 2)
1000: twice; first value at positive slope (into measured value 1)
second value at negative slope (into measured value 2)
1001: twice; first value at negative slope (into measured value 1)
second value at positive slope (into measured value 2)
other: reserved
9 0: Measured value storage via touch probe input
1: Measured value storage via zero pulse
10 0: Qualification switched off
1: Qualification switched on (only when storing via zero pulse)
11 0: Qualification is triggered via signal level = 1
1: Qualification is triggered via signal level = 0
12 ... 15 reserved

Bit 0 is used for turning the Touch Probe Cycle on and off.
If "storage once" is enabled (see Bit 5 – 8) and values are already stored, then Bit 0 must be reset and
set again to reactivate the Touch Probe Cycle.
In mode "storage twice" the same as mentioned above applies. One thing is essential for both modes:
first and second slope must have an offset of at least 1ms !

In mode "continuous" values are stored each time a positive or negative slope appears, but only when
the value has changed. This also applies for switching from mode "once" or "twice" to mode "continu-
Changes in Command-Bits 5 – 8 are only taken over by the controller when bit 0 indicates a positive
slope (0 → 1).

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P222 EM measuring-state
This parameter indicates the state of the storage of measured values.

Bit-Nr. Bedeutung
0 0: storage of measured values disabled
1: storage of measured values enabled
1 ... 3 Reserve
4 ... 5 State of storage of measured values 1
00: disabled
01: storage not yet done
10: storage done
11: mode „continuous“ storage
6 ... 7 State of storage of measured values 2
00: disabled
01: storage not yet done
10: storage done
11: mode „continuous“ storage
8 State of input Touch Probe *
0: not actuated
1: actuated
9 ... 15 reserved

* display of state of input Touch Probe is activated after first enabling of storage of measured value. Before first
enabling and after initilization of encoder this bit is set (this does not depend on the input level of touch probe inputs).

P223 EM measured value phi 1

This parameter is part of the stored current value of position. The drive stores the angle of the
current value of position inside this parameter.

At the moment only the parameters High-Word is calculated. The Low-Word remains at 0000.

P234 EM measured value phi 2

This parameter is part of the stored current value of position. The drive stores the angle of the
current value of position inside this parameter.

At the moment only the parameters High-Word is calculated. The Low-Word remains at 0000.

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P233 EM measured val rev 1

see following explanation for P 235 EM measured val Rev 2.

P235 EM measured val rev 2

This parameter is part of the stored current value of position. The drive stores the number of
revolutions of the current value of position inside this parameter.

The complete stored current value of position has 64 Bit.

The current value of position of Encoder 2 is to be stored, first at positive then at negative slope at input
of touch probe.
that is Bit 0 = 1 (storage of measured value enabled)
Bit 4 = 1 (input of encoder 2)
Bit 5 – 8 = 1000bin (storage "twice" first at positive then at negative slope)
programming: P221 EM measuring command = 0111hex

106 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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7.12 Incremental Encoder Emulation

Way of operation

The incremental encoder emulation is a part of the V-controller. Data from the V-controller connector
X24/25 are processed in the V-controller and the pulse sequences A and B are generated. The zero
pulse is then derived from A and B.

Protection against interference

The cables from the V-controller to the master control must be twisted pair cables.

TTL square-wave pulse sequences

Two TTL square-wave pulse sequences A and B, which are by 90° out of phase, and their inverted pulse
sequences A and B as well as a zero pulse 0 with the inverted signal 0 are available as output signals.

Technical Data

Connection voltage 5V ± 5% (maximum 100 mA) without load

Signal level: Output high voltage at IOH = -20mA 2,5 Vmin

Signal level: Output low voltage at IOL = -20mA 0,5 Vmax

Input frequency control max. 1,6 MHz 1)

Switching time: Rise time < 50 ns

Switching time: Release time < 50 ns

Delay time |td| ≤ 50ns

Power input 0,525 W

1) You will find more information in the descriptions of the parameters P226, P227 and P019.

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7.13 Evaluation Encoder 1 and Encoder 2

Parameter overview encoder 1

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P025 E1 state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P040 E1 mode to SW 14.08
0000 ... 013F
from SW 14.08
0000 ... 023F

P024 E1 no. of graduation marks 1 ... 32767 Inc

P026 E1 revolutions 1 ... 4096

P062 E1 N smoothing actual value 0,0 ... 50,0 ms

P023 E1 N actual value -199,99 ... +199,99 % ✕

P043 E1 rev actual value 00000000 ... FFFFFFFF ✕
P022 E1 phi actual value 00000000 ... FFFFFFFF ✕
P020 E1 shift factor 0 ... 16 bit

P021 E1 position actual value 0000 ... FFFF

P041 E1 delta Phi 16 8001 ... 7FFF ✕

P042 E1 delta Phi 32 80000001 ... 7FFFFFFF ✕
P044 E1 sine measured value -1,0000 ... +1,0000 ✕
P045 E1 cosine measured value -1,0000 ... +1,0000 ✕
P026 E1 revolutions 1 ... 4096

P107 E1 N=0 threshold 0,01 ... 25,00 %

P108 E1 N>Nx ON threshold 0,00 ... 150,00 %

P109 E1 N>Nx OFF threshold 0,00 ... 150,00 %

P046 E1 over speed 0,00 ... 199,99 %

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Parameter overview encoder 2

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P240 E2 state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P241 E2 mode to SW 14.08
0000 ... 013F
from SW 14.08
0000 ... 023F

P242 E2 no. of graduation marks 1 ... 32767 Inc

P232 E2 revolutions 1 ... 4096

P238 E2 N smoothing actual value 0.0 ... 50,0 ms

P243 E2 N actual value -199,99 ... +199,99 % ✕

P249 E2 rev actual value 00000000 ... FFFFFFFF ✕
P244 E2 phi actual value 00000000 ... FFFFFFFF ✕
P236 E2 shift factor 0 ... 16

P237 E2 position actual value 0000 ... FFFF

P247 E2 delta Phi 16 8001 ... 7FFF ✕

P248 E2 delta Phi 32 80000001 ... 7FFFFFFF ✕
P230 E2 sine measured value -1,0000 ... +1,000 ✕
P231 E2 cosine measured value -1,0000 ... +1,000 ✕
P232 E2 revolutions 1 ... 4096

P104 E2 N=0 threshold 0,01 ... 25,00 %

P105 E2 N>Nx ON threshold 0,00 ... 150,00 %

P106 E2 N>Nx OFF threshold 0,00 ... 150,00 %

P239 E2 over speed 0,00 ... 199,99 %

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Parameter description

P025 E1 state
P240 E2 state
This parameter indicates the encoder evaluation status

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 2 000: STOP
001: RUN
101: INIT Initialization of the position actual value
perhaps waiting for the zero pulse of an incremental encoder
3 1: Error in function module, error code see M error code (P124)
4 logic level or zero trace
5 toggle bit for zero trace: changes at every zero impulse *
6 1: |N actual value| > overspeed threshold (P046 or P239)
If this encoder controls the motor, the exceeding leads to a error message and
disables the controller.
7 1: Absolute position of encoder is not known.
8 ... 9 reserved
10 0: |N actual value| ≠ 0
1: |N actual value| = 0 (below N = 0 threshold)
11 0 → 1: |N actual value| > Nx ON (P108, P105)
1 → 0: |N actual value| > Nx OFF (P109, P106)
12 reserved
13 1: limit value reached; |N actual value| > maximum speed P019
14 to SW 14.07
from SW 14.071)
0: result of sin2cos2 monitoring okay
1: result of sin2cos2 monitoring exceeded permitted limits
15 to SW 14.07
from SW 14.072)
0: field angle within limit
1: field angle error larger than limit of +/-45°

* with active synchronization of the OS to an external signal (P167 ≠ 0), the display of the
toggle bit at the G2 is invalid.
1) The bit is updated independent on the activation of sin2cos2 monitoring.
The bit is set for at least 8 ms.
2) The bit is updated independent on the activation of field angle monitoring.


The bit no. 4 and 5 are specially destined for the adjustment of encoders. Incremental en-
coders with high no. of graduation marks can be fast adjusted, if this bits are connected
with the free programmable LEDs.

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P040 E1 mode
P241 E2 mode
This parameter sets the encoder evaluation.


After setting the mode parameter the data set 0 (boot data set) should be saved and the
controller should be new booted.

Bit no. Meaning

0 Encoder polarity:
0: No sign reversal, turning clockwise encoder supplies positive speed actual value.
1: Sign reversal, turning clockwise encoder supplies negative speed actual value.
1 Polarity position counting:
0: Positive speed actual value effects positive position change
1: Positive speed actual value effects negative position change .
2 0: The multiplier for no. of graduation marks is 1.
1: The multiplier for no. of graduation marks is 8.
3 Initialization of the position actual values with incremental encoders
0: Initialization of position actual values without reference to the zero pulse of the encoder
1: Initialization of position actual values with reference to the zero pulse of the encoder
4 ... 7 Encoder type:
0000: no encoder
0001: resolver
0010: rectangle encoder
0011: sine encoder
8 ... 11 Communication protocol:
0000: no protocol
0001: Hiperface-Protocol for SinCos encoder from Fa. Stegmann
((SCM70, SCS70, SCM50/60, SCS50/60, SKS36 or SKM36))
0002: EnDat-Protocol for encoder from Fa. Heidenhain (ab SW 14.08)
12 to SW 14.07
from SW 14.07
sin2cos2 monitoring
0: no monitoring
1: monitoring on
13 to SW 14.07
from SW 14.07
Field angle monitoring
0: no monitoring
1: monitoring on
14 ... 15 reserved

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Permitted setting for encoder mode, no. of graduation marks and revolutions:

Letter for encoder Mode No. of gradua- Revolutions Comment

in type code tion marks
0 0000hex ✕ ✕ no encoder evaluation
A 0010hex 16384 1 resolver
B 0030hex number of sine 1 incremental encoder sine with 5 V supply
C 0130hex 512 1 (SCS 70) sine absolute value encoder with asynchronous
4096 (SCM 70) serial interface and 8 V supply, Hiperface-Proto-
1024 1 (SRS 50) col: SCS 70, SCM 70, SRS 50 and SRM 50 (soft-
4096 (SRM 50) ware 3.09 or higher req.) by Stegmann
D 0230hex encoder no. of encoder no. of sine absolute value encoder with synchronous
graduation marks revolutions serial interface and 5 V supply, EnDat-Protocol
e.g. EQN1325 by Heidenhain (from SW 14.08).
E 0020hex no. of graduation 1 rectangle incremental encoder with 5 V supply

the controller will read these values automatically via serial connec-
tion from the encoder, when SW-Version 3.05 or higher is used.

P024 E1 no. of graduation marks

P242 E2 no. of graduation marks
No. of graduation marks or number of periods of connected encoder.


The no. of graduation marks of 2 pole resolvers must be set to 16384.

The multiplier for the no. of graduation marks is set by bit no. 5 in E1/E2 mode. The no. of
graduation marks and the maximum really speed must not be greater than 1,6 MHz.

No. of graduation marks * Multiplier * Speed

f = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 1, 6MHz

112 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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P026 E1 revolutions
P232 E2 revolutions
Number of whole revolutions that can be displayed by the encoder.
the controller will read these values automatically, when SW-Version 3.05 or higher is used
The permitted inputs are displayed in the table at E1/E2 mode.

P062 E1 N smoothing actual value

P238 E2 N smoothing actual value
This parameter sets the time constant to smooth the speed actual value for a digital PT1 el-

P023 E1 N actual value

P243 E2 N actual value
N actual value at encoder 1 or encoder 2, referring to maximum speed (P019).
100 % correspond with set maximum speed in P019.

P043 E1 Rev actual value

P249 E2 Rev actual value
Part of the position actual value: number of whole revolutions.

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P022 E1 phi actual value

P244 E2 phi actual value
Part of the position actual value: the angle within one rotation, left-justified with encoder-de-
pendent resolution.
The entire position actual value is 64-bits-long and consists of the following:
63 32 31 0
31 Rev actual value 0 31 Phi actual value 0

The system zeroes the entire position actual value after you switch on the power to the elec-
tronics. If an absolute value encoder is connected, the system reads it out and enters the in-
formation in accordance with the format shown above. The position actual value can be
overwritten at any time.


Every error that occurs in the encoder module (error code 08xx/0Axx) results in the abso-
lute position of the encoder evaluation being lost. This means that if you use this encoder
to acquire the rotor position of a synchronous machine, this position information is also lost
and it is no longer possible to safely control the motor. Every time an encoder error occurs,
you must therefore reinitialize the controller electronics (by turning the power off and on

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P020 E1 shift factor

P236 E2 shift factor
P021 E1 position actual value 16
P237 E2 position actual value 16
16 bit position actual value with freely adjustable ranges for whole revolutions and angles.

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P041 E1 delta phi 16

P247 E2 delta phi 16
P042 E1 delta phi 32
P248 E2 delta phi 32
When writing this parameter the system adds once the specified angular differences with 16-
or 32-bit resolution onto the position actual value (relative angular change).
At most one set value can be operated per millisecond.

Positive and negative carries to whole revolutions (Rev actual value) are taken into account.

P044 E1 sine measured value

P045 E1 cosine measured value
P230 E2 sine measured value
P231 E2 cosine measured value
Measured values of connected encoder.

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P107 E1 N=0 threshold

P104 E2 N=0 threshold
Bit no. 10 in function module state is enabled, if the absolute value of N actual value is below
the threshold N=0 (P107 encoder 1 or P104 encoder 2).
The input value is related to P019 maximum speed.

P108 E1 N>Nx ON threshold

P109 E1 N>Nx OFF threshold
P105 E2 N>Nx ON threshold
p106 E2 N>Nx OFF threshold
Freely programmable speed thresholds to set the corresponding bits in E1 or E2 state.
If |N actual value| (P051) is greater than N>Nx ON threshold, then bit no. 11 is enabled
and disabled if |N actual value| falls below N>Nx OFF threshold.
The input value is related to P019 maximum speed.

P046 E1 overspeed
P239 E2 overspeed
Threshold value for overspeed monitoring.
The input value is related to P019 maximum speed.
If the set value is exceeded the bit no. 6 is enabled in E1 or E2 state. The bit is disabled if
the speed drops below the threshold (no hysteresis).

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7.14 Field angle monitoring and Sin2Cos2-monitoring

By using the field angle monitoring, if you have synchronous motors equipped with resolvers or SinCos
encoders, you can detect pulse dropouts or "surplus" pulses at the encoder inputs. If these distortions
occur repeatedly, the field angle of the field orientation may deviate increasingly. This will have the same
effect as a "false" notch position. If you perform a deviation of ±45° with a field angle monitoring being
active, an error is generated and the controller will be blocked.
The Sin2Cos2-monitoring acts for resolver and SinCos-encoder as an additional monitoring of wire break
within the encoder line. If you have resolver or SinCos-encoders, the Sin2Cos2-monitoring calculates the
a amplitudes out of the sinus- and cosinus tracks by drawing the square root out of ((Sin x)2 + (Cos x)2).
Under normal circumstances, the a value will reach 80 %. If these calculations show the result, that a
exceeds the Sin2-upper limit or a is less than 20 %, an error will be generated if the monitoring has been
activated (see also P240).


The field angle monitoring and the Sin2Cos2-monitoring require SW14.07 or higher.

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P025 see “Evaluation Encoder 1 and Encoder 2” on page 108.

P040 see “Evaluation Encoder 1 and Encoder 2” on page 108.

P240 see “Evaluation Encoder 1 and Encoder 2” on page 108.

P241 see “Evaluation Encoder 1 and Encoder 2” on page 108.

P570 G1 sine2x-upper limit 85 ... 110 %

P571 G2 sine2x-upper limit 85 ... 110 %

P572 GM field angle monitoring threshold 0 ... 40 %

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Parameter description

P570 G1 sine2 upper limit

P571 G2 sine2 upper limit
With these parameters, the upper limit for the Sin2Cos2-monitoring is adjusted.

The Sin2Cos2-monitoring calculates the a amplitudes out of the sinus- and cosinus tracks by
drawing the square root out of ((Sin x)2 + (Cos x)2). Under normal circumstances, the a value
will reach 80 %. If these calculations show the result, that a exceeds the Sin2-upper limit or a
is less than 20 %, an error will be generated if the monitoring has been activated.

Recommended values:

SinCos encoder 95%

Resolver 100%
Default value = 95 %

P572 GM field angle monitoring threshold

The calculated model field angle corresponds motor dependant to the real field angle from a
certain speed. This parameter sets the speed threshold, related to parameter P019 maximum
speed, from that threshold the calculation of the field angle starts. The field angle monitoring
compares the field angle of synchronous motors with resolver or SinCos encoder with a cal-
culated model value and generates an error if the deviation is larger than +/- 45°.

Recommended values:
Default value = 20 %

To calculate the model angle more precisely, the setting of parameter P299 leakage induc-
tance is advantageous.

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7.15 Current Controller

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P079 I state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P080 I P gain 0,1 ... 63,9

P081 I integral action time 0.0 ... 1000,0 ms

P067 I M set value -100,00 ... 100,00 %

P048 I M additional set value -100,00 ... 100,00 %

P071 I Iq set value -100,00 ... 100,00 %

P072 I Iq actual value -199,99 ... 199,99 % ✕

P068 I Iq controller output -100,00 ... 100,00 % ✕
P069 I EMC set value -100,00 ... 100,00 % ✕
P075 I Uq set value -100,00 ... 100,00 % ✕
P077 I Id set value -100,00 ... 100,00 %

P078 I Id actual value -199,99 ... 199,99 % ✕

P076 I Ud set value -100,00 ... 100,00 % ✕
P070 I phase voltage U -100,00 ... 100,00 % ✕
P086 I phase voltage V -100,00 ... 100,00 % ✕
P073 I phase voltage U -100,00 ... 100,00 % ✕
P074 I phase current V -100,00 ... 100,00 % ✕
P083 I current offset U -25,00 ... 25,00 % ✕
P084 I current offset V -25,00 ... 25,00 % ✕
P099 I current actual value 0,00 ... 100,00 % ✕
P0576 I NF center frequency 0,000 ... 8,000 kHz
(from SW 14.09)

P0577 I NF bandwidth (from SW 14.09) 0,010 ... 2,000 kHz

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Parameter description

P079 I state
This parameter indicates the status of the internal function module.

Bit No. Meaning

0 ... 2 000: STOP (controller inhibited)
001: RUN (controller enabled)
011: STAND_BY (direct-axis current controller inhibited, field has been set-up)
101: INIT (direct-axis current controller enabled, field is being set-up)
3 Error in module
4 0: Current control on synchronous machine
1: Current control on asynchronous machine
5 0: No field available
1: Field is available
In the case of the asynchronous machine, after 3 × P293 (rotor time constant Tv) has
expired, the direct-axis current, P078, must be at least 80% of the direct-axis current
After this, the system does not continuously monitor the in-phase regulator.
6 ... 15 Reserve

P080 I P gain
P081 I integral action time
This parameters set the P gain (kp) and the integral action time (TN) of the direct-axis current
controller and the wattless current controller.

Setting of the current controller:

MM stator resistance P298 = 0 or MM leakage inductance P299 = 0
The current prediction is switched off, the controller parameter kP and TN can be set as usual.

If the motor parameter stator resistance and leakage inductance are known, the current con-
troller can be set the following way:

Setting of the SM’s current controller

MM mode bit no. 3 = 0 P269

(0 : SM)
MM stator resistance = 0 P298
MM leakage inductance = 0 P299

l lS I max (P113)
T n = T s = ----s- and - ⋅ -------------------------------------
k P = --------------- -
rS 3 ⋅ T ab U ZKnom (P087)
T ab = 0, 5 ⋅ -----------------------
f S (P103)
The current controller is set according the absolute value optimum.
Set MM stator resistance rs P298
Set MM leakage inductance ls P299
Double kP

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Setting of the AM’s current controller

MM mode bit no. 3 = 1 P269

(1 : AM)
MM mode bit no. 2 = 1 P269
(torque after 3*TR available)
MM stator resistance = 0 P298
MM leakage inductance = 0 P299

σl s σl S I max (P113)
T n = T s = ------- and k P = ---------------- ⋅ --------------------------------------
rS 3 ⋅ T ab U ZKnom (P087)
T ab = 0, 5 ⋅ -----------------------
f S (P103)
The current controller is set according the absolute value optimum.

The leakage inductance σls for AM is very important for a stable operation within the field
weakening range. It can be calculated from motor data:
Xσ 1 + Xσ 2
σl s = -------------------------------------------
- ⋅ 1000 mH
2 ⋅ π ⋅ f nom (P263)

Set MM stator resistance rs P298

and MM leakage inductance σls P299
Double kP
If the leakage inductance is not known, it can be found out the following way:

MM stator resistance = 0 P298

MM leakage inductance = 0 P299
Operation mode speed control P122
Calculate leakage inductance σls approximately and enter the value:
U nom
-------------⋅5 %
σl s = ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⋅ 1000 mH P299
2 ⋅ π ⋅ f nom (P263) • I d (P260)

Unom: nominal voltage between lines of the motor

Vary speed set value periodically between 90 % and 100 % of nominal speed
Change P299 MM leakage inductance slowly, until the current Id actual value (P078) is al-
most constant while torque change.
If the current Id (P078) actual value is higher during acceleration or braking, the inductance
P299 must be increased. In the other case its value must be reduced.
Set MM Ständerwiderstand. P298
After finding out of the inductance the current controller can be set see setting of the AM’s
current controller.

P067 I M set value

Set value input for current control mode (P122 = -2)

Standardization: 100 % ↔ PU I limit (P116)

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P048 I M additional set value

Additional set value for all modes.

Standardization: 100 % ↔ PU I limit (P116)

The effective torque set value is the sum of M set value and M additional set value.


The time needed to enable the rated torque value depends on the setting of the P269 MM
mode bit no. 2.

P071 I Iq set value

P072 I Iq actual value
The cross current specified/actual value (torque forming current component of the vector con-
trol) is indicated here. 100 % corresponds to the value set in the LT I limit (P116).

P068 I Iq controller output

Manipulated variable of wattless current controller.
U ZKnom ( P087 )
Standardization: 100 % ↔ --------------------------------------
3⋅ 2

P069 I EMC set value

Voltage set value from motor model, corresponds with machine´s EMC.
U ZKnom ( P087 )
Standardization: 100 % ↔ --------------------------------------
3⋅ 2

P075 I Uq set value

Sum of P068 Iq controller output and P069 EMC set value.
U ZKnom ( P087 )
Standardization: 100 % ↔ --------------------------------------
3⋅ 2

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P077 I Id set value

P078 I Id actual value
The direct-axis current set value / actual value is displayed here.

Standardization: 100 % ↔ PU I limit (P116)

P076 I Ud set value

Manipulated variable of direct-axis controller..
U ZKnom ( P087 )
Standardization: 100 % ↔ --------------------------------------
3⋅ 2

P070 I phase voltage U

P086 I phase voltage V
This parameter displays the voltage set value of phase U or V.
U ZKnom ( P087 )
Standardization: 100 % ↔ -------------------------------------- (rms value)
3⋅ 2

P073 I phase current U

P074 I phase current V
Standardization: 100 % ↔ PU I limit (P116)

P083 I current offset U

P084 I current offset V
To compensate the offset of the current transformer, the current transformer is set to 0 at ev-
ery pulse enabling. This parameter shows the offset value.
Standardization: 100% ↔ 211 (half of the measuring transducer range)

P099 I current actual value

Standardization: 100 % ↔ PU I limit (P116)

P576 I NF center frequency (from SW 14.09)

P577 I NF bandwidth (from SW 14.09)
The notch filter (band rejection filter) is used to eliminate undesired frequencies in P071 I Iq
set value.
With a controller frequency of 16 kHz (at 8 kHz pulse frequency) the center frequency can be
changed theoretically in the range between 0 kHz and 8 kHz.
With a controller frequency of 8 kHz (at 4 kHz pulse frequency) the center frequency can be
changed theoretically in the range between 0 kHz and 4 kHz.

