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2600/2700/2800/2900 MainStreet Families

Network Termination Units (NTUs)
Today’s carriers need to maintain customer loyalty through improved service, and
competitive service pricing. The equipment deployed to bring service to customer
premises must also extend those customer service benefits, while keeping operational
costs to a minimum.

Newbridge offers a family of NTU network termination products which are an integral
part of the managed bandwidth solution. The NTUs are remotely software configurable,
field proven, and offer advanced XDSL capabilities to extract the maximum performance
from installed copper facilities.

The NTU family can also be put to use in building riser, in-building, or campus
environments where data needs to be distributed away from the central service
delivery point.
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2600/2700/2800/2900 MainStreet Families


High Performance NTUs The Right Choice at a full range of speeds (2800 family
for Public Networks Automatic self-diagnostics, extensive func- is synchronous DCE only).
The MainStreet family of NTUs enables tional displays, automatic reconfiguration • All subrate speeds are supported with effi-
service providers to offer customers more of replaced units, performance statistics, and cient HCM (high capacity multiplexing)
than 128 kbit/s services up to 7 km over many more features make the MainStreet rate adaption in steps of 800 bit/s.
conventional, telephony grade twisted pair series of NTUs the ideal choice for delivering
wiring. These high performance NTUs high speed data services to carrier customers. Central Management and Maintenance
strengthen the service provider’s ability to The MainStreet NTUs can be remotely
deliver reliable, high speed data products Software Configuration controlled from a 4600 MainStreet or
and services directly to its customers as • All operating parameters are software MainStreetXpress 46000 series network
part of a fully managed service. configurable locally or remotely using manager offering the following functions:
a dedicated control channel. • configuration (e.g., interface speed, parity)
The 2902 MainStreet Multiservice NTU • No jumpers or DIP switches to configure • setting and monitoring the state of the
combines HDSL technology and modular on any NTUs. control leads
interfaces to deliver high bandwidth access of • Connector ports can be configured as • selection of rate adaption parameters
2 Mbit/s over existing copper pairs for X.21, DTE or DCE and can accommodate and control lead functions
X.35 and V.24 applications, among others. synchronous or asynchronous data

The 2801 MainStreet* variable rate HDSL

NTUs provide a simple and economical
vehicle to deliver high speed X.21 or V.35
data services at speeds of up 1 Mbit/s over
a single pair of existing copper wire.
Router MainStreetXpress 46020
The 2715 MainStreet is an enhanced 2700
series DTU that provides superior operation LAN
and maintenance capabilities (link quality, E1/HDSL or
alarms, power fail detect, statistics and E1/HDB3
integral BERT). Used in pairs, the 2715 2902 MainStreet
MainStreet can provide data transmission E1 3600/3645
redundancy as well. These features make it MainStreet
ideally suited for premium data services.
PBX Office Central Office
The 2700 MainStreet series DTUs are
extended range devices that operate at a Multiservice connectivity using the 2902 MainStreet NTU
distance of up to 7 km and connect to a
2B1Q or 27LC2 card in a 3600 MainStreet
node. The 2700 MainStreet series is used to
deliver data services to customer premises, Central Site Branch Site
often over external twisted pair cable plant.
Corporate Network
The 2600 MainStreet series DTUs operate
at a distance of up to 3 km (2 mi) through Async
a DNIC (data network interface circuit)
line card connecting to the node. The 2600 Frame Relay
MainStreet series DTUs deliver data services
for on-premise, building riser and campus 3600 2614 Async
MainStreet MainStreet
36120 Async
MainStreet ACC Router
Host with rack-mounted
2614 MainStreet
DTUs Rate Board

* Requires 3600 node release 7.1 Frame relay connectivity using the 2614 MainStreet DTU

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• collection of performance statistics Multiservice Connectivity Internet & LAN Connectivity

