Labour Law Project: Topic: Labour Welfare in India

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The term welfare brings in many ideas, meaning to state well being, good
health, happiness, prosperity and the development of human resources. The
concept of welfare has been a total concept involving physical, mental, moral
and emotional well being of individual. The social concept of welfare implies
the welfare of man, his family and his community. It is an interconnection of
threes three aspects in the sense that all these work together and individually
supplement one another.

Welfare is called as a relative concept for it is related to time and space.
Changes in it have an impact on the system. As a result the potential changes
in the welfare content keep changing with time and space. It is also been
observed that the welfare as a concept differs from country to country and
from place to place. Secondly, welfare is a positive concept, as to establish a
minimum standard of living; it would demand certain minimum acceptable
conditions of existence in both biological and social. Thus, when this is defined
it is necessity for the components of welfare in terms of health, food, clothing,
housing, medical assistance, insurance so on are to be taken care of. Further,
labour welfare as a concept has both positive and negative sides like, it deals
with the provision of opportunities which enable the worker and his family to
lead a good life, socially and personally and on the negative side it provides
opportunities for undesirable consequences and labour problems. The concept
of labour differs from country to country, industry to industry and from time to
time and region to region. Further it also depends on the kind of problems with
which the society is confronted that is moulded according to the age group,
sex, social-cultural background, economic status and educational level of the
employees in various industries. The utilization philosophy of the labour
welfare works as a motivating force towards every labour and for those
interested in it.


In the beginning humanitarianism and social awareness motivated labour
welfare activities. Driven by the desire for greater efficiency and output from
workers and with a view to attract better workers, employers lured them into
their Organisation through labour welfare measures. Further, some of the few
issues tackled by labour welfare measures are as stated below. Such labour
welfare measures persuade workers to accept mechanization and sometimes
labour welfare measures were used by the employers as a tool to combat the
outside agencies on their employees. Labour welfare measures are often
undertaken to avoid paying of tax on surplus and simultaneously building up
good relations with the employee. Sometimes labour welfare measures are
undertaken to meet the minimal requirements that is followed by other
organisations in the industry


Labour welfare has become essential because of the very nature of the
industrial system and the approaches to this system differ from country to
country. Since our country is still going through the process of economic
development, it is of great consequence and somewhat easier to counteract
the baneful effects of the industrial revolution that has adversely affected the
people all over the world. Thus the need for labour welfare was strongly felt by
the committee of the Royal Commission on Labour as far as back as in 1931,
primarily to protect every industrial worker from the hands of their employers.
Further, the above commission’s mission to protect labour was emphasized in
the state directive principles of the following article. Article 41 – The state shall
within the limits of its economic capacity and development make effective
provision for securing the right to work, to education and to public assistance
in cases of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement and in other
cases of underserved want. Article 42 – The state shall make provision for
securing just and humane conditions of work and for maternity relief. Article
43 – The state shall endeavour to secure, by suitable legislation or economic
organisation or in any other way, to all workers, agricultural, industrial or
otherwise work a living wage, conditions of work ensuring a decent standard of
life and full enjoyment of leisure and social and cultural opportunities and in
particular the state shall endeavour to promote cottage industries on an
individual or cooperative basis in rural areas.


There were only 25 million during the initial period of industrial growth, while
the strength of the workers is increasing year after year and hence, need for a
mechanism to look into the welfare of the labour.
- Workers put in long hours of work in unhealthy surrounding and the
drudgery of the factory work continues to have adverse effect. To counter
these welfare measures were felt necessary.

- As a result of hard work, they fall prey to alcoholism, gambling and other
immoral activities results in absenteeism and other problems in the
organisation. Hence the need was felt.

- Good education and training facilities for workers were also felt necessary as
there was high rate illiteracy and lack of proper education background.

- Good training provided will reduce industrial accidents, increases workers

efficiency and create a sense of commitment among the workers.

- Welfare activities like family planning, child welfare facilities and maternity
care assist workers in a variety of ways, which would reduce the mortality rate
and maintain good health of the spouse and children of the family, which
would create a confident note in the workers.

- Promoting welfare activities lead to better working conditions and standards

for industrial workers.


Contribute to the productivity of labour and efficiency of the enterprise

 Raise the standard of living of workers by indirectly reducing the burden

on their purse
 Be in tune and harmony with similar services obtaining in a
neighbouring community where an enterprise is situated.
 Be based on an intelligent prediction of the future needs of industrial
work and be so designed as to offer a cushion to absorb the shock of
industrialization and urbanization
 Be administratively viable and essentially development in outlook.

However no labour welfare activities can be limited to facilities, within or near

the neither undertaking nor can it be comprehensive as embrace the whole
range of social welfare or social services. It therefore follows all the extra
mural and intra mural welfare activities as statutory or non statutory welfare
measures undertaken by employers.

It bring under its purview all welfare activities and amenities related to
canteen, rest and recreation facilities, medical assistance, better health,
nutrition and sanitation, travel to and from work, education, housing, holiday
facilities and so on.


Labour welfare in India has a special significance as the constitution provides
for the promotion of welfare of the labour for human condition of work and
securing to all workers leisure, social and cultural opportunities. Labour
welfare is measure to promote the efficiency of labour. The various welfare
measures provided by the employer will have immediate impact on the health,
physical and mental efficiency, alertness, morale and overall efficiency of the
workers and thereby contributing to the higher productivity. Moreover, the
workmen require protection from certain calamities which imperial their
efficiency. Social security measure provided by employer will act as a
protection to the workers. Social security aims at providing collective measures
to protect the members of a community against social risk as their individual
resources are seldom adequate to after protection against hardship. Both
assistance and social insurance form integral parts of the system of social
security. Labour welfare introduces the extra dimension to industrial
relationship which ever a satisfactory wage alone cannot provide. Labour
welfare express the humane interest as enlightened employer has in the well
being and contentment of the people who work for him. Labour welfare means
activities designed for the promotion of the economic, social and cultural well
being of the employees. The term labour welfare includes anything done for
intellectual, physical, moral and economic betterment of worker by
government or by other agencies over and above what laid down by law in
various contingencies like illness, unemployment, disability and death which
have direct impact on the well being of the worker and the dependent.

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