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The notch filter is switched off, when center frequency = 0 (standard value)
It must always be valid:
Center frequency
: ------------------------------------------------ ≥ band width

The following figure displays the amplitude characteristic of the notch filter with a center fre-
quency of 1 kHz and a bandwidth of 0,5 kHz. The amplification of the notch filter is 0 at the
center frequency.


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7.16 Speed Controller

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P059 N state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P057 N P gain 0,1 ... 1000,0

P058 N integral action time 0,0 ... 2000,0 ms

P049 N J compensation 0 ... 30000

P050 N set value -100,00 ... 100,00 %

P047 N additional set value -100,00 ... 100,00 %

P051 N actual value -199,99 ... 199,99 % ✕

P052 N controller output -100.00 ... 100,00 %

P038 N M limiter mode 0 ... 1

P053 N M limiter bipolar 0,00 ... 100,00 %

P054 N M limiter Mot/TD1 0,00 ... 100,00 %

P055 N M limiter Gen/TD2 0,00 ... 100,00 %

P060 N deviation -199,99 ... 199,99 % ✕

P061 N limiter deviation 0,00 ... 199,99 %

P056 N block time 0,0 ... 360,0 s

Parameter description

P059 N state
This parameter shows the speed controller´s state.

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 2 000: STOP, N controller disabled
001: RUN, N controller enabled
011: STAND_BY, N disabled, block monitoring enabled
3 1: Error in module. Error code see P124
4 1: Drive is blocked (block monitoring time P056 active)
5 ... 9 reserved
10 0: motor-operated mode
1: generator-operated mode
11 0: torque direction 1 active
1: torque direction 2 active
12 1: set value reached (|Deviation P060| < limiter deviation (P061)
13 1: limiter set value reached (current limiter)
14 ... 15 reserved

P057 N P gain
P gain (Kp) of speed controller.

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P058 N integral action time

Integral action time (TN) of speed controller.

P049 N J compensation
Moment of inertia compensation.


A J-compensation is not possible with an analog speed selection

P047 N additional set value

P050 N set value
Set value inputs for speed controller (see also "Overview V-Controller" on page 64)
Standardization: 100 % ↔ GM maximum speed (P019)

P051 N actual value

Speed actual value of encoder 1 or encoder 2 (depends on P226 EM mode bit no. 1).
Standardization: 100 % ↔ EM maximum speed (P019)

P052 N controller output

This parameter shows the set value of speed controller.
Standardization: 100 % ↔ PU I limiter (P116)

P038 N M limiter mode

This parameter switches between torque limiter motor-operated/generator-operated and
torque direction TD1/TD2.

Value Meaning
0 torque limiter Mot/Gen
1 torque limiter TD1/TD2

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Torque limiter Mot/Gen Torque limiter TD1/TD2

P053 N M limiter bipolar

P054 N M limiter Mot/TD1
P055 N M limiter Gen/TD2
The control value is symmetrically limited with the bipolar limiter. From the bipolar, Mot/TD2
and Gen/TD2 limiter, the respective smaller value is valid. If the I²t power unit monitoring op-
erates, the torque limiter are internally restricted to 100 %. During the limitation bit no. 15 in
N state is set.
Standardization: 100 % ↔ PU I limit (P116)

P060 N deviation
This parameter displays the actual speed controller deviation.
Standardization: 100 % ↔ EM maximum speed (P019)

P061 N limiter deviation

If the value falls below the maximum deviation set by this parameter, the function module
transmits the message set value reached (bit no. 12 in N state P059 is set).
Standardization: 100 % ↔ EM maximum speed (P019)

P056 N block time

This parameter sets the time of the block monitoring.
The block monitoring is active, if the speed controller is on the current limit (N state, bit no. 13
= 1) and simultaneously the N = 0 message (EM state, bit no. 10 = 1) is active. During this
state is active, the bit no. 4 in N state is set.
After the block monitoring time is over, the controller is disabled with error message 0702hex.
If block time = 0,0 s the block monitoring is not active.

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7.17 Torque Monitoring


This function module compares the current actual value with different limits.

Correction factor (from SW 14.07)

This corrects the display values P066 TM M loading and P092 TM Mact/Mnom e.g. for extrusion machi-
nes. There the torque actual value is a control variable and is required with a higher accuracy.
Correction formula: M_corr = k1 * M - k2 *n + k3
M_corr = corrected display value of P066 TM M loading and P092 TM Mact/Mnom
M = original torque actual value
n = speed (speed actual value)
k1 = correction factor 1 (P562)
k2 = speed-dependent correction factor 2 (P563)
k3 = offset correction factor 3 (P564)


If the correction factors are set ot its default values, the parameter values P066 TM M loading
and P092 TM Mact/Mnom are equal to the software versions before 14.07.

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P098 TM state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P065 TM mode 0000 ... 0003

P096 TM M > Mx1 0,00 ... 100,00 %

P097 TM time 1 0,000 ... 60,000 s

P094 TM M > Mx2 0,00 ... 100,00 %

P095 TM time 2 0,000 ... 60,000 s

P066 TM M loading to SW 14.07 % ✕

-100,00 ... 100,00
from SW 14.08
-199,99 ... 199,99

P092 TM Mact / Mn to SW 14.07 % ✕

-100,00 ... 100,00
from SW 14.08
-199,99 ... 199,99

P562 TM corr. factor 1 0.0001 .... 3,2767 -

P563 TM corr. factor 2 0.0000 .... 3,2767 -

P564 TM corr. factor 3 -10.00 ... +10.00 %

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Parameter description

P098 TM state
This parameter shows the function module´s state.

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 2 001: RUN, monitoring active
3 reserved
4 |M loading (P066)| > threshold 1 (P096)
5 time 1 is expired
6 |M loading (P066)| > threshold 2 (P096)
7 time 2 is expired
8 ... 15 reserved

P065 TM mode
This parameter sets the display of the parameters P066 M loading and P092 Mact/Mn.

Bit no. Meaning

0 1 : absolute value display acitve
1 1 : sign change active
2 ... 15 reserved

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P096 TM M > M1
P097 TM time 1
P094 TM M > M2
P095 TM time 2
This parameters define the function of the torque monitoring. The thresholds are related to
the absolute value of the torque capacity.
The hysteresis is each time 3 % of set threshold.

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P066 TM M loading

P092 TM Mact / Mn

P562 TM corr. factor 1

Corresponds with k1 (4 decimal places).

P563 TM corr. factor 2

Corresponds with k2 (4 decimal places).

P564 TM corr. factor 3

Corresponds with k3 (2 decimal places).

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7.18 Position Controller


The position controller module is a P-Controller for position control of the unit. The module contains mul-
ti-turn evaluation of the motor position encoder, the set value interpolator, speed precontrol as well as
control variable limiting and the dynamic and static deviation.


The efficiency of the position control is directly dependent upon the efficiency of the speed con-

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P200 P state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P201 P mode 0000 ... 0007

P202 P Kv factor 0 ... 32000 1/s

P207 P N precontrol 0,00 ... 125,00 %

P213 P N precontrol smoothing 0,0 ... 50,0 ms

P220 P N precontrol output -100,00 ... 100,00 %

P211 P controller output -100,00 ... 100,00 % ✕

P208 P set value 00000000 ... FFFFFFFF Inc

P209 P actual value 00000000 ... FFFFFFFF Inc

P210 P deviation 80000001 ... 7FFFFFFF Inc ✕

P205 P rev set value 00000000 ... FFFFFFFF

P206 P phi set value 00000000 ... FFFFFFFF

P218 P rev actual value 00000000 ... FFFFFFFF

P219 P phi actual value 00000000 ... FFFFFFFF

P204 P N limit bipolar 0,00 ... 100,00 %

P212 P deviation limit static 00000000 ... 7FFFFFFF Inc

P203 P deviation limit dynamic 00000000 ... 7FFFFFFF Inc

P214 P deviation time 0,000 ... 65,000 s

P216 P gear factor 0,1 ... 1000,0

P217 P deviation phi 80000001 ... 7FFFFFFF Inc ✕

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Parameter description

P200 P state
This parameter shows the actual position controller´s mode.

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 2 000 : STOP Position controller disabled
001 : RUN Position controller enabled
3 1 : Error in position controller, error code see P124
4 1 : Dynamic deviation limiter exceeded
5 1 : Static deviation limiter exceeded
6 1 : Timeout dynamic deviation limiter
7 1 : Timeout static deviation limiter
8 ... 11 reserved
12 1 : Set value reached (bit nos. 4 and 5 are not set)
13 1 : Position controller on limit
14 ... 15 reserved

P201 P mode
This parameter sets the position controller´s operational mode.

Bit no. Meaning

0 1 : Enabling error dynamic deviation
1 1 : Enabling error static deviation
2 1 : Position measurement on load
0 : Position measurement on motor
The bit can only be changed, if the position controller´s state is STOP
3 ... 15 reserved

See P deviation limiter dynamic (P203) and P deviation limiter static (P212).

The change of position actual value monitoring (bit no. 2) is only possible if controller is disab-
led. For further notes see function module encoder 1 and encoder 2 as well as encoder ma-

P202 P Kv factor
The position controller is implemented as P controller. The kV factor is the gain of the position
controller. If kV = 0 the position controller is inactive, because each controller deviation is mul-
tiplied by the kV factor.

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P207 P N precontrol
P213 P N precontrol smoothing
The speed precontrol is implemented as DT1 element. Each change of position set value are
differentiated with respect to time, multiplied by parameter N precontrol and than smoothed
with the time constant in P213. If N precontrol = 0 % the speed precontrol has no effect in the
speed set value (P050).
If N precontrol = 100 % and position set value change is constant per time unit, the speed
precontrol supplies the exact needed speed set value. The position controller supplies in this
case only the correcting set value to follow the angle.

P220 P N precontrol output

Output value of N precontrol..
Standardization: 100 % ↔ Maximum speed P019

P211 P controller output

Output value of position controller.
Standardization: 100 % ↔ Maximum speed P019
The speed set value P050 is put together from controller output P211 and the speed precon-
trol P220.
It is limited to the value in P204. As long as the set value is limited, the bit no. 13 in state P200
is set.

P208 P set value

Set value input of the position controller. The position set value is initialized to the position
actual value of the chosen encoder system at first pulse enabling. At further pulse enablings
the position actual value (P209) is set. If a drive profile is set via L set value, the maximum
position change permitted is limited.
At P103 frequency = 4 kHz |L set valuenew - L set valueold| is max. 7FFFFhex.
At P103 frequency = 8 kHz |L set valuenew - L set valueold| is max. FFFFFhex.

P209 P actual value

This parameter displays the position actual value.
Past the first pulse enabling of the controller the position set value is initializes on the resolver
or incremental encoder angle after that independent from the actual M desired operation
mode (P122) and independent from the status of the state machine (P121) the actual value
is permanent actualized.
It is possible to write to the position actual value in every operation mode.
Calibration of position set and actual value:
One motor revolution corresponds with internal 65536 increments. The low word represents
the motor angle the high word counts the whole revolutions.

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P210 P deviation
The difference between position set value (P208) and actual value (P209) is termed deviati-
on. Reasons for large deviations could be: blocked motor, not achievable set speed or wrong
inputs of controller parameters (e.g. speed controller).
The calibration corresponds to the position set/actual value standardization.

P205 P rev set value

P206 P phi set value
64 bit position set value. 32 bit for whole revolutions (P205) and 32 bit for angle (P206). This
parameters cannot be used for setting a drive profile.

P218 P rev actual value

P219 P phi actual value
Copy of 64 bit position actual value from encoder 1 respectively encoder 2 (select P Mode
P201 bit no. 2)

P204 P N limiter bipolar

This parameter limits symmetrically the position control set value (speed set value) . As long
as the set value limitation is active, the bit no. 13 in state (P200) is set.

Deviation monitoring

P212 P deviation limiter static

The static deviation limiter is active, if the position controller no position set value received or
the position set value doesn’t change (see diagram P203).
The static deviation limiter symmetrically limits the set position value.

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If the actual deviation is greater than the entered dynamic deviation limiter, bit no. 5 is set in
P state (P200).
After the monitoring time (P time, P214) the bit no. 7 is additionally set and the error code
0602hex (see P124 M error code) is generated. The drive changes to the state inhibit start if
in parameter P mode (P201) the error dynamic deviation is enabled (Bit no. 1 = 1).

P203 P deviation limiter dynamic

The dynamic deviation limiter symmetrically limits the set position value. If the actual deviati-
on greater than the entered dynamic deviation limiter, bit no. 4 is set in P state P200). After
the monitoring time (P time, P214) the bit no. 6 is additionally set and the error code 0601hex
(see P124 M error code) is generated. The drive changes to the state inhibit start if in para-
meter P mode (P201) the error dynamic deviation is enabled (bit no. 0 = 1).

P214 P time
This parameter sets the time window of the deviation monitoring. The delay time is only acti-
ve, if bit no. 6 and 7 in P state is set.

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P216 P gear factor

After the position controller a gear has been implemented.
Application example with gear factor:

P216 P gear factor ω1:ω2

P226 EM mode Bit no. 0 = 0:

Angle and speed are given by encoder 1.

P040 E1 mode Set according encoder 1 at the motor.

P241 E2 mode Set according encoder 2 at the load.

P210 P mode Bit no. 2 = 1:

Position measurement at the load

P N interpolation P207 Current pre-control

P N pre-control smoothing P213 N I compensation P049

Gear factor P216

P controller w1:w2 N controller
N controller output
- - P052

P actual value = E2 actual value N actual value = E1 actual value

P209 P249 / P244 P051 P023

Motor w1
Encoder 1
Encoder 2

Mechanical assembly

P217 P deviation Phi

This parameter increases the resolution of the angle position of parameter P210 P deviation.
The maximum deviation displayed on this parameter is ± half a revolution.


Requires SW 13.12 or higher resp. SW 14.07 or higher.

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Position data formats overview

64 bit
32 bit
16 bit

31 0 31 0
G1 actual value P043 G1 rev actual value P022 G1phi actual value

31 0

P042 G1 delta phi 32

15 0

P041 G1 delta phi 16

31 0 31 0
G2 actual value P249 G2 rev actual value P244 G2 phi actual value

31 0

P248 G2 delta phi 32

15 0

P047 G2 delta phi 16

31 0 31 0
P 64 bit actual P218 P Rev-actual value P219 P phi actual value

15 0 15 0
32 bit actual value (copy) P209 P act value

31 0 31 0
P 64 bit set value P205 P rev set value P206 P phi set value

15 0 15 0
32 bit set value P208 P set value P209

15 0 15 0
P210 P dev iation

15 0 15 0
Pos 32 bit actual value P437 Pos position act. value

15 0 15 0
32 bit set value P436 Pos position set value

Entire revolutions Angle (360°)

Rev set value Phi set value

Rev actual value Phi actual value

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7.19 Drive Manager


The drive manager administrates the essential system resources of the drive. These include among
others complete unit control in various modes, switching between the different modes, the management
of all communication interfaces, error treatment etc.

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P120 M control word 0000 ... FFFF

P121 M state word 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P122 M desired operation mode -6 ... 6

P123 M actual operation mode -6 ... 6 ✕

P124 M error code 0000 ... FFFF ✕
P125 M error index 0 ... 31 ✕
P136 M mode 0000 ... 0007

P126 M communication source 0000 ... 000F

P127 M communication monitoring 0000 ... 000F

P128 M monitoring time 0 ... 60 000 ms

P129 M monitoring code -2 ... 3

P130 M HALT code 0 ... 3

P131 M RAPID HALT code 0 ... 3

P132 M INHIBIT no. code 0 ... 3

P133 M SHUTDOWN code 0 ... 3

P134 M state bit no. 14 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P135 M state bit no. 15 0000 ... FFFF ✕
P137 M state 1 0000 ... FFFF ✕
P188 M error reaction time 0,00 ... 650,0 s

P189 M error reaction code 0 ... 3

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Introduction to the representation of unit control

The binary bits 7 ... 0 of the static drive state (P121) are figured XXXX XXXX. The state transition bit
pattern of the control word (P120) is figured xxxx xxxx (bit no. 7 ... 0).
The bits designated with X or x have no effect on the unit state.

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Unit control state machine

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Unit control states


– electronics supplied with voltage

– self-test running
– initialisation running
– drive function inhibited
– relay „ready for use“ is off (drive not ready for use)


– software/hardware initialisation completed

– parameter assignment completed
– drive function inhibited
– switch-on inhibited
– relay „ready for use“ is on (drive ready for use)


– application parameters can be redefined

– drive function inhibited
– switch-on enabled
– relay „ready for use“ is on (drive ready for use)


– application parameters can be redefined

– drive function inhibited
– power unit ready for use
– relay „ready for use“ is on (drive ready for use)


– application parameters can be redefined

– drive function enabled
– relay „ready for use“ is on (drive ready for use)


– application parameters can be redefined

– drive function enabled
– command „Inhibit operation“ is active (can be set in M shutdown code P132)
– relay „ready for use“ is on (drive ready for use)


– application parameters can be redefined

– drive function enabled
– command „Shutdown“ is active (can be set in M shutdown code P132)
– relay „ready for use“ is on (drive ready for use)

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– application parameters can be redefined
– rapid halt function is carried out (parameter assignment via M rapid halt code, P131)
– drive function enabled
– relay „ready for use“ is on (drive ready for use)


– application parameters can be redefined

– an fault-dependant action is carried out
– drive function may be enabled


– application parameters can be redefined

– drive function inhibited
– relay „ready for use“ is off (drive not ready for use)

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Unit control state transitions

0 State machine input NOT READY TO START0

event: - hardware reset
or - software reset
or - switch on operating voltage
action: - switch off relay „ready for use“
- start self-test


event: - error-free completion of initialisation and self-test
action: - activate communication and process data monitoring
- switch on relay „ready for use“


event: - command „shutdown“
condition: - rapid halt input X26:19 = high
- pulse enabling X26:14 = low
action: - none


event: - command „switch on“
condition: - rapid halt input X26:14 = high
action: - switch on power unit, if not on yet
- monitoring „ready for use“ signal of power supply


event: - command „enable function“
condition: - CONTROLLER ENABLING input = high
action: - enable drive function


event: - command „inhibit operation“
or - CONTROLLER ENABLING input = low
action: - inhibit drive function


event: - command „shutdown“
- pulse enabling input X26:14 = low
action: - the power unit can be switched off
- monitoring „ready for use“ signal of power supply is switched off


event: - command „rapid halt“
or - command „inhibit voltage“
or - rapid halt input X26:19=low
action: - none

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event: - command „shutdown“
action: - inhibit drive function (parameter assignment via M shutdown
code P133)
- the power unit can be switched off
- monitoring „ready for use“ signal of power supply is switched off


event: - command „inhibit voltage“
action: - shutdown drive function
- the power unit can be switched off
- monitoring „ready for use“ signal of power supply is switched off


event: - command „inhibit voltage“
or - command „rapid halt“
or - rapid halt input X26:19=low
action: - power unit can be switched off


event: - command „rapid halt“
or - rapid halt input X26:19=low
action: - trigger rapid halt function (parameter assignment via P133)


event: - command „inhibit voltage“
or - rapid halt completed (n=0)
or - pulse enabling input X26:14 = low
action: - inhibit drive function
- power unit can be switched off
- monitoring „ready for use“ signal of power supply is switched off

13 all state types FAULT REACTION ACTIVEE

event: - drive fault detected
action: - „ready for use“ relay is switched off
- trigger error-dependant fault reaction


event: - fault reaction completed
action: - inhibit drive function
- monitoring „ready for use“ signal of power supply is switched off
- power unit can be switched off


event: - command „reset fault“
or - RESET ERROR input = low → high
condition: - error no longer present
action: - fault reset is carried out
- switch on „ready for use“ relay

The status only changes if all the actions have been carried out. The sequence of actions corresponds
to the sequence of processing during status change. After carrying out all the actions the next status is
reached, and new commands are accepted.

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„Ready for use“ relay

The state of the relay „ready for use“ changes on the following control transitions:

Transition Action „ready for use“ relay Comment

0 switch off start of drive initialisation

1 switch on end of drive initialisation

13 switch off error occurred

15 switch on all errors are acknowledged, drive without faults

Each state of the drive manager corresponds with a defined state of the „ready for use“ relay.

State „Ready for use“ relay








Monitoring „ready for use“ signal of power supply

The monitoring state is changed only at following states.

Transition Action Comment

3 switch on The time to load the intermediate circuit is considered

6 switch off
12, 13

Each state of the drive manager corresponds with a defined state of the intermediate circuit monito-

State „Ready for use“ relay









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P120 M control word

This parameter corresponds to DRIVECOM object 6040hex and is the input word of the con-
trol unit state machine.

Bit no. Name Comment

0 switch on unit control state machine
1 inhibit voltage unit control state machine
2 rapid halt unit control state machine
3 enable operation unit control state machine
4, 5, 6 mode-dependant see table „total overview of control words“
7 reset fault unit control state machine
8, 9, 10 reserved must always be set = 0
11, 12, 13, 14 mode-dependant see table „total overview of control words“
15 write protection

The drive managers control word is write protected if the write protection bit (bit no. 15) is set
in the control word. After the processing of the write protected control word the drive manager
resets the write protection bit to 0.


The controller can reach the state „operation enabled“ immediately after the switch on of
the electronic power supply, if the control word (see function module drive manager) is ma-
nipulated by digital inputs (see function module digital inputs) and the hardware enable is
active. During the programming of digital inputs this option must be considered and protec-
tive measures have to be ensured on machine-side.
The write protection must be used if the control word is manipulated by digital inputs and a
communication source writes simultaneously on the control word.

The unit control commands are defined in the control word via the following bit combinations:

Command Bit no. 15 Bit no. 7 Bit no. 3 Bit no. 2 * Bit no. 1 * Bit no. 0 Transiti-
write pro- reset operation rapid halt inhibit switch on ons
tection fault enabled voltage
Shutdown ✕ ✕ ✕ 1 1 0 2,6,8
Switch on ✕ ✕ ✕ 1 1 1 3
Inhibit voltage ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ 0 ✕ 7,9,10,12
Rapid halt 1 ✕ ✕ 0 1 ✕ 7,10,11
Inhibit operation ✕ ✕ 0 1 1 1 5
Enable operation ✕ ✕ 1 1 1 1 4
Reset fault ✕ 0 →1 ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ 15
Enable operation 1 ✕ 1 1 1 1 2

The bits designated with ✕ have no effect on the unit control state.

* low active

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Control word: total overview for all modes

Bit Loca- Cur- Speed Speed Posi- Manual Syn- Refe- Target Spindle
no. ting rent control specifi- tion mode chroni- rence position posi-
position control cation control sation run specifi- tioning
1 control mode cation
-1 -2 -31) 21) -4 5 -5 6 1 -6

0 SWITCH ON (state machine)

1 INHIBIT VOLTAGE (state machine) *

2 RAPID HALT (state machine) *

3 ENABLE OPERATION (state machine)

4 ✕ ✕ RFG RFG- * ✕ ✕ ✕ starting new set ✕

inhibit inhibit refe- value
rence run

5 ✕ ✕ RFG RFG * ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕
stop stop

6 ✕ ✕ RFG- RFG * ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕
zero zero

7 reset fault (state machine)

8 ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕
9 ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕
10 ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕
11 ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ inching ✕ ✕ start of ✕
forward posi-
12 ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ inching ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕
13 ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕
14 ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕
15 write protection

The bits designated with ✕ have no effect on the unit control state.

