About Wave Lab

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About WaveLab

Jonathan Buckheit, Shaobing Chen,

David Donoho, Iain Johnstone
Stanford University
Jeffrey Scargle
NASA-Ames Research Center
Version .850
December, 2005

Wavelab is a library of Matlab routines for wavelet analysis, wavelet-packet analysis,
cosine-packet analysis and matching pursuit. The library is available free of charge over the
Internet. Versions are provided for Macintosh, UNIX and Windows machines. Downloading
and installation instructions are given here.
Wavelab has over 1200 .m files which are documented, indexed and cross-referenced in
various ways. In this document we suggest several ways to get started using Wavelab: (a)
trying out a point-and-click browser, which allows one to interactively select datasets and
compute their wavelet transforms; (b) running various demonstrations, which illustrate top-
ics ranging from the visual appearance of various wavelets to the wavelet compression of cer-
tain images,(c) browsing the extensive collection of source files, which are self-documenting
and (d) reproducing the figures from the book Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing by Stephan
Mallat [30].
Wavelab makes available, in one package, all the code to reproduce all the figures in our
published wavelet articles. The interested reader can inspect the source code to see exactly
what algorithms were used, and how parameters were set in producing our figures, and can
then modify the source to produce variations on our results. Wavelab has been developed,
in part, because of exhortations by Jon Claerbout of Stanford that computational scientists
should engage in “really reproducible” research.
This document helps with installation and getting started, as well as describing the
philosophy, limitations and rules of the road for this software.

Acknowledgment of Support. This work was partially supported by NSF DMS 92-09130
and 95-05151 (Stanford), by the NASA Astrophysics Data Program (through NASA-Ames Grant
NCC2-5100), ASOR MURI, by DARPA BAA-98-04, By NSF KDI, NSF DMS 00-77261, NSF
DMS 01-40698 and by other sponsors.

1 Introduction 3

2 Access and Installation 4

2.1 Platform-Specific Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 WEB Acess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.4 Pathnames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.5 Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.5.1 UNIX Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.5.2 Macintosh Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.5.3 PC Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.6 Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3 Getting Started 11
3.1 Snooping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.1.1 Contents Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.1.2 Help for Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.1.3 Source Browsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.1.4 Documentation Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1.5 Dataset Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 Demos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2.1 Short Course Demo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2.2 Demo Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3 Browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3.1 Example: De-Noising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3.2 Example: Thresholding Caruso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.4 Toons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.4.1 Outline of Toons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.4.2 Example: Plotting Wavelets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.4.3 Example: Looking at a 2-d Wavelet Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.4.4 Example: 2-d Compression Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.5 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.5.1 Devil’s staircase and its wavelet transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.5.2 Example-Linear and nonlinear approximation for Lena’s image . . . . . . 31
3.6 Reproducible Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.7 Freeware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4 Fine Print 35
4.1 Dependence on Matlab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2 Registration – Wavelab Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.3 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.4 Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.5 No Charge – No Charge for Wavelab Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.6 No Warranty – No Warranty on WaveLab software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.7 Copyright – Wavelab Copying Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.8 Thanks – Thanks to contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

1 Introduction
Wavelab is a library of Matlab routines for wavelet analysis, wavelet-packet analysis, cosine-
packet analysis and matching pursuit. This library has been used in teaching courses on the
Wavelet Transform and related Time-Frequency transforms at Berkeley and at Stanford. The
library is also the basis for wavelet research by the authors, and may be used to reproduce the
figures in their published articles, and to redo those figures with variations in the parameters.
The library is available free of charge over the Internet by WWW access; instructions are
given below. The material is, however, copyrighted, so that advance permission is required for
any commercial use.
The package agrees in philosophy with the “orthogonal wavelet transforms” school, and with
associated orthogonal time-frequency transforms, such as wavelet packets and cosine packets.
The less-mathematically inclined reader is encouraged to study Y. Meyer’s book published by
SIAM in English [28]; This will give the reader a conceptual background for the whole package.
Other references for the philosophy expressed here include the book of Ingrid Daubechies [14] (for
background on orthogonal wavelet transforms), the papers of Coifman, Meyer and Wickerhauser
[12] (for background on wavelet and cosine packets and adaptive choice of time-frequency bases),
the book of Wickerhauser [29] and the paper by S. Mallat and S. Zhang on matching pursuit
[27] and the book of S. Mallat [30] (.850 version of Wavelab includes almost all the scripts
that produce the figures in Mallat’s book. Exploring and running the scripts is a good way to
understand the book itself).
In addition to routines implementing basic wavelet transforms for finite data sets (both
periodic transforms and boundary-corrected transforms), wavelet-packet analysis, cosine-packet
analysis (≡ local cosine analysis of Coifman and Meyer) and matching pursuit, the library
contains scripts which give a quick guide to wavelets, wavelet packets, cosine packets, matching
pursuit and related concepts and which perform elementary data compression and de-noising
tasks. We believe that by studying these scripts one can quickly learn the practical aspects of
wavelet analysis and one can learn how to use the Wavelab software library.
In this guide we give information which will help you access and install the software on your
machine and get started in exploring the resources contained in the Wavelab distribution. We
also explain the philosophy which underlies our distribution of the software, and some of the fine
print associated with the software.
There are other resources for obtaining information about Wavelab. First, there is the Wave-
Lab Reference, a rather long document giving details about all the functions and scripts contained
in the package. Second, there is a WaveLab Architecture guide which gives details about how
Wavelab is constructed and maintained.
This body of software is under continuing development by a team of researchers supported
by a grant from the NASA Astrophysics Data program, and from other sponsors. The main aim
is research – to develop specific tools for specific goals in adaptive wavelet analysis. We conduct
our research with the idea, from the beginning, that we will implement our tools in Wavelab.
We believe that the discipline this entails makes our research of a higher quality than otherwise
We welcome your suggestions for further enhancements, and any contributions you might

2 Access and Installation
The Wavelab library contains .m files (Matlab code), .mex files (compiled dynamically loadable
code), datasets, documentation, scripts and workouts (both also .m files) for reproducing the
figures in articles by the authors.
The whole library consists of over 1200 files and 50 subdirectories. It requires more than
2MB and less than 5Mb space on disk once it is downloaded, decompressed and installed.
This documentation refers to Version .850 of Wavelab.

2.1 Platform-Specific Information

Wavelab is available for use in Matlab 6.X or 7 on three different platforms: Windows XP or
2000 , UNIX and Macintosh. The package is made available as a compressed archive, in a .zip
You do have to know about one convention used in the documentation. We always use the UNIX
pathname conventions rather than PC or Macintosh, e.g. Matlab/Toolbox/Wavelab rather than
Matlab\Toolbox\Wavelab or Matlab:Toolbox:WaveLab. You have to transliterate what we say
into the version appropriate for your platform.

2.2 WEB Acess

To download the compressed archive from the web, point your web browser to http://www-
stat.stanford.edu/˜ wavelab to access the Wavelab web-page. Once there, mouse click under the
section ”How to Download?”.

2.3 Installation
In this section we first describe the installation process in narrative form, and later give a step-
by-step checklist.
Once the appropriate compressed archive has been transferred to your machine, it should
be decompressed and installed. You will need an appropriate software to decompress .zip file
Wavelab850.zip. On a personal computer (Macintosh or Windows), the archives should be
decompressed and installed as a subdirectory of the Toolbox directory inside the matlab folder.
On a UNIX workstation or server, the archives could either be installed in the systemwide matlab
directory, if you have permission to do this, or in your own personal matlab directory, if you do
Once the actual files are installed, you should have a number of files and subdirectories in
the directory Wavelab. If you look in the files Contents.m inside of the Wavelab directory, you
will see a plan of what is inside:

% WaveLab Main Directory, Version 850

% This is the main directory of the WaveLab package; the full package
% contains over 1200 files, consisting of .m files, .mex files and datasets.
% .m files in this directory
% Contents.m - This file
% startup.m - Sample Startup file
% WavePath.m - Sets up global variables and pathnames
% InstallMEX.m - Install MEX files
% Subdirectories
% Biorthogonal/ - Bi-Orthogonal Wavelet Transform tools
% Books - figures for books