(2700 MainStreet and 2800 MainStreet* 2902 MainStreet NTU 2720 and 2721 MainStreet
DTUs only) The 2902 MainStreet Multiservice NTU Internet/Router Termination Units
• full set of loopbacks delivers managed high bandwidth access The 2720 MainStreet and 2721 MainStreet
• loss of sync over existing copper pairs using HDSL. units were designed to address the growing
• loss of power alarms (2715 and Within a single unit, service providers can demand for affordable alternatives in the
2801 MainStreet* only) deliver integrated data and digital voice expanding corporate intranetwork and
• integral BERT tester (2612, 2613, 2715 access with a high degree of flexibility Internet access markets. Both units provide
MainStreet and 2801 MainStreet only) and reliability while making use of integrated network management and
their existing network infrastructure. scalability.
Reliable and Rugged
• hundreds of thousands deployed Frame Relay Connectivity Private Network Application
• all NTUs operate from 0° to 50° C 2614 MainStreet DTU Supporting all of the same features
The 2614 MainStreet Frame Relay DTU previously described for public networks,
Simple Installation and Field Swaps is a high-performance frame relay access the MainStreet NTUs are also effectively
• no jumpers device capable of adapting a wide variety deployed in private or enterprise networks.
• no DIP switches of data traffic types to Newbridge-based
• simple installation, no on-site frame relay networks. As a cost-effective method for extending data
configuration required distribution and network access in a campus
• units replaced in the field reconfigured Video Connectivity environment, MainStreet NTUs are able to
automatically by attached 3600 MainStreet 2611 MainStreet VTU System exploit the existing twisted pair wiring infra-
series multiplexer The 2611 MainStreet Video Termination structure and thereby avoid rewiring with
Unit and Video Management System pro- bulky and expensive data cabling or using
Related Products vides a scalable, integrated remote video expensive fiber.
Other Newbridge NTUs are available to monitoring system that enables the carrier
expand a service provider’s opportunity for to deliver a unique service offering over
revenue generation or extend connectivity any existing network infrastructure.
in a private network.

Ethernet LAN
Small Business 46020 Network Manager

Carrier Regional
2721 MainStreet Value-Added Carrier
Frame Relay/ Internet Services
ATM Backbone WWW, Email
2721 MainStreet 3600 MainStreet

3645 MainStreet

PC Router Network

Telephone PSTN Ethernet LAN

2721 MainStreet Router Termination unit in a managed intranet application

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2600/2700/2800/2900 MainStreet Families


MainStreetXpress 46020 FEP

PC 2701 MainStreet


PC 2702 MainStreet 3600 MainStreet 2611 MainStreet VMS

3600 MainStreet
TDM Remote Monitoring Service

PC 2703 MainStreet

1 Mbit/s

Router 2801 MainStreet* MainStreetXpress 46020

3645 MainStreet
Router Ethernet LAN

V.35 at
1 Mbit/s 15 DS0s
2 Mbit/s

2902 MainStreet 2721 MainStreet

3600 MainStreet 3600 MainStreet

2720 MainStreet


3600 MainStreet 3600 MainStreet 2601 MainStreet


2602 MainStreet
2701 MainStreet

3630 MainStreet
2603 MainStreet
1 Mbit/s

2703 MainStreet

2801 MainStreet
NTU Applications Diagram Multi-tenant buildings

* Requires 3600 node release 7.1

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MainStreet NTUs at Work NTU Quick Reference Chart

The diagram to the left provides several
examples of MainStreet NTU applications NTU Max. Max. Data Interface 3600/3645 Notes
loop† Port Speeds Port Density
functioning within a managed internet-
working environment. 2601 3 km 64 kbit/s V.24 + V.24 6 or 12 circuits 2612 includes integral
2612 per slot BERT testing capability
The 2700 MainStreet series of NTUs at 2602 3 km 128 kbit/s X.21 + X.21 6 or 12 circuits
the top left of the diagram are extended per slot
range devices that connect to a MainStreet
2603 3 km 128 kbit/s V.35 + V.35 6 or 12 circuits 2613 includes integral
node. In this TDM application, the 2700 2613 per slot BERT testing capability
MainStreet NTUs are functioning within
a master/slave timing subsystem, wherein 2701 7 km 64 kbit/s V.24 + V.24 6 circuits
per slot
one station (master) supplies the timing
reference for each interconnected station 2702 7 km 128 kbit/s X.21 + X.21 6 circuits
per slot
or node (slave) independent of the 3600
MainStreet node system clock. Each 2703 7 km 128 kbit/s V.35 + V.35 6 circuits
2700 MainStreet node terminates a subrate per slot
circuit from the SRM (subrate multiplexer). 2704 7 km 64 kbit/s V.24 + V.24 6 circuits Supports V.110
per slot rate adaption
In the X.25 application the 2700 MainStreet
2715 7 km 128 kbit/s V.24 + V.35 6 circuits Integral BERT testing, link
NTUs are shown terminating circuits per slot redundancy, power fail detect*
from an X.25 network accessed via a
3630 MainStreet node. 2720 7 km 128 kbit/s 10-BaseT 6 circuits IP routing
2721 Ethernet per slot IP and IPX routing