* low active

1) The bits 4, 5, and 6 have the following priorities in operating modes -3 and 2:
Bit no. 4 before bit no. 5 before bit no. 6

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P121 M state word

This parameter corresponds to DRIVECOM object 6041hex and is the output word of the unit
control state machine.

Bit no. Name Comment

0 READY TO START state machine
1 SWITCHED ON state machine
2 OPERATION ENABLED state machine
3 FAULT state machine
4 INHIBIT VOLTAGE bit no. 4 = 0: The „inhibit voltage“ requirement is
present (command or main contactor contact)
5 RAPID HALT state machine
6 INHIBIT START state machine
7, 8 reserved reserved
9 remote bit no. 9 = 1: Parameter can be assigned via the sel-
ected communication source
10 set value reached bit no. 10 = 1: Depending on the active mode it is
indicated whether the present set value is reached.
11 reserved reserved
12, 13 mode dependant see table „total overview for all modes“
14, 15 state bits see P134, P135

The unit state is represented by the following bit combinations in the state word:

Bit in state word

State of the Bit no. 6 Bit no.5 * Bit no. 3 Bit no. 2 Bit no. 1 Bit no. 0
NOT READY 0 ✕ 0 0 0 0

INHIBIT START 1 ✕ 0 0 0 0
READY TO 0 1 0 0 0 1

SWITCHED ON 0 1 0 0 1 1
OPERATION 0 1 0 1 1 1

FAULT 0 ✕ 1 0 0 0
FAULT REAC- 0 ✕ 1 1 1 1

RAPID HALT 0 0 0 1 1 1

The bits designated with ✕ have no effect on the unit control state.

* low active

150 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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State word: total overview for all modes

Bit Loca- Cur- Speed Speed Posi- Manual Syn- Refe- Target Spindle
no. ting rent control specifi- tion mode chroni- rence position posi-
position control cation 1 control sation run specifi- tioning
control mode cation
-1 -2 -3 2 -4 5 -5 6 1 -6
0 READY TO START (state machine)

1 SWITCHED ON (state machine)

2 ENABLE OPERATION (state machine)

3 FAULT (state machine)

4 VOLTAGE INHIBITED (state machine) *

5 RAPID HALT (state machine) *

6 INHIBIT START (state machine)

7 ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕
8 ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕
9 remote

10 set value reached

speed speed position position refe- position in posi-
✕ ✕ set set set value ✕ set value rence reached tion
value value speed

11 ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕
12 ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ refe- set value ✕
rence acknow-
run finis- ledge-
hed ment
13 ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ refe- ✕ ✕
run error

14 state bit see P134, M state bit 14

15 state bit see P135, M state bit 15

The bits designed with ✕ are reserved and have to be set 0.

* low active

Bit no. 10: „set value reached“ is actualised only in state OPERATION ENABLED.

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P122 M desired operation mode

This parameter corresponds to DRIVECOM object 6060hex and sets the mode for the drive.

Selection code Mode Comment

-6 Spindle positioning standard, see additional description
technology function positioning
-5 Synchronisation control standard
-4 Position control standard
-3 Speed control standard
-2 Current control standard
-1 Locating position reference point setting standard
1 Target position specification standard, see additional description
technology function positioning
2 Speed specification 1 standard
5 Manual mode standard, see additional description
technology function positioning
6 Reference run mode standard, see additional description
technology function positioning

The operation modes can be changed with controller disabled (off-line), but partly with enab-
led controller (on-line). See table M actual mode (P123), too.

P123 M actual operation mode

This parameter corresponds to DRIVECOM object 6061hex and indicates the currently active
drive mode (see also set mode table). For switching from the current mode to the desired ac-
tual mode the following schematic diagram applies:
Mode switching

Mode switching from

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 2 6 5 1 -6

Synchro- Posi- Speed Cur- Loca- Speed Refe- Man. Target Spindle
nisation tion control rent ting specifi- rence mode position posi-
to control control control position cation 1 run mode spec. tioning

Synchronisation ✕ 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2

Position control 2 ✕ 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2

Speed control 2 2 ✕ 2 1 2 2 2 2 2

Current control 2 2 2 ✕ 1 2 2 2 2 2

Locating position 1 1 1 2 ✕ 1 1 1 1 1

Speed specif. 1 2 2 2 2 1 ✕ 2 2 2 2

Reference run 2 2 2 2 1 2 ✕ 2 2 2

Manual mode 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 ✕ 2 2

Target position 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 ✕ 2

Spindle posi- 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 ✕

152 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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When 1
mode switching is only possible off-line in the INHIBIT START, READY TO START and
SWITCHED ON state types.

When 2
mode switching is possible off-line in the INHIBIT START, READY TO START and SWIT-
CHED ON state type as well as on-line in the OPERATION ENABLED state.

P124 M error code

In case of a fault, the corresponding error code can be found here. This error is acknowledged
if the bit „reset fault“ in the control word (P120) is set from 0 to 1 or the input „error reset“ is
enabled (see P136 M mode).
If several errors are present, the next error is displayed immediately after acknowledgement.
Error codes see chapter maintenance, error messages.

P125 M error index

This parameter indicates the number of errors which are present. On acknowledgement of
each error the displayed value is decreased. The parameter contains the number 0 after ack-
nowledging all errors.

P136 M mode
This parameter chooses the different options to acknowledge an error message (see connec-
tion of function inputs in chapter installation).

Bit no. Meaning

0 0: errors are acknowledged individually with bit no. 7 0 → 1
1: errors are acknowledged in one go with bit no. 7 0 → 1
1 0: acknowledge errors only with control word P120 possible
(e.g. with digital input 3 X26:18 DELETE ERROR)
1: acknowledge errors only with pulse enabling input X26:14 possible
2 0: pulse enabling and controller enabling are interpreted as single signals (pulse enab-
ling X26:14, CONTROLLER ENABLING with digital input 4 X26:17
1: pulse enabling and CONTROLLER ENABLING are interpreted as one combined
signal (X26:14)
3 ... 15 reserved

P137 M state 1

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 3 Shows the state number displayed in the 7 segment display
4, 5 00: drive displays no error
01: error has occurred, error reaction is set in P189
11: fatal error has occurred, immediate pulse
6 ... 15 reserved

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P126 M communication source

The access rights of the various sources of communication are managed via this parameter.
Sources of communication are all program modules which exchange data with a master con-
trol via a communication protocol. As several of these program modules can be implemented
in the drive, but not all modules can have simultaneous access to all parameters (particularly
the drive manager's status word P120), write-access must be managed correspondingly.

Depending on the parameter „communication source“ the drive manager activates and deac-
tivates the various communication modules. Each communication module has a state para-
meter where the current state (RUN/STOP) is displayed.
A communication module is only allowed to write-access drive parameters when in the RUN
status. In the STOP status no write-access is allowed. Reading the drive parameters is pos-
sible in any state.
The parameters M communication source (P126) and DSM command (P190) can be chan-
ged always with service interface and dual port RAM interface (BASS protocol, operation pro-
According to the unit configuration, the following sources of communication are possible:

Bit no. Meaning

0 1: BASS protocol via RS 232 enabled
1 1: USS protocol via RS 485 enabled
2 1: dual port RAM (cyclic data) enabled
3 1: dual port RAM (working data) enabled
4 ... 15 reserved

If the parameter „communication source“ is set to 0, the drive can only be controlled via pulse
enabling (PE), rapid halt (RH) and CONTROLLER ENABLING. As no master control is availa-
ble, the drive manager itself can set the corresponding control commands.

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P127 M communication monitoring

Monitoring of the sources of communication can be activated via this parameter.

Bit no. Meaning

0 1: BASS protocol via RS 232 is monitored
1 1: USS protocol via RS 485 is monitored
2 1: dual port RAM (cyclic data) is monitored
3 1: dual port RAM (working data) is monitored
4 ... 15 reserved

P128 M monitoring time

This parameter sets the time constant of communication monitoring. It is valid for all sources
of communication.
If no information from the current communication source is received within the period set in
the parameter „monitoring time“, e.g. as a result of an open circuit on an interface cable or
defective communication card, the action selected in the parameter „monitoring selection co-
de“ is carried out. Monitoring time can be up to one minute with the representation unit being
1 ms. If the time 0 ms is entered, monitoring is switched off.
If the controller is operated without communication (P126 = 0), monitoring time must be set
to 0 ms.

P129 M monitoring code

This parameter corresponds to DRIVECOM object 6004hex and determines the drive reaction
in the event of the communication monitoring time being exceeded. It is not important which
communication source caused the timeout.

Selection mode Function

-2 command SHUTDOWN is updated
-1 command INHIBIT OPERATION is updated
0 no action
1 transition to fault state
2 command INHIBIT VOLTAGE is updated
3 command RAPID HALT is updated

P130 M HALT code

This parameter corresponds to DRIVECOM object 605Dhex and determines the drive reaction
in the unit control state machine in the OPERATION_ENABLED status. The HALT function
is only implemented in the speed control and speed specification 1 modes.

Depending on control bit no. 4 „inhibit RFG“ the HALT function selected by the HALT code is
carried out.

Code Function
0 inhibit drive function
1 shutdown procedure at ramp-down ramp of ramp function generator
2 shutdown procedure at RAPID HALT ramp (set at P009)
3 shutdown procedure at current limit

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P131 M RAPID HALT code

This parameter corresponds to DRIVECOM object 605Ahex and determines the drive reaction
in the unit control state machine in the RAPID HALT ACTIVE state.

Code Function
0 inhibit drive function
1 shutdown procedure at ramp-down ramp of ramp function generator
2 shutdown procedure at RAPID HALT ramp (set at P009)
3 shutdown procedure at current limit

P132 M INHIBIT code

This parameter corresponds to DRIVECOM object 605Chex and determines the drive reaction
in the unit control state machine during transition 5.

Code Function
0 inhibit drive function
1 shutdown procedure at ramp-down ramp of ramp function generator
2 shutdown procedure at RAPID HALT ramp (set at P009)
3 shutdown procedure at current limit

P133 M SHUTDOWN code

This parameter corresponds to DRIVECOM object 605Bhex and determines the drive reaction
in the unit control state machine during transition 8.

Code Function
0 inhibit drive function
1 shutdown procedure at ramp-down ramp of ramp function generator
2 shutdown procedure at RAPID HALT ramp (set at P009)
3 shutdown procedure at current limit

P134 M state bit no. 14

P135 M state bit no. 15
This parameters guide the bit no. 14 and 15 in state word (P120). From arbitrary 16 bit para-
meters a single bit can copied to the state word.

Bit no. Meaning

0... 10 1 .. 2047: no. of parameter, binary code
0 state bit is not updated
11 reserved
12 ... 15 0 ... 15: bit no., binary code


1.The N=0 signal from encoder 1 (P025, bit no. 10) should be connected with state bit no. 14:
P134 must be set to A019hex.
2.Exceeding the dynamic deviation (P200, bit no. 4) should be connected with state bit no. 15.
P135 must be set to 40C8hex .

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P188 M error reaction time

If an error occurs, the error reaction time is started. The set error reaction in P189 must be
finished within this time, otherwise the drive will be inhibited immediately (inhibit pulses).

P189 M error reaction code

This parameter sets the drive’s reaction to a defined error in state ERROR REACTION AC-
TIVE (see chapter maintenance, error messages).
If a fatal error occurs, the setting of P189 will be ignored and the drive function is inhibited
immediately (inhibit pulses).

Code Function
0 inhibit drive function
1 shutdown procedure at ramp-down ramp of ramp function generator
2 shutdown procedure at RAPID HALT ramp (set at P009)
3 shutdown procedure at current limit

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7.20 Data Set Management


Data sets can be loaded from EPROM, changed and saved. 4 data sets can be managed at every time.

After switching on (booting)

Directly after switching on the operating voltage supply the DSM (data set management) automati-
cally loads the boot data set (data set 0) into the drive's user memory.
After successful execution of this command the DSM stops in
state 0003: STAND_BY (P191)
message 0000: no error (P192).
If no boot data set has been created yet, the DSM is in
state 000B: STAND_BY with error (P191)
message 0002: data set not available (P192).
In addition to the drive managers state changes to „F“ fault and parameter M error code (P124) dis-
plays the error code 0902.

Creating and updating a boot data set


Prior to any new action the DSM (data set management) must first be reset by the command 0:
Reset (P190)

This measure sets all DSM parameters to value 0. This also refers to data set name (P193) and data
set version (P194), which in this state represent the boot data set.
It must now be set via the command 5: write data set into EEPROM (P190) how the boot data set is
to be created for the first time in EEPROM or how an existing boot data set is to be updated. 1)
Only in the case of message 0000: no error (P192) and DSM state 0003: STAND_BY is the data set
been written correctly.
The counter „DS program cycle“ (P197) is increased by 1.

Creating and updating other data sets

The procedure is identical to that of creating and updating a boot data set except that the parameter
data set name (P193) can now be selected from numbers 1 to 2.
Data sets can be transmitted to the working memory with command 6: read data set from EEPROM
Only in the case of DSM message 0000: no error (P192) and DSM state 0003: STAND_BY has the
data set been written correctly.

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Source load of the parameters

If a source load is carried out the standard values of the parameter list are set and therefore a defined
state is reached.
The procedure of the source load is mentioned below:
1. P190 = 0 command reset data set management
2. P190 = 7 command delete data set
3. Wait until P191 = 0003
4. Switch off power supply of controller
5. Switch on power supply of controller
6. Now is displayed: P191 = 000B stand-by with error
P192 = 0002 data set not available
P124 = 0902
The controller´s state is fault
7. P190 = 0 command reset data set management
8. P190 = 5 command store data set
9. Wait until P191 = 000B

Store the write protected data set

1. P190 = 0 command reset data set management
2. P190 = 8 command input password
3. P190 = password 1
4. P190 = 0 command reset data set management
5. P193 = 3 DS no. write-protected data set
6. P190 = 5 command store data set

Change article no. of data set

1. P190 = 0 command reset data set management
2. P190 = 8 command input password
3. P190 = password 2
4. P190 = 0 command reset data set management
5. P193 = 0, 1, 2, (3)* data set no.
6. P194 = new article no. hexadecimal number
7. P190 = 5 command store data set
* only possible, if password 1 was already given

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Overview of the commands

Parameter overview

Parameter name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P190 DSM command 0 ... 8 0

P191 DSM state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P192 DSM message 0000 ... FFFF ✕
P195 DSM message Pxxx 0 ... 700 ✕
P193 DSM DS name 0 ... 3

P194 DSM DS article no. 0000 0000 ... FFFF FFFF ✕

P197 DSM DS program cycles 0 ... 65536 ✕
P196 DSM load data set 0 ... 3

P198 DSV key 0000 ... 0003 ✕

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Parameter description

P190 DSM command

This command instructs the data set management to load, save of delete an existing data set.


This parameter is independent of the parameter M communication source (P126) always


Command Meaning
0 reset of data set management
The parameter P191 till P195 are set automatically to 0.
5 save data set from user memory to EEPROM
6 load data set from EEPROM to user memory
7 delete EEPROM data set
8 input password

P191 DSM state

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 2 000 : STOP Data set management is ready for a command or for changing data
001 : RUN Data set management is processing a command.
011 : STAND_BY Data set management has finished a command.
3 1 : An error has occurred in the data set management.
Error code see P124, M error code and P192, DSM message
4 ... 15 reserved

P192 DSM message

If a message occurs during the implementation of a command, it is displayed in this parame-

Bit no. Meaning

0 1: undefined command
1 1: data set not available
2 1: wrong check sum
3 1: parameter not changeable
4 reserved
5 1: memory full
6 1: error in configuration list
7 1: undefined parameter format

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P195 DSM message Pxxx

If a message has occurred (P192 ≠ 0), this parameter shows the parameter no. involved.

P193 DSM DS name

A maximum of 4 data sets can be managed in each memory area. They are selected via the
parameter „data set name“.

Value Memory range EEPROM (non-volatile)

0 data set 0 (boot data set)
1 data set 1
2 data set 2
3 data set 3 (write-protected data set)

P194 DSM DS article no.

Article no. of a data set ex factory.

P197 DSM DS program cycles

Number of write actions on this data set.

P196 DSM load data set

The data set with the corresponding number (0...2) can be loaded from the EEPROM into the
working memory via this parameter.
The following procedure should be adhered to:

Firstly, ensure that the status of the data set management (P191) is either set to 0
(STOP) or to 0003 (STAND_BY).
Next enter the number of the required data set in the parameter, P196 (DSM load data
All further steps follow independently:
– The number of the required data set is displayed in parameter P193.
– The command 6 „load data set from EEPROM into user memory“ is visible in the pa-
rameter P191 (DSM command).
– The data set is loaded.
The procedure is completed once the DSM status displays again state 0003
(Incidentally entered numbers should be ignored.)

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Change data set via P196

The time in which this procedure is carried out will differ according to the loading of the mi-


This parameter can be used to change data sets via digital inputs. A change over must not
be executed if controller is enabled!

P198 DSM key

Bit no. Meaning

0 0: Data set 3 is write-protected
1: Data set 3 is write-enabled
(only after input of password 1)
1 0: The article no. of all data sets is write-protected
1: The article no. of all data sets is write-enabled
(only after input of password 2)
2 ... 15 reserved

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7.21 Operation System

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P138 Language 0 ... 4

P166 OS state 0000 ... FFFF

P162 OS message 0 ... 9999 ✕

P161 OS sampling time 124,8 ... 4000,0 µs ✕
P167 OS sync. slot 0 ... 8000 µs

P168 OS sync. offset 0 ... 8000 µs

P159 OS sync. tolerance 0,2 ... 80,0 µs

P174 OS user software 0 ... 99 ✕

P163 OS BUS6-VC SW release 0,00 ... 99,99 ✕
P160 OS selection 0 ... 1000

P169 OS value 0 ... 65535

Parameter description

P138 Language
Here you can set the language for parameter text.

Value Language
1 German
2 English
3 reserved
4 reserved

P166 OS state
This parameter displays the state of the function module operation systems.

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 3 1: operation system runs
4 1: controller is synchronized to sync. signal
5 1: correction of synchronisation active within longer controller sampling time
6 1: correction of synchronisation active within shorter controller sampling time
7 sync. signal is available
8 ... 11 reserved
12 1: main program cycle time exceeds maximum value
13 1: task calculation time has exceeded maximum value
14 1: sync. IR calculation time has exceeded maximum value
15 reserved

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P162 OS message
This parameter shows the number of operation system errors.

P161 OS sampling time

The system clock shows the run interval of the shortest operation system time slot.

P167 OS sync. slot

Value Meaning
0 operation system synchronisation is not active
500 µs controller synchronisation in 0.5 ms clock time*
1000 µs controller synchronisation in 1 ms clock time*
2000 µs controller synchronisation in 2 ms clock time*
4000 µs controller synchronisation in 4 ms clock time*
8000 µs controller synchronisation in 8 ms clock time*

* The zero pulse evaluation via encoder input 2 is not possible.

P168 OS sync. offset

The synchronisation time point can be moved within the chosen synchronization clock.

P159 OS sync. tolerance

Within the set tolerance range the sync. signal is allowed to differ from nominal value for a
short time.
pos. sync. tolerance
Synchronization clock time
z.B. 1 ms

Sync. offset
Sync. signal Start of
time slot
neg. sync. tolerance Time of

P174 OS user SW

Value Meaning
0 production run software
>0 user fitted software

P163 OS BUS6-VC SW release

This parameter displays the software release of the controller.

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P160 OS selection
P169 OS value
With this parameter different measured values can be read from operation system.

Selection P160 Value P169 Unit

4 Maximum value of main program cycle time [1 ms]
(The maximum value memory can be reset through writing on)
40 Actual measured values of main program cycle time [1 ms]
41 Maximum value of main program cycle time (from SW 14.09) [250 µs]
42 Actual measured value of main program cycle time (from SW 14.09) [250 µs]
5 16 bit counter for main program cycles [1]

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7.22 Ramp Function Generator


The ramp function generator (RFG) manages the 4 set value inputs, which can alternatively be switched
to the output. The ramp-up and ramp-down times can be set separately for each input.
(If set to STOP by means of P013, only the ramp-down time can be adjusted)
All inputs and the output of the ramp function generator are relative parameters (± 100 %) and standard-
ized to maximum speed (P019).
The ramp steepness for the acceleration and braking procedures are determined by the ramp-up and
ramp-down times. The times thus refer to 100 % set value alteration.
With exception of the fourth set speed value, which is programmed to zero, every input can take speed
values between -100 % and +100 %. 100 % corresponds with maximum speed (P019).
The ramp function generator is only active in mode speed control (P122 = -3) and speed precontrol 1
(P122 = 1), as well at the different braking procedures initiated by the drive manager (transitions 5, 8 and

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Parameter overview:

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P014 RFG state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P013 RFG mode 0000 ... 007F

P002 RFG input 1 -100,00 ... 100,00 %

P004 RFG input 2 -100,00 ... 100,00 %

P006 RFG input 3 -100,00 ... 100,00 %

P003 RFG ramp-up time 1 0,00 ... 650,00 s

P010 RFG ramp-down time 1 0,00 ... 650,00 s

P005 RFG ramp-up time 2 0,00 ... 650,00 s

P011 RFG ramp-down time 2 0,00 ... 650,00 s

P007 RFG ramp-up time 3 0,00 ... 650,00 s

P012 RFG ramp-down time 3 0,00 ... 650,00 s

P009 RFG time halt 0.000 ... 60,000 s

P016 RFG rounding 0 ... 60000 ms

P001 RFG output -100,00 ... 100,00 % ✕

Parameter description

P014 RFG state

Displays the function module´s state.

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 2 000: STOP 001: RUN
3 1: error in function module, error code see M error code (P124)
4 1: RFG output is set internally to 0 (RFG_LOCKED)
5 1: RFG was stopped on the ramp (RFG_STOP)
6 1: RFG input is set internally to set value 0 (RFG_ZERO)
7 1: rapid-halt ramp is active (RFG_RHALT)
8 1: ramp-up procedure is active
9 1: ramp-down procedure is active
10 ... 11 reserved
12 1: RFG output = RFG input (set value reached)
13 ... 15 reserved

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P013 RFG mode

The input selection chooses one out of four inputs of the ramp function generator and acti-
vates the set value limitation.

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 2 000: halt *)

001: input 1
010: input 2
011: input 3
100: sum of input 1 and input 2
3 1: negative set values are disabled
4 1: positive set values are disabled
5 1: change polarity of actual set value
6 1: halt is activated, the motor brakes to speed 0 with set ramp. The controller is
active after n = 0. **)
7 from SW 09.10
0: P009 HLG time halt is related to 100 % set value changing
1: P009 HLG time halt is related to the actual set value ⇒ N=0 ***)

8 ... 15 reserved

P016 RFG rounding active while halt ramp. P047 N additional set value active furthermore.
P016 RFG rounding active while halt ramp. P047 N additional set value is set to 0 %.
from SW 14.10
Restriction when bit 7 = 1:
With very small set speed and long halt time a value < 1 is calculated for the internal speed change.
For the deceleration the internal minimum value of 1 is used then.
halt time [s]
Limit: ------------------------------------------- ≤ 5368
actual set value

P002 RFG input 1

P004 RFG input 2
P006 RFG input 3
All 3 inputs are balanced and can be written via the serial interface, position controller and
the set value generator as well as the analog set value input.