% /WaveTour - Figures of the book "A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing"
% Browsers/ - WaveLab Browsers
% /One-D - One-D Signal Browser
% /WaveTour - Figures of the book "A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing"
% Continuous/ - Continuous Wavelet Transform tools
% Datasets/ - Data for use with WaveLab
% DeNoising/ - Wavelet Shrinkage tools
% Documentation/ - System-Wide Documentation
% FastAlgorithms/ - Tools for Fast Algorithms
% Fractals/ - Fractal Analysis
% Interpolating/ - Refinement schemes & Bi-Orthogonal Wavelet Transforms
% Invariant/ - Invariant Wavelet Transform tools
% Median/ - Median Interpolating Pyramid Transform Tools
% MEXSource/ - c reservoir for mex files.
% Meyer/ - Periodic Meyer Wavelet Transform tools
% Orthogonal/ - Standard Orthogonal Wavelet Transforms
% Packets/ - Wavelet Packets, Cosine Packets, Best Basis Algorithm
% /One-D - 1-d Wavelet Packets, Cosine Packets, Best Basis
% /Two-D - 2-d Wavelet Packets, Cosine Packets, Best Basis
% Pursuit/ - Matching Pursuit in Wavelet Packet/Cosine Packet Dict.
% Stationary/ - Stationary Wavelet Transform tools
% TimeFrequency/ - Time-Frequency Distribution Tools
% Utilities/ - System-Wide scripting utilities
% Papers/ - Scripts recreating figures in published articles:
% /Adapt - figures for ‘‘Adapting to Unknown Smoothness via
% Wavelet Shrinkage’’
% /Asymp - figures for ‘‘Wavelet Shrinkage: Asymptopia?’’
% /Blocky - figures for ‘‘Smooth Wavelet Decompositions with
% Blocky Coefficient Kernels’’
% /Correl - figures for ‘‘Wavelet Threshold Estimators for
% Data with Correlated Noise’’
% /Ideal - figures for ‘‘Ideal Spatial Adaptation via
% Wavelet Shrinkage’’
% /MinEntSeg - figures for ‘‘On Minimum Entropy Segmentation’’
% /MIPT - figures for ‘‘Nonlinear Wavelet Transforms
% based on Median-Interpolation’’
% /RiskAnalysis - figures for ‘‘Exact Risk Analysis of Wavelet Regression’’
% /ShortCourse - figures for ‘‘Nonlinear Wavelet Methods for Recovery
% of Signals, Densities, Spectra and
% Images from Incomplete and Noisy Data’’
% /CSpinCycle - figures for ‘‘Translation-Invariant De-Noising’’
% /Tour - figures for ‘‘Wavelet Shrinkage and W.V.D.
% -- a Ten-Minute Tour’’
% /VillardDeLans - figures for ‘‘WaveLab and Reproducible Research’’
% Workouts/ - Scripts giving WaveLab features a workout
% /BestOrthoBasis - Best Basis workout
% /MatchingPursuit - Matching Pursuit workout
% /MultiFractal - Continuous Wavelet Transform workout
% /Toons - Cartoon Guide to Wavelets
% Other

% README - General information blurb

Make an actual directory listing to see if your hard disk actually has these files and subdi-

2.4 Pathnames
Matlab can automatically, at startup time, make all the Wavelab software available. The script
WavePath.m is provided as part of Wavelab to enable this feature. It should be invoked from
the user’s Startup.m file.

PC Startup.m is located in the matlab\local directory on MS-Windows. Insert the line

WavePath in that file, and put a copy of WavePath.m in that directory.
Mac Startup.m may be located anywhere inside the Matlab directory on Macintosh. Insert the
line WavePath in that file. Since Wavelab contains a Startup.m file, if you have no other
Startup.m file, there is nothing to do once Wavelab is installed.
Unix This file is located in the matlab subdirectory of your home directory on UNIX. If you
don’t have such a subdirectory, use mkdir ∼/matlab to make one. Create a file named
Startup.m and insert the line WavePath in that file. Then put a copy of WavePath.m in
that directory.

2.5 Checklists
To reinforce the above points, we furnish here step-by-step installation checklists.

2.5.1 UNIX Checklist

1. Binary Download the archive to the directory you want Wavelab to reside.

2. Uncompress the archive: Wavelab850.zip

3. Decide where you want the Wavelab directory to reside. It will have a number of subdi-
rectories and occupy at least 2MB disk space.
4. After you decompress the file for your machine, you should have the following directory
Wavelab850/ Biorthogonal
Wavelab850/ Books
Wavelab850/ Books / WaveTour
Wavelab850/ Browsers
Wavelab850/ Browsers / One-D
Wavelab850/ Browsers / WaveTour
Wavelab850/ Continuous
Wavelab850/ Datasets
Wavelab850/ DeNoising
Wavelab850/ Documentation
Wavelab850/ FastAlgorithms
Wavelab850/ Fractals
Wavelab850/ Interpolating
Wavelab850/ Invariant
Wavelab850/ Median
Wavelab850/ Median / HigherDegree
Wavelab850/ Mexsource

Wavelab850/ Meyer
Wavelab850/ Orthogonal
Wavelab850/ Packets
Wavelab850/ Packets / One-D
Wavelab850/ Packets / Two-D
Wavelab850/ Papers
Wavelab850/ Papers / Adapt
Wavelab850/ Papers / Asymp
Wavelab850/ Papers / Blocky
Wavelab850/ Papers / Correl
Wavelab850/ Papers / Ideal
Wavelab850/ Papers / MinEntSeg
Wavelab850/ Papers / MIPT
Wavelab850/ Papers / RiskAnalysis
Wavelab850/ Papers / ShortCourse
Wavelab850/ Papers / SpinCycle
Wavelab850/ Papers / Tour
Wavelab850/ Papers / VillardDelans
Wavelab850/ Pursuit
Wavelab850/ TimeFrequency
Wavelab850/ Utilities
Wavelab850/ Workouts
Wavelab850/ Workouts / BestOrthoBasis
Wavelab850/ Workouts / MatchingPursuit
Wavelab850/ Workouts / MultiFractal
Wavelab850/ Workouts / Toons

5. Copy all the Wavelab files from the place you put the original Wavelab archive (for example
/tmp) to their final destination, for example in your home directory ũser/matlab/Wavelab850.
6. Lunch Matlab; In Matlab set the current path to matlabroot/toolbox/Wavelab850 or
alternatively copy the file WavePath.m from < MatlabToolboxPath > /Wavelab850 to
<MatlabToolboxPath> /local

7. Run WavePath.m; If the default pathname is not right the program will ask you to enter
the correct path.
8. Type installMEX to compile and install the .mex files.

Trouble-Shooting UNIX: Compare the output of ls -r WaveLab850 with Documentation to

see if you have all the files. Compare the output of the Matlab command path with the list
above to see if you have all the directories in your path.

2.5.2 Macintosh Checklist

To follow these instructions you will need:
(1) A Macintosh running MacOS 10.3 or later.
(2) A program which can unzip .zip file.
(3) Matlab 6.x or 7 for Mac.

(4) In certain special circumstances, you may need to have the C compiler to compile Mex

1. Binary Download the file Wavelab850.zip to your Macintosh.
2. Extract the archive to the Toolbox folder of your Matlab folder. After you extract the file
you should have the following subdirectory structure:
Wavelab850/ Biorthogonal
Wavelab850/ Books
Wavelab850/ Books / WaveTour
Wavelab850/ Browsers
Wavelab850/ Browsers / One-D
Wavelab850/ Browsers / WaveTour
Wavelab850/ Continuous
Wavelab850/ Datasets
Wavelab850/ DeNoising
Wavelab850/ Documentation
Wavelab850/ FastAlgorithms
Wavelab850/ Fractals
Wavelab850/ Interpolating
Wavelab850/ Invariant
Wavelab850/ Median
Wavelab850/ Median / HigherDegree
Wavelab850/ Mexsource
Wavelab850/ Meyer
Wavelab850/ Orthogonal
Wavelab850/ Packets
Wavelab850/ Packets / One-D
Wavelab850/ Packets / Two-D
Wavelab850/ Papers
Wavelab850/ Papers / Adapt
Wavelab850/ Papers / Asymp
Wavelab850/ Papers / Blocky
Wavelab850/ Papers / Correl
Wavelab850/ Papers / Ideal
Wavelab850/ Papers / MinEntSeg
Wavelab850/ Papers / MIPT
Wavelab850/ Papers / RiskAnalysis
Wavelab850/ Papers / ShortCourse
Wavelab850/ Papers / SpinCycle
Wavelab850/ Papers / Tour
Wavelab850/ Papers / VillardDelans
Wavelab850/ Pursuit
Wavelab850/ TimeFrequency
Wavelab850/ Utilities
Wavelab850/ Workouts
Wavelab850/ Workouts / BestOrthoBasis
Wavelab850/ Workouts / MatchingPursuit
Wavelab850/ Workouts / MultiFractal
Wavelab850/ Workouts / Toons

3. Lunch Matlab; In Matlab set the current path to matlabroot/toolbox/Wavelab850 or

alternatively copy the file WavePath.m from < MatlabToolboxPath >/Wavelab850 to
4. Run WavePath.m at the command prompt to start Wavelab. You will see a ”Welcome to
Wavelab” message as shown in the section Success below.


1. If you want to automatically load Wavelab850 upon the start-up copy the file WavePath.m
from the folder Wavelab850 to the folder Matlab/Toolbox/local. Determine if you have
any file named startup.m besides the one that is in Wavelab850 directory. If you don’t, go
to step 3.

2. if you have Startup.m , then copy the contents of WavePath.m into this file.
3. If you don’t have any Startup.m , then copy the file Startup.m from Wavelab850 directory
to <MatlabToolboxPath>/local

2.5.3 PC Checklist
To follow these instructions you will need:
(1) An Intel Platform running Windows 2000 or XP.
(2) A program such as Winzip which can unzip .zip file.
(3) Matlab 6.x or 7 for Windows.
(4) In certain special circumstances, you may need to have the C compiler to compile Mex

1. Binary Download the file Wavelab850.zip to your PC.

2. Extract the archive to the Toolbox folder of your Matlab folder. After you extract the file
you should have the following subdirectory structure:
Wavelab850\Books \WaveTour
Wavelab850\Browsers \One-D
Wavelab850\Browsers \WaveTour
Wavelab850\Median \HigherDegree
Wavelab850\Packets \One-D
Wavelab850\Packets \Two-D
Wavelab850\Papers \Adapt
Wavelab850\Papers \Asymp
Wavelab850\Papers \Blocky
Wavelab850\Papers \Correl

Wavelab850\Papers \Ideal
Wavelab850\Papers \MinEntSeg
Wavelab850\Papers \MIPT
Wavelab850\Papers \RiskAnalysis
Wavelab850\Papers \ShortCourse
Wavelab850\Papers \SpinCycle
Wavelab850\Papers \Tour
Wavelab850\Papers \VillardDelans
Wavelab850\Workouts \BestOrthoBasis
Wavelab850\Workouts \MatchingPursuit
Wavelab850\Workouts \MultiFractal
Wavelab850\Workouts \Toons

3. Lunch Matlab; In Matlab set the current path to matlabroot\toolbox \Wavelab850 or

alternatively copy the file WavePath.m from < MatlabToolboxPath > \Wavelab850 to
<MatlabToolboxPath> \local
4. Run WavePath.m at the command prompt to start Wavelab. You will see a ”Welcome to
Wavelab” message as shown in the section Success below.