The 2902 MainStreet Multiservice NTU 2801 5 km 1.024 Mbit/s V.35 or X.21 6 circuits Integral BERT testing,
allows service providers to deliver integrated (software per slot power fail detect
data and digital voice access over existing
copper wiring. In the example, the 2902 2902 5 km 2.048 Mbit/s G.704 E1 + 2 V.35 2 circuits Multiservice NTU, fractional
or 2 X.21 or 4 V.24 per slot E1 + data
MainStreet node provides the interface DNIC or 2B1Q
between a VBN (virtual backbone network)
partition and mixed voice and data devices † With .5 mm/24 gauge wire. * When used with 27LC2.
(a router and a PBX).
The above chart provides a quick reference of speeds and interfaces offered by each
In the shared tenant building, several 2600 member of the MainStreet NTU family.
MainStreet NTUs and a 2801 MainStreet
NTU are shown in a riser, on-premises
application. Each customer using the riser The 2721 MainStreet Router Termination
for data distribution has an NTU to provide unit is shown in a small business LAN
connectivity to a centrally located 3600 interconnect application. It contains a
MainStreet node. full IP router for mapping IP addresses
to frame relay PVCs.
The 2611 MainStreet VTU provides a scal-
able, integrated system for low-bandwidth
video surveillance and monitoring. In the
diagram, a local transport authority is using
the carrier’s existing twisted wire infra-
structure to provide a low cost video-over-
network system to monitor traffic patterns.

The 2720 MainStreet Internet Termination

unit provides carrier-managed 128 kbit/s
Internet access without tying up a port on
an ISDN switch.

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2600/2700/2800/2900 MainStreet Families


Transmission Performance conditions. Testing for the 2801 MainStreet* Technical Summary
Extensive lab measurements were performed and 2900 MainStreet series was according
to determine the maximum DTU operating to ETSI Specification ETR 152. 2601/2612/2701 MainStreet
distances over standard gauge twisted-pair • ports: dual V.24/RS232
wire. Test results for the 2600 MainStreet The 2801 MainStreet NTU can run at • connectors: DB25
and 2700 MainStreet were performed as several line rates and loop reaches enabling • physical interface: EIA RS232C,
per ANSI T1.601, which injects noise during service to those customers who are outside CCITT V.24/28
testing to better simulate actual loop the normal delivery range. • mode of operation: DTE/DCE
• control signals supported: RTS, CTS,
Loop length versus wire gauge for the 2600
and 2700 MainStreet NTUs • variable character length: 9, 10 or 11
(start, data, parity, stop bits)
• rate adaption: HCM
13.9 2602/2702 MainStreet
• ports: dual X.21/RS449
• connectors: DB15
• physical interface: EIA RS449/442,
Loop length CCITT X.21, ISO 4903
(km) 7.2 • mode of operation: DTE/DCE
5 5.8 • control signals supported: C, I
4.3 • variable character length: 9, 10 or 11
3.3 (start, data, parity, stop bits)
• rate adaption: HCM
0 2603/2613/2703 MainStreet
0.912 mm 0.644 mm 0.511 mm 0.405 mm • ports: dual V.35
Diameter • connectors: DB25
• physical interface: CCITT V.35, ISO 2593
2700 MainStreet 2600 MainStreet • mode of operation: DTE/DCE
• control signals supported: RTS, CTS,
Loop length versus wire gauge for the 2801 • variable character length: 9, 10 or 11
and 2902 MainStreet NTUs (start, data, parity, stop bits)
15 • rate adaption: HCM
2704 MainStreet
• ports: dual V.24/RS232
• connectors: DB25
10 • physical interface: EIA RS232,
CCITT V.24/28
Loop length 7.6 7.3
• mode of operation: DTE/DCE
(km) 7.5
6.5 • variable character length: 9, 10 or 11
5 4.8
5.4 (start, data, stop bits)
4.1 4.8 4.1 • rate adaption: CCITT V.110 (I.463)
4.1 3.3
2.7 2.6 with E-bit support
2715 MainStreet
0.8 mm 0.6 mm 0.5 mm 0.4 mm • ports: one V.24/RS232, one V.35
20 GAUGE 22 GAUGE 24 GAUGE 26 GAUGE • connectors: DB25
Diameter • physical interface: EIA RS232C, CCITT
V.34/28, E1A RS440/422, CCITT V.35
2801 MainStreet 2902 MainStreet
CCITT V.24/28
256k • mode of operation: DTE/DCE
512k • control signals supported: RTS, CTS,
• variable character length: 9, 10 or 11
(start, data, parity, stop, bits)
* Requires 3600 node release 7.1 • rate adaption: HCM

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2902 MainStreet
Synchronous Data Rates Asynchronous Data Rates * • Dimensions:
88 mm (2VU) (11 in.) high
2601 0.15, 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 4, 4.8, 7.2, 0.15, 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 4.8, 432 mm (with rack mounting ears
2612 8, 9.6, 12, 14.4, 16, 16.8, 19.2, 24, 28.8, 7.2, 9.6, 14.4, 19.2, 38.4 kbit/s 483 mm) (17/19 in.) wide
2701 MainStreet 32, 38.4, 40, 48, 56, 57.6, 64 kbit/s
281 mm (11 in.) deep
2602/03/13 0.15, 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 4, 4.8, 7.2, 0.15, 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 4.8, 19 and 23 in. sliding drawer mountings
2702/03 8, 9.6, 12, 14.4, 16, 16.8, 19.2, 24, 28.8, 7.2, 9.6, 14.4, 19.2 and 38.4 kbit/s are available as options
2715 MainStreet 32, 38.4, 40, 48, 56, 57.6, 64 and 128 kbit/s