P003 RFG ramp-up time 1

P005 RFG ramp-up time 2
P007 RFG ramp-up time 3
The acceleration assigned to the inputs can be set via the ramp-up times. The time selected
here correspond to a set value alteration of 100 %.

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P010 RFG ramp-down time 1

P011 RFG ramp-down time 2
P012 RFG ramp-down time 3
P009 RFG time halt
The deceleration assigned to the inputs can be set via the ramp-down times. The time select-
ed here correspond to a set value alteration of 100 %.

P016 RFG rounding

A first-order time delay element is implemented in order to round off ramp corners. The time
constants of the PT1 device can be set by this parameter.

P001 RFG output

This parameter displays the actual output value.

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7.23 Set Value Generator


Only parameters of 2 byte length are used in this module.


The module creates a plateau set value for each of the 4 time zones. Both the plateau amplitude and the
output time interval per zone can be allocated parameters. The amplitudes are relative and are standar-
dised by means of the min./max. receiver values. On termination of the last time zone the first time zone
starts again. Each time the controller is enabled the set value generator is newly started in zone 1. When
leaving the state „operation enabled“ (P121), the set value generator is stopped.

Thus e.g. the following speed set value graph can be created:

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P150 SVG state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P140 SVG target Pxxx 0 ... 700

P141 SVG output - 100,00 ... + 100,00 % ✕

P142 SVG set value 1 - 100,00 ... + 100,00 %

P143 SVG set value 2 - 100,00 ... + 100,00 %

P144 SVG set value 3 - 100,00 ... + 100,00 %

P145 SVG set value 4 - 100,00 ... + 100,00 %

P146 SVG time 1 0,001 ... 60,000 s

P147 SVG time 2 0,001 ... 60,000 s

P148 SVG time 3 0,001 ... 60,000 s

P149 SVG time 4 0,001 ... 60,000 s

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Parameter description

P150 SVG state

This parameter displays the internal function module state.

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 2 000: STOP 001: RUN
3 ... 15 reserved

P140 SVG target Pxxx

To this parameter no. the output value is written (e.g. parameter P002, input 1 ramp function

P141 SVG output value

The actual set value is displayed here.

P142 SVG set value 1

P143 SVG set value 2
P144 SVG set value 3
P145 SVG set value 4
Parameter values between -100 % and +100 % can be assigned to these 4-amplitude-param-
eters. The amplitudes are connected to the output value according to the time assigned to

P146 SVG time 1

P147 SVG time 2
P148 SVG time 3
P149 SVG time 4
Values between 8 ms and 60 s can be assigned to these time parameters. The corresponding
amplitudes are switched to the output value during these time intervals.

172 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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7.24 Motor Potentiometer


The motor potentiometer allows the alteration of all signed parameter values with data length 2 bytes.
Therefore it is necessary to program two digital inputs on the parameter EA motor potentiometer +
(P271) and EA motor potentiometer - (P272). The cycle time of the function module is 32 ms.

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P270 EA mode 0 ... 2

P271 EA motor potentiometer + 0 ... 1

P272 EA motor potentiometer - 0 ... 1

P273 EA motor potentiometer Pxxx 0 ... 700

P274 EA motor potentiometer dynamics 0 ... 2

P275 EA motor potentiometer increment 0,01 ...20,00 %

P276 EA motor potentiometer value - 199,99 ... + 199,99 % ✕

P567 EA state 0000 ... FFFF ✕
P568 EA ramp-up final value - 100,00 ... + 100,00 %

P569 EA ramp-down final value - 100,00 ... + 100,00 %

Parameter description

P270 EA mode

Value Meaning
0 no function
1 motor potentiometer function active
motor potentiometer value is synchronized on value of motor potentiometer Pxxx
2 motor potentiometer function active
motor potentiometer value and motor potentiometer Pxxx are set to 0 when switched on

P271 EA motor potentiometer +

Value Meaning
0 inching + off
1 inching + on („motor potentiometer output value“ is increased)

P272 EA motor potentiometer -

Value Meaning
0 inching - off
1 inching - on („motor potentiometer output value“ is decreased)

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The motor potentiometer output value is not changed, if EA motor potentiometer + and
EA motor potentiometer - equal 1.
No target parameter number check is carried out.

P273 EA motor potentiometer Pxxx

The inching function target Pxxx serves to specify the receiver address ( = target parameter)
of the output value, e.g. input ramp function generator.

P274 EA motor potentiometer dynamics

The setting dynamics for key operation can be set here.

Value Meaning
0 Step-by-step increment, on every LO/HI transition the output value is changed by the
value „increment“ with the correct polarity
1 Linear increment, during the HI signal the output value is changed by the value „increment“
at every cycle
2 Square-law increment, during the HI signal the output value is changed with the right
polarity at every cycle with square-law „increment“

P275 EA motor potentiometer increment

The value by which the output value is altered on key operation can be set via this parameter.

The motor potentiometer increment is internal standardized the following way:

increment ( P275 ) [ % ]
increment int = ----------------------------------------------------------- ⋅ MAX value

MAXvalue = maximum amount of the range limits of the target parameter

For MAXvalue the internal standardization is used.
(see Parameter List on page 241.)

e.g. increment = 0,4 % (P275)

motor potentiometer Pxxx = 6 (P273) MAXvalue = 16383
0, 4
increment int = ---------- ⋅ 16383 = 66 (round)

66 ⋅ 100%
that means effective increment = ---------------------------- ≈ 0, 403%

P276 EA motor potentiometer value

This parameter describes the inching function module output.

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P567 EA state
Displays the internal state of the function module.

Bit-Nr. Bedeutung
0 ... 2 000: STOP (motor potentiometer switched off)
001: RUN (motor potentiometer switched on)
3 reserved
4 1: ramp-up final value reached with inching +
5 1: ramp-down final value reached with inching -
6 1: key inching + pressed
7 1: key inching - pressed
8 1: inching + active (ramp-up)*
9 1: inching - active (ramp-down)*
10 1: limit of the target parameter reached
11 ... 15 reserved

*: Bit 8 and 9 are deleted as soon as the limiters are reached.


From SW 14.07.

P568 EA ramp-up final value

This maximum value is not exceeded by the motor potentiometer even the "inching +" key is

The value must be higher than the lower limit set in P569 EA ramp-down final value. If this
condition is not fulfilled the input value is rejected.


From SW 14.07.
If this final value is changed and the current output value (P267) is then outside the limiters,
the drive moves towards the limited direction and the output value is set to the new final
value when the inching key is pressed the first time.

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P569 EA ramp-down final value

Even the "inching -" key is pressed, this value is the minimum value that can be reached.

The value must be lower than the upper limit set in P568 EA ramp-up final value. If this con-
dition is not fulfilled the input value is rejected.


From SW 14.07.
If this final value is changed and the current output value (P267) is then outside the limiters,
the drive moves towards the limited direction and the output value is set to the new final
value when the inching key is pressed the first time.

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7.25 Analog Inputs


The function module in combination with the 2 analog inputs enable the programming of 2 byte length
parameters. Cycle time of analog inputs: 1 ms

Six parameters are assigned to each input:

– AI input channel: input channel entry
– AI smoothing: smoothing time constant [ms].
– AI scaling: scaling factor entry
– AI offset: offset entry
– AI threshold value: sensitivity of inputs
– AI target Pxxx: target parameter number entry
– AI value: current output value


The sequence of the parameter setting is irrelevant. Switching is carried out as soon as the target
parameter number has been set.
The target parameter number must be reset to zero in order to deactivate an input. However, the
target parameter still contains the last output value. If AI target Pxxx is deactivated or newly set,
the parameter „AI x offset“ is additionally set to zero.

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Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P302 AI state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P277 AI 1 input channel 0 ... 1

P278 AI 1 smoothing 1 ... 30 ms

from SW 14.10
0 ... 30

P279 AI 1 scaling -2,00 ... 2,00

P280 AI 1 target Pxxx 0 ... 700

P281 AI 1 offset -100,00 ... +100,00 %

P282 AI 1 threshold value 0,00 ... 100,00 %

P283 AI 1 value -100,00 ... +100,00 % ✕

P284 AI 2 input channel 0 ... 1

P285 AI 2 smoothing 1 ... 30 ms

from SW 14.10
0 ... 30

P286 AI 2 scaling -2,00 ... 2,00

P287 AI 2 target Pxxx 0 ... 700

P288 AI 2 offset -100,00 ... +100,00 %

P289 AI 2 threshold value 0,00 ... 100,00 %

P290 AI 2 value -100,00 ... +100,00 % ✕

Parameter description

P302 AI state
This parameter indicates the status of the analog inputs module.

Bit No. Meaning

0 0: Evaluation of analog input 1 disabled
1: Evaluation of analog input 1 enabled
1 0: Evaluation of analog input 2 disabled
1: Evaluation of analog input 2 enabled
2 ... 7 Reserve
8 ... 15 Identifier of the option board
00: No option board connected
04: Option board with analog input channel with 16 bit resolution
(adjustable via analog input x input channel = 2)
All other values: reserved

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P277 AI 1 input channel

P284 AI 2 input channel
Entry of the analog input for respective channel.
The two hardware implemented analog inputs 1 and 2 can be connected with each input
channels. It is further possible to connect an analog input with different input channels.


AI x input channel = 2 must be set only, if an option board with identifier 04 is present.

P278 AI 1 smoothing
P285 AI 2 smoothing
In order to smooth interference on the analog input signal a smoothing time constant can be
entered in ms. Smoothing is switched off if the respective parameter is set to its minimum

P279 AI 1 scaling
P286 AI 2 scaling
These parameters enable scaling of the analog input variable.

The output values (see parameters P283, P290, P297, P304) of unsigned parameters are 0
till +100% and of signed parameters are -100 till +100%. Which analog input voltage this ma-
ximum values achieved depends on the scaling factor.

P280 AI 1 target Pxxx

P287 AI 2 target Pxxx
The receiver address for the output value can be set via this parameter.


No target parameter number check is carried out.

P281 AI 1 offset
P288 AI 2 offset
These parameters can compensate for a possibly existing input voltage offset.

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P282 AI 1 threshold value

P289 AI 2 threshold value
The sensitivity of the inputs can be set via the threshold values.

P283 AI 1 value
P290 AI 2 value
The AI value displays the respective current output value taking scaling and offset compen-
sation into consideration.

Basics of equation:

Maximum target parameter value: MAX_value

Analog input voltage: Uin { -10 ... +10 V };

Uinmax = +10V;


Unsigned parameters:

U in [ V ] + 10V
AI_value [ % ] = ---------------------------------
- *Scaling*100 %+Offset
2 ⋅ U inmax [ V ]

if AI_value > 100 % → AI_value = 100 %

Signed parameters:

U in [ V ]
AI_value [ % ] = -------------------------
- *Scaling*100 %+Offset
U inmax [ V ]

if AI_value > 100 % → AI_value = 100 %

if AI_value < -100 % → AI_value = -100 %

Both for signed and unsigned parameters

|AI_value [%]| < threshold value [%] then AI_value = 0 %

Written to the target parameter:

Value t arg et = -------------------------------- ⋅ MAXvalue

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Input voltage ↔ AI-value [%] * MAX_value

→ target parameter value
scaling = 1; offset = 0%; threshold value = 0%;
Unsigned target parameter: Signed target parameter:
10 V ↔ 100 % * MAX_value 10 V ↔ 100 % * MAX_value
5V ↔ 75 % * MAX_value 5V ↔ 50 % * MAX_value
0V ↔ 50 % * MAX_value 0V ↔ 0 % * MAX_value
-5V ↔ 25 % * MAX_value -5V ↔ -50 % * MAX_value
- 10 V ↔ 0 % * MAX_value - 10 V ↔ -100 % * MAX_value

scaling = 2; offset = -100%; threshold value = 0%;

Unsigned target parameter: Signed target parameter:
10 V ( 100 % * MAX_value 10 V ( 100 % * MAX_value
5V ( 50 % * MAX_value 5V ( 0 % * MAX_value
0V ( 0 % * MAX_value 0V ( -100 % * MAX_value
-5V ( 0 % * MAX_value (limitation !) -5V ( -100 % * MAX_value (limitation !)
- 10 V ( 0 % * MAX_value (limitation !) - 10 V ( -100 % * MAX_value (limitation !)

scaling = 1; offset = 0; threshold value = 10.1%;

Unsigned target parameter: Signed target parameter:
10 V ( 100 % * MAX_value 10 V ( 100 % * MAX_value
5V ( 75 % * MAX_value 5V ( 50 % * MAX_value
0V ( 50 % * MAX_value 1V ( 0 % * MAX_value (threshold !)
-5 V ( 25 % * MAX_value -1V ( 0 % * MAX_value (threshold !)
-9V ( 0 % * MAX_value (threshold !) -5V ( -50 % * MAX_value
- 10 V ( 0 % * MAX_value - 10 V ( -100 % * MAX_value

Examples of characteristic curves:

Unsigned target parameter Signed target parameter

Offset = 0 %; scaling = 1 Offset = 0 %; scaling = 1

AI_value [%]
AI_value [%]

-10 Threshold Uin [V]
Threshold +10

Uin [V]
-10 0 +10

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7.26 Analog Outputs


The module „analog outputs“ transmits freely selectable (and scalable) parameter values to an analog
output via a 12-bit digital-to-analog converter. It is possible transmitting 32-bit parameter either the low
word to one channel or to channel 1 the low word and to channel 2 the high word of the 32 bit parameter.
At a voltage range of ± 10 V the output current should not exceed 1 mA.


The following sequence must be observed for writing the parameters:

1. AA x source-Pxxx
2. AA x offset
3. AA x scaling

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P338 AO state 0 ... FFFF - ✕

P337 AO test value -10,000 ... +10,000 V

P330 AO 1 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P331 AO 1 offset -100000 ... +100000 Dig

P332 AO 1 scaling -25000 ... +25000 Dig/V

P334 AO 2 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P335 AO 2 offset -100000 ... +100000 Dig

P336 AO 2 scaling -25000 ... +25000 Dig/V

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Parameter description

P338 AO state
Display of internal function module state.

Bit no. Meaning

0 0: STOP, analog output 1 switched off
1: RUN, analog output 1 is active
1 ... 3 reserved
4 analog output 1 at negative threshold (-10V) (X26:7)
5 analog output 1 at positive threshold (+10V) (X26:7)
8 0: STOP, analog output 2 switched off
1: RUN, analog output 2 is active
9...11 reserved
12 analog output 2 at negative threshold (-10V) (X26:8)
13 analog output 2 at positive threshold (+10V) (X26:8)
14 ... 15 reserved

P337 AO test value

The analog output (DA converter) can be tested via this parameter.
e.g. AO 1 source Pxxx P330 = 337
AO test value P337 = +10 → analog output 1 = + 10 V

AO 1 scaling P332 = -2000 → analog output 1 = - 5 V

AO offset channel 1 P331 = 14000 → analog output 1 = + 2 V

P330 AO 1 source Pxxx

P334 AO 2 source Pxxx
The output parameter numbers are entered here.
The respective channel is switched off, if this parameter is equal 0.
If a 32 bit parameter is programmed on one channel, the low word of this parameter is trans-
mitted. To transmit the high word, both channels (P330 and P334) must be programmed to
the same parameter. As a result channel 1 transmits the low word and channel 2 the high
word of the 32 bit parameter. Is channel 1 programmed to another parameter then channel 2
transmits the low word. That means that the high word of a parameter can´t be transmitted
separately without the low word. Channel 1 transmits always the low word and channel 2
transmits always the high word.

P331 AO 1 offset
P335 AO 2 offset
The offset of the analog outputs is set here.

P332 AO 1 scaling
P336 AO 2 scaling
A scaling factor can also be selected for optimum parameter output. The respective channel
is switched off, if this parameter is equal 0.

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7.27 LED Display


The module enables programming of the four available freely programmable LEDs of the LED display

– LED x source Pxxx: Input of source parameter number.

– LED x bit selection: Selection of source parameter bits to which bit pattern must
– LED x bit pattern: If this bit pattern and the selected parameter bit pattern correspond
to each other, the output is switched to high.


The following sequence must be observed for writing the parameters:

1. LED x source-Pxxx
2. LED x bit selection
3. LED x bit pattern


The sequence of the parameter setting is irrelevant. Switching takes place only after all three parameters
have been set.

In order to deactivate an LED output, either the LED source Pxxx or the LED bit selection must be set to
zero. The last switch state, however, remains stored in the output. The output can be programmed again
by setting the relevant parameter again.

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Example of programming procedure:

1. Enter source parameter number in LED x source Pxxx of your choice.

→ Has no effect on the LED output yet.
2. Enter LED x bit pattern of the above mentioned parameter.
→ Has no effect on the LED output yet.
3. Enter bit selection:
→ All bits which have not been selected are set to 0 in the LED bit pattern, the bits selected from
the source parameter are compared to the LED bit pattern.
If one of the two patterns corresponds to the source parameter pattern, the output is set to


1. First set LED 1 source Pxxx to 13,

LED 1 bit pattern to 0001,
and LED 1 bit selection to 0003.
→ if bit no. 1 and bit no. 2 of parameter 13 result in „1“, the LED 1 is switched to high.

2. Then set LED 2 source Pxxx to 13,

LED 2 bit pattern to 0003,
and LED 2 bit selection to 0003.
→ If bit no. 1 and bit no. 2 of parameter 13 result in „3“, the LED 2 is switched on.

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P362 LED state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P350 LED 1 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P351 LED 1 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P352 LED 1 bit pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P353 LED 2 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P354 LED 2 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P355 LED 2 bit pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P356 LED 3 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P357 LED 3 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P358 LED 3 bit pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P359 LED 4 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P360 LED 4 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P361 LED 4 bit pattern 0000 ... FFFF

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Parameter description

P362 LED state

This parameter display the state of the function module. .

Bit no. Meaning

0 1: LED 1 completely programmed
1 1: LED 2 completely programmed
2 1: LED 3 completely programmed
3 1: LED 4 completely programmed
4 ... 7 reserved
8 actual state of LED H22.1
9 actual state of LED H22.2
10 actual state of LED H22.3
11 actual state of LED H22.4
12 ... 15 reserved

P350 LED 1 source Pxxx

P353 LED 2 source Pxxx
P356 LED 3 source Pxxx
P359 LED 4 source Pxxx
The parameter number of the source parameter for LED display is entered.

P351 LED 1 bit selection

P354 LED 2 bit selection
P357 LED 3 bit selection
P360 LED 4 bit selection
The bits to be compared are selected in the source parameter.

P352 LED 1 bit pattern

P355 LED 2 bit pattern
P358 LED 3 bit pattern
P361 LED 4 bit pattern
Bit pattern which is compared to the source parameter pit pattern.

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7.28 Digital Inputs

The module and the four available digital inputs enable 16 bit parameter programming.

Four parameters are assigned to each input:

– DI x target Pxxx: Input of target parameter number

– DI x bit selection : Selection of the target parameter bits which are to be altered.
– DI x LOW pattern : Bit pattern which is written into the target parameter if switch is OFF.
– DI x HIGH pattern : Bit pattern which is written into the target parameter if switch is ON.

The inputs only evaluate the transitions

Hence it is possible to manipulate the same parameter via several inputs.

Example: Two inputs act on the same parameter bit

The 4 inputs are sampled every 4 ms at an interval of approx. 20 µs. In the event of simultaneous status
change of two signals the signal with the higher priority is taken over (digital input 1 has the lowest pri-
ority, digital input 4 the highest).


The activation of a digital input results in setting all parameters of the selected input.
Following order must be observed:
1. DO x target Pxxx
2. DO x bit selection
3. DO x LOW pattern
4. DO x HIGH pattern
In order to deactivate an input the DI target Pxxx must be set to 0.

Example of programming procedure:

1. Enter target parameter number in DI x target Pxxx of desired input.

⇒ Has no effect on the target parameter yet.
2. Enter DI x bit selection:
⇒ all bits which have not been selected are set to 0 in the LOW and HIGH patterns;
the selected bits are set to 0 in the target parameter and are replaced by the corresponding bit
pattern (according to switch position).

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3. Enter DI x LOW- and HIGH pattern of the above mentioned input.

⇒ Has no effect on the target parameter yet.


1. Input 1 should set parameter P013 to 0 (switch is LOW) and to 1 (switch is HIGH).
DI 1 target Pxxx (P370) to 13,
DI 1 bit selection (P371) to FFFF
DI 1 LOW pattern (P372) to 0000,
DI 1 HIGH pattern (P373) to 0001,
2. Through programming of a further input the values 2 and 3 should adjusted in parameter P013. Fol-
lowing sequence is necessary:
DI 1 target Pxxx (P370) to 13,
DI 1 bit selection (P371) to FFFD
DI 1 LOW pattern (P372) to 0000,
DI 1 HIGH pattern (P373) to 0001,
DI 2 target Pxxx (P374) to 13,
DI 2 bit selection (P375) to FFFE,
DI 2 LOW pattern (P376) to 0000,
DI 2 HIGH pattern (P377) to 0002.
→ The digital input 1 effects bit no. 0 and. 2 till 15; the digital input 2 effects bit no. 1 till 15.

Bit no. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Example for start 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
value P013
input 1 → HIGH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
input 2 → HIGH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
input 1 → LOW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
input 2 → LOW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3. The digital input 3 should effect bit no. 4 and 11 of parameter P120.
DI 3 target Pxxx (P378) to 120,
DI 3 bit selection (P379) to 0810,
DI 3 LOW pattern (P380) to 0800,
DI 3 HIGH pattern (P381) to 0010,

Bit no. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Start value P120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
input 2 → HIGH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
input 2 → LOW 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

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Parameter overview

parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P382 DI state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P370 DI 1 target Pxxx 0 ... 700

P371 DI 1 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P372 DI 1 LOW pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P373 DI 1 HIGH pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P374 DI 2 target Pxxx 0 ... 700

P375 DI 2 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P376 DI 2 LOW pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P377 DI 2 HIGH pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P378 DI 3 target Pxxx 0 ... 700

P379 DI 3 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P380 DI 3 LOW pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P381 DI 3 HIGH pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P342 DI 4 target Pxxx 0 ... 700

P343 DI 4 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P344 DI 4 LOW pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P345 DI 4 HIGH pattern 0000 ... FFFF

Parameter description

P382 DI state
This parameter indicates the state of input programming.

Bit no. Meaning

0 1: input 1 completely programmed
1 1: input 2 completely programmed
2 1: input 3 completely programmed
3 1: input 4 completely programmed
4 ... 7 reserved
8 actual state input 1 (X26:15)
9 actual state input 2 (X26:16)
10 actual state input 3 (X26:17)
11 actual state input 4 (X26:18)
12 ... 13 reserved
14 actual state rapid halt input (X26:19)
15 actual state pulse / controller enabling (X26:14)

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P370 DI 1 target Pxxx

P374 DI 2 target Pxxx
P378 DI 3 target Pxxx
P342 DI 4 target Pxxx
This parameter indicates the parameter number of the target parameter for input 1 till 4.

P371 DI 1 bit selection

P375 DI 2 bit selection
P379 DI 3 bit selection
P343 DI 4 bit selection
The bits to be altered are selected in the target parameter.

P372 DI 1 LOW pattern

P376 DI 2 LOW pattern
P380 DI 3 LOW pattern
P344 DI 4 LOW pattern
Bit pattern which is written into the selected target parameter bits when digital input is LOW.