1. If you want to automatically load Wavelab850 upon the start-up copy the file WavePath.m
from the folder Wavelab850 to the folder Matlab \Toolbox \local. Determine if you have
any file named startup.m besides the one that is in Wavelab850 directory. If you don’t go
to step 3.

2. if you have Startup.m then copy the contents of WavePath.m into this file.
3. If you don’t have any Startup.m then copy the file Startup.m from Wavelab850 directory
to <MatlabToolboxPath> \local

2.6 Success
When you have a successful installation, you should see something like the following when you
invoke Matlab:

Welcome to WaveLab v 850 Setting Global Variables



Pathnames Successfully Set global WAVELABPATH =

"C:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\Wavelab850\" global PATHNAMESEPARATOR = "\";
850 Setup Complete

Available Demos - Figures from the following papers:

AdaptDemo - ‘‘Adapting to Unknown Smoothness via Wavelet Shrinkage’’
AsympDemo - ‘‘Wavelet Shrinkage: Asymptopia?’’

BlockyDemo - ‘‘Smooth Wavelet Decompositions with Blocky Coefficient Kernels’’
CorrelDemo - ‘‘Wavelet Threshold Estimators for Data with Correlated Noise’’
IdealDemo - ‘‘Ideal Spatial Adaptation via Wavelet Shrinkage’’
MESDemo - ‘‘Minimum Entropy Segmentation’’
MIPTDemo - ‘‘Nonlinear Wavelet Transforms based on Median-Interpolaton’’
RiskDemo - ‘‘Exact Risk Analysis of Wavelet Regression’’
SCDemo - ‘‘Nonlinear Wavelet Methods for Recovery of Signals, Densities
and Spectra from Indirect and Noisy Data’’
CSpinDemo - ‘‘Translation-Invariant De-Noising’’
TourDemo - ‘‘Wavelet Shrinkage and W.V.D. -- A Ten-Minute Tour’’
VdLDemo - ‘‘WaveLab and Reproducible Research’’

Available Workouts:
BBWorkout - Workouts for Best Basis
MPWorkout - Workouts for Matching Pursuit
MultiFrac - Workouts for Continuous Wavelet Transform
Toons - The Cartoon Guide to Wavelets

Available Book(s):
WaveTour - ‘‘WaveLet Tour of Signal Processing’’

3 Getting Started
There are several ways to get started with Wavelab. First, you can snoop around the directory
structure to see what’s there. Second, you can try running some of the demos to see what they
do. Third, you can try the Browser to do some point and-click wavelet operations on “canned”
signals. Fourth, you can run the Toons to get individual figures.

3.1 Snooping
If you just snoop around in the Wavelab file structure, you will notice many directories and a
great range of different information about the system itself and what it can do. We list here
some basic facts.

3.1.1 Contents Files

Each directory has a Contents.m file, which explains the contents and purpose of that directory.
The directory Orthogonal contains the central wavelet transform tools; its Contents.m file looks
as follows:
% Orthogonal:Contents v.850 -- Orthogonal Wavelet Transform Tools
% The routines in this directory perform periodic- and boundary-corrected
% wavelet analysis of 1-d and 2-d signals. The main tools for all-purpose
% use are FWT_PO and IWT_PO.
% Wavelet Transforms
% FWT_PO - Forward Wavelet Transform, Periodized, Orthogonal
% IWT_PO - Inverse Wavelet Transform, Periodized, Orthogonal
% FWT_CDJV - Forward Wavelet Transform, Boundary-Corrected
% IWT_CDJV - Inverse Wavelet Transform, Boundary-Corrected
% FWT2_PO - Forward Wavelet Transform, 2-d MRA, Periodized,

% Orthogonal
% IWT2_PO - Inverse Wavelet Transform, 2-d MRA, Periodized,
% Orthogonal
% FTWT2_PO - Forward Wavelet Transform, 2-d Tensor, Periodized,
% Orthogonal
% ITWT2_PO - Inverse Wavelet Transform, 2-d Tensor, Periodized,
% Orthogonal
% Wavelet Transform Displays
% ContourMultiRes - Multi-Resolution Mesh Display of 1-d Wavelet Transform
% DisplayMutltiRes - Mesh, Contour or Image Plot of Multi-Resolution
% DisplayWaveCoeff - Mesh, Contour or Image Plot of Wavelet Coefficients
% PlotMultiRes - Display Mallat-style Multiresolution Decomposition
% PlotWaveCoeff - Spike Plot of Wavelet Coefficients
% Filter and Wavelet Generators
% MakeCDJVFilter - Generate Filters for CDJV Boundary-Corrected Transform
% MakeONFilter - Generate Filters for Daubechies, Coiflets, Symmlets, Haarlets
% MakeWavelet - Make periodized orthogonal wavelet
% Make2dWavelet - Make 2-d wavelet
% Two-Scale Operators
% UpDyadHi - Upsampling Hi Pass operator (used in IWT_PO)
% UpDyadLo - Upsampling Lo Pass operator (used in IWT_PO)
% DownDyadHi - Downsampling Hi Pass operator (used in FWT_PO)
% DownDyadLo - Downsampling Lo Pass operator (used in FWT_PO)
% CDJVDyadDown - Downsampling operator (used in FWT_CDJV)
% CDJVDyadUp - Upsampling operator (used in IWT_CDJV)
% Utilities
% aconv - Filtering by periodic convolution of x with
% time reverse of f
% iconv - Filtering by periodic convolution of x with f
% dyad - Access entire j-th dyad of 1-d transform
% dyad2ix - Convert (j,k) index to linear index
% dyadlength - Length and Dyadic Length of 1-d array
% quad2ix - Convert (j,k) index to linear index
% quadlength - Length and Dyadic Length of 2-d array
% rshift - Circulant right shift
% lshift - Circulant left shift
% MirrorFilt - Apply (-1)^t modulation
% reverse - Reverse order of samples
% UpSampleN - Interpolate zeros between samples
% PlotSpikes - Plot an array as as spikes on baseline
% UpDyadHi - Hi-Pass Upsampling operator; periodized
% UpDyadLo - Lo-Pass Upsampling operator; periodized

3.1.2 Help for Functions
Each function in Wavelab has help documentation. For example, FWT PO is a basic wavelet
transform routine. If you are in Matlab and type help FWT PO, Matlab will type out the following

FWT_PO -- Forward Wavelet Transform (periodized, orthogonal)

wc = FWT_PO(x,L,qmf)
x 1-d signal; length(x) = 2^J
L Coarsest Level of V_0; L << J
qmf quadrature mirror filter (orthonormal)
wc 1-d wavelet transform of x.

1. qmf filter may be obtained from MakeONFilter
2. usually, length(qmf) < 2^(L+1)
3. To reconstruct use IWT_PO

See Also
IWT_PO, MakeONFilter

3.1.3 Source Browsing

All the algorithms in Wavelab are available for inspection – even those that are actually imple-
mented by fast complied C code as .mex files. For example, if you are in Matlab and type FWT PO
you get the following documentation:

function wcoef = FWT_PO(x,L,qmf)

% FWT_PO -- Forward Wavelet Transform (periodized, orthogonal)
% Usage
% wc = FWT_PO(x,L,qmf)
% Inputs
% x 1-d signal; length(x) = 2^J
% L Coarsest Level of V_0; L << J
% qmf quadrature mirror filter (orthonormal)
% Outputs
% wc 1-d wavelet transform of x.
% Description
% 1. qmf filter may be obtained from MakeONFilter
% 2. usually, length(qmf) < 2^(L+1)
% 3. To reconstruct use IWT_PO
% See Also
% IWT_PO, MakeONFilter
[n,J] = dyadlength(x) ;
wcoef = zeros(1,n) ;
beta = ShapeAsRow(x); %take samples at finest scale as beta-coeffts
for j=J-1:-1:L
alfa = DownDyadHi(beta,qmf);
wcoef(dyad(j)) = alfa;
beta = DownDyadLo(beta,qmf) ;

wcoef(1:(2^L)) = beta;
wcoef = ShapeLike(wcoef,x);

% Copyright (c) 1993. Iain M. Johnstone

Notice that the source contains information about the author and date of compilation, as well
as copyright, of the routine. Also, the help information is built in as the first thing following the
function header. Notice also that the wavelet transform routine depends on other routines, such
as DownDyadHi and dyad, which are also part of Wavelab and can also be inspected at source

3.1.4 Documentation Directory

The Wavelab system also has extensive built-in documentation about the system itself. If you
look in the directory Documentation, you will find several files of general interest:

WlAlphaHelpListing - all help files arranged by function name

WLAlphaSynopsisListing - one-line synopses arranged by function name
WLContentsListing - all Contents.m files
WLFiles - listing of all WaveLab files arranged by directory
WLHelpHeaders.m - listing of all first lines of help headers
WLHelpListing - all help files arranged by directory

Two extracts:

WLAlphaSynopsisListing: This file is helpful for quick reference when writing code – when
you know what function to use, and can’t remember exactly the calling sequence. Part of the
file near the letter “C”:
% sqtree = Calc2dStatTree(TFType,img,D,TFPar,ent[,EntPar])
% heights = Calc2dTreeHeight(stree,D)
% Ent = CalcEntropy(object,ent[,par])
% stree = CalcStatTree(pkt,ent[,par])
% [maxheight, cost] = CalcTreeHeight(stree,D)
% CalcWPLocation(d,b,k,qmf,n)
% blo = CDJVDyadDown(bhi,F,LEF,REF)
% bhi = CDJVDyadUp(blo,F,LEF,REF)
% bestlev = CompareStdBases(stree,D)
% PlotMultiRes(wc,L,scal,qmf)
% [bb,stats,coef] = CP2dTour(img,MaxDeep,titlestr)
% sig = CPAtomicSynthesis(atoms,cp,bell)
% [clean,bb,st] = CPDeNoise(x,D,bell)
% dcp = CPImpulse(cp,d,b,k,bell)
% atomic = CPPursuit(x,D,bell,natom,frac,show)
% atomic = CPPursuitBF(x,D,bell,natom,frac,show)
% [cp, btree] = CPPursuitTour(Format,x,D,ball[,natom,title])
WLHelpHeaders.m: This lists the first line of each help file in the system. It is handy for
browsing when you don’t know what you need and are searching for a handle. Here is a segment
dealing with the Utilities directory.

%*** WaveLab:Utilities ***

% Utilities:Contents v.850: Utilties for Writing Scripts

% AppendTitle -- Utility to Build Title String
% AutoImage -- image display of object assuming arbitrary values
% CutDyad -- Truncate signal to Dyadic length
% GrayImage -- standard gray-scale image display
% HitAnyKey -- Tool for pausing in scripts
% LockAxes -- Version-independent axis command
% PadDyad - Zero-fill signal to Dyadic length
% MakeTiledfigures -- Tile the screen with figures
% RegisterPlot -- add legend with file name, date, flag
% ShapeAsRow -- Make signal a row vector
% ShapeLike -- Make 1-d signal with given shape
% UnlockAxes -- version-independent axis command
% versaplot -- version-independent plot routine
% WaitUntil -- Burn up CPU cycles until sec seconds elapse from oldclock
% WhiteNoise -- version-independent white noise generator

3.1.5 Dataset Documentation

Datasets are also documented. If you look in the directory Datasets, you will find that each
dataset (.raw or .asc) is accompanied by a .doc file. The dataset daubechies.raw is accompanied
by the file daubechies.doc, which contains the following:

daubechies.raw -- Gray-scale image of Ingrid Daubechies

Ingrid = ReadImage(’Daubechies’);

256 by 256

Gray Levels

Ingrid Daubechies is a very active researcher in the field of
wavelet analysis and author of the book "Ten Lectures on Wavelets",
SIAM, 1992. She is inventor of smooth orthonormal wavelets
of compact support.

Photograph of Ingrid Daubechies at the 1993 AMS winter meetings
in San Antonio, Texas. Taken by David Donoho with Canon XapShot
video still frame camera.

3.2 Demos
After browsing around to see what files Wavelab contains, it’s time to see what Wavelab can do!
The subdirectory Wavelab850/Papers itself contains several subdirectories; each one of these
contains scripts that were used to produce figures in our published articles.
As new articles are written by members of our group, we will add new subdirectories.
Each subdirectory contains a “demo” file (e.g. SCDemo.m in directory ShortCourse, TourDemo.m
in directory Tour) and so on. This file allows you to reproduce the figures in the corresponding
When you invoke that file in Matlab by typing its name (without the .m extension), a new
window will appear on the screen. If you mouse-click on the push button Show All Figures
you will see, in sequence, each figure in the corresponding article. As each figure appears in

Matlab’s figure window, the command window will contain narrative explaining what you see in
the figure window.

3.2.1 Short Course Demo

For example, in SCDemo, one gets the figures from a short course presented at the American
Mathematical Society. When one runs SCDemo, the following banner appears in the command

SCIntro -- Info for SCDemo

The .m files in this firectory can reproduce the figures

in the article

Nonlinear wavelet methods for recovery of

Signals, Densities and Spectra from
Indirect and Noisy Data
David L. Donoho

to appear in Proc. Symp. Appl. Math. 1993 Edited by

Ingrid Daubechies, American Math. Soc., Providence RI

These figures illustrate the application of thresholding in the

wavelet, wavelet packet and cosine packet domains to recovery
of objects from noisy and incomplete data. References are given to
recent work of Donoho, Johnstone, Kerkyacharian, Picard, Gao and
researchers in other groups.

All in all, this Demo consists of 29 figures. Here is a sort of table of contents, made by
extracting from the file Documentation/WLHelpHeaders.m:

scfig01: Short Course 01 -- De-Noising of NMR Signal

scfig02: Short Course 02 -- Noisy Deconvolution
scfig03: Short Course 03 -- Comparison of Wavelet and Packet DeNoising
scfig04: Short Course 04 -- Four Spatially Inhomogenoeus Signals
scfig05: Short Course 05 -- Noisy Versions of Four Signals
scfig06: Short Course 06 -- Wavelet Shrinkage of the Four Noisy Signals
scfig07: Short Course 07 -- AutoSpline Reconstructions from Noisy Data
scfig08: Short Course 08 -- AutoTrunc Truncated Fourier Reconstructions
scfig09: Short Course 09 -- WaveShrink of object yBlocks in Haar Basis
scfig10: Short Course 10 -- Comparing Compression Abilities
scfig11: Short Course 11 -- Compare Wavelet and DCT Partial Reconstructions
scfig12: Short Course 12 -- DeNoising a 2-d object
scfig13: Short Course 13 -- Smoothing Counts data by square roots -- ESCA data
scfig14: Short Course 14 -- Estimating Time Series Spectrum
scfig15: Short Course 15 -- Noisy Differentiation by WVD
scfig16: Short Course 16 -- Noisy Differentiation by WVD in Wavelet Domain
scfig17: Short Course 17 -- Noisy Differentiation by Ideal Fourier Damping
scfig18: Short Course 18 -- Depict Deconvolution in Wavelet Domain
scfig19: Short Course 19 -- Display Vaguelette Kernels
scfig20: Short Course 20 -- Four Time-Frequency test signals
scfig21: Short Course 21 -- Four Noisy Time-Frequency test signals
scfig22: Short Course 22 -- Wavelet Packet DeNoising
scfig23: Short Course 23 -- Compare Four DeNoising methods

scfig24: Short Course 24 -- Compare Segmented and Ordinary Refinement
scfig25: Short Course 25 -- DeNoising a segmented transform
scfig26: Short Course 26 -- Sine signal with Cauchy Contamination
scfig27: Short Course 27 -- Linear Smoothing of Cauchy Noise
scfig28: Short Course 28 -- Robust De-Noising

1 (a) NMR Spectrum



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

1 (b) Wavelet Shrinkage De-Noising






0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Figure 1: First Figure of Short Course

The first figure to appear is as follows:

As this figure appears, the following text appears in the command window:

scfig01: Short Course 01 -- De-Noising of NMR Signal

Here a noisy NMR signal is denoised by a simple three-step

1. Transform to Wavelet Domain.
2. Apply thresholding to set coeficients
‘‘at the noise level’’ to zero
3. Return to the original domain.

Evidently, the noise is suppressed without broadening the peaks.

More traditional smoothing methods either suppress the noise and
broaden peaks or don’t suppress the noise and leave peaks narrow.

These data were kindly supplied by Chris Raphael, an NSF postdoctoral

fellow in the Statistics Department at Stanford.

Note that if you ever become interested in how a certain effect is achieved, this is available
simply by inspecting the code at source level. An extract from the output given by Matlab in
response to type scfig01:

nmrsignal = ReadSignal(’RaphaelNMR’)’;
QMF8 = MakeONFilter(’Symmlet’,8);
scalednmr = NormNoise(nmrsignal,QMF8);
[xh,wcoef] = WaveShrink(y,’Visu’,5,QMF8);
tnmr = 1:length(nmrsignal);

versaplot(211,tnmr,y, [],’ 1 (a) NMR Spectrum’,[],[])
versaplot(212,tnmr,xh,[],’ 1 (b) Wavelet Shrinkage De-Noising’,[],[])

This code fragment reads in a dataset, normalizes it, calls WaveShrink to de-noise it and
then displays, in two panels, the result.