2704 0.6, 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 7.2, 9.6, 12, 14.4, 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 7.2, 9.6, 12, 14.4 and Operating Environment
MainStreet V.110 19.2, 48, 56 and 64 kbit/s; plus 36, 19.2; plus 36 kbit/s • 0° to 50° C (32° to 122° F)
38.4 and 57.6 kbit/s
• 5% to 95% humidity non-condensing
2801 Mainstreet 64, 128, 192, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, n/a • 5° to 40° C (41° to 104° F) 20% to 80%
640, 704, 768, 832, 896, 960 and 1024 kbit/s for 2720/2721
*Specifications do not apply to 2902 MainStreet.
Special Note
Interface speed is subject to speed of node.
Please consult the 3600/45 MainStreet for
full interface speed compatibility.
2801 MainStreet* • automatic self-diagnostics
• ports: one V.35 or X.21 or V.36/RS449 • clocking modes
software selectable • rate adaption types
• connector: DB37 • power fail alarm (2715 and 2801: 3600/45
• physical interfaces: V.35, V.36/RS449, X.21 MainStreet release 6.1 and later)
• mode of operation: synchronous DCE • integral BERT tester (2715 and 2801:
• control signals supported: DSR, DTR, 3600/45 MainStreet release 6.1 and later)
• rate adaption: I.460 Power
2600/2700 MainStreet
Line Connection • Newbridge standard power adapters
• single twisted pair available: 115 V AC/60 Hz, 230 V AC/50
• up to 3 km (2 mi) using 26 AWG wires Hz -24/-48 V DC
(2600 MainStreet) 2801 MainStreet
• up to 5.4 km (3.1 mi) using 26 AWG • Newbridge standard power adapters
wires (2700 MainStreet) available: 115 V AC/60 Hz, 230 V AC/50 Hz
• RJ11 connectors (2600 MainStreet) 2902 MainStreet
• RJ45 connector (2700 MainStreet) • Universal AC power supply 90–240 V AC
• transmission using adaptive echo
cancellation techniques Physical Description
• D channel used for control and 2600/2700/2800 MainStreet
management of the NTU • Dimensions:
37 mm (1.5 in.) high
System/Maintenance Features 194 mm (7.5 in.) wide
• DTE/DCE software configurable 270 mm (10.5) deep
(except 2801) • Weight: 0.85 kg (1.8 lbs)
• synchronization software selectable excluding power adapter
• data rates software selectable 2720/2721 MainStreet
• asynchronous and/or synchronous • Dimensions:
operation (except 2801) 38 mm (1.5 in.) high
• local, remote, channel and network 213 mm (8.5 in.) wide
loopback 150 mm (6 in.) deep
• data performance statistics • Weight: .59 kg (1.3 lbs)
excluding power adapter

* Requires 3600 node release 7.1

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Corporate Headquarters Newbridge and logo, and MainStreet are registered

Newbridge Networks Corporation trademarks and Packet Transfer Exchange and FASTbus
600 March Road, P.O. Box 13600 are trademarks of Newbridge Networks Corporation.
Kanata, Ontario Canada K2K 2E6
Telephone: +1 613 591 3600 MainStreetXpress is a trademark used exclusively by
Facsimile: +1 613 591 3680 Newbridge Networks Corporation and Siemens AG under
Internet: www.newbridge.com license for their comprehensive solutions in broadband
communications. No agency relationship, partnership, or
North and South America
joint ownership of a legal entity is to be inferred or implied
Newbridge Networks Inc.
by the use of the term alliance.
593 Herndon Parkway
Herndon, Virginia U.S.A. 20170-5241
Telephone: 1 800 343 3600 Information subject to change without notice.
+1 703 834 3600 © 1997 Newbridge Networks Corporation.
Facsimile: +1 703 471 7080 All rights reserved. 6996

Europe, Middle East and Africa

Newbridge Networks Limited
Coldra Woods, Chepstow Road
Newport, South Wales NP6 1JB U.K.
Telephone: +44 (0) 1633 413600
Facsimile: +44 (0) 1633 413680

Asia Pacific
Newbridge Networks Sdn. Bhd.
Suite 5-01/02, 5th Floor
Menara Keck Seng
203 Jalan Bukit Bintang
55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Telephone: +60 3 241 2317
Facsimile: +60 3 241 2418

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