P373 DI 1 HIGH pattern

P377 DI 2 HIGH pattern
P381 DI 3 HIGH pattern
P345 DI 4 HIGH pattern
Bit pattern which is written into the selected target parameter bits when digital input is HIGH.

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7.29 Digital Outputs


The module enables programming of the three available digital outputs. Three parameters are assigned
to each output:

– DI output ID no.: Input of source parameter number

(only 2-byte parameters admissible)
– DI bit selection: Selection of source parameter bits to which bit pattern must
– DI bit pattern If this bit pattern and the selected parameter bit pattern correspond to
each other, the output is switched to HIGH.


The following sequence must be observed for writing the parameters:

1. DA x source-Pxxx
2. DA x bit selection
3. DA x bit pattern


The sequence of the parameter setting is irrelevant. Switching takes place only after all three parameters
have been set.
In order to deactivate an output either DI source Pxxx or DI bit selection must be set to 0. The last switch
state, however, remains stored in the output. The output can be programmed again by setting the rele-
vant parameter again.

Example of programming procedure:

1.Enter source parameter number in DO x source Pxxx of your choice.

→ Has no effect on the output yet.
2.Enter DO x bit pattern of the above mentioned parameter.
→ Has no effect on the output yet.
3.Enter bit selection:
→ All bits which have not been selected are set to 0 in the DO bit pattern, the bits selected from
the source parameter are compared to the DO bit pattern.
If one of the two patterns corresponds to the source parameter pattern, the output is set to

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1.First set DO 1 source Pxxx to 13,

DO 1 bit pattern to 0001,
and DO 1 bit selection to 0003.
→ if bit no. 1 and bit no. 2 of parameter P013 result in „1“, the output 1 is switched to high.

2.Then set DO 2 source Pxxx to 13,

DO 2 bit pattern to 0003,
and DO 2 bit selection to 0003.
→ If bit no. 1 and bit no. 2 of parameter 13 result in „3“, the output 2 is set to high.

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P383 DO 1 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P384 DO 1 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P385 DO 1 bit pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P386 DO 2 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P387 DO 2 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P388 DO 2 bit pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P389 DO 3 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P390 DO 3 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P391 DO 3 bit pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P392 DO state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

Parameter description

P383 DO 1 source Pxxx

P386 DO 2 source Pxxx
P389 DO 3 source Pxxx
This parameter indicates the parameter number of the source parameter for outputs 1, 2 or 3.

P384 DO 1 bit selection

P387 DO 2 bit selection
P390 DO 3 bit selection
The bits to be compared are selected in the source parameter.

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P385 DO 1 bit pattern

P388 DO 2 bit pattern
P391 DO 3 bit pattern
Bit pattern which is compared to the source parameter bit pattern.

P392 DO state
This parameter shows the state of the function module..

Bit no. Meaning

0 1: output 1completely programmed
1 1: output 2 completely programmed
2 1: output 3 completely programmed
3 ... 7 reserved
8 actual state output 1 (X26:21)
9 actual state output 2 (X26:22)
10 actual state output 3 (X26:23)
11 ... 15 reserved

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7.30 External Digital Input

This function module in combination with the additional board MFM-01 enables the manipulation of 16
bit parameters (programming see Digital Inputs).

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P500 XDI state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P501 XDI 1 target Pxxx 0 ... 700

P502 XDI 1 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P503 XDI 1 LOW pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P504 XDI 1 HIGH pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P505 XDI 2 target Pxxx 0 ... 700

P506 XDI 2 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P507 XDI 2 LOW pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P508 XDI 2 HIGH pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P509 XDI 3 target Pxxx 0 ... 700

P510 XDI 3 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P511 XDI 3 LOW pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P512 XDI 3 HIGH pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P513 XDI 4 target Pxxx 0 ... 700

P514 XDI 4 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P515 XDI 4 LOW pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P516 XDI 4 HIGH pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P517 XDI 5 target Pxxx 0 ... 700

P518 XDI 5 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P519 XDI 5 LOW pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P520 XDI 5 HIGH pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P521 XDI 6 target Pxxx 0 ... 700

P522 XDI 6 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P523 XDI 6 LOW pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P524 XDI 6 HIGH pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P525 XDI 7 target Pxxx 0 ... 700

P526 XDI 7 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P527 XDI 7 LOW pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P528 XDI 7 HIGH pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P529 XDI 8 target Pxxx 0 ... 700

P530 XDI 8 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P531 XDI 8 LOW pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P532 XDI 8 HIGH pattern 0000 ... FFFF

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The controller can reach the state „operation enabled“ immediately after the switch on of the electronic
power supply, if the control word (see function module drive manager) is manipulated by digital input
(see function module digital input) and the hardware enable is active.
During the programming of digital input this option must be considered and protective measures have
to be ensured on machine-side.

Parameter description

P500 XDI state

This parameter indicates the state of input programming.

Bit no. Meaning

0 1: input 1 completely programmed
1 1: input 2 completely programmed
2 1: input 3 completely programmed
3 1: input 4 completely programmed
4 1: input 5 completely programmed
5 1: input 6 completely programmed
6 1: input 7 completely programmed
7 1: input 8 completely programmed
8 actual state input 1
9 actual state input 2
10 actual state input 3
11 actual state input 4
12 actual state input 5
13 actual state input 6
14 actual state input 7
15 actual state input 8

P501 XDI 1 target Pxxx

P505 XDI 2 target Pxxx
P509 XDI 3 target Pxxx
P513 XDI 4 target Pxxx
P517 XDI 5 target Pxxx
P521 XDI 6 target Pxxx
P525 XDI 7 target Pxxx
P529 XDI 8 target Pxxx
This parameter indicates the parameter number of the target parameter for input 1 till 8.

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P502 XDI 1 bit selection

P506 XDI 2 bit selection
P510 XDI 3 bit selection
P514 XDI 4 bit selection
P518 XDI 5 bit selection
P522 XDI 6 bit selection
P526 XDI 7 bit selection
P530 XDI 8 bit selection
The bits to be altered are selected in the target parameter.

P503 XDI 1 LOW pattern

P507 XDI 2 LOW pattern
P511 XDI 3 LOW pattern
P515 XDI 4 LOW pattern
P519 XDI 5 LOW pattern
P523 XDI 6 LOW pattern
P527 XDI 7 LOW pattern
P531 XDI 8 LOW pattern
Bit pattern which is written into the selected target parameter bits when digital input is LOW.

P504 XDI 1 HIGH pattern

P508 XDI 2 HIGH pattern
P512 XDI 3 HIGH pattern
P516 XDI 4 HIGH pattern
P520 XDI 5 HIGH pattern
P524 XDI 6 HIGH pattern
P528 XDI 7 HIGH pattern
P532 XDI 8 HIGH pattern
Bit pattern which is written into the selected target parameter bits when digital input is HIGH.

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7.31 External Digital Outputs

This function module in combination with the additional board MFM-01 enables the output of 16 bit pa-
rameters (programming see Digital Outputs).

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P533 XDO state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P534 XDO mode 000 ... 00FF

P535 XDO 1 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P536 XDO 1 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P537 XDO 1 bit pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P538 XDO 2 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P539 XDO 2 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P540 XDO 2 bit pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P541 XDO 3 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P542 XDO 3 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P543 XDO 3 bit pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P544 XDO 4 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P545 XDO 4 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P546 XDO 4 bit pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P547 XDO 5 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P548 XDO 5 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P549 XDO 5 bit pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P550 XDO 6 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P551 XDO 6 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P552 XDO 6 bit pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P553 XDO 7 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P554 XDO 7 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P555 XDO 7 bit pattern 0000 ... FFFF

P556 XDO 8 source Pxxx 0 ... 700

P557 XDO 8 bit selection 0000 ... FFFF

P558 XDO 8 bit pattern 0000 ... FFFF

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Parameter description

P533 XDO state

This parameter displays the state of output programming and outputs.

Bit no. Meaning

0 1: output 1 completely programmed
1 1: output 2 completely programmed
2 1: output 3 completely programmed
3 1: output 4 completely programmed
4 1: output 5 completely programmed
5 1: output 6 completely programmed
6 1: output 7 completely programmed
7 1: output 8 completely programmed
8 actual state of output 1
9 actual state of output 2
10 actual state of output 3
11 actual state of output 4
12 actual state of output 5
13 actual state of output 6
14 actual state of output 7
15 actual state of output 8

P535 XDO 1 source Pxxx

P538 XDO 2 source Pxxx
P541 XDO 3 source Pxxx
P544 XDO 4 source Pxxx
P547 XDO 5 source Pxxx
P550 XDO 6 source Pxxx
P553 XDO 7 source Pxxx
P556 XDO 8 source Pxxx
This parameter indicates the parameter number of the source parameter for outputs 1 till 8.

P536 XDO 1 bit selection

P539 XDO 2 bit selection
P542 XDO 3 bit selection
P545 XDO 4 bit selection
P548 XDO 5 bit selection
P551 XDO 6 bit selection
P554 XDO 7 bit selection
P557 XDO 8 bit selection
The bits to be compared are selected in the source parameter.

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P537 XDO 1 bit pattern

P540 XDO 2 bit pattern
P543 XDO 3 bit pattern
P546 XDO 4 bit pattern
P549 XDO 5 bit pattern
P552 XDO 6 bit pattern
P555 XDO 7 bit pattern
P558 XDO 8 bit pattern
Bit pattern which is compared to the source parameter bit pattern.

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7.32 Function module "freely configurable statusword GP State"

This function module is available with software version 3.05 or higher.


The function module copies individual bit information from up to 16 parameters into a common status

Parameter Overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P450 GP Status 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P451 GP Info 1 0000 ... FFFF

: :

P466 GP Info 16 0000 ... FFFF

P467 GP Latch 0000 ... FFFF

Description of the parameters:

P450 GP Status

Bit No. Meaning

0 ... 15 The function of the bits is defined in P451 to P466.

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P451 GP Info 1
P466 GP Info 16

Bit No. Meaning

0 ... 10 Parameter no. of the source parameter
11 Polarity bit
0 = positive logic (at a value of "1", the selected bit generates a "1" in GP Status
0 = negative logic (at a value of "0", the selected bit generates a "1" in GP Status
12 ... 15 Selected bit no. in the source parameter


Bit no. 1 from the status word of the drive manager (P121) and bit no. 8 from the status of the digital
inputs (P382) shall be copied to the GP Status (P450) bit no. 0 and 1.
The bit of the digital input status shall be set in GP Status, if input 1 is LOW.

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P467 GP Latch
ORing of P450 GP Status.

Bit No. Meaning

0 ... 15 A set bit of this parameter indicates that this bit has already been set in GP Status.
The set bit can be reset by writing to P467 GP Latch.

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7.33 Service Interface


The service interface allows communication with the PC operating program. The BASS protocol is op-
erated via the RS 232 interface X23.
The address of each drive is set in binary code at the controller front via DIP switch. Bit no. 0 thus cor-
responds to switch 1, bit no. 1 to switch 2 etc.
The RS 232 interface is constructed potential-free, the operating mode is full-duplex.
Data format: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
Transmission speed: 9600 baud
Transmission format: ASCII

Communication PC ⇒ drive

Example 1: Set P002 to 75 %

Example 2: Read P051

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BOF # (23hex)

Address of the drive 0dec to 255dec (00hex to FFhex)


Parameter number Hexadecimal value of the parameter number as an ASCII character

Data Element, error type

– Number are given as hexadecimal numbers and are transmitted as ASCII char-
– The half-byte with the highest value is transmitted first
– Really text begins with two words following one after another which contains the
length of the text:

Checksum Sum of the hexadecimal values of all ASCII characters without BOF and EOF. Any over-
flow is also added (234hex→36hex)

EOF <CR> <LF> (0Dhex, 0Ahex)

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Communication drive ⇒ PC

Before the drive answered the echo telegram is sended from drive to PC!

Example 1: Set P002 to 75 %

Example 2: Read P051

BOF # (23hex)

Address of the drive 0dec to 255dec (00hex to FFhex)


Parameter number Hexadecimal value of the parameter number as an ASCII character

Data Element, data state, error type

Really text begins with two words following one after another which contains the length of
the text:

Checksum Sum of the hexadecimal values of all ASCII characters without BOF and EOF. Any over-
flow is also added (234hex→36hex)

EOF <CR> <LF> (0Dhex, 0Ahex)

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Error table

Error number Meaning

0 No fault
1 Element is not available
2 Datum is too short
3 Datum is too long
4 Datum is not alterable
5 Parameter is write protected
6 Datum is smaller than minimum value
7 Datum is greater than maximum value
8 Datum is invalid
9 Obtaining of parameter is invalid

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P170 SI state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P171 SI baud rate 50 ... 19200 Baud ✕
P172 SI mode 0000 ... 0003

P173 SI array state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

Parameter description

P170 SI state
Write-access to the drive parameters is managed via parameter M communication source
(P126) in the drive manager. The drive parameter can only be altered via the service interface
when bit no. 0 of this parameter is set to 1. If the bit is set to 0 write-access is inhibited and
only read-access to the parameter values granted.
See also M communication source (P126)

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 3 status of function module
0001: RUN (all parameters can be read and write)
0000: STOP (all parameters can be read only)
4 ... 11 drive address 0 ... 255 (representation of the DIP switch)
12 ... 15 reserved

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P171 SI baud rate

The service baud rate can only be displayed and is set to a fixed value of 9600 baud.

P172 SI mode

Bit no. Meaning

0 1: Standard setting
All set and actual values are standardized in %
0: All set and actual values are transferred in internal standardization
1 1: Standard setting
0: Service mode
2 ... 15 reserved

P173 SI array state

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 3 Number of actual transferred block
4 Data in RAM puffer valid
5 Block is just written to RAM puffer

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7.34 Link to USS® Protocol


The USS® protocol is a registered trade mark of Siemens AG.


The link to USS® protocol allows the user to carry out communication between master and slave with a
fixed message length.

Data transmission and data save description

(Layer 1 and 2 in the ISO/OSI layer model)

The following arrangement applies to data transmission and data save:
1. The operating mode is strictly half-duplex.
2. It is a bus-capable master-slave protocol, where the non-system computer is the master. The drives
are always the slaves.
3. Message length is fixed and cannot be altered on-line.
4. All messages must be transmitted completely, i.e. with no gaps in them. No acknowledgement or
repeat messages are needed due to the cyclic message exchange.
5. The transmission framework for the individual characters is defined as follows:
1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 parity bit (even parity), 1 stop bit.
The start character of each message (master and slave messages) is the ASCII character
STX = 02hex in conjunction with a preceding transmission pause of 33 bits. All other characters in
the message are not code-dependent.
A Hamming distance of d = 4 is attained via various data saving methods. This means that at least
4 bit errors per message must occur at defined places in the message before a faulty message is no
longer recognised as such.

Message structure

STX: Start of Text (02hex)

LGE: Message length 2 - 254 bytes (without STX and LGE, but with ADR and BCC)
ADR: Slave address 0 - 31; 32: broadcast message, = 64: mirror message
BCC: Block Check Character (EXOR linking of all characters)

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Transmission procedure

The start character STX (02hex) is not itself enough to mark the start of a message, as this bit combina-
tion can also appear in the middle of the message e.g. in the net data block. Thus a transmission pause
of 33 bits is stipulated for the master and slave messages. A valid start to a message is only marked
when a received STX is preceded by a transmission pause. As a result of the semi-duplex operation (i.e.
only transmission or reception at any one time), this start pause is guaranteed when in error-free oper-
The definition of the start pause requires that the pause time never comes between two characters within
a message. For this reason, all messages are to be transmitted without gaps.
The drives only respond when they have received a complete and error-free message, sent to their ad-
If a slave does not send a reply to a master message, this can result from the following:
– Slave is not yet switched on
– Slave has received a faulty message
– Communication cable is open-circuit or faulty
– Parameter M communication source (P126) bit no. 2 is not set to 1 (USS® protocol)
Normally, the slave sends a reply message for each master message after processing it briefly. Where
there are more slaves in use, the procedure is shown in the following diagram:
2-wire and 4-wire modes (half duplex)

Structure of the net data block

The net data block is divided into two ranges:

– PIV (Parameter Identification Value) range
– PD (Process Data) range
Parameter exchange between the two communication partners, i.e. reading and writing of parameter
values and reading of the parameter description is carried out via the PIV range.
The PD range contains necessary signals for automation:
control word and specified values from master to slave
status word and actual values from slave to master

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Both ranges comprise the net data block. This structure applies to the job message (Master → Slave)
as well as the reply message (Slave → Master))

PI: The parameter identifier (PI) serves to identify and issue jobs and replies for parameter processing, and
always has word length ( = 16 bits)

PV element: Parameter value, if necessary with additional or other user data. If only PD data is to be transmitted in the
net data block, the number of PV elements can be 0.

PD1-PDn: Process data (control/status word and specified/actual values)

The necessary specified and actual values are transmitted in this range. The length of this range must be
agreed between the drive and the control. If only PIV data is to be transmitted in the net data block, the
number of PD elements can be 0.
Depending on the transmission direction, either the control word or the status word is to be transmitted in
the PD1. The specified/actual values are transmitted in the following process data PD2 to PDn.

Bus addresses

The bus addresses are set, binary-coded, at the front of the controller with the help of DIP switch. DIP
no. 1 thus corresponds to bit no. 0 of the bus address, DIP no. 2 to bit no. 1 etc.

Mirror message

The bus master can request a mirror message from the slave. The master transmits a message to the
appropriate slave which only differs from a normal message in that bit no. 7 is set in the address byte
The slave transmits this message immediately after reception as a reply message to the master. The
mirror message allows the transmission function between master and slave to be tested. This is useful
e.g. for step-by-step commissioning or fault-finding in the bus system.

Broadcast message

A broadcast message is a master message transmitted simultaneously to all slaves, which only differs
from a normal message in that bit no. 32 is set in the address byte ADR (bit no. 5 = 1).
Broadcast messages are not answered by the slaves. However, in this case the master does not expect
a reply message.
Net data processing takes place as follows:
– Specified values in the PD range are not accepted
– Jobs in the PIV range are not processed
– The control word in PD1 is linked to its screen in PV1, so that only those bits in the drive control
word are updated which are set to „1“ in the screen. The bits set to „0“ are not updated, their old
status is retained.
Broadcast mode is only possible when the PIV number is set to > 3 and the PD number to > 1. In addition,
the job identifier must be set to 0 „no job“.
If PIV number set equal 0 the control word are accepted without screen.

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Structure of the PIV range

The structure of the PIV range is always the same in the sequence of its elements and only differs in its
standard form by the number of its parameter values (PV).
The PIV range can be set to a specific length (3 or 4 words long) via parameter USS® PIV number
If no PIV range is to be available in the net data block, the PIV number must be set to 0, then parameters
can be assigned via this interface.
PIV range with set message length
Standard form with parameter values as word size
(PIV number = 3)

Standard form with parameter values as double word size

(PIV number = 4)

-applies to both job and reply messages.

Description of the individual PIV elements

– Parameter identification (PI))

– Job and reply identification

The jobs which are sent from the master to the slave are coded in the job identification. The slave
processes the job and formulates the relevant reply, which is coded (J/RI) and sent to the master.
The J/RI specifies that jobs or replies are clearly defined via the PI (J/RI + PN) and, in the case
of certain jobs/replies, additionally via the index word.

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Job identification (master → slave)

Bit no. Function Description

15 14 13 12
0 0 0 0 no job no job for the PIV interface
0 0 0 1 request PV requests a PV
0 0 1 0 change PV (word) writes a PV word (16 bit)
0 0 1 1 change PV (double word) writes a PV double word (32 bit)
0 1 0 0 request PDE element reads an element from the parameter description (PDE); the
element to be read can be found in IND.

Reply identification (slave → master)

Bit no. Function Description

15 14 13 12
0 0 0 0 no reply no reply
0 0 0 1 transmit PV (word) transmits a PV word (16 bit)
0 0 1 0 transmit PV (double word) transmits a PV word (32 bit)
0 0 1 1 transmit PDE element transmits an element from the parameter description (PDE);
the element to be transmitted can be found in IND.
0 1 1 1 job cannot be processed error identification in PV, see error identification list

Connection between a job and its reply

Job identification Reply identification

Identification Function Identifica- Function
0 0 0 0 no job 0 0 0 0 no reply
0 0 0 1 request PV 0 0 0 1 transmits PV (word)
0 0 1 0 transmits PV (double word)
0 0 1 0 change PV (word) 0 0 1 0 transmits PV (word)
0 0 1 1 change PV (double word) 0 0 1 1 transmits PV (double word)
0 1 0 0 request PDE element 0 0 1 1 transmits PDE element

PDE elements

Value Meaning
1 parameter attribute
2 parameter info
5 parameter minimum value
6 parameter maximum value

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Parameter attribute

Bit Meaning
0-1 length
2-3 type
4-5 number
6-7 element type
8 - 11 format
12 - 15 decimal places

Length: Data length of an element in bytes

00 1 byte
01 2 bytes
10 4 bytes
11 8 bytes
Type: Data type of an element
00 SIGNED complete number with polarity sign
01 UNSIGNED complete number without polarity sign
10 FLOAT floating point number
Number: Element number
00 FIXED one element
01 VARIABLE variable number of elements
Element type:
Format: Display format
0000 BIN binary
0001 DEC decimal
0010 HEX hexadecimal
0100 NORM floating point without exponent
0101 FIX floating point with fixed exponent
0110 SCI floating point, scientific
0111 ENG floating point, engineering
1000 ASCII ASCII character
Decimal places:
0000 0 no decimal places
1111 15 15 decimal places
Info is 32 bits long, but only the lower value 16 bits are used. The 16 higher value bits are
reserved for future applications.

Bit Meaning
0 ... 2 write-protection
3 save mode
4 - 15 not assigned

000 UNPROTECTEDnot protected
001 PROTECTEDwrite-protection level 1
Save mode:

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Error identification list

If jobs cannot be processed, the receiver transmits the reply identification „job cannot be processed“
and transfers the corresponding error identification in parameter value (PV):

Identification Description
0 Invalid PN
1 Parameter cannot be altered
2 MIN/MAX limitation
3 Faulty IND
4 No array
5 Wrong data type
6 No setting allowed
7 Description element cannot be altered
: :
100 Reserved
101 Undefined error
102 Service not implemented
103 Parameter format too big for PIV range
104 PDE element not available

Job/reply processing
Job/reply processing describes the temporal and functional sequence of data transmission for the
PIV interface between the master and the slaves.
– The transmitter may only give one job to one slave and must then wait for the corresponding re-
ply identification. As long as it is waiting for the reply identification it must repeat the job.
– The job/reply must be transmitted completely in one message.
– Every alteration of the job means a new job, to which the corresponding reply must be made. Job
identification „no job“ receives the reply identification „no job“.
– If no information from the PIV interface is required in cyclic mode, the job „no reply“ must be set.
– If there are large time differences between the cyclic message sequence and reply preparation
in the unit, the reply to „old job“ is sent during the transition phase between „old job“ and „new
job“ until the new job is received and its corresponding reply given.
– In the case of replies which contain parameter values, the slave always replies, on repetition of
the message, with the current value.
– On initial establishment of communication between master and slave, during the transition phase
the slave can only reply with the identification „no reply“.
– If the transmitter does not receive a reply identification which belongs to its job from the receiver,
a corresponding reaction must be triggered in the transmitter.
– The receiver does not expect confirmation from the transmitter that its reply has been received.
– Recognition of an existing job by the master:
The transmitter recognises the correct reply message by evaluating the reply identification, the
parameter number, if necessary via the value in IND and the parameter value.
– Recognition of a new job by the slave:
Every job given by the transmitter after reception of a valid reply to an old job is recognised as a
new job.
– If the master transmits a broadcast message, the slaves do not send a reply message to the

214 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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Index (IND)

The index is used for writing and reading parameter descriptions.