3.2.2 Demo Inventory

Here is an up-to-date listing of demos in version .850, and the articles to which they correspond:
AdaptDemo ‘‘Adapting to Unknown Smoothness via Wavelet Shrinkage’’
AsympDemo ‘‘Wavelet Shrinkage: Asymptopia?’’
BlockyDemo ‘‘Smooth Wavelet Decompositions with Blocky Coefficient Kernels’’
CorrelDemo ‘‘Wavelet Threshold Estimators for Data with Correlated Noise’’
IdealDemo ‘‘Ideal Spatial Adaptation via Wavelet Shrinkage’’
MESDemo ‘‘On Minimum Entropy Segmentation’’
MIPTDemo ‘‘Nonlinear Wavelet Transforms based on Median-Interpolaton’’
RiskDemo ‘‘Exact Risk Analysis of Wavelet Regression’’
SCDemo ‘‘Nonlinear Wavelet Methods for Recovery of Signals, Densities,
Spectra and Images from Incomplete and Noisy Data’’
CSpinDemo ‘‘Translation-Invariant De-Noising’’
TourDemo ‘‘Wavelet Shrinkage and W.V.D. -- A Ten-Minute Tour’’
VdLDemo ‘‘WaveLab and Reproducible Research’’

3.3 Browser
Now you might be interested in interacting with wavelets a bit. For this purpose, consider the
1-d signal browser WLBrowser.
The Contents.m file for directory Browsers/One-D says: “The routines in this directory im-
plement a point-and-click browser that allows the user to select signals, select wavelet, wavelet
packet, discrete cosine transforms, etc. Some of the options, including WTCompress, WPCom-
press and CPCompress, contain other possibilities for interaction, such as interactive wavelet
thresholding – changing a threshold interactively and watching the effects upon reconstruction.”
Invoke this browser by simply typing WLBrowser at the Matlab prompt. After the browser is
initialized, you will see four new figure windows tiling the screen, and you will see several menu
items at the top of the window at the upper left of the screen:

File Edit Window *Data *Signal *Transform *Options *Action

The starred items are new items installed by the browser. If you click the mouse button while
pointing at the *Data item, a pull-down menu will appear with the names of datasets which can
be accessed by the Browser.
At the same time, documentary text will scroll by in the command window:

* WaveLab Browser *

This WaveLab MATLAB program lets you try out standard

Wavelet Analysis techniques on standard or synthetic data sets.

Here is a summary of how to use the menus:

Data: Load data from WaveLab’s standard data sets:
(Caruso, Laser, Sunspots, Seismic, ESCA, HochNMR, RaphaelNMR)

Signals: Use a built-in artificial signal
(Bumps, Blocks, LinChirp, TwoChirp, ...)

Sqrt - square root transformation
Log - log transformation
Anscombe - square root transformation
Wahba - log transformation of periodogram
Pgram - periodogram
Add Noise- apply the currently defined noise to the data & plot
Normalize- apply the WaveLab routine ’NormNoise’ to the data and plot it.
Plot_WT - Plot Wavelet Transforms
Plot_MRA - Plot Multi-Resolution Analysis
Plot_DCT - Plot Discrete Cosine Transforms
WPTour - Wavelet Packet & Best Basis Analysis
CPTour - Cosine Packets & Best Basis Analysis
WTCompress - Wavelet Compression
WTDeNoise - Wavelet DeNoising
WPCompress - Wavelet Packet Compression
CPCompress - Cosine Packet Compression
Wavelet - Select the wavelet for the wavelet transform
Bell - Select the bell to be used in cosine packets
Nonlinearity - type of thresholding to use in denoising
Threshold Selector - method of selecting the threshold
Noise Type - type of noise to use when adding noise
Noise Level - amplitude of noise when adding noise
Signal Length- signal length when fabricating artificial signal

This gives a sketch of the functions available in the Browser.

Signal: RaphaelNMR; N: 1024



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

DeNoised Data (blue); Error (red)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Figure 2: Denoising NMR Data

3.3.1 Example: De-Noising

Try pulling down the *Data menu, and selecting RaphaelNMR. In the upper left window of the
screen, you will then see a display of some noisy NMR data; these are the same data that
appeared earlier, in our example scfig01.
The window has a scroll bar at the bottom and several clickable buttons. Those have little
use in this example.
In the command window, documentation about the data will scroll by.
Hold down the mouse button while pointing at the *Actions item; a pull-down menu will
appear, with the names of actions. Try selecting WTDeNoise. In the ‘#3’ window at the lower
left of the screen, you will see a display of the wavelet transform of the noisy data, and a display
of the transform after thresholding.
In the ‘#2’ window at the upper right of the screen, you will see a display of the noisy
data, and of the inverse transform of the thresholded coefficients. The display shows that a
considerable amount of noise has been removed:
The ‘#4’ window at the lower right displays the power spectra of the data and the recon-
The blocky appearance of the bottom pane in window ‘#2’ is due to the default wavelet used
by the system – the Haar Wavelet. You can change the default wavelet by pulling down the
*Params menu and selecting Wavelet>Symmlet. That will generate a display comparable to that
of scfig01.

3.3.2 Example: Thresholding Caruso

Try pulling down the *Data menu, and selecting Caruso. In the upper left window of the screen,
you will then see a display of some data obtained by digitizing a Caruso recording (Figure 3).
The dataset, as loaded by the Browser, has 32,768 samples. The window displays a segment of
length 4096.

x 10 Caruso






1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 1.8

x 10

Figure 3: Caruso Signal

The window has a scroll bar at the bottom and several clickable buttons. If you click Play,
and you are on a machine that supports sound, the visible segment is played. The speech was
sampled at 8192 Hz, so you’ll hear only a half a second of sound. Try clicking *2. This will
cause the visible segment of data to double in length, to 8192 samples. If you now click Play,
you will hear the phrase La Bella.
Hold down the mouse button while pointing at the *Actions item; a pull-down menu will
appear, with the names of actions. Try selecting WPCompress. In the ‘#3’ window at the lower
left of the screen, you will see a display of the wavelet packet coefficients of the signal, and a
display of the coefficients after thresholding (Figure 4).
In the ‘#2’ window at the upper right of the screen, you will see a display of the signal, and
of the inverse wavelet packet transform of the thresholded coefficients. The display shows that
a considerable amount of noise has been removed (Figure 5).
The ‘#4’ window at the lower right displays the sorted wavelet packet coefficients and two
slider bars (Figure 6).
By adjusting the sliders, you change the height of the threshold, or equivalently, the number
of coefficients discarded. Each change is followed by an automatic update of the other windows.
In this way you can interactively set the threshold level and inspect the results.

3.4 Toons
The Workouts/Toons directory contains more than 100 scripts which exercise various features
of Wavelab. These range from toon0131 which depicts wavelets at various scales, to toon0541-
toon0548, which compare 2-d wavelet transforms and 2-d Fourier transforms as methods of
image compression, to toon1611-toon1613 which illustrate fingerprint compression.
We again point out that one can not only view the figures that these scripts generate; one
can inspect and modify the underlying code.

3.4.1 Outline of Toons

Underlying the production of Toons is a topic outline, currently located in the Contents.m file
in the Workouts/Toons directory. For each topic in this outline, there are (or will ultimately be)
one or several .m files which generate figures illustrating the given topic.

x 10
4 WP BestBasis Coefficients; Caruso



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
x 10
x 10
4 Coefficients above Threshold 8921.62



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
x 10

Figure 4: WP Coefficients, Caruso Signal

x 10
4 Original Caruso


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
x 10
x 10
4 Reconstruction from N=1639 Coefficients


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
x 10

Figure 5: Denoised Caruso Signal

Sorted WP Coefficients; Caruso
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
x 10

Figure 6: Threshold Selection, Caruso Signal

1.0 Wavelets
1.1 Types of Wavelets
1.2 Gender of Wavelets
1.3 Scale Families of Wavelets
1.4 Daubechies D4 Wavelets
1.5 Wavelet Analysis of Functions
1.6 MRA Analysis of Functions
1.7 Smoothness of Wavelets
1.8 Frequency Content of Wavelets
2.0 2-d Wavelets
2.1 Mesh Plots of Four Wavelets
2.2 Image Plots of Four Wavelets
2.3 2-d Wavelet Analysis of Synthetic Objects
3.0 Wavelet Analysis
3.1 Analysis of Smooth Signals
3.2 Analysis of Piecewise Polynomials
3.3 Analysis of Singularities
3.4 Comparison of Wavelet Types
4.0 Wavelet Synthesis
4.1 Partial Reconstructions
4.2 Comparison of Two Wavelets
4.3 Compression Number
4.4 Comparison with Other Transforms
4.5 Unconditional Basis Property
5.0 Applications
5.1 Data Expansion
5.2 Progressive Transmission
5.3 Data Compression 1-d
5.4 Data Compression 2-d Ingrid Image

5.5 De-Noising
5.6 Fast Algorithms


16.0 Applications of 2-d Wavelet Packet Analysis

16.1 FBI Fingerprint
16.1.1 Display fingerprint and basis tree
16.1.2 First- and best- 5% reconstructions
16.1.3 First- and best- 10% reconstructions

For example, in the above list, associated with topic 1.1 are four files toon0111.m–toon0114
which show graphically the various types of wavelets. By extracting from the file WLHelpHeaders.m,
we get the following:
% toon0111 -- Wavelet Families
% toon0112 -- Interpolating Wavelets
% toon0113 -- Average Interpolating Wavelets
% toon0114 -- Meyer Wavelets
% toon0121 -- Wavelets Come in Genders
% toon0131 -- Scale Families of Wavelets
% toon0132 -- Wavelets come at all different scales and positions
% toon0140 -- Illustrating Boundary Wavelets
% toon0141 -- Illustrating Boundary Wavelets
% toon0142 -- Illustrating Boundary Wavelets
% toon0151 -- Visualize wavelet decomposition of ramp.
% toon0152 -- Visualize wavelet decomposition of Doppler.
% toon0161 -- Visualize multi-resolution decomposition
% toon0171 -- Illustrate smoothness of wavelets
This shows that associated with topic 1.1 there are four figures, with topic 1.2 only one, with
topic 1.4 there are three figures, etc. In general, the association of topic numbers to figures is in
the scheme topic number AA.B → AABN, where N ranges from 1 to 9.
Most figures in toons are stand-alone figures, meaning they can be run independently of all
other figures. However, in some cases they belong to sequences of figures that should be run all
in a row. For example, toon0541-toon0548 make up a sequence of eight figures that should be
run consecutively.

3.4.2 Example: Plotting Wavelets

We now consider a few simple examples of what the toons contain. The file toon0111 contains
the following help header, accessible by typing help toon0111

% toon0111 -- Wavelet Families

% Wavelet analysis begins by choosing a specific family of wavelets
% to work with.
% The family is specified by a father and a mother wavelet, and
% these generate a basis by translation and dilation.
% Here we illustrate four specific Mother wavelets
% Haar -- the first wavelet; a square-wave wavelet
% Daubechies D4 -- the first continuous, compactly supported
% orthonormal wavelet family

Haar Wavelet D4 Wavelet

0.1 0.1


-0.1 -0.2

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

C3 Coiflet S8 Symmlet
0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0

-0.1 -0.1

-0.2 -0.2
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Figure 7: Toon 0111

% Coiflet C3 -- orthonormal wavelets system where both father and
% mother have special vanishing moments properties
% Symmlet S8 -- nearly-symmetric orthogonal wavelet of
% compact support with 8 vanishing moments.

When we run this .m file, by typing toon0111 at the Matlab prompt, we get the following
figure. The figure displays wavelets of compact support with various degrees of smoothness:
Inspecting the source of this figure reveals how it was made:

wave = MakeWavelet(4,8,’Haar’,[],’Mother’,1024);
t = (1:1024)./1024;
plot(t(300:800),wave(300:800)); title(’ Haar Wavelet ’);
wave = MakeWavelet(4,8,’Daubechies’,4,’Mother’,1024);
plot(t(300:800),wave(300:800)); title(’ D4 Wavelet ’);
wave = MakeWavelet(4,8,’Coiflet’,3,’Mother’,1024);
plot(t(300:800),wave(300:800)); title(’ C3 Coiflet ’);
wave = MakeWavelet(4,8,’Symmlet’,8,’Mother’,1024);
plot(t(300:800),wave(300:800)); title(’ S8 Symmlet ’);

The secret: use of the MakeWavelet routine, along with some standard plotting commands.

Skinny WT2[Skinny]

20 20

40 40

60 60

80 80

100 100

120 120
20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120

Figure 8: Toon 0231

3.4.3 Example: Looking at a 2-d Wavelet Transform

The file toon0231 is associated with the outline segment
2.3 2-d wavelet analysis of synthetic objects
2.3.1 Stick Figure
The file contains the following help header, accessible by typing help toon0231:

% toon0231 -- Visualize Wavelet Xform

% Here we display a 2-d image (a stick figure)
% and its 2-d wavelet transform.

When we run this .m file, by typing toon0231 at the Matlab prompt, we get the following
Inspecting the source of this figure reveals how it was made:

stick = Make2dSignal(’StickFigure’, 128);

clg; subplot(121);
Q = MakeONFilter(’Coiflet’,2);
wstick = FWT2_PO(stick,3,Q);
zmat = sqrt(abs(wstick));
zmat = 256-3.8*zmat;

The secret: use of the Make2dSignal routine to access the StickFigure image, use of FWT2 PO
to calculate the 2d wavelet transform and use of AutoImage to display the images on the screen.

3.4.4 Example: 2-d Compression Methods

The file toon0548 is associated with the outline segment

(a) 95% Wavelet Compression of Ingrid (b) 95% Fourier Compression of Ingrid

50 50

100 100

150 150

200 200

250 250
50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250

Figure 9: Compression of Ingrid Daubechies

5.4 Data Compression 2-d Ingrid image

2-d Ingrid Image toon0541
FWT Imgrid Image toon0542
Nonzero Patterns toon0543
Co/Dec 95% FWT toon0544
Co/Dec 95% DCT toon0545
Compression Numbers toon0546
Error Comparisons toon0547
Side-by-Side toon0548
All eight files should be accessed in sequence. The file toon0548 contains the following help
header, accessible by typing help toon0548:

% toon0548 -- Data Compression of Ingrid Daubechies

% A side-by-side comparison of the 95% wavelet
% and Fourier compressions.

When we run this .m file by typing toon0548 at the Matlab prompt, we get the following
Inspecting the source of this figure reveals how it was made:

title(’(a) 95% Wavelet Compression of Ingrid’);
title(’(b) 95% Fourier Compression of Ingrid’);

The secret, in this case, is hidden, because this file only uses the results of earlier calculations.
To track down the earlier calculations, we have to inspect the source of other figures in the
sequence. The command type toon0542 shows how the image is transformed into the wavelet
domain using FWT2 PO:

% toon0542 -- Data Compression of Ingrid Daubechies

% Take Ingrid into the Wavelet Domain.

qmf = MakeONFilter(’Coiflet’,2);
wingrid = FWT2_PO(ingrid,3,qmf);
zmat = abs(wingrid);
title(’Wavelet Transform of Ingrid Daubechies’);

The command type toon0543 reveals how the wavelet-domain object is operated upon,
setting 95% of the coefficients to zero (ellipses indicate omissions):

% toon0543 -- Data Compression of Ingrid Daubechies

% Investigate Sparsity in the Wavelet Transform of Daubechies.
wcsort = sort(abs(wingrid(:)));
% Sparsify Image
wthresh = wcsort(floor(.95*65536));
cw_ingrid = wingrid .* (abs(wingrid) > wthresh);

The command type toon0544 reveals how the sparse object is then transformed back into
the original domain, using IWT2 PO:

% toon0544 -- Data Compression of Ingrid Daubechies

% Reconstruct Daubechies from 5% of her coefficients.
icw_ingrid = IWT2_PO(cw_ingrid,3,qmf);
title(’95% Wavelet Co/Dec of Daubechies’);

In this case, then, figuring out “the secret” may require following the flow of Matlab execution
across several .m files.






50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

3.5 Books
The Books/WaveTour directory contains a collection of scripts which reproduce the figures in
Mallat’s book ”A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing” [30]. The scripts are devided into 8 sub-
directories, WTCH02, WTCH04, ..., WTCH10, corresponding to the book chapters in which
the figures appear. Each subdirectory contains a Demo file (e.g. WTCH04Demo in directory
WTCH04 and so on.) This file allows you to reproduce the figures in the corresponding chapter
of the book. When you invoke the file in Matlab by typing its name (without .m extension), a
menu bar will appear on the screen. You can see each one of the figures from the corresponding
chapter by mouse-clicking on the approprite menu item. As each figure appears, the Matlab
command window will contain narrative explaining what you see in the figure window. The
borwser- WTBrowser enables you to run any of the Demo files by clicking on the desired chap-
ter. To run this browser just type its name in the Matlab command window.
Another way to view a single figure is by invoking its scripts directly. Each chapter’s subdirec-
tory includes the chapter’s figures individual scripts. These scripts are named according to the
chapter and figure number in the book. (e.g. wt06fig11.m corresponds to figure 6.11 in the book
which can be found in page 196). All .m files can be inspected and changed.

3.5.1 Devil’s staircase and its wavelet transform

Consider Figure [?], which appears as figure 6.16 on page 204 of [30]. This figure presents
the wavelet transform of a Devils’s staircase with equal weights. To reproduce the figure, type
WTBrowser, choose ”Chapter 6: Wavelet Zoom” and, from Chapter 6 menu bar choose figure
An alternative way to view figure is by entering wt06fig16 into the Matlab command window.
The following short description will appear in the Matlab window:

Figure 6.16 Window 1: The top signal is devil’s staircase,

calculated by integrating a Cantor measure constructed with equal
weights p_1 = p_2 = 0.5. The wavelet transform is calculated with a




50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Figure 10: Devil’s Staircase and its wavelet transform

Figure 11: Linear approximation of Lena using wavelets

wavelet which is the first derivative of a Gaussian. Window 2:

Wavelet transform modulus maxima. We briefly describe in this
section some underlying philosophical ideas which have guided us in
the construction of this software library.

3.5.2 Example-Linear and nonlinear approximation for Lena’s image

Figure [?] appears as figure 9.2 on page 382, presents Lena’s image and linear approximation
by using coarse scale wavelets. Neglecting the fine scale wavelet coefficients blurs the image,
especially in the neighborhood of edges. To view the figure on your monitor, you can use the
browser again, this time choosing Figure 2 of Chapter 9. Figure [?], which appears as Figure
9.4 in the book, presents a nonlinear approximation of the same image and the corresponding
wavelet coefficients matrix.

3.6 Reproducible Research

Jon Claerbout, a distinguished exploration geophysicist at Stanford, has in recent years cham-
pioned the concept of really reproducible research in the “Computational Sciences.”