In all other cases the index is carried as a „zero word“ in the message, i.e. all bits are set to 0.
Parameter value (PV)

PV allocation is dependent on the existing job, or the corresponding reply.

PIV length for word sizes is always 3 words (PI, IND and PV)
PIV length for double word sizes is always 4 words (PI, IND and PV1 and PV2)

Structure of the PD range

The structure of the PD range is always the same in the sequence of its elements ( = words) and only
differs from its standard form by the length of the transmitted specified/actual values.
It covers a maximum of 3 words and a minimum of 0 words, i.e. no PD range in the net data block
Standard construction with specified/actual values as
word size (PD number = 2):

Standard structure with specified/actual values as double

word size (PD number = 3):

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Description of the individual PD elements

Control word and status word
The meaning of the bits in the control and status words is described in the drive manager under the
parameters M control word (P120) and M status word (P121).
Specified/actual values

Transmission of specified and actual values in hex figures, where standardisation takes place according
to the parameter.

Commissioning the bus system (fixed message length)

The following applies to commissioning communication with the USS® protocol with set message length:
– For communication between master and slave:
Job and reply messages have the same length, i.e. regarding their PIV range and their PD range.
– This length must be set to a fixed value before initial commissioning of the bus system and may
not be altered during use.
– Fixed message length means fixed size of the net data block.
– The size setting of the net data block is via the 2 parameters USS® PIV number (ID no. 183) and
USS® PD number (ID no. 184).
– If the master sets a job whose reply would exceed the set size of the PIV range, this job is an-
swered with the reply identification „job cannot be processed“, e.g. the job „PV request double
word“ cannot be processed with PV number = 3.
– Before setting the net data block size, specify which jobs are to be set by the master. The size
of the PIV range is to be based on this. That is, if processing of double words is planned, the PIV
range should always be set to 4 words, even if the processing of single words is likely to be more

Example messages:

Example 1: PIV number = 3, PD number = 2

Assignment of word parameters or transmission of specified/actual word values is possible.

216 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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Example 2: PIV number = 0, PD number = 3

Transmission of specified/actual word and double word values is possible. Parameter assignment
via PIV range is not possible.

Example 3: PIV number = 4, PD number = 0

Assignment of word and double word parameters is possible. Specified value entry and drive control
is not possible.

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P180 USS® state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P181 USS® mode 0000 ... 0007

P182 USS® baud rate 150 ... 19200 Baud

P183 USS® PIV number 0 ... 4 Words

P184 USS® PD number 0 ... 3 Words

P185 USS® set value Pxxx 0 ... 700 ✕

P186 USS® actual value Pxxx 0 ... 700 ✕

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Parameter description

P180 USS® state

Displays the internal status of the module.
The module function is set via parameter M communication source (P126) of the drive man-
ager. For further details, see the relevant chapter..

Bit no. Meaning

0-3 0000: state STOP. Incoming messages are not answered
0001: state RUN. Message evaluation is active.
4 1: no message received at own address for longer than 1 s
5 1: no message traffic on the bus for longer than 5 s
6 reserved
7 1: faulty module initialisation
8 1: format error on actual value transfer (see P186)
9 1: format error on set value transfer (see P185)
10 1: error on reading actual value
11 1: error on writing set value
12 - 15 reserved

P181 USS® mode

This parameter sets the USS® protocol mode.

Bit no. Meaning

0 1: set/actual value standardization active, set and actual values are transmitted in %
0: set/actual value standardization inactive, set and actual values are transmitted in
internal standardization (see internal standardization)
1 1: broadcast coding active
0: broadcast coding inactive
2 1: answer delay active
0: answer delay inactive
3 - 15 reserved

Specified and actual value standardisation is selected with bit no. 0.

Apart from specified and actual position values, all specified and actual value parameters are
represented as relative sizes. With deactivated specified/actual value standardisation these
parameters are represented in original standardisation in the message (±100.00%, ±2048
etc.), with active standardisation they are referred to 4000h.

Broadcast coding is activated by bit no. 1.

In normal circumstances all of the maximum 32 bus participants are addressed when the
broadcast-message is activated. By means of the Broadcast coding one can select for which
drive this Broadcast message is set; only those specific drives react to the control word con-
tained in the Broadcast message. The masking of this control word (with the masking of this
control word (with the mask transmitted in the PV1 (PIV-range)) remains effective.

Following requirements must be satisfied for the use of Broadcast coding:

–USS® PIV number (P183) must be set → 3
–USS® PD number (P184) must be set → 3
–USS® mode (P181) bit no. 1 must be set = 1.

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The significance of the Broadcast coding is indicated by the following example:

Assuming: PD number = 3, PIV number = 3

The Broadcast code is set in PD2 (high-word) and PD3 (low-word) and signifies, in this ex-
ample, that the control word in PD1, masked with the value in PV1, must be accepted and
executed by the bus participants with the address 0, 9 and 23. All other bus participants must
disregard this information.

The answer delay is selected via bit no. 2

According to the specification of the USS® protocol the drive will transmit, after the reception
of the master message, its answer message with a maximum delay of 2 ms. Within this short
time span a thorough processing of the information contained in the master message will not
always be possible (e.g. in PD range). Consequently a prepared answer message (with an
incomplete content) is sent back to the master. The correct return answer is only then trans-
mitted to the master in the next message-cycle (see arrow)

A nesting of the replies from one message cycle occurs.

In activating the answer-delay (P181, bit no. 2 = 1) the information contained within pro-
cessed, after the reception of the master message (and straight after the answer message
has been transmitted back to the master (see arrow). A message-cycle is thus saved, how-
ever, uncertainty occurs as to exactly when the answer message is transmitted. If the answer-
delay is activated then the message timing will no longer correspond to the specification.

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P182 USS® baud rate

This parameter sets the baud rate for the RS485 interface.

P183 USS® PIV number

This parameter sets the number of PIV elements available in the PIV range of the net data
block. The specification always refers to PIV elements of word length.

Value Meaning
0 0 words (no parameter assignment possible)
3 constantly 3 words (word parameter)
4 constantly 4 words (double word parameters)

P184 USS® PD number

The amount of process data contained in the user data block can be influenced by this pa-
rameters. The entry is always PD elements with word length.

Value Meaning
0 no process data
1 control word / status word is transmitted in PD1
2 control word / status word and 16 bit set/actual values
3 control word / status word and 32 bit set/actual values

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P185 USS® set value Pxxx

This parameter allows the selection of that drive parameter which is to be written with the set
value from the master message (PD2, PD3). The following stipulation applies to the data ex-

PD number Actual value parameter format Comments

0 16 / 32 bit set value channel switched off
1 16 / 32 bit set value channel switched off
2 16 bit set value transmitted in PD2
2 32 bit data transmission not possible,
bit no. 9 is set in USS® state
3 16 bit set value transmitted in PD3
3 32 bit HI word of the set value transmitted in PD2
LO word of the set value transmitted in PD3

P186 USS® actual value Pxxx

This parameter allows the selection of that drive parameter whose value is to be transmitted
as the actual value in the reply message (PD2, PD3). The following stipulation applies to the
data exchange.

PD number Actual value parameter format Comments

0 16 / 32 bit actual value channel switched off
1 16 / 32 bit actual value channel switched off
2 16 bit actual value transmitted in PD2
2 32 bit data transmission not possible,
bit no. 8 is set in USS® state
3 16 bit actual value transmitted in PD3
3 32 bit HI word of the actual value transmitted in PD2
LO word of the actual value transmitted in PD3

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7.35 BAPS Communication


The module controls the communication of the controller with the various option cards via dual port RAM.
Data exchange between the controller and the DP-RAM takes place according to the BAPS (Baumüller
drives parallel interface) specification.

Parameter overview:

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P175 BAPS WD state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

P176 BAPS C master command 0000 ... FFFF ✕
P177 BAPS C slave acknowledgement 0000 ... FFFF ✕
P178 BAPS C state 0000 ... FFFF ✕

Parameter description

P175 BAPS WD state

This parameter shows the state of working data communication

Value Meaning
0 no communication
1 communication in operation

P176 BAPS C master command

Command word of master.

Value Meaning
00 no meaning
01 cyclic data exchange
02 write configuration
initialise communication
03 up to software 3.09:
software 3.09 or higher:
write configuration
re-initialise communication
... reserved
FF no meaning

222 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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P177 BAPS C slave acknowledgement

Acknowledgement by slave.

Value Meaning
00 no meaning
01 set values read, actual value written
02 configuration / initialisation carried out correctly
03 up to software 3.09:
software 3.09 or higher:
re-initialisation startet
... reserved
80 illegal instruction received
81 no configuration / initialisation carried out
82 actual value cannot be read (configuration)
83 set value cannot be written (configuration)
86 up to software 3.09:
software 3.09 or higher:
actual value re-initialisation faulty
87 up to software 3.09:
software 3.09 or higher:
set value re-initialisation faulty
... reserved
FF no meaning

P178 BAPS C state

State of cyclic communication.

Bit no. Meaning

0 ... 3 0: communication inhibited
1: communication enabled
4 1: communication initialised
8 1: timeout

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7.36 Additional Parameter


These parameters are only used by the optional boards to store the data in the V-controller EEProm.

Parameter overview

Parameter Name Range Unit Display

min. ... max. only

P478 ZK 0 0000 ... 8000 -

. .
. .
. .

P499 ZK 31 0000 ... 8000 -

224 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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7.37 Objekt list

The object list supports the communication between intelligent add-on boards and different
controller types (e.g. E-controller, V-controller, BKF 7000, ....)

P017 OL Index
Input value for accessing the object list

P018 OL Value
Output value of the object list

Object list

Obj. no. Designation BUS6V

0 Controller identifier Value = 0
1 M control word P120
2 M status word P121
3 Communication monitoring time P128
4 Rated RPM speed P019
5 Specified value 1 P002
6 Actual value P051
7 ZK 0 P468
8 Specified value 2 P004
9 Specified value 3 P006
10 Specified value selection P013
11 M operating mode target P122
12 Pos current record no. P401
13 RFG output P001
14 RFG ramp-up time 1 P003
15 RFG ramp-up time 2 P005
16 RFG ramp-up time 3 P007
17 RFG ramp-down time 1 P010
18 RFG ramp-down time 2 P011
19 RFG ramp-down time 3 P012
20 RFG ramp-down time quick stop P009
21 M operating mode actual P123
22 M STOP code P130
23 M QUICK STOP Code P131
24 M INHIBIT Code P132
25 M SHUTDOWN code P133
26 Program version P163
27 Position specified value P208
28 Position actual value P209
29 Pos reference speed P412

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Obj. no. Designation BUS6V

30 Pos reference acceleration P413
31 Pos reference travel mode P414
32 Pos target position 1 P415
33 Pos target position 2 P422
34 Pos pos.-window P429
35 Pos pos. window time P430
36 Error code P124
37 Error index P125
38 Communication source P126
39 DRM command P190
40 DRM status P191
41 DRM message P192
42 DRM record name P193
43 Specified value at the speed controller P050
44 Sync slot P167
45 Kv factor position controller P202
46 Pos reference point P432


Non-existing values must be set to 0.

226 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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The equipment carries a dangerously high voltage and has dangerous rotating parts (fans). Ignoring
the safety and warning information may result in death, severe personal injury or damage to property.

You may only carry out maintenance when the unit is deenergized.

Do not begin work on the power stage and the intermediate circuit until you have made sure that the
unit is not carrying potential or a voltage (remanent charge).

When dismounting safety devices during commissioning, repair and maintenance work, you must en-
sure that the machine is taken out of commission exactly as specified. You must remount and check
safety equipment immediately after completing commissioning, repair and maintenance work.

After carrying out any work involving intervention in the machine – regardless of whether this involves
the motor, the actual value acquisition or the power converter – the owner must carry out acceptance
testing and document it chronologically in the machine log. Failure to do this may result in the owner
being faced with consequences relating to liability legislation.

Do not start work on the power unit, intermediate circuit until you have made sure that the unit is not
carrying potential or a voltage (remanent charge).

8.1 Maintenance Information

The units supplied are maintenance-free.

Prohibition of unauthorized modifications

For safety reasons, unauthorized additions or modifications to the drive are not allowed.

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8.2 Error Messages

In the event of an error, parameter M error code (P124) indicates the appropriate error code. This error
is acknowledged when bit Reset disturbance in M control word (P120) is set from 0 to 1. If there is more
than one error, the system shows the next one immediately after acknowledgement.

Drive Manager Function Module (Error ID 00xx)

Error ID Error Text Meaning Error reaction Remedy

0001hex BASS protocol timeout The communications source set in Error reaction can be Check communica-
P124 has not responded for longer set in P189 tions (cables,
than the timeout set in P128. daughterboard,
0002hex USS protocol timeout etc.)
0003hex Dual-Port RAM time-
out (cyclical data)
0004hex Dual-Port RAM time-
out (working data)

0005hex System boot procedure An error was determined while read- Inhibit pulses immedi- You should care-
ing the boot data set from the EE- ately fully check the data
PROM. You can get more information set in the control-
about the type of error by referring to ler’s RAM and then
parameter DSM Message (P192). program it in the
This disturbance usually occurs if you EEPROM as the
replaced the controller firmware with boot data set.
firmware that is incompatible.

0006hex Time-out error In case of an error (nonfatal error), Immediate pulse inhibit Clarify the cause of
response the drive could not be braked down to the too long braking
n=0 within the time specified in P188. time. If necessary,
increase P188 M
fault response time.

0010hex Error switch (program Only meaningful for software devel- Inhibit pulses immedi-
error) opers ately

Power Supply Function Module (Error ID 01xx)

Error ID Error Text Meaning Error reaction Remedy

0110hex Disturbance in power No ready for use signal from supply Inhibit pulses immedi- Check the power
supply unit unit. ately supply.
Reset the error
memory in the
power supply unit
(refer to the power
supply unit’s oper-
ating instructions)

228 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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Power Unit Function Module (Error ID 02xx)

see also Function Module Processor Error Recognition (Error ID 0Cxx) on page 235

Error ID Error Text Meaning Error reaction Remedy

0201hex Overvoltage Uzk The bus voltage, UZK, has exceeded Inhibit pulses immedi- Check the ballast
a value of 800 V ± 1% ately resistor. If no bal-
last resistor is avail-
able see P269.

0202hex Overcurrent At least one of the power unit’s three Inhibit pulses immedi- Check the current
phase currents has overwritten the ately controller’s setting
value of 1,3 x Imax (= 1,3 x P113)

0203hex Error current An error current was determined in Inhibit pulses immedi- Check the motor
the power unit that exceeded a spe- ately cables for a ground
cific amount. (For more detailed infor- fault
mation, refer to the power unit

0204hex Disturbance in auxil- There is no power supply for transis- Inhibit pulses immedi- Check control of
iary voltage supply tor control in the power unit. ately the safety relay

0205hex Overtemperature of The temperature of the power unit Error reaction can be The disturbance
power unit has risen above 85° C. set in P189 cannot be acknowl-
edged until the
power unit temper-
ature shown in
P118 has fallen be-
low 85° C.
0206hex Disturbance in safety The safety relay in the power unit is Inhibit pulses immedi- Check control of
relay OFF even though it should be ON. ately the safety relay.
This means that the auxiliary voltage Check in addition
supply for transistor control is deacti- the setting of bit 2
vated. in P090 PU mode.

0207hex Transistor error (group UCE monitoring of one or more power Inhibit pulses immedi- Check the motor
message) transistors has tripped due, for exam- ately cables for a short
0208hex Phase U top ple, to a short circuit or ground fault or circuit or ground
0209hex Phase U bottom because of defects in the transistor. fault.
020A hex Phase V top Allow the power
020Bhex Phase V bottom unit to cool down.
020Chex Phase W top If the disturbance
020Dhex Phase W bottom keeps occurring, re-
place the power

020Ehex Power unit ID unknown The control unit does not know the Inhibit pulses immedi- Read off the power
read identifier ately unit version from
the rating plate and
compare it with the
list in P117. The er-
ror cannot be ac-

020Fhex Wrong power unit type The stored power unit type does not Inhibit pulses immedi- Check the parame-
match the one the system read, e.g. ately terization and, if
because no data set has been stored necessary, change
yet or you plugged the control unit it. Save the data set
into another power unit. and acknowledge
the error.

0210hex Disturbance in power The ready for use signal from the Inhibit pulses immedi- Refer to the power
unit power unit is missing even though ately units operating in-
there are no other power unit distur- structions.
bance messages.

Continued on next page

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0D01hex Short circuit tempera- The power unit temperature is below Error response can be Temperature detec-
ture sensor the temperature threshold of -40°C. set in P189. tion defective, the
Normally, this disturbance occurs if Error activation via disturbance cannot
there is a short circuit in the tempera- P090 be eliminated.
ture detection during operation.

Encoder Manager Function Module (Error ID 03xx)

Error ID Error Text Meaning Error reaction Remedy

0301hex Overspeed of Evaluation has determined a speed Inhibit pulses immedi- Check the encoder
encoder 1 actual value (P023) that is greater ately cable.
than the overspeed value (P046) Check the speed
controller settings.

0302hex Overspeed of Encoder has determined a speed ac- Inhibit pulses immedi- Check the encoder
encoder 2 tual value (P243) that is greater than ately cable.
the overspeed value (P239) Check the speed
controller settings.

0303hex Absolute position en- The error occurs in conjunction with Inhibit pulses immedi-
coder 1 unknown (rotor operation of synchronous control on ately
position) these encoders in the following
1. At initialization of the encoder, it
was not possible to read the abso-
lute position from the encoder (e.g.
due to the encoder adaptor module,
lack of communication).

0304hex Absolute position en- 2. The encoder has no absolute posi-

coder 2 unknown (rotor tion information (e.g. incremental
position) encoders with sinus or square
wave signals).

Overload Monitoring Function Module (Error ID 04xx)

Error ID Error Text Meaning Error reaction Remedy

0401hex I²t monitoring of motor Calculated I Error reaction can be Leave the drive in
(P091) is greater than 100% set in P189 the inhibited status
until the I²t actual
value (P091) drops
below 100%.

230 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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Motor Temperature Function Module (Error ID 05xx)

Error ID Error Text Meaning Error reaction Remedy

0501hex Overtemperature of P152 = 1 (sensor) Error response can be Allow the motor to
motor The motor temperature has exceeded set in P090. cool down until the
the shutdown threshold (P156. motor temperature
This disturbance may also occur, if has dropped below
the motor temperature detection is the limit value.
interrupted during operation. Check the encoder
cable and the tem-
perature sensor
(see motor temper-
ature connector

0502hex Short circuit tempera- P152 = 1 (sensor) Error response can be Check the encoder
ture sensor The motor temperature is below the set in P189. cable and the tem-
temperature threshold of -40°C. Nor- perature sensor
mally, this disturbance occurs if there (see motor temper-
is a short circuit in the temperature ature connector
detection during operation. X28)

Position Controller Function Module (Error ID 06xx)

Error ID Error Text Meaning Error reaction Remedy

0601hex Deviation, dynamic In motion, e.g. positioning, synchro- Error reaction can be Check the settings
nous operation, the deviation (P210) set in P189 of the dynamic de-
has become greater than the dynamic viation limit and, if
deviation error limit (P203). necessary, correct
them. Reset the er-
ror enable for the
dynamic deviation
in mode parameter
P201, bit number 0.

0602hex Deviation, static At standstill (e.g. target position Error reaction can be Check the settings
reached, n=0), the deviation (P210) set in P189 of the static devia-
has become greater than the static tion limit and, if nec-
deviation error limit (P212). essary, correct
them. Reset the er-
ror enable for the
dynamic deviation
in mode parameter
P201, bit number 1.

Speed Controller Function Module (Error ID 07xx)

Error ID Error Text Meaning Error reaction Remedy

0702hex Blocking monitoring During the blocking time set in P056, Error reaction can be Check the drive
the drive was stationary with maxi- set in P189 machine for block-
mum torque of N = 0. ing

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 231

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Encoder 1 Function Module (Error ID 08xx)

Error ID Error Text Meaning Error reaction Remedy

0801hex *) Invalid module code The adapter module’s code is not Inhibit pulses immedi- The adapter mod-
known ately ule is either not fit-
ted or not
supported in this
version of the firm-

0802hex *) Wrong adapter module The encoder adapter in the unit is not Inhibit pulses immedi- Change the set-
suitable for the desired encoder type ately tings in the encoder
and communications protocol set- mode or use an-
tings. other adapter

0803hex *) No communication with Reading the absolute position from Inhibit pulses immedi- Check the encoder
the encoder the encoder did not function. ately cable, on the motor
and unit sides.

0804hex Wire break encoder 1 The encoder signals are useless for Inhibit pulses immedi- Check the encoder
**) evaluation. ately cable, on the motor
and unit sides.

0805hex Wrong address in the Immediate pulse inhibit If this error occurs
reply message more than 3 times
in a row despite all
0806hex Encoder reports error The encoder has detected an internal Immediate pulse inhibit
the EMC interfer-
error during the self-test. ence suppression
0807hex Wrong command in the Immediate pulse inhibit measures taken,
reply message the encoder must
be replaced.
0808hex Wrong checksum in the Immediate pulse inhibit
reply message

0809hex Error Immediate pulse inhibit Check the encoder

position correction cable on the motor
side and the device
080Ahex Unknown encoder code The encoder cannot be clearly identi- Immediate pulse inhibit side.
fied due to an unknown encoder

080Bhex Communication time- Encoder does not send a reply mes- Immediate pulse inhibit
out error sage within 50 ms.

080Chex Error in SinCos tracks Failure in the signal level of the enco- Immediate pulse inhibit Check the encoder
of the encoder der´s sinus and cosinus tracks. cable on the motor
side and the device

080Dhex Field angle error Calculated model field angle and Immediate pulse inhibit Check the encoder
measured field angle differ more than cable on the motor
the tolerance of +/- 45° side and the device

*) Errors cannot be acknowledged.

**) After acknowledgement, the encoder is reinitialized; in this connection, the reference to a reference point can be lost.

232 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

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Data Set Management Function Module (Error ID 09xx)

Error ID Error Text Meaning Error reaction Remedy

0901hex EEPROM copy error A data difference was determined at Error reaction can be This error cannot
copying of the EEPROM during initial- set in P189 be acknowledged
ization of data set management and you can only
eliminate it by
switching the elec-
tronics supply off
and on again. If the
error occurs repeat-
edly, this indicates
that there is a de-
fect in the control-
ler hardware.

0902hex Missing boot data set There is no boot data set (DS no. 0) Error reaction can be You must create
in the EEPROM set in P189 the boot data set in
RAM and then save
it to the EEPROM.

0903hex Checksum error in boot At checking of the boot data set, the Error reaction can be You must create
data set system calculated a different check- set in P189 the boot data set in
sum than the one that was expected, RAM and then save
i.e. a boot data set is present but it is it to the EEPROM.
invalid due to data corruption.

Encoder 2 Function Module (Error ID 0Axx)

Error ID Error Text Meaning Error reaction Remedy

0A01hex Invalid module code The adapter module’s code is not Inhibit pulses immedi- The adapter mod-
*) known ately ule is either not fit-
ted or not
supported in this
version of the firm-

0A02hex Wrong adapter module The encoder adapter in the unit is not Inhibit pulses immedi- Change the set-
*) suitable for the desired encoder type ately tings in the encoder
and communications protocol set- mode or use an-
tings. other adapter

0A03hex No communication with Reading the absolute position from Inhibit pulses immedi- Check the encoder
*) the encoder the encoder did not function. ately cable, on the motor
and unit sides.