Figure 12: Non-linear approximation of Lena

The “Computational Sciences” he has in mind are fields in which mathematical and computer
science heuristics may suggest algorithms to be tried on scientific signal processing and imaging
problems, but mathematical analysis alone is not able to predict fully the behavior and suitability
of algorithms for specific datasets. Therefore experiments are necessary and such experiments
ought, in principle, to be reproducible, just as experiments in other fields of science.
Some background information may help the reader. Suppose we are working in an area like
exploration seismology where the goal is an image of the subsurface, and computational science
aims to produce better images. However, the deliverable is not an image itself, but instead the
software environment that, applied in the right way, produces the image, and which, hopefully,
could be applied to other datasets to produce equally nice images. The scientific findings may
turn out to be a knowledge of parameter settings for this complex software environment that
seem to lead to good results on real datasets.
With this as background, reproducibility of experiments requires having the complete soft-
ware environment available in other laboratories and the full source code available for inspection,
modification, and application under varied parameter settings.
Reducing this to a slogan: An article about computational science in a scientific publication
is not the scholarship itself, it is merely advertising of the scholarship. The actual scholarship
is the complete software development environment and the complete set of instructions which
generated the figures.
The advantage of reproducibility for the progress of the discipline is clear. When a really
good idea is found, everyone else can be using it right away. When a mistaken finding is reported,
it is rooted out almost immediately, etc.
The barriers to sharing complete software environments are also clear: if you are the developer
of a nice piece of software, you may not want to give other people the benefit of your investment
of time simply for the benefit of an abstract principle such as scientific progress. Even if you
are altruistic enough to make your work available to others in this way, it’s a lot of extra work
to generate code clean enough for others to look at; most people prefer to make the figures for
their articles using quick-and-dirty undocumented code, and move on to the next project.
Claerbout and his colleagues have developed a discipline for building their own software, so
that from the start, they expect it to be made available to others as part of the publication of
their work. Specifically, they publish CD-ROMs (available from Stanford University Press) which
contain the text of their books along with a special viewer that makes those books interactive
documents, where as one reads the document, each figure is accompanied by the possibility of
pop-up windows which allow one to interact with the code that generated the figure, to “burn”
the illustration (i.e., erase the postscript file supplied with the distribution), and to rebuild the
figure from scratch on one’s own machine. By following the discipline of planning to publish
in this way from the beginning, they maintain all their work in a form which is easy to make

available to others at any point in time.
Why do we think this concept is significant for the wavelet community? It is our perception
that as we approach specific applications using wavelets, we are becoming a computational science
like seismic imaging. Arguments over data compression have everything to do with specifics:
exactly what was done (which wavelets, which coders, which corpus of data was compressed)
with exactly what parameters. In this setting, publishing figures or results without the complete
software environment could be compared to publishing an announcement of a mathematical
theorem without giving the proof.
With the recent rapid spread of Internet facilities worldwide and the standardization of
scientific computing on about five machine architectures, most of which are UNIX-based, it
becomes feasible and timely to actually experiment with protocols implementing the goal of
reproducible research. We may forget that in other sciences, the canonical form for scientific
articles was arrived at incrementally. For example, it has been said that Pasteur introduced the
notion of publishing a full description of methods, materials and laboratory procedures.
The publication of Wavelab is a modest step in this direction. Partly to indicate our esteem
for the work of Claerbout and the Stanford Exploration Project, we are making available code
which will allow the interested Internet-nik to reproduce the figures in our articles and to study
the exact parameter settings and algorithms which were used in those articles. This arrangement
does not, at the moment, conform to the Stanford Exploration Project’s idea of interactive
document, in which a special TeX viewer is tied to special code resources that can rebuild and
vary the figures in a paper. However, at a primitive level, it provides the interested researcher
with the TeX files of the documents and everything necessary (sauf Matlab) to rebuild and
modify the figures in those articles.
We hope to publish code in this way for several forthcoming articles and also to learn more
about the concepts of Interactive Document and reproducible research.

3.7 Freeware
Richard Stallman and others associated with the GNU project have pioneered the idea of free
software – software that can freely be redistributed by users. (This does not mean free of cost;
it means the rights any one person has over the software are the same as those of any other).
We have been influenced by this, but obviously cannot completely follow them since we require
of users that they have Matlab, which is not freely redistributable. In fact, Richard Stallman
told one of us that making our software available in Matlab was the worst thing we could do, as
this might encourage people to buy Matlab!
In our opinion, the Freeware concept is useful and has had a major impact. However, the
Freeware concept has limits, and the Matlab example shows this clearly. Modern scientific com-
puting depends on quantitative programming environments like Matlab, S-Plus, Mathematica,
X-Math, IDL and so on. These are widely available, widely understood high-level languages in
which key concepts of scientific discourse (Fast Fourier Transform, etc.) are available as built-in,
easily usable features. At the moment, a complete Freeware implementation of one’s compu-
tational experiments requires, more or less, emulating Jon Claerbout’s example and writing all
one’s tools from scratch in C or Fortran. Claerbout is forced to do this because of the massive
size of the datasets he uses, which exceed the bounds of Matlab or other QPE’s. Most working
scientists have smaller-scale datasets than Claerbout, and so they can use modern QPE’s. More-
over they are busy, and view scientific computing only as a sideshow. They cannot be expected
to start from scratch and develop all their code in C when they can get, much more quickly and
reliably, the same results in a very high-level language. Thus the temptation to work in a QPE
is almost irresistible.
Stallman might retort that there are now freeware QPE’s. Octave is a Matlab work-alike
in many ways, developed by John Eaton at the University of Texas Chemical Engineering de-
partment. Octave is developed strictly within the GNU philosophy, and so makes available a
Stallman-acceptable QPE. In the latest release, version 1.1, it comes close to Matlab 4.X in
many key ways, so that a large fraction of what we do will run under Octave. Perhaps one day
an Octave port of Wavelab will be feasible.

But where does a working scientist spend his/her effort? On ports to noncommercial systems
that will satisfy the urges towards binary liberation? Perhaps, but only with a lower priority
than other activities. It is our impression that, at the moment, there are relatively few scientists
who would complain about lack of access to Wavelab due to the cost of Matlab, and far fewer
who would complain that we fall short of full reproducibility by our dependence on a commercial
tool at one stage. Sorry to let you down, Richard.

4 Fine Print
In making available our software, the authors have tried to follow some simple guidelines. We
spell them out in this section to avoid misunderstandings about what we are offering, why we
are offering it, what rights we give you and what rights we retain for ourselves.
The directory WaveLab/Documentations contains the following files:
ADDINGNEWFEATURES - How to Add New Features to WaveLab
BUGREPORT - How to report bugs about WaveLab
COPYING - WaveLab Copying Permissions
DATASTRUCTURES - Basic data structures in WaveLab
FEEDBACK - Give feedback about WaveLab
GETTINGSTARTED - Ideas for getting started with WaveLab
INSTALLATION - Installation of WaveLab
LIMITATIONS - WaveLab known limitations
PAYMENT - No Charge for WaveLab Software
READING - Sources for further reading about wavelets
REGISTRATION - WaveLab Registration
SUPPORT - WaveLab Support
THANKS - Thanks to contributors
VERSION - Part of WaveLab Version v$VERSION$
WARRANTY - No Warranty on WaveLab software

These describe the philosophy and limitations of our package. The key points are summarized
here, by reprinting the contents of some of those files.

4.1 Dependence on Matlab

Matlab is a product of The Mathworks, a successful company based in Natick, Massachusetts.
Their product is expensive. You need it to run our software. We do not offer it. You must get
it from them. You need version 6.X or later. We have no connection with them. They have no
connection with us.

4.2 Registration – Wavelab Registration

(from file REGISTRATION.m)
Please Register yourself as a user of Wavelab so that we can send you e-mail about upgrades
and enhancements. To Register: e-mail [email protected] with the subject line “regis-
tration.” If you like, please include information about the version of Matlab you are using and
about the type of machine you are using.

4.3 Limitations
This package has been designed to reproduce the figures in our research. Accordingly, it may
not solve the problems you have in mind. Please see the file LIMITATIONS.m before complaining.
Perhaps we are already aware of the problem you have and are seeking to fix it!

4.4 Support
(from file SUPPORT.m)
This software has been developed as part of the research effort of the authors under various
federally supported grants. If you find that it does not work correctly, please e-mail a notification
of your problem to Wavelab. Use the format indicated in the file BUGREPORTS.m.
To the extent that we can isolate the problem and develop a solution, and to the extent that
it fits in with our schedule with releasing a new version, we will attempt to fix the problem.

4.5 No Charge – No Charge for Wavelab Software
(From file Payment.m)
Wavelab software is available at NO CHARGE from the wavelab website at
http://www-stat.stanford.edu/˜ wavelab.
The software is copyrighted. For permissions to copy, see the file copying.m or you may e-
mail [email protected]. If you use this software to produce scientific articles, we would
appreciate being informed of the article’s title, authors, topic, and place of appearance. If this
software played a major enabling role in your scientific work, and you are so moved, you might
acknowledge us in your article.

4.6 No Warranty – No Warranty on WaveLab software

(From file Warranty.m)
There is no warranty attached to the Wavelab software.
If you find that it does not work correctly, use the file BUGREPORTS.m as a template
to compile a description of the problem, including as far as possible a complete m-file script
that generates the error. E-mail the description to: [email protected]. Resources
permitting, an effort will be made to correct the problem for a future release.
We make no warranties, explicit or implicit, that the programs contained in this collection
are free of error, or are consistent with any particular standard of accuracy, or that they will
meet your requirements for any particular application. They should not be relied on for any
purpose where incorrect results could result in loss of property or personal injury. If you do use
programs for any such purpose it is at your own risk. The authors disclaim all liability of any
kind, either direct or consequential, resulting from your use of these programs.

4.7 Copyright – Wavelab Copying Permissions

(From file copying.m)
This software was developed with partial support of the National Science Foundation Grant
DMS 92-09130, DMS 95-05151, DMS 00-77261, DMS 01-40698 and of NASA Astrophysics Data
Program, and of other sponsors. Contributors to this effort include Jonathan Buckheit, Shaobing
Chen, David Donoho, Iain Johnstone, and Eric Kolaczyk, all from Stanford and Jeffrey Scargle,
from NASA-Ames.
In EVERY case, the software is COPYRIGHTED by the original author. For permissions,
e-mail [email protected].
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this entire software package,
provided that all files, directories, and subdirectories are copied together as a unit.
Here copying as a unit means: all the files listed in the file WLFiles are copied, so that among
other things the thanks.m notice, and this permission notice accompany all copies of the full
software, and every “.m” file continues to contain a copy of the file VERSION.m inside it.
Permission is granted to make and distribute modified copies of this software, under the
conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed
under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Names of new authors, their
affiliations and information about their improvements may be added to the files copying.m and
The purpose of this permission notice is to allow you to make copies of the software and
distribute them to others subject to the constraint that you maintain the collection of tools here
as a unit. This enables people to whom you give the software to be aware of its origins, to ask
questions of us by e-mail, to request improvements, obtain later releases, etc.
If you seek permission to copy and distribute translations of this software into another lan-
guage, please e-mail a specific request to [email protected]. If you seek permission to

excerpt a part of the software library for example to appear in a scientific publication, please
e-mail a specific request to [email protected].

4.8 Thanks – Thanks to contributors

(from file thanks.m)
This software was developed with support of the National Science Foundation grant DMS
92-09130 It is further developed with support of National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Astrophysics Data Program, NSF DMS 95 05151, NSF DMS 00-77261, NSF DMS 01-40698 .
Contributors to this software include Jonathan Buckheit, Stanford; Shaobing Chen, Stanford;
Maureen Clerc, Ecole Polytechnique; James Crutchfield, Berkeley & Santa Fe Institute, David
Donoho, Stanford; Mark Duncan, Stanford; Hong-Ye Gao, Berkeley (now at Statistical Science);
Xiaoming Huo, Stanford (now at Georgia Tech); Jermo Kalifa, Ecole Polytechnique; Ofer Levi,
Stanford; Stephan Mallat, Ecole Polytechnique; Iain Johnstone, Stanford; Eric Kolaczyk, Stan-
ford (now at Boston University); Jeffrey Scargle, NASA-Ames; Karl Young, Nara Ames and
Thomas Yu, Stanford.
Further contributions are welcome, for info e-mail [email protected].
Students: We would like to thank students enrolled in Statistics 319, Stanford University,
Fall 1992; Statistics 260, University of California, Berkeley, Fall 1993; Statistics 371, Stanford
University, Spring 1994; Statistics 343, Stanford University, Fall 1995.
Contributors of Data: The following have contributed data which is part of our system.
Jean-Paul Bibérian, Université de Marseille, Luminy; Chris Brislawn, Los Alamos National Labs;
R.R. Coifman, Yale University; Ingrid Daubechies, AT&T Bell Labs; Paul Donoho, Chevron; Jef-
frey Hoch, Rowland Institute; Doug Jones, Univ. Illinois; Jitendra Malik, UC Berkeley; Stephane
Mallat, Courant Institute; Adrian Maudsley, VA Medical Center, San Francisco; Chris Raphael,
Stanford University; Jan-Olov Stromberg, University of Tromso; and Zhifeng Zhang, Courant

[1] Antonini, M., M. Barlaud, P. Mathieu and I. Daubechies (1992). “Image coding using
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[2] Buckheit, J.B. and D.L. Donoho (1995). “A Cartoon Guide to Wavelets.” Technical Report,
Department of Statistics, Stanford University.
[3] Buckheit, J.B. and D.L. Donoho (1995). “WaveLab Architecture.”
[4] Buckheit, J.B, S. Chen, D.L. Donoho, I.M. Johnstone and J.D. Scargle (1995). “WaveLab
Reference Manual.” ftp://playfair.stanford.edu/pub/wavelab/WaveLabRef.ps.
[5] Buckheit, J.B. and D.L. Donoho (1995). “WaveLab and Reproducible Research.” In A. An-
toniadis and G. Oppenheim (Eds.), Wavelets and Statistics (pp. 55-81). New York: Springer-
Verlag. ftp://playfair.stanford.edu/pub/buckheit/wavelab.ps.Z.
[6] Chen, S. and D.L. Donoho. (1994). “On Basis Pursuit.” Technical Report, Department of
Statistics, Stanford University.
ftp://playfair.stanford.edu/pub/chen s/asilomar.ps.Z.
[7] Claerbout, Jon (1994). Hypertext Documents about Reproducible Research.
[8] Cohen, A., I. Daubechies and J.C. Feauveau (1992). “Biorthogonal bases of compactly
supported wavelets.” Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 45, 485-560.

[9] Cohen, A., I. Daubechies, B. Jawerth and P. Vial (1992). “Multiresolution analysis, wavelets,
and fast algorithms on an interval.” Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris A, 316, 417-421.
[10] Coifman, R.R. and D.L. Donoho (1995). “Translation-Invariant De-Noising.” In Wavelets
and Statistics. In A. Antoniadis and G. Oppenheim (Eds.), Wavelets and Statistics (pp. 125-
150). New York: Springer-Verlag.
[11] Coifman, R.R. and Y. Meyer (1991). “Remarques sur l’analyse de Fourier à fenêtre.”
Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris Series A, 312, 259-261.
[12] Coifman, R.R., Y. Meyer and M.V. Wickerhauser (1992). “Wavelet analysis and signal
processing.” In M.B. Ruskai et al. (Eds.), Wavelets and Their Applications (pp. 153-178).
Boston: Jones and Bartlett.
[13] Coifman, R.R. and M.V. Wickerhauser (1992). “Entropy-based algorithms for best-basis
selection.” IEEE Trans. Info. Theory, 38(2), 713-718.
[14] Daubechies, I. (1992) Ten Lectures on Wavelets. Philadelphia: SIAM.
[15] DeVore, R.A., B. Jawerth and B.J. Lucier (1992). “Image compression through wavelet
transform coding.” IEEE Trans. Info Theory, 38(2), 719-746.
[16] Donoho, D.L. (1992). “Interpolating Wavelet Transforms.” Technical Report, Department
of Statistics, Stanford University.
[17] Donoho, D.L. (1993). “Nonlinear Wavelet Methods for Recovery of Signals, Images, and
Densities from Noisy and Incomplete Data.” In I. Daubechies (Ed.), Different Perspectives
on Wavelets (pp. 173-205). Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society.
[18] Donoho, D.L. (1994). “On Minimum Entropy Segmentation.” In C.K. Chui, L. Montefusco
and L. Puccio (Eds.), Wavelets: Theory, Algorithms and Applications (pp. 233-269). San
Diego: Academic Press.
ftp://playfair.stanford.edu/pub/donoho/MES TechReport.ps.Z.

[19] Donoho, D.L. (1993). “Smooth Wavelet Decompositions with Blocky Coefficient Kernels.”
In L. Schumaker and F. Ward (Eds.), Recent Advances in Wavelet Analysis (pp. 259-308).
San Diego: Academic Press. ftp://playfair.stanford.edu/pub/donoho/blocky.ps.Z.
[20] Donoho, D.L. (1993). “Unconditional Bases are Optimal Bases for Data Compression and
for Statistical Estimation.” Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 1, 100-115.
[21] Donoho, D.L. (1993). “Wavelet Shrinkage and W.V.D. – A Ten-Minute Tour.” In Y. Meyer
and S. Roques (Eds.), Progress in Wavelet Analysis and Applications (pp. 109-128). Gif-
sur-Yvette: Éditions Frontières.
[22] Donoho, D.L. and I.M. Johnstone (1994). “Adapting to Unknown Smoothness by Wavelet
Shrinkage.” To appear, J. Amer. Stat. Assoc.
[23] Donoho, D.L. and I.M. Johnstone (1994). “Ideal Spatial Adaptation via Wavelet Shrinkage.”
Biometrika, 81, 425-455. ftp://playfair.stanford.edu/pub/donoho/isaws.ps.Z.
[24] Donoho, D.L. and I.M. Johnstone (1994). “Ideal Time-Frequency Denoising.” Technical
Report, Department of Statistics, Stanford University.

[25] Donoho, D.L., I.M. Johnstone, G. Kerkyacharian and D. Picard (1993). “Wavelet Shrinkage:
Asymptopia.” J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Series B, 2, 301-369.
[26] Kolaczyk, E. (1994). WVD Solution of Inverse Problems. Doctoral Dissertation, Stanford
University Dept. of Statistics (D.L. Donoho, supervisor).
[27] Mallat, S. and S. Zhang (1993). “Matching Pursuits with Time-Frequency Dictionaries.”
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 41(12), 3397-3415.
[28] Meyer, Y. (1993). Wavelets: Algorithms and Applications. Philadelphia: SIAM.

[29] Wickerhauser, M.V. (1994). Adapted Wavelet Analysis, from Theory to Software. Boston:
AK Peters.
[30] Mallat, S. (1997). A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing. Academic Press


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