0A04hex Wire break encoder 2 The encoder signals are useless for Inhibit pulses immedi- Check the encoder
**) evaluation. ately cable, on the motor
and unit sides.

0A05hex Wrong address in the Immediate pulse inhibit If this error occurs
reply message more than 3 times
in a row despite all
0A06hex Encoder reports error The encoder has detected an internal Immediate pulse inhibit the EMC interfer-
error during the self-test.
ence suppression
0A07hex Wrong command in the Immediate pulse inhibit measures taken,
reply message the encoder must
be replaced.
0A08hex Wrong checksum in the Immediate pulse inhibit
reply message

Continued on next page

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 233

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

0A09hex Error Immediate pulse inhibit Check the encoder

Position correction cable on the motor
side and the device
0A0Ahex Unknown encoder code The encoder cannot be clearly identi- Immediate pulse inhibit side.
fied due to an unknown encoder

0A0Bhex Communication time- Encoder does not send a reply mes- Immediate pulse inhibit
out error sage within 50 ms.

0A0Chex Error in SinCos tracks Failure in the signal level of the enco- Immediate pulse inhibit Check the encoder
of the encoder der´s sinus and cosinus tracks. cable on the motor
side and the device

0A0Dhex Field angle error Calculated model field angle and Immediate pulse inhibit Check the encoder
measured field angle differ more than cable on the motor
the tolerance of +/- 45° side and the device

*) Errors cannot be acknowledged.

**) After acknowledgement, the encoder is reinitialized; in this connection, the reference to a reference point can be lost.

y Operating System Function Module (Error ID 0Bxx)

Error ID Error Text Meaning Error reaction Remedy

0B01hex Main program comput- Error reaction can be P160 selection = 0,
ing time exceeded set in P189 P169 value = 0,
Store the data set
0B02hex Task computing time Error reaction can be
exceeded set in P189 again and acknowl-
edge the error. If
0B03hex Sync. IR computing Error reaction can be necessary deacti-
time exceeded set in P189 vate functions not
needed for instance
0B04hex * DSP computing time Inhibit pulses immedi-
digital and analog
exceeded ately
I/O´s by parameter-

*) Errors cannot be acknowledged.

234 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17a Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH

Function Module Processor Error Recognition (Error ID 0Cxx)

Error ID Error Text Meaning Error reaction Remedy

0B05hex Error in linking the pro- Immediate pulse Test the RAM
gram modules inhibit

0B06hex Error in the time seg-

ment system configura-

0C01hex illegal external bus Further information see Inhibit pulses immedi- re-boot controller
access memory ately
0xFA00 up to
0C02hex illegal instruction

0C03hex illegal word operand


0C04hex protection fault

0C05hex undefined opcode

0C06hex stack underflow

0C07hex stack overflow

0C08hex external non maskable


0C09hex watchdog time-out

Function Module Power Unit continued (Error ID 0Dxx)

Error Error text Meaning Error response Disturbance elimination

0D01hex Short circuit of the tem- Error response can
perature sensor (power be set in P189.
unit) Error activation via

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 235

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

8.3 Disposal

For the most part, the equipment consists of the following components and materials:

Component Material

Various spacers, housing of current converter and unit fan, Plastic


PCBs on which all the open- and closed-loop electronics are Base material: Epoxy-resin fiberglass woven
mounted material, copper-coated on both sides and
plated-through, various electronic components
such as condensors, resistors, relays, semi-
conductors, etc.

For technical reasons, electronic components might need to contain dangerous materials, so you should
not open them.

If the components are used correctly, there is no danger to human beings or to the environment.

In case of fire, dangerous compounds may result or hazardous materials may be released.

You must dispose of or recycle equipment or components according to national regulations as well as
any applicable local or regional ordinances.

236 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH


9.1 Manufacturer Declaration


Manufacturer Declaration in Accordance with

the EC-Machine Guidelines 89/392/EEC, Appendix II B

Hiermit erklären wir, dass es sich bei dieser Lieferung um die nachfolgend bezeichnete Maschinenkom-
ponente handelt und dass ihre Inbetriebnahme solange untersagt ist, bis festgestellt wurde, dass die
Maschine, in die diese Komponente eingebaut ist, den Bestimmungen der EG-Maschinenrichtlinie 89/
392/EWG, Anhang II B entspricht.
We herewith declare that this delivery includes the following specified machine component and that its
putting into operation is prohibited until the declaration is made that the machine, in which this compo-
nent is built in, complies with the regulations of the EC-machine guideline 89/392/EWG, appendix II B.

Bezeichnung der Maschinenkomponente: Typenbezeichnung:

Specification of the machine component: Type:

V-Regler (BUS 6 VC) BUS 6 V - .. - .... - .... - ....

Nürnberg, 15.12.2004

Signature of the Manufacturer:

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 237

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

9.2 General Conditions of Sale and Delivery

1. Obligation and Conclusion of Contract instructions of and at a cost to the purchaser. Upon
a) Deliveries of goods and provision of services shall be demand, the packaging material has to be returned with-
effected exclusively based on these trading conditions. out delay, free of freight charges and expenses.
They are an essential component of the contracts for 6. Dispatch and Passing of Risk
delivery and shall be considered as having been accepted Deliveries shall be made ex works. The dispatch shall be
by the placing of an order. In the case of constant busi- effected at a cost to and at the risk of the recipient of the
ness relations, they also apply for the future contracts. service/the purchaser. The risk passes to the recipient of
b) Agreements diverging from the contract and verbal collat- the delivery/purchaser as soon as the delivery items leave
eral agreements shall only be binding if they have been the works. This shall apply at the latest, from the transfer-
confirmed in writing by Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH(herein- ral of the delivery items to the person carrying out the
after referred to as Baumüller). Diverging trading condi- transport, forwarding agent or carrier.
tions on the behalf of the purchaser shall be without
obligation, even where these have not been expressly 7. Warranty
a) The period of warranty amounts to 12 months from the
objected to. These General Conditions of Sale and Deliv-
day of dispatch.
ery shall be considered as having been accepted by the
purchaser at the latest when the delivery is accepted. In the event that a delivery item is defective, Baumüller
shall deliver an additional replacement or make a subse-
c) In as far as deliveries of goods are subject to separate
quent improvement at its own choice. Multiple subsequent
external obligations in accordance with the Law Concern-
ing Foreign Trade and Payments with respect to the Fed- improvements are permissible. Other warranty claims on
the behalf of the purchaser, in particular also due to direct
eral Office for Economics, the purchaser has to observe
or indirect consequential damage are excluded. The pre-
the relevant conditions at his/her own responsibility.
condition for any warranty is the normal contractual use of
2. Price and Offers the delivery items. In the event of the utilisation of war-
Offers are subject to confirmation, not binding and apply ranty services, the motor, the replacement part or the
subject to material supply possibilities. Supplements and device has to be sent in free of freight charges, packaging
amendments require written confirmation. Prices are ex costs or customs duties after prior co-ordination with
works and are subject to confirmation. Invoicing takes Baumüller. Baumüller is exempted from any warranty if
place in accordance with the prices valid on the date of the party ordering returns the goods complained about
delivery. without prior co-ordination or contrary to agreement. War-
3. Extent of Delivery and Delivery Time ranty claims expire one month after rejection of a defect
a) Specified delivery periods/dates are without obligation, in on which notice is given, in as far as the purchaser
as far as nothing else to the contrary has been expressly remains silent in this respect.
agreed upon in writing. Delivery periods do not commence 8. Notification of Defects
until the purchaser has fulfilled all duties of co-operation, a) The purchaser shall examine the subject matter of the
in particular regarding details of performance. In the event contract and delivery items immediately and give notice of
that the agreed deposits for orders are delayed, then the any defects without delay, however, no later than 7 days
delivery time shall be extended accordingly. after receipt of the delivery. In case of non-obvious
b) The purchaser is entitled, in particular in the event of a defects notice has to be given in writing without delay after
delay in delivery of longer than 3 months, to set an appro- their discovery, however, no later than 6 months from the
priate period of grace and after its expiry, to withdraw from point of delivery. In the event that the purchaser does not
the order. Claims to compensation due to non-fulfilment or give notice of any defects in writing within this period of
delay shall be excluded, in as far as Baumüller is not time, then the subject matter of the contract shall be con-
responsible for intent or gross negligence. sidered as having been approved.
c) Baumüller is entitled at any time to effect partial deliveries b) The purchaser shall allow Baumüller a suitable inspection
and partial services, as well as to invoice these accord- of defects of which notice is given and shall place all nec-
ingly. essary/requested technical information, in particular,
4. Delivery Problems inspection records and test reports at Baumüller's dis-
a) Delays/preventions in the delivery of goods or the provi- posal. In the event that the purchaser fails to do so, then
sion of services due to force majeure entitle Baumüller to the delivery items shall be considered as not having been
delay the production and delivery by the duration of the complained about and as being approved. In the event
obstruction plus an appropriate period of time or to with- that the purchaser alters the delivery items, then he/she
draw in part or in whole from the order. shall lose his/her warranty claims.
b) Industrial disputes or other circumstances which substan- c) In the event of an established material defect or perfor-
tially impede or render impossible the delivery, such as, in mance defect, Baumüller can eliminate the defect or sup-
particular, disturbances in the operating processes, prob- ply a replacement. The purchaser can demand rescission
lems in procuring materials, official directives also apply or a reduction after the expiry of an appropriately set
as force majeure, irrespective of whether they arise with period of grace. Further claims on the behalf of the pur-
regard to Baumüller or suppliers. chaser, in particular to the reimbursement of dismantling
c) In these cases, Items 4 a), b), the purchaser shall have no costs or installation costs are excluded. The same applies
claim to compensation due to non-fulfilment or delay of to damages which do not affect the delivery item itself.
the delivery. d) Natural wear and tear and damage which arises after the
5. Packaging transferral of risk, in particular also due to incorrect or neg-
Items for sale and delivery items are packaged and trans- ligent handling, excessive demands or other unsuitable
port insurance policies are taken out according to the use not in conformity with the contract are excluded from

238 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH

the warranty. The same applies in particular for defects d) The authorisation on the behalf of the purchaser to dis-
which are attributable to atmospheric discharges, over- pose of the reserved goods and to collect assigned claims
voltages and chemical influences. expires in the event that the terms of payment are not
e) If no case of warranty is in existence or in the event that complied with, in particular, also in the case of bill and
this subsequently turns out to be the case, the purchaser cheque protests. In this case, Baumüller is entitled to take
shall remunerate the utilisation or the use of an item or of possession of the reserved goods. The purchaser bears
a right, as well as services provided and expenses to an the costs incurred by this. The taking back of goods shall
appropriate amount. Baumüller is entitled to a right of con- only represent a withdrawal from the contract when this is
trol as referred to in §§ 315 ff. BGB [German Civil Code]. expressly stated.
9. Liability e) In the event that the value of the securities granted
Contractual or legal claims on the behalf of the purchaser exceeds the secured claims in terms of amount by more
against Baumüller are limited to intent and gross negli- than 20 %, then Baumüller shall renounce the securities
gence. This does not apply in as far as claims from the exceeding this value.
ProdHaftG [Product Liability Act] have been enforced. 12. Drawings and Documentation
Baumüller shall only be held liable to the amount of the Baumüller is entitled to the exclusive property right and
damage foreseeable in accordance with the purpose of copyright to cost estimates, drawings and all other docu-
the contract. Material damage which exceeds the value of mentation. These documents may not be made accessi-
a delivery/service is not foreseeable in this sense. The lia- ble to third parties without prior written consent. In the
bility is limited in terms of amount to the remuneration con- event that a contract is not concluded, not implemented or
tractually owed. otherwise ended, then all documents have to be returned
10. Payments immediately and unsolicited. There shall be no right to
a) Invoices are payable at the time agreed in the contract, at retention to these documents.
the latest within 30 days after the invoice date, in cash and 13. Copyright (in particular Software / Licence)
without deductions. The purchaser can only offset with a) Baumüller is exclusively entitled to all rights to the soft-
claims which are final and absolute or undisputed. The ware/edited versions, in particular property rights and
same applies to the exercising of rights of retention. copyrights to the relinquished software, in particular for
b) In the event of a delay in payment on the behalf of the pur- the controlling of machines, systems and installations.
chaser, interest to the rate of 4 % above the respective b) Baumüller grants the purchaser/buyer the non-exclusive,
minimum lending rate of the German Federal Bank, how- non-transferable right to use the relinquished software in
ever at least 10 % has to be paid, without separate proof the framework of the contractual purpose at the contractu-
being required. ally intended location/on the places in existence at the
c) Failure to comply with the terms of payment or circum- time of purchase (single licence). The software shall only
stances which endanger the credit worthiness of the pur- be used on the associated purchased contractual item.
chaser result in all claims immediately becoming due. In Any use extending beyond this is prohibited. In the event
these cases, deliveries shall only be made against pay- of a use extending beyond this, Baumüller shall have the
ment in advance. rights referred to in Items 13 c), 13 d).
d) Cash payments, bank transfers or cheque and bill pay- c) It is prohibited to make copies of the relinquished soft-
ments shall not be considered as payment/fulfilment of the ware, whether in whole or in part, in as far as the making
obligation before the amount due for payment has been of copies of the machine-readable material in the frame-
irrevocably received by Baumüller or credited to work of the required data backup or as copies for internal
Baumüller's account. company use has not separately been agreed upon with
e) Payments have to be made directly to Baumüller. The field prior written consent from Baumüller. Processing of the
staff are not entitled to accept payments or to issue exten- relinquished software, in particular by means of alteration,
sions or waivers without separate written authority. translation or by bundling with other programs shall only
11. Reservation of Ownership be permitted after prior written consent from Baumüller.
a) The ownership of delivery items remains reserved up to Protection notices from Baumüller on/in the software may
the fulfilment of all existing claims against the purchaser not be removed and also have to be adopted onto copies
from the business relation. Any bundling with other items and edited versions. Copies produced contrary to this con-
shall be effected by the purchaser for Baumüller. Then, dition shall come under the possession and copyright of
the entire product shall be considered as reserved goods. Baumüller. Baumüller can prohibit the use of such copies
b) The purchaser is entitled to sell the reserved goods in and elect to demand the immediate surrender or complete
orderly business transactions. All claims to which the pur- destruction with proof of this destruction.
chaser is entitled from this sale or other legal grounds d) The buyer is not permitted to extend the licence in terms of
shall be assigned by him/her in advance to Baumüller. location/work places/machines/machine types or to grant
Baumüller shall accept the assignment. In the event that rights of utilisation or grant sub-licences. The extension of
the reserved goods are bundled or sold with other items the licence shall be permitted by Baumüller exclusively
standing in the possession of third parties, then the against a separate remuneration which has to be agreed
assignment shall only apply to the amount of the invoice upon in writing.
value of the reserved goods. The purchaser is authorised 14. Applicable Law
to collect these assigned claims. Upon request, he/she The law of the Federal Republic of Germany is authorita-
has to make notice of the assignment to the debtor. tive for all rights and obligations from and in connection
c) The purchaser shall inform Baumüller without delay of with this contract. The regulations of the UN Sales Con-
impending and enforced access on the behalf of third par- vention (CISG) are excluded.
ties to the reserved goods or to the assigned claims. The 15. Place of Performance and Place of Jurisdiction
purchaser shall bear the costs incurred by this. The place of performance for delivery and payment is the
seat of Baumüller. The place of jurisdiction for all dispu-

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 239

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

putes from and in connection with this contract, in particu- quired to carry out the acceptance. This also applies in the
lar also for cheque and bill liabilities is the seat of event that the purchaser refuses the functional test/the
Baumüller. acceptance without sufficient cause.
16. Miscellaneous e) Experts to be designated by both parties shall take part in
In the event that individual or several conditions of these the acceptance inspection. The result of the functional test
Conditions of Sale and Delivery should be or become inef- shall be entered in a record to be signed by the purchaser
fective in part or in whole, then the validity of the remain- in consideration of the technical specifications.
ing conditions shall remain unaffected by this. The parties 18. Erection and Installation
shall complement/replace the ineffective or incomplete Erection and installation shall only be effected in the case
condition with an appropriate regulation which most exten- of express agreement at the following further conditions:
sively corresponds to the economic purpose of the con- a) The purchaser makes required workers and material avail-
tractually desired regulation. The same applies for the able at his/her own expense.
case of the presence of a gap in the regulations. b) Before the commencement of installation works the pur-
For the case that acceptance and installation are also chaser shall make available unsolicited all required speci-
agreed upon, then the following conditions, Items 17 and fications, in particular concerning the location of power
18 shall also apply: lines which have been laid such that they are hidden and
17. Acceptance similar installations, as well as the required static specifi-
a) The inspection of the delivery items ready for acceptance cations.
shall take place in the Baumüller works. The purchaser c) Before the commencement of the erection/installation, the
shall bear the costs of this inspection. In the event that the delivery items required for the commencement of works
purchaser fails to perform the inspection, then the delivery have to be on site and all preliminary works progressed to
items shall be considered as having been delivered in the extent that the erection/installation can immediately
conformity with the contract when they leave the works. begin and be completely carried out without interruption.
b) The purchaser is obliged to take delivery of goods and d) In the event that the erection, installation or putting into
services from Baumüller without delay. Immaterial defects operation is delayed due to circumstances for which
do not entitle the purchaser to refuse the acceptance. Baumüller is not responsible, then the purchaser shall
c) In the event that the purchaser does not declare within 7 bear the costs for idle time and journeys required on the
days after notification of the readiness for acceptance on behalf of the installation personnel.
the behalf of Baumüller or after receipt of the contractual e) The installation personnel working time has to be certified
service in writing and with exact, examinable specification weekly by the purchaser. The purchaser shall present to
of reasons that he/she refuses the acceptance, then the the installation personnel a written certification regarding
acceptance shall be considered as having been declared the ending of the erection/installation without delay.
and the orderly performance of the contract as having f) Baumüller shall not be held liable for the installation per-
been ascertained. sonnel works, in as far as the works are not connected to
d) The agreed service shall be considered as having been the delivery and the erection or installation.
accepted when the item delivered has been put into oper- g) Trial runs on systems not supplied by Baumüller shall not
ation by the purchaser himself/herself or upon his/her be carried out by the installation personnel.
instructions by third parties beyond the functional test re-

240 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH

9.3 Parameter List


The description of the parameters for synchronous operation and positioning can be found
in the technology module positioning and synchronous operation documentation, 5.96187

Parameter Default Internal scaling Page

- P001 RFG output - ±100,00 % = ±16383 dec 170
X P002 RFG input 1 0,00 % ±100,00 % = ±16383 dec 169
X P003 RFG ramp-up time 1 0,00 s 1,00 s = 100 dec 169
X P004 RFG input 2 0,00 % ±100,00 % = ±16383 dec 169
X P005 RFG ramp-up time 2 0,00 s 1,00 s = 100 dec 169
X P006 RFG input 3 0,00 % ±100,00 % = ±16383 dec 169
X P007 RFG ramp-up time 3 0,00 s 1,00 s = 100 dec 169
X P009 RFG time halt 0,00 s 1,00 s = 100 dec 170
X P010 RFG ramp-down time 1 0,00 s 1,00 s = 100 dec 170
X P011 RFG ramp-down time 2 0,00 s 1,00 s = 100 dec 170
X P012 RFG ramp-down time 3 0,00 s 1,00 s = 100 dec 170
X P013 RFG mode 0001 1:1 169
- P014 RFG state - 1:1 168
X P016 RFG rounding 0s 1000 ms = 1000 dec 170
- P017 OL Index 0 1:1 225
- P018 OL Value - 1:1 225
X P019 EM maximum speed 3000 rpm 1:1 100
X P020 E1 shift factor 0 1:1 115
- P021 E1 position actual value 16 - 1:1 115
- P022 E1 phi actual value - 1:1 114
- P023 E1 N actual value - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 113
X P024 E1 no. of graduation marks 512 Inc 1:1 112
- P025 E1 state - 1:1 110
- P026 E1 revolutions 1 1:1 113
- P030 Mot phi mechanical - 360,0° = 3600 dec 95
X P031 Mot mode 0- 1:1 93
- P032 Mot rho electrical - 360,0° = 3600 dec 95
X P033 Mot no. of pole pairs 3 1:1 94
X P034 Mot rotating field 1 1:1 94
X P035 Mot locating angle 240,0° 360,0° = 3600 dec 94
- P036 Mot state - 1:1 92
X P037 Mot delta I 5 1:1 94
X P038 N M limiter mode 0 1:1 127
X P039 Mot delta rho 5 1:1 94
X P040 E1 mode 0000 1:1 111
- P041 E1 delta phi 16 0000 Inc 1:1 116
X: Parameter is saved in the data record

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 241

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

Parameter Default Internal scaling Page

- P042 E1 delta phi 32 0000 0000 1:1 116
- P043 E1 Rev actual value - 1:1 113
- P044 E1 sine measured value - ±1,000 = ±32752 dec 116
- P045 E1 cosine measured value - ±1,000 = ±32752 dec 116
X P046 E1 overspeed 115,00 % +100,00 % = +16384 dec 117
X P047 N additional set value 0,00 % ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 127
X P048 I M additional set value 0,00 % ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 123
X P049 N J compensation 0 1:1 127
- P050 N set value - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 127
- P051 N actual value - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 127
- P052 N controller output - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 127
X P053 N M limiter bipolar 100,00 % ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 128
X P054 N M limiter Mot/TD1 100,00 % 100,00 % = 16384 dec 128
X P055 N M limiter Gen/TD2 100,00 % 100,00 % = 16384 dec 128
X P056 N block time 60,0 s 60,0 s = 600 dec 128
X P057 N P gain 10,0 10,0 = 100 dec 126
X P058 N integral action time 25,0 ms 25,0 ms = 250 dec 127
- P059 N state - 1:1 126
- P060 N deviation - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 128
X P061 N limiter deviation 99,99 % 100,00 % = 16384 dec 128
X P062 E1 N smoothing actual value 1,0 ms 10,0 ms = 100 dec 113
- P065 TM mode 0 1:1 130
- P066 TM M loading - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 132
X P067 I M set value 0,00 % ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 122
- P068 I Iq controller output - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 123
- P069 I EMC set value - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 123
- P070 I phase voltage U - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 124
- P071 I Id set value - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 123
- P072 I Id actual value - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 123
- P073 I phase current U - ±100,00 % = ±10922 dec 124
- P074 I phase current V - ±100,00 % = ±10922 dec 124
- P075 I Uq-Sollwert - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 123
- P076 I Ud set value - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 124
- P077 I Id set value - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 124
- P078 I Id actual value - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 124
- P079 I state - 1:1 121
X P080 I P gain 1,0 10,0 = 100 dec 121
X P081 I integral action time 2,5 ms 1000,0 ms = 10000 dec 121
- P083 I current offset U - ±25,00 % = ±8188 dec 124
- P084 I current offset V - ±25,00 % = ±8188 dec 124
- P086 I phase voltage V - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 124
X P087 PS Uzk nominal 540 V 1:1 67
X P088 I2t warning limit motor 100,00 % 100,00 = 10000 dec 88
X P089 I2t time constant motor 0 60 s = 60 dec 88
X P090 PU mode 0000 1:1 70
- P091 I2t value motor - 100,00 % = 10000 dec 88
X: Parameter is saved in the data record

242 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH

Parameter Default Internal scaling Page

- P092 TM Mact / Mn - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 132
- P093 I2t state - 1:1 88
X P094 TM M > M2 90,00 % 100,00 % = 16384 dec 131
X P095 TM time 2 0,000 s 1,000 s = 1000 dec 131
X P096 TM M > M1 90,00 % 100,00 % = 16384 dec 131
X P097 TM time 1 0,000 s 1,000 s = 1000 dec 131
- P098 TM state - 1:1 130
- P099 I current actual value - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 124
- P100 PWM phase U - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 78
- P101 PWM phase V - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 78
- P102 PWM phase W - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 78
X P103 PWM frequency 8,0 kHz 8,0 kHz = 80 dec 79
X P104 E2 N=0 threshold 1,00 % 100,00 % = +16384 dec 117
X P105 E2 N>Nx ON threshold 100,00 % 100,00 % = +16384 dec 117
X P106 E2 N>Nx OFF threshold 95,00 % 100,00 % = + 16384 dec 117
X P107 E1 N=0 threshold 1,00 % 100,00 % = +16384 dec 117
X P108 E1 N>Nx ON threshold 100,00 % 100,00 % = +16384 117
X P109 E1 N>Nx OFF threshold 96,00 % 100,00 = +16384 dec 117
- P110 PS state - 1:1 67
- P111 PS voltage Uzk - 560V = 560 dec 67
X P112 PS voltage failure time 3,000 s 3,000 s = 3000 dec 68
- P113 PU I max - 100,0 A = 1000 dez 72
- P114 PU I nominal - 100,0 A = 1000 dec 72
- P115 PU state - 1:1 69
X P116 PU I limit 2,5 A 100,0 A = 1000 dec 73
- P117 PU type - 1:1 71
- P118 PU temperature - 80° C = 80 dec 73
X P119 PU overload time - 10,00 S = 1000 dec 72
- P120 M control word - 1:1 148
- P121 M state word - 1:1 150
X P122 M desired operation mode -3 1:1 152
- P123 M actual operation mode - 1:1 152
- P124 M error code - 1:1 153
- P125 M error index - 1:1 153
X P126 M communication source 0000 1:1 154
X P127 M communication monitoring 0000 1:1 155
X P128 M monitoring time 0 ms 1000 ms = 1000 dec 155
X P129 M monitoring code 0 1:1 155
X P130 M HALT code 1 1:1 155
X P131 M RAPID HALT code 2 1:1 156
X P132 M INHIBIT code 3 1:1 156
X P133 M SHUTDOWN code 3 1:1 156
X P134 M state bit no. 14 0000 1:1 156
X P135 M state bit no. 15 0000 1:1 156
X P136 M mode 0001 1:1 153
- P137 M state 1 - 1:1 153
X: Parameter is saved in the data record

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 243

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

Parameter Default Internal scaling Page

- P138 Language 1 1:1 164
- P139 PU Ixt value - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 75
X P140 SVG target Pxxx 0 1:1 172
- P141 SVG output value - ±100,00 % = ±10000 dec 172
X P142 SVG set value 1 100,00 % ±100,00 % = ±10000 dec 172
X P143 SVG set value 2 0,00 % ±100,00 % = ±10000 dec 172
X P144 SVG set value 3 -100,00 % ±100,00 % = ±10000 dec 172
X P145 SVG set value 4 0,00 % ±100,00 % = ±10000 dec 172
X P146 SVG time 1 1,000 s 1,000 s = 1000 dec 172
X P147 SVG time 2 1,000 s 1,000 s = 1000 dec 172
X P148 SVG time 3 1,000 s 1,000 s = 1000 dec 172
X P149 SVG time 4 1,000 s 1,000 s = 1000 dec 172
- P150 SVG state - 1:1 172
- P151 MT state - 1:1 89
X P152 MT mode 0000 1:1 90
- P153 MT temperature - 100° C = 100 dec 90
X P154 MT threshold 1 125° C 100° C = 100 dec 90
X P155 MT threshold 2 125° C 100° C = 100 dec 90
X P156 MT shutdown threshold 150° C 100° C = 100 dec 90
X P157 MT hysteresis 5° C 100° C = 100 dec 90
X P159 OS sync. tolerance 0,2 µs 50,0 µs = 500 dec 165
- P160 OS selection - 1:1 166
- P161 OS sampling time - 250,0 µs = 2500 dec 165
- P162 OS message - 1:1 165
- P163 OS BUS6-VC SW release - e.g. 3.08 = 308 dec 165
X P166 OS state - 1:1 164
X P167 OS sync. slot 0 µs 1000 µs = 1000 dec 165
X P168 OS sync. offset 1 µs 1000 µs = 1000 dec 165
- P169 OS value - 1:1 166
- P170 SI state - 1:1 206
- P171 SI baud rate 9600 Baud 1:1 207
X P172 SI mode 0003 1:1 207
- P173 SI array state - 1:1 207
- P174 OS user SW - 1:1 165
- P175 BAPS WD state - 1:1 222
- P176 BAPS C master command - 1:1 222
- P177 BAPS C slave acknowledgement - 1:1 223
- P178 BAPS C state - 1:1 223
- P180 USS® state - 1:1 218
X P181 USS® mode 0000 1:1 218
X P182 USS® baud rate 9600 Baud 9600 Baud = 9600 dec 220
X P183 USS® PIV number 3 words 1:1 220
X P184 USS® PD number 2 words 1:1 220
X P185 USS® set value Pxxx 0 1:1 221
X P186 USS® actual value Pxxx 0 1:1 221
X P188 M error reaction time 0,00 s 1,00 s = 100 dec 157
X: Parameter is saved in the data record

244 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH

Parameter Default Internal scaling Page

X P189 M error reaction code 0 1:1 157
- P190 DSM command - 1:1 161
- P191 DSM state - 1:1 161
- P192 DSM message - 1:1 161
- P193 DSM DS name - 1:1 162
- P194 DSM DS article no. - 1:1 162
- P195 DSM message Pxxx - 1:1 162
- P196 DSM load data set - 1:1 162
- P197 DSM DS program cycles - 1:1 162
- P198 DSM key - 1:1 163
X P199 PWM mode switch 100 % 1:1 79
- P200 P state - 1:1 134
X P201 P mode 0000 1:1 134
X P202 P Kv factor 10 1/s 1:1 134
X P203 P deviation limiter dynamic 0000 0800 Inc 1:1 137
X P204 P N limiter bipolar 100,00 % 100,00 % = 16384 dec 136
- P205 P rev set value - 1:1 136
- P206 P phi set value - 1:1 136
X P207 P N precontrol 100,00 % 100,00 % = 16384 dec 135
- P208 P set value - 1:1 135
- P209 P actual value - 1:1 135
- P210 P deviation - 1:1 136
- P211 P controller output - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 135
X P212 P deviation limiter static 0000 0100 Inc 1:1 136
X P213 P N precontrol smoothing 1,0 ms 50,0 ms = 500 dec 135
X P214 P time 1,000 s 1,000 s = 1000 dec 137
X P216 L Getriebe Faktor 1,0 1,0 = 10 dez 138
- P217 P deviation Phi - 1:1 138
- P218 P rev actual value - 1:1 136
- P219 P phi actual value - 1:1 136
X P220 P N precontrol output - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 135
- P221 EM measuring-command 0 1:1 104
- P222 EM measuring-state 0 1:1 105
- P223 EM measured val phi 1 0000 0000 Inc 1:1 105
- P224 EM Kp 10,0 10,0 = 100 dec 101
- P225 EM state - 1:1 96
X P226 EM mode 0001 1:1 98
X P227 EM no. of graduation marks 1024 1:1 100
- P228 EM encoder types - 1:1 97
X P229 EM offset zero impulse 0000 Inc 1:1 100
- P230 E2 sine measured value - ±1,0000 = ±32752 dec 116
- P231 E2 cosine measured value - ±1,0000 = ±32752 dec 116
- P232 E2 revolutions 1 1:1 113
- P233 EM measured val rev 1 0000 0000 Inc 1:1 106
- P234 EM measured val phi 2 0000 0000 Inc 1:1 105
- P235 EM measured val rev 2 0000 0000 Inc 1:1 106
X: Parameter is saved in the data record

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 245

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

Parameter Default Internal scaling Page

- P236 E2 shift factor 0 1:1 115
- P237 E2 position actual value 16 - 1:1 115
X P238 E2 N smoothing actual value 1,0 ms 10,0 ms = 100 dec 113
X P239 E2 overspeed 115,00 % ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 117
- P240 E2 state - 1:1 110
X P241 E2 mode 0000 1:1 111
X P242 E2 no. of graduation marks 512 Inc 1:1 112
- P243 E2 N actual value - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 113
- P244 E2 phi actual value - 1:1 114
- P247 E2 delta phi 16 0000 Inc 1:1 116
- P248 E2 delta phi 32 0000 0000 1:1 116
- P249 E2 Rev actual value - 1:1 113
X P260 MM magnetizing current Id 0,0 A 10,0 A = 100 dec 81
X P261 MM motor nominal current 2,5 A 10,0 A = 100 dec 81
X P262 MM nominal speed 1500 rpm 1:1 83
X P263 MM nominal frequency 52,6 Hz 50,0 Hz = 500 dec 83
X P264 MM Kp flow controller 1,0 15,0 = 150 dec 81
X P265 MM Tn flow controller 30,0 ms 1000,0 ms = 10000 dec 81
- P266 MM flux set value - +100,00 % = +16384 dec 83
- P267 MM flux actual value - +100,00 % = +16384 dec 83
X P268 MM Ke factor 0V/1000 1:1 82
X P269 MM mode 0 1:1 82
X P270 EA mode 0 1:1 173
X P271 EA motor potentiometer + 0 1:1 173
X P272 EA motor potentiometer - 0 1:1 173
X P272 EA Motorpoti - 0 1:1 175
X P273 EA motor potentiometer Pxxx 0 1:1 174
X P274 EA motor potentiometer dynamics 1 1:1 174
X P275 EA motor potentiometer increment 1,00 % ±100,00 % = ±10000 dec 174
- P276 EA motor potentiometer value - ±100,00 % = ±16384 dec 174
X P277 AI 1 input channel 0 1:1 179
X P278 AI 1 smoothing 1 ms 1:1 179
X P279 AI 1 scaling 1,00 ±2,00 % = ±200 dec 179
X P280 AI 1 target Pxxx 0 1:1 179
X P281 AI 1 offset 0,00 % ±100,00 % = ±10000 dec 179
X P282 AI 1 threshold value 0,00 % +100,00 % = +10000 dec 180
- P283 AI 1 value - ±100,00 % = ±10000 dec 180
X P284 AI 2 input channel 1 1:1 179
X P285 AI 2 smoothing 1 ms 1:1 179
X P286 AI 2 scaling 1,00 ±2,00 % = ±200 dec 179
X P287 AI 2 target Pxxx 0 1:1 179
X P288 AI 2 offset 0,00 % ±100,00 % = ±10000 dec 179
X P289 AI 2 threshold value 0,00 % ±100,00 % = ±10000 dec 180
- P290 AI 2 value - ±100,00 % = ±10000 dec 180
X P291 MM MGen1 Nnominal 95 % 1:1 85
X P292 MM MGen2 12000 rpm 12000 U/min 30 % 1:1 85
X: Parameter is saved in the data record

246 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH

Parameter Default Internal scaling Page

- P293 MM Tr actual value - 1000 ms = 1000 dec 83
X P294 MM frequency temperature 1 10,0 Hz 10,0 Hz = 100 dec 84
X P295 MM nominal frequency at temperature 1 20° C 20° C = 20 dec 84
X P296 MM nominal frequency at temperature 2 80° C 80° C = 80 dec 84
- P297 MM frequency = f (temp) - 50,00 Hz = 5000 dec 84
X P298 MM stator resistance 0 Ohm 1:1 83
X P299 MM leakage inductance 0 mH 1:1 83
X P302 AI state - 1:1 178
X P303 MM Kp field weakening 1,0 15,0 = 150 dez 85
X P304 MM Tn field weakening 30,0 ms 1000,0 ms = 10000 dez 85
X P330 AO 1 source Pxxx 0 1:1 183
X P331 AO 1 offset 0 Dig 1:1 183
X P332 AO 1 scaling 1 Dig/V 1:1 183
X P334 AO 2 source Pxxx 0 1:1 183
X P335 AO 2 offset 0 1:1 183
X P336 AO 2 scaling 1 Dig/V 1:1 183
X P337 AO test value 0,000 V 1:1 183
- P338 AO state - 1:1 183
X P342 DI 4 target Pxxx 120 1:1 190
X P343 DI 4 bit selection 0008 1:1 190
X P344 DI 4 LOW pattern 0000 1:1 190
X P345 DI 4 HIGH pattern 0008 1:1 190
X P350 LED 1 source Pxxx 0 1:1 186
X P351 LED 1 bit selection 0 1:1 186
X P352 LED 1 bit pattern 0 1:1 186
X P353 LED 2 source Pxxx 0 1:1 186
X P354 LED 2 bit selection 0 1:1 186
X P355 LED 2 bit pattern 0 1:1 186
X P356 LED 3 source Pxxx 0 1:1 186
X P357 LED 3 bit selection 0 1:1 186
X P358 LED 3 bit pattern 0 1:1 186
X P359 LED 4 source Pxxx 0 1:1 186
X P360 LED 4 bit selection 0 1:1 186
X P361 LED 4 bit pattern 0 1:1 186
- P362 LED state - 1:1 186
X P370 DI 1 target Pxxx 0 1:1 190
X P371 DI 1 bit selection 0 1:1 190
X P372 DI 1 LOW pattern 0 1:1 190
X P373 DI 1 HIGH pattern 0 1:1 190
X P374 DI 2 target Pxxx 0 1:1 190
X P375 DI 2 bit selection 0 1:1 190
X P376 DI 2 LOW pattern 0 1:1 190
X P377 DI 2 HIGH pattern 0 1:1 190
X P378 DI 3 target Pxxx 120 1:1 190
X P379 DI 3 bit selection 0800 1:1 190
X P380 DI 3 LOW pattern 0000 1:1 190
X: Parameter is saved in the data record

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 247

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

Parameter Default Internal scaling Page

X P381 DI 3 HIGH pattern 0080 1:1 190
- P382 DI state - 1:1 189
X P383 DO 1 source Pxxx 0 1:1 192
X P384 DO 1 bit selection 0 1:1 192
X P385 DO 1 bit pattern 0 1:1 193
X P386 DO 2 source Pxxx 0 1:1 192
X P387 DO 2 bit selection 0 1:1 192
X P388 DO 2 bit pattern 0 1:1 193
X P389 DO 3 source Pxxx 0 1:1 192
X P390 DO 3 bit selection 0 1:1 192
X P391 DO 3 bit pattern 0 1:1 193
X P392 DO state - 1:1 193
- P450 GP status - 1:1 200
X P451 GP Info1 0 1:1 201
X P452 GP Info 2 0 1:1 201
X P452 GP Info 2 0 1:1 201
X P453 GP Info 3 0 1:1 201
X P453 GP Info 3 0 1:1 201
X P454 GP Info 4 0 1:1 201
X P455 GP Info 5 0 1:1 201
X P456 GP Info 6 0 1:1 201
X P457 GP Info 7 0 1:1 201
X P458 GP Info 8 0 1:1 201
X P459 GP Info 9 0 1:1 201
X P460 GP Info 10 0 1:1 201
X P461 GP Info 11 0 1:1 201
X P462 GP Info 12 0 1:1 201
X P463 GP Info 13 0 1:1 201
X P464 GP Info 14 0 1:1 201
X P465 GP Info 15 0 1:1 201
X P466 GP Info 16 0 1:1 201
- P467 GP Latch 0 1:1 202
- P467 GP Latch 0 1:1 202
- P500 XDI state - 1:1 195
X P501 XDI 1 target Pxxx 0 1:1 195
X P502 XDI 1 bit selection 0 1:1 196
X P503 XDI 1 LOW pattern 0 1:1 196
X P504 XDI 1 HIGH pattern 0 1:1 196
X P505 XDI 2 target Pxxx 0 1:1 195
X P506 XDI 2 bit selection 0 1:1 196
X P507 XDI 2 LOW pattern 0 1:1 196
X P508 XDI 2 HIGH pattern 0 1:1 196
X P509 XDI 3 target Pxxx 0 1:1 195
X P510 XDI 3 bit selection 0 1:1 196
X P511 XDI 3 LOW pattern 0 1:1 196
X P512 XDI 3 HIGH pattern 0 1:1 196
X: Parameter is saved in the data record

248 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH

Parameter Default Internal scaling Page

X P513 XDI 4 target Pxxx 0 1:1 195
X P514 XDI 4 bit selection 0 1:1 196
X P515 XDI 4 LOW pattern 0 1:1 196
X P516 XDI 4 HIGH pattern 0 1:1 196
X P517 XDI 5 target Pxxx 0 1:1 195
X P518 XDI 5 bit selection 0 1:1 196
X P519 XDI 5 LOW pattern 0 1:1 196
X P520 XDI 5 HIGH pattern 0 1:1 196
X P521 XDI 6 target Pxxx 0 1:1 195
X P522 XDI 6 bit selection 0 1:1 196
X P523 XDI 6 LOW pattern 0 1:1 196
X P524 XDI 6 HIGH pattern 0 1:1 196
X P525 XDI 7 target Pxxx 0 1:1 195
- P526 XDI 7 bit selection 0 1:1 196
X P527 XDI 7 LOW pattern 0 1:1 196
X P528 XDI 7 HIGH pattern 0 1:1 196
X P529 XDI 8 target Pxxx 0 1:1 195
X P530 XDI 8 bit selection 0 1:1 196
X P531 XDI 8 LOW pattern 0 1:1 196
X P532 XDI 8 HIGH pattern 0 1:1 196
- P533 XDO state - 1:1 198
X P535 XDO 1 source Pxxx 0 1:1 198
X P536 XDO 1 bit selection 0 1:1 198
X P537 XDO 1 bit pattern 0 1:1 199
X P538 XDO 2 source Pxxx 0 1:1 198
X P539 XDO 2 bit selection 0 1:1 198
X P540 XDO 2 bit pattern 0 1:1 199
X P541 XDO 3 source Pxxx 0 1:1 198
X P542 XDO 3 bit selection 0 1:1 198
X P543 XDO 3 bit pattern 0 1:1 199
X P544 XDO 4 source Pxxx 0 1:1 198
X P545 XDO 4 bit selection 0 1:1 198
X P546 XDO 4 bit pattern 0 1:1 199
X P547 XDO 5 source Pxxx 0 1:1 198
X P548 XDO 5 bit selection 0 1:1 198
X P549 XDO 5 bit pattern 0 1:1 199
X P550 XDO 6 source Pxxx 0 1:1 198
X P551 XDO 6 bit selection 0 1:1 198
X P552 XDO 6 bit pattern 0 1:1 199
X P553 XDO 7 source Pxxx 0 1:1 198
X P554 XDO 7 bit selection 0 1:1 198
X P555 XDO 7 bit pattern 0 1:1 199
X P556 XDO 8 source Pxxx 0 1:1 198
X P557 XDO 8 bit selection 0 1:1 198
X P558 XDO 8 bit pattern 0 1:1 199
X P562 TM correction factor 1 1,0000 1:1 132
X: Parameter is saved in the data record

V-Controller (BUS 6 VC) 249

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

Parameter Default Internal scaling Page

X P563 TM correction factor 2 1,0000 1:1 132
X P564 TM correction factor 2 0,00 % +100,00 % = +16384 dez 132
- P567 EA state - 1:1 175
X P568 EA ramp-up final value 100,00 % ±100,00 % = ±16384 dez 175
X P569 EA ramp-down final value 100,00 % ±100,00 % = ±16384 dez 176
X P570 G1 sine² upper limit 95% ±100,00 % = ±16384 dez 119
X P571 G2 sine² upper limit 95% ±100,00 % = ±16384 dez 119
X P572 GM field angle monitoring threshold 20% ±100,00 % = ±16384 dez 119
- P576 I NF center frequency 0,000 kHz 1,000 kHz = 1000 dez 124
- P576 I NF Sperrfrequenz 0,000 kHz 1,000 kHz = 1000 dez 124
- P577 I NF bandwidth 0,100 kHz 1,000 kHz = 1000 dez 124
X: Parameter is saved in the data record

250 V-Controller (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH

9.4 Index L
LED Display 184
LED Display Element 22
A Locating Position Reference Point Setting 57
Accessories 35
Accuracy 11 M
Additional Parameter 224
Analog Inputs 177 Maintenance 227
Analog Outputs 182 Maintenance information 227
Analog/Digital Interface 30 Manufacturer Declaration 237
Appendix 237 Motor Model 80
Assembly 17 Motor Overload Monitoring 86
Assembly Note 18 Motor Potentiometer 173
Asynchronous Serial Interface 27 Motor Temperature 29
Motor Temperature Monitoring 89
BAPS Communication 222
Boot data record 56 Number of Pole Pairs 92

Closed-Loop Control 12 Operation Software 10
Commands to Start the Drive 58 Operation system 164
Commands to Stop the Drive 60 Optional Boards 10
Commissioning 37 Outputs 10
Connection Cable 31 Overload Monitoring of Power Unit 75
Connection Cable RS485 34 Overview V-Controller 64
Connection voltage 107
Connector Pin Assignment 25
Control Word 148
Current Controller 120 P302 178
Current Measurement and Monitoring 66 PC Connection 32
Current measurement and monitoring 66 Position Controller 133
Power consumption 11
Power Supply 67
D Power Unit 69
Danger Information 19 Pulse Width Modulation 78
Data Set Management 158
Deviation monitoring 136
Digital Inputs 187
Digital Outputs 191 Ramp Function Generator 167
Dimensions 17 Rectangle Incremental Encoder 28
Display 21 Resolver 27
Disposal 236 RS232 Interface 25
Drive Manager 140 RS485 Interface 25

Electrical Data 11 Sampling Rate 11
Encoder Evaluation 63 Serial Connection Cable 32
Encoder Manager 96 Service Interface 203
Encoder type 97 Set Value Generator 171
Evaluation Encoder 108 Seven-segment Display 21
External Digital input 194 Sine Encoder 29
External Digital Outputs 197 Sine Incremental Encoder 5V 28
Speed Controller 126
State Word 150
Field Angle Calculation 92
Function diagrams 63
Technical Data 9
Terminal Diagram 23
G Terminal Ring Circuit 33
General Conditions of Sale and Delivery 238 Torque Monitoring 129
Transportation 15
Transportation damage 15
I Type Code 12
Incremental Encoder Emulation 26
Initial Commissioning 40 U
Inputs 10
Installation 19 Unit Control State Machine 142
Interfaces 11 Unit Control State Transition 145
Unpacking 15

V-Regler (BUS 6 VC) 251

Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH 5.95036.17

USS® Protocol 208

Version 12
Voltage range 11

252 V-Regler (BUS 6 VC)

5.95036.17 Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH Ostendstraße 80-90 90482 Nürnberg T: +49(0)911-5432-0 F: +49(0)911-5432-130

All information given in this manual is customer information, subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to futher develop and actualize
our products continuously using our permanent revision service. Please notice, that specifications/data/information are current values according to the printing date.
These statements are not legally binding according to the measurement, computation and calculations. Before you make any information given in this manual to the basis
of your own calculations and/or applications, please make sure that you have the latest edition of the information in hand.
No liability can be accepted concerning the correctness of the information.

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